#malevolent ep 44
zil-street · 3 months
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Arthur got armor and a sword let’s go!!!!!!!!!!!!
I tried to get the same vibe as the season 5 cover art with this one.
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mydirtyvalentine · 3 months
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what an opening to this episode- i have chills and they are in fact multiplying
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no-tengo-ojos · 3 months
I think part of the reason that it’s taken a (very) near death experience for Arthur to openly admit that he loves John (whether that is romantic or platonic doesn’t matter) is because every time in the past where he has loved or has been loved by someone he’s lost them. Faroe died, then Parker and he currently probably thinks that he’ll never see Oscar or Noel again. Arthur believes that he is fated to lose the one’s he loves so has held back from telling John that he loves him to avoid it happening again. The voice Arthur uses to say it in ep 44 is one of a man that knows he will have his heartbroken time after time and that there’s no way to stop it. He so desperately wants to love but fears the consequences.
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genesisguidline · 3 months
*malevolent ep44 spoilers*
arthur said that THREE days passed after his resurrection.
He didn’t have anything on him to eat or drink and I doubt that the witch had anything safe for consumption.
Since the prince was a zombie thing after his resurrection, i think there’s a chance that arthur is now an undead creature that doesn’t have to eat with a possible appetite for human flesh considering the fact that the prince tried to eat him. or at least not human
edit: i know Arthur is a kind of person who operates on spite, but he didn’t even complain a little bit about his lack of food in ep44. Sure a person can live up to about 3-4 days without food or water and perhaps more if they have something non toxic stuff that could be eaten.
But he didn’t seem to feel any hunger, like, at all. He just mainly complained about being stuck underground. Not even a ‘now let’s find us some food’ or whatever after he got out.
idk it’s just feels too un-humanlike even for him
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theworkerofkeay · 3 months
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leoremin · 3 months
"I would have access to it, additionally, you would...aid me in using it however I see fit, and...however I choose to...alter it"
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your-local-wine-aunt · 3 months
yorick:… which am i:D?
john: -_- take a guess…
yeah so this will now live rent free in my head for the rest if my life
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✨Happy Boys✨ 🥰
Loved this moment in ep 44 💕
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zil-street · 3 months
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“If she’s waiting there, for me. To see me again…”
[Close ups under the cut]
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mydirtyvalentine · 3 months
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fellas, the sheer amount of hit damage i will receive when arthur does end up reading oscar’s letter-
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no-tengo-ojos · 3 months
S5 Arthur Lester
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styrofoamdoor · 3 months
"Owls don't eat people, boys"
Ough. Ouhh. oeugh. uhhrhrhghhhggggh. eoeugh. ourgh.
He's taking another chance at parenting
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krogerkryptid · 3 months
Yorick being Arthur and John’s little toddler this episode is a peek into their possible coparenting journey
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theworkerofkeay · 3 months
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Sorry how am I JUST realizing how perfect the lyrics are to this HAHAH
It really is so them
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your-local-wine-aunt · 3 months
arthur lester dies and comes back and after three days he says he has had enough of rest like man???? who do you think you are? Jesus?????
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