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mecenatesart · 22 days ago
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We join and support the #MakeItFair movement with every single UK Newspaper! Stop #AI profiting from #human #creativity! https://newsmediauk.org/make-it-fair/
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reallybigchimp · 23 days ago
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last day to object to the UK governments proposed exemption for gen ai training 👎👎
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dragonknight24universe · 6 years ago
Sometimes you need to burn thought hell..!!Too get to Heaven
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noellarosevox · 6 years ago
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More flippy fun w/ hit songs... 😉😉😋 Do you know the uncensored version of Humble? I'm not a big fan of it. 😕😖😖 #flipthescript #makeitfair #evenout #howdoyoulikeit #fixeditforyou #musicmeme #behumble #sitdownbehumble #sitdownbitch #sitdowndick #sweetnthorny #cutebut mean #feminist #feministwriter #womaninmusic #femalesongwriter #misandry #misandristmemes https://www.instagram.com/p/Br34M-pADFe/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=zredagxrblzs
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clubcardprinting · 7 years ago
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Don't miss the Make It! The Handmade Revolution, @makeitshow in Vancouver April 20 - 22 this weekend at the PNE Forum, sponsored by Clubcard With over 180 vendors, be sure to grab a map on your way in to help guide you through the show! You're sure to find something to adorn your home. show!www.makeitshow.ca #clubcard #makeitfair #makeitvancouver #craftfairs #handmade #clubcardprinting #weloveprinttodeath #pne
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voicesofscarborough · 7 years ago
Big Victory for Ontario Workers!
On November 22, 2017, Bill 148 entered its third reading and was passed by 67 votes in favour and 26 votes against. This is a HUGE victory for workers, who will enjoy a decent minimum wage starting at the beginning of 2018! We would like to thank everyone for their support, time and dedication; we could not have done it without your help! There are so many organizations such as $15 and Fairness, workers from grassroots organizations and labour unions, Voices of Scarborough, TEEILS and other legal clinics who have fought so hard to make Bill 148 a reality.
Once Bill 148 reaches royal assent:
·       The minimum wage will be raised to $14 an hour in January 2018; it will be $15 by January 1, 2019 and adjusted to cost of living yearly afterwards.
·       Every worker in Ontario will receive 10 days of emergency leave, 2 that will be paid
·       All workers will be paid equally for the same work done, including full-time, part-time, casual and temporary agency workers
·       There will be fair scheduling, workers will be paid 3 hours of pay for on-call employees who have not been called in to work, and for workers’ shifts that may get cancelled with less than 48 hours of notice
·       Make it easier for precarious workers to organize a union, this means that they will be able to have stronger protection for vulnerable workers.
Sethu Ram a long-time community activist from the grassroots level, and active leader of voices of Scarborough said “I have worked at low-level minimum wage jobs and temp-work for the last 18 years. I have never been able to afford living beyond a rooming house, maintain a healthy lifestyle, or climb out of poverty, despite working 3 jobs at a time. A low minimum wage means poverty! Therefore, I dedicated my time and advocated for a decent minimum wage and better protection temp workers for the past 18 years. It’s good see that our long fight has resulted in our politicians to take the issue seriously and the changes that happened in bill 148, means so much to vulnerable workers like me. We need to make sure that this bill is enforced, let’s continue to work together to build better workplaces and justice systems. ”
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tyriall · 8 years ago
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WHY IS GOOD OPERA SO GODDAMN EXPENSIVE IN THIS GODDAMN COUNTRY!!! Feel free to make it accessible so that you can actually get the next generation in the door to experience these amazing pieces of art. Not just corporates who don't truly appreciate the art and must have these tickets because of "prestige/status". It's sad that so much of this industry relies on the money from corporate sponsors and companies are obliged to make them a hefty return. Where is the altruism to bring these amazing artworks to the people and not expect a massive payday in return... ESPECIALLY FOR A 3 SHOW SEASON!!. #sigh #talkingtoabrickwall #itsallaboutthemoney #rant #theatre #opera #values #sharethelove #sharetheart #operainaustralia #operaaustralia #dyingart #unaccessible #payingthroughthenose #howmuchmoneydoyouthinkihave #makeitfair #flogs #tooexepensive
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Feminism is recognising the gender differences and providing equity... . #Feminisim #Equity #HerStory #MakeItFair #GenderFairness #RedefiningBeingHuman #HumanFirst #RespectHer (at Adelaide, South Australia)
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halifaxnoise · 6 years ago
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from @funscad — DAY 2 of #funscadonstrike ! ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ Ready for the snow and freezing rain! Photo by @farmer7233 #funscad #nscad #makeitfair #facultystrike #canadianart #canadianlabour #caut #ansut #halifaxweather #stormchipsneeded https://ift.tt/2HkADXd
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gathering-storm · 8 years ago
Serpent in the Shadows (closed Rp with hot-headed-demoness)
“ssssseeking ssssa.tisss.fac.tion ssseess I, a sssweet sssome.thing with am.ple thighssss, her ssscreamsss of sssssor.row ssshall fill the air, my DICK OF WOE sssspli.tting her where, only lov.ers ssshare”, a low, insidious voice hisses outside Hellia’s home, the sound of a blade dragging across the outer wall accompanying the sinister verse, “sssso ma.ke thisss quick, MAKEITFAIR, dissss.robe you whore, no un.der.wear.”
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maddydenniswrt255-blog · 7 years ago
Tweets & Analysis
Tweet 1: In theory, standardized testing is supposed to be helpful not hurtful, but these tests can make or break students futures #BantheExam #StopStandardizedTesting!
Tweet 2: The Public School System has changed negatively, due to teachers being forced to teach to the test #SchoolIsBoring #StopStandardizedTesting!
Tweet 3: Standardized tests may teach children to be good test takers, but they do not prepare them for the workforce #ProductiveAdulthood #StopStandardizedTesting!
Tweet 4: Standardized tests measure only a small portion of what makes education meaningful #DontTeachToTheTest #StopStandardizedTesting!
Tweet 5: Standardized testing evaluates a student’s performance on just that ONE day, which is very unfair… #AnxietyisReal & #ForgotToEatBreakfast #StopStandardizedTesting!
Tweet 6: Testing students with LD/ADHD or Anxiety is not about testing knowledge and ability if these students do not get accommodations #MakeitFair #StopStandardizedTesting! 
Tweet 7: When applying to college, the most dreaded process is studying for SAT/ACT exams, because this ONE test can determine your future #NotJustOne #StopStandardizedTesting!
Tweet 8: SATs/ACTs only test math, verbal and scientific skills, but we as students have other talents that should be showcased #IHateMath #StopStandardizedTesting!
Tweet 9: The College Board claims that they are going to make the SAT/ACT exams easier for future students #OptionalNotEasier #StopStandardizedTesting!
Tweet 10: Make every college SAT/ACT test-optional, for the creative thinkers and writers of the world #GWisTestOptional #StopStandardizedTesting!
Twitter is a social media platform that gives users an opportunity to share thoughts, feelings and opinions in under 140 characters or less. I have been a member of Twitter since 2012, but my profile is pretty inactive these days. My current Twitter followers include: friends, family and other acquaintances. This audience is similar my classmates because most of my followers are my age and share the same interests and opinions as I do on current issues and events. I expect that the ten tweets that I created will have the same or similar effect on my Twitter followers that my spoken argument did on my classmates. I believe that my ideas will be supported and that my tweets will hopefully be retweeted to help to raise awareness about the topic of standardized testing.
I chose to post ten tweets, so that as a rhetor in this format, I could use repetition to further my argument and prove my point. I also made sure to choose key points from my spoken argument, in order to support my stance on the topic of standardized testing. I also took into account that order matters in terms of presenting content from one tweet to the next. While each tweet had its own unique hashtag, they also all shared one, “#StopStandardizedTesting.” This was done to solidify each separate tweet and to create fluidity between the group of tweets as a whole. For example, I tried to specify different aspects of my topic from start to finish. I first described standardized testing as a whole and I continued my tweets by discussing the issue of a specific life-altering exam, the SAT/ACT, and I ended my series of tweets with a solution to this problem that could be taken on by universities in the future.
When I was composing my tweets, I was mindful of the fact that there is a strict character count, and that tweets are not spoken, but read. This affected how I created tone in each one. For example, in Teju Cole’s piece, A Piece of the Wall, written all virtually on Twitter, he had to keep track of his characters in order to complete a line in his story while tweeting. In the same way, I had to keep track of my character count to make sure that each tweet could stand alone and it could be seen as part of a whole argument. By further condensing my points into hashtags by using creative wording, I feel that I was able to communicate the entirety of my stance on this subject in a limited amount of space. In class we discussed how Twitter can connect people instantly and users are able to reach an entire new audience. The use of hashtags also links different users tweets to one another, therefore you can find more people that share similar interests as you and increase your following. We also discussed that if you choose to make an argument via Twitter it must be concise considering the limited amount of space users are given, which was definitely a challenge for me.    
During this assignment, I was able to rethink the flow of my original spoken argument, and see how the smaller components of my argument fit together to prove my initial point. Through this process, I was also able to condense my spoken argument and reinforce my stance to myself. The challenge of doing this was related to imagining “what if people don’t see all of my tweets and that the entirety of my message will not be accessible to my audience. Another challenge that I faced was knowing that I couldn’t access my own audience in the moment. I therefore could not get a read on people's interpretation on my tweets as well as my opinion standardized testing. Lastly, I also struggled with formulating my tweets due to the strict character count of 140 characters. Despite this, I think it was a valuable exercise.
Now that I have completed this assignment I think that making arguments via Twitter is definitely possible, but challenging, and risky. This is because one tweet can be taken out of context and inflated or discounted according to other people’s perspectives or opinions on a certain subject. I wouldn’t say that using Twitter is unethical, but it is the rhetors choice how to use this tool and they determine whether it is ethical and effective or not. In my opinion my use of Twitter for this project was completely ethical, as I stated my opinions based on research and personal experience. I can imagine that if other people take my tweets out of context, than their misunderstanding of my stance wouldn't necessarily be justified.
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brashley46 · 8 years ago
RT @UNITEHERE75: Time for the provincial government to hear from working people in Toronto about the need to #MakeItFair! #onpoli… https://t.co/4sllLI8ERx
Time for the provincial government to hear from working people in Toronto about the need to #MakeItFair! #onpoli #makeBill148fair#Bill148 http://pic.twitter.com/INFDfbNbYj
— UNITE HERE Local 75 (@UNITEHERE75) July 21, 2017
via Twitter https://twitter.com/brashley46 July 22, 2017 at 09:10PM
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unsocietal-norm · 8 years ago
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We are at @yorkuofficial campus today to stand in solidarity with food service workers. @aramarkfoodsyu @aramark, it's time to treat workers fairly and with respect. No one should be making poverty wages. "Progressive" schools don't let this happen. FREE SOLIDARITY COFFEE AND TEA AT WILLIAM SMALL CENTRE. Don't buy the scab stuff at @timhortons ✊🏻 #solidarity #YUprogressive #strike @unitehere75 #15andfairness #makeitfair #solidarityforever #universitylife #studentlife #gradstudent #toronto #ontario #canada (at York University)
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dirtycues · 10 years ago
When life gets hard, grow some balls. bit.ly/dicktrailer #equality #wagegap #empower #makeitfair #freethebacon
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fuckyeahgreatplays · 10 years ago
We can't ignore what's happening out there in terms of our rights...It's legitimately distracting. All of a sudden we start emptying the water out of the boat and ignoring the bigger boat. We're constantly distracted from trying to catch up on the rights we got 10 years ago.
Donna Lynne Champlin, my new crush.
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nejglobaltaskforce-blog · 10 years ago
Link to pdf.  (Click on title.)
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