#malik amar
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thelolarahaii · 8 months ago
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imagines-1directioner · 1 year ago
Same Mistake - with Zayn Malik
Situação: marido!Zayn Malik x Leitora
Contagem de palavras: 980
Sinopse: Zayn e S/N cometem o mesmo erro e passam por um momento turbulento em relação ao futuro do relacionamento do casal.
N/A: Mais uma vez renascendo das cinzas com uma imagine meses depois hahahaha. Espero que gostem e me digam o que acharam.
curte e reblogue o post para me ajudar 🫶
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Já se passava das três da manhã quando encarei o horário no relógio digital pela quarta vez naquela noite infinita. Além da insônia, o calor que senti devido a mudança de estações era insuportável, não me deixando dormir nem que fosse por poucas horas. Claro que a angústia dentro de mim era uma das principais razões para minha inquietação, mas eu simplesmente ignorei esse detalhe em meu subconsciente e quis culpar a temperatura como meu pico de estresse.
“Será que eu ligo?” pensei alto, imaginando que ele também poderia estar na mesma situação que eu, ou até mesmo pior. “Está tarde, talvez ele já esteja dormindo.” minha mente fulminante não parava um segundo sequer, e meu coração gritava por respostas até eu ceder e clicar no contato dele em meu celular.
Ligação On*
- Oi.. - me senti mais aliviada ao perceber que sua voz não parecia sonolenta.
- Oi.. desculpa o horário. - comentei preocupada.
- Tudo bem, não estava dormindo.
- Também não consigo dormir.
- Bem vinda ao clube. - soltei uma leve risada para quebrar o gelo. Fazia uma semana desde de nosso último contato. - Tá tudo bem? - optei por permanecer em silêncio, afinal ele sabia a resposta.
- Você sabe que não. - pude ouvir a respiração profunda do outro lado da linha. Aquilo me machucou.
- Eu preciso de mais tempo.
- E eu entendo. - era tudo que eu podia dizer. - O que está me matando não é apenas o fato de não te ter por perto, e sim não saber como isso vai terminar. - novamente escuto-o suspirar pesado.
- Não é uma situação que se resolve do dia pra noite, S/N. - ouví-lo me chamar somente pelo nome era doloroso, e meus olhos se fecharam demonstrando o quanto doía.
- Eu sei.. sei muito bem o que está sentindo. - dei ênfase na confirmação.
- Então você compreende que preciso de mais tempo para absorver tudo o que aconteceu.
- Sim.. - completei entristecida. - Me desculpa.. de novo. - Zayn não respondeu. Claro, ele estava magoado, e com razão. - Nós havíamos nos reerguido e eu estraguei tudo.
- Não quero que pareça que só você foi a culpada.
- Mas eu fui.
- E eu também. - admitiu rapidamente. - Afinal, quem traiu primeiro fui eu. - desta vez eu suspirei fundo, relembrando a dor que senti oito meses atrás, quando soube que ele havia ficado com a ex namorada enquanto eu estava fora da cidade, visitando a minha familia.
Flashback On*
- Você não vai nem se defender? - esbravejei nervosa enquanto ele me encarava com a famosa carinha do gato de botas.
- Eu errei. - Zayn me encarou com os olhos marejados e logo limpou uma lágrima recém caída do olho esquerdo, engolindo o choro. - Errei feio e eu sei disso. Não vou esconder meu erro na bebida.
- Por que fez isso comigo? - murmurei com os lábios trêmulos e voz totalmente embargada. Meu coração estava dilacerado que sequer conseguia olhar para o meu marido.
- Porque eu sou um idiota, um fraco.
- Eu não te dei amor o suficiente?
- Claro que não, meu bem! - vi ele vir até mim e segurar minhas mãos delicadamente. - Não pegue essa culpa para você, por favor. Isso não é tem nada a ver contigo, com algo que você fez ou deixou de fazer. Fui eu que te magoei. Eu sou o filho da puta que estragou nosso casamento.
- Você ainda me ama? - perguntei aos prantos, tendo a maquiagem borrada e olhos cheios d’água, os quais olhavam fixamente para o moreno triste a minha frente.
- Eu sempre vou te amar, meu amor. Foi isso que eu disse em frente ao altar quando nos casamos, com toda a sinceridade do mundo.
Flashback Off*
- Sabe.. não sei se podemos comparar a dor, porque ela se expressa de maneiras diferentes nas pessoas. Mas como você se sentiu?
- Vazia. - respondi sem nem pensar muito. - Me senti desvalorizada, inutilizada, mas ao mesmo tempo sentia raiva e muito medo do que estava por vir.
- Eu estou com medo.
- Que tipo de medo?
- Medo de não sermos felizes como éramos no início do casamento.. de ter perdido o que era nosso, a nossa essência como casal apaixonado.. estou com medo de ter parado de te amar. - digeri em seco aquelas palavras que havia acabado de escutar. Elas caíram como um pedaço de chumbo no meu estômago e a vontade de chorar estava entalada na garganta.
- Se você acha que não está pronto para me perdoar, eu vou compreender. - provavelmente Zayn percebeu a alteração no tom da minha voz.
- Mas você me perdoou. Não quero ser injusto.
- Uma traição não anula a outra, Zayn. Não podemos tratar isso como se estivéssemos quites porque nós dois cometemos o mesmo erro.
- Você.. você quer se separar de vez? - senti que a pergunta veio de um modo apreensivo e eu não queria responder, então decidi me calar. - Isso foi um não?
- Na verdade não quero influenciar na sua decisão.
- Então você não quer se separar?
- Eu te amo, Z. - disse verdadeiramente. - Apesar de tudo vivemos dez anos juntos. Construímos uma vida. É claro que não te quero longe mim.
- Não me afastaria de você caso nos divorciássemos. - ele tentou minimizar o “problema” com uma solução teórica.
- Você diz isso agora, na prática tudo se torna mais difícil.. - conclui e ele se calou. - Eu.. eu sinto sua falta. - admiti em momento de fraqueza e carência. - E o Mike também. - pude ouvir sua risada baixa, trazendo um pouco de felicidade ao mencionar nosso cachorro.
- Sinto falta dele também.. e sua mais ainda. - fiquei feliz em saber que ele sentia minha falta, mesmo depois de tê-lo traído com um de seus amigos de infância após uma briga intensa que tivemos.
- Posso fazer uma última pergunta antes de desligar?
- Uhum.
- Você ainda me ama?
- Eu fui sincero ao dizer que sempre te amaria quando nos casamos.
- Mas e agora, nesse exato momento, você sente amor por mim?
- Sim.. afinal só dói porque eu ainda te amo.
Feedbacks são sempre bem-vindos e de extrema importância para quem escreve. Se possível, não esqueça de deixar um comentário sobre o conteúdo lido acima na ask! Adoraria saber o que achou :)
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mamadkhalik · 10 days ago
Mencari Guru
Ada diskursus menarik yang aku dapat dari Mas Arif Abdul Malik dan Mas Arif Fadilah menyebutkan bahwa fenomena seperti Gen-Z, Sandwich Generation, dan istilah sejenisnya mungkin sebenarnya merupakan hasil rekayasa media dalam membentuk opini publik. Realitanya bisa jadi tidak sepenuhnya seperti yang digambarkan, namun media menciptakan afirmasi yang kuat sehingga memengaruhi pola pikir anak muda. Singkatnya ini yang dinamakan ghazwul fikr.
Memang di zaman yang serba terbuka ini, kita perlu hati-hati dalam menyaring informasi. Kadang banyak melihat konten tulisan, podcast, atau media-media lain menganggapnya seperti "daging banget" atau "ini aku banget". Kita melabeli itu sebagai ilmu padahal bukan dan bahkan malah jauh dari syariat Islam. Maka, dari sini kita perlu untuk mencari guru.
Mengutip buku KMTSI karya Bang Amar Risalah, menonton konten kajian mungkin dapat sedikit mengobati hati, tetapi percayalah, itu hanya sementara. Kajian tersebut tidak dapat menegur kesalahanmu, menambah hafalanmu, atau mengubah sifat kekanakamu. Hal-hal seperitu itu hanya bisa kau peroleh melalui bimbingan seorang guru.
Untuk menambah kapasitas dan mengikat ilmu, carilah guru. Entah seorang musyrif yang menyimak hafalan, membenarkan bacaan, mengajarkan hukum benar salah, atau sesederhana mengingatkan dalam kebaikan. Carilah di lingkungan sekitarmu, dari saudara atau guru ngaji di masjid-masjid. Dekatkan dirimu dengan lingkungan kebaikan. Tidak ada kata terlambat untuk memulai.
Di tempatku dulu belajar, sudah dibuka Progam Pesantren Kasepuhan. Pesertanya banyak dan antusias. Pun di tempat yang sekarang, banyak anak-anak muda semangat belajar tentang Islam dan Al-Quran.
Jadi, jangan mau kalah. Mumpung seh enom cah!
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nihstyles · 2 years ago
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O Fim — Zayn Malik
Deixe seu ❤️
Me diz o que achou.
Faça seu pedido.
Zayn e S/N estavam sentados no sofá, a tensão pairando no ar. Eles haviam tomado a difícil decisão de se divorciarem, mesmo tendo uma filha de 5 anos, Khai. O coração deles estava partido, mas sabiam que era a melhor escolha para ambos.
Zayn começou a conversa, sua voz embargada:
— S/N, precisamos conversar. Nós dois sabemos que nosso casamento não está mais funcionando. Temos tentado, mas estamos apenas machucando um ao outro.
As lágrimas começaram a escorrer pelo rosto de S/N enquanto ela lutava para encontrar as palavras certas.
— Eu sei, Zayn. É difícil admitir, mas estamos nos perdendo. E não podemos deixar que isso afete Khai. Ela merece um lar feliz e saudável.
Zayn assentiu, segurando a mão de S/N com carinho.
— Nós nunca vamos deixar de amar Khai, isso é certo. Ela sempre será nossa prioridade. Precisamos garantir que ela entenda o que está acontecendo e que saiba que isso não é culpa dela.
S/N assentiu, fungando enquanto tentava controlar suas emoções.
— Nós devemos explicar para Khai juntos, como uma família. Ela merece a nossa sinceridade e apoio. Precisamos estar lá por ela, mesmo que não estejamos juntos como um casal.
Os dois respiraram fundo, reunindo forças para enfrentar a conversa com Khai. Eles chamaram sua filha e se sentaram juntos no chão, formando um pequeno círculo familiar.
— Khai, meu amor — começou S/N, com a voz trêmula. — Papai e eu queremos conversar com você sobre algo importante. Nós decidimos que não vamos mais ficar casados. Isso significa que não vamos mais morar juntos.
Os olhos de Khai se encheram de confusão e tristeza.
— Mas... por quê? Vocês não me amam mais?
Zayn apertou a mão de Khai com ternura.
— Oh, querida, nós te amamos mais do que qualquer coisa no mundo. Mas às vezes, as pessoas crescem e mudam. E às vezes, é melhor para elas serem felizes separadas.
S/N acrescentou:
— Nós nunca deixaremos de ser sua família. Mesmo que estejamos morando em lugares diferentes, sempre estaremos aqui para você. Nós ainda vamos compartilhar momentos especiais juntos, como pais.
Khai olhou para os rostos tristes de seus pais e sentiu uma mistura de tristeza e compreensão.
— Eu sinto muito que vocês estejam tristes, mas eu amo vocês dois.
Zayn sorriu gentilmente.
— Nós também te amamos, Khai. E vamos fazer o nosso melhor para tornar essa transição o mais fácil possível para você. Sempre estaremos aqui para te apoiar.
S/N abraçou Khai com força, deixando as lágrimas caírem livremente.
— Você sempre será o nosso raio de sol, Khai. E queremos que você seja feliz, acima de tudo.
Enquanto a família se abraçava, eles sabiam que o caminho à frente seria difícil, mas estavam determinados a enfrentá-lo juntos.
Zayn acariciou o cabelo de Khai, buscando as palavras certas para confortá-la:
— Querida, entendemos que essa notícia pode ser confusa e dolorosa para você. Mas, mesmo que estejamos nos separando como casal, nunca deixaremos de ser seus pais. Sempre estaremos aqui para te amar, apoiar e cuidar de você.
S/N segurou as mãos de Khai com ternura:
— Você é o nosso maior tesouro, Khai. Queremos que você saiba que essa decisão não tem nada a ver com você. Papai e eu tomamos essa escolha pensando no que é melhor para todos nós, para que possamos encontrar a felicidade e o equilíbrio que precisamos.
Khai olhou para seus pais, seus olhinhos cheios de lágrimas refletindo sua tristeza:
— Mas o que vai acontecer agora? Vocês não vão mais morar juntos?
S/N sorriu, enxugando as lágrimas do rosto de Khai:
— Isso mesmo, meu amor. Papai e eu vamos morar em casas diferentes, mas você sempre terá um lar com cada um de nós. Você terá dois lugares onde será amada e receberá todo o carinho e apoio que merece.
Zayn acrescentou com suavidade:
— Nós também vamos fazer o possível para manter a rotina e as atividades que você gosta. Seus momentos especiais com cada um de nós continuarão, e sempre nos esforçaremos para sermos pais presentes em sua vida.
Khai olhou para seus pais com uma mistura de tristeza e compreensão, sabendo que a vida estava prestes a mudar:
— Eu sinto falta de vocês estarem juntos, mas eu quero que vocês sejam felizes. Eu amo vocês dois.
S/N segurou Khai ainda mais forte, emocionada com a maturidade da filha:
— Nós amamos você, Khai. E é exatamente por você que estamos fazendo isso. Queremos que cresça em um ambiente onde todos sejam felizes e possam se realizar plenamente.
Zayn beijou a testa de Khai com carinho:
— Prometemos estar sempre aqui para você, mesmo que as coisas tenham mudado. O amor de pais nunca muda, e você sempre terá o nosso amor incondicional.
Enquanto Khai abraçava seus pais, eles sabiam que o caminho à frente seria desafiador, mas estavam comprometidos em priorizar o bem-estar de sua filha e construir uma nova dinâmica familiar baseada no amor e na compreensão. Juntos, eles enfrentariam os desafios do divórcio e encontrariam uma nova maneira de serem uma família feliz e unida, mesmo que em um formato diferente.
5 meses depois...
Cinco meses se passaram desde que Zayn e S/N tomaram a difícil decisão de se divorciarem. Durante esse tempo, eles haviam trabalhado arduamente para estabelecer uma nova dinâmica familiar, garantindo que Khai se sentisse amada e apoiada.
Era um sábado ensolarado quando Zayn chegou à casa de S/N para buscar Khai para o seu dia de convivência. Ele tocou a campainha e esperou ansiosamente na porta. S/N abriu a porta, sorrindo com gentileza.
— Olá, Zayn. Khai está pronta para ir com você — disse S/N, mantendo a calma e a compostura.
Zayn assentiu, agradecido pela abordagem amigável de S/N. Ainda havia respeito entre eles, mesmo após a separação.
— Obrigado, S/N. Como ela está hoje? — perguntou Zayn, com um leve toque de preocupação em sua voz.
S/N sorriu e deu um passo para o lado, revelando Khai, que estava brincando com seus brinquedos no tapete da sala. Ela estava radiante, sua alegria contagiante.
— Ela está ótima, como sempre. Aproveitou o tempo com a família nesta semana e está cheia de energia — respondeu S/N, admirando a filha.
Zayn olhou para Khai, seu coração se enchendo de amor e gratidão. Ele sentiu um aperto no peito ao perceber como a vida havia mudado, mas também sabia que o bem-estar de Khai era a prioridade.
— Oi, princesa! Como você está? — Zayn se aproximou, agachando-se ao lado de Khai.
Khai olhou para cima, um sorriso iluminando seu rosto ao ver o pai.
— Papai! Eu estava esperando por você! Hoje vamos ao parque?
Zayn sorriu e acariciou o cabelo de Khai com carinho.
— Sim, meu amor. Hoje vamos ao parque e nos divertir muito juntos.
S/N observava a interação entre pai e filha com um misto de emoções. Ela estava feliz por ver o amor de Zayn por Khai permanecer tão forte, mas também sentia uma pontada de saudade pelo que haviam compartilhado.
— Tenham um ótimo dia juntos, vocês dois. Cuide bem dela, Zayn — disse S/N com sinceridade.
Zayn olhou para S/N, a gratidão refletida em seus olhos.
— Sempre cuidarei dela, S/N. E agradeço por permitir que eu faça parte da vida dela, mesmo que de uma maneira diferente agora.
S/N assentiu, com um sorriso suave.
— Khai sempre terá um pai amoroso ao seu lado. Isso nunca vai mudar.
Com um último olhar cheio de sentimentos compartilhados, Zayn se levantou e pegou a mão de Khai.
— Vamos, princesa. Vamos aproveitar o dia juntos.
Khai soltou uma risada animada e segurou a mão de Zayn, ansiosa por mais momentos divertidos com o pai.
Enquanto Zayn e Khai saíam pela porta, S/N permaneceu ali, observando-os partir. Seu coração ainda se apertava ao vê-los juntos, mas ela sabia que era importante para Khai manter um relacionamento saudável com o pai.
Ao longo dos meses, S/N havia aprendido a aceitar a nova realidade e a encontrar seu próprio caminho como mãe solteira. Ela havia descoberto uma força interior que não sabia que possuía e estava determinada a criar uma vida feliz para ela e para Khai.
Enquanto Zayn e Khai se divertiam no parque, S/N aproveitou o tempo para cuidar de si mesma, encontrar novos hobbies e fortalecer os laços com amigos e familiares. Ela descobriu que a felicidade e o amor não dependiam apenas de um relacionamento romântico, mas também do amor próprio e das conexões significativas em sua vida.
À medida que o tempo passava, Zayn e S/N aprenderam a se comunicar de forma respeitosa e a colaborar na criação de Khai. Eles compareciam às reuniões da escola juntos, compartilhavam informações importantes sobre a filha e se apoiavam mutuamente nas decisões relacionadas à Khai.
E, à medida que Khai crescia, ela aprendia a se adaptar à nova dinâmica familiar, sabendo que era amada por ambos os pais. Ela se tornou uma criança resiliente e compreensiva, valorizando os momentos especiais que passava com o pai e a mãe.
Embora o divórcio tenha trazido mudanças e desafios, Zayn, S/N e Khai encontraram uma maneira de construir uma nova versão de família. Eles criaram um ambiente de amor, apoio e compreensão para Khai, garantindo que ela se sentisse segura e amada em ambos os lares.
Com o tempo, Zayn, S/N e Khai descobriram que, apesar da separação, ainda havia espaço para o amor e a felicidade em suas vidas. E, juntos, eles continuaram a escrever sua história, aprendendo a enfrentar os altos e baixos da vida e encontrando alegria nas pequenas coisas.
Enquanto o sol se punha no horizonte, Zayn e Khai voltaram para casa, cheios de risadas e memórias felizes. E, independentemente dos desafios que o futuro reservasse, eles sabiam que, com amor e apoio mútuo, eles enfrentariam tudo como uma família, unidos pelo amor incondicional que tinham um pelo outro.
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abdazizef · 9 months ago
Membongkar nasab-nasab palsu kepada nabi Muhammad telah dilakukan ulama-ulama masa lalu. Seperti yang dilakukan Ibnu Hazm al-Andalusi dan Imam Tajuddin As-Subki dalam membongkar kepalsuan nasab Bani Ubaid yang mengaku sebagai keturunan nabi Muhammad Shalallahu alaihi wassalam. Memberantas nasab-nasab palsu yang menisbahkan diri kepada Nabi Muhammad hukumnya fardu kifayah. Ia termasuk dalam kategori amar ma’ruf nahi munkar. Haram bagi para ulama untuk mendiamkan terjadinya pengakuan nasab seseorang atau sekelompok manusia yang menisbahkan diri sebagai keturunan Nabi Muhammad dengan dusta, karena yang demikian itu termasuk istihqor bi haqqi al mustofa (merendahkan hak Nabi Muhammad Shalallahu alaihi wassalam). Imam Ibnu Hajar al-Haitami al-berkata: ينبغي لكل احد ان يكون له غيرة في هذا النسب الشريف وضبطه حتى لا ينتسب اليه صلى الله عليه وسلم احد الا بحق (الصواعق المحرقة:2/537) “Seyogyanya bagi setiap orang mempunyai kecemburuan terhadap nasab mulia Nabi Muhammad dan mendhobitnya (memeriksanya) sehingga seseorang tidak menisbahkan diri kepada (nasab) Nabi Muhammad kecual dengan sebenarnya. (Ash-Showa’iq al Muhriqoh: 2/537)”. Membongkar nasab-nasab palsu kepada Nabi Muhammad telah dilakukan ulama-ulama masa lalu. Seperti yang dilakukan Ibnu Hazm al-Andalusi dan Imam Tajuddin As-Subki dalam membongkar kepalsuan nasab Bani Ubaid yang mengaku sebagai keturunan nabi Muhammad Shalallahu alaihi wassalam. Begitu pula yang dilakukan Al-hakim An-Naisaburi yang membongkar kepalsuan nasab Abu Bakar ar-Razi yang mengaku keturunan Muhammad bin Ayyub al-Bajali; begitu pula dilakukan oleh Adz-Dzhabi yang membongkar kepalsuan nasab Ibnu Dihyah al-Andalusi; Demikian juga Ibnu hajar al-Asqolani yang membongkar kepalsuan nasab Syekh Abu Bakar al-Qumni. (Ushulu wa Qowaid Fi Kasfi Mudda’I al-Syaraf: 11) Wajib bagi ulama yang mengetahui batalnya nasab seseorang yang menisbahkan dirinya kepada nasab Nabi Muhammad untuk menyebarkannya kepada orang lain. Syekh Ibrahim bin Qosim berkata: ولا يجوز للعالم كتمان علمه في هذا الباب فامانة العلم وال��شف عن اختلاط الانساب من الامر بالمعروف. “Dan tidak boleh bagi seorang alim menyembunyikan ilmunya dalam bab ini (nasab), maka amanah dalam ilmu dan membongkar tercampurnya nasab adalah bagian dari amar ma’ruf dan nahi munkar” (Ushulu wa Qowaid Fi Kasfi Mudda’I al-Syaraf: 13) Imam Malik bin Anas berkata: من انتسب الي بيت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يعنى بالباطل يضرب ضربا وجيعا ويشهر ويحبس . “Barangsiapa yang bernisbah kepada keluarga nabi, yakni dengan batil maka ia harus dipukul dengan pukulan yang pedih dan di umumkan serta dipenjara” (Ushulu wa Qowaid Fi Kasfi Mudda’I al-Syaraf: 9). Oleh: KH Imaduddin Utsman al-Bantanie
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little-big-fan · 2 years ago
Imagine Zayn Malik
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-E aí, amiga - falou minha colega de trabalho - Vai fazer o que hoje? -
-Vou preparar um jantar pro Zayn - falei animada
-Que chique, o que vai preparar de especial? - perguntou curiosa
-Me deu vontade de fazer algo diferente - falei animada - Então vou me arriscar a preparar uma alcatra ao molho madeira -
-Gostei - falou - Vai lá e arrasa - falou se despedindo - Até amanhã -
-Até amanhã - falei me despedindo
Já tinha o cardápio da noite todo na cabeça, só precisava passar no mercado para pegar algumas coisas que não tínhamos em casa.
-Tudo aqui - falei olhando as coisas na mesa, comecei a preparar o jantar e ao mesmo tempo um bolo para comermos de sobremesa.
Com o bolo correu tudo bem, já tinha deixado ele fora do forno para esfriar.
Já com o jantar, estava tudo correndo bem, mais por um segundo me distrai com o telefone e tudo começou a desandar.
-Aí não - falei desesperada - Não, por favor não - falei quase chorando
-Amor cheguei - ouvi Zayn, ele precisava chegar agora? Está um caos na cozinha - Amor? -
-Aqui na cozinha - falei, quase chorando
-Ei, o que aconteceu? - perguntou me abraçando - Não chora, por favor - falou me abraçando mais forte
-Eu sou um desastre -
-Amor, calma - falou tentando me acalmar - Está melhor? - perguntou depois de um tempo
-Não - falei secando as lagrimas - Desculpa -
-Desculpa? - perguntou sem entender
-É, me desculpa - falei olhando a bagunça que estava a cozinha - Tentei fazer um jantar diferente e estraguei tudo -
-Amor, não precisa me pedir desculpas por isso - falou me puxando para um abraço
-Eu sou um desastre mesmo -
-Não fala isso - falou beijando minha testa - Você é maravilhosa, as vezes acontece - falou me dando um selinho - E não é porque aconteceu um furacão nessa cozinha, que vou deixar de amar você - falou rindo
-Zayn Malik- falei brava
-Já sei - falou me puxando pra sala - Você vai tomar um banho, enquanto eu peço uma pizza e arrumo a cozinha -
-Eu arrumo - falei tentando voltar pra cozinha
-Não, eu arrumo - falou me dando um selinho - Quando você voltar vai ter uma cozinha limpa e uma pizza a caminho -
-Eu te amo - falei o beijando.
-Também te amo -
By: Le
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craz-ygirl · 2 years ago
"Muitas pessoas cantam o amor, outras escrevem sobre o amor, algumas fazem amor, mas são poucas as que sabem amar!"
— F. Malik
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tragedicna · 1 year ago
@avaere  /  sexual tension.
[  WALL  ]  *  your muse pins my muse against the closest wall. From kaveh to Malik !
            ❝  aren't you bold  ,  ya amar ??  ❞  ⸻  a low chuckle as his back makes contact with the wall behind him  ,  caged within kaveh's arms as the other pins him to the surface  ―  gently  ,  he might add . . . for fear that he may injure malik if he shoved too hard  ―  and malik's hands falls to kaveh's waist  ,  fingers curling over the curve of the other's figure  .  eyes searching the blond's for any indication of what's going on in the architect's mind  ,  his gaze softens as his hand leaves kaveh's waist to caress the man's cheek  .             ❝  talk to me  ,  habibi . . .  ❞  he coos softly  ,  hands now both cupping kaveh's visage  ,  ❝  what's wrong  ,  hm  ??  ❞  he urges in a gentle tone  ,  tipping his head to the side  ,  ❝  were you . . . jealous  ??  ❞  malik teases  ,  the only thing he could think of was the fact that he had been getting real friendly with another academic  ,  hoping to enlist their help with his research . . . could this have been the trigger for kaveh's confrontation  ??  though he seems to make LIGHT of the situation  ,  malik doesn't push . . . perhaps it is jealousy  ,  then he shouldn't make light of kaveh's feelings and thoughts  .             thumbs sweeping over the apple of kaveh's cheeks  ,  ❝  come now . . . kaveh . . . i cannot fix what i do not know  ,  ❞  he says  ,  ❝  habibi . . . are you angry with me  ??  ❞  he urges again  ,  ❝  if you do not tell me  ,  then tell me if this is something i can fix with kisses and sweet nothings . . .  ❞  he queries  ,  still trying to get kaveh to speak or smile . . . if it wasn't something simple  ,  perhaps he should guide them to take a seat and talk properly  .
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lolathelotus · 2 years ago
TS4 Universe Legacy Round 5
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Summaries in play order
Chopra: Rashidah Watson and Rahul Chopra work hard to raise Owen (Rashidah and Rahul's son) and Penelope (Rahul's daughter from alien abduction) while living at home with Lavina. The toddlers both age up, Owen first, and then Penelope. Rahul earns a degree in Biology. Rahul and Rashidah get engaged. Lavina flirts with Meredith Roswell.
Villareal: Luna, Hugo and Max decide to hire an employee to help out at the shopping center. Max joins the Criminal Career, Hugo learns guitar and Luna makes out with Sofia Bjergsen.
Pancakes: Bob joins the Police Force while he and Eliza try (unsuccessfully) to have another baby. Malik is a goofball. Emery turns 13 and is Artistic.
Holiday: Summer Holiday, Liberty Lee and Travis Scott are still besties. Travis makes out with Gunther Munch and Raj Rasoya. Summer is in love with Eva Capricciosa and gets a promotion to Internet Personality.
Kang: Cecilia takes Fabio, her best boy, camping in Granite Falls. She invites Don Lothario over for some cuddles her last night there. Fabio aged up into an elder.
Goth: Mortimer purchases the café in town and renames it Café Bella. He also flirts with Megumi Ito randomly. Tessa (Bella and Mortimer's daughter) ages up into a child, followed by Whitney (Alexander's daughter from alien abduction). Cassandra learns she is pregnant with Salim Benali's baby.
Ito: Nanami moves out to San Myshuno at the beginning of the round. Megumi decides to make an enemy of Victor Feng. Naoki asks Megumi to have another child, but Megumi does not agree.
Bell: Vivian (now a ghost) enjoys possessing random objects. Biscuit the dog gets sick this round, so Michael takes him to the vet. Mason tries to become friends with Whitney Goth, but she seems to deeply dislike him.
Kim-Lewis: Olivia moves to Britechester to attend Foxbury at the start of the round. Alice fishes and paints. Eric and Alice fight constantly this round, resulting in a negative romance bar. At the Romance Festival, Alice kisses a townie and flirts with Cletus Harris in front of Eric. Alice asks Eric for a divorce. While still living together, Alice begins dating a townie. Eric gets a promotion to Investor.
Richards: Gavin gets promoted to Fan Favorite and finally opens his live-in bookstore. He barely makes any money this round. Jay Huntington dates all the women, including Liberty Lee, multiple townies, and Dina Caliente, who he has his daughter, Naomi, with. Jay starts thinking about moving out.
The Oasis Springs Apartments: Akira Kibo moves into an empty unit this round. He and Zoe Patel woohoo. Joaquin Le Chien learns to play the guitar and wants to study Culinary Arts at University. Joaquin's girlfriend, Nighat Caliente, proposes to Joaquin and he says yes. Akira rages a lot and randomly decides that he wants to date Jay Huntington.
Bheeda: Arun gets promoted to Development Captain at work. Bexley turns 13 this round. Fariq picks on Bexley, his big sister, constantly. Jesminder gets pregnant, giving birth to twins: Amar and Chandra. At the end of the round, Jesminder announces that she is once again expecting.
Akiyama: Nika turns 5 this round. Kado asks Jenna to have another baby and makes an enemy of Geoffrey Landgraab. Taku gets accepted into university and decides to start writing a book. Miki is promoted to Ensemble Author.
Markovic: While the past few rounds saw Mateo and Lucia growing apart, they rekindle their love for one another this round. However, Lucia continues to cheat on Mateo with Lilith Vatore. Tomi turns 20 this round and little Peter learns to talk. Liliana mostly just plays with her toys and loves science.
Watson: In between Rounds 4 and 5, Thomas and Rahmi got divorced autonomously. At the start of this round, Thomas buys a small home in Oasis Springs and Imran moves away to attend University. Maira has her hands full with her alien twins, Apollo and Benny. Rahmi asks Gideon Harris to be her boyfriend.
Caliente: After proposing to Joaquin Le Chien during his round, Nighat asks Don Lothario and Mitchell Kalani to move out. Dina's daughter, Naomi Huntington, turns 5 and rolls the Evil Trait. Don visits his daughter, Olivia, every single day. Nina makes a move on Cecelia Kang and is shot down, so Nina fights Cecilia. Jay Huntington and Dina continue to co-parent until Jay asks Dina to move with their daughter to San Myshuno with him.
Feng: Victor works on his oration skills by giving speeches all over San Myshuno. Lily gets a chance card that result in a hostile takeover of a local competing business. Caia hangs out with other teens and enjoys high school.
Landgraab: Poppy Landgraab brings her family closer together as they are all enamored with her. Malcolm turns 20 and gets a crush on Kerri Elderberry. He also decides to make amends with a long-time enemy, Thorne Bailey. This round Malcolm decides to join the Engineering Career and moves to The Culpepper Apartments in San Myshuno.
Munch: Wolfgang fights Don Lothario and gets promoted to Ring Leader. Mila works as a Detective and decides to start saving up to open a restaurant. Gunther decides to attend University while living at home next round to study Language and Literature.
Flex: Ulrike decides to go back to school to study Art History and Marcus is promoted to Rookie. Marcus starts to have doubts about his marriage, both wanting to move, as well as start a new relationship. Maaike attends Britechester University while living at home to earn a degree in Language & Literature. She plagiarizes a paper and gets caught.
Scott: Sara and Simon try to find a healthy balance between working at their bar, and caring for their four daughters. Remi turns 5 this round.
Lobo: Caleb moves in with Diego this round, but still visits Lillith and the kids every few days. Caleb and Diego get married in Tartosa.
Vatore: Having moved in with his husband, Diego Lobo, last round, Caleb comes to visit every few days. He lives down the road from the Vatores. Quest turns 13. Lilith continues to date Lucia Markovic, who is still married. They make it official. Stuart turns 20. Ravin turns 13 and begins to learn Vampire Skills from her mother, Lilith, and her father, Alika Kahananui.
Fyres: Moira works as a Detective and Dominic flirts with Maira Watson. Morgan romances Cassandra Goth.
Rocca: No longer able to afford the rent on Factory One, Eva, Paolo and Jade decide they will move out at the end of the round. Paolo is promoted to Bodybuilder and completes the Bodybuilder Aspiration. Eva flirts with a bartender named Kyla. At the end of the round. Paolo and Jade rent an apartment for themselves and little Daisy in the Culpepper Apartments in San Myshuno. Eva rents a single down the hall in the same building.
Behr: Candy works with Lennox to help him learn all of his toddler skills. Yuki joins the Engineering Career and hits on Judith Ward and Cecelia Kang. Lennox turns 5 years old. Candy has woohoo with Jeb Harris.
Bjergsen: Bjorn tries to be a better father to the girls. Darcy turns 13. Bjorn struggles to work his day job, as well as run Bjergsen's Furniture in the evenings and on weekends. He asks his friend, a townie named Reece, to be his boyfriend and is hurt when Reece tells him he is not interested in men. Sofia has her first kiss with Mila Munch and hits on Judith Ward.
Jeong: Venessa gets a makeover and gossips with her friends about Judith Ward leaving town. She applies to the University of Britechester to study Art History. She goes to an acting gig and has woohoo with Alexander Goth.
Rasoya: Raj asks Penny to have a baby with him but she wants to wait until they are married. A bad news story hurts Penny's public reputation. Raj maxes out the Gourmet Cooking Skills and is promoted to Celebrity Chef. Raj confesses to cheating on Penny with Don Lothario and Travis Scott. Penny breaks off their engagement and Raj rents and apartment in San Myshuno. After Raj leaves, Penny gets a job as an International Affairs Intern.
Bailey-Moon: Thorne walks with a new sense of purpose now that Judith Ward is gone. Octavia gets promoted to Fan Favorite. Orange graduates high school and decides to study Physics when he goes to University. Thorne and Octavia get pregnant. Havana turns 13, and Octavia gives birth to a baby girl, Nola.
Laurent: Greta moves to Britechester to attend University and Hilary rents an apartment in San Myshuno, no longer interested in working on her marriage with Hector. Jace has a crush on Olive Tinker and gets accepted to university. Hector tries, unsuccessfully, to win his wife back.
Sigworth: Christie is off to uni this round. Dylan and Jess make out a lot. Jess is promoted to Courageous Captain and Dylan works to earn a promotion at FutureSim Labs. Jess and Dylan try, but are unable to get pregnant after several tries.
Roswell: Ted and Meredith enjoy raising their children, and even rekindle the spark that had been missing from their relationship for so long. Isaiah turns 13, while the twins, Finnley and Evalyn turn 5. Meredith maxes out the Cooking Skill and tells Ted that she is pregnant. At the end of the round she gives birth to a son, Huxley.
Martin: Alice applies to university to study Art History and Mark decides he wants to earn a second degree.
Ito (2): Kaori turns 30 this round. Kiyoshi struggles with jealousy, and the couple gets pregnant.
Kealoha: Lilliana gives birth to a baby boy, Kai. Under Makoa's leadership as Conservation Director, Sulani is restored. Nani gets a crush on Quest Vatore.
Ojo: Miko loves her new career in Politics, and she applies to university. She starts dating Rohan Elderberry. Darling works as a Nature Historian and has woohoo with a very married Tina Tinker.
Kahananui: Mele finds out about Ravin and Lilith, and is furious with her husband. Despite their animosity, they manage to maintain a health woohoo life. Salem and Keoki both dislike their father, and Alika tries to intimidate them into respecting him. Alika wanders around at night, drinking from Sims and teaching Ravin Vampire secrets. Alika cheats on Mele with Lilith and Mele decides to become a doctor.
Ngata: Leila gets promoted to Color Theory Critic while Oliana is laid off. Elyse turns five years old. Leila and Oliana adopt another child, a baby named Helena. Tane starts dating Bexley Bheeda. Oliana joins the Civil Designer Career.
Benali: Salim asks Cassandra to move in with him with their baby, Niko. They plan of buying a bigger house in the next few years. Cassandra proposes to Salim and he accepts. Cassandra gets a job in the Doctor Career and Salim applies to university.
Jang: Billie turns 20 and decides she wants to be a professional dancer. She does a bunch of stuff naked. Baako and Anaya rekindle their romance and begin to repair their relationship.
Rasoya-Vega: Anya turns 13 this round. Geeta and Everett get engaged and move in together.
Romeo: Siobhan flirts with her neighbor, Kerri Elderberry in front of Sergio, causing him to acquire the Jealous Trait. Siobhan gets a promotion. Sergio and Siobhan go to a family gathering with the Fyres family. Morgan flirts with Sergio, causing Siobhan to fly into a rage.
Elderberry: Kerri joins the Scientist Career and Rohan joins the Writer Career this round. Rohan dates Miko Ojo and Kerri has a weird thing with Malcolm Landgraab. Rohan has shower woohoo with Geeta Rasoya-Vega.
Harris: Cletus quits his job so he can stay home to take care of Zachariah. Jeb becomes more Cheerful this round, but also gets Malcolm Landgraab as a work rival.
Tinker: Olive turns 20 years old and gets a job as an artist. She messes around with Jeb Harris, but turns him down repeatedly when he suggests taking things to the next level. After saving for the past few years, Tina and Yasemin finally have enough to purchase Evergreen Unique Gifts.
Kalani: After being kicked out by Nighat, Mitchell rents an apartment in Evergreen Harbor. He asks Nina Caliente to move in with him. Nina pulls pranks and decides she wants to start a new relationship.
Lothario: Don quits his job as an actor and focuses on his Aspiration, Serial Romantic. He dates several townies, Nancy Landgraab, Jade Rosa, Cecilia Kang, Anaya Jang and Nanami Ito.
Ito (3): Nanami moves to San Myshuno and begins working in the Civil Designer Career. She breaks up with her boyfriend, Taku Akiyama.
Ward: Judith sells her home, gets a makeover and moves to San Myshuno. She quits her job and slips into obscurity.
Laurent(2): Hilary hits on her estranged husband, Hector, and is rejected. She starts dating a townie named Reece.
University: In attendance this semester: Greta Laurent, Olivia Kim-Lewis, Duane Talla, Christie Sigworth and Imran Watson. Greta struggles with being a werewolf, and starts searching for a cure. She starts dating Kerri Elderberry. Christie wants to date all of the sims.
Watson (2): Thomas works to put his life back together after his divorce from Rahmi Watson. He spends time with his children and grandchildren. Thomas romances Cecilia Kang in front of her boyfriend and his best friend, Don Lothario.
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brooksr994 · 26 days ago
Holy Amarnath Dham
Amarnath caves hold Hindu beliefs in Lord Shiva from 5000 years. It is 40 m (130 ft) high and 90 ft long cave in Himalayan glacial valley. Ice incrustation hererepresents Shiva in the form of Shivlinga. The shape and size of it changes with phases of the moon.
Geographically, the Holy Amarnath Dham is positioned in a narrow gauge at the farthest side of Lidder valley. It is elevated at a height of 3,888 meters above sea level and is located about 141 km East of Srinagar, and, merely 46km away from Pahalgam.
History of Amarnath Cave
Known as the pious cave associated with Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, Amarnath cave is the most stunning location spreading heavenly bliss. As per the legends are to be believed about Amarnath Cave history, Goddess Parvati once asked about the skull bead garland, answering to her inquisition Lord Shiva told, whenever Pravati came back to new life he increase a bead in the chain. Then, Parvati said, I died and my body was destroyed every time but my Lord you remain immortal. What is the secrete of this? Shankarji smiled and answered that is due to Amar Katha.” She requested to narrate the story to her too.
Shivji chose the Amarnath Dham to narrate Amar Katha to Goddess Parvati as it was in lonely area. As he moved towards the cave, Lord Shiva left Nandi at Pahalgam, his moon at Chandanwadi, his snakes at the bank of Lake Sheshnaag, his son Lord Ganesha at Mahagun Parvat and five elements (air, water, fire, earth and sky) at Panjtarini. In the wake of narrating it, he spread the deer skin asan, ignited Kalagni and destroyed everything living around the cave with it; so that no one can hear the story. But, as the luck would have it, an egg beneath the asan was protected by Shiva-Parvati in disguise. It heard the story of immortality then. The pair of pigeons born from it became immortal. From there on, Lord Shiva has started residing there in the form of an ice Shiva Lingam.
Who discovered Amarnath Cave?
There are couple of stories considering the discovery of Amarnath cave which have been mentioned already in Puranas. According to a legend, in the Kal Yuga, this cave was rediscovered by a shepherd named Buta Malik in 15th century. As the story describes, once Buta Malik met a saint, who gave him a pot full of coal. On returning home, he discovered that the coal transformed into gold. In the wake of happiness, he ran back to thank the saint. There, he could not find the saint. In turn, he got to see an ice Shiva Lingam in the cave of that saint. From there on, the news got spread and it became a place of pilgrimage for Hindus.
Another fable says, the Kashmir was under flood like situation then, Kashyap Rishi channelized water in rivers and tributaries. When Bhrigu Rishi was on the way to Himalayas he was the visitor to this holy Amarnath Dham and the Lingam. Later as the news about ice Shivalinga spread devotees too flock to this incredible terrain to carry out the pilgrimage since then for eternal bliss.
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elmu-alat-na-nyaho · 26 days ago
- tarkib atau analisis gramatikal secara rinci berdasarkan Alfiyah Ibnu Malik untuk Surat Al-Ikhlas.
Ayat 1:
قُلْ هُوَ اللَّهُ أَحَدٌ
- Fi'il amar (kata kerja perintah) dari fi'il madhy
- قُلْ
- adalah amar dari fi'il lathiif (kata kerja ringkas/irregular).
- Dalam Alfiyah Ibnu Malik disebutkan:
- "وَعِنْدَ ذِي اللُّطْفِ بَنَاؤُهُ عَسُرْ * وَحَذْفُهُ فِي الأَمْرِ وَعَرْضٍ قُرِّي
- yang artinya
- Dan pada fi'il lathiif, konstruksi fi'ilnya sukar, penghilangan huruf 'a' pada amar dan permintaan diperkenankan."
- Dhamir (kata ganti) yang digunakan sebagai mubtada' (subjek).
- هُوَ
- adalah dhamir munfasil (kata ganti yang terpisah).
- Khabar pertama dari mubtada', (keterangan pertama dari subjek).
- Menurut Alfiyah Ibnu Malik:
- "رَفْعٌ كَخَبَرٍ رَفْعَ لِلمُبْتَدَا * أَوْ كَثَانِي رَفْعِهَا مَا أَوْتَدَا"
- yang artinya
- "Rafa' seperti khabar yang dirafa'kan untuk mubtada',
- atau seperti yang kedua dari rafa'nya apa yang ditetapkan."
- Khabar kedua dari mubtada'.
- Dalam Alfiyah Ibnu Malik dijelaskan tentang khabar kedua:
- "وَإِنْ يُكَرَّرْ أَوْ يُعَدَّدْ سِمَا * إِنْ خُصَّصَ أَوْ وَصْلُهُ لِمَا"
- artinya
- "Dan apabila diulang atau dijumlahkan sebagai tanda,
- jika dikhususkan atau disambung dengan yang lain."
- Ayat 2:
اللَّهُ الصَّمَدُ
- Mubtada' (subjek).
- Mubtada’ di sini adalah isim marfu'.
- Khabar (keterangan).
- Menurut Alfiyah Ibnu Malik, - khabar isim (keterangan) yang ditetapkan:
- "إِنَّمَا الْإِسْمُ قَائِمُ الإِعْرَابِ مَعْرِفَةٌ * فَلاَ تَكُونُ كَانَ فِي الإِخْبَارِ مَعْرِفَةً
- yang artinya
- "Hanya saja, isim yang ditetapkan adalah marfu',
- tak pernah khabar yang berbentuk isim dalam pemberitaan sebagai ma'rifah."
- Ayat 3:
لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُولَدْ
- Huruf jazm (penanda kata kerja lampau negatif).
- Dalam Alfiyah Ibnu Malik:
- "وَجَزْمُ أَمْرٍ لَمْ كَذَا شَرْطٍ جَزَمْ
- yang artinya
- "Dan jazm pada fi'il amr adalah seperti pada syarat yang dijazmkan."
- Fi'il madhy majzum bi lam (kata kerja lampau yang dijazmkan oleh lam).
- يُولَدْ
- adalah fi'il majhul (kata kerja pasif).
- Ayat 4:
وَلَمْ يَكُن لَّهُ كُفُوًا أَحَدٌ
- Huruf jazm.
- Fi'il madhy majzum bi lam.
- يَكُن
- dari fi'il
- (adalah/menjadi).
- Jar majrur, harf jar (li) dan isim majrur (hu).
- Menurut Alfiyah:
- "إِنَّ جَاءَتْ حُرُوفَ الْجَرِّ يَجُرُّ مَا تَعْلِيقُهَا
- yang artinya
- "Sesungguhnya huruf-huruf jar datang mengaitkan isim yang dijar."
- Khabar fi'il yakun.
- Isim yakun, isim marfu'.
- Dengan memahami tarkib ini,
kita bisa melihat betapa kompleks dan mendalamnya tata bahasa dalam Al-Qur'an
- serta bagaimana aturan-aturan Alfiyah Ibnu Malik diterapkan untuk menganalisisnya.
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musicverse11 · 2 months ago
Amaal Mallik’s Unforgettable Bollywood Hits
In a world where music serves as both a form of expression and a connection to the soul, Amaal Mallik has emerged as one of Bollywood’s most promising and impactful music composers. Born into a family with a rich musical legacy, Amaal has successfully carved his niche in the highly competitive Indian music industry. With his ability to blend soulful melodies with contemporary beats, Amaal has become a household name, captivating audiences across generations.
This article delves deep into the journey of Amaal Mallik — his roots, achievements, and the unique elements that make his music resonate so deeply with listeners.
A Musical Lineage Rooted in Tradition Amaal Mallik was born into a family synonymous with Indian music. As the son of music director Daboo Malik and grandson of the legendary Sardar Malik, Amaal was destined to pursue a career in music. He grew up in an environment that nurtured his talent, with melodies and rhythms being an integral part of his upbringing. However, it wasn’t just his family’s legacy that set him apart; Amaal’s determination to create a distinct identity in the industry has been key to his success.
His formal training began at a young age. Learning piano and exploring the intricacies of Indian classical music under the tutelage of his grandfather, Amaal also pursued Western classical music from Trinity College, London. This dual exposure to Indian and Western music gave him the versatility and depth evident in his compositions today.
The Breakthrough Moment Amaal’s professional journey started as an assistant music director, working with stalwarts like Amar Mohile on films such as Sarkar (2005) and Shootout at Lokhandwala (2007). This hands-on experience laid the groundwork for his debut as a composer in Salman Khan’s film Jai Ho (2014), where he composed three songs. Tracks like Tere Naina from Jai Ho and Naina from Khoobsurat (2014) immediately struck a chord with audiences, setting the stage for his meteoric rise.
It was in 2015 that Amaal’s talent truly shone with the blockbuster hit Sooraj Dooba Hain from the film Roy. The song’s infectious energy and fresh vibe not only dominated music charts but also established Amaal as a composer who could deliver commercially successful yet artistically rich tracks.
Signature Style and Memorable Hits One of Amaal’s greatest strengths lies in his ability to create melodies that are both modern and timeless. His discography boasts a mix of upbeat anthems and soulful ballads, showcasing his versatility. Songs like Soch Na Sake from Airlift (2016) and Kar Gayi Chull from Kapoor & Sons (2016) exemplify his knack for understanding what resonates with audiences while staying true to his musical sensibilities.
The soundtrack of M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story (2016) marked another milestone in his career. Tracks such as Besabriyaan and Kaun Tujhe highlighted Amaal’s ability to evoke deep emotions through music, earning widespread acclaim and further solidifying his place in Bollywood.
Blending Tradition with Modernity What makes Amaal Mallik stand out is his ability to marry traditional Indian music elements with contemporary sounds. Whether it’s the use of classical instruments like the tabla and sitar or experimenting with electronic beats, Amaal’s compositions cater to a wide range of listeners. His music often carries a universal appeal, making it equally beloved by older generations and millennials.
Amaal’s deep understanding of lyrics also plays a pivotal role in his success. He collaborates closely with lyricists to ensure that the music complements the story being told. This attention to detail has resulted in songs that not only entertain but also leave a lasting impression.
Venturing into Independent Music In addition to his Bollywood projects, Amaal has ventured into the realm of independent music. His single Tu Mera Nahi (2020) marked his debut as a pop singer, showcasing his versatility and willingness to explore uncharted territories. The song received praise for its heartfelt lyrics and relatable theme, proving that Amaal is not just a composer but also a storyteller.
His work in independent music reflects his desire to experiment and connect with his audience on a more personal level. Platforms like YouTube and Spotify have enabled him to reach a global audience, further expanding his fan base.
Awards and Accolades Over the years, Amaal Mallik’s contributions to the music industry have been recognized with numerous accolades. From Filmfare Awards to Mirchi Music Awards, his work has consistently garnered critical and commercial acclaim. Winning the Filmfare Award for Best Music Director in 2020 was a testament to his exceptional talent and hard work.
Despite his success, Amaal remains humble and focused on evolving as an artist. He often credits his family, collaborators, and fans for his achievements, emphasizing the importance of teamwork in the creative process.
Conclusion Amaal Mallik journey from a young music enthusiast to one of Bollywood’s most sought-after composers is a story of passion, perseverance, and innovation. With his unique ability to blend tradition with modernity, Amaal has not only redefined Bollywood music but has also inspired countless aspiring musicians. His dedication to creating meaningful and memorable music ensures that he will continue to be a prominent figure in the industry for years to come.
What’s your favorite Amaal Mallik track? Share your thoughts in the comments below! Don’t forget to follow Amaal on Spotify and YouTube to stay updated with his latest releases.
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fortunetellersdilettante · 6 months ago
ركعت مرة واحدة في التشويق الاهتزاز أنا أطارد ذكرى ذلك لا يزال ، من كل البرد وبخها هذا الصمت السامي أعمى عن الغرض من الإلهية الغاشمة لكنك كنت لي يحدق في السواد في نجم بعيد التشويق في معرفة كم نحن وحدنا ، مجهولون نحن إلى البرية وإلى كلينا اعترفت بالشوق الذي كنت أحلم به بعض الحب أفضل ، ولكن لا يوجد حب أفضل يومئ فوقي وليس هناك حب أفضل لقد أحبني ذلك على الإطلاق ، لا يوجد حب أفضل حبيبي ، أشعر بحب أفضل اشعر بحب أفضل ولم أحب أبدا اللون الأزرق الداكن من الظلمة التي عرفتها فيك ، تملك منك أنت الذي يغني قلبه عن الفوضى سوف تضحك على المعاني والضمانات وبشكل جميل جدا عندما تحترق حقيقتنا من التاريخ من قبل أولئك الذين برزوا العدالة في الذاكرة العزيزة ، شاهدوني مثل النار تبكي من شجرة أرز اعلم أن حبي سيحترق معي سنعيش إلى الأبد لأنه لا يوجد حب أفضل هذا يومئ فوقي ، ليس هناك حب أفضل هذا من أي وقت مضى لديه الحب
rakaat murra vahida fe al-shouik lahitzaz anne atard zekra delk cerda yezal ، min gul al-bard ubakha hatha es-samat al-sami ami an ghardh min al-iilhia al-ghashima lekink kent lee yahdek fe al-sawad fe nagm-ad-din baaid al-shouik fe marfa stephen nihann wahdena ، majhouloun nihann elly al-baria ola kleyna eterfet balshouk al-dhay kent ahlam bah baad al-hab afdal ، welcon cerda jujd hubb afdal youmi fouqi wallis hannak hubb afdal luqud ahabni delk ola al-itlaq ، cerda jujd hubb afdal habibi ، ashaar bahb afdal ashar bahb afdal welm ahebb abda allon al-azraq al-dakin min al-zalma al-tay irfatha feick ، temelek monk ant al-dhay yaghni qalbeh an al-fawda souf tadhak ola moani waldmanat wabskle gamil jedda andama tuhturaq haqiqatana min al-tarikh min qable olik al-thain barzua al-addala fe al-dhakra al-azizah ، shahdoni muthall elnar tebki min shajra arz alam an habi sehtarg muay snaish elly al-abad lanh cerda jujd hubb afdal hatha youmi fouqi ، les hannak hubb afdal hatha min ai vaqt madha ladiyeh al-hab
mai ebar shiharan kanpa anthu kadhisilon mai atia year smriti anusaran karon, protito thandar atta hooch udaharan sei nirawatar dwara cided pashuswari uddeshyar prati andha kintu tumi more asilon konodur tarar fale ka'lar fale chai ash ami kiman akalsharia, agyat ami jonar shiharan vanaria aaru amar duore babe mai sapon dekhi thaka akangkshato swikar kariso kisuman bhal prem, kintu yatkai bhal prem nai bacon more oparer yay aaru yatkai bhal prem nai seitoway mok ketiaba bhal paise, yatkai bhal prem nai darling, bhal prem anubhav karak bhal prem anubhav karak aaru mai ketiao garh neela bhal powa nai mai aponar majat jonah andhakarat, aponar para malik apuni, yar hriday arajkata gunn gaib apuni artha, guarantee, iman dhuniyakai hanhib yetia amar satya itihas para jolly yay jiskal bhal loga smritita nyay visarisil teonlok dwara, mok sakshi diok devadar gashar para kandi thaka juir dare janak ye more prem more saite jolly uthib ami chirkal jia thakim 'karan air chey bhal bhalobasa nai seitoway more oparer ingit die, yatkai bhal prem nai seitot ketiaba prem ash
Bir dəfə titrəyən həyəcan içində diz çökmüşəm, Mən hələ də onun xatirəsini, hər bir soyuqluğu təqib edirəm O səssizlikdən çilçıraq O, hər bir məin (vasitəçi) idi. Amma sən mənim idin, Bir uzaq ulduzda qaraya baxmaq Nə qədər tək, naməlum olduğumuzu bilmək həyəcanı Cırtdana, ikimizə də Xəyal etdiyim həsrəti etiraf etdim, Kimi daha yaxşı sevgi, amma daha yaxşı sevgi yoxdur Beckons üstümdə və daha yaxşı sevgi yoxdur Bu nə vaxtsa məni sevib, daha yaxşı sevgi yoxdur Sevgilim, sevgini daha yaxşı hiss et Sevgini daha yaxşı hiss et Mən isə heç vaxt daha tünd mavi sevməmişəm Sənin içində tanıdığım qaranlıqdan, səndən öz Sən ki, ürəyini anarxiyadan, Mənalara, zəmanətlərə gülərdiniz. Belə gözəl Tarixdən həqiqətlərimiz yandığı zaman Ədaləti xoş xatirələrdə düşünənlər tərəfindən, şəhid məni Sidr ağacından ağlayan alov kimi, Bil ki, sevgim yanacaqdı mənimlə, Əbədi yaşayacağıq "Çünki daha yaxşı sevgi yoxdur, O beckons üstümdə, daha yaxşı sevgi yoxdur Bu, həmişə məhəbbətə malikdir
আমি একবার কাঁপা কাঁপা রোমাঞ্চে হাঁটু গেড়ে বসলাম আমি এখনও সেই স্মৃতির পেছনে ছুটছি, প্রতিটি শীতলতার স্মৃতি সেই নিস্তব্ধতার নিস্তব্ধতায় আচ্ছন্ন হয়ে পড়ে পাশবিক ঐশ্বরিকের উদ্দেশ্য সম্পর্কে অন্ধ কিন্তু তুমি আমার ছিলে অন্ধকারে তাকিয়ে আছে দূরের কোনো নক্ষত্রের দিকে আমরা কতটা একা, অচেনা তা জানার রোমাঞ্চ বন্য এবং আমাদের উভয়ের কাছে আমি যে আকাঙ্ক্ষার স্বপ্ন দেখছিলাম তা স্বীকার করলাম কিছু ভা�� প্রেম, কিন্তু এর চেয়ে ভাল প্রেম আর নেই আমার উপরে ইশারা করে এবং এর চেয়ে ভাল প্রেম আর হয় না যে আমাকে ভালোবেসেছে তার চেয়ে ভালো ভালোবাসা আর হয় না ডার্লিং, আরও ভাল ভালবাসা অনুভব করুন ভালো লাগছে ভালোবাসা আর গাঢ় নীল রঙকে আমি কখনো ভালোবাসিনি তোমার মধ্যে যে অন্ধকারের পরিচয় পেয়েছি, তার চেয়েও তোমার কাছ থেকে তুমি, যার হৃদয় অরাজকতার গান গাইবে অর্থ, গ্যারান্টি, এত সুন্দর করে হাসবেন আমাদের সত্য যখন ইতিহাস থেকে পুড়ে ছাই হয়ে যায় যাঁরা স্মৃতিতে ন্যায়বিচার করেছেন, তাঁদের শপথ, আমাকে সাক্ষী রাখুন দেবদারু গাছ থেকে আগুনের কান্নার মতো জেনে রেখো আমার ভালোবাসা আমার সাথে পুড়ে যাবে আমরা অনন্তকাল বেঁচে থাকব কারণ এর চেয়ে ভালো ভালোবাসা আর হয় না আমার ওপরে ইশারা করে, এর চেয়ে ভালো প্রেম আর হয় না যে কখনো ভালোবাসা আছে
aami akbar kanpa kanpa romance hantu gede baslam aami ekhono say smriti pechone chhutchhi, protiti shitalatar smriti sei nistabdhatar nistabdhatay achchonno hoye pade pashbik aishwariker uddeshya samparkey andha kintu tumi amar chile ondhokare takie ache durer kono nokkhotrer dike amara katata eka, achena ta janar romance vanya ebong amader ubhayer kache aami ye akankhar swapna dekhachilam ta swikar karlam kichu bhal prem, kintu er cheye bhal prem ar nei amar upore ishara kare ebong er cheye bhal prem ar hai na ye amake valobeseche taar cheye bhalo bhalobasa ar hai na darling, aro bhal bhalobasa anubhav karun bhalo lagache bhalobasa ar gadha neil rangke aami kakhano bhalobasini tomar modhye ye andhakarer parichay peyechi, tar cheo tomar kachh theke tumi, yaar hriday arajakatar gaan gaibe earth, guarantee, et sundar kare hasben amader satya jakhan itihaas theke pude chai hoye yay yanra smrititey nayabichar korechen, tander shapath, amake sakshi rakhun devadaru gach theke aguner kannar moto jane rekho amar bhalobasa amar sathe pude jabe amara anantakal benche thakab karan er cheye bhalo bhalobasa ar hai na amar opare ishara kare, er cheye bhalo prem ar hai na ye kakhano bhalobasa ache
Ҡасандыр һелкенеү триллерында тубыҡландым Мин әле лә уның иҫтәлеген, һәр һыуыҡты эҙәрлекләйем Хуш юғарылыҡтың шул тынлығы менән һуғарылған Аяуһыҙ илаһилыҡтың тәғәйенләнешен күҙҙән ысҡындырыу Әммә һин минеке инең Ниндәйҙер алыҫ йондоҙға ҡараңғылыҡҡа ҡарап Үҙебеҙҙең ни тиклем яңғыҙ, билдәһеҙ икәнебеҙҙе белеү тулҡынланыуы Ҡырағай тәбиғәткә лә, икебеҙгә лә Хыялланғанымды таныным Ниндәйҙер яҡшыраҡ мөхәббәт, әммә яҡшыраҡ мөхәббәт юҡ Минең өҫтөмдә бекондар һәм унан да яҡшыраҡ мөхәббәт юҡ Ул мине ҡасан да булһа яратты, мөхәббәттән дә яҡшыраҡ нәмә юҡ Дарлинг, мөхәббәтте яҡшыраҡ тойоғоҙ Мөхәббәтте яҡшыраҡ тойоғоҙ Ә мин бер ҡасан да ҡараңғыраҡ зәңгәр төҫ яратманым Мин һеҙҙә белгән ҡараңғылыҡтан бигерәк, үҙегеҙҙән Һеҙ, кемдең йөрәге анархия йырлар ине Мәғәнәләрҙән, гарантияларҙан көлөр инегеҙ, шул тиклем матур Хәҡиҡәт тарихтан янғанда Ғәҙеллекте мауыҡтырғыс хәтерҙә тотҡандар тарафынан миңә шаһитлыҡ ит Сидар ағасынан илаған ут кеүек Мөхәббәтемдең минең менән янасағын белегеҙ Мәңгелек йәшәйәсәкбеҙ "Сөнки мөхәббәттән дә яҡшыраҡ нәмә юҡ Өҫтөмдәге шул саҡырыуҙар, мөхәббәттән дә яҡшыраҡ нәмә юҡ Ул ҡасан да булһа мөхәббәткә эйә
Ҡасандыр һелкенеү триллерында тубыҡландым Мин әле лә уның иҫтәлеген, һәр һыуыҡты эҙәрлекләйем Хуш юғарылыҡтың шул тынлығы менән һуғарылған Аяуһыҙ илаһилыҡтың тәғәйенләнешен күҙҙән ысҡындырыу Әммә һин минеке инең Ниндәйҙер алыҫ йондоҙға ҡараңғылыҡҡа ҡарап Үҙебеҙҙең ни тиклем яңғыҙ, билдәһеҙ икәнебеҙҙе белеү тулҡынланыуы Ҡырағай тәбиғәткә лә, икебеҙгә лә Хыялланғанымды таныным Ниндәйҙер яҡшыраҡ мөхәббәт, әммә яҡшыраҡ мөхәббәт юҡ Минең өҫтөмдә бекондар һәм унан да яҡшыраҡ мөхәббәт юҡ Ул мине ҡасан да булһа яратты, мөхәббәттән дә яҡшыраҡ нәмә юҡ Дарлинг, мөхәббәтте яҡшыраҡ тойоғоҙ Мөхәббәтте яҡшыраҡ тойоғоҙ Ә мин бер ҡасан да ҡараңғыраҡ зәңгәр төҫ яратманым Мин һеҙҙә белгән ҡараңғылыҡтан бигерәк, үҙегеҙҙән Һеҙ, кемдең йөрәге анархия йырлар ине Мәғәнәләрҙән, гарантияларҙан көлөр инегеҙ, шул тиклем матур Хәҡиҡәт тарихтан янғанда Ғәҙеллекте мауыҡтырғыс хәтерҙә тотҡандар тарафынан миңә шаһитлыҡ ит Сидар ағасынан илаған ут кеүек Мөхәббәтемдең минең менән янасағын белегеҙ Мәңгелек йәшәйәсәкбеҙ "Сөнки мөхәббәттән дә яҡшыраҡ нәмә юҡ Өҫтөмдәге шул саҡырыуҙар, мөхәббәттән дә яҡшыраҡ нәмә юҡ Ул ҡасан да булһа мөхәббәткә эйә
মই এবাৰ শিহৰণ কঁপাই আঁঠু কাঢ়িছিলোঁ মই এতিয়াও ইয়াৰ স্মৃতি অনুসৰণ কৰোঁ, প্ৰতিটো ঠাণ্ডাৰ এটা হুচ উদাহৰণৰ সেই নীৰৱতাৰ দ্বাৰা চিডেড পশুঐশ্বৰিক উদ্দেশ্যৰ প্ৰতি অন্ধ কিন্তু তুমি মোৰ আছিলোঁ কোনোদূৰ তৰাৰ ফালে ক'লাৰ ফালে চাই আছে আমি কিমান অকলশৰীয়া, অজ্ঞাত আমি জনাৰ শিহৰণ বনৰীয়া আৰু আমাৰ দুয়োৰে বাবে মই সপোন দেখি থকা আকাংক্ষাটো স্বীকাৰ কৰিছো কিছুমান ভাল প্ৰেম, কিন্তু ইয়াতকৈ ভাল প্ৰেম নাই বেকনে মোৰ ওপৰেৰে যায় আৰু ইয়াতকৈ ভাল প্ৰেম নাই সেইটোৱে মোক কেতিয়াবা ভাল পাইছে, ইয়াতকৈ ভাল প্ৰেম নাই ডাৰ্লিং, ভাল প্ৰেম অনুভৱ কৰক ভাল প্ৰেম অনুভৱ কৰক আৰু মই কেতিয়াও গাঢ় নীলা ভাল পোৱা নাই মই আপোনাৰ মাজত জনা অন্ধকাৰতকৈ, আপোনাৰ পৰা মালিক আপুনি, যাৰ হৃদয়ে অৰাজকতাৰ গান গাইব আপুনি অৰ্থ, গেৰাণ্টি, ইমান ধুনীয়াকৈ হাঁহিব যেতিয়া আমাৰ সত্য ইতিহাসৰ পৰা জ্বলি যায় যিসকলে ভাল লগা স্মৃতিত ন্যায় বিচাৰিছিল তেওঁলোকৰ দ্বাৰা, মোক সাক্ষী দিয়ক দেৱদাৰ গছৰ পৰা কান্দি থকা জুইৰ দৰে জানক যে মোৰ প্ৰেম মোৰ সৈতে জ্বলি উঠিব আমি চিৰকাল জীয়াই থাকিম 'কারণ এর চেয়ে ভাল ভালবাসা নেই সেইটোৱে মোৰ ওপৰেৰে ইংগিত দিয়ে, ইয়াতকৈ ভাল প্ৰেম নাই সেইটোত কেতিয়াবা প্ৰেম আছে
Մի անգամ ծունկի եկա՝ ցնցելով հուզմունքս Ես դեռ հետ��պնդում եմ դրա հիշողությունը, ամեն մի ցրտից Խշշում էր այդ լռությունը հըշշոտ վեհ Կոյր՝ ի նպատակի, որ Աստված դաժան Բայց դու իմն էիր Սեւության մեջ նայելով ինչ-որ հեռավոր աստղի Այն հուզմունքը, որ իմանում ենք, թե որքան մենակ ենք մենք, անհայտ ենք Դեպի վայրին եւ երկուսիս Խոստովանեցի այն կարոտը, որ երազում էի Մի քանի ավելի լավ սեր, բայց չկա ավելի լավ սեր Բեքոնս ինձանից վերեւ եւ չկա ավելի լավ սեր Որ երբեւէ սիրել է ինձ, չկա ավելի լավ սեր, Սիրելիս, ավելի լավ սեր զգացիր Զգացեք ավելի լավ սեր Եվ ես երբեք չեմ սիրել ավելի մուգ կապույտ Քան այն խավարը, որ իմացել եմ քո մեջ, սեփականը քեզնից Դու, ում սիրտը կերգեր անարխիայի Դուք կծիծաղեիք իմաստների, երաշխիքների վրա, այնքան գեղեցիկ Երբ մեր ճշմարտությունը վառվում է պատմությունից Նրանց կողմից, ովքեր արդարադատություն էին մտածում, որ սիրում են հիշել, վկա՛ր ինձ Ինչպես մայրի ծառից լացող կրակը Իմացիր, որ իմ սերը կայրեր ինձ հետ Մենք հավերժ կապրենք «Քանի որ չկա ավելի լավ սեր, Որ իմ վերեւն է կանչում, չկա ավելի լավ սեր, Որ երբեւէ սեր ունի
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gerthymuses · 8 months ago
meet bradfort sonnet, the bartender ; closed*
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𝒅𝒐𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒆𝒓 ;
em um universo de pessoas expansivas e que pretendem dominar o mundo, bradfort surgiu para quebrar esse padrão, pelo menos no grupo em que conviveu.
natural de moonmouth, sempre foi um garoto com sentimentos, expressões e opiniões muito fortes, mas isso não o colocava no radar de ditador de narrativas, muito pelo contrário, sua paixão era ficar por trás delas, apenas observando.
fosse em casa ou nos ambientes em que frequentava, sempre estava próximo em presença física e distante em pensamento. cultivar o silêncio não era um martírio, muito pelo contrário, escutar o que os outros falavam era uma dádiva que poucos podiam aceitar — quem é que, nos moldes que o universo gira, prefere dar atenção do que recebê-la? bom, bradfort prefere.
e foi assim que sempre esteve envolvido nos principais grupos do colégio, na banda de garagem dos amigos e no topo das notas do ensino médio ao mesmo tempo. escutar, aprender e transformar tudo o que ouviu em conhecimento, este era o seu lema.
quando conseguiu uma bolsa de estudo em cambridge, não pensou duas vezes em ir para lá, tornando a inglaterra o seu novo lar, mas com muita saudade do que deixou para trás.
a formação em literatura inglesa dava a ele a liberdade de mergulhar de cabeça nos livros, bem como fazer o que descobriu amar: ensinar. de crianças a adolescentes, ser professor de literatura se tornou um gosto particular e que lhe dava a vida confortável que sempre sonhou.
tempo para ensinar, tempo para viver, tempo para amar. ainda nos tempos de universidade, conheceu uma garota especial, mas com quem não tinha muitos laços. era bom ter a companhia de alguém agradável e que também não o monopolizava — sonnet sempre prezou muito pela sua individualidade.
o tempo passou e entre saídas, bebidas e muita diversão, a gravidez foi descoberta e ele não teve dúvidas em assumir a responsabilidade, afinal, era o pai, certo? errado. depois de três anos cuidando, vivendo e realizando tudo em função de ava, a sua filha, a paternidade verdadeira foi descoberta — um outro ficante que a mulher tinha na época.
a traição não existiu, mas o sentimento de ser passado para trás sim. como num piscar de olhos, a casa que construiu já não parecia mais confiável e teria que abrir mão do seu bem mais preciosos por leis. estava proibido de ver a filha, ou melhor, a menina que não era dele.
num ato impensado e em que considerou apenas a dor dilacerante em seu peito, fez a viagem anual para moonmouth para ver os pais, desta vez sozinho e ficou.
entre a dor de estar perto da pequena e não poder vê-la ou a distância de oceanos, bradfort prefere a distância. abandonou as aulas de literatura, alugou um apartamento no clover e é bartender na boate para sobreviver.
se antes a quietude era sua melhor amiga, se transformou ainda mais; fazendo pontuações sucintas apenas quando necessário e transformando o seu silêncio em um sofrimento pessoal.
é agradável, amigável e bem sociável, como podem ver no clube do livro que montou na livraria local, aberto para quem queira participar. fora dali, cultiva poucas amizades e quase não é visto fora de casa em seus dias de folga.
𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒔 ;
nome. bradfort sonnet. apelido. brad. gênero. homem cis. pronomes. ele/dele. orientação. heterossexual. idade. vinte e sete anos. mapa astral. pisciano. cidade natal. moonmouth. ocupação. bartender. faceclaim. zayn malik.
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savefilescomng12 · 9 months ago
Why Does Imogen Want to Help Adilah in The Veil? (SPOILERS)
The clue we think Adilah leaves behind in the library only further fuels the ideal that she is an ISIS commander.
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Source: FXWarning: This article contains spoilers for Episodes 1 and 2 of FX's The Veil.When it comes to finding out someone’s true identity, British M16 agent Imogen Salter (played by Elisabeth Moss) in The Veil is undoubtedly the woman for the job. She gets recruited to safely transport Adilah El Idrissi (played by Yumna Marwan) from one refugee camp to the next and unveil her true identity in the process. However, Imogen goes rogue and abruptly knocks her fellow agents off her trail. Apparently, it isn't the first time she’s gone off the grid.Article continues below advertisementArticle continues below advertisementWith Adilah possibly covering up her true identity, which many believe to be Djinn al Raqqa, an ISIS commander with a substantial amount of blood on her hands, why is Imogen putting her career and life in jeopardy to keep her alive?
Why is Imogen helping Adilah in ‘The Veil’?
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Source: FXImogen believes Adilah is, in fact, Sabine al Cabas, aka Djinn al Raqqa, a 15-year veteran ISIS commander — and she’s prepared to go to any length to prove it. In an attempt to live up to her reputation in the mission control business, Imogen has made it her duty to unveil Adilah’s identity, but she’ll need to keep her alive to do it.Article continues below advertisementWhile it’s unclear what deterred Imogen from the initial path she and the French DGSE laid out (perhaps she has her own secret agenda or is part of an unknown agency), she hasn’t abandoned the mission.Even after the CIA confirmed to Malik Amar (played by Dali Benssalah) and his colleague that the young girl’s hair sample matched that of Adilah, “proving” Adilah is who she says she is, Imogen is still convinced she’s dealing with one of the most wanted women in the world. But, in order to uncover the truth, she decides to keep her enemy closer, even if it requires personal sacrifices.Article continues below advertisement
Is Adilah really an ISIS commander?
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Source: FXDespite the CIA’s failed attempt at connecting Adilah to Djinn el Raqqa using a hair sample collected from the girl presumed to be her 10-year-old daughter, Imogen is convinced she’s a high-ranking member of ISIS. And Adilah’s suspicious behavior seems to corroborate this.Just after Imogen makes the abrupt decision to travel toward Istanbul, veering away from her original destination, Adilah jots down the phone number that keeps ringing on Imogen’s phone on the windshield of the vehicle.Article continues below advertisementThere’s also the clue Adilah appears to leave behind in the library book she calls “the book of surprises” which centers around devils and shapeshifters, a term once used to describe her. While it seems odd that Adilah leaves behind a hand-drawn map for a suspicious man to come and collect. She hasn't made contact with anyone aside from her daughter. It's also odd that Imogen comes across a familiar book, Shakespeare’s Comedy of Twelfth Night or What You Will. Did she also leave behind or gather a clue from the library or is it all just a coincidence? Or, did she leave behind the map in Adilah's favorite book?Both the CIA and French DGSE conclude at the end of Episode 2 that Adilah, a woman from Paris seemingly involved with ISIS, isn't deemed as threatening as Sabine. However, there's still a chance Sabine may have adopted Adilah’s identity and is using it to get closer to her next targets. Source link Read the full article
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nijjhar · 1 year ago
Punjabi - Christ = Satguru Amar Dev Ji describes the Fates of Munnmukh, ... Punjabi - Christ = Satguru Amar Dev Ji describes the Fates of Munnmukh, Mammon, Greedy and Gurmukh, God-Orientated.person. https://youtu.be/lLqb54UVhAc ਸਲੋਕੁ ਮਃ ੩ ॥ ਨਾਨਕ ਨਾਵਹੁ ਘੁਥਿਆ ਹਲਤੁ ਪਲਤੁ ਸਭੁ ਜਾਇ ॥ ਜਪੁ ਤਪੁ ਸੰਜਮੁ ਸਭੁ ਹਿਰਿ ਲਇਆ ਮੁਠੀ ਦੂਜੈ ਭਾਇ ॥ ਜਮ ਦਰਿ ਬਧੇ ਮਾਰੀਅਹਿ ਬਹੁਤੀ ਮਿਲੈ ਸਜਾਇ ॥੧॥ ਮਃ ੩ ॥ ਸੰਤਾ ਨਾਲਿ ਵੈਰੁ ਕਮਾਵਦੇ ਦੁਸਟਾ ਨਾਲਿ ਮੋਹੁ ਪਿਆਰੁ ॥ ਅਗੈ ਪਿਛੈ ਸੁਖੁ ਨਹੀ ਮਰਿ ਜੰਮਹਿ ਵਾਰੋ ਵਾਰ ॥ ਤ੍ਰਿਸਨਾ ਕਦੇ ਨ ਬੁਝਈ ਦੁਬਿਧਾ ਹੋਇ ਖੁਆਰੁ ॥ ਮੁਹ ਕਾਲੇ ਤਿਨਾ ਨਿੰਦਕਾ ਤਿਤੁ ਸਚੈ ਦਰਬਾਰਿ ॥ ਨਾਨਕ ਨਾਮ ਵਿਹੂਣਿਆ ਨਾ ਉਰਵਾਰਿ ਨ ਪਾਰਿ ॥੨॥ ਪਉੜੀ ॥ ਜੋ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਧਿਆਇਦੇ ਸੇ ਹਰਿ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮਿ ਰਤੇ ਮਨ ਮਾਹੀ ॥ ਜਿਨਾ ਮਨਿ ਚਿਤਿ ਇਕੁ ਅਰਾਧਿਆ ਤਿਨਾ ਇਕਸ ਬਿਨੁ ਦੂਜਾ ਕੋ ਨਾਹੀ ॥ ਸੇਈ ਪੁਰਖ ਹਰਿ ਸੇਵਦੇ ਜਿਨ ਧੁਰਿ ਮਸਤਕਿ ਲੇਖੁ ਲਿਖਾਹੀ ॥ ਹਰਿ ਕੇ ਗੁ��� ਨਿਤ ਗਾਵਦੇ ਹਰਿ ਗੁਣ ਗਾਇ ਗੁਣੀ ਸਮਝਾਹੀ ॥ ਵਡਿਆਈ ਵਡੀ ਗੁਰਮੁਖਾ ਗੁਰ ਪੂਰੈ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮਿ ਸਮਾਹੀ ॥੧੭॥ {ਪੰਨਾ 649} GET THESE JATT UNITY BANNERS MADE AND DISPLAY THEM AT THE BORDERS TO MELT AWAY THE BORDERLINE DIVIDING OUR JATTS. Let us support our New Chaudhry Chhotu Ram Ohliyan Pillar Chaudhry Satya Pal Malik Ji. Banners of our Jatt Unity:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/JattBanner.jpeg www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/JattIslam.htm Make 6 x 5 feet banners printed on both sides. Display them at the Border villages or give gifts to our Jatts in Pakistan and India to protect them. Satanic greedy Khatris’ Youtube videos; channel Punjab Siyan:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wr5EqtvA_lg&t=722s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fn3rWg_0X4w https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9w4DezupWngZzx_1wg5prQ Punjabi - No son of Brahma, a Hindu, no son of Parbrahm, a Sikh but Shankar Varniyia Super Bastard Fanatic Devil, a TERRORIST. https://youtu.be/PMMG99nMANk Bhagat Namdev Ji:- Hindu is spiritually blind, Munn Mukh Sikh, Turkoo, is very crafty whilst Gurmukh Sikh, Giani, is sealed to serve God wiser than both. https://youtu.be/GDqOcARj4Po Punjabi - Satguru Angad Dev Ji was the "Kiln" in which the Mitti Mussallman ki, sons of Man were baked. Or the "Ego" of them was burnt making them the most humble Bhagats. https://youtu.be/aMBUhvacOAw WHY TEN LIGHTS? Nanak wasn't a Moral Teacher, a Brahmin Guru but Satguru = Christ of the highest order that Preaches the Gospel to one's mind, Munn, Nafs, etc. https://youtu.be/HquVBRjtXF8 www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/tenlight.htm Punjabi - Nirmallae Sants learnt the Scriptures from Kanshi and then, they Preached the Gospel. They do not handle money or they are the sons of Satan. https://youtu.be/chiRrKtEqLg Much more on my website:- http://www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/UnitedJatts.htm Punjabi - Taliban - Al-Djmar Al-Aksa is best defeated by the tribal sons of Man and not by the guns. https://youtu.be/1dDW3SapKWE NAHI TO LALLON NAE AAP KAA DAMM BANDH KRNA HAE; KALI JHANDI LAGWA DO LALLON KAE. Youtube video in Punjabi:- https://youtu.be/QJLnbgoMMkM     http://www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Chhotu.pdf Playlist for our Jatt Unity:-  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0C8AFaJhsWwfWhnrV1UKKbBJNCbYjqI3 PAEHLAE APNAE JISUM KAE BAAP, KACHA PEO – BEEJ – KO PAHCHANO – BRAHM KAE BAETTAE; PHIR AAP KO PAKKAE ROOH DAE PEO ELOHIM, ALLAH, PARBRAHM, ETC. KI KHABRAE HOSHH AUR SAMAJHH AAYE GEE. HAMAARI QOM, JAATI, KABEELA, ILAH, VAGAERA “SIRF JATT” HAE AUR MAZHAB AIK KAMEEZ KI TAREH/NEAYAN HAE. MAZHAB BADLA JAA SKTA HAE LAIKANN HAMARI JATT QOM NAHI BADLI JAA SAKTI. Why did you vote for parties other than your own tribal Party Jatt? Your house belongs to your Jatt father and so the land, then that should be looked after by your political father Jatt? And not these thieves and robbers BJP, congress, communists, Akali Dal, Muslim league, etc., the Shankar Varniye super bastard Chor; Bhagat Kabir Ji's Poem Ikk Chor Naroee...... Did they use a Birshi to take over you, your family and your properties? No, but sweeter than honey KOORR KUFFAR - SHARM DHARM DOAE SHAPP KHALOYE; KOORR PHIRE PARDHAN WAE LALO. KOORR DOBAE POOR AS IN THE PARTITION AND 1984 sectarian SHANKAR VARNIYAE riots. To survive and live in Peace, you need to be the sons of your tribal fathers, Ilahs and such sons of Man, BANDAE DAE PUTTAR knows our merciful Supernatural Father Al-ilah - AWALL ALLAH NOOR OPAYIA; KUDRATT DAE SABHH BANDAE. NOOR ALLAH DAA KUDRATT KHUDAE DI. Get a musician who could sing the Slok of Bhagat Kabir Ji and explains it as he sings. Let the Film studios produce films of this singer. Be sons of your tribal father "Jatt" and not the super bastard Hindu, Sikh or Muslim Qom as these Lalas did form soon after the death of our Jatt Qom Pillar Ch Chhotu Ram Ohlyan; the three Lalas; Lala Gandhi, a Bania, Lala Tara Singh Malhotra Khatri and Lala Mohd. Ali Jinnah, a Babla Bhatia and we Jatts killed each other fanatically.   My ebook by Kindle. ASIN: B01AVLC9WO Full description:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Rest.htm Any helper to finish my Books:- ONE GOD ONE FAITH:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/bookfin.pdf and in Punjabi KAKHH OHLAE LAKHH:-  www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/pdbook.pdf Very informative Channel:- Punjab Siyan. John's baptism:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/johnsig.pdf Trinity:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/trinity.pdf
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