#malenia: is still asleep
arx-aru · 1 year
Finlay: i-
Finlay: i would cross continents for you. i would carry you across them. the depths of my devotion-
Elemer: I would stab him for you?
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snarp · 3 months
Official version of the final cutscene:
Lord brother. I'm going to be a god. If we honour our part of the vow, promise me you'll be my consort. I'll make the world a gentler place.
Unlike the Remembrance, the content of the Japanese text isn't significantly different this time, but the tone has again been stripped out. My translation:
Nii-sama I'll definitely - definitely become a god, so - so if we honor our part of the vow, please become my king. …I just… want to make the world kind.
兄様 Nii-sama
When Miquella says "Lord Brother," this is always what they're saying. It's also what Malenia calls Miquella when she apologizes for losing.*
私は必ず、神になります I'll definitely - definitely become a god,
The comma is there to show hesitation, and the "definitely" ("kanarazu" / 必ず) is defensive: Miquella is defending their ability and/or willingness to become a god. With the sentence structure of a panicking child promising an angry parent they'll clean up after the puppy.
ですから、私たちが約束を守れたら So - so if we honor our part of the vow,
Again, the comma's there to show hesitation or stuttering. The connective "so" ("desu kara"/ですから) is characteristic of a nervous person trying to bargain.
(There's no indication of who else or how many people "we" includes.)
私の王になってください please become my king.
They don't say "promise" - too aggressive.
…世界を、優しくしたいのです …I just... want to make the world kind.
They do not say "kinder", and they do not say "will": this isn't a promise, but a justification. As with everything else here, it sounds hesitant and conciliatory.**
The implication of this scene - the defensiveness, the promises, the honorific language, and the fact that Miquella is kneeling - is that Miquella has been apologizing to Radahn for some failure. Most likely, Radahn accused Miquella of being unable or unwilling to become a god, and so of failing to hold up "their" half of the vow, and Miquella is trying to reassure him.
From an emotional standpoint, I think it's pretty obvious what this is supposed to tell us about Miquella's motivations.
"What did Radahn want from Miquella?" is the question being asked here. Freyja asked it at the beginning, and the final cut-scene asks it again, to remind us that we still don't know the answer.
And from a plot standpoint, it tells us this: Radahn's half of the bargain is "marry Miquella and so become Elden Lord". So - by definition - that cannot be what Radahn asked Miquella for.
And whatever Radahn's half is, he wants it first. And, apparently, Miquella provided it - immediately before the final battle, with assistance from Malenia and the Tarnished.
"Figure it out!" says FromSoft. "Tee-hee-hee."
* On losing, Malenia says:
"…Aa, nii-sama …Aa, nii-sama, nii-sama. I'm sorry… Malenia lost…"
Referring to yourself in the third person is basically baby talk. As with Miquella, a lot of Malenia's Japanese-language dialog sounds childish. There's currently no way to know for sure if she was always like that, or if it's part of her post-Caelid mental deterioration… but Millicent talks like an adult.
(Malenia is saying "nii-sama" in "My brother will keep his promise", too - but there, she seems to be half-asleep and mumbling, and can't remember the kanji for "sama".)
** The way Japanese verb endings work, it's easy to accidentally land on a "no desu" (のです) like Miquella does here when you blurt something out carelessly, start regretting it before you end the sentence, and want to make it more polite. In "professional Japanese" classes, you get a lot of reminders not to end sentences that way because it sounds "weak," "pitiful," or "like you're always apologizing."
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katyspersonal · 2 months
Virgin Marika: *lets the fear of cursed power within Messmer get the best of her and abandons him so pwwecious ewwdwee is safe*
Chad Miquella: *holds onto Malenia despite the cursed power within her and even still keeps her in his Haligtree even after she discarded his seal (still sure he'd rather lose his consort than have continent and herself destroyed, at least back then when he was his true self)*
GIGAchad Miyazaki: And yet, despite Miquella doing the "right" thing, it backfired terribly and his Haligtree got rotted :)))) I hate hope and remember this falling asleep kids: all good intentions lead to more suffering 👍
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miquellathekindone · 3 months
The gentle swaying of the cradle echoed throughout the chambers, along with the gurgle of a neonatal voice.
Consort Radagon reached for the edge of the baldachin, gently pushing it aside to reveal the state of the infants in the bedroom Queen Marika had created for them. Infant Miquella's hair glistened in the sparse golden light of the Erdtree coming through the tracery, though beyond making him rest with the same effect it had had on Infant Malenia, Infant Miquella remained wide-eyed towards an uncertain future.
The Cradlesong's Blessing seemed not to have had the desired effect that night.
The Consort held back a sigh, with some fear that the sound might disturb the sleep of the only one who was still asleep at the moment; and slowly made his way to the double crib.
His hands gently touched the carefully carved reliefs in the wood, waiting for the seals to be reactivated by his touch. These glowed golden for a few fleeting moments until leaving the alcove back in gloom, only the illumination of the Erdtree being enough to not be left in complete darkness that would frighten the Infants.
Tiny fingers reached up as if to touch the heavens. Consort Radagon held them down.
Infant Miquella was still awake.
It was strange. So strange that Consort Radagon's eyebrow rose, quietly observing the way the small body of Infant Miquella stirred in his cot, away from his sister's constricting embrace. Infant Miquella slept without a single complaint much of the time, as long as he could hear his twin's heart. It had been an easy decision to let them rest together from the first moment they were born.
Infant Miquella's fingers stirred in his soft grip, like tiny worms, and his golden eyes bore into Consort Radagon's as if promising a future war.
"...Cast not thine eyes upon me, child."
Finally, Consort Radagon released his grip on the little hand, letting it rest on the cot.
"Hast thou truly forgotten me?"
The gurgles coming from Infant Miquella's mouth became more insistent.
Infant Malenia stirred, though she did not awaken from her deep slumber. However, Consort Radagon had discovered some time before her light sleep, and he hurried to get Infant Miquella out of the crib in the same way Queen Marika did. Quickly, with agility. Consort Radagon's hands never dealt with something so fragile, not since the birth of his previous children, but Infant Miquella put up no resistance.
There was something in Infant Miquella's eyes that seemed different.
Consort Radagon cradled the baby against his exposed chest and raised a hand to touch the blond locks that were growing rapidly like the leaves of the Erdtree. The color mirrored that of his mother, very different from the bloody color of the mane of Infant Malenia, who more closely resembled her father.
"Why dost thou not slumber? Doth it vex thee to share thy space with another?"
Infant Miquella's brow furrowed, almost as if he could understand Consort Radagon's words. So stubborn from such a young age. Infant Miquella had been born for great things, just like his twin.
"Ah, thou art merely being obstinate," Consort Radagon muttered. The magic built up in the tiny body of Infant Miquella, a mixture of ancestral blessings and runes of protection, kept the palms of his hands covered in a golden aura that made them both glow. "Mayhaps a song shall aid thee, after all."
Consort Radagon did not have as good a voice as Queen Marika, his usual tone neutral and cold. However, from his throat came a spectral sound that made Infant Miquella's eyes stop searching the shrews for something, preferring to listen to what his father wished to sing.
"...May thy future shine as bright as the Erdtree,
And the shadows be banished from thy path.
O, Lord Miquella the Kind,
Take this song as both a forewarning and as a vow."
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dragon-communion · 3 months
Soooo how are they actually going to address the fact that Malenia is a killable character.
Is she in the shadow realm when she's asleep? Is she still there even if her body dies, like Miquella?
Do we have to tell Miquella we killed his sister?
What happens if we don't do that?
Will there finally be an option to tell Malenia where her brother's body is?
This has the potential to be a really ghastly plot hole, so I hope they did something.
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death-rebirth-senshi · 2 months
Might make my paladin guy get frenzy flamed to save Melina. The thought of undoing that being the stakes behind defeating Malenia and Placidusax, and that after all that you're still alone without even the comfort of the frenzied flame, never really earning her forgiveness, is a lot of fun.
But so to is reluctantly turning away from it all, because she begs you. Going forward, knowing what's to come, too afraid to take the path that will save her but earn you her scorn. "Let me take your hand" and you fall asleep, then wake up alone, the deed already done.
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maranull · 1 year
Hey, I hope you're having a wonderful day. You're always a pleasure to see on my dash. Take however much time you need with this, if you still want to respond.
I was thinking about Malenia again. Specifically cooking for her.
See, my love language is making soup for someone. Cooking for them in general, just making their stomachs fool etc. I just love seeing people eat my food and enjoy it. It makes me so happy.
Any headcanons to Mal's favourite food? How does she react to breakfast in bed? What kind of soup would be her favourite? Any kitchen-related headcanons are fine.
If you like this little scenario you can also write about other characters if you want.
(⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥ thank you for doing this
Hug! Hi hi! My day was a bit meh but got much better writing this. Hope you're doing good too! (~ ̄‿ ̄)~❤ Right back at you about the dash. <3
That's so, so very sweet.
Oh, tiny note for the headcanons: She still has her eyes for this one. Also, we're in the modern AU, but I don't mind rewording it to fit the in-game world if you wanna :)
Fav food:
Hmm... I headcanon that even thought she doesn't have a sweet tooth, she loves honey. So, favourite food... I think homemade bread with honey. Sometimes, when she knows she'll be out of the house for the whole day, she makes a couple slices and takes them with her for the day. She likes how the honey seeps in after a while and makes every bite feel even more sweet.
Breakfast in bed:
She's generally a pretty early riser, so you gonna have to be up at like 4am to manage to catch her in bed with breakfast. But you do!
She's kinda caught off guard and takes her a second to realise what's going on. Then she just kinda stares and doesn't say anything, just looking at you with silent overflowing affection. She asks if its for her and before you open your mouth to answer she drags you down and gives you a long kiss. "When did you make it?" "Did it take long?" "Wait, did you get enough sleep?" "How long have you been up?" <- Some of the questions you get after she releases you and starts eating. She eats with a big smile on her face, the kind you feel she reserves only for you. In the end, not a single speck of bread escapes her.
After the third time you do something like that, she picks up on it, and pretends she's asleep even when she hears you in the kitchen during early mornings.
Fav soup:
Her favourite soups tend to be sour. I'm specifically thinking something like Romanian sour borș but I think she also likes thicker soups, as long as they have some nice sourness in them.
Random kitchen headcanons:
Malenia can't cook for the life of her
Anything that requires any sort of heating, she will manage to fumble somehow
Still, she's an amazing help in the kitchen, as she can chop literally anything, at any exact size you ask her and faster than a Michelin Starred Chef
She likes watching you cook so she'll often lean in a corner out of the way, sometimes silently, sometimes striking quiet conversation
I kinda went all over the place with these, I hope you like them!
And I swear, your scenarios are the most fun to write for. Thank you for this and all of them!!
Btw sorry for taking a bit, work has picked up so I'm generally struggling to find writing time during the week.
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trashingfish · 3 months
More spoilers because I'm still thinking
I keep forgetting that Miquella doesn't desire to become a God. It doesn't fit with his plan of a "gentler world." It doesn't fit his ideals and beliefs. But I think he rejects it after he loses faith in the Erdtree/Golden Order. I think it makes sense if he was going along with it at the time, when he thought he could find a way to cure Malenia's rot. But he lost in faith because he found out it won't help to cure her rot. He had to find his own way.
He also had to strip himself of his flesh to travel to the Land of Shadow. Would this stop him from becoming a God? Or would it not matter? Has he found out a way to stop from becoming a God? Or has he accepted that he can't run from this? His great rune did shatter, but would that completely stop him from becoming a God?
EDIT: Watching through the NPC's questlines and reading item descriptions, it seems more like that Miquella is accepting being a God. He seems he did all this actually to become a God. But he did also discard his Great Rune. I feel like he was going to try to become a God for himself, as before it was for the Golden Order. It was his destiny bestowed upon him by his two fingers, but he has abandoned the Golden Order and their beliefs. Maybe he found a way to fit being God into his plan. I also wonder what happens to him after you kill Radahn. He has no consort, but he's still alive. He has to be. There's no extra dialog at the end of the fight and the whole battle only had Radahn's name attached to it. Oh Miquella, tell me your secrets please.
I just feel like he definitely has a plan and is trying his best to see that plan be achieved.
ALSO HIS ABILITY TO COMPEL PEOPLE IS VERY IMPORTANT. Along with the popular and accepted theory that's he's St. Trina. Which would also make sense if he's trying to stop himself from achieving God status. But I also feel like he could easily get his gentler world with St. Trina's sleep. He could definitely convince people to be put asleep, as it's literally called an ability and the that it makes him feared. It would make for a "gentler world" if everyone was in eternal sleep. I might be making Miquella too evil here, but I'm just thinking.
EDIT: So St. Trina is in the DLC and talks to you. She tells you to kill Miquella because God hood would destroy him. It would be the end of the Miquella everyone knew. She's also called "The discarded half," so I'm still kinda hoping she's related/part of Miquella. She does seem to have some kind of connection with Miquella. She spoke of him as she knew him as well. So either they are connected or they just know each other.
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golvio · 3 years
I am trying to familiarize myself with Miquella and Malenia’s lore to get more of the other side of the story of The Big Fight That Ruined Everything, and I am sensing some Ironic Parallels between Radahn using his charisma to gather soldiers in his little Tough Guy Sanctuary in the desert and Miquella’s creation of the Haligtree and its sanctuary for those abandoned by the Greater Will.
Especially funny/sad is how Miquella seemed to be one of Radagon’s favorite kids, given that two incantations of the Golden Order Fundies were basically a father-son gift exchange where Miquella wanted to show his dad what he’d learned in his studies.
...Miquella was also known for having a nurturing nature, even if he took it somewhat too far with his glamour that charmed people into staying loyal to him. Maybe he’s what Radahn could’ve become if Radagon had stayed with his first family. I still don’t know if Radahn or Malenia shot first in their fateful battle, but if Radahn was the one who challenged Malenia, I’m now very convinced that he was at least a little jealous of Daddy’s Favorite Son, but wanted to take down Malenia despite the ol’ Mutually Assured Destruction her rot promised because beating up an eternal ten-year-old nerd stuck inside of a tree wouldn’t have been as emotionally cathartic for him.
But, also, wow, poor Malenia. That statue of her hugging her brother in the Haligtree just broke my heart. She may not have even known that Miquella was taken when she first woke up. Or maybe she did, and that’s why she was asleep for so long, because despite everything she’d sacrificed and the rot nearly taking over her body and mind, it had all been for nothing.
Like...could the twins and Radahn ever have reconciled with each other? Miquella was trying to work on some way to stop the Outer God of Rot from turning his sister into a bioweapon that would overtake half the continent. Could Miquella have saved them both if he were awake, aware, and not being experimented upon by Mohg? Could he and his half-brother have found something in common in their caring natures and shared campaign against the Scarlet Rot and have become something resembling friends?
Also, would Miquella have become as tall as Radhan if that unspecified Outer God hadn’t cursed him to eternal tweenhood and stolen his height genes?
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katyspersonal · 11 months
Mending Runes thoughts
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Okay, me and @val-of-the-north smoked a few Scarlet Rot mushrooms and tried to actually analyze the fact that some Tarnished created mending runes on their own (Goldmask, Fia, Dung Eater). ...Okay, not on their own, with our help, but still.
And it actually does make a bunch of sense; after Scattering, Demigods were expected to fix the Elden Ring but they didn't and that is why Tarnished got called upon. So they should have the capacity to fix the Ring of course (not necessarily will happen, Age of Fracture is still a thing). Moreover, it seems that shards of the Demigods should have the capacity to fix the Ring into a new order too as they are adaptive (Malenia's rune rots, Rykard's rune is snakelike, Mohg's is cursed with blood and Radahn's is burning in resistance). But like.... what I did find weird is that all Tarnished that made a mending rune died?
It could have been coincidental with Dung Eater and Fia taking too much physical strain to survive (apparently Fia dies regardless of what we do with D, he just bashes a corpse thinking she is asleep dfshfhs). But what Goldmask dies from? Too much Insight?? Text seems to reflect that too, as it says the mending rune was 'gestated' for Fia and Dung Eater, but 'discovered' for Goldmask (same in Japanese text ( x ), the symbols go as が宿した (resided/stayed/etc) for Dung Eater and Fia and が見出した (was discovered) for Goldmask). So I thought maybe Corhyn could have murdered Goldmask in his disgust and insanity... But then Val said that Goldmask dies no matter what "so maybe he was already under a lot of strain from thinking too hard whether there is the result or not lol" and like... yeah, what if?? OKAY SO-
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This seems counter-productive if as soon as a potential new Lord discovers something actually substancial for Greater Will, they fucking die? Like they can't be a Lord then. Because they're fucking dead. WHAT IF this "system", by default, implied two people to participate, with one taking the role of either sacrifice or simply helping? Maidens exist to turn the golden runes gathered by their assigned Tarnished into their strenght, which might double as taking the strain off their shoulders. BB has a more boldly stated idea of turning the [level-up currency] into power doubling as a relief, but Souls games tend to reuse the mechanics, so... And ideally, if a Tarnished would come up with a mending rune (through physical strain or being too darn smart), their Maiden would help them to survive this discovery with the 'I will turn your principles and ambitions into your strength' 🤔
Soooo yeah... The big problem with this plan s that no one can have a Maiden anymore. Bernahl's Maiden threw herself into a fire, Vyke's maiden would have if Vyke allowed her to - there is a problem of needing to burn the entrance to the Erdtree! But even that aside, nobody in the Roundtable Hold has a Maiden, and our Tarnished never met their own (it could have been the corpse in the starting room). One way or another the intended bond of Tarnished and Maiden gets sabotaged, but if it didn't... yeah, I think Tarnished were NOT meant to die upon discovering a rune to fix the Ring! Unlike Demigods, they just needed help of the powers Maidens have to handle so much strain but too bad can't have shit in the Lands Between (though I don't trust that Dung Eater is missing his Maiden for a sympathetic or accidental reason)
P.S.: Val also suggested that Alberich would be an ideal Tarnished to discover a mending rune himself, since he had some very coherent ideas and aspirations. It did not happen, maybe everyone who focuses on blood and curses goes insane before they accomplish anything *looks at Mohg* , but yeah I agree that he had the potential
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baerryjj · 2 years
Good morning everyone I just woke up for the second time and I had a fucking wild elden ring dream I wanna share . First I was like on this spaceship and I was like woo let's leave this country, and then I saw the Elden Ring manga updated I stopped the entire procedure just to read it. Anyway in this new imaginary chapter they expanded upon Malenias backstory and lore cus she was apparently gonna be the main goal of the tarnished (not becoming Elden Lord apparently LMAO), and I'm her youth she was a water fairy? She was *the* fairy that the blue dancer charm depicts, and the reason she started to rot is because the water in her body went still due to some curse and it began to infect her. As a matter of fact she was the vessel of the outer god of water, then the water went still and it became the outer god of rot. Then it went even further and suddenly she was A MERMAID (probably cus I fell asleep thinking about the little mermaid live action remake💀), for like no reason and I fucking panicked cus I love mermaids. And in the manga they drew her so pretty and they also expanded upon her and Miquella's relationship like I legit started bawling 😭 anyways I woke up and realized it wasn't real so I'm gonna go get out of bed now and think about mermaid!Malenia for the rest of the day
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prismatic-starstuff · 2 years
People over here like Ranni this or Fia that or Melina. And meanwhile, I saw Malania and immediately was like 'Yes my queen' as she ran me through. We come up to her elbow and I was weak. (That also means she's like 8ish feet tall.) Anyway, Can I get maybe romantic headcanons for her? Especially if her S/o is immune to her rot or went with her and her brother to the Haligtree?
Malenia With An S/O: Headcanons
First of all: yes, her partner does come up to her elbow. Yes, she finds this incredibly endearing. Yes, she affectionately calls her partner 'my smaller half.' (No, she means no harm by it.)
Before her rot afflicted her too badly, she would simply lift them in her arms to reach eye level, chuckling softly as she rubs her nose against their own. After, she can still lift them, but it's more of a strain; so she's more likely to bend to their level, hands gently cupping their cheeks.
...if they want her to carry them, she'll do it. She doesn't quite understand her partner's fascination with her height, but she's flattered, and she wants to make them happy.
Malenia is idolised by many; but there's no one she idolises more than her partner. She thinks the world of them, adores every little thing they do; they could do no wrong in her eyes.
She's extremely loyal by nature. If her partner needs to go somewhere, she'll happily follow, gladly be their sword if they require protection on the journey.
She is Malenia, Blade of Miquella, and she has never known defeat; and she is renowned and praised by many for that... but her partner's praises are the only ones that affect her; the ones that bring colour to her cheeks and fluttering in her stomach.
Since her partner is immune to her rot, she is less physically reserved around them than most others; she doesn't feel the need to maintain distance from them in fear of harming them, doesn't feel worried about touching them...
She isn't the most cuddly person in the world, preferring to show her affections through her deeds; it's not that she dislikes cuddles though, it's just her nature.
However, if her partner is the type to enjoy cuddles, she'll happily provide; taking them in her arms, running fingers through their hair as their head rests on her shoulder...
She enjoys holding them close as they fall asleep in her arms at night; softly kissing their forehead, quietly wishing them the sweetest of dreams.
And, although she's a touch too proud to directly ask for it... she really does enjoy it when her partner runs their fingers through her long red locks, when they rest her head on her lap and encourage her to relax for once.
She is a woman of few words, but she's very straightforward about her love, and open about it. She'll tell her partner how much they mean to her and how much she loves them in simple and honest terms, and it's always heartfelt and genuine.
Malenia is an extremely family-oriented person. If her partner shows an interest in helping her to defend Miquella, she'll be so very grateful; will pledge herself to return the favour in any way she possibly can.
Whether or not her partner is capable of handling their own, they'll always have a big tall demigoddess of a bodyguard right there at their side ready to defend them if they even look like they're in danger.
(Partner has had to talk Malenia down on many occasions, assuring her that everything's okay and she doesn't need to fight anyone. Malenia apologises, murmuring that she just wants to see them safe.)
If her partner has any interest in learning to fight, or can already, Malenia enjoys sparring with them; enjoys seeing their progress if they're learning, enjoys being impressed by their ability if they're already a fighter.
After her rot takes more of a toll on her, she'll insist that they don't need to look after her; she doesn't want to put that burden on their shoulders, doesn't want them to think she's weak.
However, if they insist on helping her, on staying with her in the Haligtree... she'll be eternally grateful; will never let them go unthanked for their assistance.
And if they stay with her long enough to see her bloom... she'll take them in her arms and her wings, embrace them with such care, show them her true love rather than true horror.
All in all, she's a loyal and loving partner who'll defend the one she loves to the very last; who'll go to whatever lengths necessary to protect them.
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velvet-apricots · 2 years
some post game headcanons
MAJOR SPOILERS but these are some things about Marika, Radagon, and several other characters in my post game for Fyra.
Fyra spends a painstaking week slowly gathering and repairing Marika and Radadon’s shattered body, and though it would never be whole again, it is in the best shape it has been in a long time. I imagine after this, marika and radagoon both look like a piece of Kintsugi, thier cracks melded together with gold. Some pieces will always be missing, but for now they are repaired as best as can be.
Marika warms up to Fyra a lot faster then Radagon does. Fyra is sympathetic to Marika’s pains and ultimately helps her bring Godwyn his destined full death, returning him to the erdtree to allow his soul to finally be at rest, heal, and be reborn again. 
Radagon takes longer, as he is a fundimentalist and the things this new, perfected golden order says is blashemy, but he warms up when Fyra helps him, Marika, and Malenia take Miquella back from Mohg, returning him to his tree so he may be cleansed of the horrors Mohg inflicted on him.
Because it takes so long for Radagon to warm of to Fyra, the first born chid of the elden lord is born from her adviiser consort, Gideon Ofnir.  Their daughter is named Lyra and takes after Gideon in terms of looks. SHr was a fussy baby for her first few months of life, and the only thing that could make her sleep soundly was falling asleep in Gideons arm as he read some borning old book outloud.
Neither of them are particularly fond of Gideon. He’s a bit rude, a know-it-all, and is very self confident that Fyra loves him the most. but Marika is fond of the daugher he and Fyra have. SHe will often just kneel in the gardens and watch Lyra dig for worms and bugs that all go into a little terrerium on Gideon’s desk to keep him company. Radagon is a little more awkward with the girl but he tries his best.
WHen Radagon/Marika do finally consumate their union to Fyra, she gives birth to a boy with gold hair.  I have firmly decided that this first child is infact Godwyn reborn, cause we need some happy stuff, though the wounds on his soul linger and he has terrible nightmares as a child Ranni, Blaidd, and Iji are all still around, and though Ranni is angered her destiny is once again denied her, she is at least pleased a little that this new age is destined to be a good one. though she does wish to one day have her age of stars. Seluvis is dead cause fuck him lol.
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bombcollar · 2 years
Many years before the Shattering, Miquella meets with his half-brother Godwyn, eager to impress his elder sibling with what he’s learned.
This was originally written just to test out character dynamics/a voice for Miquella for future writing, but I thought it was pretty fun and people might enjoy reading a relatively chill domestic piece. for reference malenia and miquella are teenagers or whatever the demigod equivalent is.
There’s a soft knock at the door, metal rapping on wood. Miquella sits bolt upright, accidentally tearing the page of his book where it’d stuck to his cheek. Had he fallen asleep at his desk again? Frowning, he tries to smooth the wrinkles from the torn page. Maybe he could glue it back in and nobody would notice. “Yes?”
“Godwyn is going to be here soon, and mother wants us both to be ready to greet him. Are you still in bed?”
Malenia, up bright and early as always. Miquella looks down at his desk, at the alchemy tome spread open before him, surrounded by notes and sketches, diagrams of helix-shaped instruments. He’d felt like he was on the edge of a breakthrough last night, but at some point he’d passed out and now he couldn’t make heads or tails of where he’d left off. “No, I’m awake.”
His chest tightens a bit at the mention of Godwyn’s visit. That was today? His elder brother dropped by so rarely; was there anything Miquella had accomplished that was worth showing him? He felt like he’d made almost no progress at all since the last time, but there was one thing he’d been working on, keeping secret even from Malenia. Something that was sure to impress.
“Well, get down here, then, what are you waiting for?”
“Not everybody gets up at the crack of dawn, Mal.”
He hears Malenia give an amused scoff, and the sound of her retreating footsteps. Miquella slides off his chair and goes to his mirror, grabbing a comb and smoothing out his braids, which had come partially undone. He could easily braid his own hair, but mother would probably take them out and do them herself for such a special occasion. The dark circles under his eyes are dramatically out-of-place on such a youthful, cherubic face, but he couldn’t do anything about that in the moment.
Miquella dresses himself in a clean tunic, one of his fancier ones with floral gold and green embroidery on the hems, and slips a bracelet on his wrist, delicate filigree patterned after the water lilies that grew just outside his window. Their stems twine together in a helix pattern. He’d made Malenia one of her own, and she wore it everywhere. A kind gesture from one twin to another in the eyes of most, but to him, an experiment in divine alchemy and arithmetic, hiding in plain sight.
His assumptions are correct. As soon as she sets eyes upon him, Marika kneels, combing her fingers through his hair. There is fondness beneath her chiding as she weaves the golden strands back into braids, and when she is finished, she cups his cheeks and kisses him on the forehead. Miquella beams up at her before she stands, beckoning him to follow her, to await the arrival of his dear half-brother.
It’s all Miquella can do to contain his excitement through breakfast. He swings his feet under his chair as his mother and sister chat with Godwyn about the far corners of the land he’d visited, lands that might one day fall beneath Marika’s rule. At one point Godwyn and Malenia become deeply involved in a conversation about their feelings on erdsteel vs. meteorite as a material for forging weapons, and although it doesn’t particularly interest Miquella, it’s nice to see his sister opening up a bit. She was usually so reserved, playing the part of his stern, unassailable guardian. Still, it’s a relief when the kitchen help comes to clear their plates and Godwyn excuses himself to get some air. Miquella slips away from the table and hurries after him before his mother can ask him why he was so late to breakfast. He finds his elder brother standing at the balcony of the rooftop garden, overlooking the golden domes of the capital city, glittering in the late morning sunshine.
“Godwyn,” Miquella says quietly. “I need to speak with you.”
Godwyn turns, smiling down at him with a fond, if somewhat condescending warmth Miquella was far too familiar with. Not that he could begrudge Godwyn that; most people he wasn’t close with couldn’t help the way they saw him. “Ah! So sorry we didn’t get to catch up much during breakfast. Your sister really has a way of dominating the conversation… What can I do for you?”
“It’s fine.” Miquella glances over his shoulder, but nobody’s followed him out here. “There’s something I’ve been working on. I want to show it to you, but you mustn’t tell anybody else. Not mother, not Malenia, not anybody.”
“Oh?” Godwyn gives him a half-smirk. “Very well.”
“Swear you won’t tell anybody,” Miquella says, his tone suddenly sharp.
Godwyn’s smile falters slightly. “I swear.”
Nodding, Miquella goes on. “It’s an incantation I’ve been developing. I was going to teach it to f- to Radagon, as a gift.” Right, because Radagon was not Godwyn’s father, and even as amiable as Godwyn always was to this side of the family, Miquella didn’t want to go probing any sore spots. “…he’s been very supportive of my research. Even though he’s so busy all the time, he still tries so hard to help me out, and I thought, perhaps this would be useful to him.”
“And what have you been researching, exactly?”
“A cure.” Miquella absently clasps his wrist in his hand, running his thumb across the golden bands of his bracelet.
Nodding, Godwyn gestures to him, sweeping his hand flippantly. “Well? Let’s see it.”
“Yes. Right.” Although this was a very new incantation, Miquella had practiced it repeatedly, until he knew the motions by muscle memory. He raises a hand, positioning it palm-upwards as if he were balancing a plate on his spread fingertips. A ring of brilliant white-gold light forms, spinning rapidly.
“Oho! Brilliant.” Godwyn plants his hands on his hips, nodding approvingly. “What does it do?”
He’s so glad Godwyn asked. Miquella flicks his wrist, sending the disc flying outwards. It slices cleanly through a statue on a plinth before returning to his hand. The severed statue begins to slide free of its base, before crashing to the ground. He looks up to Godwyn, who is staring down at him, eyebrows raised so high they threaten to tear free of his face. “…what do you think? Do you suppose he’ll like it?”
“I… Yes, I believe he’ll like it very much.”
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☕️ + Mohg
(Oh boy. I had a feeling this was coming.)
TW/CW: Discussion of kidnapping; discussion of non-consensual touching; discussion of non-consensual body modification; discussion of child grooming; discussion of trauma.
Miquella's smile was tight and his golden eyes darkened under the weight of decades of torment. A fine tremor seized his hands, and he was quick to grab his skirts to still them, although he soon grew white-knuckled from the strength of his grip. His chest stilled, then stuttered, and then he took a quick, little breath as the need for air involuntarily came upon him.
" I pity him." Miquella muttered, his voice flat and hollow even to his own ears. " I do, truly, despite the revulsion that seizes me whenever I hear his name or smell the metallic tang of blood. I cannot..." He stuttered, licked his suddenly dry lips, and pressed on. " I clearly cannot hide that I remain greatly affected by his actions to this day, and yet...things such as abuse can be cyclical, can they not? Abandoned by Mother in the sewers just for being born, Mohg was alone and uneducated, and the Formless Mother--sensing an opportunity for an unwitting pawn--offered him love and sunk her honeyed talons into his heart. If his beloved 'mother' so formed him into her image, and no one and nothing has shown him the error of such an act, then it is reasonable that he would not see the violation of doing the same to me."
" You do not have to forgive him." Malenia said. While Miquella was doing his best to blunt his reaction, Malenia let her rage and sorrow play freely on her face, with flaring nostrils and lips gone white from being pressed so tightly together. The cords of her neck were snapped as taught as sail rigging, and yet the hand with which she stroked Miquella's hand contained nothing but gentleness and love. " You may understand what led him to commit his atrocity against you, but that does not mean you have to forgive it. You have no obligation to grant mercy."
" I know, Malenia. You have told me such many times before, and I see the logic behind your words." Despite Malenia's attempt to sound cross, the way he melted into her touch belied his true sentiment, and he subconsciously shifted himself until he was pressed against her side. " Yet I cannot help how I feel, and you know my heart, sister; it is hard for me to hold onto anger when it comes to anything but you. Do I feel disgust towards him? Yes. Am I repulsed by the mere mention of his name? Also yes. Yet I...he makes me tired, Malenia. All I feel is pity, disgust, and fatigue."
" And fear." Malenia whispered, voice wavering almost imperceptibly. Miquella shook his head, and--despite being in front of an audience--moved to lay his head in her lap. Some things never changed, even though he now had the body and brain of one in their mid to late tens.
" No. No fear, sister." Miquella muttered, lifting his head up and allowing Malenia to slide her prosthetic arm beneath it as a pillow. The stiff weight was strangely comforting, as was the flesh and blood hand rhythmically stroking his hair, and the God of Abundance--despite the lingering heaviness in his gaze--couldn't help but smile at her familiar ministrations. " Not so long as you are at my side."
The breath stuttered in Malenia's chest, but she made no move to reply, simply kissing Miquella on his exposed temple as his eyelids fluttered shut, the emotional exhaustion of discussing Mohg taking its toll. Sensing his fatigue, the younger twin simply hummed and stroked his hair, waiting until the elder twin was well and truly asleep before speaking again.
" Miquella was supposed to be safe here." Malenia whispered, and even though her eyes were sealed shut by rot scars, it was impossible to not hear the tears clinging to the edges of her voice. " The deepest part of the Haligtree, our hidden sanctuary, our home--the one place in the world aside from Caria Manor where we felt safe. He was supposed to be safe here. It was the only reason I felt comfortable enough to march to Caelid, and while I was gone, that fetid, foul little rat...that spineless, simpering little coward...he took my brother away. He stole his godhood, his body, his very security. He violated him--violated our home!"
Malenia had to abruptly stop and swallow the impending scream of rage before it could escape. Her left hand trembled as it stroked Miquella's cheek.
" Dear Miquella has horrible night terrors on nights where he is too tired to explore the dreams of others." The goddess rasped. " He dreams of being bathed in blood--so much blood that he chokes on it in his sleep. He dreams of that fetid little rat cooing words in his ears and melting himself into his...into his very body. His very blood. All while Miquella was unable to voice his objection or escape. Mohg claimed to love my brother, but all he loved was the idea of him--the fantasy of having a pretty, perfect, golden god that he could raise to be the perfect spouse! I do not care how our mother wronged him as a child. I do not care that he was victimized by the Formless Mother the same way he victimized Miquella. I care that my brother cries in the night, and picks his skin, and scrambles away in panic when a stranger so much as innocently touches his shoulder to get his attention! I..."
Another pause. Another swallow. Another deep breath. Miquella shifted in his sleep, muttering something intelligible, and Malenia quickly soothed him back into stillness.
"...yet I am glad Miquella insisted I let him live." Malenia admitted, and the expression on her face was almost sadistic, cruel little smile and all. " For death is too easy an escape for such a mealworm. One day, when Miquella has ascended to full godhood, he will banish all the Outer Gods from the Lands Between...including Mohg's precious Formless Mother. With her will go his power, his authority, his position, and everything upon which he has built his life and identity. His whole sense of self will come tumbling down like a house of cards. I can think of no more horrifying punishment for one like Luminary Mohg. May he wither and rot.”
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maranull · 2 years
Melina: Cuddling. No matter how much you might kick and turn and sleepwalk, you will find her resting her head on you chest or back. Sometimes you wake up to her gently stroking your hair. She steals your pajamas.
Ranni: Also cuddles but only when she thinks you are asleep. Her natural coolness is extra helpful during the hot summer nights. And during winter you can throw 4 heavy blankets on and still be comfortable. Top tier bed temperature companion. She steals your slippers.
Malenia: Almost seems to not sleep at all, getting in bed far after you fall asleep and always being up before you in the morning. The mornings you find her working out, but one night you pretended to be asleep, you found her leaning to your side of the bed, meditating.
Marika: Kicks and bites and elbow blows. Normally you don't feel them, but there will be the occasional kick to the shin or bite to the neck that will wake you up. Every morning is like getting out of a war zone. Also every morning she insists to kiss your "bruises" so you're not sure if she does it on purpose or not.
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