#magical mechanics
breelandwalker · 1 year
I really enjoyed your post on basic warding visualizations and I was wondering if you had any thoughts on warding in an apartment building.
Would it be better to try and ward an individual unit or the whole building? I’m not opposed to putting in some elbow grease to help my neighbors, but would it even be feasible? Or ethical for that matter, to do so without their knowledge?
Ooo, do I ever!
I spent about nine years in the same apartment and it certainly was a learning experience. Up until then, I'd only ever warded a house before. Didn't even think about warding the floors, and then couldn't figure out why my wards weren't filtering and blocking properly.
Think of your apartment like a floating box. Ward all six sides, including the floor and ceiling, and attach the wards to the building studs. That's how I ended up doing it. Layering helps too.
You can certainly ward the whole building or your block/unit if you want to. It might take more energy though, since it's more ground to cover and you can't always account for all the variables. One option may be to ward the exterior door or main entrance and the hallway where your front door is located. This may have to be done in a non-visual or unobtrusive way, but it can act as another line of defense if you feel it's needed.
And it is ABSOLUTELY good practice to look out for your neighbors through magical means. You're not trapping them inside your wards, you're blessing the communal structure you share so that everyone is a little safer. Nothing unethical about that.
I talked a little bit about this concept and some associated techniques in Ep. 24 of Hex Positive, "Warding A Witchy Home." You can check that out on your favorite podcatcher if you like.
Hope this helps! 😊
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dndcreaturesinfo · 2 years
Aggressive Charbelcher
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dmtreasury · 1 year
List of Spells with (Varying Levels of) Permanent Effects:
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cosmicportal · 10 months
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If u know u know.
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ganondoodle · 4 months
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working on the shiekah arm for the totk rewrite and i actively have to force myself to not try and make a mechanically sound magic tech arm bc its a magic tech arm and doesnt need to be mechanically sound
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mewguca · 11 months
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"There once was an Ugly Scavenger. He was so ugly that everyone died. The end."
uhhh dont question the mechanics behind this one too much
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a2zillustration · 7 months
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As it turns out you can just remove-curse Curse of the Sired but I felt like we needed a little ~flavor~
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Once more thinkin about this Prompt/AU
And I decided to sketch the level 1 forms the team (& Ellie) have along with sketches of their lvl 200+ Forms. I do believe Klarion is having a blast with his new friends and the Young Justice Team is going to have some Trauma from not knowing this is a Game.
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Tucker: Lvl 1 Cat | Sam: Lvl 1 Sprout | Valerie: Lvl 1 Golem | Danny: Lvl 2 Dragon Egg | Ellie: Lvl 1 Celestial Snakelett
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(Click for higher quality) Also they are all now Mountain Sized or Larger. Also pondering them all having 3 stages to their bossfights. Second stages is when they start using more magic & less "minions" and final stage is when shit hits the fan & the surroundings get Wrecked. Like Tucker summoning a literal storm & getting lightning charged, or Sam fully emerging from the caves, or Valerie unearthing herself and the team realizing the entire dungeon-city was On Her Back.
@victoria-has-no-secret @qitsin Both y'all reblogged with fun ideas so here @bleuyellow93-storytime you had very VERY fun tags so also here lol [If u don't want to be tagged I apologize] Aaand finally, @radiance1 I think you'd like these
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ikol-art · 1 year
Everyone always assumes Arthur is gonna come back in 'our' time in fics, but when is someone gonna write an 'Arthur returns because Aliens have invaded Earth' futuristic one
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miraclemaya · 1 month
anyway that's why madoka is actually the best character in the world. because her desire is to be useful, and it's such a deeply ingrained one that it slips over the notice of most people but it's there and it's very important. the fucking chairs look at her constantly because madoka needs to perform goodness or else she is worthless (they are judging her the same way she judges herself hence they are empty) (or something who knows what the chairs are about). and so just like how homura is selflessly selfish, madoka is selfishly selfless. and also she does kind of fuck up with ribbon homura like girl i know you also want her to remember but like that probably fucked up homura
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rickybaby · 20 days
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Daniel apologised to Nico after the race for the lap one contact
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breelandwalker · 1 year
Howdy :)
I wanted to ask if you could talk about the differences between rituals and spells. I’ve been looking for a couple days at different answers and keep finding conflicting information so I figured I’d see what your input is. Thanks in advance!!
Good question! The words sometimes get used a little bit interchangeably, so it's good to make the distinction.
A spell is a magical working. At its' most basic level, that's it. The KIND of spell can vary widely, as can the method used in the casting and the materials used, but at the most basic level, that's what it is.
A ritual is one of two things. It's either a ceremony of some kind (usually containing a prescribed order of events and a certain amount of formality) or a repeated convention or habit, i.e. my morning ritual includes getting coffee from the café down the street. A ritual can also be a holiday observance or a dedication or an invocation.
Rituals can certainly include spellwork, or spellwork may have a ritual component, such as creating a circle or calling the elements or suchlike. But rituals by themselves are generally more complicated and usually require some type of preparation, whereas spells can pretty much be done on the fly. Neither one particular requires the presence of the other, though larger or more complex spells like home cleansings often include a ritual element, since there are often multiple steps involved.
There's definitely some overlap. The main differences are scale, complexity, solemnity, and purpose.
Hope this helps!
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shiko-man · 3 months
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I saw some art in a kind of trading card style and I couldn't help but mock up some rough dungeon meshi mtg cards! I know the party mechanic would fit pretty well here but I was already halfway done by the time I realized lol and also I don't play with that mechanic so idrk how it works!!!
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fefposting · 2 months
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My tribute to old brony culture :]
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cosmicportal · 22 days
“reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”
~Albert Einstein
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blackcathjp · 8 months
draco constantly complains and makes fun of harry's hair. one day, harry snaps and gets a haircut. he comes home and draco just stares. slack jawed. shocked. speechless. harry snaps, "what? isn't this what you wanted?"
draco, with sad eyes, whispers, "love of my life, what did you do?" and bursts into tears.
draco is inconsolable. devastated. heartbroken. yes, he jokes about harry's messy hair, it is most definitely a rat's nest, but seeing him LIKE THIS... that is NOT his harry 😭
meanwhile, harry is still reeling from this revelation. "i'm the love of your life?"
draco pauses, realization setting in, his face turning redder. his voice wobbles out, "y-yes, isn't that obvious?"
harry softens, steps closer. "i love you too."
draco's heart skips. harry loves him back! but all of his teasing, mean-spirited jokes drove harry to cut his hair off and make such a drastic change. his heart aches thinking that he must have caused so much sadness and anger in harry, and oh no, the tears start again.
"oh, my love, i didn't mean it, i loved - love - your hair as it was. it's just so... YOU. and it's still you but it's also not and i'm sorry if i made you think you should change-"
harry kisses him, amused. "i was a little mad about that last joke you made, but i was due for a haircut anyway."
"still," draco sniffles. he pats harry's hair. it was much too short, he couldn't ruffle it anymore like he used to. he didn't realize until now how much he did that everyday. a gentle hand on the back of harry's head, softly petting his hair while he read. an unconscious habitual gesture that was comforting and domestic. he didn't realize how much he liked it until he couldn't do it anymore :(
over the next few days, draco feels bittersweet. he stares often at harry's head. he kisses his temple a lot, a bit as an apology, and mostly because he wants to. if he sheds a tear in private about the loss of harry's glorious hair, then that's his business.
a week later, after his quiet moping and harry worshipping (lots of kisses, lots of cuddling, lots of touching) his magic manifests a miracle (it was just tired of his dramatic melancholy and longing):
harry's head of full of hair, restored to perfection.
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