eiverja · 8 months
eivor would have floundered in rygjafylke following kjotve's death without the allthing and subsequent relocation. she obsessed over and poured herself into her pursuit, and lacking something to redirect that energy into would have seen her spiraling into a deep depression.
because eivor never processed her trauma, not really. she kept going, and going, and going, always one step ahead of facing what she'd experienced.
styrbjorn's decision saved her from that. eivor would've hated who she'd become without an outlet.
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80s-pizza-party · 1 year
… Cassie’s tears were coming back… and her face screwed up again… before she lurched forward, her arms circling tight around Roxy’s chest.
“Y-You saved me… even after I…! I-I…!!”
Roxy folded her arms around Cassie.
“Yes. Yes, I did. No kid gets attacked by a stupid scrawny endo monster if I can help it.”
Cassie made a sound somewhere between a laugh and a sob, her arms tightening slightly.
At least someone was on her side...
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straycalamities · 1 year
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(aug 2018?) fuck it i am probably Never going to finish these so have them they were supposed to go on his main blog as a like...hiatus explanation, but that was like 5 hiatuses ago
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scuddle-bubble101 · 3 months
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"I won't let you hurt these kids. Whatever intention you have, it'll be your LAST. And, I will MAKE SURE of it."
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[Great an annoying hero... How mind-numbingly obvious- He's not from Classic or Fractal's side of the woods though.]
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[He's bold and knows it. No doubt has the power for it... But, he's nervous and... Unstable. I don't like how he glitches.]
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[And Hunter-]
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[..... He's already so scared.....]
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[....I can't do this fight....... I don't want to.]
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"You've stated your grounds, I'm stating mine."
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"Take him... Do whatever you may want with a living breathing multiversal battery. I see your intentions are less than Commune's. But, heed my warning."
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"Do not LET that boy out for your sight... Keep him away from the ends of this multiverse............. We weren't the ONLY ones after him."
*Delta now has obtained Agnus! and Shards has left! The multiverse seems to be calm again..... For now at least.
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the-mocking-robin · 4 days
Fuck me, I thought one of the kids found this blog.
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dustxechoes · 16 days
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"Ha! I'm gonna make this look easy like, Muscle Guy!"
Fortune reported as ordered, though...no one had told her to come in full combat gear. But she'd demanded to be allowed to take a more active role in Rex's 'bad guy hunting time', as she'd called it. Though the more polite term would be 'superheroism'.
Unfortunately, given her...enthusiasm, and seemingly boundless capacity for violence, some ground work had to be laid down first.
And that meant superhero lessons.
"Well come on, then! What's first? Close quarters combat drills? A little range time? Torture 101? Come on, come on, I'm ready already, like! Aw this is gonna be just like boot camp! 'cept this time I'm not suckin' off the drill instructor."
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jeremiahofphilo · 5 months
{closed} Boba and Bubbles @taraandtarot
After an entire evening of sorting through florals and staring at various websites, he was certain he had his act together. It had been 15 years since his last date, but... with the bits of encouragement he'd been receiving he felt some of the nerves give way to excitement. Before he went to bed, with trembling fingers, he slipped the ring off the necklace that he always kept beneath his collar and stowed it safely away in a box of dried marigolds.
The next day, after a fresh haircut, at 20 minutes until noon, he arrived at the boba shop they'd agreed upon, a few small flowers wrapped in tissue behind his back.
[->Tara: Hey I'm here! Take your time :)]
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popodoki · 2 months
2.7k into Le Prix and as is the norm with my mainverse Catwin fics, they haven't gotten far into the theme yet.
I love playing with these dolls in my drabbles and ficlets. I play a lot more loosely with canon, and pour in a lot more headcanons.
But my main fics, they get that introspection, cause these boys have a lot of thoughts and feelings and they need to be processed, Edwin Payne king of overthinking and Cat King of nine hearts beating, bleeding.
What I'm saying is that I'm working on it, but it's going to be a few more days, probably x
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neonbreakor · 6 months
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@inkewell continued from
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"Magical and supernalturally powered guns definitely sound dangerous.. And it's a first for me. As well as teleporting magic shops.. This'll be fun"
Rune flips through the papers in the folder.
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eiverja · 8 months
important portrayal notes
(in no particular order)
tries to talk Dag down. he dies with weapon in hand
dislikes and distrusts Ivarr. their interactions are tense and terse. denies him his axe. is truthful about this with Ubba.
Ceolbert is her son. I said what I said.
unexplored/pushed down feelings for Randvi.
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80s-pizza-party · 1 year
New Sensations || Closed RP @80s-pizza-party
Cassidy clapped her hands together and bounced on her feet, grinning.
Freddy, instantly cheered by seeing them so excited, smiled down at them. “You should both get to bed,” he suggested. “You will need your energy for the big day tomorrow!”
“Aw, but now we’re too excited to sleep!” Gregory protested.
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straycalamities · 2 months
Damn, sometimes I forget that Entre is a Onceler
LMAO that's especially amusing to me bc he started as just a onceler askblog ToT no gimmick or anything just ur default 2012 beanpole
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scuddle-bubble101 · 2 months
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Don't mind me... *spontaneously has been giving everyone makeovers*
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the-mocking-robin · 4 days
I'm specifically saying that Superman should tickle Batman and see how much of it he could get away with.
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cantuscorvi · 2 months
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“I do have a phone,” Raum declared almost indignantly.
As if to prove it, he reached into his jacket and offered it out — a simple, black, minimalist looking rectangle. He pressed the little button on the side, and when the screen didn’t awaken, he huffed. The battery was of course long dead.
“Admittedly, it doesn't see very much use. . .”
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jeremiahofphilo · 5 months
"Hey, uh, Tara you free?"
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