#makeup artist meagan brown
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thingsdavidlikes · 2 years ago
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Convictions by Vertex Photography https://flic.kr/p/2o8iBC4
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mrs-livvy · 6 years ago
Work Out Characaters
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Roll Call!!
Davis-Shaw Family:
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L to R:
Sasha Cheyenne Davis-Shaw: Licensed beautician, owns her own nail/hair salon. [Niecy Nash]
Reid Micha Shaw: Harvard Law grad; English professor at New York University. [Idris Elba]
Genevieve Leona Shaw: Howard University Graduate [degree in nursing] has her personal trainer license [from NYU], oldest child and is going back to get her physical therapy degree. [Seyvn Streeter]
Donovan Jonah Shaw: Howard University Graduate; [degree in theater] community football team captain, student aid at the Art Institute of New York and second oldest. [Keith Powers]
Lucas Christopher Shaw: Howard University student; soccer team captain, Thing 1 [Twin 1] and is majoring in African American studies. [Quincy Brown]
Leilani Monica Shaw: Howard University student; drama club president, Thing 2 [Twin 2] and is majoring in music. [Kiana Lede]
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Left to Right:
Cynthia Dana Reese: Howard University Graduate [degree in theater]; owns her own makeup artist service, Geneva’s best friend and college roommate, and the girlfriend of Johnathan Rivera. [Christina Milian]
Destiny Meagan Montague: Howard University Graduate [degree in theater]; professional costume designer/stylist, Geneva’s best friends from childhood and roommate, and the girlfriend of Ryan Taylor. [Meagan Tandy]
Johnathan Marco Rivera: Howard University Graduate [degree in cardiovascular physiology] apart of the city flag football team, boyfriend to Cynthia Reese. [Laz Alonso]
Ryan Eddie Taylor: Howard University Graduate [degree in cardiovascular physiology] city flag football team and boyfriend to Destiny Montague. [Michael Ealy]
Jake William Austin: Howard University Graduate [degree in chemistry] aspiring actor and the soon to be ex husband of Genevieve Shaw. [Charles Michael Davis]
Josephine Gabrielle Montoya-Wade: Howard University Graduate [degree in journalism] publicist and an author, married to Dwayne Wade.
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catfishloveff · 7 years ago
Chapter 62
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It was 3am and Chris and I had just gotten back from another night in the studio. Meagan and Trey had Cj for the night. I really appreciated their help but now that we were spending so much time in the studio it wasn’t enough.
As soon as we walked through the door Chris grabbed me and pushed me against the wall and kissed me. “Baby…” I said between kisses “I really want to…..but I’m...tired.” He stopped “And I have a photoshoot in the morning.”
He pulled away and sighed. “Do you realize that we haven’t had sex in weeks?”
“I know” I said “we’ve been so busy but I promise I’ll make it up to you.” I gave him a light kiss on the lips.
“How?” He asked. He was still holding me in place against the wall
“I’ll figure something out” I said and I gave him deep passionate kiss so he would have something to think about until next time.
When I woke up the next morning I glanced at the clock and immediately jumped up. “Oh shit” I said as I scrambled around. I had a photoshoot with Vogue and I was going to be late.
“Baby” I said as I shook him. “Baby, wake up!!!”
“What’s wrong?” Chris mumbled as he looked at me through barely open eyes.
“I’m late” I said as I ran into the bathroom and turned on the shower and walked back  out “And we have to pick up Cj first”
He sighed and got out of bed while rubbing his eyes. “Why do I have to come with you to this shoot again?”
“Because we have a meeting at the label after and it’s just easier if we’re already together.” I said as I grabbed his wrist and pulled him with me to the bathroom. It would be quicker if we showered together.
When were done showering and getting dressed, and after I had stopped Chris from trying to fuck me in the shower, we quickly got dressed and headed out the door.
When we arrived at the venue, I jumped out of the car and ran to hair and makeup leaving Chris and Cj behind, we had picked him up on the way there. “I’m so sorry I’m late” I told the director as I sat down and they began to make me beautiful.
“It’s no problem we were running a little behind schedule anyway” She told me.
I let out a sigh of relief as Chris walked in with Cj . “We’re gonna wait for you over here” he told me as he sat down.
When I was done getting ready and I got on set I was suddenly really nervous. It was the first time Chris was actually here watching me model for a real magazine. He had been there when I modeled for Mel and Lele but this was different. This was the next level. And then it hit me. I was actually going to be on the cover of Vogue.
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I sat there and watched Robyn model. It was amazing to watch. She was a natural and I felt truly blessed that this beautiful goddess was mine. Even Cj was watching her with wide eyes. He was holding onto my fingers for balance while I let him stand on the floor. He was almost one now and he was almost able to walk. He could stand on his own but whenever he tried to walk he would fall. He was watching Robyn intently and then all of a sudden he said “Mama” and let go of my hands and nearly ran towards her. He didn’t fall once.
Robyn suddenly stopped what she was doing when she saw him coming and dropped down to her knees. “HE’S WALKING” she screamed as she picked him up and kissed him all over his face.
I ran over to them. “He was watching you the whole time” I said with a smile and took him from her so she could get back to her shoot. “Sorry about that I said to the director”
“No problem that was so cute” she said “I think we may have gotten that on video”
I took him back to our seat and we let Robyn finished her shoot. While we were watching my phone rang.
“Hello”’I said as I picked it up.
“Chris” I heard my mother's voice say.
“Hey momma” I said “what’s up?”
“Hey son, how are you? You don’t call your mother enough. I speak to Robyn more than I speak to you.” She said.
“I’m sorry momma” I told her “I’ve just been so busy. A lot has been going on over here.”
“Yeah I heard” she said “Robyn says you guys have been working really hard. That’s why I called.”
“Yeah we have” I said.
“Well I was thinking that maybe I should come out there and stay for awhile. I know you guys need the help and I miss my grandbaby. I don’t see him enough and I wanna be there to watch him grow up.”
The thought of my mom coming out here to stay with us sounded amazing but I wasn’t sure if having her in the house would be the best idea. Me and Robyn haven’t had sex in forever and having my mom here couldn’t help but how could I say no.
“That sounds great momma. Cj misses you too and so do me and Robyn. I’ll let her know you’re coming when she’s done with her photoshoot.” We talked a little longer about when she would come and then we got off the phone.
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After my photoshoot we were in the car and Chris told me he had something he wanted to talk to me about. “What is it?” I asked
“My mom called earlier” he said “She wants to come stay out here for a while.”
“Oh” I said not really surprised “Well I might have put that thought in her mind.”
“What do you mean?” He asked
“Well...I was telling her how stressed we were and how I needed help with Cj.”
“And you didn’t think about running this by me first?”
“I was going to...eventually” I said but he just gave me a look.
“Listen I’ve thought this through. She can stay with us for a while, it’s not like we don’t have the space, and it’s just until we find her, her own place nearby. We can afford to do that for her. Plus, you know I don’t have much family and I think of her as my Mom too and I want Cj to know his grandma.”
“I want my mom here just as much as you do, but we’re gonna have to find her a place asap” he said.
“Agreed” I said and I smiled. “If we’re gonna take this music stuff seriously, I need her here. I’ll only feel comfortable if she’s there to take care of Cj whenever I can’t.”
“Okay, I’ll call her and we’ll book a flight for her to come this weekend” he said as he parked the car.
We were at Roc Nation for a meeting with the CEO Jay Brown and some of the executives.  “You ready?” He asked as we walked in together.
“Not really” I said. He squeezed my hand and we walked over to the receptionist.
“Hi, we have a meeting with Mr. Brown” he said to her.
“Names?” she asked
“Chris Brown and Robyn Fenty” he told her.
“Right this way” she said as she led us to his office.
When we walked in the office Jay was sitting at the end of a long table with a bunch of other executives. “Our guest have arrived” he said as me and Chris took our seats. Fortunately, Cj was asleep so we didn’t have to worry about him being noisy. “Let’s get down to business.”
“First let me start by saying that we are extremely happy to have you both here at Roc Nation.” he said
“Thank you, we’re happy to be here” Chris told him and I nodded in agreement.
“Our team here has been discussing how we should go about introducing you and your music to the world and we’ve come up with a few ideas. That’s why we asked you to come here today. Being that the both of you already have a huge following for other reasons, we can assume that you already have a pretty solid fan base. That being said, there’s a music festival in vegas next weekend and we’d like you both to perform.”
My eyes widened. “Perform?” I asked. I wasn’t even sure I wanted to release a pre-recorded track and they want me to perform live. I didn’t know if I could do it.
He and the other executives nodded. “Yes. We think it would be a great way to put you guys out there. We’ve had the opportunity to listen to both of your music and you’ve exceeded our expectations. A lot of other artist would kill to perform there but we have no doubt that you guys are the right way to go.”
“Also” one of the executives said “We thinks that maybe you guys could collaborate on a song and perform it together.”
“Wow” Chris said “I’m honored that you guys are giving us this opportunity. Is it ok if me we talk about it and get back to you.”
“Of course that’s not a problem. Sleep on it, but we do need to know your answer by tomorrow morning”
“No problem” I told them as we all began to get up. We both shook their hands, said our goodbyes and walked out.
Once we were in the car Chris looked over at me expectantly “So...what do you think?” he asked.
I didn’t answer right away. “I…” I started. I knew Chris really wanted to do this. I looked up at him and I could see the hope in his eye. It made me smile and I would do anything to make him happy. “We can do it.”
The biggest smile spread across his face and he leaned over and kissed. “This is going to be amazing. We can spend the weekend in Vegas plus we get to perform our music.”
“Yeah” I said “I’m more worried about the performing part.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be there to help you every step of the way” he told me.
“It’s a good thing momma is coming” I said as I looked back at Cj fast asleep in his car seat.
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“Vegas?” Trey asked as I told him about our meeting with Roc Nation. We were in the studio getting ready to record the song Robyn and I wrote together.
“Yeah, they want us to perform. It’s gonna be lit.” I said
Robyn was sitting on the couch holding Cj “We were thinking that maybe everyone could come. It’s gonna be our first time performing and of course we want everyone to be there and it’s all on us.” she said
“That sounds great” he said “Me and Meagan are down if everyone else is.”
Robyn smiled “I can’t wait, I haven’t spent time with my girls in forever we need this.”
“Yeah, it’s definitely gonna be a weekend to remember” I said.
A few moments later Jay Brown and the executives from the meeting walked in. We had been waiting for them. We said hello and talked for a minute before they all took a seat and waited for us to start.
“Ok let’s do this” Robyn said as she put Cj down, so that he could play with his toys, and walked into the booth. I followed her in while Trey played the track and Robyn started singing.
Baby you don't need to be scared of me
I guarantee that I'm not a mistake
I'mma give you all of my love
And I hope that you won't misplace it
You created this shit
Going insane with all of this fear
Can't turn my back on it
I'm in love gotta' face it
You're the only one I wanna stay on the phone with
Oh the late night Skype sex
On that young shit
Girl you keep it one hunnit
Always gon' hold me down
You know you're the number one
Girl I'mma work you out
[Chris & Robyn]
Ain't got much to say
I ain't about to make you wait
I'm just gon' take you from here
Girl let's ride away
Let's elevate, just elevate
Yeah girl let me take you for a ride
[Chris & Robyn]
Baby let me change your life
Promise it will be alright
Baby take my hand tonight
Let me set you free now
Sweatin' like a waterbed (on me)
Keep puttin' that thang (on me)
Like you never did before
I'm gon' explore all of your body
Put it up right there, right there
Right there, right there
Put it up right there, right there (I'm gon' explore all of your body)
Put it up right there
Put it up right there (I love, I love you)
I'm gon' explore all of your body
[Chris & Robyn]
I'mma write my name with my tongue on your back baby
Come on, just let me
I know you're ready
And even if there is a crowd
Let 'em see it
I'mma give you some more
Just let 'em all just say what they wanna say
That's how I feel, cause I'm in love
And the temperature just heats up
When I'm with you, don't be scared
When I start to go down and I lick you
Rubbin' and kissin' and lickin' on your body
When I go down and oh I'm gon' miss you
Gonna need your body right now
Cause I know it's an issue
And I'm hyperventilating right now
I can't breathe, If I ain't with you
I need your body like right now
I need your body like right now
Lay your head, on my bed
Baby tell me if you want the lights down
Your property, treat me like I'm your property
Do what you wanna, take command
I'm about to be your biggest fan
Your property, treat me like I'm your property
Do what you wanna, take command
I'm about to be your biggest fan
[Chris & Robyn]
Baby let me change your life
Promise it will be alright
Baby take my hand tonight
Let me set you free now
Sweatin' like a waterbed (on me)
Keep puttin' that thang (on me)
Like you never did before
I'm gon' explore all of your body
Put it up right there, right there
(Oh god, Oh girl)
Right there, right there
(Oh god, Oh girl)
Put it up right there, right there (I'm gon' explore all of your body)
Put it up right there
Put it up right there (I love, I love you)
I love, I love you
I'm gon' explore all of your body
[Chris & Robyn]
Looking for too many places
Searching high and low for you
I'm stronger when I'm close to you
I'm seeing all familiar faces
Girl it's all about you, only you in my life
And I see, you like playing with my heart
Baby, please don't do this to me
Cause I'm in love
Can I get a little bit? One more kiss?
Yeah I don't wanna miss it
[Chris & Robyn]
Baby let me change your life
Promise it will be alright
Baby take my hand tonight
Let me set you free now
Sweatin' like a waterbed (on me)
Keep puttin' that thang (on me)
Like you never did before
I'm gon' explore all of your body
Put it up right there, right there
Right there, right there (right there)
Put it up right there, right there (I'm gon' explore all of your body)
Put it up right there
Put it up right there (I love, I love you)
I'm gon' explore all of your body
The sexual tension between me and Robyn, while we were singing was almost unbearable. We would have fucked right there in the booth if there wasn’t a room full of people watching. I could tell Robyn was feeling it too cause she was suddenly all flustered and red while biting her lip. We were just staring at eachother in a trance when Trey interrupted.
“Ummm...guys??” he said causing us to finally look away from each other. “That was amazing. I think you got it on the first take.”
We came out of the booth and Jay and the executives stood up and began clapping. “Now that’s what we were looking for. You too have real potential to become Icons one day. I’d bet my last dollar on it” he said and everyone else nodded in agreement.
“Thank you so much sir” I said as we shook their hands “I hope you’re right.”
When we were done talking we quickly got Cj and left. The tension never went away during the whole ride home but we didn’t say a word. While we driving I could tell she was wet because she was squirming in her seat.
I glanced in the rearview mirror to see if Cj was asleep and saw that he was knocked out. As soon as we got home I opened the door for Robyn and took Cj out of the car and up to his room. I walked to our room and as soon as I opened the door Robyn jumped on me causing us both to fall to the floor.
“I need you” she said as she began pulling off my clothes and kissing my neck.
“Damn baby, I need you too” I said as she reached her hands into my pants, pulled my hard dick out and took me into her warm hot mouth. “Fuck Robyn” I moaned as she took me deep into her throat. I loved how she never gaged, not once. She gave me head until I came and she swallowed every last drop. I looked at her in awe as she pulled of her dress and panties and positioned me at her entrance. I was already hard again and she slowly slid down on me.
“Fuck” we both said in unison.
“I missed you so much” she said as she rode me faster. She was creaming so much it was dripping down my dick to my balls.
“Shit baby, you’re so wet” I told her as I grabbed her waist and starting thrusting my hips up to fuck her harder.
“Fuck...Chris...it’s so deep” she said between moans.
I held on to her hips and stood up and held her against the wall. She put her legs over my shoulders and I sped up fucking her faster and harder.
“Oh god” she said. Her legs were shaking and I could feel her walls tightening around me “I’m coming”
I didn’t stop or slow down I continued to fuck her harder until I felt her squirting all over “CHRIS” she screamed “I CAN’T”
I walked over to the bed and threw her down on it. “Turn around” I told her “I want you ass up face down”
She was still shaking and out of breathe but I didn’t care, I wasn’t done with her yet. She turned around and arched her back putting her ass in the air for me. I grabbed her arms and held them behind her and slammed into her as hard as I could. “SHIT” she screamed as I began pounding her hard but slow. “Daddy, you feel so good” she said while moaning. I continued going in and out of her slowly until she was about to come again. “You better not fucking come” I told her as my dick rubbed her g-spot over and over again.
“Please Daddy….fuck...I can’t hold it” she begged
“No” I said as I started going faster and I reached down and rubbed her clit.
“Please baby….please let me come” she said as she shook and squirmed underneath me. She tried to lean forward and run but I was holding on to her hips tightly so she couldn’t get away. I could tell she was desperate.
“Come” i told her and she let go. I could feel her walls squeezing me as she squirted everywhere and I came inside her at the same time.
“I love you” she said, exhausted, as I pulled out and we laid down on the bed. She could barely move so I pulled the comforter over both of us. “I love you too” I said as I held her and we fell asleep.
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vertexphotography · 2 years ago
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Model: Hannah Burnard
Production: VERTEX Photography
Photographer: Jeff Thomas
Makeup Artist: Meagan Brown
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vertexphotography · 2 years ago
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Model: Amanda Lusso
Production: VERTEX Photography
Photographer: Jeff Thomas
Makeup Artist: Meagan Brown
0 notes
vertexphotography · 2 years ago
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Model: Amanda Lusso
Production: VERTEX Photography
Photographer: Jeff Thomas
Makeup Artist: Meagan Brown
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vertexphotography · 2 years ago
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TurboTax 2022 Campaign
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vertexphotography · 2 years ago
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Model: Amanda Lusso
Production: VERTEX Photography
Photographer: Jeff Thomas
Makeup Artist: Meagan Brown
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