#magi parents
queenofanime · 2 years
Could you do Masrur, kouha being dads to girls. Please?
Hi!! I'm so sorry I took so long. Christmas was crazy (too many family dinners that I did not enjoy).
Masrur and Kohua with their daughters
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So we know Masrur already has a daughter called Sadi. At first, he was afraid of having daughters. Masrur even states that he can't do delicate things, so he's afraid of braiding hair, clothing, and feeding.
 He tries, he really really tries. (Seen Brooklyn-99? Terry building the princess castle? Yeah, that's Masrur. He just doesn't ask for help or yell. The suffering is internal).
Most of his father's references actually trace back to Ja'far. He teaches his daughters to read and write (even though he hates it himself). And while he is not great with the sword, he teaches them a few moves for self-defense.
His communication skills might be lacking, but his observational ones aren't. He knows when his daughters are down and he knows how to cheer them up. (He probably suggests hunting or sparring).
Sometimes a little overprotective but at the same time, Masrur knows children will be children.
Takes their daughters to the Dark Continent.
Masrur and Hinahoho have a lot of playdates since Fanalis and Imuchakk are known for their strength. Other 'normal' children always seem to leave crying. 
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Bless whoever dates/marries Kouha's daughter because he will not have mercy on their soul.
For his daughter's third birthday, he gave her an axe (what kind of woman doesn't have an axe?). Told her she could decapitate anyone she desired (everyone told him 'no').
Unlike Masrur, Kouha will spoil his daughter rotten, he hates saying no. And hates grounding her. Deep down, he knows he needs to discipline her and can't let his daughter get away with everything.
While he loves fighting, he teaches his daughter how to dress with class, how to style her hair, and how to always be 'good looking'. He loves Koumei, he just doesn't want his daughter to pick up his brother's bad habits.
One thing Kouha is set on teaching his daughter is to always protect the weak and the outcasts. 
His daughter is way too smart for her one good. She ends up causing trouble and quite the commotion everywhere she goes. (Always make an entrance: Life lessons from her Kouha himself)
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Your support would mean the world to me :)
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typhects · 21 days
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dimmadelphia's newest magical girl
[madoka magica x fopanw au]
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silvermoon424 · 10 months
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Mami's (awesome) apartment in PMMM.
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yaniasogames · 1 year
luv madoka magica cuz thats just what being 14 is like
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tea-potato-gt · 6 months
Kæmpe Stør’s Life Part 2:
Part 1 here
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By now Stør has been living with Joseph and Rudy for about 6 months. In that time, they have been teaching Stør how to interact with people smaller than him. They bought several mannequins for Stør to pick up and use all his strength on so he can know the limits of himself and other creatures. And eventually, Stør was allowed to pick up his parents when they ALL felt ready.
Stør is taught to only pick up people when absolutely necessary or if a person wants to be picked up. Stør cannot touch people outside his family without expressed permission and consent.
He’s also scolded for picking up objects that aren’t his, because of how easily he could accidentally break something. At the age of 6, Stør can pick up a motorcycle with one hand. It’s only a matter of time before he could pick up a car or a truck.
Joseph and Rudy never want Stør to think of objects or people as toys, which wasn’t really a problem in the first place, but they wanted to be sure. In order to adopt Stør, the couple made an agreement, that Stør could be taken away by the government at any moment for messing up or hurting someone.
House wise, Joseph and Rudy moved to a lot by the sea. There, they built a entire new house and off to the side a large barn that would house their growing giant child. Nobody knows how big Stør would/could get, so the couple decided to be safe and just build him a separate room/building that he can grow into. They also added several skylights on the house roof with hatches on the outside so if Stør gets tall enough he can open them and look inside the house.
The food and clothes issue was solved at the same time. Joseph’s best friend (Elijah) married (Magie) one of the most powerful Witches in the world. (Strega’s parents.) Joseph asked for her help. Magie developed a potion that, when put in food, would multiply its nutients and portions size to Stør’s. His clothes were enchanted by another powerful Witch. When Stør isn’t touching his clothes they are human sized, but as soon as Stør picks them up they grow proportional to his giant stature.
But the family needs to constantly get refill on Stør’s food potions, which leads to the young boy hanging around the Witch house hold a lot. There, Stør met and befriended Strega and her two older siblings (Lin & Jadis). Strega is 4 years old.
Learn more about Strega here
Stør and Strega: ☺️🥺
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Stør also spent his days at the Witch house because both his dads had to work during the day. Elijah is a stay at home husband, so he watches Stør and Strega while Lin and Jadis go off to school.
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When Stør first started being watched by Elijah, he’d cry when his dads dropped him off. He had SEVERE separation anxiety and worried his parents wouldn’t come back.
Stør at this point has not gone to school, his parents want to make sure he’s comfortable around other smaller people and understands the power/danger he could pose to those around him.
Elijah, Joseph and Rudy all worked to fill in Stør’s education he already was missing before sending him to a real school. Basic reading/writing/etc.
After six months, Stør’s fathers felt he was ready to go to a real school.
At this age, being only 11 and a half feet tall, Stør can go inside the school, though he hits his head on the ceiling and door frames. He needs a large bean table for a desk.
At recess, Stør is forbidden from playing with the other kids for fear he might accidentally hurt them. So he sits to the side with the teachers all recess.
It's here that Stør meets Yilan, his future best friend.
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Yilan didn’t want to play with the other kids during recess, so he hid behind Stør. There they begin talking and quickly become friends.
Yilan, much like Stør, was alone. Yilan is half human and half snake, a very dangerous combo leading many people to fear the 7 year old, much like people fear Stør.
More about Yilan here
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Keep in mind, Stør is still a very energetic 6 year old and being cooped up all day unable to expel that energy is not doing the kid any favors. He became jittery, restless and irritated. Joseph and Rudy had to get creative.
They turned to the ocean in their very back yard. Rudy taught Stør to swim, he learned quickly and grew to love it. Everyday after school Stør would go to the beach with his fathers and swim. If he was frustrated? Swim. Happy or excited? Swim.
Being in the water became calming to him. He loves all kinds of water, the feeling of a stream through his fingers or just floating in the ocean. (Maybe that's why he likes to be around Mizu so much?🫣)
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Part 3 here & Part 4 here
Master list
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gendervoid-zane · 8 months
MCD Series Rewrite:
No clue if Alina is gonna exist in my rewrite (if she does, then she gonna be adopted instead of being Aphmau and Aaron’s biological daughter), but let it be known that Lilith will be the living embodiment of “it takes a village”, she’s gonna have no less than ten thousand parental figures and no less than five billion family figures.
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pan-magi · 7 months
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We'll be a dream
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thenixkat · 8 months
I do think one of the things that makes me like the Magi-Nation cartoon better than a lot of second world fantasy media is that after everything is said and done, Tony makes the choice to stay in the fantasy world full of monsters and magi with the friends he made instead of staying on Earth to live a normal human life.
And especially the fact that it's a *choice*. He's not stuck there in the Moonlands, he can go home at any point after everything. He wants to be in a world where he's a hero, saved the world, has a bunch of cool friends, has magic powers, and doesn't have to face the American? Canadian? school system.
Just there's so much second-world fiction where the protag has to go back to their original world or doesn't want to stay in the magical world even tho it's better than what they left. Or in the opposite direction with a lot of isekai stuff recently folks are just stuck in the magical world with no choice.
Shout out to the Magi-Nation cartoon. Props to you.
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huffle-dork · 3 days
Swapboys: Memory Block
Read More Swapboys Stories here! | More Swapboys | Read on AO3
(AN: hello guys! While working on the next villain arc story (I’m so close omg) I finally got the epiphany to make this Drabble work! I’ve had it mostly written for months!! Finally, backstory for Bro and Alt! Who their parents and aunts are- and if you read the multiverse stories, why Alt and Bro couldn’t seem to remember things about seeing SCLERA before the main story! Plus, a cameo to a new swap versions of a few huffleverse characters! >:3c if you read the multiverse series this reveal has already come out so it’s about time I expanded on it huh? Anyways enough rambling, enjoy! Oh also, just a warning this will be using Alt's deadname and female pronouns for him for a bit cuz he was itty bitty here! But its not for the whole fic! :3)
Chase Brody was sticking to his Father’s side as they walked through the lab he worked in. It was the weekend but Chase’s parents pretty much lived at the lab. In fact, their apartment was upstairs. They moved here after Anthea started getting really sick because there was a hospital attached to the building too. So, when Chase didn’t have anywhere to go for the weekend, he accompanied his mother and father around the cool clinical space. 
After a bit of check ins where his Father was writing down notes and refilling important looking medicine tubes- Chase eventually reached out and tugged on his coat. 
“Dad?” He asked quietly. “…Can I see Anti today?” 
Dr. Brody was quiet for a second, almost seeming to ignore his son. But, eventually he looks down and his face softens slightly. He gets down to Chase’s level and smiles. “…remember Chase, Anthea is very sick… so we can’t stay for too long, okay?” 
Chase knew this. His parents told him over and over why Anti now was staying more often at the hospital. She had something called epilepsy… and it was making her really weak and she needed to be looked at by lots of doctors. But, dad recently had been saying she was starting to look a bit better! But… he’s said that before… and it would go back and forth… Chase just really really missed his little sister… 
“Okay,” Chase said sadly. “…I just… want to see her.” 
“We can see her. I’m sure she’ll be very happy to see us both.” Dr. Brody replied, patting Chase on the shoulder. He gently took his hand and headed down to the hospital part that was connected to the SCLERA headquarters. 
But, when they got there- Anthea wasn’t in her bed. Dr. Brody seemed distraught, grabbing the nearest nurse by the elbow. 
“Where is my daughter?!” He cried. 
The nurse flinched and looked at him with confusion. “D-Dr. Demerci said she was taking her to do some tests? Did she not tell you?” 
Dr. Brody shook his head and let the nurse go. “No uh… did Dr. Demerci say where she was taking her?” 
“Umm I think back towards SCLERA.” 
Dr. Brody pales and then quickly grabs Chase, hoisting him in his arms. Huh- Chase thought he was too big for that! They race back down to the SCLERA labs and rush to a part that dad says Chase isn’t allowed to go. 
They run through a couple sets of hallways, asking various workers where Dr. Demerci is and eventually end up in a cold room near the back of the section. 
Anthea is there, sitting on a hospital bed in her hospital gown, getting an injection from their mom, Dr. Demerci. Demerci blinks and then turns to look at Chase and Dr. Brody with a cold smile. 
“Oh Kieran and Chase! What a… surprise to see you here!” She says sweetly. 
Anthea blinks and tries to wave. Chase waves too, wanting to kick out of his dad’s arms to go see her. But, his dad holds onto him firmly. Almost like… he’s scared. 
“Jezebeth,” Dr. Brody says in a low voice, “Just what the hell are you doing?” 
Chase looks at his dad with confusion. Why does he… sound scared of Mum? 
Dr. Demerci makes an offended noise, holding a hand over her chest. “Kieran! I’m helping our daughter! Do you really think so little of me?” 
“She was getting help at the hospital! The VNS treatment was helping!” Dr. Brody shouts. 
Demerci laughs, “Maybe at first… the principle of that is sound. Make electric signals in the nerves to counteract the ones in the brain. But… I wanted to see if we could rely on more than just a machine!” She looks down at Anthea and pats her cheek before turning to look at Dr. Brody and Chase. 
“I’m sure you’re aware of this, my love. But your family has a bit of magic in its history, doesn’t it?” She smiles. “That’s easy enough to tap into! Anthea actually seemed to be developing something stronger… but her seizures were making her weak. So… I figured- why not kill two birds with one stone? Fuel the magic… stop the seizures.” 
Dr. Brody steps back, breathing heavily. “She’s a child, Jezebeth! She’s not even 4 yet! This is…. This is too much! Our daughter is not something you can treat like the other subjects! They... they consent to it! They’re not children!” 
Chase starts to feel tears in his eyes as he curls up against his Dad. Why is he yelling? Did Mum do something bad to Anti? 
“So you would have Anthea die then, Kieran?” Demerci says coldly. “She wasn’t getting better before I started to help.” 
“I-I don’t believe you- you’re insane! To do this to your own daughter- to our child!” Dr. Brody stammers. 
Demerci laughs and Chase can’t help but shake because… this woman wasn’t acting like his mum. She was scary right now… 
“Kieran, you’re so small minded! Not only have I cured Anthea- I’ve made her better than ever!” Demerci giggles with a mad look in her eyes. She looks down as Anthea and then gestures towards Dr.Brody and Chase, “Anthea, dear, why don’t you show Daddy and Chase your new trick?” 
Anthea blinks and then nods. “Okay mummy!” She jumps off the bed, already a miraculous feat for such a sick girl. Then she closes her eyes and holds out her palm. Green electricity starts to collect around her hand and then in a big ZIP it shoots across the space, hitting the wall with a loud bang. She smiles proudly at Chase and Dr. Brody. “Ta da!” There’s a slight ring of green that circled her pupils that quickly fades. 
Chase laughs, “Woah!! That’s so cool!” 
But, Dr. Brody looks absolutely horrified. 
Anthea deflates, stepping back, “..d..daddy?” 
“Jezebeth- what did you do?!” Kieran’s voice trembles out of his lips. 
“I made her better- in more ways than one.” Demerci says calmly. “And see? No more seizures.” 
“You’re sick- you’re fucking sick!” Kieran finally shouts, holding Chase closer to him. “I should have never left you alone with her- how could you?! I… I’m leaving! I’m taking Chase and Anthea and getting the hell away from you!” 
“What?” Chase gasps, tears in his eyes. 
Demerci’s eyes burn coldly and then she laughs. “You know you can’t do that, Kieran.” 
“I-I’ll find a way!” Dr. Brody emphasizes, “The head… they have to be against this!” 
“Oh no- I was approved ages ago.” Jezebeth says smugly. 
Dr. Brody’s stomach drops. He shakes his head, trying to take Chase out the doors but Chase throws a fit. “No no Dad! We’re not leaving!!” 
“I don’t think the head will be very happy to hear of your insubordination, Kieran…” Demerci coos tauntingly. “Didn't you hear what happens to the doctors that try to walk away from our projects?” 
“No…!” Dr. Brody chokes on a sob and crashes to his knees, hugging Chase close to him, even if his son wiggles in confusion. “No no! Why…? Why did you do this? To our family- did it all mean nothing to you?!” 
Demerci chuckles and goes to kneel down by Kieran, taking his chin in her fingers. She smiles lovingly, but they’re still that coldness behind her eyes. “…oh darling… you all mean so so much to me. Think of all we can learn… together!” 
Then she pulls something from her pocket and immediately jabs it into the side of Kieran’s neck. He gasps and then starts to sway, eventually falling bonelessly to the ground. Chase tries to get away and Jezebeth picks him up and then sets him down behind her. “Chase, love? Be a dear and go check on Anthea won’t you?” 
“O-Okay…” Chase says in a small voice. He runs over to his trembling sister in the corner and goes to scoop her up in a hug. “H-Hey Anti… are you okay?” 
Anthea is crying quietly, trying not to make a sound. “W-Why is daddy on the ground? Why didn’t he take us to leave??” 
“What?? Do you want to leave?” Chase whisper-shouts. 
Anthea is quiet for a second before she nods. “…mummy hurts me.” She whispers. “I-I can do that cool thing now but it hurted me… I dont wanna hurt anymore, Chase!” She sniffles. 
Chase looks at his mum’s back as she checks over their dad, half awake on the ground. 
“Why… didn’t you tell me or Dad, Anti?” Chase whispers. 
“…she told me not to tell. That I’d get daddy hurt.” She sobs. “I didn’t tell and he’s hurt! I don’t want t-this! I don’t want this anymore!!” Static electricity seems to build up in the air as Anthea clings to Chase and cries. “No more hospitals! No more needles! No more shocks! No more! No more! no more!!” 
“Anthea!” Demerci’s cold voice snaps out. 
Anthea immediately quiets, shutting her mouth and staring away from Demerci with wide eyes. She curls up more against Chase, trembling. 
Demerci has turned around, stepping towards the children as her heels click loudly on the tile. Chase used to love that sound- that sound meant his mum was home. That meant he’d get a hug and help with dinner and make her laugh. She hasn’t been the same since Anthea got sick- always away and working. And now… the noise that used to bring him so much joy only fills him with dread. 
“What did I say about making such a dreadful noise, dear?” Demerci hisses down at them. 
“I’m sorry-“ Anthea starts to say. 
Then, Chase pushes to be in front of her, pushing his little sister behind him. Even if his knees and arms are shaking. 
“Don’t-“ He breathes out, “Don’t hurt, Anti!” 
Demerci looks surprised. Then she chuckles. “oh... I do adore that nickname of yours, Chaser.” Then, her smile drops. “Step away from your sister, please.” 
“No!” Chase bites back. “No more! You’re not gonna hurt her anymore! I’m gonna protect her!” And as he says this- a bit of blue light seems to flicker in his eyes. 
Now, Demerci looks really surprised. She studies Chase and then kneels down to look at both of her children. Then, she grins. 
“Okay, Chase. If that’s the game you want to play… I don’t think I mind adding a new player~” 
Chase blinks, “A… game?” 
“Yes, a game! We’ve been playing a very fun game, haven't we, Anthea?” Demerci smiles, glancing at Anthea. 
The little girl flinches and then slowly nods. “Mhm…” 
“It’s a game that lets you win magic, Chase.” Demerci continues, smiling sweetly. A smile Chase deeply missed. “That’s what Anthea won! And if you play… you can get magic too. Magic to protect your sister and become big and strong! Would you like that, Chase? Don’t you wanna play with Mummy?” 
Chase hesitates, looking back at Kieran on the floor. “…will Dad get to play with us?” He asks quietly. 
“Oh yes, Darling. He’s just feeling a bit sleepy is all. But he’ll be back to play very soon!” 
“…o..okay.. I.. I wanna play. I want…!” Chase starts to sniffle and rubs at his eyes. “I-I want us to do t-things together again! I don’t want to leave! I don’t want Anti to be sick anymore! I wanna see Mummy more!! I wanna play games again!!” He cries. 
Demerci smiles and goes to pick up Chase and Anthea in her arms, shushing them softly. “Now now love… after today? We’ll be together all the time… we have so many new games to play. And me and Daddy will be right by you both!” 
“P-Promise?” Chase whimpers.
But… his mum had a very different meaning of the word ‘game’. Chase didn’t like this game… he didn’t like it one bit. 
Glowing hands get lifted away from Chase’s head as he lays on a small bed sleeping. Anti is curled up beside him, also fast asleep. 
They’re in a small but cozy witchy space. Bookshelves line one of the walls and two of the others are filled with hanging plants in various states of drying. Tables are filled with notes and open books, containing spells and spell circles. A small cot has been set up in the middle of the room for the boys to sleep on, and on chairs surrounding them sit four adults. Their dad, their aunt (who looks similar to their dad with slightly wavy, mousy brown hair) and her wife (a very pretty woman with fiery red hair) and the dark skinned woman with glowing hands, a magician. 
An image of what was just seen in Chase’s mind floats in a bubble of magic above his head- and the boys’ aunts stare at it with horrified expressions, while their dad, Kieran Brody, looks very numb. 
“…this is where you want to start the spell then, Keiran?” The magician asks. 
“Yes,” Kieran says immediately. 
The woman frowns, “That is… nearly a year of memory blocking-“ 
“I know,” Kieran says, his voice choked with emotion. “I just… I-I don’t know what else to do…! I-It’s a miracle I managed to escape with them… I don’t know how much longer it is until they find me… I can’t have them finding the boys… I-I don’t want them to live with the awful memories of what Jezebeth did to them!” 
“You’re not just hiding memories though,” One of the aunts says, the one with ginger hair. “You’re hiding that they’re magic!” 
“I-I know, Emmaline…” Kieran sighs, “But if word got out that they had powers…! It could lead Jezebeth straight to them!” 
“Withholding their magic could have dire consequences, Kieran,” The magician says darkly. “Magic must be used. It could overwhelm your children and make them very sick.” 
“I-I know that too, Kendra…” 
“And even if we hide such magic from them… they must be registered with the Circle,” Kendra continues. “The Magic Circle governs all magic users here. They are just like our government- and I refuse to make these two innocent children magic criminals by not having them registered.” 
This seems to give Kieran an idea. “… the Magic Circle. I… I’ve heard of them. They weren’t in America… If the boys are registered there… Can the Circle help keep them hidden from SCLERA?”
“…I suppose they could?” Kendra frowns, “but, Kieran-“
“I just… I want this memory spell sustained. I want their powers hidden… a-at least until they’re older.” He says quietly, “They wouldn’t be able to learn with the other magical kids- their magic is artificial! Eventually the teachers or the students will realize something is wrong and look into it and… I-I don’t want them being looked at like experiments or freaks!” Kieran cries, tears falling out his eyes. He hangs his head, hiccuping quietly. “I-I never wanted this for them…! I wanted them both to just live normal lives…! Or-or if my family’s magic got passed down… for them to learn the right way…!” 
The other three look at each other with worried eyes. 
Kieran’s sister goes to gently lay a hand on his shoulder. “Hey… they’ll be with us, Kier… we won’t let that happen.” 
Kieran looks up and gives her a small smile, squeezing her hand, “I know, Isla… you’re already doing amazing with them.. you’re going to take such good care of them…” 
Isla smiles sadly, hating hearing her brother talk about this like he’s already gone. But… she’s been told the risks…
If SCLERA finds him… he won’t see the boys again. 
Kendra sighs, “alright, I can see where your concerns are… but this is very tricky. Even if their magic is artificial, as far as I can tell, their bodies still react to it as if it was natural. So it might still overflow… what would you like me to do?” 
Kieran nods, “we found the same in our studies… I don’t think Chase is much at risk… he seems to be able to channel his magic into parts of his body and use it for bursts of strength and speed. Maybe… see if he can take up some sports?” He laughs, shaking his head. Then, he looks down at Anti and frowns, pushing hair out of his face. 
“It’s… Anti I’m most worried about… he was already so sickly… and he gained so much power so quickly… I-It’s so much in such a tiny body…” he says quietly, eyes filled with concern.
“…if you want to keep it hidden while they’re kids… maybe we can tell them when they’re older?” Emmaline suggests. 
“Mmm…that could work…” Kieran muses, “Kendra… is there any way for you to just… siphon off excess magic if Anti gets sick?” 
“Well… they will need to come see me here and there for me to check on the memory spell…” Kendra says. “So… I suppose it’s not out of the question.” 
“How long should we wait?” Isla asks. 
“…until it seems like Anti or Chase can’t hide it themselves anymore,” Kieran says. “Or… when Anti is 16. I think… they should be able to understand it then… e-even if I’m not there to…” he cuts himself off, tears brimming in his eyes again. 
Isla goes to rub his shoulder again, tears threatening to spill in her eyes too, “Don’t, kier… please.” 
Kieran nods. “I-If we do that… t-they should be safe. I’ve already moved them to another country… deleted what records I could… they won’t think that I will have gone here… Jezebeth thinks I’m still estranged from my family.” 
Isla snorts, crossing her arms. “And you were before all of this … for marrying that witch.” She mumbles. “I always knew there was something off about her…”  
Kieran sighs, “You were right, Isla… all of you were right. She… blinded me with her brilliance and… she was a f-fantastic mum for a while…” He shakes his head, “well… at least there’s two good things that came from marrying her.” He looks down at Chase and Anti smiling tightly. “I just wish… I-I protected them more…”
“You did all you could, Kieran,” Emmaline says quietly. “It’s not like that bitch made it easy for you… she tricked you and- t-that mind contr-“
“Let’s not talk about that… p-please,” Kieran interrupts, shuddering. 
“The Circle will keep their records safe from prying eyes,” Kendra assures him. “I will… talk to one of the Associates since this is a special case.” 
“Thank you, Magi Danan,” Isla nods. 
 “Isla, you don’t need to be so formal with me!” Kendra laughs, “I am… more than happy to help the family of my best friend.” 
“Ha! I only just married into this crazy family less than a year ago!” Emmaline giggles.
“You don’t regret it, do you, Emmy?” Isla turns to ask her wife. 
Emmy smiles and shakes her head. “Not at all. I promised to be by your side for anything! Even… adopting our nephews because their psycho mom experimented on them!” 
Isla covers up a laugh. “You don’t have to say it so bluntly!” 
Kieran smiles sadly and goes to pull Isla in to kiss her head. “…you picked a really good one, sister…” Isla blushes a bit and pushes him off. “You don’t need to tell me! I married her!” 
Kendra laughs. “Alright… I have a lot of work to do now to get these memories blocked… Kieran, is there any memory you don’t want erased?” 
Kieran blinks and then thinks for a minute. “Oh actually yes! Chase told me about… a conversation him and Anti had… when Anti asked to be called a boy…” 
“Hm… let me see…” Kendra goes to put her hands back on Chase’s temples and starts to flip through his memories once more….
After one long day of tests, Chase was led back into his lab room and he was exhausted. He climbed onto his bed and laid against the wall, letting the cool metal relax him. He missed his old room… all his clothes and blankets and toys. Mum said he and Anti would only get those if they were good. There were a few blankets on their beds that were soft and smelled like home. But that just made Chase sad… no toys yet either. Sometimes… they’d get a ball though. But not today, so he waited with his eyes closed until Anti came back. She quickly climbed onto the bed next to Chase and held his arm, curling up next to him. Chase just held her tight and they rested in silence. 
Until… “Chase can I ask you something?” Anti asks in a quiet voice. 
Chase blinks open his eyes and smiles down at his sister. “Yeah? What’s up?” 
Anti curls up more and clings to Chase’s arm. “Can you… can you treat me like a boy…?” 
Chase blinks, “what? What do you mean?” 
Tiny tears were filling up Anti’s eyes, “I don’t like being a girl. It feels wrong. I don’t think I am one…! I-I think I just got put in the wrong body…” 
“Well… how does it feel wrong…?” Chase asks curiously. 
“I don’t like when mummy calls me her little girl.” Anti whimpers out, “it makes me angry. And I don’t like my name… but you j-just call me Anti and…I-I like that…” Anti lifts up her face and looks at Chase with tearful eyes, “s-so can… can you help me feel like a boy..? C-Call me he and stuff- say I’m your brother, not your sister…?” 
Chase can see the desperation in Anti’s face and he doesn’t even hesitate, bringing Anti in close. “Of course! Whatever makes you happy, Anti…” Anti smiles and hugs Chase tight. 
Chase then pulls back and grins, tugging Anti to his side and tickling the younger sibling. “Besides- as much as I loved having a sister, I’ve always wanted a brother! And I’ll love you no matter what, Anti!” 
Anti has more tears in his eyes but he smiles and nods, looking happier than he has in a while. “Thank you, Chase…!”  
Kendra pulls her hands back once again and the adults watching the memory bubble all have wet eyes, brimming with tears. 
Kieran wipes at his eyes. “…I-I’d like to keep that one please… maybe you can… m-modify it so they’re in Chase’s room?” 
“Yes… I’ll see what I can do.” Kendra nods.
“I remember being so confused when Chase was telling us Anti was a boy,” Isla shakes her head, “Because I only knew you had a baby girl named Anthea…” 
“It suits him better,” Kieran smiles down at his children. “…my two strong sons…” He leans over and kisses both of them on the forehead. The boys seem to smile in their sleep.
“If that is all, I think it is best you all leave for now,” Kendra says. “This will take the rest of the night at least… I will call you when I’m finished.” 
“Right… Thank you, Kendra… for everything.” Kieran says as the three other adults stand to leave. 
“Of course, I’m glad I can help. I will see you all in the morning.” Kendra smiles. 
The Brodys all walk out into the afternoon sun and get back in their car to drive to Isla’s and Emmy’s home, where Kieran was staying with the boys. The drive was quiet… until eventually Isla spoke up, looking at Kieran through the rear view window. 
“Kier… I know you said Jezebeth might not check where we live… but… what if someone else at SCLERA makes the connection and comes to check? …what will you do?”
Kieran’s expression drops to something withdrawn and sorrowful. “…I have a plan…” he says gravely, avoiding her gaze as he looks out the window at the passing Irish countryside, “…no matter what happens… they won’t find the boys. I’ll make sure of it.” 
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loki-ioki · 11 months
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quick drawing of a custom i got earlier on twitter from ughg0blin. Clockwork Rewind (or simply just "Magie") is the oopsie mystery egg baby of Trixie & Discord (the first of 3 separate times this happens to him.) Their magic is time based tho it tends to simply use this magic to help it's mother fix stage show fuck ups.
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dawdlecentric · 1 year
With PMMM resurfacing because of the new movie trailer, it gives me an excuse to post this madohomu sketch I did earlier this year, which is funny cuz I watched madomagi 2 years ago and this is actually my first time trying to draw them (and I only got the inspiration to draw them cuz I rewatched the show with my brother which is an awesome experience XD)
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starmahgalaxies · 3 months
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Something I did for Father's Day.
I did a background but didn't like it so cut it out, lol. Also forgot Aladdin's flute, but I was already coloring at that point and it was too late to go back. This took me while to do already.
Other than that I'm real happy with how it came out.
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dragonyearjuri · 11 months
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posting bad translated screenshots while counting days until new promised blood content
🐲days since yunajuri : 2🐯
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takerfoxx · 2 years
More ruminations from the KyoSaya "Roommates" scenario!
One thing that always sort of interested me is the complete lack of presence Sayaka's parents have. Like, they're never shown, I don't know if they're even mentioned, and actually are probably the only set of parents with zero confirmation of what they're even like. I mean, we know Madoka's parents pretty well, Mami and Kyoko's parents are confirmed very dead, and while Homura's are never mentioned, we know enough about her backstory to infer a few things. Hell, even Nagisa's mom got a mention in production notes! But Sayaka? Nada. Not even a mention of them after her death.
As such, it can be inferred that they were never lured into Homura's labyrinth, since they never had a presence and Homura was never close with Sayaka anyway and Sayaka was kind of dead when the labyrinth was created. So when Sayaka, Nagisa, and Madoka infiltrated the labyrinth to rescue Homura, I'm assuming Sayaka's house was empty when she took up residence. And in light of that, one of the first things she did was IMMEDIATELY invite Kyoko to come live with her, because she had learned the hard way the penalties of not shooting her shot. So good for her! And I'm guessing that Kyoko just assumed that Sayaka was like Mami: an orphaned Magical Girl that still has her family's home and not questioned things.
So basically...
Both Sayaka and Kyoko, upon becoming aware of the possibilities presented by the empty house situation: "Dear Diary, JACKPOT!"
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blue-jester · 1 year
I find it ironic that Elfilis turns out to be a very loving husband/partner and father/parent, while Abbaddon was anything but!
Imagine his face if he saw elfilis in the happy AU.
They really devoted everything into being as far from how his father was as they could...
Also about Abbadon and happy end au
Bad news there.
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magigalxx · 2 months
Currently watching Matilda and I forgot just how BAD her parents were holy hell
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