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theoldshadow · 2 months ago
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happy birthday @agoldenlily - malayne - when you're standing in the shadows
" Put your lips close to mine as long as they don't touch "
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antleredart · 11 months ago
Went to the local insect fair! I wanted to show a few of the new insect friends I met!
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The first is the Malayn jungle nymph (very poorly named), an ironclad beetle, a millipede, and a Vietnamese stickbug
This is a male blond tarantula! He was very sweet!
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astarionposting · 1 year ago
do you know any blogs with actually unique tavs? Like yours? This may sound rude, but it's not my intention! But some tav's are looking very much alike or look like they use tiktok..
Hello! Personally I love all Tavs/durges/ocs and think they are all unique, even if some may look similar, it just means it is a good design and good taste ;)
As for my favourite tavs/durges/ocs, I really love these blogs:
@haarleps - so many amazing and unique ocs, I really love Freyr and Nyx <3
@anderwelt - Ceres and Tae are some of the most unique looking ocs I’ve seen, and their newest designs look soooo good <3
@mercymaker - Malayne - drow oc that is incredibly hot, like she is so mother
@vspin - Tav’Lyn - Another Drow oc that I am in love with and is also very mother I love her so much
@korcariiwitch - Vel’wyn….ANOTHER Drow oc that is incredibly hot and I am also in love with (are you seeing a pattern here yet?)
@julietvoid - I love their oc Naenia so much and have a huge crush on her like her scales, her hair, her eyes, EVERYTHING I wanna give her a big kiss
@honeysulani - Oak is the hottest green dude I’ve ever seen and I’m obsessed with his design it is so cottage core to me
@elminsters - Eurydice is incredibly gorgeous and we need to see more of her, once I stop procrastinating my Tav edits this weekend I’ll eventually get to her and I’m so excited 😭 (also the story of Eurydice and Orpheus in Greek mythology always makes me cry so her name has a special place in my heart)
@stinkrascal - SOOOOO many beautiful and unique ocs, u just have to go take a look like fr go do it rn, but I have to say Aza is one of my fav designs
@bhaalbaaby - PENELOPE and HELE!!!! that is all I have to say 😌😌
@tadpole-apocalypse I FORGOR TO ADD beautiful, amazing, incredible, show stopping art work of their OC Morgan and their art style is so unique I love it
I also remembered I had a similar ask to this one and mentioned pretty much the same blogs and also some extra ones! I didn’t want to tag too many people again just so I don’t annoy them, so I just tagged the blogs I see regularly posting oc content/the OCs I have a big huge giant crush on 😊
If you are a Tav/durge/oc blog, reply as well so I can add you to the list! I always love discovering new blogs <3
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kulay-ng-banaag · 1 year ago
I was see your replied and as indonesian myself I dont agree hws indonesia has indigenous tatto like Dayak or Mentawai because while they def think they are indonesian their been attemp by militarize state to erase indigenous tatto culture and how ethnicity surrounded dayak and mentawai has been actively malaynize their ethnicity by islamize them and mind you most indonesia even the majority ethnicity (Javanese) is native or indigenous doesnt mean they cant be critize to be a settler to other.
That's fair and valid! Safe to say you're the same anon so I'll add this.
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I hope I'm correct in understanding that you think I might be hypocritical. I'm sorry if I come off as defensive here.
Let's pretend Hetalia characters are like food and and all these fan interpretations reflect how people ratio their spices of government, culture, and land. Some people might use more government spice than the other two, and not everyone will be a fan of the resulting taste.
I'm definitely not a fan of being heavy on the government spice. I tend to use more culture and land spices instead. I do hc Piri as "indigenous" to the land that is the 7,641 islands of the archipelago that is the Philippines. I'm not comfortable calling it, or even seeing it, as racebending because that means asking what is "native" Filipino culture vs what isn't, and that's a kind of question that starts Twitter wars. 😭
I "justified" Filipino culture as a melting pot because I don't believe that multiculturalism exists only as a political concept that oppresses. I do think that's what OP was getting to in calling it problematic, and I hope I helped in adding that it's definitely cringe because of all the government spice thrown in.
I agree it's important to acknowledge the political reality. I also don't believe that people choosing not to endorse that political reality, because they cooked up a different narrative to offer, means they do not acknowledge that it happens. Sometimes, people consciously choose not to bring it to the table to avoid unintentionally triggering others.
Otherwise, I think Hetalia would be boring af if all we do is make these dirt children a mirror image of their (nasty) governments.
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444names · 1 year ago
Names generated from Elder Scrolls' Dunmer names, excluding the letter "R"
Aalvyn Abaelsiane Addulen Adelen Adevassi Adleshisi Adohin Ahandassi Almsil Aloyak Alsea Alvishis Alvisilthe Alvyn Alynam Amanva Amilin Andami Andohi Andyn Annis Anolu Anusethekik Asansathel Ashah Ashalynu Ashaniams Aspal Assat Astifos Astla Athaali Athel Athon Athovi Atolis Avalun Avayne Avele Avosi Avynikila Aynevulfe Azabah Azamanvis Azandyn...
Baddamantel Badova Balmi Bamsils Bathil Bedisielth Belani Belbanuddus Beldayn Belds Belil Belvel Belvon Benas Benephi Benudyn Betha Bethallan Bethashis Bethelvast Bethisi Bevis Beynsule Bidenibal Bisea Bodais Bolmsa Bulothi Bulthys Daliani Dalii Dalilen Dallen Dalna Dalovayn Dalveli Damil Damman Danamis Dasam Dasan Dashis Dashlexadai Dassa Dathan Daven Davine Dedasenvyn Deldan Delia Delyne Deman Demus Denil Dethan Devin Dilen Dilonah Dilves Dilvi Dilvilis Dohnisu Dosah Dothisous Dovyl Dudduselyn Dulastadend Edynaso Eledvana Elselmyn Enilie Ethan Ethil Evissu Evoni Evulven Evyla Fadalab Fashelen Fathiselen Fathisi Fedas Fedut Feldenna Feleni Felivil Felmav Feltie Felvis Fenakal Fenfen Fomonos Fonik Gadas Gadel Galaami Galathos Galii Galni Galvicas Gatham Gelen Geles Gelvis Genas Gidyn Giilothi Gilend Gilia Gilon Gilvenen Gliennus Gobaeyla Golise Golmavu Golmin Golnolmi Golvils Golvis Gomlynel Hadus Halulla Hassu Hathelvels Hekilo Helayn Helman Hessu Hladdas Hlamiddu Hlamoabi Hlath Hlayni Hlola Hloth Ibaeldenlie Idilu Ienah Ilivassi Ilynalms Imanelvalos Inaalsi Inano Inassi Indusen Isevele Ithyn Ivynalashle Kathalamain Kelsiin Kelveni Kenis Kulvion Kusen Kutenthen Laina Lasai Lassenat Ledyn Lenah Lenakst Lendyne Leneani Levos Lildyn Lilenth Llammu Llassu Llatasa Llathas Llbaesi Lledayn Llena Llenin Llenis Llenthis Llipi Lloldas Llosala Llosie Lomon Lothis Madal Maelsedynt Maelu Malandeneth Malayn Malen Malit Maloya Malveli Mamal Manilphelu Manit Manothipun Mapli Matha Mattuulvam Maven Mealos Medas Medesalon Medgulie Medvyn Melam Melethas Melle Melova Menatidu Menys Mevani Mevyn Mibamylan Mibanos Mimandalas Minela Mithelothis Moaba Moabin Mobdanu Monas Movayn Nabival Nadedynd Nadovyn Nakandyla Nakivandis Nalevel Nalothi Nalsal Namal Namen Nanansa Nassa Nedas Nelbas Nevosulivyn Nevus Nilildynos Nivah Nothell Nothynevi Novynni Nuledenus Odemu Olmulen Olson Omadolmyn Omaeveleth Onephilenth Othanumawas Paloth Pathisut Quendel Sadothi Saelemus Sainatlenne Salaal Salik Samea Sammula Sanduf Sanne Saplik Savelvos Savis Seddam Sehanil Sehla Seltu Senis Sethis Sevasethah Sevevon Sevis Shanien Shanmavena Shelat Shelol Shelvu Shibalyna Shinah Shine Shipalse Shiseno Shisi Shuldos Skaummulvos Sodis Sonas Sonethil Sulnia Sunkamobal Tabib Tabthil Tadasa Tailnin Taldia Tallaadu Tallammulo Talven Tamalil Tamitabi Tavel Tavenah Tedwiah Tedynnaso Teladni Telel Tesal Tevayne Thadalan Thalmu Thals Thami Thana Thasale Thashilden Theldu Thelythia Thilevyne Thili Thipu Thulis Timau Tisis Tives Tolmyn Tolno Tomon Tonal Tonolas Tulth Tunsi Tusath Uldas Uldavo Uldeni Uldoniath Ulexanit Ullovos Ulmiahah Ulmyonen Ulsen Ulvessanu Utala Uvelen Uvenapo Uvusa Vadasie Valkina Valothil Valso Valviddu Vaminathah Vamistidsi Vamtalsinah Vanmel Vanselah Vansu Vanthone Vasala Vasenak Vassu Vassuupsea Vayanes Vaynephth Velanim Velds Velesa Velie Velila Velkal Vella Velonalis Velth Velvelvayn Venadal Vesailaynik Viladus Vilan Vilnithith Vinsikil Vulno Vunbith Vuvalane Vvalvuls Xanmaesa Yenmmu Zabamis Zallainden Zamele Zanas Zandis Zanothallis Zanusbail Zebia Zenaba Zenathyla
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tothedevilsshowclosed · 3 years ago
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“but mat cauthon, her very strange, very instructive subject; her most unlikely rescuer. He had come for her, too, and offered more.” 
 mat cauthon & elayne trakand ( maylane *sobs for years  )--- @ofimaginarybeings
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famoustopten-blog · 7 years ago
Top 5 Most Cool & Unique Animals You Won't  Believe Actually Exist
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hometoursandotherstuff · 5 years ago
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Malayne’s Brooklyn brownstone reflects the colors of her Caribbean background and is strewn with African artifacts.
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The colors are softly tropical. 
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Pretty built-in shelving is perfect for displaying her collection. Baskets hold her textile collection and art is displayed among the kitchen things.
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A stack of books acts as a table to display a head dress.
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Pretty, buttery yellow stairs.
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Malayna’s purple bedroom.
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The lovely remodeled Zen bath off the bedroom, ties in with purple.
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wadaadka · 3 years ago
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Ha u malayn in aad nolosha ku samaysay awooddaada, jagadaada iyo maamulkaaga awgeed. Midna ma sii jiri doono. Noloshan waxba ma waarto. Markaa mar walba is-hoosaysii oo qalbigaaga ku xidh waxa muhiimka ah. Ilaaha Qaadirka ah u dhowow waxaadna noqon doontaa guuleyste weligiis. (at Dusmareb- the Capital City of Galmudug State-Somalia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce_9n7LDRvu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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qaran-bilan · 3 years ago
Waxan Kugu Masaaloo
Miisaan La Saraaaaaa
Ma Malayn Karaayeee
Dunidaba Ma Yaalaan🇸🇴
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theoldshadow · 9 months ago
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mat cauthon & elayne trankand ( malayne ) - rpedits - @agoldenlily
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mamduud · 3 years ago
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𝐒𝐮𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐥-𝐊𝐚𝐡𝐟𝐢, 𝐚𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐝𝐚 𝟑𝟐, 𝟑𝟑, 𝟑𝟒, 𝟑𝟓, 𝟑𝟔, 𝟑𝟕, 𝟑𝟖, 𝟑𝟗, 𝟒𝟎, 𝟒𝟏, 𝟒𝟐, 𝟒𝟑 &𝟒𝟒, 𝐀𝐥𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐰 𝐰𝐮𝐱𝐮𝐮 𝐤𝐮 𝐲𝐢𝐫𝐢:"Ugu yeel nabiyoow iyaga tusaale laba nin, labadaa nin oo aan u yeelnay midkood laba beerood oo cinab ah, waxaana ku wareejinay labadii beerood geedo timir ah, aana yeelnay dhexdooda beer badar ah; 𝐋𝐚𝐛𝐚𝐝𝐚 beerood kulligood waxay siisay 《ninkaas》miraheeda ma aynan nusqaamin xagiisa 《waxba kama nusqaamin beertiisa》waxana ka burqinay labada beerood dhexdooda wabiyaal; 𝐈𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐚 waxaa u ahaaday miro iyo miro kale《Intuu ilaahay ku mahdin lahaa》markaas ayuu ku yiri saaxibkiisa mu'minka ahaa isagoo la hadlaaya 《oo hadalka ku celinaaya》anigaa kaa badan xagga maalka oo sharaf badan xagga nasabka oo i garab taagan; 𝐖𝐮𝐱𝐮𝐮𝐧𝐚 galay beertiisa isagoo naftiisa dulmiyay markaas ayuu yiri uma malayn maayo inay baabi'i doonto beertaan; 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐚 umalayn maayo qiyaamadu inay tu istaagayso tahay 《inay imaanayso》haddii la ii celiyo 《haday qiyaamuhu yimaado kasoo qaad》rabbigayga xagiisa wallee inaan heli wax ka khayr badan beertaan xagga makaan noqodka《Intaas markuu yiri ninkii aduunyadu waashay ee qalbigiisa qaladay muxuu ugu jawaabay kii mu'minka ahaa》; 𝐖𝐮𝐱𝐮𝐮 ku yiri saaxibkkiisa isagoo la doodaayo ilaahay miyaad ku kufriday ee ku abuuray oo carro kaa abuuray kadibna dhibic minni ah kaa abuuray kadibna ku simay oo nin dhameystiran kaa dhigay; 𝐇𝐚 yeeshee anigu rabbigaygu waa ilaahay 《xoolo iyo maal rabbi ii ma ahan, hawadaydana ma caabudo》, lamana wadaajin maayo rabbigayga qofna《oo asigaa ayaa i abuuray maxaan cid kale wax ula wadaajiyaa》; 𝐖𝐚𝐪𝐭𝐢 aad gashay beertaada miyaad dhahdid ilaahay wuxuu doona way ahaan, awoodna ma jirto ilaahay kaalmadiisa mooyee《awood aan ku keenay beertaan ma jirto ilaahay kaalmadiisa mooyee》hadaad aragtay anigu inaan yarahay xaggaaga xagga maalka iyo xagga caruurta《hadaad argtay inaan kaaga yarahay labadaa》; 𝐖𝐚𝐱𝐚𝐚 mudan rabbigayga inuu isiin beertaada wax ka khayr badan, oo uu diro 《ilaahay》 beertaadana korkeeda cadaab kusoo diro《loo xisaabiyay oo loo diyaariyay》 https://www.instagram.com/p/CWLWkctswS4/?utm_medium=tumblr
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xogsidemedia · 3 years ago
Guryaha Qaaliga ah ayaa Derbi Jiif ka Dhagay
Guryaha Qaaliga ah ayaa Derbi Jiif ka Dhagay
Dalka Hon Kong, bulshadan waxa guryo u ah biriishiyada hoostooda, halkaasi oo si iskood ah u sharxadaan kana dhigtaan guryo qurux badan,  Qaybta yar ee uu goostay qof kasta oo derbijiif ahi, markaad gudaha usoo gasho waa guri aad u qurux badan, oo aanad u malayn Karin inuu yahay guri uu degan yahay qof derbi jiif ahi. Odayga Cheung  Muk-gun, oo ah derbi jiif�� 72 jir ah, waxa uu ku cunaya…
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antmayphoto · 7 years ago
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Malayn Tiger Woodland Park Zoo Seattle, Washington
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444names · 1 year ago
Names generated from Elder Scrolls' Breton names, excluding the letter "Q"
Acientiera Adastone Adidris Adinent Adiste Adistend Admotiette Adunyso Adyric Aericelkord Agarasploux Agrinne Agryanau Alabelia Alaranienak Alberolles Alenahlbyth Alesse Alette Alingforya Alistric Alivien Almorycta Alovette Amarna Amenerynet Amesaboren Amurne Andynorry Anepierhoux Anetistyr Anienierna Anondyn Aphioth Aprencron Arachel Aranda Arbaur Arbauvire Arcoumniert Arkwic Armerfavel Armith Arryna Aserjachen Astain Astold Astyrine Aubetrieree Augephienol Aunielord Aurben...
Ballard Bandilleyn Barche Bardyr Bareth Baroft Basciel Bauldaric Bavering Beanie Beanne Bearthine Bedreberiel Bedwal Bedwaynas Belivic Bellart Belvoldart Belynnoah Benste Beraniene Bernaud Berryann Bertareenes Bettenne Bezorteone Biever Brubelle Brumit Buceric Buciel Cabaumnie Cadlomitte Caladen Camwin Caolier Cararin Carcot Cardroft Carenic Cartone Cashslelle Catarireen Cautherryas Cebedanaude Ceccayn Celichard Celion Celyne Cettaing Chalieraya Chamin Chanarbau Charjam Charneanne Chaude Cheleslienk Cheliachry Chilachel Chomarcie Chryanert Chrydach Cianienry Clades Cladince Claerg Claine Colauryna Colazure Coliere Conarle Coniusane Corienele Cortusse Croxane Cynarigra Dalone Dalysam Dantie Dargustaine Darvielliam Dasmine Daspenne Develielen Dolyssa Dordie Doumin Doustrasayn Dulimoodhd Dunadichise Dundard Duriely Edwene Edwoor Elaude Elertuse Ellaire Ellitte Eloniuse Elysen Elystisa Embine Emmittela Emorinande Emunosau Ephean Eriane Esanda Esitaud Essele Eugitair Euroldal Evallette Evelippe Evello Eversuste Evertwooda Evette Evirvir Fachrya Fareming Faumert Fennabra Florede Flovkine Frandine Fraoisole Frelivim Frielick Frouad Gaellern Gaelond Gaeric Gaerinette Gaerrath Gaette Gagash Gaimmonris Galauredwis Galinna Ganetten Gangslysear Garciell Gariel Gauguenjam Gawkskyr Gelippajak Gerannyra Gileodaroft Glistrou Gomabri Gonargirie Gorellascan Gother Grastis Graynne Guarboc Gustiel Gwingh Gwynaurgis Halberna Haldnadl Hamenton Hamese Haminse Hanelys Heaursmelyn Heliselgo Hemlyn Heorimber Hericktoint Hoglotte Hursly Huselis Idaine Inetaird Irrandann Isabrick Istephaudra Jamath Jamelis Jasceng Jautlourt Jeardielion Jimine Jimory Josciere Josleirie Joslyns Jouanetis Jubedie Jubelle Kaergavira Kindyn Labeleoft Larasyn Larichet Lastoland Laurthhord Laynellimon Lemylle Lennillarya Lerdette Lerthellant Lestort Lezoldianne Linistyr Listenis Listerine Livint Lleric Londyn Loodyn Lourin Lustien Lyeomale Madambedyne Maelleran Maerten Maerth Mainevran Mainie Maistal Malambeloir Malayne Maraseve Maraudene Marbabenene Marcore Marcous Mardis Mardorya Maretaline Margerrane Marione Maritrause Marmine Martis Marvettenan Maryvyr Mastogny Matard Mathforwin Mathharwin Maxiston Melestinak Meremoutir Merryane Mierley Minatryn Mingig Miregone Mirenne Mirroue Mithennot Molleynyste Monarc Monforic Monildanna Monistam Monistento Moodory Moodton Moodwult Moorvoi Mordisan Morione Morste Mortinet Moryvarmil Munyrice Murale Myricel Myrrelucyn Nierin Noviersly Nycton Nyvyrohd Ondeng Ondriele Orgaette Orvidguis Osiely Ouartisa Oucimyr Pamedaric Parbarneve Parondet Patinell Paurineanne Pendronien Perromhonak Perteugine Pharben Pherstyn Phileord Phillianna Pierverwine Pophagafre Poppamend Ralisa Randearde Randely Reesleynas Renettene Rentephire Reyompavien Riarasta Rodille Rodsmithe Rogeomelle Rogrelys Roisse Romhart Romondrieve Rondith Rondrou Rorrair Roscaric Rouarencton Rouffreen Rubrusta Ruselan Russirt Saberamnard Sardist Shcralvuse Sianne Sierrie Silbereir Skyraneania Solive Stepas Stogeling Styraus Stysyna Surbeande Sylbelvette Syrille Tairrodayn Thague Tharcie Thiabelles Tholard Thouse Thyrin Toisephamic Toweloryann Trarcroft Traryanne Trerenriant Trieno Trodyr Troseroft Tyranne Utierthis Valazelt Valharbythe Valtinlyna Vanciark Varbandemer Vargan Varistal Varnathine Velles Vettaisne Vicesinen Vierisne Vigric Vildrard Vinard Virolynel Voissa Vyctonird Vyctont Vyctyrieure Wooderl Yeodarentie Ylaulabywyr Yomhard Yssabyn Yssine Yvalie Yvyric Zacmunchrya Zandith Zantie Zarniert Zartia Zizabel Zurrithib Zyvanna
Same thing, but shorter names:
Abech Abin Ades Adine Adyne Agragne Agrel Agriana Ainelle Aldart Alde Alierin Aline Alle Altin Alyne Amit Anachau Ands Anie Anine Anriant Arbere Arder Ardous Arry Asav Ashstyr Ashwin Asir Asis Astais Aubet Auderry Audrida Aulayes Aume Aurie Auth Bale Bandan Barin Basa Bauge Bedrine Bele Belemor Belie Belina Bellea Bene Bera Berenne Berfix Bert Bete Beth Bette Bogeon Bonda Bones Brand Breen Bricham Brick Brudia Brya Brys Buchry Bythe Cablon Caline Camard Caphey Caran Cariane Caumnie Cele Celnis Chamic Chas Chel Cheonon Chry Claine Cland Clanne Clant Clayn Clour Condair Condin Conn Cory Coryne Corys Courien Cous Coyn Daberne Dalvene Daly Dandine Dandre Dandyna Danton Daralve Daving Davric Delia Deline Dellina Dely Denwin Dethoux Deton Dette Dhoïnak Dinne Done Dord Dorer Dovin Drin Dubrick Dugus Dule Duline Duncart Dune Dupe Duril Edie Edran Edwiric Eestys Elda Elent Elicen Elle Ellenia Ellette Ellin Emaren Emielia Emmard Emure Enna Eritten Este Evence Evene Ever Evert Evil Fabira Fabres Falda Falor Fanne Fard Fervon Fiend Fillene Fing Fleyn Flord Fraff Fran Frarane Frelen Gaby Gadari Gadida Gael Gaella Gale Galod Ganir Ganne Gart Gatte Gaulon Gavette Gayn Gedwult Genal Geomine Gernia Gerrya Gert Gien Gillet Gitiss Gius Golda Gonard Gral Granine Grant Grel Gros Grown Gwerra Gwyne Gyva Hadagra Haminna Hamy Hant Hantie Hastan Heaus Heber Hele Herryn Heyn Hillie Himelys Honier Hulum Idieloc Inand Ingoise Jachen Jand Jarne Jeannak Jeau Jenris Jeric Jeriene Jernie Jerotte Jodyne Johd Joldie Jolic Jone Josa Jotte Jubeaur Juid Julic Jusam Jussana Kaerhe Kalonte Karia Kelou Kespene Keste Kine Kinel Kinvir Knor Laby Laile Lair Lalber Land Lard Leyn Loebler Lois Lone Loor Lorfoor Luch Luchere Luck Luckfor Lumert Lure Lynanis Lynn Mabise Mabrona Magre Maina Mald Malyse Mand Manth Marayn Marbart Marce Mard Mardene Marich Marick Marina Marole Mart Marte Mase Mashfix Masille Masty Maurine Mazle Melyn Mert Mette Mite Mitlir Mittard Mizwyr Mone Mont Mooris Moort More Moreard Mori Morine Mous Muise Myne Nette Nieraig Nord Nortona Novey Nuris Nywyn Olorya Ontie Oppe Osiand Owarle Palle Pather Patie Patte Paurt Pavet Perie Persin Phier Phimel Piel Pien Pirrys Poper Rant Rard Rave Razle Relle Rena Rethale Retien Richert Riel Rien Roberon Roffon Rolak Rolbec Romac Rone Ronist Rord Roser Rourver Sarce Selver Sena Seriand Shfiele Skin Slyn Sovel Spaudyd Staine Sthe Stopper Styr Stywyne Surie Susenne Terone Thard Ther Thibam Thiell Thileo Thine Tien Tilane Tins Tisa Tontyn Tory Toryn Trac Tric Trogenn Ulskine Uryn Utin Vald Vale Vallen Vana Vane Vargen Varieno Varier Veliann Velleth Venciac Vernier Vienise Villan Vime Vine Vines Ving Vinne Vippe Vivila Vois Vond Vyctal Vylle Vyraye Wine Woodine Woodour Woord Woordie Wooryd Wooryn Worg Yeona Ygene Yleauze Ylva Ysse Yste Zount Zuroc
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tothedevilsshowclosed · 3 years ago
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i haven’t made aesthetics in 5ever it’s about time i started again - mat cauthon + elayne trakand malayne (*sobs*) feat @ofimaginarybeings
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