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Your favorite lowkey C.E.O. here showing my face with our Carnival neon pigments • • Sea Vybes x Bubble Gum Drop x Iris Jam • • • Lashes: Desire • • Collection: Daring • • Desire is a uniquely designed cross-over pattern to give a full glam look. They are the perfect lash for the right amount of drama. • • • • #mue #undiscoveredmue #lashesonpoint #lashesfordays #lashmafia #indielashbrand #indiecosmeticsbrand #indiecosmeticbrand #brightpigments #rebalpigments #rebalaccesslashes #rebalaccess #killerlook #pigments #brightmakeuplooks #selflove #selfacceptance #makeupistherapy https://www.instagram.com/p/CChIKfmpt4M/?igshid=116fh6zw3hug5
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#crpsawareness MAKEUP ONE HANDED When life gives 🍋 you put on lashes. I’m so proud I did this look one handed. Also first time I did a wing eyeliner.#feelingproud #lovingthismakeup #bronzemakeup #lashesonehanded #thoselashestho #wingedliner #changedmymood #makeupistherapy #happyevenwiththepain #iwillgetbetter #painwillnotwin #tryingtostaypositive Todays makeup 💄 #bys https://www.instagram.com/p/BtwsGcfhvET/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12x15q84vml4x
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I celebrated my 2 years of sobriety!!!!!! So much has changed in my life since i finally decided to get sober. I went from being pretty much homeless and staying wherever and with whomever I could to having my own house with a beauty studio. I was shooting up to a gram a day of heroin and meth. My body was dying slowly. I weighed only 100 lbs when I entered treatment. I had nothing left to give. I was suicidal and sick. I have gained my life back. I have gained so much back. It hasn't been easy, no but its been worth it! Just this last week I was paid to attend a leadership course in my states capitol for work. Something I never would have thought would happen to me. I love what my life has become. I wouldnt change a single part of my story though. Even though some parts definitely hurt and caused pain. Its part of who I am and what has made me ME! It you are struggling or know someone who is struggling, please just reach out to someone. That's all it took for me. I just needed to give up the control. It all changed from there. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and it will be the most brilliant bright light youve ever seen. It just takes that first thought that you are tired and sont want to do it anymore. My inbox is always open to any and all questions. Or if you just need someone to talk to. I'm NOT judge mental and I WILL NOT try to push any twelve steps or recovery on you if you dont first want it. Thank you for reading a short portion of my story AND HERES TO ANOTHER GREAT YEAR SOBER!!!! #sobriety #twoyearssober #addiction #addictionrecovery #drugaddiction #recovery #heroinaddiction #methrecovery #opiateaddiction #na #aa #beautyandrecovery #beauty #makeup #makeupobsessed #makeupistherapy https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs_JpsaB0CE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ebzk0pjs45fy
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Feelin' sexy! #selflove #makeup #makeupistherapy #beautiful #actilabs #bossbabe #itsoktobeyou
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Makeup from the pass three days, and all I can say is get it girl.....full circle #makeupistherapy #makeupislife #locnmakeup #lovinglife
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Throw back #smokeyeye #makeup #makeupmafia #makeupjunkie #makeuplover #vampy #darkmakeup #tan #makeupistherapy #blendthatshit #eyelinergamefierceasfuck
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Holy s*it! @thetarantulalady you weren't kidding when you said they were pigmented! ❤❤❤❤❤ #gothgoth #youtuber #goth #colorfulhair #makeupoftheday #wildhair #mohawk #makeupistherapy #makeupcreations #makeuprevolution
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#crpsawareness When life gives you 🍋do ya makeup 💄 #makingmyeyespop #smokyeyes #makeuptime #makeuplife #allwayscheersmeup #makeupistherapy #evenwhenitshard #whenlifegivesyoulemons🍋 #ineedtodothis #iwillgetbetter Today’s Makeup #dbcosmetics https://www.instagram.com/p/BuNPZ2LBM1H/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=p66jdkk2j9ng
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When you and your sister wear your lace cat ears together #makeupmafia #makeupistherapy #blacklace #catears #meow #sisters #weresocute
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Uploading now... #gothgoth #youtuber #goth #videoday #ilovemakeup #makeupjunkie #makeupistherapy
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