#magic is in the love people!
egophiliac · 2 days
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still ruminating over Lost In the Book With Spooky Skeletons Part 1, so here's a selection of some of my favorite little bits! (...some more loosely paraphrased than others) (I just feel like Idia has no room to criticize in general, okay)
anyway, I'm sure we're just going to have a fun time celebrating Halloween and nothing bad is going to happen whatsoever! :)
#art#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#lost in the book with nightmare before christmas#hajimari no halloween#calling dibs on skeleton kisses as the name of my band#man scully is just a delightful little weirdo and i'm enjoying him immensely#(i'm going with scully until we get something official just because it makes me think of x-files)#(スカリー is also how the agent's name is transliterated and i don't know if it was intentional but i love it as a bonus reference)#(i want to believe™)#gosh though#'no one at school likes me because i won't shut up about halloween and jack skellington' i'm feeling VERY attacked right now twst#look scully your people are out there#just get on the forums and -- oh wait you're probably from like the 1800s or something#(my theory is that he's from the past and there's just some Book Magic going on to bring us together)#(LOOK they made a point of saying that the book fair has been held annually for a super long time)#a hot topic goth born before hot topic was invented...so sad 😔#i dunno i could be wrong but that feels like a good working theory for now#if it wasn't for mal sensing twsty ~magic~ on him i would think he's like. a christmas elf who's going to kidnap jack in a reverse-nmbc#(not ruling that out though because it would be amazing)#god all the sprites in this event look AMAZING. loving the desaturated colors and the extra drawn-on lines 😍#i'm genuinely kinda sad that we aren't gonna get to see every character like this#who knows...maybe halloweentown will be imperiled again next year...#come back and destroy my keys again please#(that said i'm doing weirdly well so far?)#(i promised i'd save for sebek and just do cursory pulls to get the SRs and not hope for the SSRs)#(...but then leona jumpscared me four coffins in anyway. halloween magic is REAL)
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aurosoulart · 1 year
Local Wizard Goes To Store, Casts Duplicate On All The Items
aka I went to the antique mart this weekend and did a bunch of art studies in augmented reality! SUPER fun way to hone the ol 3D brush skills
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ruporas · 5 months
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your love returns in tragedy (ID in alt)
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peofun1 · 7 months
playing MTG with people who have been in the game for like 20 years is so insufferable sometimes
every turn they're like "I play Cock Goblin of Guzzleberg" and everyone else at the table nods and goes "ah yes of course, the Cock Goblin, classic" and doesn't explain.
so I'm like okay. what does that do. and they go "well it has a Guzzler effect" and I'm like okay great what the FUCK is a Guzzler Effect™
and then after like 10 minutes of trying to get them to explain, eventually I figure out that there was a card called Guzzler Greebling that was only printed ONCE in 1998, and its text was "when this creature ETBs, everyone at the table has to suck your dick" and this card got so popular in Standard at the time that now all effects that involve dick-sucking are called "Guzzlers" by the players
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ivelte · 16 days
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I love SO MUCH @kianamaiartmaiart "i don't want to be a magical girl" concept and characters and i needed to draw them with my own magical girls ! >w<
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dapper-lil-arts · 8 months
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That joke on across the spiderverse reminded me so much of Trixie. Girl refuses to accept herself as a C-tier Twilight opponent lmao
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sagasolejma · 4 months
Happy 6-month HRTnniversary to this lil weirdo!🏳️‍⚧️
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To celebrate it, and also to celebrate my follower count reaching literally 4 times the amount of people my home town has (which isn't saying a lot cause it's a really small town, but still wtf you guys) I'm posting this EXTREMELY rare and exclusive picture of me smiling!
(holy shit balls you probably didn't even know I could do that!!!!)
I kinda hate this pic cause I don't really like my faciular area, and I look like a blobby mess but oh well, that's what I look like sometimes and I wanna show y'all that side of me too :3
Thank you to all my mutuals and followers on here who constantly support me and put up with my never-ending bullshit, I love y'all and I don't know what I would do without you💚💚💚
(seriously, y'all mean the world to me)
Now I'm gonna be a bit sappy here and tag some people, not really because I want them to see this or because I want them to interact with my silly little post, but because they're all amazing and have given me friendships and a community I never thought I would have, they're all amazing people and I want them to know who they are <3
In no particular order: @shakukon-to @crowned-lozar @shequotesherself @theprofmoth @whalesharkcat @godless-of-the-hunt @jessica-1103 @crowmance @coelii @lilithtransrights @anarqueeen @glowingemberz @girlthingnova @twiggybeing @pacificglovebox @subsequentlysilly @crystalline-fox-girl @something345
(if you aren't on this list please don't think I dislike you, maybe we just haven't talked a lot or I forgot)
BONUS: extremely silly and cringe picture from when I was like, 1 month on HRT xP
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Have a nice day everyone, remember I love you <3
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choccy-milky · 5 months
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modern AU seb and clora's first interaction 📘📗 (and by modern AU i actually mean super trope-filled high school romance set in the 80's/90's LOL)
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mythalism · 1 month
solas: uwuuu you disrupted my ritual and trapped me!!! now im stuck here and it’s all your fault wahhh poor little old me stuck in the fade in a prison that i designed myself within my realm that i created where im supremely powerful and can “casually reshape reality” with a thought and i have an anchor that lets me open rifts physically in and out of here BUT NOW IM TRAPPED!!!!! 🥺🥺😣😣😰😰
meanwhile solas:
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nextstopparis · 6 months
i really like the hc that magic loved arthur and protected him until merlin came into the picture but very specifically bc it means his idea of like. the laws of physics and How Nature Works would be completely warped. the reason why all those miraculously falling branches didnt raise any questions? its been happening to him his entire life
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introspectivememories · 8 months
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n0ahsferatu · 8 months
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pov you are a locked chest or perhaps someone bleeding to death
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saydesole · 4 months
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Happy Juneteenth ✊🏿
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cowgirls-blues · 4 months
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✨Vox Phantasma ✨
Hocus-pocus, brother.
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justaz · 4 months
merlin (immortal) giving arthur (pendragon) the only blade that could kill him
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lastoneout · 5 months
I think something that people might be struggling with re: Dungeon Meshi is like, there aren't really that many genuinely bad people in the story. There is a villain, and I won't spoil that, but people do seem to be acting like Kabru and Toshiro are antagonists or just bad people, and granted the story doesn't exactly paint them sympathetically at first, but they really aren't. No one in this story is a bad person, they all have nuanced backstories and worldviews and personalities that make them the way they are, and the conflict is a result of them clashing because they can't always understand each other.
Like almost every character aside from Laios' party and Senshi are introduced in a way that makes you unsure of them, makes you think they're jerks or dangerous, but as the story progresses and everyone starts to understand one another then they can part if not as friends, then at least as neutral acquaintances/allies. The story is about people with massive differences coming to understand one another and how that makes them all stronger. It's about how people who seem strange or weird or dangerous often are just different and aren't inherently worthy of scorn just for prioritizing different things and having cultural standards that seem odd or personality traits that are off-putting.
If you genuinely think Toshiro or Kabru are the bad guys or are meant to be seen as unsympathetic assholes then like, sorry, you've missed the point? Almost no one is truly evil in Dungeon Meshi, they're just different, and sometimes those differences lead to conflict, and sometimes that conflict is bad enough that two people just can't get along, but if everyone makes an effort to understand or at least accept one another, then we can make a better world.
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