#magnus fox
masonhasbean · 5 months
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Not something i'm particularly proud of but i wanted to enrich the JRWI enjoyers among us with this absolute POWER DUO!
Magnus Fox and his 155 year old, hot topic loving, vampire bestie.
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neoncat666 · 7 months
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I made these last night and forgot I did
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spacedustmantis · 4 months
woe, the suckening tma au be upon ye (this is my scheme to get my tma followers into jrwi and my jrwi followers into tma)
fucking. putting them in london
emizel - hunt (self explanatory, hunting for gabriel first, hunting for whatever he can get his fangs on next)
shilo - web (he's so manipulative i love him. textbook web avatar)
arthur - slaughter (considering everything with his family and the gradual loss of humanity and his indiscriminate killing and mauling and diablerizing towards the end... yeah quite clearly an unwilling/unaware slaugher avatar)
the weylin twins - flesh (duh)
deacon - hunt (bc he's a cop and the inherent power dynamic between cop and person they wanna get behind bars or worse is inherently hunt coded (bc the hunt isn't just about the chase, it's about the feeling of powerlessness in the face of a predator)
the unseen one/the nosferatu - eye (again, duh)
the midnight circle - also eye (more in the knowledge sense than in the watching sense)
edward - stranger (what if i made the whole world look like me forever)
soda - marked by the web (curtesy of shilo)
grefgor - marked by the web (curtesy of shilo yet again)
magnus - honestly fuck if i know. probably neither marked nor an avatar. he's just chilling. watching smosh with his husband
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alcorian-cycle · 4 months
stakeheart "there was only one bed" trope except magnus keeps jolting awake, horrified at the feeling of a cold, unmoving, unbreathing body curled up beside him.
i think this would be on a trip where theyve been hunting a lot at night, and magnus' sleep schedule has aligned with arthur's. this scene happens during the day, but they have blackout curtains for arthur's safety. so magnus still wakes up in total darkness.
dark as a crypt, with a dead body beside him.
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zocramble · 2 months
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Various low effort post rewatching The Suckening doodles
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magnusfox · 8 months
hey dude have you seen this guy before
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I believe so! I think that's one of Arthur's boys, right? Shiloh I think? The pathetic one that's really into pheasants? I'm not quite sure why he is your girlfriend but congrats!
I think he also has Tumblr! @shiloh-official? That should be the right account!
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cupidsbeaux · 1 month
hey guys i've been thinking about magnus fox again
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mxwhore · 8 months
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first impressions...
patreon • care for gaza • unrwa fund
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I don’t have a favorite couple trope—
*chaotic bisexual + snarky gay with family trauma*
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Person B: Dom or sub?
Person A: I guess Domino's, since I don't go to Subway that much. Don't see why you'd put them in the same category though
Person C: I'm gonna tell them
Person B: Don't you fucking dare
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butbrowtf · 1 year
one is a fucking menace & the other is too gay for it, goddammit
i downloaded like 262796368 episodes for this & it was so worth it 😭
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marz-rm · 29 days
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here some pretty boys in traditional these are just sketches so don't take 'em too seriously, there are mistakes everywhere
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neoncat666 · 8 months
Not to sound like an insane person but is it wrong to assume a lot of Arthur's early development came from his interactions with Magnus? I'm not gonna go into spoilers for ep 5 & 6 at least too heavily but as much as we got from Emizel and Shilo interacting with their respective Charlie npc and each other, a lot of what we know about Arthur only really came from his calls with Magnus and later the party but even then not as much. We knew about his nightmares and his aversion to drinking someone to death as well as vampires in general but it was kind of explored more with his first call to Magnus where we found out he's working with literal vampire hunters and wanted to "fix his relationship with the sun". It comes with the fact that I'm assuming they've known each other way longer but the fact that Magnus wasn't and still isn't afraid to call Arthur out on his brooding bullshit and sees him as a friend kind of chipped away at what kind of person Arthur is on the inside for us, the audience, to see. Before we got the development that is ep 5 & 6, the most we kind of got was that despite everything, Arthur does care for the boys at least a tiny bit but also knows destruction and chaos follows him everywhere. If you have watched 5 & 6 now, a lot of his conversations with Magnus get a little recontextualized and I think that's very cool.
I think Magnus is a very interesting npc and I love him very much and I want his own spinoff please please please please please
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beetlerings · 8 months
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You’ll never guess who I’ve been drawing .
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alcorian-cycle · 3 months
got another little stakeheart scenario for yall, courtesy of my half-asleep daydreams
this time, magnus and arthur are, for reasons i have not yet decided, hiding together in the coffin of a mausoleum. (RIP to the previous inhabitant?)
theyre surrounded by hunters--amateur ones, but many of them. the hunters dont know that arthur and magnus are there, but they are awaiting an approach from outside the mausoleum, so they're alert and aware.
eventually, the sun rises, and arthur's Blood begins to still. magnus knows from years hanging around him that a vampire stops moving when the sun rises, regardless of their will. so he doesnt fault him for falling asleep while under siege.
magnus himself eventually begins to doze, after hours in the crypt, exhausted from the adrenaline of waiting for the other shoe to drop. he's jolted out of his light sleep when arthur begins to murmur, whine, and twitch beside him. it takes him a moment to realize what's wrong… but arthur has told him he has nightmares before. arthur begins to cry out in his sleep, rolling and thrashing against magnus and the cramped stone walls of the coffin.
magnus shuffles into a new position and shoves a hand over arthur's mouth. it muffles the sounds, but he only seems more distressed. his cries become louder and more panicked. magnus feels tears wet his hand.
magnus swears under his breath and shimmies a stake out of his coat. "i'm sorry," he murmurs, before driving it through arthur's chest, pinning him to the grave he lies in.
arthur twitches a few more times, lets out one last gasp, and goes still.
magnus keeps the stake in him until he thinks the sun has set.
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ao3topshipsbracket · 1 year
AO3 Top Relationships Bracket- Round 4
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This poll is a celebration of fandom history; we're aware that there are certain issues with many of the listed pairings and sources, but they are a part of that history. Please do not take this as an endorsement, and refrain from harassment.
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