#mainly for c!Techno obviously
anarchy-and-piglins · 8 months
I don't really analyze/write meta about any characters outside of c!Techno and c!Techno-adjacent characters (mostly in reference to him then), BUT for some reason one throwaway line from The Prison Visit that has always lived in my head rent-free is when Techno mentions the security of the prison seems rather redundant and Sam says "redundancy is safety".
Redundancy as a concept in engineering is very important and a lot of engineers will tell you redundancy is safety, there's just something about the way he says that. The way he says that to Techno specifically while Techno is being lured into a trap. Something about the way Sam says it too, after he's been growing more and more obsessed with the prison project to the point of it costing him his friends, his family, his entire life.
I don't know, just... I think c!Sam analyzers should run with it or whatever-
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petrichormore · 2 years
Wait so people actually still think Fundy was a traitor for disowning Wilbur in front of Schlatt? Really??
My guys, you aren’t supposed to side with Wilbur on that one - at that point he’s delusional and unstable, he thinks everyone is out to get him. He is an unreliable narrator.
First of all, Fundy was a spy. He was always on Pogtopia’s side. Second of all, HE WAS AN ACTUAL KID. Even if he hadn’t been spying, he’s still just trying to stay alive. What’s he gonna do, say “Actually I love my dad Wilbur and Pogtopia and everything they stand for” directly to Schlatt’s face??
C!Wilbur isn’t thinking of that, which makes sense for him, but the audience should be.
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Dream smp x jjk au, thats it.
I'd like to see what u come up with :]
I will probably write a fic soon but here are my ideas for characters.
C!Tommy: Yuji - pretty obvious, I wanna make my silly the main guy who goes through all the torment. However, it also lines up with how Yuji thinks and wants to be there to help his friends no matter what. c!Tommy also definitely fits Yuji’s vibe of “hero”.
c!Dream: Sukuna - also pretty obvious. Just seems like it would fit to have him be the all powerful chaos demon from a 1000 years ago who makes it his life goal to torment this one kid. Plus it lines up with who I decided would be Gojo.
c!Techno: Gojo - now instead of doing the classic “Wilbur is Tommy’s mentor” like I typically do. I feel like c!Techno fits the bill for Gojo’s character. Incredibly strong but acts goofy in sort of a facade due to his past and childhood and not wanting others to go through the same fate (my interpretation of Gojo and c!Techno anyway)
c!Phil: Geto - I can’t not throw some angst in there somewhere. Plus it lines up with how I view c!Phil’s character. He’s very set on his goals and believes in them deeply. Going through such a traumatic event such as the Toji incident from when they were younger would have definitely changed him.
c!Wilbur: Megumi - I feel like having c!Wilbur be Megumi would make for a more interesting story overall and put more depth into Yuji’s and Megumi’s friendship and how close they are. Also c!Wilbur fits Megumi much more than c!Tubbo does even though he would also be best friend material obviously. Megumi and c!Wilbur’s sacrificial mindset or at least how I see Megumi’s mindset anyway definitely fits together.
c!Niki: Nobara - Nobara is one of the most badass female characters I’ve seen in a while and that place can’t go to anyone else but c!Niki. After seeing Nobara’s past and everything play out, I just feel like c!Niki would be a good fit and would also fit in well with c!Tommy and c!Wilbur.
c!Puffy: Maki - our other badass female character, c!Puffy. Something about her really makes me feel like she would fit Maki well. Growing up in a family that values cursed techniques over anything and then not having one of her own but still trying no matter what.
c!Tubbo: Todo - who else could fit our over dramatic king Todo. Something about that strength and brotherly relationship he has with Yuji really ties me to believe that c!Tubbo would make a good Todo. This one is mainly vibes.
c!Ranboo: Yuta - Gojo’s most powerful prodigy student who has a cursed spirit following him around but starts off scared until he learns to wield that power? C!Ranboo and c!Techno’s relationship anyone???? Idk it just fits.
c!Punz: Uraume - I don’t really have a good answer for this one. I just think it fits I guess.
c!Quackity: Nanami - Also mostly vibes but being tired of Gojo’s shit while simultaneously trying to not do any overtime but still getting stuff done quickly and efficiently while taking Yuji under his wing. Gives me vibes of c!Quackity.
c!Sapnap: Toji - This one is a pure shot in the dark but I personally think it would be hilarious, something about it just feels right, y’know? I’m slowly going downhill with these answers lmao.
C!Bad: Choso - Can you blame me? It fits him maybe. Idk. I think it’s funny.
c!Fundy: Panda - I will not elaborate.
I’ll talk more about it in a bit but this is what I got so far.
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i think it's funny to think people sees TMA!dnb and TMA!cundy? (Cala x fundy) As maybe disfunctional relationships for being vey affectionate with the other pair but they all are full of love for their parthers and just acept they like to express affection differently with other people but still love them
And yes that’s exactly it! Some people don’t fully understand sometimes, except Phil who completely understands. But those guys definitely love their partners to the moon and back and they show it so differently.
Cala and Pre Prison Dream show it more obviously and affectionately— either with a lot of PDA or gifts! This leads them to obviously do the same with each other which is the reason so many people get confused on if they’re together or not.
Techno is more reserved on showing that stuff in public. In private he absolutely does, or with people around he trusts. He rarely does in public, and he will join in on Cala’s shenanigans if someone is being an ass or if they’re giving her a hard time.
And with Fundy he’s.. honestly nervous on giving Cala that affection in public. He’s almost averse to it to be honest. Mainly because of Wilbur since he was very strict on what to do or not to do. He’s honestly more scared of hurting her if he does give her affection or bringing the wrong type of attention/- so he sticks to doing it only when he knows they’re both alone. And Cala understands that completely and that’s why she initiates the affection in public all the time :3
Fundy trusts Dream and Techno, and knows that if they had more than just platonic feelings towards her they’d talk about it with him. Same with Cala. But the trio have reassured it’s all strictly platonic with her c:
There are times though when Dream does tease Fundy a bit, since he knows he had a crush on him so he likes to play flirt/give some affection too. And Fundy usually plays along— and also having that gay panic too HSJSSJSK
They’re all just a group of people who show a lot of love to each other in different ways. :3
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cowsandcrows · 2 years
dsmp theatee production braainrot
no but like. c!dream actually just wandering through the crowd, monologueing- better, SINGING THE LMANBERG ANTHEM AFTER DOOMSDAY
i am so happy for this
and just all the characters with different amount of armour
wilbur with none obviously but most of dreams costume would be his armour, aside from the mask, and techno would have a lot but it would be embellished and detailed and golden to fit his aesthetic
philza would have just enough to give him some protection but not too much because he doesnt care enough and hes not regularly on the offensive or fighting short-range
so hed have again, armour that fits his aesthetic but mainly like plates on his boots and arms, and maybe a vest that like just covers his chest a bit
I would kill people to create that costume
ANYWAY characters like tommy or jack would have a lot less armour, just basic stuff
and then when its an actual war like doomsday people will wear change their amount of armour, and it will be so noticeable how much they cover up in that situation
ranboo puts on a full set
techno keeps it easy to maneuvere
tommy doesnt have much, and what he does have would be visibly scuffed and not entirely durable
tubbo has an okay set only because hes the president
dream takes off some of his armour as a power move, unnoticed in the midst of it all
also i just want to. discuss ghostbur. because ohhh my gosh thats such a good focus.
id probably have part 2 focus a lot on techno, though i wouldnt want there to be a clear main character in any of it- like wilburs story would be the focus in part 1, but he dies and that would throw off the audiences understandinf of who the protagonists are supposed to be! MORALLY GREY CHARACTERS HOORAY! CONFUSE THE AUDIENCE AND ANYONE WHO EXPEXTS STORIES TO HAVE A CLEAR GOOD VS BAD DYNAMIC!!!!!
focusing on techno in the second part of the play would be amazing because his interactions with the audience are so unique to other ccs
he talks constantly during lore, breaking 4th wall liberally, hes way less performative in the way he does it too, whereas wilbur and dream would do it with the idea of performance
and like that other person said, techno could actually spend his retirement arc IN THE AUDIENCE AREA
all od this is makinf me think the stage should have a thrust section that is level eith the audience, and maybe even multiple clearings throughout where characters can move to when needed, like with dreams wandering, and where characters that gradually move on-stage will start out? not like for the audience to see, but if youre near them you do see it. different perspectives and stuff
and Tommy might actuallt pick on members of the audience for comic relief, joking around and shit, which would contrast so heavily to exile where he would just sit on the edge of rhe stage and talk to them quietly
and ranboo could be constantly ramblinf to the audience withour a clewr understanding of what they are, and then one person in the audience could actually reply to him, and he could kind of jist stop and go 'wait what, thats not supposed to happen' almost like they did in wandavision if anyone knows what im on about. like that whole interview section? that
AUGHHHH MY BRAIN IS DECAYING schlatt should die in one of those sections in the middle of the audience. im just sayinf. he should.
becayse there are so many different povs to the dsmp i think it would be cool if the stage was set so that different sides of the audience would have a completely different idea of the story
like characters that can be seen wandering around in the background might only be see by the left audience, or the right side might get a different impression of the lighting
or the spotlights could be angled on some characters so that one side of them is obscured by shadow and another side is brightly lit (could work so well with Wilbur or schlatt to communicate how different people hate or idolise them)
please send help
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
So Dream and his gloating. There are two things we get from this: exposition and some insight into Dream and Sapnap’s characters. It’s just a lot of useful and fun information, given to us in manageable chunks thanks to Tubbo and Foolish’s interruption.
It starts with what we already know. The fake accusation Eret told them about last chapter, now with Dream’s opinion added on. He’s essentially making use of Themsis’ bias towards men and Voice by saying they used theirs to try and assassinate him.
Dream is annoyed that he was outplayed by Wilbur and Tommy. He had the perfect plan for this invasion (a man on the inside and the information that Wilbur could use his Voice) and they ruined it. They threw a wrench in his plans by not telling Eret that Tommy could use his Voice too (technically he hadn’t been successful yet). And then Wilbur got them out. Not only that, but he got them to Zephys IV. The one place Dream couldn’t get them.
And it’s fun to know that Dream is scared of Phil and Techno. That he knows he’s outnumbered. Also, Dream seems to know (and be scared of) Techno. So I feel like there’s some history there. And Dream has a scar across his face. I feel like that’s referencing something too. And I think that might be the duel. And my only reason for thinking that is that one Sad-ist animation because it’s the same face scar, but I might be reading too much into it.
Anyway, Dream has a lot of frustrations, mainly with Wilbur since he’s fully aware that Wilbur is the bigger threat. It’s also really nice to get the confirmation that Wilbur was doing everything right. The only thing he could have done better was not leaving and he did make a very weak attempt at getting Tommy to stay. And if he’d known the essempi ship was out there, he would have backed out.
Dream (1/4)
oh yeah dream wasn't only using themis' bias towards men, he was moreso using the entire galaxy's bias towards sirens and their Voices in general. because themis, again, doesn't really give a shit what happens to wilbur and tommy. they're not the ones he needs to justify this execution to. it's more just the galaxy as whole with their intergalactic laws. and pretty much the entire galaxy is afraid of themis. their Voices are why no one fucks with them, so dream being able to say the brothers used their siren Voices to try and kill him? no one is really gonna question that, because they think all sirens are extremely dangerous and would understand why dream would have to kill them after that.
dream is SO annoyed about the wrench they threw in his plans. I wanted to kind of show a loose parallel to c!dream's obsession with c!tommy here. obviously stars!dream doesn't have that same level of obsession towards stars!tommy, but he's still far more fixated on him and their rivalry than anything else. in his mind, tommy is his enemy here. the crown prince of the planet he's trying to take over. it's supposed to be the two of them facing off, but then his bastard older brother gets in the way, and that pisses him off.
I don't actually have a story for how stars!dream got the scar lol, it was just a character detail I added because I often see c!dream drawn with a scar and I thought it'd look cool sdlkfjd. feel free to interpret it how you want!
wilbur was really doing everything right up until they left :(
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kaiokentimesten · 2 years
YO! thank you so much for answering my ask! I know it’s a silly thing to say thanks for but honestly I was kinda a little nervous to ask initially and ty your response helped me a lot! :D
I hope you don’t mind but I also wanted to ask a little follow up- Cause my personal shot in the dark for what he got going on was his initial feelings of insecurity or resentment from others disregarding him making him prideful to not take the help when given- kinda like ‘oh so you’re just NOW helping me? Fuck off!’ Type of attitude. Am I correct or am I missing the dot a little?
I know this is going a little more into the personal hc or over-thinking territory, but I wanted to know what your take is on it! because I feel like the pieces are there for schlatt to have a complicated relationship with genuinely trusting people and opening up to them, I’m just not sure entirely if my train of thought is true to his character if that makes sense.
(Sorry that this is a weird question… I’m trying to write a fic that pairs c!schlatt up with an unlikely character- my own version/interpretation of michael B.- and trust is kinda a theme I wanted to see I could connect the dots with more)
-schlatt anon :)
Hi again anon!! Good to see you back! I’m always happy to talk about c!Schlatt with people so don’t worry about asking me questions! I love answering em :P Answer will again be under the cut
That’s a very interesting interpretation! I can definitely see that being a fairly solid headcanon. As for canon evidence and my own interpretation, though, it seems like he’s just always been prideful from the get-go. I mean, he was confident enough to randomly start his own party in the middle of an election. That, to me, shows a lot of pride. He never really asked for help, nor did he ever really accept it when it was given. In a way, he took the support around him for granted imo
As for themes of trust, though, there’s a lot to be said I think! Schlatt definitely has a lot of issues trusting people and genuinely opening up (he tends to fake introspection to get what he wants but that obviously doesn’t count). The only person he really seemed to genuinely open up to and trust, in my opinion, was Fundy. Which makes sense, since Fundy knew so much about Schlatt (as shared in A Spy’s Diary), and Schlatt seemed genuinely distraught when Fundy’s betrayal was revealed on November 16th (lashing out, hitting Fundy, shouting things like “who’s gonna lift dumbbells with me, man?!”, etc.) 
I think Schlatt felt the need to keep up appearances. He loved having that power both because it just felt good, but I think he also loved having it because it made him feel stronger than he actually was. Drinking protein, doing curls while talking to people, constantly belittling those around him and insinuating they’re weak, I think it was all—at least partly—done to compensate for how weak he was, you know? He was the Big Strong Man that couldn’t be touched, or at least he tried to make it seem that way. 
Schlatt was also just generally paranoid when it came to those around him. There’s this pretty good clip from Wilbur’s “techno and wilbur make cave better” stream where Tubbo is in Pogtopia, and Schlatt joins the call and demands to know where Tubbo is. From what I can remember, he does this a lot. He needs to know where everyone is at any given moment, because I think a part of him didn’t trust them one bit. Of course, he was right to, but he didn’t know that until later. Here’s the clip I was talking about, by the way. Keep watching until about 31:20. 
So yeah your interpretation isn’t completely unbelievable, but I think c!Schlatt’s trust issues mainly stem from his need to keep appearances, general paranoia, and his near constant inebriation 
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tobi-smp · 2 years
this is more an observation than anything, but there’s this strange discrepancy in how apologists who Also like c!tommy treat canon vs how they interact with other characters.
there’s this tendency from (mainly) dream and techno apologists to soften either the depiction of canon events or the relationship between those characters and c!tommy by taking focus Away From the conflict between them and using another character as a scapegoat.
with techno this will often be a reframing of the situation as l’manberg or quackity or tubbo or wilbur (individually or all together) being the Real Evil that pushed tommy and techno against each other. sometimes it’s a miscommunication born from someone else’s actions (usually wilbur’s back during pogtopia), sometimes it’s tommy needing to learn that techno was right all along (that his friends are all evil or toxic, or on the lighter end that it’s just l’manberg as a system that’s making everyone act out), sometimes it steers away from the personal conflict between them entirely to present the other party as unabashedly evil.
and the ridiculous thing about this is that it’s a narrative that could Easily work, if people recognized that we Have a canonical manipulator and abuser that intentionally sabotaged tommy and the relationships he had with other people through lies, manipulation, and outright abuse. that that Same person has been manipulating techno since his introduction to the series.
and it gets progressively sillier to see people staunchly refuse to use dream as that scapegoat for the tension between tommy and techno’s relationship as we get more and more information about what dream was up to behind the scenes at the time (such as dream being an Actual serial killer canonically [Link])
and then with dream himself there’s this obvious Defocusing on exile, on tommy’s death, or on the logsted chase scene. it’s interesting when you see this line, because Yes there are some people who just fully pretend like dream didn’t do anything wrong while still Liking c!tommy and their dynamic together. which is a sight to behold.
but more commonly you’ll see people who recognize dream as a character who did bad things, but they won’t focus in on What those bad things were. there’s a Playing Up of dream’s sympathetic nature (real or otherwise).
this was obviously felt the strongest with dream being in prison. with aus and fic and “predictions” exploring the possibility of tommy and dream “repairing their relationship” because dream was so pathetic and sad from what quackity had been doing to him that tommy had no choice but to take care of him (and in turn we don’t have to think about the ways that dream would take advantage of that dynamic, because we aren’t Thinking about the specifics of what dream did to tommy). 
which, of course, was largely dropped after dream’s escape From prison. but with that came more interesting framing in terms of animatics and fanart.
people trying to juggle framing dream’s escape from prison as a triumphant moment, while Also having to balance the fact that he Is a villain without digging into the details of What It Is Exactly That Makes Him Villainous (or risk ruining those triumphant and sympathetic aspects).
I’m not going to name names, but the example that brought this to the forefront to me was a fan song that used lines and imagery that intentionally called back to logsted (referring back to not only his past abuse of tommy, but him chasing tommy down to torture him after his escape), but specifically within the context of a triumphant I Win song that presented dream as sympathetic throughout. it would’ve been perfect as a pov song if it’d been self aware.
there’s this need to soften the details, to pull away attention from the ugliness of dream’s actions, in order to either present him as a sympathetic character worthy of redemption or to revel in him as a Fun Campy Villain without being bogged down by the severity of his actions (which, I’m living proof that sanding his actions down isn’t necessary for loving the character).
which of course means that those same people will emphasize the villainous actions of other characters to compensate for the Lack of attention on dream’s actions. quackity and sam are the obvious scapegoats (with tommy being the largest scapegoat for the fandom as a whole, but I digress), but wilbur is of course twisted into the main antagonist of the series before his death. 
which is strange when you look at a character like ranboo, even coming from the same people.
you’ll have people producing art and writing and meta about dream tormenting ranboo, fully embracing the psychological horror aspects of ranboo’s arc with dream front and center in it, and then turn around around and soften dream’s actions towards tommy until they’re just a footnote.
and it’s interesting to me, because it’s not actually Better.
obviously within canon we don’t know the nature of ranboo and dream’s relationship together. we don’t know if ranboo is helping dream willingly or how aware dream was of ranboo’s memory problems. we don’t have any of the details, so it’s not appropriate to put it on the same level as dream’s relationship with tommy.
but it’s Also true that when you have fan depictions of dream intentionally brainwashing a minor to force them to commit crimes (including the death of one of his closest friends), that’s uh. not Not child abuse! it’s a very different Kind of abuse but it is still Abuse.
but dream’s relationship with tommy is the one that has those stigmatized connotations associated with them, while his relationship with ranboo is couched in terms used in fiction. they’re able to revel in Psychological Horror without having to sidestep “abuse.” but there isn’t actually anything Different about dream’s actions here, they’re the same person with the same motivations, the difference is that they’re afraid to revel in the horror of his actions in one instance and not the other.
there’s something about the horror dream inflicts on ranboo that makes it feel like a Safer horror to fans of both characters, as opposed to fans of dream and tommy, even when those fans are the same people.
and then of course with fans of ranboo and techno there’s no awareness that there’s any potential conflict here at all. people were reveling in syndicate content, presenting them as best pals who’ll have each other’s backs for the rest of time, in the immediate aftermath of ranboo joining the syndicate because he didn’t trust techno not to kill his family. which was one of the funniest juxtapositions I’ve ever seen.
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square-blunt · 3 years
Ok but i wanna talk about the aftermath of exile and how some of the post-exile anti-c!tommy rhetoric is kinda victim-blamey? But I really only want to focus on one.
So a lot of people are justifying people's actions towards Tommy post-exile with 'Well, he never told anyone about exile so how were they supposed to know?' First of all, a lot of real-world abuse victims don't just go running around telling people about what happened to them. You can't expect Tommy to have been open about it right after it all happened. Mainly because his abuser was still around- not only around but respected by some people. Second of all, if he turns to a guy who he hopes will protect him and his emotional state, then he'll tell them when he's ready. But if those people break his trust and, I don't know, want to blow up his home that he fought and died for, I'm not gonna want to be around those people anymore.
I want to look at the bedrock bros arc through this lens. I do think, as a c!tommy app, that with time and better circumstances, being with Techno and Phil might have helped Tommy. But those circumstances were Techno trying to push his own agenda onto a kid who's obviously just gotten out of a situation that no 16 year-old should ever have gone through. Techno is smart. He's smart as shit- and he, or phil at least, should have been able to connect the dots. "Traumatized child is scared of specific man, traumatized children are scared of their abusers, specific man is the abuser." It's not too hard to put together. Also, techno has a vendetta against Tubbo who is Tommy's best friend. Keep in mind, c!Tubbo had no clue what was going to happen during exile. We all saw how he reacted when he saw the pillar. Tubbo understood what had happened. Techno understands to some extent. He told Dream that Tommy was with him, so he knows that Dream's done something to Tommy.
It's also canon that he has been in therapy. This might be for the events of disc finale, losing his last life and coming back, exile, November 16th, pogtopia and watching his brother spiral, the first L'manberg wars, or all of the above. But that also doesn't mean he has to tell anyone else that he doesn't want to. He isn't obligated to harm his own mental health for sake of others' convenience. The people on the SMP aren't stupid. They should be able to tell. Tommy shouldn't have to go into detail about being physically abused for people to understand that he's been hurt and that maybe they should start thinking about the mental and physical health of this literal child soldier.
TL;DR c!Tommy is not in any way obligated to tell people about what happened in exile, and people on the smp are smart enough to understand the general extent of what c!Dream did to him. 'Not knowing' isn't an excuse.
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simpurnatural · 3 years
any fluff about jack, techno, or punz?
I’ve thought real long and hard on how I could incorporate all three of them into just one thing. So I decided on…
“When you’re sick” Pt. 1 || “When you’re” sick Pt. 2
In which how each content creator or character reacts to reader feeling a bit under the weather.
CC!JackManifoldTV x Reader, C!TechnoBlade x Reader (Platonic), CC!Punz x Reader
WARNING ⚠️: Swearing
Any writing errors? Point them out! Love some helpful feedback! <3
Tumblr media
All of yesterday was filled with getting content for your latest YouTube video
Then continued to pull an all nighter to edit it
That was the routine for the past month
So obviously, your lack of self care would catch up to you
And now you were collapsed on the sofa in Your’s and Jack’s shared flat
The sun was up so that meant he was up too
Trudging into the kitchen, he sees an arm flailed over the sofa arm rest
He jumps but tip toes quietly to your sleeping self
“Oh you’re alive”
You’re body was aching every time you tried moving to get comfortable
“Why didn’t you head to bed?”
more inaudible groaning
Only when your eyes fluttered open did you realize how annoying sun’s presence was
On this day particularly
So you shoved your face further into the cushions
Jack left a glass of water and pain reliever pills
Making sure to not make a loud sudden noises
It was probably the late afternoon by the time you got up
Jack applauds
You glare at him as you take the pill
He looks away immediately
“I feel like death”
“-Er you look like death,”
That was true
Skin more pail than usual
Bags under the eye more apparent than ever
“Get some rest,”
“I have to stream,”
“No you need a break,”
“But I-“
“No, not having any of that.”
Jack basically dragging you to your room
You flopped on the bed, not bothering to get under the covers
But Jack assists you and closes the blinds
“I’ll be back with dinner,”
“It’s seven,”
You shoot up like a rocket but regret it after
Jack pushes you down gently and shuts off the lights
“Night night,”
“And another,”
“You’ve basically led a trail of tissues in around my house!”
With a waste basket in hand, Techno was picking up all your used tissues
And had a remark for every time you needed one
You weren’t sure if he was being helpful or annoying
Pretending to be fine, you shoved more up your nose and continued with your day
But at such a sluggish pace
A pickaxe that would’ve taken a minute or two to craft took you twenty
Of course Techno offered his skilled services
Mainly to not have you touch everything while being sick
“Do you need-“
He called for reinforcements
Philza AKA Dadza
A cold breeze hit your face as you opened the door for him
Phil jumped at the sight of your pale face and cherry head nose
“Holy fuck,”
“Hey Phil!”
You go in for a hug but one of his crows squawk
“You alright mate?”
“Just a lil tired,”
You hoarse voice was almost unrecognizable
“How about you take a nap?”
“HEH?” “I’ve been telling them to do that the whole day!”
Phil chuckles as they guide you up the stairs
You slip under the covers and shut your eyes
“No Ah thank you TechnoBlade for picking up after me blah blah blah?” the piglin hybrid asked in a high pitch tone
“Thanks Philza,”
You stumbled into Your’s and Luke’s shared room after your 12 hour subathon
Downed one iced coffee and two monsters to last you the entire stream
But your head was pounding from the forced all-nighter
Not that you didn’t enjoy it
You’ve played late night monopoly and pummel party with your friends many times before
It’s just that you were just so physically exhausted this time
From all the subgoal dares and eyes just glued to screens made your head woozy
You went to sleep hoping that rest would make the sea-sick feeling with migraine pain would go away
You woke up and felt just as shitty as you did when you went to bed
Luke took notice right away and put you on bed rest
Bringing you food, water, and a book to keep you occupied
Of course you listened
“I’m gonna go stream’ll be back in an hour or two,” “Text me if you anything,”
“M’kay thanks,” “love you!”
“Love ya too,”
You tune into his stream
And listen to him explain why you weren’t gonna stream today
“They just needs a break from that long ass subathon, chat” “They deserve one for working so hard,”
Then chat floods with agreements
“Oh so true!”
“Well deserved!”
“Hope they’re okay!”
You blush at his support
“Thanks babe :)”
Luke looks at chat and winks into the camera
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blockgamepirate · 3 years
I feel like people are missing so much context with the Technocord screencaps
Like people kinda seem to treat Techno's messages on Discord as if they were like individual tweets addressing the entire fandom or something but they're just not, though?
I mean obviously he knows his messages are gonna get screenshotted so whatever he says in Technocord he might as well be saying to the entire fandom*, and he's aware of that, but it's still different. Those messages are still mainly directed at the people in his Discord. So the context does matter.
* (or at least the committed parts of it, of course the reality is that 90% of the viewership only rarely engage with anything outside of the streams and videos and if they do it's probably like fanart or memes or Which DSMP Character Are You quizzes, those people don't follow update accounts or even accounts that follow update accounts, so obviously they're gonna miss the Discord sneak peeks. I'm talking about the FANDOM-fandom.)
Like the deal with the "no more tumblr analysis" one where people took it to mean he was attacking Tumblr, even though he was talking about people bringing Tumblr discourse into his Discord, not about actual Tumblr. Obviously if you just see the one message out of context you're gonna leap to all sorts of conclusions, and that's understandable, but that's what makes it so frustrating that the messages get posted out of context. The Tumblr analysis one is a clear example but it also applies to more subtle stuff.
And while I really don't wanna like gossip about Technocord here, I do kinda wish people knew more about what it was like, especially the DSMP discussion over there. I feel like it would explain a lot because it's not what you'd expect. If you thought Technocord was full of c!Techno apologists just chilling in an echo chamber... well you would be wrong. If you ever planned on joining Technocord specifically because you wanted to talk to fellow c!Techno fans... uh, maybe keep your money and find a fan Discord instead.
(I mean you can join anyway and the other channels seem chill enough and you can chat about like Skyblock and shit. I just never really go on the other channels bc I'm bad at socializing unless I can talk about my interests.)
This isn't an attack on update accounts btw, I mean I rely on update accounts way too much to dare disrespect them. I don't even know if there's a way to fix this problem, I'm just frustrated and wish people acknowledged that they can't deduce everything from individual out of context messages.
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anarchy-and-piglins · 1 month
been brainrotting a concept lately but I have no one else to talk about it so you have to endure my rambling
c!sunrise duo(??) (c!techno and c!niki) centric fic feat. my extremely specific headcanon that cniki is a werewolf.
techno, aided by the voices and completely forgetting every other part of his being, is convinced he is an absolute bloodthirsty monster unworthy of love. this is mainly because of how he rampages in battle and is driven to spill as much blood as possible in these times.
Eventually, the syndicate learns that niki is a werewolf; during a full moon, she too rampages (possibly the syndicate finds out through her killing a few dogs and/or cows at the commune during this time?) and is completely bloodthirsty. Now, techno is forced to see his own behavior in a new light and change how he talks about himself, because obviously niki isn't some kind of unlovable monster just because extraneous factors cause her to be unnecessarily violent.
On the flip side, niki goes through a similar arc; she sees her lycanthropy as something to be ashamed of and hide no matter what. she's been hiding this grand secret for years, never telling anyone for the fear that they might abandon her or see her as some kind of monster; the way that every one else has treated techno has only reinforced this idea that they'd all hate her if she revealed what she truly is (it also doesnt help that stories of a "wolf man" that needs to be hunted killing animals and occasionally attacking people have been surfacing). she's grown a hatred of herself and what she is, seeing herself as uncontrollable, wild, and a blight to the smp. However, after the syndicate find out and accept her unconditionally, she starts healing from hating herself.
they help her learn how to control the lycanthropy. niki and techno of course learn to accept themselves together, both coming to the conclusion that if one isn't a bloodthirsty monster for being forced into a murderous rampage, then the other can't be either.
basically just a fic about learning to accept yourself for others and also not being so critical of your own flaws, because your friends might have the exact same flaws.
ofc this has a ton of sunrise duo, but it can also have a lot of emduo moments (especially when it gets to trying to force techno to see himself differently) and a lot of c!(whatever the duo name for ranboo and niki is) moments, because you could definitely fit cranboo's enderwalk into the same category as techno's violence and niki's lycanthropy 👍
anyways I'm not proofreading this have fun
Anon, no pressure but this is such a fun concept and I always need more Syndicate in my life, so if you were to write this I would totally read it
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clingyduoapologist · 3 years
Honestly c!Tubbo needs something to do (and I mean this in the nicest way possible)
Like, In my opinion his character has stagnated a lot recently and I don’t think that it’s only because cc!Tubbo has been busy with a lot of irl stuff (though that definitely is a big factor)
c!Tubbo is by design a character that needs someone to bounce off of. Now I’m not saying that he can’t do solo lore (like a stream where Tubbo just logged on and walked aground the server in character would be fucking amazing) but like c!Tommy, c!Tubbo’s story can’t really advance without someone there, and it’s mainly because a lot of his character is tied to other people (again, a lot like c!Tommy).
One of c!Tubbo’s defining character traits is his use of apathy as a coping mechanism. He’s been taught nothing less than ultimate strength is going to be enough to protect him, and that moving on is the only way to avoid getting hurt. Seeing that explored would be fucking amazing (like just look at the L’manburg anniversary stream), but the problem is that so much of c!Tubbo’s past is tied to L’manberg. And while the rest of L’manburg have other plots beside it to further their arcs, (Tommy and his toxic inniter, Wilbur and his being dead for 13 years etc.), with c!Ranboo dead Tubbo doesn’t really have much to do. Obviously going after c!Sam is a good start, but the problem then becomes that a plot of c!Tubbo fighting c!Sam wouldn’t really add much to his character (and if he’s forced to team up with c!Techno and god forbid apologize to him it might actually hurt it).
After spending most of season 3 cooped up in snowchester, I really think that c!Tubbo needs a problem to solve, and again, c!Ranboo’s death is a great start, but just getting more of the same would really stunt a lot of the character development that he really needs.
(don’t get me wrong though, I have complete faith in cc!Tubbo to do it, mans is cracked at lore and I really can’t wait to see what he has in store for us.)
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seyenna · 4 years
Philza and/or Techno and/or Ranboo fic recs
just some of my fav dsmp fics, mainly phil, techno or ranboo bc i’m biased but also a bunch of sbi and others
this one goes out mainly to zablr discord my beloved
pls tell me if the links don’t work
all of these are on ao3
rating\status(complete/ongoing)\warnings\word count\misc tags
ichor flows free amongst the iron by summer_rising
T\o\violence\13k\series\gods AU
A gods and goddesses AU of the Dream SMP, dramatized for all our benefits.
First work:
  "Two gods meeting on a mountaintop overlooking the stormy sea? Very classy, Dream, I appreciate your taste."
  Dream didn't turn to look at him, but the faint shake of his shoulders let Techno know he had heard.
  "Scar's healing up nicely, I see," Techno mumbled with a light nod of his head.
  "Mhm. Cut nice and clean. Not that I expected any less from you, of course."
   The god of power and the god of luck meet on a mountaintop to discuss Luck's standing in the ongoing political disaster.
We're Only Young by ImperialKatwala
G\o\-\66k\series\Dream & Technoblade
It's easy to forget amid the chaos and bloodshed how similar - and how young - Dream and Technoblade really are.
And when the sun comes up, you'll find a brand new god. by SkyboxZoo
M\o\violence\19k\gods AU
The wounds from the fight had healed nigh instantly, but the golden blood still soaked Techno’s shirt. His cloak had gotten torn off and his hair had fallen out of its pony-tail. Ichor pooled in his boots. The man left a trail of golden, bloody footprints in his wake.
old gods (new gods) by WriterWinged
T\o\-\9k\series\gods AU
Summary of first work:
Survival, Blood, Madness. Philza, Technoblade, Wilbur Soot. Three gods who have never cared for mortal life, who play with them when they want to, who kill their toys just as easily. How, then, did a mortal end up in their hands?
This House Is A Fucking Nightmare by SilverWing15
AU Where Phil isn't quite as willing to stand by while his sons drop like flies
Summary of third part (my fav):
Does lingering too long in the shadow of a god make you a god? The voices in his head seem to think so.
His brothers know he's older than them but they don't know how much
OR: Technoblade doesn't think his brothers realize how different they are from ordinary men. After all, ordinary men may fight the gods, but they don't win.
It's been a long day. by BecausePlot
G\c\-\3k\Philza & Ranboo
Sides are bad: he knows that much. He’s seen it tear people apart time and time again, so when he decided to separate himself from Tubbo and keep his distance, he knew he was in the right.
Well. He thought he was in the right, at the time. Sitting all by himself on the steps to the Prime Path, he’s not so sure anymore.
Yes, the sides might have torn the others apart, might have made them so weak that they have no choice but to fold under Dream’s hand, but at least they aren’t lonely.
So are sides bad?
‘I don’t know.’
Or, Ranboo looks out at the ruins of L'Manburg, feeling more lost and lonely than he ever has.
But, as he soon finds, he's not as alone as he thinks.
the voices in my head, they say a lot of things by rosyasteria
Some days the voices didn’t listen. They didn’t let up. They screamed instead of whispered, relentless, assaulting his ears until they bled.
tell them i was the warmest place you knew and you turned me cold by rosyasteria
Technoblade cared. But in the end it just fucked him over.
For the majority of his life, Techno felt like less of a companion, less of a family member, and more like a weapon to be wielded. 'The Blade' they called him; never 'friend'.
It Leaves Little Time for Anything Else by mirandible
M\c\-\1k\part of series\Dream & Technoblade
   A young man aims for the top, but fate has other plans for him. So does Technoblade, apparently.
   (Or: answering the question of “Why does Techno hide his scars if they’re supposed to be some sort of trophy? Why keep your point of pride a secret?”)
the best requiem is a bar of silence (and I'll sing it, even if I must hold back my tears) by jello12451
T\o\-\10k\Philza & Technoblade
   He can’t help the noise of celebration that escapes him. Techno- this means that Techno’s free, and he got his horse back, and everything is alright-
  Tubbo, filled with rage at Phil’s cheers, turns and impulsively shoots an arrow.
   He doesn’t expect to hit his target.
  Alternatively: What if Phil didn't have a bucket of water when Tubbo shot him?
Change fate by being aggressively kind by sircantus
T\o\-\13k\sbi, Philza-centric
   “You do understand that you’re caring for the thing meant to bring destruction and chaos to our world, right?” The woman asks, Phil looking behind him fondly as Techno grabs at the ends of his wings.
   “He’s just a child.” Phil answers distractedly, humming as his wings get gently yanked at.
   “He’s the first of three to destroy life as we know it! Shouldn’t we, well, get rid of him?!”
   “Oh, no.” Phil raises his eyes with a sharp glare. “Believe me, I have my own way of preventing the apocalypse.”
   Or, Techno, Wilbur, and Tommy are basically chaotic forces of nature, destined from birth to end the world and bring destruction. Most who hear of the tale of them are trying their best to track them down, and to end the monsters while they’re still young, still just children.
   Phil has a different plan.
   (In which Phil raises the minecraft equivalents of the anti-christ with love and support, so much so to the point where the world ending is really just a funny thought, and Phil has three kids who casually have powers that are bit more extreme than anything else in the world)
I promised you that everything would be fine by findingkairos
   manifestation: (n.)
1.     an event, action, or object that clearly shows or embodies something abstract or theoretical;
2.     a version or incarnation of something or someone;
3.     an appearance of a ghost or spirit;
4.     the Blood God.
When he's young and still alone, still establishing his reputation as the immortal warrior, Technoblade makes up an imaginary friend.
Years later, the blood god is very real and very much a god: one that is prepared to do anything for their first and only friend.
the inner mechanism of a black box by Bee_4
T\c\violence, self-harm\Technoblade-centric
   Technoblade lets himself get imprisoned for Philza’s sake. He doesn’t plan on being there long. Unfortunately, he’s underestimated Pandora’s Vault.
   There are things that will make even the Blade fall apart in due time, as it turns out.
carry all my sins by BananasofThorns
Ranboo swallows. “All my armor and weapons and stuff are missing. Fundy and I were gonna go looking for them after the festival, I think.”
“I see.” Tubbo smiles again, but this time it doesn’t reach his eyes. “Well, I’m sure it’ll be fine, it’s just a festival. We could probably find someone to lend you a sword or an axe or something.”
He starts towards the stage, waving at people when they call his name, and Ranboo follows. The original panic has dulled to a cold buzz in his chest, but apprehension still wraps itself around his body like chains. He doesn’t like being without his armor and tools; he feels too exposed, and if something happens, he’ll be helpless.
“Ranboo?” Tubbo calls, glancing back.
Ranboo shakes his head and hurries to catch up. “Yeah, it’ll be fine,” he repeats. “Everything’s gonna be fine."
Tubbo grins. “That’s the spirit.”
Rule 5: be loyal. L'manberg doesn't do well with supposed traitors. Ranboo deals with the consequences.
Sojourn by Lacy_Star
T\o\-\13k\Ranboo & Technoblade & Philza
“Well…” Ranboo started slowly, “You see, uh… I kinda… don’t have a house anymore, obviously. Um… Phil found me in—“ He paused, cutting himself off and squinting at the floorboards— very discreet, “Phil… found me. And… um… He said I could stay by you guys. Like, um, by the dog house he wants to build?” He paused, then began to ramble, “But, uh, if you don’t want me here, I understand— and I’m sorry for coming in your house when you weren’t here, I swear I didn’t touch anything— it was just cold outside and—“
Techno just stared at him. And how, how was this the second time this had happened to him? How was this the second time he returned home after battle to discover an injured teenage boy waiting for him, seeking assistance with nowhere to go? And how badly had that ended last time, in nothing but betrayal and insults?
AKA: Phil drags a half-enderman home after Doomsday, and Techno decides that they can keep it. For now.
can an axe count as rent? by aboutfivebees
T\c\-\4k\Ranboo & Technoblade & Philza
Ranboo’s struggling to settle into his new life on the Arctic Anarchist Commune, but at least he’s got bread.
or the struggles of an enderman hybrid to come up with a housewarming gift to give to his friends, who are just trying to adopt him
The Caged Bird Sings of Freedom by StarPrince_Punk
T\o\-\25k\Ranboo & Technoblade & Philza
The Blade's stance was still tense, his body prepared to fight at a moment’s notice if need be. “What’s your name?” Phil asked “My… name?” The Blade asked. “Yeah. Your name isn’t actually The Blade, right? That’s like a stage name?” Phil tried to keep his tone light. “What’s your real name?” The Blade hesitated. “No one… No one’s called me by my name in a long time.” ------- When Phil comes across Ranboo in his panic room after L'Manberg's destruction, it reminds him of when he first met Technoblade. And just like when he met Techno, Phil's first instinct is that he has to help this kid. While living together, Techno and Ranboo learn that they're much more similar than they had previously thought, and Phil learns that it's not too late for him to be a better dad.
This already feels like more of a home by H3118ENDER
T\o\violence, death\18k\Ranboo & Technoblade & Philza
As the ashes of L'Manberg settle the conflict continues to come to life setting the stage for a new wave of blood shed. Stuck slam in the middle of past and present friends Ranboo is coming to learn that even without nations to their names feelings and feuds don't die but people, people do.
A Shadow of a Shadow by unappetizingegg
T\c\-\4k\ Ranboo & Technoblade & Philza
There were a few beats of silence, and then- “What are your plans, now? Do you need a place to stay?”
That caught him off guard. Surely he’d heard incorrectly. Phil was offering him a home, right after he’d orchestrated the destruction of his past one? It didn’t make any sense, none of it did. Why would Phil say that?
Then he remembered, he remembered Techno stopping him in the fight. He remembered being handed his book, the question in Techno’s gaze. He swore, in that moment, Technoblade, the Technoblade, had been worried about him. He remembered that he had been told to leave, to run, to get away and preserve himself. He had spared him, he remembered that Techno had spared him.
Techno had helped him. Phil had tried to protect him, to get him away from the danger.
They were there for him.
Ranboo is alone. But he really isn't.
Meritocracy by oddsbodkins
G\o\-\18k\Dream & Technoblade, sbi, medieval AU
Dream is more successful than he'd ever imagined - but there's one thing that's been bothering him. Technoblade, his biggest rival, the Acolyte of the Blood God and King of the Arena, went missing last spring, just before Dream got the chance to duel him. Without that one achievement to pave his way, all the following victories have felt cheap.
So, Dream hired some goons to dig Technoblade up and pester him into coming back to the Capitol, for one last showdown. Easy enough, right?
Interlude I: "Promises to Keep" by Ozzyyy
T\c\-\1k\part of a series\Technoblade & Philza
These woods are lovely, dark, and deep But I have promises to keep
And miles to go before I sleep And miles to go before I sleep.
Techno has a plan. It's crazy. It's insane, it's actually just batshit bonkers. But if chaos cannot be enjoyed together, then what's it worth, yeah? There's a certain beauty in watching the world burn from the center of the flames. Phil intends to be there.
I Don't Want To Start A Fight (wouldn't you rather start a riot?) by KryOnBlock
T\c\violence, death\15k\Technoblade & Philza & Ranboo
An universal ping rang out from behind him, the third and final he knew, and Phil sobbed, clutching the body tighter.
Techno didn’t move.
It always has been Technoblade and Philza, Philza and Technoblade. Take on half, and you shall never go back.
Sheltered by Lulatic
G\c\-\6k\Ranboo & Technoblade
It was cold outside. But Techno never heard Ranboo complain.
That was the best excuse he could muster to keep him out.
Antarctic Princes 'verse by BirchWrites
Loosely-connected one shots set in an AU where the Antarctic Empire and the Dream SMP are in the same world. Ordered chronologically, but each fic can be read as a standalone thing
Summary of first part:
Oh shit. Forget arrested; Dream’s going to have to tell Wilbur that he watched Tommy get stabbed for being terminally stupid.
May we cross paths again by QueenLunaFreed
G\c\-\1k\Dream & Technoblade
“Even if tomorrow it’s just us versus the entire server, Dream, I’m telling you right now - I have confidence.”
Dream couldn’t comprehend the pacing contradiction in front of him, the weakness he could clearly see, but would never comment on. Because this man has been defying Dream's expectations since they first met, because despite them not being friends and having no reason to trust each other, Dream knew that Technoblade is the only person who he’d trust to do this right. To destroy L'Manberg alongside him yet again, this time for real.
leave me your starlight by findingkairos
T\o\-\18k\Technoblade & Philza
For you the world, Phil.
Once upon a time, Philza Minecraft is the only person who does not shy away from the bloody teen that regularly turns the tide of war.
This cements a friendship that will last wars, empires, worlds, and lifetimes.
(Featuring: Back to Back Badasses, healthy relationships, accidental deification, intentional world domination, and Phil's past coming back to haunt his best friend.)
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lovehostess · 4 years
Hello,, just found your blog and I can not get enough of you works 💖💘💝 I was wondering if you could drabble something about c!technoblade x reader where they keep theyre relationship a secret from everyone for the sake of not getting lovingly bullied by everyone on the server lol, but maybe they get careless and people find out anyway oop,,, of corse ignore this ask if you don't like it, I'm but a humble simp for embarrassed techniblade. Hope you have a wonderful day!!!!
ANONNN THIS REQ IS SO SO CUTE!! I don’t think I did you justice so I might re-write this but for now, I hope this is okay for you! And thank you so very much for the kind words xx.😘 // im sorry this turned into a fic HAHA
C!Technoblade x F!Reader
When the two of you started dating you both agreed that the relationship should remain private. Neither of you really liked the attention from other people and Technoblade being the blood god is incredibly adamant that his reputation of being feared should remain unchanged. However, as lovers being lovers the two of you just can’t help it. 
One time, you and Techno were going on a walk after a very long sparring session when suddenly Techno wrapped his arms around you and started to kiss your cheeks. See, being a ghost has a lot of its perks but mainly the fact that you are sometimes invisible to the naked eyes of living beings. So neither of you or Techno saw that Ghostbur was actually passing by. So when he saw his older brother getting all soft with you, his heart instantly melted and practically awwed at the two of you loudly - almost too loudly. Obviously, he noticed that he was caught spotting you both and you begged him to not spill this to anyone. Thankfully he promised, and while you weren’t sure if he’d keep it, at least it was only one person. And no one would really believe THE blood god has the capacity to love - especially someone as soft as you. 
Somehow the Ghostbur encounter didn’t make you nor Techno to be more careful in keeping the relationship a secret. In fact, the two of you became more confident that no one would figure this out. But oh boy that’s where you are wrong. When Fundy hosted a gala night, Technoblade tried to stay away from you and yet he just can’t help but want to steal you away for a moment; just to tell you how insanely beautiful you looked that night. It doesn’t help either that Sapnap keeps on trying to flirt with you. So he thought he’d sneakily pull you away from the crowd to the balcony outside and just chat for a bit which was what he did.
Technoblade didn’t really mean to kiss you but you looked extremely extremely captivating and the way the night just made you glow killed him. So when the two of you heard a very distinctive, loud and obnoxious scream you two realised how badly you’ve been caught. Mr.TommyInnit bolted and shared the lovely news with everyone. “THE BLADE HAS A GIRLFRIEND” he basically shouted to every living creature in that gala, maybe even the dead ones too actually. 
The teasing wasn’t that bad, most of them were just so shocked by the fact that out of all the people it was Technoblade who got a girlfriend. 
Sapnap likes to fake cry in front of Technoblade because he thinks he stole you from him, Tommy just goes “MMMMM MIMIMMIMI” every single time you and Techno gets a little bit too close for him - like maybe if you decided to sit next to each other during meetings he’d do that. But also he’s secretly happy that Technoblade found you. 
Tubbo admitted that one day he would want to find love the way you two did which was actually quite wholesome. Puffy never fails to mention how cute you guys are, like, every time, even when you two were just mining together to find some redstone, she’d just sigh and say “you two are so LOVELY, I can’t wait for the wedding.” Fundy is already talking about who should be godparents; Techno would then proceed by pulling out his axe making Fundy run away, screaming. Philza will just snicker and laugh at you whenever you two get bullied. Not helpful Dadza. “Technosimp” was the most popular term for a while but it thankfully died down. The awws never really stopped though, but honestly, it was kinda cute. 
George found out days later when he decided he wants to get out of bed.
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unlikelytai · 3 years
[/dsmp/RP, all about the characters, not the CCs, etc.]
I'm back and rambling about Techno, Dream and Ranboo
Probably mainly Endersmile tbh
I find it such a funny little coincidence how Ranboo has a red and a green eye considering his relation to both Dream and Technoblade
Most representations in art show Dream with green eyes and Techno with red eyes but generally going by color schemes it also matches
I am quite curious to what their interactions might be, between these three - to me it seems unlikely Dream would try to straight up manipulate Ranboo, after the whole Tommy fiasco, it would be just not smart and c!Dream isn't stupid, don't @ me -
I love Techno and Ranboo interactions, they're endearing. I love rivals interactions. I'm curious to what endersmile could offer
Idk I've read fics where Ranboo, with his opinions on Dream being just Tubbo's and Tommy's trauma and after meeting Dream, seeing a different view of things, and I find it so entertaining
I don't think Ranboo would be >friends< with Dream because obviously the harm Dream has caused to Tubbo and Tommy, Ranboo would probably keep himself distant out of respect, if anything.
But Ranboo is also his own person. Him meeting a different, post prison Dream, very likely traumatized? Someone Techno considers a friend, when he has so few of these? It would be a mess of a situation for his opinions on that man
I particularly like the idea of Endborn c!Dream too so I am holding the "green eyed enderman headcanon" concept really tight so there's that
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