#make murica great again
uuhhh close
my aprents are russian and i was speaking the russian™️ today so russia is on m ymind
and america bc
make murica great again 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅 /sarc
idk brain sleepy
go to eep
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andromachos · 1 year
man i need money. for 5 dollars i'll make the post you want
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💟 thedeepweb ⇆ thedeepweb Follow
man i need money. for 5 dollars i'll make the post you want
💟 thedeepweb
i want to thank my generous donator, my Crazyass Investor Angel ;) if you will ;) for giving my 5 dollars. here's the post 💖
I am SICK of people treating America 🇺🇸 as if it has no cultural positives ever. i love you national parks :) i love you funky cars :) i love you [inclusion of soul food so i dont sound like a nationalist] :) i love you handmade sweaters :) i love you 95k miles of coastline :) i love you being chosen by god :) i love you bodegas and kioscs :) i love you burger 🤤 so many unique things! i love 'murica, beautiful country beautiful people, god bless this nation, lets make it great again 🦅
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demon----dean · 2 years
Tag Game to Better Know You
Send this to people you’d like to know better!
I was tagged by @tennessoui which is surreal beacuse I admire her so much and she is a fandom superstar to me. (In case you are reading this Mrs.Kit: Hi! Thank you for the tag! 😍)
What book are you currently reading?
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Does this count as reading?
What’s your favorite movie you saw in theaters this year? I didn't really make it to the cinema but out of the movies released I would say The Northman
What do you usually wear? Something comfy like joggers and a T-shirt, layering it up according to the season. I would describe my style as echoes of goth and urban utility.
How tall are you? It should be 5’6 in 'Murica measurments.
What’s your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event? Cancer. I share my birthday with USA's Independence Day. One year I had such a crazy birthday I ended up drinking my way to the local US ambassador's fancy reception party.
Do you go by your name or a nickname? My family shortens my passport name and friends call me a short or long version of my chosen name.
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child? In a way. I always wanted to be able to fix stuff and now I work in construction.
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one? Not in any official relationship, but I have someone in the winds, maybe one day there will arrive a chanche to make it work. Meanwhile I am looking disrespectfully at Ewan and Hayden.
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at? I think I am pretty good at staying calm (at least on the outside) thanks to having been forced to work in customer service. I am bad at making connections and opening up to people.
Dogs or cats? Both! But really -- raccoons. The best of both worlds.
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If you draw/write or create in any way, what’s your favorite picture/line/etc from something you created this year?
Ugh, I am my own worst crictic but I guess if I had to choose I would say this bit from the Impossible crossroads:
Now you find yourself standing at the impossible crossroads. Do you choose duty and honour over love? Abandon the person who cares about you the most for the greater good?
Force had fallen quiet. The moment was drifting away, their paths solidifying. Anakin’s to remain on Coruscant and Obi-Wan’s heading for Utapau.
Obi-Wan had always chosen the Jedi. Over and over again. No matter what they asked. Anakin had always chosen him.
What’s something you would like to create content for? I love writing for small niche pairings so I am chewing away on Roman Sionis/A.J. (Hayden's character from the Takers). Like the dissapointment of seeing a great pairing and finding they have 0-3 fics on AO3 is crushing so I am trying to do my civil duty.
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with? Obikin (gasp! surprise, I know). Also some work stuff I have to learn that I haven't had the chance to do before so I am watching a crazy amount of tutorials trying to teach myself.
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year? Summer. It was a bummer.
What’s a hidden talent of yours? Not sure if it counts as talent but I grew up on a farm so I know how to milk a cow and cut sheep's wool with oldschool shears.
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Are you religious? "Responsibility is the dark side of freedom. When you realize that you are completely responsible for your decisions, actions, and beliefs, how can you not be overcome by anxiety? To try and escape anxiety by ignoring, denying your freedom, your responsibility? But doing that only means you’re ignoring or denying your actual situation. You succeed only in deceiving yourself."
I am forever in love with this quote by nyxocity.
What’s something you wish to have at this moment? Stability.
I don't know if you've already done this but if not then I tag @that-gay-jedi @wibzen87 @fishnamedsushi @tunglo
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queenlovestone · 3 years
Played around and created this 4th of July look. 🎆🇺🇲
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jiggypepper · 4 years
how can a trump voter still confidently look into a mirror and say they made the right choice when the guy they voted for literally suggests americans should sit in the sun and get fuckin disinfectant in an IV to cure corona
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  “It doesn’t take a person with an advanced degree in psychology to see Trump’s narcissism and lack of empathy, his vindictiveness and pathological lying, his impulsivity and callousness, his inability to be guided by norms, or his shamelessness and dehumanization of those who do not abide his wishes. His condition is getting worse, not better—and there are now fewer people in the administration able to contain the president and act as a check on his worst impulses.”
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abs0luteb4stard · 6 years
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nerdeas · 6 years
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Making ´Murica great again
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pagesofgrey · 7 years
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amarshmallownamedo · 7 years
Sad to say, I think we all know what the real shithole country is...
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sataniccapitalist · 7 years
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Corpses of Souls
“Walker Percy in his 1971 dystopian novel “Love in the Ruins” paints a picture of a morally degenerate America consumed by hedonism, wallowing in ignorance, led by kleptocrats and fools, fragmented into warring and often violent cultural extremes and on the cusp of a nuclear war. It is a country cursed by its failure to address or atone for its original sins of genocide and slavery. The ethos of ceaseless capitalist expansion, white supremacy and American exceptionalism, perpetuated overseas in the country’s imperial wars, eventually consumes the nation itself. The accomplices, who once benefited from this evil, become its victims. How, Percy asks, does one live a life of meaning in such a predatory society? Is it even possible? And can a culture ever regain its equilibrium when it sinks into such depravity?”
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anxiousangstyangel · 5 years
I try not to get TOO political on here but DAMN
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Y'all. Please go take this survey.
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WCW Monday Nitro 09/09/1996
Shit be exploding, so you know what time it is.
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Yes sir.
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Once again we are not given a location this week, which generally means the town is too small-time for the big shots at WCW to even consider giving a shout out to. My research tells me this broadcast comes from the Columbus Civic Centre in Columbus, Georgia.  
As always we are introduced to our first hour announce team, Schiavone and Zbyszko.
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Tony is looking quite smart this evening. Larry as expected has a horrific multcoloured abomination on underneath his jacket. It’s basically his gimmick a this point so whatever. 
They talk about how the balance of power has shifted to the nWo and Larry says Giant is “the biggest traitor since Benedict Arnold”, nice ancient reference there, Larry. We get a recap of last week’s awesome show-ending brawl. 
Once they’re done wrapping this up, Goldberg’s music plays. What? I check my file - yes, definitely 9th September 1996. Has Goldberg time travelled back to 1996 and changed history by debuting early?
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Well, either that is one hell of a disguise or no, actually Goldberg’s theme music was first used by this Japanese guy called Pat Tanaka. It’s really weird seeing this random fella walk out to Goldberg’s music. The crowd boo mildly - I guess just because he’s Japanese? I don’t remember there being any storyline reason to boo him, anyway. 
Pat’s opponent is... this.
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Looks like a mascot from a early/mid-90s video game brought to life. If this is Super Calo then I am curious as to what regular Calo is like. I am unsure as to what makes this version ‘Super’, but maybe we’ll find out in the upcoming match. Mike Tenay joins the announce crew because it is Calo’s debut and Tenay is the only one likely to know anything about him.
Pat Tanaka vs Super Calo
I was kind of hoping Tanaka would start the match with a spear and then jackhammer Calo into oblivion, but no such luck. 
As one would anticipate from a man dressed like a stereotypical kung-fu master in an 80s movie, Tanaka starts the match off with some kicks.
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Calo jumps around pointlessly and then gets kicked in the face. Bants.
Tenay tells us Calo’s name and look comes from the “top rap group” in Mexico. He does not name this group. Confusingly wikipedia claims Calo is named after a Mexican rock group with the same name, but his image is meant to convey a rapper. So, just... what? Also what rapper has ever looked like Super Calo? In Mexico is that how rappers dress? 
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Well anyway this odd fellow somersaults over the ropes onto Tanaka outside of the ring. 
The screen then cuts to this.
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 Then we’re back to the match. OK then. 
Tanaka hits Calo with a powerbomb, which leads to Tony talking about him being “so schooled in the martial arts”. Yes, because we all know that classic martial arts move the powerbomb. Often followed by a leg drop and a scorpion deathlock. 
The ending to this match is beyond ridiculous. 
First, Tanaka puts Calo onto the top turnbuckle.
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Neither man seems to know what is meant to happen next, so they awkwardly wrap their arms around each other.
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Tanaka then lifts Calo up like he’s going for an inverse piledriver and falls backwards.
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Apparently he knocks himself out, gets pinned, and loses.
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What an idiot.
Super Calo defeats Pat Tanaka via Pinfall.
Nothing too super about our friend Calo in this one I’m afraid. His victory came largely because Tanaka is a super dunce.
We got some lads in the front row who are big fans of the classic moustache.
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They seem quite pleased that Calo emerged victorious.
Just under seven minutes in and we throw back to Mean Gene in the locker room with Rick Steiner. This should be good.
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Shirts hanging out of the lockers behind them, as you do. 
Gene asks Rick Steiner about Nick Patrick’s questionable officiating - referring to the incident last week where Luger was disqualified in seconds for basically nothing. Rick says that he had Luger, and Gene saw it. Total bullshit as the match had barely started, and Gene does point that out. 
Luger walks into the frame as we see last week’s replay. Rick is continually going on about how he was going to win, sounding like a mentally challenged three year old. On the other hand this is a guy who also genuinely thinks he’s a dog, so... I should probably be impressed that he is able to form words and put them into a somewhat coherent structure.
Gene says that Steiner is “a little confused” in the understatement of the century, 
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Luger tells Rick that he’s “a great tag team wrestler” but he feels like he has the edge in a singles environment. Rick continues to fail to understand basic english and keeps repeating “I can beat you, ask Sting” and then starts calling for Sting.
Gene then ushers Rick away like an unruly child as Luger walks off as well. Gene says that Luger was alluding that Rick “doesn’t have it upstairs”, pointing to his head. Wow, what a dick. Luger didn’t say anything like that. All he implied was that he was a better singles wrestler than Rick. Not sure where Gene has gotten his interpretation from, but my guess is he just wants to stir the pot as usual.
Next it’s nWo announcement time.
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Just the usual t-shirt ad with Nash saying “all proceeds go towards the Ric Flair retirement fund”. Joke’s on him, that fund must have accrued some serious cash before it was finally paid out.
We’re back and...
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Somebody buy these poor kids some real nWo t-shirts. 
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Where did these people come from? Did they decide to stop by Nitro after a corporate dinner or something? 
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Are these pilots in the audience as well? Wtf? Why are all these people coming to the show dressed in their work clothes? Is this a common thing in the States?
Oh, hey, guess what - Glacier debuted. I would say “remember all that hype” but if you’ve been reading this sad collection of nostalgic drivel then you will indeed remember the many Glacier adverts that have been on every Nitro broadcast since May or so. We’re now in September and Glacier finally had his first match... on WCW Pro.
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WCW Pro is like... Sunday Night Heat or Velocity in WWE terms. It’s below WCW Saturday Night for fuck’s sake.  Tony calls it “one of the most eagerly anticipated debuts ever” - which is why he made his first appearance on WCW FUCKING PRO. Oh WCW, what are you like?
Larry says Glacier will be “a force to be reckoned with”, which, spoiler alert. turns out to be the opposite.
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  Oh good, these two walking charisma vacuums.
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And these two lumbering idiots. WCW, the best wrestling on the planet. How could WWF in 1996 find no way to entice people away from Pat Tanaka vs Super Calo and The AFC vs the Nasty Boys? Seriously. It isn’t that difficult. 
The AFC do their usual schtick of singing the Canadian national anthem badly and the crowd get angry because ‘Murica fuck yeah and whatever. The Nasty Boys say “fuck this” and attack the AFC after about 10 seconds of this bullshit, getting the match started.
The Amazing French Canadians Vs The Nasty Boys
You don’t care about this match. I don’t care about this match. Let’s just skip to the end.
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Knobbs whacks the eyepatch guy with the flag the AFC brought out. Saggs pins for the win. 
The Nasty Boys defeat The Amazing French Canadians via Pinfall.
Mean Gene comes scurrying out to interview the Nastys, for some reason.
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Saggs says everybody has been pointing the finger at the Nasty Boys, accusing them of being with the nWo (can’t imagine anybody really cares but OK, sure). Saggs says the Nasty’s are only worried about the tag titles which are in WCW, ergo they aren’t interested in joining the nWo. Does he not realise that faction affiliation is irrelevent as far as challenging for belts is concerned? I mean, Hogan is literally WCW Heavyweight champion at this point in time. 
Knobbs says that the Nasty’s don’t care about the nWo, they’re in WCW and they’re coming for Harlem Heat to take the tag team titles. Short and to the point, which is fine by me, even if the Nasty’s appear to be under the mistaken impression- that joining the nWo would invalidate them from challenging for the tag titles. 
We’re back from a commercial break to find Scott Norton and Sgt Craig Pittman in the ring.
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Sgt Craig Pittman Vs Scott Norton
The commentators bill this as a “hold versus hold” match and I’m not sure what this means, as I was under the impression every match is hold versus hold. But whatever. 
After some back and forth Pittman decides that it’s time to ram his head into Norton’s sternum. 
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It looks pretty painful and not especially effective, but Pittman enjoys it so much he does it again. 
They head to the outside of the ring. Norton gets whipped against the guardrail, the entirety of which moves upon impact, but then Norton regains control by slamming Pittman’s shoulder into the ring post. 
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Norton locks in the armbar but the Sarge will not give up. Long gets onto the ring apron to beg Pittman to give in, but he won’t. WCW, for reasons beyond my understanding, is very careful about protecting Sgt. Craig Pittman. He never gets pushed, as far as I remember, but this man WILL NOT QUIT.
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Ice Train wanders out wearing this abomination. Seriously - what the fuck? It’s like a demin vest with a backpack built in. It’s something you would expect to see an eight-year old girl in the mid-90s wearing over the top of a t-shirt or something. What clothing brand figured that this design was suitable for huge, beefy dudes? I don’t know, but they clearly have a customer in Ice Train.
Train throws in the towel for Pittman.  
Scott Norton defeats Sgt. Craig Pittman via Forfeit. 
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He enters the ring and stares down at Norton, who is looking at Train’s vest top and moobs like “dafuq?”
The two former amigos have a staredown which doesn’t lead anywhere. 
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Pepboys Power Pin of the Week is a submission. Go figure.
We head to the locker room where Gene-o is with Ric Flair, Arn Anderson and Lex Luger.
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Three of these men are dressed appropriately. The other is Lex Luger.
Apparently Sting is supposed to be a part of this interview as well but is nowhere to be found. Luger assures Flair & Arn that Sting is in the building, but the Horsemen are having none of it and are concerned that Sting doesn’t have his head in the game. Flair starts going crazy and practically flings himself into an alternate dimension with his erratic movements.
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Like a jet propeller is being put directly in front of his face.
Anyway eventually these two sad sacks come lumbering in...
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Mongo looks like he’s about to explode, whilst Benoit as usual appears barely awake. Mongo yells about not being able to count on Luger and Sting. Luger reiterates that Sting is in the building somewhere, he’s just not around for the interview. The Horsemen do seem overly paranoid here - how hard would it be to track Sting down and talk to him if they are this pissed off? 
Arn says he’s called ahead to Winston, Salem (where Fall Brawl/War Games is being held) to pre-book himself a hospital room as he assumes he’s going to need one. Seems like a somewhat pessimistic thing to do, but is it even possible to pre-book hospital room? Arn is talking like he’s booked a hotel room for the night. Strange lad. He also suggests Hogan uses battery acid to burn out his eyes which... I mean, don’t give the guy ideas, Arn.  
Interview ends with everybody talking over each other and Flair wooing a lot - so, the same as most Horsemen interviews.
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People in the crowd are holding these signs which say “nWo - you haven’t seen bad... but it’s coming!” - indeed, Hogan Vs Piper is coming.
We get a recap of this thrilling DDP/Eddie/Chavo storyline which nobody cares about, but why this is recapped is beyond me as the next match has nothing to do with any of those three. 
Instead, out comes “the desparado” himself, Joe Gomez.
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Somebody throws a wad of paper at him as he enters. Obviously not a fan.
His opponent is Juventud Guerrera,  who Tony repeatedly refers to as Juventud Guerrero. 
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As Juvi enters he runs past these ladies, who appear both baffled and unimpressed with him.
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Joe Gomez Vs Juventud Guerrera
The match starts off okay, but descends into disaster fairly quickly as Juvi starts trying various lucha things which poor Joe is clearly not comfortable with. First Juvi stands on the apron, jumps onto the ropes as Gomez slowly walks towards him and does this...
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It’s clear from this angle alone that there is no way in hell Juvi is going to reach Gomez. In fairness to WCW they switch camera angle just in time to make it look slightly less terrible, although I imagine it was more down to luck than skill. Nonetheless Gomez at least tries to sell the move, falling backwards theatrically.
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Weeee! Points for effort if not execution. 
This happens next, and thanks to Uproxx “Best and Worst of WCW Monday Nitro” series (check it out, it’s great) I have a GIF to put into pictures what I would struggle to put into words.
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Speaks for itself.
After this Juvi seems to want to go for a hurricanrana from the top turnbuckle but I‘m not sure if they botch this as well or it was the plan, but Juvi ends up backflipping away from the turnbuckle and then catching Gomez with a weak looking dropkick as he jumps towards Juvi.
Juvi just about manages to hit the finishing move...
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But even that looks a little bit dodgy. At least Joe just had to lay there for this one. Ref counts to three and mercifully this one is over. Not sure if Gomez or Juvi are to blame for this shitshow, but either way I advise never putting them together again.
Juventud Guerrera defeats Joe Gomez via Pinfall.
For some reason Mean Gene is on the ramp to interview Nick Patrick. Oh good, more of this storyline.
Before they start the interview though, as Juventud walks past Gene and Patrick, Gene says “very good match there on the part of Juventud Guerrera”, then gives Juvi a disdainful look and mutters “guy just kind of... wanders around here”. LOL. Why is Gene throwing shade at poor Juvi? “Guy just wanders around here”, like he’s a lost child or something. I guess Gene is still salty about the interview with Juvi that went wrong a couple of weeks ago, but come on, that was hardly Juvi’s fault. Obvious Gene is still holding a grudge though. 
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I don’t think anybody really wants to hear from these two ballbags but here we are anyway. 
Gene is accusing Patrick of making too many controversial calls for it to just be coincidence, whilst Patrick is accusing Gene of being a shit-stirring cock cheese who needs to get a life. Neither are lying but nobody really cares either. What is funny is that Okerlund is very haughty and dismissive of Patrick - until Patrick threatens to take Gene to court - at which point Gene stutters “well I-I hope that doesn’t happen” before saying “thank you very much Nick Patrick, sir, thank you” to Patrick as he walks off. Pathetic. 
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Meanwhile Hogan, Hall, Nash and the Giant are outside in the pouring rain putting those nWo flyers with the “you haven’t seen bad... but it’s coming” slogan on random cars. This seems like a total waste of time as by the time the car owners get back to their vehicles the rain would probably have destroyed those flyers anyway.  Do these guys really have nothing better to do? Tony tells us the nWo are “literally” in the parking lot - as opposed to what, being there in spirit?
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Ted DiBiase is the smartest of the lot as he 1) has an umbrella and 2) isn’t wasting his time putting up useless flyers in the pouring rain. He’s talking to somebody in the car, and the announcers are shitting themselves as to who it might be, as they tend to do. For all they know DiBiase might just be talking to the driver. 
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Just Rick tonight. He comes out doing that sad half-bark he does whenever something is troubling him. 
His opponent, of course, is Flexy Lexy.
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Rick Steiner Vs Lex Luger
These two are not exactly known as ‘ring generals’ so I am not expecting a classic here. Let’s see, though. Perhaps we will all be pleasantly surprised. 
After various arm drags, headlocks, shoulder blocks, and so on, this happens.
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Yeah. Rick is basically molesting Luger in the ring and keeps this up for a disturbing amount of time. I guess it’s meant to show his amateur wrestling background but it basically just looks like sexual assault. Rick’s hands are going to places they really should not. 
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Hour two begins with the usual fireworks. Bischoff, Heenan and Tenay come in on commentary for the rest of the show. 
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Rick hits Luger with a nice powerslam, and Randy Anderson cannot bear to watch the impact. The crowd bark their approval which, personally, I don’t think is helpful. Rick’s clinical lycanthropy is only going to get worse if people bark at him when he does something good. Or bark at him in general, really.
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More cuddling. Back away, Rick. Even Randy Anderson is telling him to cut it out at this point.
Luger takes control with a powerslam and signals for the rack. However, before he can attempt his finishing move...
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This dicksplash comes running out waving his arms around. Looks like he’s doing the sieg heil there but fairly sure it’s just the timing of the screenshot.
Anyhow, Patrick tells Luger to follow him out the back, yelling something about the nWo beating up Sting.
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Considering Patrick’s recent behaviour, Lex, it might not be wise to...
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OK. Never mind. Of course Luger goes running after Patrick, abandoning the match entirely and getting himself counted out. 
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Everyone looking towards the entrance way like “where’s he going?” 
Rick Steiner defeats Lex Luger via Countout.
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We get a shot of DiBiase talking to the mystery man in the limo. Sting’s voice is heard but it is blatantly piped in from some other promo. He says he’s “tired of the DTA stuff, don’t trust anybody”, so I guess he’s not a fan of Stone Cold Steve Austin. DiBiase pretends to talk to the pre-taped Sting voice until Lex shows up.
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A guy who is clearly not Sting gets out of the limo and starts beating up Luger whilst Bischoff screams “NO! NO!”
I have the advantage of hindsight and my monitor is probably bigger than most people’s TVs back in 1996... but still, it’s really obviously not Sting. Were people genuinely fooled by this? 
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The nWo along with “Sting” beat Luger down and leave him laying in a broken heap in the rain...
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It has not been a good night for Luger. First he got yelled at by the Horsemen, then he spent ten minutes getting inappropriately touched by Rick Steiner during their match, then he gets smacked around by the nWo and left on the ground in the pouring rain. Bad times for sure. Although if you’re stupid enough to follow Nick Patrick anywhere... 
Luger does manage to get back up but ends up just kind of wandering around in the rain looking confused whilst the nWo flee, leaving the limos parked outside the building.
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These bois are not impressed by what they have just seen. Tenay looks like a dad who is about to grab his belt and put a whippin’ on somebody. Bischoff is indignant. Heenan wears the expression of a man who was just forced to sit through every Raw from 2015. Pure torture. 
Bischoff says he has an update which is literally “we don’t know where [the nWo] are. I’m sorry. I don’t know”. Well thanks for that. Very helpful. 
We get a long recap of last week’s angle including more footage of the amazing all-out brawl that ended the show. Then we get another nWo advert for their t-shirt. 
A bunch of random jobbers are outside with Luger and Rick Steiner milling around the limo yelling out “DIBIASE!” - as if he’ll just pop up and be like “sup bois?” - pointless endeavour. Rick Steiner is the only one smart enough to bring an umbrella outside. Let that one sink in. Luger chucks a bunch of stuff out of one of the limos onto the floor which seems unnecessary. 
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Out comes pre-Flock Billy Kidman. The commentators could not care less, just droning on about Sting’s supposed “defection”. 
The other combatant in this contest is Cruiserweight champion Rey Mysterio Jr.
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Rey Mysterio Jr Vs Billy Kidman
The announcers spend the entire match in ‘sad voice’, like their dogs have all collectively died. It’s really annoying.
The match spills to the outside very quickly. Rey gets the advantage and rolls Kidman back in. He attempts to jump off the ropes from the apron, but Kidman knows what’s coming and meets Rey with a dropkick to the chest.
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Kidman slams Rey in the centre of the ring, runs over to the turnbuckle and leaps off.
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Just a two count though. Rey wins the match soon after this by flipping off the ropes onto Kidman.
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It looks weak but whatever. This wasn’t anything special.
Rey Mysterio defeats Billy Kidman via Pinfall.
We come back from a commercial and the Dungeon’s of Doom’s “music” is playing, and I put that in inverted commas because it isn’t really music, just a pseudo-creepy OTT villainous laugh accompanied by some kind of chant. Whatever. Normally any sign of the Dungeon is enough to make me want to hang my head in despair, however!
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If Meng is involved, it might be somewhat entertaining. Just to note those aren’t two random arms sprouting out of Meng’s shoulders – the Barbarian is behind him.
The announcers are still going on about how tragic Sting’s supposed betrayal is – and Bischoff apologises for “not giving Rey Mysterio the attention he deserves in his match”. I mean, kind of tough to take that apology seriously considering how often this has happened and will continue to happen until Nitro goes out of existence. It is the only time I can recall any commentator in WCW actually apologising for the routine ignoring of the cruiserweights in favour of talking about/complaining about the nWo, though.
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These two are the opponents. Yeah, Public Enemy, they definitely deserve that pyro. Sure. Look at them waving their hands in the air like they just don’t care.
By the way, the commentators are still going on about Sting. I wonder if we’ll get another apology for ignoring this match as well? Not that I’d necessarily blame them here.
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Some diehard wrestling fans here. I think we saw them previously – seemingly someone in production has taken a liking to these ladies. They look like they got lost on their way to a PTA meeting, but fuck it, might as well enjoy themselves now. Watch out for the dude behind you though, ladies. That smile worries me a little.
The Faces of Fear Vs Public Enemy
We go to a commercial break, and as soon as we come back Bischoff says “I hate to keep repeating this, but apparently Sting has joined forces with the nWo”. Bullshit, if you hated it that much you’d have shut up about it by now. I mean, jeez, we get it.
This contest is just a brawl, as you’d expect. Not exactly a match for the ages, but all of a sudden, randomly…
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This dude on the left appears and begins running/skipping around the ring.
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The fuck? It’s like Rockstar Spud’s demented uncle or something. 
He briefly chases Jimmy Hart, then just… vanishes? Oh, and by the way, the commentators make no mention of this. They do not acknowledge this at all. Why? Because they’re talking about everything except the match itself. Literally, I’m not kidding, it’s like this match is not happening. It’s like listening to a radio show or a podcast spliced together with unrelated WCW footage.
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Wait, what? What’s happening now? The match is ongoing and they just cut to the back. Judging from the faces of these lads you’d think someone died. It’s a sombre scene to say the least – but seriously, why even have the match in the ring? What’s the point? The commentators are acting like it isn’t happening and we cut to an interview as the match is happening. Bischoff doesn’t even note that we’ve cut away from a match in progress, he just says “take it away Gene”, like this is totally normal. Whatever, I guess. It’s not like I’m desperate to see the Faces of Fear versus Public Enemy, but what a bizarre way to structure… everything.
Gene asks Arn to explain what happened in the parking lot earlier. Seemed quite self-explanatory to me and the commentators have not stopped talking about it since it happened, so the viewers really don’t need any extra information.  
Arn says he doesn’t give a shit about Luger losing a friend, or that he’s lost a team mate, he’s just shocked. He brings up Sting’s loyalty to WCW.
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They actually move to a split-screen here – I guess someone in the production truck remembered there is actually a match going on. It wouldn’t be fair to deprive the dozens of Faces of Fear/Public Enemy fans the chance to see their favourite grapplers go at it.
Anyway, Arn says he has a sick feeling in his stomach, he’s shocked, and he’s out of words. He’s said quite a few already, though, so not really.
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Flair stands there with his arms folded, eyeing the audience like a disappointed father.
Luger says he doesn’t have any answers, and that his “best friend in the whole world” stabbed him in the back. He then says he knows where Sting lives and where he works out, and he’s going to go and find him “right now”. Sounds like Lex is planning to murk Sting. However, he should keep in mind this is a guy who only last week tried to murder somebody by chucking a rock through the window of a limo, then stole a police car. Come to think of it, I’m not sure why Sting isn’t in jail. Regardless, I wouldn’t be chasing after him without a good plan.
Flair screams that he’s “sick of it” and just generally yells about how they’re going to beat up the nWo at War Games (including Sting). Arn says “it’s a fight to the death – yours, not ours”. I suppose that was worth emphasising? Also Arn has a tendency to see these matches as ending in death, even though it never comes close to that.
We return to the Faces of Fear/Public Enemy match. By “we” I mean the audience – the commentators are still talking about War Games. I genuinely don’t think they have said anything about the match – oh, wait a minute, Bischoff does mention the match, finally. Although he says the teams are “literally fighting for their lives” which is not exactly accurate. What is up with these people thinking matches are going to end so tragically?
Anyway, the brawling continues for a while and eventually, somehow, Rocco Rock ends up lying on a table. Barbarian heads for the top turnbuckle.
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Guys, I don’t foresee this ending well. Seriously, what is the absolute best result of this? Rocco (who can clearly see Barbarian on the turnbuckle) for some reason lays there and lets Barbarian jump on him. It’ll be brutal for both. Or, Rocco moves and Barbarian crashes through the table. Either way Barbarian doesn’t win in this scenario.
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Uh oh. Jimmy Hart is absolutely useless at holding Rocco down, kicked away like an insect as Rocco sits up.
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That is a fucking sick bump. It’s funny because Barbarian barely takes any serious bumps at all, on Nitro at least, then he decides to say fuck it and leaps to the concrete through a table because YOLO I guess?
Well anyway he dead. Rocco brings a second table into the ring.
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Looks pretty old. Nick Patrick wags his finger in disapproval, but incredibly that isn’t enough to persuade Public Enemy to stop. They lay Meng on the table, then Rocco goes to the top turnbuckle for a moonsault…
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He almost misses the table entirely, only catching Meng with his legs. The table is weak enough that it breaks despite the soft contact.
You’d think that would be the spot that ends the match, but no. Meng gets up like nothing happened and starts brawling with Rocco again. Barbarian is also somehow revived and back in the ring fighting with Grunge. This is weird because the outside table spot with Barbarian getting wiped out, and then Meng getting put through the table by Rocco’s moonsault, felt like the end sequence of the match. Now it’s like we’re back at the start again. Keep in mind the match has been going for about 10 minutes now. That’s at least 7 minutes longer than is ideal for these teams, really.
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Whilst Rocco and Barbarian are hugging it out in the corner, Meng puts the Tongan Death Grip on Grunge and now this one is over.
No explanation as to what the fuck was going on with that random ginger guy running around the ring earlier by the way. Oh well. During the replay Heenan accidentally calls Meng “Haku” and then goes silent immediately. Oops.
The Faces of Fear defeat Public Enemy via Pinfall.
Suddenly Okerlund appears at ringside, accompanied by the Dungeon of Doom.
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Maxx, Jimmy Hart, Big Bubba, Gene, Kevin Sullivan, Hugh Morrus and Konnan. To quote Rufus from Final Fantasy 7 – “what a crew”.
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Sullivan is no longer painting his face with those stupid markings, but for some reason is now wearing a white headband. Does he think he’s the Karate Kid now?
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He also starts making this derp face - and this isn’t just a screen grab catching an awkward expression momentarily, he’s making this face on purpose.
For some reason we go to Jimmy Hart first, who tells the Giant “it’s the beginning of the end for you, you just don’t know it yet”. I’m sure he’s quaking in his boots.  
Big Bubba then rants about Glacier, talking about him saying he’s coming for “6 or 7 months” and asking if he’s not debuting because he’s afraid. Slight exaggeration on the 6 or 7 months from Bubba, but to be fair it does feel like those vignettes have been running for at least that long. Bubba actually doesn’t seem to be aware that Glacier debuted on WCW Pro, but it’s WCW Pro, so... understandable. Bubba calls the Dungeon of Doom “the masters of intimidation”…
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What he means is that Meng is the master of intimidation. The others aren’t exactly adding much to the equation. Maxx is standing off to the side looking distinctly unimpressed by the entire thing.
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With that said, bored does seem to be his default expression regardless of what is happening. I imagine he’d have the same expression even if Bubba was in the process of sprouting three heads whilst doing a kossack dance.
After calling Gene “homes”, Konnan calls Sullivan a “hardened veterano”. He then says Sullivan has seen and led gang wars from coast to coast.
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Yes, Kevin Sullivan wearing that silly white headband is exactly what I think of when I think of leaders of gang wars. Sullivan’s ‘wut?’ expression here says it all. I’m not sure you can call the Dungeon of Doom/Alliance to End Hulkamania Versus Hogan and Macho Man a “gang war”. I’m not sure two people can even constitute a gang. Also Sullivan may be worried Konnan is unintentionally (?) implicating him in genuine gang wars… which probably isn’t in the Taskmaster’s best interests.
Konnan challenges the nWo to come out and confront the Dungeon, who he calls “the toughest set”. Yeah, sure. The challenge is not accepted, because the nWo are for sure terrified of a “gang” featuring the likes of Maxx, Kevin Sullivan, Big Bubba and Hugh Morrus.
Sullivan says that Savage thinks he’ll owe the Dungeon “a debt” for carrying him out from the ring last week. I doubt it in all honesty – maybe if they’d actually done something to help him before he’d been beaten down and spraypainted. Carrying him out after the fact didn’t really help much.
Anyhow, Sullivan says Savage can repay this fictional debt by first beating John Tenta, because why not I guess, and then by getting rid of the Giant. That doesn’t really seem like a balanced deal. We carry you backstage after you’ve been beaten up, you make it even by beating John Tenta and the Giant. Hmmm.
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Time for some nWo propaganda.
Hogan tells us that they “aren’t here for a stinkin’ reason” – directly contradicting Nash and Hall, who had previously made it clear they’d come in specifically to take over WCW. He then randomly says “we’ve got our boss with us” and points to Ted DiBiase, who’s sitting in a chair behind them.
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Homely. DiBiase looks like he’s being held prisoner, but whatever. Hogan says DiBiase makes Ted Turner look like a “pauper”. Honestly I could try to recap this whole thing but it’s really just a bunch of random sound bytes ripping on WCW for the most part. They talk about wanting “their own tag team tournament” for some reason. They also want a segment (on Nitro, presumably) where they can “highlight” their talent. What they actually mean is a segment highlighting Hogan, as we’ll discover going forward. Scott Hall says “nWo 4 life” with the hand sign (might be the first instance of this?) and they all end the segment laughing like it was an amazing joke.
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I was a satellite dish owner back then – or rather, my parents were - but no WCW PPVs in the UK, sadly. We only got a butchered hour-long version of Nitro on TNT UK during 1996 & 1997. I didn’t find out that I’d been watching an edited version of the show until many years later. At least now I can sit back and relive the glory of the Faces of Fear Vs Public…. eh, maybe TNT UK were doing us a favour after all.
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Back with your bois at the announce desk. Tenay once again has that “stern dad” look, whilst Heenan seems to be whimsically remembering something from years gone by. Take a guess as to what Bischoff is talking about?
A)     The upcoming main event
B)     Meltzer being wrong about everything
C)     Blue Chew
D)     Sting’s betrayal
If you’ve been following along thus far, you’ll know the answer. The lad does genuinely hate big Dave though, and loves that Blue Chew. Come to think of it, what is the main event? I can’t even remember. Sting’s supposed betrayal has been hammered into my brain so many fucking times at this point I can barely conceive of any other event occurring at any wrestling show.
Chris Jericho’s music plays, but…
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It’s John Tenta? Still got that stupid haircut by the way. Seriously, fish man, you’ve made your point. Get that shaved.
But yeah, I’m confused here. I thought Jericho was coming out. But hold on, that’s Jericho’s second theme, “One Crazed Anarchist”, aka the Pearl Jam ripoff, not the one he’s using at this point in WCW, which I believe is the Journey ripoff. So John Tenta is in fact the OG “One Crazed Anarchist”. For the record, the theme suits Jericho far more than it suits the former Shark.
As he comes out Tenta says “Savage, you’re not putting me down”. You think so, John?
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What exactly has that guy in the hat been up to? That is not the look of an innocent person.
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Ohhh yeahhh, it’s the Macho Man. The commentators are pretending that the result of the match is in any doubt, which I suppose they have to do.
John “anti-fish” Tenta Vs “Macho Man” Randy Savage
Savage storms to the ring, but that turns out to be a bad idea as Tenta stomps on the Macho Man’s back as he slides in and then clobbers him with a forearm to the back.
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Bad strategy, Macho. Tenta’s moobs though… whoa.
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That’s an interesting choice of attire for a wrestling event, madam.
Tenta works over Savage in the corner for a bit. Savage then begins to make a comeback, before for some reason attempting to slam Tenta…
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Goes about as well as you’d expect. Macho really needs to work on his strategy.
Bischoff actually specifically says here that Heenan accidentally referred to Meng as “Haku” earlier and wants to make it clear Meng now works for WCW and not the WWF. I guess they were really taking this kind of thing seriously due to the lawsuits flying around at this point in history. Funny though, as you hear these kinds of slip-ups all the time. I mean, if TNA or AEW were sued for every time a commentator accidentally used a competitor’s ex-WWE name there would need to be a legal department created specifically just to deal with the fucking volume. At least Heenan didn’t call it “WWF Nitro”.
Tenta hits Macho with a decent looking drop kick – quite impressive considering his weight. Outside of the ring Savage hits Tenta with a steel chair…
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He isn’t disqualified because…? He whacks Tenta twice more with a chair. This is not a no-DQ match, but it is WCW, so fuck the rules unless we need them for storyline purposes, right?
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Flying elbow drop!
Macho goes up for a second, but then Teddy Long comes to ringside yelling “Macho!” – what could the so-called “godfather” want with Savage? Also where’s my man Ice Train at? Come to think of it, I just remembered what he was wearing earlier… best for him to stay backstage.
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Savage still hits the second elbow drop. Long is gesticulating wildly at Savage and yelling something about the nWo. Savage leaps over the top rope with nice agility.
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But before we go any further…
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Son, I am disappoint. I can’t even say “A for effort” because that is the lowest tier of effort.
Anyway, Savage follows Teddy to the outside of the arena where Teddy announces “YOU GONNA GO ONE-ON-ONE WITH THE UNDERTAKER PLAYA!”
Actually, they run towards a limo.              
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The limo drives off as soon as Savage approaches it. What was the point of that?
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Flair and Mongo randomly appear as the limo drives away.
There’s another limo there, but only a box of spraypaint inside it. There are a ton of WCW guys out there now – the Horsemen, the Dungeon, Public Enemy, Juvi, Super Calo, Savage… basically everyone who was on TV tonight. They start spraypainting “WCW” on the limo windows… or rather, they try to. Due to the fact it’s been raining and everywhere is wet it ends up just looking like a green smudge. As an aside, if that is in fact not an nWo limo, somebody is going to be in for a surprise.  
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For some reason the commentators are all standing up. Tenay is looking more evil every time he’s on camera. It’s like he wants to reach through the camera and strangle each and every viewer.
Seriously though, he is repeatedly making a “pissed-off dad” face.
“Dad, I borrowed your car…”
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“Um… and… I got a speeding ticket…”
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“And there’s a dent on the front as I kinda sorta knocked over the mailbox…”
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Grounded forever.
Anyway, once they all sit back down Heenan goes on a rant about the nWo which concludes with “if we don’t stop them now then they can’t be stopped”. If only you could glimpse into the future and nWo 2000, Bobby.
Oh, by the way, I guess John Tenta won the match against Savage by count out? It wasn’t announced or shown, but Savage jumped out of the ring and never returned, so…
John Tenta defeats “Macho Man” Randy Savage via Countout.
I guess Tenta was right, Savage didn’t put him down after all. Score one for the fish hating weirdo.
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Double A suddenly appears on set. Heenan gives Arn his headset. Can’t help but think it’d be better for Anderson to be in the ring with a mic, as the fans in the arena can’t hear any of this… but whatever.
Arn says that the world is “in shock” and “outraged”. The world is probably a bit of a stretch, but OK. Flair turns up as Arn is talking, as do Benoit and Mongo. Arn says that this all began ten years ago with the original Horsemen, and that they paved the way and showed the nWo how to do it. Technically true. Arn says the nWo want to be the Horsemen “when they grow up”.
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Tenay continuing to give that evil stare, even at Arn. Bischoff looks kind of sad.
As an aside, I may have mentioned it before, but I really like this shirt design:
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Bischoff begins talking about making mistakes, but Flair interrupts him. Flair screams so loudly that the headset seems to take some damage as the volume decreases slightly. Flair explains War Games – although if you don’t know what it is by this point then what have you been doing with your life? – and says Hogan won’t leave War Games alive. Spoiler alert: he does.
Bischoff then talks about how maybe bringing Hogan in to WCW was “a mistake” and that the Horsemen “haven’t been given their just due”. The same exact sentence could have been said in 2000 and been even more relevant.
WCW then ends the show with a replay of Luger getting beaten up by “Sting” and the nWo. I’m sure he appreciates that. A good thing they reminded us, as I think a whole ten seconds passed at the end there without mention of Sting’s betrayal and my memory had started to go hazy.
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maryse127 · 3 years
E3 hopes and dreams waiting to be crushed
I am not doing predictions cause let's be real E3 is about hyping up every game you would like to see and then getting either none, one or something you didn't even know you wanted. I am very excited.
So here is a list of things I would like to seeat E3 this year:
Xenoblade Chronicles
GIVE ME ANYTHING. But mostly X or X2. X deserves more love and attention. It deserves a second chance now that we have a popular console and the series has gained a lot of new fans with 2 and DE. Just pls give me Xenoblade. (X won't happen. Nintendo does NOT like to acknowledge that game even exists. But I will proudly clown with the like 5 other people in the fandom)
Fire Emblem
Honestly once again: Anything. A new game would be fun but seems to early for that. An Echoes like remake of an old Japan only title would be cool too. I also would really like Tellius ports or remakes. It's just time for more Fire Emblem. (I feel like FE is actually one of the more likely things to happen but would not be surprised of it didn't)
Like obviously I (and everybody and their mothers) would like to see BOTW 2. I think now is the time. At least a trailer or teaser. My hopes for BOTW are actually very simple. 1. Playable Zelda. 2. No spiders. Really all that is needed to be perfect. Other Zelda things I'd like to see are a more classic top down game like A Link Between Worlds. But let's be honest we all just really want botw 2
Kingdom Hearts
Considering I now own a PS4 and recently started KH1 I will no longer beg for Switch ports. Now I am here to say it would be nice to see the next KH game but we all know it will take Nomura like 13 years to make it so maybe it's better if we don't get a trailer too early. Also it would be for next gen consoles so I wouldn't be able to get it anyway. I'd still like to see it tho. I am back on my KH bullshit and you will suffer with me
Final Fantasy
On a very related note: Show us the next part of Final Fantasy 7 Remake! Allthough it will take Nomura 7 years to make it and it would be PS5 so I can't get it. I'd still like to see it tho. Also I should finish my playthrough of FF7R... Another thing I'd like to see is more FF ports to Switch. I am curious about 13 so pls port those games?
New Style Boutique/Style Savvy/Girls Mode
Now you are probably thinking: wtf. This is a series of games that has a different name in each region (listed as Europe/Murica/Japan respectively here). These games were my jam on 3ds. You own a fashion boutique and are like a stylist and it is so much fun. Core gameplay is making outfits based on your customer's wishes. It is a great no pressure relaxing game but doesn't require the dedication of building a town in Animal Crossing. Really a guilty pleasure. I could write a whole post about what I would like to see in a new game. Maybe I will. Anyway I really hope this series didn't die with the 3ds. (Also remember the song Ring a Ding in Smash? That's from this series. It's great)
Tomodachi Life
I have been curious about this game and would like to try it and with Miitopia on Switch I feel like they could (and should) port Tomodachi Life too. Or make a new one. I don't know details about this game tho so I don't know how much they need to change for the new platform and making it more up to date in general (is gay marriage a thing in that game? If not it should be)
Anyway that is all I can think of right now. Really shows I really only play/watch like a few select series.. oops. Anyway I am looking forward to get literally nothing from this list. Clown make up at the ready!
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nellie-elizabeth · 4 years
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: New World Order (1x01)
Watching this show is going to be strange for me because I genuinely ship Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson with one Steve Rogers... so basically I just want to watch them sitting around being sad about him being dead the whole time. But I'm open to the possibilities, here, I really am...
Positioning the bad guys here as... well, as communists who want a world without borders, and then making them into terrorists... let's just say I'm side-eying this pretty hard. You have that twist at the end, where the United States brings forth a new symbolic hero, a new Captain America, and my brain immediately started spinning forward as to where this is going to go. See, we've got anarchist baddies who want to destroy all the flags on one side, then we've got this pretender to the throne on the other side. But the issue won't be that there's something inherently flawed with the whole concept of a militarized heroic folk legend for Americans to idealize... it'll be about how it's the wrong man carrying the shield. At some point, in a moment of triumph, Sam will take the mantle on for himself, and then we can safely and comfortably cheer as our hero takes down the big bad commies who don't love 'Murica enough. I want to be wrong. I want them to mix things up, to challenge things, but all I can see is that the ultimate heroic conclusion is going to be "government control of Captain America is Bad, but Captain America himself, and what he stands for, specifically America, is good."
While I know this episode needed to set up a lot of puzzle pieces, I did think there were moments of somewhat clumsy exposition with both Bucky and Sam's story-lines. We've got Sam who's worried about his sister and her kids losing the family home and boat, and going to get a loan. There were some good moments in here, but it was a bit paint-by-numbers, and some of the dialogue fell into that "as you know..." trap where characters were having a conversation, then needed to stop and tell us it's a conversation they've already had a million times before. They're having the talk for our benefit as the audience only. That's a tough needle to thread, and they didn't quite thread it. The same thing happens during Bucky's therapy appointment. First off, the whole waking up out of a dream thing, cut to a therapist talking about nightmares... another cliché. And then we have the therapist walking him through the three steps, and restating them for the benefit of the audience, even though in the ordinary course they wouldn't lay it all out like that again, since Bucky would already know. It's a small thing, I'm nitpicking, but there were some rough aspects to the start of the show.
First off, let's just acknowledge that the show looks great. That whole opening action scene with Sam rescuing the guy, flying around, helicopters blowing up, the base jumping tech... damn. It felt like I could be watching an action sequence on the big screen, in any standard MCU movie. Maybe not the climactic fight, but one of the shorter, introductory ones for sure. And that's what this was, wasn't it? A strong, exciting, high-energy start to the show.
I really love Sam Wilson, y'all. There's something so incredibly powerful about watching a show like this with a black man in the leading role. He's such a good person, he's charming and funny and bad-ass but compassionate. He's a little cocky but nowhere approaching an asshole about his power and fame. He's stubborn but that just shows that he really cares. The movies don't have a ton of screen-time with Sam, if we're being honest, but I already really liked him, and here I'm seeing the chance to flesh out the details and let Anthony Mackie do his thing on the silver screen. It's all really working for me so far.
I like the side characters we're folding in here - his sister seems like an interesting character with a lot to offer, and I love that Sam has these nephews in his life to care for, something to anchor him to the world in a way that Bucky, who I'll talk about in a second, kind of doesn't. It provides a nice contrast between them. I also really liked Torres, the man who helps teach Sam about the Flag Smashers (ugh, that name) and seems like a solid dude who wants to make a positive difference in the world. I hope we see more of him too.
(Also, while I'm sure Rhodey was just a brief appearance in this first episode, it was so good to see him too! I'll miss him in the MCU, if he doesn't keep popping up.)
The last thing I'll mention on Sam's side of the story is that bank loan scene. It was such a punch in the gut to see Sam denied the loan, and one of the reasons being "you don't have any income for the past five years." Well... Sam didn't exist. He got Thanos snapped. This feels so realistic to me, that the system would not pivot to adapt to the new situation, but instead leave more and more people out in the cold. Then you have the bank employee trying to get selfies with the Falcon, all excited to meet an Avenger, all while denying him and his family the money they needed to make ends meet. It was such a devastating scene, and you could see so much hope draining out of Sam's eyes. I'm anxious to see where this goes.
And then you've got Bucky Barnes... let me just say, that despite the fact that he's a super assassin, whenever I see Bucky on the screen I just want to wrap him in a blanket and protect him from all harm. When I saw how Sebastian Stan was debuting on the show, in a flashback to his Winter Solider evil days, I literally said out loud, "oh no, poor Bucky" as if I wasn't watching him murder a bunch of people in cold blood. I have such an intense desire for him to be okay, so seeing him not being okay, but trying in these small ways to atone for his past actions, makes me so proud of him already.
Despite my undying belief that Bucky Barnes is deeply in love with Steve Rogers and that nobody will ever take Steve's place in his heart... I thought the date scene was actually very cute. The flowers, the board game, just chilling in the restaurant... I don't know. I hope that woman is in the show moving forward. I want Bucky to be happy. I want him to make new friends, forge connections in the world. I also really liked the stuff with Yuri, and when the reveal happened about Bucky having killed his son, it was a severe punch to the gut. Maybe I was supposed to have guessed it before the show told me, but I didn't, and when I realized why Bucky had befriended this old grumpy man... oh god. It's all too tragic.
On the one hand, it makes me a little nervous that there are only six episodes in this season, and in the first one we didn't even see Sam and Bucky interact. On the other hand, it's a pretty smart move to keep us waiting, at least a little, for the duo to emerge and develop a rapport. I can't wait for the fun banter, as I think Sam and Bucky are both funny, snarky people albeit with different attitudes and ways of expressing said snark. And I also can't wait for some more serious content between them, as they ruminate on all they've lost in the wars they've fought, on how hard it is to be suddenly missing five years of your life... and on Steve Rogers, a great friend (*ahem* boyfriend *ahem*) that they've both recently lost.
They're also holding back on Sam taking up the mantle of Captain America. I wonder if that will be a point of contention between Bucky and Sam. Bucky was there, Bucky gave his blessing, honestly, when Steve handed over the shield, and it was the only thing about Steve's ending in Endgame that didn't make me insanely furious. I want this to be a point of conflict with them, I want them to argue about the best way to honor Steve. So much juicy material here! And I'm intrigued by this "new Captain America" concept, even though I'm wary about where they're taking it, in terms of theme... we shall have to see!
All in all, this was very standard Marvel fare. I like the characters, the action is creative and enjoyable to watch, there are some emotional gut-punches and some funny lines here and there. Nothing mind-blowing, nothing so innovative and fresh and new, but just more of the same... a same that I've come to really love over the past decade or so.
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cleocazo · 4 years
evening, tags. i’m not trying to expose anyone or anything, BUT it has come to my attention that the group ( paxamericanarp ) is ... quite insensitive and tone deaf, given the current time. i’m including points from an admins character, and like i said : i’m not exposing, but i am putting this out there because in general it feels wildly uncomfortable and over the LINE of problematic. . here’s a link to the bio, even, so you’re aware : this isn’t being taken out of context.
Make Murica Great Again™��
Anti-socialism, Pro-life, Pro-Second-Amendment, Pro-Citizens-United, Pro-universal-healthcare, Pro-capital-punishment, supports the War on Drugs
Against illegal immigration, would significantly improve border control, but advocates a friendlier approach to legal immigrants
Endorsed by the National Rifle Association, with an A rating for her support of pro-gun legislation
To many, the face of Weaponized White Feminism. However, when asked if she herself identifies as a feminist, Sarah Jane says that no, but if it was the year 1900, she would most certainly be a proud and active one. She just can’t relate to the modern-day feminist ideologies the same way, and doesn’t believe men and women are equal: they should have equal rights and opportunities —as all Americans should—but she celebrates their differences and believes they can’t exist separately.
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