nemxricultrix · 26 days
@as-above-rp from...
"Yea. Having fun so far? Feels good getting out, cutting loose." She's a bit tipsy, even with the constitution of several dwarves. Still, she couldn't deny a pretty face.
"Thanks, a friend helped me with it."
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werexcat · 10 months
continued from [ 🪢 ]with @as-above-rp's Kairi!
At this point, all Gabriel wanted to do was rest, but he sure picked a helluva spot to attempt to rest. Thing was, he couldn't take another stop as worn out as he was, so he was stuck with slowly moving past all of the taken benches, growing more frustrated by the moment.
FUCK, why were there so many people around h--
There was moment out of the corner of his eye--not once, but twice--before a soft voice spoke up.
Blinking, green eyes fell upon a blonde haired woman who was must've been making a space for him because her bag was sitting in her lap. He glanced around for a moment--was she talking to him?--before weighing his chances.
She wouldn't mind if he sat next to her?? He didn't have to trust her. He just ... just had to sit next to her for a bit and then he could move on once he'd rested.
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"...Fine. There's too many people around here." It'd probably be another mile or so before he found somewhere decent anyway, and with a few more steps, he took a seat, trying not to too close to her even though he was sitting right next to her.
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daexmage · 9 months
Whoever she was, whoever she could BE--a potential customer, perhaps--Torr could only watch with interest as she eventually stepped into the shop much to the dark haired pinkette's delight! Now, Torr had seen a fair amount of traffic today--it was a decent day, no doubt (outside of haggling with a hobgoblin, of course!)--but there was always time for MORE customers!
There was always time for more customers who were also NEW customers!
"If you just wanna browse, I'll leave you to it, but if you need any help, feel free to call out to me," Torr spoke up in a friendly manner from behind the counter further in the back which afforded a her a pretty wide viewing angle of the shop itself. "Welcome to Torr's Tomes, Tonics, and Trinkets by the way!"
In her hand was--predictable for a frequent customer--a white tome with bronze accents. / @as-above-rp's kairi !
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calebron · 8 months
R and U from the alphabet meme!
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R - ROMANCE.   is your muse a romantic or a cynic?
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Caleb is a cynic through and through. He doesn't believe in romance and finds it off putting. Granted he has never experienced true romance himself, he just has a natural aversion to it because it simply goes against his nature to put romance before lust.
U- UNREQUITED.   has your muse had their heart broken?
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Not really, because he has never been in love with someone. I think the closest it could come to heart broken is when someone turns him down, his pride always takes a blow when that happens even though he likes to act super confident.
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doedsdans · 12 days
🥚 "I forgot I had this in my apron - you want it? :3" (Kairi)
Send a 🥚 for my muse to receive an egg
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❝ Oh? Now, why the hell are you carrying it around in the apron? Are you a fucking kangaroo? ❞ They jested.
❝ Is it fertilized? ❞
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werexcat · 9 months
It hadn't been very long since he'd stayed the night at Roland's place and if he were being honest with himself, over the next couple of days, the brunet had been part of the reason why he'd gone ahead and pushed himself to make the street life he had just a bit more comfortable.
Now, he'd never been inside anyone else's home aside from Razor's--Roland's was nicer (not that he'd ever tell Razor that)--but more than that: it was comfortable and clean... and even though he didn't have a big space like that to get in out of the cold, to cool off, to rest, the backpack offered him a comfort he hadn't had for the past couple of years.
That aside, even with all he'd purchased that day, he still a lot of money in his pocket as far as he was concerned, and so he found himself returning to Batty Brews during the late morning--no, yes, that was right. This was the right place. After another few minutes of staring just to be sure, Gabriel entered, rather conscious of the backpack on his back just a tiny bit more upon setting into the coffeehouse before his gaze settled upon the board that was on display.
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That's ... that's what he should be looking at, right?
... Damn. Maybe he should actually ask someone, but who, exactly? His gaze did a slow sweep of the coffeehouse before actually stepping aside when someone coughed behind him. Oh, shit--he was in the way. Was this a busy time? Instead of standing, he sat at an empty table with a small mental curse of frustration after setting his bag down next to him.
What now? / @as-above-rp !
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werexcat · 10 months
continued from [🪢] / @as-above-rp
He's called him 'sweetheart' two times now. TWO. What the hell??? It, for sure, is making him blush because this is literally out of nowhere, but he's attempting to ignore it for the sake of his curiosity goddamnit.
Scowling--something about this guy pissed him off--Gabriel folded his arms across his chest.
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"Can I see them or whatever?" he piped up, displeased. "Please?" This guy was a vampire. He'd have to remember that, whatever the hell that was.
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werexcat · 8 months
Roland: -nearly choking on his drink- "You *WHAT?*" He almost looks impressed!!! (( SDBLJSBD )) @as-above-rp !
"What?? I took 'em all on with no problems whatsoever. Didn't even last long, either."
Honestly, he looked a little confused by Roland's response. "What's in the cup? Can I drink some of that?"
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werexcat · 8 months
💋For Roland OR Kairi, dealer's choice~
THE FIRST 5 ASKS TO SEND 💋 GET A KISS / accepting. @as-above-rp's kairi.
Standing across the street while Gabriel was sitting at the park on a bench with Kairi was a creep. He hadn't stopped staring at Kairi from the moment they'd sat down, and even though the blonde had been able to put him off her mind, Gabriel wasn't okay with it.
The guy needed to be sent a message.
As though it was something out of one of those movies--he'd seen two kiss scenes in his lifetime while on the streets--Gabriel's closest hand moved to tilt Kairi's head up just a bit.
"Sorry, that guy's still being a creep, so I guess you belong to me for a little bit," the Werecat whispered as he closed in on her personal space. "I'm not... good... though..."
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As soon as those few words left his mouth, he'd captured the blonde's lips in a sweet, albeit simple kiss.
As though interrupted from his fantasy, the guy became disgruntled and stalked off.
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werexcat · 11 months
first timer is a first timer with @as-above-rp // for Yue!!
Though James had been to taverns before—only those in his village and only one drink as his profession simply couldn’t allow more than that before he simply walked away from it all—it was safe to say that the tavern he had just entered now had that same warm, welcoming feeling to it which made the elf feel good about his choice.
Now, he didn’t know anyone here and he was dressed in what he had donned (before being whisked away by a most curious rope)—physicians’ robes that were made out of silk as afforded by said occupation—which should have made him a target for robbery, but he’d dealt with any potential problems swiftly though he disliked it. Thankfully, the tavern truly did feel welcoming, and for the moment, James felt safe.
Yet there was one question in the forefront of his mind… where to sit?
Standing close to the entrance, but not in-front of it, grey eyes scanned the length of the tavern from end to end, unsure. From what he could see, there wasn’t a lot of choices today, at least.
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werexcat · 8 months
Shortly after parting from Kairi, Gabriel turned his head to stare in the direction that he'd last seen that creep, but it seemed that they'd finally fucked off. However, Gabriel continued to stare for a few moments longer seeing as his own face was pretty red to say that the kiss had been relatively simple.
Though, in all honesty, it'd been his first.
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"Looks like he's finally gone..."
Though, when he finally did find the courage to look back at Kairi, the stubborn blush remained. He might've kissed her unexpectedly, but he'd had a good reason!! Well--it'd seemed like a good reason.
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werexcat · 9 months
🕯️Gimme those thoughts on Roland and Kairi ;)
“He’s nice to me—I don’t know why he is. Don’t know why he let me go home with him that night, but it was better than being out in the cold. His food was good. His eyes—…all of him—nice to look at. He has nice eyes. Never seen anyone with that color before him. If—… if I could’ve met him sooner, maybe… maybe it’d—… “
“I don’t know much at all about her, but she’s got really sunny hair and … nice eyes. She’s—she’s pretty… and … it’s … reallyfuckingcute when she turns red. She shouldn’t have showed me that. Tch… it’s not easy to forget. Why she was so nice when I barely understood her, I don’t know.. I wouldn’t mind hearing her talk again… about things she likes.”
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daexmage · 9 months
Do they see the glass as half full or half empty? What happens if someone praises their work? What happens if someone criticizes their work?
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Character Development Q&A
Do they see the glass as half full or half empty?
Torr wasn't always the type of person to see the glass as half full--it was something that she had to learn as she struggled with the loss of her parents (when she understood at a later age). Nowadays, she always looks at situations with a half full glass.
What happens if someone praises their work?
If someone praises Torr's work be it the trinkets, tonics, or tomes that she's put together (only a small selection are not authored by herself) or made, she feels a sense of pride because she knows that she did the best job that she personally could with the information and experience at her disposal. Now, if it was someone of great importance, she'd feel a bit more embarrassed and modest.
What happens if someone criticizes their work?
If Torr's work were to be criticized--the things in her shop such as the tomes, trinkets, or tonics--she would immediately challenge that person on what, exactly, is the problem be it the color of the tonic (or otherwise), the written information in the tome, or actual ability to use the product that was made.
She won't allow herself or her work to be looked down upon or disrespected by anyone because she would not sell anything that would not do what it was supposed to do.
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doedsdans · 14 days
💗 - i tend to start with friendships, and see how muse relationships develop from there! If romance happens naturally, then i'm all for it, but it's far from necessary!
AHOY ( accepting )
Same here same here! Eerie is slow burn as fuck and that build up is necessary for any ship to work.
In fact, there will be more chances for a ship to happen if Eerie sparks a friendship and a certain amount of closeness with a muse first ( whenever that happens ). Eerie is just... weird with feelings and emotions and intimacy, it takes time for them to warm up to new people, but it's not impossible! This is why they work the best with people who are patient, sensitive and can bring Eerie's intermost feelings out.
But, as you said, a romantic ship doesn't even need to happen! I'm happy to just stick to friendship, platonic and even queerplatonic stuff!!
@as-above-rp //
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