#mahir fareed
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localrants · 2 months ago
Have we read Maala? Yes. Have we totally disassociated ourselves from last episode? Also yes.
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lostinsworld · 5 months ago
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gul-e-rekhta · 2 years ago
Jihan: The next time I open up to someone, it'll be my autopsy.
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cubalap · 5 years ago
Sevdiklerimiz, Tiksindiklerimiz, Yediklerimiz - Hal Herzog
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"Yılanın et ihtiyacı göz önüne alındığında evcil hayvan olarak boa yılanına bakmak etik miydi? Boa yılanlarını kedi yavrularıyla beslemenin ahlaki bulunacağı koşullar var mıdır?"
"İnsanlar köpeklerine mi benzer? İngiliz Columbia üniversitesinde görev yapan psikolog ve köpek uzmanı için bu olabilir. Sosyal psikologlar insanların gönül ilişkilerinde takriben kendileri kadar çekici eşleri cazip bulduğunu ortaya çıkarmışlardır. Neden hayatımızı birlikte geçirmek istediğimiz bir hayvanın seçiminde de aynı kural geçerli olmasın?"
"Çoğu psikolog beş temel özelliği ölçmek suretiyle bir kimsenin kişiliğine dair iyi bir tanıma varacağımız konusunda hemfikirdir. Bu beş temel özellik şudur: - deneyime kapalı olmak/ deneyime açık olmak - vicdanlılık/ fevrilik - dışadönüklük / içedönüklük - uzlaşılabilirlik / antagonizm - nevrotiklik/ duygusal istikrar"
"Darwin, “bir köpek yavrusunu dövdüm, sanıyorum sırf kudretin tadına varmak adına.”"
"Yeni doğmuş bebek fokların avlanması yasaklandı. Fokların değil. Kanadalılar bebek fokları avlamaya son vermiş değiller, son verdikleri, sevimli bebek fokların avlanmasıdır."
"Japoncada mushi diye bir sözcük var. Böcekler, örümcekler ve hatta bazı yılanlar için kullanılıyor. Mushi erkekleri cezbeder. Oğlanlar bunları yakalar, süslü kafeslerde tutar, hatta mushi dayanıklılık yarışmaları yaparlar. Mushi teraryumları, mushi toplama ekipmanı vs vardır. Bu böcekler bir nevi evcil hayvanlardan sayılırlar. Bir kültürdeki haşarat başka bir kültürde evcil hayvana dönüşebileceğini gösterir."
"3 eylül 1977’de baba ve oğul timsahın kafesine gittiler. Babası timsaha verecek yiyecek ararken timsah küçük çocuğu yuttu. Parkın sahibi gecenin ilerleyen saatlerinde silahını alıp timsahı vuruyor 9 el ateş ederek. NYT yazarı, duygusal olarak tatmin edici ancak tamamıyla akıl dışı olarak yazmıştı. 18.yy felsefecisi David Hume, duyguların ahlakın temeli olduğunu savunur. Immanuel Kant etik anlayışımızın aklı temel aldığını savunur."
"Deneklerde karar verirken rasyonel yolu izleyeceği varsayımında bulunulmuştu ama sezgilerine kulak veriyorlardı insanlar. Duyguların akıldan önce geldiğini savunan Jonathan Haidt insan bilişselliğinin iki süreçten meydana geldiği kanaatindedir. Birincisi sezgisel, anlık, bilinçdışı, çabasız ve duygusal olandır. İkinci süreçse bunun aksine, hesaplanmış, bilinçli, mantıklı ve yavaştır. Duygusal kararımızı verdikten sonra devreye girer ve esaslı kararlarımızın arkasında duracak gerekçeleri üreterek bilişsel karmaşayı düzene sokar."
"Ailenin bir köpeği evlerinin önünde araba çarparak ölür. Onu yerler. Burada akıl yürütme biçimlerinin üzerine gittiğinizde yani çoktan öldüğü ve acı çekmeyeceği belli olan bir hayvanı yemekteki yanlışlık ne olabilir. Haidt, “ahlaki sersemleme hali” olarak adlandırır bunu. Öğürme faktörü etkilidir. Söz konusu eylen bize iğrenç gelir. Tiksinti bir ahlak duygusudur diyor Pensilvanya üniversitesinden biri. Toplumsal sınıf da ahlaki sezgileri etkiler. Yoksul Philedelphia’lıların yüzde 80’i ölmüş köpeklerin yemekten men edilmesi gerektiğini söylemiş fakat üst sınıftakilerin sadece yüzde 10’u buna itiraz etmiş."
"İnsanbiçimcilik hayvanlara yönelik muamelemiz yüzünden yaşadığımız çoğu suçluluk hissinin kaynağıdır. Yunusların gülümseyen suratları…. Yanlış. Alfa erkek babunun esnemesi sıkıldığı anlamına gelmesi. Köpek dişlerini sergileyerek yüzünü paramparça ederim. Yüzünü bacağına sürdürmek, yanaklarındaki salgı bezini kullanarak işaretlemek ve sahiplenmek anlamında."
"Bir dövüşçü horozu iki yıllık hayatı boyunca refah ve bolluk içinde yaşar. Hayatının ilk 6 ayında serbest gezinir. Çimenlik alana ve hatta üzerinde uyuyabildiği bir yatağa kavuşur. Egzersiz yapar bol bol. Bazı insanlardan bile daha iyi beslenir. 1 saat içinde de ölecek. Civcivler, bacakları ağrıyarak, akciğerleri yanarak, gökyüzünü görmeden çimenlerde yürümeden börtü böceği gagalamadan her allahın günü aynı kümes hayvanı yeminden yiyerek bir sefalet içinde yaşayacak".
"Bana niçin et yemeyi reddettiğimi sorabilirsiniz. Bense, kendi adıma, sizin ölü bir hayvanın cesedini ağzınıza koyabilmenizi hayretler içinde karşılıyorum; kesilip biçilmiş eti çiğnemeyi ve ölüm yaralarının suyunu gırtlağınızdan geçirmeyi iğrenç bulmamanıza hayret ediyorum. J.M Coetzee"
"İnsanların, şempanzelerin, babunların ve kapuçin maymunlarının yani en çok et yiyen primatların aynı zamanda sosyal davranışları yönetmekte en mahir canlılar olması. Bunlar dolap çevirmek, ittifak kurmak, bireyler arası karmaşık ilişkilerin incelikli noktaları konusunda beceriklidir. Et paylaşımının sosyal zekanın gelişimine olanak vermek suretiyle beyin evriminde bir sıçrama gerçekleştirdiği kanaatindedir.
"Arkeolojik deliller insanların binlerce yıl boyunca köpekleri yediğini gösteriyor. Aztekler, yemeyi düşündükleri için tüysüz cins geliştirmişlerdi. Köpek eti pek çok kuzey Amerika Kızılderili kabilesinde temel gıdaydı. Asya’da özellikle çok popüler. Çinliler herkesten daha fazla köpek yerler. Yavru köpek çok tercih edilir. Sığır eti kadar pahalıdır. Chow chow köpekler yenir daha çok. Danua gibi cinsler yetiştirdiler eti daha iyi olan ve daha hızlı büyüyen. Güney körede de hem köpek eti yenir hem de evde beslenir."
"İnsanın eti bırakıp bırakmaması üzerinde kişiliğin de etkisi vardır. Et yiyenlerle karşılaştırıldığında vejetaryenler daha yaratıcı, daha geniş hayal gücüne sahip ve yeni deneyimlere daha açık insanlar. Fakat aynı zamanda bunlar arasından endişeli ve dertli kişisel çıkması ihtimali de daha yüksek."
"Vejetaryenlerin yemek yedikten sonra kendilerini suçlu hissetme ve ince olmayı daha fazla kafalarına takma ihtimali daha yüksektir."
"Şempanzelerin bilimsel araştırmalarda denek olarak kullanılması ve farelerin kullanılması paradoksu. “
“Araştırmaları hayvanlarda yapmak yerine anensefalik denen, gözleri görmeyen kulakları duymayan ve acı çekme yetisine sahip olmayan insan yavrusunda yapmak.”
“Hayvan deneylerinin yapılmaması gerektiğini göstermek için hayvan deneylerini kullanmak.”
“Bal arıları bilişsel olarak yüksek seviyededir.”
“Fareler birbirlerinin çektikleri acıyı hissediyor. Ağrı sadece öbür fare bir akraba yahut kafes arkadaşıysa bulaşmakta. Salt görme duyusundan dolayı.”
“Afrika’daki çocuk ölümlerinin önüne geçecek bir hastalıkta kullanılacaksa evet ama cinsel gücü artırmak için vs içinse doğru gelmiyor.”
“NYT köşe yazarı Nick Kristof: ruhsal hissizleşme New York ahalisinin, bir tanecik kırmızı kuyruklu atmacanın lüks bir Fifth Avenue apartmanının duvarındaki çıkıntıya yaptığı yuvadan tahliye edilmesine o denli bir büyük öfke duymasının fakat 2 milyon evsiz Sudanlının içinde bulunduğu kötü duruma pek az tepki göstermesinin sebebi. Çok büyük sayılar karşısında ortaya çıkan insani kayıtsızlık için merhametin çöküşü tabirini kullanır.”
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ertrunkenerwassergeist · 6 years ago
Born Into the Wilds - A Coeurl’s Eyes
Finally finished the second chapter! Here’s the link to ao3.
Little bit of info for everybody not wanting to slog through the tags: The wandering stories are stories first told and taking place during the years of wandering before the people settled down in Galahd. Technically everybody over 80 is considered an elder in Galahd but the elder storytellers are the ones with any kind of true authority. The First Hunt is a rite of passage, to be considered of full member of the comunity and earn your family name, one takes before the age of twelve.
Hadnissa words: ahtrii (nominative plural of ahtri) = Spirit; umbrella term for everything from actual nature spirits to the presence of their ancestors mahir (accusative singular of mahir) = Mother; woman who birthed me; affectionate form straahnosa (dative singular of straahnos) = Foreigner; neutral term for 'someone not of my country
The obligatory boring talking chapter before we do something interesting again. Featuring: Nyx' bad ideas, Pelna, Libertus and Crowe as the responsible ones and Cor as the inquisition.
This should have been quite a bit shorter. Uups -.-
“You know what the paperwork is for the use of a potion out in the field? It’s an ahtrii damned headache,” grouched Pelna as he sat beside his sickbed, sunken into the chair like a petulant child.
“Why do you have to do the paperwork? If I remember correctly it was Axis who used the thing,” said Nyx, eyebrows raised.
Luckily the potion had healed him enough that he didn’t have to be sewed back together but still he would need to stay in the hospital until tomorrow. The doctor and nurses were walking on eggshells around him. It was aggravating. They couldn’t know what had happened on the mission already. He supposed it could have something to do with the fact that he had been admitted utterly covered in the oily black stuff the MTs leaked when cut into pieces. At least Pelna had gotten over his tiptoeing stage during the last few hours they had been back in Insomnia.
“He foisted it off on me because I was the one to make him do it,” the other man pouted.
“Then it’s your own fault for letting yourself talked into this,” grinned Nyx and reclined further into his pillow.
“Yeah well, you try telling him no when he gets going.”
For a moment they grinned at each other before Pelna grew serious. “Nyx? What in the name of the Hunters happened in that base?” he asked, his voice growing deeper and more quiet. “One moment we’re losing very badly and the next you’re between them teeth bared and lightning everywhere. You ripped off an MTs head with your bare hands.”
“Is that what it looked like?” blinked Nyx.
Huh. No wonder the other guys had been so careful around him.
Pelna gave him a flat stare and Nyx winced. “It was worse. Way worse. You-”
The door opened and the burly form of Libertus stepped into the room, followed by Luche and lastly Crowe, who was the only one in this group who hadn’t been part of the mission.
“There is our hero. You feeling any better?” crowed Libertus as he let himself fall into the second chair with a big grin on his face.
“The staff here is very charming,” grinned Nyx, glad to have escaped the dreaded topic for a bit longer. “How was the debrief?”
Libertus made a face.
“That bad, huh?”
“It’s the Marshal who is doing it. Every person separately. It feels like you’re facing the inquisition like in the wandering stories.”
That gave Nyx a start. “Why the Marshal and not the Captain?”
“Because it was the Captain’s information that was faulty,” answered Luche, his face grim and eyes blazing. “They say it was his informant that tipped them off about the plans and the new base and now it’s on his head that the mission was such a disaster.”
“That’s utter bullshit,” spat Libertus.
“You think I don’t know that? They’re just looking for a reason to discredit us some more. As if they haven’t done that enough.”
Nyx dearly wanted to say something about that but he knew if he did it would just explode in his face and Luche would storm out in fury. A thick silence settled between them all that was only interrupted by Crowe’s vexed huff.
“Can we maybe not talk about that? I would rather know what happened during the mission that has everybody in a titsy. The guys come back from the debriefing and the first thing some of them do is go to the elders and now everybody is talking about the Ulric Clan again and digging up the old stories. On the way here I even heard an interesting rendition about your First Hunt. Something about your ancestors turning you into a coeurl.”
Nyx groaned as all eyes focused back on him. He knew the stories people were telling about the Ulrics, of course he did. As a child he had begged his mahir nearly every night for those stories. Back then he’d still been Nameless, but then he’d gained his Clan Name at just nine years old and suddenly those bedtime stories had become his stories, and they had gained an uncomfortable weight he hadn’t known what to do with. He still didn’t. But now he wished he’d actually paid closer attention when the stories had been told around the great fires.
But he hadn’t.
Nyx would actually have to talk with the storytellers, he realized. Or he could ask Libertus to guide him towards a snake and hope one of his ancestors would show him what to do, if what they said about the Ostium Clan was as true as the stories about the Ulrics seemed to be.
Yeah, no.
Libs would keel over laughing if he were to ask. He still preferred that over the old gossips, though. So Libertus it was, as soon as the people stopped not-staring at him.
His gaze wandered to Luche who was frowning at him but not looking at him. That might actually take a while.
“I don’t know what happened,” he managed to say at last. “I really don’t. One moment we’re about to lose that damned fight and the next all I could think about was protecting all of you.”
Crowe frowned, clearly no understanding. Libertus didn’t fare any better and he had actually seen the aftermath. Nyx just didn’t know how to put to words the animal-deep jungle-instinct that still pulsed in his chest like a heartbeat. Thankfully it – whatever it actually was – was quiet now and didn’t make him want to curl around his people and hiss at everybody else who stepped too close to them.
“We couldn’t get too close to you, what with all that lightning you were throwing around,” said Luche in an echo of Pelna’s earlier words. “Everybody knows that you have an affinity for thunder spells, but this…”
“We know what the King’s magic feels like and whatever you did definitely didn’t come from that. Something was blocking the more powerful magic at our disposal and made the rest very draining but you still did what you did and it didn’t have that artificial feeling royal magic has,” said Pelna.
“Wait, the royal magic feels artificial to you?” asked Nyx perplexed.
Crowe frowned and crossed her arms in front of her chest. “That’s what you got from that? This sounds like you used a magic of your own. Do you know how many people besides the royal family have been born with magic like that? Exactly one and she’s called the Oracle.”
“I’m just that special,” grinned Nyx, but on the inside his stomach dropped down to his knees. That couldn’t truly be everybody, could it? Galahd had its own kind of magic that was pretty widespread, but it was subtler than the warping and the elemency spells Lucian magic was known for.
“I’m scared to ask, but: What does the King’s magic feel like to you?” asked Pelna, his expression curious.
“Like jagged pieces of glass, like it doesn’t belong, an intruder.”
“I’ve never heard that description before. Mine feels like a too hot firestorm but still with that artificial undertone in it,” said Crowe, her frown deepening.
“That’s very nice and all, but what does it have to do with what the hell happened in that base? What’s the point?” Libertus wanted to know.
“The point is,” said Crowe and cast Libertus a dirty look, “that what Nyx did apparently lacked the artificial undercurrent we all feel when using the magic the King gave us, which means – I think – that what he did is an innate talent and nothing else.”
“It’s still there, you know,” said Nyx, and at once all attention was on him again. “It feels a bit like the deep jungle around our village, like you know a predator is watching you. Nearly like its living. It’s really strange.”
“Well, that doesn’t sound ominous at all.”
“Shut up Libertus! No one asked you,” hissed Crowe.
“Hey! You were thinking it, too, don’t deny it.”
The only woman in the room scoffed but didn’t, actually, deny it. Nyx couldn’t really blame her. It didn’t just sound ominous; it felt like it, too.
“Could you use it again?” asked Luche from his place against the wall.
Nyx hesitated for a moment, thinking. Maybe? He may have said that it – whatever it was – felt like a predator watching him, but what he hadn’t mentioned was that it felt like meeting that coeurl on his First Hunt again. Like it could devour him at any moment but it wouldn’t because it was protecting him, helping him.
He tried to reach for it like he would for the King’s magic and the spark answered immediately, its energy spreading through his body. It tingled and he could feel his instincts sharpen; his field of vision grew at once wider and narrower, the colours changing and throwing him slightly off balance. The smell of disinfectant underlined by sickness burned in his nose, nearly drowning out the smell of his pack mates around him. Energy traveled like lightning under his skin and Nyx felt his chest rumble in a content purr.
“Eh, Nyx?”
It took him a few seconds to find his human voice again and remember how to use it. He felt the sudden urge to round all of his pack mates up and lick their wounds. The golden one, the burly one and the darker one all smelled of blood.
“What the hell are you doing right now? Your eyes…”
Nyx blinked. What was with his eyes? His concentration broke and for a moment he keenly felt the loss of his sharpened senses. He looked at the other three in his room. Pack mates, must protect, echoed the spark within him. They looked like they didn’t know if they should bolt or stay. What had just happened?
“What did you just do?” asked Crowe more curious than anything else, while Libertus stared at him in the same way he had done when Nyx had told him what had happened during his First Hunt, Pelna breathed a quiet “What the hell?” and Luche went back to frowning.
“I wanted to see if I could use whatever it is again?” It came out more like a question than anything else.
“In a hospital,” she deadpanned utterly unimpressed.
“Maybe not my best idea,” he muttered half under his breath. “So, what about my eyes?”
“Quick, tell everybody else, Nyx is starting to learn some common sense. The water serpents must’ve grown legs,” mocked Crowe.
“Your eyes looked like a fucking coeurl’s, that’s what,” said Libertus at the same time.
Nyx’ mouth fell open in surprise. He really, really needed to talk about this with someone who had experience with this. Sadly none of the candidates was still alive.
“Fuck, this is a mess,” muttered Pelna, dragging his hands through his hair.
“Does none of you realize the potential advantage we get with this on the battlefield? Nyx practically slaughtered one third of the enemy by himself back there,” said Luche a strange expression flickering over his face. It had the feeling of desperate hope.
“You realize that Nyx is, like, one person, don’t you? He cannot be everywhere at once and magic, wherever it’s coming from, is not endless within a human body. It doesn’t matter if it’s Lucian magic or his own. You, as a unit leader, should actually know that, Luche,” hissed Crowe and glared at the blond man.
“Wowowow, stop. I’m all for kicking the Niffs ass with this but I have no idea what I can actually do, what it is or what it does and I’m not dumb enough to use an unknown variable on a hunt,” said Nyx feeling strangely agitated.
Crowe made a there you have it gesture, looking smug.
“You’re going to experiment with it, aren’t you?” asked Pelna resigned.
Nyx nodded. Of course he would, but before he could answer the door opened again and this time it was Marshal Leonis himself who entered the room. At once all conversation ceased as they all stared at the man. No one wanted to be caught talking in front of a straahnosa. The man might acknowledge their cultural differences most of the time and back off – and was better for it than ninety percent of the people living in Lucis – but there was no need to upset Lucian sensibilities when it came to Galahdian… ah, heathendom, like the nobles and the press so delicately put it.
“Glaives,” he said in greeting, his face as stern and stormy as ever. “I would like to talk with Sir Ulric, alone if possible.”
Libertus patted him on the shoulder hard enough that the pain in his side flared up again while the others nodded at him before they all trooped out, not giving the Marshal more respect than necessary. Only after the door clicked shut behind them did the older man move.
“It is good to see that you were not too badly wounded, Sir Ulric. May I sit?” said he and motioned towards the seat Pelna had vacated.
“Of course Marshal,” nodded Nyx and tried to sit up straight. It did not really work.
“Don’t bother. I’m only here to ask a few questions about what the other Glaives of Units Kresch and Roh said during their debriefing. As well as what I and the rescue team saw in that yard. The doctor assured me you are capable of doing that.”
“Sir, if I may ask: What will happen to the Captain?” Nyx figured he might as well ask before his own interrogation began. Captain Drautos was a capable man, even if he liked to ignore social practices most of the time.
The Marshal hummed and tapped his clipboard against his knee. “Captain Drautos has nothing to fear. He is merely helping us trace the information as far back as we can manage to ascertain from whom exactly this trap came from. Ulldor may be a decent General most of the time but his ability to lay traps is rather abysmal. Now, walk me step by step through everything you did on this mission, Sir Ulric.”
Nyx suppressed a sigh, rearranged the blanket around his legs and started talking. This may actually take some time. He hoped he would get something to eat after this.
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muslimintp-1999-girl · 3 years ago
Missing mahir fareed so much rn
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key4youankush-blog · 5 years ago
Mahira homes  63a - new affordable housing project
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Mahira homes  63a - new affordable housing project
Huda Affordable housing scheme launched by the Haryana government  In August 2013, this affordable housing scheme introduced by the Haryana government under the provision of section 9A of Harayana Development and regulation of urban Area Act, 1997. Huda affordable housing scheme fulfills the dream of all middle-class people to own a home in an urban area. under this affordable housing scheme, a new affordable housing project Mahira homes 63a  introduce by Mahira Buildtech at prime location of Gurgaon in sector 63a.
Mahir Buildtech a well-reputed builder in Gurgaon they have done admirable work in its previous affordable housing project in Gurgaon, these projects are Mahira homes 68 and Mahira homes 103 and both of the previous housing project develop under Huda affordable housing policy 2013, there are various type of luxurious amenities are available in these affordable housing projects constructs by Mahira group, this time Mahira builder comes with a new affordable housing project Mahira homes 63a.
Features of Mahira homes 63a housing project
Mahira homes 63a housing project come under Huda affordable housing project 2013.
Zero maintenance cost for 5 years.
Under this housing project No IDC/EDC charges 
In this housing project Up to 2.67 lakh subsidy under (PMAY)
Mahira homes 63a affordable housing project cover 5.5 acres of peaceful land at prime location of Gurgaon and offer precious 3bhk luxurious flats with a lot of luxurious amenities and facilities like swimminMahirg pools, basketball court, and yoga center, community hall, running track, 50% open area, 4% commercial area, children area, 24*7 water supply, CCTV security, so many luxurious amenities are available in this affordable housing project.
Location benefits of  Mahira homes 63a
This housing project near to Delhi border
Up to 50 % open area.
Near to IGI airport.
Not so fare from Gurgaon metro station and bus stop.
Surrounded by famous residential projects
Schools nearby DPS, Amity School
Near to hospitals like Medanta, Fortis, Maxlife
Near to IGI Airport
Just 13 km away for NH8.
If we talk about the location advantage, this affordable housing project strategically located at prime location of Gurgaon sector 63a and surrounded by a well known educational institution, hospitals, shopping malls, food corners, etc also well connected to the golf course extension road, NH8, SOHNA road, IGI airport and various popular destination of Gurgaon as well as Delhi NCR.
Under this affordable housing project, there is no maintenance cost for 5 years, up to 2.67  lakh subsidy, no IDC and EDC  charges, in this affordable housing project price of departments, are determined on the base of HUDA affordable housing policy 2013, Rs 4000 per square feet for carpet area and 500 per square feet for balcony area, this affordable housing project fulfill your all own home dreams.
Amenities of Mahira homes 63a
Gym center
Children playing parks
Running track
Yoga center
Two-wheeler parking
50% open area
Community hall
CCTV security
24*7 water supply
Tennis court
Also read= new affordable housing project in Gurgaon
0 notes
kerahlekung · 5 years ago
Cerita tahyul Azmin & H2O nak bentuk gomen backdoor...
Cerita tahyul Azmin & H2O nak bentuk gomen backdoor....
Ini dalam Islam di namakan mengadu domba. Dengan kawan yang sana dia cucuk kata DAP di belakang. Yang kawan di sini kata di sokong. Politik makan keliling ini tak lama, yang di kata sokong bawa rebah. Di Tanjung Piai ada ke mereka mengundi untuk PH? Sebab tu saya malas nak dengar cerita tahyul kata H20 (Hishammudin Hussein) boleh bentuk backdoor government dengan Azmin. He simply does not have the numbers. Dan dalam UMNO sendiri ada fraksi yang tak puas hati dengan tindakan H20. Tengok semalam berkicap H20 kena rembat dengan penyokong UMNO sebab cuba buat back door deal dengan Azmin. Yang menulis kata semua MP UMNO akan backup H20 is basically writing on steroid. Kalau separuh aje MP UMNO yang sokong H20, dan paling banyak 5 MP PKR kartel dan lets say 5 MP Bersatu.  Baru 35 orang. 35 orang MP nak buat solat Jumaat pun tak cukup rukunlah, lagi sembang nak tubuh kerajaan. 18 seat pas tu tak payah masuk dalam equation la, yang kat Lorong Haji Taib pun maruah depa lagi tinggi dari 18 MP yang boleh di cagar beli. Siapa yang mahir dengan psywar tahu, ura-ura nak buat undi tak percaya ini mainan pembangkang mengadu domba. Mereka nak suruh PH bersangka buruk antara satu sama lain. Memang cliche penyakit Melayu. Family sendiri dah porak poranda, depa nak porak porandakan family PH pula.
Kalu plan ini jadi realiti sapa yg akan jadi PM?
Kalau Anwar buat undi tak percaya, fikirlah apa sentiment pengundi PH? Mesti kata Anwar gelojoh, tak sabar etc. Macam nama awak dah dalam geran tanahlah, nak risau apa lambat laun harta tu akan jatuh kepada awak kalau Allah izinkan. Kalau Allah tak izinkan, berdoa lah keluar air mata darah di stadium pun tetap tak dapat jadi Perdana Menteri. Lepas tu tak fikir ker, kalaula hipotetikal depa geng2 Azmin dan H2O dapat juga tubuh kerajaan dengan 112 kerusi, nanti PRU 15 depa nak bertanding atas ticket apa? Ingat rakyat nak vote ke mereka semula lepas mereka khianat kem PH dan BN? Azmin tak payah nak ceritalah, dia insyallah akan ke dalam kalau Perdana Menteri bertukar. Yang lain2 ini mereka pasti akan jaga survival politik mereka, dan tak sewenang2nya khianat parti. Semua langkah dalam politik adalah risiko yang telah di congak, kecualilah langkah sumbang tersepit kes hotel Sandakan dan kes Rm90 juta. - Mohd Mukhlis Mohd Sharif
Azmin memang mahu dipecat dan jadi hero...
5 jenis gembira di Tanjong Piai...
1. Gembira Jeck Seng. Gembira sebab dapat elaun MP RM 17,000 ++ sebulan, tanpa perlu buat kerja dan susah payah pikir masalah rakyat. Semua yg rakyat Tg Piai minta, dia akan jwb, sya tak ada peruntukan. Dia dgn mudah akan bg tau pengundi Tg Piai, kita pembangkang, nak minta, kena minta kat kerajaan PH. Jeck Seng boleh senyum sambil cuci tangan. 2. Gembira Najib. Najib gembira sebab hasrat dia utk melihat rakyat Tg Piai diperbodohkan ternyata berjaya. Tapi gembira Najib hanya di luar shj,.. jauh di lubuk hati, limpa dan hempedu Najib...Najib sedang menderita. Jiwa Najib amat tertekan dgn kes SRC yg beliau kena bela diri. Dia tahu..esok, lusa..tulat...tungin...dia akan ke mahkamah lagi. Dlm gembira, Najib sedar, pintu penjara Sg Buloh sdg terbuka menanti kedatangannya... 3. Gembira ahli UMNO. Org kampung ahli UMNO melayu, gembira sebab calon BN menang lawan calon PH. Tp disebalik kegembiraan, mereka sedar, dgn menangnya Jeck Seng dlm majoriti yg besar...kerusi Tg Piai akan kekal menjadi kerusi MCA sampai kiamat. Bermimpi lah UMNO utk mendapatkan kembali kerusi tersebut buat selama2nya. Menyalaklah Datuk Jeffrydin, Ketua Bhg UMNO Tg Piai...kerusi itu tak akan dilepaskan lagi oleh MCA. UMNO sebenarnya gembira dlm kecewa. 4. Gembira Lebai. Gembira Lebai hanya utk sehari dua..Bila balik ke kampung halaman masing2, mereka akan pening mengenangkan beberapa prinsip yg telah digadaikan di Tg Piai...Yg paling besar, Hudud, diikuti hukum wajib undi cina, dan kempen BMF.. Kegembiraan sementara mereka bersorak sorai bersama MCA di Tg Piai, terpaksa dibayar dgn harga yg teramat mahal. Ibarat kata, mereka balik dari Tg Piai menuju ke kampung halaman dlm keadaan 'bertelanjang bogel' dek semua pakaian agama yg selama ini dipakai, dilondeh dan ditinggalkan di Tg Piai... 5. Gembira Walaunbodo. Yg ni pak aji tak ulas pun korang dah tahu. Walaunbodo ni, bukan setakat Najib kencing atas ubun2 kepala depa, depa gembira,...Hatta ke tahap Najib gagau tek bini depa pun sekalipun, depa tetap akan 'gembira'...Kalau tak, org tak panggil lah depa 'walaunbodo'... - Muhammad Yahaya
Azmin's late night meeting and 
'Save Mahathir' operation...
The late night meeting between Azmin Ali and about a score of Umno MPs was meant to firm up the foundation of Tun Mahathir, whose status has become shaky after the Tanjung Piai defeat, in hope of stabilising PH's post-tremor slanting structure. The 1989 winter marked the gloomiest winter for the late British prime minister Margaret Thatcher after she came to power. She was publicly censured for her unpopular and deemed obsolete anti-EU stance which would hamper the further development of the country's economy.  Thatcher was unmoved and in the end, her Conservative Party lost to the opposition Labour Party in the European Parliament elections. The community charge which she strongly advocated and stubbornly imposed met with powerful resistance from the Britons, culminating in a massive protest by some 200,000 people at London's Trafalgar Square.
Michael Heseltine and Thatcher
Into 1990, Conservative Party's approval rating sank to a low, faring a full 20 percentage points behind Labour. Pessimism ruled within Conservative but no one was able to change the mind of the Iron Lady who insisted she was right and who had faith only in herself.
Senior Conservative leaders, including her ministers, would be replaced if they dared to challenge her decisions. Geoffrey Howe, a veteran party leader, quit as deputy prime minister and foreign secretary in protest. Many Conservative lawmakers were aware of the fact that the party would lose the next general elections three years afterwards if Thatcher were to remain in power. So they plotted an operation to throw her out and supported Michael Heseltine's bid to challenge her for top party post, which if she lost, she would have to relinquish her PM post. Thatcher won by a thin majority in the first round of voting, and she knew very well that she might not make it in the second round. So she pulled out of the race and turned to support her confidant John Major, who later became Britain's least experienced prime minister in history.
Back to Malaysia, the ruling PH coalition only managed to get 26.7% of all the votes cast in the Tanjung Piai by-election. The humiliating defeat has shaken the morale of the coalition. It is next to impossible for a ruling coalition that has under-30% approval rating to ever win the next general elections! It will be too late now to change the governance direction or fulfil election pledges. Moreover, is Mahathir ready to do that in the first place? And will Lim Guan Eng -- who claimed UEC and UTAR were not reasons for the defeat -- ever change? Like the Conservative leaders in UK, many PH top guns are well aware that their future is bleak, unless the commander-in-chief steps down. Anwar's team predicted a 7,000-vote loss for PPBM, good enough to get Mahathir to step down. With PPBM now defeated by more than 15k votes, such a call has come more than justifiable. PKR veteran leader Syed Husin Ali wanted to hold Mahathir responsible for the defeat, and the operation to unseat the PM is well under way at this moment.
And then suddenly Azmin Ali had a secretive late night meeting with Umno and PKR MPs, offering attractive perks to get them to support Mahathir to complete his full term of five years. Azmin's one and only motive is to ensure Mahathir is safely in power. The late night meeting was held at Azmin's official residence, and he intentionally leaked out the news to the media with the hope of conveying an important message to Anwar's camp that they should not attempt to do anything funny. The thing is, the meeting did not produce any result or substantial plan; nor did it imply that all the attendants would lean towards Tun M. Only 19 Umno/BN and five PKR MPs were at the meeting, and this shows how far Azmin's influence has reached. What is of interest is that both Thatcher and Heseltine lost in their rivalry to a John Major popping out of the blue. Will there be another John Major in the Mahathir-Anwar fight? Possible, but I seriously don't think it is Azmin. - sinchewdaily
Orang agama kalau tak tajjasus memang tak sah. Dalam Malaysia ni DAP jadi kambing hitam walaupun kat mahkamah yang turun naik rakan muafakat nasional. Agaknya ini wahyu pertama yang baru dapat lepas tunai pilgrimage di Iran. Ponteng sidang parlimen sebab nak taqrib Sunni dan Syiah; yang saya Sunni di Malaysia habis di kafir kan dari pru14, sampai sekarang belum di Islamkan lagi oleh pentaksub PAS sebab mufarakah dari parti. Gajah depan mata buat-buat tak nampak, tapi kuman seberang lautan bukan main cakna.
Semua orang tahu PM kena Melayu Muslim, tak payah nak bermain sentimen lah tuan guru, rakyat bukannya semua pewala. Tak lama pun kes 90 juta tu akan di singkap hijabnya, waktu itu saya sendiri akan jadi saksi Tuan Guru minta nyawa pada Anwar.  Ingat apa aje yang Tuan Guru tak kata pada Tun M sebelum Pru14 dan macam mana tuan guru melutut minta nyawa sokong sampai habis penggal? - f/bk
Dr.M-Harapan can sack me if they want...
Responding to calls for him to immediately step down and hand over the baton to Anwar Ibrahim, Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad today said Pakatan Harapan can sack him if they want. The 94-year-old Bersatu chairperson told this to a press conference at the party's headquarters this evening when asked if a quick transition between him and Anwar would be able to solve leadership issues in the Harapan coalition. "Well, it is up to the party. "They (Harapan presidential council) can sack me if they want to," said Mahathir. Following Harapan's loss in the Tanjung Piai by-election last week, there have been growing calls for Mahathir to speed up the power transition to Anwar, who had been agreed upon by the Harapan presidential council to be the next prime minister. However, according to Mahathir today, such transition would create problems if it was made "midstream". While it is not important what happens to him, he added, the impact on the country and government is very important. "The thing is that if you have changes midstream, it is very confusing. It creates a lot of problems. "But of course if I'm sacked I don't know. But I think I need to be serious about this thing. "What happens to me is not something important. But what happens to the government and the country is really important," he said.
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Asked on Anwar's statement today that there would not be an attempt to move a vote of no confidence against him at the parliament, Mahathir sarcastically said "Thank you." However, he added later that anyone can make such a move as Malaysia is a democratic country. "You can do whatever you want. We are democratic party, democratic nation. "You can move a vote of non-confidence, or you can move a vote of confidence," he said. Asked for his comments on the level of support he commands in Harapan today, Mahathir said he believed there are still those who liked him. "So far nobody punched me in the nose yet," he quipped. Leadership issues in the governing coalition appeared to be more apparent this week, with the latest being Economic Affairs Minister Azmin Ali, who is known to favour Mahathir over Anwar, reportedly holding a meeting with opposition Umno MPs on Monday evening. - mk
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cheers Sumber asal: Cerita tahyul Azmin & H2O nak bentuk gomen backdoor... Baca selebihnya di Cerita tahyul Azmin & H2O nak bentuk gomen backdoor...
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wikitopx · 5 years ago
Here are the top 500 Arabic Names!
1. Top 500 Arabic names for boys
1- Aadil: upright
2- Aahil: prince
3- Aarif: aware
4- Aariz: respectable
5- Aaron: elevated
6- Aashif: courageous
7- Aashir: living
8- Aatif: affectionate
9- Affan: forgiving
10- Afif: modest
11- Ahad: the one
12- Ahmad: adored
13- Ahmar: red
14- Ahsan: best
15- Ahzab: a narrator
16- Aijaz: blessing
17- Ajer: reward
18- Akbar: great
19- Akeem: wise
20- Akhtar: a star
21- Akif: focused
22- Akram: generous
23- Ala: excellence
24- Ali: sublime
25- Alim: learned
26- Alman: willing
27- Amaan: loveable
28- Amam: safety
29- Ameer: commander
30- Amer: rich
31- Amin: trustworthy
32- Amir: populous
33- Amjad: glorious
34- Ammar: builder/constructor
35- Anas: sociable
36- Aneeq: valuable
37- Anees: friendly
38- Anjam: star
39- Antarah: heroic
40- Anwaar: gleam
41- Anwar: radiant
42- Aqeil: knowledgable
43- Arbaaz: eagle
44- Areeb: skillful
45- Arfan: gratitude
46- Arham: merciful
47- Armaan: desire
48- Arsalaan: lion
49- Arsh: dominion
50- Arshad: honest
51- Arshaq: handsome
52- Asad: fortunate
53- Arghar: shorter
54- Ashar: wisdom
55- Ashfaq: compassionate
56- Ashim: generous
57- Asif: forgiveness
58- Aswad: black
59- Ata: present
60- Ateeb: pious
61- Athar: clean
62- Athir: preferred
63- Atif: united
64- Atiq: ancient
65- Awad: reward/compensation
66- Awn: assist
67- Ayham: brave
68- Aymaan: lucky
69- Ayser: wealthy
70- Ayyub: boy
71- Aza:comfort
72- Azab: wandering
73- Azad: free
74- Azeem: greatest
75- Azfer: leader
76- Azhar: luminous
77- Azlan: lion
78- Azmat: honor
79- Azzam: resolved
80- Babar: lion
81-Badeel: alternative
82- Baha: magnificent
83- Basel: brave
84- Basem: smiling
85- Barraq: shining
86- Batal: champion
87- Behzad: honest/caring
88- Bilal: satisfier
89- Bishr: joy
90- Burhan: proof
91- Bushr: bliss
92- Daanish: wisdom
93- Dabir: secretary
94- Dameer: conscience
95- Dani: close
96- Danish: intelligent
97- Daniyal: intelligent
98- Dawid: prince
99- Daud: beloved
100- Darwish: dervish
101- Dawlah: richness
102- Dayyan: ruler
103- Dean: religion
104- Deniz: sea
105- Diya: brightness
106- Duha: forenoon
107- Ehan: Fullmoon
108- Ehsan: powerful
109- Emran: achievement
110- Faaz: successful
111- Fadi: redeemer
112- Fadil: generous
113- Fahad: lynx
114- Faisal: handsome
115- Fakeeh: cheerful
116- Fakhr: pride
117- Fakhri: glorious
118- Falah: success
119- Falih: successful
120- Faqeeh: jurist
121- Farasat: perception
122- Fareed: unique
123- Faseeh: eloquent
124- Fateen: clever
125- Fath: victory
126- Fawad: heart
127- Fayaz: gracious
128- Fayd: abundance
129- Fazal: grace
130- Fazil: excellence
131- Feroz: shining
132- Fida: sacrifice
133- Fuad: heart
134- Ghalib: victor
135- Ghazi: conqueror
136- Gohar: diamond
137- Gulzar: garden
138- Hadee: guide
139- Hafs: lion
140- Hafiz: protector
141- Haider: lion
142- Hakim: brother
143- Haleef: ally
144- Hamal: lamb
145- Hammad: praising
146- Hamza: lion
147- Hanai: happiness
148- Hanbal: purity
149- Hani: delighted
150- Haif: believer
151- Haris: protector
152- Harith: cultivator
153- Hasan: handsome
154- Hashim: broker
155- Hasib: highborn
156- Hassan: beautiful
157- Hatim: judge
158- Hayaat: life
159- Haydar: lion
160- Hilal: crescent
161- Hesam: sword
162- Hayaat: life
163- Hubaab: bubble
164- Humair: red
165- Humayun: blessed
166- Hujjat: argument
167- Hurmat: sacred
168- Hurrah: liberal
169- Husam: sword
170- Hussain: handsome
171- Huzaifah: shortened
172- Husni: good
173- Id: feast
174- Ihab: leather
175- Ihsan: kindness
176- Ihtisham: modesty
177- Ilan: person
178- Imaad: confident
179- Imad: support
180- Imam: leader
181- Imran: long-lived
182- Imtiaz: different
183- Inaam: reward
184- Inayat: bounty
185- Intaj: magnificent
186- Iqbal: prosperity
187- Iqraam: respect
188- Irfan: gratefulness
189- Isam: protector
190- Issar: sacrifice
191- Iyaad: generous
192- Iyaas: compensation
193- Iyad: pigeon
194- Iyas: consoling
195- Izaan: obedience
196- Izz: glory
197- Jafar: stream
198- Jari: powerful
199- Jamil: stunning
200- jaul: choice
201- Jazib: handsome
202- Jawad: generous
203- Kaiser: emperor
204- Kamil: perfect
205- Karam: generosity
206- Kaysan: wise
207- Khalid: eternal
208- Khidr: green
209- Khurram: cheerful
210- Khursheed: sun
211- Kifayat: sufficient
212- Kishwar: region
213- Labeeb: inelligent
214- Laiq: deserving
215- Lutf: enjoyment
216- Maaz: brave
217- Mahad: nice
218- Mehboob: beloved
219- Maheen: fineness
220- Maher: skilled
221- Mahir: skilled
222- Majd: glory
223- Majid: glorious
224- Malik: master
225- Mamoon: fearless
226- Man: benefit
227- Mazar: sight
228- Maruf: good
229- Mashal: light
230- Masoud: lucky
231- Masrur: joyful
232- Masud: fortunate
233- Mateen: tough
234- Mazhar: appearance
235- Mika: sweet
236- Mimar: mason
237- Mirsab: sword
238- Misbah: lamp
239- Mishaal: ligh
240- Miyaz: preferred
241- Mohid: believer
242- Mohsin: helper
243- Mubin: clear
244- Mueen: helper
245- Mufid: useful
246- Mufti: jurist
247- Muhab:dignified
248- Muhair: skilled
249- Mujibur: responsive
250- Mujtaba: chosen
251- Mukarram: honored
253- Munaf: exalted
254- Munahid: strong
255- Muneer: shining
256- Munib: repentent
257- Munis: companion
258- Munsif: just
259- Muntasir: victorious
260- Murad: wanted
261- Mursal: messenger
262- Murtaza: generous
263- Museeb:apple
264- Musheer: advisor
265- Muta: obeyed
266- Mutazz: honored
267- Muti: obedient
268- Muttee: obedient
269- Muzhir: witnessed
270- Naadir: precious
271- Nabih: smart
272- Nabil: generous
273- nadr: flourishing
274- Naeem: blessing
275- Nafi: useful
276- Nafis: precious
277- Naib: deputy
278- Naim: comfort
279- Najam: star
280- Namir: good
281- Naseem: breeze
282- Nashat: cheer/joy
283- Naseer: helper
284- Nashit: energetic
285- Zaheer: bright/shining
286- Zahir: flowery
287- Zayd: abundance
288- Zain: beloved
289- Zayn: beauty
290- Zaman: destiny
291- Zameer: conscience
292- Zamil: colleague
293- Zarif: graceful
294- Zayan: bright
295- Yameen: oath
296- Yasar: wealth
297- Yawar: helping
298- Yazeed: enhance
299- Zaeem: leader
300-  Zafar: victory
301- Wali: guardian
302- Waqar: dignity
303- Ward: blossom
304- Waqas: warrior
305- Wasay: unlimited
306- Wadi: calm
307- Wahab: giving
308- Wafi: loyal
309- Wail: back
310- Wajih: notable
311- Waleed: neborn
312- Umran: prosperity
313- Urooj: sunrise
314- Urwah: support
315- Ubaid: faithful
316- Ubayd: worshipper
317- Ulfat: affection
318- Umair: intelligent
319- Tasneen: fountain
320- Tawfiq: success
321- Tazeem: honor/respect
322- Taysir: Facilitation
323- Taimur: iron
324- Taj: crown
325- Talal: admirable
326- Tali: rising
327- Tameem: perfect
328- Tamir: rich
329- Tanwir: enlightening
330- Tanveer: light
331- Sulayk: traveller
332- Sultaan: authority
333- Tabish: brilliance
334- Taheem: pure
335- Tahir: clean
336- Tahoor: purity
337- Tahsin: beautification
338- Shumayl: complete
339- Shurayh: narrator
340- Sifet: quality
341- Silah: arms
342- Simak: star
343- Siraj: torch
344- Siwar: bracelet
345- Sofian: devoted
346- Sohaib: sandy
347- Sohail: gentle
348- Suhaim: arrow
349- Suhayb: companion
350- Suhayl: star
351- Shariq: radiant
352- Shayaan: intelligent
353- Shayan: praised
354- Shaybah:aged
355- Shehryaar: sovereign
356- Sheraz: daring
357- Shihab: blaze
358- Sharaf: honor
359- Sawad: skill
360- Sayyar: mobile
361- Shabb: young
362- Shad: happy
363- Shadin: fawn
364- Sameer: entertainer
365- Samih: forgiver
366- Samit: quiet
367- Samman: grocer
368- Sanaullah: worshipper
369- Saqer: falcon
370- Sarab: mirage
371- Sarfaraz: king
372- Sarim: lion
373- Sarmad: eternity
374- Sarosh: angel
375- Sarwar: chief
376- Sati: shining
377- Saud: fortunate
378- Sawa: equal
379- Saif: sword
380- Salah: righteousness
381- Salar: leader
382- Salif: previous
383- Salih: safe
384- Salik: passable
385- Salman: healthy
386- Safeer: emissary
387- Saffar: authority
388- Safi: pure
389- Safuh: forgiving
390- Safwan: pure
391- Saheed: lucky
392- Saheim: warrior
393- Sahil: guide
394- Sahir: wakeful
395- Sahm: arrow
396- Sahmr: companion
397- Saib: appropriate
398- Saif: sword
399- Saadah: happiness
400- Saadat: blessing
401- Saafir: ambassador
402- Sab: lion
403- Sabahat: beauty/grace
404- Sabeeh: narrator
405- Sabir: patient
406- Sabeer: patient
407- Sabri: perseverance
408- Sabur: patient
409- Sadeed: relevant
410- Sadeem: haze
411- Sadun: happy
412- Saeed: happy
413- Rihab: vastness
414- Riyad: garden
415- Riyasat: dominion
416- Robeel: flight
417- Roshan: bright
418- Rowel: flower
419- Ruhi: spiritual
420- Rushd: maturity
421- Rushdi: wise
422- Rashdan: guidance
423- Rasil: messenger
424- Rauf: compassionate
425- Rawdah: paradise
426- Rawh: refreshment
427- Rayn: gate of heaven
428- Rayhan: basil
429- Raza: handsome
430- Rayyan: luxuriant
431- Razeen: grave
432- Razin: subtle
433- Reza: wish
434- Riaz: devotion
435- Ridha: contentment
436- Ridwan: acceptance
437- Rahman: merciful
438- Rahmat: mercy
439- Raid: leader
440- Raif: gentle
441- Rais: captain
442- Raji: hopeful
443- Rakshan: dazzling
444- Rakin: confident
445- Rameez: symbol
446- Rami: marksman
447- Ramiz: honored
448- Raseem: designer
449- Rashad: wisdom
450- Raquib: watchful
451- Rabah: gainer/winner
452- Rabar: caring/loving
453- Rabbani: divine
454- Rabi: spring/breeze
455- Rabee: spring
456- Rabit: fastening
457- Radi: content
458- Raees: cheif/rich
459- Rafan: graceful
460- Rafay: exhaulter
461- Rafee: refined
462- Rafeek: friend
463- Rafid: support
464- Rafiq: kindness
465- Raghib: desiring
466- Raghid: pleasant
467- Rahat: response
468- Raheel: fearless
469- Raheesh: leader
470- Rahil: guider
471- Rahim: merciful
472- Qadi: ancient
473- Qaim: rising
474- Qais: lover
475- Qani: contented
476- Qanit: obedient
477- Qaseem: portion
478- Qasid: messenger
479- Qasif: explorer
480- Qasim: distributer
481- Qays: firm
482- Qais: firm
483- Qudamah: courageous
484- Qutb: leader
485- Raahil: guider
486- Nubaid: happiness
487- Numair: panther
488- Nur: light
489- Nurdeen: light
490- Nuri: brightness
491- Nusayr: narrator
492- Omar: long-lived
493- Osama: lion
494- Nazim: intelligence
495- Nibras: lamp
496- Nidal: struggle
497- Nijad: dominance
498- Nimr: tiger
499- Nishaaj: explorer
500- Niyaz: offering
2. Top 500 Arabic names for girls
  1- Aidah: guest
2- Aaidah: narrator
3- Aabidah: worshipper
4- Aabirah: ephemeral
5- Aadila: honesty
6- Aaeedah: reward
7- Aaeesha: vivaciousness
8- Aafreeda: created/produced
9- Aafreen: courageous
10- Aakifah: devoted
11- Aaleyah: exalted/honored
12- Aalia: noble
13- Aamaal: aspirations
14- Aara: adored/loved
15- Aaqilah: intelligent/brainy
16- Aasia: hope
17- Aatifa: affection/empathy
18- Aatikah: generosity
19- Abal: wild rose
20- Abda: worshipper
21- Aatiqah: shoulder/support
22- Abeer: fragrance
23- Abir: beautiful
24- Abqurah: genius
25- Abra: example/lesson
26- Ada: grace
27- Adeela: equal
28- Aaina: mirror
29- Aala: blessing
30- Aalam: worldly
31- Aatiqa: free
32- Aatiya: generous
33- Aawaz: (melody)
34- Aayun: eyes
35- Aban: lucid
36- Abdaar: moonlight
37- Abeela: beauty
38- Abeera: rose
39- Abia: great
40- Abir: perfume
Also have a look at Pretty First Names-List of 100 Best First Names For Girls
41- Abisha: gift
42- Abrar: devoted
43- Abrisham: silk
44- Abroo: dignity
45- Abyah: stunning
46- Abudah: worshipper
47- Absaar: intellect
48- Abyan: eloquent
49- Adaa: expression
50- Adala: justice
51- Adan: paradise
52- Adara: virgin
53- Adarina: fiery
54- Adeeba: cultured
55- Adeema: rare
56- Adeen: obedient
57- Adeena: pious
58- Adeeva: gentle
59- Aden: warm
60- Adiva: kind
61- Adla: just
62- Adlea: justice
63- Aesha: prosperous
64- Afaf: virtuous
65- Afana: pardoner
66- Afia: vigor
67- Afrah: celebrations
68- Afrin: praise
69- Afroz: illuminated
70- Afsah: expressive
71- Afsana: fiction/story/fable
72- Afsar: crown
73- Afsheen: shine
74- Afsoon: charm
75- Afya: shadow
76- Afza: augmentation
77- Afzoon: plenty
78- Ahbab: beloved
79- Ahdia: unique
80- Ahida: promise
81- Ahina: firm/unshakeable
82- Ahlaam: dream
83- Ahlam: imaginative
84- Aicha: enthusiasm
85- Aiesha: alive
86- Aighar: religious
87- Aileen: halo
88- Aimal: hope
89- Aimen: fearless
90- Ainaz: gorgeous
91- Aini: spring
92- Airah: respectful
93- Aiya: miraculous
94- Aiyla: moonlight
95- Ajaar: rewards
96- Ajab: amazement/astonishment
97- Ajaweed: generosity
98- Ajia: wondrous
99- Ajlal: stubborn
100- Akela: wise
101- Akia: sister
102- Akida: firm
103- Akifah: busy
104- Aleesa: joy
105- Aleeza: joy
106- Alesha- protected
107- Aleya: tall
108- Alfah: guide
109- Alhan: melody
110- Alia: heaven/sky
111- Aliaa: sublime
112- Alicia: nobility
113- Alifa: sociable
114- Alihat: goddess
115- Alima: scholar
116- Alina: beautiful
117- Alisha: truthful
118- Alishaba: the sunshine
119- Alisha: innocent
120- Aliya: lofty
121- Alleyah: leader
122- Almas: diamond
123: Alveena: cared/liked
124- Alwan: colors
125- Amaara: crown
126- Aman: peace
137- Amany: wish
138- Amaya: rain
139- Ambar: perfume
140- Amber: jewel
141- Ambra: gemstone
142- Ameerah: princess
143- Amilah: hopeful
144- Ammara: tolerance
145- Amna: safety
146- Ana: prestige
147- Anaan: clouds
148- Andalee: nightingale
149- Aneeqa: beautiful
150- Aniqa: smart
151- Anisha: sensitive
152- Anjum: stars
153- Anmol: precious
154- Anoosha: delighted
155- Annali: compassion
156- Anwaar: blossom
157- Anzar: vision
158- Aqeela: gracious
159- Aqsa: shore
160- Areebah: witty
161- Arf: scent
162- Arfa: sublimity
163- Areez: leader
164- Arham: tenderhearted
165- Aribah: wise
166- Arifah: learned
167- Arissa: bright
168- Arnica: lamb
169- Arooba: optimistic
170- Aroofa: wisdom
171- Aroosh: angel
172- Arsala: lioness
173- Arshiya: fairy
174- Arteena: pure
175- Arva: bountiful
176- Arya: nobility
177- Arz: mountain
178- Asha: similarity
179- Ashalina:sweet
180- Ashbah: pearl
181- Asheeyana: nest
182- Ateeb: virtuous
183- Atia: gift
184- Atifa: affectionate
185- Atiya: bounty
186- Atyaf: fantasy
187- Ava: opinion
188- Avan: epoch
189- Avesta: refuge
190- Avivit: lilac
191- Awa: night
192- Awat: desire
193- Awdiya: valley
194- Awfa: faithful
195- Awla: deserving
196- Awsam: honor
197- Aya: verse
198- Ayana: lucky
199- Ayd: power/strength
200- Aymen: brave
201- Ayoosh: alive
202- Ayra: respectable
203- Aysal: moonlike
204- Azeen: patience
205- Azbah: fresh
206- Azila: guardian
207- Azima: glorious
208- Azin: accessories
209- Azka: generosity
210- Azma: blessing
211- Baadeeah: astonishing
212- Baduah: creative
213- Bahar: spring
214- Bahia: nice
215- Barkat: blessing
216- Basmat: laughter
217- Batia: slender
218- Batool: chaste
219- Bayan: eloquence
220- Beheen: virtuous
221- Binish: intelligent
222- Bishra: news
223- Bisma: smile
224- Bolour: crystal
225- Bushra: visage
226- Caitlyn: beauty
227- Cala: castle
228- Chadia: gracious
229- Cyra: the moon
230- Dabeer: instructor
231- Dahab: gold
232- Daiba: persistent
233- Dalaal: pampering
234- Dalia: flower
235- Dalwah: bucket
236- Danesh: wisdom
237- Daria: knowing
238- Dastiaar: assistant
239- Deeba: obedience
240- Del: heart
241- Delisha: happy
242- Dema: downpour
243- Dina: love
244- Diwa: candle
245- Diya: light
246- Doha: forenoon
247- Donya: worldly
248- Doreen: pearly
249- Duha: morning
250- Eeda: deposit
251- Eesha: alive
252- Eifa: faithfulness
253- Eileen: likable
254- Eima: subtlety
255- Eiman: faith
256- Eira: snow
257- Eiwa: caring
260- Elaf: security
261- Elijah: smart
262- Eliana: gift
263- Eleanor: light
264- Elisha: excellent
265- Eliza: unique
266- Elizabeth: abundance
267- Elsa: lovable
268- Emily: flower
269- Emma: entire
270- Esita: desired
271- Eva: beloved
272- Gabriella: angel
273- Gasheen: good
274- Gazala: charming
275- Geela: joyful
276- Ghazal: poem/ode
277- Grace: graceful
278- Hadeeqa: gorgeous
279- Hager: travel
280- Haiza: royalty
281- Hala: sweetness
282- Halia: aware
283- Hamdat: praise
284- Hanane: affection
285- Haneef: upright
286- Hani: pleasant
287- Hania: delighted
288- Hanin: desire
289- Hannah: affection
290- Hawa: eve
291- Haya: shyness
292- Hazeerah: wise
293- Heba: gift
294- Hedi: serene
295- Heela: hope
296- Heer: powerful
297- Helai: swan
298- Helena: light
299- Hessa: destiny
300- Hila: hope
301- Hilwana: lovely
302- Hilyah: adornment
303- Hiral: wealthy
304- Hiyam: passionate
305- Hobb: affection
306- Hubab: goal/aim
307- Huda: guidance
308- Humra: rose
309- Iba: pride
310- Ibreez: ruby
311- Leasha: alive
312- Imaan: faith/belief
313- Inaya: concern
314- Injila: shine
315- Iqlas: trustful
316- Iraj: flower
317- Isbah: light
318- Isha: prayer
319- Ishrat: enjoyment
320- Ivaz: beautified
321- Izza: fame
322- Kinza: intelligent
323- Kiran: moonlight
324- Laraib: truth
325- Latimah: scent
326- Layan: gentle
327- Leem: peace
328- Leena: mildness
329- Lema: eye
330- Lubab: best
331- Lula: pearl
332- Luna: the moon
333- Mahnoor: moonlight
334- Maahirah: skilled
335- Mahvash: radiant
336- Mahyas: jasmine
337- Maida: stunning
338- Mahveen: sunlight
339- Maira: admirable
340- Maisha: prettiness
341- Maiza: distinguisher
342- Malak: angel
343- Malakah: talent
344- Malika: queen
345- Manaar: lighthouse
346- Manab: share
347- Manahil: spring
348- Manal: attainment/accomplishment
349- Mandal: wood
350- Manel: present
351- Mahal: fountains
352- Maraam: aspiration
353- Marab: wish
354- Mareera: powerful
355- Mariha: joyful
356- Mariya: purity
357- Marjan: pearls
358- Marmar: marble
359- Marnia: wealthy
360- Marwa: flintstone
361- Maryam: flower
362- Marzia: pious
363- Masar: route
364- Mashaal: bright
365- Mashal: flame
366- Matana: gift
367- Mawar: rose
368- Mawara: superior
369- Maya: nature
370- Meehan: homeland
371- Meha: elite
372- Mehar: grace
373- Melissa: honeybee
374- Mevish: strong
375- Midhat: eulogy
376- Miesha: alive
377- Mihr: affection
378- Mina: pearl
379- Minhal: honorable
380- Miral: doe
381- Misba: innocent
382- Misha: beautiful
383- Mishal: sparkling
384- Mitra: the sun
385- Mizna: clouds
386- Mizyan: good-looking
387- Mobsim: delight
388- Momina: faithful
389- Naira: shining
390- Najaah: success
391- Najah: safety
392- Najdah: courage
393- Najeeba: distinguished
394- Najet: help
395- Najida: brave
396- Najihah: victory
397- Najm: planet
398- Najwa: confidential
399- Najwan: liberated
400- Najya: victorious
401- Nakia: pure/faithful
402- Namirah: princess
403- Namra: water
404- Namyla: serious
405- Naqa: refinement
406- Nargis: flower
407- Narmin: kind
408- Nasar: sunlight
409- Nasayir: supporter
410- Naseeba: appropriate
411- Nasha: scent
412- Nashat: liveliness
413- Nasheed: beautiful
414: Nasheem: breeze
415- Nashida: student
416- Nashika: forgiver
417- Nashwa: aroma
418- Nasra: helper
419- Nasya: advisor
420- Natasha: gift
421- Nava: melody
422- Naveen: excellent
423- Navil: blessed
424- Navel: favor
425- Nawla: grace
426- Nawra: blossom
427- Nawwal: gift
428- Nayla: courageous
429- Nayyab: exclusive
430- Nazan: proud
431- Nijah: success
432- Nima: blessing
433- Nimah: bounties
434- Nimra: lion
435- Nisa: women
436- Nisbah: relationship
437- Nisha: the world
438- Nisma: air
439- Nivin: kines
440- Niyyat: determination
441- Noya: adorned
441- Nudar: gold
442- Nuha: intellect
443- Numa: pleasant
444- Nuwaira: petals
445- Nuzar: gold
446- Nyla: achiever
447- Orah: light
448- Orzala: flame
449- Parla: glowing
450-Parsa: pious
451- Qabila: wise
451- Qadira: powerful
452- Qareen: companion
453- Qasira: patient
454- Qaysar: woman
455- Qindeel: light
456- Qirat: recitation
457- Qismah: destony
458- Qudwa: model/example
459- Qurrat: laughter
460- Quwa: strength
461- Rabab: cloud
462- Rabail: veil of flowers
464- Rabwa: hill
465- Rafa: prosperity
466- Raha: peaceful
467- Rahma: mercy
468- Raima: well-cultured
469- Raisa: feminine
470- Rajwa: hope
471- Ramesh: delight
472- Ramiza: symbol
473- Ramza: coquette
474- Ramzia: gift
475- Randa: scented
476- Rane: joy
477- Raoom: loving/tender
478- Rasa: expressive
479- Rasha: fawn
480- Raudah: paradise
481- Rawa: satisfaction
482- Rawda: garden
483- Rawia: narrator
484- Razzan: sensibility
485- Reda: satisfied
486- Reeba: heaven
487- Reeha: air
488- Reyah: comfort
489- Rifa: prosperity
490- Rifaaah- dignity
491- Rifaat: altitude
492- Riha: free
493- Rihana: basil
494- Riham: drizzle
495- Rija: desire/hope
496- Rim: antelope
497- Rina: joy
498- Riza: approval
499- Riswana: pleasure
500- Rinaaz: great
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From : https://wikitopx.com/name-meanings/top-500-arabic-names-711958.html
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abdullghanee · 6 years ago
Updated list of blood donors in Maldives
Here is an updated list of donors, blood group wisely with their contacts.
1. Ameen : O+ 9990038
2. Ammadey : O+ 9976422
3. Shaniz: O+ 9146682
4. Imadh : O+ 7572788
5. Faiz : O+ 9891577
6. Zaha : O+ 9739515
7. Sofwaan : O+ 7776415
8. Afxal : O+ 9120821
9. Naeem : O+ 9795077
10. Khalifa : O+ 7559272
11. Saeed : O+ 9895668
12. Sameeh : O+ 9880807
13. Ahmed : O+ 7445757
14. Sameer : O+ 9904110
15. Fazeel : O+  9887122
16. Sherin : O+ 9848054
17. Hassan : O+ 7778365
18. Basith : O+   7784416
19. Shixan : O+ 7992634
20. Shafeeg : O+ 9811984
21. Imad : O+ 9995637
22. Hisham : O+ 9781133
23. Ree has : O+ 7556692
24. Ashwin : O+ 9949066
25. Mamdhooh : O+ 7934413
26. Hannan : O+ 9925248
27. Risheef : O+ 7552992
28. Nabeel : O+ 9795369
29. Shaan : O+ 7842677
30. A.shafeeq : O+ 9960623
31. Eric : O+ 9500001
32. Imad : O+ 9926263
33. Fareed : O+ 9970784
34. Binthi : O+ 7964469
35. Issey : O+ 9922475
36. Iyaz : O+ 7588527
37. Yamin : O+ 9818203
38. Munaz : O+ 7947085
39. Mohamed Fikry : O+ 7502147
40. AbbasAbdulla : O+ 7791141
41. Ibrahim Shifaz : O+ 9999970
42. Ahmed Zabeer : O+ 9900767
43. Mimrah : O+ 9686840
44. Ismail Rasheed : O+ 7776048
45. Shan : O+ 7779490
46. Ibrahim Haneef : O+ 9992589
47. Hassan saeed : O+ 7786004
48. Abdulla Emaz : O+ 9964247
49. Farmland : O+ 7664649
50. Hassan Asif : O+ 7766318
51. Mohamed Survivor  O+
52. Hassan Shiyaz : O+ 7773200
53. Ahmed Rasheed : O+ 7780008
54. Ahmed sajid : O+ 9717773
55. Hussain Sinan : O+ 7892651
56. Anas ibrahim : O+ 7629607
57. Abdulla Hafiz : O+ 7487661
58. Mohamed Abdulla : O+ 7996335
59. Ahmed Arif : O+ 7823727
60. Abdul Azeez : O+ 9933282
61. Iruko : O+ 9974076
62. Shahil : O+ 9770563
63. A. Mujuthaba : O+ 7643474
64. A. Nisham : O+ 9923363
65. Iuthisam : O+ 7961611
66. Mohamed javiz : O+ 9938888
67. Ali Nasru O+ 7918878
68. Ahmed moosa O+ 9807457
69. Mohamed Abdul Kareem O+ 9923412
70. Moosa nashid O+ 9775092
1. Akmd : A+  9915589
3. Nihad : A+ 9770920
4. Faisal : A+ 7711841
5. Wahed : A+ 7872599
6. Shafiu : A+ 7880896
7. Shamila : A+ 7786836
8. Mimrah : A+ 9150181
9. Mahir : A+ 9895245
10. Shahid : A+ 9676768
11. Areej : A+  7972110
12. Husen : A+ 9797431
13. Sajid : A+ 9557199
14. Ibbe : A+ 9926009
15. Ammaday : A+ 9883266
16. Lathe em : A+  7776042
17.  Ali Shareef : A+ 9977839
18. Adàm : A+ 9949100
19. Mohamed zunair : A+ 9998848
20. Mohamed Abdulla : A+ 9119940
21. Ahmed Shifaaz : A+ 9695961
22. Ismail nasser : A+ 9927722
23. Musab Fareed : A+ 9993720
24. Ahmed abeer : A+ 9922270
25. Abdulla Waheed : A+ 9637755
26.ahmed ahsan7970645A+
27. Waseem 9965885 A+
28. Suhail 9744506 A+
1. Ashraf : A- 9996075
1. Asif : B+  9681001
2. Alle : B+ 9793910
3. Munaz : B+ 9799405
4. Hailsham : B+ 7903730
5. Faisal : B+ 7937383
6. Wolf : B+ 9714222
7. Nazim : B+ 7718543
8. Ashraf : B+ 9932725
9. Moosa : B+ 9995425
10. Mohamed : B+ 7697816
11. Mistake : B+ 9894642
12. Ahmed : B+ 9771383
13. Shifax : B+ 9662351
14. Hassan : B+ 9128008
15. Shammoon : B+ 7700007
16. Adex : B+ 7778174
16. Naube : B+ 9980008
17. Hadhiyyathulla : B+ 9194865
18. Ali Naseer : B+ 9990091
19. Farooq Israel : B+ 9884399
20. Abdul Aleem Hassan : B+ 7979719
21. Moosa Adam : B+ 7781701
22. Ahmed : B+ 9994645
23. Anees Ibrahim : B+ 9931547
24. Hassan akmal : B+ 9973131
25. Mohamed firushaan B+ 7912590
26. Ali Rasheed B+ 9988773
1. Miyax : AB+ 9999132
2. Mueen : AB+ 7979791
3. Muhammad : AB+ 7982892
4. Moosa Ziyad : AB+ 9993093
5. Aizan: AB+ 9718159
6. Niushad AB+ 9954991
1. Aiz : O- 9935178
2. Sam'oon : O- 9890638
3. Ibrahim Rachel : O- 7933090
4. Mohamed Ashfath : O- 7970858
5. Mohamed Azzam : B+  9840735
6. Adam Siwaaz : A+ 7682772
Donating blood is very good for ur  health.  Be a donor and update the list with ur name and blood group. Thank you
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gul-e-rekhta · 2 years ago
Mahir: Whatever is it you're thinking about, stop
B: What?
Mahir: You always make that face when you're about to say something stupid to piss me off lik-
B: I love you
B: Also cereal qualifies as soup
Mahir: I knEW IT
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halallaku · 8 years ago
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Ada #speakerQuran baru:) . *Speaker Quran Al-Mubarak* adalah sebuah audio speaker portable yg menyajikan berbagai macam bacaan Al-Qur'an dari para Qori International *TOTAL 70 QORI INTERNASIONAL* *DAFTAR ISI* *10 Qori Murottal Per Surat (30 Juz)* ✅ Abdurrahman As-Sudais ✅ Misyari Rasyid Al-Afasy ✅ Sa’ad Al-Ghamidi ✅ Abu Bakar Asy-Syatiri ✅ Hani Ar-Rifai ✅ Ali Al-Hudzaify ✅ Khalifah At-Tunaiji ✅ Mahir Al-Mu’aiqili ✅ Su’ud Syuraim ✅ Abdullah Basfar *2 Qori Murattal Per Halaman (30 Juz)* ✅ Abdurrahman As-Sudais ✅ Sa’ad Al-Ghamidi *2 Qori Murattal Per Juz (30 Juz)* ✅ Emad Al-Mansary ✅ H Muammar ZA *1 Qori Murattal Per Ayat (Juz Pilihan)* ✅ Misyari Rasyid Al-Afasy *5 Qori Murattal Anak (Juz ‘Amma)* ✅ Thaha Al-Junaed ✅ Ahmad Misbahi ✅ Ahmad Saud ✅ Yusuf Kallo ✅ M Barraki *2 Qari Murattal Talaqqi (Juz ‘Amma)* ✅ Fahd Al-Khundury ✅ Siddiq Al-Minsyawi *1 Qari Murattal Plus Terjemahan Indonesia (30 Juz)* ✅ Misyari Rasyid Al-Afasy *Kompilasi 40 Qari (Juz ‘Amma)* ✅ Abdul Bari At-Taubah ✅ Abdul Majid Al-Arkani ✅ Abdulhadi Kanakeri ✅ Abdullah Al-Johany ✅ Abdullah Khayyat ✅ Ahmad Al-Hawashy ✅ Ahmad Neana ✅ Ali Jaber ✅ Abdul Aziz Ahmad ✅ Emad Zuhair ✅ Farez Abbad ✅ Hatem Fareed ✅ Ibrahim Al-Akdar ✅ Ibrahim Al-Jibrin ✅ Idris Abkr ✅ Jamaan Al-Osaimi ✅ Khalid Al-Qahtani ✅ Lafi Al-Oni ✅ Mahmud Al-Bana ✅ Muftaf Al-Sultany ✅ Muhammad Ayyub ✅ Muhammad Jibril ✅ Musthafa Al-Lahoni ✅ Mustafa Ismail ✅ Musa Bilal ✅ Neamah Al-Hassan ✅ Sabir Abdul Hakim ✅ Said Ramadhan ✅ Salah Al-Budair ✅ Saleh Alsahood ✅ Salah Al-Hasyim ✅ Sami Al-Dosari ✅ Shirazar Taher ✅ Taufiq As-Sayegh ✅ Usman Al-Ansary ✅ Walid Al-Dulaimi ✅ Walid Al-Na’ehy ✅ Yahya Hawwa *12 Qori Murattal Pilihan* ✅ Fatih Seferagic ✅ Muzammil Hasballah ✅ Taqy Malik ✅ Ulin Nuha ✅ Ibrahim Elhaq ✅ Abu Usamah ✅ Salim Bahanan ✅ Muhammad Aswandi ✅ Hasanovic Al-Kautsar ✅ Idris Al-Hasyimi ✅ Besir Duraku ✅ Ziyad Patel *Dilengkapi :* ✅ Dzikir Pagi & Petang ✅ Ruqyah Syar’iyyah ✅ 12 Kompilasi Adzan ✅ 42 Hadits Arba’in An-Nawawi ✅ 20 Do’a Hisnul Muslim *Bonus :* ✅ 500 Kajian Islami ✅ 120 Tanya Jawab Islami *Tausiyah Para Asatidz :* *(Total 500 Kajian Islami)* #jualSpeakerQuran 📲08118885779 (at Halallaku Bookstore)
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halallaku · 8 years ago
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Ada #speakerQuran baru:) . *Speaker Quran Al-Mubarak* adalah sebuah audio speaker portable yg menyajikan berbagai macam bacaan Al-Qur'an dari para Qori International *TOTAL 70 QORI INTERNASIONAL* *DAFTAR ISI* *10 Qori Murottal Per Surat (30 Juz)* ✅ Abdurrahman As-Sudais ✅ Misyari Rasyid Al-Afasy ✅ Sa’ad Al-Ghamidi ✅ Abu Bakar Asy-Syatiri ✅ Hani Ar-Rifai ✅ Ali Al-Hudzaify ✅ Khalifah At-Tunaiji ✅ Mahir Al-Mu’aiqili ✅ Su’ud Syuraim ✅ Abdullah Basfar *2 Qori Murattal Per Halaman (30 Juz)* ✅ Abdurrahman As-Sudais ✅ Sa’ad Al-Ghamidi *2 Qori Murattal Per Juz (30 Juz)* ✅ Emad Al-Mansary ✅ H Muammar ZA *1 Qori Murattal Per Ayat (Juz Pilihan)* ✅ Misyari Rasyid Al-Afasy *5 Qori Murattal Anak (Juz ‘Amma)* ✅ Thaha Al-Junaed ✅ Ahmad Misbahi ✅ Ahmad Saud ✅ Yusuf Kallo ✅ M Barraki *2 Qari Murattal Talaqqi (Juz ‘Amma)* ✅ Fahd Al-Khundury ✅ Siddiq Al-Minsyawi *1 Qari Murattal Plus Terjemahan Indonesia (30 Juz)* ✅ Misyari Rasyid Al-Afasy *Kompilasi 40 Qari (Juz ‘Amma)* ✅ Abdul Bari At-Taubah ✅ Abdul Majid Al-Arkani ✅ Abdulhadi Kanakeri ✅ Abdullah Al-Johany ✅ Abdullah Khayyat ✅ Ahmad Al-Hawashy ✅ Ahmad Neana ✅ Ali Jaber ✅ Abdul Aziz Ahmad ✅ Emad Zuhair ✅ Farez Abbad ✅ Hatem Fareed ✅ Ibrahim Al-Akdar ✅ Ibrahim Al-Jibrin ✅ Idris Abkr ✅ Jamaan Al-Osaimi ✅ Khalid Al-Qahtani ✅ Lafi Al-Oni ✅ Mahmud Al-Bana ✅ Muftaf Al-Sultany ✅ Muhammad Ayyub ✅ Muhammad Jibril ✅ Musthafa Al-Lahoni ✅ Mustafa Ismail ✅ Musa Bilal ✅ Neamah Al-Hassan ✅ Sabir Abdul Hakim ✅ Said Ramadhan ✅ Salah Al-Budair ✅ Saleh Alsahood ✅ Salah Al-Hasyim ✅ Sami Al-Dosari ✅ Shirazar Taher ✅ Taufiq As-Sayegh ✅ Usman Al-Ansary ✅ Walid Al-Dulaimi ✅ Walid Al-Na’ehy ✅ Yahya Hawwa *12 Qori Murattal Pilihan* ✅ Fatih Seferagic ✅ Muzammil Hasballah ✅ Taqy Malik ✅ Ulin Nuha ✅ Ibrahim Elhaq ✅ Abu Usamah ✅ Salim Bahanan ✅ Muhammad Aswandi ✅ Hasanovic Al-Kautsar ✅ Idris Al-Hasyimi ✅ Besir Duraku ✅ Ziyad Patel *Dilengkapi :* ✅ Dzikir Pagi & Petang ✅ Ruqyah Syar’iyyah ✅ 12 Kompilasi Adzan ✅ 42 Hadits Arba’in An-Nawawi ✅ 20 Do’a Hisnul Muslim *Bonus :* ✅ 500 Kajian Islami ✅ 120 Tanya Jawab Islami *Tausiyah Para Asatidz :* *(Total 500 Kajian Islami)* #jualSpeakerQuran 📲08118885779 (at Halallaku Bookstore)
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halallaku · 8 years ago
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Ada #speakerQuran baru:) . *Speaker Quran Al-Mubarak* adalah sebuah audio speaker portable yg menyajikan berbagai macam bacaan Al-Qur'an dari para Qori International *TOTAL 70 QORI INTERNASIONAL* *DAFTAR ISI* *10 Qori Murottal Per Surat (30 Juz)* ✅ Abdurrahman As-Sudais ✅ Misyari Rasyid Al-Afasy ✅ Sa’ad Al-Ghamidi ✅ Abu Bakar Asy-Syatiri ✅ Hani Ar-Rifai ✅ Ali Al-Hudzaify ✅ Khalifah At-Tunaiji ✅ Mahir Al-Mu’aiqili ✅ Su’ud Syuraim ✅ Abdullah Basfar *2 Qori Murattal Per Halaman (30 Juz)* ✅ Abdurrahman As-Sudais ✅ Sa’ad Al-Ghamidi *2 Qori Murattal Per Juz (30 Juz)* ✅ Emad Al-Mansary ✅ H Muammar ZA *1 Qori Murattal Per Ayat (Juz Pilihan)* ✅ Misyari Rasyid Al-Afasy *5 Qori Murattal Anak (Juz ‘Amma)* ✅ Thaha Al-Junaed ✅ Ahmad Misbahi ✅ Ahmad Saud ✅ Yusuf Kallo ✅ M Barraki *2 Qari Murattal Talaqqi (Juz ‘Amma)* ✅ Fahd Al-Khundury ✅ Siddiq Al-Minsyawi *1 Qari Murattal Plus Terjemahan Indonesia (30 Juz)* ✅ Misyari Rasyid Al-Afasy *Kompilasi 40 Qari (Juz ‘Amma)* ✅ Abdul Bari At-Taubah ✅ Abdul Majid Al-Arkani ✅ Abdulhadi Kanakeri ✅ Abdullah Al-Johany ✅ Abdullah Khayyat ✅ Ahmad Al-Hawashy ✅ Ahmad Neana ✅ Ali Jaber ✅ Abdul Aziz Ahmad ✅ Emad Zuhair ✅ Farez Abbad ✅ Hatem Fareed ✅ Ibrahim Al-Akdar ✅ Ibrahim Al-Jibrin ✅ Idris Abkr ✅ Jamaan Al-Osaimi ✅ Khalid Al-Qahtani ✅ Lafi Al-Oni ✅ Mahmud Al-Bana ✅ Muftaf Al-Sultany ✅ Muhammad Ayyub ✅ Muhammad Jibril ✅ Musthafa Al-Lahoni ✅ Mustafa Ismail ✅ Musa Bilal ✅ Neamah Al-Hassan ✅ Sabir Abdul Hakim ✅ Said Ramadhan ✅ Salah Al-Budair ✅ Saleh Alsahood ✅ Salah Al-Hasyim ✅ Sami Al-Dosari ✅ Shirazar Taher ✅ Taufiq As-Sayegh ✅ Usman Al-Ansary ✅ Walid Al-Dulaimi ✅ Walid Al-Na’ehy ✅ Yahya Hawwa *12 Qori Murattal Pilihan* ✅ Fatih Seferagic ✅ Muzammil Hasballah ✅ Taqy Malik ✅ Ulin Nuha ✅ Ibrahim Elhaq ✅ Abu Usamah ✅ Salim Bahanan ✅ Muhammad Aswandi ✅ Hasanovic Al-Kautsar ✅ Idris Al-Hasyimi ✅ Besir Duraku ✅ Ziyad Patel *Dilengkapi :* ✅ Dzikir Pagi & Petang ✅ Ruqyah Syar’iyyah ✅ 12 Kompilasi Adzan ✅ 42 Hadits Arba’in An-Nawawi ✅ 20 Do’a Hisnul Muslim *Bonus :* ✅ 500 Kajian Islami ✅ 120 Tanya Jawab Islami *Tausiyah Para Asatidz :* *(Total 500 Kajian Islami)* #jualSpeakerQuran 📲08118885779 (at Halallaku Bookstore)
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