sabotdrop · 9 months
cant believe the deep philosophical question "what happens if we lived forever" was plausibly answered by the absolute galaxy brained author of 17776 saying "football"
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sabotdrop · 10 months
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My message from the future
(also alt)
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sabotdrop · 10 months
so glad that funny knuckle tattoo ideas is becoming a new meme because i’ve been compiling a list for YEARS on my phone. this is a subject i think about a lot.
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sabotdrop · 11 months
What I think is really interesting about the papyrus account of the workers building the tomb of Rameses III going on strike to demand better wages is really fascinating to me because if you look at the description given by the royal scribe you see that there was an attempt to satisfy the workers by bringing a large amount of food at once but that was rebuffed by the workers who declared that it wasn’t just that they were hungry at the moment but had serious charges to bring that “something bad had been done in this place of Pharoah” (is poor wages and mistreatment). They understood themselves as having long term economic interests as a -class- and organized together knowing that by doing so they could put forward their demands collectively. It so strongly flies in the face of narratives that are like “in this Time and Place people were happy to be serve because they believed in the God-King and maybe you get some intellectual outliers but certainly no common person questioned that”. If historical sources might paint that sorta picture of cultural homogeneity it is because those sources sought not to describe something true but invent a myth for the stability of a regime.
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sabotdrop · 11 months
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The Black Monarch’s Ghost - Created by Ben Turner
Here is the original box cover, for nostalgia’s sake.
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sabotdrop · 11 months
My RWDE post of the day is that it’s wild that JNPR all allude to characters known for cross-dressing but they’re the most cishetero-normative characters in the entire show.
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sabotdrop · 11 months
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Curious Visitor (OC by @slimongelmont (the lady (with the wings)))
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sabotdrop · 11 months
hit indie game ultrakill (2020) is FUCKING LOVECRAFTIAN
like your friend recommends you this silly little robot game and you, a discerning video gamer say "oh maybe ill check it out got any videos of it?" eagerly, they pull up a 4 minute display of what can only be described as COLOURS and SHAPES and SOUND. The only thing your brain can comprehend, somehow, is that it is a gruesome gorefest wherein the player and their ever-changing weapon reduce masses of flesh into bursts of red particles instantly recognizable as blood. for some reason, you purchase the game as you play, you begin to notice three things A) this is considerably calmer and noticably not on a floating island B) you can see whats going on C) this is unconcerning, for some reason. after figuring out how the borderline psychotic combat system primarily based around punching shotgun pellets and ricocheting bullets off of coins (both entirely deranged concepts) works, you decide to revisit that video, see if youve picked it up a little to your horror, you comprehend every frame and now for some reason you really wanna see gabriel and minos fuck
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sabotdrop · 11 months
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sabotdrop · 11 months
what your favorite kotor ship says about you
f!revan/bastila: you are a lesbian, and your ideal relationship is an enemies to lovers corruption arc
f!revan/carth: you are heterosexual, but you're also not a cis man
f!revan/juhani: you just want good things for juhani, and really, who wouldn't?
revan/canderous: you are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of buddy cop movies
m!revan/carth: looking back, you can pinpoint kotor as the beginning of your addiction to emotionally stunted men with several layers of repression
m!revan/bastila: you are drew karpyshyn
m!revan/scourge: you're always a slut for homoerotically charged swordfights and rivals being forced to work together. also you read the novel and chose to remember only the parts where revan came across just... super gay
revan/alek: you spent so long trying to decide between enemies to lovers and friends to lovers that you said, "why not both?"
bastila/revan/alek: you think enemies to lovers and friends to lovers are so good when in the same ship that you went for that dynamic twice
revan/hk: you have that post with the jar jar fucker anon bookmarked
cassus fett/mandalore the ultimate: you are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of commanders and their right hand men
f!exile/atris: your ideal high school romance is nerd/jock, but gay
exile/atton: you were delighted the first time you heard the girlboss-malewife joke
revan/exile: this is the same joke as cassus/te ani'la but with a bonus lovers to enemies at the end
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sabotdrop · 11 months
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“high school in 2005” AU
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sabotdrop · 11 months
humanstucks that actually take place in 2009-2011 are the best ones. everyone’s talking on motorolas and blackberries and first gen iphones vriska’s got the last vestiges of bleach-fried scene girl hair and jane’s buying stud earrings shaped like handlebar mustaches from claire’s everyone’s garages are full of razor scooters and suzukis and saturns karkat’s blasting danger days meenah’s rocking out to pink friday and dirk’s listening to world’s end dancehall coraline is altering rose’s brain and avatar is changing jake’s everything is awesome and everything sucks all at once which is not only the vibe of the comic as a whole but also a perfect encapsulation of the entire teenage experience and THAT. is what homestuck is all about
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sabotdrop · 11 months
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Periodic Table of the Polycules, by u/aprilarcus on Reddit
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sabotdrop · 11 months
I freely grant that this is a deeply stupid idea, but I’d really like to see somebody’s take on the hypothetical 1980s toy commercial that The Owl House would be the notional 2020s reboot of.
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sabotdrop · 11 months
Inshallah they find him.
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sabotdrop · 11 months
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Pocky Day 2022
A day of rememberance for Nyan Neko Sugar Girls
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sabotdrop · 11 months
That pic of William Afton from the FNaF VHS series is actually weirdly funny once you hear about the original photo.
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It’s an edited version of Tom DeLay’s mugshot (original seen above). Tom DeLay is a former Republican congressman who in 2005 had charges pressed against him relating to money laundering with his political campaigns.
That’s an overly simplified summary of the whole controversy but it’s so funny to me because like. imagine being exposed for corrupt political practices and over a decade and a half later your mugshot is edited and used in an internet fan series to portray the main antagonist of a horror franchise where animatronics haunted by the souls of the victims of said antagonist and also the animatronics are hunting down night guards who work at the Chuck E Cheese-esque attractions that the animatronics are mascots of. And now people associate your mugshot with said horror franchise. And also the fact that Squimpus saw a photo of this guy and thought “yeah this money laundering Republican would make a great William Afton” is hilarious in itself
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