#mahadasha results
subir-astrologer · 4 months
Mahadasha period is one of the most important concepts in Vedic astrology as it is deciding the time for the delivery of an event in a native’s life.
Astrologers use it as a tool to determine the time / period of an event in an individual’s life as that event will get activated during that ruling period of time of that planet.
It is a period of planetary influence that lasts for a specific number of years, determined by the placement of the planet in the natal chart.
The mahadasha period is believed to be a time of significant growth and change in a person's life, and it can have a profound impact on their personal and professional development.
There are several rules and regulations related to the mahadasha period in Vedic astrology. These include :
1. Each planet has its own mahadasha period, which can last from six to 20 years, depending on the planet's placement in the natal chart.
2. The order of the mahadasha periods is determined by the position of the moon at the time of birth.
3. During the mahadasha period of a particular planet, the influence of that planet will be more pronounced in a person's life. This can manifest in various ways, depending on the nature of the planet and its placement in the chart.
4. The effects of the mahadasha period can be mitigated or enhanced by the placement of other planets in the chart, as well as by the overall strength of the chart.
5. It is important to pay attention to the sub-periods or antardashas that occur within each mahadasha period. These can have a significant impact on a person's life and can help to clarify the specific events and issues that are emerging during that time.
Overall, the mahadasha period is a key concept in Vedic astrology that can help to shed light on the major events and challenges that a person is likely to encounter during their lifetime.
By understanding the rules and regulations related to this period, astrologers and individuals alike can gain valuable insights into the workings of the universe and the path that lies ahead.
One can thus pre-plan his course of actions in advance so that they can minimize the negative impacts of a malefic planets and maximize the positivity impact of benefic planets.
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astromeena · 9 months
What are the results of Mars Mahadasha for an Aquarius ascendant?
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lua-magic · 3 months
Astrology secrets.
Remember guys, when you insult someone, or bad mouth someone, abuse or even gossip about someone, even about celebrities, you are spoiling your multiple planets, and no astrologer or remedy can save you, as you are activating your Saturn 🪐, and spoiling your Venus, even it applies to social media posts where I have observed people bashing and insulting other people, religion or even other countries.
Look, whatever, problems you have with other people, violence is never the answer, violence could be physical or or even by your own words, when you speak with the intention of hurting someone, you are only taking curse of that person on yourself.
So, many times in my own experience I have noticed, even when native is running good planet phase, only by his way of speaking he is turning his good mahadasha, or period into bad one.
And when person learns to control his tongue and his sexual organs,(as mouth is second house and sexual organ is s seventh house, and both are ruled by Venus, ) he can even turn his bad phase into good phase, and I have seen and applied in multiple charts.
So first learn to control your tongue and then your sexual urges you Venus will give you good results.
Frequent masturbation and watching a sexual content to arouse yourself sexually can damage your sexual energy, and effect your root and sacral chakra and make you emotionally valunerable and aggressive.
So, have control on what you speak and what you watch, (as what you watch is third house 🏠, which is opposite to ninth house, which is house of luck )
When start to watch and read quality content, (not the sexual and adult content) you activate your third House, which is house of courage and bring new changes in your life.
So, start from controlling your senses then go to your mind(which is fourth house, which is opposite to tenth house)
Your mental framework and attitude decides how you perform in your work
So, develop the habit of positive thinking and gratitude.
Next, move to twelfth house which is House of forgiveness, which is opposite to sixth house (which is house of eniemies) .
When you forgive you conquer your eniemies.
All planets are within you itself when you change your nature, planets change themselves.
As within, so without
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moonchild033 · 2 months
Rahu-Ketu Dosha and Marriage 💍❤
I've been seeing this question all over the internet, so I wanted to clarify regarding the Rahu-Ketu dosha and whether you can marry a person without the same dosha and about the cancellation of this particular dosha.
Since there are very few details on this confusion, I wanted to make this post, hope this helps! 🤗
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What is Rahu-Ketu Dosha? 🐍
In your birth chart, if Rahu/Ketu is positioned in the 1st & 7th houses, you are said to have Rahu-Ketu Dosha. If you have it in 2nd and 8th houses, there is a partial dosha.
For clarification, Rahu= North node, Ketu = South node (If you are new to vedic astro terms)
Dosha generally means that the planets/shadow planets are afflicted and will give unfavorable results to the individual.
Imo, a Dosha doesn't make you weak, it makes you different from others. Your ideologies and desires differ a lot from the common population, hence you will be incompatible with them.
In this case, a person with Rahu in 1st and Ketu in 7th can be detached from partnerships and dependencies like marriage and would like to concentrate more on their own personal growth and have huge dreams to achieve. With the reverse of the axis, the individual may not want to settle with commitments but can be interested in flings, their confidence is lacking in themselves and dependent more on their partnerships, they may have dreams to have their own business.
Both of these tendencies are extremes and are considered to be not ideal for the general population, hence, People with Rahu-Ketu dosha are advised to marry the person with the same dosha resulting in its cancellation. It's more like marrying a person who shares ur ideologies and way of life and can understand you better.
What if a person you like has Rahu-Ketu dosha and you don't? Or vice versa? Can you marry each other? 🤯💝
This dosha is strictly considered during marriage match making in Vedic astrology, people who don't have the dosha are advised to not marry a person who has it. But what if you are in love with a person having such placement?
Rahu-Ketu dosha is cancelled up to 90% if the birth chart satisfies any of this two rules:
Rahu/Ketu aspected by Jupiter:
Jupiter 's aspects falls in 5th, 7th and 9th house from where he is positioned. Ex.: A person has virgo ascendant and Rahu on the asc, Jupiter is is Taurus sign, now count the 5th, 7th and 9th house from Jupiter's position. Here, Jupiter's 5th aspect falls on Rahu, hence the dosha is cancelled up to 90% in this birth chart.
The house lord where Rahu/Ketu is present is exalted:
Rahu/Ketu are shadow planets and follow the nature of the zodiac sign it is present in. So if the lordship of the house they are present in is strong, the ill-effects of Rahu-Ketu dosha will be cancelled. Ex.: A person has Cancer ascendant and Rahu on asc, the house ruler of cancer where rahu is present is Moon. Moon is positioned in Taurus (exalted), hence the dosha is cancelled up to 90% in this chart.
If your partner who has this dosha, fulfills either of these conditions, get ready for the wedding bells! 💍💕
What about the remaining 10% of Dosha? How will it play out in case of 90% dosha cancellation? 🤔
You don't have to worry about the remaining 10% of dosha. Only during the Mahadasha (Major planetary period) of Rahu/Ketu, you may feel a tiny amount of ill-effects like confused mental state, uncontrollable desires, minor clashes with your spouse etc.
What if you don't have the dosha cancellation aspects in your chart? Can you still marry a person without this Dosha? 😢💍
Good news, Yes you can! Now, cheer up ❤
This Dosha mainly affects your desires and way of looking at life. If you are in love and have a person who understands you, your views & desires and supports you through everything, it doesn't matter whether they have this dosha or not to match with yours.
Doesn't sound convincing enough?
Here's another good news, there is a concept called 'Gandharva Vivaha' in Vedic terms, which means choosing a person you want to marry, in modern terms- A love marriage. It is said that you don't even have to match birth charts between two people whose hearts have been connected beforehand because it is destined to happen this way.
Are there any remedies for this dosha? 🙏
I personally don't believe that much in remedies but if it works for you, I would advise you to visit Kalahasti temple at Andhra Pradesh, India and participate in the Rahu/Ketu pooja.
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Please feel free to comment down your thoughts or questions 🤗
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youremyheaven · 5 months
Omg thank you so much, now everything is much clearer! 🧡🧡
ur welcome angel 💛
for the unversed, this is an overly simplified summary of the mahadashas (keep in mind that this is a massive generalization and how u experience ur dasha depends on ur chart/placements)
Sun mahadasha - confident, slayy gaining recognition? whatever u do is a hit or if u have an afflicted Sun then the exact opposite 😬
Moon- 🤠 life is like a melodrama, extreme emotional highs and lows, lots of situations with women/mother,, imagine just being emotional for a couple of years and not being able to turn it off? yeah, that
Mercury- 💸🤑💸🤑cash money eraaa, use ur head and get that baggg
Venus- 😍✨🤌🏼trophy wife lifestyle even if ur not a woman or a wife, things just flow to u, people come to u like flies attracted to honey, whatever u do will be appreciated
Mars- 🏋️ girl boss era, could struggle with appearance but otherwise AMBITIOUS SLAYY
Jupiter - contrary to popular belief, Jupiter does not cover u in dollars bills, it tests u and if u are worthy, u will be rewarded
Saturn- 🥲learn everything slowly , be a late bloomer, learn things the hard way, struggle to keep up, wonder why u have to suffer more than others and then realise it's bc it's ur goddamn Saturn MD and then work your butt off to appease Saturn
Rahu- 🤪🥳😌 delusional era , on a serious note I feel like rahu md can make people paranoid bc they're literally too in their head 😬but it can give really exaggerated results and blow things out of proportion, I think doja cat is in rahu mahadasha rn and she's so different now compared to like her juicy era ??
Ketu 😳😤😩faith will help you bc nothing else will not to fearmonger but 😮‍💨girlies be so detached from life sometimes they stop living (figuratively or literally 💀) soooo many celebs have died during their Ketu MD im being so srs rn (not saying u will tho <3)
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daskolas · 1 year
Financial indicators in Vedic astrology
Here, we will see some of the financial indicators.
1. Lakshmi- Narayan yoga
This yoga is formed when venus and mercury are in same house. In short, conjunction of venus and mercury form lakshmi- Narayan yoga.
Lakshmi is known as goddess of money.
Native will gain money gradually in his life.
They will not be facing poverty
They will not be facing any issues to satisfy their basic needs.
2. Chandra- Mangal yoga
This yoga is formed when moon and Mars sit in the same house. In short, conjunction of moon and Mars form Chandra- Mangal yoga
Moon (Chandra) represents heart and Mars (Mangal) represents energt
Native will have a lot of will tk earn money
Their mother will have a lot of energy. They will have soldier like qualities
Their mother will also have aggressive nature but will be really strong
Native themselves will have a lot of anger.
3. Viprit raj yoga
This yoga is formed when:
6th house lord is in 6th, 8th or 12th house
8th house lord is in 6th, 8th or 12th house
12th house lord is in 6th, 8th or 12th house
6th, 8th and 12th house are considered worst houses in astrology. So, when their lord is in these particular house, it is said to give good result.
Native will not face any financial issues.
Observation: I have seen that many people have this yoga. But on the other hand, there is a concept known as raj yoga, which makes native extremely rich. Maybe I will make a post about it soon.
4. Upchaya bhav yoga
This yoga is formed when:
3rd house lord is in 6th, 10th or 11th house
6th house lord is in 10th or 11th house
10th house lord is in 11th house
Native will not face any financial issues
They will be fairly stable in their life.
Yogas give best result in 1st, 5th, 9th and 11th house. So if you are having chandra-mangal or lakshmi- Narayan yoga in these houses, then it gives best result.
Result is not so effective when these both yogas are in 6th, 10th and 12th house.
Other houses give mediocre result
These show best result when you are in that particular planet's mahadasha (a long time period ruled by a particular planet)
For example, if you have Lakshmi- Narayana yoga and you are undergoing mercury's mahadasha and when mercury will be inside venus (mercury- venus), then these yoga will give extremely good result.
Planet should not be combust. Note that, mercury is combust in more than 90% cases, so it is given blessing that combust will not effect its power
However, if venus, moon or any other planet is combust, then the strength of the indicator will lessen.
If you have any doubt, then feel free to send an ask.
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martian-astro · 8 months
Atmakaraka Series - Part 5
Atmakaraka is the planet with the highest degree in the birth chart.
Short note : atmakaraka can give good or bad results depending on the strength of the atmakaraka planet.
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Atmakaraka in 5th house:-
The person needs to take care of children, it can be their own or somebody else's. You will also be forced to learn things that go against your beliefs.
Sun atmakaraka in 5th house - you can get really lucky during your sun mahadasha. For you, education is very important and you guys will probably do a PhD, or just a lot of diploma courses, you could also be more interested in dual degree programmes. If sun is making a conjunction with jupiter then you can be really good at speculative business. If it's with saturn, then refrain from engaging in such things. You are probably interested in learning ancient texts, especially the religious people, you will learn the language in which the texts were originally written so that you can understand them even better. If you have this placement in libra, leo or scorpio then you guys can be really good actors, if you're interested in acting, then I would suggest you to go for it.
Moon atmakaraka in 5th house - you guys are pretty criers, that's a fact. I have also noticed this placement in a lot of actors who are really good at portraying mental disorders on screen, especially, personality and eating disorders and schizophrenia. But if moon is weak, then you shouldn't do roles like these, because a lot of these actors went into depression because they played their characters "too well". I feel like even if you don't want to have children, you will end up doing a job that requires you to interact with kids. Kids really like you too, you maybe the kind of person who can very easily put kids to sleep, this is because they feel safe with you. This is also a stay-at-home parent placement. I know a woman with this placement, and she genuinely likes taking care of her kids, this is what she wanted to do, and she's happy with her life.
Mercury atmakaraka in 5th house - you are someone who likes to invest in education. I know a girl with this placement and her parents wanted to marry her off after she completed her schooling but she left her house, started earning money on her own and then went to college. I personally think that this is a REALLY REALLY good placement to have if you live in India or in a country where parents give more preference to a girl's marriage then her education, because it gives you the courage to fight for your education. You could be a very skilled performer, and have the ability to charm an audience. You guys are probably sapiosexuals. I know someone with this and one day a guy approached her and was talking to her and then he just suddenly says "she's probably loose" and majority of the women would get offended by this statement because it's misogynistic but she was more disgusted by the fact that he was stupid enough to think that a vagina could be loose, she is a medical student and so she basically gave him a 2 hour lecture explaining the structure of the vagina and how it works, it was.... funny...and sad.
Venus atmakaraka in 5th house - you are so lucky if you have this placement (if not aspected by saturn) you are literally supposed to have fun in this life. You can be good at all things that require creativity; painting, acting, singing, directing, etc. This is also an indicator of your first child being a girl, she would be very beautiful, and even if it's a boy, he would be more pretty than handsome. If venus is also the 7th Lord, then your spouse can be really good looking as well. But if venus is weak, then you can be superficial, and can also have the tendency to go for himbos/bimbos. I don't really have a lot to say about this placement, I mean.. Just have fun guys, do whatever makes you happy.
Mars atmakaraka in 5th house - you guys would be the type of parents who want their kids to excel in every single sport. You can have be good at technical things, like technology, engineering, mathematics, computer science and stuff. With this placement, conjunctions matter a lot, I know a girl with this who has her Mars AK in 5th conjunct venus and she's a ballet dancer, which requires streghth and creativity. I also know another girl with Mars AK in 5th conjunct Mercury and she's a lawyer and a pretty good one at that. You are more likely to pursue technical education if Mars is alone. You will be the parent who wins all the parent marathon and dance competitions. The type of parent to bully their kid's bully, and act oblivious afterwards.
Jupiter atmakaraka in 5th house - you will be blessed with all the things that 5th house represents, this placement also indicates having A LOT of kids (if jupiter isn't retrograde) they can be biological or adopted, doesn't matter. I have noticed that most of the time your parents are the ones who motivate you to study and encourage you to go to college and pursue higher education. You will also have to travel for higher education, it can be outside of your state, country, or continent. If you decide to have a child, then they will make you feel very happy and you can start earning more money after the birth of your first child, you will also be able to start your own business.
Saturn atmakaraka in 5th house - there can be a delay in childbirth and education. It can take you longer than others to complete your education. You are also someone who doesn't know how to enjoy, you can be very awkward in social situations. I have noticed that a lot of people with this, are those class monitors who are like, "if I see you talking again, then I will write your name on the board", this can also be one of the reasons why your classmates don't like you very much. This placement is easier to deal with if saturn is in conjunction with venus or Mercury, as this can make people see you as someone who is disciplined but also knows when to let loose.
(all pictures are taken from Pinterest)
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What will determine the course of your life is ultimately the Nakshatra Planetary Rulership.
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Why? Because of the Dispositor. If most of your dispositors are malefics, you will always have to overcome or struggle with something to achieve anything, any Mahadasha, Antardasha, Pratyantardasha. With a lot of benefics as dispositors, you're gonna have an easier time, and things are just gonna flow in your direction.
Planetary scoring in a way can mean less, because even if you have a very high scoring malefic, that means you have a high capacity for overcoming and achieving things, but you still need to struggle to see those results. And at the end of the day, struggle is always exhausting.
Malefics are however necessary in our society, as they are key for leadership and efficiency, ruling structure and organising. They are necessary for controlling the excess, that benefics can bring. They lead to responsible consumption.
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libbee · 2 years
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Trying to use astrology to predict longetivity and death of someone. This is really controversial and hard to predict. Perhaps someone with gifted intuition can predict something like this but using just astrology is not a good idea. Astrology cannot tell how long someone will live or when they will die. For eg, contrary to popular belief that saturn in 8th house gives very long life, i have seen many natives passing in their middle ages. Similarly, all inner planets in 8th house have reputation of giving long lives but this is not the case. Sigmund Freud with moon in 8th house taurus died at 83 while Steve Jobs with moon in 8th house pisces died at 56. It was truly my mistake to use astrology for such taboo thing and to try to become God. In Vimshottari dasha chart, a lot of times such mahadasha, antardasha align that may generate paranoia that the native may pass away in that time period but no it doesnt work like that in every time period. In hindsight, when the native has already passed, perhaps it is possible to see in which time period they did pass and attribute that to it but it is risk of cognitive bias and there is no mental work involved. So, i think that it is very hard if not impossible to predict death from astrology. Anyway astrology must not be used for such sadistic purposes. Make the most out of each day you have. No person born will go back alive. One famous astrologer in India Bejan Daruwala passed away in corona period when he himself was doing predictions on corona. How ironic! I have seen astrologers predicting that such person will be alive for next 5 years and it is just a bad time period currently, but the native passed away within one month only. This kind of thing breaks my faith in astro and also makes the whole thing rather scary. I promised myself not to do something like this again in my astro studies. I refrain from doing death predictions.
Trying to read zodiac sign predictions to predict what will hapoen in coming month, year. This was when i was new to astro. I was born in June so my zodiac is Gemini. I used to read Gemini predictions for the coming month and year on random astro websites and blindly trusted it too. I remember preparing for exam and reading prediction that coming month will be good for students blah blah.. guess what? I failed that exam. This was rather stupid thing to do and i totally deserved what i got. 12 zodiac signs is not real astrology. Real astrology is the birth chart, time period of planets, perhaps tarot is also linked to it. But pop astrology and predictions are pure gibberish and commercial money making business. If you want to know how your coming week or month or year will be, take out your birth chart, use a reputed website to create vimshottari dasha chart, take out tarot and use your own energy and mind to come up with possible predictions. It also helps to keep a journal of each planetary time period and what happened during that time in your life so that in future you can use that journal to come up with probably future telling for your personal life path. Trying to predict fortune and success from astro alone is again a gamble. You have to trust in your skills and knowledge and practice. Dont repeat the mistake i did of blindly relying on astro to know my exam result.
Zodiac sign compatibility. This is funny but i used to see the birthday of my crush and match his zodiac sign with mine, read random gibberish on websites and thought "nah, we are not compatible, or nah i dont like this zodiac sign, or nah this zodiac sign is too superficial for me.." Couple astrology is only done with birth charts and nothing else. It takes mental effort to match compatibility. On top of that, friendship, values, personalities and willingness to be in relationship are all factors that are not within your control. You can also not tell when someone is being deceptive, lying, faking until you learn people skills and to read personalities. There is just no shortcuts in relationships.
Consuming a lot of youtube content to know astrology. Astrology has basic foundation that you can read in book and some trustworthy websites. There is nothing else to know. Watching random videos for short term gratification and sembalance that i am learning something or being productive is just not it. Astrology is personal tool. Everybody will have different language to say the same thing. Once you have read the basics, have trust in it and do not change your foundation just because someone else said so.
Astrology should not be put on a pedestal. Astrology is valid and gives answers to questions of life but it is just that - a tool, a subject, a field of knowledge. Dont make it your whole life. Dont worship it. Dont make it your whole personality. Dont use it too much that you lose your sanity. Life is meant to live not to figure out. The more you figure out, the more you will see how much is unknown and yet to be explored. You dont have enough years in your life to explore everything that is unconscious.
The only person you need to look up to is yourself. If you cannot tell the answers, i doubt anyone else can. I use to spend a lot of time watching oracle live streams, using random websites of psychics. Use your judgment to discern between money making business and genuine knowledge. Occult world is not devoid of sociopaths who simply want to make money at someone else's expense and being the nature of occult so abstract, it is easy to exploit people in terms of relationship issues, career issues, mental health issues, health issues. We cannot even blame the victim because in that vulnerable time period they are looking at all possible options to fix their problems. We learn from our mistakes only.
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blessed1neha · 2 years
10 facts about Saturn in Astrology
Sometimes you wonder why your life is so difficult when you seem to be doing everything properly. This is what the planet Saturn is supposed to do for you. It deals with discipline, challenges, delays, obligations, dealings, and occasionally denials.
It wants you to put in a lot of effort, work hard, and learn from your mistakes so that when you do experience success, it can still keep you grounded and modest despite your abundance of knowledge. As a result, Saturn is a stern instructor who is austere but just for the sake of the pupil.
In terms of astrology, Saturn is associated with discipline, karma, hardwork, patience, time management, and meeting deadlines while keeping the constraints in mind. Saturn, however, couldn't be categorised as a bad planet because of the way it can turn rags into gold.
But, it requires you to be brave even under the most trying circumstances. In Vedic astrology, Saturn is also associated with the aged, with the grace of old age, with traditions, with established ways of doing things, and with authority. It rewards you for tenacity and penalises you for impatience and shortcuts.
Saturn Astronomical Information The Sun is the largest planet in the solar system, with Saturn coming in second. 1.35 billion kilometres separate this ringed planet from the sun (closest distance). It rotates once every 10 hours and 40 minutes and takes approximately 29.5 years to complete one revolution around the sun.
Saturn has 62 satellites, similar to how Earth has the Moon as its satellite. Moreover, it makes an annual appearance in retrograde for about 135 days.
Saturn travels through the zodiac in around 30 years and spends about 2.5 years in each sign.
Essential Details about Saturn  Transit in each sign  2.5 years  Direction    West  Metal    Iron  Gem    Blue Sapphire  Day    Saturday  Color    Blue  Temperament  Strict, Sorrowful  Gender    Male  Ruling Body Part  Legs, nervous system, chronic diseases  Status in Imperial Stars  Advisor  Friends    Mercury, Venus  Enemies    Sun, Moon, Mars  Neutral    Jupiter  Own Sign  Capricorn, Aquarius  Exalted in  Libra  Debilitated in  Aries  Mool Trikon  Aquarius  Mahadasha Period  19 Years  Relation  Servants and Elderly People  Professions  Mining, labor, oil, petroleum, agriculture, freezing, coal, leather goods, butchery, lead, blue sapphire.
Significance of Saturn in Vedic astrology
As a result of our past life karma, Saturn places restrictions and pain on us. By doing this, it enables us to identify our flaws and shortcomings, make adjustments, and finally accept responsibility.
According to Vedic astrology, the region of life where a person may struggle is determined by where Saturn is positioned in the horoscope. Yet, the strength of the sign in the horoscope indicates whether the individual will be resilient enough to face challenges or prone to breakdowns.
Strong Saturns in the horoscope are typically hard workers who may labour nonstop to achieve their objectives. Also, these people have a stronger feeling of duty and loyalty. They take a structured approach to life, are rather sombre, and are rigorous by nature.
When Saturn is afflicted, it indicates that person's inability to handle problems in life. Such people's escapist inclinations make matters worse because Saturn wants you to work hard.
In rare situations, a weak Saturn in the horoscope can result in mental anguish, aloofness in personality, addictions, and even chronic illnesses. If you give up and succumb to shortcuts to avoid suffering, problems could get worse.
The greatest solution is to lead a disciplined lifestyle and put in a lot of effort, which will eventually lead to purification and the pursuit of one's true self. The consequences of a Saturn affliction last for a very long time because Saturn is a sluggish planet. Once the moment of tenacity and laboriousness is over, there there will be rewards both in spiritual as well as other sense.
Top 10 Saturn Facts As well as being a beauty, the ringed wonder is also a fascinating world.
Saturn has 62 confirmed moons.
The planet is tilted on its axis by 26.7° and therefore has seasons. Each lasts just over seven years because Saturn takes 29.45 years to orbit the Sun.
Saturn is a gas giant planet; it is mainly made up of hydrogen and helium. It's thought that a rocky core exists at its centre.
On average, Saturn is 9.5 times farther from the Sun than Earth is.
Each day on Saturn is only 10.55 hours long. This means that there are 24,470 Saturnian days in one Saturnian year — that's a lot of sunrises and sunsets!
Saturn is slightly flattened: its equatorial diameter is 120,536km while its polar diameter is 108,728km. You could fit 9.5 Earths across its disc.
The ring system out to the A ring is 273,550km wide, but only 1km thick.
Saturn is a windy planet, with gusts measured by Voyager at 1,800km/h.
Titan, Saturn's largest moon, has a nitrogen atmosphere and liquid lakes of methane on its surface.
Roughly every 30 years, a great white storm appears in Saturn's northern hemisphere.
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geeta1726 · 3 months
How does Jupiter as an amatyakaraka placed in the 8th house in the sign of Aquarius aspected by Ketu (5th aspect) for the Cancer ascendant native result in its mahadasha?
Career Transformations:
Significant changes and transformations in the professional sphere, possibly involving research, occult sciences, or investigative fields. Unexpected shifts may bring both opportunities and challenges.
Financial Fluctuations:
Potential for sudden financial gains through inheritance, insurance, or other hidden sources. However, there could also be periods of financial instability, requiring careful management.
Spiritual Growth:
Strong inclination towards spirituality and esoteric studies. Experiences during this period can lead to profound personal and spiritual growth, often driven by a sense of detachment from material pursuits due to Ketu's influence.
Health Considerations:
Possibility of health issues related to the liver, digestion, or mysterious ailments. Ketu’s aspect may cause sudden health concerns but also offers potential for healing through unconventional or spiritual methods.
Jupiter Mahadasha for Cancer Ascendant, in which Jupiter is placed in the 8th house in Aquarius as Amatyakaraka and aspected by Ketu, brings a period of significant change both materially and spiritually. For more information you can use the Kundli website. Which can give you a good information
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subir-astrologer · 7 hours
The significance of a planet is due to its position in the horoscope with respect to other planets. Now below are some points how the planet could behave differently.
The nature of a planet changes due to placement in different houses of the house horoscope as so is its functions
The planet behaves differently in different rashi / zodiac they are placed in. They can be exalted in a particular rashi and be very powerful, while they can be debilitated in a rashi and loose its power.
The planet gives different results due to the aspect of other planets of the horoscope.
The conjunction with other planet also the nature of the planet and thus behaves differently
The planet give its result of its nakshtra lord they are posted in, so the placement in the rashi is further divided into smaller degree to understand the actual position of the planet according to nakshtra of that rashi.
According to KP astrology a planet gives the results of its sublord.
Now as per the main question that can a malefic planet give happy life to an individual during its mahadasa ?
The answer is NO.
The placement of the planet with respect to other planets is very important, as it is going to signify the activation houses during its dasa period and thus an astrologer can know from that detail if the period is good or bad for the native.
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Mahadasha may change your life path, aims, hobby, passion, mindset, your influence & performance in society or everything but in slow motion.
Transit is basically seen for success/unsuccess or event prediction in the contemporary situation.
So more importance should be given to the transit for the life predictions related to current situation.
First we have to see transit from Moon sign.
If planet is good in transit from Moon sign, then it will be almost good (except for personal relationship) in the transiting house from Moon sign.
If planet is bad in transit from Moon sign, it will be almost bad for the house where it's transiting in the Ascendant chart.
For example, If Jupiter is transiting third from Moon and 10th from Ascendant, Jupiter transiting 3rd from Moon is bad, so it can also give bad results in the 10th from Ascendant.
Planet transiting over natal placement of other planets either mitigate/increases negativity/positivity. For example, Jupiter transiting 6th from Moon is normally bad but if that's the natal placement of Saturn, then that Jupiter can give growth in career.
Jupiter-Saturn-Rahu-Ketu are very important in transit.
Some transits give equal results in the house from Moon or Ascendant. For example, Rahu-Ketu-Saturn increases your income in the transit through eleventh house from natal Moon sign or Ascendant.
Jupiter is good for love life if it is transiting fifth house from Moon or Ascendant both.
Rahu-Ketu are more powerful than other planets. Example: If Rahu is transiting tenth from Moon but Jupiter is transiting tenth from Ascendant, you will realise results of Rahu than that of Jupiter regarding tenth house.
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lua-magic · 8 months
Untold secrets of D9 chart (Vedic Astrology)
D9 chart is extremely important in vedic astrology because it tells the final destination of any planet, eg, if a planet is exalted in birth chart but debilitated in D9 chart then it will not give good results even in its period or Mahadasha. Hence, checking a perticular planet before predicting in D9 chart is very important.
D9 is also important to check the condition of ninth lord as Ninth lord is associated with luck.
There are three kinds of signs in D9
Fixed signs- two, five, eight and eleven.
Movable signs- one, four, seven and ten.
Fixed movable signs- three, six, nine and twelfth.
Planets in fixed signs, can't change, their destination is fixed by the God.
Planets in movable sign could change according to your will power and actions you take.
Planets in fixed movable signs give fixed results however, there is free will given by the God, that if we really work hard on that planet, it can change and can give us positive results.
So we have free will only when it comes to planets sitting in movable and fixed movable sign
Now, planets in fixed signs could either give positive or negative results based on your past life karma, but we don't have free will regarding this planet. We have to accept and surrender to the divine for it
Now, D9 is widely used to see the position of ninth lord, because it is the house of luck and your destiny.
If your ninth lord in your birth chart is exalted but is getting Debilitated in your D9 then, it will give you challenges in life
Example, For Gemini ascendant, ninth lord is, Saturn, and if in D9 chart it is going in 12th house, then it is getting Debilitated, but again twelfth house is fixed movable sign so if you really allign with the energy of the universe, and improve your planet Saturn then Saturn would give the good results of twelfth house like, foreign travel, foreign settlement, meditation, yoga, work in big MNcs, gain from foreign land and also improve your luck, so Saturn would give good results of ninth and 12th house if you work on your Saturn and make it good.
Negative effects of twelve house is sleep problems, hospital, mental asylum, jail, if you spoil your Saturn, you will damage your luck and as well twelfth house.
So, to improve your luck here, you have to Start with improve your 12th house ie, be more Spiritual, learn yoga, meditation and spend time in isolation, your 12th house would improve and it will improve your Ninth house in birth chart, hence you experience more opportunities in your life..
Similarly, you can also check the position of ninth lord in D9.
If you have planets in Ninth house of D9 CHART, then that planet extremely important for your luck and manifestation
For example if you have Sun in ninth house of D9.
First if you need allign with energy of Sun, ie respect your father, government, higher authority, and also spend sometime always in sun can greatly change your fate,
Second, check the nakshatra you are born into, eg, if you are born Mrigshira, and your lord of Mrigshira nakshatra is Mars, Mars goes in 12thhouse of your D9 chart, then it means that more you do work related to 12th house like, more you follow spirituality, more peaceful your life would become.
Check the planets that rule the movable and free movable signs of your D9 and match it with your birth chart, which house lordship they hold, and work and allign with the energies of that planet..
Eg, you have Moon in your ninth house D9, and moon is your second lord, in your birth chart, and ninth house is also fixed movable, so if you go in counselling, teaching, or religious activities, your second house would improve and give you money 🤑.
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moonchild033 · 1 year
Dharma Karmadhipati Yoga 😌❤
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Dharma Karmadhipati Yoga takes place when the lords of 9H and 10H are in mutual exchange or has positive aspects with each other. But this Yoga is powerful only when the lords of 9H and 10H are in conjunction and present in the 10H without any other malefic planet present in the same house.
9H= House of dharma
10H= House of karma
This Yoga is one of the powerful Yogas one can have in their birth chart as 9H is the highest of trikona houses and 10H is the most powerful of kendra houses. 🥰💥
The degree of conjunction between 9th and 10th lords should be closer and in-conjunct to form a stronger Yoga. The more closer degrees they have, more powerful yoga is formed. 🔥
The lords of 9H and 10H shouldn't be debilitated in the navamsa chart (D9). Effects of the yoga are greatly decreased or nullified if the 9th and 10th lords are in unfavorable positions in divisional charts like D9 and D10. 😌
This Yoga will bestow the individual with favorable results in the mahadashas (major planetary period) or antardashas (sub planetary period) of 9H and 10H lords. 😊
Effects of Dharma Karmadhipati yoga:
It gifts the individual with the right sense of direction and responsibility in their life. They are highly involved in charitable deeds, can be very affectionate and kind hearted. When the lord of Dharma (duty) is combined with lord of Karma (actions), the native knows their duty & purpose and performs it with full dedication in a right path always. It can make the person lead masses, manage successful businesses and earn from multiple sources/jobs. 🤩🌟
The effect of this Yoga is subject to change according to the conjunction of other planets with the 9H and 10H lords or negative aspects.
Note: Refer Vedic birth charts to interpret these informations.
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With Love-Yashi ❤⚡
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youremyheaven · 5 months
Hii I just wanted to share my experience with Mars mahadasha, it started when I was 12 and it included a sudden move from my childhood home and neighbourhood (my mom informed me on a Sunday that we were moving that Thursday to live with my great grandma in a 2 bedroom apartment) that included losing my cats that I had for years. We were 3 sharing a 2 bedroom apartment and we were 4 when my younger brothers came on the weekends. Then at the new school I was excluded heavily and bullied, I made exactly one friend at that school and she ended up turning on me and making friends with my bullies. I resorted to graduating early and moving to my dad’s to get away from that neighbourhood. (Living with my dad didn’t go well bc he was extremely neglecting) I started high school (equivalent to it) while living with my dad and I made like 3 friends at the new school that I didn’t really connect with on a deeper level but we hung out a lot so it was a lot nicer than the experience before that so. At this point I developed really bad mental health issues, I was starving myself, started skipping school, was self harming. I ended up making friends from a different school and hung out with them every day after school. I moved back to my mom’s but my mental health was deteriorating further, I ended up attempting suicide a couple of months into living back with my mom. I switched schools to be in the same school as my friends but I was still struggling a lot mentally and struggling to attend regularly. I ended up dropping out and restarting school a number of times and disappearing on my friends for months at a time bc I wouldn’t be able to leave the house. At 17 my mom got me placed in a psychiatric facility for children for a few months that did help. That same year I met my first boyfriend and we had a really toxic obsessive relationship and I ended up attempting suicide again bc of my mental state as a result of it. The last year of my mars mahadasha my grandma, who I had now lived with for years and who was like the second parent to me at that point, was diagnosed with cancer and she passed away 5 days before my Mars mahadasha ended.
Sorry this is so long but I wanted to share my experience for research purposes ig, I have Mars in Pushya 11H.
i am so glad you have made it so far<333 you're so strong and i wish you so much love and healing<333
you have a debilitated Mars in the 11h of community, gains, social network, dreams etc so these themes heavily dominated your experience. you've experienced the lack of these as well as unhealthy manifestations of them bc Mars does teach things in a "tough" way but going forward you now know the value of healthy bonds and what red flags to look out for and how to prioritize things, these are all lessons from this mahadasha.
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