#magister celestino
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Fun Little Merlinverse Language Headcanons
Ok, so we know most of our Merlins are old af, and that most of them have the patience of saints so they usually don't get genuinely pissed off. But could you imagine how funny it would be if they started cussing in 'old' languages when they do snap? Except the languages they use are just normal languages irl.
Like I can so picture Sena seething at someone in Hindi but still keeping composed, only to snap and absolutely drag them in Tamil (like it is a good thing no one understands him otherwise they would not be able to look him in the eye afterwards). Or if he wants to pull the Divine Judgment card in more serious/formal moments he starts calmly lecturing them in Sanskrit putting every ounce of his godly authority behind each word (I think in that moment everyone would understand exactly what he's saying despite not being able to identify individual words).
Meanwhile Celestino (@meepinmeat) just takes a deep breath before slowly but purposefully reading someone to filth in old Latin. People might not understand the words, but they definitely get the gist when they can feel static crackling through the air due to the Archon's rage. ("Well, mark me down as scared and horny"- Valen, probably.)
And imagine everyone's surprise when soft-spoken little Pirin (@yohohonabottle) goes from irritable bat chattering to absolutely intense Slavic cussing, looking absolutely ready to curse someone's entire bloodline as he yells at them in Bulgarian. (Considering how terrifying Pirin's curses actually are, I cannot blame Val, Sinbad and Soren for being terrified of their little bat in that moment.)
As for Magister Starhawk (@fujimomozane), this man looks like he slays so hard. So I can't help but picture him being calm and collected before muttering the most horrendously accurate and specific insults possible under his breath in Ukrainian. (Though Chippy and Hammie were not expecting the magister to very vehemently tell a table to have a stroke after he stubbed his toe.) (Ps, please correct me on this one if I'm wrong. I've heard a friend explain it once irl and I thought it was really funny and in character for Starhawk.)
Meanwhile Korin and Damian are hiding behind Molpe (@mcnana) as she cusses someone out in Spanish for insulting her boys. Like they appreciate the gesture, but they are also absolutely shook considering that she's normally very sweet and soft-spoken. (Imagining Korin covering Damian's ears for this one. Like he doesn't know what's being said, but from Molpe's tone he knows a child probably shouldn't be hearing it.)
Please reblog this with your own Merlins! I'd love to hear your takes. (Especially @magister-violyste and @msbiaxalblanc, since Violyste is fairly young by Merlin standards, and Bellarose is fairly aloof and put-together. Also, Magister Zelda (@fgfirenation) clearly has no problem cussing, but I'd love to hear your take on her going completely feral on someone.)
#Anyone who wasn't mentioned please add on too!#Also please tell me if you want me to not talk about your Merlin#Or if I horrifically misinterpreted their character#afk merlin#afk journey#headcanons#merlinverse#magister sena#magister celestino#pirin#magister merlin starhawk#magister molpe#but also mentioned:#magister violyste#magister bellarose#magister zelda
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Aaah, I love mama Zelda and her extremely competent magical children! And little lady, Lavi!! (Also, when are we getting Pirin as a marketable plushie??) 😭
"Say 'Merlin'~!"
"Merlin!" *Click!*
#afk journey#afk merlin#merlinverse#magister zelda#magister celestino#dame lavinia#magister starhawk#magister violyste#magister pirin#magister merlin starhawk
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Now that I got my phone back, I'm able to catch up on Harak's sidequest and the Clan Rep quests for the Carmine Whispers.. and then this:
Guys, it's official, Cel now identifies as a woman. Sinbad said so /j
And as much as I'm laughing my lungs off over this, I can't blame him honestly when by now Cel has grown his hair out fairly long and did I mention- recent lore update for my Merlin, Celestino, he just recently found out he's pregnant with Valen's kid (ma boi is also confirmed intersex, thus why he's able to carry in the first place) after the WOI season main story and now he's dealt with Harak and helping the Whispers while carrying. Ma boi could really use the vacation honestly 😆 all this stress ain't good for the baby!
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Riflessioni sull’educazione: Jacques Verger, Le università nel Medioevo
Nel presente libro Verger delinea lo sviluppo dell'università quale istituzione sociale e politica. Durante il dodicesimo secolo le scuole cattedrali si stavano diffondendo, richiamando un crescente numero di studenti. Tale crescita era una risposta all'aumento della domanda di persone colte. La grande diffusione dei testi tradotti dal greco e dall'arabo, e il diritto romano, diedero autonomia all'insegnamento di alcune discipline secolari, come legge e medicina. Il rapido successo della dialettica stabilì un nuovo tipo di pedagogia; la teologia fu profondamente riesaminata. Particolari circostanze storiche fecero sì che alcuni centri come Parigi, Bologna, Oxford, divennero estremamente influenti. Attorno a queste città cominciarono a prendere forma le prime corporazioni di studenti e maestri. Il monopolio della Chiesa sull'insegnamento cominciò a venir meno. Il quindicesimo secolo fu un epoca di cambiamento: nuove fondazioni, un corpo di insegnanti e di studenti in continua espansione. Tuttavia allo stesso tempo le istituzioni subivano un cambiamento diventando secolarizzate; la precedente autonomia era in declino davanti alle nuove pressioni statali.
Il saggio di Verger non si occupa di storia delle idee, privilegia una lettura sociale e politica della storia dell'università. Per quanto l'argomento sia molto complesso, perché deve tenere conto delle diverse realtà di numerose università disseminate in varie regioni dell'Europa, dall'esame storiografico emergono tre fenomeni costanti dal Medioevo ai giorni nostri: l'interesse dei potenti ad avvantaggiarsi del sapere e dei professionisti prodotti dalle università, la tendenza dei potenti ad esercitare un controllo sulle università indirizzandone le attività attraverso l'elargizione di finanziamenti, la costituzione spontanea di classi sociali colte e privilegiate all'interno dell'università. Verger inizia il suo studio esaminando la situazione delle scuole in Occidente nel XI-XII secolo. Solo in Italia erano presenti scuole laiche di arti liberali, di elementi di notariato, di diritto pratico e, a Salerno, di medicina. Si trattava comunque di realtà private e poco note; la massima parte dei centri di cultura era sotto il controllo della Chiesa, presso un monastero o una cattedrale. Ogni scuola era diretta da un magister scholarum direttamente subordinato al vescovo o all'abate. Queste scuole erano destinate in primo luogo agli oblati dei monasteri e ai giovani chierici, la maggior parte impartiva solo un'istruzione elementare, pochi centri potevano definirsi di educazione superiore. I monasteri, luoghi del sapere per eccellenza nell'alto Medioevo, erano in una fase di decadenza. Al contrario le cattedrali, per via della riforma gregoriana, iniziarono ad essere i nuovi centri della cultura. L'insegnamento era ancora quello stabilito in epoca carolingia da Alcuino: alla base c'erano le sette arti liberali, al vertice la teologia. L'unica innovazione, peraltro molto importante, fu la riscoperta della dialettica aristotelica che portò al rinnovamento della teologia fornendo uno strumento razionale di interpretazione della Sacra Scrittura. I testi di Aristotele furono accessibili grazie ai contatti di Venezia con l'impero bizantino, grazie alla conquista normanna della Sicilia e soprattutto grazie all'incontro tra la cultura islamica e latina in Spagna. Da questi apporti della cultura greca dipenderà in larga misura l'orientamento dell'attività intellettuale delle università fino alla fine del Medioevo. Inoltre, negli ultimi anni del XI secolo, la lotta per le investiture comportò un risveglio dell'attività giuridica; di qui un intenso lavoro di ricerca, di critica e di riordinamento delle fonti del diritto. Parallelamente vi fu lo sviluppo delle città, conseguenza del generale sviluppo demografico dell'Occidente. Senza città non sarebbe stata possibile la nascita dell'università; la città infatti comportava la divisione del lavoro, le persone dedite ad uno stesso mestiere tendevano spontaneamente ad associarsi in comunità di uguali, dando vita ad una corporazione, spesso chiamata “universitas”. Nelle città di tutta Europa si moltiplicarono le scuole. All'inizio del Duecento solo le classi sociali più ricche potevano permettersi di pagare l'istruzione ai propri figli, verso la fine dello stesso secolo anche le classi medie erano in grado di fare altrettanto. Nel 1179 il III concilio Lateranense stabilì che ogni cattedrale era obbligata a tenere una scuola e che gli scolastici dovevano concedere gratuitamente la licentia docendi a chiunque la chiedesse, purché in possesso dei requisiti necessari. La licentia docendi conferiva il diritto di insegnare soltanto entro i confini della diocesi. All'inizio del Duecento il Papato istituì la licentia ubique docendi, riconosciuta ovunque, così facendo la Chiesa affermava il suo diritto a controllare tutta l'attività dell'insegnamento. Nonostante il forte controllo della Chiesa l'istruzione iniziò a non essere più considerata semplicemente come formazione del clero, l'intellettuale cominciò a prendere coscienza della specificità sociale del suo lavoro, che non si lasciava ricondurre a quello del chierico. Verger cita il caso emblematico dell'università di Parigi: è probabile che una prima forma di associazione corporativa dei maestri parigini sia avvenuta nella seconda metà dell'undicesimo secolo, periodo in cui si assistette alla laicizzazione degli insegnanti, nel 1194 Celestino III concesse ai maestri e agli allievi di Parigi i privilegi goduti dai chierici, nel 1231 con la bolla Parens scientiarum Gregorio IX sancì l'autonomia dell'università rispetto all'autorità vescovile. Complessivamente il governo delle università presentava nel Duecento tratti democratici ed era esercitato in modo autonomo: non c'erano ancora funzionari statali incaricati di occuparsi degli affari universitari, solo i legati pontifici svolgevano un ruolo importante concedendo gli statuti e arbitrando nelle dispute. L’università nel Duecento non avevano edifici. I privilegi degli universitari comprendevano l'esenzione dal servizio militare, dal pagamento delle tasse, e il godimento di rendite ecclesiastiche senza l'obbligo di prendere gli ordini e di servire alcun incarico. In un primo momento le università conferivano un solo titolo, la licentia docendi, inseguito si aggiunse un titolo minore, quello di bacceliere, e un titolo superiore, il dottorato, quest'ultimo era utile a chi intendeva dedicarsi all'insegnamento e si trattava di una semplice formalità da un punto di vista scolastico, ma costava molto caro e fungeva da sbarramento sociale nei confronti degli studenti meno abbienti. Gli studenti ricchi erano frequenti soprattutto nelle facoltà di diritto, per il resto gli studenti provenivano da tutti gli stati sociali definibili classe media: piccola nobiltà, borghesia, contadini benestanti. Per molti di questi l'università offriva una speranza di promozione sociale. L'insegnamento doveva essere gratuito, i maestri potevano vivere grazie ad una prebenda ecclesiastica, diventando così chierici condizionati dalla Chiesa. Tuttavia, specialmente nelle università italiane era uso che gli studenti versassero delle collette ai docenti. Lo sviluppo delle corporazioni universitarie fu promosso per tutto il XIII secolo dai papi. Per i papi l'università doveva fornire anzitutto del personale idoneo ai compiti peri quali l'impreparazione intellettuale era un pericolo: vescovi, predicatori, teologi e canonisti. L'unico studio utile ai predicatori era la teologia. Per prima cosa studiavano la dialettica a fini propedeutici, per poi dedicarsi al lungo studio della teologia, per completare il quale erano necessari ben 15 anni. La quasi totalità degli studenti di teologia erano frati domenicani. I domenicani disponevano dei propri studia conventuali, tuttavia si inserirono nelle università, e dove mancava l'insegnamento della teologia lo studium domenicano veniva spesso inglobato nell'università fungendo da facoltà teologica. Per tutte le altre figure clericali gli studi preponderanti erano quelli di diritto. L'importanza del diritto aumentò nel XIV e XV secolo. La realtà universitaria cambiò parecchio: si passò dalla quindicina di università del 1300 alle settanta e più del 1500. La fisionomia universitaria cambiò altrettanto: risalgono a quest'epoca i sontuosi edifici universitari, parallelamente l'insegnamento si sclerotizza, le università non sono più un luogo di fermento intellettuale, diventano centri di sapere standardizzato che producono professionisti al servizio dello stato e della Chiesa. Aumentò la componente laica fra i maestri e gli studenti, soprattutto in Italia. Per quanto concerne la teologia l'ultima figura originale fu Guglielmo di Occam. I maestri successivi si attestarono sui metodi scolastici tradizionali, che però la critica occamista aveva svuotato di ogni sostanza. Il nominalismo non incoraggiava gli universitari a costruire nuove sintesi teologiche, promuoveva invece l'interesse per i problemi particolari. Nel Tre-Quattrocento le università svolsero la funzione di custodi dell'ortodossia. In realtà molti universitari ambivano a contare nel governo stesso della Chiesa, il Grande Scisma (1378-1417) fornì l'occasione di esercitare un'influenza sulla Chiesa durante i concili di Costanza e Basilea, influenza che fu solo momentanea. In sintesi la teologia dell'epoca non contribuì né alla politica né alla storia delle idee, solo il misticismo tedesco di matrice monastica riportò vita alla teologia tardo-medioevale. Diverso discorso per i giuristi, che compongono buona parte dell'alto clero dell'epoca. Lo scopo primario della Chiesa era infatti quello di organizzare, amministrare e dirigere. La Chiesa doveva essere un'istituzione ben organizzata ed efficace, la religione si era risolta nella morale e la morale nelle regole e nelle obbligazioni. Nel Trecento il diritto canonico ha conosciuto un forte sviluppo. La politica universitaria dei papi di Avignone fu tesa a sviluppare le facoltà di diritto. Verger cita dei dati: dalla matricola dell'università di Avignone si apprende che dal 1430 al 1478 gli iscritti alla facoltà di diritto sono stati in media 3418 contro i 271 di teologia, i 61 di arti liberali e i 13 di medicina. Molti professori di diritto concludevano la propria carriera come vescovi; il giudice ecclesiastico delegato dal vescovo e il vicario generale avevano la licenza in diritto; i canonici cittadini erano spesso degli ex-universitari. Il rapporto tra università e stati è simile a quello tra università e Chiesa: le università potevano essere pericolosi focolai di agitazione sociale, ma portavano prestigio e benessere alle città che le ospitavano, e ai governi potevano fornire giuristi qualificati, formati sul diritto romano, fonte della sovranità dello stato. Lungo il Trecento si assiste ad una evoluzione amministrativa, le burocrazie diventano assai complesse, il che porta ad una domanda molto più forte di giuristi ben preparati. Pertanto molti principi fondarono le proprie università: nel Trecento le università non erano più corporazioni spontanee. Questo fenomeno ebbe il vantaggio di colmare delle lacune geografiche, tutta l'Europa dell'est era stata priva di importanti centri di cultura prima di quest'epoca. Gli stati hanno quindi favorito la moltiplicazione delle università, tale atteggiamento rispondeva ad un reale bisogno di funzionari. Le facoltà di diritto del tardo Medioevo furono all'altezza del compito che gli stati affidavano loro. Fu invece dalle facoltà di arti e di teologia che vennero gli interventi politici. Queste facoltà rappresentavano gruppi più dinamici socialmente e non erano orientate alla formazione professionale o al servizio dello stato. I delegati dell'università partecipavano agli stati generali e molte volte i pareri dei maestri erano tenuti in notevole considerazione. Durante la guerra dei Cento Anni l'università di Parigi divenne una delle basi del partito borgognone, filo-inglese, e durante il periodo di occupazione inglese si impegnò in un'attiva propaganda a favore del nuovo regime. Nel complesso le università del tardo Medioevo hanno svolto una funzione politica limitata, tuttavia tale da impensierire i governi e persuaderli a uno stretto controllo dell'autonomia delle università, le quali si difesero male perché smisero di appoggiarsi al papato. Così il re di Francia Luigi XI intervenne continuamente e senza scrupoli nella vita interna dell'università di Parigi, facendo espellere personale, proibendo l'insegnamento del nominalismo e via dicendo. In maniera analoga nel 1407 Venezia proibì ai sudditi di studiare altrove che a Padova. Le città presero in mano anche il reclutamento e il pagamento dei professori: poiché li pagavano, le città potevano sceglierli. Agli inizi del Duecento le università erano corporazioni autonome, focolai di ricerca e di insegnamento; alla fine del Quattrocento erano diventati dei centri di formazione professionale al servizio degli stati. Per quanto riguarda la classe sociale, in molte matricole si segnala l'esistenza di studenti poveri, esonerati dal pagamento dei diritti universitari, frequenti soprattutto in area tedesca e nell'Europa settentrionale, assai meno numerosi al sud. Il salario dei professori prova che la diseguaglianza era la norma e che la situazione economica di parecchi maestri era mediocre, solo una piccola parte disponeva di salari altissimi, tali da permettere uno stile di vita nobiliare. Tra costoro nasce una “nobiltà di toga”, si assiste ad una chiusura sociale. L'esclusione dei poveri nelle università italiane del Quattrocento ne è un esempio. La tendenza si nota soprattutto nelle facoltà di diritto e medicina: i diritti d'esame, già alti, furono aumentati ancora. L'accettazione di un nuovo dottore, spesso figlio di un altro dottore, avveniva con una cerimonia che seguiva da vicino quella della vestizione del cavaliere. Studiando le liste dei professori di molte università si nota che il figlio succedeva al padre, per facilitare la successione si decise di esentare dai diritti d'esame i figli e i nipoti dei maestri. Il gusto disinteressato per la scienza, la fede nel valore del dialogo, per le quali si erano battuti i maestri del XII e XIII secolo, ormai erano tramontate. Il sapere era diventato un patrimonio di famiglia, garanzia della posizione personale. Logica conclusione di questo atteggiamento è stata l'equivalenza giuridica tra dottorato e cavalleria. Dal 1533 infatti Francesco I re di Francia conferirà il titolo di cavaliere ai maestri dell'università.
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I look forward to Nohea content *salutes* and since you ask for reblog with anyone's Merlin..
[Here's my Magister Merlin, Celestino (with an updated vers of his look) my venust boi
My Magister Merlin from AFK journey
I absolutely love this game, the story is fascinating and the art is beautiful 💕
Reblog with your own Merlin and let's see some diversity 👀
OC Name : Nohea
(named after an old character from a novel I wrote many years ago... I like the OG design and uniform the most, though there's some other outfit I fancy)
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read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tw8aVh
by Francowitch
Yuuri is a Dalish mage of the White Tower in Orlais who has been given an opportunity not granted to many of his status. He is given the option to join with Celestino North to the Imperium where he can learn more magic and make connections with other mages. At a time when the power of the Circle is weakening and the Southern towers are rebelling, there is no better time for Yuuri to leave the Templar's gaze.
Viktor is a human mage from the Tevinter Imperium, and is tired of the expectations his family have for him. It seems as though everything is set out in front of him, to become a magister of the Imperium, like his father before him. He wants something to shake up his existence, something more than listening to old men talk about the 'good old days', he wants adventure.
Words: 2071, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Victor Nikiforov, Victor Nikiforov's Family, Yuri Plisetsky, Nikolai Plisetsky, Phichit Chulanont, Celestino Cialdini
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Victor Nikiforov & Yuri Plisetsky, Katsuki Yuuri & Yuri Plisetsky, Phichit Chulanont & Katsuki Yuuri
Additional Tags: Dragon Age AU, Slow Burn, Mage Yuuri, Mage viktor, Mage Yuri, will update tags as I go, Dragon Age Lore, Alternate Universe - Dragon Age Fusion
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tw8aVh
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read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tw8aVh
by Francowitch
Yuuri is a Dalish mage of the White Tower in Orlais who has been given an opportunity not granted to many of his status. He is given the option to join with Celestino North to the Imperium where he can learn more magic and make connections with other mages. At a time when the power of the Circle is weakening and the Southern towers are rebelling, there is no better time for Yuuri to leave the Templar's gaze.
Viktor is a human mage from the Tevinter Imperium, and is tired of the expectations his family have for him. It seems as though everything is set out in front of him, to become a magister of the Imperium, like his father before him. He wants something to shake up his existence, something more than listening to old men talk about the 'good old days', he wants adventure.
Words: 2071, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Victor Nikiforov, Victor Nikiforov's Family, Yuri Plisetsky, Nikolai Plisetsky, Phichit Chulanont, Celestino Cialdini
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Victor Nikiforov & Yuri Plisetsky, Katsuki Yuuri & Yuri Plisetsky, Phichit Chulanont & Katsuki Yuuri
Additional Tags: Dragon Age AU, Slow Burn, Mage Yuuri, Mage viktor, Mage Yuri, will update tags as I go, Dragon Age Lore, Alternate Universe - Dragon Age Fusion
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tw8aVh
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Love Fool
*Me reading Valen's letter to the Magister-*
Celestino, externally and suavely: Ah, Valen darling.. how I yearn to be in your company once more and bask in the magnetic beauty you possess that I'm most sure would give the Traveller's Light an afterglow in its atmosphere whenever you grace the place with your riveting presence.. ~
Also Celestino, internally and actually: [Credits to @bunnybird-afk for bringing ma boi 'Tino to life through 3D modelling!]
#afk journey#afk valen#afk merlin#afk valen x merlin#Magister Celestino#is a sucker for valen!#Cel's so gorgeous my precious doughboi
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Sure thing! Here's my top 5 Merlinverse hits for Celestino!
Kids - MGMT
Cult of Dionysus - The Orion Experience
Middle of The Night - Elley Duhe
Say Yes to Heaven - Lana Del Ray
Make You Mine - Madison Beer
@irislazulee @msbiaxalblanc and @magister-violyste AWOOOOOO
when you get this, list 5 songs you like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers :3
okie 5 songs on shuffle: empty by garbage, special by garbage, sick muse by metric, girls and boys by blur and jeremy by pearl jam
tagging: @ashen-char, @transmasclottie, @transnats, @kangarooqueen, @ofthefairophelia, @domripley, @baked-potatoes-rule, @apartfromgod, @rhiannonsknife and @thursdayygrrrl
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To all AFKJ'ers with their Merlins, I wanna ask a lil question that's managed to brew up after convos with a few folks here in the community when talking about our Magisters..
Be honest, like when any of y'all read my Celestino posts, do y'all get like.. 'young/fledgling' vibes from him? Especially when in regards to info of his character. I'm just genuinely curious, and here for a good laugh honestly lol, like I wanna hear in comparison to your Merlin (and their lore too), do you think Cel would be (or feel) younger than/around the same age/older than them?
Because it would be so hilarious if Cel really ends up the 'youngest' of all the Magisters here whether by chronological/technical standards or purely from vibes alone. He's already confirmed to be younger than two Merlins from the community here, so now I'm curious who else is more of a fossil (affectionately) than he is 🤣😂
Whether this influences replies or not, I'll just slip these old doodles in...
And don't be shy to tell me what impressions you or how ya Magister would have of him
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Thinking about how the only time Dionel ever felt genuinely disappointed and angry at Cel was when Celestino had started to let his negative emotions warp into hatred and malice towards the Hypogeans to the point where he just wanted to make them suffer.
Now all I can imagine is Dionel going down the exact same path after he finds out how Celestino 'died'. I can so picture Dionel being so consumed by grief and rage at losing his son at the hands of a hypogean that he channels those feelings into unadulterated heavenly fury.
And imagine Talene, Scarlita and Dunlingr being genuinely concerned about it because as much as they saw him as a slacker before, they actually wish he would go back to being the easygoing and calm person he was before.
I'd assume he'd settle down eventually after getting some kind of closure about Cel, or maybe it continues until he finds out that Cel is 'alive'. But I still love the idea of someone like Dionel absolutely losing it.
PS. Good luck with exams. I have my honour's thesis due on Monday, so I understand the struggle, lol.
[Thankiu so much!! And best of luck with your honor's thesis, you got this👍]
The way it'd be so cool yet scary to see Dionel snap😩 especially when we all know how so chill and composed he is majority of the time. But to add salt to injury, Dionel was actually there and saw how Cel ended up 'dead' that spiralled him into a period of maddening grief. He and the other Celestials came too late by the time Cel collapsed to the ground, golden blood gushing out of wound where he took a fatal strike to the heart.
And with him falling into that same route as his son did during his lowest, I bet that also gave Talene, Scarlita and Dunlingr a lil epiphany that they may have taken his laxedness for granted. Cuz seeing the light gone in his eyes, the glowing soft smile no more, or even the annoyingly cheeky smirk replaced with so much gloom and consumed by darkness is actually quite unnerving but also depressing. Especially considering (during that time atleast) that marked the death of Magister Merlin. Dionel would understandably be most affected as his father but the way he's coping with his grief was becoming borderline psychotic, they had to rein him in eventually.
They get that he's devastated, but they are too. They're just as angry and unforgiving of the hypos for the greatest loss to befall Esperia but they don't want Dionel to lose himself too in the process. The Celestials, especially Dionel, do get their closure once they held a funeral (they did retrieve Cel's body before anyone else saw him) just for themselves (and later for a certain General😉) and made him his own tomb marked with his real name and what not, allowing for them to mourn and getting Dionel to actually settle down and process his feelings but the grieving loneliness still continued deep within for the decades to come, just quenched enough to not cloud his mind whenever he has to tend to his duties.
He's still a lil mirthy, just that he's noticeably mellowed out and reclused himself to the ruined Moon Temple even if the functioning Sun Temple is right there.
While odd for the Venus of Dawn to reside in a very lunar place, some say it is his way of remembering and honoring his son, the Venus of Dusk. Thus marked the age of the Great Magister going into hiding, (Merlin's Slumber)
"Sleep well, my little star."
#afk journey#afk dionel#afk merlin#afk talene#afk scarlita#afk dunlingr#into the merlinverse!#the day dionel becomes depressed is the day the world ends-#mention and hint of hogan ;)
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Magister Celestino in His Celestial Drip
Was meant to post this awhile back but life got me caught up and shi. Now here, I wanna ramble about Celestino's lore as an Archon before he became Magister Merlin. That time period before the events of the AFKJ where he was more well-known for what he actually is, a Celestial.
This is his Archon outfit, based off of Dionel's:
☆ Venus of Dusk (official, still in-use)
☆ Guardian of Esperia/Esperia's Protector (in-offical but recognised)
☆ God of Enlightenment (unofficial but recognised)
☆ The Gods' Most Favored (unofficial but recognised)
☆ Sweet Prince of Heaven (Official title present in the Temple Codex)
Here's some nuggies for ya:
• With Merlin essentially being made out to be an omnipotent being with immense power that has done revolutionary things and many a good deed in Esperia, I figured- Might as well put more truth to him being a 'godly' figure and make him a literal Celestial.
• So even at base powers with what his father had passed down, he's already pretty OP before. Being able to conduct the divine light and smite foes with seering lightening. That blue sword you see in the game's intro? I hc that sword has been with him from the start, something Dura gifted to him once he was old enough to begin training in combat. The sword was also able to turn into a spear, making him something of a pro in bladework:
[Credits: Gamer's Lighthouse on YouTube 🔼 he has all cutscenes from the game including the intro so thank goodness for rewatch-ability]
• Venus of Dusk. A title soon decided for him after his creation to signify his heritage as the Venus of Dawn's offspring, and that he was birthed during a romantic time of the sun setting as evening arises with the darkness of the night just looming ahead. From then to now, Cel always has a strong affinity for the afterhours. One can say it is that time of day where he flourishes the most.
• He is that light in the dark who guides others as a beacon of hope amidst the shadows to the right path. Having a knack for knowledge and an innate sense of curiosity, he would be deemed a god of enlightenment. A Venus who not only relishes in the revelry of pleasure and desires, but also the ecstasy that comes with clarity from being knowledgeable [bro is the Messiah atp]
• He is the youngest of the Celestial pantheon. While everyone including his dad be millenias old, he's only like.. plenty of decades, centuries and possibly 1-2 millenias old. They have all right to call him 'child', 'boy', 'lad' and endearing nicknames that ensure he remembers he'll always be their baby. Even the Hypogeans but moreso on the negative part- 'brat', 'punk', 'twat' and other demeaning ways that address his youth to them.
• The other Celestials have become aunts and uncles to him ever since. Dura even took much interest in the boy, becoming his grandmother figure and helping to care and mentor the Celestial prodigy. (thus earning Cel the privy to call her 'Nana') Besides, what perfect timing of his conception. The Age of Arcana was at its rise, and the Gods of Esperia are soon to fall. Thus she had chosen Celestino as the upcoming Guardian of the entirety of Esperia, and that he is the one to bestow upon their powers once they fell.
• Once he reached his teen years, the dark side of the moon would arise once the stress amd pressure of his duties start to toll on him. Especially when the years were approaching for a great battle against the Hypogeans and other foes. He ended up twistedly coping by uh, enjoying his job of vanquishing the Hypos and other dark forces a little too much. Toying with them before giving them the sweet release of death. Didn't take long for Dionel and Scarlita to catch on, and that's prolly the one and only time his father was ever most infuriated with him for taking on the mindset of the very beings they swore to destroy. While callous, they are not to be sadistically cruel to prolong the suffering of their enemies and finish them off as swiftly.
• Ofc that lead Celestino to have his most major breakdown, venting to them about how he's cracking under the pressure of carrying his duties out the best he can and the insecurity building within of not knowing if he's been doing things right. Especially when everyone is becoming more locked in with the upcoming battle, they already know and figured that Cel does his best but he doesn't hear their approval. They've forgotten that he's still a fledgling and not yet as steeled and honed as they are.
• From there, Dionel and the others did what they can to support Cel as they exterminate and fight against the Hypos. Verbalising their validation and allowing to make time for Cel when he needs further advice and guidance. Reminding him not to go astray and to fight with valor and mercy. From his father additionally he also gets pats on the head and back. It helped to boost morale and in the end, they emerged victorious by the time Cel is a young adult. Ready to spread his (metaphorical) wings and fly.
• By the time he's a full-fledged Archon, he's become that stoic and aloof Celestial. A man of remarkable composure and elegance. While he's a quiet and mild-mannered one, he carries himself with a confident flare and a regalious yet amicable air to him. He can be quite bold when when gets real comfortable and isn't completely standoffish. The beginning to his prime as a grown Venus of Dusk.
• With him being of-age, Dionel would start encouraging/inviting or outright just bring Cel to his many parties and banquets. Maybe reluctant at first when he rather prefers being in the comforts of the library sipping tea. But once he got to mingling with a couple of people, he would soon become the life of party- during the afterhours. That's where he shone the brightest.
• If Dionel is the one to host and guest the parties, Cel is a guest and the entertainment. He found joy in singing and dancing (not just ballroom dances, I'm talkin' exotic ones too) able to captivate the audience and sway them to his voice and movements. Slowly becoming more charismatic and charming. Becoming like his old man in the rizz department and getting suave asf but also more bold with his flirting as well. You know he's a honest person cuz those hips don't lie.
• Sometime couple hundred more years, after yet another war that was victorious on their end but also the time where Dura and the other Gods had fallen. Cel had walked away from the victory feast his father was hosting to get some fresh air. Still needing time to process everything that's happened and what's to come of Esperia (and also cuz he misses nana Dura 😢) walking through the battlefield. Basking in the devastation left behind as the raindrops pour, not that it ever bothered him. Suddenly, he'd feel the powers/essences of the fallen gods embrace and flow through his being.
On that fateful night, he learned he could harness their powers that would come to be known as 'magic'.
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So. Given that you ship PhraeOnel... and that I DID see at least two(?) posts from you about them...
What do you think Celestino and Phraesto's dynamic would be? Like, how would they interact? And given the information that his dad's currently going out with a Hypogean, how would Tino react to it?
I would say Celestino's shooketh but he also shouldn't be because he literally 'invited' Phraesto to live in the Mystical House with him, his hampsters, Dolly and Dionel.
Lemme explain how that came to be: After the Songs of Strife arc, when the Magister had resealed Phraesto. He actually mulled over this for a couple of weeks since he was starting to empathise with the Illusionist, even discussed this with the familiars and Dionel too (they agreed reluctantly. Dionel only knows about his actions and demeanor, but certainly not how he looks)
They ultimately decided that Phraesto can live as a permanent resident of the Mystic House under the condition that it also serves as his new prison. Except that he can enjoy the same luxuries as everyone else and has freedom to roam around the place, apart from that he can never leave the MH unless under supervision. Besides, I hc the MH has been casted a potent spell by Celestino years ago that was able to subdue anyone inside from physically/magically attacking each other. Thoughts and intents can remain, but carrying it out will be immediately cancelled by the spell. (Basically my way of explaining how some characters are able to just chill in the House with each other despite having beef or negative relations literally in the story, ESPECIALLY THE CELESTIALS AND HYPOS)
So yeah, Cel got Phraesto convinced on that. Which now brings me to their dynamic and interactions. They're stepdad and stepson who've come to respect each other and amiable to each other. They wouldn't become all cheery and bubbly like that, moreso quiet tender kind of chumminess. Sitting together to talk all things literature and art. Cel gets to have a look at Phraesto's own written works like poetry and proses while he too can get to see the Magister's creative pieces. Or having interesting convos debating on philosophical, psychological and sentimental matters over cups of tea.
He's just surprised seeing Merlin, a Celestial of all beings too, to give him a chance and trying to get to really know the Hypogean instead of being so deadset with killing him on-sight. (Regardless of his crimes, Redemption Arc galore) and for Cel, he had never met a Hypo so refined, cultured and not hellbent (emotionally/passionately) on world domination. Treating his job of being an evil entity with a professional stance than one filled with mania of a grander destructive goal. I say, it's through Celestino's own vetting of Phraesto that would pique Dionel's own interest in him too.
Just tryna grant people's desires, Phraesto would come to grant the desires of a certain Venus of Dawn and his little star by becoming an unexpected family man in his caged paradise.
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Dusk 'Till Dawn, I'll Always Be With You
[Honestly, I couldn't think of a better title oh well. Another lore-drop for my Merlin, Celestino but more like a little event that happened in-between canon. This takes place during the Remnants Peak arc, after Merlin and Co. first meet Dionel at the Moon Temple]
[Slight spoiler warning but otherwise enjoy this fic of my Merlin and Dionel meeting again in more private circusmtance to have their reunion♡]
After decades since the demise of his only kin by the hands of a formidable Hypogean, Dionel had slowly but surely moved on from his grief of the child. Eventually having come to terms and accepting his offspring's death. He had fought until the very end, that the Celestial knows.
But that didn't mean the sight of his son's body lying limp on the ground in a pool of his own blood while the wretched demon laughed mockingly in its soon short-lived victory didn't shatter his heart from immense sorrow nor incite his rare but deadly fury towards the one who had his son slain.
As days.. years.. go by, Dionel had soon gone to inhabit the Moon Temple that Nakalig, the Moon God, had left behind after his vanishing. Finding solace in its undisturbed nature. Giving him a peace of mind and allowing him to slumber for long periods of time since the days of warring against Hypogeans have long passed. The thoughts and memories of his spawn occasionally flash by in passing thought or in bittersweet reminiscence amidst rounds of malt nectar and deep trow of pondering fleeting philosophical matters that only his son could entertain him on.
Alas, life often works in twisted ways. On one fateful night would he not expect the commotion of ancient golems in his lunar abode that would stir Dionel awake from his peaceful slumber lead to him coming face-to-face with his supposed dead son with his entourage in search for answers. It took all the fibre in his being, his strength and willpower to maintain his composure. Greeting them like nothing is amiss. Discussing the matter of the reawakened golems, strainedly addressing Celestino by his mortal alias, Merlin. Remembering still how the masses do not know the young man's true identity.
However, the look in the Magister's onyx eyes spoke of his long yearning of reuniting with his father once again. Evident so with the hopeful twinkle in his stoic gaze as he looked upon Dionel after decades past. All the more tugging at the older Celestial's heartstrings, bringing him to a state of internal turmoil. Longing to break the facade and embrace his son, his child, who was standing right before him. Even when Celestino and his travel companions left, the glance over his shoulder was indicative to Dionel that their familiarity and connection remained alive and well despite his death and afterlife.
As the moon casted its silvery glow upon the temple, Dionel waited with a heart heavy with anticipation. His composure slowly cracking away at his unbothered facade, giving way to the hidden vulnerability. A flood of emotions over suppressed, brought forth. As if in a dream, though it being the reality, The sounds of footsteps echoed throughout the ancient structure, transcending the stairway until his silhouette appeared against the moonlit night. Having slipped away to see his father while his buddies were asleep in their temporary camp. The calm of the night belied that turmoil swirling within his heart. Celestino's approach only serving to heighten Dionel's emotions. The multitude of feelings storming inside both Celestials.
In the blink of an eye, his son's figure whizzed right towards him before Dionel felt arms wrap around him in a clingy manner akin to a child seeking reassurance. Celestino's head planted against the older's chest. Dionel had braced himself, automatically enveloping him almost protectively as if trying to make up for lost time in a firm yet gentle hold. The feeling of the hug, both familiar and heart-wrenching. Surging through in a mixture of longing, love and relief. Dionel could feel the rapid beating of their hearts merging into a synchronised rhythm as he exhaled a sigh, cradling his son against himself. Burying his face in Celestino's silky hair, taking in the scent of the young man he once held as a baby.
Both Celestials, alive and undead, relished in the feeling of their bodies pressed together. The warmth resonated from father to son as Dionel caressed Celestino's hair gently, both trying to commit every detail of this moment to memory. “My son.. my dear boy..” The older of the two whispered softly, voice filled with much tenderness. Pressing a light kiss atop the younger's head, his expression both affectionate and pained. All the while he could feel the wetness of Celestino's tears spilling as the mage broke down in the hold of his father. Slowly meeting his gaze as he whimpers, sounding more soft than usual, shattered and insecure, “Father..! Father.. I-I thought I would never see you again after w-what happened! I missed you so much..!”
Dionel's heart ached further at the sound of Celestino's broken voice. He gently cupped his son's face in his hands, wiping away the tears that streamed down the young man's cheeks. “I've missed you too, my child.. more than you can ever fathom,” He confessed so in a volume barely above a whisper. His thumbs gently traced the contours of the mage's face, as if trying to memorise every feature once again, “But you're here now… with me.. and that's all that matters..” Seeing the younger Celestial who he usually remembered exuding self-assurance and courage being reduced to a broken mess made the older's chest ache with sorrow and grief.
Dionel then began to rub circles gently onto Celestino’s back to soothe him. His own eyes slowly welling up with tears at the raw emotions evident in his son's voice and action. “When I was granted that second chance to live and- and- reawakened.. I couldn't remember anything at all..! I never want to lose you ever again..!” The younger Celestial's shuddery voice broke his heart, being able to hear the pain within. Prompting him to hug the mage more tightly, drawing him closer to his chest. The sound of the magister's sobs echoed throughout the silent temple, “You won't ever lose me, I swear. From now on, I will be with you as much as possible. We have been separated for far too long.” As Dionel says this, he gently kissed the top of Celestino's head again. His fingers run through his son's hair in an affectionate manner as he can feel the mage's form trembling against him.
Dionel felt an intense wave of guilt and heartache wash over him at the thought of Celestino's amnesia. He cursed the injustice of fate, forcing his son to forget the bond they shared and to an extent even, the existence of his own parent. He could only imagine the trauma and confusion that his boy must have experienced waking up from the dead with none of his memories at all. Tightly holding him one more time, the older of the two eventually pulled away albeit slightly to look into his spawn's tear-filled eyes. Wiping them once more as Celestino struggles to get the words out of his throat. He didn't really need to verbally express it when all that needed to be said was already communicated through his body language. He's just relieved and glad that Dionel also hadn't forgotten about him and still loves him all the same.
With reassurance that this moment of reunion between the two Celestials was real and not just a wistful dream, Celestino's lips curl into a warm shaky smile, “I love you so much, father..” Dionel smiles back softly as he replies while bringing his son into another tight embrace to solidify the moment. “I love you too, my boy. More than words, no matter how eloquent, could even express.”
Once they had their reuniting event under the moonlight, the two pulled away with the woefulness now put aside and instead replaced with overwhelming familial affection and joy that the two are able to be together again. “Now the night is still young after all. Why not, we celebrate this special occasion with each other's company while savouring malt nectar and having a much-needed heart-to-heart, hm?” Dionel suggests so as he leads Celestino inside the interiors of the Moon Temple, the two walking side-by-side with father guiding him the way in as he chuckles deeply and softly beams, “Of course, father. I could really use a drink or two and also enjoy getting to be with you once more.”
With plans set for the night, father and son would whisk it away with good wine and conversation filled with reminiscence, bittersweet nostalgia, rumination of the present and-or perhaps, getting philosophical about even the most mundane of things like they used to.
Just like good old times.
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Progeny Of A Venus
[So here's a sort of epilogue? Starter fic explaining Cel's origins as Dionel's offspring. Hope you likey, I'm no top-notch writer]
It was a choice unlike what they know of Dionel. Him? The one who drinks nearly all his free time, who would much rather use that time to kick back.. relax.. be carefree without having to put much thought and responsibility into anything else except of course, wiping the wretched Hypogeans from the face of existence. But it was still an unexpected decision on his end, for him to suddenly want to be a parent.
"Things have been dying down as of late. Most of my fellow Celestials do not see any further reason to be around for much longer. The war is over, the numbers of those foul creatures have decreased dramatically so to the point where it is manageable and sufficient that only a handful of us are needed to see to it that those remaining have their lives be dealt with." After clenching his fist for a moment, he takes a sip of his malt nectar brew from his golden goblet.
"Natheless, it does not change the fact that I am not particularly close with the current fellow Celestials I have with me right now. Not that they're bad company, no, don't get me wrong. But they're only.. good enough to be my acquaintances. United with the sole purpose of our duty bestowed upon us by Dura herself. However, I do not have a rather substantial emotional connection with my fellows. The mortals are good on their own as well, they revere and find comfort in me as I like myself be approachable to the mortals. I am much laid-back with them and I do not actually deem myself too good for them to not so much as to spare a glance, share my drink and conversation." He admits this is loneliness on an intrapersonal level. Something he doesn't expect to feel as a divine being who's lived many a millennia.
It's as if only now did it come to his attention that in his personal life that he doesn't have anyone to connect with on a more deeper and meaningful level. He doesn't need a crowd by any means, no. He only needs.. just one to worth his while, and what better way than to grab a bowl and find the most cream-of-the-crop golden wheat, milk and taken the finest silk taken from his cloth to mix together with his own hands and to finalise the process, he blows the breath of life into the mixture.
For what purpose?
To create another Celestial being. To... birth one into this world in hopes of filling the void in Dionel's heart that he just now knew of.
Then he heard it, the softest cry he's ever heard of an infant. So soft and mellow, just nearly above a whisper that it could lull another infant to sleep. His creation coming to fruition. His spawn.. his son. Gently, he grabbed the infant from the bowl and held him with the utmost care. Smiling warmly down upon the little one as it wriggled and quietly called out for comfort and nurture. "Do not fret, my boy. Father is here.." His voice soothed the tiny Celestial boy with milky fair skin and golden wheat blonde hair. His eyes just barely able to open but Dionel could catch a glimpse of those stoney-cold black orbs.
To him, the boy is just perfect. Marvellous, and atop of all, gorgeous. Truly the creation and handiwork of another Celestial, surely it must be made known and instilled upon permanence, "Celestino.. oh my boy.. yes, you will grow with mighty glory and grace." As if hearing those words, Celestino ceased his crying. Reduced to mere whimpers and cooing with tiny balled fists that Dionel couldn't resist lending a finger out and wriggling it into the boy's hand. With immediancy, he latches onto his father's finger. Hugging it even as the pale-blonde Archon walks off with his child in his arms, squished to his chest where little Celestino's ear was propped to hear his father's beating heart.
Already feeling that.. connection, love and warmth flowing through his entire being for the boy. That alone, elates their hearts to this very day.
[Celestino with his original coloration before he became a Graveborn. Before the Undead Archon came to be.]
(Dionel after giving birth to the greatest mage in all of Esperia with a basic ass cake recipe:)
#afk journey#afk dionel#afk merlin#afk journey merlin#Took one look at Dionel and decided#“Daddy material fr”#Especially when taking into account my merlin's personality and temperament#pretty much aligns with Dionel. They twinning that department fr
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Solidifying our love for our Merlins, I'll take on the gauntlet first and infodump on my Magister 🌟
Essentially, my boi Celestino is- well, a Celestial. And Dionel's own son. The moon to his shining star, the Venus of Dusk who would see that he would have more duties entrusted onto him by Dura than just vanquishing Hypogeans and exterminating any dark evil forces left in Esperia.
Who then went around masquerading as a mortal wizard in hopes of being closer with his subjects by being more approachable and down-to-earth than he already is) and taking his newfound powers from the fallen gods for a run while cosplaying as Merlin (ong original character donut steal!!) before his decades of hiding. (Or more like he legit died in a battle against a Hypogean (another OC of mine) with only a select few knowing what really happened to him. His death was covered up by saying he went into a very, very long slumber)
He awakens from the dead (thus why he has his amnesia, and technically this makes him Graveborn) as he somehow struck a deal with a voice in the void to return to the living out of resentment for the Hypo, wanting to enact his revenge and slay💅🎀 him for not only killing him but also taking him away from his loved ones. But at the cost of his memories and alot of the OP shii he had.
He's making his come back to Esperia. Not only as just Magister Merlin, but as Archon Celestino. The real man behind his character. His goal is to rise back up to grace and coming unto his 'throne' while embracing into his role as the renowned archmage everyone reveres and as a legit demigod.
I absolutely love that everyone in this fandom is completely frikkin feral about their Merlin. Like they're just our little pookies, despite being intended as a self-insert.
#afk journey#afk merlin#Lowkey Furina-ish with how Celestino treats being Merlin as an OC he's cosplaying for like thousands of years(??)
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