#magical girl site reloaded
mgs-reloaded · 2 months
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Kosame Amagai faux splash art for Magical Girl Site: Reloaded
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mai-mai-lim · 3 months
MaiMaiLim's Intro Post
Hello, hey, and hi everyone, welcome to my blog! I'm just a little artist who's chilling in this site and well, i hope we get along, yeah? Here, have some extra info:
Name: Mai Age: 21+ years old Pronouns: She/They Birthday: July 28th Sexuality: uhhhhh in the ace spectrum i guess??? Likes: Alternate Universes and Angst WOOOOOOOOOOOO
I pretty much fixated on many things, tho my current main interest is The Henry Stickmin Collection. There’s also casual ones like Splatoon, RC9GN, Danganronpa, Hoyoverse Games and many more that the list is gonna be long im not listing all--
My other blog for non-art: @the-multifandom-freak-show
LinkTree (my other SocMed)
My commissions are OPEN! For more information and work examples, please click here.
If you are interested, you can head to my Ko-Fi to commission me!
Stuff I made:
Reload the Paradox / SBO Plus (THSC AU) A story series diverged from Special BROvert Ops in THSC. Co-writing along with Smores.
Wizard Warriors (OC) Where the story is basically a girl and her friends got isekai-ed into a world filled with magic and knights, funny antics ensues.
Flavours of Seungjae: Vanilla (SBO+) | Chocolate (Rogue) | Strawberry (Menace) | Mint Chocolate (Recruit/Minty)
Others: Ashley Jang | Charles Calvin (SBO+)
that's about it for now! Don't be afraid to send an ask or chat with me, just as long as its in respectable boundaries, yeah? i'll try my best to respond really (*´▽`*)
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mergeatrois · 5 years
Have to upload again because Tumblr cannot make up their mind on banned content after it was prior approved :))
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Sarah’s life felt like it was spiraling downwards. Her grades were shabby, she felt sick almost everyrday now, and worst of all, her own roommate had started bullying her. Sarah thought that life would get better after she came out of the closet, and for a little while it did. Her family was supportive and accepting and she felt relieved to finally tell everyone the truth. Things would have actually been pretty decent if it wasn’t for her roommate Kacey.
Kacey didn’t even talk much to Sarah before she came out as a lesbian. She figured that it wouldn’t have even changed anything between them but she was sadly mistaken. Kacey started lashing out at Sarah, small at first, forcing chores onto her and making small but insensitive comments about her appearance. Eventually these things grew into outright sharp insults, rumor spreading, and even stealing. Kacey was one of the most popular and beautiful girls on campus so her rumors were practically truths to every student that she told. “She cheats and plagiarizes all of her work” “She’s kind of a huge slut” “She’ll steal just about anything she can get her hands on”. All of these falsehoods ran through Sarah’s mind day in and day out all thanks to her shitty roommate.
Kacey wouldn’t even call Sarah by her name, she just referred to her as “bitch” or “dike”. Sarah felt like an intruder at her college, even in her own dorm she didn’t feel very safe unless Kacey was out of the dorm. The bullying was bad enough on its own, but the worst part had to have been that Sarah had developed a crush on Kacey before she came out. Sarah couldn’t help herself when she saw Kacey, she was easily the hottest girl on campus. She was gorgeous, fit, and busty. She was everything that Sarah found sexy. Even her “high and mighty” demeanor was a turn on for Sarah. She would give just about anything to see that smug, snakey look wipe off her face while Sarah dominated her in the bedroom. Nothing turned her on more than thinking about Kacey. She’d think about her almost every time when she masturbated, but on the inside she knew that her fantasies would remain just that, fantasies.
One night, Sarah stayed up late, trying desperately to finish work deadlines and maybe fit in some time to rub one out if she could manage. Kacey was gone that night. She went out on a date with some guy she had met just a few days ago. Sarah was relieved that Kacey was gone but still felt sick with envy. “Lucky asshole” she muttered to himself while thinking of the bastard that would push inside Kacey’s guts that night. She felt frustrated after finishing up her work, she needed some relief. She pulled up her regular porn site and scanned the numerous pages, looking for something good to watch. She searched closely, reading every title on every page. Eventually, she noticed a small, recurring ad banner that had appeared on the last few pages. She scoffed as she read the scamming advertisement. “One trick that’ll help you fuck anyone you want!” Sarah shook her head. How could people even fall for shit like that? What a waste of time. She went on to the next page and noticed that every ad banner was replaced with the one that she had read before moving on. “That’s….odd” she thought as she clicked the refresh button. The page blinked white before reloading. Now all the thumbnails to the videos on the browser were replaced with an small image of the ad banner that she had seen earlier. She read the titles on all the videos, they were all the same. “Life changing product! Click now!”
Sarah winced. She was spooked to hell at this point. What the fuck kind of ad did this? She shivered a bit, slightly shaken by the strange glitch that covered the web page. She decided the bite the bullet. Maybe there was something about the ad that drew her in. Sarah didn’t know, and for some reason, she didn’t even care. She winced and clicked one of the many links that threw her straight to strange website. A picture appeared before her. A image of a smooth, plastic bottle filled with a strange orange substance. Underneath the image was a title filled with big tooney letters and a picture of a young, smiling cartoon witch. The title read “Bellamy’s Magical Elixir!” Sarah scrolled down to read the description of the weird product.
“A new supernatural lotion that will let you have the body of your dreams! Do you ever get tired of being you? Or do you simply want a hotter sex life? Have you ever dreamed about being a hot supermodel or a muscled up stud? If you answered yes to any of these then this oil is for you! Just grab the partner that you want to merge with and rub the oil into both of your bodies. Once both the bodies are finely lubricated, just squeeze together and voila, you now have the body that you always dreamed of. Enjoy your new life and your wildest fantasies! Now only $9.99 per bottle!”
Sarah couldn’t believe her eyes. This couldn’t be real, could it? “I mean, what hope do I really have left?” She asked herself. Sarah felt hopeless in her situation. Kacey was making her life a living hell, and the idea of being someone that Kacey found irresistible turn Sarah on more than ever. Worse case scenario, she blows 10 bucks on a useless bottle of lube. Sarah placed the order as fast as she could. Once the money was sent, the page closed abruptly. She tried searching for the website that she had ordered from just seconds ago but nothing popped up in the search engine. Sarah groaned loudly. “Fuuuuuuuck. I can’t believe I actually bought into that crap.” She was too disappointed in herself to even masturbate that night. She marched over to her bed defeatedly and flopped onto bed. Sarah closed her eyes tightly, trying desperately to forget that the night even happened.
She woke up the next morning feeling like death itself. Her eyelids were still heavy. She went into the kitchen and looked around the dorm for a bit. Thank god, Kacey was still gone. She yawned loudly and began stretching before a loud knock resounded from her door. The banging was so loud that it made her jump. “Jeez, spoke too soon I guess.” she mumbled before marching over to the door. She looked through the peephole to that Kacey wasn’t in front of the door. In fact, no one was. She opened the door cautiously and looked around seeing no one. She began to walk outside her dorm when her foot kicked a small package. Sarah picked up the package slowly in disbelief. “No way…it’s already here?” she asked to no one. “That was like, crazy fast.” She walked back inside and ripped the package open. A slim plastic bottle filled with a syrupy orange fluid. She read the instructions on the label on the back of the bottle. She repeated the instructions: “Find yourself a partner and oil up together. Once both bodies are thoroughly lathered with the substance, squeeze both bodies together and enjoy the new you. Note: Only one partner will retain their conscious during this process. The possessed partner will be gone forever and the one taking over will lose every semblance of their old life. The partner that’s being taken over will wait on standby once they are coated in the elixir. Please use with caution.”
For the first time in a long time, Sarah was filled with excitement. All the events up to this point had been so…strange. The glitching ad, the disappearing website, and the fast as hell delivery. Maybe there was something to this elixir after all. She decided to put her faith in the oil. Sarah packed the oil in her bag and rushed over to find Kacey’s laptop. Sarah had snuck a peek at her password while she was typing it in a few months ago, but she didn’t think to use her laptop until this point. Sarah searched quickly through Kacey’s facebook, skype, email messages, trying to find anything about a guy that she was crazy about. Hope seemed lost until she looked through her bookmarks. She saw a tab that linked her directly to the channel of a cammer that Kacey had visited quite often. Sarah looked at pictures of the man in the camera. He was a tall, dark, muscular man with a pretty large following on the site. He would stream naked every other day and put on a show for all of his viewers. The guy looked so familiar to Kacey. She finally figured it out. The guy in the cam was Martin Lennard. He was a student attending their university. No wonder Sarah recognized him, she had seen him just a few months ago while going to the gym. Sarah had been working out with her sister that day when she first saw Martin. He didn’t play any sports for the college but with a body like his, he certainly could. It made sense now why he didn’t, and why he was so reserved. “Jesus Christ, he’s a fucking cam boy.” Sarah said to herself again.
The only time she saw Martin let loose was in the gym. She couldn’t remember much but she could definitely recall how loud he was when he worked out. He strained his entire muscle covered body while in the gym, trying to work out every single muscle until he was drenched in hot sweat. Even Sarah had to admit that he was a pretty dashing guy. Sarah found that Kacey was an avid donator to his stream. She tuned in and donated almost every time he went live. She must have been super into him. It didn’t take long for Sarah to form up a plan. She HAD to get Martin’s body at any cost. This was too good an opportunity to pass up. She sighed calmly before closing the laptop and packing her bag and leaving for class.
During the day, Sarah remembered what day it was when she had seen Martin at the campus gym and began fine tuning her plan. By the time her last class rolled around, she finally had everything worked out. Wednesday rolled around and Sarah took a day off from classes to hang around the gym, waiting for Martin to arrived. Finally she saw his giant, beefy figure stomp towards the gym entrance. He looked absolutely massive. He wore a white tank top that looked almost too small for him. The edges of his meaty pecs poked out the sides of the thin shirt. His swollen arms swung around his heavy gym bag effortlessly as he opened the door to the gym. Sarah jumped up and walked towards the gym desperately to try and follow. She watched him disappear into the men’s locker room before she could grab his attention. She would have to improvise. She waited until he reemerged before sneaking in as fast as possible. Her face was red while she sneaked inside and fear gripped her entire body. She prayed to god that she didn’t get caught.
“Fuck fuck fuck.” she repeated as she slowly snaked through the locker room. She peered into each and every closed locker before finally finding Martin’s gym bag sitting next to an open locker. What a score, he must have forgotten to pack it up before working out. She pulled out the half empty bottle of Bellamy’s Elixir and scratched off the label as neatly as possible before slipping it in his bag. After everything was set she quickly ran out of the locker room and slipped out of the gym in embarrassment.
Sarah went back to her dorm and saw Kacey wandering around inside, talking on the phone. “Yeah, shit didn’t work out last night, I’ll be over in a bi- Oh wait, she’s here. Here, I’ll talk outside, you know how snakey she can be.” Kacey walk past Sarah narrowing her eyes with a devilish grin on her face before she put down the phone and started talking. “I’m gonna be at a friend’s place for most of today. Clean shit up around here. I swear, you dikes can be so damn messy sometimes.” Sarah cringed at Kacey’s caty insult before she walked out of the door with her purse in hand. “Fuck I hate her” she thought as she opened up her laptop. It had only been about 20 minutes since Martin entered the gym, he’d probably be back home in about an hour. Sarah had to get ready. She searched around her bed, finding the other bottle that she had filled with the magic oil. “Christ. I hope this works.”
She waited in Martin’s hallway near his door. He would be there any second. Just when she thought about backing out, she could see him walking towards his door with his gym bag in hand. Sarah jumped a bit and began fumbling through her purse, looking like she was just looking for her keys. She listened closely as Martin opened his door and slammed it shut. She stopped for a minute. She could hear the door lock. Martin may have been a strong guy, but the man was definitely not too careful. Sarah waited another minute in silence before opening his door slowly and inching into the dorm. She left her purse outside, only taking the other half of the oil. She snuck through his place carefully before finding a closet to hide in while he showered in the bathroom. She took the time to strip down naked in the dark closet and cover her body in the oily substance. The orange elixir seeped into her skin making her soft, white flesh nice and slippery. Her face turned red in embarrassment once more. It was strange being naked and oiled up but she was banking on this elixir to escape her shitty life with Kacey.
After what seemed like hours, Martin finally stomped out of the bathroom and past the closet that Sarah was hiding in. She peeked outside the closet door to see him almost completely naked, wearing nothing but a towel that wrapped around his waist. He opened his laptop and started typing on the keyboard before stepping back.
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“Everything set up, we live?” He said in his deep, masculine voice. She could see a smile form across his face. “Nice, nice” he said before dropping the towel. Sarah’s eyes widened as she saw the jock strapped that firmly hugged against Martin’s crotch. She covered her mouth, doing her best to contain her excitement.
“I’ve got a real nice show for you guys tonight.” She said with a smirk before pulling out the bottle of elixir that Sarah had slipped into his gym bag. “Forgot I had a little something left in my gym bag. You guys are in for a fuckin’ treat.”
He poured the oil into his hands began rubbing the orange fluid all over his puffed out chest. His hands wrapped around his bulging pecs, slowly coating them in the slippery, reflective liquid. His dark skin glistened and his muscles shined as he slowly bathed himself in the slippery oil. He looked so…hot. He wiped his hands over his tight abs over and over, making sure that the light reflected off their solid surface the most. He refilled his palms with the orange substance before coating his giant arms next. Christ they were fucking huge. Sarah didn’t even care to look at their stunning form the first time that she had seen Martin. He was fucking shredded. He flexed his dark cannons tightly, letting his biceps swell as he washed the oil over their beefy structure. He opened his eyes, staring deeply into his giant guns before turning towards the camera. “Mmmm yeah, you fuckin like that? You like my massive guns huh? Fuck yeah you do.” Even from all the way in the closet, Sarah could see the veins on his biceps thrust against his shimmering, ebony skin. He covered his whole torso in the oil, eventually reaching his hands into the jockstrap to oil up his dick. He moaned softly and tilted back his head as he touched himself, slowly coating that thick black dick of his with the lotion. He finally poured the rest over his thick thighs, letting streams of the magic elixir flow down his legs before he rubbed it into his dark flesh.
He continued to moan and run his hands over his mounds of muscle as the oil seeped into his skin until he suddenly opened his eyes and sat up straight. He looked almost dazed and he stared at his oiled up body in confusion before shaking his head and turning off the laptop in front of him. Once he closed it, he brought over a chair and sat down. He reached his hand inside the jockstrap once more. From what Sarah could see, he was slowly jerking his cock over and over as he tilted his head back with his eyes closed. Sarah slowly inched out of the closet, covering her chest and crotch as she slowly stepped towards the muscled giant. He started moaning deeply, still oiling up his long, black shaft. Sarah stood in front of the intimidating stud, taking a good look at his body as she stood cautiously. He didn’t even seem to notice her. He moved his hand outside of the jock, letting the strap fill with his growing member. The front of the strap shot out with a large bulge, it grew progressively thicker and thicker as he heaved his heavy chest up and down. Sarah sat slowly onto his lap, trying her best to ignore the massive bulge that ran past her butt and down her thigh. She pulled the strap upwards and slipped her oily legs inside with ease. She let the jock go and the strap snapped against her soft skin making her wince as it pulled their bodies together tightly. Instead of feeling the smack of his oily taut skin, she began falling through his thick waist ass first.
She looked down unexpectedly and her eyes widened with excitement once more. She held her breath as her legs and her waist slowly vanished into his huge, herculean form. A strange sensation coursed through her body. Her legs felt almost twice as heavy as before and something felt so off about her crotch. She felt a strong fabric squeezing against her crotch. It would have felt uncomfortable if her body was so oiled up. “W-wait. Oiled up?” She thought to herself. She looked down once more. Her old legs were completely gone. Her soft white flesh was now replaced with dark, brown skin that was pulled taut over her muscular legs and her crotch was now being hugged tightly by the tight white jockstrap. Nothing could have prepared her for what happened next. Her new cock began to grow as her breaths became more and more rapid. Her shaft slowly inched upwards against the front of the strap, making the bulge grow bigger by the second. She winced with discomfort. “This-this is so fucking weird.” She said while trying to catch her breath. She couldn’t believe it. She had a cock. A big cock at that. She narrowed and eventually closed her eyes tightly as her dick became harder and harder. It felt weird but somehow so pleasurable. Eventually her eyes opened and she moaned softly as her cock eventually hit its peak and began thrashing fiercely against the soft cotton briefs. She wanted to feel it up so badly but fought the urge to jerk off right then and there.
She fell back, her slender, girlish figure disappearing into the void of Martin’s heavyset chest. His chest seemed to swallow her whole. It took in her body so easily. Sarah blinked an eye before feeling the air suck out of her chest. She inhaled desperately but her chest felt massive and unnatural. It was a chore to bring air into her lungs but she slowly got used to the feeling. She looked down and immediately, her gaze was met with her new hunky torso. Her new black pecs were bursting with strength and muscle, they heaved up and down with heavy weight as she sucked air into her new giant lungs. Fuck. This felt so weird. So unlady-like but she loved how fucking strong her chest was now. Even her tight, firm abs felt fucking incredible. She bounced her new beefy pecs up and down over and over again. She loved showing off their strength and form. She bite her lips as she lifted her skinny arms against his rippling, shimmering, black cannons. His arms curved around hers and her arms slipped into his without resistance.
She could feel their power instantly. The size of her swollen biceps and dark, furry forearms. The veins that thrusted forcibly against her slippery, brown flesh and the muscles that lined around her deep hairy armpits. “Fuuuuck” she let out as her arms strained to thrust their muscles up tightly against her skin. Was in love with this body. She couldn’t wait to explore all its ins and outs. She sunk back her head with a large smile on her face before the old Sarah completely vanished.
Sarah’s eyes blinked groggily as she looked around the dorm. A sense of unease and familiarity filled her body. She felt like a stranger inside the dorm but at the same time, she felt right at home. She blinked her eyes fully open before looking down at her body. A smile crossed her face. She was a total hunk. She felt like an intruder in this gorgeous body, like she didn’t belong. Even though this feeling loomed over her head, she loved her stunning, brawny figure way too much to let it bother her. Sarah stood up from her chair and began feeling up her muscled chest, filling her giant hands with her bunching black pecs. That name ran through her head over and over. “Sarah. Sarah. No no no, Sarah is gone. Martin feels so much better.” Martin brought up her thick arms and began flexing this as hard as he could. “Yeah….Martin” he said to himself with a cocky grin wiping across his face.
Martin loved his body. It was the one that he had been building up for his entire life, but it felt so new. It was like playing with a cool new toy for the very first time. He thrusted his pecs out forcefully, letting his chest swell with air, making his muscles look even more massive and pronounced. God, he loved this fucking body. Everything about it was just so damn perfect. From his massive arms to his heavy, unmovable chest, even his glistening dark skin felt so fucking sexy to have. And his cock, god his cock was perfect. Long, girthy, and throbbing for some action. He was so absorbed in checking out his arms and chest that he had almost forgotten how the strap was hugging tightly against his thick, muscled member. His bulge was pulsing and thrashing around fiercely as he flexed his heavyset form. Another wide grin crossed his face as he pulled down the strap. His long black cock shot forward instantly, still throbbing over and over, just waiting to be touched.
He couldn’t wait any longer. Martin wrapped his big muscular hands around his veiny shaft, slowly running his hand up and down its length. His palm was completely filled with his girthy black shaft, he could even feel the veins brush against his hands as he jerked his cock over and over. His dick was nice and slick thanks to the oil that he put on it earlier, it felt so fucking good as he let his hand glide effortlessly up and down his massive dick. Martin’s forearm began to tighten and cover with veins as he tugged faster and faster. The sight of it gave him an idea. He brought up his other arm and flexed, letting his biceps bulge up near his head. His biceps were fucking huge. Covered in a thick layer of lean muscle, riddled with veins, he loved their size. The pleasure was weighing on him. He moaned deeply, his voice booming throughout the dorm as he pulled on his long dick over and over again. It felt fucking amazing. Beads of sweat broke the coat of oil that covered his muscled chest as he heaved it up and down, slowly getting closer and closer to his climax. His abs were sucked in tight, their deep grooves and ridges still holding small streams of slippery sweat as he held them in, keeping them nice and firm. His pits deepened as he flexed his entire body, finally letting out a loud roar as he could feel his load escape his thickened shaft. His hard, now pulsating cock shot out stream after stream of hot, sticky cum. The fluid escaped his fat tip, spewing puddles of white fluid onto the carpet, almost reaching the desk where his laptop laid. Martin breathed in deeply as he smashed back down into his chair, his hand still gripped firmly around his dark, veiny shaft. He slowly milked every last drop of cum out of his muscled rod before rolling his head back with a smile on his face. This body was absolutely perfect.
Thanks for reading. If you like the stories with thinking of yourself as being the one to merge into others and have spare time to RP, hit up my DMs as I’m always generally looking. Cheers.
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lula1991 · 5 years
My Jewel
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  An ancient spell causes a millenary young lady to weaken, it is up to Larry and her friends to help her find the key to return her to normal while a stranger pretends, along with three already known individuals, to take over a captive jewel somewhere in Egypt with the in order to proclaim it “yours.” (The shock of all the chaos in her).
  Objective? The guard and the exhibits must prevent it from falling into the wrong hands while between Ahkmenrah and the girl, a romance will slowly emerge that will bear fruit over time.
Genre: Adventure, comedy, romance, fantasy
Warnings: None.
   Before starting with this chapter, I want to make a greeting and a general thanks for not forgetting those little people who gave this humble fic a chance. As promised by @underworldsheiress, I hope you enjoy this chapter and that you too! Hey! You know, if you want to be tagged so you don't miss out on this beautiful story, don't hesitate to tell me, you're always welcome :D💕
Chapter 3
    Approximately a few moments remained for the Sun to hide between the buildings. Within the establishment of the Department of Egyptology at the University of Cambridge, a security man took a final look so that everything was under control, exploring the room and the resting place of an ornate and colorful sarcophagus halfway to bed with a small engraving in a metal plate next to it. Satisfied with his night watch shift, he left the millenary room whistling a nice tune to the exit marked with a bright green sign where the heavy metal doors closed causing a resounding echo when the keys clinked securing them..
   When the sun went down, outside the museum it was observed how a strange glow completely illuminated the building and a strange magic floated in the air of Cambridge, especially when in the great and elegant chamber of the exhibition of the mythical country, at the end of the room began to occur leisurely movements within that sarcophagus..    A hand wrapped in worn bandages that hung and went in different lengths and thicknesses, peered through the union of the coffin and the lid thus until pushing it aside falling to the ground with a dry sound..
  That figure sat up solemnly in the same interior, his feet responded to stand obeying to leave his resting place while maintaining his back position. He unscrewed the aged linen from his head, revealing a dark hair that was finely disheveled and impeccable despite the passing of the millennia and slowly placed a beautiful crown on his head..
— I've come back to life! — a female voice echoed among the murals, that sound was enough for at least three of the exhibits to kneel before their queen. Maybe they were servants ..
— Your Excellency. — it was a very pleasant speaking sound belonging to a girl, keeping her eyes on the ground out of respect.
— Highness, it is an honor to see her so stingy. — this was another female voice when she bowed to her.
— Yes, you don't notice the 6000 years at all.. — said another young woman and one of them rubbed her elbow.
— I missed your compliments, Ahesut. — the woman turned to the girl in turquoise dress, green orbs that accentuated her brunette skin while a small headband with gold leaf charms adorned her jet hair.
Ahesut: Really? — the young woman smiled as she did not catch the sarcasm of her queen.
— No. — It was short thin.
— Should we be right that you are here for a reason?
— My dear, Tahmenk, I have not returned from the underworld so many times for nothing. — the queen smiled gently as she walked through the huge, refined and picturesque site, displaying her tight black tunic with luxurious gold accents, an elegant style. —There is a rare treasure among us and I think everything is focused on what I hope for. It's not the tablet of Ahkmenrah, if you ask me. That stubborn young man has left this place several years ago. It is something the same or much more powerful than you think..
Tahmenk: And what can be more striking than that?
Ahesut: What is it, your Majesty?
   The queen with an unknown name tilted her head to the side so that they would follow her to the address where her unknowns would be answered..
  They stayed away being a few steps from a room inside the exhibition very fine and delicate in colors, it is what could be observed from their positions..
Ahesut: Wow! Is that what I was talking about? — absorbed, the young woman observed the ancient relic from the temple hall.
— So is. After that boy left the exhibition in the 50s, in the same decade they later chose to remodel his room once it was diverted to another site, then expose that brat and remove it later without his bracelet. — that said, she walked slowly followed by them.  — Since then the piece remains here until who knows when. — the queen saw the jewel hung on the back wall covered with iconography by her ancestors, those writings that cared for and startled all her splendor. — If I'm lucky, it must be mine definitely and You are going to help me make my return a purpose.
Nehtatem: I think the confinement hurt you. — the girl said simply.
— Nehtatem, this is my kingdom and here I command.  — she demanded when the three Egyptians looked at each other.  — Go saying goodbye to everything, girl. — the queen murmured watching that precious piece with misgiving.
   For being a young girl in years, she was quite clumsy and apparently, they three too..
Nehtatem: Do you have a plan? — the girl with caramel eyes inquired waiting for her queen's next move.
— Of course. — sis eyes didn't take off from there.
Tahmenk: Before the six-meter jackals take our eyes off? — but the tone she used was not very relaxed.
   And the 6-meter guardians with small eyes approached the intruders with their spears..
—  ’iilaa‘ asifal‘! (‘Down!’)  — she ordered confidently believing they would obey her even if it didn't work out.
    The lackeys came closer, and more, and more to those women of silly aura and perhaps of dubious darkness, the jackals were perfectly fulfilling their job of faithfully protecting what his mistress was not to blame for neglecting and they left running taking refuge from where they had been standing minutes ago..
Ahesut: Someone must watch those mangy dogs.  — the brunette whispered, reloading on the wall and then peeking out and from that place the jackals still raised in arms.
— What a good idea, Ahesut!  — she took her shoulders.  — You will stay here!
Ahesut: But.. — without realizing the brunette said something intelligent.
— And you too! — she pointed to the tall, dark-skinned girl with brown hair, amber eyes and a cream-colored dress.
Tahmenk: Me? — the young woman pointed out.
— And you! — the queen pointed to the girl with candy irises, dressed in honey, owning a mahogany skin and braids that embellished her dark hair to her shoulders.
Nehtatem: But if the idea was of her.  — she reproached very stunned.
—  It's none of my business. — the woman released back to her post. — And I hope you contribute more than last time.. —  she seemed dissatisfied, muttering with indifferent hope.
   The Moon still shone in the sky and in the bowels of Cambridge, Ahesut sat against the mural feeling a strange heaviness in her eyes; she should not do what her companions agreed to or what her eyelids demanded although without realizing it, she was immersed in a deep sleep against her will..    Long seconds elapsed until her own snoring sound filled her ears causing her to wake up slowly but when her senses sharpened, it was moderately late..
Ahesut: Oh.. — she whispered covering her mouth. — No..  — without being able to do anything, the girl watched the scene as she bit her fist.
Nehtatem: What happens..?  — she spoke and quickly sealed her lips with one hand.
Ahesut: Sh..— her friend stared at her while a humorous silence floated between them.
Nehtatem: Oh no, tell me it's not true, Ahesut. — she murmured and in that bad feeling she could read his gaze.
Ahesut: We must bear the consequences.
  Yes, she was and they were in trouble..
— I told you to watch her!
Ahesut: It was an oversight, your Highness. — she released when playing with her fingers feeling threat.
— No excuse, Ahesut! How did you let it escape?!
Nehtatem: We believe it was removed at the request of someone important to another museum. — she hesitated playing with the bow of her honey-colored dress.
— Then there is no danger and while it is night, we can recover it if you know where it is. — their leader looked at them and they did not know what to answer. The queen's countenance changed radically from happy to furious. — Do you know it or not?! — the woman watched them at the same time without blinking.
     That brunette-skinned girl moved her mouth but no words came out due to nervousness, it was a funny scene until a small sound left her vocal cords..
Ahesut: We also don't listen to which museum was to be exhibited. — she said in a squeaky voice out of fear. — It was a small jump before coming to you.
Nehtatem: Don't pay attention to her, she didn't do it but I did.. — the girl tried to make the queen ignore what she heard.
— Sure? — the queen tilted her face minimally by putting pressure on her. — Safe?!
Nehtatem: I think in the Smithsonian or something like that.. — and she spoke not very sure to remember it.
— ‘Something like that’ is not an answer, Neh.
  There were some steps approaching at an agile pace..
Tahmenk: Majesty! The relic has disappeared! — the young woman warned and Ahesut slammed her hand against her forehead.
  No one really knew who of the three was the grossest..
— Know one thing. — she spoke with a mysterious attitude when the girls retreated before their bearing. It was bewitchingly beautiful on the outside and a gray intermediate inside. — I swear if you don't get there, I'll personally liquidate them! Did you understand? — the woman warned when the girls nodded quickly. — Unexperienced! — and she turned around, dragging the long thin coat of her robe.
Tahmenk: There, where? — the young woman asked awkwardly when Nehtatem gave her friend a gentle blow to the head.
   They came to infiltrate a cargo container plane and without raising suspicion, we found ourselves in the Smithsonian, the largest museum in the world, where the clumsy queen was with her not very intelligent three companions..
— Well, after going around in circles, we are where we wanted. — the queen thanked sarcastically.
Ahesut: Hey, don't look at me. I was not to blame for the truck deviating through that capitol.
— Walk! We have to find that jewel. — the woman demanded followed by them.
   If they wanted to finish quickly, they had to do it effectively and it was the least they had, so they separated to check the basement of the entire museum. It turns out that the jewel was there, since they took their magic for granted when they saw the less recognizable exhibition replacements wandering around, a little fearful for those strange figures walking their "home." His search was thorough but without an encouraging result of where the relic could be found..
Tahmenk: I miscalculated the distance.. — the girl reported aphonic because of the fatigue of having been traveling from one maze to the other.
Ahesut: There is no sign of his objective. — who seemed to be the smallest in age slowly approached the queen.
— Don't tell me, Ahesut. And if you are not on this site, where else?
Tahmenk: How to know, Royal Majesty?
— I do not know. Think, with desire. — the queen suggested when the synapse might make contact between her neurons.
Ahesut: What if we ran to the device with wheels where we came after the mechanical bird and followed its route until we knew where it went?
Tahmenk: Don't be silly. Besides how to know what artifact it was in which we came, without they were all identical in the warehouse. Surely the jewel must be too far away now to find it..
   Nehtatem, who seemed to be the moderately thinking, stretched out his face with one hand due to listening to the stupidities his companions had just said..
Ahesut: I don't believe..
Nehtatem: Don't listen to them, Your Highness. If it's any use, it must have been taken up in some of the galleries. What if.. — who apparently was the moderately thinking of the three suggested looking at all at the same time.
— Anyway, Ahesut, Tahmenk, don't stop inviting me when you release your brain.
Ahesut: It was a suggestion ..
—Dah! Walk! - the queen growled in response turning around.
   When they left, they found themselves in the Northwest of the castle outside the public area, walking aimlessly through the hall of Egypt, where once Kahmunrah's exhibition was a good time on display and has been emptied to be diverted to another place later years, even without giving with that object, at least that was the panorama..
— Well, we got here and I don't see the jewel.. — the beautiful woman slowly slid through that sector visually looking for the relic. — Tell me Ahesut, why did I always listen to you, mm? — she raised an eyebrow while keeping a hand on her chin with thoughtful countenance without the young woman responding with something logical. — I need people ready for this. — she muttered, massaging her temples with her index fingers. —People who know how to govern, strategists, witty brains, with the impact of tragedy, the ingenuity of an emperor..
—‘Si cela me permet, Mademoiselle.’ (‘If you allow me, Miss‘) —  a French accent spun on its axis looking at the little man standing by the threshold. "I am Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France and I am effective pays his strategies. — he came walking to her.
—‘Enchanté, Monsieur’ (’Delighted, Sir’) — his French was perfect while the little guy kissed the back of one of his hands. — I think you were sent to me by the gods.
Napoleon: ‘Mercy.’ (‘Thank you’) I couldn't help hearing you need help, mona mi.
—What a retailer.
Napoleon: Oh, well, I'm French, I love the little things. But we do not deviate from the subject. We can help you?
—You, and who else?
Napoleon: My old allies and I, Ivan the Terrible and Mr. Al Capone, of course. — he mentioned them and the two missing ones appeared.
   And she was fascinated, moreover, she seemed more a fanatic than a serious leader..
Al Capone: And what's your name, girl?
— My name is something I will not reveal for the moment. I must be frank, my dear helpers are not good support..
Tahmenk: Hey!
— And I need new generals to help me in my plan. Stay on my side and in return, I offer you the world, literally.
Al Capone: What was called boss has promised us the same thing some years ago..
    Mm, it seems that the woman was facing a difficult audience as she rattled fingers with fingers devising an idea that made them more docile..
— That won't happen because my proposal is simple. What do you guys say? Do you agree?
Al Capone: Yes, yes, of course.
Napoleon: ‘Oui’ (‘Yes’)
Ivan, the Terrible: ‘Da’ (‘Yes’)
— All right. The moon still shines in the sky but time is short..
Napoleon: Short? Explain to me why you looked at me by saying short. — he drew his sword.
— I'm sorry, I slipped. — After that event the emperor pointed it out as a sign of being careful. — Gentlemen, I am looking for a rare jewel that without a doubt a spoiled girl that I have known long ago, she will try to recover it without rest and that I can’t allow it. But I must find a starting point to do it well and without failures. Suggestions?
Napoleon: I am an excellent strategist, my lady. I am the most qualified to start his plan. — he felt important.
— Can you think of something, little sir?"
Napoleon: I'm not small! I am huge, you are tiny, tiny and I am a great cat. Are you suggesting that moi is a mouse?
— I only said it because its size is very tender.. — and in that Napoleon imitated a feline when it threatens its prey. — What is your plan?
Napoleon: Why not focus first on the young woman, on trying to take reference points and use them against her to obstruct the arrival to that jewel that you so much desire..
— Keep going..
Napoleon: In addition, you could even take advantage of the situation by also going behind Ahkmenrah's tablet.
— Ahkmenrah's tablet? And what would I want her for? It is not my goal.
Napoleon: If you want to take over the world completely, I recommend it..
Ivan, the Terrible: My lady, you would be the successor of Kahmunrah and aspire to what he could not undertake. The world would not only be ours, but also his having those relics under his order. — he gave her an amazing idea that she accepted.
— If having both relics with me, there is a possibility that I will have to find a way to take over the world by starting a new regime in the attempt, why not? — she thought out loud. —You are starting to like me..
Al Capone: Girl, if you have enough guts, you would even avenge Kahmunrah, being loyal to her thought..
— I like it..
   She smiled vigorously sinister..
Al Capone: What's next? — he looked at the queen and she walked with her hands on her back impatient the rest.
— You will initiate the plan.. — she pointed to the Emperor. — You'll find who I want out of my way.
Napoleon: And what name does she respond to? — the tall, elegant woman whispered the name in her ear. — How will I recognize her? — she whispered again giving him the exact information. — And what do you suggest? — his curiosity made the queen smile witfully.
   Napoleon managed to infiltrate the Natural History museum disguised as a bonsai trying to find some signal to bring information to the silly queen, he didn't find anything until..
Ahkmenrah: Hey, what will you do after tomorrow's exposure? — the king seems to have gained confidence since he talked with Teddy, he wanted to know Larempteh's plans very interested while walking with the beautiful girl through the Asia section.
Larempteh: Is it an appointment proposal? Because I still don't know what I'm going to do.. — she stopped slowly until she was in front of him, she was very clever and that the young man liked that.
Ahkmenrah: Well, I do know..
   He smiled about to kiss her as soon as from her side she copied her face looking first at her eyes, then her mouth and again at her orbs, he reached a hand around her waist feeling the ground and having no signs of hostility determined to host the palm drawing her to his face while the adorable girl caressed the elegant and large ornate piece that covered from the wrist to the middle of the forearm of the pharaoh shortening the distance thanks to the thrust of Ahk on his hip, now more, a little more, more and more until Jed's voice interrupted..
— Hey Ahk! Can you come for a moment?
Larempteh: I think we'll have to postpone this moment, your Highness. — the girl spoke in a low voice very close to him, the eyes were held with complicit adoration.
Ahkmenrah: Friends.. — he used a tone that made the girl laugh.
Larempteh: You have to go. You don't have to make friends wait. — she said to them to accommodate her cape.
Ahkmenrah: Sorry.. — he felt frustrated although he put a good smile between his teeth.
Larempteh: Calm down, go.. — the queen smiled at her and before the boy left, she stood in front of her.
Ahkmenrah: How do I look? — he put his hands on his waist opting for a historical profile.
Larempteh: Like a pharaoh. — she smiled and when praised, Ahkmenrah smiled back to continue on her way. The beautiful girl continued her route until she tripped over something. — Au! — she calmed the pain in her leg when she saw what she had hit. — You're not from here, or are you? — she asked addressing him.
Napoleon: Ah, it's that I'm new, little girl. — his accent is the only thing he couldn't hide among green leaves and branches that covered his face discreetly.
Larempteh: Since when do trees talk in this place? — she snapped up.
Napoleon: Ahkmenrah's tablet is powerful. It brings to life all the important figures in the history of the museum.
Larempteh: Oh yes? And I guess you must be very important, right?
Napoleon: In China, bonsai are iconic there. They love us. Larempteh: Really? I've been to China and it's the first time I've heard a bonsai speaking French.
   To this the girl raised an eyebrow in sign of suspicion. The Frenchman no longer knew what to invent and preferred to change the subject..
Napoleon: Ah, don't look at my accent. I learned to speak it at the Flora Conservation Department in Paris. — he lied perfectly.
Larempteh: Ah.. — although she wasn't very convinced to say since it was a blind belief in her words.
Napoleon: So you are Queen Larempteh?
Larempteh: Who wants to know?
Napoleon: I'm just being polite. I thought it was great to be able to establish a bond with you since you are a pleasant young woman.
Larempteh: Well, I'm going to decide to believe you and not because I like you, that by the way I don't, but because I'm a person of values ​​and respect. That's right, my name is Larempteh, High Blue Sapphire of the Nile, fourth queen of the fifth great king and ruler of the reign of my pharaohs. — in her refined voice, she presented herself with real distinction, feeling proud of her Dynasty.
Napoleon: Uh! It is a bit long.
Larempteh: They are my customs, it is shorter in Egyptian. — she made a gesture of downplay. — And what's your name?
Napoleon: I'm Chang.
    And at that time Napoleon adopted a pseudonym, improvising to continue with the systematic model carried out..
Larempteh: Chang?
Napoleon (Chang): Yes, yes ..
Larempteh: Okey..
   The girl still was still with ice law..
Napoleon (Chang): So queen, huh? And what makes an important queen like you?
Larempteh: What makes me important? Having been part of the most glorious dynasty in Egypt.
Napoleon (Chang): And don't you have something else that makes you special?
Larempteh: In what way?
Napoleon (Chang): Well then, something of value..
Larempteh: How what?
Napoleon (Chang): I don't know, you tell me.
Larempteh: I only have my crown and this precious usej. — the beautiful girl gently brushed her ornate and colorful jewelry.
Napoleon (Chang): I thought you would have something more important that highlights your imprint.
Larempteh: More important than a crown?
Napoleon (Chang): A jewel, maybe?
Larempteh: A jewel? I have no jewel with me. Where do you want to go? You know what, I have to go, bye.
   She got fed up turning around walking steps that were heard in annoyance while the queen was being arrested by that subject..
Napoleon (Chang): No, no, no! Wait wait! Do not go! We can talk about something else. I'm sorry I made a bad impression on me.
Larempteh: Well, you did that.
Napoleon (Chang): I offer my sincerest apologies ..
Larempteh: Apologies accepted. I have to go.
   Yes, it also turned out to be a difficult girl to convince when something was wrong..
Napoleon (Chang): Wait!
Larempteh: And now what?
Napoleon (Chang): Should we owe another talk?
Larempteh: I have nothing to talk to you, don't waste my time in silly things.
Napoleon (Chang): Let's start over, yes?
   He tried to change her mind when she hesitated too much to listen to him, but since the queen had a good heart, she didn't want to be rude..
Larempteh: Okay, what do you want?
Napoleon (Chang): Let's forget that topic and put it aside. I want to know you a little more thoroughly.
Larempteh: What? — she frowned strangely.
Napoleon (Chang): You know. Arrive in a friendly way. Ask yourself and tell me about you, for example, I don't know, if you have a fiance, the man who holds your destiny.
   And she narrowed her eyes I don't understand anything she was talking about or rather, not understanding why so much insistence on exchanging dialogues..
Larempteh: Don't you think you're too young to be talking about these things? —  she looked at the new one oddly.
Napoleon (Chang): Young?! I am huge enough for anything. I'm over a thousand years old. — the obsession of its size made it clear that he wasn't very smart.
Larempteh: What a character.. — she whispered, accommodating his voice. — No, in fact, I don't have a fiance. Moreover, I didn't even choose one when I had time.
Napoleon (Chang): But what about the boy you were talking to..?
Larempteh: You were spying on me? — she asked shocked.
Napoleon (Chang): No, no, no, no! It was happening and I saw you chatting with him. I thought I was your boyfriend. You are a very pretty young woman.
Larempteh: Thank you, ignoring the fact that I am 4000 years old and that I am a mummy in perfect conservation, I accept your compliment. — she frowned strangely when his neutral voice sighed. — No, Ahkmenrah and I, we're just good friends. I think our parents know each other but it doesn't happen from there. The rest is history as they usually say..
Napoleon (Chang): How interesting.. — was gradually moving away, he had already got the information he needed. — Well, I have to go somewhere else.. — and increasingly, the girl's distrust began to grow much more than before. — Adieu.. Ah, I mean, Goodbye.. — he sneaked out running with curtains ahead and then chased by some samurai.
   The Egyptian girl was thoughtful, too. That tree was pretty weird ..
   She did not know why but at that moment she felt herself entering a trance for a few thousandths of a second and how a faint feeling would take her out of it..
   Leaving the beautiful fountains of the exhibition of The Imperial Gardens of China, it was not long without this discomfort happening again..
Larempteh: How strange. — and raised an eyebrow while looking to the side.
  The three girls were not included to hear another part of the queen's plan reunited with two of her minions, so they had to remain in an interior hallway of the Egyptian hall..
Ahesut: It's all my fault, if I hadn't fallen asleep none of this would happen ..
Nehtatem: Stop complaining, now it's no use anymore..
   Tahmenk didn't pay much attention to what they were talking about just by listening to two people talking loudly through another of the doors leading to the basement..
— John, this ancient piece should be in a museum in Cairo at the latest in a couple of days and is still here, corroborated by the director of the Eastern Museum who, for issues he did not want to explain to me, cursed us by keeping a “nice” conversation I had on the phone!
— I'm sorry, Mac..
— You are responsible for paperwork, where the hell do you have your head?
— The paper said it came from the Neapolitan area for the Smithsonian. — he defended himself by chewing a piece of bread.
— It's not Neapolitan, it's Meridian. And the delivery agreement is from London to Egypt. You're so silly! Who taught you to read, a bear?! How did they get you here..?
Tahmenk: Cairo.. — she whispered.
Nehtatem: What's up?
Tahmenk: Cairo!
  And she ran away followed by the two girls..
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lilacmoon83 · 6 years
Finding You Always
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Sorry, I meant to have this up on Tumblr last night, but this site was not cooperating.
Chapter 148: The Final Battle, Pt 1
Emma Swan's eyes snapped open and she looked around at the stark white walls of her room in the asylum.
Since the day Ms. Rocha had taken her book and destroyed it, Emma had been here. She had been so disturbed when the book was destroyed that the state had institutionalized her and this became her life. Mundane days spent in a tiny, dark room with pills forced down her throat and Ms. Rocha berating her about what a delusional little freak she was.
The door opened, revealing her bony silhouette and Emma shuddered at her cruel smile. She really didn't know how long it had been since that day she lost the book and all hope of finding her parents, but Emma knew she was grown and any hope of that was gone. Perhaps her parents, or the people she thought her parents were in the book, really never existed, after all. Maybe what Ms. Rocha said was true. Her real parents were probably criminals on the run or drug addicts that dumped her like trash on the side of the road. She clutched her baby blanket, as the woman came into the room.
"It's time for your meds, Emma," Yzma hissed, as she glared down at the young woman.
"I don't want to take anymore pills...they don't help," Emma replied.
"You don't get a choice in the matter," Yzma snapped, as the orderlies came in. Emma screamed and fought, as the pills were forced down her, while the woman she knew as Ms. Rocha watched with smug glee on her wrinkled face.
Snow and David held hands, as they slowly moved through the streets of their town. Many places were boarded up and there were very few souls on the streets, like something akin to a ghost town. They could see a few people peering out at them from some of the buildings, but once they made eye contact, the people stopped looking, like they were afraid.
"What has she done to our town?" Snow wondered.
"I don't know, my darling...but we will fix this," he assured, as they continued on. They reached the corner and saw the diner in the distance, but noticed that the sign no longer said Granny's. Instead, it read Slade's.
"Okay...the Slades own Granny's. Now I know this whole place has been warped," he said.
"Villains are in control again," Snow said, as she pointed to the place where the Rabbit Hole should have been. Instead, the sign now read Ratigan's.
"Ratigan...didn't I arrest him a long time ago?" David asked, trying to recall it. She nodded.
"Yes...when Emma was fifteen. Remember, he was experimenting and trying to distribute mind-control drugs," she reminded.
"Yeah...I remember now. If he's out of prison…" he started to say, but they jumped then, as a bullet ricocheted at their feet. They looked ahead of them, only to find Sa'luk there, wearing a Sheriff's badge on his hip.
"Trespassers will be detained," he hissed.
"That badge doesn't belong to you," David hissed back, as he unsheathed his sword. Sa'luk chuckled.
"I've been looking forward to a rematch, Charming. After you did this to me," he said, pointing at his missing eye.
"I've been dying to repay the favor by carving up that pretty face," Sa'luk growled.
"So you have your memories," Snow stated, as she pulled an arrow from her quiver.
"Yes, the Black Fairy allowed me to retain them, as my hatred of your entire bloodline will serve her well," he said.
"David...I don't think there's magic here," Snow whispered, as she was unable to summon any power from the chalice.
"Figures...the Black Fairy probably took it all for herself. Guess we'll have to do this the old fashioned way," he said, as he poised his sword in strike position, as Sa'luk charged him. David charged at him in response and immediately went about relying on his agility. Unfortunately, despite his size, he was able to keep up with the Prince and their blades clashed furiously. Snow moved slowly about, trying to find an opening, but it was far too risky with Charming so close to the hulking man.
She gasped when the man hammered his large fist into her husband's back, right between his shoulder blades and he dropped to the ground. The man brought his arm up and his blade down, but David kicked his legs out from under him and he landed flat on his back. David was quick to his feet, but so was Sa'luk, as they resumed their duel. Onlookers from Ratigan's had come out to watch the spectacle and Snow threaded an arrow, as she saw a few shady characters start to move in.
"Don't even think about it," Snow warned, as she fired a warning arrow at their feet and threaded another.
"You gonna take us all on, beautiful?" one hissed and she recognized him as one of Sa'luk's few remaining cohorts from the forty thieves.
"Yeah...there's much more entertaining things we could do with you," Keith, the Sheriff of Nottingham commented.
"Yeah...bet this one's a real wildcat on her back," a very creepy, fidgety man drawled, as he slithered toward her. Snow glowered at him and extracted the dagger from her belt, before throwing it at him. The dagger hit him in the leg, hitting the femoral artery just right. The fidgety man screamed in agony, as he collapsed to the ground.
"You...you little bitch! You've crippled me!" he slurred, as Ratigan himself burst out into the street and looked at the spectacle. But Snow wasn't intimidated by anything of them and threaded another arrow, as a couple of the men tried to stop the bleeding with towels.
"Anyone else?" she threatened.
"Not even your arrows are gonna stop me, girl," Ratigan seethed, as he advanced on her.
"Woman," she corrected, as she fired an arrow, but he surprised her by catching it and snapping it in two.
"You'll have to do better than that, Princess," he hissed. She gasped, as she heard David cry out and watched in horror, as Sa'luk wrapped his large hand around her husband's neck, before lifting him off his feet.
"Better worry about yourself," Keith hissed, as they closed in around her.
"The Black Fairy wants them alive," Sa'luk warned, as he choked the Prince.
"Which is a pity since I'd love to snap your pretty neck," the hulking man hissed back.
"Oh, she'll be alive when we're done," Ratigan hissed, as they surrounded her. Snow un-threaded her arrow and held it up, preparing to defend herself.
"Just a bit broken," Keith leered, but he was stopped short when several arrows fired rapidly from somewhere above them, expertly wounding, though not fatally, all but Ratigan and Keith.
"What the hell?!" Keith cried, as he and Ratigan looked around, only to find a girl on the rooftop of the bar.
"Eva!" Snow called in relief, as she reloaded her crossbow.
"You want to play too, little girl?" Keith leered.
"How about you play with someone a little more your size?" a male voice said, as he surprised Keith and put him in a headlock. He put his sword to the other man's throat and Snow smiled again.
"Leo," she said in relief, he shoved Keith away and leveled his blade at Ratigan.
"Get the hell away from my mother," he growled, as the bar owner wisely backed away.
"David!" Snow called, as they rushed to help him. Sa'luk laughed evilly, as David started to lose consciousness.
"You know, I doubt the Black Fairy will be too upset if I rid us of him," Sa'luk growled.
"NO!" Snow cried, but the man cried out in pain, as Fandral surprised him from behind and put him in a headlock, shocking the man.
"You are strong...I'll give you that. But you're no trouble for an Asgardian," Fandral boasted, as he overpowered him and forced him into submission, as Xander leveled his gun at the brute.
"Even you're not immune to bullets to the head, Sa'luk...just give me a reason," Xander growled.
"And if that doesn't get you...I'll make the other eye match," Regina added, as she held a sword aimed at his other eye.
"This is far from over, Charmings! This is not your town any longer. We have a new Mayor and a new Order! And you all will fall," Sa'luk warned, as he retreated.
"Oh David…" Snow cried, as he coughed and tried to get air, as she cradled his head. He breathed and reached up to caress her face.
"I'm okay…" he promised, as Xander and James helped him to his feet. Snow put her arms around him and then they opened their arms for the twins.
"We were so worried…" Eva cried.
"We're okay," Snow promised.
"But Hyde is still alive, so we assumed that Jekyll is too," Leo said.
"That's a story, but you can rest assured that Jekyll will never be bothering us again," David replied.
"He's right, but we're surprised that everyone has their memories. Aladdin couldn't send us back, because he said the curse had been cast again," Snow said.
"That's a story too," Xander said.
"Yes and I'm afraid not everyone has retained their memories," Rose added. Snow looked at the twins.
"It's Emma…" Eva said.
"Yeah, like we said it's a story, but maybe we should get off the streets," James suggested.
"He's right...let's get back to base," Aphrodite said.
"Base?" David asked curiously.
"Yep...welcome to the resistance, son," Xander said. Snow and David exchanged a glance and then followed their family and friends to the docks.
"The cannery? This is the base?" David asked.
"It's a bit rundown now, but it's all we've got," James replied.
"Yes...we'll explain everything inside and maybe you two can tell us how Hyde is still alive, but Jekyll's no longer a problem," Regina added, obviously curious about that story. They nodded and followed them inside.
"Madam Mayor...we have a problem," Sa'luk reported, as he burst into her office. She wrinkled her nose in disgust, as the sweaty brute she had entrusted to police the town invaded her office.
"And I suppose you're not talking about your smell?" she quipped.
"They're here," he stated.
"I know they're here...I've already heard all about your incompetence and how they defeated you again. Please remind me why I've decided to keep you around," Fiona said sharply.
"If that Asgardian hadn't interfered, I would have been able to come here and dropped the Prince's corpse at your feet," he replied sharply in return. She smirked.
"Yes...it must be bothersome to you to know that there is someone that has superior physical strength than you," she goaded, as she picked up her phone and dialed a number.
"Get over here," she snapped and in a puff of yellow smoke, Yzma appeared in her office.
"What's going on? I heard those rebels were making another spectacle in town. Too much for you, Sheriff?" Yzma goaded.
"Bite your tongue, you old hag," Sa'luk hissed.
"Enough!" Fiona snapped.
"They're here…" she stated. Yzma clenched her fists.
"How is that possible? You said if we cast the curse before Snow and Charming returned that it would ensure there would be no interference from them," Yzma reminded.
"I know what I said!" Fiona snapped.
"They obviously found their own loophole to find a way here. Portals and beans are only the obvious ways to travel the realms. Though less obvious, there are other ways. But I believe there is much more going on here," Fiona replied, as she gazed out the window.
"What could it be? Essentially, we have won. Emma Swan is nothing more than a shell of her former self with no memories of being raised by her loving parents," Yzma reminded.
"Yes...but the curse should have stolen more than just her memories. Yet everyone else has retained theirs and thus gave birth to their little resistance," Fiona said.
"But we have all the magic. Not even Rumple retained his," Yzma reminded.
"Which only holds true as long as the curse remains in tact. If it's broken, then everything returns to normal. No...he did something. He may have been stripped of his magic and they all are living in squalor. They seem powerless, but that's only the image he wants us to have," Fiona realized, as she opened her drawer and took out the vial that had once contained the blood her son had provided for them.
She examined it, noticing there was still a tiny drop in the bottom and waved her hand over it. She snarled, as it revealed the vial was protected by a concealment spell.
"Why would Rumple place a concealment spell on the Queen's blood?" Yzma questioned.
"Because this isn't the Queen's blood at all!" Fiona snapped, as she canceled his spell and the drop of blood glowed with pinkish magic.
"This is Snow and Charming's mixed blood…" she realized in horror.
"What does that mean?" Sa'luk questioned.
"It means that my son betrayed me and wove true love into my perfect curse!" she cried, as she threw the glass vial angrily against the wall, shattering it.
"We can still win this if we get rid of Emma Swan's belief permanently," Yzma reminded. Fiona took a deep breath.
"You're absolutely right. Her parents will come for her and we must see that she not only no longer believes, but that she makes her way out of Storybrooke...forever," the Black Fairy replied. Yzma smirked deviously.
"Yes...if she leaves town, she'll never regain her memories and the curse shall never be broken, no matter what those idiots do. And I have just the thing," the wrinkled hag hissed. Fiona smirked.
"In her current state of mind, she thinks she's been locked up all her life. Perhaps offering her freedom and a cushy life in Boston will do the trick," she agreed, as she turned to Sa'luk.
"Keep the Charmings away from the asylum at all costs. Kill them if you must," she ordered and he bowed deeply.
"Yes Madam Mayor," he said deviously, as he left. Fiona returned to gazing out the window.
"I have not come this far to lose everything now. You will not defeat me so easily, son," she hissed under her breath.
Snow and David followed their family and friend into the cannery, observing most of the townspeople and their families living in clusters around the cannery, sleeping on cots and sleeping bags. Fortunately, being that they really couldn't have a fire inside the building, everyone was kept warm with space heaters and warm clothing. It was almost like it had been when they were living in the woods when they were taking back the Kingdom, except they had still had the luxury of electricity and plumbing here. Still, it definitely was not ideal and their town had been completely overrun by anyone willing to work for the Black Fairy and uphold her regime.
"Mommy! Daddy!" Summer called, as she ran toward them from her place with Granny. They beamed at her, as David scooped her up and they showered her with kisses. Granny gladly brought the baby over and Snow felt tears fill her eyes, as she held their son again. There had been a moment there when she had taken the sleeping curse that she wondered if that was the last time she would see him as a baby. Thankfully, it had only been a few days since that awful day that Jekyll had enforced his ultimatum. He was gone forever and if they could defeat the Black Fairy, things could finally be set right again.
"You beat the bad man, didn't you?" Summer asked. David smiled.
"Of course they did. I missed you too," Henry said, as they enveloped him in their hug too.
"Oh sweetheart, we missed you too and we're going to get your Mom back," Snow promised. He nodded.
"We did, peanut...he's never going to try and hurt Mommy again," he promised.
"I think the burning question on everyone's mind is how?" Paul asked anxiously.
"Yeah...Hyde didn't fall over dead, so we assumed Jekyll was still a problem," Leo said bluntly and then glanced at the former warden.
"Not that we were wishing that on you," he clarified.
"No offense taken, young one. I'll admit, I am curious myself as to whether my other half is still a problem," Hyde drawled.
"He's not...and it's quite a story," David said. Snow smiled.
"It is…but one we would be glad to tell," she added.
"When I arrived to wake Snow, she was in the glass coffin again, in the same place she was more than thirty years ago. But she wasn't alone," he said.
"Jekyll was there I'm guessing," Leo said.
"Yes, but he wasn't the only one," David replied, as he looked to Rose Red.
"We had the displeasure of meeting your Uncle John. It seems he's taken up residence in our Enchanted Forest and when someone informed him that Snow was in the forest, he thought it was you," David said to Rose. She looked shocked.
"Oh that horrible man," Rose lamented.
"When I got there, Jekyll was convincing them that she was Snow and should allow him to take her in exchange for one of his baton weapons. Needless to say, I spoiled that little deal," David said.
"Take her...do whatever you want with her. I want that weapon," he said, as he prepared to take it from the doctor when they heard the sound of thundering hooves pounding toward them. Jekyll seethed, as a white horse emerged carrying Charming with it.
"You!" the King cried, as David looked at him strangely. He had never seen this man before and dismounted his horse.
"You are part of the reason Rose Red was able to defeat me!" the King shouted, as his men all drew their swords. Realization dawned in David's eyes and he rolled them.
"He thinks you're Fandral," Aladdin said, as he, Cassim, and Jasmine arrived too.
"I told you...this is Snow White, which means he's not Fandral. But he's just as much of a thorn in my side as Fandral was in yours," Jekyll hissed.
"Save it, you sick bastard, and get the hell away from my wife," David demanded. Jekyll growled and fired the weapon at David, but the Prince caught the attack with the Chalice, as they dueled in a deadlock. All bystanders were forced to dodge the power of the device, as it ricocheted off the chalice. Aladdin used his new found magic to deflect one headed straight toward him. It bounced back and struck Jekyll head on. The doctor cried out and trembled in pain, as the device snapped in two from the blast, rendering it useless. David smirked and put the Chalice down, as he made purposeful strides toward Snow. The King foolishly stood in his way and he drew his sword.
"I either go around you or through you...it's your choice, Your Majesty," David growled. Sir Hiss scrambled away like a coward and the King stepped aside fearfully as well. He looked so terrified of David that they all wondered if he'd might start sucking his thumb and crying for his mommy.
David looked at her through the glass and lifted the cover away, before tossing it aside. He was having Deja Vu, as he gazed down at her with reverence. He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. A wave of rainbow light washed over all of them and the entire land, as their powerful love returned light to the darkness.
Snow took a starved breath of air and he beamed down at her, as she reached up and put her hand to his handsome face. He took her hand and helped her sit up with his hand on her back, as they stared at each other passionately.
"You found me…" she said. He smiled and lifted her into his arms off the coffin bed and put her on her feet, but kept her pressed flush against him.
"Did you ever doubt I would?" he asked.
"Never...I will never doubt our love," she purred, as she nuzzled her nose against his. He smiled and kissed her again. Snow mewled into his kiss, letting herself be lost in him again.
"I am so sorry you had to deal with my Uncle John," Rose apologized. They smiled.
"He was nothing we couldn't handle," Snow assured.
"And his tantrums were actually entertaining," David added.
"So what happened then? How did you get rid of Dr. Creepyl?" Leo quipped, making his parents chuckle.
"I suppose that probably is the best part of the story," Snow agreed, as she continued telling them.
"Not that my husband has to explain anything to you, because I know that everything he does is for me and our family," she said, as she looked up at him fondly.
"If you think you've won, then I encourage you to think again, my dear Snow. I encourage you save your beloved a lot of pain and come with me now," Jekyll growled.
"Oh bloody hell, you irritating wanker...give it up already! Have you forgotten that they have a genie on their side now?" Aladdin interjected.
"David...we have enough wishes to go around when Jasmine and my father take the lamp. Say the word...and this idiot is done," he said. Snow and David exchanged a glance, knowing the wish had to be worded carefully.
"Taking the easy way out? I'd expect more, even from you, Charming," Jekyll goaded. Snow rolled her eyes and cuddled close to David, as he smiled down at her. They were both having a lot of trouble keeping their attention on this situation and off each other.
"I wouldn't be so smug, Dr. Jerkyll. I happen to have it on very good authority that a certain God of Dreams is very upset with you. How have you been sleeping?" she questioned. He frowned and was silent. She smirked.
"I thought so...Morpheus is seeing to it that you're plagued by nightmares for meddling in the dream realm like you have," Snow said.
"Really?" David whispered to her. She nodded.
"Mmm...Morpheus is highly offended by the doctor and his entire existence," Snow explained. David smirked.
"That doesn't bode well for your future," the prince commented.
"Save your feeble attempts to alarm me. It won't work...I've bested you at every turn. This time shall be no different," the doctor said.
"Yes...you may not be my insolent niece, but you look just like her! And I refuse to be defeated by such again!" the King bellowed.
"Who are you again?" Snow asked and the childish man stomped his feet.
"I am King John...and this is my Kingdom now! You can't have it back!" he shouted.
"Rose Red's uncle," David whispered to her and realization dawned on her.
"Poor Rose," she commented, as the irate King stomped around making demands to his soldiers. But they seemed reluctant to make any move in the presence of a genie. At the moment, all she wanted was to be rid of the doctor for good and help their friends, before going home. Enough was enough. Aladdin was offering them an out and she decided it was worth the risk. After all, she basically had sanctioned permission from Morpheus to do whatever necessary to rid all the realms of Dr. Jekyll's existence.
"Okay...you know what, make the wish. Morpheus is counting on us to get rid of him since he can't and if anyone deserves easy right now...it's us," she said. He grinned and kissed her.
"Genie...my second wish is give Dr. Jekyll exactly what he deserves," David said. Aladdin smirked and his hand glowed, as he outstretched toward the doctor. But when nothing happened, they were all puzzled. The doctor smirked smugly and chuckled.
"Well, that was certainly a waste of a wish," he goaded. Snow's brow furrowed.
"I don't understand…" she uttered, as she looked at Aladdin. But the newly minted Genie also looked at a loss.
"I think the answer is simple enough. I'm still here, because I deserve to finally get what I want," he growled, as he grabbed her arm.
"Like hell…" David growled back, as he watched his wife punch him and then knee him in the groin. He groaned in pain and started to advance on her, but she swiped him with David's sword, drawing blood on his face. The doctor dabbed his hand against the cut and glowered at her.
"Oh, I cannot wait to teach you your place, dear Snow…" he growled, as he reached out toward her. Charming moved to intercept him, but Snow gasped and he realized he wouldn't have to. The doctor looked perplexed, as he seemed to be suddenly slowly disintegrating into particles.
"What...what is this?!" Jekyll hissed, as he looked at the Genie, but Aladdin only offered him a smug smirk.
"Look!" Jasmine called, as they witnessed the chalice now aglow with whitish green light. In the place where Snow's glass coffin was stood their sapling, whole once again.
"But how?" David asked in awe.
"It was never really destroyed. The Chalice absorbed the dust from it," Aladdin replied.
"How do you know that, son?" Cassim inquired. Aladdin shrugged.
"I'm not sure I understand it either. I just...know. Phenomenal cosmic powers, I guess," he retorted.
"Charming...look!" Snow called, as they watched their sapling grow into a beautiful, giant tree in the spot where he had now awakened her from a sleeping curse twice. The greenery sprouted to life and beautiful, luscious flowers in multiple colors bloomed brilliantly. They looked at each other and then back up at the tree in awe.
"In all my years...never have I seen anything like this," Cassim mentioned. Aladdin smirked and nodded.
"From what I'm getting, no genies have either," he replied.
"It's incredible," Jasmine uttered, as she gazed up at it.
"And the wish didn't do this?" she asked him. He shook his head.
"No...the Chalice is doing this. The wish just activated all of it. When David asked for Jekyll to basically face justice, the wish chose to use the Chalice to do it," he replied.
"No...NO…" Jekyll cried, as his legs disintegrated and his particles floated toward the tree and disappeared at the base of it.
"What's...happening to me?" he cried.
"Justice," David said sternly.
"You're getting exactly what you deserve," Snow added, as he held her close.
"This...can't be happening?!" he screamed, as he disintegrated entirely and became apart of the dirt around the tree.
"He didn't become part of our tree, did he?" David asked wearily. Aladdin was silent for a moment, like he was listening to something only he could hear, and then laughed.
"No...he's not part of the tree. He's actually not exactly dead either, technically," he replied.
"What does that mean?" Snow asked nervously.
"He's sort of like food for the tree now," Aladdin replied, as he broke down into snickers. David looked at him.
"Hold on...are you saying he's like fertilizer now?" the prince asked. Aladdin chuckled.
"More or less," the genie confirmed. Snow grinned, as she looked at the contagious grin on his face.
"Oh, I love that!" he exclaimed and she yelped, as he picked her up and spun her around. She giggled, as he planted kisses on her lips and cheek.
"Okay...wait, so Dr. Jekyll became...fertilizer?" Leo asked in an amused tone. David grinned.
"Basically," he answered, as there were barks and snickers of laughter.
"That's awesome!" Leo exclaimed.
"Yeah...wait until Em finds out. She'll have some good one liners for that one," Eva added, as she frowned, remembering the predicament her older sister was currently in.
"So...where is Emma?" Snow asked.
"Yeah...and I thought this was a curse. I'm surprised that everyone still has their memories," David added.
"Not everyone…" Regina said.
"And I think the reason the rest of us do has to do with a bit of deception on Gold's part," she added, as their attention turned to him.
"Fiona needed something to help her cast the curse with the last shard missing. I gave her blood from someone who had cast the curse before. She assumed it was Regina's," he stated.
"But you gave her ours?" David asked, clearly impressed and he nodded curtly.
"So that means true love was woven into the curse again and Emma can break it, right?" Snow asked, with a smile.
"Yes...but therein lies the problem. While we have our memories, the curse did succeed in taking Emma's memories. Fiona and Yzma have also used their wands to soak up all the magic in Storybrooke. Only they can use it," Regina replied.
"Yzma?" David asked.
"That's where things get really hairy. She's a former dark fairy," Leo explained.
"Yes, she was once an apprentice to our very own blue flea over here," Gold added, earning him a glare from Reul Ghorm, whom had been awakened from her coma with the enacting of the curse.
"Yzma deceived me. I didn't know her true history," Blue said in her own defense.
"Her history? She wasn't born a fairy?" David asked.
"No...like Jekyll, her other half ripped her out and banished her to the Enchanted Forest. He is a prominent Inca God known as Virococha, making Yzma immortal too. When she arrived in our land, a thousand years ago, she immediately sought dark power and did her stint as the third Dark One," Rumple revealed.
"Wait...the third Dark One? As in the one that killed Tigerlily's parents?" Snow questioned. He nodded.
"But I thought that Dark One went by a different name? And how is she still alive if she was the Dark One?" David asked.
"Yes, Xanetakos was merely her alias. As for surviving her stint as the Dark One, she was already immortal and her other half is still alive," Rumple answered.
"Yes...killing Tigerlily's parents ensured that she would not be destroyed. As you have probably learned, the truest loves have the power to eradicate the darker half of a being without killing the good half," Aphrodite added. They nodded.
"So...she's the immortal dark half of some God, was a dark one, and a fairy. But where did she come from?" Snow asked.
"That's where it gets even more twisted," Eva replied.
"Yes, apparently, after Blue ousted her from the fairies, she teamed up with the Black Fairy. They conspired to keep the two of you apart or keep you from...having kids. Because not only are you and David dangerous to their kind, but your children are too," Regina explained.
"And Emma is the Savior," David realized. She nodded.
"Since I know from experience that keeping you two apart is impossible, they obviously didn't get the job done. So somehow, Fiona saw to it that Yzma made her way to the Land Without Magic," Regina continued.
"Yeah...I guess she was one of Emma's social workers that she didn't talk about," Leo added.
"Yes...it was obviously something she didn't want to talk about, but she did tell us that this woman was a nightmare and almost destroyed her belief," Regina told them.
"Yes...and she came very close. She tried destroying the book. Had she succeeded, Emma might have never come to the hospital in Boston to find you," Hook added. Snow and David were stunned by this and exchanged a glance.
"She never told us about this particular social worker," Snow recalled.
"You know Emma...she hates talking about that time. And not even she knew this woman was actually working for the Black Fairy and from our land," Eva reminded.
"So...if Emma has no memories now…" David started to say. Regina nodded.
"Yzma has been charged with destroying her belief again. She doesn't remember any of us. She thinks she's been institutionalized her entire life from what we gather, because of her belief and the book," the former Queen answered.
"Oh Gods…" Snow cried, as David squeezed her hand.
"We'll get her to remember, Snow...I promise," he assured.
"That will not be easy...as you know, none of us have any magic," Rumple warned.
"Doesn't matter...we're not going to let this old hag do this to our little girl," David retorted.
"Be advised though, we don't have a lot of time. If Emma's belief is destroyed, then the consequences to all of us are...catastrophic," Rumple stated.
"Rumple...what do you mean by that?" Belle inquired.
"Suffice to say...if Emma stops believing and they get her to destroy the book...then we all cease to exist," he answered. That statement fell over all of them like a lead blanket. They had faced high stakes before, but never ones quite like these.
"This is it then...this is the final battle. It will determine everything," Snow realized.
"It will...but we're going to win this. We need to get into that asylum," David replied.
"Fortunately, we've been working on a plan and it's time to put it into action," Regina agreed, as they began to get ready for the battle ahead...
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loadingss56 · 3 years
Jbar Daze Mp3 Download
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(Unofficial Video) EVERYBODY! PLEASE GO DOWNLOAD MY NEW SINGLE 'DAZE' ft. Soulja Boy Tell'Em On iTunes NOWWWWW!!!! Sep 9, 2017 - Fimi mp3 is a web platform which unveils the music world by giving latest updates of all categories of music under a laid out classification. Official Petra Last Daze lyrics at CD Universe. Words and music by Bob Hartman Based on 1 Timothy 4:1, 2 Thessalonians 2:11, 2 Timothy 4:3-4 Somewhere in the darkest night a s. Listen online to JBAR - Daze and find out more about its history, critical reception, and meaning.
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Advisory - the following lyrics contain explicit language:
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Man I'm in a daze J-Bar Soulja Boy Tell'em SOD Money game Southern Smoke
Chorus: Roscoe Dash
Man im in a daze, walking round, round in a maze there's money to be made, guess im on the paper chase You know i love ya babe (you know i love ya babe) But u know i gotta go, keep your number on speed dial Man im in a daze (in the daze) Man im in a daze (in the daze) You know i love ya babe (I love ya babe) But man im in a daze (in the daze)
Verse 1: Roscoe Dash
Roscoe Dash! Got my V.I.P and my winning wife while my mind is like I got it on an I.V. cuz I need it to survive Me, ???, and President Franklin got more than Felentine Man, yeah I could elaborate but it's too much to describe Whoever said money don't grow on trees Lies my money tree full of dough BC money man My ancestors had roofie o 20/20 shawty man my competition is super swole Everlasting paper chase I see green all I do is throw Man I swear I'm paid, they say I cooled down in some banks But I know I'm here to stay, too much money to be made I know haters say, so go ahead and say what you say Imma do me in the mean while cuz
Chorus: Roscoe Dash
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Man I'm in a daze, walking round, round in a maze there's money to be made, guess I'm on the paper chase You know I love ya babe (you know I love ya babe) But u know I gotta go, keep your number on speed dial Man I'm in a daze
Verse 2: JBAR
Jbar Daze Mp3 Download Free Music
Baby let me be your president yo Obama you can my first lady my Obama momma low drumma B vacation in the summer Girl let me get you problems, girl you know i here to solve 'em You can tell me no problem, ooh i know you like me ooh i know you love me , you want some more of me so come on gettin' lovely , I'm gettin into the money the Donald Trump money , a proud way of stuntin' and problems keep on comin' And girl you know I'm out dere on the road, Different city show to show collecting gwop gettin dough man i thought i let you know that I really gotta go, and from the bottom of my soul girl I love ya on the low, girl in case you didn't know
Man im in a daze, walking round, round in a maze there's money to be made, Guess I'm on the paper chase You know iI love ya babe (you know I love ya babe) But you know I gotta go, keep your number on speed dial Man I'm in a daze (in the daze) Man I'm in a daze (in the daze) You know I love ya babe (I love ya babe) But man I'm in a daze (in the daze) Man im in a daze (In the daze)
Verse 3: Lil Twist
Walking round, round in a maze And I got clouds up in my eyes And a flow wit ???? Movin up like I got a raise Yet I get it so so paid Now just let me out this cage Lookin like I been up for days Them kids are walkin zombies, not sleepin at night Yet my flow is on point like the pen when I write I need the pen you write with cuz there's no pen is in sight Nah its open cuz when I die I can sleep for the rest of my life Ah I'm right, never wrong, I'm nice, I'm cool and tight Straight tryin to set the bar so you never can say I'm alright Eyyy Lil Twist and J-Bar, Young Money SOD superstars going far
Chorus: Roscoe Dash
Man im in a daze, walking round, round in a maze There's money to be made, guess I'm on the paper chase You know I love ya babe (you know I love ya babe) But u know I gotta go, keep your number on speed dial Man
Verse 4:Soulja Boy
Man im in the daze man, walkin past money in amazement eyes low from the Kush, similar to Asians J-Bar is up next, SOD Money Gang one day in my shoes man you boys cant hang girls say i look good but im better in person my waves are success yes i call it swag surfing my business so corporate but my style so urban never rock skinny jeans but yo girl still jerkin
Verse 5: Dorrough
Man I'm gone, I'm in a daze girl you got me feelin played I normally don't give away my time unless I'm getting paid Got my mind runnin all around like I'm in a maze I don't really care who know I write it on my Twitter page I know you be excited when you see me Cuz you see me on your TV And your family wanna meet me I know Cuz when I'm wit ya, you act as if you lost for words, But what you don't know is that I'm a bigger fan of yours That's why I'm in a daze, like my homie J-Bar When I come see you I always leave my phone in my car Eliminate distractions, girl yeah you know it's on Yeah buddy, you the one I wanna focus on
Verse 6: Chamillionaire
Everybody get in the click of tattoos Everybody get in the click of fat Jews Looking for a chick that's known to come through 22's on the whip that she choose You might say the glass is half empty I'm gonna say the glass is half full When she say my heart is too cold I'm gonna say it's cuz im that cool I'm that dude, that's not even a possibly On fire just like a rotten tree?? Y'all boys aint gotta pop to pee Girl you know I love your brain Man I feel like Socrates When your chick layin next to me She aint wearing nothing but her soccer tee I got the G, skip to the O gotta get to the door My wrist is gonna blow, my chick is gonna know Cash rues imma blow her a kiss before I go, whoa Imma make her cum I bet she crack a smile I keep that Franklin on the speed diallll That's why I got her in a daze
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higherfeed · 5 years
What's Coming to Netflix, Amazon, HBO, and Hulu in November
This month all eyes are on The Irishman, Martin Scorsese’s epic gangster drama. But until you can see it on November 27, there’s plenty of other highly-anticipated releases in TV and movies coming to Netflix, Amazon, HBO, and Hulu, including shows like Jack Ryan, The Crown, and Silicon Valley October Streaming Guide: The ‘Breaking Bad’ Movie, ‘Glass’, and More to Watch This Month Along with those new options, movies like Creed II, Step Brothers, The Matrix Series, the James Bond collection, and Rounders will be streaming on various sites. The Best Adventure Movies, TV Shows, and Documentaries You Can Stream Right Now Here’s everything new you can stream in November 2019:
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Jack Ryan Season 2 / Amazon Prime Video / Paramount TelevisionNov. 1: A View To A Kill (1985) Bad Santa (2003) Big Top Pee-Wee (1988) Chinatown (1974) Diamonds Are Forever (1971) Die Another Day (2002) Double Jeopardy (1999) Dr. No (1962) Escape From Alcatraz (1979) Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex * But Were Afraid To Ask (1972) Fatal Attraction (1987) Fire with Fire (2012) Flashdance (1983) For Your Eyes Only (1981) Freelancers (2012) From Russia With Love (1963) Gloria (English Subtitled) (2014) Goldeneye (1995) Goldfinger (1964) Kingpin (1996) LicenceTo Kill (1989) Light Sleeper (1992) Live And Let Die (1973) Moonraker (1979) Never Say Never Again (1983) Octopussy (1983) On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (1969) Overlord (2018) Reds (1981) Save the Last Dance 2 (2006) Soapdish (1991) Summer’s Moon (2009) Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007) The Counterfeit Traitor (1962) The Firm (1993) The Living Daylights (1987) The Man with the Golden Gun (1974) The Ring (2002) The Spy Who Loved Me (1977) The World Is Not Enough (1999) Thunderball (1965) Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) Training Day (2001) Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Big Happy Family (2011) Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Witness Protection (2012) Jack Ryan Nov. 6 Texas Chainsaw 3D (2013) Nov. 8 One Child Nation (2019) Nov. 12 Angel Has Fallen (2019) Nov. 13 Anna and the Apocalypse (2018) Romans (2017) Nov. 14 Instant Family (2018) The Souvenir (2019) Nov. 15 Creed 2 (2018) The Man in the High Castle: Season 4 (Amazon Original) Nov. 19 Bottom of the 9th (2019) Nov. 20 The Fanatic (2019) Nov. 22 Brittany Runs a Marathon (2019) (Amazon Original) Costume Quest: Christmas Special (Amazon Original) Nov. 29 The Report (2019) Nov. 30 Low Tide (2019) The Feed: Season 1 (Amazon Original)
What’s Streaming on Hulu
Nov. 1 America’s Cutest: Complete Seasons 2&3 (Animal Planet) Giada’s Holiday Handbook: Complete Seasons 1-3 (Food Network) Holiday Baking Championship: Complete Seasons 1-4 (Food Network) Into The Dark: Pilgrim: Episode Premiere (Hulu Original) Kids Baking Championship: Complete Season 4 (Food Network) Love Island: Australia: Complete Season 1 (ITV) Sex Sent Me to the ER: Complete Seasons 1&2 (TLC) Too Cute!: Complete Seasons 2&3 (Animal Planet) A Fairly Odd Christmas (2012) A Simple Plan (1998) Albert (2016) Big Top Pee-Wee (1988) Chinatown (1974) The Counterfeit Traitor (1962) Dinner for Schmucks (2010) Double Jeopardy (1999) The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill but Came Down a Mountain (1995) Escape from Alcatraz (1979) Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex, but were Afraid to Ask (1972) Fantastic Four (2005) Fatal Attraction (1987) Fever Pitch (2005) Fire with Fire (2012) The Firm (1993) Flashdance (1983) Freddy Vs Jason (2003) Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991) Freelancers (2012) Fun with Dick and Jane (2005) Gloria (2014) Head of State (2003) Home for the Holidays (1995) I Heart Huckabees (2004) In Enemy Hands (2003) Interview with a Vampire (1994) Kingpin (1996) Light Sleeper (1992) Madea’s Big Happy Family (2011) Madea’s Witness Protection (2012) Magic Mike (2012) The Mexican (2001) The Nightingale (2019) Overlord (2018) The Pink Panther 2 (2009) Reds (1981) The Ring (2002) Santa Hunters (2014) Shall We Dance? (2004) Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas (2002) Soapdish (1991) Spy Next Door (2010) Summers Moon (2009) Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003) Terminator Salvation (2009) Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride (2005) Tiny Christmas (2017) The Two Jakes (1990) Under the Tuscan Sun (2003) Undisputed (2002) Waiting… (2005) You Laugh but It’s True (2011) Available Nov. 4 Denial (2016) Nov. 5 Framing John Delorean (2019) Available Nov. 6 Long Time Coming: A 1955 Baseball Story (2017) The Biggest Little Farm (2019) Nov. 7 Texas Chainsaw 3D (2013) Nov. 9 You’re the Worst: Complete Season 5 (FX) Nov. 13 Anna and the Apocalypse (2018) Ugly Dolls (2018) Nov. 14 Instant Family (2018) Veronica Mars (2014) Nov. 15 Dollface: Complete Season 1 Premiere (Hulu Original) Creed II (2018) Wings of the Dove (1997) Nov. 18 Booksmart (2019) The Tomorrow Man (2019) Nov. 19 Apple Tree Yard: Complete Season 1 (Fremantle) Margaret Atwood: A Word After a Word After a Word is Power (2019) The Quiet One (2019) Nov. 20 Some Kind of Beautiful (2015) Nov. 22 The Accident: Complete Season 1 Premiere (Hulu Original) Holly Hobbie: Complete Season 2 Premiere (Hulu Original) Vita & Virginia (2019) Nov. 24 Ice Age: A Mammoth Christmas (2010) Nov. 25 Love & Mercy (2015) Nov. 26 NOS4A2: Complete Season 1 (AMC) Astronaut (2019) Nov. 27 Meeting Gorbachev (2019) Nov. 28 Mike Wallace is Here (2019)
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recentanimenews · 7 years
Japanese Anime Fans Name The Summer 2017 Anime That They're Still Watching
Now that we're a month into the season, it's time to check back on what anime is still being watched. What's keeping you off the beach and in front of the TV, PC or smartphone? Charapedia asked their readers what has been as good or even better than what they expected and what's summer 2017 series they're still following. The response was 57.6% from female voters, and 69% were in their teens or 20's.
  Top 20 included
  20. Welcome to the Ballroom - 117 votes
19. Magical Circle Guru Guru - 124 votes
18. Princess Principal - 134 votes
17. Gamers! - 146 votes
16. Owarimonogatari - 168 votes
15. Symphogear AXZ - 193 votes
14. Knight’s & Magic - 198 votes
13. Hell Girl: The Fourth Twilight - 209 votes
12. Elegant Life Yokai Apartment - 240 votes 
11. Clean Freak! Aoyama-kun - 242 votes
10. Vatican Miracle Examiner -262 votes
9. Tsuredure Children - 286 votes
8. Restaurant to Another World - 299 votes
7. Classroom of the Elite - 342 votes
6. Aho-Girl - 388 votes
5. New Game! - 414 votes 
4. Katsugeki Touken Ranbu - 429 votes
3. Saiyuki Reload Blast - 476 votes
2. Fate/Apocrypha - 552 votes
1. Kakegurui – Compulsive Gambler - 631 votes
  Versus the anticpated listed
  20. Hell Girl: Yoi no Togi - 116 votes
19. Elegant Life Yokai Apartment - 120 votes
18. Restaurant to Another World- 125 votes
17. Love and Lies - 136 votes
16. Mobile Suit Gundam Twilight AXIS - 139 votes 
15. Tenshi no 3P - 144 votes
14. Inazuma Eleven: Ares no Tenbin - 155 votes
13. Gamers! - 156 votes
12. Kakegurui - 168 votes 
11. Mahojin Guru Guru - 180 votes
10. Classroom of the Elite- 195 votes 
9. DIVE!! - 225 votes
8. Tsuredure Children  - 293 votes
7. Battle Girl High School - 307 votes
6. Katsugeki/Touken Ranbu - 352 votes 
5. Aho Girl - 384 votes
4. Symphogear AXZ - 396 votes
3. Fate/Apocrypha - 497 votes 
2. Owarimonogatari - 643 votes
1. New Game!! - 705 votes
     ------ Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime.
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ottercopter · 8 years
Zelda OoT Day 2
If I play an hour a day, I should finish it... sometime in the next three years.
Ocarina get! This girl’s being kinda cryptic. Maybe the village DOES burn to the ground.
Friend brought up the obvious fact that I’m going on a fearsome quest and she probably thinks I might be dying, whichm yeah.
The Ocarina’s not blue either.
Aaand now there’s a spinny death monster and I’m pretty close to dying.
Quit following me, fucknugget.
Now it’s dark and I’m being atttacked by skeletons.
Now it’s daylight again. Is the night cycle really short, or is Link just that slow? “Dear diary, I walked two hundred feet today. What a workout!” 
Nah, but I do wonder how much of the path is monster-laden if you did translate that into real time. Especially at night when all the zombies come out.
I like that the crowds at the market have a few different lines of dialogue.
Shop! “I heard that there’s a monster who eats Hylian shields!” What kind of weirdly specific rumor is that? I mean, I guess that in a land where random zombies spring up every night, it’s not too farfetched to think that ordinary people would carry around shields just in case, but that’s so specific.
Lon Lon Ranch
If you’re reading this, hi, Bergs. I finally know what Lon Lon milk is.
Heehee. There’s a spirit in a bottle and the caption is that you should “sell it to someone who is crazy about weird things like this.”
Link, how would you know that there’re people who’d pay a lot for this? You’ve lived in your little elf village your whole life.
Bottled fish. With all your sword swinging and running, that doesn’t seem very... practical.
All this stuff about needing containers... Screw the lot of you, I’m gonna carry all this stuff in my mouth.
Mask shop sounds interesting.
No Ocarina dialogue, which would imply that this IS a newer save file than what I started with. Are there specific reload sites and I just haven’t found the one at the market, then...?
Well... as long as I have to go through the field again, why don’t we check out the Lon Lon ranch?
Can I keep this chicken?
AAAAAA! It’s Waluigi!
I’m the destined hero of Hyrule and I can’t even ride a random horse. Why does nobody appreciate me?
Sooo there’s horses and chickens. Is Lon Lon milk horse milk?
Never mind, I found two lon lons. But that doesn’t seem like a lot of milk...
I can’t actually draw my sword here. I guess Link’s not in the mood for lon lon steak.
Really, though, I can (uselessly) attack chickens and horses, why’s here different?
Oh, also. This place doesn’t have any gates to get to the main entrance. The only doors are for the two cows and the chicken house. Why don’t they have a zombie problem like on the outside? 
Back at the market and... there’s a bowling alley with neon lights. That’s a tad surreal.
Owl is telling me that the Lon Lon ranch and random towns are magical and time passes differently there. That’s... interesting?
Suspicious rock with a sign saying dead end. I’m guessing the sneaking hole is here, but I dunno what to do about the rock. Maybe there was an item in town. Like the bomb.
Navi telling me to go to the castle. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK I’M DOING?
There’s a little door at the side of the castle that I can’t open. ??????
Welll... There’s Lon Lon Dad.
And a watering hole that I can’t jump to no matter the angle, but it IS the only hole I see. That and the suspicious boulder way near the beginning.
Thrown out again.
Lon Lon child gave me an egg. Aaaand that’s an hour, so I’m done for the day (Unless work closes at a reasonable time today so I can play at night?) Except I don’t know where I can save that won’t make me have to start at the damn treehouse again. ‘4′
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mgs-reloaded · 2 months
The Character Designs of Magical Girl Site
This is likely just a me issue but I'm not too fond of the magical girl forms of the characters, specifically their outfits. Unlike other mahou shojo series, MGS doesn't use colour coordination and that kinda throws me for a loop because a lot of the time colour is used as a shorthand for delivering information about character traits.
So in this post I'll be assigning the characters I've decided to keep in the "team" of magical girls different colours!
Aya Asagiri: this is an easy one. Aya is no longer a protagonist, and instead becomes the driving force of conflict in MGS: Reloaded. Blood/viscera/death imagery. I'm assigning her the colour red.
Tsuyuno Yatsumura: the new protagonist of the series. A serious but protective force of nature and the glue holding her team together. Sun imagery. I'm assigning her the colour yellow.
Kosame Amagai: the healer of the group. Prone to self sacrifice in the name of others she cares about. Fragile and volatile. Snow/storm imagery. I'm assigning her the colour white.
Kiyoharu Suirenji: Kosame's non magical girl friend (subject to change, the draft of her arc isn't completed). Tough and confident but with a weak point; Kosame. Caring but puts up a front. Nature imagery. I'm assigning her the colour green.
Sayuki Ringa: sadly she isn't given much development in the original and I want to rectify that by giving her a very specific role to play. Sayuki is the more experienced magical girl who trains Tsuyuno, serving as a mentor to both her and the audience. Serious and stoic and, despite her selfish traits, doesn't want her fight to be in vain. Moon imagery. I'm assigning her the colour black.
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ruffsficstuffplace · 8 years
The Keeper of the Grove (Part 38)
Penny wrapped her arms around an AFA grunt's legs and held them down, Ruby jumped on her back and used her like a step-ladder to smash her horns into their face.
Blake catapulted Weiss right over a rifleman's head. The AFA gal does the smart thing, aims for the one heading in a straight line than somersaulting through the air, but most of those shots just zip right on past where Blake was a second ago. Weiss lands feet into first into her chest, knocking her down to the ground; she steps off, Blake pounces on her, smashing her palm into her face just as she's about to raise her gun to fire, keeping her down.
A baton grunt charged to his buddy's aid, raising his weapon up high before a gloved hand attached to a black sleeve grabbed his wrist. Yang slowly shook her head at him, before she punched him in the face with her free hand.
The AFA got plenty of hits in and landed some shots, and while they certainly hurt, it was clear they were losing, and losing fast.
From inside her rover, the Captain got back on the loudspeaker. “Regroup! Regroup!”
What remained of the Alpha Squad broke off and ran for the rovers, the last rifleman putting their back to the wall of vehicles, two baton-wielders covering their sides, and a big gal with an even bigger shield up front.
The Rangers reformed behind Ruby, a diamond with Penny in the center. She glowed and blasted out some much needed healing goodness, made it a lot easier for all of them to stand and look badass.
Without a field medic of their own, the AFA could only have their lead grunt bash her shield and hurl insults at them as their shooter reloaded.
From inside the Core, Eluna smiled.
From his office in Candela, Jacques scowled.
Ruby looked back at the others, started whispering, “I'll distract shield girl; Yang, get left; Blake, get right; Weiss and Penny, team-up and take out the shooter. Then: finisher.
The others nodded. “Ready.”
Ruby let out a war cry, everyone around her suddenly glowing with red auras that told their enemies they were in for a very bad time.
They charged!
The shield grunt blocked Ruby's horns, got in a few quick bashes with her baton as she held her back.
Blake and Yang rushed the troops on her side, put them down for the count with a 3-part-combo, or a much less graceful but still effective punch to the gut before a bash over the head.
The way now clear, Penny and Weiss both rushed up Ruby's back, launched off the shield grunt's helmet, and landed at either side of the rifleman still trying to decide which ranger to shoot first. With two kicks into both sides of their chest, they solved that problem for them.
The last grunt pushed Ruby off of her, smashed her shield in the side of the face and sent her staggering back.
She grins, up until she notices that she's surrounded.
Ruby recovers and shakes her head. “Need a quick tutorial about how the finishing move works, Weiss?”
“Nah,” Weiss says as she and the others get into their poses, one after the other. “I think I've got it.”
Ruby grins. “Awesome.”
The Rangers glow with power once more, auras of animals surrounding them: a Sapphire Fox, a Citrine Cat, an Onyx Bear, and an Emerald Mouse. They shoot up into the sky, twisting together before they curve downa and make a beeline into Ruby.
Glowing with all five of their colours now, she crouches low and leaps into the air, tilting her head back as the aura of the Ruby Reindeer above her does the same.
Then, they both turn their horns down, the other animals grin and bare their teeth.
The shield grunt's eyes widen, and she raises her shield and braces herself for a world of hurt.
The night turns into day straight out of a really good drug trip. The AFA grunts on site shield their eyes, Jacques yells as he's blinded, Eluna smiles as she had already put on her extra-dark shades. When the multi-coloured smoke clears, there is one VERY down and out AFA grunt laying on the ground, just like the rest of the Alpha Squad.
Yang chuckled as she turned to the lead rover. “You going to tell your boss to write this off as another loss, or what?”
The Captain popped her head out to scowl at the Rangers. “Not yet.” She activated her comm-crystal. “Mr. Schnee, permission to deploy the BADAAS!”
“Permission granted, Captain,”  they hear through the speakers.
Weiss frowned. “The BADAAS...?”
“The Big-Ass Defense And Assault Suit,” Penny explained. “It's an acronym for the magitechnology developed from the Shepherd Suit MK II, after the MK III made it largely obsolete.”
“That is one of the stupidest names for military gear that I have ever heard in my entire life!” Weiss cried. “What does a BADAAS even look like?”
The ground began to rumble. Soldiers in the other rovers drove off to make room as the Captain's ride began to transform, protective plating shifting and reforming around arms, legs, and a torso, revealing much more serious firepower than your standard AFA rover is equipped with—things like an energy lance, a minigun, and even a grenade launcher turret up top.
“Like this,” the Captain said.
“… Oh...”
The Captain raised the minigun up at the Rangers.
Qrow's Commands:
Defeat The Captain with A Finishing Move
Don't get hit by her Sticky Bombs.
Weiss turned to the others. “We have weapons, right? Because one, there is no realistic way we're punching, kicking, and headbutting that thing to death, and two, if we can, that'll seriously break my suspension of disbelief.”
Ruby nodded. “Yep, we do! I've got a scythe!” she said, her rune glowing, before turning into a scythe that probably had way more moving parts than was strictly necessary.
<I've got my breakneck,> Blake said as hers turned into a yellow, fancier version of her usual gear—hey, if it works, right?
“I have two swords that can be easily reconfigured into a bow or a claw,” Penny said as hers split into two beams of light, and turned into twin blades. “I used to have more, until I realized that was too 'OP,' and demeans the Rune Rangers' theme of requiring teamwork and coordination to take down foes too powerful for an individual.”
“And I've got my bear hands!” Yang said, smashing her fists together as her rune turned into twin gauntlets.
Weiss scowled at her. You couldn't see into the visors of their helmets, but you could just tell.
She pulled out her rune, found herself holding a weaver's staff. Realistically speaking, something like this would be no better than a regular staff if you don't have the Gift, but since the Sapphire Rangers are always the ones with all the cool magitech or the really obvious mystic powers, let's just assume you do, princess.
“Is there a version of it that's more sword-like?”
Boom. Runeblade, with an unlimited supply of all four of the Elemental Essences, to be combined however you damn well please. You want me to throw in a Spellslinger so you can make like your grandpa and go stab and shoot things?
Weiss tested the revolver, watched the blade catch fire, freeze over and with water flowing in the ice, crackle with electricity and miniature gusts of wind, then get a metallic sheen with clouds of dust all around.
“I'm good,” she said as she turned it back to normal.
Want a primer on what you can do with the power of the elements at your fingertips?
“I think a hands-on lesson will suit me much better,” Weiss purred. “Hey girls? You mind if we rewind to just before she points that gun at us?”
“Sure,” Yang said, “but this idea of yours better be cool!”
Weiss winced. “… And I find myself actually sorry to say that it will be...”
Rewind. Unfreeze.
“Like this,” the Captain said.
She raised the minigun up at the Rangers, they readied their weapons.
Weiss turned the revolver to Water, stabbed her sword into ground.
A giant block of ice rose up in front of the Rangers, just in time to block the near-solid line of supercharged-lead flying at them.
“What the hell?!” the Captain yelled as she stopped firing.
The ice wall shattered, icicles and frozen bullets raining to the ground.
“Spread out, and keep moving!” Ruby yelled. “She can't hit us as easily if we do!”
“That's what you think!” the Captain snarled as she readied her grenade launcher.
Thoom. Thoom. Thoom.
Sticky bombs landed all over the field, flashing bright red with a handy circle around them showing just where you don't want to be when they go off. The rangers hot-hoof it around them, until Yang just happens to step on one of them just after it landed.
Thanks to the power of CENSORSHIP!, she goes flying off instead of turning into a black-and-pink mist.
“YANG!” Ruby yells as she and Penny run to pick her up.
The Captain sees the opportunity, points her energy lance at them. The sides of it begin to light up, ending in a big ball of crackling, concentrated magic that's only getting even bigger.
Might want to do something about that, kiddos, just saying.
Lightning pours out of Weiss' sword and into the BADAAS. Inside the cockpit, all the fancy holos and magitechnical systems malfunction, flashing red and spitting out error messages like crazy. The energy lance fires off at half-charge, Ruby, Penny, and Yang duck as the shot just grazes their helmets before blowing up a patch of bedrock behind them.
“Stop screwing with my mech!” the Captain yells as her mech makes like a break-dancer on three cans of Sgt. Pick-U-Up having a seizure.
“Then stop screwing with the Valley!” Weiss yells back through gritted teeth, trying to hold her sword steady with both hands.
“Blake!” Ruby yells as she Penny heal Yang and pull her ass back up. “Get the grenade launcher!”
<Already on it!> Blake cried as she fired her breakneck's hook on the base. She pounces into the air, flips the gears in reverse, and goes zipping upwards.
You can see the ghost of her swing in the air for a moment, before the grenade launcher starts to jerk and fizz.
The Captain yells as she smashes a Big Red Button.
All lights in the BADAAS go off, except for the chest which is only growing brighter and brighter...
Ruby and Penny get Yang haul ass to behind the rovers. Weiss stops shooting sparks out of her sword, makes a line of ice heading straight for Blake, and starts skating on it. Blake lands on her feet, slips and lands on her ass, wonders what the hell was that all about, until she notices the way everything's gotten so bright all of a sudden.
Weiss grabs her by the arm as she zooms on past.
The BADAAS' EMP goes off.
Weiss and Blake go skidding and rolling on hard, unforgiving ground after her sword suddenly stops making ice, the chambers in the revolver go dim.
The Captain catches her breath as she reboots her mech. “That was a very good effort, I'll admit...” she says in between pants.
She turns to where Weiss and Blake are just picking themselves up, the tank treads and the boosters in her mech's legs engage.
“… But not good enough!”
The BADAAS comes screaming towards them, faster than anything that big should be able to move.
Blake and Weiss did the smart thing and jumped in opposite directions, to the sides of the thing charging towards them.
Penny climbed up the side of the rover she was hiding behind, helped Ruby and Yang up to the roof.
The Captain missed, disengaged the turbo, spun around, and aimed at the one she could take out without getting shit from her boss:
Everything went into slow-mo.
Blake turned around, eyes widening and ears pulling flat as the BADAAS came for her, too close to dodge this time.
Yang picked Penny up, aimed, and threw her straight her at Blake, before she repositioned, picked up Ruby, and threw her at the mech.
Everything began to go back to normal speed.
Penny slammed into Blake, getting her out of the way of just a second before she got turned into kitty paste—or sent flying off against all laws of physics, I guess.
The Captain gritted her teeth, leaning forward up until a scythe head came ripping right through the hull, the tip of it coming within an inch of her face.
Ruby lost her grip on the handle from the inertia, flew off between BADAAS' legs, rolling on the ground until she finally stopped near Weiss.
Yang saw the mech coming straight for her and the line of rovers, turbo still engaged; she jumped off and hauled ass to the others.
The poor saps hiding inside them hung onto their asses.
The sound of screeching metal and suspension screaming for mercy filled the air as the rovers flew and flipped around like the toy cars of a two-year old having a tantrum. The BADAAS' screeched to a halt, but the scythe was still stuck in its hull.
The Captain tried to get it off with the mech's arms, only ended up driving it deeper as the minigun and lance acted like paddles. “AGH!” she yelled as she tried to push it out from the inside. “WHO THE FUCK DIDN'T THINK OF GIVING THIS THING CLAWS FOR GRABBING?”
Back at Candela, Jacques glared at Dr. Nefarious over to the side.
The not-so-good doctor just chuckled nervously, giving him a sheepish smile that was missing several teeth.
The Rangers regrouped, watched the BADAAS struggle with its new ornament.
“What's the plan, Rubes?” Yang as she ran up.
Ruby smiled. “We go all out on the Captain while she's distracted, and end this with a finishing move.”
Yang grinned. “Sounds good to me.”
They readied their remaining weapons and were about to start running, when Weiss sword suddenly sparked back to life.
“Can I use my elemental fire like a rocket?” she asked as she turned the revolver.
Penny nodded. “Yes. Yes you can.”
Yang grinned as they got ready. “Great news, passengers: Air Xiao Long is happy to inform you that we've entered into a partnership with Schnee Aeronautics! Our first joint trip is boarding now...”
Inside the BADAAS, the Captain kicked at the blunt side of the scythe with her boot, until the holos started to flash once more.
“Warning: Incoming Missile Detected.”
The Captain dropped back into her seat and ducked below the scythe. “Give me a visual!”
Yang was grinning as she headed up the five-Ranger-rocket, her fist already cocked.
The Captain couldn't see into visors of her helmet, but she could just tell.
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frozenfoods · 4 years
The Definitive Guide to Anabolic Reload
Visit Official Site: https://viddeals.us/Anabolic-Reload
e no magical “anabolic” Houses to this shake, but it’s A fast meal substitute that helps me arrive at my focus on calories and macros.
And you won’t should. Since you can reset your anabolic hormones The natural way each individual week so you can delight in extra testosterone pumping by way of your veins than the usual UFC cage fighter stepping in to the Octagon…
Simply because with the proper anabolic exercise session program you can carry on packing on muscle mass for another two, 3, even four a long time… and More rapidly than you imagined feasible. Much like Jonathan.
Nevertheless, when you’re seriously interested in finding ripped and muscular and bolstering your testosterone stages together with your exercises… here’s the five Freak Physique rules to have you there...
This is exactly why my stealth progressive-quantity strategy, which contains rest/pause incorporate-ons can help you gradually and endlessly improve quantity so you can safely pack on mass without the need of killing your body’s anabolic hormones...
Did you get pleasure from this listing? Notify us which natural testosterone-boosting foods you already eat while in the remarks – and explain to us which ones you plan to begin eating now that you already know the advantages they can offer.
Nevertheless, as There exists minimal possible for Unwanted effects, celery may very well be one thing worthy of experimenting with.
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newyorktheater · 4 years
James Corden at National Live at Home
Oscar winner Parasite debuts on Hulu
She Loves Me on PBS
Jodie Foster and Robert De Niro in Taxi Driver, on Netflix
Anne Hathaway and Hugh Jackman in Les Miserables, on Amazon Prime
There are no “openings” on stage likely this month, but there is much to see online for theater lovers and screen enthusiasts alike.  Below is more than just the usual streaming services Amazon Prime, HBO, Hulu, and Netflix, though they’re all there.  There’s also the newly created National Theatre at Home, which is streaming recordings of stage shows FOR FREE this month, from “One Man, Two Guv’nors to “Twelfth Night.”
Lovers of live theater should also check out Where To Get Your Theater Fix Online: Old Favorites and New Experiments  — everything from BroadwayHD to the new downtown platform TrickleUp to 24 Hour Plays’ Viral Monologues. (Many of the exciting new theater-livestreaming sites haven’t yet planned a month ahead) 
NBC has announced a rebroadcast of its Emmy-winning Jesus Christ Superstar Live in Concert for Easter Sunday, April 12.
National Theatre at Home
Each filmed production will be streamed for free on National Theatre’s YouTube channel for a week, starting on the date listed
April 2: One Man, Two Guv’nors The slapstick comedy starring James Corden
April 9: Jane Eyre Sally Cookson’s adaptation of the Charlotte Brontë classic
April 16: Treasure Island Bryony Lavery’s adaptation of the Robert Louis Stevenson novel, which premiered at the National in 2014
April 23: Twelfth Night The 2017 production of Shakespeare’s comedy, directed by Simon Godwin
Great Performances on All Arts
April 11 10 a.m..: She Loves Me
April 11 1 p.m. : An American in Paris The Musical
April 11 4 p.m.: Noel Coward’s Present Laughter
April 11 7 p.m.: Irving Berlin’s Holiday Inn The Broadway Musical
April 11 10 pm.: Kinky Boots
April 19 5 p.m.: Rodgers and Hammerstein’s The King and I
Playing on Air
The new season of this podcast’s short original radio plays
April 5: The Clam, by Amanda Quaid After a lifetime of playing it safe , a wistful clam (Tony Shalhoub) decides to come out of his shell, with the help of a therapist (Kristine Nielsen) April 12: Night Vision by Dominique Morisseau One night in Brooklyn, pregnant Ayanna (April Mathis) and her husband Ezra (Eden Marryshow) witness a sudden, violent attack. April 19: Wild and Precious Life by Patricia Cotter Friends and flames gather to celebrate and remember the life of charismatic, outrageous Sheila (Debra Monk) — but the dearly departed still has one more trick up her sleeve. April 26: Fake News by Doug Wright Anchors Bob Tunley and Fran Mercer are the iconic voices behind KLWP News Hour — but today, they’ve become the story. As bizarre and menacing soundbites interrupt their live radio broadcast, the studio crew begins to fear that they’re under attack. Starring Eisa Davis, Jeremy Shamos, Steven Boyer and Kate Finneran.
Hulu highlights: 2020 Best Picture Oscar winner Parasite comes exclusively to Hulu on April 8. The Hulu/FX collaboration Mrs. America, which stars Cate Blanchett as Phyllis Schlafly, premieres April 15. A screen adaptation of Sally Rooney’s popular book, Normal People, will be available to stream on April 29.
April 1
60 Days In: Narcoland, Season 1
90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After?, Season 4
Alone, Season 6
The Ant Bully
Bangkok Dangerous
Breaking Amish, Seasons 2 and 3
Bend It Like Beckham
Blazing Saddles
The Book Of Eli
The Boost
Bring It!, Season 5
Chopped, Season 36
The Chumscrubber
Cutthroat Kitchen, Season 12
Dance Moms, Seasons 2 and 6
Diary of a Hitman
Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives, Seasons 27 through 29
Dr. Pimple Popper, Season 3
Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears a Who
Dr. T. and the Women
The Eternal
The Family Chantel, Season 1
Free Birds
The Food That Built America, Season 1
The Full Monty
Fast N’ Loud, Season 13
Fixer Upper (How We Got to Here: Looking Back on Fixer Upper), Special on HGTV
Forged in Fire, Season 6
Fun in Acapulco
Get Smart
Gods and Monsters
Gold Medal Families, Season 1
Gorky Park
Hidden Potential, Season 1
House Hunters, Season 120
The Jewel of the Nile
Kabukicho Sherlock, Season 1
Kids Behind Bars: Life or Parole, Season 1
The Kitchen, Seasons 16 through 18
Kill Bill: Volume 1
Kill Bill: Volume 2
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Let Me In
Little Women: Atlanta, Season 5
Little Women: LA, Seasons 7 and 8
Love It or List It, Season 14
Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa
Married at First Sight, Season 9
Marrying Millions, Season 1
The Mexican
Moll Flanders
Phone Booth
Property Brothers, Seasons 10 and 11
Risky Business
Romancing the Stone
The Sender
Shirley Valentine
Taken at Birth, Season 1
Til Death Do Us Part, Season 1
TRANsitioning, Season 1
Trapped: The Alex Cooper Story
Victoria Gotti: My Father’s Daughter
Who Let The Dogs Out
The X-Files: I Want to Believe
April 3
Future Man, Season 3
Into the Dark: Pooka Lives
Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell, Season 4
Siren, Season 3 premiere on Freeform
April 6
Too Cautious Hero, Season 1
April 7
No Guns Life
April 8
April 9
Who Wants to be a Millionaire?, Series premiere on ABC
Kono Oto Tomare!: Sounds of Life, Season 2A
Little Joe
April 10
Real Housewives of Potomac, Season 4
April 12
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Season 9B
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic en Español, Season 9B
April 14
The Bachelor: Listen to Your Heart, Series premiere on ABC
The Baker and the Beauty, Series premiere on ABC
Songland, Season 2 premiere on NBC
April 15
Mrs. America
The Masked Singer: Sing-Along Spectacular, Special on Fox
A Teacher
The Messenger
April 16
What We Do In The Shadows, Season 2 premiere on FX
Harry Benson: Shoot First
April 20
Paranormal Activity 3
A Kind Of Murder
April 22
Special-7, Season 1
April 23
April 24
April 29
April 30
2020 Billboard Music Awards, Special on NBC
Netflix highlights: All six seasons of the TV series Community, the films The Social Season and Martin Scorcese’s Taxi Driver on April 1. The Good, The Bad and the Ugly on April 2. Despicable Me on April 16.
Also check out the ongoing video-captured Broadway shows, such as John Leguizamo’s Latin History for Morons
April 1
40 Days and 40 Nights
Cadillac Records
Can’t Hardly Wait
Cheech & Chong’s Up in Smoke
Community: Season 1-6
David Batra: Elefanten I Rummet
The Death of Stalin
Deep Impact
The Girl With All the Gifts
God’s Not Dead
The Hangover
How to Fix a Drug Scandal
The Iliza Shlesinger Sketch Show
Just Friends
Killer Klowns From Outer Space
Kim’s Convenience: Season 4
Lethal Weapon
Lethal Weapon 2
Lethal Weapon 3
Lethal Weapon 4
The Matrix
The Matrix Reloaded
The Matrix Revolutions
Minority Report
Molly’s Game
Mortal Kombat
Nailed It!: Season 4
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon: S3: Sun & Moon – Ultra Legends
Promised Land
Road to Perdition
The Roommate
The Runaways
School Daze
Sherlock Holmes
The Social Network
Soul Plane
Sunderland ‘Til I Die: Season 2
Sunrise in Heaven
Taxi Driver
April 2
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Violet Evergarden: Eternity and the Auto Memory Doll
April 3
Coffee & Kareem
La casa de papel: Part 4
Money Heist: The Phenomenon
Spirit Riding Free: Riding Academy
April 4
Angel Has Fallen
April 5
The Killing of a Sacred Deer
April 6
The Big Show Show
April 7
Terrace House: Tokyo 2019-2020: Part 3
April 9
Hi Score Girl: Season 2
April 10
Brews Brothers
LA Originals
La vie scolaire
Love Wedding Repeat
The Main Event
April 11
Code 8
April 14
Chris D’Elia: No Pain
April 15
The Innocence Files
Outer Banks
April 16
Despicable Me
Fary: Hexagone: Season 2
Fauda: Season 3
Hail, Caesar!
Mauricio Meirelles: Levando o Caos
Jem and the Holograms
April 17
Earth and Blood (La terre et le sang)
The Last Kids on Earth: Book 2
Legado en los huesos
Too Hot to Handle
April 18
The Green Hornet
April 20
Cooked With Cannabis
The Midnight Gospel
The Vatican Tapes
April 21
Bleach: The Assault
Bleach: The Bount
Middleditch & Schwartz
April 22
Absurd Planet
Circus of Books
El silencio del pantano
The Plagues of Breslau
The Willoughbys
Win the Wilderness
April 23
The House of Flowers: Season 3
April 24
After Life: Season 2
Hello Ninja: Season 2
Yours Sincerely, Kanan Gill
April 25
The Artist
Django Unchained
April 26
The Last Kingdom: Season 4
April 27
Battle: Los Angeles
Never Have I Ever
April 29
A Secret Love
Murder to Mercy: The Cyntoia Brown Story
Nadiya’s Time to Eat
April 30
Dangerous Lies
Drifting Dragons
The Forest of Love: Deep Cut
Rich in Love (Rico de Amor)
The Victims’ Game
Amazon Prime
Amazon Prime highlights: Most James Bond movies are on offer starting April 1.  The Bodyguard with Whitney Houston on April 1. The movie of the musical Les Miserables on April 10. The Joker, with Oscar winning actor Joaquin Phoenix, April 16. The musical drama film Footloose, April 29.
Check out also the musicals and other Broadway shows, some of them taped directly from the stage, that you can rent from Amazon Prime.
April 1
Bangkok Dangerous
Bird of Paradise
Blind Husbands
Broken Blossoms
The Bodyguard
The Boost
The Brothers Grimm
The Chumscrubber
Daniel Boone
Diamonds Are Forever
Diary of a Hitman
Die Another Day
Dishonored Lady
Dr. No
Dr. T & the Women
Drums in the Deep South
For Your Eyes Only
From Russia With Love
Gods and Monsters
Gorky Park
The Hoodlum
Hotel Artemis
I Am Legend
Licence to Kill (4K UHD)
Live and Let Die (4K UHD)
The Living Daylights
The Lost World
The Man With the Golden Gun
Mark of Zorro
Moonraker (4K UHD)
Never Say Never Again
The New Adventures of Tarzan
On Her Majesty’s Secret Service
The Sender
Shirley Valentine
Son of Monte Cristo
The Spy Who Loved Me
Tarzan the Fearless
Tomorrow Never Dies
A View to a Kill
The World Is Not Enough
You Only Live Twice
The Bureau: Season 1
America in Color: Season 1
Bronx SIU: Season 1
Dirt Every Day: Season 1
El Rey del Valle: Season 1
Foyle’s War: Season 1
The Mind of a Chef: Season 1
Molly of Denali: Season 1
Mr. Selfridge: Season 1
Our Wedding Story: Season 1
Vida: Season 1
April 3
Invisible Life
Tales From the Loop
April 10
Les Misérables
Rambo: Last Blood
April 14
April 16
The Lighthouse
April 17
Bosch: Season 6
Dino Dana: Season 3B
Selah and the Spades
April 20
Paranormal Activity 3
April 29
HBO highlights: “The Plot Against America” and “High Maintenance” end their runs, and “Run” begins its run on April 12; the new series stars Domhnall Gleeson and Merritt Wever as people who flee into thrilling and comedic adventures, setting off from The Grand Central Terminal (where you could congregate without repercussions in a previous era.) Also worth watching: the fourth season of Insecure and one of my favorite movies, “The Kids Are All Right.” Theater fans might also be interested in “Glee: The 3D Concert Movie” and “Xanadu.”
April 1
Alpha and Omega, 2010 Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked, 2011 American Pie, 1999 American Pie 2, 2001 American Wedding, 2003 Becoming Jane, 2007 Clockstoppers, 2002 Daylight, 1996 Die Hard, 1988 Die Hard 2, 1990 Die Hard with a Vengeance, 1995 Dragged Across Concrete, 2018 Drop Dead Fred, 1991 The Family Stone, 2005 The Flintstones, 1994 The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas, 2000 Galveston, 2018 Glee: The 3D Concert Movie (Extended Version), 2011 The Great Gilly Hopkins, 2015 The Judge, 2014 The Kids Are All Right, 2010 The Lovely Bones, 2009 Loving, 2016 Monte Carlo, 2011 The Nice Guys, 2016 The Predator, 2018 Slumdog Millionaire, 2008 Something Wild, 1986 Sophie’s Choice, 1982 Team America: World Police, 2004 Ulee’s Gold, 1997 War Dogs, 2016 Water for Elephants, 2011 Xanadu, 1980
April 4
Good Boys, 2019
April 5
Atlanta’s Missing and Murdered: The Lost Children, Docuseries Premiere — HBO Original
April 11
It: Chapter 2, 2019
April 12
Run, Series Premiere — HBO Original
April 18
Stuber, 2019
April 19
Entre Hombre, Series Premiere — HBO Original
April 20
Shadows, Season 3 — HBO Original
April 23
We’re Here, Series Premiere — HBO Original
April 25
Bad Education — HBO Original
April 27
I Know This Much Is True, Limited Series Premiere — HBO Original
April 28
Autism: The Sequel — HBO Original
    April 2020 Calendar of “Openings”: What’s Streaming on Netflix, National Theatre, Hulu, PBS Great Performances, Amazon Prime, HBO Etc There are no "openings" on stage likely this month, but there is much to see online for theater lovers and screen enthusiasts alike.  
0 notes
hgfstreamchats · 5 years
All Hallows’ Eve Stream
Hello! Also I AM getting the video What a good costume Testing, testing. Everything's fine over here! No, not the pumpkin! ...Can you see ME or is kast messing up in a new(?) and wonderful way I can see you, but only on a seperate console. That's... baffling. I'll reload There we are! Oh, Kast. Okay, there it is. ...Tell me I'm not invisible again. Oh no, I see you. Ahhh, good! Now that's real horror. Eh, it's probably better for him anyway. I'm sure it'll all work out. It'll be fien. Man, that room is HUGE Solid advice. If Prime had won the war. *shudder* I'm sure it'll be fine. Also fine. Soundwave gets along fine. Really, why did they even have forks ...Well, that's going to bother me forever. Subtle! Very! Who wrote THAT book It's very specific. Ugh. ... This is worse than anything in the episode itself. Does he.  think he's going to be able to eat that Got to admire his ambition, though. I'm questioning how he got it in or out of the house at all "Earth capital" sounds like something I would have believed and could still be convinced to. Heh. I'm still hung up over those Latin puns, those were clever. Hello all! Hi!
Hm new streaming site, never heard of this one It's totally awesome and not at all buggy. Zephra human! Hi Knock Out! I finally made it to a stream! Excellent! That just raises further questions! Nice save. Very nice. Ewww. sooo has the video started now? Try reloading It, uh.  It does that 'Cause I'm not getting anything on my end, I did that, I turned off my adblock and refreshed Or try clicking the leave button (top, to the right of the settings button) and coming back in Okay I'll try that How meta. So...the multiverse? ... Nope still nothin' I'm gonna try switching browsers Kast is a wretched thing. I'm on chrome I DO remember having this problem with Rabbit too, something about my adblock/settings wasn't letting me load video WHELP apparently Kast doesn't support Firefox at ALL, soo fun times Is a non-Firefox browser an option? I've only got Chrome and Firefox Don't you love how you have to have 4 different browsers installed for different websites that have different requirements for some reason? Oh yeah LOVE it It works on chrome for me, although not always on the first try My emulator's using chrome. Oh, THIS one Okay I'm gonna try messing around with my extensions and crossing my fingers Ha! Oh nice! The first one I turned off worked! I HAVE VIDEO WOO GLORIOUS! Woo! He didn't come in through the door... He came in through the living room Way to punch that ten-year old in the face, Hibbert Like they didn't already know. Doctor of the year. Truly. top 10 anime betrayals They know about the waffle incident. what a turn! Why is Dr Fink the only character that has a tiny counterpart? I mean, you can't prove he is She's not forcing them to barter for their dead children, she's already doing a better job than Primus. AH THIS ONE HAS ONE OF MY FAVOURITE JOKES That was mine. classic The best kind of conspiracy! The biggest hitch in their plan is that Homer would ever choose rum over beer True. The fish eyes make it. Still true Hah! TWIRLING TWIRLING TWIRLING T'WARDS FREEDOM FAVE Seconded! Other favorite! WHoopsie! Well, that's what elections are for! I remember that joke going over my head as a kid Alright, onto Rifftrax! 'why is NOT voting for the evil choses throwing your vote away?' *choices Hmmm Oh I thought it was one of those where it's just the sound and you're supposed to synch it up Vincent Price! These guys are sapping the fun out of having a chat open They keep riffing when WE'RE the ones who should be riffing A little, maybe We always find a way to slip in a few. True This is the setup to a murder mystery. If Opera has taught me anything watch out for the chandelier AHAAAAAAAAAAA "Why haven't you killed them yet, it's been five WHOLE minutes" There's an established population of Vincent Price humans living in the hills to this day. She def has the 'I'm on my own fourth husband and they all died from mysterious circumstances' 'Lol first degree murder jokes, the staple of any solid marriage' One of these characters is absolutely going to kill the other. I *was* joking, but... Yyyyeah. '... And welcome to Jackass' "haha it's almost like you're trying to reenact it or something" Just leave your hand there I love how he's like 'charming' when dude's being macabre like he hasn't been nothing but unsettling since he came onscreen Ew indeed. I love how she's all 'meh' about mysterious blood dripping on her out of nowhere "See, we even kept the acit fro some reason" You never know when you might need an acid vat. Waste not, want not. Why are you entertaining this jackass girl I'm secretly expecting no ghosts at all Just murder. Exactly I'm expecting no ghosts or they're all ghosts. Wait I'm changing my guess There ARE ghosts but exactly zero of them are killing people Oh right, that's the one from Scariest Movie Moments of All Time despite being no such thing. That's right hit on the host's wife that'll win you points at this party Try not to be TOO disappointed about not getting into her pants, Lance "you're going to be the star corpse!" fcuk my nose made a WEIRD snort at that 'does she miss being scared' joke Running and screaming was probably the right call to make. Tiny little coffins Hah! Wee little coffins. Sheesh. So the idea is they all kill each other trying to get a larger prize, huh. I'm sure the police would have no questions for them afterwards. Absolutely none. Yes, yes, you want to murder one another, we get it. NOT AT ALL Better get back to the scotch Still trying ot get laid eh Lance run at her with a severed head, THAT'LL CALM HER DOWN Nice knife dude There's very little haunting going on in this house. Clearly false advertising If they're doing karaoke they have to do some Scissor Sisters 'I CAN'T DECIDE WHETHER YOU SHOULD LIVE OR DIE~' Pfff 'OH YOU'LL PROBABLY GO TO HEAVEN' 'PLEASE DON'T HANG YOUR HEAD AND CRY~' Oh NOW you're all suspicious and have questions about this bizzare situation Right? I'm half expecting they ARE actually all conected in weird roundabout ways ala The Clue Movie If the singing telegram lady doesn't show up I'm going to be bitterly disappointed. Same She's really just freaking out because it wasn't scotch Someone spilled wine in the room above. The real horror is the cleaning bill. ... the video being a butt for anybody else right now? Working okay for me mine was laggy and now it's totally frozen The sound's a little desynched but then it always is Oof I'll try refreshing if it's just me Well, that's not weird Okay looks alright now And finally, we have a ghost! if she was REALLY DEAD TO BEGIN WITH OOOOH I'm kind of leaning towards actual ghosts now, since otherwise I'm not sure how that rope trick would work maybe the same way the movie did it ...okay, fair point ...Actually I assume the movie could've done it by, like, pulling along on a thread and hiding the person pulling it via camera angles OHHHHHHHHHH DID I CALL IT You did! YYYYYYYEAH Yes let's spend as much time as possible in the acid room Never a dull moment in the acid room. okay so like why bother disposing of the body? Right? you didn't kill him, there was no direct evidence of your involvment That just raises MORE questions yes, move closer And then a skeleton popped out! Ha! BITCH IT'S A SKELETON WOULD YOU BE SCARED OF CALISTA FLOCKART? Covered in acid, though That is absolutely how those things work, I'm sure ...Hang on, what about the body the guy dumped in the pit the strings being visible actually being part of the plot is the biggest twist in this thing WHY DOES EVERYONE INSIST ON GETTING AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO THE ACID VAULT?? To see the magical acidic secrets within! Skeleton - By Himself But is David S Pumpkins here! He will be, like scrap I'm letting this night go by without showing him. lolol Murderous animatronics? THAT'S never been done before "yeah I have some questions" Just a few. Deep lore! Well I'm certaily scared *certainly Aren't we all? How could you not be! Freddy Who? Jason whatshisname? All hasbeens compared to... Alright! Anything you'd like to see before we close out? If not, I'm content to close out on David Pumpkins. OOOOOOHHH DAVID S. PUMPKINS Any questions? I'm good, I need to do some dishes anyway Thanks for the stream, Knock Out! I gueeeess I should get dinner Thank you for coming! Always a delight to have you! Say hi to the fam for me, and happy Halloween! Thanks for hosting!  It's been... a treat. :) Of course! Happy Halloween! And to you!
0 notes
webart-studio · 6 years
High 10 Journey Blogs That Will Encourage You to Depart Your Full-Time Job
No scores but.
As we speak, the running a blog area of interest is actually huge. Should you do one thing (actually something) higher than others, you’ll be able to share this ability with folks. There are such a lot of methods to unfold the phrase about your ability. For instance, you’ll be able to write about it in your weblog, put up pictures on Instagram, report and publish your movies on YouTube or Vimeo, and use companies like Twitch.
There are various widespread running a blog classes: way of life, trend & magnificence blogs, DIY or do-it-yourself, academic, and many others. You may speak about something you want: meals, life hacks, artwork, clothes, make-up methods, dance strikes, cats and so forth. Nevertheless, there’s one area of interest that basically stands out – journey blogs. This class is extraordinarily widespread and immediately we’re going to inform you why.
What can we often see in journey blogs?
1. The individual and historical past behind it
Nobody is born a traveler. Every one that calls himself a lifetime traveler was once an peculiar workplace clerk/waiter/trainer/physician. In different phrases, all of those journey bloggers used to work 9 to five and had the dream to flee someplace and in some way. So each blogger has his personal distinctive historical past of turning into a backpacker and utterly altering his life.
2. Content material
Articles, pictures, and movies about latest and upcoming journeys. Relying on the weblog subjects, the individual behind it could actually inform you about cuisines and dishes, spotlight some cultural features of visited international locations, share media of breathtaking views, spotlight all the professionals and cons of the nomadic lifestyle, and many others.
3. Helpful suggestions
Definitely, journey bloggers typically present their readers with some helpful stuff. They can provide you recommendation on prime objects to journey with or perhaps share some promotional codes to get a reduction on services or products which will turn out to be useful. Or, they’ll simply inform some cool tales that may positively forestall you from repeating their errors. Anyway, such suggestions are often there that will help you save your time, cash or nerves.
Why are journey blogs so widespread?
Do you want touring? We guess you do. Going to totally different locations, discovering different cultures, assembly new folks – these are solely a number of the professionals of taking thrilling journeys.
Every individual on this planet loves having a relaxation. So once we see some individual, who used to stay an peculiar life after which grew to become a full-time traveler, we really feel some form of empathy. Clearly, every of us wish to stay in a typical manner. For this reason it’s so attention-grabbing for us to learn and observe journey blogs.
Why must you learn journey blogs?
They offer you a chance to see the entire world proper from our PC, pill, or smartphone. In addition they inspire you to find new locations, meet folks, and step out of your consolation zone. Furthermore, an abundance of various suggestions, reductions, and helpful price range planning/reserving companies you may get from journey bloggers, generally is a nice bonus on your subsequent journey.
As we speak, we’re going to inform you concerning the prime 10 journey blogs on the net. Let’s get straight to our checklist.
1. One Mile At a Time
One Mile At a Time is the journey weblog of Ben aka Fortunate. He began gathering miles and factors when he was 14 and since then he has flown over 4 million miles with greater than 50 international locations visited. On his weblog, he writes about loyalty packages, miles and factors, airways critiques, and resorts.
2. The Poor Traveler
Yoshke and Vins, bloggers from The Poor Traveler undertaking, beforehand had day jobs and will solely journey on weekends or go on holidays. Their first journeys collectively had been simply disastrous, as they had been scammed, and even obtained misplaced a few occasions. All these make them an concept that they’ll begin a weblog, the place they may describe their misadventures and stop their readers from making the identical errors. The fellows will inform you how one can plan your journey price range correctly.
3. Dan Flying Solo
Dan is a solo traveler, who began his life-changing journey in 2014. He actually likes touring on his personal, as he thinks it’s one of the simplest ways to study extra about this world, its new locations, cultures, and folks. He states that touring is all about schooling. On his weblog, Dan writes about his adventures in numerous international locations. Additionally, there is a video hub, so you’ll be able to discover new locations along with Dan.
4. A Damaged Backpack
Mel is a Canadian journey blogger who began her journey in June 2014 with a backpack and solely $2000 CAD price range. On her weblog, she tells how one can journey on a long-term foundation. There, you may also discover plenty of suggestions, journey planning companies and sources, and articles on how one can journey in any respect ranges, from tremendous low cost to luxurious.
5. My Life Is a Journey Film
Alyssa Ramos is a full-time self-made journey blogger. She had been to greater than 85 international locations on 7 totally different continents. She is a solo-traveler and had a fairly troublesome street to fulfilling her dream to journey on a full-time foundation. She has a extremely inspiring story of reaching her dream. She truthfully tells about all of the difficulties and milestones she met on her street to success, and shares her ideas and impressions on her new journeys.
6. The Weblog Overseas
Gloria is a courageous, funny-as-hell solo feminine traveler with a colourful creativeness. She began her magical journey proper after graduating from faculty in 2013. Since then, she has visited over 70 international locations throughout 6 continents. She tells about all the professionals and cons of a nomad life and tells some hilarious tales that occurred to her on this lovely, but difficult journey.
7. The Blonde Overseas
The Blonde Overseas is an award-winning weblog of a solo feminine traveler Kiersten aka Kiki. She was residing and dealing in California, however she left her job in company wealth administration and began touring. It occurred over 6 years and 70 international locations in the past. Now Kiki is aware of all features of touring and shares her suggestions, guides, articles, and pictures with girls around the globe.
8. Journey In You
Tom and Anna, the homeowners of this ‘kickass journey weblog’, as they title it themselves, began their journeys as two standalone solo vacationers. After which they met one another and determined to discover this world collectively. Since then, they’ve visited Four continents collectively. On their web site, you’ll find tons of academic stuff, helpful suggestions, inspiration, and even a super-handy ‘beneficial gear’ part.
9. Hold Calm and Journey
Clelia is an Italian self-ironic lady who had a prestigious job at Burberry London. However she left her full-time job and began a totally new life. Her weblog is all about inspiration and motivation. If you’re dreaming of turning into a full-time traveler, this weblog will eliminate any fears and doubts and can encourage you to step out of your consolation zone.
10. Camels & Chocolate
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ciathyzareposts · 6 years
Amazon – WON!
Written by TBD.
Jason Roberts Journal Entry #5: I’d guessed I needed an arrow to enter the secret door – but for some reason two perfectly obvious arrows that I saw in a treehouse weren’t the ones I needed – I needed one that was hiding behind a bush – Bravo, Amazon jungle – you outsmarted my logic and observation with your unnecessarily specific arrow requirements.
Chapter 12 cont’d
Okay, let’s get this confession out of the way early.
After trying everything I could possibly think of behind the waterfall (and reloading my saved game multiple times because I can only try a few things before dying) I was totally out of ideas.
Rather than request assistance without having made any progress, I decided it was time to test out the game’s hint system. I turned hints on and question marked some of the items in the area.
Hmmm. So perhaps I need to get the arrow carving tip at head level before talking to it? I’d tried talking to all parts of the door hoping one of Maya’s people was on the other side, but had no luck. I didn’t have any luck trying to get my head in line with the carving and then talking to it either, so I checked out another hint.
Great. So now I’ve spent two tips on basically the same information. Thanks, hint section. Any other hints that might be useful?
So maybe I need to step on each section of blood to open the door? I tried a few more things based on those hints. And I checked out the other hints in the area. But none of the level 1 tips helped. So I turned on more detailed tips.
Checking out a level 2 hint on the arrow carving’s tip gave me an answer.
Okay. I DID need an arrow at the campsite. That was the hint I needed.
I was a bit upset that the two hints about using my head were only useful if I already had an arrow head in my inventory. I seriously doubt the kind of person who wouldn’t have tried using an arrow head on an arrow head carving would have gotten this fair in the game in the first place. Anyway,  let’s get back to it.
Flashback: Chapter 11
Reloading back to the campsite, I used my geiger counter everywhere. The jeep and the left side of the jungle had ‘high’ amounts of radiation. I clicked all around the jeep and jungle in case part of it was a different hotspot, like the middle of the bridge or truck door earlier. Apart from the other trees in the surrounding jungle, there are five light green coloured bushes in the game. Four of them give the same name and description as the rest of the background –
JUNGLE – The steamy jungle surrounds the site of the massacre. Jungle plants are already starting to encroach on the clearing made by Allen’s party.
One of the bushes does not have the same description, and can be moved. Is it graphically different to any other part of the jungle? No – no it is not. Does this annoy me? Yes – yes it does.
Forget about the deliberately obscure bush. Is there any information in the game that tells me that Amazonian arrows are radioactive? Why the hell are they radioactive?
So, now I have the arrow I need. It’s back to the waterfall. But first…
You better believe that’s another 17 minutes of paddling!
On the bright side I did discover a new death I hadn’t seen before – we get eaten by cannibals if we take a wrong turn on the river.
Chapter 12 cont’d cont’d
So, back at the waterfall I can now I use my arrowhead on the arrow carving and the secret passage opens.
Stone sentinels with bows? Am I back on the Isle of the Beast?
The statues shoot at me for a while as I dodge their arrows to get partway across the bridge. Then Sanchez breaks through the secret door and goes totally insane.
Luckily, Sanchez and his men shoot the stone sentinels first instead of me.
So… stone bleeds and has a skeleton now – if you say so, game.
I quickly come to the solution (after getting shot by Sanchez the first time through, of course) – I use my lit explosives on the bridge and leg it to the other side.
Now that I’ve destroyed the people trying to steal the emeralds and expose them to the outside world, I’m sure the Amazon women will be happy with me.
Death by Snoo-snoo?
Having played two It Came From the Desert games – I know that face well!
Chapter 13
The next scene gives me time to do a few things before a large gate opens and a giant ant walks towards me. Unsurprisingly, I die the first time.
I believe they’re called mandibles rather than jaws. Did I mention I’m an expert on giant ants?
Having looked around before dying the first time, I spring to action on a reload and do stuff as quickly as I can.
I take a skeleton’s bootlaces.
I take the spear sticking out of the skeleton’s chest.
I use my knife on a flower that oozes thick sugary-sweet sap.
I combine the spear with the laces, and then with the knife to create a knife spear.
I try to get a torch but take too long.
I try everything again but don’t have time to cut the flower before the ant reaches me
At least I can die knowing I’m delicious!
Trying again, I ignore the torch and attack (press the up arrow on the keyboard) constantly while the ant is rearing to reach the hanging flower’s sap.
Are giant ants common in this area, or is this the last of its kind and they keep it to kill men who find their temple?
The Amazons weren’t happy about me killing their enemies? How do they feel about me killing their pet? Do Amazon women forgive male invaders if they prove to be smarter than an ant? We’ll find out in the next and final chapter.
Chapter 14
An Amazon woman appears at the temple doorway. It’s Maya, but it seems she’s been given a makeover.
Well, it turns out the ‘gift’ the Amazons had been protecting is magic water.
The water gives the ability to live forever but the price of receiving the water is that you can never leave and must serve as a priestess in the temple.
I’m not sure if the magic water reminds me more of the Fountain of Youth, which some legends place in South America, or the Indiana Jones version of The Holy Grail, which has the same rules as this water.
Then Maya says something I don’t fully understand…
Wait. You’re telling me you’ve been scouting for hundreds of years, but you’ve only just now received the never-die water which forces you to stay in the temple? So the average lifespan of a non-magically-watered Amazon is already counted in hundreds of years?
Maya offers me the emeralds on the condition I reveal nothing about her people. But she gives me another option.
Endless wealth, or the love of an Amazon priestess? Tough choice.
Or maybe not so tough.
Question: Will all the other Amazons put on their formal bikinis for our wedding?
I didn’t get to choose the emeralds instead of Maya, as Chapter 14 was entirely a non-interactive cutscene, but let’s face facts, I would have chosen Maya anyway.
Bonus – Bad Ending!
And now that I’ve finished the game I reload my waterfall save and try to waste all my hints so I can get the less complete ending. I’m pretty sure Access got their best pun writer to write these hints.
I don’t mind the bad pun, but you took 3 IQ points from me and haven’t actually told me anything useful!
In my effort to waste hints, I end up using so many that the game stops giving them to me and insults my intelligence.
So, I play on and get mostly the same ending as before, but instead of getting the girl and winning the game, I get some cartoon failure music while Maya turns her back on me and breaks the fourth wall.
Wah. Waaaaaah.
Next well I’ll give the game its Final Rating. I’m expecting a lower score than I thought before I played. The story’s fun, but too many of the puzzles involve frustrating the player. 
Session time: 1 hour 5 minutes Total time:12 hours 5 minutes Inventory: I probably still have Jason’s car keys – maybe I can send them back home and give Male and Female guard a car for a wedding present! Actors in the credits using their stripper names: 4 – Dixie Kupps, Candy Barr, Bobby Shorts and Flint Eastwood
source http://reposts.ciathyza.com/amazon-won/
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