#malec family my beloved
imagine being tda max and rafe. your parents keep leaving you for days on end with relatives and then briefly reappearing only to leave again and also your aunt and uncle are missing. and then all of a sudden your dad is the president and you’re attending your parents wedding i know my dudes were confused
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anotherlongstoryshort · 8 months
Thanks for the tag @jamiesfootball
Last song: https://open.spotify.com/track/2UCL6SpAhrvlEFvS0TbgNw?si=8bcf77544fc64c25
Currently watching: The Mentalist, most recently.
Three ships/dynamics: Roy/Jamie as per, my fave Malec writer (@notcrypticbutcoy) recently posted a new fic so very happily down that rabbit hole again, and the (platonic, familial) dynamic between Don and Charlie Eppes has been keeping me up at night.
Favourite colour: Blue, specifically Pantone 655.
Currently consuming: Chicken tikka and rice.
First ship: Also done that before so also changing it to Past Beloved Character: My Stiles Stilinski brainrot is due a resurgence. It comes around every 6-8 months.
Relationship status: Single.
Last movie: The Sound of Music
Currently working on: A gift fic for @altschmerzes centred on a hyper-specific The Mentalist/MacGyver Crossover AU.
Tagging if so inclined: @sighonaraa @catalogercas and those I've already mentioned.
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faejilly · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💕
With the obvious caveat that I would assuredly pick five different fics tomorrow, here you go nonny, in no particular order, and attempting to NOT list just half a dozen Malec things just because they are my Hotel California fandom apparently... But I do have to have at least one for them! #BecauseMalec
out of some dreaming tree: Malec Fairy Tale Quest! A Forest That Eats "People" (and other Things)! Weird eldritch and magical lore!
This AU requires absolutely NO CANON KNOWLEDGE and I keep hoping some of the people who occasionally just read my fic for shits & giggles will try it even though they're not Shadowhunters people. But also more Shadowhunters people should also read it, I had such a great time writing it. 🤣
Vindication: M!Shepard/Jack. Did I mention I have a thing for fairy tales? AND ALSO JACK FROM MASS EFFECT? (I'm love her, your honors)
So it's almost more a series of post-game scenes than my usual prose story style (because Jack POV and that's how she wanted to tell it) and Jack's trying to learn the context of kids' stories, and take care of Shepard who is being kind of a dumb ass but mostly just, yk, trying to recover, and Miranda is Brilliant (even Jack is willing to admit it) and I am very fond of it.
souver'inan isala hamin (weary eyes need resting): DAI, Varric & a Dalish Inquisitor, friends vs family vs love... or something like that.
Having Varric be in your party again, having Hawke's shadow from the previous game spilling over your Inquisitor, was fascinating to me. (Especially as Varric & my Adelaide were family but not ever really friends, and family is a fraught sort of thing for a Tethras and a Hawke/Amell.) Romancing Blackwall and trying to be friends with Dorian, being Dalish and Inquisitor, it was just... prickly all the way through. (In a good way, imo.) My Inquisitor was also noticeably older than my Wardens or Hawkes had been, much more self-aware and dangerous in a way that the narrative of DAI seldom let me illustrate or articulate, and while I'm not sure how much of that is clear in the fic, I can still feel what it was like for Erana to despise the world she's going to save because she loves too many of the people in it to do anything else, and I enjoy wallowing in that sometimes.
Solace: DA2, Adelaide Hawke/Sebastian Vael, my darlings, my beloveds
While not the first thing I wrote for them, it was the story of their first meeting, and it meant a lot a lot a lot to me when I finally did manage to let it happen outside of my head. Also Sebastian recognizing the Adelaide/Bethany/Carver/Daryn joke made my day when I wrote it and still makes me smile.
Fine Feathers: Yuletide fic! Book!fic, which I don't do terribly often! M/F Regency Romance
An epilogue for The Quiet Gentleman which is, if you are unaware, a novel by The Lady Who Made Regency a Viable Modern Genre almost 100 years ago, which means it has a Very Specific Style and I was very pleased I managed to capture it. (Also it's both one of my favorites of Georgette Heyer's books but also one of the most frustrating, because the lead couple has like ONE HALF OF A SCENE TOGETHER so I wrote them together more and honestly now I like the original book better, which is some hellishly ridiculous hubris but I don't care.)
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hawkefaery · 1 year
Kolis - A villain or just a name?
I am back rumbling and giving my unnecessary opinion on irrelevant topics.
I wrote this on the Facebook JLA group but it got rejected so it never saw the light (I don't know why lmao) but I remember more or less what I wanted to say and I still have those thoughts so I will share it here but adding a few new thought.
One of the keys writing that is known by majority of people, independently if they are in fact writers or not, is that a writer must show instead of tell. The readers must be shown what the characters have to go through and the characters must be shown pain, love, suffering, etc. Both characters and readers have to “live” the experience for any type of writing to be good.
We all (You and I!! <3) already know who Kolis is, but short and sweet he is the big very bad guy. It was already stated in the prequel of Blood and Ash, Flesh and Fire that Kolis is a strong enemy. He made the main characters go through hell and his name would even anger the gods themselves. But, what is Kolis in Blood and Ash universe? He is a name. Agree or disagree with me, but Kolis is someone the characters were warned about, they still do not know how far he would go, what he is capable of doing, or why they should be ready for him. Poppy, Cas, and the others have not "experienced themselves" how much of a villain Kolis could be.
Isbeth, The Blood Queen
Believe it or not, Isbeth is extremely important in this conversation. Why? Isbeth was a great villain. She was complex and had a background, she was completely unhinged that woman was capable of anything not give a fuck who she had to step on wherever were innocent people, her daughters, or even gods and primals she gave a shit and all because of the love she fell for a piece of shit (Malec) and the hate and resentment she had for Eloana, Atlantia and Nyktos. Isbeth was a nightmare to the characters in Blood and Ash. They were kidnaped, to torture (or beth), they had their entire families killed or the person that meant the most to them killed, they were kept away from the world and hidden away, or turned into a dead-alive thing, they had their people living in fear and hiding for centuries, etc etc. Isbeth? was an amazing villain, she served that role amazingly.
But why do I say that Isbeth is extremely important when it comes to talk about Kolis' role in Blood and Ash? Because Isbeth is the standar. Kolis is the final villan, the last step between the “good” characters and peace. Kolis was a threat to Primals, to Gods, to Drakens, etc, he manipulated, murdered, tortured, kidnapped, lied, etc, Kolis basically bend the world and everyone in it to his will and no one could stop him. When he comes into the Blood and Ash universe he can NOT cause less damage than Isbeth. The reader and the characters have to be given reasons to why say “oh fuck”, Kolis has to having the readers believing that Isbeth was not that bad, that we were not ready, otherwise, what is the point in even having him on the Flood and Ash serie?
Kolis can't just be a name thrown around without any real impact or significance in the story. He needs to be portrayed as a true villain who is capable of causing even more damage than Isbeth did.
Author note: Flesh and Fire might take place in the same universe but both are literally centuries apart and have whole different characters. I really hope Jen will not be lazy in this one and make Kolis the enemy of Blood and Ash too, to explore him and to also creat struggle for the other characters.
I personally believe and also hope that Kolis will be the one to blame for the death of a beloved character. THAT would be struggle for the other characters, that will be something Isbeth have not done, and that will be great to show how far Kolis will go as character, it shows that we should fear for the rest of the characters because kolis is a threat and that is a great villain. The inly question left to answer is who?
(I might make a post about who is most likely to die or something similar lmao I will probably do it)
Feel free to share your own theories with me <3
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
that chapter was so AAAHHHHHH
so many mavid soft scenes ???? Dani you are spoiling us
angry Alec my beloved 🖤 loved the contrast between him being absolutely furious and Magnus staying so calm. i also love that neither of them are wrong, they both did what they had to do in order to protect Max and their family, they just disagree on what that thing was
I hate fights where both parties are yelling and it just goes nowhere (although yes i love the drama too hehe).
More malec later x
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soundingstars · 1 year
Alec Lightwood Verses
Alec will be roleplayed combining the books/TV show together. The books that I have are being reread right now plus trying to get my hands on the rest of them.
Shadowhunter: Alec is the oldest son of the Lightwood family which does put a lot of burden on his shoulders because of the name that he has to stand up to and him being the eldest. He does eventually become the head of the institute though achieving a goal that he always wanted growing up. v: looking better in black than the widows of our enemies
Warlock: Alec is the son of Azazel while his mother is unknown since she did abandon him at a young age causing Alec to be raised by another warlock who found him. He didn’t really have an idea on who his demonic father was until he was able to meet his father once he was a teen. New York became his home though as Alec was well-known among the clients that he did have because of his skills. v: some people are just pure magic  
Warlock/shadowhunter: Alec is the son of Azazel and Maryse Lightwood despite it being hidden on who his father actually is while the truth is only known by Maryse and Robert. There are struggles of trust sometimes because of him being a warlock, he is a good ally though. One who had proven his loyalty over and over again despite the struggles that he had gone through over time. v: all the stories are true
Childhood: Alec didn’t have much of a childhood being that he is the firstborn and the training that he had to go through to become a Shadowhunter. It wasn’t easy because of the family name that he had to live up to. A name that can be a bit overwhelming sometimes. v: childhood
Immortal: After a fight with Magnus, Alexander is killed in battle without having the chance to make things up with his beloved. Two cenutries passed before Alec is given a second chance as life living as an immortal Shadowhunter because of the favors that lead to his resurrection. v: the immortal shadowhunter
Blind:Alec was born blind while it wasn’t discovered until the age of three when he ran into a table causing the scar that goes rests above his eye. It wasn’t easy, but Alec adjusted to being blind learning how to cope with his blindness on his own despite the offers of help that had been thrown his way. He didn’t want to be seen as weak which was why he was determined to learn how to deal with it without any help. (verse will be used with my other verses) v: an eye for an eye
Deaf: Around the age of ten, Alec ended up falling sick which caused him to lose his hearing unable to reverse the damage that had been done. Learning sign language and reading lips came next as he kept to himself most of the time besides interacting with his family and the ones that he was close to. Not many people do talk to him though because of him being deaf. (verse will be used with my other verses) v: my hand is my mouth
AU Verses Malec Verses
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katherineholly · 1 year
'dog days are over' - florence + the machine
The numbers weren't really on their side. There were hundreds per each of them.
But, to his left, stood the twins he had raised. Steadfast and ready, side by side as they had always been. The determination was ever so clear on their faces.
No longer were they young, small, in need of his protecting. They were warriors all their own. They stood beside him as equals. If not greater, even if only in his eyes.
And to his right, stood very short his best friend, Mikah, enchanted hammer in hands.
"He's late. Again." Huffs the halfling.
"As he is, more often than not. I'd believe we haven't the combined strength to get this mess fixed without him, before I believe him on time for anything."
With the masses beginning to grow closer and closer to the bunch, the numbers grow more and more against them.
"Shall we just get on with it then? The missus expects me home. I'm not wasting a stew night over yer dimwit brother."
"Oh, come on!" Pouts Donnie, dropping her battle stance to turn and glare at the halfling she's grown to know as an uncle. "We said we'd hold a family gathering every other moon! You all promised!"
"She's right. We all promised. Including our never fails to be tardy but beloved uncle." Malec adds on, taking the dramatic pause as time to stretch out a bit. His eyes remain on the masses, even as he still speaks. "I know neither of you could survive hurting my sister's feelings. So, shut up, and we wait."
Donnie knew well she had that influence, and used it well to her advantage.
Everyone shut up, and they all waited. Calm, collect, silently watching their enemy draw closer still. Only seconds pass before a flash of light strikes, leaving behind another man.
"Iziah. You're late again. You almost broke Donnie's little heart." He says, a false snide in his tone. Nonetheless, Donnie was pouting at Iziah, and he knew he'd need to do much to make it up to her.
"Endless apologies, but this whole Pure Child thing is a lot harder than the others made it look."
"Excuses." Huffs Donnie, swiftly returning to her position beside Malec.
"Ouch." Iziah mumbles, pulling a whip from his waist, walking to stand on the free side of Mikah.
"We're gonna be in striking distance in seven seconds." Malec notes out loud, pulling his scythe from his back.
"Alright. What's the score again?" Iziah asks.
"Dad leads, Mikah shares the lowest with Malec, and I share second with you." Donnie says ever so sweetly. "Not for long, of course."
"Well, we shall see about that." Iziah smiles at his niece, who smiles at her brother, who smiles at their father.
Elijah's lips skip the smirk. He smiles too.
"Now, now, you two. It's about time as a family. Besides-" Elijah has summoned Crythe to his hand, "Even combining your kills, I'm sure I could still take this."
And as the first enemy arrows began to hiss through the air, the "family" take off together. Two flying ahead with a fire within them to out-kill Elijah. But, hey, it's all in getting them to spend time together.
Even if that time is in the midst of a battlefield, take what you can, when you can, and how you can.
Elijah was just happy to spend time all together. While they still could.
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rainyhuman · 3 years
how i remember the shadowhunters episodes! aka oh boy this got long
season 1
1x01 - the one w the magnus on his throne scene!!!
1x02, 1x03 - eps magnus is tragically not there in (although i remember 1x03 by the weird (read: cursed) camille and simon scenes OH AND the isabeliorn scene)
1x04 - obviously malec’s first meeting (oh and elias, we deserved more of him)
1x05 - ??? does luke become the alpha in this one
1x06 - MAGNUS’ BEST OUTFIT (ok maybe one of them i could never choose one) AND SHARING STRENGTH SCENE AND DRINKS ‘TO US’ SCENE
1x07 - lol is clace’s first kiss in this one
1x08 - oH magnus sees alec training shirtless
1x09 - alec tells magnus hes getting married 
1x10 - TWI MY BELOVED (magnus and chairman and church 🥺💖 also just twi magnus in general)
1x11 - ??? OH incest reveal
1x12 - OFC WE ALL KNOW <3 MALEC’S FIRST KISS OH AND RAGNOR!!! (ragnor is alive btw he faked his death ty)
1x13 - lol jace gets taken away <3 (oh and camille is a bitch)
season 2
2x01 - oof great fight and great apology (SO PROUD OF MAGNUS IN THIS ONE)
2x02 - um?? no clue. OH SOME GOOD MAGNUS & SIMON CONTENT
2x03 - is this the parabatai ep
2x05 - omggg malecs talk on the balcony 
2x06 - MALEC’S FIRST DATE!! also the kiss after the date <33
2x07 - lol malec’s [air quote] first time [air quote] ALSO OMG OMAMORI SCENE
2x08 - oof the party and the drama <3 
2x09 - ??? oh does alec punch raph in this one (no i did Not like that)
2x10 - ohhh boi the one where it all goes down. MALEC’S FIRST ILY OBVIOUSLY
2x11 - ahahah the one where it all starts going downhill! if only izzy had called alec..... if Only 
2x12 - nope. no. idk this ep is erased from my memory (sh writers i think there were many better ways to have magnus talk about his childhood trauma)
2x13 - ohhh This One. some really great magnus scenes. his makeup is So pretty and also his scenes w dot, more about magnus’ history <3 (freddie <3)
2x14 - hMM oh downworld cabinet (OF COURSE THE mr. lightwood and mr. bane scene oh my fucking god)
2x15 - some Good magnus content once again (”there’s nothing ugly about you” SOBBING 😭😭)
2x16 - hmm magnus isnt in this ep, also alec finds out about the soul sword
2x17 - shit goes down... before shit goes down tho, malec have a super super super sweet kiss which i Love and also magnus looks Very Good
2x18 - HMM besides the obvious we get some REALLY GOOD FLASHBACKS and malec’s actual first time <3 
2x19 - some broken up malec....
2x20 - beach fight!! (that is the funniest thing i’ve seen) and “i don’t think i can live without you”!!!
season 3
3x01 - some GOOD communication between malec <3 also pool scene!!
3x02 - ooh warlock party and shenanigans that follow (many malec scenes bitching on lorenzo AS THEY SHOULD)
3x03 - dinner w maryse,,, AND too domestic for my heart to handle cooking scene
3x04 - aaa the “we’ll make it through this” scene (my HEART)
3x05 - ah some malec angst (and alec makes some stupid decisions) and!! one of my fav magnus outfits
3x06 - some more malec angst AND drunk alec and also the whole family dinner thing djfhj hilarious <3
3x07 - malec hug in the institute,,, magnus blames himself for things he Shouldn’t
3x08 - magnus’ outfit in this one <33 
3x09 - magnus is running himself ragged for no reason
3x10 - magnus loses his magic... Yeah. oh and also the last ten minutes of the ep are probably the best thing in the show objectively (meaning, when i’m thinking of the plot and not of malec)
3x11 - oh some magnus angst... APOTHECARY SCENE!! ALSO MADZIE SCENES!! AAAAND “oh you know how we get” 
3x12 - ah ofc the training scene <3
3x13 - oo some good magnus & izzy interaction followed by some good lightwood siblings interaction
3x14 - oh wonderful magnus gets lorenzo’s piss magic and loses his apartment :/
3x15 - magnus... almost dies (also the jealousy scene djfdhj) aND HEIDI FINALLY DIES
3x16 - OOF THE ‘STAY WITH ME’ EP,,, malec’s dance scene and alec crying for the first time in the show (lol one tear) AND ALEC SAYING THAT MAGNUS IS HIS EVERYTHING 
3x17 - some bad decisions are made... (ykw that should be the tagline of this show) and alec almost proposes,,, magnus breaks down (hsj oscar when)
3x18 - the best acted scene in the show... the malec breakup
3x19 - magnus wanders thru nyc because alec forgot he doesn’t have a fucking apartment! OH ALSO MAGNUS GETS HIS MAGIC BACK <3 ALSOOO some flashbacks <333 ugh the lock one <3 crying
3x20 - MALEC GET ENGAGED!!! also the most aesthetically pleasing scene in the show 👌 alec pulling magnus into a kiss (BY HIS LAPELS) with the world burning behind them <3
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chibi-tsukiko · 3 years
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“My beloved Sophie”
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Will and Gideon being the best Dads and caring for their tired wives 🤧😭
Tessa gushing about her kids and family 🥺🤧
Mina Melon is like her Daddy 🥺🥰
“Alastair Carstairs, my cousin” SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP
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And of course,
Jem - there is nothing I can’t do, I defy the laws of all that is good and wholesome in the world- Carstairs. HE IS THE MAN. PERIOD.
I don’t even care about the ghost anymore. Just give me more family domestic softness from Tessa & Malec please and thank you.
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liron-ao3 · 3 years
Kiss the toad
Malec family drabble
Magnus looks from Max to the toad in front of his son and back again. He has called for Alec several times now. His husband would never leave their little blueberry unsupervised.
He lowers himself carefully to the floor and takes in the surroundings. He can't see anything suspicious besides a drop of blue liquid on his favourite Persian rug and, well, the toad in his living room.
"Hey, bluebird. Can you tell me where Daddy is?"
Max smiles from ear to ear. "Ribbit," he says. "Dada ribbit."
Magnus' mouth runs dry. "Did you turn Daddy into a toad?"
The little blue warlock nods proudly.
"Alright," Magnus breathes and fishes for the phone in his jacket. "Hello, Catarina. Code blue. My living room," is all he says when she picks up, and he has just hung up when a portal opens and his friend steps through it. Catarina takes in the scene in front of her and raises an eyebrow.
"Maxwell has turned his father into a toad as it seems," Magnus says.
"Impressive for his age, but you surely can reverse the spell without my help."
Magnus smiles. "Yes, but I need a magical babysitter while I'm doing so. I don't want Max to interfere in whatever I have to do."
Catarina chuckles and lifts the little boy off the floor. "You better put your energy into learning to walk, Max, instead of magic that you don't understand," she says and brings him to his room.
Magnus takes a deep breath. He lets magic swirl in the palms of his hands and analyses both the liquid and the toad.
"How the hell did he make you drink the stuff?" he murmurs and takes the toad in his hand. "I really love you, Alexander, but you should have known better than drinking out of a bottle from my apothecary. Now I have to kiss you, you stupid nephilim. Let's hope this works better than when I tried to wake my sleeping beauty."
He scrunches up his face before pressing a soft kiss to the toad's lips. In a swirl of magic, the animal morphs into his beloved husband again.
"I didn't drink it by choice," Alec argues as soon as he has his human form back. "Why the hell do you even have a potion like this here where little magical hands can easily grab it off the shelves?"
"I liked you better when you were still ribbiting."
Alec chuckles and kisses the pout off his husband's face.
"All the potions I have here only work together with magic. This was simply bad luck, Alexander."
Alec chuckles, obviously more amused than angered by the whole ordeal. "You're forgiven. I just can't decide if we should scold our baby or commend him."
"I think neither. But I will ward my apothecary against his magic. My attraction towards amphibians is limited."
Magnus swirls magic, paints new wards around his workroom. Alec watches him, enthralled as usual, when he has the chance to behold his husband without imminent danger. He's really blessed with this man, even if he sometimes ends up as a toad.
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terrainofheartfelt · 3 years
Your favorite ship + thunderstorm
Just for you, dear, I'll do my favorite TSC ship which is of course, Malec, my beloveds.
Thunderstormy nights in the Lightwood-Bane household are always Events. Rafe, when he first joins the family gets really scared, while Max loves them, and the best way Magnus and Alec find to comfort/entertain the both of them is by creating truly, truly epic pillow forts. Magic is used, cocoa is made.
They all cuddle underneath the canopy they made, and then Magnus will magic a mini-storm with his magic - no rain, but clouds, and flashes of different-colored lightning - small and cutesy. Once Rafe is all smiley and giggly Magnus turns to him and says, "See? Not so scary now?"
Rafe gets over his fear fairly quickly, but then the boys both insist on a fort and a show anytime there is a storm.
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flufftober · 3 years
There's a lot of Fluff ahead of us...
With the survey closed, it is time to look at the results - and be excited about what lies ahead of us 😊
We had 103 responses in the end 🥳
Within those 103 responses, we have
93 writers
2 artists
8 writer&artists (both)
For the artists, we have one ambitious enough to try all 31 days, the others plan to create art for 1 to 10 days.
For the writers, more than half of you (54) plan to create fluffy fics for 1 to 10 days, 18 want to write for 11 to 20 days, and five for 21 to 30 days; 22 of you amazing souls are so ambitious and plan to write for all 31 days... and one is actually planning to write more than 31 fics, meaning some days have multiple fics!! (Dare we say crazy? Yes, it's crazy! We can say that; we know the person who's attempting to do it 😉)
Most of you hadn't started by the time they filled out the survey - but that's okay, we still have time 😊
Now, as for the fandoms and ships we have to expect, the variety is far more spread than we ever expected (or dared to dream of) and it would probably explode this post if we tried to list them all; so only to name a few, we have (in alphabetical order)
911 & 911LS with Buddy, Tarlos, Marcy, Parjan, Judd/Grace
Avatar: The Last Airbender with Zutara
Harry Potter with ... too many ships to count 😂 but it covers everything from the canon ships to the most beloved fanon ships to rare pairs to crossovers (seriously, HP fandom... you're wild!)
InuYasha with InuKago
Lucifer with Deckerstar
MCU with Stucky, Stony, Frostiron, WinterFalcon, Loki/OC
My Hero Academia with Midoriya Izuku/Shinsou Hitoshi and Shota Aizawa/Hizashi Yamada
Rosewell New Mexico with Malex
Schitt's Creek with David/Patrick
Shadowhunters with Malec, Clace, Sizzy
Star Wars with Reylo and a few x reader fics
Supernatural with Destiel, Sabriel, Saileen
The Old Guard with Joe/Nicky
And this is really just scraping at the top, there are so many more and from so many different genres. Animes, Mangas, Comics, Movies, TV Shows, Books... Let us just tell you, we are blown away and so, so excited by how far this has spread 😍 it's also very humbling (and a little bit intimidating tbh 😅)
Most of you plan to write their fics about the ships, but there are also many, many who plan to have it focus on friendship, family feels, platonic relationships, or simply the characters. Or who want to combine it all.
What made us squeal in delight was the fact that - with the exception of two people - all of you are interested in more months with fluffy prompt lists! We've taken note of that and we certainly won't forget about it 😁
But for now, let's focus on FLUFFTOBER 🥰
How are you all doing? How is planning and writing and arting going? Send us an ask and let us know about your progress - we're always happy to hear from you. And as always, if you have more questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us. If it's something you would rather discuss in private, simply state so in your ask and we swear we won't reply publicly!
And now... back to preparing all the fluff 💖
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bane-lightwoodfam · 4 years
Cordelia, Lucie, and the soul-crushing pain of a FriendBreakup(TM)
Breaking from my Malec-centric content for a sec to talk about the ladies of Chain of Iron because, of all the many broken hearts to come out of Chain of Iron, I wanted to SadRant for a sec about Lucie and Cordelia’s particular parting. 
These heroines have such different journeys throughout the series so far, but especially in CoI. Their interactions slowly peter out in the second book, and it hurtsss.
Lucie’s is a journey to understanding her Ghost powers, obviously. Particularly in relation to Jesse and how to un-ghost-ify him. This involves a growing relationship between her and Jesse (and by extension; Grace) and a growing distance between Lucie and essentially everyone else. Particularly between her and Cordelia. This girl is exhausted by the lies, half-truths, and sneaking around, and might not feel half so weary if she were able to confide in her parabatai-to-be. But she can’t. Which is just. So fuckin’ sad. But at least she can sort of confide in Grace.  Meanwhile, Cordelia’s dealing with fraught loyalties between her brother and her husband’s best friends. She’s coming to terms with the discovery that a father she’d once respected and sought justice for is actually a belligerent drunk who’d stolen her brother’s childhood and neglected their family for years. She’s entering into a (perceivably) loveless marriage with the boy she has (perceivably) unrequited feelings for and moving out of her home and away from her family to do so. Followed shortly thereafter by her father’s sudden reappearance and subsequent violent murder. She’s operating under a suffocating sense of ineptitude and failure at the hands of Lilith as well as a broken heart all on top of a crushing new distance between herself and her parabatai-to-be. (Which?! Holy shit?! I don’t know about anyone else, but never in my life would I be able to handle even one of these things without the support and love of at least one of my closest friends.)(I was so fucking stoked when Matthew swept her away for Platonic Paris Extravaganza. I just hope Cordelia actually gets to enjoy herself, because holy fuck does she deserve a little fun.)  All of which leads to page 589--one of the realest, blink-and-you-miss-it soul-crushing moments of the trilogy yet, in my opinion;
“It seems [Lucie and Grace] know each other rather well.”
“They do?” The surprise in Cordelia’s eyes was clear. She glanced away quickly, though. “Never mind, Anna. It’s not important.”
I don’t know how many of us are twenty-somethings who remembers exactly what it feels like to be a third-wheel to one of your best, most deeply beloved friends (esp as a teenager)...but damn, I sure do. That’s a mindplague unmatched by any breakup; it’s a completely different kind of hurt and betrayal.
But Cordelia swallows it down. Because Lucie’s the sole person who could’ve brought her comfort in that moment.
None of this is to say I didn’t enjoy Lucie’s journey or her arc so far. And none of this is to say I don’t want to see more of Grace in the next book, because I definitely fucking do--especially in relation to her burgeoning friendship with Lucie. (I loved their prickly 'are we friends or are we just kinda forced to trust each other’ thing. I love their mutual love for Jesse. I want their friendship to develop and evolve, because I think Grace, in particular, desperately needs girl friends. She has a lot to atone for, but I think she has such incredible potential as a Ride or Die friend.) 
But I also desperately want Cordelia to be re-embraced into Lucie’s confidence. I need Lucie and Cordelia to have the most epic makeups of any reunion we’ve seen yet; I’m talking week-long sleepover brimming with gossip and jokes and cake and heart-to-hearts. I need Lucie to become the trio’s fiery lynchpin. Because let’s be honest, James and the Gracelet are going to complicate things between Grace and Cordelia, and only Lucie knows the side of Grace that is as ruthlessly devoted to her brother as Cordelia is to hers. (Not to mention the fact that Grace would flourish under Cordelia’s mom-friend vibes. Imagine the chemistry between quicksilver, ruthless Grace and snarky-sweet Daisy. That’s a slytherin/hufflepuff ‘I would die and/or murder for you’ pairing if I’ve ever fucking seen one.) Mostly I just need Cordelia’s dreams to come true; for her to wield Cortana again, for her to become Lucie’s parabatai, and for her to be loved (which let’s be real she totally already is but we all know who she'd like to officially call “hubby”.) 
In conclusion, I love the Merry Thieves. They’re cute and fun. But as a girl who DEEPLY FUCKING TREASURES EVERY LAST ONE OF HER GIRL FRIENDS and DEEPLY FELT CORDELIA’S HOPELESS “I can’t be Lucie’s parabatai” confession, I so badly need that good good Cordelia/Lucie content and Cordelia/Lucie/Grace trio in the final book. 
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Too Close for Comfort, Fairchild
(A/N): Hey guys! I know it’s been a long time since I posted, and for that I am sorry. However, I have overcome my writer’s block and I hope to be posting a few more imagines and one-shots in the future. Please enjoy this new one-shot that is apart of my on going series, ATOFG.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any writing belong to the rightful owner of the mortal instrument series. I do not own any characters expect Evie and any other new original characters I decide to create. I am in no way Homophobic, I LOVE MALEC and I am in fact apart of the LGBTQ community. I am merely exercising my fantasy in writing on my tumblr. If this makes you uncomfortable then please just be nice and do not read.
Pairings: Alec x Evie(OC), Clary x Evie(Platonic), Clary x Jace
Word Count: 1,610k
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Clary and Evie had always been remarkably close, starting within the early years of their lives, and they had always known they would become Parabatai one day. One way or another.
 Platonic Soulmates.
 That is the way Jocelyn had explained it to the two eager girls hungry for all the knowledge and traditions of their people. If they were forced to spend their lives in exile away from their home and people, as well as their shadow-mates, then they would settle for nothing less than learning every single aspect of their heritage. Their birth right.
 Parabatai were more than brothers and sisters, they were soulmates. In a nature, that is similar but entirely different, and platonic, compared to bonds between shadow mates.
 It was a bond and tradition that they wanted so badly to participate in that Jocelyn arranged for the Silent Brothers to officiate the ceremony in secret. If Jocelyn couldn’t let them grow and live in the shadow world that was their blood right, then she could at least give them this.
 For that, Clary and Evie had always been very affectionate towards one another. Since being completely introduced to shadow world they had noticed that plenty of other Parabatai were affectionate with each other. It was something they noticed among the female Parabatai-bonded Shadowhunters more than the male Parabatai, but it made them feel elated and gave them a sense of acceptance and belonging.
 When they were in the mundane world, they had to continuously tell people that they weren’t romantically together, but just very loving friends. They couldn’t tell them the truth. Not only was it against their peoples’ laws and customs, as well as very private sacred privilege, it was something the mundane world could never appreciate. Mundies would never understand, let alone respect, the depth of the bond between Parabatai.
 However, there was one man who was vexed by the touchy-feely relationship between Evie and Clary. Alexander Lightwood was possessive man, and who could blame him. He was the eldest Lightwood child, which means; heavy lies the crown. He has always put his family first, and thus has given everything that is his to the family. Evie is the first person he could call his own. The only thing or person in this world no one expected him to share or give away.
 She was his shadow mate and god if it didn’t irritate him more than anything to have to share her with anyone else. Especially Clarissa Fairchild. She had never intentionally done anything to him, but that didn’t change the fact that he felt threaten by the reality of having to share his Parabatai, and his mate, with the mouthy redhead.
 Alec and Jace had just finished training and were walking towards the library in hopes of catching glimpses of their respected mates. Having come up empty with the green house and the fact that they came from the training room, the only other places left to look was the library and their shared rooms.
 As they drew closer, they heard the shared musical laughter of the young women and shared a victorious smile with each other. They pushed the heavy doors open, entering the extravagant library, and stood at the top of the staircase to watch the girls, who were obvious to being watched.
 Clary threw her head back and let out a joyous cackle; “You’re making this up!”
 Evie gave a heartily chuckle and shook her head, “I’m so not making it up! While Simon was spray painting over that god-awful band name on his van, so you could repaint the van, Maya was standing behind him tagging his jacket with her own can of spray paint.”
 Clary looks at Evie in humored awe before the two best friends made eye contact. At which point they both began to howl in laughter.
 They calmed long enough for Evie to muse between heavy giggles, “I don’t know how in the hell Simon didn’t notice what Maya was doing. The back of his jacket had a remarkable amount of detail…”
 Clary started to heave she was laughing so hard and the two watching men had to agree Evie’s story was quite hilarious. All her stories are. If you want a good laugh, all you would have to do is ask Evie to tell you a funny story.
 Clary calmed down and gave a big sigh of content before she leaned forward from her reclining position on the couch, her and Evie had been laying on together. With her legs still laying across Evie’s lap, Clary moved her face towards Evie’s and rubbed her nose sweetly against Evie’s in an Eskimo kiss.
 Evie smiled endearingly at the small display and returned the gesture with an Eskimo kiss of her own to Clary, whilst tucking one of Clary’s unruly curl behind her left ear.
 Clary leans into the palm of Evie’s right hand, placing a chaste kiss on the inside of her hand, and shifts her legs from across Evie’s to curl underneath her so she can lean into her warm side and nuzzle her face into Evie’s neck and waves of hair that resembles spun gold.
 Evie moves her left arm that was resting on the back of the couch and wraps it around Clary, leaning her cheek on a head of thick red curls. Jace smiled at the heavenly sight of his cherished sister and his beloved mate spending much needed time together.
 Alec, however, couldn’t help the surge of immense jealously that rushed through his veins at the sight of someone other than him so close to his mate. He briefly feels guilty seeing as they are Parabatai and it was perfectly normal for female Parabatai to be so close, but that didn’t change the fact that he didn’t want to share his mate.
 All his life, Alec has shared everything that was his, and he would be damned if he shared his mate. He watches with guarded eyes as Clary lifts her lips to Evie’s jewelry clad ear and whispered with a small amused smirk. Evie’s eyebrows and lips quirk upwards with slightly surprised amusement before she opened her eyes and the golden orbs lock with his blue ones immediately.
 “It seems your right, Clary. I suppose this is all the affection we can have with one another for now.” She says, while they both rise from the Victorian sofa, “Lest my poor mate loses himself to the madness of his own irrational jealously.”
 Her playful teasing, and that loving smile she reserved just for him, helps to erase the jealously from his system. The men make their way down the stairs to meet the women who eagerly greet them with kisses.
 Evie and Alec’s lips crash together in raw intensity and one of his strong arms wraps around her while his free hand grips her jaw firmly, but lovingly, whilst her small hands grip his broad shoulders. He softly bites her lip, begging for access, and his tongue quickly tangles with hers once she surrenders to his lustful onslaught .
 They easily get lost in the others presence, and they would have continued to get lost in each other; if not for the forced cough from Jace and giggle from Clary.
 They reluctantly pulled away from the passionate embrace and look at the other couple.
 Jace appears to be thoroughly unimpressed but watching Alec “attack” his elder sister, but Clary merely slipped into the spot just behind Evie’s left shoulder and with a teasing smirk spoke; “Wow, Alec. I didn’t think I could get under your skin that easily, but yet again you surprise me.”
 Alec glowers at the redhead for her dauntless taunting and bites out in a growl; “Too close for comfort, Fairchild.”
 The brazen girl relents with a surrendering smile, after seeing the mindful look the taller blonde headed girl throws over her shoulder,
 “Sorry, Alec.” The girl halfheartedly offers; not looking one bit as apologetic as she appears to sound, “I was only teasing. I didn’t mean anything by it.”
 In one last ditch effort to amuse herself and irk Alec she says her goodbyes to Evie for the next few hours. She reaches around and places a small and sweet kiss to the graceful sloping of Evie’s angled jaw, and the painted nails of her fingers brush Evie’s shoulders lightly before her right hand continues on to trail down Evie’s spine. Said redhead then parts from the blonde; leaving with her highly entertained mate.
 Alec all but snarls and spits at the firecracker’s relentless audacity to annoy him. Evie grabs his shoulders once more and begins to massage the tension from them as she speaks,
 “The only reason she continues to taunt you is because you continue to give her exactly what she wants.” He turns to his beautiful mate and watches the small smile curl on her lips.
 “So, stop doing that. It’s no fun for her if you don’t look like you’re ready to spit nails.”
 He chuckles deeply at that last statement and wraps his arms around her waist, tugging her into his chest, “I know, but I can’t help but want you all to myself.”
 She makes a small noise, by sucking her teeth, with a pout whilst brushing his hair back from his eyes, “I am yours. All yours; for all eternity. We were made for each other.”
 Alec nuzzles his forehead to Evie’s with a content smile and speaks.
 “Destined, my true love. Therefore, where one shadow goes; then the other will surely follow…”
 She beams at him and they seal the shadow-mate motto with a deep kiss.
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ladymatt · 4 years
First Lines Of Your Last 20 Fics!
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
Tagged by the witty and wonderful @lorenzobane ❤️ TY, sweetheart! All of the humble offerings below are about Malec (of course), and I make no apology for wanting to write endlessly about them! I’M IN LOVE WITH THEIR LOVE, OK?
1) Protect You Above All Else - (T, Supportive Husbands, 3 Times Plus 1) 
Alec is just making sure he’s mixed Magnus’ martini to his very stringent specifications when the man himself, looking entirely too put together to be feeling the supposed exhaustion Izzy’s text just warned him about, makes an entrance that has Alec eye-rolling in the fondest of ways.
2) There’s Something Magical About Christmas! - (T, Family/HP Theme)
Surely it couldn’t be time to rise and face the day already, Magnus thinks, burrowing deeper into the furry warmth of his husband’s comfy chest, stubbornly refusing to let the light stealing through the curtains rob him of his contented bliss.
3) Service With A Sunshine Smile - (G, Prompt Ficlet, Grocery Store AU)
“Alec, are you even listening?” Izzy whines, spoiling the intense eye-fucking that’s simmering between him and the sharply-dressed employee on checkout one every time they pass.
4) A Lesson In Love - (G, Prompt Ficlet, University Lecturers AU)
The customary curses that seem to follow every one of Magnus’ futile trips to the dean’s office filter through the open door connecting their offices, and Alec buries an affectionate smile as he walks through it.
5) Hidden Truths - (G, Prompt Ficlet, Mystery AU)
With the evening fire crackling in the grate and the gramaphone playing jazz 45s, Alec feels transported to another time altogether as he mirrors the relaxed and recumbent form of his live-in landlord across the hearth in his armchair’s twin.
6) Fighting The Good Fight - (G, Prompt Ficlet, Angel/Demon AU)
Satisfaction warms the heart of the angel, Integrity, as he surveys the crowded youth club he runs in Brooklyn.
7) Whiskey Rocks And A Little White Lie - (G, Prompt Ficlet, Exes AU) 
It had taken three of his closest friends’ stimulating company and six whiskey doubles to reach this fragile state of near-acceptance over his break-up with Alec, but no distraction amongst the bar’s lively clientele made his pulse so much as flutter, let alone thump with the force of a thousand drums the way Alec’s smile could.
8) Wake Up Call - (G, Prompt Ficlet, Roomates AU) *My Fave Intro*
Surfacing from a sleep that should’ve lasted at least another week, Magnus’ mouth feels like a tide of alcohol has left only sand in its wake and his head’s still swimming with regret over the senseless fight with his best friend that triggered his headlong dash into anything offering oblivion from Alexander Gideon Lightwood.
9) A Love That Knows No Bounds - (G, Prompt Ficlet, Malec As Dads AU)
Arriving late at the gallery hosting Clary and Maia’s joint exhibition of art and marine photography, Alec weaves his way through the crowd to make his apologies to the forgiving duo, congratulating them both on the evident success of the ‘Nature’s Canvas’ collection before locating the expected family and friends, three of which are nowhere to be seen.
10) Interest Detected - (G, Prompt Ficlet, Film Noir/Detective AU)
“So you’ll take the case?” said the snake in the suit, aka the torment of Alec’s otherwise perfect life.
11) All Hail, Alexander The Grrreat! - (M, Prompt Ficlet, Role-Play Sex AU)
His husband’s formidable powers of application when learning a new skill had always been a source of pride for Magnus, but when paired with Alec’s insatiable, hitherto untapped predilection for role-play sex, he bore witness to more showstopping performances than Menzel could ever give on Broadway! 
12) Impossible Just Means Try Again - (G, Prompt Ficlet, Neighbours AU)
They have no right, Magnus thinks as bodies and boxes make their way into his late friend’s beloved home, every clumsy accident and cheery apology grating on his fractured nerves. 
13) To Us, You’re Still Here - (G, Prompt Ficlet, Widower Alec AU)
“You hate it,” Magnus states with amused certainty.
14) A Worthy Prize - (G, Prompt Ficlet, Game Show AU)
Acute nerves at standing in the line-up for the nation’s most popular game show, The Inquizitor, has left Alec’s skin glazed with sweat and triggered a plethora of childhood tics that serve to make him look even more anxious than he feels.
15) Unbridled Panic - (G, Prompt Ficlet, Film Set AU)
“OK, I might have forgotten to tell you I’m very afraid of horses.”
16) For One Day Every Year - (M, Canon Verse/Christmas Two-Parter)
Their first Christmas together fast approaching, Magnus was indulging in all things yule-related with a level of excited enthusiasm that he couldn’t recall ever having experienced before.
17) Consumed With Love At Christmas - (E, Family Christmas Party)
Alec Lightwood loved his family and friends with his whole heart, he really did, and inviting all of them over for a Christmas edition of their usual games night had even been his idea, but watching the way his hot tease of a boyfriend was making virtual love to that tangerine from all the way over here at the other end of the couch made him wish they were trapped at the North Pole with no means of return for years to come because all Alec wanted, for Christmas and the next few hours at least, was Magnus’ hungry mouth on him.
18) Lightwood Came To Win! - (M, Halloween Party At Pandemonium AU)
Although blissfully unaware of how the revolving multi-coloured lights of the packed out venue rendered his silky white outfit virtually transparent (except for a few face-saving ruffles and the odd gigantic bobble), Alec Lightwood still felt like a giant fool.
19) Musical Monday - (M, Sharing New Experiences/Competitive Shits AU)
There’s very little that Alec won’t do to put a smile on his boyfriend’s beautiful face, but donning a loincloth the size of a handkerchief while playing a harp, is not one of them, no matter what is dangled in front of him as a reward.
20) Made All The Difference - (G, Introspective Alec/Idiots In Love)
In the short time that Alec had known Magnus, his whole life had changed in ways he could never have thought possible. 
Patterns: I think the very obvious answer here is ‘my intros are lengthy’ - but in my defence, at least with the ficlets and their word limit, I was trying to set as much of the scene as possible! 😂 
Tagging (should you want to): @unending-happiness @poemsfromthealley  @sassyweethang  @intangibel  @sfjessii  @lynne-monstr  @sugarandspace  @cuubism  @bidnezz  @brightasstars
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moonlight-breeze-44 · 4 years
Information Post!
Hi, all! I realised that I haven’t done an official information thing on Tumblr, so this is that <3 
First of all, thank you for being here! I appreciate everyone who stops by this blog, even if it’s just for a quick look. In the wise words of Dean Winchester, you’re awesome. 
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A little information about this blog: 
- Multifandom blog. Fandoms include: Shadowhunters, Supernatural, Criminal Minds, Leverage, Detroit: Become Human, NCIS, NCIS: New Orleans, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Dan and Phil, Supergirl, Rizzoli and Isles, Blue Bloods, The X-Files, Hawaii Five-0, Nancy Drew, The Untamed, the Borderlands video game franchise, FNAF, Scorpion, Devil in Ohio, Hamilton, Rent, House, Law & Order: SVU, Hazbin Hotel, and more micro-obsessions pending!
- Multishipper. While I have favourites for each fandom, I am nothing if not a multishipper, and I write fic for ships that I don't personally ship all the time. If you have a ship that I don't mention here, chances are that I'll probably write for it anyway. Nevertheless, here's a list of my main ships for my main fandoms:
For Shadowhunters -
For Supernatural -
For Criminal Minds -
For Leverage -
The OT3
Damien Moreau/Eliot Spencer
For Detroit: Become Human -
Jericho polycule
For Hazbin Hotel -
Poly Vees
For Supergirl -
Director Danvers
And alternatively, here's a (much smaller) list of ships that are squicky for me or I won't write:
Tibbs (Tony/Gibbs)
Alec Lightwood with any woman
Tammy Gregorio with any man
Alastor with anyone (unless a QPR or platonic, non-sexual BDSM)
- Shipping rules and expectations. On this blog, I believe in 'ship and let ship' and the age-old fandom testament of 'Dead Dove Do Not Eat', as well as kink tomato. I write dark ships. I write ships that I don't personally like, or sometimes, even endorse. I write RPF. I have written beloved characters as abusers, and I have written "controversial" ships. I will not apologise for any of these things. I believe that everyone has a right to read, write, and create whatever they want as long as proper tags & warnings are utilized. I don't believe in policing anyone's creative expression, nor purity culture in general. Respect is key, and at the end of the day, we're all just friends on the Internet writing shit for one another. You don't know someone else's story, and it isn't on you to judge. On this blog, if you don't like something, you're expected to skip it and move on. Curate your own fandom experience.
- Prompting rules and expectations. While I encourage those who visit this blog to submit whatever prompts they would like to, I reserve the right to refuse any prompt at any time if I do not feel I can write it or don't feel comfortable doing so. I also reserve the right to answer prompts in whatever order I choose, which may not necessarily be in the order that I received them. If you submit a prompt off of anon, I will reach out to you through Tumblr to get your AO3 username and gift the fic to you. If you submit a prompt on anon, the fic will be posted on Tumblr and AO3 without a dedication. Please be mindful when sending in prompts, as I answer these asks publicly and the wording of your prompt will be repeated both on Tumblr and AO3. You are welcome to submit prompts for any of the fandoms listed above, for any ship not listed in my squicks section.
Notes: I am primarily an angst writer, so asks that include angst, hurt/comfort, or trauma will likely be filled much quicker than others. Some of my other writing likes include: mental health issues, self-harm, suicide/suicidal thoughts, abuse, non-con, nightmares, found family, first kiss/getting together, mutual pining, poly relationships, QPRs, non-sexual BDSM, canon rewrites/add-ons, angst with no happy ending, and MCD. I will not write smut or sickfics.
Prompts are: OPEN
- Detailed tagging system. I tag each post I reblog with its respective fandom and character, and I use other identifying tags like 'animals' and 'positivity' for posts that aren't fandom-related.
- Queued up at all times. My Shadowhunters queue will be tagged with ‘fatty queuena’ and my non-Shadowhunters queue will be tagged with ‘curly q’. 
- My tag rants and tag headcanons will be tagged with ‘em rambles too much’. 
- My work for past prompt challenges (such as Whumptober) can be found under the ‘my masterlists’ tag. 
- This is a kind, welcoming place. If you don’t have anything nice to say here, please don’t say anything at all. Fandom drama is unavoidable at times, but this blog is meant to be a safe space. Please keep that in mind.
- Don't be afraid to reach out to me to share thoughts, ask for something, or let me know of anything (like a trigger or some context) that I'm missing!
- My opinions are my opinions and it’s okay to disagree, but I won’t tolerate hate. Respect me and I’ll respect you. 
- I tend to get a bit obsessive, so you might see multiple posts about the same thing one after the other at times.
I think that’s it :)
~ ~ ~
My social media + contact info:
Archive of Our Own: MoonlightBreeze
Twitter: brokencomfort
Discord: moonlightbreeze4318
Spotify: Em (I make character + fandom playlists sometimes)
Come join a funny (or should I say punny /ref) farm-themed Discord server for fandom of all kinds here.
I don’t have very much social media, so that’s it ^ 
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My Schedule:
- My queue is scheduled to drop one post per day.
- I liveblog Nancy Drew on Twitter sometimes! Check my Twitter on airing days to see if I'm up for a liveblog.
- I do my best to participate in Whumptober every year! You can subscribe to my AO3 to track my progress in October :)
- I participate in lots of Secret Santas every year; please feel free to track my progress online or ask me how it's going!
- I am much more active on weekends when I don’t have work!
This will be updated as needed! :)
~ ~ ~
About Me:
- Em 
- She/her
- Disaster, but the fun kind
- Neurodivergent, mental health advocate, LGBTQ+
- I angst the fuck out of every character I write
- On that note, I curse a lot, especially in my tags
- My favourite colour is blue 
- I write in British English, even though I’m not British
- Generally don’t know what the fuck I’m doing
- Hobbies include reading, writing, binge watching TV shows, playing video games (badly), driving around for no particular reason, listening to music, and baking
I think that’s it for now. Thank you to everyone who’s read this far! <3
~ ~ ~
If you still have questions or you’d like to get to know the person behind the keyboard a little more, don’t be afraid to drop an ask or send me a message! I’ll respond as soon as I can. 
With that, I hope that you all have a wonderful day/night! Thank you for stopping by my blog. I’m so glad you’re here. <3
~ Em
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