jaywrites101 · 6 years
Lucky Seven’s Tag Game
Tag seven people and if they play along something good will happen! ^.^ Or not... I don’t actually make the rules of the universe, I just write about them for tv. Rules: Go to your current WIP. Find the seventh line on the seventh page and copy and paste seven sentences below. Then, tag seven other writers to do the same. 
My current WIP, A Certain Vampirate Spaceship, is a Sci-fi novel about a ragtag team of vampires who attack a dreadnaught for gold and to teach a lesson to the king. “--The Hunt had begun. Ammo made straight for the center of the ship, reasoning that the soldiers would find him better there. On his way, he passed six chumps who took one look at him bounding forcefully down the hallway and balked. He let them live. Ammo had developed a sense of pride since he joined Abigor on the Nighowl. Now he only killed men. In front of him, a youth stood with his gun out.--”
I was tagged by @phoenix-writer Thank you for the tag ^.^ I’ll tag: @strawberryspaceship @bexminx  @inkblotches  @averysmolbat @thegobletofire @siarven And lucky number seven: @writebruh   Don’t feel left out if you weren't tagged. The more the merrier! Just reblog with your own stuff & tags and you can bet I’ll be just as happy to read your stuff too. =)  Have fun! ^.^
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