Dr. Egon Spengler
143 posts
Independent roleplay blog for Egon Spengler from Ghostbusters. Please read the rules before interacting!
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doctoregonspengler · 3 days ago
Watched Ghostbusters last night and came up with the following headcanon:
During the confrontation on the roof of the apartment complex, Gozer nearly knocks the Ghostbusters off the roof with lightning. Because of how close he came to falling off the edge, Egon is now terrified of open heights. If there's a wall or high railing around him, he's okay with it for the most part. But if it's just open space, he's mortified.
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doctoregonspengler · 3 days ago
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doctoregonspengler · 3 days ago
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Harold Ramis as Egon Spengler
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doctoregonspengler · 3 days ago
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My papa, renaissance man Sailed away and he never came back again
All my troubles on a burning pile All lit up and I start to smile If I catch fire then I'll change my aim Throw my troubles at the pearly gates
[Mother Mother - Burning Pile]
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doctoregonspengler · 4 days ago
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Hi here's a messy sketch of Egon I did on my phone with my finger as that one hot mannequin that's been trending
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doctoregonspengler · 4 days ago
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Harold Ramis as Egon Spengler
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doctoregonspengler · 4 days ago
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He’s the best ghostbuster because he can get these three under moderate control.
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doctoregonspengler · 7 days ago
I'm alive, I promise. I've just had some IRL shit pop up recently that I've been busy dealing with. Thank you all for your patience.
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doctoregonspengler · 10 days ago
Not gonna be around today. Mood is shot rn and I just need some time to myself.
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doctoregonspengler · 11 days ago
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“Ah. The dark side of ambition.” “Oh, I prefer to see it as the promise of redemption.”
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doctoregonspengler · 11 days ago
Egon smirked at the thought. Something told him that Peter would relish the thought of engaging such theatrics. "He'd definitely enjoy selling that story. Wholeheartedly, in fact."
He watched the shift in James' expression and felt the dread of a different kind settle in him. How long had it been since he'd felt this connected with someone? Sure, he had the Ghostbusters and they were all the best of friends. But James knew what it was like to grow up as a lonely child, the product of parents who didn't see there son as a living being with the need to be wanted. To be loved. If he wanted to go his separate way, of course the doctor wouldn't stand in his way. He simply hoped for--
"I could accompany you to your headquarters."
--That. He smiled, feeling himself straighten. "You'd be welcome," he answered without hesitation. "I'll warn you now that the other ghost there, we call it Slimer, can be...a bit much. It shouldn't bother you too much, but it might be annoying from time to time."
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"I'll do what I can to help you through this transition. Whatever I can do, all you need to do is ask."
@ashortdropandasuddenstop | Pieces on a chessboard
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When Egon had left the nautical museum the night before, Ray had been waiting for him at Ecto-1. He had taken the time to update his friend on what had happened in the brig of the ship, and Ray had told him that he would look into ways to help the apparition. He had originally insisted on coming with him the following day, but Egon had refused. None of them had liked the idea of him returning alone to a haunt. But he was resolute, telling them to trust his judgement. The museum had closed an hour before he'd arrived. He'd had to pull a few strings with the staff to allow him in without the Harrington's knowledge. They were almost too happy to comply and the doctor had the feeling that Harrington may not have been that well liked.
With his briefcase in hand, he walked up the gang plank of the ship and paused. He didn't want to have to go back down to the brig, but he didn't know if it would be presumptuous to walk right in to the captain's quarters. He didn't have his PKE meter with him so he wasn't sure where the officer would be. After a moment's deliberation, he knock on the door and let himself in.
No one was in sight and he scouted the area out. Spotting the tea table near the harbor-facing window, he opened his briefcase and set up the chess set he had brought with him. He sat down on the side of the black pieces and waited, watching out of the window at the water. He didn't know how long he would be sitting by himself, but he was patient. He would wait as long as the ghost needed.
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doctoregonspengler · 11 days ago
"Make a side blog," I said. "It'll be easy to keep track of things," I said.
I keep having to triple check which blog I'm posting to because I keep getting them swapped.
In conclusion: I lied to myself and am now grounded for a month.
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doctoregonspengler · 11 days ago
But what if you, as the manager, are the cause of the dumbfuckery?
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You're so right, though
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doctoregonspengler · 11 days ago
Anyone else ever just look at your coworkers and want to say "Alright, folks. Let's keep the dumbfuckery to a minimum today."
But you're the manager, so you can't?
Yeah. That's me today
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doctoregonspengler · 11 days ago
It was as quick as a flash. He was tangible, and then he wasn't. There was a brief surge of panic in which Egon thought the connection was fading. A moment where he believed they were wrong and he had failed him. But when James' voice drifted to him across the cabin, his panic subsided. He strolled over to the table just in time to see the move that sealed the win for the admiral. It was the first time he recalled ever losing at chess, and he couldn't be more pleased.
"Well played, sir," he said, reaching over and knocking his king over. "Of course, now we'll have to have a rematch at some point in the future."
And so they came to it. James' anchor had been moved and he was now free to go wherever he wanted. Egon wasn't sure what his plan was. He could only hope that this wouldn't be the last time he'd ever see him.
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"Now, all that's left to do is convince Harrington," he told him, sliding his hands into his pockets. "I have a very strong suspicion that my friend can talk him in to giving us the sword, but I'll still need to convince them that it's worth not getting paid. I'm sure they'll understand. A scientific discovery like this hasn't crossed our desks in a very long time, if ever there was one. However, the question remains as to where you would like to go. You're a free man. You can go where you please as long as you have your sword."
@ashortdropandasuddenstop | Pieces on a chessboard
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When Egon had left the nautical museum the night before, Ray had been waiting for him at Ecto-1. He had taken the time to update his friend on what had happened in the brig of the ship, and Ray had told him that he would look into ways to help the apparition. He had originally insisted on coming with him the following day, but Egon had refused. None of them had liked the idea of him returning alone to a haunt. But he was resolute, telling them to trust his judgement. The museum had closed an hour before he'd arrived. He'd had to pull a few strings with the staff to allow him in without the Harrington's knowledge. They were almost too happy to comply and the doctor had the feeling that Harrington may not have been that well liked.
With his briefcase in hand, he walked up the gang plank of the ship and paused. He didn't want to have to go back down to the brig, but he didn't know if it would be presumptuous to walk right in to the captain's quarters. He didn't have his PKE meter with him so he wasn't sure where the officer would be. After a moment's deliberation, he knock on the door and let himself in.
No one was in sight and he scouted the area out. Spotting the tea table near the harbor-facing window, he opened his briefcase and set up the chess set he had brought with him. He sat down on the side of the black pieces and waited, watching out of the window at the water. He didn't know how long he would be sitting by himself, but he was patient. He would wait as long as the ghost needed.
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doctoregonspengler · 12 days ago
It was strange. His fingers made contact, but not with flesh. It was like touching pure energy. There, and yet not there at the same time. His brain worked overtime to try and find a comparison to the feeling, but he kept falling short. He kept his touch light, however. Even if he was a ghost, Egon wasn't a fan of physical touch with those he didn't know well. He just had to know what it was like. He'd never been this close to a ghost that wasn't trying to harm him in some way. It was beyond fascinating. It sent an electric sensation up his arm and through his body. It wasn't unpleasant, but he pulled his hand away regardless.
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"I'm honored, Admiral," he said, smirking slightly. "I'm sorry if it was too presumptuous. I was just curious. Occupational hazard." He turned his attention to the image of James' at the chessboard. "It seems to be playing back your most recent manifestation. If that's the case, maybe the tether will have fully shifted when you reach the point we're at now."
He knew at some point, he would need to leave and go over the plan with Venkman and the others. But he couldn't leave. He couldn't just walk away when there was so much going on that he had to see. On top of that, their game wasn't over just yet.
"I know this is a really bad time," he said, turning his attention back to James. "But it's your move."
@ashortdropandasuddenstop | Pieces on a chessboard
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When Egon had left the nautical museum the night before, Ray had been waiting for him at Ecto-1. He had taken the time to update his friend on what had happened in the brig of the ship, and Ray had told him that he would look into ways to help the apparition. He had originally insisted on coming with him the following day, but Egon had refused. None of them had liked the idea of him returning alone to a haunt. But he was resolute, telling them to trust his judgement. The museum had closed an hour before he'd arrived. He'd had to pull a few strings with the staff to allow him in without the Harrington's knowledge. They were almost too happy to comply and the doctor had the feeling that Harrington may not have been that well liked.
With his briefcase in hand, he walked up the gang plank of the ship and paused. He didn't want to have to go back down to the brig, but he didn't know if it would be presumptuous to walk right in to the captain's quarters. He didn't have his PKE meter with him so he wasn't sure where the officer would be. After a moment's deliberation, he knock on the door and let himself in.
No one was in sight and he scouted the area out. Spotting the tea table near the harbor-facing window, he opened his briefcase and set up the chess set he had brought with him. He sat down on the side of the black pieces and waited, watching out of the window at the water. He didn't know how long he would be sitting by himself, but he was patient. He would wait as long as the ghost needed.
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doctoregonspengler · 12 days ago
Munday Asks: Salt Edition
1. How salty are you feeling right now?
2. What are your unpopular opinion(s) of the fandom you’re rping in?
3. What rp trends are you so over and can’t wait for it to die?
4. Have you ever made a call out post or wanted to?
5. A ship everyone in the fandom you’re in loves, but you can’t stand?
6. Have you ever sent something to one of those burn book blogs?
7. Has someone made you unfollow/block them without a second thought because of a petty reason?
8. Are you good at dealing with personal problems?
9. What’s your opinion on duplicates?
10. Any fandom(s) you don’t want to rp in or crossover to?
11. Are you for or not for purple prosing?
12. Has someone in the rp community ever made you upset/cry?
13. Ever told someone not to follow/rp with a particular person because something that happened to you in the past? 
14. Ever knew someone that everyone loves but you can’t stand?
15. Have you ever done something out of spite?
16. What would you say to the one who hurt you in the past?
17. What are your opinions when someone makes negative posts constantly on their rp blog?
18. Do you hold grudges for long?
19. Wild card: ask the mun any type of salty asks.
20. If you’re feeling salty right now, this ask gives you a free reign to pour out your frustration.
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