#sumera hameed
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localrants · 1 month ago
"'امر پریم کا اگر کوئی لاڈ کا نام ہوتا تو 'سرما کی دھوپ' ہوتا۔"
- سمیرا حمید، یارم
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"Amar prem ka agar koi laad ka naam hota tw sarmaa ki dhoop hota."
Sumera Hameed, Yaram.
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gul-e-rekhta · 2 years ago
Jihan: The next time I open up to someone, it'll be my autopsy.
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helloabdulqayyumme-blog · 6 years ago
yaaram novel by sumera hameed (toppdfbooks.com)
yaaram novel by sumera hameed PDF BOOKS DRIVE
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pakbooks · 7 years ago
Yaaram Complete Novel by Sumaira Hameed in PDF
Yaaram Complete Novel by Sumaira Hameed in PDF
Yaaram Complete Novel by Sumaira Hameed in PDF novel or read online, Yaaram Complete Novel authored by Sumera Hameed, she is a very famous female Urdu novelist, Urdu short and long stories writer and screenwriter from Pakistan. Nowadays Yaaram novel is very famous among novel readers in Pakistan.
Yaaram Complete Novel
Yaaram novel represents a true picture of our society in descriptive form.…
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freeurdunovels1-blog · 5 years ago
Urdu Novels
Novel means new and not quite the same as what has been known sometime recently. It is a long composed story more often than not about nonexistent characters and occasions. The Novel gets satisfaction in our lives. For the most part, ladies read books every day. Individuals are keen on perusing Urdu Novels in everywhere throughout the World. There are excessively numerous books in the World with numerous dialects.
What are Urdu Novels
Pakistani Urdu Novels
Urdu is the National dialect of Pakistan. In this way, Urdu Novels are for the most part perused in Pakistan. Different nations additionally get a kick out of the chance to peruse Urdu Novels. Really Pakistani Urdu Novels understood everywhere throughout the world. There is excessively force in it. In Pakistan, ladies jump at the chance to peruse Romantic Pakistani Urdu Novels. Sentimental Pakistani Urdu Novels are about sentiment and love that young ladies like the most. Numerous books are generally about genuine stories so individuals get connected with while perusing. Books change our lives or change their lifestyle. In the event that we read Pakistani Urdu Novels with power then we can comprehend its significance. There is excessively for us in the books. Numerous books give us numerous lessons and ethics. Numerous audience members like the Novels to such an extent. We can see numerous Dramas fans around us when they are stressed over up and coming scene. They are all discussing that Drama.
Urdu Novels Familiarity
In Pakistan, many house women used to watch Drama day by day on TV. As I would see if they are the real devotee of Pakistani Urdu Novels. Some show's story is for the most part coordinated to their genuine lives. That is the reason they in a split second got themselves occupied with it. The TV gathering of people is expanding step by step. Pakistani Urdu Novels greatly affect audience members. For the most part, individuals use to peruse Pakistani Urdu Novels day by day on the web. They read online Pakistani Urdu Novels. They invest a considerable measure of energy there. Along these lines, they are having a ball. Really, every individual has the interest to divert himself in extra time. House women, young ladies and other individuals who get some extra time, simply begin perusing Pakistani Urdu Novels. Actually Reading Pakistani Urdu Novels are likewise an interest. Individuals feel loose while perusing these books. When they are understanding, they simply go into a different universe. They overlook every one of their issues in life and stresses, feel all characters in Novels and they surmise that story has a place with them. What's more, we see commonly individuals with tears while perusing books.
Urdu Novels in Our Life
Reality books change lives. There are many individuals who changed their method for lives in the wake of perusing books. Pakistani Urdu Novels are the colossal stage for perusers. We can see individuals around us who are frantic for perusing books. They simply need to have some extra time to peruse Pakistani Urdu Novels. We can see many individuals purchasing Urdu Novel books at shops. At whatever point another scene comes, there begin tattling among the general population. For the most part, ladies found discussing Pakistani Urdu Novels. Anybody can see the appearances on their countenances while discussing books.
For the most part, Pakistani Urdu Novels are composed of genuine stories of individuals. We can see numerous dramatizations that depend on genuine individuals' stories. When we came to realize that this story depended on a genuine story, then it presents to us another inclination for the characters in the story. We feel love for them and begin considering them that why this transpired? Or, then again how solid they are? Or, on the other hand, how might they get by in those conditions? That is the thing which made us so solid. At that point, we ended up in a superior position and expressed gratitude toward Allah for gift us this lovely life. These Pakistani Urdu Novels make us imaginative and solid in our lives. We end up plainly prepared to confront any issue in our lives like the characters in books. On the off chance that somebody ended up in a bad position or stress then he/she simply recollects that story and faces that issue. That is the thing which made us solid.
Pakistani Writers
There is excessively ability in our Pakistani Writers. They compose Novels with an excessive amount of force. That is the reason everyone likes novels. There are numerous capable Novelists who simply made their history of composing. They composed Novels, stories, overviews, and shows. Numerous Pakistani Writers are prominent everywhere throughout the World. Pakistani authors additionally preferred by the Indians. They are highly keen on our books and essayists. Most Pakistani Urdu Novels are by female Novelists.
Some Famous Pakistani Writer's of;
Umera Ahmed
Nimra Ahmed
A Hameed
Rukhsana Nigar Adnan
Saima Akram Choudhary
Shagufta Parveen
Shazia Choudhari
Nighat Abdullah
Abida Narjis
Aasia Razzaqi
Afshan Afridi
Ahmad Iqbal
Ahmad Nadeem Qasmi
Alia Bukhari
Alia Hira
Amjad Javed
Asia Mirza
Iqra Sagheer Ahmed
Ishtiaq Ahmed
Kishwer Baqar
Nabila Aziz
Nagi ba
Saira Arif
Salma Kanwal
Samra Bukhari
Sarfraz Ahmed Rahi
Sarwar Alam Raz Sarwar
Sehrish Fatima
Shafeeq ur Rehman
Shauqat Siddiqui
Amtal Aziz
Siddiq Salik
Sumera Sharif Toor
Surraya Sahab
Syeda Gul Bano
Tariq Ismail Sagar
Umme Maryam
Furthermore, substantially more Novelists… … ..
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dpr-lahore-division · 5 years ago
With the compliments of, The Directorate General Public Relations,
Government of the Punjab, Lahore Ph: 99201390
LAHORE, October 25:
Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar has presided over the meeting of Punjab Daanish Schools and Centres of Excellence Authority at his office here on Friday. The meeting decided to include ethics and civics as subjects in the syllabus of Daanish schools along with the decision to morally educate the students through life-skills learning in partnership with The Aga Khan University. On the directions of the chief minister, the students will be taught Nazra Quran and annual sports festival will also be held. The meeting gave in-principle approval to matters pertaining to the rationalization of staff and recruitment of teachers of Daanish schools. Usman Buzdar approved to give new contracts to the employees who have completed their tenure and also gave approval to authorise the authority of introducing similar uniform in all the schools. The chief minister approved to pay past dues to the staff of Daanish schools. He was told that honesty tuck shops will be set up to morally educate the students. Children would personally pay the amount of items which they would purchase and there would no shopkeepers in such shops. The proposal of increasing students’ quota from backward areas in Daanish schools was also reviewed and a briefing was given about the performance and other matters relating to the Daanish schools. Provincial minister for schools Murad Raas, Vice Chairperson Sumera Ahmad MPA, Chief Secretary, administrative secretaries, CEO Punjab Daanish Schools Authority and others attended the meeting.
CM takes notice of delay in release of vehicles’ number plates: Chief Minister Usman Buzdar presided over a meeting at his office here on Friday and while taking notice of delay in release of vehicles’ number plates, directed to take immediate steps for the release of number plates to the citizens. He emphasized to take immediate steps to move forward while fulfilling the legal requirements with regard to the release of number plates. He added that the situation requires immediate solution as people are facing difficulties due to delay in release of number plates of vehicles and motorcycles. He directed that Punjab Excise Department should follow rules and regulations with regard to the release of number plates. Secretary Excise gave a briefing about different options for issuing vehicles’ number plates. Punjab Excise Minister Hafiz Mumtaz Ahmad, Secretary and DG Excise and others attended the meeting.
CM condoles death of sister of Shah Mehmood Qureshi: Chief Minister Usman Buzdar has expressed a deep sense of sorrow over the death of sister of Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Foreign Minister and mother of Zahoor Hussain Qureshi MNA. In the condolence message, the chief minister extended sympathies to Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Zahoor Hussain Qureshi and other members of the bereaved family and prayed that may Allah Almighty rest the departed soul in eternal peace.
CM condoles death of Maulana Abdul Hameed Wattoo: Chief Minister Usman Buzdar has condoled the death of Maulana Abdul Hameed Wattoo, Central General Secretary of Pakistan Ulema Council. In a condolence message, the chief minister has extended sympathies to the bereaved family and prayed to Allah Almighty to rest the departed soul in eternal peace.
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localrants · 5 months ago
Do you think it's worth falling in love?
Sumera Hameed "Yaaram" mai likhti hain k,
"Sab se zyada dastaanen mohabbat pr likhi gyi hain. Sab se zyada geet mohabbat k gaaye gye hain. Insaan sab se zyada khuwaab mohabbat k dekhta hai.
Insan par sab se zyada khuwab mohabbat k bhaari partay hain."
Now you decide. :)
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gul-e-rekhta · 2 years ago
Zumar: Don't say a word.
Faris: Fergulos.
Zumar: I said don't say a word!
Faris: Oh I see, last week when we were playing scrabble it wasn't a word, but now it is? How convenient for you!
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pakurdunovelsme-blog · 6 years ago
Urdu Novels
What are Novels ?
Novel means new and different from what has been known before. It is a long written story usually about imaginary characters and events. The Novel brings happiness in our lives. Mostly women read novels on a daily basis. People are interested in reading Urdu Novels in all over the World. There are too many novels in the World with many languages.
Pakistani Urdu Novels
Urdu is National language of Pakistan. So, Urdu Novels are mostly read in Pakistan. Other countries also like to read Urdu Novels. Actually Pakistani Urdu Novels well known all over the world. There is too much intensity in it. In Pakistan, women like to read Romantic Pakistani Urdu Novels. Romantic Pakistani Urdu Novels are about romance and love which girls like the most. Many novels are mostly about real life stories so people get engaged while reading. Novels change our lives or change the way of life. If we read Pakistani Urdu Novels with intensity then we can understand its importance. There is too much for us in the novels. Many novels give us many lessons and morals. Many television viewers like the Novels so much. We can see many Dramas fans around us when they are worried about upcoming episode. They are all talking about that Drama.
Urdu Novels Familiarity
In Pakistan many house ladies used to watch Drama daily on television. In my opinion they are the actual fan of Pakistani Urdu Novels. Some drama’s story is mostly matched to their actual lives. That’s why they instantly found themselves engaged in it. The television audience is increasing day by day. Pakistani Urdu Novels have a great impact on television viewers. Mostly people use to read Pakistani Urdu Novels daily on the internet. They read online Pakistani Urdu Novels. They spend a lot of time there. In this way they are enjoying themselves. Actually, every person has a hobby to amuse himself in spare time. House ladies, girls and other people who get some spare time, just start reading Pakistani Urdu Novels. In fact Reading Pakistani Urdu Novels are also a hobby. People feel relaxed while reading these novels. When they are reading, they just enter into another world. They forget all their problems in life and worries, feel all characters in Novels and they think that story belongs to them. And we see many times people with tears while reading novels.
Urdu Novels in Our Life
It is the truth that novels change lives. There are many people who changed their way of lives after reading novels. Pakistani Urdu Novels are the great platform for readers. We can see people around us who are mad for reading novels. They just want to have some spare time to read Pakistani Urdu Novels. We can see many people buying Urdu Novel books at shops. Whenever a new episode comes, there start gossiping among the people. Mostly women caught talking about Pakistani Urdu Novels. Anyone can see the expressions on their faces while talking about novels.
Mostly Pakistani Urdu Novels are written about real stories of people. We can see many dramas which are based upon real people’s stories. When we came to know that this story was based upon a real life story, then it brings us another feeling for the characters in the story. We feel love for them and start thinking about them that why this happened to them? Or   how strong they are?  Or how could they survive in those circumstances? That is the thing which made us so strong. Then we found ourselves in a better position and thanked Allah for blessing us with this beautiful life. These Pakistani Urdu Novels make us creative and strong in our lives. We become ready to face any problem in our lives like the characters in novels. If someone found himself in any trouble or worry then he/she just remember that story and face that problem. That’s the thing which made us strong.
Pakistani Writers
There is too much talent in our Pakistani Writers. They write Novels with too much intensity. That is why everybody likes novel. There are many talented Novelists who just made their history of writing. They wrote Novels, stories, digests and dramas. Many Pakistani Writers are popular all over the World. Pakistani writers also liked by the Indians. They are much interested in our novels and writers. Most Pakistani Urdu Novels are by female Novelists.
Some Famous Pakistani Writer’s of;
Umera Ahmed
Nimra Ahmed
A Hameed
Rukhsana Nigar Adnan
Saima Akram Choudhary
Shagufta Parveen
Shazia Choudhari
Nighat Abdullah
Abida Narjis
Aasia Razzaqi
Afshan Afridi
Ahmad Iqbal
Ahmad Nadeem Qasmi
Alia Bukhari
Alia Hira
Amjad Javed
Asia Mirza
Iqra Sagheer Ahmed
Ishtiaq Ahmed
Kishwer Baqar
Nabila Aziz
Nagi ba
Saira Arif
Salma Kanwal
Samra Bukhari
Sarfraz Ahmed Rahi
Sarwar Alam Raz Sarwar
Sehrish Fatima
Shafeeq ur Rehman
Shauqat Siddiqui
Amtal Aziz
Siddiq Salik
Sumera Sharif Toor
Surraya Sahab
Syeda Gul Bano
Tariq Ismail Sagar
Umme Maryam
And much more Novelists……….
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localrants · 11 months ago
Tum apnay ghar ka address do mai tumhari khirki tak tw aa hi jaunga.
Ye tumhara Manchester nhi hai spiderman jo tum idhar udhar koodtay phiro. Yahan hum ghar k bahir khardaar tarai'n lagatay hain aur us mai current chor dete hain.
Tum jese Romeo k liye.
Lahore mai Romeo nahi hotay kiya?
Hotay hain, pr sath mai Juliet k abba jaan bhi hotay hain.
Yaaram by Sumera Hameed
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localrants · 1 year ago
"Sab se zyada dastaane'n mohabbat ki likhi gyi hain. Sab se zyada geet mohabbat k gaye gye hain. Insaan sab se zyada khuwaab mohabbat k dekhta hai.
Insaan pr sab se zyada khuwaab mohabbat k bhaari partay hain."
Yaram By Sumera Hameed.
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localrants · 1 year ago
Zindagi ki qaid-o-band mai mera qusoor itna hi raha k mai ne woh dil paaya jisay har aik ne takhta-e-daar banaaya.
-Barha bhaag ki Meena az Sumera Hameed
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localrants · 2 years ago
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"Jo hamari mutthi mai hota hai wo hamara nahi hota. Jo hamari giraft mai na ho kar bhi hamara ho, woh hamara hota hai. "
Yaram by Sumera Hameed
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localrants · 2 years ago
Jin se aik baar dhutkaar milay unk pas palat kar janay ka jurm nahi karna chahiyay.
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Yaram by Sumera Hameed
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localrants · 2 months ago
can you recommend some good underrated Urdu novels please
(عسرِ یسریٰ) Usri Yusra - Husna Hussain
(یارم) Yaram - Sumera Hameed
(محبت من محرم) Mohabbat Man Mehram - Sumera Hameed
(حسن الماٰب اور) Husn-ul-Ma'aab aur - Saira Raza
(اب کر میری رفوگری) Ab Kar Meri Rafugari - Saira Raza
(حالم) Haalim- Nemrah Ahmed
(عہدِ لست) Ehd-e-lastt - Amna Riyaz
I am forgetting some good ones.The list is ongoing.
Also, I have read a lot of AMAZING novelettes as well. Lmk if any of you is interested.
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localrants · 1 year ago
"Saari kainaat kitaab ban kr khuli pari hou tw insan ko shaagird zarur ban jana chahye."
Sumera Hameed
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