#magical body horror
okay so it seems like a pretty safe bet that Kal used to have Radiance, right? He was a traveler like Sia and Margaret, and Sia talks about Itzal poisoning Kal's mind—but maybe it wasn't just his mind that Itzal poisoned, but his magic? The fog as corrupted, twisted Radiance is one of my favorite theories & I really hope it's proven right at some point in the narrative, lol.
(I would also just like to learn more about it in general, even if it disproves that theory. GIMME THE TRAVELORE™!!!!!!! pretty please! 🙏)
anyway, @snarky-wallflower asked me what ideas I had for how a traveler could acquire fog magic and I kinda got carried away, lol.
Musings about Radiance corruption below the cut!
⚠️ I think what I wrote could count as body horror, so please be mindful of that! ⚠️
One option is that it's a slow, gradual corruption. whatever the process is—spell, poison/potion, infection—it takes time. and it probably hurts. your DNA is being rewritten and changed strand by strand, cell by cell, and it probably feels like sickness, like you're dying, and the Radiance is trying to burn it out of you. the thing you've known all your life, the magic that has been your tool and your source of power, of protection is turning against you, and you can't stop it and you can't turn it off. it's instinctive.
but eventually, when the fog takes hold and smothers out the last bits of light, it doesn't feel so sick or unnatural anymore. it probably feels like relief. the darkness is a blessing, and there's a new power thrumming in your blood where the Radiance used to burn. It probably feels cool and thick, a weight you can always feel in your chest when you breathe, whereas the Radiance was light and hot, weightless, nothing as tangible or real as the fog curling inside you.
the other possibility is that it's fast, merciless and invasive. maybe the Radiance has to be torn out of you before something else can take its place. you're in blinding agony as the core of you is stripped away—maybe it is a mercy if it's all at once, imagine losing who you are one painful chunk at a time—and it's over quickly, yes, but the memory of it haunts you and now you're just a shell, wounded and raw. and the fog is like a soothing balm as it fills that gaping void inside you, but it feels so alien, it feels wrong, it feels like you died and something else has taken your place. you aren't YOU anymore. the person you used to be was gone the moment they gutted you and stole your Radiance.
...or perhaps the Radiance isn't an obstacle to be removed but something to be beaten into submission, to be destroyed from the inside. maybe the fog is so thick and overpowering that it sinks into you and chokes out that light in a matter of minutes. you can feel the Radiance writhing inside you, fighting against this dark invader. there is a war in your body, and you are the casualty. the fog is what wins—you're just a survivor.
did you survive? are you sure? it doesn't matter, it's already over and you have a King to obey.
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ruporas · 6 months
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dragon meat, you, and me
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cracklewink · 7 months
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I finally got time to draw my take on the mlp infection trend! I call it the Harmony Syndrome AU. Mane 6 whereabouts coming soon!!
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bunnieswithknives · 26 days
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Gore, Violence and Blood under the cut
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What a mess
#fop nature au#fairly oddparents#fop a new wish#fairly oddparents a new wish#fop#dale dimmadome#Flowers OC#candy gore#gore#blood#body horror#this really is a mess on so many levels#I wanted to make this situation as difficult as possible for the fairy council to theoretically clear up#everything from the animal to the location to the injury is a nightmare to try and explain#And theres a reason I spent so much time showing the gore getting on his injury. Mans gonna have a rainbow bitemark on his leg forever now#Not exactly easy to explain away#Also I think I accidentally established that Magic was a little toxic so he might have minor blood poisoning lol#Im sure he'll be fine#This is how all gay people are made but the fairies make you forget it#Actually while scripting this I realized how much this looked like the set up for some kind were-deer or were-fairy(??) plotline#which was not the intention but would be a hilarious direction to take the plot in LMAO#Also Id like to mention that flowers is fine. Fairies are functionally immortal aside from magic backup#Itll be healed up like nothing happened it no time#that being said it is still kinda pissed about the skull smashing#Dales got multiple broken ribs plush his leg is in shambled. Absolutely demolished#He's gonna have to get metal implants#You might think 'oh he's gonna opt to get a prosthetic leg now too'#No. Because hes a cowardly little bitch#He doesnt want to get his leg removed if its not absolutely necessary and because he's a nasty little hypocrite#Anyway this will be the start of a very nasty spiral methinks
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mmehrunesraz0r · 8 months
ponies under the cut!
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kwillow · 3 months
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A Cure for Barbarity
The grand old manor of Northcrest provided more luxurious accommodations than most in the rag-tag group of soldiers in the company of the Rising Dawn were accustomed to - if they ignored the peeling wallpaper, smell of mold and the manor's creeping, foul-tempered owner. Unfortunately, Alex couldn't do the latter. She needed to wrangle their prisoner-turned-annoyance wizard Hyden into doing any work at all, and that meant negotiating with his self-appointed apprentice and biggest fan, their host with the least, Baron Theopolis North. Now she had two egotistical, unstable mages to deal with, which was two more than she ever wanted.
She was common, he was the worst kind of arrogant old-blood nobility, she no-nonsense, he excessively prone to nonsense, she hated Hyden, he adored the man beyond all reason. It was inevitable that tensions between the rat and bat would boil over into conflict. True, Alex was a disciplined soldier who knew how to keep a cool head in times of stress, but the mad mage of Northcrest knew how to get under her skin... in more ways than one.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 6 months
My girlfriend became a wizard, turned me into a black cat and I helped her with magic.
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minxinq · 6 months
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[ OC ] gaia
a demon adept in mimicry who escaped from hell and slaughtered a magical girl. she wears her skin and uses dark magic to preserve the image of her host in order to trick unsuspecting victims.
age: 70000
mimic form: 5’1
true form: 12’0 (including horns)
species: mimic demon
sexuality: aroace lesbian
in her mimic form, she uses a variety of weapons to dispose of innocents she doesn’t deem “worthy” to inhabit. her favourite is the chainsaw due to its messy tendencies. being stuck in hell for hundreds of centuries and only now escaping to the surface, she is fascinated with man-made weaponry, and finds it satisfying to kill humans with their own creations.
in her true form, she has sharp misshapen teeth, sunken eyes, long thin hair, sharp horns and claws. she is not made to be comprehended by humans, so to mortals, her body is a thin, constantly altering and pulsing mass of black vines. this is used to disorient victims.
gaia’s mimicry can be identified by the blurry/muddied, almost glassy eyes of her hosts. she has yet to find a way to disguise eyes properly. this detail is almost unnoticeable to mortals, however to other demons and hunters from hell like lynne, its very easy to spot.
as gaia is a runaway sinner, she is actively being hunted by lynne. however, despite lynne’s orders, she seems to have formed a strange bond with gaia. whether it is genuine or simply a form of deceit to lure in and dispose of the mimic is unknown.
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bonkalore · 26 days
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Some good ol' monster transformation angst! Shockingly, I don't have a lot TF sequences done, but that's mostly bc they're hard to draw and tedious lol
Anyway, Danny boy had gradual bouts of TFs before fully getting to see what it is exactly he's turning into. Hoagie also having some PTSD having to see this go down when he also has dealt with unwilling TF bc he was human before... Fun stuff for both parties.
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donutfloats · 2 months
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This is how Goat and goat-verse Narinder flirt
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shaesinflames · 8 months
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🌥️ Rainbow Factory Infection AU🌥️
Hello everypony!! Ive been loving the infection stuff and wanted to jump onto the trend myself with an AU that came to me very suddenly. I'm gonna try and get all my thoughts out here:
☁️ Scootaloo fails her flying assessment by getting disqualified for checking on her injured friend who had crashed during their turn. The two of them get taken to the Rainbow Factory as a punishment for their failure, and quickly realize the deadly situation they're in.
🌈 There are few dozen pegasi there already. All of their wings have been torn off of them, their cutiemarks are branded over, and chains are fastened around either their legs or neck. They all seem so... dull. As if the color has been stolen from them.
☁️ Rainbow Dash enters to examine the new sacrifices, and is mortified when she sees Scootaloo. She had trained her every day to prevent this from happening; she never wanted the pony she thought of as a little sister to end up here. Dash had to quickly decide if she was more loyal to her career, or to her friends.
🌈 She chooses Scootaloo. This does not go over well. Whether you enter the Rainbow Factory as a prisoner or an employee, you were not allowed to leave until you died. Rainbow Dash grabs Scootaloo and attempts to flee with her.
☁️ A chase ensues. She realizes that even if they do escape, they wouldn't be free. They would be hunted for as long as the factory existed. The answer suddenly seems obvious. Dash veers away from the exit and heads deeper into the building, straight for the core.
🌈 Because of her high status in the company (and a lot of kicking), Rainbow Dash gets into the restricted access room and corrupts the core, sparking a reactor meltdown. Her and Scootaloo manage to escape seconds before the core collapses, and the Rainbow Factory is lost to the rainbows it created.
☁️ Not long after, ponies begin to emerge from the ruins. Well, they seem to still be ponies. Mostly ponies. The Inital Victims. The pegasi who had been deemed useless and dispensable in one way or another, and had been put through torture for weeks or months in order to drain them of their very magic and soul.
🌈 The Victims seem to have a symbiotic relationship with the Rainbow Infection in their body. They live just out of reach of death; gaunt and hollow, yet somehow surviving. Blind, weak, and terrified, they seem to believe they're still trapped in the factory, and will viciously maul any living being they sense with a newfound strength. So far, they don't seem to be curable, or killable.
☁️ The Infected pegasi have a much more unpleasant experience. Every waking moment is nothing but agony as the infection consumes their magic and feast on their vessel, reducing them to nothing more than another fluffy white cloud looming in the sky.
🌈 The Infected aren't hostile, and seem to still be lucid up until their death. However, they are incredibly contagious, and the final stage of the infection seems to be designed specifically to further the disease.
☁️ Unicorns and Earth ponies are completely immune to the Rainbow Infection. Alicorns are not. The princess's have been barricaded in Celestia's castle to protect them all.
🌈 Without any pegasi to moderate the weather, it has become increasingly unpredictable and harsh, making typical farm work almost impossible. The Survivors are getting low on rations, and they're getting desperate and hungry.
I think thats about it. Idk at the time of writing this its 3am lol.
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necroticboop · 2 years
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❝ Your realms are diseased, and we are the only cure. ❞
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cracklewink · 7 months
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Part 2 of my mlp infection au, Harmony Syndrome!
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steam-beasts · 3 months
"I am not a violent creature. But all the worthless cretins who call themselves 'humans' are an exception...falsley killing my creations, abolishing steam...it was all because of creatures like you..."
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"Remember, mortal...reap what you sow"
You vs Lady, who wins?
Also, who says Lady can't do this? She's a goddess.
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bubblebaath · 1 year
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i dug out her old model and made her fur look a little better
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emacrow · 4 months
When Danny hides his corpses along with Elle and Dan.. those fucking Archaeologists are persistent little shits then shenanigans happens..
He hide them in the Antarctica, where barely any humans goes beside a couple groups of persistent scientists living there and the hidden society of cannibalistic humaniod yetis....
There was no way anyone could find their bodies under 60 feet of snow and frozen millennium ice...
Ancients be damned 4 months later, danny felt a disturbance in his hidden grave only to see History News found 3 preserved corpses perfectly intact in a solid crystallized looking coffin the God damn Antarctica.
Took him a solid 5 days to find the right God forsaken headquarters of those Archaeologists who already send their bodies to gotham...
He about to flip his lid, especially as it was getting to him very badly... by how sleep deprived his ghost side was being to the point that the disturbed.. eldritch part of his very being was slipping a bit..
Then the truck driving with their corpses got stolen by some low grade wanna be villain by the name of 'the penguin'.
Who has his goons trying to break the crystal coffin into pieces with how priceless it beholding.
Danny brought Elle and Dan into this because he doesn't know gotham and three heads work better then one with the search out.
By the time, they actually found the Right fucking Hideout; because how many fucking hideout does a fucking penguin needs.
They were too late by a fucking hour, because of course something had to take their coffin.
Penguins already look arrested and it seem Batman got their coffin, whom had sent it to the Watchtower to get analyzed after they found a heart beating after 40 minutes to the batcave..
Danny wanted to ghost screamed by then...
(Wayyy later in the plot that I'll never finish)
Constantine whom is about to drinking scotch whiskey before it slapped by the ghostly eldritch child who shoving an glowing green smoothie in his hands for the 3rd time.
He look at them with a begrudgingly look who glares back at him with the similar mom glare looks before he sighed and drink the smoothie.
He ain't admitting it taste so much fucking better then his usual whiskey for shit.
Meanwhile Elle is enjoying having a younger halfa to bother even if his core is all types of fucked up and looking worse then a apple that fell off the ugly tree, got shredded by a wood chipper, mashed back together and then peeled off by a potato peeler before stomped on.
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