#main roll
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egophiliac · 9 months ago
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was this anyone else's first thought, or
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undercoverangell · 2 months ago
telemachus as a baby probably would have loved 2 yank on his dads beard and mustache... its usually within reach of his very short arms whenever hes being held. and his dad reacts in a way that is probably very funny 2 him.
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daily-deliciousness · 6 months ago
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Maine-style lobster rolls
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thebramblewood · 2 months ago
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Pose by @fallstaticexit (with minor tweaks by me)! Uncropped and inspo under the cut.
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vintagerocker69 · 4 months ago
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Rolling Stones Guitarist Keith Richards Backstage with his Fender Sunburst Stratrocaster during the US 1972 STP Tour. Promoting "Exile on the Main Street"
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solaestial · 2 months ago
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headspace visitors 😲
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alts without the omori ui (i've become indecisive about the background colors as u may notice 😔)
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obsidian-blade-of-badassery · 5 months ago
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from a convo i was having with somebody about fnf
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skyloftian-nutcase · 10 days ago
The Many Languages of Love - Friendship (LU in Healthcare)
Summary: Legend calls out for work. He never does that. So his friends check up on him.
Setting: Healthcare AU
Warriors frowned.
He was looking over the staffing sheet for the night shift to help the night charge nurse coordinate getting coverage, and the latest person to call out was… Legend.
Legend. The same guy who would work eleven nights in a row, who would come in half dead because he didn’t want to get an occurrence and leave the ED short staffed.
Something was very wrong.
Whipping out his phone, Warriors texted Wild first, knowing he was off. When he sent the message, though, it never indicated as delivered.
Wild was likely out exploring his namesake. Typical.
Twilight was working. Four should be awake after his night shift, so maybe he’d try him next. Sky was off too. He’d just seen Time, so he knew he and likely Malon as well were both here. Hyrule was off as well. Wind had school.
Warriors reached out to who he could, and Sky replied first.
He called out? Is he dying?
Idk, Warriors replied. But somebody should check on that.
I’m on it, Sky said.
The day hadn’t exactly been going the way Legend had planned.
He’d thought the cough was due to the weather change. Sniffles with the shift in temperatures was pretty normal. But when he’d woken up today, he’d felt like he’d been hit by a truck.
It made no sense! The patients he’d taken care of last night hadn’t even been all that sick! The only one who stuck out to him was that awful trauma that had kept him busy for six hours, and then the next hour of time he’d spent with the trauma patient’s family while working on the death packet paperwork. None of the family had been sick, had they?
His symptoms hardly added up. He felt exhausted, and was vomiting so often he could barely hold anything down. But yesterday he’d just had the sniffles like a cold or flu brewing. Maybe it was the flu, he wasn’t sure, but the respiratory symptoms were gone.
In either case, he was too weak to get off the couch, let alone go to work.
It sucked.
Worst of all, his stupid pride prevented him from texting anyone about it. Even though he knew damn well Warriors would get nosy once he saw that Legend had called out. He wasn’t sure whether to be relieved or annoyed about it.
He could take care of himself, and he didn’t want anyone else to get sick. His stomach churned as he thought, it’s a good thing Ravio’s travel contract ended and he’s somewhere else now, or I’d have to drag myself back to my room.
He missed that moron. Living alone was not new to him, but he’d gotten strangely used to having someone else around. Maybe he’d put the word out to get another housemate.
But he certainly wouldn’t do so right now, while he felt like freaking death.
His phone buzzed. It had been buzzing. He didn't care. He saw that there were texts coming in, but his head was full of cotton and he hardly had the strength to keep his eyes open and hydrate.
He should probably start an IV on himself. He'd hoarded enough supplies to do it. But they were all in his bedroom, and he was out here in the den on the couch. Could he even make it that far?
His phone buzzed again. Then there was a knock at his door.
Legend lifted his head from his pillow before plopping it back down and throwing the cover over his entire body, hiding himself from the world. Between his shift last night and how he felt now, he certainly didn't want to deal with people, didn't want to move, didn't want to think.
The person knocked again. Louder. Legend growled and burrowed further into his blanket. Eventually they would go away.
Ok, so hes not answering his phone OR his door??
What if he's like dying
Maybe somebody should call 911
Twilight stared at the group chat, brow furrowing. Warriors had started texting everyone together after people had passed messages to each other in worry, trying to keep things organized. Time and WIld had yet to reply, but everyone else had chimed in.
Well... except for Legend himself, obviously.
Twilight had been busy ambulating a patient, but he had a moment to sit, and no call bells were going off, so he replied. 911 seems a bit much. I can leave early and check on him.
But I'm already at his door and he's not answering. How are YOU going to check on him too? Sky asked.
I know what I'm doing, was all Twilight said before texting Sky privately, asking him to get some supplies for him.
Twilight glanced towards the manager's office. He could potentially leave early. He would get a write up for it, even if it was for a family emergency, but he didn't care - if Legend was legitimately ill, then he'd take the smack to the wrist. Hospital policies were stupid anyway. Besides, it wasn't like they could afford to fire him, with as short staffed as they were.
He tried to ignore the anxiety building up in his chest. He hoped he was right when he said not to call 911.
When he reached Legend's apartment, Sky met him at the door, holding a small leather pouch. "This is what you wanted from the ranch, right?"
"Yeah, that's it," Twilight replied before grabbing it and opening it. All his lock picking tools were there, and he nodded to himself.
Sky glanced over, eyes widening. "Oh, you have one too?"
Twilight blinked, looking up at Sky. "What?"
His friend smiled innocently. "It's nothing. Can we get inside now?"
Twilight stared a moment longer before shaking his head. Legend could be dying for all they knew, he had to focus. He quickly picked the lock, opening the door, only for a bolt to stop it as soon as he attempted.
Cursing under his breath, Twilight tried to push another tool through the opening to work the latch off the hook.
"Whoever you are, I'll fucking cut you," a hoarse voice threatened quietly, not sounding threatening at all.
"Legend!" Sky called. "Legend, it's us! Are you okay?"
"What the--Sky??"
"Ledge, open the door or I will," Twilight ordered, growing agitated.
There was an incoherent string of curses before a loud thud rang across the way. Sky called out to Legend, who didn't answer.
Twilight had had enough. He kicked once, twice, and the door swung open, latch flying off the frame. He and Sky rushed in to find Legend, pale and sweaty, half collapsed and tangled in a giant comforter, eyes wide with both alarm and annoyance.
"You broke my fucking door!" Legend wheezed before groaning and putting his head on the ground.
"I'll fix it," Twilight answered easily, hauling his friend over his shoulder. "Let's get you to bed and figure out what's happening."
"What the hell, Twi, put me down--"
Sky smirked, relieve his friend was alive and awake. "You should be used to this by now after Time had to carry you out of the ED."
Legend's pale face grew even whiter. "That son of a bitch talked, didn't he, I'm gonna--"
"Enough, save your strength," Twilight interrupted. After he settled their friend in bed, he knelt down to be at eye level with him. "What happened? You look awful."
"Well, now that my door is destroyed--"
"I don't know!" Legend squeaked before moaning, squeezing his eyes shut. "I just feel like shit."
"Well, don't worry about it now, we'll take care of you," Twilight said gently.
Legend puffed out his cheeks to argue before giving up.
Twilight and Sky rotated being by his side and taking care of the apartment, which was a disaster - Legend had been working the last four nights before falling incredibly ill. He never spiked a fever, but he threw up whatever they tossed his way.
"G-gonna n-need an IV," Legend mumbled, exhausted. "Twi... can you...?"
"No," Twilight immediately shook his head. "No, the last time, I--Malon was--no."
"Do you have a drill?" Sky asked. "I bet I can figure out an IO."
Legend glared at him. "You are not drilling into my bones."
"We'll get Wars--"
"Just let me die."
"Where the fuck is Hyrule."
"I'm right here."
Sky and Twilight turned to see Hyrule walking into the room.
"Wait, I swear I locked up," Sky noted.
Hyrule shrugged. "I came in through the window."
Twilight stared. "We're on the fifth floor."
"Yeah?" another voice asked as Wild traipsed into the room. "And?"
Sky shrugged. "I mean, it works."
Twilight chewed on his tongue, opting to thank God they hadn't died rather than chew them out at the moment. "Ledge needs an IV."
"Oh, okay," Hyrule said easily. "You got supplies or do you need me to get some?"
There was a knock at the door as Legend spoke to Hyrule, and Twilight sighed, rising to answer it. He hadn't paid attention to his phone, so when Four and Wind almost barreled him over, he yelped in shock.
"We've been texting, dude, what the hell," Wind snapped. "Is he dead, is he okay, what is--"
"He's sick, but he's stable," Twilight reported as he steadied himself. "I took his vitals, they aren't terrible. Blood pressure's a little low, but not worryingly so. Heart rate's rate at the edge of tachycardic. He's probably dehydrated."
"We should take him to an urgent care so he can get some IV fluids," Four said firmly.
"Hyrule's giving him fluids now."
"He--he is?" Wind's eyes widened. "Wait I wanna see! I never get to see IVs started!"
Wind dashed into the room, leaving the other two and giving Four just enough time to warn him, "Wars is coming up, he just had to park the car. Time and Malon are on their way."
Twilight nodded, listening as Wind chatted and checked on Legend in the bedroom.
By the time he got back to the others, Hyrule had taped his successful IV and was running a fluid bolus into his friend. Twilight sighed, sitting on the bed, watching Legend squirm uncomfortably and try to rest.
Eventually, the entire group was there. They cleaned the apartment, they relaxed in the den and watched a movie, rotating in and out of Legend's room. When the initial fluid bolus was done, Legend's relief was visible.
"You certainly were thirsty," Wild noted. "You feeling better?"
"Still nauseous as hell, but yeah," Legend reported. Then he smiled, looking at all of them. "I... I'm sorry you guys had to come here. But... thanks."
Twilight tipped his head to the side. "That's what friends are for, Ledge."
"Yeah," Sky agreed. "But Twi did totally wreck your door, so we decided we'd take you to the ranch to stay there for a while."
Legend's eyes widened, smile fading. "What?"
"Okay, so we're good to kidnap him now?" Wild asked, glancing at Time.
Time checked his phone. "Malon says the room is ready, yes."
"You little--you guys--you're all assholes--"
"Now, now, Legend, you said you were thankful," Warriors tutted.
"I hate all of you," Legend grumbled, though there was absolutely no bite to it.
"Relax, we'll bring your stuff too," Four assured him. "It's best to be somewhere where others can help you."
Legend said nothing, growing grouchy and exhausted. This work stretch had been longer than most, and he could still hear the family members crying over their lost loved one, could still hear the red alarms. He was beginning to wonder if he was even truly sick at all, having never spiked a fever or been around anyone with similar symptoms. Either that, or his immune system just crashed after...
Well. He didn't know. Heavy stress could lead to illness, but...
Whatever. He would never admit it, but he was grateful to be going to the ranch.
But he knew, he knew he would never hear the end of it once Warriors found his pet bunny.
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dallyna · 2 months ago
This Yunho got me on my knees. The floor is so damn lucky...
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fox-guardian · 2 years ago
today i am thinking about tim's freeze response.
in ep 104, in his statement about danny, he beats himself up over the fact that he couldn't bring himself to move when he saw "danny" up on the stage in the covent garden theatre
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[ID: A transcript screenshot reading "I always tell myself there was some force there. Something that held me in place and meant that all I could do was watch. But sometimes when I think back, I remember how my legs shook, and maybe I could move. Maybe I’m just a coward." end ID] ~~~~
and then in ep 39 sasha had to Tackle Him to get him out of prentiss' way after his whole joe spooky bit because he just Didn't Move apparently
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[ID: A transcript screenshot reading:
SASHA: Behind you! Run! TIM: Oh… PRENTISS: [Slowly intoning over worm sound] Do you hear their song? SASHA: TIM! [IMPACT, WORMS AND SCUFFLING]
end ID] ~~~~
worm sounds and a full sentence after going "oh" and sasha STILL needed to tackle him.
i don't really have anywhere i'm going with this i'm just thinking about it really hard
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vinestaff · 2 months ago
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spent the entire math class doing this
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thatswhatsushesaid · 1 year ago
psa that the day there are no jgy stans left on tumblr dot com is the day i am dead
but rest assured i'll go to my grave exactly as i lived: obnoxiously proclaiming to everyone within earshot how great lianfang-zun is. narratively, metaphorically, spiritually. sexually, too, like why limit myself. i like to keep my options open
#the spirit of su minshan possessed me for a minute there but like. i'm fine with it#jin guangyao#he did crimes??? good for him 😌#editing this post to add that while the tone here is clearly joking#i really am fundamentally still engaged with this fandom#and with this book#almost exlcusively because of my enjoyment of jgy#even xiyao is secondary for me like i love it and i'm ride or die for it obvs#but jgy as a character is the main draw for me. and he would have me by the throat even if there was no zewu-jun#(tho i think jgy's life would be more depressing for his absence obviously)#but he is just. /clenches my fists!!!#THE most compelling character in the story and i cannot stop thinking about him!! cannot will not!!#who else in this book has his range? who else can be the doe-eyed idealist AND the spy with blood on his hands who ends a war?#who else is two different greek tragedies and at least two separate shakespearean tragedies rolled into one antagonist#an antagonist who but for the POV of the novel could very easily have been the protagonist#whose moral event horizon is so deeply entwined with his own trauma and abuse that there is no way to meaningfully separate#the violence he does to others from the systemic violence that was done to him for his whole life?#who else in this book manages to get five separate sect leaders utterly obsessed with him no matter how you choose#to interpret that obsession?#no one!!! that's who!!#ain't no one else in the jianghu doing it like lianfang-zun and that's just a goddamn fact
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daily-deliciousness · 4 months ago
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Temaki sushi (hand roll)
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odetoscavengers · 3 months ago
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secret santa gift for @toldentops o7
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brainfreeze27 · 1 year ago
i'm in a winter mood dreaming of spring now
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hinamie · 19 days ago
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- WIP -
still don't have wifi on my desktop so i have no way to post screenshots let alone finished drawings so we're rocking th phone camera here's ikuya
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