#magnus bane headcanon
lurafita · 4 months
Magnus: "Alexander, it's too dangerous to go alone. Take this."
Alec: "You're just holding out your empty hand."
Magnus: "Take it."
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dayque · 2 months
Magnus: What happened to my cute baby? Do you remember when I could hold him and he would ask me to read him stories every night?
Izzy: He once burned down the greenhouse.
Simon: Helped Kit steal the silver weapons to sell it on the shadow market in exchange for Xbox video games.
Clary: He broke all my cell phones trying to figure out how they worked.
Alec: He sold his brother's milk horns in the shadow market. It took us 3 years and 10 thousand dollars to recover them.
Jace: He disorganized the library's over 5,000 books into unbreakable code just to annoy me. By him self. IN ONE NIGHT.
Ragnor: He stole my spell books and, I have no idea how, translated them and posted them on every social media site known to the shadow world.
Magnus: My clever little baby, at least you have to give him credit for being persistent.
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loki-nightfire · 3 days
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Family time
When Maryse decided to have a look on the baby-boy, she found all three of her boys sleeping, the little one finally full and snoozing peacefully, hugged by dads
Meanwhile the cats dialogue:
- look, they got a kitten! soft and sweet and smells of milk - i, for one, smell trouble and double trouble. you'll see, Meow, you'll see.
Illustration following Silent Alec fanfiction series
more art on http://boosty.to/grizzlyhare/
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carelessflower · 3 months
so i just learn about where the practice of kissing the ring came from
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the pope represents a direct line back to Jesus, who's the closest to god. as the consul, alec is now the figure with the closest connection to the angels themselves. imagine the high warlock of brooklyn kissing the wedding of the current consul to show his utmost respect
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headcanon #1
okay so. we know nico is always shadow-travelling around and running into people he's not supposed to know about (roman demigods, hat-wearing frog race, etc). can we agree that he's met magnus bane at least once? maybe someone gave him an invitation to one of bane's parties. maybe nico needed something and he heard that there was a "son of hecate" who could help him with it. maybe magnus himself is asked to investigate who tf keeps filling new york graves with coca cola.
however it happens, i think the possibilities are glorious. first of all, i think magnus would 100% adopt nico. he would totally be intrigued by this lil death boi who can apparently wake skeletons from the earth. he would want to know everything about the greek gods.
and second of all: alec and nico are sooo similar and it would be interesting to see them meet. two grumpy gay teenagers who are secretly dorks. i think alec would be creeped out by nico until magnus told him "sweetie he's literally you but shorter" and then they'd get along. imagine them complaining about crushing on straight men. imagine nico trying to teach alec mythomagic. idk.
also i have a weird idea that magnus bane would be the one to pierce nico's ears. random? yes. but imagine the deep conversations while preparing the needle. imagine magnus letting nico saying he can choose any pair from magnus's 100000 earrings but then vetoing every choice he makes because "actually, that's an heirloom" (while alec's in the background saying "magnus you bought that on etsy stfu" or "i literally saw you steal that from a museum three days ago")
and ultimately just imagine nico having gay role models and mentors. the more the better yk
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ofexistencebane · 9 months
Alec and Magnus would raise their kids so well, that Max would want to be a shadowhunter like Alec… and Rafael would want to be a warlock/sorcerer like Magnus
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whosralf · 17 days
In these days,i've talked to some people in the shadowhunters fandom,but this time,they were all adults,and women.
what came out of the situation:
"Magnus had all the rights to fell in love with Camille,that girl is fire"
"Its okay if Magnus dies,he is like 400 yrs old,Max was only ten,TEN."
"Alec in the TV show was sooo sassy"
"Wasn’t Ragnor six feet under?"
"Tessa was the best girl,and Catarina was too."
"As a greek myths lover,Magnus is a child of Dionysus"
"They are all a little bit autistic in TMI"
I love the old part of the fandom.
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Can I ask for some college malec au indications? Plss
Hello! I’m assuming you mean headcanons? Please correct me if I’m wrong djsjsjdjdjsjsj
Magnus is doing a double degree of STEM and Fashion cause he’s an overachieving nerd. Alec is majoring in Political Studies. Alec is always stunned at how Magnus takes on two degrees and a whole bunch of extracurriculars and is somehow faring better than him.
They met at the fresher’s college fest. It was not exactly a meet cute. The meeting in fact ended in both Alec and Magnus falling into the fountain in the college courtyard and a bunch of photos of the same on everyone’s phone.
It was another three months of shenanigans before they started dating.
By the third semester, they progressed to sharing a dormroom.
Magnus gifts Alec a coffee warming as a “moving in” gift. He ends up using it more than Alec, though - 16 cups a day as opposed to Alec’s 6.
Magnus uses Alec as a model for his fashion projects. Alec always complains, but secretly loves it.
Alec uses Magnus as an alibi everytime he organises a protest (sometimes political, sometimes because the college is diverting funds meant for other things to their sports team) on campus. It works, but mostly only because the college faculty absolutely do not want to listen to another word of what Magnus and Alec were doing all day and night yesterday.
They’re both the responsible one for each other. Alec reminds Magnus to study when he’s procrastinating, and makes him go to bed when he’s up way too late. Magnus reminds Alec to take a break when he’s too busy studying, and has to physically drag him to the cafeteria and back.
Alec convinces Magnus to come home with him for the holidays, and while Magnus is initially reluctant, he ends up becoming fast friends with the rest of the Lightwoods. The Lightwood siblings + Magnus is a combination Alec has come to fear two days into their very first visit.
On a random Sunday afternoon, they’re both sitting in bed, Alec up against the headboard and Magnus lying sideways on his stomach on top of Alec’s legs, both of them working in silence on their laptops, with two empty and one half full cups of coffee on the nightstand.
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I'm crying. Like bawling my eyes out crying. Screaming-crying-throwing up crying.
This contains spoilers for CoHF, the red scrolls of magic and the lost book of the white
I had really forgotten that Raphael has died ok? I don't know why, just Raphael Santiago was still alive in my head.
And I haven't read the lost book of the white yet, but I've read the extract there is at the end of the red scrolls of magic. So I've just assumed that in the end of the book they save ragnor.
I don't really want to know if they manage to save him, I want to find on my own so pls don't do spoilers.
But if they don't manage to save him, just imagine that they succeeded. And if they do manage, then you don't have to imagine anything.
But. Listen. Me. Out.
Ragnor, after he comes back to himself from being demonized, finds all his loved ones there. Magnus and Catarina are there, Tessa and Malcolm amd even Jocelyn has shown up (alec is there too bc he wants to be there for magnus, and Clary wants to save ragnor because he's the reason Jocelyn is alive, so jace ofc is with them bc where these two go, jace goes).
And it's just one person missing. Raphael. And ragnor is a little hurt because he was supposed to be dead for a couple of years and then he was possessed by a demon, and the least Raphael could do was show up. But he also knows how raph is so he doesn't take it personally. He just says "So what? The dickhead Raphael was too busy as always to attend my welcome back party?" And it's a joke. He's joking. But as he looks around at his friends' devastated faces, and Magnus almost being in tears, he realises.
And oh.
Isn't that the most hideous realisation on earth? Because Raphael is dead. He was gone too long and now his Raphael has died. He looks at his best friend for centuries, and pleads him with his eyes to say it isn't true. That his Raphael is alive. He has tears in his eyes as he shakes his head repeatedly ever so slightly no. But Magnus only clenches his eyes shut, a few tears slipping down his cheeks as he whispers "I'm so sorry".
And then Ragnor breaks down. For the first time in all the centuries he's been alive for, he sobs hard as his two best friends' arms circle him in a secure hug.
And then it all clicks for Alec. Because right then is when he remembers a young boy with dark hair, a phone on his hand, countless unread and unresponded messages, and lastly, a saved contact as "RF".
Ok I know Ragnor isn't emotional and that's out of character but he's been imprisoned and possessed for years and he just found out his lover is dead so i think it is a suitable reaction. What do you guys think?
Also, all this because I had forgotten about Raphael's death and I was thinking their reunion :')
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lawsofchaos1 · 1 year
Promptlet: Nephilim Language
I know it's not a totally new concept, but I adore the idea of the nephilim having their own language, some cobbled together combination of Latin, Aramaic, Hebrew, Greek, and a few other odds and ends from ancient times. All nephilim speak it, it's their lingua franca, but only the old lines learn it as their mother tongue. 
It's a point of pride for Idris families that they learn to speak Nephil before any regional mundane languages like the Institute-based families. So, even though Maryse and Robert are forbidden from Idris, Nephil is the only language Alec and his siblings are allowed to speak for the first several years of their lives. (Alec doesn't even learn English until he's seven. )
The Downworlders know, in theory, that the Shadowhunters have their own language, but it's incredibly rare for a nephilim to actually use it in front of outsiders. Thus, the language is more a rarely-thought of curiosity than anything else for those who don't belong to the Clave. 
After Magnus and Alec get together, Alec falls into thinking of the loft as home. 
And Alec has never really had a home before. 
Alec has been in line for the Headship of the NYI his entire life- he's never had the opportunity to relax or to just be a child in the Institute. Even growing up he knew he would be expected to lead the men and women around him, and he could never let down his guard or show any weakness.
In the loft, Alec is relaxed and content and, when his head is laying in Magnus' lap and Magnus is stroking his hair softly across his forehead, Alec sometimes slips into Nephil without even realizing it.
What if just like Alec begins learning Indonesian for Magnus, Magnus quietly asks Alec if it's allowed for him to learn Nephil? And Alec is taken aback at the question because... because Nephil is the language that is, it's the language that describes the universe, it doesn't - it can't - belong to just one group of people. 
But, even though Alec thinks that way, Magnus is more cognizant than him that most Shadowhunters wouldn't want a Warlock learning the language that they believe to be spoken by the Angels.
However, one day, Alec is injured badly on a hunt and Magnus is rushed to his side in the infirmary. The injuries can't be healed by magic and a Silent Brother is working on him, but Alec is in immense pain, the English stolen from him and Magnus can't keep silent.
In front of all the Shadowhunters in the infirmary- in front of Jace and Isabelle and Andrew and everyone else - Magnus slips his hand into Alec's and turns his husband's face towards his. Taking a deep breath, he opens his mouth and Nephil flows out. He ignores the gaps and the sudden snapping of eyes to the back of his head and he pours out his love for Alec in the very language that shaped the world.
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i-have-not-slept · 1 year
My favourite tsc headcanon is that Magnus’s pupils change in size like a real cat’s but they only get really wide when he’s looking at something he loves (i.e. Alec). If we ever get that confirmed in canon I might actually cry.
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lurafita · 4 months
Magnus' favorite flower
Random headcanon that no one ever guesses Magnus favorite flower.
Because Magnus is excentric and dramatic and rich and extravagant, but his favorite flower?
Is actually not a flower at all, but a weed. Dandelions. When Alec learns this, he isn't actually surprised. Hardy, adaptable, can grow almost anywhere, change color, spread their seeds with style, edible. Important to the environment, underestimated and looked down upon, and yet, perservering. Yeah, Alec thinks. That fits.
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dayque · 1 month
Rafa: It's kind of funny that when I was a teenager I had a serious crush on uncle Jace, can you believe it?
Magnus: Of course I can, you are your father's son.
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wessasbitch · 7 months
in a parallel world...
Jocelyn runs away with Johnathan after actually witnessing the death of Valentine, he grows up with her and Clary and despite the demon blood he's mostly human and a great brother. They both go to the mortal school and attend the institute. so they're friends with Simon and they know the Lightwoods since ever. Jace was known as Stephen's son and Imogen wants him to grow up in Idris, but when he is 18 he goes to NY and he meets Clary. they immediately fall in love
Simon grows up knowing about the shadow world and he becomes a shadowhunter at 14 so he and Clary can become parabatai when they're young, they were never a couple and he's the biggest fan of Clace. he's in love with Isabelle since he can remember but he's to afraid to admit it, until she's fed up and tells him she feels the same
before Jace's arrival the gang (Simon, Clary, Izzy and Johnathan) was always together and looking for troubles, like every teenager, and they always went to Magnus' parties. Alec always refused to go, but one day his sister calls him to come and pick them up (completely drunk) and he meets Magnus. the rest is history
since Sebastian never existed, neither Andrew Blackthorn nor Emma's parents were killed (because luckily they have a meeting with Andrew THAT morning), so Emma and Julian grow up together in LA, they want to become parabatais but at 14 they realize they're actually in love and they can live they're beautiful love story without any burden
at 18 Mark has to investigate a mistery for the Clave (=the strange deaths Emma investigates in TDA, there's a leak that the Unseelie Court is involved) and he takes part of the Wild Hunt and meets Kieran. they don't become a couple, since Mark is undercover and knows what he can and can't do, but they fall in love anyway. once Mark goes back to LA, after what he thinks it's been 6 months, it's actually 3 years (nobody looked for him because how different the time flows), he meets Cristina, there for her year abroad. Kieran runs away from the Wild Hunt for Mark, but he's protected from the Unseelie King and the Wild Hunt because he helped solving the mistery. again, the rest is history
sorry if I mistook something, I'm tiredddddd
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mayaheronthorn · 7 months
SHC February 2024 Headcanons of the month ✨🥰🏆
Ohhhhh, let's gooo ✨✨✨
This is really chaotic 😭
Kit wanted to watch the Percy Jackson series, cause he was a fan of the books, so he and Ty watched it weekly and Kit spoiled him everything from the lore 😭😂
Clary and Jace sometimes play Uno, and they are both so competitive that it becomes a fight for their life 🤣
Emma and Julian took a trip to Prague and Julian drew sooo much during that time
Magnus threw a party for Chairman Meow, Rafe got really drunk for the first time in his life and started singing Single Ladies by Beyonce✨
Kit flew into space when Taylor announced her new album, he's making 283821 theories about tracks and Ty is just listening to him, because he loves to watch him talk about something he loves (Ty is secretly becoming a swiftie too)
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starrieshq · 4 days
Since you said that fics requests are open,could you please make a oneshot/ff/what you want about Magnus and Catarina??(not romantically,ofc)
Only if you like these characters and only if you want to!!
Sorry, I really tried my best at writing a short story with the both of them, but everything I came up with just didn't feel right.
I didn't want to leave you hanging, so here's some headcannons instead!
-At multiple points, Magnus has referred to Catarina as his sister (and vice versa)
-Alec and Catarina bond over caring for Max & Rafe while talking about Magnus, specifically old stories from several centuries ago
-Magnus tried teaching at The Shadowhunter Academy. He was fired after 3 days (and Catarina does not let him forget this)
-They have a yearly meeting at a pastry shop in Paris that they have never once missed
hope you like it!!!
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