#making le out to be hal 2 I mean
homestuckconfession · 2 months
the fandom way overhypes lil' Hal / AR. he (and by assosiation dirk) really not that deep. and ive been seeing it overlap into conflating doc scratch / Lord English to just Hal 2 which totally erases caliborns entire character and arc and tbh caliborn is so much more interesting than dirk and hal will ever be
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badshipshitblog · 9 months
Do you think Dirk is a bottom, versatile or top?
I would ask the same question about ult Dirk but idk if you have read Homestuck2
tldr: bottom-leaning verse & sub with the ability to dom
it's hard to talk abt top/bottom stuff w/o acknowledging 1) it really just means the physical configuration of sex & shouldn't say anything abt power dynamics 2) societally topping is associated with being The Man & bottoming with The Woman. so physically what someone enjoys isn't necessarily associated with who they want to be in charge, if there even _is_ someone "in charge." but also the extent to which a person's worldview has been shaped by patriarchy will hugely effect how they see each role
dirk's (all dirks) worldview and role he casts himself in is incredibly patriarchal. he wants to control everything and everyone, and be the sole keeper/distributor of information. he needs to know everything & be in charge of everything, and he holds himself as completely responsible for everyone's actions. he both has control issues and is trying to live up to some standard of Masculinity (for dirk it's alpha dave, for bro it's both the bro archetype and the alpha male game winner that cal wants). dirks in general would feel they Have to top & be in charge (and conflate those two things), and to some extent would enjoy it. like he does get off on controlling people
but we also see that when he really leans into those patriarchal tendencies 1) he hates himself a lot, but because he thinks he's doing necessary work that nobody else can he won't share that burden of knowledge & decision-making and 2) he actually desperately wants someone else to take charge, but has trust issues regarding who could actually do what he thinks needs to be done. in mainline homestuck, dirk's arc is about learning that he needs to chill out, and that he can trust ppl (e.g. dave & roxy) to do what is necessary. and the other dirks we see as Patriarchal figures are simultaneously in service to others (e.g. bro to cal, scratch to LE), like he can't maintain that level of control alone. something to be said abt how he & hal force each other into a similar dynamic--dirk hates being in charge but also feels like he has to be (hal is just an externalization of dirk's self hatred btw). also i Love that in the intro to hs^2 he's like terezi please dom me i'm losing it
so basically i think dirk's a sub, and that he needs to be dommed for his mental health, but he also is conflicted abt that and it has to be someone who he actually trusts to Take Care Of Things (i.e. not jake lol). type of guy who subs for the first time and is like wait sex can be relaxing?
and i think power dynamics/control are much more important to him during sex than whether he's topping or not, but i see him as bottom-leaning due to 1) all his associations with consumption/absorption of others 2) horse cock jokes
but tbh i'm doing a lot of intellectualizing to say i think it's hot when he's taken down a peg
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defjux · 2 years
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100 of my favorite beat tapes. by no means an all inclusive list but these are just some recommendations in no particular order in case you're looking for something to bump. let me know what you think and if you have any favorite beat tapes or instrumental albums that i should check out. you can click on the name of one of the projects below and it'll take you to bandcamp/youtube/soundcloud or wherever you can hear it. i could also do another one of these in the future if anyone is interested. peace. Chart with names included 1. Oh No - Oh No Vs. Now-Again 2. 10th Letter - Primitive Shapes 3. cOlD sElTzEr - AHOY/LANDHO 4. Vik - (sub​)​conscious 5. Ohbliv - Lewse Joints VI 6. Dak - youstandit / leftrecord 7. Adventure Time - Of Beyond 8. Dutchy - Traversal 9. Delofi - CLOAK 10. Whoarei - Thoughts Blunted 11. foisey - NowOrNvr. 12. Grap Luva - Neva Done 13. Maker - Maker vs. Now-Again 14. Dday One - Heavy Migration 15. Budamunk - Baker's Dozen: Budamunk 16. brainorchestra - Labrynth Winds 17. ewonee - Molecular Structure 18. Dirty Art Club - Basement Seance 19. Rah Zen - Midnight Satori 20. Devonwho - Betaloops 21. Dr. Quandary - Wayfarers 22. SadhuGold - The Gold Room 23. Dimlite - Runbox Weathers 24. spacemayor - guilt milk 25. S.Maharba - Pure Eternal Light 26. Dr. Who Dat? - Beat Journey 27. A.M. Breakups - Out of Four Came Many Soldiers 28. Dibia$e - Sound Palace 29. Paul Hares - Blurred 30. Dil Withers - Studies 31. Sir Froderick - The Eclectic Spanking of War Babies 32. Paul White - Paul White And The Purple Brain 33. DJ Rozwell - NONE OF THIS IS REAL 34. EAR.DRUM aka QTHREE - DEAF RAY 35. GrayMatteR - Tao Te Gray 36. Damu The Fudgemunk - Vignettes 37. Kankick - Warped Dis Strict Project, Vol. 1 38. The Midnight Eez - The Midnight Eez 39. dakim - sleeptight 40. K, Le Maestro - Lab Sounds 41. aaronmaxwell - aaronmaxwell 42. Mecca:83 - NinetyFour 43. EvillDewer - Caliginous Sky 1​.​5 44. Swarvy – Shadows Remixes 45. Dirty Tapes - DT002: OHBLIV / DIL WITHERS 46. Spectacular Diagnostics - Raw Visions 47. EDAC - DITTOS 48. George Fields - Beyond Realm 49. Bluestaeb - Everything Is Always a Process 50. Massimo e Massimo - Massimo e Massimo
51. Tuamie - Masta Killa 52. LuvJonez - Messengers 53. Ill Sugi & Tajima Hal - Illmahal 54. olasegun - JUST A SLICE 55. Ahwlee - dead[ist] 56. EYTREG. - Chasma. 57. Eludem - A.dvanced B.alcony M.aneuvers 58. Elder Orange - All My Friends Believe in Ghosts 59. Small Professor - A Jawn Supreme 60. Bugseed - Quiet Times 61. Kutmah - A Tribute to Brother Ras G 62. Shamana - To All Hell 63. ΔKTR - LALA 64. AshTreJinkins - Zone of the Enders 65. SPELLWRKS - Transitions 66. Wowflower - feverdream 67. Jansport J - Soulfidelity 68. Jitwam - selftitled 69. Kenja & RXN - C O Z Y 70. ELWD - TOO MANY DAYS 71. lo_tek - It Will All Make Sense One Day 72. z. - torn 73. Astro Mega - WARP LOUNGE 74. phedee - i hope you're doing okay 75. TMCT - LAND CRUISER 76. Poptartpete - 8 cavities 77. Jemapur - Dok Springs 78. D-Styles - Noises in The Right Order 79. Nosmo King - Drawn Out 80. Fuzzoscope - Earwax Shelf Life 81. Javier Santiago - Javi's Beats Vol. 4 82. AKEEDRO - House Of Spirits 83. Odeeno - Diamond Sand 84. ILLingsworth - Worth the Wait 85. PRGMAT - HAPPY HERBAL HARVEST 86. Kent_Williams & iLL SCOTT - Golden Coast 87. TOSHIKI HAYASHI(%C) - b(ackr)oom sounds 88. Kenny Keys - Everything Must Change 89. Emapea - Zoning Out Volume 2 90. Dpee - Garbage Day 91. Letherette - Brown Lounge, Vol. 1 92. Fuzzoscope - Earwax Daydream 93. Elusive - Headspace 94. nipple tapes - aaa 95. Randal Bravery - Hamaon 96. RND1 - Brain Clustrs 97. Scruffnuk Dust - Moods 98. Meaty Ogre - Grenades! 99. yungmorpheus - A Glimpse Of Power 100. Nothing_Neue - RE: Collections
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Hello ! How was wondering something : if you could assign a movie genre to each member, what will they be ?
For example, I really want Jin to be in a spy / comedy / action movie. 😎
Oh Anon, thank you! This is a really cool ask, I love it.
It took me more than one hour to do the research which of course ended up with me deviating from the task. And that means, I can't just stick to thinking of just a genre. Let's make it a bit more interesting and get out of the box. I thought of 2 films per member. Each film is more about a vibe, something they would like, something in which I see them acting in. Some are more on the nose, others not really, but this is highly subjective and other may not see what I see, but it's still fun. Perhaps others can use the comment section to come up with their own suggestions? I am very open to that, I really encourage it.
RM - For him, I had to choose a film made by Eric Rohmer and La Collectionneuse (1967) seems like the right choice. Intellectual debates and spending time on your own in a villa outside town. The second would be Otto e mezzo (Federico Fellini, 1963) for the existential crisis and debates over the role of an artist with a dash of creative block.
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Jin - Jin has to shine in a film, to be the center of attention. It would be too easy to just act in a comedy. So I'm going with Shampoo (Hal Ashby, 1975) and Alfie (Charles Shyer, 2004).
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Yoongi - I'm adding a bit of existential crisis to Yoongi as well with Le Feu Follet (Louis Malle, 1963), but I have a feeling he likes Infernal Affairs (Andrew Lau, Alan Mak, 2002) and I do see him play one of the characters.
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Hobi - Ensemble cast, lots of energy. It can't be some classical drama or comedy. It has to be fun, but also a deep message as a subtext: All That Jazz (Bob Fosse, 1979) and Dazed and Confused (Richard Linklater, 1993)
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Jimin - Oh it was so difficult to just choose 2 or stick to a theme. I have too many ideas. I always think of youth, being stuck in a limbo...Somehow I see him portray characters who have a wall around them, with a bit of a fucked up life, still kids at heart, like Christiane F. (Uli Edel, 1981). Or films that have beauty as a theme, but this is not something that deals with surface level storylines. Beauty can be violent, beauty can be harmful, obsessive, like Death in Venice (Luchino Visconti, 1971).
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Taehyung - Late French New Wave in Baisers voles (Francois Truffaut, 1968). I see Tae similar to the Antoine Doinel character and despite having a different director with a different character, La Mamain et la Putain (Jean Eustache, 1973), it's like an extension of that character (he was played by the same actor, Jean Pierre Leaud). Very carefree, no one knows what he'll do or say next, he decides on the spot. Plans? What are those?
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Jungkook - A lot of innocence, of believing that despite the world being brutal, there is still love, no matter how cruel their fate is. Sadness that is beautiful, which only makes it more painful. Farewell, my concubine (Kaige Chen, 1993) and The Virgin Suicides (Sophia Coppola, 1999).
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sabotdrop · 3 years
HandDave (or: how I found a way to make Dirk even more fucked up)
So apparently there was this old, pre-Act VI theory that Alpha!Dave would become Lord English’s new servant as a reflection of the Handmaid. I decided to try my hand at figuring out how this might have worked.
-First off, I’d like to thank this post for introducing me to this theory (MAJOR EPILEPSY WARNING) https://www.deviantart.com/elycien/art/The-Emissary-262571445
-Second off, for reasons I’ll be merging this with one of my big headcanons; that being Alpha!Dave and Alpha!Rose being in the future with their descendants, raising them directly in this version. Broadly, I think it’s more logical than the canon version and it sets up some important stuff latter on.
-So, the big divergence here is that when Alpha!Dave & Alpha!Rose square off against the Condesce, she allows Dave to kill her. This results in Dave inheriting her curse, gaining immortality and immense power in exchange for eternal service to Lord English. As Dave loses control, he tells Rose to flee, and she promises to keep Dirk and Roxy safe before escaping; just before LE assumes full (if indirect) control.
-Dave, freshly dubbed “The Emissary”, assumes control of the Condesce’s schemes on Earth-B, running things from the shadows, setting the stage for SBURB. Alpha!Rose, after taking temporary custody of Dirk, dies fighting off Imperial drones in attempt to protect both a group of Human survivors and her children. In the process, the twins are split up, Roxy flees with the main group while a freshly activated Hal guides Dirk to safety. It’s almost a year before the soon-to-be heroes of Heart and Void are able to speak to eachother again. -Now, imagine, for a moment, that you are Dirk Strider. You remember your Bro, quite well as a matter of fact. He raised you, trained you, taught you, cared for you more than anything else in the world. Good Bro, best Bro. For all you know, he died years ago, and as a hero for that matter. - Now imagine, yet again, that you are Dirk Strider, only slightly further along in the timeline. You’ve been in the game for a while now, and nothing’s really going anywhere. Apparently you’re gonna get to meet an alternate universe version of your Bro at some point. That sounds pretty neat. -Now imagine, for a final time, that you are Dirk Strider. You’ve been sitting in a Dersite cell for hours now and it’s starting to get to you. You hear shuffling outside your door, the Carapacian guards making way for the Empress herself. “Ahh,” you think, “it’s just like her to come torture her captives personally, isn’t it.”. The cell doors part, and you see…
N-No. This, this cant be right. “B-Bro?” -Jesus, when I was drafting this in the discord I swear I made at least 2 people cry. I don’t think you could make an AU that fucks up Dirk more if you tried (or at least, you’d have to try REALLY hard). I mean, Christ, the way Dirk talks about Bro in canon, he makes him sound like a damn Saint. Bro meant everything to him. Just imagine how messed up Dirk would be by all this. And gog help him if The Emissary goes down fighting like Condy did in canon. And if Dirk has to be the one to do it… fuck, man. -And that’s not even mentioning how Beta!Dave would react to this. In canon, Dave is pretty damn unnerved by the mere thought of his Doomed Timeline clones, so having a superpowered evil version of him running around probably wouldn’t help cool his nerves. But beyond that, Alpha!Dave is everything Beta!Dave wishes he could’ve had. He’s smart, he’s funny, he’s caring, he’s compassionate. He’s everything Dave wants to be, everything he wishes his Bro could’ve been. But seeing all this happen… I shudder what it would do to him.
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tomatograter · 3 years
hey dirkjake guy , what makes you so interested in dirkjake so much ?
if I were to answer this with total accuracy we would be here all day and i’d have to hand you a 60 page peer reviewed thesis but since I don't have that time and i’m assuming you also don’t; There’s a LOT of things to work with if you read dirkjake as more than just… a vehicle for dirkcentric character angst. And they’re pieces actively embedded in the story! That matter! I like building fanwork around a textual basis and these two quite literally go as far back as being part of the guardians setting up SBURB beta in Act fucking 2. You can mine motifs until you’re dead. Here’s a contained, though by no means complete, list of things I particularly like about them:
1) Dirk and Jake both have highly imperfect experiences with their own gender/sexuality, partly out of societal pressure and partly because the story has decided what they ought to be. You've got two gay characters who are both a man in the WRONG way; Dirk overcompensates masculinity so hard he thinks of himself as too brash, imposing, damaging, nearly sizzling arsenic. Jake is expected to be the most perfect dude that has ever Het'd and fails in every feasible way because its not who he's comfortable being. He's not a wife-hunting casanova, He's just kind of a blatant useless fruit. Each of them thinks the other has it together and is doing sooooooooo much better than themselves, though.
I like that even though the adoration is mutual, the relationship is not smoothed out. It's not perfect from the get-go, and it's easier to make it awkward before making it good. We see them at their most immature, they have plenty of flaws, and they're extremely self-sabotaging in the way that isn't "cute" (or romantically convenient) but rather realistically concerning. I like seeing them working through it & maybe relapsing & putting in the effort to be better. They mean a lot to each other but have no idea how to go about it without putting on a show, it's comical to the point of being endearing. 
...And they're still the one person that makes the other feel like more than just a sum of poorly stitched frankenstein parts. 
2) Moving onto The Cringe Axis Of Relevance: Dirk and Jake are inextricable from the overarching plot and cyclical nature of Homestuck itself, Dirk as a motivator and Jake as a escapegoat. You could technically “pin” the “blame” of more than a dozen game changing plot events on them, and sometimes they’re not even aware of it. Beta Jake is HIC’s bastard child, a Dirk splinter is a core component of LE, Jake Harley translates the ancient runes in the frog temple containing the game code & is the one to release SBURB worldwide, eventually going on a time-displaced quest to get the game in motion; Ultimate dirk, funnily enough, is trying to do the exact same thing but much more shittily after borrowing one of Jake’s company ships and copying jadebot’s schematics for the purpose of making a robot daughter to forcefully restart Homestuck, The Webbed Comique, after its over. (Mom lalonde was Grandpa’s assistant & vaguely familial protégé, if you remember. Funny how that works!) And this is just like, in the text. Rose in the candy postscript directly drops it: 
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I guess plagiarism is a backwards form of flattery :/
Alpha Jake in turn ends up flooded with promises of giving LE’s his first defeat, kickstarts a thousand little conflicts throughout act 6, brings dirk back to life with a kiss, sends the bunny back in time in the box (he was jade’s secret penpal that far back!), eventually only knocks caliborn on his ass because *Dirk* gets hurt in a fight, then it turns out davepeta is his sprite and actually the one fated to defeat the final boss, and that’s just the major stuff. Alpha Dirk & his dastardly AI-self messily usher the alphas into a new session, we only discover what the hell is up with alpha earth through dirk’s 20 page pesterlog gifted on jake’s birthday, Hal’s existence partly relies on Jake’s unending support- and so does Brain ghost dirk’s existence, for that matter. In big-scale and small-scale stuff alike, they’re tied up.
3) Overabundance of referential motifs: Homestuck is practically a big collage of character-relevant media. You can talk about things like some of jake’s favorite superheroes being similar to dirk, or how dirk and jake’s romance is jokingly compared to the Princess Bride via their planets/personalities/BGD literally quoting the movie and acting out the same sword movements, or how they both have a thing for artisanal puppetry, or how dirk is a history buff while jake is a time-displaced verbal oddity, or how Dirk's concerns with narrative philosophy and clean logic make him squarely Apollonian in certain lit terms & that is perfectly opposed by Jake's haphazard Dionysian approach! Or how Grandpa has an orange-lit room of knights and a replica of Iron Man’s armor (widely known for his fragile heart) to stand in for Dirk while Jake has his knight genre movie posters and dreams up dirk to serve the same role, or how the brobot, built with jake’s help, eventually has a nervous conniption and rips his heart out so it can be used as a battery - and while the moment is reminiscent of aradiabot's blue blood breakdown, the heart is actually the same kind grandpa had installed into jadebot; as both were created to protect someone dearly beloved.
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Funny how that works x4
Or just how like, Jake fantasizes about Avatar while kissing a poster but mentally he's having an elaborate dream of putting Dirk in the role of the movie's lead to prove how Awesome And Perfect life can be. Or how brain ghost dirk tells jake he looks good when he's feeling like shit and jake, in turn, says his gay little prince outfit looks pretty sweet and not dumb at all, in a sort of covert pep-talk system covering for both of their masculinity hang-ups. That works too.
4) They're the only ship I can confidently compare to Shrek, the Movie, and make that into insightful commentary.
And lastly:
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andytheaverage · 3 years
The Green Knight (2021)
The Green Knight (2021), with its excellent cast and feast of visual storytelling, does cut a pretty trailer, but it’s hardly the adaptation we’ve all waited nearly 2 years to see. Rather on the slow side, there is plenty of breathing room (often to excess), but often feels wanting. The performances are well-played, albeit terribly subdued, which create interludes that feel tedious. Dev Patel has proven himself time and again that he has the capacity to play a nuanced lead, and he does well here, but it is the side characters that break the monotony and steal the show, most notably Joel Edgerton (Lord), Erin Kellyman (Winifred), and Barry Keoghan (Scavenger). 
David Lowery’s “adaptation” explores the journey of an untested and somewhat undeserving not-quite-Sir Gawain, a far-cry from our Hero in the text, more akin to Prince Hal. This change adds elements to the character with which an audience might more easily identify, and should make this a coming-of-age tale, as well as a moral one; though, this film fails as both. 
As a coming-of-age tale, Gawain never quite gets there, and it almost doesn’t matter if he does, because it's not really his tale at all. Nor is this film about morality, not even as a cautionary tale. Perhaps it's more accurate to call it an instance of ‘careful what you wish for’. Gawain doesn’t seem to know what he wants. Does he really want to be a Knight? Is this about living an honest life or living up to familial expectations, particularly your mother's? Hard to say, as many of the female characters, including Gawain’s mother (Morgause and Morgan Le Fay made one), are treated as mystery elements themselves. It’s also not clear just how far her control extends, if it has any limitations. Is there anything in this world that is true?
Perhaps we'll never know his mother's true intentions; it clearly wasn't for her son to be his own person and make his own decisions. A man simply doesn’t become a Legend without his mother’s entire fabrication of the quest, it would seem. Does Gawain feel so out of place in his own story because it’s already set out for him? Was Morgan Le Fay simply Lowery’s segue for the concept of Legend as a set path for Gawain to follow? But as such, Gawain’s tale of morality isn’t what it seems, as he doesn’t even have the illusion of choice. Or was it all just a journey back to nature, back to green? Lowery never lets us forget just what color matters most here. There’s even a fun monologue about it! Even the design of the Green Knight is just a little too on the nose; his appearance essentially being that of an ent. 
About 2/3 of the way through, The Green Knight actually shows a hint of promise, but it is short-lived. In case you haven’t already lost interest with the lengthy side quests; everything turns sour at the arrival of Lord and Lady Bertilak’s castle (simply titled Lord and Lady), and what should be the bulk of our story, the “exchange of gifts” and Gawain’s true test of morality. The “exchange of gifts” is glossed over for a taste of something completely different, as it takes major liberties with not only a core part of our tale, but arguably what’s most memorable about the original. It becomes Lowery’s convoluted vision of a different sort entirely, one where Gawain seemingly refuses to take part in his own story. While possibly an interesting take in itself, it does a disservice to the text, and accomplishes nothing other than an attempt to be shocking. 
There’s something richer in the “exchange of gifts” simply not explored in Lowery’s version, or the compulsive need to “subvert”, and the film is poorer for it. How can you even subvert something which you refuse to touch upon? It’s also extremely odd and honestly baffling, that in this day and age, homosexual themes and undertones would be downplayed or outright rejected (as they are here), rather than embraced and explored. Altogether, this omission seems a poor choice and a clear indication that Lowery holds little to no affection for the original text. Disregarding the “exchange of gifts”, the journey becomes something vain and hollow; perhaps intentionally, but doesn't serve anyone, least of all the story. 
Following the tale’s example, the girdle (sans the accompanying scar) is the all-encompassing symbol for Gawain’s shame, but Lowery takes it a step further, in which he is so seduced by its promise of protection that he literally soils it with his lust. But this scene is so abrupt at the all too brief “exchange of gifts” (in a film that stretches everything to excess) that it seems to lack consideration and its only purpose is to disturb. The girdle furthermore becomes a symbol of his unearned and unholy life (which we’re shown), were he to continue to fail to accept his fate and his test, although this too seems superfluous. What’s interesting here is that in either scenario, Gawain remains undeserving. He is not especially virtuous, he’s not even decent from what we can see, and has failed in almost every chivalric aspect; after all, he is “no knight”. Even so, in the original, even the Green Knight can’t begrudge his lack of fidelity in this one aspect; “because you wanted to live, so I blame you the less”.
A message of The Green Knight seems to be acting out of selflessness as the only indicator of a truly good deed, with no expectation of reward. This is evident in the dismissal of the “exchange of gifts” and Winifred’s admonishment, "Why would you ever ask me that?", but this message is so muddled within the world of the film, that it’s somehow also completely out of place. After all, Gawain is rewarded in a way, with several of his trappings, which are returned to him after being stolen. Speaking of rewards for good deeds, religious themes are also notably lacking, favoring the pagan angle (as expected of A24), though which is never expounded upon. There is the decision to keep some not-so-subtle imagery of crippled Christianity; i.e Gawain’s shield (with Mary’s visage on the inside and a small pentangle on the exterior) and a cross at the Green Chapel. 
Lowery gets too hung up on a confused mix of vague and painfully obvious ideas of symbolism and makes huge, unwarranted leaps. His work here reeks of self-indulgence, to the point of parody. It’s also simply never clear what anyone’s intentions are, his least of all. His ideas are so flighty and changeable that contradictions abound in the finished product (It’s clear why he needed all that extra time to re-cut). The whole thing is so nebulous that it may fool some into thinking it’s beyond their grasp, but it just reads as pretentious. The thing is, The Green Knight tries to be too many things at once, and in doing so, fails at all of them. Lowery lacks the conviction to support anything he presents and has no sense of narrative structure. Simply put, this film lacked proper direction and would have greatly benefited from fresh eyes on the script.
The Green Knight may question 'What is Honor and if it does exist, what is it worth? For even if there comes a time to prove yourself for Honor’s sake, what is it all for? “Is this all there is?”’, but Lowery drops the concept of Honor as soon as he picks it up and chooses to explore Legacy and Legend, and while it leads us on an interesting journey of interpretation, it’s very heavy-handed. It’s also difficult to answer any of these questions because Gawain is simply not worthy of anything. It’s not just that he is imperfect; he is not good and never acts out of selflessness or for the actual sake of Honor. He doesn’t know the meaning of the word. The original text asks us to stay true, true to our word and our values, in uncertainty and despite our fears (as a Good Knight should, and which Gawain ultimately is.) Lowery, on the other hand, begs us to forget the narrative, because he doesn’t know how to do it, and the search for meaning, because there is none. I’m not even sure he knows what he’s made.
Overall, though heavily burdened by its sluggish pace and lack of structural integrity, The Green Knight, at least on the surface, appears to be a somewhat earnest attempt at exploration within the fantasy/horror genre, asking a lot more questions than it answers. But while its visuals may dazzle, it’s a cold and unfeeling thing, devoid of all charm of the original tale, and can hardly be called an adaptation for many of its choices.
Source: https://letterboxd.com/avega007/film/the-green-knight/ 
(I wasn’t expecting to go off when I just got a letterboxd, but this film left me heated.)
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luminisvii · 3 years
i love char and gundam loves him too so because i am BORED i'm gonna rate all characters that the wiki tells me qualifies as a char clone!
many of these men will be rated on aesthetics and their wiki blurb alone since i have not watched all gundams
i tried to include pics but it SAID i can only use ten. WHAT? how am i supposed to rate how sexy they are?
Char Aznable
the man. the myth. the legend. i love him so much. hes super fucking hot bc of how bad he is. like an absolute madlad he goes around destroying the zabis and giving amuro hell. hes so good that despite being on team evil he regularly tops popularity polls and is widely regarded as being super attractive. im asexual but i agree. char is supreme. he and his red mobile suits cannot be topped. 20/10
Quattro Bajeena
now, char might be evil, but this guy is totally a stand up dude who is definitely not char. and the hyaku shiki? top tier. also very sexy. maybe char should take a lesson or two from this lovely man. 18/10 could not possibly be char himself
Glemy Toto
i have not watched ZZ. this dude upholds the tradition of stupid ass names in gundam. he just kinda look like hes a good person, though, which would be nice, but i prefer the evil men here. 6/10 love the idiotic name
Afranche Char
apparently a literal char clone. don't give a fuck. 1/10
Carozzo Ronah/Iron Mask
this guy really takes the mask thing seriously. i have also not watched F91. i love the just robot lookin mask and the purple color scheme. 8/10
Anavel Gato
this guy is kind of a chump. i get the feeling i'm supposed to find gato very cool, but all i could see was a total loser pushover as long as it was in the name of zeon. although to be fair, he was basically one of the most enjoyable characters in the mess that is stardust memory. 7/10 too much of a zeon apologist
Chronicle Asher
i called gato a chump but this guy looks like a tool. hes got the mask! i know nothing about victory gundam but this guy looks like, okay. 5/10
Schwarz Bruder
im ignoring the other guy listed with him on the wiki bc Herr Bruder is in fact, awesome. he isn't on team evil like some others, but he doesn't need to be. hes a JESTER NINJA. what's not to love? somehow, despite me thinking i knew the twist that was coming, he was still full of surprises. you cannot possibly predict the actual twist here. he really teaches domon how to get shit done. 15/10 absolutely sublime take on the trope
Zechs Marquise
not only is he voiced by takehito koyasu, but he chars so hard he chars three times as fast! we LOVE his dedication to being a char clone. i will never forget how treize challenged him to a fair fight and he was just like nah lmao. you go you stinky man! 10/10 for char-ing hard
Lancerow Dawell and Jamil Neate
i am fascinated by after war X and i'll watch it one day. it seems like the wiki is confused about these two and is going with very surface level details for these two being char clones. however i'll rate them both higher bc i think mr. neate's sideburns and glasses are just top tier character design. 9/10
Harry Ord
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Rau le Creuset
i think i saw him in the like three episodes of SEED i watched. he definitely looks the part. seems kinda lame though. 6/10
Athrun Zala
this kid is hilarious, and also the most likable character i met in SEED, and he even has a quattro phase as he goes by alex dino! we'll give him points for effort. 9/10 you tried
Neo Roanoke
definitely not mu la flaga. hes also voiced by takehito koyasu. his mask looks kinda dumb, but i think the long hair look upgrades my man mu. takehito koyasu makes everything sexier. 8/10 bc i also simp for dio brando
Rey Za Burrel
how many char clones does the SEEDverse have? i do appreciate rey's early 2000s brooding anime boy look, though. 5/10
Gilbert Durandal
WHY ARE THERE SO MANY SEED CHARS!!! this guy doesn't even look like a char clone, but he has the same voice actor and also apparently tries to drop shit on earth. we stan a king, honestly. 6/10 being in SEED deducts points
Hal Vizardt and Vladi Zarth
the wiki wont even give me a picture of these guys. 2/10 they get a point each
Ali Al-Saachez
i hate this guy. he sucks. normally i would find such endless villainy entertaining, but ali simply cannot work it in a way that's fun to watch or even in a way where you're like 'he's got a point.' he just sucks and i wish he could have been funny. we already have a char clone in graham anyway, so why are you here? bitch. 0/10 i was waiting for him to die
Graham Aker
he has all the tropes of being a char clone, and i loved him at first bc of his flair for drama and poetry, but alas! he got more and more sidelined for a different motherfucker. it's okay graham, i still love you! your mr. bushido phase was hilarious! 9/10 you deserved so much more
Full Frontal
hes getting points for the hilarious name but thats it. he is otherwise very boring. you cannot make me love a man just bc he is a literal char clone. 3/10
Zeheart Galette
AGE is also on my "deeply fascinated" list. eventually, eventually. i kinda dig this one's look. 7/10
Tatsuya Yuuki
initially, i hated yuuki bc i thought he was beating on middle schoolers for fun, but then i learned the dude is so goddamn passionate about gundam that he HAS to share it with others and honestly? king shit. while he's technically a char clone, i think he's actually a graham aker clone. the dude stans 00. an admirable position to be in. i love yuuki so much and hes my favorite build fighters character. 15/10 i will always respect the meijin
Captain Mask
the name is hilarious. hes got a cool mask too. i'll maybe watch recon one day bc of how ridiculous the reputation is. 8/10
Lady Kawaguchi
the rare female one, and proves that the kawaguchi name requires you to be extra as fuck. compared to yuuki's raw passion, she's cool and knows it, and doesn't need to flex. sadly doesn't get to do a lot. 10/10
McGillis Fareed
MCGILLIS MY BELOVED!!!! perhaps the only char clone that matters. this dude brings back the classic level of backstabbing, the supreme attractiveness, and in general, being an awful person. but i can't help but feel for the guy. he was trying his goddamn hardest to overturn a fucked up system. he also simply could not fathom having friends. mcgillis might only do the mask thing for a little and also wears a wig (McWiggis) but i forgive him, because the moves he does in bael are truly sexy. i adore mcgillis i have to rate him high but he cannot overtake the classic. 19/10 would let him betray me
Kyoya Kujo
even the wiki doesn't seem confident in this one. i like his look though. hes kinda got some gentle eyes, so i will assume he's the more quattro flavor of things. 6/10
Masaki Shido
Honorable Mentions:
Master Asia
i didn't think he truly qualified as a char clone. he hits the villain thing and technically has some ideals aligned with char ? but he's a little too different. lacks majority of the archetype tropes. i still love him though 9/10
hes got a mask and wants revenge. definitely not gaelio. the problem is, we already have mcgillis in IBO. i just don't register gaelio as being a char clone, because mcgillis is out here being the worst. gaelio is a wonderful character in his own right for all the opposite reasons that mcgillis is fantastic for being the worst. 10/10 i want nothing but the best for him
Ulube Ishikawa
just bc he has a mask covering half his face and is evil doesn't mean he's a char clone, wiki! and how dare you take away from schwarz just to be like "well ulube has a mask" WE HAVE ONE ALREADY!!! i also hate ulube. he is not a particularly charismatic character, but he isn't supposed to be. 2/10
and thus is my arbitrary ranking of the char clones. some people think char clones are bad. i for one, love them! i hope future entries have more masked men.
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I'm back :D
Headcanons on sleepover (Boys and Girls)?
Girls First!
#1: Zee NEEDS to be Host if it's the whole group
Zee hosts as often as she can because she likes sleeping in her own bed and not having Babs' dad knocking on the door every 5 minutes.
It's also hard to coerce convince the girls into magical makeovers if she has to be alert about using her magic.
Also...she is positive that Commissioner Gordon suspects her of murder. (He doesn't, he just has the naturally narrow eyed thoughtful look)
Zee, in other words, prefers to host their sleepovers.
#2: Babs is a Wriggler, Kara is a Thrasher, Jess is a Talker
Diana, Zee and Karen are relatively quiet sleepers. Like sure Diana snores a bit and Karen might drool and Zee might shift in her sleep but they are NOTHING compared to Babs, Kara and Jess.
They are nightmares to sleep with. Babs wriggles in her sleep and babbles too. Especially if she's stressed. She'll be talking utter nonsense. Literally like 'waffles have feelings too' or 'butterfly fart machine'. No one shares a bed with Babs because she is known for stealing the covers and wrapping herself in them. Like a Babs Burrito. And if you try to take some back she will shove you off the bed. Still very much asleep.
Kara, she is a hazard to people everywhere. At least if you don't know how to control sleepy Kara. The girls know the control word 'go back to bed' but that only helps them when Kara tries to fly away. If she's kicking and or punching it's doom. Typically her erratic attacks are sparse and weak, so just like a pro-wrestler but badly aimed, but still...no one sleeps within 5 feet of Kara Danvers.
And lastly Jess. Jess is not much of a physical threat while asleep. She stays in the same position and doesn't even drool or snore or anything. But in the middle of the night you might hear a yelp, or a drawn out very loud groan. That's Jess, she groans a lot in her sleep, regularly. And if she's extremely stressed she'll even mantain conversation. Very poorly. Kara tried once. It went like this.
Jess: The moon, is just a ball of cheese.
Kara: Oh? Can your eat it?
Jess: Like a rock
Kara: What do you mean?
Jess: I'm nice, you're mean.
So yeah...they can share a bed with this chic and they have. That's why most if them sleep with headphones tucked into their ears.
#3 Movie Night
Karen hates horror movies. They creep her out and Kara is obsessed with them.
In fact while Karen and Kara argue about which genre to watch, romance or horror, the rest of the girls watch them fight.
Which is more amusing then it sounds.
#4 Diana can't cook
Diana is a girl of many talents but she can not cook. Not a bit. Not even instant mac and cheese.
Babs has tried to show her how to make a burrito- failed.
Jess a salad- failed.
Karen, some stir fry- failed.
Kara, warning up some pizza- failed.
She just can't cook. Moving on.
#5 Babs is generous with everything BUT her stuffed animals.
These are things she has said:
"Rest your feet somewhere else, Kara"
"Burrito Bat Butch hasn't cuddled with anyone but me, ever. Hands off!"
"Listen, if you wanted a pillow you can just ask- you don't have to treat General George Jennings like that!"
"Give me the bear, Karen. Give me the bear."
#6 They can't do a proper Binge Watch with each other.
Babs drinks a lot of soda and munches on a lot of snacks so she has to constantly use the bathroom. Insisting they can keep watching but of course they pause anyway.
Zee cannot step away from her phone. It's always vibrating with emails and messages and she is too invested in her rep to put it down. She is the type of gal who likes texting while watching a show. This drives the other girls up a wall because then Zee insists they catch her up.
Kara cannot, for the life of her, sit still. Even though they are curled up on the couch, one of the girls leaning into Kara's side, or having their head on Kara's lap. Or anything, really. Kara breaks the comfort because she cannot sit still. She shifts too often, changes the legs she tucked under her, stretches her back. It is annoying because then the girls around her need to shift too.
Jess gets restless quickly. She predicts the ending or loses interest when the plot becomes to predictable. So then she starts, trying to be subtle, looking through her schedule and doing school work. Its more infuriating because when the girls ask pointed questions she almost always gets it right.
Diana is of course knew to the world of man and stills doesn't get everything that is happening. Sometimes she misunderstands the plot completely and they have to rewatch the episode, explaining everything that time. This makes the watching chunky and somewhat less enjoyable. Usually Zee is the one to do the explaining. No one blames Diana of course, but still.
And Karen? She just wants to see if her ship lives. She is a fangirl through and through and has to scream into a pillow every time they have to press pause. Which is three to five time throughout a single episode.
Now for the boys,
#1 Food Competition
Barry eats a lot. Barry is never sure how much is enough. Barry can eat a supermarket out of business if he was particularly hungry. Hal knows this. Still his pride won't accept it so every time Hal challenges Barry to eating some disgusting amount of sauce or drink.
Sometimes Hal wins.
Barry has a sensitive stomach.
But usually not.
Steve doesn't really care how close any if the dudes sleep to him.
Barry doesn't either. In fact its likely he'll fall asleep on someone else's sleeping bag with his feet propped on one of his teammates stomach.
Garth will probably end up trying to cuddle up to Hal or Barry or Steve or any of the boys.
Hal will most definitely fight him on that. What can you say? He's the Type A male. But he really won't bat an eye if Garth does it when Hal is already asleep.
Oliver will sing love songs to his bro's, flirting hard as hell...up untill Hal, Carter, or Steve smack him. Where he pouts and let's Garth and Barry soothe him.
Carter doesn't like being touched in general so like hell he's going to let any of the boys near him. Or hold a conversation with him. He will just sit in the corner of the room, quietly observing. (He is most definitely trapped in the home where they are hosting the sleepover).
#3 Make Him Laugh
Another challenge.
Whoever makes Carter smile or *le gasp* laugh is deemed royalty.
Usually it's Barry. Who didn't even try. He just tripped over something.
Barry wins a lot.
#4 They Order In
Hal refuses to cook on principle. Rather be fed.
Oliver doesn't like getting butter on him since it'll 'destroy' his complexion.
Garth can't cook.
Carter refuses to feed anyone. He'll cook for himself and no one else.
Barry always offers but he is a forgetful cook and they feel bad throwing out whatever abomination he makes so they force it down. Of course, they learned to order in before Barry offers.
Steve can cook but he is very precise about the recipe, double checking and stuff so being fed takes forever if they let him start.
They arm wrestle to decide who chooses what they eat so yea...Carter always picks. Steve usually pays. Barry too. Everyone else is broke as hell.
#6 They butt heads.
All the dam time.
Hal is stubborn and Oliver is prideful.
Carter refuses to cater to anyone.
Garth is immovable if he wants to be.
Steve is trying to compromise but no one listens to the voice of reason over their own shouts.
Barry eats ice cream. They'll tire themselves out eventually.
#7 They Reprimand Hal
These are things they have definitely said at least once during a sleepover.
"Goddammit Hal! She's my science partner! How am I supposed to look her in the eye now?"
"Do you value your life? Yes? Then please refrain from speaking."
"Shut! Up!"
"Who are you calling stupid, stupid!"
"I'll tell Carol."
"The hell, man? Were you born with the unexplicable urge to be an asshole?"
"Go to bed, perv!"
Ah well, imma close it off here. Very lovely prompt. Headcannons are always fun. 👍
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gothamdetected-a · 4 years
i know what you’re thinking. sim are you absolutely fucking insane, don’t even TRY to tackle this one. you’re right i am insane. and yes i am still going to try and tackle a meta about DC multiverses HOWEVER, to give myself on shred of sanity on this treacherous journey, i will say that this is mainly going to be about the multiverse from a bruce perspective. this ride is a batman focused train i’m afraid. also i want to state that this is by no means a perfect explanation – i’m a) trying to keep it simple and b) still am lost on parts of the timeline myself so. its what i can offer.
ok so, originally NCP, or the national comics publication (who will one day become DC), wrote their golden age heroes on an earth now designated as earth-2. in the 30s, just before the war, comic books absolutely exploded as a media format, and a bunch of companies all jumped the gun on creating superheroes. many of DCs most endearing and recognisable heroes were created all the way back then, however many of them also are not quite who you will recognise as the character today. hal jordan wasn’t green lantern, but was instead a man called alan scott, jay garrick was the flash instead of barry allen etc etc. don’t worry though! batman is still batman, and has been bruce wayne since 1939. earth-2 batman, as he will come to be known, is a bright kind of guy found on technicolour pages with a cute lil robin by his side – there is a reason for this. the war. literally NCP said we cant be sending out dark and gritty comics to people dying in trenches so time to make it colourful and faintly ridiculous, and bruce wayne is a surprisingly optimistic guy for a man who watched his parents be slaughtered in front of him.
of course, by the 60s, NCP (who are also sort of known as NPP and really known by your average joe as superman-dc, based on their most successful comic runs) had realised their timelines were getting a bit squiggly for their golden age heroes, and most of them had been replaced out by their silver age counterparts anyway. so between 1961 and 1963, NCP start creating another “earth”, officially designated earth-1, which would become their main planet for all kinds of superhero shenanigans. the justice society of america becomes the justice league of america, and when you think of batman, you’re probably thinking of earth-1 batman. at least pre crisis. and, once they get taste for building whole new earths, we also get earth-3 (1964), or “opposite world”, where the good guys are bad guys, and batman is owlman and instead of the jla we have the crime syndicate of america.  
so sim, what other earths did dc come up with? well, i literally refuse to list them all because it was a multiverse and they did not slow down, but the ones that are most important to me are earth-5 where the only hero to live on this planet is bruce wayne/batman, and earth-89 where lois marries bruce instead of clark ahAHAHHAA. but i can tell you that pre-crisis there are 91 designated earths, and basically it could have gone on forever. there was an earth-c minus, earth-124.1, an earth where everyone was reptiles, honestly it was a MESS. and therein lies the problem.
now i’ve just used the term “pre-crisis”. what’s that, sim? maybe you’re not very familiar with comics, or with the recent dctv version of said comics, and so i will endeavour to explain one of the most brain numbing storylines that spans DC. also known as a retcon. see all these earths with their own histories and heroes and well everything really was becoming very inconvenient and meant a lot of world jumping and who can interact with who and everything was getting like spaghetti because they couldn’t calm down on the earth-building. so DC (who are officially DC at this point, 1977 babeyy), specifically a guy called marv wolfman (coolest name ever) who was sick of so many earths, comes up with the bright idea that will later form into a comic run called crisis on infinite earths (1985-1986). it was a serious crossover event, really considered by many to be the first of its kind. it sold extremely well, boosting dc’s flagging sales against it’s biggest rival, marvel. and as for the plot, it’s a bit convoluted but essentially some bloke turns up and starts to destroy all these worlds, and it becomes a race between the heroes and villains as to who can save/conquer the remaining earths that are left. although there are crises before and after this specific run, pre-crisis basically always refers to this particular crisis event, as it really shaped DC for the next 30 years.
for a while the retcon does an okay job of keeping the number of earths low. there’s still some earths that are considered non-continuous floating around, but mainly there’s just earth-1, which is now a merger of the most important “earths” that existed pre-crisis, and a way for all of DCs heroes to now be in one place and interact with each other. other earths at this point include;
earth-23 (1986) – a small pocket dimension
earth-17 (1990) – we don’t talk about this. honestly spare yourself and. don’t look. its horrific.
earth-27 (1990) – a historically divergent planet with a hero actually called vegetable man.
earth-85 (1987) – a hodgepodge of post-crisis characters live here, chillin
earth-988 (1990) – superboy is the only hero in this universe
the antimatter universe – all of pre-crisis’ earth-3 villains, including owlman, get shoved here for later use when dc need a couple of villains to come back.
and for a while all is well. then comes DC elseworlds (1989). which. you know. i love. it gave me victorian batman. pirate batman. caveman batman. vampire batman. frankenstein batman. terrorist batman fighting against russian!superman. they even gave me marvel crossovers, with captain america meeting batman. it was a glorious time. technically elseworlds is not considered canon, ran outside of canon as a way for writers to explore those wacky kind of worlds lost to the crisis, which is dumb because some of the plot lines are both hilarious and incredible. but the numbers started to get ridiculous again. most elseworlds are named after the year that the plot takes place in, so we get earth-1889, earth-1938 etc, but even more of them just seem to have random designations. i think by the time they reached earth-5050 they sort of knew that theyd fucked up again. we’ve had zero hour, we’ve got hypertime and kingdom come, and besides, its been a while since they had a good crossover, so by the time 2005 rolls around its time for crisis pt 2 (because dc love to use the word crisis for crossovers) or as it’s officially known infinite crisis. infinite crisis has an even more confusing plot involving a bunch of slightly nuts versions of characters escaping a pocket dimension, earths being created and then merged, and a rogue ai which batman made and then has to destroy because his own creation becomes too powerful etc etc. the only good thing to come out of it was earth-0, or bizarro world, because bizarro & batzarro are my babies. don’t worry though, this new set of earths won’t last long either, as in 2008 DC conclude their trilogy of crises with final crisis that featured one of the most important events in batman’s history – darkseid “killing” him. yes the quotations are important. i’ll leave you to infer what they mean.
so 3 crises later and everything is still just as messy as they’ve ever been and there’s 60 years worth of comic history being tangled about, and marvel had already established a very successful reboot in 2000, and anything marvel do, we can do better, so DC do their first, full and proper reboot. unlike retcons before it, which is where they retroactively try to fix what people already know and simplify timelines & earths, this is like someone shaking the etch-a-sketch and starting fresh. back in infinite crisis an arbitrary number was assigned to how many “earths” there could be – 52. and so in 2011, DC go hey that’s neat and create what becomes known as the new- or nu-52. heroes are given shiny new backstories, everything is streamlined and wonderful, sales rise, DC has a clean slate to build off again.
yeah that doesn’t happen.
this reboot, also known as flashpoint, due to it being spawned from another big ol’ crossover of the same name, shows barry allen trapped in an alternate universe where everything is not quite right – his mother is alive, superman is nowhere to be found and he doesn’t have his powers. worst of all thomas wayne is batman. yeah, batman’s dad is batman. thanks DC, i hate it. reverse-flash has tried to change history and stop the jla from ever being formed – le gasp. barry goes to fix it, merges three universes together – earth-0, which isn’t a bizarro world but now the “main" earth, also called new earth or prime earth (DC), earth-13 (vertigo) and earth-50 (wildstorm), but also causes 10 years to be “lost” to these characters. there are now 52 brand spanking new earths, each sitting in their own universe as part of the multiverse. no one remembers anything except barry. even for a reboot and convergence of DC’s franchises, it’s messy as fuck. and it goes to shit very very quickly. people don’t really like n-52. DC have cancelled everything, certain characters such as cassandra cain-wayne are fucking ERASED from existence, no one likes the new costume designs, its an absolute shit show and the plots get very confusing very quickly.
so what do DC do?
they reboot again. sigh.
only 5 years after the mess of nu-52, they produce DC rebirth, a new relaunch of all their famous runs. brainiac does some magic and collects a bunch of worlds together and magically we’re all going to forget the last 5 years of comic hell. it is a reboot to retcon flashpoint as though that never happened. yes, DC are actually retconning their own reboots. talk about sweeping it under the carpet. technically “rebirth” only ran for a year as a promotional thing for the reboot, before joining with the larger, now-singular DC universe, however everyone still calls it rebirth because if we don’t give these things names it will get even more fucking confusing than it already is. rebirth also still has 52 universes making up the DC multiverse, just to make things even more simple and easy to understand (DC what is it with 52. why 52.) although lots of the earths in this multiverse have been re-designated – eg. pre-crisis earth-31 was home to an aged batman who fakes his death to go train a bunch of new vigilantes (the dark knight returns), and now 31 is an apocalyptic wasteland or some shite. a lot of these earths were re-designated during the flashpoint/nu-52 era, and even though rebirth was supposed to erase that, DC have decided never mind we’ll keep it. there’s also 7 mysteriously undesignated earths – ooh spooky, they definitely won’t feature in the next major crossover. also for a multiverse with 52 universes, they sure do have more than 52 : there’s the microverse, a bunch of universes collectively called “the sphere of the gods” where apokalips and like, literal heaven & hell exist, an innerverse???, dreamworld, limbo, DC are taking the piss they only said there were 52 earths but that means they can make as many other shitty dimensions and pocket-universes as they please apparently. don’t even get me started on the source wall. for the most part the writers just. don’t acknowledge this and stick to the main prime earth. for the most part. thanks for throwing thomas wayne as batman back into the mix, rebirth.
so that’s the last of it, right sim? eh, almost. it should have been the last of it, really. and then geoff johns couldn't keep his mouth shut and produced possibly the worst comic in recent history, if not ever, doomsday clock. now doomsday clock is a nightmare for an impossibly long list of reasons that i won’t get into here because this isn’t a rant about why i think doomsday clock is the worst thing to ever happen to dc (although that’s a catchy title i should use that some day) - no, the reason i bring up doomsday clock is because. oh my god even saying this makes me sad. doomsday clock proves that the pre-crisis universes still exist and are still out there. somewhere. canonically. sim why is that sad i thought you liked everything pre-52. it’s sad because it means at any point now, DC could bring them back, ruin their own legacy, make everything even more confusing than it already is. i love pre-52 stuff but you gotta leave it alone. currently doomsday clock has only established that these universes exist as a way to honour every era of superman, because DC didn’t want to completly erase some of the incredible work and storylines put into him as a character. fine, fair enough. but it does leave the possibility that they will try and return to them too. comic book writers love doing funky story lines like that. they think they need to write something that’s never been done before and instead of coming up with something actually unique, they just poke around in the multiverse WHICH IS HOW WE ENDED UP WITH THIS AS A PROBLEM IN THE FIRST PLACE.
hopefully this helped clarify some stuff for people, especially those folks who aren’t big comic fans/expereience dc through the DCEU or DCTV, when encountering rpers who say they base their characterisation off of, for example pre-n52/flashpoint comics, like myself.
oh, and thank you for coming to my ted sim talk.
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gingervsblondie · 5 years
Blondie Meets the Boss (1939)
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11:30 PM, Friday, 20 September 2019
Checked Wikipedia. This movie has the same writer, same director, and same actors as Blondie. No regenerations yet.
Welp, I checked the Wiki article for the last movie in the series, same actors still across the board. 12 years later not only was Penny Singleton still Blondie and Arthur Lake still Dagwood, but Larry Simms was still baby Alexander and the same dog Daisy was still playing their dog whose name is also Daisy. 
So uh. I mean, variety’s out the window. I have committed myself to 27 more movies with all these same people. And dog.
Guess I should stop stalling then and start the damn thing huh.
So there’s 26 episodes of the 1957 series, which kept Arthur Lake as Dagwood and recast everyone else, plus a pilot with someone named Hal Le Roy as Dagwood. The 1968 series had the child actors who played Charlie Brown and Lucy in A Boy Named Charlie Brown, so as a Peanuts fan I have that to look forward to. Peanuts being a comic strip that I’ve actually read extensively. See I could’ve dedicated myself to watching every Peanuts special. But that wouldn’t be funny. Also I probably have already. That series had 14 episodes, 13 of which aired before the show got cancelled.
Which, all in all, seems… maybe do-able?
Jesus that can’t be right, apparently that’s 13 hours of Blondie.
You know what?
This might take longer than I thought.
But I can’t be defeated yet. It’s day one.
It may take me longer than I thought, but I believe I can do this. I can watch all of Blondie.
Not because I want to. Not because anybody asked me too. Not even because it’s a remotely practical thing to do.
But for the goof.
I’ll do it for the goof.
For you.
So let’s keep going, shall we?
Blondie Meets the Boss.
Once I check Wikipedia and make sure there’s nothing else.
Alright there’s a radio series with Lake and Singleton. It was concurrent with the movies. There’s 42 half-hour episodes. They’re all on the Internet Archive.
...Fuck. I’m sorry, I’m not committing to those right now. Eventually I’ll get to them. Eventually.
There’s some animated cameos in Popeye and things like that, I’ll skip those until I get all completionist about this when I’ve watched everything else. And there’s two animated specials that Marvel made in the 80s. Those I can watch. I can watch 2 specials.
You know, after the 28 movies.
But before the 40 episodes of TV.
And the 42 episodes of radio.
This seemed less daunting when all I’d said I’d watch was 28 movies. I mean, still daunting, but the horizon was in sight.
Maybe I’m getting ahead of myself. 28 movies. I’ll finish the 28 movies, and then we’ll see about the rest.
So if it’s still the same kid playing Alexander 12 years later, and he’s like 3 in this, that’ll make him 15 by the last movie in 1950.
I don’t think “Baby Dumpling” Alexander can be 15? Unless they go all Outnumbered with it. I’d be down.
12:00 AM, Saturday, 21 September 2019
They got a slow motion camera for this. For a shot of the dog. Not doing like a sick stunt or anything. Just a slow motion shot of the dog walking at regular dog speed.
Dagwood keeps yelling “Blondie!” in this one. Is that meant to be his catchphrase? Which he didn’t say last time?
You want to know something funny?
Before I realized what I’d done, I was entertaining the idea of watching, as a follow-up to this endeavor when I’m done with the Blondie movies, every Family Circus special.
But now I know that I won’t be done with Blondie for quite some time.
Over the summer I watched an episode or two of The Dick Van Dyke Show. I think Mary Tyler Moore and Dick Van Dyke are probably more talented comedians than the stars of Blondie, but so far the premises in Blondie have been more competent from the point of view of structuring comedy. That Dick Van Dyke Show episode didn’t have any kind of pay-off. It was weird. If I’m remembering right, the conflict was that a guy showed up and was annoying, and then at the end he left.
But on the plus side, I don’t have to watch every episode of The Dick Van Dyke Show.
Blondie just said “You’ll kill yourself!” Still concerned about ole Dick Flournoy.
ALRIGHT. I’m 7 minutes and 50 seconds in. I’m going to take a break now. I’ll finish it tomorrow. I mean what’s the rush? I’ve got the rest of my life to watch-
I’m not gonna calculate how many hours of Blondie it is in all. I’m not gonna. You can’t make me.
My dad would probably hate this thing I'm doing. He's always saying "your life is this long," and holding his two fingers up. If he goes on he says something to the tune of "if you spend this much of it on such and such…"
But on the other hand, that one AJR song said "A hundred bad days made a hundred good stories, a hundred good stories make me interesting at parties." 
Well, 28 Blondie movies make one funny statement, that being "I am Euan O'Leary, and I've seen every fucking Blondie movie." 
And I don't go to parties, so.
See I think the thing of it is: I have seen every Godzilla movie. Because I care about Godzilla. Godzilla Raids Again kick-started my love for filmmaking. Every Godzilla movie puts filmmaking as a craft on display, front and centre. And there's a magic in creating giant monsters from rubber suits and model buildings. The magic that makes filmmaking so appealing, so special to me. Suspension of disbelief.
I have no such feelings about Blondie, because I know nothing about Blondie. The Blondie movies are not particularly culturally significant. In a way I think I'm drawn to them because there are 28 of these things, and I could've gone my whole life without knowing. It wouldn't have come up. I've never met anyone who cared about Blondie, actually cared enough to know that there have been more movies about Blondie than James Bond.
And those 28 movies, I can safely bet having seen one now, are totally unremarkable. It's like how Marcel Duchamp's Readymades were objects that he was completely indifferent to, testing the limits of art by removing passion as much as possible.
Not to say I'm not passionate about watching 27 more of these movies. I relish the challenge. It's gonna be fun.
I'm thinking now I’ll just do the movies, because "I've watched every Blondie movie" is a funnier and easier to understand sentence than "I've consumed every piece of Blondie media except for the comic strip, across live action films, TV series, radio shows and animation."
Yeah. No. That's not a premise. Watching all the movies is a premise. And maybe I'll look at the other things if I'm feeling sentimental about the project and don't want it to end.
That is to say, if at the end of the 28 movies I have somehow metamorphosed into a Blondie fanboy.
Anything's possible.
1:03 PM (The next morning)
Okay, I’ve slept on it now. Time to get back to Blondie. Let’s see how Blondie in the morning compares to Blondie late at night.
Dagwood just lost his job (for the second time so far in the series.) With no bag or suitcase, he went into his office and started packing all his things into his hat.
What a loveable doofus.
Okay. So.
The dynamic of this series seems to be that Blondie wears the pants. She’s the dominant one. Whenever Dagwood’s in trouble because he can’t just explain the comedy of errors to whoever he’s in trouble with, Blondie resolves it by asserting herself.
There was just a scene where Dagwood came home having accidentally resigned from his job. Once he’s explained everything to Blondie, she takes off her frilly apron, puts it on him, and says “Whenever I’m miserable, I just take a broom and sweep and sweep! You’ll be surprised how quickly your troubles will disappear.” Dagwood looks dazed, wearing the apron and with the broom in his hand. Blondie puts on her coat and hat, walking determined towards the door to go out and fix everything. “And have a good cry, too. It’ll make you feel better.”
A while back I watched Rebel Without a Cause, the James Dean movie, which features a scene where Dean’s character finds his father cleaning up a mess whilst wearing a frilly apron, wanting to clear it away before Dean’s mother sees. And Dean reprimands him. The implication of the scene is that because his father isn’t asserting his masculinity, and because he’s letting the mother dominate him, he’s depriving his son of a masculine role model and thus traumatizing him. I found this scene pretty repulsive. It’s not just a character acting in a sexist way, it’s a deep-seeded thematic sexism on a philosophical level. It supposes not only that Dean has to aspire to be as strong as his father, and not his mother, but also that men who wear anything like this feminine apron, and it would follow any other feminine clothes, are weak, because women are weak.
Now Blondie is indisputably a strong character. And while I think the scene I just watched was meant to be played for laughs, while it’s meant to be funny that Blondie is suggesting feminine methods of coping with stress to Dagwood, she’s not wrong. “Have a good cry, it’ll make you feel better” is Blondie confidently telling Dagwood to vent his frustrations in a healthy way.
Blondie’s a fucking badass.
Dagwood’s humiliation at being emasculated is indeed being played for laughs as the movie goes on.
Blondie’s still a badass though.
Snort Watch 2019.
Somebody’s breaking into the Bumsteads’ house. Alexander says “Sic’ em, Daisy!” Daisy (the dog) walks into a cupboard. A little puppet dog hand comes around the door and closes it after her.
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They’re playing up really hard how much everyone is mocking Dagwood for wearing an Apron and letting Blondie take charge. Not a fan of that. Meanwhile, Blondie has ended up getting Dagwood’s job at the office, as a result of her showing more strength and confidence than him.
I’m trying to process that.
Reminds me of that one Rocko’s Modern Life episode where Bev Bighead takes over at Ed’s office job.
More infidelity.
Fucking sigh.
I hope not all of these movies are about Dagwood accidentally looking like he’s out with other women behind Blondie’s back and then getting in trouble with Blondie over it.
Ohp. Nope. This time it’s actual infidelity. Dagwood just kissed some girl.
Apparently there were horse-drawn taxis in 1939.
Speaking of which: This movie released March 9th. 6 months to go until World War Two starts.
Blondie and Dagwood sleep in separate beds. Do any couples still sleep in separate beds? I think I’ve only ever seen that in old movies.
Dagwood Sandwich Watch 2019:
Blondie made this one. It looks like a cake.
“I’d be tempted to kill. Yes. Drown Baby Dumpling, and myself too.” -Blondie.
Y’okay there Dick? I’m worried about you.
There’s a bit where Blondie looks at a camera with the initials F. R. written on it. My mind auto-completed Franklin Roosevelt. Blondie asks Dagwood “who goes fishing and has the initials F. R.?” He says “That’s easy, Franklin Roosevelt.”
Getting film developed. That was also a thing. In the PAST.
Rotary phones.
Hell, landlines for that matter.
Dagwood Sandwich Watch 2019:
Alexander made one. It’s really hard to tell what’s in these sandwiches in black and white and 360p.
Dagwood just accidentally won a swing dancing competition by stumbling on the dance floor trying to run away.
What a loveable doofus.
Alright, one more down! Blondie Meets the Boss didn’t leave much of an impression beyond the gender politics side of it. More antics. More sandwiches. Life goes on and so does my quest.
My rating is: one Dagwood Sandwich containing a small fish and peanut butter.
Next up is Blondie Takes a Vacation. Which, interestingly enough, follows directly from the plot of Blondie Meets the Boss, which largely revolved around Blondie and Dagwood not being able to take their vacation.
Blondie Takes a Vacation released just 4 months after Blondie Meets the Boss. Which draws my attention to how quickly they cranked these out: There were 3 Blondie movies in 1939, 3 in 1940, 2 in 1941, 3 in 1942, 2 in 1943, 2 in 1945, 2 in 1946, 4 in 1947, 2 in 1948, 2 in 1949 and 2 in 1950. 12 Blondies were released over the course of WW2.
Hey remember when I mentioned that Blondie and Dagwood sleep in separate beds? Apparently they slept in one bed in the comic strip, and at the time that was shocking. Stumbled upon a list of facts about the strip while I was setting up the blog.
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papermoonloveslucy · 7 years
Lucy and the Countess Have a Horse Guest
S4;E6 ~ October 25, 1965
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The Countess turns up on Lucy's doorstep with the only thing her late husband left her: a race horse. When she can't pay the stable fees, Lucy lets the horse stay on her patio. They hope it will race again one day, until it is discovered that the horse is pregnant.
Regular Cast
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Lucille Ball (Lucy Carmichael), Gale Gordon (Theodore J. Mooney)
Mary Jane Croft (Mary Jane Lewis) does not appear in this episode.
Guest Cast
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Ann Sothern (Rosie Hannigan, the Countess Framboise) makes the first of her three season four appearances at the Countess. Sothern had appeared in the first “Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour” “Lucy Takes a Cruise to Havana” (1957) as Susie MacNamara, the same character she played on her show “Private Secretary” from 1953 to 1957. In return, Lucille Ball played Lucy Ricardo on her show in 1959. Sothern appeared with Ball in five films between 1933 and 1943. She was nominated for an Oscar for her final screen appearance in The Whales of August in 1987. She is buried near her home in Sun Valley, Idaho, a place also dear to Lucy and Desi.  
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Herb Vigran (Veterinarian) played Jule, Ricky Ricardo’s music agent on two episodes of “I Love Lucy” in addition to playing movie publicist Hal Sparks in “Lucy is Envious” (ILL S3;23). He was seen in the Lucy-Desi film The Long, Long Trailer. He played the role of the baseball umpire (an eye doctor) in two previous episodes. He went on to play other characters in two more episodes.
The Veterinarian says he's been a horse doctor for 22 years. He never gives his name.  
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Bill Quinn (Mr. Morton, stable owner) is probably best remembered as Mr. Van Rensalear on “All in the Family” and “Archie Bunker's Place.” This is his only appearance with Lucille Ball.  
The character introduces himself as Mr. Morton, although the final credits list him as Mr. Frink. Morton is, of course, Lucille Ball's name by marriage to Gary Morton, the show's production consultant and warm-up act.
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Sid Gould (Porter #1) made more than 45 appearances on “The Lucy Show,” all as background characters. He also did 40 episodes of “Here’s Lucy.” Gould (born Sydney Greenfader) was Lucille Ball’s cousin by marriage to Gary Morton. Gould was married to Vanda Barra, who also appeared on “The Lucy Show” starting in 1967, as well as on “Here’s Lucy.”
Bennett Green (Porter #2, uncredited) was Desi Arnaz’s stand-in during “I Love Lucy.” He does frequent background work on “The Lucy Show.” 
He does not have any dialogue.
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William Frawley (Horse Trainer) was already a Hollywood veteran when he was hired by Desi Arnaz to play Fred Mertz on “I Love Lucy.”  After the series concluded he joined the cast of “My Three Sons” playing Bub Casey. This was his final appearance before his death in March 1966.
William Frawley gets his own full screen end credit, listed as "And our own Bill Frawley as The Trainer."
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There are two live horses (Oil Well and May) and two foals (Lucy and Rosie) used on screen.
An uncredited and unidentified background actor leads Oil Well into the stable. 
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This episode was written by Garry Marshall and Jerry Belson and directed by Maury Thompson.
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The original telecast included commercials for Wisk laundry detergent, Lux dish washing soap, Dippity-Do hair gel, and White Rain hair spray. There was also a promo spot for "The Ed Sullivan Show"
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This episode was filmed September 16, 1965. That was a big night for CBS, with the very first episode of “My Three Sons” after moving from ABC titled “The First Marriage”. It was also the first episode of the series broadcast in color, something “The Lucy Show” did three days earlier with “Lucy at Marineland” (S4;E1). 
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Although William Frawley had left “My Three Sons” due to declining health, two of the “sons” had been seen on “The Lucy Show”. Don Grady (Robbie Douglas) had played Chris Carmichael’s friend Bill and Barry Livingston (Ernie Douglas) had played Mr. Mooney’s son Arnold. Barbara Perry was also in the “Three Sons” cast that night. Perry would do two episodes of “The Lucy Show” in 1966. Fred MacMurray teamed with Lucille Ball on “Lucy Hunts Uranium” (LDCH S1;E3) James V. Kern was the “Sons” director, a position he also held on “I Love Lucy.” “My Three Sons” was filmed at Desilu Studios.  
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“Gilligan’s Island” also had marriage theme the night of September 16, 1965. That episode featured “The Lucy Show” actors Mary Foran and Alan Hale Jr.  Natalie Schafer (Mrs. Howell) had played Phoebe Emerson in “The Charm School” (ILL S3;E15). 
Lucille Ball has restyled her hair for this episode.
Ann Sothern, Gale Gordon, and Herb Vigran all receive entrance applause from the studio audience.  
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Rosie once again arrives at Lucy's home with lots of luggage, although not nearly as much as when she first arrived in Danfield (above). Once again, Sid Gould is one of the men delivering it and being tipped.
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Lucy tells Rosie that so far in Hollywood she has met: 
Lassie's Hairdresser ~ Canine star Lassie was mentioned on “I Love Lucy” in “The Young Fans” (ILL S1;E20), among others.
The Man who used to dry off Lloyd Bridges ~ Actor Lloyd Bridges was the star of “Sea Hunt” (1958-1961), a TV series about a scuba diver which featured extensive underwater filming. It was previously mentioned in “Lucy and Viv Put in a Shower” (S1;E18) and “Lucy Buys a Boat” (S1;E30). Bridges played a doctor on the season five opener of “Here’s Lucy” in 1972.
Liberace's Dentist ~ Flamboyant pianist Liberace (well known for his continual smile), was mentioned on “I Love Lucy” in “The Diner” (ILL S3;E27). He will guest star on a 1970 episode of “Here's Lucy” playing himself.
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When Rosie says that her late husband left her Oil Well, Lucy says that she'll be in with the Rockefellers and the Vanderbilts. Rosie says she'll be in with the Longdens and the Arcaros because Oil Well is a racehorse. The former are two of the wealthiest families in America, although it was Rockefeller who made his fortune in oil as owner of Standard Oil. Eddie Arcaro (1916-97) held the record for winning more American classic races than anyone else. Johnny Longden (1907-2003, above) was one of the most successful jockeys of all time. By the end of his 40 year career he had racked up 6,032 victories. He played himself on “I Love Lucy” in “The Loving Cup” (ILL S6;E12).  
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Rosie formally asks the Horse Trainer (William Frawley) to announce her as the Countess Henri Gaston Armand Jean-Louis Philippe Framboise Le Cul-de-Sac. The Trainer grimaces (in Frawley's inimitable way) and then shouts “Some dame is here to see you!”  After William Frawley's brief cameo as the horse trainer, Lucy says “You know he reminds me of someone I used to know.”  This is an obvious reference to his nine year history of playing Fred Mertz opposite Lucille Ball.  
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This was William Frawley's final appearance on television. He died of a heart attack at the Knickerbocker Hotel, a few months after shooting this show. Desi Arnaz was grief-stricken with the loss of his friend and took out a full-page ad in the trade papers, consisting of Frawley's picture, framed in black, and three words: "Buenas noches, amigo!" Lucy had wanted Frawley to appear on “The Lucy Show” earlier, but because he and Vivian Vance did not get along, Lucy had to wait until Viv was no longer a regular.
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Oil Well's board and feed bill comes to $937.14. Adjusting for inflation, that would be more than $7,200 today. Lucy spent $86 for oats, which she tells Mr. Mooney is for baking cookies.
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Rosie says that Oil Well may be old enough to be the first horse to collect Medicare. Congress enacted Medicare to provide health insurance to people age 65 and older, regardless of income or medical history. President Johnson signed the bill into law on July 30, 1965, just two weeks after this episode was filmed so this was an subject very much in the news in 1965.  
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MR. MOONEY: “Mrs. Carmichael!  We will talk about it right here, if you don’t mind!” LUCY: “Of horse! Of course, of course!”
When Lucy is trying to hide the fact that she’s keeping a horse in her apartment, she inadvertently (perhaps deliberately by the writers) quotes the lyrics to the sitcom “Mr. Ed” the most famous horse on television! 
“A horse is a horse, of course, of course And no one can talk to a horse, of course. That is, of course, unless the horse Is the famous Mister Ed!”
The show aired on CBS from 1958 to 1966. The night before this episode of “The Lucy Show” first aired, “Mr. Ed” featured actor George N. Neise, who had played Mr. Carter (no relation) in “Lucy Becomes A Father” (S3;E9) a year earlier. In 1966, Bill Quinn (Mr. Morton in “Lucy and the Countess Have a Horse Guest”) appeared on “Mr. Ed.”  Jimmy Garrett, who played Jerry Carmichael, had done an episode in 1962. On a 1970 episode of “Here’s Lucy,” guest star Carol Burnett also mentions Mr. Ed.
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Lucy's checking account is known around the bank as ‘Mooney's Millstone.’ In this case, Mr. Mooney is referring to the Biblical proverb about “a millstone around one’s neck”, which means to put some burden on a person’s life or punishment that makes escape impossible. It also means to force somebody takes up some responsibility or a job that they are trying to avoid. 
When the Countess sees Mr. Mooney, she addresses him by his real name, instead of “Mr. Money,” which was a running gag back in Danfield. 
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There are two references to sending Oil Well to the “Glue Factory.” This has become a euphemism for euthanizing a horse (or any animal) but it is based in fact. Early adhesives were made from a process that incorporated animal bones and hides. The animal were generally horses (due to its shear size), but other animals were also used.
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The Veterinarian's diagnosis of Oil Well is that “She's pregnant!” When Lucy Ricardo was expecting a child in 1952, the network forbade the word “pregnant” from being mentioned on air.  Times have changed.
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When hearing that Oil Well is expecting, Lucy prepares the horse a lunch of dill pickles, strawberries, hot sauce, cod liver oil, and sardines. Lucy and Rosie assume that horses have the same pre-natal cravings that some women experience.  
Lucy gets an irate phone call from Mrs. Goldaper, the woman who lives downstairs from her, about Oil Wells clomping about. Goldaper was Lucy's husband Gary Morton's birth name, so technically Lucille Ball is also a “Mrs. Goldaper.”  
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As Oil Well is giving birth, Mr. Mooney sings “Sonny Boy” hoping it is a boy. "Sonny Boy" was written by Ray Henderson, Bud De Sylva, and Lew Brown and was featured in the 1928 talkie The Singing Fool sung by Al Jolson. It is ironic that a Jolson song should be sung in the same episode that features William Frawley, who had a long-standing and sometimes bitter rivalry with the performer.
Lucy reminds Rosie that she has given birth and is a mother (without mentioning their names). Rosie says her sister has also given birth, making her an aunt. 
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Oil Well has births two foals, which Rosie and Lucy name... Rosie and Lucy!
Callbacks & Fast Forward!
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In “Lucy Wins a Racehorse,” a 1958 episode of “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour,” Lucy also kept a live race horse (named Whirling Jet) in the house. 
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Lucy Carmichael says she bought a special chair for Oil Well to sit in and rest, although the horse never actually sits on it on camera. It is possible that the producers were hoping to recreate the gag of the horse sitting an an armchair that was featured in “Lucy Wins a Racehorse,” but that Oil Well refused to cooperate. There seems little other reason for the chair and the dialogue. Also, there is a hard edit in the film as the telephone rings. Saved by the bell! 
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Lucy jokingly tells Oil Well to chew his food 30 times before swallowing. When Lucy Ricardo is trying to delay getting to the theatre in “Lucy’s Night In Town” (ILL S6;E22) she tells Ricky that “ Everyone should chew their food 25 times before swallowing, just like the animals do.” 
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While mixing Oil Well's food, Lucy says that when she was pregnant she always wanted ice cream with sardines. On “I Love Lucy,” Lucy Ricardo also craved ice cream and sardines, even sending Ricky out in the middle of the night to get it for her.
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She also mixes in some dill pickles, which was another craving that Lucy Carter said she had when she ‘faked’ her pregnancy in “Lucy the Part-Time Wife” (HL S3;E14). 
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When Oil Well goes into labor, pandemonium ensues just as it did when “Lucy Goes to the Hospital” (ILL S2;E16). “Call the cab!” “I’ll call the cab!” 
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In the panic, Mr. Mooney says “I’d better go out and by Dr. Spock’s baby book.”  Benjamin McLane Spock (1903-98) was a pediatrician whose 1946 book Dr. Spock’s Baby and Child Care is one of the best-sellers of all time. It was first mention on “I Love Lucy” in “Nursery School” (S5;E9) and again in “Little Ricky’s School Pageant” (S6;E10). Ricky often mispronounced his name as “Dr. Spook”!  Convincing their sons to deliver a cake for them, Viv calls Lucy Carmichael “The Dr. Spock of Danfield” in a 1964 episode of “The Lucy Show.”
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Live horses were also featured on “The Lucy Show” in “Lucy Visits the White House” (S1;E25), “Kiddie Parties Inc.” (S2;E2), “Lucy and Arthur Godfrey” (S3;E23), “Lucy Discovers Wayne Newton” (S4;E14), and “Lucy and Robert Goulet” (S6;E8).  
Blooper Alerts!
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Luggage Jenga! When Porter #2 walks toward Rosie to be tipped, the baggage he has stacked topples over with a loud thud. He turns around to see what has made the noise, but does not go back to fix it and the scene goes on as if nothing has happened. 
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Shut The Door! As usual on “The Lucy Show,” when Mr. Mooney enters Lucy's home he leaves the front door open.   
What’s My Line! Lucille Ball jumps Ann Sothern's line when she's in the kitchen talking about her tin mine in the Alps.  
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Sitcom Logic Alert!  When Rosie arrives at 4am, Lucy is wearing pajamas, a robe, with her hair in curlers, but still has on very thick eyelashes!  
Second Story Horse! It has previously been established and confirmed again here that Lucy lives on the second floor, making the idea of Oil Well getting up the stairs and living on her patio quite unlikely! 
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My Three Sons! When Oil Well is about to give birth, Mr. Mooney says “I hope it's a boy. I've always wanted a boy.” He forgets that he has three sons of his own: Ted Jr., Bob, and Arnold. Which brings our story full circle! 
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“Lucy and the Countess Have a Horse Guest” rates 4 Paper Hearts out of 5 
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RIP Bill Frawley (1887-1966)
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savetopnow · 6 years
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Just Pinned to Hourglass Fall 2018 Ambient Lighting Blush Palette Review & Swatches: Fall 2018 Hourglass Fall 2018 Ambient Lighting Blush Palette ($65.00 for 0.33 oz.) contains three warm-toned blushespeach coral and mauvethat have a subtle natural-to-luminous finish. The marbling effect found in the formula can result in variation in color between versions but all three seemed to have more of the lighter portions that ended up in lighter colors compared to the permanent versions Ive reviewed in the past. Im curious if readers who picked one up have noticed theirs are lighter as well. Other than the color difference the quality was the samesoft smooth blendable and easy to work with. FYI theres about $76.00 worth of Ambient Lighting Blush in the palette. 0 0 Fall 2018 0 0 Fall 2018 A Limited Edition Where to Buy Affiliate Links NordstromSephoraHourglassSpace NKBergdorf GoodmanNet-A-PorterBarneysSephora BrazilSpace NK (UK) 9.5 Product 10 Pigmentation 9.5 Texture 9 Longevity 5 Application 96% Total Surreal Glow Surreal Glow is a soft peach with subtle warm orange undertones and a satin finish. It had medium buildable color payoff that applied evenly to bare skin and blended out with minimal effort. The powder had a soft velvety texture that wasnt too soft or too firmly pressed in the pan and it wasnt too thin. It lasted for just over eight hours on me before I noticed any signs of wear. While this shade is exclusive to the palette it has been released before (in the 2016 holiday palette) though it was slightly pinker to my eye but the version in this palette had a better texture. Top Dupes Formula Overview Top Dupes View Swatches View All Dupes Kevyn Aucoin Sahara (P $54.00) is more shimmery (95% similar). Kevyn Aucoin Sahara (P $54.00) is more shimmery (95% similar). NARS Silent Nude (LE $30.00) is lighter (90% similar). Kevyn Aucoin Sahara (P $54.00) is more shimmery (95% similar). Make Up For Ever B304 (P $23.00) is darker (90% similar). Catrice I Am Nuts About You (P $5.99) is cooler (85% similar). Sisley Paris Mango (3) (P $85.00) is lighter brighter (85% similar). By Terry Savannah Love #4 (LE ) is lighter cooler (85% similar). Glossier Dusk (P $18.00) is darker glossier (85% similar). Benefit Gold Rush (P $29.00) is darker cooler (85% similar). More dupes -- click to see the full list! Formula Overview $35.00/0.15 oz. - $233.33 Per Ounce The formula is supposed to have depth and dimension unlike traditional blush be lightweight and airy and have the perfect balance of pigment and powder. Hourglass says it uses an advanced miscelare technique which means to mix in Italian (per Sephora) and is how the marbled effect is achieved. The blush is also supposed to have buildable color. It does bring to mind the concept of a lot of baked formulas on the market but I think the texture is softer and more finely-milled than most. The texture is very soft and delicate; it feels exactly like the Ambient Lighting Powders. In an all-over powder I dont mind what can sometimes veer on powderiness but in a blush it can be easy to overload color onto the blush and then onto the skin. I wish it was slightly firmer or less powdery which would minimize waste and make it more foolproof to apply. If you are really fair I highly recommend using a light hand perhaps a stippling brush and feel out the processa regular blush brush might prove dense and pack on too much color. I used Tom Fords Cheek Blush Brush to apply which worked well because Im of a medium complexion but I also used a lighter hand initially and found it applied a good amount of color from the get-go. Browse all of our Hourglass Ambient Lighting Blush swatches. 5 4 Surreal Glow 5 4 Surreal Glow A Limited Edition Where to Buy Affiliate Links NordstromSephoraHourglassSpace NKBergdorf GoodmanNet-A-PorterBarneysSephora BrazilSpace NK (UK) 10 Product 10 Pigmentation 10 Texture 8.5 Longevity 5 Application 97% Total Luminous Flush Luminous Flush is a soft pink with warm undertones and a luminous sheen. It had semi-opaque pigmentation which was buildable to full coverage with a second layer. The consistency was soft slightly dusty in the pan and easy to blend out so it could also be applied with a lighter hand for less coveraget oo. It wore well for eight and a half hours on me before fading a touch. Top Dupes Formula Overview Top Dupes View Swatches View All Dupes MAC I'll Hold My Breath #2 (LE ) is more shimmery (95% similar). Charlotte Tilbury Seductive Beauty (Cheek Pop) (LE $40.00) is darker (95% similar). Hourglass Diffused Heat (P $35.00) is lighter warmer (90% similar). Dior My Lady (003) (LE $60.00) is cooler (90% similar). NYX Summer Peach (DC $5.00) is cooler (90% similar). Guerlain Pink Me Up (P $52.00) is cooler (90% similar). Hourglass Incandescent Electra (P $38.00) is more shimmery warmer (90% similar). theBalm Frat Boy (P $21.00) is darker cooler (90% similar). Tom Ford Beauty Solar Exposure (Blush) (LE $60.00) is more shimmery (90% similar). Physicians Formula Warm (P $11.99) is more shimmery warmer (90% similar). More dupes -- click to see the full list! Formula Overview $35.00/0.15 oz. - $233.33 Per Ounce The formula is supposed to have depth and dimension unlike traditional blush be lightweight and airy and have the perfect balance of pigment and powder. Hourglass says it uses an advanced miscelare technique which means to mix in Italian (per Sephora) and is how the marbled effect is achieved. The blush is also supposed to have buildable color. It does bring to mind the concept of a lot of baked formulas on the market but I think the texture is softer and more finely-milled than most. The texture is very soft and delicate; it feels exactly like the Ambient Lighting Powders. In an all-over powder I dont mind what can sometimes veer on powderiness but in a blush it can be easy to overload color onto the blush and then onto the skin. I wish it was slightly firmer or less powdery which would minimize waste and make it more foolproof to apply. If you are really fair I highly recommend using a light hand perhaps a stippling brush and feel out the processa regular blush brush might prove dense and pack on too much color. I used Tom Fords Cheek Blush Brush to apply which worked well because Im of a medium complexion but I also used a lighter hand initially and found it applied a good amount of color from the get-go. Browse all of our Hourglass Ambient Lighting Blush swatches. 168 38 Luminous Flush 168 38 Luminous Flush A Limited Edition Where to Buy Affiliate Links NordstromSephoraHourglassSpace NKBergdorf GoodmanNet-A-PorterBarneysSephora BrazilSpace NK (UK) 9.5 Product 10 Pigmentation 9.5 Texture 9 Longevity 5 Application 96% Total Mood Exposure Mood Exposure is a soft rosy mauve with warmer undertones and a luminous finish. The version in the palette seemed to be a little lighter and warmer than some Ive seen in the past but the marbleized effect has a tendency to result in more variation between individual products. The consistency was soft smooth and blendable with a smidgen of dustiness in the pan. It had medium buildable pigmentation that stayed on well for eight and a hal fhours on me. Top Dupes Formula Overview Top Dupes View Swatches View All Dupes Kevyn Aucoin Capri (P $58.00) is cooler (90% similar). Urban Decay Strip Blush (- ) is lighter (90% similar). Black Opal Hibiscus (P $8.95) is more shimmery warmer (90% similar). MAC Sea Me Hear Me (LE $27.00) is darker (90% similar). MAC Corol #2 (LE $24.00) is darker cooler (90% similar). Too Faced Baby Love (P $26.00) is cooler (85% similar). Surratt Beauty La Vie En Rose (P $32.00) is darker cooler (85% similar). Bobbi Brown Nude Beach Blush (DC $30.00) is darker (85% similar). Cle de Peau Perfect Peach (P $60.00) is lighter (90% similar). Giorgio Armani Light Rose (LE ) is more shimmery more muted cooler (85% similar). More dupes -- click to see the full list! Formula Overview $35.00/0.15 oz. - $233.33 Per Ounce The formula is supposed to have depth and dimension unlike traditional blush be lightweight and airy and have the perfect balance of pigment and powder. Hourglass says it uses an advanced miscelare technique which means to mix in Italian (per Sephora) and is how the marbled effect is achieved. The blush is also supposed to have buildable color. It does bring to mind the concept of a lot of baked formulas on the market but I think the texture is softer and more finely-milled than most. The texture is very soft and delicate; it feels exactly like the Ambient Lighting Powders. In an all-over powder I dont mind what can sometimes veer on powderiness but in a blush it can be easy to overload color onto the blush and then onto the skin. I wish it was slightly firmer or less powdery which would minimize waste and make it more foolproof to apply. If you are really fair I highly recommend using a light hand perhaps a stippling brush and feel out the processa regular blush brush might prove dense and pack on too much color. I used Tom Fords Cheek Blush Brush to apply which worked well because Im of a medium complexion but I also used a lighter hand initially and found it applied a good amount of color from the get-go. Browse all of our Hourglass Ambient Lighting Blush swatches. 147 43 Mood Exposure 147 43 Mood Exposure A Limited Edition Where to Buy Affiliate Links NordstromSephoraHourglassSpace NKBergdorf GoodmanNet-A-PorterBarneysSephora BrazilSpace NK (UK) 9.5 Product 10 Pigmentation 9.5 Texture 9 Longevity 5 Application 96% Total Hourglass Fall 2018 Ambient Lighting Blush Palette Hourglass Fall 2018 Ambient Lighting Blush Palette Hourglass Fall 2018 Ambient Lighting Blush Palette Hourglass Fall 2018 Ambient Lighting Blush Palette Hourglass Fall 2018 Ambient Lighting Blush Palette Hourglass Surreal Glow Ambient Lighting Blush Hourglass Surreal Glow Ambient Lighting Blush Hourglass Surreal Glow Ambient Lighting Blush Hourglass Surreal Glow Ambient Lighting Blush Hourglass Luminous Flush Ambient Lighting Blush Hourglass Luminous Flush Ambient Lighting Blush Hourglass Luminous Flush Ambient Lighting Blush Hourglass Luminous Flush Ambient Lighting Blush Hourglass Mood Exposure Ambient Lighting Blush Hourglass Mood Exposure Ambient Lighting Blush Hourglass Mood Exposure Ambient Lighting Blush Hourglass Mood Exposure Ambient Lighting Blush Hourglass Fall 2018 Ambient Lighting Blush Palette Hourglass Fall 2018 Ambient Lighting Blush Palette Hourglass Fall 2018 Ambient Lighting Blush Palette Hourglass Fall 2018 Ambient Lighting Blush Palette Hourglass Fall 2018 Ambient Lighting Blush Palette Hourglass Surreal Glow Ambient Lighting Blush Hourglass Surreal Glow Ambient Lighting Blush Hourglass Surreal Glow Ambient Lighting Blush Hourglass Surreal Glow Ambient Lighting Blush Hourglass Luminous Flush Ambient Lighting Blush Hourglass Luminous Flush Ambient Lighting Blush Hourglass Luminous Flush Ambient Lighting Blush Hourglass Luminous Flush Ambient Lighting Blush Hourglass Mood Exposure Ambient Lighting Blush Hourglass Mood Exposure Ambient Lighting Blush Hourglass Mood Exposure Ambient Lighting Blush Hourglass Mood Exposure Ambient Lighting Blush https://ift.tt/2JN0Dbf
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flauntpage · 6 years
Your Tuesday Morning Roundup
You can’t win them all. And that was put on display last night inside the Wells Fargo Center.
The Sixers suffered their first loss in 17 games with a 113-103 defeat to the Miami Heat. Erik Spoelstra’s defensive adjustments for this game proved to be the difference maker, as the Heat came out aggressive against the Sixers offense.
Philly also struggled mightily from the three-point line, going 7-for-36 from deep. Even a four-point line wouldn’t have helped. Dario Saric made three of those deep balls, while Marco Belinelli made two 3s and Robert Covington and JJ Redick made one each. Covington continued his struggles against Miami, scoring seven points with a +/- of -12.
Ben Simmons had a near triple-double again with 24 points, eight assists, and nine rebounds, which was the only bright spot of this game.
Six Heat players scored in double digits, including Dwyane Wade, who had a game-high 28 points in under 26 minutes. It was a vintage performance from the 36-year-old.
The Sixers have a couple of days to regroup and figure out a way to come out swinging in Miami for Game 3 on Thursday. They might have Joel Embiid back, and he had some words to say on his Instagram story last night. Or maybe not:
Joel Embiid to ESPN on the frustration behind his IG post from earlier, “I promised the city the playoffs and I’m not on the court and I may not be on Thursday either. I wish more than anything that I was out there. I just want the green light to play.”
— Ramona Shelburne (@ramonashelburne) April 17, 2018
Prior to the game, the Sixers and the basketball community mourned the loss of Hal Greer, who passed away at the age of 81. Charles Barkley and Brett Brown remembered Greer:
"It was an honor and a privilege to get to know Mr. Greer."
Chuck & the crew remember the late @sixers legend, Hal Greer. pic.twitter.com/FQ5xKgbJ5O
— NBA on TNT (@NBAonTNT) April 17, 2018
"He was a graceful man. He was class."
Coach reflects on Hal Greer's legacy. pic.twitter.com/S65Gojcv6p
— Philadelphia 76ers (@sixers) April 16, 2018
The Sixers will wear a black band with Greer’s #15 for the rest of the playoffs.
The Roundup:
Have a wedding coming up? Save 25% on flowers with our partners Enjoy Flowers and I Do & I Will!
The Phillies’ six-game winning streak ended at the hands of the Atlanta Braves, as they fell 2-1. The game was centered around Odubel Herrera. He batted in the Phils’ only run of the game in the first inning on his first homer of the season.
But bad Odubel also showed up. In the third inning, Herrera had a double in his hands, except he didn’t slide into second and was called out. Instead of having two runners in scoring position with one out, the Phils had one runner at third with two outs. No run was scored.
Then, an inning later, Herrera failed to communicate with Aaron Altherr on a fly ball. Altherr came all the way from right field to make the catch, but a run managed to score. That proved to be the eventual game-winner. After the game, manager Gabe Kapler talked to him and he apologized to the media:
“It’s something I have to learn from,” he said, referring to the whole night.
Well let’s hope he learns from it.
Similar to the Sixers, the Phils hope to start a new winning streak tonight against the Braves at 7:35 PM on NBC Sports Retirement. Nick Pivetta looks to continue his very good season.
After the team’s 5-1 loss to Pittsburgh in Game 3, it’s another period of time for the Flyers to make adjustments in hopes of tying the series once again. They have until tomorrow to do so. Head coach Dave Hakstol might make some line changes and swap some players from the lineup:
“We always take a close look at it and try to consider whether it’s a tweak in combinations, whether it’s potentially a change in personnel,” he said. “I think that all has to be on the table on a daily basis during the playoffs. That doesn’t mean there will be [changes], but I can tell you we are looking close at everything.”
Among his options: playing winger Jordan Weal for the first time in the series, and flip-flopping third-line winger Travis Konecny and first-line winger Michael Raffl. He could also play defenseman Robert Hagg.
Hakstol said he was looking at “how we can get a little more out of our team and be a little bit better in our five-on-five play.”
He should play Robert Hagg. It’s still befuddling to not know why he’s not on the ice after a very good rookie campaign. And he’s not in over Brandon Manning? Crazy.
One player that needs to get something going is Wayne Simmonds.
OTAs have begun:
"The new normal starts today."#FlyEaglesFly pic.twitter.com/ry9gmYvvf2
— Philadelphia Eagles (@Eagles) April 16, 2018
We know more about Daryl Worley and what he was charged with after getting cut by the Birds on Sunday:
Former Philadelphia Eagles cornerback Daryl Worley has been charged with six offenses including driving under the influence, possession of an instrument of crime and resisting arrest following an alleged incident near the team’s training facilities early Sunday morning, court records show.
The Eagles released Worley on Sunday evening after review of the information and a discussion among the key decision makers.
Records show that Worley posted a portion of his $25,000 bail and has a preliminary hearing scheduled for May 1.
One charge might be a felony. Meanwhile, Worley’s attorney is looking for a way to his client to continue his NFL career:
Daryl Worley's attorney, Fortunato Perri Jr., told Inquirer-Daily News reporter Chris Palmer that he is "still reviewing the circumstances" of Worley's arrest, and "we're hopeful that we can resolve this matter so he can resume his career in the NFL."
— Les Bowen (@LesBowen) April 16, 2018
Kevin explained the difference between the Worley and Michael Bennett situations.
Taking a look at possible defensive tackles in the NFL Draft.
Jason Kelce got married over the weekend:
Had to get one with the boys. Love this team and love this city. #FlyEaglesFly pic.twitter.com/TOYOgjA5tP
— Brandon Brooks (@bbrooks_79) April 14, 2018
In other sports news, a big second half gave Golden State a 116-101 win over the Spurs and a 2-0 series lead.
In the Stanley Cup playoffs, Toronto, New Jersey, and Colorado earned their first wins of their respective series in Game 3s. San Jose put up eight goals against Anaheim to take a commanding 3-0 series lead.
Was Dak Prescott a big reason why Dez Bryant got cut from the Cowboys?
Yuki Kawauchi and Desiree Linden won their respective Boston Marathon races.
In the news, prosecutors support a new trial for Meek Mill.
Michael Cohen’s third and unnamed client: Sean Hannity of Fox News.
The Philly Starbucks manager is no longer with the company.
Kendrick Lamar was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for his album “Damn.”
Your Tuesday Morning Roundup published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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majesticserenityx · 7 years
Would You rather *fall edition*
Autumn would you rather🍂🍁 Found this on tumblr from one of the amazing blogs I am following, shout out to you guys! 🍂Would you rather: 1. Go apple picking V.S. Going on a hay ride Hay ride haha it sounds so much more fun! 2. Scary V.S. Sweet Why not both? 3 Sweaters V.S. Boots Sweaters. Sweaters are my aesthetic lol. 4. Socks V.S. Mittens Socks I hate things suffocating my hands. 5. Bonfires V.S. Football Bonfires. Football not really a fan. 6. Trick or Treating V.S. Watch Scary movies Trick or treating! 7. Apple Pie V.S. Pumpkin Pie Never ate pie. I suck ik. But, apple? 8. Halloween V.S. Thanksgiving Halloween 9. Bake Pie V.S. Bake Cookies Bake cookies! I love cookies! Ecspecially jungkookie! 10. Rain V.S. Fog Rain rain rain and more rain haha 11. Black Cats V.S. Owls Black cats! 12. Ghosts V.S. Wizards Wizards! What's up team Gryffindor!? 13. Harry Potter V.S. Halloweentown Oh shit! Harry potter! Sorry... 14. Go Hiking V.S. Sleep in Depends! I love a good hike tho! 15. Cinnamon V.S. Nutmeg Cinnamon! 16. Reading V.S. Writing Reading. I love love to read. 17. Hot Chocolate V.S. Tea Hot choco! I love it honestly. 18. Live in a Cabin In a Forest V.S. Have it be fall 24/7 This one is hard for me. I would love to live in a cabin in the woods its my dream home but fall is the best. Not choosing! 19. Candy Apples V.S. Caramel Apples Candy apples. 20. Blankets V.S. Pillows Blankets. Lots and lots of blankets! 21. Roasted marshmallows V.S. Roasted Chestnuts Chestnuts! 22. Coffee V.S. Apple Cider Coffee! 23. Red Leaves V.S. Orange Leaves Orange! 24. Braids V.S. Bows Braids 25. Scented Candles V.S. The Smell of Fresh Baked Goods The smell of baked goods. Bath and body works has this great perfume the smell of marshmallow pumpkin spice! 26. Carve Pumpkins V.S. Make Pumpkin Pie Carve pumpkins! I love to see the things I can come up with! 27. Pumpkin Spice Lattes V.S. Chai Tea Lattes Pumpkin spice. Ahhh i feel warm inside! 28. Coats V.S. Oversized Sweaters Oversized sweaters! I love oversized shizzz! 29. Beanies V.S. Berets Beanies 30. Candy Corn V.S. Peanut Butter Cups Honestly what is candy corn? Peanut butter cups obvi! 31. S'mores V.S. Apple Crisp The vegan way of smores! 32. Jump In a Pile of Leaves V.S. Swing on a Tire Swing Ahhh my childhood involves both. BRING BACK THE TIMES! 33. Corn Maze V.S. Haunted House Bothhhhh once again! Haha 34. Bob For Apples V.S. Visit a Pumpkin Patch Visit a pumpkin patch! We're going later in the week! @rinarraven 35. Whipped Cream on Hot Chocolate V.S. Marshmallows on Hot Chocolate Lol neither honestly. 36. The smell of pumpkin guts V.S. rotting leaves? Ughhh both! 37. Sweet V.S. salty pumpkin seeds? Salty! Yummm 38. Store bought V.S. pumpkin patch pumpkins? Pumpkin patch. Nothing less. 39. Wool V.S. knit sweaters? Knit. Wool is itchy. 40. Halloween party V.S. exploring haunted places? Ahh this is a toughy! Both? 41. Candy corn V.S. mellowcreme pumpkins? Mellowcreme! 42. Apple cider donuts V.S. pumpkin donuts? Apple cider! 43. The Nightmare Before Christmas V.S. Hocus pocus ? Hocus Pocus! I mean just last night I watched The nightmare before Christmas with @rinarraven but hocus pocus holds a special place in my heart. 44. Scary costume V.S. something silly? I love both! 45. Still, silent nights V.S. rainy, windblown ones? I love the rain, so rainy windblown ones! 46. Monster movies V.S. their classic novels? Their classic novels. I love a good book! 47. Witches V.S. ghosts? I mean witches duhh 48. Raking leaves V.S.climbing trees? Bothhhh! 49. Ouija boards V.S. ghost stories around a campfire? Ghost stories around a campfire! The outdoors and sharing memories are my favorite. 50. Frankenweenie V.S. The Corpse Bride? Omg I love the corpse bride!
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