#making soil
balkanradfem · 8 months
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great-and-small · 4 months
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Turdus aficionados of Costa Rica please know I love your national bird but this is objectively hilarious
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stealingyourbones · 2 months
Not even really a crossover but it could be
Danny gets outed/reveals/something and everybody knows he's Phantom. There are science organizations that are absolutely *frothing* at the mouth to hire him.
He gets hired to modify and then deploy hurricane and tornado reading equipment because he's able to fly into the center unharmed. There is much less margin or error because he's always able to get the equipment deployed if the weather is still happening.
Maybe it's a side job while he's in school for his BA or something
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legobiwan · 1 year
I was rolling around this post in my brain, considering the manhole cover-shield scene and I had this...thought about a fun, semi-angsty off-screen scenario after the general hullabaloo from Bowser's incursion into Brooklyn has calmed down.
We know from the movie that Mario is injured during the final fight with Bowser, that he had a plethora of cuts and nasty bruises that would need attention. We also know from the movie that Luigi, our unhinged king, picked up a metal manhole cover to block fire.
Basic science would tell us that this manhole cover likely reached some excruciating temperatures rather quickly, and that Luigi's gloves/outfit (which, considering their junked-up van), were probably not the highest quality. Meaning, I have a feeling our green hero might have accumulated a few burn injuries and, given what we know about his character, might have neglected to say anything about this.
Anyway, cue Mario and Luigi getting ready for bed after the whole crazy day, and Luigi, who is so tired he isn't even thinking about what he's doing at this point, absently changing into his sleeping shirt. That's when Mario notices the burn marks. That's when Mario freaks out like the highly protective older brother he is.
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shigayokagayama · 6 months
sorry maybe one day ill stop being mad about how the anime adapted the confession arc but today is not the day because im stuck thinking about how much of a blunder it was not to include this page
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because like. to me this was the thing that defined my reading of this arc. this was the moment that made me go "oh, this isn't mob unconsciously doing this, this is someone else"
so then when you read through the rest of it you share mob's frustration. why are all these people treating this thing like it's mob? this isn't mob. this is some dangerous entity puppeting his body and hurting people! mob would never do this!
and then
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this is mob.
this is mob as much as the teru who nearly killed someone who refused to fight back just because they didnt share his worldview is teru. this is mob as much as the ritsu who hurt dozens of people weaker than him just because he could is ritsu. this is mob the way the reigen who lied to him for years is reigen.
the part of you that lashes out and hurts people when you're scared or hurt or frustrated isnt some other scary thing that you have to control.
it's just you.
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but people still love you.
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shiftythrifting · 23 days
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A "garden item", some uranium buttons and uranium glass from some antique stores in Regina.
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quesadilla-day · 5 months
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delicious jade 😋yummy yummy 😍
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divine-nonchalance · 1 year
Making Desert Land Fertile with Water Bunds
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ryoalouette · 10 months
Machi's #15 DPxDC Idea
Bruce couldn't understand what was happening, or why, or how, or why, or when, or well, anything at all. One day he found two civilians, two teens goofing around the cave like two newlyweds. When Batman, with capital B; tried to interrogate them he only got mockery.
"What's with the long face?" They said before disappearing through one of the smaller caves. For a moment Bruce thought he had hallucinated the Asian boy and the Hispanic girl. Only to find the same Hispanic girl with a blond boy making out on Red Robin's bike. Plus another couple with them! And all of them were holding hands!
Then, a few days later, while he was investigating the lower levels of the batcave he found a black boy with a red beanie flirting with Jason, and Jason was flirting back? Batman had to pull everybody out of the caves and call for an emergency meeting. Only to find a boy with black hair passed out at the meeting table, using Batman's reports as cushions. Sitting next to him was a girl with also dark hair drinking with a straw from a coconut.
"Poor Danny," she said. "After all these years he still can't deal with alcohol." And then she promptly started to offer coconut milk to everyone.
He snapped at her but she only raised an eyebrow and left carrying the boy, Danny, on her back. And then the music started. Day and Night it would start playing at the most random moments. Samba, Rumba, Fados, Boleros, K-pop, anything went in, they even accepted petitions if the kids yelled loud enough. Steph had gotten in the habit of asking for Kill Bill's OST and Dick constantly asked for Taylor Swift. They even answered when Damian complained about their choices and asked for Chopin's nocturne. And then the batcave started to grow flowers! And trees? And the fruit was edible? What the heck?
"Sounds to me like you have a nymph infestation," said Wonder Woman after hearing his rant report. Batman stared at her like she had grown another head.
"I mean, flower powers, free love, did they have pointed ears?" Batman nood. "Yup, definitely a nymph infestation." Batman kept staring at her. Don't look at me like that, they are very common where I come from. The only solution is to wait until they get bored and move on. If you try to get rid of them violently not only you will fail. But also will risk the wrath of the gods." Batman kept staring. Wonder woman sighed. "I will call Pan to see if he is missing any nymphs and wants them back".
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marlynnofmany · 18 days
Hey, time to overanalyze magic again. It makes sense to me -- follow closely now -- that earthbending would just be the control of rocks. It's all the minerals that come from the ground, and sure, even some artificially created ones as long as they have the same structure. But just rocks. Not dirt.
Why not, you ask? I invite you to consider what dirt actually is. It's lots of things! Some rock dust, yes, but also crumbled plants, and decomposed animals, and a variety of fungus, and bits of poop from creatures both microscopic and large. Basically, it's a mess of all things organic (plus tiny rocks).
You don't want an earthbender for dirt.
You want a necromancer.
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voidcat · 18 days
Are you normal or do you think about how most schools in Haikyuu had an animal (especially some kind of bird) that represented them meanwhile seijoh had trees— that trees can only grow so far to reach the sky but never like birds, and they’re forever stuck in the ground their roots have dug deep into. Forever influenced by the base they were given and never allowed to fully touch the skies unlike birds with free spirit
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flamemons · 19 days
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thrumugnyr · 9 months
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“They’ve all betrayed you, haven’t they? For hundreds of years, they’ve used your loyalty against you and then left. The Lord of Night slaughtered your family and then waged war on your land. That human woman lied to you in order to destabilize your rule and steal your secrets. Even your faithful emissary has left you.” - Corruption Arc (by @praetorqueenreyna)
My gift for @copypastus for our ACOTAR Secret Santa, more Tamlin/King of Hybern!
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I am cringe but I am free (hk oc)
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lintubintu · 5 months
Kot Kot Review
I like Kot Kot a lot.
Despite the almost harsh difference between the intro and how the song progresses, it´s not too out there.
The music seems chaotic and structured, is melodic, nostalgic and two-faced more out of necessity than provocation, and it´s ongoing. It spirals.
There is a lovely moodiness to it that seems mature and balanced, deliberately using the intro as a bridge again and repurposing the funky "kot kot" into something that softens into the lighter part of the song. The change of pace is noticeable but not alarming and almost hopeful.
Kot Kot is not a big song nor does it exist to troll. It enjoys being silly with the chicken theme and builds a narrative that can be purposely misunderstood by people who don´t like him.
During my first listen I was a little confused but intrigued by the seemingly contradicting parts that adapt well by the second listen. Pop and Rap evolve from clashing into shaking hands.
It feels a bit like a song nobody would put on an album anymore because it is deemed barely good enough to keep up with its fellow, more popular tunes. It stands on its own where others see a filler track.
Overall, it makes me have more hope for the album now; for it to be an album and not just a compilation of Singles.
I wouldn´t be surprised if this song was the opening number, nor would I be shocked to not find an Intro at all – Kot Kot is an introduction in itself.
From what I understand of the lyrics, it also is the first song of his that makes me want to know more about him as a lyricist.
To start the song of with MAYDAY is a deliberate choice because the song is not what it seems.
It´s soft spoken and not a shrill cry for help but knows of something that already affects the narrator enough that reaching out soon is imminent. It´s a literal stress signal.
The teaser made me think the protagonist in this song was simply sick of being treated like someone doomed to continue staging a party for others.
Relying on translations and interpretations of this song, the protagonist seems to realise that their lifestyle will rather leave them with very little time spent having fun with friends – because even the party-goers have gone to bed earlier than them.
Those that tried to keep up with them may have lost their step and had to give in to their own different schedules, or are worse off for keeping them company. So their company diminishes further.
There might be little life beyond the lifestyle, the sobering thought that solitude is too close within reach for comfort – the time left after work cannot always be shared nor of quality due to their schedule.
A double blow. Real life and bonding has to be spent in time confetti. Throughout it all, the silliness persists.
Rather laughable is the Explicit rating of this song. Was it the Perhana!?
The ending is a jumpscare, them finally being silly, breaking the cycle. But at the same time, it´s a rooster greeting the morning – the protagonist worked the night away.
For a moment, you are relieved the song is over. And then you play it again.
I would love for the upcoming album to be a concept album.
This song seems to divide people in a different way than songs before it did.
Some of you seem puzzled, others more neutral than hateful, none of the dislike so far is really loud.
The timing might be a bit unfortunate – song releases at this hour have the same problems as the protagonist in Kot Kot.
And even if you really don´t like this song, I fell that there will be something on the album that you will like.
It´s ok to not like things and it doesn´t have to be justified.
Still, I am interested to hear what you don´t like about this song because I think it makes for a worthwhile conversation and I like interacting with you.
Let´s do that while we have the time.
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housecow · 7 months
i have a secret and y’all are so gonna think i’m a lil weird for this. but i love soil science so much idc if it has to do with agriculture or conservation or even palesols i love it all!! as a kid i got to regularly look at the soil horizons of the tx coastal plain and when i tell y’all it was FASCINATING. it’s the the truth!
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