aceveria-art · 5 years
llap115-reblogs replied to your post  “pining draco fic recs anyone? i’m sad and i need a good dose of pining...”
have you read "All Life Is Yours To Miss" by saras_girl? there's also a podfic, so you could art while listening 💚 it's all from Draco's POV, hogwarts!profs both of them. there are quite a few additional stories set in this universe.
@llap115-reblogs yes i have! man i used to read a lot of saras_girl back in the day! and by back in the day i mean 2015 (i showed up fairly late to drarry lmao.) i actually drew something inspired by their fic “chase the wind” that year. i drew it with my finger on my ipad on a cursed drawing app that shall not be named and it was..something LOL. maybe i’ll redraw it someday~
!!!!! i’ll have to listen to the podfic sometime! i usually don’t listen to audio i’m not familiar with because i have a bit of trouble absorbing auditory information, but it might be okay since i’ve read the fic before c: thank you for the rec!
malfoygurl replied to your post “pining draco fic recs anyone? i’m sad and i need a good dose of pining...”
[insert 6 separate replies with a shit ton (metric) of pining draco fic recs here and will be listed under the read more. this is my text btw not malfoygurl’s]
@malfoygurl​ you are a hero and a scholar thank you for all the pining draco fic recs! i don’t think i’ve read any of these but now i have a whole library~ 
oh, and to anyone else who might want to read these, i don’t know what the ratings/warnings/tags are so if you have any squicks/triggers, remember to check for those!
malfoygurl’s pining draco fic recs:
From the Frying-pan, into the Fiendfyre by Lori FanFic Protecting Your Own by drarryisgreen The Thread Through the Labyrinth by mindabbles Love is a Many-Tentacled Beast by kalime80 Breaking Curse The Old Fashioned Way by hanyou_sensei What Malfoys Don't Do by Lady_Slytherin Only A Week by okydoky The Wrong Sort of Christmas by aj_socks Inhibitions by Athy Learning to Breathe by okydoky A World Without You by bikini-monster One April Night by venis_envy Dear Harry by hollow nightmare Under His Hands by skinnyrita Rediscovering Joy by sassy_cissa One Week by sly severus Keep It Simple, Stupid by lomonaaeren The Shoemaker and the Elves by icmezzo Your Hand Upon My Chest by kayladie Collect Your Courage by mervab Dear Father Christmas (The Boy Done Wrong Again) by thusspakekate Everything But The Kitchen Sink by frayach The Pocketwatch Chronicles by themostepotente The Ties That Bind by phoenix_writing Faerie Lights and Brandy by bsmog Something More by thusspakekate Erised Stra Eh by whitlock-masen A Song, Incomplete by rurounihime University by mariel nightstalker It's a Love Story by quirkquirk Frost on a Park Bench by saras_girl Dragonchik FireWorks by sara holmes How to Handle an Enemy series by who_la_hoop Draco Malfoy, Animal Whisperer by icicle33 Ruck Me, Maul Me, Make Me Scrum by vix_spes A Pocket Full of Posies by gryffindorj Malfoys Don't Get Jealous by icicle33 We'd Never Have to Wonder by fantasyfiend09 No Regrets by torino10154 Long Time Coming by charlotte sometimes (charlottechaos) Seeing the Stars by nessbess If at First You Don't Succeed by HarleyD Storm in a Teacup by faithwood The Consequences of Contradiction by boxxx Things We Lost in the Storm by b00kaddict Canned Heat by akahannah Lotus-Eyed One by jakuako Surreptitious by stillaseeker Pocket Full Of Starlight (Never Let It Fade Away) by femmequixotic & noeon Stalking Harry by thusspakekate For What Ails You by cassie_black12 My Own Worst Enemy by dysonrules Back in the Cupboard by oldenuf2nb Project (or Curse?) by envy_venis Peeking Behind the Curtain by calrissian18 The Way Down by lettered Elemental by sesheta_66 In/Sight by celandineb Out From Under by _pinkchocolate Draco's Kidnappers by plotting_pen The Weight of Eternity by venis-envy The Deal by secret koko 'Twixt the Sun and Sward by novembersnow The Living Half by maab_connor
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missymallow · 5 years
Hi.. are you okay ? ur stories are magical, u know ? can't help but come back here & read ur fics. All of them are my favs, but i love james and scorbus adventure more. I just want to say, thanks for writing these beautiful stories. I'm so happy and never get bored reading ur fics. Also, thanks because you inspire me to write my own story. From so many authors, you are the one who make me want to write again. thank you and please take care. I hope you always be happy whereever you are >_<
Malfoygurl, you have my attention. Thank you for always supporting me and for reading my stories. I am getting better now, I am still recovering but I am doing much better now! I am touched to know that I had inspired you to write your own stories, don't forget to share it with me if you decided to post it online! I can't express in words on how much I am thankful to know you have reached me out every time and I am glad I can write to you now. You can always message me if you want! Thank you, dear! much love and please take care of yourself too!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
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drarryspecificrecs · 4 years
Hello, hoping you can find this fic for me. It’s a mpreg Draco fic where he works at St. Mungo’s but is assigned menial tasks. I also remember him eating and sharing his lunch with Gilderoy Lockhart. Thank you so much ! x
Hi nonnie~ I haven’t read this fic so I hope my lovely followers can help you :)
ETA: Thank you for your help, @malfoygurl ♥
Questionable Tarts: A Life after Living by @wellhalesbells [T, 15k]
▶ Draco supposes he shouldn't be surprised when Potter shows up on his doorstep.   ~ 2012.11
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una-png · 4 years
Tag Game
Tagged by @nourix-png (Thank you! 💚 ) to answer 10 questions and tag 10 followers you’d like to know more!
Name: Una! 🌻✨
(So my mom wanted to call me this but since it’s an unusual name in my country, they told her id be prone to bullying or smth? They didn’t allow it, so now I go by it cause fuck the goverment i guess XD
Gender: She/Her 
Sexuality: Hmmm im most comfortable calling myself bisexual, but honestly i dont think too much about labels...  *panics in bi* is my jam tho
Hogwarts House: Slytherin! 
Favourite animal: The Lynx!! And ducks for some reason idk just quack
Current time: haha whats time lol (but its 5:30 AM)
Cats or Dogs: All?? I love cats so much but big doggos make me softtt
Dream Job: Aaaaaaa... i want to be someone who can tell stories? like in movies, games, comics? or Art director? idk man i just want to be happy at this point :’) (I legit have an art degree and idk what to do with it tbh) When i made this blog: Ehhhhh honestly i dont know? But i turned it Drarry only a couple of weeks ago!
Reason for my URL: I go by UnaTuna in my art stuff so i just shortened it XD png just cause why not xD
Tagging: @sultania @smolfelton @veelawings @samyistrying @malfoygurl  (Im sorry if you dont like getting tagged! ;_; dont worry you dont need to do it if you don’t want to!!)
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missymallow · 5 years
Drarry: Secretum Oscula
or: Secret Kisses
Summary: What's better than chocolates in winter? Mysterious kisses, of course!
Merlin, indeed.
That culprit of his.
It has been going on for weeks now. Most of the days he'd catch him on his usual tree, some was when he fell asleep in an empty class but always, always when he was alone. Even so, Harry's favourite would be those days when his culprit was being sneaky like the snake he is, where he'd catch him while he was around his friends. 
It almost gave him a heart attack when it happened to him the first time. He was only a few steps behind Ron and Hermione, content on watching his friends lovingly teasing one another when a hand grabbed his robes and stalled him from walking. He was yanked around, and felt hands on each of his cheeks before he was pulled into a kiss, enough to make him light headed and dizzy. But just like the way he appeared, his culprit vanished in a blink of an eye after stealing Harry's ability to function, leaving him with a heart shaped chocolate tucked nicely in his curled fist.
Read more on: [Ao3!]
@angel-we-are @bubblegum-cuties-blog @pupuyt @theultimateswagon @pandaburr024 @carrameli @anonymousfangirlx @merlins-tits @tschulijulesjulie @senpaiweird @bughug1999 @eaasysarcasm @being-young-and-all-that-jazz @secretlycrazyhummingbird @loves-to-read-fanfic @a-noninspirational-bean @siriuslysirius1107 @malfoygurl @noseboopme
p/s: Took me forever to finish it because it suddenly went 14k without me knowing, and oh gosh! I hope you won't be disappointed! Cheers x
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missymallow · 5 years
Drarry: Albus and Scorpius' Adventure Travelling Back in Time. (11)
“I beg your pardon?!”
Draco can feel his eyes bulged out, staring at Henry astonishingly. He unconsciously raised his hands to put them protectively in front of his chest, giving the older man a stinky eye.
Henry had the audacity to burst out laughing gleefully.
Draco can't say he shared the same sentiment.
“I'm sorry, I shouldn't laugh.” said Henry once he calmed down. “Your face was just adorable. I can't help it.”
“I'm glad I amused you.” Draco grumbled, slightly annoyed.
Henry only lets out a soft chuckled. “Again, I'm sorry but I really do need you to strip.”
Draco narrowed his eyes. “What for?”
Henry bit his lips as he regards Draco, and shrugged easily. “Well, I need to check your body actually.”
“My body?”
“We have a theory that there might be a possibility that curse might've been casted on you since after the war.” Henry explained, as he turned serious. “The healer said that the curse have been slowly poisoning your blood for a long time but we haven't got the real timeline of when the curse was casted.”
Draco turned pale. “Y-You’re meant to say that there's a possibility that- that right now, I'm cursed?” He voice hitched at the end, chill spreading through his body.
“Just a possibility.” said Henry softly, carefully reaching out to put a hand on Draco’s shoulder. “That is the reason why I want to check your body. Properly, thoroughly, if I may.”
Draco felt a little bit light headed as he gave Henry a mindless nod, “Al- alright then.” He shakily breathed, eyes blank as he tried to processed Henry's words.
“I need you to undress, Draco.”
He dragged his unfocused eyes to Henry, brain slowly interpret Henry's instruction. “Undress?”
Henry chuckled, lifting his hand to pat his head. “I know it's a shock for you but you don't have to be afraid, I'm here.”
As if those words were magical, Draco took a deep breath as he nodded again before he slowly peeled his clothes off one by one. He rested his eyes to the wall, occasionally locked them with Henry who simply gave him a reassuring smile, picking up Draco’s scattered clothes and fold them nicely before he put them aside.
Henry looked up as Draco stopped on his underpants. “Do I need to take this off too?” He asked, trying to tame down the flush of red that was slowly creeping up his face. Merlin, but he has never been fully naked in front of anyone before.
“Ah.” Henry grinned, full of amusement that got Draco narrowed his eyes warily. “You can leave those on. You might lose your virginity sooner if you take it off.”
Draco gaped, unconsciously inching away from Henry as he stared at the older man incredulously. His action however, managed to make Henry laughed out loud, throwing back his head and he put his hands on his stomach.
“Merlin, you're such a vulgar. I can't believe I'm going to marry you!” Draco blurted out, slapping his mouth when he realised his chosen words. Henry, bless his heart, only give Draco a coy smile.
“But you're feeling better now, right?”
Draco stopped, and stared at Henry. Blush when he realised he was feeling much better than before - less tense, less anxious. Not that he's going to give Henry the satisfaction.
“I supposed.” He sniffed, crossing his arms together, as he throws his gaze elsewhere.
He heard the older man chuckled, saw from peripheral vision as Henry stepped closer to him.
“Well then, are you ready now?”
Draco swallowed, willing himself to calm down when the sudden words make him feel agitated. “I'm ready.”
“Good. I want you to relax.” said Henry, cupping Draco’s face so they can look at each other's eyes. “Remember, I won't do anything that will displease you. Do you trust me?”
“I trust you.” Draco answered in a heartbeat.
He received a brilliant smile from Henry. “That's my sweetheart.” The older released Draco’s face as he stepped back, pulling out his wand from his back pocket and Draco took a deep breath as Henry pointed the wand on him. “I'll start from your right toe, followed by the left, both of your calves and up till your fingertips.”
Draco nodded, and closed his eyes.
“Do your worse.”
Henry gave an amused laugh before a cool hand touch his right leg made him gasp. A foreign incantation of spells was heard then, as warm magic washed over him gently, making him shivered down his spine. He felt Henry fingers touched every bit of his skin like a butterfly, slowly but surely as he inspect every inch of him.
He savour the warm feeling spread through his body, unaware of the hand that was slowly climbing up his body until he lets out an accidental moans when Henry's hand touch his inner thigh.
His opened his eyes in shocked and looked down to Henry in an instant to see that the older man already got his eyes on him in surprise.
“I- over there, I- I'm sensitive.”
Henry stared at him blankly, eyes turned glassy before he gave a dejected chuckles, and whispered, “I know.”
His voice sounds as if he was in pain, and longing at the same time that somehow it hurts Draco when Henry bowed down to hide his face.
Draco bit his lips, bending down to carefully cradled the older man's face and tilted his head up to face him.
Glassy green eyes focused on grey, and Draco draw a soft smile for the man. “Do you miss your husband?”
“So much, it hurts.”
Draco’s heart clenched seeing Henry's devastated face. It must be hard for the older man to keep on a cheerful facade when his heart was torn open every second he was away from his husband.
“Henry.” Draco whispered, so soft, so delicate that got Henry gasped. Draco can't help but give the man a fond look. “We're going to be okay. You're going to save your husband and I know this because you're here, and you're going to save me. I won't leave you.”
Henry's brow furrowed, his eyes full of intensity that it caught Draco off guard when he was suddenly pulled into a kiss.
He squeaked and closed his eyes tightly, unintentionally tightened his grip on Henry's face. He felt Henry's hand mirrored his action by tightening their grip on his thigh, calluses palm brushing his skin that got him to moan, legs tremble involuntary making him lose his balance and stumbled into Henry's lap.
Henry yelped, a hand automatically wrapped around Draco’s waist while the other quickly dropped to the floor to prevent them from falling,
And that was how Harry Potter found them.
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Gotta love 'Henry' lmao
@angel-we-are @bubblegum-cuties-blog @loves-to-read-fanfic @pandaburr024 @wolfstsrshipper @theoneindenial @hamb0express @hdanalyst @justyourfellowdroog @nin0tchka @heichous-brat @draconianhorntail @merlins-tits @cvtcherinthebi @abstractundefined @chimmiuck @carrameli @birdzzmama @witchy-which-witch @shipper-devil @a-noninspirational-bean @malfoygurl @bblgumbby
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drarryspecificrecs · 4 years
hello! if you could help me find this one fic, I would be eternally grateful: I know it has been written before 2008 and has been translated to russian. the fic itself is about harry who is supposed to die the day he turns 17 (or 18?) and couple months before the universe starts to try and off him asap. draco helps him a few times which leads to them getting closer. its very difficult to search bc I only read it in russian and it's been 12 years at least....
Hi nonnie~ I haven’t read this fic (maybe it’s among this list : #Russian). Hope my lovely followers can help you :)
ETA: Thank you for your help, @malfoygurl ♥
Beautiful World by Lissadiane [M, 70k]
▶ Harry finds out he's going to die on his 16th birthday. He embarks on a journey of self-destructive behaviour and drags Draco along for the ride.   ~ 2019.09
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drarryspecificrecs · 5 years
hiiiii can you help me find this fic please? all i remember is draco asking harry to a dance as a joke and harry saying yes. draco kept trying to persuade everyone that he wasn't gay. it's a muggle highschool au and there was lots of studying together, also i'm pretty sure harry's parents are alive in this fic and in one scene one of them spot draco and harry making out on the sofa. there is eventually smut with bottom!draco and i remember him saying "you've seduced me" thank you!
Hello nonnie~ I haven’t read this fic so I hope my lovely followers can help you :)
ETA: Thank you for your help, @malfoygurl​ & one lovely anon ♥
1. How to Seduce Draco Malfoy by Vulcanmi [M, 34k]
► The only reason he was entertaining Potter’s ridiculous notions was because of his horrid mother. It had nothing to do with him liking the attention.   ~ 2016.12
2. Love Forbidden by BratPrincess-187 [M, 87k]
► This is Harry Potter in a new high school where he meets the very popular Draco Malfoy. Harry wants to get to know him but famliy and school get in the way. Will they ever be together?   ~ 2004.08
✔ masterlist : #non-magical AU
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drarryspecificrecs · 4 years
Hi, could you please help me find a fic? The only thing I remember is; Harry cheating on Draco with Blaise (Draco's best friend) for 3 years, and Blaise's daughter also called him papa Harry.. In the end, Harry returns to Draco.. Blaise indeed has feeling for Harry here, but mentioned that it's unrequited (Harry's obivious to Blaise feelings). Thank you.
Hello nonnie~ I haven’t read this fic so I hope my lovely followers can help you :)
ETA: Thank you for your help, @malfoygurl ♥
Of Sunrise, Idiocy, and the Value of Words by xenadragon_xoxo [E, 34k]
▶ Harry has mucked up big-time, and that’s an understatement. Blaise is a widower and Draco’s best friend, with a young daughter who now thinks of Harry as a parent, and Harry doesn’t how it started, but now he’s in far too deep to be able to dig himself out and cover up the hole in the ground without it being noticed. When Draco finds out, Harry has to attempt to win him back by proving to him that Draco is the only person he has ever and will ever love, before it’s too late. And with the help of his adoptive children and a few friends, he just might be able to do it. ★ H/D Glompfest 2013
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drarryspecificrecs · 4 years
could you help me find a fic please? it was post war, Neville was in a coma. for compensation, his family invoked a right so that Draco has to carry the Longbottom heir. Draco got closer to Harry during it, cause Harry thought it was wrong. Neville woke up, so the family rejected the heir, cause they didn’t want a death eater in the family. Neville felt bad for it, but couldn’t do anything abt it. think Harry and Draco raised the baby after the Longbottoms rejected it. thanks !!!
I haven’t read this fic so I hope my lovely followers can help you :)
ETA: Thank you for your help, @malfoygurl ♥
Practicing the Same Religion by geoviki [M, 18k]
▶ Harry thought he knew how far Draco Malfoy would go to save his family, but nothing could have prepared him for what he would witness this time. ★ Merry Smutmas 2005
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drarryspecificrecs · 5 years
Hello, sorry to bother. Can you please recommend me fics o a tag with Draco as a cat or little kitten? Ether by a spell or animagu Thank you very much
Here, nonnie: #cat  |  #kitten
ETA: Thank you for your fic recs, @malfoygurl ♥
As The Catboy Purrs by Byaghro [T, 9k]
Assalto di Gioia by auroraprimavera [E, 33k]
Be my companion? by Suika Severin [T, 13k]
Between A Tiger and A Stag by Copper Vixen [T, 65k]
Cat Amongst the Pigwidgeons by Ghyste [T, 2k]
For the Love of a Kitten by littlepinkwolf [T, 15k]
How A Catboy and A Hero Fell In Love by alafaye [E, 5k]
My Nawa Jūjun by @romaine2424 [E, 50k]
Secret Heart by alaana_fair [E, 4k]
Stray by yura_slash [E, 7k]
The fine line between then and now by dragon_charmer [T, 14k]
H/D Fan Fair : Pet Fair 2016
H/D Inspired : Animagus Exchange 2008
✔ masterlist : #animagus
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drarryspecificrecs · 5 years
Hello. Please help me find this fic. Draco went back in time to help Harry win the war. I remember him becoming a werewolf at some point in the story and in the flashback, it showed that Charlie Weasley also became werewolf but he died. Hope you can help me find this fic!
Hi nonnie~ I haven’t read this fic (maybe it’s among this list : Time travel). Hope my lovely followers can help you :)
ETA: Thank you for your help, @malfoygurl ♥
Everything's Different, yet Everything's the Same by cleo4u2 [M, 170k+]   *WIP?
What would you do to save the love of your life? Even if that love may never be returned? Draco Malfoy will find out he will do anything to keep the man he loves alive after he's sent back in time.   ~ 2016
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drarryspecificrecs · 5 years
Hello. Please help me find this fic. Harry was in a coma and Draco was I think imprisoned in Azkaban. And when Harry woke up, he was curious when he found out about Draco's situation. Turns out Draco and Harry were actually friends from the beginning and they planned to write a book about what really happened in their school days. I also remember Lavender appeared in the fic and she told the story about the troll when they were in first year. I hope you can help me find this fic!
Hi nonnie~ I haven’t read this fic so I hope my lovely followers can help you :)
ETA: Thank you for your help, @malfoygurl ♥
Irreversible by MansiJain [E, WIP]
Draco was the one who had defeated lord Voldemort every year at Hogwarts behind Harry's face and sacrificed everything for him. Yet he's sentenced to 10 years in Azkaban after the war in absence of Harry, Albus and Severus. 6 months into the imprisonment they wake up from the magical coma and free Draco. Together Harry and Draco write books on 'How Draco defeated the dark lord wearing his husband, Harry Potter's face'.   ~ 2018
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drarryspecificrecs · 5 years
Hello! Please help me find this fic! It's actually a crack fic. I remember that Draco hit Voldemort with something because he stepped on Draco's firebolt and Harry was also there. There was also a scene where they found out that Lucius was actually dealing with muggle porn. Then they went back to Hogwarts and suddenly, everyone likes Draco. Hope you can help me find this fic!
Hi nonnie~ I haven’t read this fic so I hope my lovely followers can help you :)
ETA: Thank you for your help, @malfoygurl ♥
The Undeserved Hardships of Draco Malfoy by Bullied [T, 88k]
It was all an accident, helping that annoying Potter! But now the wizard extraordinaire, Draco Malfoy, is in a bind. He’ll need all of his intelligence, his wits, his looks and his sneers just to make it through Hogwarts!   ~ 2007.07
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drarryspecificrecs · 5 years
Hiii, please help again senpai !! A little oneshot, I think. Harry was a captive in Malfoy Manor and Lucius instructed Draco to watch over prisoner!Harry. There was a letter Lucius left for Draco before going off somewhere with instructions on what to do with Harry. Draco misread "kill him" for "kiss him"... which Draco obediently carried out to the letter.
Draco was all “Stand still damnit! Daddy says I must and Daddy gets what Daddy wants!” and Harry was all “Do. Not. Want!”. They kissed and Harry changed from “Huh, its not as wet as Cho’s” to “Malfoy taste good!” while Draco remained oblivious and stubborn and all “We should kiss some more because I’m obviously supposed to suffocate you with kisses!” Thank you in advances >_
ETA: Thank you for coming back to share the fic, @malfoygurl ♥
Kill Him? I Though You said Kiss Him! by Sailor Simba [T, 1k]
Lucius Malfoy, Voldemort’s right-hand wizard, fancies fancy handwriting; his son fancies it’s too difficult to read. Sometimes, a few small letters make a big difference.   ~ 2005.04
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drarryspecificrecs · 5 years
Please do you or your followers know this fic? All I can remember is Harry and Draco get married but it is so Draco can run the business side of the Black Estate. It turns out they fund orphanages and many things. Neville was also in the story, he ran his estate and there was a Wizingamot vote. I thank you for any info!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️
Anon #1: Hi!! I'm looking for a fic where Draco wants him and Harry to get married to strengthen their inheritances/families? And Harry only wants to marry him to have sex with Draco? Neville was also there somewhere. Thank you so much! xx
ETA: Thank you for your help, @saysaraelle  @malfoygurl ♥
Appallingly Wrong and Irreparably Broken by @tessacrowley [M, 27k]
Everything in Harry’s life is pretty terrible, all things considered. His life is an endless cycle of crippling self-hatred and bitter sarcasm. So when Draco Malfoy comes sauntering back into it, sharp as a tack and twice as fit as he has any right to be, the only comfort Harry can find is that he can’t possibly make it any worse. You know, probably.   ~ 2014.10
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