#male M (mentioned)
2kiran · 1 month
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Thinking about WADE WILSON trapping you in his grasp, his masked chin perched on your shoulder and his blood-tinted leather glove shoved in-between your thighs. He reeks of impending doom, the scent combining with his natural aroma.
“Oh, no, no, don’t run from it, pretty boy.” WADE clicks his tongue, shaking his head as you squirm. His arm snaking around your waist tightened its grip, clutching you firmly against his front.
He sneaks his hand beneath your pants, wrapping it around the base of your hard cock before freeing it from your boxers. But he doesn’t allow the cool air to hit your sensitive hardness, choosing to toy with you by keeping it hidden under your shirt. You grunt, reaching to hold onto his knees. “W—wade.” You croak, trying not to buck your hips up.
WADE hums curiously, indicating that he was listening. With one finger, he maps out the silhouette of your length through the soft material. He’s enjoying this, and that fact is one he isn’t afraid to admit. “Hmm? D’ya want somethin’, baby?”
Despite his question, he doesn’t quite let you answer. Suddenly, his thumb presses down against the side of your tip, staring in great awe at how pre-cum begins to dampen the fabric. Your dick twitches from the stimulation, and you can’t prevent the plea from leaving you. “Stop teasin’ me, please.”
You can nearly feel his lips stretch upwards into a cocky grin. His palm rests flat on your length, gently rubbing up and down. Every time WADE’S finger went to messily massage your frenulum, your shirt would press into your skin and increase your responsiveness, making you uncontrollably throb. “Awww, we both know you don’t mean that. Our buddy over here likes it.” He teases, shifting to properly but lazily jerk you off.
His hand clenches when it curls ‘round your shaft, balancing you on the point of experiencing a high but never enough for you to actually reach it. WADE WILSON knows you can handle a tad of edging. “Be a good boy, c’mon that’s it, just a liiiiiiil’ bit more.”
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d3adbr3inc3lls · 3 months
Would you mind doing a Kieran x reader where they took the terablast from terapagos for kieran and they continue fighting it? Maybe have it be from Kieran's pov? Like imagine the angst were as the fight goes on it becomes increasingly clear that the reader is in serious pain and maybe even starting to cough up blood as they give orders to their team. Once terapagos is defeated and caught they collapse to ground in agony, barely able to stay awake. The reader is rushed to the hospital and while they are there he refuses to leave their side. Maybe during the reader's recovery he not only apologizes to them but also becomes very protective of them? If you don't want to do this request it's totally fine to just ignore it!
Kieran x Reader | Drabble | Part 1/?
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CW: Angst, injuries, bleeding, (lmk if I need to add anything else)
It was all a blur, really.
You were at his side one moment as he expressed his dissapointment regaurding Terapegos.
The next moment?
His arms came in contact with the rough ground.
Sharp stones came in contact with his hands and knees.
Sounds blended into eachother.
Any yells or protests from Carmine faded into the background.
His surroundings were foreign to him.
Everything felt so... unreal...
His thoughts were so loud but also so quiet...
Looking in your direction, you were laying on the ground, impacted by the tera blast the one he should've faced. He should've gotten hurt. Not you.
Running over to you, his head swirled with thoughts.
If only he hadn't obsessed with you- the power and strength you and your pokemon held.
If only he didn't attempt to capture Terapegos.
If only he didn't battle you with Terapegos...
None of this would've happened if he was a better friend.
Small tera-like crystals littered your body as he held you close to him. His hands were shaking violently as his vision began to betray him.
"I'm fine," You mumble.
You were always fine.
There was never a moment you weren't okay.
You could be on the verge of tears and still insist that you were okay.
You push yourself up off the ground, almost falling but your 'raidon emerges from its 'ball to save you from meeting the ground once more.
Your palms had red on them.
You quickly dust off any excess pebbles from your hands before shooting Kieran a comforting smile.
A 'comforting' smile that he found more creepy and painful than anything.
He knew that you were faking the smile.
Sure the smile reached your eyes but he knew that it was a simple thing for you to do.
You've done it many times before.
Terapegos's cry broke Kieran from his thoughts, suddenly remembering the 'root' of the problem.
The sparkling pokémon let out another cry, and perhaps it was teenage angst or rage, but Kieran swore that he could fistfight the stupid 'mon in that moment.
With a flick of your wrist, your Skeledirge came out of its pokéball with a fierce cry of its own, reminding Kieran of his 'mons.
Sending out his own pokémon, Kieran got into a battle ready stance.
The fight was not easy by any means.
His gaze always wondered to you as you cling onto your 'raidon before switching your Skeledirge out for a Meowscarada and later a Quaxwell.
Kieran can't deny it.
The battle was hard.
He had to switch pokémon multiple times aswell.
It didn't mean much, but it proved that Terapegos was strong, especially when two strong trainers - one of which being champion in their home region, and a school, and the other being a former champion of a school- couldn't defeat it without struggle.
It wasn't until the battle was completed and you caught the 'mon in the master ball given to you that your weak limbs gave in as you began to cough out a familiar red liquid.
Your 'raidon nuzzles your side as Kieran grabs out his rotomphone, his fingers finding their way to dial '1-1-2'.
Current / Part 2 [coming someday] /
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cerise-on-top · 5 months
what if the 141 boys had a ridiculously tall husband. like. a little bit taller than konig, probably. and he's really scary to people, actually!!!! but not his s/o , nuh uh, he's disgustingly sweet to his beloved.. sorry i'm rambling, i think (jokes and idiocy aside i adore your headcanons <3)
Hey there! Thank you, that's very kind of you! Also thank you for sending in a request for a male reader, you're one of the first ones and I was very excited to write about a male reader for once :D
TF141 With A Very Tall Husband
Price: He didn’t really think he’d ever be dating someone much, much taller than him. Sure, he doesn’t particularly mind, but he’s not short either, with him standing at 1,88m himself. It makes him feel small at times, especially if you’re pretty muscular too. He doesn’t get insecure about it in the slightest, oh no, but it’s weird to be so much shorter than your loved ones. However, he’s pretty used to scary people by now. Ghost isn’t exactly a delight to have around at first when you don’t know him either, so he knows how to deal with scary people. Might ask you to tone it down a little bit when you’re scaring other people too much, he doesn’t particularly wanna attract attention like that. But you being a sweetheart towards him? It melts his heart. He knows what you’re like towards people that aren’t him, so it makes him smile that you’re willing to do just about anything for him just to spend some time with him. You wanna trim his beard? There’s a good chance you’ve got some experience with that anyway, so he really doesn’t mind it as much. Hell, he probably trusts you more than his own barber at times. Besides, it’s a nice little bonding activity. If you have a beard then he’ll offer to trim it for you as well. Price isn’t really opposed to being the little spoon, or just being held in general. Quite the opposite, you being this tall sometimes puts him in a cuddly mood where he just plops down into your arms. Gently scratch his scalp and there’s a good chance he’ll even fall asleep on you. He’s so used to being everyone’s protector, it feels nice to be protected for once. But he won’t always settle for being held either, it’s his job to make you feel safe and sound as well, and thus he will take on the role of cuddler as well. Will fight you for that role, actually. Price is a real sweetheart towards his loved ones as well, so I think the two of you would fit well together. His mere presence demands respect in the right people, which can sometimes scare others. So, from time to time, you might both scare other people together. Sometimes intentionally, sometimes unintentionally.
Gaz: He makes so many jokes about you being this tall and feigns being hurt about being much shorter than you are. You’re his behemoth, his leviathan and his ziz. Loves calling you the names of monsters that are said to be pretty big, it’s endearing to him. Besides, you’re scary enough that some people call you a monster anyway, if just for your height. If anyone ever were to call you that in front of Gaz, then they’ll end up with a black eye. No one gets to call you a monster but him. While he won’t always approve of you scaring everyone, Gaz does have a few friends that he wants you to get along with, he won’t particularly do anything about it either if that’s just what you’re like. Might try to make you seem a bit less scary by being a bit more affectionate with you in public. Holding your hand, giving you a peck on the cheek, giving you a hug. Those kinds of things. He actually loves you being this tall since that means you can pick him up and spin him around. He’s not been picked up ever since he was a little boy, so he definitely wouldn’t mind you showing off to him just how strong you are. Is also always looking for an excuse to hold your hand. Oh, seems like he forgot just how big your hand actually is and how much it engulfs his. Remind him for a moment and hold his hand, will you? Gaz is a sweetheart towards his loved ones anyway, if you look past the fact he will sass anyone to show his affection, so he loves that you’re so sweet towards him. Though, sometimes he wishes you were about the same height so you could actually share each other’s wardrobe. But hey, at least he gets to wear your extremely oversized shirts and hoodies, one of his favorite things to do. Another thing he also adores is just sitting in your lap when you’re home together and will also place your hands so that you’re holding him in your arms. If you’ve got really warm hands then he’ll place them atop his thighs to keep himself warm. Gaz isn’t the warmest person out there, but that just means you get to warm him up yourself. Is actually a lot cuddlier because you’re this tall and will become your personal blanket.
Ghost: He feels kind of perplexed about you being so much taller than him. Ghost is 1,95m, he towers over pretty much anyone, so how dare you be so much taller than him. Pretends to hate you being this tall, actually loves it. Sometimes he dreams of sparring with you under the moonlight to assert his dominance, even though there’s really no need to since you’re such a sweetheart towards him. He probably just needs to ask and would get anything from you. He really doesn’t mind you scaring pretty much everyone off, he has the same effect on people he doesn’t know. That just means there’s less people to worry about in his life for the time being. You’ll be spending a lot of time alone with each other that way, which he really likes. Though, maybe don’t scare his teammates too much, he genuinely likes them and wants them to be well too. Though, it’s kind of hard to properly scare them anyway. Ghost is usually a pretty quiet man when there’s no need for chit chat, but he doesn’t mind hearing your voice. In fact, he might get worried if you suddenly stop talking and will ask you what’s wrong. If you’ve got nothing to talk about then he’ll ask some questions so he can continue hearing your voice. He also blushes from time to time when you suddenly give him some sugary sweet compliments. He’s a grown, scary military man, he really shouldn’t be, but it’s just so endearing, especially when you, even bigger and scarier, call him your little honey bunny. It actually motivates him to do house chores. Not that he won’t do them anyway, but you calling him embarrassingly domestic names makes him just a tad bit soft, which leads to him trying to be a good husband. You may cuddle him since he trusts you, but he will also want to hold you from time to time. Life is a constant give and take, so prepare to be cuddled. Won’t particularly ask for cuddles, though, since he’s kind of too embarrassed to admit he’s touch starved. To you it’s blatantly obvious, though, which is why you initiate those cuddling sessions. Ghost appreciates it and sometimes hides a smile in either the pillow or your neck. As long as you don’t see him being silly, all is good.
Soap: He used to hate you being this tall. Soap may “only” be of average height, but he’s the tallest in his family, which he was actually pretty proud of. He towered over his father, even. And then he joined the military, where quite a few people were taller than him. And then you had the audacity to introduce yourself to him. You, the tallest man he’s ever met. It hurt his ego. Ever since you got together, though, he slowly got over it. You’re just such a sweetheart, how could he hate you over something as trivial as this? However, nothing could ever stop him from trying to pick you up and spinning you around. Soap is a pretty strong lad too, he’ll make it work somehow. You will feel tiny and cared for too. There’s a good chance he can’t reach your lips to kiss you. Yes, he could just ask you to bend down, but where’s the fun in that? Climbs you like a tree instead. He’s also always thinking of that one post where, instead of asking their boyfriend, the person should just punch him in the stomach. He won’t do it, but he remembers it every time without fail. He doesn’t mind you being scary either. Hell, Ghost is also a pretty scary guy to have around when you don’t know him and he’s one of Soap’s closest friends. Besides, he knows better anyway. You’re a total goof and the biggest sweetheart this world has ever seen. You being scary towards others just means that he’s got you all to himself all the time. Soap is a clingy guy, so you can expect him to cling to you like a koala from time to time. Actually, that was a lie, you should expect him to jump at you and hold onto you very often. Cuddles over safety. You’re likely also one of the only people on the planet willing to hear him out when he’s talking about his passions. And he could go on for hours every time. Explosives, weapons, whatever show you’re watching together, all is fair game. See, you’re one of the biggest sweethearts to him because you actually listen to him, despite him going into great detail about it all. You may not always be able to understand him when he’s talking chemistry again, but you hear him out anyway, and for that alone you’ve won his heart. He also sits on your lap while talking. You’re his little throne now that he takes immense pride in.
#cod#cod x reader#john price#john price x reader#price x reader#kyle gaz garrick#kyle gaz garrick x reader#gaz x reader#simon ghost riley#simon ghost riley x reader#ghost x reader#john soap mactavish#john soap mactavish x reader#soap x reader#I doubt anyone cares but I HC Soap to be 1.78m and Gaz to be 1.81m I just forgot to mention it#m!reader#I know I'm biased but I feel as though I'm actually more willing to write about male readers than fem readers#90% of all things I see in this fandom are with a fem reader there's barely anything for male readers#still thinking back fondly on that one time I got a request for a ftm reader#but that was an eternity ago and I feel as though I'd write that request better now and with more content#I tried to write a lot for this because I was really looking forward to it#besides it was a pretty cute request too. I've actually got a request that's similiar to this one too#it's with Laswell and a reader that's roughly as tall as König#and then I've got something for Nikolai and Price as a couple#I'm gonna write some HCs for that alone and then write some more with added reader as a bonus#I know I never mentioned it anywhere but I do try to be a reader centric blog. but I can write charxchar as well#I just haven't done so since middle school I think#wait no I've written charxchar not too long ago for madcom and tf2. good times#not sure if I'll continue writing today though. I started a new anime and I'm enjoying it a lot so I might watch that instead
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baby-blue-ana · 1 month
good morning, 3d bitches (affectionate) in my stupid little electric rock <3
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here's some morning / "just woke up" thinspo & a little malespo for your Sunday 💙✨️🩵😌
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sabonell · 11 months
san x male reader
tags and summary:
ateez, drabble, military san, doctor reader, male reader as in he/him pronouns are used but other than slightly longer hair there is no physical description of y/n, this is fiction we do not like the military irl, dialogue heavy because my imagination is too vivid, physical examination gone wrong gone sexual, just kidding they just flirt, author knows way too much about military, health care and medical terms, but not enough about the english language, no beta we die like my dream of a gay teenage romance, san turned out way less cocky and teasing than i anticipated, this was basically just my day dream all day at work, the lower case is intentional and a stylistic choice and you’ll have to pry it from my cold dead hands
heavily inspired by: this but female reader makes me cry so yeah here’s my ‘rendition’
“well then shall we start your exam?”
san just nodded looking at his doctor. he had been transferred here just a month ago and ever since then san has tried making his professional facade crack every chance he got.
“come on you know the drill. sit down.” y/n ordered the soldier and he sat on the bench bed. “ok just look at my finger and i’ll shine the light into your eyes” san stared right past y/n’s finger into his concentrated eyes. “great your pupils are bilaterally isocor” he put the little diagnostic lamp back into his white coat and pulled a wooden stick from one of the cabinets. san already knowing what comes next expectantly opened his mouth and pushed his tongue out before y/n could even turn back to him. “ok-“ he started but stopped at the picture in front of him. shrugging his shoulders he placed the wooden stick on sans tongue while taking out the diagnostic lamp again and shining into his oral cavity. “and-“ “ahhhhh” finished san for him. y/n praised him and his cooperation with a light chuckle.
san just continued staring at him while he shone the light around his mouth. he straightened his back with an amused “hm” whilst throwing the stick in the trash. “hm?” asked san and y/n answered with a “what?”. “you made a ‘hm’ sound. what was that for?” the other pretended to think, even tapping his index finger to his chin but never actually touching skin “have you ever heard that dentists can see bruises in your mouth after certain activities?” and with that a slight blush spread across sans nose and cheeks, all over his strong features down to his neck but he just shook his head no trying to remain at least some composure.
his doctor shrugged with a slight smile getting his stethoscope. “that’s ok i was never too keen on the mouth and it’s inhabitants anyway.” “teeth?” y/n cocked his head to the side asking back. “you mean teeth? your mouth inhabitants?” san emphasised with air quotes. “yeah those too.” y/n replied while motioning the soldier to pull his shirt up.
“you know” san stared a bit cautiously “it would be easier if i just took it off completely”. “sure it would be if you’re not uncomfortable” y/n stared at him blinking owlishly and with that he lifted his white tshirt over his head holding it bunched up in his lap. “careful cold” his doctor just said before placing the stethoscope on his upper left chest. “and breathe in” san took a deep breath in “and out” at the command he let it out again. “good” y/n said, switching to his right side. “and again” he asked softy while san tried to focus anywhere but the others eyes this time and just settled for an imaginary point on the wall while his doctor continued the auscultation of his lung hoping that it wasn’t possible to hear how his heart was pounding.
“sounds great” the missing touch on his skin pulled san from his starting daydream, following his doctors instructions further he laid down on his back settling for staring up at the ceiling this time the tshirt now clutched in his left hand next to the wall. “tell me if it hurts yeah?” he started expertly pressing on his abdominal right upper quadrant. “stop this” he ordered the soldier taking his eyes of his stomach. meeting his eyes now san tried to hide a smirk asking “stop what?” y/n stopped touching his stomach, which made san swallow down a whine, straightening up and brushing his hair out of his eyes to look at him more clearly. “stop trying to impress me by flexing your muscles. it messes with the exam.” san cocked an eyebrow. “who says im flexing my muscles? this is them in their natural state.” pointing his gloved finger accusingly at the soldier “stop lying to your doctor. it’s not working. i know what a flexed muscle feels like soldier. besides there really is no need to try and impress me.”
“why?” san asked “did i do it already?” fighting back the smile that threatened to appear on his face the doctor just answered “one, yes but most importantly, you really shouldn’t need my approval to know that you’re in great physical shape. we both know this examination is purely a formality of bureaucracy.” y/n paused and turned away from sans eyes to face his stomach again “and now stop flexing and let me finish this.” happy with that answer and a smile plastered over his face san relaxed his muscles and just focused on his doctors touch.
“good, well done.” he praised him “now i just need to palpate the rest of your body. again just tell me when it hurts.” and with that he started at his wide shoulders applying light pressure continuing down his rips and to his hips. “now spread your legs” “take me out to dinner first” san chuckled but obeyed while y/n just playfully rolled his eyes at him, carrying on with each leg. “no pain at all?” san denied the question by shaking his head slightly. satisfied with this his doctor nodded and positioned himself at the soldiers feet.
with crossed armes he applied light pressure on sans right foot. “push back every time i push” he ordered. san pushed his right food back slightly and switched to his left when y/n did as well, ending with pushing them both at the same time.
“ok great you can sit back up” y/n said while taking of his blue gloves revealing another white pair underneath.
“you wear two pairs of gloves?” san asked while watching his doctor dispose of the blue pair.
“sometimes, yes” he nodded “it’s more convenient and you can tell if one rips, which is more important during surgery but it just became a habit”
standing in front of him again and crossing his arms y/n took each of sans hands into his own testing his grip strength the same as he did with his feet.
“ok and squeeze right” he waited for the pressure “good and left” after a short moment he continued “and now both” to which san squeezed both of his doctors hands while locking eyes with him.
“good” y/n breathed out lightly “you can let go now” he added softly with a smile. but san really didn’t want to let go of his doctors hands right now. or ever.
so he asked “what if i don’t want to?” slightly furrowing his eyebrows causing y/n to slight stumble over his next words “i still need to test your reflexes san”
he slowly let go of his hands while dropping his head. “oww now don’t start looking like a kicked puppy. i also still need to write this all down and hand it in. otherwise they’ll take you off your next mission and what would your team do without you now huh?”
san nodded his head in defeat. his doctor was right. this was nothing more than an exam to determine if he was physically capable of being send overseas to kill some innocent civilians. purely a formality.
had zero idea how to start nor how to end this. it’s fully self indulgent like absolutely every thing i write. hopefully you still enjoyed and have a great day loves🫶🏻🫶🏻
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fairyprey · 5 months
churned girl meat - day 2
Lana was traversing the mountains, seeking for shelter days after the Voradiation, as others were calling it, hit all life on Earth. A few of her friends had been turned into various sizes, however she only shrunk to be barely 5ft tall. Survival for her was more in her favor if she didn’t have the pleasure of running into a bumbling man or giant. It was unknown the effects it had on the men besides making them much more hungrier than usual.
As Lana’s feet crunched against the dying flowers tucked into the wilderness, she witnessed dispersed clothing on the ground, covered in holes and slime, the last sign of a girl’s existence now if she had the privilege of getting her clothes burped out. It was a further reminder of the new class of societies: Male predators and Female prey. Whatever was in that ship, it turned the world that Lana knew it upside down.
Ahead of her, the girl saw a cabin. There were no signs of life there and if there were, they might have been turned into pudge by now. Though it seemed like a bad idea, going there now was better than being out in the open with a chance of turning into a meal. Lana trekked across the flowers to the wooden cabin; there had been stairs leading up to the rickety door that had a metal handle to it. It was calling to her for her to open.
Her feet took her up the stairs and to the door that was beckoning to be opened. Lana’s hand brushed across the handle and opened it, gaining a small view of the cabin before dropping down into the basement, from a floorboard that gave into weight and swiveled around after.
It must have been a trap… And she was damn well mad at herself that she didn’t see it sooner.
Lana’s knees bruised when she fell into a tall, triangular cage that kept her within. The basement had looked like what a cabin living room would look like to the average person; a lit fireplace, a comfortable reclining chair, and other stuff she couldn’t see due to how dark it appeared to her. The chair swiveled around, revealing a 6’3” man with messy, golden blond hair, brown eyes, tan skin, and freckles across his nose. The look on his face said enough to her. He was up to no good and she was about to find out soon.
A small sounding chuckle erupted from his mouth as he got up, taking his sweet time to come up to her. Lana’s ears heard some sniffs coming from him as well; he must’ve smelled her scent from miles away due to the way he had been looking at her. You know how a crocodile looks at its prey before striking? This was him, except he was said crocodile and Lana was the prey meant to feed and fill his belly. “Well, well, well, now what tasty morsel do we have here?” The man said, his tongue snaking out of his mouth to lick his lips. “My name’s Stanford. I would ask for your name, but I think I’m just gonna call you mine, sweets.”
Stanford eyed Lana, his eyes roaming her tan body that had some curves to it. The shorts she’d been wearing were definitely riding up her. They showed the dips of dimples of cellulite that trailed from her thighs to her plump ass. In his predatory eyes, each of those held centers of flavor for him to lather in saliva and lick endlessly. In fact, he had to look away because he wanted to cherish his food. Stanford didn’t wanna spoil his dinner so soon.
As much as he wanted to gaze at her delicious form, he preferred that his mouth do the exploring. His fingers reached out and stroked the iron bars of the triangular cage that trapped the woman. The muscle in his mouth moved in desperation to finally taste his meal, water from the salivary glands rushing out and gulping down the excess. Stanford was thinking about the potential flavors that coaxed her being. Who knew how long she’d been out in the mountains. The sweat could’ve seasoned her with a salty taste, or the bath wash Lana used could’ve made her taste sickeningly sweet. The possibilities were endless.
Stanford’s fingers tugged the cage open, gaining access to Lana. And like a scared fawn to a hungry fox, she froze. Prior to any of the accidents, she surely would’ve been throwing hands to escape. But her and countless others body chemistry had permanently altered to an unrecoverable state.
Due to Lana’s frozen state, Stanford had free reign to do whatever he wanted to the woman so short, she only reached his shoulders. “Stand up, food.”
Lana did as asked by the man and stood up, her green eyes meeting his brown. In her frozen state, she took a good look at him once again and processed the fact that she wouldn’t be surviving this encounter. It would have eventually caught up to her sooner than later. I mean, how many men could resist such a delectable looking meal like her? And Stanford would make sure to put her bundles of calories to good use. Speaking of calories, his stomach let out a low growl. It was desperate to be filled after being without food for only 8 hours. The catch Stanford had yesterday couldn’t compare to Lana and his belly only confirmed his thoughts. A smirk tugged at his lips and he grabbed the back of her head, shoving it against the growling organ. GLLLRRRGGGGGGG
“You hear that dear? Listen closely…” The chamber let out another growl, the walls of the stomach shaking. It sensed the girl outside it and wanted to let Lana know how much it wanted her inside. It yelled a few more times and the growls vibrated against her soft face. “You’re gonna add to my belly quite nicely. All that meat of yours is gonna get churned, pumped through my intestines, and become fat for me to absorb onto my stomach. That’s your purpose, right dear?” Stanford taunted the poor girl.
Lana nodded, agreeing with the sentiments made by the handsome man that was her predator. He chuckled darkly and licked his lips, preparing to devour her and deliver to his gut. Stanford wrapped his rather large hands around her waist, easily lifting her up and holding her close to his face. Despite their not-so-drastic size difference, he wouldn’t let that stop him from tasting her before shoving her into his mouth. Stanford’s tongue slipped out of his saliva filled mouth and dragged itself over her warm cheeks were coated in freckles. The first flavor he was met with was like a nicely seasoned meat that had been topped with salt. Sounds of pleasure left his mouth at the delectable taste and he just had to have more. The tongue snaked across the rest of her face, gaining much more flavor to soak into his sensitive taste buds that felt like small bumps to her.
He pulled away and licked his lips one last time and gazed at her wet face. “I would love to taste you more, my delicious meat, but I prefer you being in me. Say goodbye to your life, toots. Not like it was worth much.”
Stanford chuckled and unhinged his jaws, shoving Lana’s head in his mouth. All she could do was helplessly blink and surrender to the devouring of her. His tongue moved underneath her face and once again, tasted and slobbered all over it. He was acting cruel to make the process worse for her and even greater for him. Her head was hefted up to the roof of his mouth and sucked on. All Stanford wanted to do was take all the flavor from her as he could before swallowing her. The tongue also licked the black ringlets of hair on her head that tasted like butter to him, another flavor that enhanced the savoriness Lana. He began moving his jaw, smacking her around in there with his mouth and drew her closer to the back of his throat. He sucked on her head one last time before swallowing it, depositing it into the tight throat that seeked to drag her down. Stanford hummed around her body as the gulp brought in her chest that quickly got attention from his tongue. The thick muscle prodded it perversely, taking pleasure of licking the areola around her nipples and flicking it with his tongue. With each lick, it had been like her taste became better. Stanford hoped that every future meal after this didn’t disappoint. His teeth came down and lightly grazed against her upper back, lightly chewing. Not enough to draw blood, but enough to leave a few white marks or bruising. He would lie if he said he didn’t derive pleasure from dehumanizing Lana like this. Treating her like food was something so pleasing to him and he almost didn’t want it to end, but hunger called. After teasing the chest once more, he swallowed it down, letting the throat constrict the rest of the upper body that joined Lana in his throat. She squirmed as if it were instinct and struggled in the fleshy tube. The squirming got worse now that Stanford was at her lower body. She felt his tongue lick at her ass and thighs, shoving the tip of it into the bunches of cellulite that were bursts of flavor to him. His mouth moaned in pleasure and he ignored his want to tease her pussy, instead just swallowing that part of her body down until it was just her feet in there. With the additional swallow, her head and chest had met their end: the stomach. Whilst Stanford was busy tasting and indulging in his feed of her, the stomach had greeted her with a loud grumble that loosened some of herself from the throat. In response to hearing his tummy, he swallowed the rest of Lana. Soon enough, her whole body joined the wet, growling chamber. It soon grew tight before… BRUUUUAPPPPPPPP
Stanford let out the gas out of his mouth before patting his tummy, rubbing over the stretched organ that laid his meal, “Oh, darling! You tasted absolutely delectable! Thanks for the free meal,” His hands traced the outlines she made, “Now if you don’t mind me, I’m gonna make you into fat. Enjoy your trip through my intestines. I surely will..” He let out a dark chuckle as the stomach roared. It was now beginning to prepare to digest the woman who was prisoner to it. The wrinkly walls waved against her skin, leaking acid from them. If it was burning, she didn’t feel it. She wasn’t sure why but maybe it was due to the radiation altering her DNA once more. It simply reminded her of her only purpose and ending now: food. Lana soon was being melted by the bubbly acid that gave off smokes of heat. The liquid was melting her meat straight off the bones, falling off like it held no weight to it before. It was doing its job to digest and tear every molecule from its holding to the other. The muscles, tendons, skin, bones, and all. She was only there to serve the man’s body and hunger. Lana was conscious during most of it until her head was being digested. She said goodbye to the world as she was made into a nutritious sludge. From the outside. Stanford was burping up a storm as his stomach rumbled once again. The once mass of meat in his stomach grew softer with each growl and gurgle emitted from it. He chuckled and patted his tummy, hearing the sloshing of the once beautiful girl turned into a mass of liquid.
Lana’s remains slipped into his small intestines, getting squeezed and absorbed by his body. As the hours passed by, his stomach grew in size with each pump of meat getting turned into fat for his tummy. With one last…
Lana was no more. Instead, just the additional skin to Stanford’s tummy and energy. He’d been pleased and laid down in his chair, falling asleep and rubbing his squishy gut.
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rwby-confess · 3 months
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Confession #118
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Knights + wg + disposal? The wg is the most important part for me tbh
I can absolutely do that! Knights are always great.
Kneeling down before the prince, the knight keeps his head down out of respect. The king had just assigned him to watch after the young man; naturally, he'd give his very life to protect him. That was the oath he'd taken as part of his knighthood, to always protect the royal family above all else.
The prince wasn't very happy to have a 'walking hunk of metal' always trailing after him. He was small, even for his age, and the burly knight in his thick, silver armor practically towered over the young adult. He hardly spoke as the prince never spoke directly to him. He followed the prince's orders so long as they didn't conflict with the one given to him by the king, of course. Their relationship stayed strained, distant, and professional...until one night when the knight peeked into the prince's room (which he was forbidden from entering) and saw that it was empty and the window was open.
The knight panicked, of course, but he wouldn't let anyone see or notice as he began to search around for his liege. It took a bit of work, but he managed to find the prince at the local tavern, three pints into a drinking spell and so wasted he was barely standing. That was bad enough, but even worse, the prince was seated with a group of strangers. And the way they're staring at him, grinning like wolves, talking quietly to each other...the knight's vision goes red and for a time, he loses total control of himself.
When the knight comes to, he has a stomachache and he's in the prince's room. He can feel cool air exposed on his gut, which is currently sticking up in the air above him. Its gurgling and churning wetly, processing some thick meat, which the knight notices as he belches thickly. But there's another taste on his mouth--alcohol. He isn't drunk, though, and he's sure he didn't have a drop. A weight shifts on top of him and that's when he notices the prince, deep in sleep on top of his still softening stomach. The knight licks his lips, tasting booze and...something else. The pieces are coming together...and he has no idea how to feel about any of it.
The knight slipped away before the prince could wake up, and come the next morning, the young man is hungover and just as crabby as ever. The knight hopes that that will be the end of it. The prince got wasted in an act of rebellion, the knight saved him (and ended a few lives in the process, if the bone-riddled shit he left in the royal stables are any indication), and none of it will be remembered or spoken about and they can continue on as normal. Only the slight squeeze of the knight's armor on his heftier stomach will remind him and he'll be sure to work it off in time.
But the knight can't help but notice the prince acting differently. He's still defiant and closed off, but the knight notices the young man staring at his stomach every so often and his instance to be left alone comes off as forced rather than earnest and only seemed to happen when there were watching eyes. The prince never tried to shoo him away while in private. The knight can't tell if the strange feeling he gets from it is discomfort or...something else.
A week after the incident, the prince loudly proclaimed he was going to the tavern. It wasn't directed at the knight, but no one else was around to hear, and so he follows along after the prince to his destination. The knight feels a bit better about this, now that he's actually aware of where the prince has gone and is there to watch him. Though having someone like him at the dingy town bar is going to bring in attention from its patrons.
The prince tried to ignore some of the tipsy men that were pestering him, but when one grabbed the royal roughly by the arm and pulled on him, the knight saw red again. He was very aware of what he was doing this time, though, as he pulls the bastard right off the ground and into his drooling maw. Thick gulps suck the man down, and his equally tipsy companions try to help and fight back, but their clumsy movements stood no match against the raging knight. Each one would be grappled and shoveled down the hatch, steadily filling the knight's stomach. The second down makes the plate armor pop off his gut, letting it surge forward with a wet slosh, but he barely pays mind to it as he grabs onto the third and keeps eating. After the fifth pair of kicking legs are slurped down, it seems everyone else in the bar is content to keep their eyes focused elsewhere. Some flinch when the knight belts out a thick belch but no one even dares to speak.
Things are hazy after that for the full knight. He's pulled along to one of the tavern's rooms, hands all over his groaning guts as the men inside scream and struggle. Thick gurgles steadily overtake their voices and powerful acids soften their strong bodies with time. It makes a few heavy belches rumble out of him. One of them sends a skull flying, and it's met with a kiss soon after, one that the knight melts right into with a soft moan. The pampering to his full stomach would eventually lull the knight to sleep, his loud snoring accompanying the heavy churning of his gut.
When the knight comes to the next morning, his belly is burbling softly, pumping away the last bits of slop from last night's meal. It takes him a moment to realize where he is, and when he tries to sit up, he notices a heavy weight draped across his stomach. The prince, sleeping peacefully, an arm wrapped around the round pot gut that hung off the knight's frame. Or he had been, until the knight moved and woke him up.
The prince's morning starts with some very profuse and startled apologies from the knight, promising to never do something so gluttonous and hedonistic again, especially not with the prince. He was in the middle of ensuring he'd lose the weight in a week's time when he feels hands on his gut. The prince lifts it up from the bottom and lets it drop, making the mass bounce and slosh. The knight can feel his face heating up under his mask and the words jam up in his throat.
"You won't be losing the weight," the prince says, roaming his hands over the soft expanse of the knight's middle. "In fact, I expect you to stick with your new diet for the foreseeable future. Furthermore, you'll be allowing me full access t your stomach at all times, especially for sleeping. You can do that, can't you..." the prince leans up, planting a soft kiss on the knight's lips, "...my loyal knight?"
The knight can't do anything but nod, his belly warbling out a wet groan against the prince's hands.
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allthebestcowgirls · 9 months
work party was so much fun!!! i only feel a tiny bit embarrassed by my behavior but otherwise it was a such a good time! :) i laughed a lot and we did mini gingerbread houses and played a game🤸‍♂️my partner and i lost even tho we had the funniest answers but whatever it's all fun! everyone liked my christmas crack and that made me so happy hehe sadly my cookies weren't as popular but that's okay but that means more for me ❤️‍🩹 and my secret santa gift was literally so amazing i feel so glad and lucky! and the person i got a gift for also liked hers so im happy🫶
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d3adbr3inc3lls · 3 months
Hey! Im really new to requesting so please tell me if I got something wrong! I was wondering if you could write something about Spinel from Pokemon: Horizons with an S/O that likes to play violin for people they like? I hope you have a nice day!!
Spinel x Violinist!Reader
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A/N: Dw, you got nothing wrong!! Also I do apologise that this is a bit short, nothing personal, I just didn't know what to write,,
Spinel seems like the type of person who'd probably sit in silence when he's working.
The only sounds that would be heard would be his Umbreon's cries and the occasional mouse clicking.
He probably finds out that you're a violin player when you were practising,
10/10 loves to hear you play,
It's literally music to his ears.
If you preform anywhere, you can bet your life that he will be there.
If there are any creeps at your shows, Spinel will deal with them, [in a tame manner, he doesn't to be the centre of attention during your shows]
It doesn't matter if Gibeon wants him on the opposite side of the world, Spinel will still show up.
"That old man can wait for a day. I have better things to attend to,"
He'd probably make a comment that hints at the two of you dating,
If it's after your performance, he'd wrap an arm around you and pull you in a close hug or keep a hand in your waist,
Or anything else that indicates that you're not single.
If said person is still being creepy, he'd take out his Umbreon and vaguely threaten them.
That always helps scare unwanted people,
He doesn't mention it but if you have any covers of you playing the violin, he'd defiantly listen to them in the background whilst he works.
If you ask, he'd tell you that he does.
10/10, he's completely supportive of you playing on the violin.
If you ever want anything for your violin, Spinel would definitely buy it for you,
[Even if it's completely useless like a sticker or something.]
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mythicalcoolkid · 2 years
"Noooo what if this person is actually cis and only using they/them for clout???" CIS PEOPLE ARE ALSO ALLOWED TO USE THEY/THEM
#m/cc#just found out Demi Lovato went back to using she/her and people are saying she was lying#like. a) nonbinary people can use she/they or just she/her#b) people can have fluid identities or pronouns or experiment with their identities#c) if she's in the spotlight we have no idea what all reactions or pressure she might've gotten to go back to she/her#(including being denied work or just being misgendered all the time anyway)#and d: CIS PEOPLE CAN STILL USE THEY/THEM#like I GET it the concept of 'queer tourism' sucks (though for the record SHE STILL IDENTIFIES AS NONBINARY!!)#but also like even if she was cis the whole time SHE STILL WOULD BE 'ALLOWED' TO USE THEY/THEM#I had a cis woman prof who used they/them to avoid misogynistic biases in academia!#I've known cis male drag queens who used they/them to avoid the question of pronouns when switching in and out of drag!#I've had friends who identify as fully cis but 'my gender/sex/identity is none of your business screw off' they/them#not even mentioning the litany of people who are binary because they don't feel extremely Not Binary (the 'eh sure' cis folks)#the gender nonconforming people for whom not conforming extends to not using those pronouns#the people who use they/them as a personal or political statement#the folks who are questioning and are 'tentatively/theoretically cis'#yelling that cis people aren't 'allowed to' use neutral pronouns is the opposite of 'abolishing gender'#like congrats you're making this space less safe for cis AND nonbinary people! you've helped neither group#anyway. cis people are allowed to try out pronouns and change their mind and use multiple pronouns and do any kind of combo they want#I understand why it's frustrating to see a celebrity 'try out' they/them and go back to she/her when she got tired of it#but that's not a reason to put up this weird gate that makes EVERYONE less safe as a result#it's 3 AM and I'm tired
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unstable-samurai · 3 months
Love is Intention (pt.1)
Male Reader x Sana
word count: 7.5K
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tags: possessive girl, angst, obsession, passionate fan, psychopathy, love sex, blowjob, penetration, tease, stalker, sexual fantasy, mature male reader, dom girl...
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Everything started on a rainy Friday. It was the damn book launch, your return after 8 cursed years without publishing anything. Your hands were as cold as a corpse. It was a trauma. Ever since the first time you had to put your face out there to promote your work, no one showed up. It was humiliating. People walked into the bookstore at the mall and saw you sitting alone at a table with two stacks of untouched copies of your book. You stayed there for four hours, and when someone finally seemed to come over, it was just a regular customer asking where the hell the Stephen King bookshelf was. And you can bet he had a shelf dedicated just to him, he was a genre unto himself.
But, well, does that really matter now?
This terrible experience didn't stop you from becoming a best-seller, anyway. Starting from the third book signing session, people were lining up just to get your autograph and shake your hand (the selfie craze wasn't popular yet). You didn't get an exclusive shelf with your name like King, but your books were next to those of great writers like Ernest Hemingway and J.D. Salinger and even contemporary geniuses like Chuck Palahniuk. Good enough for you.
There were 5 consecutive knockouts! Each book released broke the record of the previous one. In a span of 10 years, you reached your literary stardom, and, look at that, even Stephen King read and praised one of your books (the second one, where the schizophrenic protagonist believes she killed her own husband in a fight and now must decide whether to turn herself in to the authorities or get rid of the body. Plot twist: it was the husband who killed the wife. Good surrealist shit.)
Then you never published anything again.
Problems arose and your creativity seemed to vanish, along with your desire to write. The divorce, the alcoholism, the insomnia... depression, perhaps? All of this exploded in your face at once, leading you into a self-destructive spiral that seemed endless. You almost didn’t recover from it. Well, you were still recovering, truth be told. One day at a time and all that. And, well, a new book was yet another step towards a normal and stable life again. God and the devil knew how difficult it was for you to find the strength to write again. Your new book was just a collection of short stories, but we all need to start over from somewhere, right?
And what if no one shows up?
That damn thought wouldn’t leave your mind. 8 years… it’s enough time to forget an author. How many new ones must have appeared and become best-sellers by now?
“Don’t be so nervous. It’s still early. People will show up,” said Jessie, the assistant hired by your literary agent. He was unable to attend the occasion as his wife was in labor.
“Yeah… You’re right.”
“I know thinking is kind of your job, but don’t overdo it. Come on, have some coffee.” She handed you a cup; it was very hot, helping to warm your cold, lifeless hands. Jessie continued:
“Twitter got pretty excited when the publisher announced your book’s release. It must be the rain messing things up around here.”
She was a good girl. She knew how to read people, and she also knew you needed a bit of encouragement.
"The latest news about me was about my divorce and my problems with alcohol. I'm happy to still have a bit of credibility."
"An author only loses credibility if they publish a bad book and then another one right after. You could have committed a homicide and people would still be excited for a book of yours. That whole thing about separating the author from the work, you know what I mean? Literature is a world apart."
What she said was quite accurate in your view, fortunately or unfortunately. You noticed that she was very smart for a woman of just 20 years old.
"Did you know that I published my first book when I was your age?"
"Yeah, I know! You took over the literary scene in that decade. 'Young Writer Applauded at Festival and Becomes the Newest Best-Seller of the Year.' I read that old article when I found out I was going to work with you. You were really a phenomenon. And not to take away from your art, but that handsome face of yours helped to win over some fans."
You just lowered your head and laughed timidly.
"I guess now I can't count on my young face anymore."
"'Dilfs' are the trend now, sir!"
"And what the hell is that?" you asked curiously.
Suddenly, four people entered the bookstore together. They smiled upon seeing you, and you instantly knew they had come for the autograph session. Then two more people entered. They waved at you, and you felt the nervousness take over your body again, but this time for a good reason: people kept coming in. And there were still 20 minutes left before the book launch was to begin.
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You had forgotten how special a book launch could be. Unfortunately, the mark left by the first event made you forget the good part of it. But from now on, you would strive to remember only how it was a warm and memorable occasion; being a relatively private event, you were practically surrounded only by people who truly appreciated your art and you as a person.
You had just finished the author's reading part. The first 20 pages of the first story seemed to please the audience, and the applause at the end of the reading was a relief for you. When was the last time you were given a standing ovation? A long time ago, obviously. It was time for questions, Jessie had warned you in advance that there were 3 journalists among the 61 readers present. The journalists were not wearing identification badges, so they were mixed in with the public, which included booktubers, superfans, and key influencers in the literary market. Perhaps with the idea of getting a 'pure' response from you to then publish in the media. So you should be prepared to get a good headline.
"Alright, hmm, I think now is the time for questions..." you announced to the audience, somewhat nervous.
Many people raised their hands. You chose the bearded bald man with glasses.
He stood up and asked:
“We know that there was a long gap between your last book and this new one. Has your writing changed during this time? Can we expect a more mature version of you in terms of your approach to delicate events that are the highlight of your writing?”
“Great question, thank you! Well, I have always approached these themes as an ordinary man. I am not a psychologist to make a clinical and scientific approach to certain things that my characters decide to do in the story. I have always valued accessible communication with the general public. Pain and feelings are universal, and the way we deal with them tends to be different, varying from person to person. Unconsciously, my writing has matured, a result of time, I believe, but I still follow the same approach that brought me here.”
“Thank you, sir,” said the bald man. He then pressed a button on his iPhone, which he had held up the entire time you were speaking.
You glanced slightly to the side, and Jessie winked at you. Your intuition was right about him being one of the journalists.
"Next question."
You chose a young Black girl wearing a beige overcoat.
"Hello! I just want to say that I'm happy to be here! My name is Carol, and I'm a big fan of yours! Hmm, ah, my question! Let me see... According to the synopsis and now the first pages of the story you read, it seems that each story, although different from one another, is connected by a central theme, which is the lack of connection with today's society. I wanted to know, how did you come up with these characters? Are they portrayals of current people, or are they mere fictional figures trapped in the past?"
"That's an excellent question too. Thank you, Carol. So, in the last few years when I wasn't writing, I wandered around a lot of places. I was a bit lost, to be honest, but one good thing about that difficult phase was having the opportunity to talk to all kinds of different people. Poor and rich. Everyone had something to say about the world, as well as their own problems with it. All I can say is that I didn't draw inspiration from any real person to create the characters, but rather from the experiences I accumulated during the good conversations I had with various people of different races, ages, and genders. Despite this, it's easy to recall someone familiar who has a story similar to Milly, the protagonist of the first story in the book, for example. My characters are almost always ordinary people."
"Thank you for answering!"
“You're welcome. Next question.” You paused briefly to drink some water, then continued, choosing a young woman sitting at the far right end of the last row of chairs, where the light from the lamp didn’t reach as well.
“Hello! Good evening, everyone! My name is Sana, I’m a big fan of your art and I’m happy about your return,” she said, quite excited.
You were startled when she stood up and you could see her better. Your heart suddenly raced. It was a strange sight. The girl, Sana, was wearing a long white dress with some flower prints.
Your ex-wife had a very similar dress. Quite a coincidence. So, you hid your look of astonishment and said:
“Thank you, Sana. You can ask your question.”
“I would like to know if your return is definitive. Are there more drafts stored or ideas for future projects? I read on the internet about a leak that revealed you were writing a script for a mini-series on a streaming service. Does this mean you are now dedicated to writing without long breaks?”
“I can't comment on this supposed leak. And I can't guarantee that my return won’t have more long breaks, but I am making an effort to maintain a healthy pace for myself and that also allows me to produce good works without delays.”
“Your long pause was due to external problems like the divorce and your alcohol dependency. Now that you’re rehabilitated, what are the chances of you returning to your old publication window of every two years?”
“Excuse me!” Jessie intervened. “I’d like to remind everyone that this event is dedicated to the book, not the author’s personal life. So, let’s keep the questions focused on the fiction, please.”
“Oh, sorry! I didn’t mean to be intrusive,” Sana explained, smiling. “I’m just another fan who is immensely happy about the return of the favorite author, and who hopes to continue reading many of his books.”
"It's okay. As I said before, I can't guarantee anything. I hate unfounded promises like anyone else. I appreciate your kindness, Sana. I will strive to continue publishing frequently."
She smiled at you, satisfied with your response.
For the next question, you chose a gray-haired woman who seemed quite intellectual.
"There are rumors that your first book will be adapted into a movie. Can you tell us a little about that? And regardless of whether it's true or not, how would you feel about seeing your work being transferred to another medium, like with a new vision and maybe without your creative control?"
"We are in negotiations at the moment. I can't say more than that. Well, I wouldn't mind seeing someone else putting their vision into my stories; it would be something different, you know? Another work, not necessarily mine. I find it interesting and I am always open to film adaptations."
You continued for about 30 minutes. This stuff was quite tiring and after a while, it seemed to lose its purpose, but you kept smiling until the end.
Now all that was left was to sign the books. Each reader got your autograph and a copy of your new book. Everyone praised you and practically 90% of the audience took a selfie with you.
There were only 5 people left to finish the autographs when it was that girl's turn.
"Hello!" she said, extending her hand to greet you. You shook her hand. It was small and soft, like a porcelain doll's hand. "I was quite anxious for this."
"I hope I didn't make you wait too long. Lines can be quite unbearable."
"It's all right, I've learned to be patient.”
You noticed that she was staring at you. For a fan, she was not shy at all. She was beautiful too. Very beautiful. You would probably be falling in love with Sana if you were the same age as her and were the type of writer who gets dazzled by any special attention from a pretty girl.
“Sana, right? Well, I’ll sign your book now.”
You picked up a copy and signed it.
“‘To Sana, a special fan. May these pages entertain you and perhaps mean something to you in the end.’” You finished with your signature. “Here. Thank you for coming.”
“Oh my God! You don’t know how happy I am! Can I ask you to sign another book of yours? It's my favorite!”
She took the book out of her bag and handed it to you, then you signed it with quick precision.
“You’re so sweet! Oh, could you tell me how long you will be in the city? And sorry if I'm being too nosy..."
“I’m leaving tomorrow afternoon.”
“Oh, what a shame. You don’t know how special this evening has been for me.” Sana sighed. “I just wish I had more time to talk to you.”
“Hey, girl!” exclaimed the woman in line behind Sana. “You’ve been talking to him for about 5 minutes! There are more people wanting to get an autograph, you know?!”
Sana didn’t reply but shot a cold, empty look at the woman that made her nervous.
“It was really a dream to meet you in person.” She placed her hand on yours. Slowly, she said, “Maybe we’ll meet again sometime, won’t we?”
You gave a soft laugh and replied:
“Yeah, I’d love that.” You smiled formally at her. “Have a good night, Sana.”
“You too.” She said in a voice a little too sweet for your taste.
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"The night was amazing!" said Jessie cheerfully. The two of you were eating at a diner after the book launch had ended. "You answered all the questions really well. Especially the ones from the journalists."
"Thank you. I did my best."
"When it becomes a bestseller, and it will, obviously, we'll organize a new book signing session, this time a lecture. Your arm will get tired from signing so many books!"
"I'm very grateful for all your help, Jessie."
"It's just my job. Besides, actually, I should be grateful to you for employing me. I had some bills to pay that were keeping me up at night."
"But it was my literary agent who hired you."
"Yes, he needed an assistant for one of his writers, and here I am. There were no openings available for me, and I was starting to worry if I would find a job or not. Then a miracle happened! Suddenly the preparations for your new book launch began, and 'boom!', Jessie is working again, baby!"
"In that case, I guess we helped each other."
"You bet!"
"It's good to be back. I had forgotten how much I loved writing."
"It's good to have you back! Now that all the launch chaos is over, what are you going to do?"
"I'm just going to start drafting a novel I have in mind. I'm thinking of spending a few weeks in a secluded cabin I bought to write in peace without interruptions."
"That sounds great! It's a good way to relax, actually. But I personally wouldn't go where Amazon delivery doesn't reach; that's my limit of isolation. Another cup of coffee?”
"“No. I need to sleep.”
“You can order a decaf coffee.”
“Even so. I've already exceeded my daily caffeine limit.”
Jessie asked the waitress for another cup of coffee for herself.
“I'm sorry we're not celebrating in a bar as tradition dictates.”
“Don't say that! It's no problem. I appreciate your more reserved style of celebrating; the last writer I assisted liked to let loose with his pseudo-intellectual friends. I was completely uncomfortable at those parties, damn it.”
"Okay, so get ready 'cause next time I'll take you to play bingo with some elderly people!"
"Fuck yeah!" And she laughed. "Hey, the people who were at the event are already tweeting about it. Really positive feedback! Hmm, and even that annoying literary critic released a review of your book. I haven't read it yet, but from the headline, it seems he liked it. His idiot followers are going to sell out your book on Amazon now. Flawless victory!"
You two talked for another hour about various subjects, and then you realized that you would like to have her around always because working with Jessie sped things up and she was fun company too.
Around midnight, you both decided to call it a night and go back to the hotel. She went in first, and you decided to stay outside a bit longer to smoke a cigarette. You sat on the curb near the hotel façade and lit a cigarette. You weren't exactly a smoker. Only about five cigarettes a month, at most. The urge to smoke at that moment came naturally, healthily, just to end the night and have more time to reflect on the day before going to sleep. Things were finally falling into place, and you wanted to enjoy this feeling of peace a little longer. The street was very calm. The cold, damn, was intense. Although the rain had stopped, the wind remained relentless, and your blazer was your hero.”
"Can I join you?" asked a sweet voice.
You instinctively looked back.
"Sana?! Is that you?" you asked, quite startled.
It took you a few moments to recognize her because Sana had changed clothes, now wearing something more comfortable and that protected her from the cold.
"I'm glad you haven't forgotten my name."
She sat down beside you.
"What are you doing here?"
"I was heading back to the hotel."
"Oh, are you staying at this hotel too?"
She smiled at you.
"What a coincidence, right?"
"Yeah... It's quite chilly, isn't it?"
"True. Can I ask you something?"
"Yeah, of course. Feel free to ask anything."
"Who is that girl who's always with you?"
"The brunette girl who wears glasses. She was always around you at the bookstore."
"Oh, you mean Jessie? She's my assistant. She helped with organizing the event. Very smart girl."
Sana scoffed and laughed.
"Smart, huh? Okay... Do you like girls like that?"
"It's a good quality in anyone."
"Except when they're arrogant towards people," Sana remarked, a little bitterly.
"That's true. Luckily, Jessie isn't that kind of person."
"Oh, really?" Sana questioned. "But let's stop talking about her now."
"Did you stay here just for the book launch?"
"Of course. I traveled just to see you, silly." She placed her hand on your knee. "You looked so lonely sitting here."
"I was just about to go into the hotel."
"Can we go in together? What do you think?"
"What do you mean?"
"You know what I mean. Don't pretend you don't."
Yeah, you could get an idea. Her tone of voice was unmistakable. Sana obviously wanted to go to bed with you, and since the bookstore, you felt something different coming from her. It was hard to explain exactly what it was... whether it was good or bad... You couldn't say.
"Please, Sana. I'm much older than you..."
"I'm not as young as I look. And I know you want this too."
Her hand slid up your thigh. Sana had a warm, comforting touch, and an intrusive thought made you imagine what it would be like for that hand to touch your cock.
"Look, I'm not that kind of guy," you stood up. "I don't take young girls infatuated with idols to bed. It's not right."
"There's nothing wrong with it!" she said, almost shouting.
"For me, it's wrong, Sana."
"Am I not attractive enough?"
The devil knew how attractive she was. That face, those eyes, that smile, the scent... It was all too familiar. And her slender body... It had been a while since you had sex. Since the divorce, you hadn't been with anyone else. There were attempts from some women, but you pushed them away due to the self-loathing you felt.
Were you still doing this? Had therapy failed?
No, this was a different situation.
"Sana, you're beautiful. You caught my eye the moment I saw you at the bookstore. Not just mine, I bet. You're a stunning woman, but this just... isn't right for me. I'm sorry, I need to go in now."
"Your attention is the only one I want. We can get to know each other better if that's the issue. I rea-"
You left her talking alone on the sidewalk and entered the hotel. You felt bad for doing that, but damn it, you knew she wouldn't give up if you kept stringing her along.
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In the bedroom, finally, you were getting ready to go to sleep. You needed to get up early for a meeting with your literary agent via Zoom; in the afternoon, you would catch a flight back home and finally rest properly. You lay in bed, eyes closed, trying to sleep, trying to think of anything other than that woman. Girl. She was just a girl. After a while, it became difficult to hold onto any thoughts; you knew you would fall asleep soon…
Knock, knock!... Knock, knock!
You opened your eyes, somewhat groggy. Did someone knock on the door? You could have sworn you heard it. But sometimes you heard sounds from beyond, mere creations of your mind. Despite that, you got up and decided to investigate anyway. You looked but didn't see anyone through the peephole. You thought about going back to bed, but something stronger than you made you open the door and glance down the hallway.
She was leaning against the wall to the left of the door.
"Sorry to bother you again," Sana said timidly.
"What are you doing here? And how did you find my room?" you asked, not in an annoyed tone. You were still half-asleep to fully grasp the situation.
"That doesn't matter. I wanted to apologize to you for everything I said."
She seemed genuinely sad, remorseful maybe. And faced with her sadness, the first thing you thought about was how beautiful she looked in that silk pajama, casually sexy, with long sleeves and short shorts that revealed Sana's beautiful thighs. It was the pajama you most enjoyed seeing on women. Tremendous coincidence.
"It's okay. Look, I'm not angry with you. Let's forget all this, alright? Go back to your room and get some sleep."
"And you think I'll be able to sleep?" she asked, looking deep into your eyes. "If you were in my place, could you sleep knowing that the love of your life is in another bed on a floor above yours?"
You took a moment before answering.
"Probably not. But there's nothing I can do about it, Sana."
"I've dreamed of this moment for years. When you turned your back on me out there, I felt like dying. It hurt."
You took a deep breath. It was like being trapped in a submarine that kept sinking. You saw her eyes shimmering with tears that could spill at any moment.
In these dilemmas, everything seems to lose its purpose for a moment. And a moment is enough to derail everything else. You knew that, but even so:
"Come in," you said to her.
"Yes. It's cold out in the hallway. Let's talk a bit in here."
Sana entered; you asked her to sit on the edge of the bed with you.
"I'm not exactly sure what to say. But maybe you're fixated on a parasocial relationship doomed to fail."
"How can you say that without even trying first? I know you're hurt. Believe me, I understand that perfectly. But I want to prove to you that you can trust someone again. I want to repay what you've done for me."
"This is so damn strange, Sana. So strange that I can't even properly grasp what's happening."
She moved a bit closer to you.
"You've been my peace of mind since I read your first book. Your characters, your stories, your interviews, your lectures — everything was a refuge for me! I followed everything you did. I never missed an episode of that segment you and your friend hosted on the radio talking about movies. And the signal was awful in my town," she told you, ridiculously excited. You almost felt sorry for her in that moment.
"Sana, you don't understa-" You suddenly felt a chill run through your entire body. A tightening in your chest. The scent of Sana... It was familiar for a reason: she was wearing the same lilac perfume that your ex-wife used to wear. You thought you'd never smell that fragrance again.
"Is something wrong?" Sana asked, concerned.
"No, nothing," you replied.
Your voice wouldn't pass through your throat. A sudden urge to cry overwhelmed you.
"Are you sure?" She held your hand. "Your expression changed so suddenly."
"I'm just tired."
"I know you've been through a lot in recent years. So many problems... You've been terribly lonely." She touched your face. So soft... You just wanted her to continue. "You need a woman to take care of you. Someone who truly knows you and admires you, and who will never, ever leave you.”
“No. Look, Sana, you’re confusing things again. I didn’t call you here to-”
“Shh! You think too much! Just for tonight, set reason aside and feel the vibe a little.” Sana slowly slid her hand over your chest, stopping where your heart was. Then she whispered, “You realize? Your body wants it. And if I put my hand on your cock now, I’d be twice as sure of it.”
Sana sat on your lap. She kissed your cheek slowly and whispered in your ear: "touch me. Please, touch me." The words seemed to float with some kind of magic, and before you could notice, you were enchanted by her. You held Sana’s waist and brought your face closer to her neck, breathing in that fragrance that was once so familiar to you. "Kiss me", Sana said. Your lips touched her neck, kissing every inch of her delicate skin very slowly as your mind was transported to a place you missed. You heard her breathing grow heavier, then Sana started lightly kissing your earlobe while stroking your hair. The kisses turned to licks, then to nibbles, and finally, to sucking. You pressed her body against yours, overwhelmed with shivers. Sana moved her hips over your groin; you knew she was feeling the outline of your cock, enjoying driving you crazy, and, of course, adding more fuel to the fire spreading inside her.
“Lie down on the bed, baby,” she purred.
You didn’t have time to react as Sana pushed you down while staying on top of you. Viewed from above, Sana exuded a frightening confidence, and the way she guided you made it clear that this was obviously not new to her.
“I’m going to suck you now. Just lie back and relax. I’ll take care of the rest.”
You felt Sana's teasing touch as she pulled down your pants along with your underwear, her eyes shining with insatiable lust. Her warm lips enveloped your cock with hypnotizing skill, each movement of her tongue tracing paths of pure pleasure. "I’ve always wanted to taste you," she whispered, her voice laden with malice, before taking you deep into her mouth. The sensation was electrifying, and you felt every nerve in your body pulse with excitement; your extremely sensitive cock reacted intensely to each suck, lick, and kiss from Sana. You hadn't had sex in years, and even masturbation was no longer part of your life, so the intensity of the situation consumed you quickly to the point of making you explode like fireworks. "I’m gonna cum," you warned, but she just kept eye contact, Sana’s eyes challenging as she sucked harder. "Cum in my mouth, you pervert," she commanded, and you did, a hoarse moan escaping your lips. Sana swallowed all your cum, smiling mischievously as she slowly licked her lips. "Mmm, delicious," she murmured, then squeezed your cock to get every last drop left at the tip, capturing it with her tongue as it dripped, licking it like ice cream while you rolled your eyes in pleasure.
Sana didn’t give you time to catch your breath. Before reason could return to your mind, she was already sliding her lips over your body, planting wet and voracious kisses on your thighs. She asked you to take off your shirt, and so you did. Her lips reached your nipples, licking and sucking them with an almost painful intensity. "You’re going to get hard for me again, you naughty writer!" she murmured against your skin, her eyes shining with a wicked determination, her adorable face carrying a demonic facet at the same time. "I know you still have breath for me; I can see it in your eyes," she teased, her hand working skillfully on your erection, the firm and rhythmic movements quickly bringing your cock back to life. You felt the excitement growing again, unable to resist her skill.
Sana took off her shorts and turned around, getting on all fours in front of you, raising her ass invitingly, her hips swaying provocatively. "Come fuck me, I want to feel you filling me," she taunted, her voice both an invitation and a challenge. "Come on, don’t be shy now," she laughed, looking over her shoulder with a naughty smile. "You’re mine, only mine," she said, her voice laden with possession. You positioned yourself behind her, your hands firmly gripping her hips as you penetrated her forcefully. The sensation of being inside her, so warm and tight, was intoxicating. Sana moaned loudly, pushing back against you with every thrust. "Yes, harder," she begged, her voice filled with desire and need. "Fuck this tight pussy," she ordered, and you obeyed, each thrust making her moans echo through the room, the humid and hot atmosphere building to a crescendo.
Soon, you both got out of bed. Sana was being pressed against the wall by you, her hands held above her head by yours. "You're a fucking slut," you whispered in her ear, your voice a possessive growl as you penetrated her deeply and squeezed her small breasts. "And you love this, don't you?" she responded, her voice a mix of command and plea. "Come on, fuck me more," she teased, her eyes closed in pleasure. "I want you all to myself," she moaned. You lifted one of her legs, allowing an even deeper and more intense penetration. "Yeah! Like that, baby!" she moaned, the sound of skin against skin, her moans, and heavy breathing filled the room.
Finally, you returned to the bed, where Sana positioned herself on top of you. She began to sit on your cock with her back to you, her slow and sensual movements driving you crazy. "Your cock goes so deep in my pussy! Admit it, I fuck better than your ex-wife, don't I?" she teased, looking over her shoulder with a naughty smile. "You know I'm right, you're loving me so much!" You could only nod, pleasure dominating every fiber of your being. "You're mine, and only mine. You can do anything to me, I don't care," she murmured possessively. Then, she turned around and started riding you facing forward, her hands entwining with yours. "I'm going to make you cum again, you naughty boy," she promised, increasing the pace. Every movement she made was erotic, your bodies moving in perfect harmony. And she smiled at you between moans with passion and devotion, Sana was simply incredible. "Tell me I'm the best you've ever had, tell me I'm better than your ex-wife," she demanded, her eyes locked on yours. "Tell me you love me," she insisted, her voice loaded with an obsession that only made the sex more exciting.
The tension was growing, the arousal becoming unbearable, and you could feel the climax approaching rapidly. "I can't take it anymore," you panted, but Sana just smiled wickedly. "You can cum inside me if you want. I'm all yours!" she whispered, her eyes gleaming with desire. With a sudden realization, you stood up and pulled her, laying Sana on her back on the bed (the last thing you wanted right now was to get a fan pregnant). Your sweaty and trembling body positioned above her. "Come on, fuck me more! Don't stop now, love," she taunted, her eyes locked on yours, her voice laden with desire and possession. "You're making your woman so happy, did you know that?" she whispered, her voice trembling with pleasure.
You penetrated her again, the movements intense and fast. Your moans intensified, the bed creaking softly as you fucked Sana with renewed ferocity. The pleasure was palpable, an electric current between you. You felt every muscle in your body tense, the climax inevitable. "Come on, fill me with your cum," she moaned, her voice laden with lust and desperation.
"Cum for me, please!" she moaned, her eyes locked on yours with passionate intensity. With one final, powerful movement, you withdrew from her, feeling your body pulse with pleasure. You quickly started to masturbate, your fingers moving frantically along your cock as the pleasure built up. "Yes, cum on my belly, make a mess on it," she encouraged, her gaze fixed on yours with insatiable hunger. Finally, you exploded, spraying your hot cum on her belly, each spurt accompanied by a hoarse moan of relief and ecstasy. “Cum more, baby! Give me all that milk! Yes! Yes! Mmmm, so warm, baby.” The hot liquid covered Sana's sweaty skin, and you rubbed the head of your cock on her thigh... soft as hell.
Sana smiled, satisfied, her eyes shining with a sickly love that at that moment even seemed logical to you. She was irresistible; that was the problem. Before you could see it, you were on top of her, planting kisses on Sana's lips while her fingers traced circles on your chest, somehow still connected by the moment of pure lust. "You are mine, and I will make you feel that every time," she whispered, her eyes still shining with desire. "See? We were made for each other. This is love, dear," she murmured, making it clear that this wouldn't be the last time she claimed you so intensely. "I’m going to get you addicted to me, my little writer," she promised, making the moment even more erotic and suffocating.
Still gasping for breath, you gazed at each other, bodies pressed together, sweat mingling between you. Without a word, you leaned in and kissed Sana with overwhelming passion, your tongues meeting with deep desire. Sana responded with equal fervor, her hands tracing lines of fire across your body wherever they touched. "You taste so good," she murmured between kisses, her fingers gripping your muscles, pulling you closer still. "It's just like I dreamed it would be."
Your lips trailed down her neck, nibbling and sucking on delicate skin as she softly moaned in your ear. "I love you… Don't leave me, please," she pleaded, struggling to suppress a compulsive urge to cry in your arms. Your bodies moved in perfect sync. Your hands slid down her back, firmly holding her waist as she rubbed her body against yours, sparking renewed excitement.
You rolled on the bed, bodies intertwined, exploring every inch of each other's skin. "You're mine," she repeated, her voice laden with possessive desire, her hands roaming your chest, her lips never far from yours for long. Every kiss, every touch, carried an almost unbearable intensity, a need to reaffirm the delicate connection that had formed between you.
Finally, the two of you settled down, still kissing, the caresses becoming gentler but no less passionate. "I want you more than anything," she murmured against your lips, her fingers lazily tracing patterns on your chest. "You don't need to speak right now. I accept all this silence, for now. I know you're processing what just happened, but understand that I will make you want only me… You'll see," she asserted, her gaze meeting yours, making it clear that the promise of pleasure and possession wouldn't end there.
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You woke up in a silence too good to be true. Terribly calm and comfortable. Of course, because you were not alone. That girl, Sana, sleeping peacefully like an angel on your chest. She had a serene and innocent expression, very different from the girl you saw last night. You got up slowly, being careful not to wake her.
What the fuck!!
You checked your phone and saw that it was already past noon. You had slept through the entire morning and missed breakfast with Jessie, where she was supposed to give you the details of your participation in a YouTube literature channel. Several missed calls from Jessie and your literary agent. Damn, you also missed the meeting with your literary agent.
Failing again. You were letting people down, and that's how everything started to go downhill in your life. ‘I’m a Best-Selling author, these things don’t affect me.’ Your arrogance was part of your downfall.
You looked at Sana, she was still sleeping.
And it's all her fault...
No, you were just blaming someone else again. You thought you had set the alarm on your phone but it was on silent mode. Weird as hell. You never leave your phone on silent.
Ah, screw it all! You went to take a shower; it would certainly help clear your mind. Then when you came out of the bathroom, Sana was sitting on the bed.
“Good morning, baby,” she said. “Come here!” Sana extended her arms, expecting you to go to her.
“You need to go now,” you said curtly.
It was time to end this once and for all.
“Sorry, I don’t understand.”
“Now! What we had was a mistake, Sana.” You took a deep breath. No point in getting stressed now. “I can call a car for you if you want.”
She looked at you, confused.
“What do you mean by ‘a mistake’? Wasn’t what we had special to you?”
“It meant nothing, Sana. I lost my mind at that moment.”
She got up from the bed, deeply irritated.
“I thought I knew everything about you, but I guess I was wrong! Yeah, even I can be wrong sometimes... Do you do this to all the girls who are your fans? Take them to bed and then discard them like trash?”
“I never slept with a fan! This was the first and last time.”
“Don’t do this to me!” she shouted, pointing her finger in your face. “You can’t use me like a toy, I’m warning you, this will have consequences!”
“It was you who came knocking on my door, Sana! Look… just forget it, okay? If I misled you, I apologize. I was a jerk. Is that what you wanted to hear?”
“You don’t understand. Damn it, you don’t understand… You are the reason I live! I waited so long for this, waited so long to find you… I thought I did everything right… How can you do this to me?” Sana asked, her voice breaking.
“Don’t do this to yourself, Sana.” you tried to comfort her with a hand on her shoulder. “Take a shower, eat something. You’ll feel better. And go home, please.”
“You can’t do this to me,” tears were in her eyes. “I did everything for you, you know? Everything, you bastard!”
You were caught off guard by a slap. The sound echoed loudly in the room.
“What the hell is your problem?” you asked, more incredulous than angry.
She walked past you and went to the door.
“I swear to God, this isn’t the last time you’ll see me. You’re mine, understand? I’ll forgive you this time because I still feel that affection you showed me last night. I know it was real! I’ll try not to think about what happened now.”
“Hmm, okay.” you said, relieved. “That’s great.”
In a few hours, you’d be flying back to your city and, obviously, would never see her again.
“You don’t mess with a woman’s feelings like this, you know? You hurt me here, but I forgive you because I love you, okay?” she was silent for a few moments, perhaps waiting for you to return those words or apologize. But you stayed silent. “I love you more than my life, and I will fight for our love. And next time... you won’t be able to escape me.”
She closed the door.
“Fuck, finally!”
The words she said during sex… they weren’t just dirty talk to turn you on… she really meant them.
You went to the bathroom and looked at yourself in the mirror. To your dismay, Sana’s hand was marked on your face.
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"Wow! You must have been incredibly tired!" Jessie said to you as you met at the airport.
"I'm really sorry for missing breakfast and lunch. I promise it won't happen again."
"It's all right. You were a hit yesterday; the boss and I will give you a pass. By the way, you talked to him, right?"
"Yes. Everything's sorted out."
"He's really freaking happy about the new baby, isn't he?"
"Yes, he is!"
"So, I'll give you the details of the interview during the flight. Hmm, did you eat anything?"
"Burger and fries."
"You need to eat better. You can't just eat that kind of stuff. When your schedule gets really busy, you won't want to get sick." She warned, and you couldn't help but find it funny that a 20-year-old girl was acting like your nanny. "Lunch was great, sir. You really missed the best part of the day."
"You must have waited for me a long time, huh? I feel terrible about it."
"Oh, of course not. After you texted me saying you weren't coming to lunch, I went ahead and ate alone!"
"The message. I didn't text you."
"You literally sent me a message saying you were exhausted and would keep sleeping. You must have been half-asleep when you typed it and forgot."
You took your phone out of your pocket, completely desperate. You opened the chat with Jessie and there it was: 'I'm more tired than I thought, not coming to lunch. Oh, and the meeting is postponed too. Sorry!!'
You felt a chill in your stomach. Sana had sent that damn message. How the hell did she know your phone's password? The most plausible answer was that she used your fingerprint to unlock the phone while you were sleeping. That girl was really sick.
"Are you okay?" Jessie asked.
"Yes, sure! It's nothing."
It wasn't worth mentioning to Jessie that Sana had sent the message; you would have to explain everything to her, and the whole story was embarrassing and weird. When it came to revealing that you slept with a young woman just because she wore the same perfume as your ex-wife (there were other things besides the perfume, but mentioning the rest would only worsen your image), you would have no credibility left and would certainly be considered a disturbed person by Jessie.
The best thing to do was to forget everything that happened yesterday, except for the book launch, and then move on with your life. You were going to 'take a vacation' soon, so this series of bizarre events would soon fade from your mind… Thank God!
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Later on the plane, you were looking for some photos of the book launch to send to your sponsor, the guy who was helping you avoid alcohol relapses. He was a good man and would surely be happy to know that your return to literature had been successful. You were scrolling through the photos taken last night when one of them caught your attention. In fact, it scared the hell out of you. You kept scrolling through the gallery, and the photos seemed endless, many in a row that looked very similar to each other. You almost dropped your phone on the floor.
You quickly turned off your phone screen and looked at the seat next to you. Fortunately, Jessie was sound asleep.
You turned your phone screen back on and opened one of the photos, analyzing it for a few seconds. It seemed unreal. It was as if the surprises never ended. While you were sleeping, Sana had stealthily taken your phone to snap all this photos. It was conclusive proof that she had indeed violated your privacy, perhaps thinking the would be a special memento of that night.
In reality
It was a reminder of a terrible mistake you made.
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To be continued...
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kamitv · 4 months
▷ Someone Else?
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Sypnosis . What happens when they find out you have a friend that’s a little too comfortable with you. / Pairings . (Separate) Nanami Kento x f!reader, Gojo Satoru x f!reader, Toji Fushiguro x f!reader, Choso Kamo x f!reader. / Content . afab!reader, possessiveness, toxic men, rough sex, reader is oblivious to someone flirting with her, praise, overstim, degrading, non-curse au, dirty talk, filth, mention of squirting, spitting, etc. / wc . 7.8k
A/N: Nanami lovers are about to eat GOOD with this one & writing this cured my depression abt Choso. This is based on this anon req btw; JJK men finding out about a close male friend— not proofread, there may be a lot of errors… [MDNI]
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★ Choso Kamo
“Mine, mine, mine, mine,” Is just about all Choso could grunt against your lips as he fucked you down into the mattress. “You understand that, no? You’re all mine, princess.”
Panting heavily, nails scraping at his back, pussy stuffed full of cum that was dripping out and down onto the bed so messily— Choso had you ruined all because he found out you had some guy friend who may have flirted with you today.
“Fuckin’ answer me,” Choso groans. His lips are right against yours, cock buried inches deep into your cunt as your legs remained sprawled out for him.
“Y-Yes, C-Choso-, fuck!” You moan into the air, eyes watering at how rough your husband was being with you.
His head tipped to the side, “Who the fuck did that guy think he was, huh? Flirting with you like you’re not my goddamn wife.”
“C-Choso, p-please-,”
“Please what?” He growls, voice just as rough as his thrusts were with you, “Told’ you I didn’t like that guy months ago.”
Your jaw simply hands open, eyes hardly on your lover above you, “M’sorry.”
Choso scoffs, “I know you are. You should be.” He huffs as his balls slap against your skin with each thrust.
Panting, you gasp out his name, “Choso…” You utter just as a big pout pulls at your lower lip, eyes doe-like as you gaze up at the man.
He cocks his head to the side and his eyes narrow at him, his dick twitching wildly inside you, “Don’t fuckin’ pouttt,” He coos, “Y’let that guy hug you like that today ‘nd you thought I was gonna be okay with that?”
You shake your head and a whine slips out, “N-No, but-“
“Shut up. I wasn’t done talkin’.” Choso cuts off meanly, rolling his eyes afterward, “Months I’ve been tellin’ you to distance yourself from him and yet here we are...” His body presses into yours and you whimper, feeling his hands grip your thighs tight enough to leave marks.
“Choso.” You call out, as if that’ll give you a second to escape him.
He holds back a whine that nearly escapes his throat due to how pretty you looked beneath him. Even upset with you, his cock pulsed and throbbed inside you by the mere sight of you whimpering below him.
“Fuck, I love you baby but damn,” He almost smiles at you, “I thought we talked about this?”
You take a deep breath, “W-We did, I just-“
Choso’s cock hits in deep, pelvis smacking against you constantly, “If you make another excuse for him m’gonna stop,” He tells you, hips slowing for only a second.
“N-No. Don’t stop, please.” You beg before moving your arms to wrap tighter around his neck and tug him closer.
“Mmmh,” He pouts to mock you but can’t deny the fact that the way you tugged him closer to you has his mind growing hazy for a second, “Don’t stop?” Choso asks.
He continues to slow down anyway, not yet coming to a halt but thrusts turning languid and listening to how your pussy messily slicks up his skin.
“Please, Cho, m-m’close.” You whisper, eyes silently begging him.
“Are you?” Choso questions, voice deeper than ever as he smirks, “Y’gonna cum f’me again? Wet up my cock so I can send that asshole a picture ‘nd show him whose dick you’re beggin’ for every night? Huh?”
Your back arches up off the bed a bit and your legs begin to cage around Choso’s waist, “Hahh, mmgh, t-that’s so… mean, Cho,” You whine in response, pouting again as your eyes water.
His pace had picked back up and you were being fucked into the mattress, a filthy mess of cum dripping down onto the bed below where the two of you were connected.
“Mean?” Choso echoes, the coldness of the wedding ring he’s got on his finger pressing further into your legs and making you shudder, “Baby… I can show you mean.”
You slide a hand up into his hair and pull his face closer to yours, attempting to kiss him, “Choso…”
He avoids your little gesture and teases you with a smile as he pulls up a little, “I could send him a video.”
“Choso please,” You frown at your husband’s sudden suggestion.
His dripping tip knocks against the hilt of your cunt, stuffing you full over and over before he finally let out a sigh, “Tch, fine. I won’t,” Choso hums, leaning closer to your face just like you originally wanted him to before whispering, “But don’t let me catch you around him again, okay?”
You nod and your eyes drop to his lips, “Okay.”
“Mh,” Choso hums against you as he finally gives you a slight kiss, feeling how you whine at the loss of the gentle contact when he pulls away, “Now tell me you love me, baby.”
You’re saying it faster than you could even process, “I love you, Cho.”
Oh his entire body reacts to that— hips drawing back, tip teasing your folds for a moment as he taunts you, “Yeah?”
“Mhmmm,” You hum eagerly.
His head tips to the side and he smirks, angling himself so that his cockhead bumps up against your clit, “How much?”
“Love you s’much,” You mumble, a slight whines leaving your throat after.
“Aww, do you? Y’love me so much?” Choso coos. His voice was as deep as ever but soft with you nonetheless before he moves his lips to your ear and shifts his cock back down to your twitching hole. Easing himself back in, “Or do you jus’ love gettin fucked like this?” Choso whispers.
The delicious stretch his cock created as it pushed back inside you had you gasping, “B-Both.”
“Both, huh?” Choso scoffs and his lips press against the shell of your ear, “Fuckin’ slut.”
Then he’s dragging his hips back and rutting them down into you with haste, listening to how each thrust makes you gasp and moan. You were so cute when you couldn’t handle him.
Your nails scratched at his scalp and his upper back, leaving bright red marks on his skin and making him hiss. Bulging cock sinking in and out of you so hard that all you could do was hold onto him and moan.
“H-Hhgnn…” You cry out— cunt tightening around him and earning a deep groan.
“Fuuuck, almost forgot you love that,” Choso huffs, the corner of his lips twitching into a smirk, “Y’like it when I’m mean t’you, huh?”
“Ah, mgh, y-yeah,” Your voice comes in a sultry whimper and Choso groans again with how tight your pussy was clinging onto his cock, sucking him in deeper than he could handle.
His breath grows hot against your ear, “S’that why you let him hug you? You wanted to piss me off?” Thrusting harder and harder with his questions, your eyes begin to roll back.
“M-Maybe,” You manage to respond with a fucked-out smile taking over your expression.
“Maybe? Fuck, you’re so cute, baby.” Choso purrs, “If you wanted me to fuck you like I hate you and call you a slut, all you had to do was ask.”
And then he’s doing just as he’s described— plump cockhead abusing your sweet spot by hitting it over and over, “H-Hahh, ah, nngh, t-that’s-, fuck, e-embarrassing Cho.”
Choso chuckles, “Askin’ for me to do somethin’ I’ve done before during sex isn’t embarrassing, baby. Y’know I’ll do anything you ask of me.”
You start pouting all over again, babbling an “M’sorry,” Without really understanding why you’re still apologizing.
“Mhm. Prove it by squirtin’ on me again,” Choso tells you before moving to sit up. He then tugs your thighs over his and fuck does the tip of his dick make you see stars for a second as he repositions himself slightly.
His hands grip onto your hips and he continues his rough pace like it’s nothing, hair disbelieved with a few dark stands sticking to his forehead.
“Cho,” You say in attempt to convince him to slow down for a moment.
Unfortunately for you, your voice only drives him crazier. You were so whiney, it caused blood to rush to the head of his cock and his balls to ache— everything about you was intoxicating.
“I’ll send your lil’ friend a picture of these messy ass sheets afterward, ‘kay?” Choso pants, lips parting as he releases a slight moan from your pussy dripping all over him. Such a messy girl you were, not that he’d prefer you any other way.
“Choso.” You manage almost sternly, sending him a pointed look.
He pouts and decides to play innocent as if his cock wasn’t currently tearing you apart, “Don’t scold me, I gotta do something, baby.”
Rolling your eyes, you reach a hand down and graze his pelvis— making a fail of an attempt at pushing him away, “S’not nice.”
Choso snaps his hips forward as if to make a point and fuck his frustrations right into you, “Good thing m’not tryin’ to be fuckin’ nice then, right?”
★ Nanami Kento
Who swears he was never a jealous man. He's seen the way people look at you time and time again and never has he batted an eye-- why would he? Nanami's confident in himself enough to know that no other man would come in and steal your heart the way he has.
And such confidence remained up until today.
After a long day of work, there's nothing more he wants to come home to than his lovely girlfriend who he's been infatuated with for years now. Yet, today was different.
Walking into the shared apartment, unlike normal, you didn't come running up to him with a hug and a million kisses. Odd, he thought to himself, followed by a call of your name that echoed throughout the home.
"In the kitchen, Ken," You replied back, the sweet sound of your voice making him smile as he puffed out a sigh.
He's not sure where the momentary worry came from but it subsided as he figured you may have been busy with something. As Nanami takes his jacket off, he moves a hand to losen his tie, soon raking a hand through his hair afterward.
The house was awfully quiet, void of sounds of cooking or your voice-- which was, again, odd. Stepping out of his shoes, Nanami steadily makes his way to the kitchen, soon spotting you and feeling a thousand pounds of stress lift off of his shoulders at the mere sight of you.
And in a sundress no less. You were on your phone, fingers tapping away at the screen with a slight smile on your face, your body bent forward against the kitchen counter with your back arched ever so slightly as you stood comfortably.
The sound of footsteps approaching you made you turn your head toward you boyfriend and flash him a loving smile. "Hi Kento, how was work?" You chirped sweetly.
"Fine, my love. How was home?" Nanami replied sweetly as he leaned down to you. A sudden buzz from your phone made you move your gaze and Nanami found himself giving you a slight peck on your lips but your eyes were elsewhere.
Whatever was on your phone must've been quite intriguing. "Home was wonderful. I did some cleaning today so..." You trail off and Nanami just gazes at you as your words fade away.
His brows begin to push together, "So...?"
You blink a few times, fingers tapping away at your screen yet again, "So uh," Trying to focus on both your boyfriend and the male you were texting at the same time was proving to be rather difficult for you.
Hence why Nanami sighs heavily and moves a hand to your back, caressing you gingerly, "Everything alright, love?"
You nod, "Mhm... Sorry about that, Ken. What was I saying again?" You ask as you turn to him with curious eyes.
He gazes at you, wondering how your attention could be so diverted. This was unusual coming from you but he shrugs it off, "You were telling me about how you cleaned up today?"
"Oh! Yes, I was gonna say I felt rather productive today," You finally get out before, again, turning away and to your phone.
Nanami nods his head, "I see. Is there something going on, sweetheart?"
You chuckle, "What? No, why?"
For a moment, your boyfriend does nothing more than watch how consumed you are by the conversation taking place through text on your phone. "You seem awfully distracted, is all," He sighs.
"Ohhh, no," You smile, "It's just this coworker of mine was wondering why I didn't show up today and then he and I-"
"He?" Nanami echoes aloud mistakenly. He hadn't meant to voice that, it was more of a thought.
Slowly, your head turns to your boyfriend yet again and despite the smile on your face, your brows push together and your expression is skeptical, "Yes, Kento, he. Is that an issue?"
"No, of course not," Nanami shakes his head before glancing off to the side with a shrug, "I just wasn't aware you were so close with any of your male coworkers."
You blink, "I'm really not, it's just him."
For some reason, his heart pangs a bit as you say that, "Just him, huh?" Nanami hums to himself.
"Mhm," You nod. Then, ignoring the clear attitude this has brought on, you turn to your phone and return to your texting.
Steadily, Nanami's eyes trail back over to you and he watches you type before rolling his eyes. He's not even sure why this is bothering him but he then moves to stand behind you, his crotch pressing into your ass as he begins to crave more of your attention.
He's truly not used to it being on anyone else that's not him.
"And what are you two discussing now that's so..." His words trail for a minute, eyes dragging along the slight curve in your back as you remained arched perfectly in such an effortless way, "...Important," Nanami soon finishes with a sharp narrow of his eyes.
"Well, he asked to come over for some reason and I'm not really sure how to respond," You reply honestly as you stare at the most recently received text.
Nanami's head cocks back a bit and he scoffs, "He's asked to come over?"
You nod, "Yes."
There's a pause but then your boyfriend leans forward and you can feel his muscular thighs press into the back of yours as his torso leans over. A hand is placed on the counter beside your waist and you look back over your shoulder to see Nanami nearing you.
His gentle eyes meet yours, "Can I see?"
You grin innocently, having nothing to hide from him whatsoever, "Sure," Handing him your phone, Nanami doesn't hesitate to read the messages exchanged from the past hour or so, seeing that this coworker of yours has be trying to flirt with you for some time now.
"Hm," He hums, "Does he always refer to you as uh," He clicks his tongue and scoffs, "Pretty girl?"
You shrug, "Well, yes and I've asked him to stop-"
"And yet you keep talking to him instead of blocking his number?" Nanami cuts off faster than he means to, eyes flipping up from the phone and to your face.
You flash a sheepish little smile, not exactly understanding the issue here, "I mean, he is my coworker."
For a moment, the two of you just stare at one another. Nanami seems to be bothered but not exactly upset just yet, his brown eyes boring into yours as you have this completely clueless look on your face.
Weighing his head to the side ever so slightly, "...That enjoys flirting with you despite knowing you have a boyfriend?" Nanami finishes your statement for you questionably.
You bat your eyes at him and your brows go up, "W-Well-"
"Y'know what," Nanami places your phone down, "Why don't you invite him over?" He suddenly suggests.
You’re taken all the way back by the sudden statement, giving your boyfriend nothing more than a blank stare before uttering a baffled, "Huh?"
"Tell him he can come over,” He repeats, sliding the phone toward your hands and then moving his own to his belt. There’s a slight shuffle as he unbuckles his belt, the simply clacks making your heart skip a steady beat as you realize where he’s going with this. “I'll should be done by the time he gets here,” Nanami says.
Again, you blink in a confused manner before taking your phone up and doing as he’s just suggested— telling your coworker he can make his way over to you.
After which, you turn off your phone and return your eyes back to your boyfriend whose hands were busy tossing his belt onto the nearby floor. Your eyes then dropped down to his crotch and you swayed your hips to the side a bit to get a better look— spotting the heavy tent in his pants and gulping at the sight.
“Kento…” You hush out, earning a hum from him, “Is everything alright?” Your tone was so very soft and sappy with him, the sound making his heart ache in emotions beyond comprehension.
“Of course, my love,” He replies gently, sending you a quick smile, “I just need you right now, is that okay?”
Your gaze lifts and you meet his pretty brown eyes, lashes fluttering at how handsome he looks standing behind you, “You know that’s okay Ken, I’m all yours.”
He just about forgets the idea of restraint after that statement of yours. Of course he knows you’re all his but hearing it come out of your mouth with zero hesitation even after having another man flirt with you was…
Well, it was reassurance. Reassurance Nanami didn’t realize he enjoyed hearing.
Which is why he has you repeating similar phrases like that within the next few minutes as he fucks you into the kitchen counter.
Hips bruising with the way they were pressed into the counter edge, panties tugged to the side and nearly ripped off of you, back arched like a goddamn slut for your boyfriend, and messy folds stretched open as Nanami pounded his heavy cock into your tight hole— you were soon on cloud nine.
“Repeat that for me love,” Nanami grunts, breath coming out in heavy pants as his hips clash into yours over and over and over again.
You could hardly breathe properly and your mind was all frazzled, nearly everything that came out of your mouth was a moan and yet he still expected you to speak to him.
“K-Kento,” You gasp his name in erotic breathes, “Fuuuck, hahh, I… I said m’all yours,”
A sharper thrust is given in response to you, one of his hands gripping onto the bundled part of your dress at your lower back and the other coming down hard on your ass, “Yeah? All mine to ruin, right?” Nanami huffs out.
All you could do was nod, “Uhuh.” His hips were to damn harsh against your ass, thick cock drilling into your hole despite how lovingly he was speaking to you not too long ago.
“All mine to fuck senseless,” Nanami continues, his aroused tone making your cunt tighten around him.
Your jaw falls open as he starts knocking into that sappy spot inside you, each thrust making your legs quake and the fat of your ass ripple against him, “Yes Ken-, f-fuck.” You stammer, eyes watering and your nails scraping against the counter.
“Oh darling,” He groans, tossing his head back and then moaning at how wet you were for him, how easy it was for his cock to slide in and out and in and out, “Do you have any idea what you to t’me? Huh?” Nanami huffs.
“Mhmm,” You barely whine in response, your body jerking forward with his every mean thrust.
Steadily, he rolls his head back into place, eyes glancing down at the obscene stretch of your pussy lips around the shaft of his cock, “Are you sure? Y’know it upsets me to see another man flirt with you,” He says, voice surprising sturdy despite how well you’re taking him.
“M’sorry Ken,” You’re quick to apologize as if you’ve done something wrong and your boyfriend frowns at you.
“Huh. No need to be sorry, sweetheart,” Nanami coos, and god you feel your legs drawing together at how gentle his tone is with you. “S’not your fault, you didn’t do anything wrong,” He whispers.
Followed by which is the slight shift in his hips, angling his thrusts a little and causing your entire body to twitch below him. Nanami knows every inch of your body like the back of his hand.
How could he not? He’s studied you very closely— hence why the slight shift causes the curve of his cock to just drill into you so hard that you’re seeing stars.
“Mmgh, ahh, hahh, K-Kento,” You whine, your torso beginning to lift from the counter as if to try to escape his thrusts for a moment.
Jaw gone slack, drool slipping out of the corner of your mouth, nails scraping for some kind of hold, and legs shaking as they drew together— you were losing your mind.
“Hm?” Nanami replies so simply, too simply, as if he wasn’t currently fucking the air out of your lungs.
You gasp and your voice grows airy, “Fuck-, oh fuck… m’gonna cum again.”
He tilts his head and smiles, “Again? Aw, you’re so messy for me today,” Nanami says before his hand shifts into the arch of your back and he presses you down onto the counter.
Pinned, you could no longer try and escape his mean thrusts for even a second. Nanami was relentless with you, cock fucking you full, pussy drooling against him, coating his veins— you couldn’t even formulate proper sentences anymore.
“Hhggnh, hahhh, ah, ah…” You moaned loudly with not a single care in the world, eyes rolling back as your cheek pressed into the cold kitchen counter.
“So loud too,” Nanami comments. Then he’s leaning closer to you, cock bottoming you out and making you gasp and whimper.
“Kenn,” Is all you could say for a moment, eyes watering and breath leaving you.
His voice is suddenly next to your ear as his muscular frame leans over yours, “Yes love? I’m right here.” He emphasizes that last word with a deep thrust, making your legs nearly give out for a second.
“I know, I know-,” You babble, trying to pull your head away from his to escape his deep tone in your ear. “Fuck, fuuck, I feel you s’deep.” You whimper again, pouting while trying to catch a moment to breathe.
“Mmhmm, feel me riiight there, huh?” Nanami asks. And god was he right where you wanted him, fat cockhead jerking into your sweet spot and turning your legs into utter mush beneath him.
“Y-Yes, yes, m-mhmm,” Your squeeze shut and a tear rolls down your cheek, heavy pants leaving your throat, “Shit.”
Nanami moves to kiss the crown of your ear lovingly, “Aw, look at you. You close, pretty?”
You’re quick to nod without second thought, “Yes.”
“C’mon then,” His lips move and press against your ear, “Give it to me.”
And then you’re coming undone, repeating his name over and over, “K-Kento, Kento fuck-, Ken.” He loves it too, smiling against your ear as he grunts at the way your cunt throbs and twitches as you cum on his cock.
“Hahh, you sound so pretty moaning my name like that,” He comments before pulling away from your ear, “Look at me while you do it this time,” He utters, earning a steady turn of your head as you angle it back to meet his gaze. Then he smiles at you, hips rolling into you and tip smearing against your gummy walls, “Mhm, thaaat’s it— good girl.”
“Mmh, mmgh!” Your eyes flicker as he slows down to you can really feel him. “Ahh… K-Ken,” You whisper.
His cock aches inside you, “Repeat that, what’s my name?”
Struggling to keep your eyes open, you try your best to maintain eye contact, “Kento.”
“Whose cock are you makin’ a mess on right now?” He questions, tone a but harsh with you as he drags his hips back.
Snapping them forward just as you answer him, you end up stuttering, “Y-Yours Ken.”
“Mhm,” His brows tense as he pulls back yet again. This time, he moves a hand around and grabs ahold of your jaw, tugging your body up off the counter a bit and your face closer to his, “Last question. Who do you belong to, hm?”
“Y-You Kento, m’all yours,” You pant, lips wet with drool and eyes glossy from tears.
All Nanami does is flash a slight smile before he’s rutting his cock right back into you, watching and listening to the way oxygen leaves your lungs, “That’s right. All fuckin’ mine.” Nanami groans, lips nearing yours with the way he pulls you closer to him. Then he’s whispering, “And your little coworkers gonna understand that after today.”
Just before his lips are on yours, you manage a staggered little, “W-What?” In question.
He chuckles, “Oh, you didn’t hear him? He knocked on the door a few minutes ago,” Nanami tells you, watching your entire face twist up as you’re too fucked out to really understand that. “I’m sure he heard you moaning my name…”
★ Toji Fushiguro
“So, you hate me, huh?” Toji dramatically huffs out as soon as the two of you enter your home again.
You groan and stomp off to your shared bedroom, trying to escape your annoyingly jealous husband due to what’s recently occurred. You’re apparently not allowed to be friends with his friends— or at least, not Shiu Kong allegedly.
Toji’s quick to stride into the bedroom behind you, hands stuffed into his pockets as he watches you storm around the room with a smirk on his face. You were so cute when you were annoyed with him.
Tipping his head to the left, his eyes narrow at you snatching your jacket off as you tried to give him the silent treatment, “Not sure why you’re so upset, y’know. I wasn’t the one pressin’ my tits into someone’s face,” He scoffs.
His hands lift out of his pockets and he crosses his arms over his beefy chest, eyes yet to leave your overly annoyed figure standing by the bed.
You send him a pointed glare before openly rolling your eyes at him, letting him know you’re upset.
Toji cocks his head back at the gesture and his brows raise, “Fucks’ your problem, huh? Mad at me ‘cause of somethin’ you did?”
“No, Fushiguro. Leave me alone,” You huff, frustrated frown etching its way across your lips.
“Ohh, now she decides to speak? And she uses our last name to address me too?” Toji’s baffled by your little attitude, a bit entertained, but baffled nonetheless.
You sigh loudly and move to grab your nearest sweatpants, “Leave me alone.”
“Why, huh?” Toji scoffs, “Y’mad about what I said to Shiu?”
Your eyes move to a slow blink before you click your tongue, “Well, seeing as you told him never to come around us again and that I’m, apparently, ‘not his fuckin’ friend’, maybe.”
Toji doesn’t react much to you mocking him and his expression stays relatively the same, “The hell is wrong with my statement?”
“I made a mistake and you took it out on him,” You explain as you tug your sweats on and move to take your shirt off.
“No, you both made a mistake ‘nd I’m takin’ it out on both of you.” Toji corrects. He was a bit more upset than he led on, “Your dumb ass leaned over him for some stupid fuckin’ water bottle and his eyes went to your tits as if it were second nature.”
You grit your teeth, “It was an accident Toji.”
“Nah, fuck that. Accident my goddamn ass, how many times has he looked at you like that, huh?” Your husband suddenly questions, sounding like he was implying something more as he took a step closer to the bed.
Your brows push together and you shrug, “I don’t know-“
“Oh and let’s not forget the way he grabbed your waist to, what?” He scoffs, “‘Help’ you? ‘Keep you steady’?” Toji continues, hardly giving you a second to even try and respond, “Not sure where ya’ brains at today doll, but Shiu is way too fuckin’ comfortable touchin’ you and I don’t like it.”
You shoot him nothing more than a blank yet frustrated stare, “Toji.”
His eyes are already on yours, giving you the same energy through his looks, “What?”
Sighing, “You’re being dramatic.” You tell him.
That ticks him off just right because then his face is twisting up into a scowl, “Dramatic? I’m being fuckin’ dramatic? Girl don’t piss me off,” Toji warns.
You find the nerve to laugh at him, “Don’t piss you off? Toji you’ve been whining about this all damn day. It’s over now, isn’t it?”
He decides to ignore your little jab at him and he steadily walks over to the side of the bed you’re standing at, “No, it’s not. You haven’t even apologized.”
You chuckle, “For what?”
He finds himself standing not too far from you, glaring at your confused facial expression, “Bein’ mad at me for no damn reason, that’s what.”
You roll your eyes at him again, “Toji you told me I can’t be friends with your friend.”
“Maybe because he wants to fuck you?” Toji fires back.
Another scoff leaves you and you start shaking your head at your husband's ridiculous claims, “He doesn’t.”
“Soo, he just looked at your tits for no reason?" Toji asks, leaning toward you a bit and tilting is head as if to intimidate you, "He grabs your waist ‘nd says, 'I got you sweetheart' for no fuckin’ reason, right?”
Your throat runs dry at that. You may have forgotten Shiu said that to you, having not really paid much attention to it when he did, “I-“
“Do you not know what the fuck flirting looks like?” Toji lectures, taking one last step toward you so that his body was hardly an inch away from yours.
Your head tips back a bit so that you could look up at him, swallowing hard at how upset your husband seems to be and all your confidence on the matter nearly fading. “I do, but-“
“There is no but. He wants to fuck my wife," He interrupts, "Why the hell would I let you two be friends knowing that?”
That's when you sigh again, “Toji, you don’t know that he wants to fuck me, you’re assuming things-“
One of his hands flies up to his face and he starts rubbing his temples out of pure frustration, “Woman, he checks you out at every chance he gets when he thinks I’m not payin’ attention.”
“He touched you all too inappropriately, right in front of me," Toji reminds you.
You try to take up for Shiu's actions, still not seeing what the issue behind it was, “He was making sure I didn’t fall over.”
A little pissed of smirk tugs at the corner of Toji's scared lips and he turns his head to the side as he looks away from you, scoffing, “Riiiiight.”
“I’m serious!” You utter pleadingly.
“So..." Toji slowly returns his gaze to you and his voice gets stern, "You don’t see anything sexual behind a man holding your waist and saying 'I got you sweetheart'?”
“No.” You reply confidently.
“Hm. Alright, then." Your husband nods before he's moving to pull his shirt up and over his head, your eyes widening at the man as one of his hands then go to your waist and he tugs your body to his, "Lemme show you somethin’ if that’s the case...”
And then you’re on the bed with your husband moments later— bouncing up and down on his hard cock as Toji fucked up into you, your tits jumping in his face, jaw hanging open, and his hands holding right onto your waist.
“See what I mean now?” Toji huffs, “See how fuckin’ sexual this shit is?”
“T-Toji-, hahhh, fuck, t-this is so much different," You moan at the constant stretch of his fat cock rutting up into your swollen folds, one of his thumbs at your clit as rolling circles over the twitching bud.
“Yeah, ‘cause I’m doin’ what he fantasizes about," Toji tells you, smiling a bit as he watches your face twist up.
Your brows tensed and your jaw fell as his leaky cockhead drilled deep into you, “M-Mmgh, s-so… big.” You whine with your hands at his shoulders and nails scraping him as his harsh thrusts made your body jerk upward.
Toji's steel grip on your waist was the only thing keeping you from falling off of you, his fingers digging into your skin. Every time he thrusted his hips up, he'd use his grip to tug you back down-- forcing your cunt to spread open over his aching cock over and over, “Aww, don’t worry sweetheart, I gotchu’."
You gasp at his words, core throbbing due to his heavy tone, “Fuck-“
“Yeahh, see how fuckin’ wet that shit made you? Knew’ you weren’t fuckin’ stupid," Toji grunts out. He was so mean to you, taking out his frustrations from earlier on your pussy by soon spitting down on the, already, filthy mess below, adding to the slickness of it all and making you twitch.
Your hips try their best to keep up with him, rutting and rocking forward to keep his cock sucked deep inside you, “S-Shut up,” You tell your husband only to earn a scoff.
“Nahh," Toji begins to move his hands and your heart jumps. He tugs your torso near his before he's wrapping his big arms around your waist, locking you into place above him with your chest sandwiched against his, "Apologize t’me."
Your brows furrow and your eyes gloss over as his hips begin to pound his swollen cock up into you, obscene squelches of your cunt following as he does so. Your words come out in a whiney stammer, “F-For what-“
“Playin’ fuckin’ dumb, that’s what," Toji cuts off, eyes staring right into yours as he watched your face sink into that pretty fucked out state.
“Shiit," You gasp at how you couldn't move an inch, couldn't pull away or slow his thrusts down for a moment, forced to take every thick inch of his cock, "O-Okay, m’sorry-,”
Toji smiles, “Again.”
“M’sorry Toji," You whine. His arms were wrapped around you so tightly that you couldn’t even look away from him. You were both embarrassed and being fucked to tears simultaneously.
“Mmmh, without the mumblin’ this time," Toji instructs, gaze dropping to your wet lips so he can watch how you struggle, "Talk proper to me, girl.”
And of course, right after he he says that to you, he decides to then flip you both over so he's on top. “I-, hahh," You pant at the way his hands move to your legs and press them down against your chest, folding you up just how he wants to. "I’m… s-sorry Toji," You cry out.
With the way he's bucking his hips down into you, suddely calculated with his thrusts and making your eyes go wide. You were on the verge of screaming his name with how good his cock felt splitting you open.
“Close, but y’still stuttered," Toji tells you. His breathing was growing just as heavy as yours but that didn't stop him from teasing you for even a second.
“Fuck you-," You breathe out, earning a smile from him, "...I’m sorry.” You end up saying anyway because how could you disobey your husband when he's got you folded up like this, his veins throbbing against your gummy walls as you squeezed the life out of his cock.
Toji tilts his head a little, “Sorry what?”
“I-I’m sorry Toji," You correct yourself before he's leaning his weight onto you and god his cock pushes impossibly deeper. You were so full of him that air was getting hard to come by.
“Oneee more time f’me, baby," Toji whispers all of a sudden, his face close to yours and your legs practically over his shoulders. "C’mon, you can do it.”
“Hhgnnn… oh-, mmgh… I…" Your jaw falls open again and you struggle. His cockhead was hitting your insides right where you needed him, you could feel your core tensing and your legs going numb, "...I’m sorry Toji.”
Your husband smiles at you, “There ya’ gooo, atta’ girllll.” He praises, feeling the way your pussy narrows tightly around his cock just as you start cumming on him.
“Fuck.” Is the most you could get out of your mouth that wasn't an incoherent moan.
Then Toji notices you trying to move your hands to push him away a little and he softens his tone, “Hey, stop thaat, don’t give out on me," Toji coos, the sudden softness making your stomach churn before he moves a thumb to your clit again, "I gotchu’, pretty girl.”
“F-Fuck. Ohmygod-“ Your back arches up off the bed a bit and you whimper.
Toji just gawks at you, “Uhuh, now… y’won’t talk to Shiu again after this, right?” He questions, juuust to be sure you got the message after all this.
You nod in agreement, “N-No, I-, mmh, I won't t-talk t'him again…”
Fat cock rolling down into your pussy, your slick making his cock slid in so easily, “Y'sure?”
You nod, “Yes.”
Toji pouts a little just to mock the face you were making, “Yes who?”
Your eyes just barely meet his and his thumb presses against your clit, making your voice come out in a moan, “Yes Toji.”
“Mh," He hums, leaning down to kiss you tenderly, "Good girl.”
★ Gojo Satoru
He doesn’t even let you explain yourself.
One ninety-second hug with some guy you claim you’ve known since college, his arms around your waist and yours wrapped around his neck— was just about all it took for Gojo to get the picture.
Then there was the way the guy whispered into your ear and you laughed-, no, giggled at whatever was said.
What else does Gojo need to know after that? Clearly you forgot who you’ve been dating for the past few years…
Which is why Gojo reminds you through rough backshots in the backseat of your car as soon as you return to him. He hand a heavy hand on the back of your head, pressing your face down against the carseat as his toned hips clashed into your ass.
Swollen cockhead pushing past your twitching folds for the nth time while he bullies into your pussy. The loud smack of his balls against you fills the entirety of the vehicle, Gojo’s free hand pressing down into your arch and furthering it for him so he could angle his dick into that spot that makes you utterly weak.
“Wonder what the hell was so funny,” He huffs. He’s breathless by this point, having been dirty talking your ear off and giving you no time to respond— telling you how pretty your pussy looks taking every inch of him and how cute you sound crying his name into the seat.
“M-Mmgh, hnngh… ahh, S-Satoru,” Your voice was muffled against the carseat but neither of you cared, he heard you clear enough.
“Hm? What was so funny, baby? Tell me,” Gojo requests, not slowing his thrusts down for even a moment.
Merciless, he was. Fucking you like you were a goddamn slut off the street and he was a sex-deprived man, his pelvis was so angry against you, leaving marks with how harshly it met your ass, a hand moving every now and then just to palm the fat of the slight curve.
You were too busy drooling onto the carseat, cockdrunk out of your mind and fucked out beyond belief. You don’t think Gojo’s ever fucked you this hard before— the car was rocking with his every thrust and you’re pretty sure your muffled moans could be heard from outside the vehicle.
Sure, your windows had tint on them but it still wouldn’t take a genius to figure out what was going in within the car.
“What was he sayin’ t’you? Huh? Was he tellin’ you how badly he wants to fuck you? S’that why you laughed?” Gojo scoffs, still giving you no time to respond whatsoever, “I’d laugh too, shit… No one gets to fuck you aside from me, after all.” He finishes off with a cheeky little shrug.
You hated how much he was rambling right now but your brain was too consumed in pleasure to really care, “Toruu, fuuck-, oh, mmh…”
“No one else gets to feel this pussy suck the soul outta’ their cock, right?” Gojo groans, tossing his head back and drilling himself into the hilt, almost as if he were trying to reach deeper, “Jus’ me?”
All you can do is hum messily, “Mhmmm.”
He lets out a breathy chuckle and his hand lands across your ass again, head moving yo look down at the marks he’s left thus far before he cracks a smile, “Say it.”
“J-Jus’ you, ‘Toru.” Your voice was small, hardly audible but Gojo didn’t much care, he’d heard enough anyway.
So, he smiles at your struggle in speech, finding you nothing but adorable in this state, “Yeahh, that’s my girll.”
Then he’s moving his hands, feeling every inch of your body like he always does. There’s never a single part of you that goes untouched by Gojo Satoru when he fucks you. And as of right now, his large hands were taking place on your ass, spreading you apart to get a better look at your wet parted folds sucking in his cock.
“Pussy’s so fuckin’ pretty takin’ my dick like this too. I mean damn,” Gojo lets out a moan in between his sentence, unable to help himself at the sight before him, “Look at her drip all over me. She’s nasty, baby.”
Then he’s slowing his thrusts, but not stopping. Instead he gets calculated, fucking his cock in slow but pointed, top poking at your gummy spot and making your legs quake.
Drool smears across your cheek and your face was a goddamn mess but, you’d worry about all that later, “S-S’toru…”
“Mhm, I know, you’re about t’cum again, huh?” Gojo hums sweetly, the wet sounds of your cunt taking him in making his brows tense.
You were in complete disarray— debauched and filthy just how he liked. Shooting a glop of spit down onto his cock, he watched with a smile as he eases forward before there’s nothing more than an inch left out of you, only to thrust the last bit in and watch your fingers curl as you scrape against the seat.
“Uhuhh,” You breathe helplessly.
Gojo cocks his head to the side, “Gonna make another mess on me, pretty girl?”
“Mhm, good,” Gojo praises lightly before pulling out. He takes his cock into one of his hands and taps it against your pussy folds, listening to the light and wet smack his cock made against you and biting his lower lip, “But y’know… I wonder what had you so wet, baby.” He teases.
That was the only chance you got to catch your recently lost breath and you angle your head back a little to look at him, “Hm?”
Gojo’s eyes were down as he watched himself play with your pussy, smearing his leaky his tip in between your folds, “Was it him? Did he tell you how pretty you looked today? Hm?” Gojo wonders, “S’that why your cunt was droolin’ before I could even get your panties off?”
Your brows tense and you try wiggling your hips back a little, “N-No…”
“No? Aw, so what was it then?” Your boyfriend questions curiously. He’s now pushing an inch in and out of your cunt, watching how your pussy twitches everytime he pulls out and chuckling at you, “Surely it wasn’t the way I was rubbin’ my fingers against you… Nah, you were too busy thinkin’ about that other guy, right?”
You groan, “No, ‘Toru.”
He snickers, “No? Buut, you guys looked like you had a great convo.”
“W-We did but that’s only cause… hahh… mmmh, I-,” Gojo starts inching more of his cock into you and you struggle to finish explaining. After taking a deep breath, “I spent the whole time talkin’ a-about you.”
“Aww, really?” His hips snap forward after you say that, “Fuck, you bragged about me?” Gojo moans out, face growing hot with arousal.
Nodding, you hum in response, “Mhmm.”
“Shiit, that almost makes me feel bad,” Gojo pouts a little before shifting his palm over your ass, caressing your skin tenderly.
He’s still rutting his dick in and out of you but his voice and his touch is much softer.
“W-Why?” You ask.
“Cause’…. I’m fuckin’ you like you did somethin’ wrong for no reason…” Gojo whispers, seeming to be disappointed in himself for a second.
Then, he sees the way your eyes go back as his cock hits that one spot again, “Mmgh.. S-Satoru, r-right theree…”
And with that, he’s no longer disappointed and shrugs off all his doubts, going on to fuck you like he’s mad at you, “S’okay tho’, you like me like this anyway…”
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p.s. ty guys for 1k followers here :3
19K notes · View notes
screampied · 24 days
❛ BED CHEM! ❜ t. fushiguro + k. nanami
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☆ sum. being sandwiched between two of your co-stars during a séx scene sounds like a fever dream. the real fever dream is finding out who you have better bed chemistry with. the sweet blond who always talks you through it or the smug dark haired one who’s constantly stealing your panties.
wc. 5.9k
warnings. fem! reader, actor au, thréesomes, unprotected, semi-public, they eat you out at the same time, cervix mentions, premature ejac, size difference, dirty talk, pússy drunk men, praise, spít roasting, óral (f! & m! receiving), hair pulling, size kinks, bóob fondling, overstim.
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“annnnd action.”
you mentally bite your lip, feeling every nerve through your body convulse from your co-stars touches. toji fushiguro and nanami kento—the most current hottest topic, you had this last scene to shoot for a movie you were the lead in. the scene in question was quite raunchy to say the least, both of them take turns to plant soft chaste kisses down both sides of your neck. both signature scents of their colognes were loud, a musk that forevermore wafts against your nose. your eyes flicker toward the camera every so often, trying to stay in character. this was probably the fifth take—you had a bit of a bad habit of missing your lines so there’d be a few retakes. emphasis on few.
“ken, look at her,” toji murmurs, and a gasp merely slips from you once his parted tongue creeps past his lips and onto your neck. his hand slowly trails toward your thigh and he squeezes it. “such a pretty thing. want more, do ya princess?”
you nod as a response but that’s when nanami’s hand gently cups underneath your chin. gingerly, a thumb ghosts by your bottom lip and he speaks sweetly. “ah, now sweetheart. we talked about that, we need a pretty answer from you, not a nod.”
“i- i want more,” you stammer, and as toji’s scarred hands continue to roam down your body, you suck in a keen sharp breath. the air felt substantially thick, mainly due to how all three of you were acting in a big spacey sauna. your hand grabs toji’s wrist and you slowly guide it down between the valley of your legs. the static of his plump shriveled fingertips brush up between the crevices of your thighs and it nearly makes you break character. “i want you both, please.”
“aw,” toji hums hoarsely, his pursed lips forming into a wry grin.
the more their hands ran down every inch of your body, the more your heart beat raced. its thumping quickened, and your thighs forcibly squeeze themselves together. the dark haired male softly creates circles around your thighs with a single digit before speaking breathlessly. “you want both of us, huh. not jus one? that’s bein’ pretty greedy, doll.”
“toji, she can be greedy if she wants,” nanami coos, and you make direct contact with him. .
the nanami kento, you’ve heard a lot about him. him and toji were both hot favored actors but him. actresses would kill to be in your role, kill to be in your shoes.
nanami kento was as smooth as they come.
suave, a gentleman, and of course, a smooth talker. your eyes gawk down his attire and he’s wearing nothing but casual—his sleeves were sexily rolled up and his usually parted blond hair was slightly ruffled and unkempt - most likely due to the growing humidity of the sauna.
tender brown eyes bore into you before he places a kiss near the twitching corner of your mouth. “relax, sweetheart. you’ll get what you want, promise. just be a good girl. can you do that?”
feeling as if your thighs were stuck together by imaginary adhesive glue, you let off a soft panting whine. “y- yes,” and you gasp, watching as toji’s head creeps lower. he’s being slow on purpose, teasing you—wanting for you to long for more, for him to hurry up.
a few bristles of his hair tickles and pokes against your leg before your chin’s softly being grabbed by nanami again.
“ah ah, eyes on me. don’t worry about him, focus just on me sweetheart,” and the two of you lock eyes. nanami’s dimples poke against the left side of his lips and he’s so pretty, he cups your cheek and you instantly lean into his touch. “good girl, get lost in my eyes.”
your mind’s running at such quick speed—it’s trying to remember the next parts of the script as they continue the foreplay. nothing could really be heard except for nanami’s gruff low voice and the faint whirring inside of the sauna.
the next scene, nanami would lean in for a kiss and toji would eat you out. you remember looking over the filthy script many months ago before you even landed the roll.
as your eyes would skim through every word, the explicit dialogue—the mannerisms they’d perform on you, a school of swarming butterflies would pour inside the pits of your stomach.
and now, it’s finally here.
it’s as if time stood still once nanami starts to lean in, closing the awkward distance between you two. once his lips gently crash onto yours, it’s as if your heart stopped for a minute. tender, passionate, and open-mouthed.
your head slightly tilts as you part your lips wider to give him access. nanami lowly groans in your mouth, tasting your syrupy saliva tangle against his own. “mhm,” and every few seconds, loud echoing smacks would slam against both lips. he tastes minty, but on his tongue you could also taste a bit of alcohol lingering on his breath. it’s sweet, and you wanted more. whilst his tongue’s being shoved down your throat, toji scoffs. he’s propped right up between your legs and you feel his big wide hands spread your thighs more.
a nonplus gasp leaves your lips at his roughly gentle touch — your body can’t help but grind against nanami, wrapping an arm and tossing it over his shoulder. “fuck,” you speak between sultry hot kisses, another one of your hands running down the bare slit part of his exposed chest. there, you’re met with a few curls of blond chest hair. you twirl it around with your finger and he groans in your mouth at your touch. back to toji, he starts slow. he creates sloppy wet licks and kisses that trail all down from your waist until he’s finally near your shorts.
“watch that mouth of yours,” toji utters, hot breath ghosting between your thighs.
he’d get closer and closer, closer until he’s just inches away from your the pretty fabric that sticks against your skin. verdant green eyes peer into the cloth that’s attached to your panties and he hums. “cute,” he rasps, pulling down the hem of your shorts for a quick inside peek. “looks like you remembered to wear panties this time after all. somebody’s learnin’, heh.”
“toji, stop teasing me,” your breath hitches, feeling nanami pull away to kiss near your neck once more. he was so gentle, curling his tongue around that sweet spot buried right near the inside of your neck and it makes you oh so weak.
toji just gives you a sly deadpans at you needy comment, slowly pulling down your denim bedazzled shorts.
with a scoff, he tugs on your panties with his teeth. “nah,” and with the fabric in his mouth, his words were a bit muffled. “dunno what’s the point of wearing these stupid things since ‘m jus gonna steal them again anyway.”
a breath gets lodged in your throat once nanami starts to suck against your neck, his teeth gingerly grazing against your skin. his breath was always so warm, every time it sets against your bare flesh you moan. as your glossy eyes ogle down back at nanami, you huff with a cute frustrated expression. your eyebrows knit and compress together and you merely whine. “just hurry the fuck up,” and your neck starts to lean back a bit. with both men having their hands on you—you weren’t sure how long you’d last.
constantly, you had to keep reminding yourself, it’s just a movie, it’s just another scene. .
or is it?
you’re entrapped inside of your thoughts, fully forgetting that you’re on film. as you’re in a temporary fantasm—you bite your lip before a clammy hand finds its way through toji’s shaggy ravened strands. instantaneously, black tresses entwine between your silvery fingers and you moan. he lays his tongue flat, teasingly lapping near the center part of your panties.
fuck, you’ve read over his parts specifically at least a dozen times and knew what he had to do during this scene but you didn’t expect it to feel this good.
toji’s breath was balmy, slow breaths whirl and fan against your clit that’s just barely being protected by the string of your panties.
nanami’s sloppy kisses trail down toward your chest and oh, you felt like you were floating. “poor baby’s fuckin’ soaked,” toji snickers as a fat thumb drags down your sopping cunt. he’s so quick that you don’t even realized he pulled down your panties—you don’t even know where they went. probably in his pocket, again. you feel a wave of heat flush over you as you can feel his feral gaze stare into your twitching muscle. “look at my girl’s nasty ‘lil pulse.” he hums, and his tongue does one single beginning lick near your folds. you whine, and his cold tongue as cold as ice. it’s a type of feeling you couldn’t put into words.
“toji, don’t hog her. i want a taste too,” nanami says in a gentle voice. speaking of, nanami could say the most nastiest things and it would still end up coming out like a compliment.
“s- shit,” you kiss your teeth, watching both of them with near half-lidded eyes once you see nanami’s head creep down also.
now, you’re being met with a chilling hungry yet feral gaze. you throbbed even more as you’re sprawled all out against the fragile bench of the sauna. tears of perspiration start to bubble against your skin as the heat gets a bit more thicker. it’s humid, and you don’t know if it was the temp of the sauna or them making you feel hot but you wanted more. your eyes meet them again, and you feel yourself getting more aroused once you realize. . they were both down on their knees for you.
to your left—there’s toji, he’s got the must smug expression. already near the left side of his lip, there’s a few droplets of your honeyed slick coating against his mouth. all from a single lick, you felt embarrassed at how wet you were. it was actually in the script that they would use lube to help you but clearly, you didn’t need it in the slightest. toji’s wearing a burgundy tank top that nearly sticks against his hard toned pecs. he’s so toned, a burly beefy body that looks almost chiseled, stoned. he looks like he’s been literally carved and sculptured from top to bottom. your eyes stare at his broad shoulders, his thick pecs, and even how a few of his black chest hairs pokes out from his shirt.
and then to your right, there’s nanami. a thumb of his slowly makes its way down your drooling salivating cunt and he’s almost in awe.
his pink glossy lips press up towards your entrance before he gives it a soft welcoming kiss. you moan at how delicate he was, and the longing tender stare he constantly gave you merely made your knees buckle. as the humidity rises in the sauna, strands of his hair continue to swelter against his forehead with the help of slimy sweat.
“my, my,” he purrs in a low voice, and they’re both right between your thighs. you couldn’t help but feel a palpitating sensation brew up between your legs. “we’ve got ourselves a wet one, toji.”
“yeah,” the dark haired murmurs, and his eyes narrow. but toji wasn’t fond of sharing - not one bit.
with a piqued eye roll, he leans in to lap his tongue against your pussy once more before nanami follows.
you release a sweet elongated moan you were holding in for the longest - but you remembered you had to be dramatic for the scene — fake.
that was kind of hard considering the blatant fact that yhey were actually making you feel good. but alas, you lazily slouch back against the wooden bench, letting off your best exaggerated moan.
nanami and toji both look at you at the same time and toji refrains himself from bursting out laughing. staying in character, he clears his throat, spanking your cunt. you moan, and your grip against his hair becomes more rough. he feels you yanks forward with a solid tug, grunting, and that’s when you feel nanami’s soft tongue present itself too.
slow, his tongue slowly runs itself against your pulsing clit and your eyes gradually roll themselves back. it’s now to where they’re both lapping up your dripping taste at the exact same time—both sloppy tongues flicking and slithering against your cunt oh, and you were an entire mess. it’s as if they were competing against each other. as they both bury their heads between your thighs, you start to shake, dragging their heads back and forth into your sopping pussy.
with your toes curling and your chest heaving, you mewl out a sweet whine. “oh my g-god,” your voice squeaks out, swallowing your own sheer arousing embarrassment.
their breaths collide against each other and land right on your pussy. so pretty, nanami’s eyes were closed whilst toji’s were wide open. he’s giving you a smug cheeky grin the entire time, using a thumb to occasionally glissade down against your twitching pussy. “damn, taste so sweet,” toji grunts, and you can hear the salacious timbre in his voice. a voice so deep that your thighs vibrate together. fuck, your hands end up delving through each of their strands of hair, tightly pulling them closer towards your pulsating heat.
both hairs curl within your fingers before you pull their faces even closer against your crying cunt, almost suffocating them. “mhm,” toji’s lips nearly glue against your pasty folds.
nanami’s tongue romantically swirls itself around until it reaches near your sweet nub.
that spot - your brain haphazardly haywires and short circuits right away and your knees almost collapse. “fuck, f- fuck ‘ken.” you gasp, dragging his head up. once you do, you’re met with a sleazy smile—he’s pussy drunk. it takes you a minute to realize maybe he’s not being in character anymore. nanami’s dimple still prods against both sides of his cheeks before he leans down, spitting right against your cunt.
“go on, ‘toj. lick it up since you wanna be greedy,” nanami playfully titters, running a hand through his hair just so he could touch your fingers.
toji’s shooting vexed daggers toward the blond before he’s almost nose deep against your pussy.
once he’s actually nose deep, he sniffs your cunt, spitting on it before lapping it right up. he does it all while staring at you too. “hmph,” he grouses, his long tongue moving toward nanami’s area, now slurping up nanami’s own sheeny trickling saliva.
you couldn’t lie, watching the entire risqué scene of both men fighting over eating you out right before you, right between your legs made you throb even more.
toji’s raven arched brows tweak inward before a hand of his pries your left thigh further apart. “don’t fuckin’ tell me what ‘ta do.”
nanami chuckles, pressing kisses near the warm crevices of your thighs. fawn sparkling irises flicker toward you before he whispers. “you doin’ okay, sweetheart. ‘s alright?”
“y- yeah,” your voice grows more shaky as toji continues. as if it had a mind of its own, a hand of yours tugs on nanami’s hair, guiding his head back toward between your thighs. nanami shakes his head with a cunning smile, going back to lapping at your tasty treat stored right between your plush thighs. swallowing a circled lump that resides at the back of your throat, your legs start to jolt. “f- fuuuuck,” your voice strains, and toji and nanami’s just making out with your pussy.
you watch the entire time—occasionally glancing up at the large propped up canon camera that’s a few feet away from you. oh right, it’s just a scene.
you were practically using your bottom lip as chewing gum with how they were vigorously eating out your starved cunt as if it was their last meal. they both used their crimpy long tongues to create such filthy circles and shapes on and around your pussy, maneuvering their fingers inside your cunt and all.
your breath starts to grow more and more irregular — changing its speed to being a lot more quicker the more they remain sat between your thighs.
“she’s gettin’ close,” toji murmurs between sloshes of smacks with his lips. each lewd ‘pop’ he makes with his lips leaves you dizzy and begging for more. the edge of his scar that runs down the right side of his mouth smears and rubs all up against your clit and it feels so good. it tickles, but in a more raunchy kind of way.
with nanami occasionally blowing and whistling against your folds, you were surely about to lose it. your mind’s spiraling—and as your fingers remain tangled in both ruffled strands and curls of hair, their chins start to glimmer and stream down with your candied slick. “look at me, girl.” toji pats your cunt, although it’s more of a wet slap. you whimper, moist doused droplets coming from your own pussy wetting his palm right away.
your eyes meet toji and the laps of his tongue grow faster. he’s munching against your pussy, swerving his head from back and forth before he grunts, playfully biting down on your clit. not hard, but enough to where it makes you let off a cute shriek. “cum, cum on my tongue, baby.”
“ah, i think you mean cum on mine,” nanami corrects him, giving your sensitive twitching clitoral hood a single kiss.
your eyes go back and forth between the two of them, but you can’t even reply because within seconds, you’re cumming, hard.
your mouth slightly drops whilst your jaw dramatically hangs open—pathetically dangling open as they’re still lapping you clean. both scorching hot tips of your ears were stuffed with imaginary fuzz. you couldn’t hear for a few long seconds—not to mention, your body was being invaded by a plethora of tingles that shot through your body.
“f-fuuuckk,” you whine, and you’re uncontrollably shaking. it’s a rush, a crazed rush that you do don’t want to stop. as you’re spasming, you glance down at the two of them.
“mphm,” toji’s still slurping at your dewy slick juices that stream from you before nanami’s tongue gets tangled with his. he blinks thrice, and their lips abruptly meet. panting and heaving, you watch—not really remembering if that was on script but neither exactly pulls away.
they’re focusing their sloppy slick tongues on your spasming convulsing cunt while mashing glossed lips together. you throbbed at the lewd sight of your two co-stars, seeing toji grow flustered and nanami being a bit more dominant.
that was rare, as stoic as of a man that he was, you’d last expect to see toji this way. you moan, still felling their sloshing wet tongues twirl around the insides of your sobbing pussy all whilst they’re making out. at contact, they’re both tasting nothing but you on their tongues the entire time, a concoction of saliva entangles with each other as they relish in savoring your sweet taste on their tastebuds.
“maybe you’re the one who needed attention,” nanami gradually pulls away, stands of shimmery saliva dragging away from both pursed lips.
“tch. shut up,” toji grumbles, and he focuses back toward you. he slides a tongue across and over crooked his lips.
the next thing you knew—you were being lifted up, tossed right over toji’s burly shoulder.
you gasp, feeling nanami’s gentle eyes bore into your curves before he positions you, using a single hand to spread your shivering thighs apart. you were still a bit shaky and sensitive from your most recent release—your teeth still shattered and saw how their jaws locked, especially toji’s.
you felt every nerve jolt through your body, coursing through your veins.
but once the actual scene came, you were screwed.
it wasn’t fake anymore, your orgasms and moans were very much real now. and that was perfect, you were perfect, because behind the lens—it not only felt real but it looked real too.
your pretty expressions, your flat pink tongue lolling out of your mouth and the way you’re panting. toji’s fucking you from behind and he’s just mean. hard thorough strokes that makes his hips snap right into you, crash into you at full speed to where he’s creating a fatal collision.
“ah, open,” nanami whispers, and your eyelids that were practically droopy glance up. you’re met with nanami. the blond’s got a hand resting on top of the crown of your head before he taps a thumb against your cheek. “let me see that pretty mouth some more, my love,” and you lean into his touch. toji’s hips however were so rude—your sweet incoherent babbles soon starts to grow a bit more quavery due to how rickety he made your body. the olden wood of the sauna nearly splits and you can hear the blaring cracks after each rocky thrust. your lips part open and your eyes go straight toward his cock. his boxers were halfway on with the cerulean blue hem of it just hanging and protecting his sharp carvend v-line.
so pretty, you just wanted to run your tongue up and down and across every line and spot that decorates his soft skin.
“ngh, a-atta girl,” the blond’s brows reluctantly twist together, watching your warm mouth slowly take him in fully.
god, your eyes were so mesmerizing to look at. he delicately cups underneath your chin, feeling the minuscule amounts of saliva drip from your lips. your jaw remains to hang open, dangling like an earring—and that’s when he’s slowly inching himself inside your tight warm throat.
immediately, you see a bit of his blond curly pubes through your blurred peripherals. nanami’s abs clench and tighten at the feeling of your hot mouth and he groans. “my good . . girl, ugh. pretty girl with an even prettier throat.”
toji’s still propped up behind you, two broad hands attached to your waist—practically glued on. you whine, your sweet noises becoming muffled as his hips plummet into you raw.
you feel your toes curl up within each sloppy degrading thrust he makes. as you’re taking nanami’s cock, you swirl your tongue around his mushroom tip that’s got a faint splash of pink painting near the very top. he’s bittersweet, your lashes flutter as your pretty plump lips envelope around his hefty length. a single prodding vein that runs down his cock twitches inside of your mouth and you moan at the feeling.
“fuck,” toji hisses, feeling your gummy insides squeeze and clamp around him. you’ve got your back arched as your hands cling onto the sauna’s ligneous bench.
the furniture’s woody and it continuously tottering by the second—loudly creaking as his pivotal strokes deepen. every few seconds, he’d swat a palm against your ass just to hear your cute whimpers. toji likes to gawk at the recoil, the way your ass cheek jolts back against his hand from the spank, it’s cute.
the concise twinges that follow from his hand makes your moans get louder, reverberating through the thin tapered walls of the sauna.
raspy pants leave from toji’s gruff vocal chords before his callous fingertips dig deep into the fat of your hips. his foot’s tapping against the floor as his head slightly cocks itself back. “mhm, shit. such a nasty girl, gettin’ stuffed from front ‘ta back. ‘s that what you really wanted, hm?”
since your mouth was currently occupied with nanami’s thick inches—you nod while starting to feel his bulbous tip repeatedly thwack back against the roof of your mouth. your eyes squeeze shut for a second as you’re twirling your tongue around his veiny length. steadily, nanami’s cock grows inside your mouth and you happily keep it warm. each twitching vein that runs down his shaft, you flick your tongue against it just to hear him moan out your name. you’re so aroused that you try to sneak a hand down between your trembly thighs, only to be swatted away by toji’s hand. you whine, a pout forming against your swollen lips as his pace quickens.
“no touchin’ my pussy,” he mumbles, and you felt yourself twitch. now that wasn’t in the script, but the more he smacked your cunt, the more you felt extra butterflies stir inside your stomach.
toji’s got such a good angle on you—he’s ferocious, ravaging through your pasty walls, feeling your sloppy slick run all down his cock.
your ass almost glues against his pelvis, and that’s when he leans right up against you. skin against skin, big hands reach near your chest, toying with your bouncy neglected tits. you moan, feeling his thumbs curl and squeeze against your perky nipples that poke through the blouse of your shirt. “such a pretty rack, yeah,” he lowly whispers, licking near your neck. his voice was so low up against your ear. so low, the playfulness in his voice was almost enough to make you cream on his cock right then. toji’s base was very full, and he’s now just smacking against your bare ass with. a few seconds later, he groans, feeling the brief pangs of electricity ripple near the undersides of his meaty calves. “ugh, god such a pretty view like this though. ‘ken fuckin’ wishes he had my spot.”
“oh, don’t flatter yourself, toji,” the blond hums, though as he’s speaking, you could tell he’s flustered.
your tongue has nanami stammering a bit, he’s patting your head, strumming a thumb against your pursed lips. once he meets your gaze, his breath nearly gets stolen away. “you’re doin’ so good, sweetheart. makin’ me feel so good,” and you watch his adam’s apple bobble. his praise warmed something in your heart.
it was something about being degraded from behind and praised near the front.
toji’s reeling your ass further back into his hips with ease whilst you’re focusing your eyes strictly on nanami. nanami’s heart races at the sight of you and now, he’s wondering if this really is just a scene anymore.
he found himself getting lost in your eyes—maybe it was a bit unprofessional, but you’ve had the gaze of an ethereal galaxy. the way your pupils would doe up and dilate as your head goes up and down against his length, he wanted more of you.
“that’s it,” he grunts, running a hand through his matted blond strands. nanami nearly loses his balance once your sucking turns into slurping. you’re a mess, your entire chin being damp because of your own saliva. he wipes some of it up with his thumb, only to taste it himself and he moans. your head continuing to bobble and he’s about to break, no, he is breaking. “slobber a- all on it, don’t be shy pretty girl. ‘s okay to be my messy girl. there we go.”
“tch.” toji’s eyes roll, and he’s still striking into you. your cunt was clingy, gripping around him tightly like a vice. the feeling makes his jaw tighten whilst your stomach seizes in rapture. he’s so deep, your limbs felt so flimsy as your pathetic breaths start to get more strained and breathy.
toji’s grip was angry, it’s french kissing right up against your cervix and you can’t help but let off a squeal. right there, he knows that’s your sweet spot and once he suddenly realizes it, his rude thrusts become purely maddened.
more souse streams of saliva drips down your chin as you’re slathering the entirety of nanami’s cock with your own filthy viscid spit. you look so pretty, cock drunk and on the verge of finishing yet again.
toji fucks like a madman—each stroke felt like your entire body was gonna snap in half. his body’s hovering over you and his warm completely radiates against your own. he’s so close that he’s merely humping you, sloppy greedy strokes becoming more feral as the seconds pass. his tip massaged your walls through and through, and your eyes were rolling way back until you saw nothing but pearly white at the back of your sockets.
by this point, this entire scene didn’t feel like you were filming for a movie anymore. it slipped your mind, you forgot this was literally your job.
“s- sweetheart, ‘m gonna cum,” a husky voice interrupts your thoughts, and your tongue still toys with his leaky slit. a hand of yours wraps around his full base, stroking him with a few good solid pumps and he’s so close. your touch made him shudder, the kind of shudder where he’s just addictive for more.
more of you.
“heh, that’s right. milk the pretty boy, babygirl. he’s all flustered because of y’er throat. that’s rich,” toji snickers, a rough cackle leaving his lips as his eyes meets his abashed co-star.
it was true, nanami was entirely flustered—he’s even avoiding eye contact now and sweating pinballs. toji’s hands were now sweating from the palms and he pulls your hips continuously back into him, each slam becoming more merciless.
but fuck, his cock was just insanely thick — it expanded through your walls as your cunt merrily constricts around his length.
it slides in and out, the squelches that your cunt makes because of it leaves you craving for more. your sopping wet, and he’s only making it ten times worse nanami narrows his eyes at toji’s teasing, lightly pulling your head down just a bit more to keep your attention back towards him. “hah, don’t listen to him, pretty. eyes on me, let me see that gorgeous face ‘m about to p-paint, fuck.”
nanami’s blushing tip reddens, and once he finally cums—it’s so much. it shoots out in stringy milky ropes, velvety and all.
it paints right onto your flat tongue and your eyes snap shut for two seconds at the bittersweet taste. your lips felt tepid, still having your mouth wrap around his cock as his dick now becomes soft and flaccid. “god,” he whines, multiple metallic fingers of his delving in your scalp.
nanami’s so pretty after he finishes, he’s got somewhat of a feverish glow to him and you see his veins pop out through each of his bulky muscles. it shows right through his shirt he wore, which was close enough to being see through.
“take it, swallow it f’ me sweetheart,” and he cups your chin, removing his dick from your dampened lips. his eyes were just as droopy as yours and he’s heavily panting. “ah, can you do that?”
with your cheeks all puffed up and stored full of cum, you’re completely dimwitted. you give him a nod, swallowing the hot seed before taking a second to breath. nanami doesn’t waste any time and he leans in, pulling you into a kiss. “i want a taste of myself too.” he murmurs breathlessly between kisses. as his head lowers to your level, you moan at the feeling of his lips pressing onto yours. it’s passionate, his tongue intertwines with your own and he then roves the tip of his tongue near the crevice of your mouth. there, he tastes a few remnants of his cum and it makes him groan.
toji’s still plowing into your sopping cunt that’s fully drenching down on him before he quips.
“hn. freaks,” and literally seconds after that, his cockiness fades away because he’s now cumming too. it’s quick, it hits him at full force like a speed of a semi-truck. toji’s ramming his cock up against that sweet spongey texture that’s making you whimper before he finishes himself. the build up was practically non existent. it was just sloppy, the hormone rush drives him insane and now he’s the one that’s short-circuiting. “oh s- shit,” he growls, feeling his dick starting to tighten and shrivel up whilst deeply buried inside of you. your grip was just so wet, it makes him suck his teeth in elation at how dripping wet you were.
from the waist down, he feels numb and his hips start to slow. it’s a buzz that even spreads toward his spine and he gruffs, spanking against your ass. “ngh, pussy’s fuckin’ dangerous,” his voice falters, it’s husky low pitch turning more high. it’s cute, and there’s a faint pout growing on toji’s lips.
nanami looks up at him with a flustered expression. “aw, too much for you toji?”
“shut up,” he groans, still feeling the after effects. toji came a lot too, masses of creamy hot cum fills up inside of you before it spurts toward your womb.
your thighs were on its final hinges as you were still arched and hunched over, desperate to see what you looked like from behind.
you were probably a mess, a mess with cum dribbling out of your fluttering hole. a saturated translucent ring forms around his base as he stops his thrusts completely, preparing to pull out. for once, hes speechless—at least for a few seconds anyway. “fuck me,” he groans, and his cock too, was now flaccid and idle.
your fingers run down towards your puffy clit to feel for yourself and oh, it’s even more stuffed than you even imagined.
sappy runny amounts trickle down your cunt, past your swollen lips and onto the sauna’s floor. you moan, squeezing two fingers inside to toy with yourself some more but that’s right when nanami swiftly grabs your wrist.
“ah, no sweetheart. no touching what’s ours,” he whispers, a thumb softly caressing near your palm. he sees the pout that mangles against your lips and he leans down to kiss your forehead. “i’ll think about letting you touch her after we shower.”
“and who says it’s up to you,” toji rolls his eyes, his voice still a bit shaky. he reaches near the glass cabinet for a dry towel before wrapping it around his slim waist. “i mean, i wouldn’t let her touch herself either but still.”
“there there,” nanami shushes you, bringing a soft kiss to your lips. your face softens as you return the gesture, and you then gasp once he toji lifts you up. nanami wraps a towel around his waist also, and toji creeps up beside him. cool air wafts against your skin at the sudden movements as he then opens the glass sauna door. “c’mon, let’s at least shower on it.”
as you’re slung over toji’s broad shoulder, your eyes were met with the floor. all of you walk out of the scene set and toji’s big hand squeezes near your ass. “wonder if she can take us both at the same time.”
“she’s a good girl, i think she can,” nanami kisses your forehead as toji walks with you. “right, princess?”
you still felt hot all over your body, but you nod, wrapping your arms around toji’s neck. “y- yeah,” and your nose buries inside the depths of his collarbone. his strong brawny cologne scent again, you’re hit with it face first from each whiff. “i can take you both.”
“um excuse me? this isn’t in the fucking script!”
nanami and toji both glance at the director who’s got a vein popping out of his forehead. toji snickers and nanami grows sheepish.
“eh. it is now,” toji shrugs, and he gives your ass a teasing smack. “c’mon, doll,” and he snickers, turning his head to whisper to you. “we aren’t finished with ya just yet, heh,” and toji glances at the director, giving your ass a spank as you’re still thrown over his shoulder. “cut.”
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Hey I saw your Link belly bullying ask! I was hoping we could get some more of that good stuff since it seemed you had a lot of detailed ideas, with weight gain as well please.
Oh I’d love to do more with that. I'll use the other characters I had ideas for. Sorry if these are a bit too long though--I'd formate them as stories if it was feasible to break them up more. But due to length, I'll stuff these under a read more.
"Your highness, I must insist that you reconsider--!" Sharp teeth clamp down before the face of the pleading Z.ora and a resounding gulp sends him down the hatch. The face bulges out S.idon's neck before disappearing past his chest. His belly gains another notch as he aids yet another of his many subjects to his bubbling, boiling tank--a sloppy belch rumbles out of his jaws, making his face flush red. "O-Okay...that's...about half of my staff, five R.ito, three H.ylians, and--BWWWWOOORP!--ugh...one Lynel..." He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, feeling his stomach bounce and shake as all of his meals kick around inside. "Are you finally satisfied with seeing the capacity of Z.ora royalty, L.ink?" He tries to peer past his stomach to see his friend, who had been pestering him all day since he'd read some texts explaining the dietary habits of the royal Z.ora family, but S.idon's stomach is so massive that he can't seem to. "L.ink, are you still there? Please don't tell me you left me while I'm like this." After a few seconds of silence, S.idon feels two hands push down hard on his stomach. His eyes widen as a massive belch roars out of him, making the steelwork of their kingdom shake under his feet. His entire face goes red as he lets loose for nearly twenty seconds. When it finally stops, he puts his hands over his mouth and he can hear L.ink laughing just out of view. "L-L.ink! That wasn't funny!" Completely flustered now, S.idon moves without thinking and swings his heavy stomach forward. It hits L.ink and he can hear a yelp as he knocks the hero off his feet and onto the floor. Before the man can get up, that large gut is on top of him, smothering him into the floor. After such a big belch, his stomach is stretched tightly, showing off the bulges of his still live meals struggling inside of him--a few of the softer ones had folded from how constricting it got in there and are little more than a bubbling slop in the bottom of his gut. S.idon can feel L.ink struggling under him but his stomach is far too heavy to move. The prince crosses his arms with a frown. "If you want to act like a child, then I'll treat you like you. You can sit under there and think about what you did. I'll let you up once I've finished processing all of this food you convinced me to eat." He can feel L.ink continue to struggle against his stomach but he leans forward on it and quickly puts an end to that. In reality, S.idon did quite enjoy letting loose and pigging out like this. The tightness of his gut, the heavy groans and churns of it chugging along, the sense of power feeling all that live prey struggling inside of him--it's all so addictive, even for such a friendly guy. What he didn't appreciate was being L.ink's plaything and the butt of his jokes, so it's only fair for the price to get the upper hand. His powerful stomach only took another hour to process everything inside, and while he's no stranger to live meals, he hasn't indulged quite like this before. S.idon's normally lean stomach now hangs heavy before him, so much so that he can still use it to keep L.ink smothered under it. The muscles he's gained from so much swimming have been smothered under squishy, soft chub that's left his arms and legs and hips much thicker than before. Even the sharp features of his face have rounded out somewhat. S.idon finally rises to his feet, his stomach wobbling as he does. L.ink is splayed out on the floor, his expression dazed. The prince feels a bit bad for him but doesn't want to think L.ink has gotten off so easily, so he keeps on the stern expression. "I hope that was an enlightening experience for you, L.ink. While you're catching your breath, I must step out." He tries to keep some kind of regalness to his leave but the groaning of his bowels makes him rush a bit. There are plenty of deep caves far underwater he can get to--he'll have to leave the mass of waste he's built up in one of them. He'd be absolutely devastated if anyone could find something so...unbecoming of him.
"That's it...it's time for...my secret technique!" This was Master K.ogha's final gambit to destroy L.ink. With a throw of his hand, a scrap of paper flies up into the air above him, exploding in a huge puff of smoke to reveal...nothing. Kohga was still for several seconds before he starts flailing his arms again. "H-Hey, which of you numskulls forgot to replace my secret technique?!" L.ink comes charging in with his sword, with K.ohga barely manages to avoid. Now he's getting a bit panicked. He needs something big and unstoppable to crush this annoying pest! If he doesn't have his secret technique and those useless clan members couldn't slow him down then...wait, that's it! K.ohga disappears from sight and reappears farther away, his fist full of the scraps of paper he uses to summon things. He crams them all into his mouth and swallows hard. L.ink wasn't wasting any time in this and comes charging after the Y.iga Clan leader again, ready to attack him. But right as he gets close, the man's stomach suddenly expands. L.ink got out a shocked cry before he's knocked down and suddenly covered. K.ohga's stomach was about as big as he was but much, much wider. His outfit was made to be stretchy, so it has no trouble containing and morphing to his gut, which is now stretched out over a lot of Y.iga members. K.ohga pants a bit as he adjusts to the sudden heavy weight in his stomach, but once he does, he starts laughing with his hands resting on his hips. "Spectacular! How's that for a secret technique, hm, hero?" He leans forward on his stomach, grinding against it just to make sure it's really rubbing into L.ink down below. He can feel the H.ylian trying to move, but the immense weight seems to be making that difficult. K.ohga throws his head back for another victory laugh but it ends up coming out as a massive belch instead. He's sent plenty of unqualified and downright useless Y.iga members down the hatch before--he had to get that pot belly from somewhere--but this was far more than he's ever done before. He uh...honestly hadn't expected this to work. But now nothing but confidence is oozing from him. "We'll see how long you survive against such a mighty stomach, hero! And I'll be able to put these Y.iga rejects to some actual use now. I'm sure they'll be more than pleased to know their lives were given in the efforts to destroy you!" Another belch belts out of him, sending a mask flying from his maw. The men down in his gut were still winded from L.ink's crusade through their hideout, so most of them can do little more than sit back and let their master's stomach process them all at once. K.ohga took no breaks in mocking and boasting to L.ink over the sounds of his churning guts. They slowly lose their form, all those bulges becoming softer and less defined until his gut is a massive, round beast. As it pumps sludge deeper through him, his body expands, growing thicker and heftier with the added weight of so much live prey. He was already a bit out of shape, but his new body would make the old him look like a model. His thighs press together now with all the added heft. His ass is stretching out his suit so much that each cheek is left well defined. His stomach goes from a mild beer gut to a heavy beer keg that hangs past his waist naturally. His arms get thicker and softer and his chest gains visible moobs. His mask even looks smaller now that his cheeks are starting to poke around the edge. K.ogha made sure his gut was pressed right over L.ink face until he noticed it had finished its processing. He gets back to his feet triumphantly and...he's still alive?! L.ink is breathing heavily now that K.ohga's stomach has been moved off of him and he's sweating from the heat but he's undoubtedly alive. "Oh, so you think you think you're sooo strong, huh? I'll show you!" His stomach lets out a low, deep groan. "...a-after a bathroom break." He looks around before going over to the deep pit in the center of the arena. Once he drops off these rejects, he'll get some more. He'll do this as many times as it takes to defeat the hero!
"Are you...sure about this?" K.ass asks with a twinge of hesitation. The traveling minstrel is no stranger to a good, squirming meal. R.ito are natural predators, after all, and with how dangerous the lands are and how sparse civilization can be, he's quite used to guzzling down whatever unfortunate soul crosses his path during meal times. This was the first time he'd done so in such...excess, however, and for money. But that blond H.ylian that he's taken a liking to--enough of one not to devour him at least--had offered him quite the bundle of rupees for a simple task--eat the folks staying at the stable he was resting at. It was rather easy, even as his stomach got heavier and bigger, to snap up every last person hanging around. And now they're inside the tent, his blue stomach stretched wide over lots of squirming meals. But L.ink's next request is what's actually making him hesitate. The H.ylian just smiles and nods and, although still a little hesitant, K.ass fulfills his wishes. He grips the bottom of his gut in both large hands, grunting with the effort of lifting it up. He moves to stand right over L.ink and then lets it go. It slams down onto the H.ylian with a loud slosh, also knocking a rather wet belch out of the R.ito. All that movement seems to have upset the occupants because they're getting very noisy and squirming but it doesn't so much to upset the bird's stomach. Instead, he's still concerned over his companion. "Are you alright down there, H.ylian?" He tilts his head a bit, trying to see if any part of L.ink is still visible to him. He feels shifting under his stomach and hands pushing into his feathered gut. "Ah, good. I suppose it was silly to doubt you. Well, you just relax down there, and if you need any air, try to let me know." Maybe they should have figured out a signal for that first but...oh well. K.ass picks up his accordion from off the floor and begins to play it, humming to himself as the music mixes with the heavy sounds of his gut. Perhaps subconsciously, K.ass would occasionally lean forward on his stomach, making the noises come out louder while further pressing his stomach into L.ink. But overall he's lost in his music, his body busily breaking down all the people inside as he plays. His normally thick figure gets a lot thicker as all the chub from such a binge packs on, further thickening his large arms and adding some additional weight to his legs and ass. His face gets fuller and rounder and his belly becomes a beast of its own, hanging off of him as a great mass. His feathers only help make it even softer though, which L.ink got to experience once that chugging gut rounded out all those rough lumps. When K.ass finished playing, his stomach had quieted down, mostly finished with its heavy meal. L.ink is fast asleep when he moves his stomach and it's grown dark outside. "My, that late already? Well...I suppose we can stay here for the night." He sets his accordion aside again and rubs his stomach, feeling how easily it molds to the touch of his wing. "And I'll make sure you all have a final resting place as well. I'm sure there's a nice ditch for you all to rest in." He heads out of the tent, confident that no beasts will try to bother him tonight. Once he returns, he'll be able to get a good night's sleep with that H.ylian. And perhaps, when they meet again, he'll have another payment for another large meal.
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castle-dominion · 1 year
I forget how I usually advertise my fics
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Castle (TV 2009)
Relationship: Javier Esposito/Kevin Ryan
Characters: Javier Esposito, Kevin Ryan, Other characters mentioned I think
Additional Tags: Trans Male Character, Fluff, One Shot, Unsafe Binding Practices, Episode: s05e18 The Wild Rover (Castle TV 2009), Episode Tag, Season/Series 05, Trans Kevin Ryan, Established Relationship, Established Rysposito
Language:English, Published:2023-09-13, Words:1,019, Chapters:1/1, Hits:0
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The wild rover needs to take off his binder - (Trans!Ryan, 5x18 tag) by ADHDdumbass
Ryan finally comes home after the events of 5x18. In the show it seemed like Ryan was only gone for, like, two days, but in my fic I wrote it more like a week. He has been wearing his binder for too long & Esposito gets concerned, but they have been up all night since Ryan called Esposito on Liam's phone that night on the docks, so they are just going to take a little rest. Fluff.
Inspired by Finally Back by orphan_account.
I saw this other fic & decided "holy crap that could be so good if I rewrote it for these characters. Credit goes to the original author, but the fic is orphaned so... I can't exactly credit them. Still, u can check out the fic!
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
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