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ACROLITH | Head of a Goddess, Aphrodite or Persephone: 'Ludovisi Acrolith' [said] From Locri Epizefiri, Magna Grecia, dated ca 480-470 BC. Brought to Rome 1 BC [pls refer to ©MNR Palazzo Altemps desc. pic 4].
Sun 18 June 2023, Rome: Palazzo Altemps, Museo Nazionale Romano | MNR PA [Ground Floor] • Web : https://museonazionaleromano.beniculturali.it/en/palazzo-altemps • FB : https://www.facebook.com/MNRomano • IG : @museonazionaleromano • TW : @MNR_museo
MNR PA | Michael Svetbird phs©msp | 18|06|23 6000X4100 600 [I., II.] The photographed object is the collection item of MNR PA and subject to copyrights. [non commercial use | sorry for the watermarks]
📸 Part of the "HEADS.Sculpture" MSP Online Photo-gallery: 👉 D-ART: https://www.deviantart.com/svetbird1234/gallery/78520831/heads-sculpture
👉 FB Album: https://www.facebook.com/media/set?set=a.1400262423675664&type=3
#rome#palazzo altemps#museo nazionale romano#altemps#acrolith#magnagrecia#greekmythology#goddess#archaic#votive#sculpture#head#heads#aphrodite#persephone#antiquity#archaeology#archeologia#ancient#arthistory#museology#mythology#ancient sculpture#ancientart#photogallery#photography#archaeologyphotography#sculpture photography#museumphotography#michaelsvetbird
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Agatocles de Siracusa
Agatocles de Siracusa (en torno a 361 - 289 a.C.) gobernó como tirano de la ciudad siciliana durante más de 25 años. Ambicioso, sin principios y viéndose a sí mismo como un nuevo Alejandro, atacó Cartago en una campaña de tres años e hizo conquistas en el sur de Italia, pero finalmente fracasó en su búsqueda de un imperio siciliano-italiano duradero. A la muerte de Agatocles, la falta de un sucesor reconocido provocó el caos en Siracusa y su memoria fue oficialmente borrada con una damnatio memoriae (memoria condenada). Su mayor legado fue quizás que había demostrado que Cartago podía ser derrotada en África, una lección que los romanos usarían más tarde con un efecto devastador en las guerras púnicas.
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In viaggio nella Sibaritide cosentina: Rossano, Corigliano e Sibari

In viaggio nella Sibaritide cosentina: Rossano, Corigliano e Sibari Scopri il Museo Diocesano di Rossano con il Codex Purpureus, il Castello Ducale di Corigliano e l’area archeologica di SibariTra i gioielli storici, artistici e culturali del territorio cosentino spicca il Museo Diocesano di Arte Sacra di Rossano, 🏰📜 Scopri su ramingare.com la storia del territorio di Cosenza, ammirando il #CodexPurpureusRossanensis, il #MuseoDiocesanoRossano, il #CastelloDucaleCorigliano e l’area archeologica di #Sibari, #Thurii e #Copia, dalla #MagnaGrecia all’epoca romana. #Calabria ... Read the full article
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A 400 BCE statuette of the goddess Artemis riding a deer, found in Siracusa (now on display at Museo Orsi). Such votives were used to venerate deities throughout the ancient Greek Mediterranean. Artemis is the mistress of animals and wild, untamed things. The wilderness is where you'll feel her presence. She is the goddess of the hunt and hunters. She protects women in childbirth and maidens. She is a symbol of female independence, and shows us the value of solitude and wild, untamed places. She was strongly venerated in Siracusa and beyond. #experiencesicily #sicily #artemis #artemide #ancientgreek #magnagrecia #archaeology #archeologia #sicilia #siciliabedda #italy #italia #sicilyvacation #sicilians_world #ig_sicily #siciliaph #siciliafoto #fotosicilia #sicilyphoto #instasicilia #siculamenteDoc #sicily_tricolors #ig_visitsicily #Sicilia_PhotoGroup #smallgrouptours #traveltogether #authenticsicily #sicilytour #sicilytravel #viverelasicilia (at Museo archeologico regionale Paolo Orsi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWkC7e2sS0S/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Buon San Valentino! Ecco la quarta illustrazione sul tema della Magna Grecia. - Zeus & Hera, siamo sul lungomare di Monasterace (Rc) - Grazie di tutto Professor Giuseppe! #massimosirelli #monasterace #zeus #zeushera #hera #era #magnagrecia #sirelli #graffiti #streetart #graffiticalabria #calabria #calabriabellissima #love #sanvalentino #happyvalentinesday #massimosirelliart #massimosirelliartist #sirelliart #sirelliartist #valentineday #amour #amore #couple #art #popart #contemporaryart (presso Monasterace Marina, Calabria, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoognlzNTJA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Wooden door painted for the tourist office. Acitrezza (CT), 2022
#galatea#greek mythology#magnagrecia#mythology#ancient greece#acitrezza#cyclops#sicily#streetart italy#classic art#lines art#interiordesign#door#decorated door#gabel.es#gabelart#gabeles#interiors#x
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✨Nel segno dell'antico✨ Visitando la Cattedrale di Siracusa, poco prima del portone d'uscita, sulla sinistra, non dovete mancare la piccola Cappella del Battistero. Qui, vi imbatterete in un singolare vaso marmoreo con iscrizione in caratteri greci. Si tratta di un imponente cratere a colonnette, alto circa 80 cm, verosimilmente di età ellenistica, quindi databile fra il IV ed il III secolo a.C. Nell'antica Grecia, il cratere serviva per mescolare l'acqua al vino, poiché, nell'opinione dei Greci, solo gli dèi potevano bere vino puro🍷lo sapevate? Il nostro bel cratere, riutilizzato nella Cripta di San Marciano delle Catacombe di San Giovanni, giunge in Cattedrale nel 1697, dopo aver svolto la funzione di acquasantiera nella Chiesa di San Giacomo del Castello Maniace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #viaggioasudest #enricademelio #greekculture #ancient #ancientgreece #ancientart #archaeology #archeologia #archeologie #magnagrecia #greatgreece #siracusa #igerssiracusa #cattedrale #ortigia #ortigiaisland #ortigiasicilia #ortygia #ancientworld #ancientknowledge #ancientart #historyofart #historylovers #arthistory #archaeologist #greeklife (presso Ortigia Island) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXTnP0Ss4WL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Genius a Ceglie Messapica!!!!! Ceglie , è una città fondata da coloni spartani che ambiva a conquistare tutta la Magna Grecia !!!!! Molto suggestiva!!!!!#cegliemessapica #apuglia #puglia #arte #music #magnagrecia #storia #borghipugliesi (presso Céglie Messápica, Puglia, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CU8VWNxI0aX/?utm_medium=tumblr
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HEAD of Female Acrolith: "Marble [head], Copper and calcedony [eyes]" 470-260 BC. Found in Magna Grecia | Unknown provenance [?]
[Loan from] Museo Gregoriano Profano, Musei Vaticani | MV • Web : https://www.museivaticani.va/content/museivaticani/en.html • IG : @vaticanmuseums Exhibited [18|06|23] in Baths of Diocletian, Museo Nazionale Romano "The Instant and Eternity, Between us and the ancients" exhibition • Web : https://museonazionaleromano.beniculturali.it/en/baths-of-diocletian • IG : @museonazionaleromano
MV BOA | Michael Svetbird phs©msp | 18|06|23 6200X4100 600 [I., II.] The photographed object is the collection item of MV and subject to copyrights. [non commercial use | sorry for the watermarks]
📸 Part of the "Small Format Sculpture and Miniature Artefacts" MSP Online Photo-gallery:
👉 D-ART: https://www.deviantart.com/svetbird1234/gallery/69450077/small-format-sculpture-and-miniature-artifacts
👉 FB Album: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.859777984390780&type=3
#rome#vatican#vaticanmuseums#museogregorianoprofano#bathsofdiocletian#termedidiocleziano#museonazionaleromano#archaeologicalmuseum#magnagrecia#acrolith#female#head#sculpture#votive#ancientsculpture#antiquity#ancient#archaeology#archeologia#heritage#museology#mythology#ancient art#art history#antiquities#photo gallery#archaeologyphotography#sculpturephotography#museumphotography#michaelsvetbird
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1. Τι εν γκλυτσέα τούση νύφτα τι εν ώρια
τζ εβώ ε πλώνω πενσέοντα σε σένα
τζ έτου μπει στη φενέστρα σου αγάπη μου
της καρδία μου σου νοίφτω τη πένα.
Ρεφρέν: Λαριό λαριό λαλέο
Λαριό λαριό λαλά
Λαριό λαριό λαλέο
Λαριό λαριό λαλά
2. Εβώ πάντα σε σένα πενσέω
γιατί σένα φσυχή μου γαπώ
τζιαι που πάω που σύρνω που στέω
στη καρδία μου πάντα σένα βαστώ
3. Καληνύφτα σε φήνω τζαι πάω
πλάγια σου τι βω πίρτα πρικό
τζιαι που πάω που σύρνω που στέω
στη καρδία μου πάντα σένα βαστώ
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Testa femminile in terracotta policroma / Female head in polychrome terracotta, IV sec. a.C., MArTA - Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Taranto #arthistory #magnagrecia #classicalart #archeology #italy #italia #fragment (presso Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Taranto - MARTA) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCdgr_RoMjY/?igshid=lme62s76v144
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#pizza#pizza hut#fratello#brother#homemade#provola#mozzarella#calabria#crotone#magnagrecia#foodporn#foodgasm#food porn#foodie#blog italiani#italiani#the krotons#love#cena#dinner
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The ancient Greek community of Selinunte was founded as a sub-colony of Megara Iblea in 651-650 BCE. One of the first sacred sites in the western Sicilian city, which is considered one of the world’s largest archaeological zones, is the Santuario della Malophoros or the Sanctuary of the Fruit Bearer. “Malophoros” implies pomegranates or apples because among the ruins found in the temple grounds (specifically at the foundation of what archeologists deem was an altar), were dozens of small sacred feminine statues carrying a pomegranate. Some of these statuettes can be seen today in the Regional Archaeological Museum Antonino Salinas in Palermo (pictured). From this evidence, researchers conclude that this site was dedicated to the mother goddess Demeter and her daughter Persephone. (To be continued… ) #experiencesicily #sicily #selinunte #demeter #persephone #statuettes #palermo #salinas #malophoros #divinefeminine #archaeology #archeologia #ancient #ancientgreece #magnagrecia #ancientgreek #sicilia #siciliabedda #italy #italia #sicilians_world #ig_sicily #igerssicilia #instasicilia #sicily_tricolors #ig_visitsicily #Sicilia_PhotoGroup #whatsicilyis #viverlasicilia (at Palermo, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKS70Yzlfzc/?igshid=pdrnq6mc49jn
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Apollo, 2023 Ecco la terza illustrazione per le celebrazioni dei 50 anni dal ritrovamento dei Bronzi di Riace, progetto voluto e sostenuto dalla Città Metropolitana di Reggio Calabria. Qui siamo a Bivongi. Un ringraziamento speciale al Sindaco, il Dott. Vincenzo Valenti, e al Vicesindaco, l’Architetto Giorgio Metastasio. Grazie a Pasquale Natale che mi ha supportato sfidando il freddo di questi giorni. Grazie ad Adele Murace per le foto e l’aiuto logistico e grazie alla Famiglia Murace per la calorosa accoglienza! #Bivongistateofmind • #massimosirelli #sirelli #massimosirelliartist #massimosirelliart #massimosirellipop #popart #magnagrecia #greek #anciangreek #apollo #bronzidiriace #sirelliart #sirelliartist #sirellipop #love #bronzidiriacereggiocalabria #50esimoanniversariobronzidiriace #riace #bivongi #streetart #graffiti #calabria #calabriabellissima #lamiacalabriaèbellissima #streetartcalabria #graffiticalabria (presso Bivongi (RC)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoZPCTVNJ8I/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Tramonto a Scilla
#tramonto#sunset#sun#scilla#italia#tramonti#malinconia#tristezza#magnagrecia#beauty#tumblr photography#my photos#photoart#tumblr photo blog
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