#makes a gay haven in the walls of alcatraz to protect queer people that find themselves in prison
max-nolastname · 22 days
all that struggle just for [redacted] to die at the end :((( love does not prevail :(( your loved one was doomed from the beginning. they were always meant to die because they were meant to be your lesson, your cautionary tale. your dream is to become king of the pirates because to be king means to be the most free. to be king means you have the power to protect the ones you love. but for all the considerable strength you have, all the powerful foes you have fought and won against, all the powerful allies you have amassed, [redacted] still dies. because the narrative demands a loss from you, a low point in your hero’s journey so you can learn your lesson and build your way back up. so ….. unfortunately!! [redacted] has to fucking die!
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