#magicked people are slaves
kayayeteae · 10 months
One of my gripes about XVI is that the game is uncertain whether it wants to be a final fantasy game, a Devil May cry game, or a tales series game. It’s so unique in that aspect and the concept is truly there but just not executed as well as it could be.
However, the concept is amazing. With the popularity of nier, and using Ryuto Suzuki for combat design, they should consider making a proprietary DMC-style hack and slash.
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punkpandapatrixk · 2 months
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💫Current aenergy Check-In ♦︎ Timeless Pick A Card
You’re done learning, right? Where are you going? What are you getting? Your wish fulfilment, your karmic/cosmic rewards, your Life Purpose and self-actualisation, your raison d'être; everything becomes ever clearer from here.
Just a reminder, the term ‘Life Purpose’ may seem heavy and serious and all, but the truth of the matter is, everybody’s purpose for being born here is to remember to have a good time! Time you stopped being a slave to the pigs of capitalism XD
In you lies the power to cause a miracle to stir🍻
Miracles for all begin when a bunch of individuals believe in their innate magick. As the percentage goes up the whole world gets lifted. If this reading has appeared in your Interface of Reality, know that you’re well on your way to manifesting your Highest Intended Good.
The peeps who are going to resonate most with this PAC are probably those that have been walking a thorny path of spiritual awakening. You’ve sacrificed so much just for Humanity; damn, this world doesn’t even deserve a Soul like yours. But your happiness is just about to burst like crazy.
And even in your living your happy life you’re serving this Matrix. When you’re happy and spiritually fulfilled, the sounds, the cheers that you make, will echo throughout the world. This Matrix becomes a happier place with more happy people in it.
Where are you going? What are you getting? I didn’t put a year on this reading, so that whenever you find this in the future, that’s the timeline you’re on~
SONG: この星のどこかで (kono hoshi no dokoka de; Somewhere in This Star) from DORAEMON Nobita’s Legend of the Sun King
MOVIES: The Lord of the Rings trilogy LMAO
deck-bottom: Page of Pentacles Rx, Gold Physician (Hippocrates), Priestess of Wishes
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Pile 1 – It’s Perfectly Safe to Follow the Love in Your Heart
VIBE: Merry & Pippin, Arwen
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how you’re doing so far – Knight of Cups
Of all the Piles, you seem to have been on a strict path of following your heart. It’s like, you’ve been being showered by so many signs and synchronicities by your Higher Self and team of Spirit Guides. I’m not sure if this is because you came from a rather lax background or if you’ve had to fight for your freedom, but you’ve definitely been following your heart towards a sense of autonomy.
The thing is, that adventurer spirit of yours might have caused you to come face to face with some dangerous situations or perhaps you’ve been met with some catastrophic failures along the way. I think you became somewhat scared of following your heart now due to such past experiences. You know there’s that quote that says: ‘I’m not following my heart anymore. That bitch gives bad directions.’
Up until fairly recently you could’ve thought like that, for a bit maybe. But I think you know deep down that such a statement is not entirely correct. I think you know that following your heart, although it’s met you with some crazy adventures, has shown you the path to total liberation. Aren’t you glad you’ve been able to carve out an existence of your own~?
rest of the year – Ace of Pentacles Rx
This card being in reverse, one might think… ‘What? I won’t have money until the rest of the year?!’ It’s not like that. This is saying you’ve paid everything forward. For a number of years now you’ve been working so hard on all planes of your existence. It’s unimaginable to most people just how much ‘work’ you’ve worked to make things work! They’ll never understand it because in their eyes, there hasn’t been much, if at all, result that you’ve managed to produce.
It kinda didn’t make sense just how little the Universe was giving you for all the spiritual and inner work you’ve done on yourself. I think you could’ve felt cursed or something. Abandoned by all the forces of Light or something. So, I don’t know why it’s had to be like that, maybe some spiritual challenge or another, but you’ve paid all of that hard work in advance. Your good will didn’t go unnoticed, OK? All that you’ve prayed for and dreamt of, the Universe has a record of all of that.
The rest of this year? Please don’t work hard anymore. Don’t be afraid of the other shoe dropping. You’ve paid it all forward. The rest of this year is where your story takes a turn. Your riches are coming effortlessly. You can eat all you want when you want. You can sleep as much as you want to recover from prolonged stress. You can simply blink and your money bags are still going to refill faster than you can spend. Rejoice, baby~!
where you’re going from here – King of Swords Rx
It seems to me that your ‘previous Life’ was one where you had to live with the utmost logic. You thought and analysed everything so hard. You played by the book. You followed all the rules. You were a law-abiding citizen. But logic…I think now you know that logic only gets in the way of magic. That’s what your Higher Self and team of Spirit Guides wanted you to unlearn.
I know it’s been so hard, but it all ends here. You’ve graduated all of those hard lessons of unlearning and relearning what it means to be a Divine Human on Gaia. You’ve learnt to trust yourself! You’ve learnt to distinguish between your ego misleading you and your heart guiding you. There is so much that you can teach other people, you know. Teach them how to navigate their fears. And you’re an example of how that can be done, because you’ve crawled through hell and back again triumphant.
From here, your Life will be nothing short of magical events and encounters back-to-back again. You’re back on your natural high-frequency again. Welcome back. In fact, it’s already playing out serendipitously in recent weeks, hasn’t it? Do not fear the other shoe dropping; you’re floating now! It’s safe for you to glide where your heart is guiding you~ This is exactly where your story takes a turn. Congratulations, Champion!
fare thee well – Silver Astronomer (Galileo Galilei)
Life’s grand adventures – Priestess of Inspiration
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Pile 2 – Don’t You See the Sun Already Peeking from Your Window?
VIBE: Sam & Frodo, Galadriel
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how you’re doing so far – XIX The Sun Rx
‘Bad things only happen to me because I’m the main character, so it’s only part of the plot.’ This is the first thing that comes to mind as I tap into your aenergy. My gosh, this card here is telling me you haven’t had a single day of sunshine for a stupidly long time. You’ve had to go through a Sam & Frodo arc, it seems. Walking barefoot to Mordor to destroy some evil old paradigm that you’ve likely inherited from a stupid part of your bloodline.
An ancestor some lines back, some time, some when, some where, fucked up big time and you’re fixing shit for everybody. Just like those little Hobbits who totally ain’t got any relation to some war 3000 years prior but they’re the ones suffering the MOST the entire story! XD It’s kinda been like that for you for some time now. My god, I feel for you! But, the fact that this card has appeared here only means that things are turning around for you :D Your eternal sunshine is rising!
Well, haven’t you noticed that its ray can already be seen from your window? Hasn’t it got warmer even the slightest bit now? Things have gotten significantly easier even if they’re only small improvements, right? You’re currently travelling back to Rivendell on the backs of the Great Eagles. It’s easy-peasy from now. You can relax. Take a deep breath. Breathe in that chlorophyll from the Nature around you~! XD
rest of the year – 5 of Pentacles
What a strange card to appear here, but this is essentially saying that you’re rebuilding what’s been broken and reclaiming what’s been stolen. Your whole world—your ‘normal’—was destroyed by some forces and you had to unlearn what you took for granted as ‘reality’, and again, relearn what it means to be a Divine You whilst existing in society. All that was destroyed, stolen from you…none of it was the real you anyway. So it’s okay that it all disappeared.
You were able to discover the pure gem that is the real you that was hidden beneath those ‘identities’, habits, customs, norms, and everything else you were told you should be, when in reality, you were always somewhat different somewhere deep in your psyche. You weren’t like everybody else and you didn’t even want the things they wanted. But you conformed because it was a matter of survival.
Rest of this year, you’re still going to heal from all of that bullshit. More like, healing from the aftermath of fighting for your true Divine Identity as your I AM essence. The rest of the year, you’re healing more than doing or jumping to the next adventure. All good Souls deserve a good rest after a good battle! You’ve won against the Matrix; you’ve won against society and/or tradition. For now, celebrate this huge win~
where you’re going from here – Ace of Cups Rx
After this healing period, I see that you’re only beginning to find your bearing again in the world. It’s OK that these things take time. All good things take time to rebuild. If you want to speed up your manifestation with subliminals, try those that contain perfect self-concept affirmations to solidify your sense of self-worth ;P The Sun is rising and it’s getting brighter and bigger in your world.
Soon, you won’t even remember being this gloomy creature that you’ve been for a while. I see that in time, you’ll find yourself being creative again, being motivated, and clear about what you want and can do in this world. So many of your natural talents are going to burst out of you, making you work endlessly for a goal that truly matters. So as you can see, cherish this healing phase.
The solitude you’re in now is serving your highest good. This time is making space for you to heal, rehab, grow (or grow back), and release even more remnants of your old self, old world. This isn’t going to last forever and if you can heal in quiet, isn’t that ideal? Nobody’s gonna know you in this healing phase that sometimes can get a little awkward, cringe, or downright ugly XD
fare thee well – Silver Astrologer (John Dee)
Life’s grand adventures – Priestess of Healing
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Pile 3 – In the Full Embrace of Your Higher Self, Spirit Guides and Cosmic Ancestors, Go Forward!
VIBE: Aragorn & Legolas, Gandalf the White
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how you’re doing so far – 4 of Swords Rx
Of all the Piles, yours carries the strongest feeling of ‘action’. You’re being carried somewhere more suitable for your frequency. In many ways, you’re also being carried where you’re needed. This can differ for everybody but the majority of you will still feel a sense of calm and belonging though. So it isn’t like you’re being thrown into a war zone just because you have the capacity to fend off enemies or heal wounded soldiers XD
Not like that. Not really. This aenergy is a bit convoluted… But basically, up until now you’ve been a fighter of sort, just like Aragorn, Legolas and Gandalf. Fighting for something important, defending causes that matter. Up until then, you were Gandalf the Grey, and then at some point you died, and now you’ve been reborn as Gandalf the White. That’s about the gist of how you’ve been doing.
Sooner than later, the forces of the Universe are going to make you move places or jobs. There’s a strong sense of being moved to a different location. But if that doesn’t resonate, you could be improving your house or like there’s this sense of a change of scenery, one way or another. It’s deeply needed. You’ve been breathing in muddy waters, you know.
rest of the year – XX The Last Judgement Rx
The fact that your cards are all in reverse is indicating a waiting period until you’re thrown into your next mission. Yeah, like Gandalf the Grey in waiting to become Gandalf the White. Rest of the year you’re gaining momentum. I think you could be hearing some good news from something you’ve applied for? Or this could signify the advent of a once-in-a-lifetime kind of opportunity suddenly presenting itself to you.
The clarion call is clarioning LOL This is why I think you’re being called to a different place, but if not, then a higher plane of existence. So this could also mean a job promotion or a new, improved way to earn your keep. There is a sense of finally serving your highest purpose with a talent or spiritual gift you’ve been refining, polishing in recent years. You could be healing people in ways that don’t necessarily look like ‘healing’.
You know? You could be elevating other people’s spirits and helping them transmute their own bullshit by just allowing them to connect or work with you. If this is your main pile, you’re definitely an aenergy worker. A spirit worker. Maybe even a miracle worker. All thanks to your insanely high-frequency. Babe, you ain’t even in this realm anymore XD
where you’re going from here – Page of Cups
I feel very strongly that you’re someone who possesses wisdom beyond the mundane. You’re practical, you’re sensible, but you’re so Universal that all your wisdom is timeless. You’re someone who has the ability to connect with all peoples; young and old, female and male, rich and poor, famous and regular, what have you. Your words reverberate through the ages.
I feel that you’re somebody who holds timeless wisdom and not just ancient or occult. Your highest religion, so to speak, is Love and Respect for all people. So, no matter what you have to say and share with the world, most people will be able to see that you come from the highest place of Love. That you possess the desire to heal and empower all people.
That said, you’re going to be put in a place where you can connect with all kinds of people, all for you to inspire Love in them. Yes, Love, and it comes in all kinds of different ways, right? First and foremost, I see that you’re someone who can teach people how to love themselves first. How they can expect more, better, for themselves. And only true Love can provide that sense of fulfilment.
Old people are going to be rejuvenated by you. Young people are going to be inspired by you. That’s your superpower that needs to be witnessed by the world <3
fare thee well – Red Astronomer (Johannes Kepler)
Life’s grand adventures – Priestess of Contemplation
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astra-ravana · 19 days
A Dive Into The Dark Feminine
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The Dark Feminine is not the same as the Wounded or Shadow Feminine energy. No. She is deeply misunderstood because society represses her into shadow. She is liberation, rage, pleasure, and intuition. She is not a manipulation or a repackaging of the male gaze.
She is fierce grace, wild liberation, the sword of truth. She is blood, sex, and earth. The Lover and the Whore. She shakes the cage of "Good Girl" conditioning to unleash the full spectrum expression of woman.
She is Hekate, Kali, Lilith. The Creatrix and the Destroyer. She is the Shamaness, the Wild Woman, and the Wise Crone. Once a woman awakens to her there is no going back.
"Your rage is sacred.
Your grief is a holy gift.
Your full-spectrum depths,
hold your greatest power."
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Dark Feminine Energy is:
Self sourced power, sensuality, chaos, devotion, magick, passion, rage, transformation, internal safety, fearlessness, sexual liberation, the unknown, regeneration, wholeness, sisterhood, authenticity, death
• Cut off toxic people.
• Practice shadow work.
• Prioritize self-care.
• Healthy communication with loved ones.
• Practice manifestation.
• Try things out of your comfort zone.
Essential Dark Goddesses
• Lilith
• Hekate
• Morrigan
• Nyx
• Persephone
• Morgan le Fay
• Erish Kigal
• Baba Yaga
• Sekhmet
• Freya
• Circe
• Oya
• Hel
• Medusa
• Eris
• Kali
• Melinoe
• Angrboda
• Tiamat
"And in the death of her reputation,
She felt truly alive."
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Pre and Post Patriarchy Views of Women and Sex
• Sexuality and divinity were one; sex was seen as divine.
• The more sexual a woman, the more holy.
• Priestesses that were initiated into the highest Mystery (womb magick) were seen as livinf goddesses.
• The worth of a woman was inherent.
• Sacred priestesses in tune with their sexuality, having mastered the power of their bodies (Kundalini) were revered as a direct portal to spirit and the Gods/Energies of the Universe.
• Sexuality being taboo, seen as profane, filthy, even evil.
• The more sexual a woman, the more vulgar and profane.
• Priestesses turned to sex slaves, "prostitutes" for men to release upon their repressed sexualities and sexual tension.
• The worth of a woman is now in relation to a man; her value is in her chastity. The more lovers she has, the more worthless she becomes.
• The word "whore" is used as an insult for women who were comfortable with sexuality.
• The more a woman is sexual, associated with the taboos and repressed instincts of the collective, the less she is respected, seen as "not respecting herself", "being cheap", "easy", or "giving her most sacred possession away".
• Women with high sex drives said to have "fornicated with the Devil".
Someone who has a lot of sexual energy can also possess a powerful healing energy. This is because sexual energy IS healing energy at a spiritual level. The best healers have big sexual energy.
VINDICA TE TIBI - "Claim yourself"
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The Secret Power of Friday the 13th
Friday the 13th is actually good luck as it is associated with the 13 cycles of the moon in a lunar year, this is why a woman has 13 cycles a year, and ovulates on the 13th day. In 1487 free thinking and Divine Female Energy was suppressed and labeled witchcraft by Heinrich Kramer, who went forth to burn many healers on the stake due to forced ignorance and hatred for powerful female leaders. This is why Friday the 13th is actually a spiritual day of enlightenment, divine/dark feminine energy, and healing that should be sacred instead of hated.
Black Moon Lilith
In astrology, Black Moon Lilith plays the role of 'Guardian of the Threshold'. The term indicates a spectral image which manifests itself as soon as the student of the spirit ascends upon the path into the higher worlds of knowledge. Lilith, representing the testing of the feminine oracle, comes with temptations and promises for the ego, forcing the seeker to meet their own shadow.
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"Darkness is the fertile soil of the feminine. Discomfort is the birth place of our shadows. Wild chaos catalyses true leadership. Raw emotions teach us how to feel. The deep void of our sex holds our primal hunger. So, what powerful darkness do you feel is wrong? "
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antianakin · 2 years
It's hilarious that a lot of the main darksiders and Sith all have WAY more sympathetic reasons than Anakin does for why they're Sith, or why they Fell.
Maul apparently was literally stolen (or given away) as a child and raised by a Sith, he had zero choice in becoming one.
Dooku became disillusioned with the corruption in the Republic and how it was taking advantage of and hurting its own people that he had sworn his life to protecting and then got lost in searching for the power to try to protect those same people.
Savage is literally magicked into being Dark against his will because he sacrifices himself to spare his younger brother the same fate.
Quinlan Vos's falls (one in the comic, and one in the novel) are both about trying to end the war by infiltrating Dooku's inner circle as his apprentice and not realizing how far he's fallen in the process.
Barriss Offee becomes disillusioned with the way the Senate has taken advantage/control of the Jedi Order and gets lost in her own grief over what she's been asked to do in the war.
The closest to Anakin's bullshit reasoning is actually Asajj Ventress who becomes a slave as a baby, spends some years learning to be a Jedi, and then goes dark after she loses one person because misery loves company.
But Anakin literally commits whole genocides because he's scared of losing someone who's NOT EVEN DEAD YET. He's not even reacting to a loss that's HAPPENED TO HIM, he's just searching for power to stop someone from ever dying who is perfectly alive and in good health with no signs of kicking the bucket any time soon.
Like. Talk about an unsympathetic backstory. And it didn't help that every other Darksider (aside from Palpatine) managed to have a WAY more sympathetic reason for them having turned Dark than Anakin does.
What a weak-willed pissbaby.
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neworleansvoudou · 1 year
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Who's Who in Hoodoo History: High John the Conqueror
John the Conqueror is known in Hoodoo folklore as a trickster spirit, always making a way out of no way at all, “hitting a straight lick with a crooked stick. Winning the jackpot with no other stake than a laugh” (Hurston 1943, 452). Slaves saw him as emerging from a whisper, finding laughter in sorrow, irony in tragedy, and triumph in despair. He was the bringer of hope, “the source and soul of our laughter and song.” He provided much-needed comedic relief in everyday life. He was a resistance figure whose weapons were laughter, cunning, and trickery.
They say that John was a prince who came from Africa, walking on the winds that filled the sails of ships through the Middle Passage. There are no photographs or drawings of the actual John the Conqueror. However, some say he resembled big John Henry, the “steel-driving man” of African American folklore. Or maybe he was “a little, hammered down, low-built man like the Devil’s doll-baby” (Hurston 1943, 452). Some say you can’t draw a spirit, so quit trying. Others say no one ever talked about what he looked like because it wasn’t necessary. White people never knew of his existence, which was by design; they weren’t supposed to know about him. He was the slaves’ biggest advocate on the downlow, and they lived for the tales of his putting one over on ole Massa.
They say that the spirit of John the Conqueror was around in the form of Brer Rabbit before John came on the scene. That wily mammal had already made the rounds on the plantations for a year and a day by the time John came along. Because he was in the form of an entertaining bunny, his tales spread far and wide. In reality, Brer Rabbit and John the Conqueror are two different spirits, but their functions are similar. Both are tricksters; both gain the edge through cunning, audacity, and intelligence. Both are empowering resistance figures.
John the Conqueror’s renown comes from the abundance of folktales describing his exploits. The most significant tales involve his role in procuring freedom through comedic relief and trickery. Freedom was of primary concern to John, and it governed near about all of his decisions. But he wasn’t the same kind of resistance figure as San Malo, Bras Coupe, or Annie Christmas. He was good at playing dumb when he needed to, and he excelled at the art of gaslighting. He played ole Massa like a fiddle.
He could make you think yellow was green and green was yellow. He would make you believe that what he did was your doing, and he was a master at leaving ole Massa standing in his place, mouth agape. He was just that cunning.
John the Conqueror was most popular during slavery days because he served an express purpose. People needed the kind of resilience and inspiration he could bring. They needed the hope he dispensed. They needed a vision for the future, one that involved their complete liberation. And when he went back to Africa, they say he left his spirit right here in the United States in the root of a special flower, a variety of morning glory bearing purple flowers. In this way, John the Conqueror never actually left. Whenever anyone needs him, they can access him by communing with the root bearing his namesake.
*Excerpt from Witch Queens Voodoo Spirits and Hoodoo Saints: A Guide to Magickal New Orleans.
Learn more about the OGs of Hoodoo: https://www.crossroadsuniversity.com/courses/who-s-who-in-hoodoo-history
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skele-bunny · 2 months
Memories. (CW) Phantom/Dew
CW: Talk of past slavery and abuse
Characters: Phantom, Dewdrop/Sodo
I wanted to do more with this, but brain dead tbh. Also trying out new formatting! Might not keep it but eh.
Read it under the cut or on AO3!
Dew turned his head as he stepped outside, eyes scanning the area before spotting his target sitting on the river dock, wings drooped. Sodo pushed himself forwards, hands in his pockets as he approached Phantom–tilting some to try and get a glimpse.
“Tommy?” He mumbled, watching as Phantom turned to meet his gaze.
He gave a slight smile. “Hey.”
Phantom turned back out to the water, fingers holding a small, heart-shaped rose quartz Aether had gifted him. Their mate had come back from town with bags of gifts for his pack, specifically giving Phantom a decorative bag full of crystals. Sodo didn't know much about quintessence purposes with crystals, but knew it was something sacred to their element. Something Phantom and Aether shared appreciations for. But when Phantom had gotten to the bottom where that heart laid, curled in wire to be a necklace– Phantom instantly seemed off. He played it off well, thanking Aether for the gift before excusing himself outside. Dew was simply sent to retrieve him for dinner.
“Got something on your mind?” Dew asked, moving to sit down next to his mate.
The bat simply shrugged, eyeing the gift again. “I guess, just…Memories, is all.”
Dew nodded, looking out at the water. “You know I'm here to talk if you ever need, right?”
“I know.”
A strange silence sat over them, Dew occasionally passing glances to his mate before going back to the shimmer of the water. It took a while longer before Phantom opened his mouth again.
“You know how I told you about my pit life, right?” He questioned, refusing eye contact and his ears turning red from shame.
“Yeah…” Dew's gut twisted. “You've told me.”
Phantom laughed at himself, shaking his head before tearing his eyes away from the heart. “My master, Albus, was weird as fuck. Besides the whole–you know, sex slave-forced mate thing…There were these times that I'd gaslight myself so hard that he actually loved me. That I wasn't just some…Prize and property.”
The fire ghoul kept himself quiet, looking over as his mate talked, his own expression holding sadness.
“Every month, he'd leave for a day while he went to our trading posts. He was always looked up at for casting knowledge, he was like a fucked up version of Special. Always knew how to alter the mind, conjure things others tried for years to do. He was so smart on ancient magick…But, anyways, he'd come back and always would have a little gift for me. Usually it was treats and more jewelry for me to wear, but every now and then he'd bring me crystals and wind chimes.”
He continued, “I think it was two years in when he gave me my first rose quartz. A-And I just remember looking at him with such a different view for the first time. I convinced myself so hard that he honestly did love me. I mean, the crystal should've proven that, right? I was just lost in my own delusion and-”
Tears started flowing, Phantom covering his mouth as he openly began to sob, shaking his head. Dew moved closer, placing his hand on Phantom's back and the other resting over the other that stayed on his lap. The pack leader gently pushed a comforting smell, Phantom inhaling sharply as he tried to calm himself.
“I-I mean fuck! That's how you court people in our culture, and he'd just…” Phantom lowered his head, his ears drooped. “I thought I loved him, too…In reality I just had stockholm and was so trauma bonded to this asshole. I'm just an idiot.”
The newly summon moved, leaning into Dewdrop's hold, being hugged tightly. They whined as Sodo began to gently brush down his back, trying to wipe his eyes and gather himself better. Sodo nuzzled closer, exhaling.
“I know how that feels. Being so lost in your abuse you think it's normal–you deserve it and they're doing it for a purpose. Doing it because they love you. Any type of affection was better than anything.” Dew mumbled, stroking more down Phantom's back. “You're not an idiot, bug. You were trying to survive.”
“Does it ever get better?” Phantom looked up, his eyes glossy and just pleading for answers.
For once, Dew was unsure. He simply held Phantom tighter, linking their tails together.
“I think it does. I still struggle a lot, I mean–Shit, Aether reminds me too much of my own tormentor sometimes. Sometimes I have to double take him especially when it's dark. It doesn't help that he and Mountain were around near the end of my abuse. Kept me on my toes that they'd been influenced to follow what ‘they’ did.”
“But I thought Aether was the one to help you out?”
“He was and still is.” Sodo shrugged. “Doesn't change that my mind still associates his entire body with what I experienced. Trauma is a really, really confusing thing. Aether pushed it in my head so many times that healing isn't linear. Even after eight years, I still have night terrors sometimes.”
“I'm upset over a stupid crystal-”
Dew cut him off. “Hey. You can't control triggers and flashbacks, as much as it sucks. You being upset is very justified. Your trigger isn't something that should be overlooked.”
Phantom looked down again, his thumb running over the silver wire wrapped around the heart. “I just… I wish I could associate it with something better. Aether gave this to me out of love and kindness.”
“Stop beating yourself up over this, bug. Associations take a while to change, and I'm sure if you give yourself just a little bit more time, you'll be able to accept it.” Dew pulled Phantom closer. “But, I really do think it gets better. I mean look how far you've come! You went from hiding under the tables to sneaking into our beds, dork…You're able to laugh, you're able to live. I think that's impressive with everything you've gone through.”
A gentle whine and purrs erupted, Phantom squeezing his mate tightly before moving up to butt their horns together. Dew cupped his cheeks, smiling and leaning forwards to kiss at his cheeks, scenting against his neck before lightly nipping his bond.
“This thing right here?” His tongue carefully went over the bond. “This is my promise to you, Tom'. The entire packs promise–That we'll never let you be hurt again…Do you believe that?”
“I do…” Phantom moved back a bit, looking down at the crystal before handing it over to Sodo. “Will you hold onto it for me until I'm ready?”
“Yeah…Yeah, I can do that.”
Taking the necklace, Sodo pocketed the item, and in return Phantom went right back into his arms. They sat quiet for a moment as their rumbles passed back and forth, Sodo poking his muzzle against Phantom's jawline.
“By the way, Mountain is making both pork and chicken empanadas.”
Phantom shot up, scrambling to his feet – almost knocking Dew into the water which earned an aggravated hiss.
“Why didn't you tell me that?! Come on! You know Swiss’ fat ass takes all of them!!” Phantom squealed more, grabbing Dew's wrist and dragging him to his feet.
“Alright, alright! Fuck!” Still, he couldn't help but laugh as he let Phantom drag him back towards the abbey.
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daitranscripts · 2 months
Doom Upon All the World Pt. 3
The Final Battle
Doom Upon All the World Masterpost First: The Breach Returns Previous: Your New God
Corypheus: A dragon. How clever of you. It will avail you nothing. You will fall as a warning to those who oppose my divine will!
General taunts:
Corypheus: I shall sear you from the very heavens!
Corypheus: You dare to touch an avatar of divinity!
Corypheus: Feel my wrath, little wretch!
Corypheus: As you wish!
Corypheus: Enough! I will destroy you where you stand!
Corypheus: I will not stand for this outrage!
Corypheus: If you desire death, you shall have it!
Race specific taunts:
Corypheus (Qunari PC): What do they call you? A “Qunari”? Your blood is engorged with decay. Your “race” is not a race—it is a mistake!
Corypheus (dwarf PC): You think to best me? A runted dirt-worshiper? Your people have ever been the sand beneath Tevinter heels!
Corypheus (Dalish PC, vallaslin removed): In my time we, called your people “rattus.” You are nothing. A race of sniveling cowards that shrank before Tevinter power!
Corypheus (Dalish PC, still has vallaslin): Look at you, wearing slave markings on your face with pride. You are nothing. A race of sniveling cowards that shrank before Tevinter power!
Corypheus (human mage PC): You think to best me with your feeble magicks? You are nothing! All you love will be ground under the Imperium’s heel!
Corypheus (human non-mage PC): Look at you, a soporati nipping at the heels of your betters! You are nothing! All you love will be ground under the Imperium’s heel!
The dragons are giving chase in the sky above, fighting until then spiral into the ground.
Morrigan drank: Morrigan collapses on the ground, bleeding and unconscious as Corypheus’s dragon approaches.
If PC is alone: PC: Morrigan! Is she dead?
Party comments:
Solas: Morrigan lives! We must go to her aid!
Dorian: Morrigan must be alive! We must reach her!
Vivienne: The witch lives! Inquisitor, we must get to her!
Cassandra: Morrigan could still be alive! We have to help her!
Blackwall: The witch could be alive! We have to help her!
Sera: Did Morrigan go tits-up? We should check!
Varric: Morrigan might still be alive! We should check!
Cole: She’s hurt, but not dead! We have to help her!
Iron Bull: Dragon-lady might still be alive! We should help her!
PC: There’s a dragon trying to kill us!
Party comments:
Iron Bull: Yeah, which is why we want our own dragon up and fighting!
Solas: All the better to revive our own!
Cassandra: And one there who will help us, if she lives!
Blackwall: Then we need to revive our own!
Dorian: Yes! So let’s wake up ours!
Vivienne: Yes, and Morrigan is the only one who can stop it!
Sera: Then let’s get Morrigan to kill it back!
Varric: I didn’t say it would be easy!
Cole: Yes. But don’t we have a dragon, too?
PC drank:
If PC is alone: PC: The dragon’s dead!
Party comments:
Solas: The dragon has fallen! PC: I can see that!
Dorian: It killed the dragon! We’re dragon-less! PC: I can see that!
Cassandra: The dragon! It’s dead! PC: I can see that!
Blackwall: The dragon is dead! What do we do? PC: The Archdemon’s coming! We must fight!
Sera: Pissballs! Your dragon! PC: I can see that!
Varric: What now? Any more dragons to pull out of your ass? PC: No! You? Varric: Not today!
Cole: Our dragon is dead! PC: Thank you, Cole! Very helpful!
Vivienne: It killed the dragon! PC: I can see that!
Iron Bull: Ah, crap. So much for our dragon! PC: The Archdemon’s coming! We must fight!
The dragon falls as the PC slashes at it’s neck, and a ball of energy rises from it and is absorbed into Corypheus.
Corypheus: So be it. Let it end here. Let the skies boil. Let the world be rent asunder.
The PC chases him up some stairs.
Corypheus: No! I will not allow you this victory! You and all the heathen barbarians shall burn!
Corypheus: I will not yet fall!
Corypheus: I need only moments more!
Corypheus: (Screams.) I will not allow it!
Corypheus: Grant me power to finish this last rite!
If Cole is in party, made more spirit: Corypheus: You dare come before me, demon? I will bind you, as I have bound so many before! Cole: I am unbound, and you are undone. Corypheus: Then die with the others.
If Cole is in party, made more human: Corypheus: You dare come before me, demon? I will bind you, as I have bound so many before! Cole: I am no demon… and you are no god! Corypheus: Then die with the others.
PC: The Breach is getting bigger!
Party comments:
Dorian: He’s really doing it! We have to stop him!
Vivienne: So it is—kill him before he destroys the Veil!
Varric: And then the Fade swallows the world, right?
Cassandra: It will endanger the world! We must stop this!
Blackwall: We should do something about that!
Iron Bull: Not on our watch!
Sera: Had enough of him frigging with my sky!
Corypheus: And this is the “Warden” of which I’ve been told so much? Delightful. Blackwall: Fight while you can, demon!
Corypheus: A pike shall hold your head before the gates of the Grand Cathdral, Seeker! Cassandra: We shall see about that!
Corypheus: You were a fool to come, Qunari. You shall be slaughtered like your namesake. Iron Bull: Big threats! Let’s see you back them up.
Corypheus: Is this ragged mage another ally? One more rattus emerged from the garbage? Solas: You cannot win, Corypheus.
Corypheus: You shall be dealt with harshly, Tevinter. The Imperium suffers no traitors! Dorian: Your Imperium will never be mine, monster!
Corypheus: You placed your bet on the wrong champion, Chantry mage! You are a fool. Vivienne: And you are a relic, best forgotten!
Corypheus: A beardless stone-worshipper? Run as fast as your little legs can take you! Varric: So you’re reduced to dwarf jokes now?
Corypheus: Begone demon! I shall plunge your essence into an abyss from which it will never return! Cole: Never!
Corypheus: I shall wear your ears as a trophy when this is done, rattus! Sera: Ugh! Now it’s talking to me!
The party finally defeats Corypheus, the orb growing wildly unstable.
Corypheus: Not like this! I have walked the halls of the Golden City, crossed the ages… Dumat! Ancient ones! I beseech you! If you exist–if you ever truly existed–aid me now!
The PC stands, the anchor glowing, and the orb flies to their hand. They close the Breach, and the orb falls.
PC: You wanted into the Fade?
The PC opens a rift that sucks Corypheus in, and the ruins begin to crumble. The party runs and the scene fades to black.
Next: Victory
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meggannn · 8 months
i've shared a lot of thoughts about dragon age vs baldur's gate 3 writing in private and why i think da banter is still the peak, but i think i can summarize/put a more positive spin on my opinions by saying if bioware writers wrote the bg3 characters, we'd see:
wyll being offended over astarion not because he's a "monster" but because he is a "monster" who has no interest in overcoming his base urges, enjoys killing, would kill again, etc; astarion would simultaneously take out his anger on wyll because a hero never came to save him and he may think wyll (even under contract) is a hypocrite for only saving people he deems are "perfect" victims
shadowheart calling lae'zel a slave to vlaakith or orpheus's will, never her own, pre-nightsong lae'zel snapping it takes one to know one
lae'zel regularly challenging halsin, wyll, and karlach to sparring matches, swordfights, fist fights, etc. first out of pride then friendly competition. by act 3 there is an actual bracket going with bets and wyll is very proud to trump them all when they fight with rapiers, lae'zel declaring "you have impressed me, i will visit you later tonight" to whoever wins
halsin actually remarking on this or that natural landscape and sharing interesting facts about the world instead of just talking about nature being in or out of balance. him saying "hm the rats in the city talk differently than the rats in the grove, nature is stifled but also finds different way of expressing itself here through the cracks" instead of just going "wow the city sucks"
several jokes or accusations about scratch eating boo, the owlcub eating boo, astarion eating boo
speaking of, several arguments about who scratch and the owlcub like more, while everyone fights over it gale smugly knowing scratch absolutely likes him most because he feeds scratch leftovers while he cooks and he's magicked up a full dogbed and inside his tent-that-is-actually-a-minimansion-inside. the owlbear cub is not allowed in though after it ripped apart a very expensive book
shadowheart complaining about patching up everyone more often as time passes because they all come to rely on her to be there: "what would you all do if i wasn't here," "die probably"—everyone
several ongoing conversations about who withers is, what he wants, if he's a god, if he killed a god, does he even sleep or just stand there watching over us all night, astarion wondering what would happen if they killed him and karlach daring him to do it
gale and wyll both being big nonfiction readers, wyll on history and gale on spell theory, wyll tentatively wondering if gale ever came across any magic that could remove devil horns and gale for once not finding the words to reply
karlach trying to bond with astarion over their mutual trauma of being recently enslaved, astarion not giving her an inch because honestly how dare she be happy or want to TALK about feelings out in the open, karlach finding someone stitched up clive for her one night and asking the team if anyone knows who did it and astarion is the only one who doesn't reply
jaheira regularly saying wow y'all are a bunch of children and everyone stops snipping at each other to start dogpiling on her for being an old woman
tldr let them be nastier. let them have real fights and friendships
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battleangel · 3 months
What About Killing Fields?
Michael Jackson literally screamed the title to this blog post in, Earth Song.
Please, go watch the video if youve never seen it before:
Why was Michael screaming the lyrics, literally screaming them, about killing fields trying to get through to us?
Trying to get through to our empathy?
Trying to make us give a fucking damn?
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50k Palestinian civilians have been murdered in the genocide caused by Israel, funded by and weapons provided by the US & Boeing, since last October.
There is a pending famine caused purposely by the genocide that if it is not stopped by a PERMANENT ceasefire agreement will result in millions of deaths, including children.
They could unblock the bridge from Egypt to Rafah today.
They dont want to.
You do know who they is.
They could deliver emergency flotillas to feed all of the starving Palestinians today.
Are you claiming that the US has 4.3 billion dollars a year to fund Israels genocide but doesnt have money to deliver food to a few million starving Palestinians at risk of being murdered by a forced famine?
So, why dont they?
Instead, we have flour massacres (look it up), where starving Palestinians promised aid are literally gunned down by the IDF terrorists for attempting to obtain food that was promised to them.
It has happened again and again.
Palestinian starving civilians promised food and then murdered and gunned down in cold blood the moment they try to obtain literally life-saving food.
Netanyahu is purposely starving them and not allowing food and aid in.
Netanyahu is literally blocking the flotilla, the bridge from Egypt into Palestine and the emergency aid trucks all filled with food just sitting as millions of Palestinians, including children, are forced to literally eat cattle feed to survive.
Its not like dog food.
It is absolutely inedible for humans yet there are videos on social media of children choking down cattle feed.
What about killing fields?
But all Americans care about at a mass level are their 4th of July plans.
Why the fuck would you ever want to “celebrate” the “birth” of a nation that is white supremacist, colonialist, racist, misogynist, fascistic, built off of police brutality, slavery of Africans with no restitution or reparations free slave labor with no wages ever paid to anyone that built this nation, Christofascist, zionist, Greco-Roman, Eurocentric, ancient Egypt denying, Kemet denying, melanin denying, appropriating from Black people our music that we created - country (look it up), jazz, blues, rhythm & blues, rock (not Elvis - look it up), ofcourse hip hop & rap, reggae, soca, etc — our culture, our cornrows, our braids, our dreads, our hair, our Kanekalon, our Senegalese twists everything just becomes a fashion statement for the Kardashians — misappropriation of our culture and constantly stealing from us then lying about it and erasing us from the history — Disney stole designs from a black creator designer & cartoonist who was never credited (look it up) — why do you think there are so many examples of this?
Africa — Kemet which is ancient Egypt — is the birthplace of humanity.
Ancient Egyptians developed roads, highways, infrastructure, irrigation, aqueduct systems, modern medicine (look it up), modern surgery techniques, modern embalming techniques, astrology, math, art, history, astronomy, philosophy all before the Greeks & Romans & “Enlightenment” yet look who gets credited for inventing these things.
Jesus is a bastardized Horus from Kemet from ancient Egypt, it is a 1:1 bastardization and shit retelling, everything from dying and rising again the third day.
Look it up.
They removed all the wisdom, esotericism, knowledge of the self, mysticism, magick and replaced it with fear, dogma, control, a fake white guy with a beard, a Santa Claus in the skies sitting on a fake ass throne judging you for hooking up on Tinder last Saturday.
Yet you question nothing.
They say they dont know how the pyramids were built and that “even today” we do not have the technology the ancient Egyptians had and that the stones of the pyramid were built so close together that you cannot even slide a debit card through them.
Yet you question nothing.
You dont question why the capstone is missing on top of the pyramid or why it is on the back of the US $1 bill, the default global currency, with an eye above it.
Still you question nothing.
Look up the Eye of Ra.
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Go read the lyrics of Earth Song while listening to MJ then come back:
79% of plastic that has ever been made still sits in landfills or the natural environment.
It takes 400 years for plastic to break down in a landfill.
Did you process that?
Every sanitary pad, every pantyliner, every plastic tampon applicator, every plastic utensil, every Red Solo cup, every Dixie cup, every plastic plate, every plastic water bottle, every Ziploc bag, every plastic cap to your toothpaste tube, every plastic potato chip bag, every plastic wrapper, every plastic medicine bottle, every single plastic K-cup for your daily morning coffee.
Every time you use a washing machine to wash your laundry, it causes microplastics that are released and end up in oceans.
Single use plastic is absolutely ubiquitous.
There have been 9.1 billion tons of plastic produced since throwaway culture was introduced in the 1950s and disposable plastic was introduced for the first time.
Plastic is actually extremely durable, they just didnt want it to be.
You do know who they is.
Why the 50s?
Because WWII had just ended and they needed something to mass produce now that they no longer needed to mass produce for the war.
So, single use plastic was introduced and marketed to the masses as convenient, time saving, modern and more hygienic.
Just how retirement was marketed as “golden years” — still pathetically parroted today — by a marketer.
Look it up. Also in the 1950s.
Prior to this marketing campaign, retirement was dreaded as a period of decline in health.
The marketing campaign shifted this to the golden years of your life.
It was a marketing campaign built to push retirement living and communities and it not only worked but the pathetic idea of working your entire life to “finally be able to do what you want for ten years max” is somehow still around today.
Brainwashing, grooming, conditioning, indoctrination centers.
Seductive marketing, hypnotic messaging, brainwashing techniques in advertising.
Same with homeownership being the “American Dream”.
Look it up.
It was started as a marketing campaign at the beginning of the 1900s by a president of a real estate company.
The marketing campaign proved so successful that starting with FDR’s New Deal, the United States government started pushing and promoting home ownership as quintessential to the American Dream.
Today, 94% of Americans believe that owning a home is a quintessential part of the American dream.
Brainwashed. Indoctrinated. Conditioned. Groomed.
Its actually taking on hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt, signing your life away for 20 to 30 years when you have no control over the housing market or economy.
Have you all already forgotten about Lehman Brothers, subprime mortgages and the housing collapse PURPOSELY CAUSED in 2008 by lenders providing loans to borrowers whom they knew would be unable to pay the loans back thus causing a housing market collapse and allowing the same lenders to buy back these subprime loans and pocket billions while the housing market and economy crashed and millions lost their homes and jobs?
Were you alive in 2008?
If not, look it up.
So, its a losing proposition, owning a home.
A HELOC is taking on more debt even if you borrow against the equity in your home in the form of a loan, you will have to pay the loan back with interest.
No thanks.
Even if you are clever and invest in upgrading your home, rent it out, make money off of it as a rental property or invest in it and flip it and profit it off of it or if you pay the loan off over 20 or 30 years, do upgrades to the home, then sell it for a significant profit, so what?
How the fuck is that a “dream”?
You just made money, who the fuck cares?
That doesnt explain the promotion of home ownership as a quintessential part of the American dream.
WHAT American dream???????
Most of the wealth in America is owned by white people as they concentrate the wealth then pass it on to their future generations and bloodline through estate planning and wills that transfers real estate and assets from wealthy parents to their children.
Wash rinse repeat.
How the fuck is that a meritocracy?????
Blacks are 13% of the population yet we make up over 80% of the prison population.
Poverty in America is overwhelmingly endured by Black and brown minorities.
Most of the youth in foster care are Black and brown.
Foster care youth end up houseless and imprisoned at an enormously higher rate.
What leads to being placed in foster care other than racist policies and being Black and brown?
Substance use by parents and parents becoming houseless.
What overwhelmingly causes substance use and houselessness?
Yet we still have never addressed poverty in America.
How hard would it be to take the Earned Income Tax Credit that right now goes to parents with children that own a home, take that money and repurpose it to a Universal Basic Income (UBI) that provides each American adult 18 and over with a $1k a month?
They have done studies that have shown that even $500 a month — and if we have $4 billion to send to Israel every year to kill innocent Palestinian civilians dont tell me we dont have $500 a month for every adult in the US — significantly improved the lives of families in poverty — they stopped skipping meals, they stopped undereating, starving, eating sugar sandwiches and dry cereal for dinner, they stopped avoiding getting needed urgent medical care, they stopped smoking to suppress their appetite (this is well documented, look it up), they stopped drinking as self medication, they stopped eating cheap shitty fast food and frozen meals — and surprise, surprise their quality of life went way up.
For $500 fucking dollars.
And surprise, surprise, they dont want that.
And you do know who they is.
Every year, the world produces nearly 400 million tons of plastic, a 19,000% increase from 1950.
The amount is forecast to double by 2050 and 90% is never recycled.
Over half of the plastics produced are used only once, for things like packaging, utensils and straws.
This is why the fight long termism and they dont want you googling Claudia Karina 2024.
They dont want you thinking 100, 250 and 500 years from now.
Everything is the now, everything is the moment, everything disposable, everything ephemeral, everything throwaway.
Almost 30,000 coffee pods go to landfill each month and take 500 years to decompose.
All that for a fucking cup of coffee?
Be so serious.
The fast fashion industry is the second-biggest consumer of water and is responsible for about 10% of global carbon emissions – more than all international flights and maritime shipping combined.
It’s a form of throwaway culture called fast fashion, which produces 92 million tons of waste annually on a global scale.
All to save a few bucks on a shittily designed outfit on Shein by workers that are underpaid working 12 to 16 plus hour shifts and if they make more than a few mistakes per MONTH, they have their pay docked.
But who cares as long as your fit is cute and cheap, right?
Humans have evolved to live on this planet – life on other planets, while technically possible, is undesirable, unhealthy and constrained.
Which ofcourse is Lord Elon & Lord Bezos’ plan — destroy Earth for Amazon Prime 1 Day Sales & Teslas EVs.
Then on to the next planet after they hump, pump and dump Earth.
Do I really have to tell you that only rich wypipo — who caused the destruction of Earth — will be along for the ride to Mars or wherever the fuck planet these sociopaths are planning to colonize next?
The poor, impoverished, disabled, and especially elderly and ofcourse Black & brown people will be left behind except for those who manage to make a deal with the devil, sell the souls and board the Galaxy Express to the next destination of destruction.
Stop driving your car.
Burning fossil fuels is one of the biggest drivers and contributors of climate change.
Need to drive to get to work?
Look into remote options, freelance and/or start your own business online at home.
Ride a bike or a scooter, walk, take a bus or public transportation.
Or just dont go out.
You dont have to shop, socialize, eat, “hang out”, go to the movies.
Do your hair yourself or shave it bald like I do every 3 to 6 months.
I only paid for the razor, after that it is free99 for me to shave my own head:
If youre a woman or femme and afraid of the reactions, watch my above TikToks.
Question why they are reacting.
Question why you care.
Youve been programmed.
Do it anyway.
If you want color, use chalk dyes as they are temporary and wash out after one use and do not have harmful chemicals dyes and toxins as most salon & store bought vegan dyes do.
Or just slap on a shitty cheap wig if you want some color and variety. I bought a $20 wig two years ago that I wear if I want a colorful lewk.
Thats not wasteful.
Thats not buying a new wig every month or every 3 months. Or going to the salon every month or every 3 months. Or buying hair dyes or getting my hair colored every 3 months.
Deprogram yourself.
Cargill produces 11 billion pounds of beef a year.
11 billion. Every year.
Play Earth Song by Michael again.
Cargill made $170 billion last year.
Nothing is ever enough.
The essence of capitalism.
Nothing is ever enough under capitalism.
They are willing to light the world on fire and watch it burn as long as they can continue to grow faster, bigger, stronger, more acquisitions, more money, more wealth, more employees, bigger share prices, higher on the fortune 500, number one meat processor, made triple what Tyson Foods made, made $60 billion more than second closest competitor.
You do know who they is.
There is no price they arent willing to pay to be number one in a capitalist market, no corner they wont cut, no practice they wont stoop to, no low they wont lower themselves to, no lie they wont tell, no animal they wont mistreat/torture/drug/feed with hormones/breed & impregnate endlessly/crowd in overcrowded pens & stalls/terrify/decapitate while alive due to stun guns not working/decapitate up to six times before it works as it is a machine that is an imperfect process and the cow is alive for each attempt/feed dead cows to living cows to save money on feed/not allow them room to walk or move much less provide them with pastures open air sky sun water land.
What about yesterday?
What about disease?
There is no price they arent willing to pay to be number one in a capitalist market, no corner they wont cut, no practice they wont stoop to, no low they wont lower themselves to, no lie they wont tell, no animal they wont mistreat/torture/drug/feed with hormones/breed & impregnate endlessly/crowd in overcrowded pens & stalls/terrify/decapitate while alive due to stun guns not working/decapitate up to six times before it works as it is a machine that is an imperfect process and the cow is alive for each attempt/feed dead cows to living cows to save money on feed/not allow them room to walk or move much less provide them with pastures open air sky sun water land.
No low is too low when there are profits to be made & shareholders to satisfy.
Trump snorted Adderall during the filming of The Apprentice. Theres actual documentation of this.
Watch the video of Trump with pupils f u l l y dilated and fucking blown like a full out fucking meth head slurring the words, “I love everybody”, and tell me hes not snorting Adderall, doing meth and potentially coke.
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After WWII, between 1945 and 1949, 20 million refrigerators, 21.4 million cars, and 5.5 million stoves were purchased by American households.
World War II had just ended, families had more disposable income on their hands, and more spending power.
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Marketing. Programming. Shiny. New. Ironmen. Fitter. Iron lungs.
There was a huge push from the oil industry to get plastic single-use items adopted widely. For Mobil Chemical (now ExxonMobile), it was all about the plastic bags. During the 1960s they had been patenting all the plastic bag ideas they could. By 1977 they were producing their own brand of plastic bags.
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Exxon Mobil created a Plastic Grocery Sack Council in 1985 to get customers to use plastic sacks widely.
Same with retirement being the “golden years” and purchasing a house “being the American dream”.
94% of adult Americans say they identify home ownership as a quintessential part of the American dream.
So, who created the concept since it is so ubiquitous in American society & culture?
The first president of the US League of Local Building & Loan Associations in the 1890s.
Pure propaganda.
Its literally a hundred fucking years of propaganda.
What about the “golden years” of retirement?
Instead of dreaded years of decline, Del Webb revolutionized retirement in America to be something people desired and longed for.
Through the magic of marketing, retirement no longer only meant the end of work. Del Web cleverly sold retirement as the beginning of a new and even better life.
Ten fucking years of retirement is a “life”?
Youve been programmed.
Del Web was simply marketing his retirement communities and rebranded what Americans thought of retirement as.
Look up “Sun City” communities.
Thats why youre slaving your life away at a job you either dont like, hate, or apathetic about, indifferent to, which is literally designed to overwork you, overwhelm you, shut you down, attack your psyche, attack your aura, energy vampires draining your energy, exhausting you, constant pointless masturbatory meetings, constant slacks, IMs, emails, notis.
Constant demands to break you as a person.
Its mindbreaking.
The 9 to 5.
Look up why cubicles were “invented” in the 1960s.
Wake up.
Freelance. Start your own business. Create social media content.
Do what you want now, not when youre 65.
What happens if you die at 64?
The entire idea people predicate their lives on — that they should study hard get good grades graduate; get a good job work hard save for retirement; ten years max before they die “enjoy their golden years” aka retirement.
Wake up.
Per Google:
• Extreme heat waves can cause mood swingsand other psychological effects that can impact mental health:
• Mood changes: Heat waves can cause irritability, anxiety, depression, and impulsivity.
• Cognitive issues: Heat waves can cause trouble concentrating, memory problems, and slowed reaction times.
• Sleep disruption: Heat waves can make it difficult to sleep, which can contribute to mood fluctuations and worsen mental health conditions.
Its an added benefit for them on top of the record profits that cause the climate change that cause the extreme weather, heat waves & poor air quality.
Its not just bad for the environment.
They are aware of the effects as these studies have been around for years.
They want people disordered, addicted, depressed, anxious, overworked, mind body imbalance, severed from nature, obsessed, stressed, never self actualizing, never ascending.
Watch the Earth Song video by MJ:
Understand why he is literally screaming.
Screaming to get through to us.
Do we give a damn?
Really listen at 2:58.
Hes trying to get through to our collective empathy.
Almost 30 years later after this song and video was released, all of these questions can be posed to us today.
Every issue has gotten worse, not better.
Do we give a damn?
Look at the destruction all around MJ in the video.
Look at the destruction weve caused.
Ecological destruction.
Look at the trees surrounding MJ as he screams for empathy, screams for justice, screams for mother Earth, screams for our humanity.
Do we give a damn?
Are we so cruel, so indifferent, so apathetic, so numb to our own beautiful planets destruction?
Who cares, right? We’ll just go destroy another.
And another. And another…
There’ll always be another Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Tim Cook, Trump, J.D. Rockefeller, Ford.
There will always be another leviathan and titan of industry.
Always be more strongmen and ironmen.
Why do you think that is?
Who are the Reptilians?
Who are the inhabitants that live INSIDE the middle of the earth controlling our politics and elections.
Even you are aware that our elections arent actually free or they wouldnt allow them.
Thats why theres never a change.
Trump and Biden again?
The inhabitants of the middle of the planet control the Reptilians — world political leaders and industry titans and leviathans and military leaders.
They ensure that humanitys consciousness never ascends on a mass level and that there is no mass ascension which would lead to a planetary ascension which would remove the grid that the inhabitants of the earth placed there to suppress our mass consciousness and awakening, to keep our third eyes closed and to keep us and our planet from self actualizing from the current third dimension to the tenth dimension.
Do you know who “they” is?
Watch Futurama and actually understand that what is presented to you as “jokes” are the dark entities controlling the dark empaths that currently rule our world.
The Bidens, Trumps, Netanyahus, Blinkens, Jamie Dimons, Elon Musks, Jeff Bezoses, Roger Goodells, Vince McMahons, Tim Cooks, Bill Gates.
All white men — have you ever wondered why that is?
Even Obama descends from the same UK royal bloodline that all US Presidents have descended from.
Look it up.
They’re Reptilian.
The tens of thousands of animal species that WE humans have made go extinct.
1 species — human — is not more worthy than even ONE animal species.
Yet we have made over 75 PERCENT of animal species go extinct with our enviornmentally destructive and capitalist driven practices.
Yet people have the AUDACITY to call ME a terrorist?
Im an "ecoterrorist" because I am for the VOLUNTARY extinction of the human race?
Then what are they when they are okay with the extinction of tens of thousands of animal species by ONE disgustingly destructive species — HUMAN — to the extent that over 75 PERCENT of all animal species that have ever existed on Earth are now extinct because of US, humanity!
THEY are the terrorists, NOT me!
I want the Earth saved and humanity extinct.
They want what Elon & Bezos wants — the destruction of Earth and then humans, just like the Borg, just move to the next planet and fucking destroy it and I dont want that.
There has been no reversal of these consumerist, capitalist, overconsumption, maximalist, climate change causing contributing & accelerating, ecologically destructive, environmentally harmful, rainforest destroying, landfill filling business practices.
THEY are financially rewarded so the practices continue and the Earth continues to die!
Resources continue to be overextracted.
The global south continues to be exploited by the capitalist west as they do not have labor laws, union protections or environmental regulations so cheap stuff is made there, their resources are overextracted, they are overworked and underpaid, they are not given protective gear, they die, they get poisoned, they get sick, women and children working and dying in cobalt mines for iPhones!
Women and children working and dying in cobalt mines in Congo for iPhones!
Women and children working and dying in diamond mines in Senegal for engagement rings!
Humanity in the capitalist west continues to overconsume, be materialistic, wasteful, overspend, to impress others, for clout, to flex, for status, for prestige, for privilege, to “treat themselves”, to “spoil themselves”, to numb themselves, to feed their addictions, to feed their disordered behaviors, to fill their emptiness, to give themselves a sense of identity, in an endless quest for meaning, to overcompensate, because they are depressed, stressed, pressed, obsesed, anxious, bored, listless, lethargic, lack empathy, addicted to shopping, retail therapy, numbing their emotions, adrenaline rush of a new purchase getting something on sale discount rack BOGO FOMO new shoes new dress new makeup new pocketbook for that hit of adrenaline for that instant pick me up.
Instant mood changer, instant happiness, instant smile, instant distraction, instant swipe of the credit card, instant swipe of Apple Pay, instant swipe of your phone, instant rush, instant adrenaline, instant high, instant hit, instant junkie.
Addicted to excess, consumption, consumerism, materialism, shopping, malls, outlets, discounts, sales, department stores, fast fashion, Zaful, Romwe, Fashion Nova, Shein, Forever 21, H&M, Macys, Bloomingdales, Express, Old Navy, Aeropostale, Abercrombie.
Addicted addicts.
Never a thought to the resources used to produce the item being purchased.
Never a thought to the fuel being wasted to deliver the item being purchased to the shopping mall or store or outlet or straight to your home via Amazon Prime.
Never a thought to the climate change impact, carbon footprint contribution, fossil fuels burned, impact to the ozone layer, air quality deteriorating, heat waves worsening, natural disasters increasing.
The earth dying.
Killing fields, Forever 21, forever in a landfill.
Never a thought.
The bible which is bastardized kemet and is used as a tool of control claims that Adam & Eve have “dominion” over the animals and earth and that fake shit has been used to justify everything: throwaway culture & single use plastics on the 50s, fast food in the 50s, fast fashion in the 2000s.
Wear an outfit once, throw it away.
Use plastic utensils once, throw them away.
Use your iPhone once, oh theres a pink one now and this blonde golfer and this couple are telling me to buy it through Tmobile or Verizon, time to trade in my perfectly working current iPhone for a new one because its pink.
I mean, because it has 8 cameras on the back and not 7.
I mean, because it has FaceTime.
I mean, because I want to react “Haha” to my friends texts and I dont want to be left out.
Killing fields.
Electronic waste from discarded iPhones end up in Southeast Asia poisoning local communities, water supply and air quality but it is kept from the American public.
Congo killing mines killing women and children for the cobalt that powers the batteries in iPhones, electric vehicles, Apple watches & TVs are kept from the public.
Genocides & killing fields.
iPhone 15s.
Cruises are allowed to dump their waste directly into the ocean.
Cruisin USA.
Via foe.org:
If you guessed a large portion of it ends up in the oceans, you’d be correct. Sadly, U.S. laws do not do enough to protect our bodies of water. It allows cruise ships to dump waste into the ocean as long as the ships are more than three and a half miles offshore. That means that dirty water from sinks and showers and laundry facilities are discharged into the water. It means that waste from toilets is discharged into the water. And it also means that food waste is also dumped into the ocean. 
What about killing fields?
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sunderedazem · 18 days
Thank you, jess!! You chose: opinions georg, cat version XD
Wolemetraha, from Y'shtola's POV. Post "In From the Cold" in EW :)
Now, more than ever, she wishes she had better understood the younger of their two Warriors of Light before she had been forcibly removed from his life by a banquet gone horrifically wrong. Because he had been still more Miqo'tten than not then, more open with his thoughts, and it was entirely possible she could have simply- asked. And by asking, recieved both an answer, and the trust granted to the true friend she wishes he would see her as. But that had not happened. And when he and the Padjals of Gridania had prevailed upon the elementals, and seen her safely returned from the Lifestream- he had been different. Hardened. His smiles and mischief had become a mask, when he deigned to indulge in them. The Light he was had become...empty. Like to the waste past Amh Araeng.
She had not known how to quantify the change until she had been ripped from her physical form and understood nature of the First, and by then it had been far too late. Only Lelesu, barely, had been able to claw past that barrier.
No. As much as she wishes it were otherwise- it was not the Scions who had returned the spark to his eye. Instead... the culprits are a pair, both of whom had earned both her begrudging respect and pointed ire during their struggle to save the First. She has since forgiven G'raha Tia for his secrecy, of course, after the revelation of his intent to save them, the First, and both Warriors of Light at the cost of his own life (though it is a conditional forgiveness, and it's permanence hinges on such idiotic martyrdom never being reattempted).
The other, however...well, there is a certain sour irony in the fact that it was Emet-selch, of all people, to help reignite Corrain's mischievous, bright side. And despite his hand in pulling her soul from the Lifestream- she is still not entirely sure that she forgives him for the millennia of devastation he visited upon the sundered worlds. That he was tempered she has sympathy for, certainly. To be a slave to a will not one's own is a horrifying fate. But in the end, he regrets nothing but the fact that his goal is in truth unobtainable, if seen through eyes unclouded. She is not sure she will overlook that.
There's a low sigh from across the room then, the ceruluem heater burning low in the center of the small space, and the Ascian in question sits shakily back on his heels. Corrain shivers in front of him, cheeks ruddy from cold and exhaustion, the glaze of terror melting only slowly from his face. He has been tucked firmly into bed after his kidnapping and the horrific experience in a body not his own, and both Emet-selch and G'raha Tia linger over him, Lelesu only a half-pace beyond them. All three of them have been helping to settle the shaken, disoriented man, in their own way, and of the three- Emet-selch had worked magicks she had never seen, not even when she could perceive more than mere aether. And with each of his too-careful spells, Corrain's stiffness and trembling had eased, the connection between body and soul again snapping into place a little at a time. A tangible, gentle assistance, then. One only an Ascian could be so experienced in to successfully provide.
...Emet-selch had been terrifying, lashing out at Fandaniel upon Corrain's collapse in the former corpse, snarling and tearing the foreign aether she could only just glimpse from their Warrior's rightful body. There were reasons that Ascians and their machinations had been reviled for the better part of sundered existence - that the strength of their ruling members was reason in part for that came as no great shock. Even Fandaniel himself had seemed entirely caught off guard, fleeing the scene without even so much as a disparaging quip.
Y'shtola stifles a soft hum of thought, watching as G'raha and his Ascian tend to Corrain, as G'raha turns to Lelesu and speaks softly to her. As Emet-selch hesitantly cradles one reddened cheek in his palm, staring down at Corrain's face, expression a bitter mix of concern and calmness.
Ah. She raises an eyebrow at that gentle touch. Perhaps terrifying was a poor description, in truth. More accurately- he had been terrified. Hadn't he?
....no, she cannot forgive Emet-selch. She does not want to, nor does he seek such a thing, and even if he did she would not consider him worthy of it. But for being one of two to reawaken the young man within the Warrior of Light, and to be gentle with him even when on opposing sides...well. He is certainly a font of knowledge that few others possess. It can be a tolerable arrangement.
She regrets, still, that she learned to know Corrain too late. That it was none of the Scions (save Lelesu, but then, she is always the exception) who grew to understand him when they should have. But that it is G'raha and Emet-selch who have done so in their place...Corrain could do worse.
...if not by much.
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thescorpionmonarch · 2 years
Pick a card. What does you darkness look like?
Pick based on the dice you see.
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1) 0 dice. Queen of Wands
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Actual of fantasizing, You like to play with knives or fire. Into using weapons. Can be very angry. Physically aggressive. Into pain (play or serious) giving or receiving. Into seeing blood. Dominating. Disrespectful. Femme fatale energy. May curse a lot. May envision wanting a slave or group of slaves. Some of this gives me Daenearys targaryn vibes. Uses chaos to their benefit. Cocky. Narcissistic. Not against using magick to manipulate or attack others. Has a lot of power and isn't afraid to use it or show it off.
2) 2 dice. Knight of cups reversed
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Actual or fantasizing, Emotionally manipulative. May fake charm or appeal to people's empathy to take advantage of it ("woe is me" act). Sweet on the outside. Cold and mean inwardly (or you cycle between sweet and mean rapidly). Bipolar or a personality order is possible. People assume you know less than you do and you take advantage of it. People may assume you are too young to know something or you look younger than you are and you take advantage of it. May treat people in a hot/cold away. Controlling of others emotions. Codependency possible.
3) 3 dice. 7 of wands.
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Actual of fantasizing, lots of anger. Aggresion. Intimidating. Into sharp objects or weapons. Very dominant. Likes no one on top or in power but them. Narcissistic. May only care about people like you, only a significant other, or only have a few exceptions. Will use your darkness to help you exceptions. Conqueror. Some people may enable your aggression or support it. You may only attract aggressive or mean people. Power hungry.
4) 80 dice. 6 of cups.
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You may actually be sweet, but tend to attract darker personalities for friends. Aggressive friends or darker friends may use their darkness to serve whatever you want (you are their exception, they like to please you. You may like mean pets. You may have studied how you were abused as a child, mastered the understanding so you can do it back to people who do it to you or so you can get revenge. Sweet in your day to day life, but may be revenge heavy. Not afraid to get revenge for those you care about. You copy darkness to emulate as needed.
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punkpandapatrixk · 5 days
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Full Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius ♦︎ Moon Magick Pick A Card
This year’s Full Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius is also a rare blue moon that occurred on 19 August (sorry this PAC is so late aaagh!!!). Following an insane influx of aenergy during the Lion’s Gate, the theme surrounding this blue moon is Perseverance. This period is all about amassing resources and gathering momentum.
I’ve a feeling this year’s autumn (Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius) season is going to be massive and possibly even life-changing for the spiritually awakened ones ^^ You’ve got to be in the receiver mode of miracles and rare opportunities to really notice! Practically all the aenergies now are leading us to a greater sense of freedom to do what we want when we want.
Also, there’s this sense of…a mandate…? That should push Humanity towards liberating themselves from the enslavement of automation and AI. See, technology isn’t necessarily evil, right? Think about how great it is to have the kind of connectivity we have today; how amazing information dissemination has become in this Internet era.
Technology, just like currency, is impartial. In the end it all boils down to how you’re entertaining the evil agendas of evil people using tech for evil purposes. Become aware of your own habits and inclinations if you don’t want to be a fool-tool of the raggedy corporations. In essence, this Full Moon’s Aquarius aenergy is saying: ‘Use tech to your advantage instead of becoming a slave to it.'
‘Don’t be tech’s little bitch; make it your biotch.’
High time you reclaimed your divine birthright to co-create high-quality Reality instead of getting enslaved by tech that seeks to ‘map you out’. This the era you say to yourself: ‘I’m engineering a more prosperous Reality with my clear conscience.’
GNOSIS: The Dark Rise of Brain Rot Content by Moon
deck-bottom: XV The Devil Rx, Gold Astrologer (Simon Forman), Priestess of Ritual
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Pile 1 – Heart Filled with Sweet Colours
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t r a n s f o r m a t i o n – Page of Cups
I see that you’ve transmuted very many negative aenergies within yourself, most of all, negative emotions as well as sensations in your body. Seems you were guided to do this by your Higher Self and team of Spirit Guides after having experienced an extreme level of suffering—could be emotionally or physically or both. When you arrived at the most extreme end of what you were struggling with, you couldn’t have gone any other way but to turn your situation around by reclaiming control over your own thoughts and emotions, which effectively shifted your directions and decision making.
There’s a really good quote that says this: ‘When a situation is good, enjoy it. When a situation is bad, transform it. When the situation can’t be transformed, transform yourself.’ You had to learn quite a bit and finally chose to do the last. You’ve known more; now you’re wiser; but wise people are sometimes very pure and childlike. And that’s the beautiful paradox of ‘growing up’ with compassion in your heart. You transformed yourself to be kinder and more loving towards yourself and the crazy-ass situations you found yourself in; now, it’s just easier to extend that love and compassion to the world outside of yourself~♪
t r a n s g r e s s i o n – 4 of Swords Rx
Many of you tuning into this Pile most likely have been in isolation mode for quite a while. The aenergy of this FM in Aquarius, namely the ruler of the 11th House of networking, is pushing you towards becoming social again. And this time everything is going to be (or has been) different. You’ll see that not only are the people in your physical Reality a lot nicer and more compassionate (like you’ve shifted timelines) but you’re also more capable of handling the low-vibing monsters that you may sometimes still have to interact with, with more patience yourself XD
Basically, you’re learning or have learnt to operate in society with more ‘tact’ now. You’ve spent a great deal of time learning to accept a more practical conception of ‘good and evil’ in the world. But to you, good and evil isn’t just black or white; you’re a person who’s come to understand the many colours of good and evil when applied in many different situations. This is wisdom, a gift, that not many have yet to grasp. Your ‘return’ to society is for you to expand this consciousness further and wider!
t r a n s c e n d e n c e – 10 of Wands
The vibe of your ‘return’ to society at large is reminiscent of the Gautama Buddha LMAO He returned to his hometown/home and became a teacher for those who weren’t yet awakened to the higher level of consciousness he had worked so hard to attain! So yeah, a ‘modern priest’ aenergy surrounds you very strongly here; although I find that the majority of you tuning into this Pile are actually quite cute XD Idk why I’m getting a strong ‘gamer girl’ vibe from you. You could also possess a strong sense of aesthetic of your own.
You’re a highly spiritually advanced being but in a cute package, is what I’m getting LMAO At this point in time, your communication skills are getting polished and refined, far beyond what you’re already capable of doing. You may want to look where your Mercury is located in your natal chart, what aspects it makes, and check out what you have in your 3rd House, as well as check out what House is ruled by Gemini ^^ The insight will empower you further at this point in time!
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
Red Alchemist (John Dee) & Priestess of Intuition
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Pile 2 – Solid to Liquid, Calmly
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t r a n s f o r m a t i o n – Knight of Pentacles
Hold up! You’re about to jettison down a new portal of adventure, pretty soon but before that, hold up; planning and a readiness of the mind is very necessary at this moment. This Moon Reading is very tardy so I’m going to be reading an aenergy that’s pretty much already transpired by the time you’re reading this XD More to come for you in the next FM in Pisces PAC regarding this aenergy, OK? But for the most part, I’m sensing that you’re still in preparation mode for something big that’s just around the corner for you.
Just like the liquid in the glass in the pic you’re attracted to, there’s something solid that’s turning to liquid, but slowly and naturally. You’re not being burnt or heated up to melt…you know what I mean? Because melting solid to liquid can be a painful experience for peeps who’ve been through a lot, right? The Universe is gracefully granting you a peaceful time to manifest your Life Purpose in the most natural and pleasant way just yet!
t r a n s g r e s s i o n – 5 of Pentacles Rx
So, enjoy this peaceful time. I sense that it’s possible that a lot of you tuning into this Pile have been SO used to chaos and drama—so used to bubbling madly at 110C—that now you don’t know how to just…be…when no stress, no drama is going on. It could be that you were a dramatic person before. Maybe you were toxic. Or maybe you couldn’t help but be that way because you were simply surrounded by toxic betches! But that’s all in the past, OK?
If you look around and become aware of where you are now, it becomes super clear how far you’ve carried yourself away from all of that low-vibrating Reality ^^v Understand that you’re ‘weaning off’ drama, chaos and other types of ‘addictions’ caused by high-level toxicity in your old Reality. I’m getting that this is the prime time to study as much as possible about ‘surviving narcissistic abuse’ to give you not only knowledge but also validation :D
t r a n s c e n d e n c e – Knight of Cups
Other than just ‘surviving’ trauma, if that part doesn’t necessarily ring true for you, there’s also this sense of just using this peaceful time to readjust yourself to a more spiritually attuned Life. Perhaps some of you are getting into crystals, meditation, healing audio tracks, subliminals and reiki. Maybe there are other ‘spiritual’ hobbies and practices beyond these ones hahah You’ll know if you resonate~ I’m being told that this Aquarius FM really does bring that sense of balance between ‘spiritual practices’ and ‘modern technological living’ for you.
Maybe you’re meant to know more about this (especially if you identify as a Starseed) but a lot of the human qualities that we classify as ‘positive mental states’ are…technology. Things like harmony, peacefulness, positive mindsets, intelligence…all of these are practically technology. There are ways we can trigger such ‘states of mind/being’ by means of…technology. So yeah…Imma leave you with that for now XD
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
Green Magus (John Dee) & Priestess of Energy
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Pile 3 – Integrity Just Like Jelly
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t r a n s f o r m a t i o n – Page of Pentacles
The other two Piles are very focused on the idea of rest and self-care, but as per usual, Pile 3 is always about going places and learning shit LMAO In this regard, if you’re not physically going places, this is indicating your mind going places through meditation, daydreaming, movie-watching, or documentary-binging. You know what I mean~ This the period you’re enriching your inner world through any means available to you at this moment.
Whilst doing this, don’t forget your water intake, OK? Vitamins and real foods are crucial for you at this moment. Your cells are digesting a lot of Light. Remember that Light is INFORMATION. That’s why Darkness is the absence of information, right? Light is Information; when Information is digested well it becomes Knowledge; when Knowledge is applied well it becomes Wisdom; when Wisdom is put to the service of all it becomes En-light-enment~
t r a n s g r e s s i o n – 7 of Pentacles
Prospering towards wisdom, I’m seeing that you’re currently being taught to be perfectly OK with things taking their sweet time to unfold! If this is the Pile you resonate with the most, you’re literally on the precipice of your grandest Life Purpose yet! Your Life Purpose is big, you know that, right? It could possibly even change the world or perhaps you resonate with having a Life Purpose that revolves around the creation of a Prototype what will alter the way Humans think or do shit~
This either shares a resemblance to Nikola Tesla or Adolf Hitler. This either takes on the archetype of Sadhguru or Teddy Bundy~ Your take LMAO Either way, you’re meant to disrupt your society and scatter it all! But that’s the thing, right? If you’re gonna be a social menace that’s in the service of Light instead of Dark, you’ve gotta learn to keep your INTEGRITY. Because… what was that again? Absolute power absolutely corrupts?
t r a n s c e n d e n c e – King of Swords
‘Nothing discloses real character like the use of power. It is easy for the weak to be gentle. Most people can bear adversity. But if you wish to know what a man really is, give him power. This is the supreme test.’ – Robert Ingersoll
‘It is from weakness that people reach for dictators and concentrated government power. Only the strong can be free. And only the productive can be strong.’ – Wendell Willkie
‘To have intelligence there must be freedom, and you cannot be free if you are constantly being urged to become like some hero, for then the hero is important and not you.’ – Jiddu Krishnamurti
Do you understand your role in the next chapter of your ARC? Not to be some kind of a narcissistic wielder of power but to be a gentle-albeit-passionate reminder for the people, that only they can save themselves from this pathetically enslaved existence of theirs caused by a lack of Integrity.
Got no integrity? Got no intelligence? Go succumb to AI already -__-;
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
Gold Astronomer (John Dee) & Priestess of Integrity
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conjuremanj · 9 months
The Souls Within Spanish Moss.
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Here in the Southern U.S states, our old trees have this spiderweb-like plant called Spanish moss aka (old man's beard) some say. It's really not a moss at all. But It grows from Louisiana, all the way to Virginia even through some of South Carolina I read, basically anywhere there a lot of moister. Even Native Americans used it for medicine. This is the kind of plant that gives the south a Gothic look, that is shown is seen in a bunch of movies and Tv shows.
This Moss absorbed the humidity and helps keep the heat bearable. Some Slave families would sit under those trees to rest. Some people with Gullah heritage would celebrate their, or Congolese people in Louisiana gathered by a big tree with moss to celebrate their hopes, dream. You can probably imagine the amount of spirits of slaves that still have their hearts, souls and struggles in the moss, The men & women who built these plantations all those years ago.
Spanish Moss In Magical Practices. In Voodoo & Hoodoo practicers Some use spanish moss for positive and negativity workings. It absorbs the energy that the practicer gives to it. This moss can be used to create dolls like our voodoo dolls here in New Orleans. Its added to bottles of War Water & Snake Oil. (See my posts on both) It can be used to create a protection oil or wash. Therefore, Spanish moss have magic properties that is used in southern hoodoo & voodoo traditions alike.
How to Work with Spanish Moss in Your Magick First, If you buy or collect your Spanish moss yourself wash it, Sometimes It can have small pests/ bugs, ants etc that lives with in it. And I would know I got bit by fire ants years ago collecting some.😁 Now after it's clean let it dry.
Ways That It's Used. Stuffed into dolls for workings, used to make War water, Stuffed into herbal pillows. Put in spell bottles. Attached to ceremonial clothing. Use on the altar as a representation of the South and traditional hoodoo. There's many ways to use it.
The Legend of Spanish Moss and the Princess’ Hair In Florida. I read a old Native legend about how Spanish moss began and I wanted to share it. There was a Native Princess who fell in love with a Spanish soldier. Her father, the chief, forbade her to see her true love. The story is tragic – the Princess hangs herself by a tree when she realizes her father had her true love killed. Her hair stayed in the tree and continued to grow, becoming what we call Spanish moss. Another variation of this legend tells the tale of an old man who’s long beard is caught in the trees and becomes Spanish moss.
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thenightling · 1 year
How Morpheus’s imprisonment worked
How Morpheus’s imprisonment worked
I know that there are people watching The Sandman who aren’t well versed in things arcane so I’ll provide a little explanation on how Morpheus’s captivity worked.
1.  Morpheus was weak.  Morpheus was badly weakened from the events of The Sandman: Overture.  That’s why the summoning spell was able to grab him when it probably should have fizzled out and failed.  Imagine being very dizzy after spinning around and someone gives you a light push.  Usually you can stay up right from that light push but he fell because of his weakened state.
2.  The binding circle.  A magical binding circle is how you hold a supernatural entity.  In the TV show Supernatural the concept is used in their “Devil’s snare.”  Sometimes the lore is you have to concentrate for the circle to work (See: The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher).  Sometimes that’s not needed. In any event once you have a magical entity in the circle they cannot use their powers or leave until the circle is broken and only a mortal (or the one who made the circle) can break it.  
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This means Morpheus’s usual psychic link with his subjects (Example: Matthew feeling him in the back of his mind) is severed.  He cannot use his powers, he cannot reach into people’s dreams, and he cannot psychically call to his subjects.
3.   The glass cage.  This is sort of a redundancy but not really.  While the circle holds back his powers, the cage is an extra precaution in case the circle breaks because it physically contains him.  Part of the reason the glass cage works is it is made of quartz crystal (not mentioned in the show). Quartz crystal can contain magick and is used a lot in occult rituals.  Quartz is also made from silica (which is what sand is made of) that has been transformed into something else.  Yes, The Sandman is being held by sand. There’s an irony to this.  It’s also very thick glass and difficult to break even if he jumped up and down or bashed his fists against it (as you can see from Roderick banging his cane against it).  
4.  This part is potentially debatable. Roderick states that he captured him and bound him “by the laws of Magick.” (This is said in the show).  According to traditional folk belief that means Roderick technically “owned” Morpheus (Yes, like a slave) and that only he or his rightful heir or anyone he gives Morpheus to can free him (like Calliope). Yes, Alex inherited him like property (as far as magical beings are concerned and how they see it).  This is why it was a good thing that it was Alex’s wheelchair wheel that breached the circle in both the show and comic.  Also, in the comic, it was Paul who opened the cage after Morpheus stole some sand from the guard’s dream and pretended to collapse in his cage.    As Alex had given Paul that key, that meant that Paul was also his captor, besides Alex.  
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For Morpheus to escape both the binding circle and cage had to be opened by a mortal (And probably specifically his owners).  When the circle was broken he could again use his powers, that’s how he entered the guard’s dream to pilfer some sand.  He did this psychically while his body was still stuck in place because of the glass cage.  Once the cage was destroyed that’s when he could leave.  
Disclaimer: This is not a list of tips on how to best contain your captive Dreamlord.
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CRACKPOT THEORY: Baron Samedi was worshiped in New Orleans during the 19th century.
Here is all the evidence I have collected to support this hypothesis.
"Clopin-Clopant" is a story that was published in the Daily Picayune of New Orleans, on Sunday, December 25th, 1892, page 21.
The full article can be viewed online here: https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-times-picayune/90528775/ 
In the following excerpt, the author describes “the great Zombi” as a dangerous, angry spirit that Haitian slaves brought with them to New Orleans following the Revolution:
“Somehow or other Clopin-Clopant was held directly responsible by the ignorant blacks und whites for every misfortune that happened in the faubourg.  To the former, gradually imbued with the wild theories of fetish belief brought to New Orleans by the San Domingo negroes after the island insurrection, the old hunchback was the slave of the great Zombi, and many whispered he was the Zombi himself, who had followed them in anger from his chosen island to wreak vengeance upon them and their masters wherever they dwelt.”
Later, “the great Zombi” is described as having the power to create more “Zombis”:
“But governor commands him, in the name of the king, to open the portal and come forth. And obeys tremblingly, and, falling upon his knees, says: "Monsieur, have pity! I am not the Zombi! I have never harmed any one in my life. I am only a miserable old man, who wants to die in peace. I am not the Zombi." "Tiens!" cried the governor indignantly, "we want a hundred Zombis like you in New Orleans. Rise, monsieur, and receive from your fellow citizens the reward of your noble service.”
Here is a question for New Orleanians… How is the “Zombi” in “great Zombi” pronounced? 
Is it pronounced like the Haitian zonbi, or the English zombie?
Sometimes, I hear people pronounce the “Samedi” in “Baron Samedi” like the name “Sam”, but this is not accurate. 
Here is how “Baron Samedi” (really, Bawon Sanmdi) is actually pronounced: https://youtu.be/NN9pGa5GmZ4?feature=shared&t=575  
It is pronounced similarly to the English word zombie, and the Kikongo nZambi. 
(this is why I think the Sanmdi in Bawon Sanmdi could be African in origin… although not necessarily derived from nZambi…)
Importantly, Baron Samedi is associated with the creation of zombies. Really, zonbi. In order to create a zonbi, you have to go through him.
If Zombi is pronounced like the English word zombie, I think it is plausible that the real identity of the “great Zombi” in this story is Baron Samedi. The author may have invented this story because they overheard tales involving Bawon Sanmdi and zonbi from the descendants of Haitians who arrived in New Orleans. Hence, they confused great Zombi with Bawon Sanmdi.
In The Magic of Marie Laveau (2020), Denise Alvarado describes how Marie Laveau worshiped the Spirit of Death:
While not explicitly called by name in rituals described by reporters and witnesses of Marie Laveau's magick, I believe he may have been represented. In her gris gris ceremonies, Marie Laveau always summoned Li Grand Zombi; but in one description, she also called upon the Spirit of Death: “She summoned the spirits of darkness and death, the supreme power of the great Zombi, who protects and hears the Voudoo's prayer” when suddenly, “there appeared in the group the Voudoo, being clad in the garb of death . . . he wore a skull and crossbones upon his bosom and carried a scythe in one hand and a small wooden coffin in the other” (Times Daily Picayune 1890, 10). A ritual is then described whereby the Spirit of Death knelt in front of the serpent and knocked on the ground three times. Grabbing a rag doll from the altar, he placed it into the little coffin along with a handful of dirt gathered from the ground—more than likely grave dirt. Once he closed the coffin, it signaled the point of the ceremony when all of the participants approached the gris gris pot and received their portion, and the Dance of Death, known today as the Banda, commenced.
Source: Alvarado, Denise. The Magic of Marie Laveau: Embracing the Spiritual Legacy of the Voodoo Queen of New Orleans. Weiser Books, 2020.
I wouldn’t read much into the physical description of this Spirit of Death, due to the unreliable, sensationalized coverage Voodoo received in newspapers.
In Witch Queens, Voodoo Spirits, and Hoodoo Saints: A Guide to Magical New Orleans (2022), Alvarado provides an additional clue: the use of purple robes during a ceremony hosted by Marie Laveau.
Previously, I had been under the impression that this was the same ceremony that involved the “Spirit of Death”, but this is not the case. For this reason, I think this piece of evidence is weaker than I’d thought, as the use of purple robes could be coincidental. 
Here is the full context, so you can draw your own conclusions: 
Another clue recently became evident. According to one individual who called himself Pops, “This was around 1875. She was dressed in a long purple robe with some kind of rope around her waist . . . da women coworkers wore purple, too. Da men wore white and purple . . .” (Dillon, Folder 025). Voudous who serve the Guédé and Baron Samedi wear purple when conducting rituals specifically for those spirits, as purple, black, and white are their colors. This informant was about eighty-one years old at the time of the interview and was believed to have been a reliable witness and suspected of knowing much more than he offered to interviewers.
Source: Alvarado, Denise. Witch Queens, Voodoo Spirits, and Hoodoo Saints: A Guide to Magical New Orleans. Weiser Books, 2022.
The full excerpt can be found in Robert Tallant’s Voodoo in New Orleans: 
Howard LeBreton, a very old colored man, recalled the crowds that attended a Voodoo dance in 1875.
“This one was out by Lake Pontchartrain,” he said, “and thousands of people come out to see it. I can remember it good. The Voodoos danced on barges on the water just away from the shore and they carried all kinds of torches and lighted candles. The queen was dressed in a long purple dress with a blue cord ’round her waist, and all her co-workers wore purple dresses, too. And they didn’t wear nothin’ underneath. Them was what they called good-time dresses. The men wore white pants wit’ purple shirts and they carried white candles.
“You never seen such dancin’ in your life. They all danced first slow, then faster. They would go ’way down to the ground and come up shakin’.
“On the barges they had statues of saints and altars and lots of stuff to eat. They had wine and beer and everybody got drunk. It was just like a picnic.”
Despite all this, Howard contended that white people did not see all the Voodoo meetings. “There was some nobody but the real Voodoos ever seen,” he said. “People didn’t know that, but it’s the truth.”
Source: Tallant, Robert. Voodoo in New Orleans. United Kingdom, Pelican Publishing Company, 1983.
Newbell Niles Puckett (1926) describes how “the Devil” appeared to African Americans in the South: 
“...Most of the time, however, when going about on the earth, the Negro devil has the appearance of a gentleman, wearing a high silk hat, and a frock coat, and having an "ambrosial curl" in the center of his forehead to hide the single horn which is located there. Mrs. Viriginia Frazer Boyle tells me that when she was first taken to church by her father and mother she used to scan the congregation eagerly for a man with that "ambrosial curl" and one with the "evil eye", which her old Negro nurse had told her were to be found in every crowd, even in church. In most cases this Negro devil has cloven feet, a characteristic also credited to him in European circles. Possibly the black cat is the animal most chosen by the Negro devil for impersonation...Nevertheless the devil is not limited to this particular form but may appear as a rabbit, terrapin, serpent, housefly, grasshopper, toad, bat, or yellow dog at will. To the Mississippi Negroes he often appears as a black billy-goat; a view strictly in keeping with his custom at the English witches' Sabbath. In New Orleans it is thought by some that snakes and black cats are incarnations of the devil…” 
Source: Puckett, Newbell Niles. Folk beliefs of the southern Negro. University of North Carolina Press, 1926. https://archive.org/details/folkbeliefsofsou00puck/page/552/mode/2up?q=devil 
A figure “very similar” to this appears in Southern (specifically, Woodruff County) folktales: “He is commonly seen near a crossroads, a cemetery, or, as is often the case, both simultaneously. Sometimes, as in Haiti, he holds a cane.”
Source: Jacobsen, K. (Nov. 1, 2002). The Society for the Study of Southern Literature, Volume 36, Issue 1: https://southernlit.org/volume-36-issue-one-fall-2002/ 
Here is Baron Samedi, as depicted by Andre Pierre, and described by Milo Marcelin: 
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“Baron-Samedi, père et chef des Guédé, est le maître des cimetières. On le représente sous les traits d’un noir robuste, qui porte une longue barbe blanche; il est vêtu d’une redingote, coiffé d’un melon ou d’un chapeau haut de forme, ganté de blanc; il a toujours en main un bâton coco-macaque et une bouteille de clairin ou rhum blanc. Une croix noire, sur laquelle figure parfois un crâne, est son Emblème.”
“Baron Samedi, father and chief of the Guede, is the master of cemeteries. He is represented with the traits of a robust Black man, who sports a long white beard; he is dressed in a frock coat, dons a bowler hat or a top hat, white gloves; he always has a coco macaque stick in hand and a bottle of clairin or white rum. A black cross, on which sometimes appears a skull, is his Emblem.”
SOURCE: Marcelin, Milo. "Mythologie vodou (Rite Arada), Volume II." Pétionville: Éditions Canapé Vert (1950). p. 153
I do not know, but this theory can be validated or debunked.
I believe the earliest known list of the lwa is found in Duverneau Trouillot’s (1885) Esquisse ethnographique: Le vaudoun.  If Baron Samedi is not named in this list, this would suggest he was never transmitted to New Orleans. Benjamin Hebblethwaite’s (2021) A Transatlantic History of Haitian Vodou might also include evidence that supports or disproves this theory. Sadly, I do not have access to either of these texts… 
A final clue can be found in the Hoodoo Saint Expedite. 
I actually have a deep respect for what Hoodoo is, and the history behind it. It’s basically just “what if you strip all the frills and fluff away from magic”. It’s so practical and robust, I think it’s really cool – oh shit! I’m getting really off topic here!
Anyways, Hoodoo has a very underrated pantheon of Saints. Among them is Saint Expedite, who is petitioned for his mastery of magic. 
Baron Samedi is also an extremely powerful magician, and according to Denise Alvarado: “In New Orleans Voudou, Baron Samedi is associated with St. Expedite.”
Source: Alvarado, Denise. Witch Queens, Voodoo Spirits, and Hoodoo Saints: A Guide to Magical New Orleans. Weiser Books, 2022.
Did the Haitians worship Baron Samedi in secret by hiding him under the name “Saint Expedite”? 
People in the Hoodoo community – especially those further South – can probably determine whether there is any truth to this, or if it’s just bullshit!
As I write this, I think it’s probably difficult to definitely determine whether Baron Samedi was worshiped prior to the revitalization movement. Much like Maitre Carrefour, Baron Samedi is associated with the nocturnal aspect of Vodou, and is associated with the bòkò. Even if there is no evidence that he was worshiped, that does not mean he was not worshiped in secret.
In the words of “Pops”: “There was some nobody but the real Voodoos ever seen…People didn’t know that, but it’s the truth.”
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weird question: i've been an atheist for most my life but grew up with a religious family. What do i do when i see "ex-gays" and those "jesus cured my sons autism" shit propaganda and my brain goes back to being Christian and 12 and therefore having an urge to be "cured/normal"?. it genuinely hurts the biggest religion on earth hates me
The biggest religion on Earth thinks everything was magicked into existence through a spell, humans were created from dirt and a rib and populated through incest... twice, that the Earth is flat and once had giants and everybody speaking the same language, worships a being who murdered millions, regards "objective morality" as coming from a being who endorsed and prescribed slavery, and reveres a magic man who killed a fig tree, called a Greek woman a "dog," and fed 5000 people a satisfying meal with scraps, then died, came back to life and flew up into space like Superman, and will come back to murder and set fire to everyone who isn't his buddy - in that order - and lead a slave colony in a place described as "paradise."
Xianity is stupid. It's very, very, very stupid. People will argue about whether it is or isn't the most stupid, but we need not get into rankings. It's stupid. It's objectively very stupid.
When people believe it, they believe stupid things. They may or may not be stupid themselves - cognitive dissonance and compartmentalization are both real psychological phenomena, and people like genetic scientist Francis Collins do exist - but they believe a stupid thing.
Now, it is possible to believe correct things for stupid reasons. It's possible for someone to believe the Earth is round because anal-probing extraterrestrials told her so. But anything derived from stupid premises - in this case, anal-probing extraterrestrials - we need not put a lot of stock in. Getting the roundness of the Earth correct by accident doesn't vindicate the anal-probing extraterrestrials. (It's actually worse in a way, since this premise is more likely to go unchallenged.) It's reasonable to assume, by default, that any assertion stemming from a stupid premise is itself stupid.
What they're saying is stupid. They start with stupid beliefs and draw necessarily stupid conclusions as a result. You don't need to feel bad that a stupid idea doesn't think very highly of you.
These aren't rhetorical or having a go at you, I mean them more as questions to consider: would Xianity, being a stupid belief, respecting you actually have any meaning to you? Would you actually want the respect of something that is inherently stupid, and why? And if it did, wouldn't that likely be its own red flag?
"Sometimes it's better to be known for one's enemies."
There's nothing wrong with being disliked by those with stupid ideas. Even if they call you names. I've been called all sorts of things by people who think all sorts of stupid things. But their approval isn't something I value or even want.
My advice is, for starters, to give yourself a break. You've grown up surrounded by this messaging. It's not always easy to shake, even if you don't actually believe it anymore. There are going to be things which bring it, and all those feelings, back.
It can be more helpful than you realize to simply recognize, acknowledge and name it. "That's that feeling again. That's that stupid ex-gay crap that made me feel deficient." (Insert your own words.) Because it can help you identify where it's coming from, or if it's unclear, what might have caused those thoughts to return. And then push back on it: "no, that's stupid. That comes from the same religion with a magical zoo boat with billions of animals and nothing for the carnivores to eat but the other animals." (Again, insert your own words.)
Don't let stupid things have power over you. Because they're stupid. Recognize that they're stupid, and call them stupid.
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