#malnutrition tw
psychologeek · 1 year
Mind the Gap
(For day 1 of Whumptober )
She is fifteen and trying to make sure it's ok.
She's fifteen and nothing really matters but her brother's joy.
She is fifteen, which is like being fourteen only worse - because her friend is dead no longer there to talk to.
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formshaper · 11 months
hc. Astarion
look I know canon Astarion is ripped because god forbid he not have a six pack but I'm here to tell you that mine looks like he was living off rats and insects for 200 years, as he should. he's malnourished to the point of looking sickly, and I don't mean in the "he's Skinny in an Aesthetically Pleasing way", I mean he looks ILL, especially if you see him outside of his armour.
after he escapes and is able to feed more regularly on larger animals (and... you know...), he starts putting weight on. thank fuck.
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inferioritycmplx · 6 months
on your old account you talked about possibly writing a meta on toko suffering from malnutrition and I wanted to know if you ever ended up writing that?
Anon I need you to know how much I'm losing my mind because I moved blogs in like 2022 and the assumption you've been waiting since then for it made me extremely flattered and incredibly amused.
But now in this post the moment has come. I DO think Toko definitely has a lot of issues with her wellbeing thanks to her incredibly.... incredibly sucky home life and honestly, the apocalypse happening probably made her better off. Perhaps I wouldn't go as far to say that she has malnutrition as I am simply not that well-informed to say that but I think her nutrition in general is on the worse side.
In the manga definitely get a glimpse of how bad the conditions are in her home and she'd probably have to feed herself more often than not. It'd explain how weak she is, how small and fatigued and the switching between herself and Syo would probably happen more thanks to the instability of her life at home. (School was probably her best chance at getting the food/care she needed tbh so being locked in a killing game was one of the better things to happen to her.)
Hopefully this provides some of the answers you wanted but hey please feel free to ask more!! I will try not to wait another two years to give answers!!
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Dandelion News - September 15-21
Like these weekly compilations? Tip me at $kaybarr1735 or check out my new(ly repurposed) Patreon!
1. A beam of hope for North America’s most endangered sparrow
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“Dozens of conservationists, gathered some distance away to avoid spooking the skittish sparrows, celebrated the [release of the 1000th captive-raised sparrow] in an unprecedented recovery program that in only a few years has doubled the bird’s wild population, from a mere 80 five years ago to some 200 today. […] “What we have achieved is the best case scenario.””
2. U.S. overdose deaths plummet, saving thousands of lives
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“"In the states that have the most rapid data collection systems, we’re seeing declines of twenty percent, thirty percent," said Dr. Nabarun Dasgupta, an expert on street drugs at the University of North Carolina. […] According to Donaldson, many people using fentanyl now carry naloxone, a medication that reverses most opioid overdoses. He said his friends also use street drugs with others nearby, ready to offer aid and support when overdoses occur.”
3. Propagated corals reveal increased resistance to bleaching across the Caribbean during the fatal heat wave of 2023
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“”[… Y]oung corals bred for restoration are a lot more resistant to bleaching under extreme levels of heat stress than the prevailing corals on the reef." [… Unlike with the previous propagation strategy, fragmentation, e]very time a population reproduces, new offspring receive newly mixed sets of genes through recombination, making them different from their parent colonies and thus enabling adaptation.”
4. Habitat Management Helps At-Risk Butterflies
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“For a number of at-risk butterflies in the United States, habitat management can play an important role in keeping them from going extinct. [… “In] places where people are actively engaged with ways to manage the habitat, the butterflies are doing the best,” said Cheryl Schultz, a professor of conservation biology at Washington State University[….]”
5. Study: Protecting the ocean helps fight malnutrition
“[The study] found that fish catches in coral reefs could increase by up to 20 percent by expanding sustainable-use marine protected areas — that is, areas where some fishing is allowed with restrictions[, … and] that sustainable-use marine protected areas have on average 15 percent more fish biomass than non-protected areas. […] “Allowing regulated fishing in marine protected areas can support healthy fish populations, while also having a positive impact on the quality of life of surrounding communities.””
6. [FWS] Advances Effort to Create Urban Conservation Footprint in Tucson
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““We want to continue to work together to create an urban footprint to improve access to nature, conserve habitats, and improve air and water quality.” […] The area provides habitat for several federally listed species, including southwestern willow flycatcher, western yellow-billed cuckoo, and Mexican garter snake. If protected, the area will also help connect critical habitat for jaguar and Chiracahua leopard frog.”
7. ‘Exciting’ solar breakthrough means energy can be kept in sustainable batteries that don’t overheat
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“The technology is based on a specially designed molecule of carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen that changes shape when it comes into contact with sunlight. These are common elements - providing an alternative to other technologies relying on scarce materials like lithium. […] A unique feature of the system is that the molecules also provide cooling in the photovoltaic cell[, which can store solar energy “for up to 18 years.”]”
8. Sea turtles make big comeback on sandy beaches at 2 British military bases in Cyprus
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“[… The] number of nests surpass[ed] last year’s record count by nearly 25%, environmentalists said Tuesday. […] “The steep increase in turtle nests has been the result of a consistent, systematic ‘hands-off’ approach, together with enforcement efforts to minimize illegal, damaging activities on nesting beaches[….” D]aily patrols by volunteers ensure that aluminum cages set atop the nests remain in place to protect the turtles from predators like foxes and dogs.”
9. First ever photograph of rare bird species New Britain Goshawk
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“The last documented scientific record of the bird is from 1969[….] Working closely with [“the Indigenous Mengen and Mamusi peoples”], WWF hopes to support local stewardship to safeguard the future of these incredible biodiversity hotspots through community-led conservation.”
10. Hospitals begin offering breakthrough radiation therapy for metastatic cancer tumors
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“[First,] a patient is injected with a radioactive glucose (or sugar) tracer. The machine picks up the tracer in real time and in bright colors, [… then] reads a signal from the cancer cells breaking down the tracer. [… “The] machine is automatically and autonomously reacting and responding to those signals by shooting radiation back to their source[….]””
September 8-14 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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Today I heard a medical professional casually mention that I "of course shouldn't lose weight" (and I'm like. kinda fat by fatphobic standards although I would just call it "pretty average"). Thank you normal and sensible people reminding me not everything is the sort of hell that I see Americans talk about on tumblr.
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sovlstr · 1 month
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Pov your ginger
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ask-ranma-and-ryoga · 10 months
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sunlitmcgee · 3 months
ctommy with his ribs so fukcinggng visible after exileee im gonannanananan bdfbbfuysfbfifdbisfuguishvvfbh dfg hufsfdixvshiudhbhsfeubkfebgfab
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britishassistant · 6 months
Not me combining my dunmeshi and bg3 hyperfixations to headcanon that the reason Gale has abs is because he’s in a state of constant malnourishment.
It’s like an actor or a bodybuilder. If you deprive the body of enough water, enough fat through fasting, even with little exercise you can have a physique that’s fit for a magazine cover, or doing an action scene in a movie. But it’s not sustainable for long periods of time. It means you’re drained. Tired. Unable to perform physically or mentally at your best.
And the orb is constantly draining Gale. It’s eaten away at his magic to the point where he’s gone from an archmage back to level one at the start of the game.
And maybe some of that is the tadpole, but we see the orb physically affecting him in game, when he’s afflicted with arcane hunger. He’s hunched over, struggling for breath against the pangs wracking his body, snappy, cranky, desperate. The magical items he’s fed give him relief, but less and less each time, like someone starving slowly receiving the same small snack and expecting it to feel as filling as when they were mostly full.
Who’s to say that, once Gale’s magic is drained, the orb doesn’t begin eating away at other forms of energy his body produces? Siphoning away the nutrients he gets from eating and drinking, gradually eating into stored fat and water weight. Until the desperate grasp for sustenance, for nutrients, for energy, results in a supernova exceeding the limits of the human body.
The brightest stars burn out fastest, after all.
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Not enough people lean into the horror of super regeneration enough. Like I need a character put into a situation where they have no access to food and as a last resort have to do auto-cannibalization. Where the answer to "How did you survive?" Is "I heal fast" and that is the only answer until people realize why it's the only answer.
It's a terrifying concept that I hope you can comment on.
tw, Cannibalism/Autocannibalism (cannibalism of the self), starvation and malnutrition.
The thing is, your body will begin to auto-cannibalise as a way to heal itself, even without your direct intervention. If you are lacking nutrients, like calcium, your body will draw the calcium from your teeth and make your teeth rot and decay in order to feed the calcium to the rest of your body. But, if you regenerate, then your teeth come back, and your body can take them again, and again, and again. And it's not like your body will stop, it needs the nutrients, and it'll never be enough to just siphon them from your body, you'll keep losing hair and teeth, and your body will be so broken to try and fix itself because that's the only way it knows how to heal certain issues.
Your body is built to eat itself when it's distressed. It's why you suffer from frostbite, your blood is literally taken away from your extremities to protect your vital organs, your body will sacrifice parts of itself to secure the longevity of the whole organism. Fingers don't matter when it's the heart that pumps blood.
So even if they refused and held off for as long as they could before physically biting at their own flesh, they were already consuming themselves long before that, likely in a long, painful cycle of their body destroying itself and breaking down only to reset and have it all happen again.
But that would probably be like a long-term starvation situation.
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faraway-sunshine · 21 days
Have you ever considered growing your hair out? Or do you like where it is/don't want to be made fun of?
In general, I have wondered about experimenting with a different style.
Aubrey and Basil have both tried dye before, but I'm not so sure about the idea. Because my hair's so dark I'd need a lot of bleach to even make a dent, and that'd make me feel sick. So that leaves styling.
I don't want to grow my fringe out much more (in fact, Mom tidied it up a little before I started school) because then it'd cover my eyes, but I haven't thought about the rest of my hair. The layer on the back of my neck feels a bit nice and soft, but I'm not sure how to stop it from turning into a mullet.
My doctor actually prescribed me some vitamin supplements and a special kind of product for my hair because my malnutrition made it go brittle and fall out a lot, so I guess I'll see how that goes?
(Thursday 7th September, 2000, 6:29 AM)
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dcggersedge · 2 months
Arms, body, legs, flesh, skin, bone, sinew, good luck
You’re six years old when you learn what hunger feels like.
The people of Brodia are strong, made of the same stuff as the very mountains they live in. That’s what Papa says as Mama sets the table for dinner. Tough as rocks and impossible to keep down.
The Divine is always watching, Mama says as she takes her seat at the table. The mending she’d been working on for the neighbors in exchange for the eggs you ate this morning is neatly tucked away. They don’t help those who don’t help themselves. We solve our own problems before anybody else.
Neither of them say anything about how the plates on the table are almost empty. Neither of them say anything about how it’s been like that for a while now. You don’t say anything either. You smile, thank Mama for dinner, and tell yourself that it’s your problem to fix when your belly doesn’t fill.
(The other kids know the feeling too. It comes up one day, while sprawled out on the ground after a game of tag. “If Brodians are made of the same thing as the mountain…” one kid asks, quiet voice carrying on the wind. “do you think we can eat dirt?”
Silent, as the small group considers the question. Then laughter, teasing, and urging each other back onto your feet so you can play a bit more before dinner.)
You’re seven years old when Papa loses his hand.
Not completely, he assures you when he sees you staring at the limb that’s been bound up so tightly, he can’t even move. It’s still attached. Still working. Just an accident in the mines. Nothing that he can’t handle.
Except he can’t work like that, Mama says. There’s a pile of the neighbors' laundry in the corner that she asked you to help return after dinner, in exchange for…whatever they can spare. He can’t work, which means they all have to work harder in the meantime. Nothing they can’t handle.
Neither of them talk about how the small meals get smaller. Neither of them talk in front of you about how Papa can’t find new work, about how Mama’s doing more and more and barely getting anything. You hear it all the same, crouched outside your house beneath your window. The walls aren’t thick enough to block the yelling if you’re listening for it.
(At 16 you learn that it wasn’t an accident, but negligence. Another noble cutting corners and rushing, hurrying, what is the wellbeing of faceless workers worth when the war needs resources, and those who provide them need profits? You find this out as the noble bleeds out around one of your knives.)
But that’s later. Now, you’re seven, holding a fistful of dirt and a head full of memory. You know what hunger feels like. You know that dirt tastes like iron, and you fix the problem by pretending as hard as you can that your belly is full.
You’re eight years old when you are kicked out of your house.
It’s for your own good, Papa says when he sees you staring at him. He won’t look at your eyes, the same color as his, instead nodding at the man you just met who has a hand on your shoulder. You’re a tough kid, you’ll be fine. Nothing you can’t handle.
One problem fixed, you hear Mama saying to herself in the house. Through the doorway, you can see the large bag the man gave them spilling coins onto the table. One less mouth to feed, and coin to feed what’s left. One problem fixed, just took some hard work.
Master doesn’t say anything, just waits for you to pick up your things and follow. He doesn’t say anything when you cry. He doesn’t say anything at all, not even when you sit at the table and he puts a plate down in front of you.
It’s still not full. Not like his. He sees your eyes watching him from across the table and scoffs. You wanna eat good, he asks, pointing down at his plate. You don’t say anything, but you nod your head and try not to flinch as he stabs into the meat.
You will when you work.
(The meal after your first kill is chicken, slathered with tomato that makes it look like your hands did only hours before. You eat it, and fix the problem by pretending it doesn’t taste like iron and dirt.)
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whumpster-dumpster · 5 months
If this is ok to ask here -- Does anyone have or know of any whumpee I can read about who suffers mid- to long-term physical effects of malnutrition?
Promote your whumpees on this ask if you got them, folks
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nami-moittli · 4 months
The three kinds of Twst EDs (my headcanons)
Riddle: doesn’t realize that he has one on account of what it was what he grew up with. Will eat less than pretty much anyone else in the dorm. He does have a sweet tooth and Trey’s tarts are delicious so it’s not too bad anymore, but still is on a strict diet and will get sick from eating too much easily
Azul: a result of bullying, probably underweight for his species (<- hc that I saw while reading a fic) used to eat a lot, but now is on a strict diet. Probably gets sick often and will throw up a lot in secret
Vil: his dad probably sat him down and told him not to worry about it because EDs can be dangerous (<- another one I saw in a fic) so he knows to steer clear, but, unfortunately for him, he has The Mental Illness and ends up falling into one anyway. He probably does know that it’s bad for him, and he keeps himself just good enough so he never keels over. Him unhealthy? Never. But he does know his harsh training regimen and diet aren’t doing him that well overall. But. He can’t stop
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chronic-chronic · 5 months
I'm "fat enough" that no one is really that caring of me losing weight. If I was normal size and said I just randomly lost over 5 pounds of weight in a month or two bc I can't make myself eat enough bc of nausea and early satiety I bet the health care people would care a bit more😩 (I assume at least)
Last time I had a flareup of whatever this is I lost like 15 pounds in 2-4 months. And the whole time I was feeling like shit. But I'M FAT SO IT'S like. worrying but not as much?
As if someone's actual starvation is more palatable bc they have more body to spare?
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Trigger Warning! Weight talk and talk about malnutrition & medical meglect
I am 18 years old and i am severely underweight (below lowest percentile of bmi) i only recently found out that i got diagnosed with malnutrition two years ago because the doctors at the hospital lied and told me i was fine. I have since lost more weight but not significantly so.
I'm honestly not feeling very sure about posting this but i'm really struggling with this.
No doctor is taking my malnutrition seriously because i didn't lose a significant percentage of my body weight recently. I weigh less now than i did at fifteen years old. I have grown taller since then.
I don't know how many of my medical issues are nothing more than a result of malnutrition. I am terrified of my neurological issues being a result of that.
I am terrified to sleep because i am afraid i won't wake up. If I don't eat enough in the two hours before going to sleep it takes me hours to wake up the next day. I struggle to wake up if one meal is too small. And noone fucking cares.
I am biologically female and i'm not white and i have diagnosed mental health issues including multiple psych ward admissions and a diagnosed 'unspecified eating disorder caused by autism' (ARFID). And because of that noone cares about the fact that if i lose 5 kilos i'm dead. If i loose 3 kilos of weight my brain will start to shut down. It's so so terrifying and isolating and i just don't know what to do.
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