#male fertility treatment in Bhubaneswar
santaan1 · 1 month
A Comprehensive Overview about Fertility Treatment in Odisha
In India's east coast state of Odisha, demand for fertility treatment is rising as community culture evolves and consumer awareness of reproductive health increases. Fertility treatment involves a variety of medical procedures designed to help couples experiencing problems conceiving. The state performs well in the field of birth control, with many specialized clinics and hospitals offering advanced fertility services.
Odisha has made great progress in fertility treatment in recent years, thanks to advancements in technology and a large number of specialist doctors. Treatments include in vitro fertilization (IVF), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), intrauterine insemination (IUI), and induction of ovulation, among others. These treatments address many infertility issues, whether caused by male or female factors or unexplained.
IVF is still one of the most popular procedures. It affects the eggs coming from the ovaries, fertilizes them with sperm in the laboratory, and then transfers the resulting embryos to the uterus. This method gives hope to many couples experiencing infertility problems. ICSI is a modification of IVF that involves injecting a single sperm directly into the egg and is especially useful for infertile men.  Fertility Clinics and Hospitals
Odisha is home to many fertility clinics and hospitals equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and staffed by professionals. Major institutions include Bhubaneswar Medical Center and SUM Hospital, Apollo Hospital and Kalinga Hospital. These centers provide fertility services from initial consultation and diagnosis to advanced treatment and follow-up care.
Due to the expertise of doctors and availability of advanced medical equipment, the success rate of fertility treatment in Odisha is comparable to national and international standards. However, the success rate may vary depending on many factors, including the woman's age, the specific fertility problem being treated, and the quality of the clinic.
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With continuous advancement in medical technology and reproductive health awareness, the future of fertility treatment in Odisha is bright. Collaboration between government, the private sector, and non-governmental organizations is important to increase the accessibility and affordability of fertility treatment.
In summary, fertility treatment in Odisha has developed rapidly, giving new hopes to many couples who are struggling to conceive a child. The state is set to become the center of anti-aging medicine in the region with the support of state-of-the-art medical facilities, experts and government officials. But we need to work harder to overcome current challenges and ensure that these life-changing treatments are available to everyone who needs them.
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binoddas111 · 1 year
‌What is Sperm morphology| Santaan| Best fertility center in Odisha
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Sperm morphology refers to the form or shape and size of the sperm. Only the right shape of sperm could reach the egg to fertilize. In the case of severe sperm morphology problems, it could lead to male infertility issues. Treat it now visit the best fertility center in Odisha | Santaan
 Semen analysis is the first test that we commonly perform to examine male fertility thoroughly.  To Know about:
 ·       Sperm Motability
·       Sperm Volume
·       Sperm Morphology
·       Sperm Count Infection
sperm morphology plays a key role in fertilizing an egg to get a female partner pregnant. If you are facing any male fertility issues then get in touch with Santaan the best fertility Center in Odisha.
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arnapurna91 · 9 months
TOP Best IVF Center in Bhubaneswar| Santaan| Best Fertility Clinic in Odisha
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Are you Searching for the Best IVF Center in Bhubaneswar? Don’t worry, look no further than Santaan, the best IVF center in Bhubaneswar, Berhampur, and also the best IVF center in Bengaluru. Then what are you looking for? Visit Santaan, the award-winning fertility Clinic in Odisha for their top-tier fertility care and the opportunity to fulfill your dreams of parenthood.
IVF treatment can help many couples suffering from Infertility issues, its more helpful, if you have blocked fallopian tubes. Because in IVF Treatment Procedure does not need the fallopian tubes, Because the collected Eggs are fertilized by the Lab and after that,  it is implanted in the Uterus.
Only the Chances of success with IVF treatment depend on the woman’s age, health condition, and positivity. The Team of IVF Experts at Santaan Fertility Clinic, helps countless couples facing many pregnancy-related issues.
Santaan| The Best IVF Center in Bhubaneswar, helps many couples to overcome infertility and fulfill their dreams of a way to parenthood.
So, don’t hesitate to discuss your infertility issues, Consult Now Santaan’s expert team, and take a step towards your happy family.
To Know More Visit the website: https://www.santaan.in/
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priyankasahu2021 · 1 year
What are the treatments for Low Sperm Count? Best Fertility Clinic in Bhubaneswar| Santaan|
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Low Sperm Count is now the challenging issue that affects many couples when they try to conceive, but now, fortunately, many treatments are available to boost the chances of Fertilization. Visit the best fertility clinic in Bhubaneswar |Santaan |for increasing the chances of fertilization.
 One of the best treatments for low sperm count is maintaining a healthy lifestyle: like-
 ·     Avoid Smoking and drinking habits
·     Maintaining a healthy weight
·     Do regular Exercises
·     Eating Healthy Foods & avoid Junk foods
 And the Medical Treatments for Low Sperm count, when a couple trying to conceive: like
 ·     Medication
·     Hormonal Replacement Therapy
·     Surgical Intervention
·     Varicocele repair
·     Epididymal or testicular Sperm Extraction
·     Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
·     In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
·     Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
 There are many more Treatments available to overcome the problem of Low sperm count and find a successful pregnancy. Consult the best Fertility Experts in Bhubaneswar | Santaan| the Best Fertility Clinic in Bhubaneswar, which provides effective result-orientated fertility treatments.
 For more information, visit the site:  https://www.santaan.in/
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kiranbalanayak · 1 year
Why choose Santaan for IVF? Best IVF centre in Odisha
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Santaan Fertility Center uses various assisted reproductive technologies (ART) to help couples who are struggling with fertility issues to conceive a child. Santaan IVF Center in Odisha has been helping many couples become parents.
 Santaan IVF provides a range of services and supports to couples during the entire process, including Counseling, Emotional support, and proper Guidance on fertility options.
 There are some ways in which Santaan IVF Center has been helping couples towards parenthood to identify the root cause of infertility and then providing suitable fertility Treatments
 Some ways are:
·       Evaluation and Diagnosis
·       Ovarian Stimulation
·       Egg Retrieval
·       Sperm Retrieval
·       Fertilization
·       Embryo Culture
·       Embryo Transfer
·       Pregnancy Test
 Santaan IVF Center in Odisha provides a range of services and support to couples during the entire process, searching for the best fertility clinic in Odisha, choose Santan IVF Center for the best fertility result towards the way to parenthood.
 For more info visit: https://www.santaan.in/
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uncehospital · 2 months
Revolutionizing Urological Care: Kidney Stone Treatment Doctors and Andrologist Hospitals in Bhubaneswar
In the realm of urological care, Bhubaneswar stands as a beacon of excellence, boasting advanced facilities and a cadre of specialized medical professionals dedicated to transforming the lives of patients. With a focus on addressing prevalent conditions such as kidney stones and andrological issues, the city's healthcare landscape has witnessed a surge in specialized treatment options, offered by kidney stone treatment doctors and andrologist hospitals.
Kidney stones, a common urological ailment, can cause excruciating pain and discomfort if left untreated. Fortunately, Bhubaneswar is home to a cohort of highly skilled kidney stone treatment doctors who excel in diagnosing and managing this condition with precision and expertise. These specialists employ a multidisciplinary approach, utilizing state-of-the-art diagnostic tools to assess the size, composition, and location of kidney stones before devising personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient's unique needs.
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With a focus on minimally invasive techniques, Kidney Stone Treatment Doctors in Bhubaneswar offer a range of advanced procedures aimed at effectively breaking down and removing stones from the urinary tract. From extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) to ureteroscopy with laser lithotripsy, these specialists leverage the latest advancements in medical technology to ensure optimal outcomes while minimizing patient discomfort and recovery time.
Complementing the expertise of kidney stone treatment doctors are the andrologist hospitals in Bhubaneswar, which cater to the specific needs of male reproductive health and sexual dysfunction. Andrologists, specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the male reproductive system, offer comprehensive care for issues such as erectile dysfunction, male infertility, and hormonal imbalances.
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Equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and staffed by experienced andrology specialists, these hospitals provide a wide array of diagnostic services and treatment modalities to address diverse andrological concerns. From advanced fertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) to surgical interventions for conditions like varicocele and Peyronie's disease, patients receive personalized care tailored to their specific needs and preferences.
Moreover, Andrologist Hospitals in Bhubaneswar prioritize patient comfort and confidentiality, fostering a supportive environment where individuals can seek assistance for sensitive and intimate health issues without hesitation. With a commitment to excellence and a focus on holistic wellness, these hospitals strive to empower patients to reclaim control over their reproductive health and achieve optimal outcomes.
In conclusion, the presence of kidney stone treatment doctors and andrologist hospitals in Bhubaneswar underscores the city's status as a hub of specialized urological care. Through their dedication to innovation, expertise, and patient-centered approach, these healthcare providers continue to revolutionize the field of urology, offering hope and healing to individuals grappling with kidney stones and andrological concerns alike.
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alishapradhan · 10 months
Best Fertility Clinic | Santaan Odisha | Male fertility treatment in Odisha
Santaan, located in the heart of Odisha, is your destination for promising male and female infertility treatments. With a focus on male and female fertility treatment options, Santaan offers cutting-edge solutions in Bhubaneswar, the state's capital.
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skinohairclinic · 1 year
PCOD Diagnosis & Treatment: What To Expect At A PCOD Clinic In Bhubaneswar Odisha
If you are experiencing some peculiar symptoms like irregular menstrual cycles, infertility, recurrent infections, and anaemia, you are likely suffering from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). The good news is that there are many Treatment options available to you in Bhubaneswar Odisha. 
There are various PCOD Clinic In Bhubaneswar Odisha that offers treatments for PCOD at affordable prices. The clinics follow a specific protocol and take care of all the diagnostic tests and treatments necessary for the successful management of PCOS. 
A typical treatment package includes dietary changes, exercise recommendations, and hormonal replacement therapy (HRT). If you are struggling to manage your PCOS on your own, seeking help from a qualified health professional is the best option for you. 
PCOD: Is It Really A Problem? 
When you hear the word “PCOD,” what might come to mind is fertility problems. But is PCOD really that big of a deal? 
There are many different types of PCOD, but all share a common symptom – male infertility. In fact, up to 50% of men with PCOD have serious issues with infertility. And while it can be caused by a variety of things like environmental toxins or even exercise, the most common cause of PCOD is genetics. 
So Why Is This Problem So Widespread? 
One theory suggests that genes responsible for creating lysine (a key element in protein synthesis) are defective in people with PCOD. Lysine deficiency has been linked to problems with sperm production, DNA integrity, and even bone health. 
While this is not surprising given how crucial protein synthesis is for normal fertility, it is still frustrating because there isn’t anything you can do to prevent PCOD from happening. The good news is that there are treatments available for those who are struggling with infertility due to PCOD. 
And while there’s no cure yet, various therapies including chemical treatments and surgery have proven to be very successful in restoring fertility in affected men. The symptoms of PCOD may not always be obvious, but it is important to get treatment if you are experiencing them. Here are the most common symptoms:
 1. Abnormal levels of testosterone in men or pregnant women
 2. Infertility in men or women 
 3. Weight gain around the lower stomach area 
 4. Hair loss on the head and/or body 
 5. Feeling fatigued all the time 
 6. Unusual sweat patterns 
 7. Clay-coloured faecal matter
Types Of Treatments To Expect At A PCOD Clinic
At a professional PCOD Clinic In Bhubaneswar Odisha, you can expect to have a variety of tests done to identify the root cause of your PCOD symptoms. These tests may include blood work, a fasting lipid panel, androgen levels and other hormones, and possibly an Endo Test or a stool test. 
Treatment options for PCOD may vary depending on the results of the tests, but typically you will be prescribed lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise along with medication if needed. In most cases, the PCOD diagnosis is an underlying issue that can be resolved by making simple changes to your diet and lifestyle. 
The Benefits Of Visiting A PCOD Clinic In Bhubaneswar Odisha
There are many benefits of visiting a PCOD Clinic In Bhubaneswar Odisha. Not only do they help you get the proper diagnosis and treatment for PCOD, but they can also provide you with expert advice and help to manage your condition. Here are some of the benefits of going to a PCOD clinic: 
A proper diagnosis is key to getting the most effective medical treatment. At a specialized PCOD Clinic In Bhubaneswar Odisha, they will be able to identify the core symptoms of your condition and work to find the best course of action for you.
There is often a lot of variation in how people respond to different treatments, which is why it is important to seek advice from an expert. A PCOD clinic will be able to give you recommendations for the best possible strategies for managing your condition.
A PCOD Clinic In Bhubaneswar Odisha can also offer support during times of stress or mental health challenges related to your PCOD. This ranges from providing information and resources about PCOD to counselling and joint therapy sessions.
Finally, a PCOD clinic can offer various nutritional advice and supplements that can help facilitate better overall health and healing in general. The specialists will help you make key changes in your lifestyle so that you can easily get rid of the PCOD symptoms and issues. 
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somuikblog · 1 year
Hormone imbalance in women |Female fertility treatment in Odisha|
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Any sudden abnormal increase or decrease in hormone levels can lead to several fertility issues in males and females. Santaan fertility help couple to become parent. Visit the website https://www.santaan.in/ talk to the fertility expert Bhubaneswar – 7008990586, Berhampur - 9337301503
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bestgynecologist · 1 year
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Infertility is the inability to get pregnant after a long time of unprotected intercourse. Consult Dr Rabi Satpathy best Fertility Consultant in Bhubaneswar.Both male and female can be responsible for infertility. Talking about infertility in women, female infertility treatment is extremely required for them who are trying to get pregnant but are still unsuccessful despite for more than a year of unprotected intercourse. Therefore it is vital for couples to seek proper medical assistance. At ashu skin Care you can have the best Infertility Treatment.Best Gynecologist Surgeon for Myomectomy Doctor in Bhubaneswar - Gynecologist for treatment of young Girls by drrabi.com
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futurefertilityivf · 2 years
When You Need To Talk To an IVF Consultant in Bhubaneswar
Infertility is quite common among several women due to lifestyle, genetic causes, and some medical conditions.
Infertility means difficulty in conceiving a child. If a woman is 35 or older, she is more likely to face the problem of infertility. Not only females but also males may have infertility issues.
Sometimes the couples are unable to conceive because both have underlying issues. Consult an IVF Consultant in Bhubaneswar to find out the causes of your infertility and its solution.
IVF is one of the popular methods for the treatment of infertility. IVF or in vitro fertilization has been in practice since the late 1970s. "In vitro" means impregnation that occurs outside of the human body. In this procedure, mature eggs are recovered from ovaries and fertilized by sperm in a laboratory. It is a multi-step procedure.
IVF Background: IVF can help a woman conceive effectively in the following cases:
1.      Blocked or damaged fallopian tubes
2.      Late maternal age
3.      Endometriosis
4.      Uterine fibroids
5.      Male infertility
6.      Unknown reason
What to expect from IVF Consultant
To find out the causes of your problem, you need to book an appointment at a fertility clinic. The doctor will do a comprehensive checkup. Usually, the doctor will perform several tests. In males, doctors usually start by testing the semen. They observe the form, amount, and movement of the sperm.
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In female, the doctor first checks if she is ovulating each month as problems with ovulation normally causes infertility in women. Ovulation problems occur due to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). It is a hormonal imbalance issue in women. Primary Ovarian Insufficiency (POI) is another reason causing ovulation troubles. It takes place when the ovaries stop functioning properly before a certain age. Several factors influence male and particularly female fertility.
If you have a problem in conceiving, consulting with an IVF Consultant in Bhubaneswar is an ideal option. To treat your infertility issues, book an appointment by visiting https://www.futurefertilityivf.com
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pritipriyadarshini · 2 years
How Kidney problems Affect Fertility| Santaan |fertility clinic in Bhubaneswar|
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Infertility refers to the lack of ability to conceive a baby. In severe cases, the individual may become infertile of chronic kidney disease (CKD). To know more get in touch with Santaan Fertility Clinic |Bhubaneswar – 7008990586, Berhampur – 9337301503
Contributes to the reduction in fertility in this population through multiple factors, that can increase your risk of chronic kidney disease, factors are like:
·       High Blood pressure
·       Heart disease
·       Smoking
·       Obesity
·       Diabetes
·       Abnormal Kidney structure
In Females, it directly affects the reproductive Hormone.
In Males, it affects the quality of sperm which leads to infertility.
Keep your kidney functioning in check to keep your overall as well as reproductive health safe. For more information about Fertility Treatment and IVF Treatment, Contact Santaan – Best Fertility Clinic in Bhubaneswar, or visit the website.
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binoddas111 · 1 year
What is Hyperspermia? Best fertility center in Bhubaneswar | Santaan|
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Hyperspermia is a medical condition characterized by abnormally high semen volume during ejaculation. If you are concerned about your semen volume or are experiencing other symptoms, it is important to speak with the Fertility Specialist. Santaan is the best fertility Center in Bhubaneswar.
 Hyperspermia can be a temporary or a chronic condition and may be caused by a variety of
factors, including:
 ·        hormonal imbalances
·        Infections
·        Certain medications
·        Genetic disorders
 It is not a serious medical condition, but it can cause discomfort or embarrassment for some men.
 So, proper Fertility Consultation and treatment help us a lot. Consult with the best fertility center in Bhubaneswar, Male Fertility Treatment in Bhubaneswar.  
 For more info Visit the website https://www.santaan.in/ and consult with an experts.
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kishoriivf · 2 years
Kishori IVF is the top fertility Clinic  in Bargarh, Angul, and Bhubaneswar. Book Appointment with the Best Fertility Doctors in Odisha.
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drsujatakar · 2 years
Best Gynecologist-Obstetrician In Bhubaneswar | Dr Sujata Kar
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Service to mankind is service to God and Dr Sujata Kar has truly put this to practice in a profession that demands relentless perseverance and immense strength. An established general gynaecologist and obsteritician practicing at the Kar Clinic, Bhubaneswar, Dr Sujata Kar played a pivotal role in setting up the first IVF centre in Eastern Odisha. A well travelled women, who has been a varsity topper and winner of 7 gold medals in MBBS, is now a name synonymous with infertility treatment in the state and has patients visiting her from the most remote areas. After completing her MBBS & MD from the prestigious SCB Medical College, Cuttack Dr Kar did her DNB, from the National Board. She pursued advanced training in laproscopic surgery from Calcutta and did her IVF from Belgium, under Professor Paul Devroey and London Harley Street Fertility Centre. Dr Kar developed advanced laparoscopic skills from multiple Observership in USA over the years. “I wanted to practice something beyond the regular medical challenges and this made me explore the world of gynaecology. Also, Odisha did not have any IVF centres at that point and this made it even more challenging for me,” quips the doctor. 
Her determination to let out an improved range of services paved the way for the level 3 centre at Kar Clinic rendering assisted reproductive technology (ART), advanced laproscopic surgery and obstretics. Its success rate in infertility treatment has brought many patients to the clinic through sheer word of mouth publicity, giving a bundle of joy to families who had lost all hopes. The high referral point of the clinic makes the centre different from other centres in the state. Speaking on IVF, Dr Sujata Kar shares that change in lifestyle and environment has led women to opt for a late pregnancy and this becomes a major reason for infertility in many. Clarifying on the various myths surrounding child birth, the doctor says that many couples are confident that nothing can possibly be wrong with them. “Women these days delay child birth assuming they can carry a pregnancy at 35 with as much ease as they would have at a younger age. Men too do not realise the impact of stress and the currentenvironment has on their fertility. Paternal aging and the use of cell phones and computers has led to reduced male fertility globally,” adds Dr Sujata Kar.
   Relating her experiences on such cases, the doctor says that couples should consult an infertility expert after failing to conceive for one to one and half years of unprotected intercourse. She goes on to add that as a demographic fact 80% of couples should become pregnant by the end of a year. The situation turns adverse mainly when women are older than 35 years or the men have a history of surgery of the reproductive organ. “We have close to 10-25% cases wherein we fail to tell the cause of infertility and we inform this to our patients,” says Dr Sujata Kar. Stating the intricacies of the medical treatment, Dr Sujata Kar informs that ART involves both short term and long term risks. Short term risks include the risk of taking ovarian stimulation drugs that can lead to Ovarian Hyper Stimulation Syndrome (OHSS). This is rare with only 2-3% occurrence. Long term risks include multiple pregnancies, like twins, triplets, and quadruplets. However, its occurrence is very rare now a days as doctors are very particular with the transfer of the embryos and ensure they don’t transfer more than two. “Multiple gestation is a difficult situation that leads to severalneo natal problems for the baby and maternal problems for the mother. Moreover there are certain congenital abnormalities related to ART as the fertilisation is outside the body in artificial media and it can never match the internal milieu of the human body,” asserts Dr Sujata Kar.
Dr Sujata Kar is one of the 
Best Gynecologists in Bhubaneswar. She is specialized in - Advanced 3D & 4D Sonography, Ultra Sonography, Reproduction Endoscopy, Inter-Ventional, Reproductive Medicine, IVF and ICSI and Gynecology Endoscopy.
For More Information about Dr Sujata Kar - Click here
Contact Us :  Kar Clinic & Hospital (P) Ltd, A-32, Unit-4, Kharvel Nagar, Bhubaneswar-751001,Odisha Website: http://drsujatakar.com/ Kar Hospital - https://www.karhospitals.com/ Mail id: [email protected]
Phone +91-9438488111, +91-9439400122
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kiranbalanayak · 9 months
Santaan | Best female fertility treatment in Odisha | Fertility Center in Bhubaneswar| For more Information about Pregnancy related Probems and male female infertility issues : Visit the web site :
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