#maggie watches thor 3
miszswan · 3 months
missing sagey so much rn!! Anything coming up for her?
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The world has had the pleasure of watching the younger sister of the uprising Louisville rapper Jack Harlow make a name for herself.
Last we saw twenty one year old actress she was reprising her role of Maggie Harrington in the 4th season of the Netflix hit series Stranger things won her a critics choice in early 2023 and got her nominated for the Emmys from the same year. She also made a small cameo in the last episode of Shadow and Bone season 2 as a character many are presuming to be Magdalene Morozova. Yes, you heard correctly, Sage is rumoured to play the daughter of The Darkling ( Ben Barnes ) in the upcoming third season, although nothing has been confirmed yet, Magdalene is set to have a pivotal role in the upcoming season which started filming in October of 2023.
Aside from her more Netflix based projects, Sage along with Marvel have confirmed that Percy is set to have her own centered series, something that was teased when Percy had a nightmare of Kang destroying everything in the after credit scene of Thor: Love and Thunder.
Now for what you’ve all been waiting for. As most if not many of you are aware, Sage had her directorial debut in the film, Thorns Of The Dandelion Bush.
This film which released on the 17th of November, follows a team of Netball players as they travel across the state for national championship. We see the girls’ bonds grow stronger than ever before and after the match, however, as Sages’ character says in the trailer “Bad things happen to good people” this quote is focused on heavily in the last and every eventful act that most definitely got the 20 year old her moment to shine.
Well we’re glad to inform our readers and fellow little Harlow stans that this talented Kentucky native has been nominated three Academy awards. Best Original Screenplay, Best Director and the biggest bang of them all, Best Picture.
At her young age of twenty-one she has just made history for being the youngest person to be nominated for best director and for original screenplay.
We are all hoping for the best results for this uprising cinematic genius. However we all know that whatever the outcome may be her impact has been set in stone.
She is set to have a pivotal role in Greta Gerwig’s Barbie and in Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning: Part One.
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Consider this a small apology for my absence. Hope y’all are ready for this🤭 I’ve been working on it for awhile
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ashandkatiewrite · 2 years
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Summary: It has been five long years since Thanos snapped half of all existence into dust along with half of Bucky's heart. He runs to the life of an assassin as the Winter Soldier once again until he is caught against his wishes in Madripoor. "There is a chance," Steve told him with tears in his eyes. "We're going back. To fix everything." They could all go back to the past. But Bucky had a different plan in mind. And it didn't have anything to do with any infinity stones but everything to do with the reason he'd been running. He was going to fix the biggest mistake he'd ever made.
WRITTEN BY: @if-you-onlyknew & @katiekinswrites
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/OFC
Rating: M (Mature) & E (Explicit)
PART 2/3 in the: Maggie/Bucky What If (AU) Saga - Read the first story of the saga HERE
chapter preview:
Christopher was watching multiple news stations trying to figure out exactly what was happening. It seemed that none of them knew specifics, being so far away from ground zero. None could get close enough to the battle to give any indication on who was still alive.
“Look, Mags,” he tried to tell her, “it’s clearly still going on. It’s not over yet. You know he’s going to be okay.”
There was a sudden flash on the screen. Something producing a fuck load of light. The newscaster suspected it was Captain Marvel who had been absent for the past five years. “I dunno who that is,” he admitted.
“She’s pretty tough,” little Chris spoke up as he pointed at the bright flash that seemed to be causing the bulky spacecraft to come crashing down to the ground. “They all are,” he added.
“Oh you know who’s over there?” Christopher asked his nephew in an attempt to brighten the devastating atmosphere. “List them off for us.”
“Well, we saw Thor. He got fat, Mom,” he told her 
The corners of Maggie's lips twitched up involuntarily, as amusing as her son's comment was, it didn’t stop her worry over his father. “I didn’t think Nordic Gods could get fat.” She said, causing her son to chuckle. 
  “Oh, there’s Iron Man and Rhodey, and Dad and Uncle Steve, and…” His face fell as he thought of Natasha Romanoff being dead. “And Hawkeye has tattoos and a mohawk. He’s pretty cool. Did you know Dad told me he had a mission with him before? He’s the one that found Dad in a place called Madripoor to send him back to find you two,” he told both his mom and uncle.
Hearing that Bucky had told Chris about Madripoor surprised Maggie. Though, she was sure he left out all the sordid details. 
TAGLIST: @ocappreciationtag • @sendmylcve • @arrthurpendragon • @darkwolf76 • @cas-verse • @victoriapedrcttis • @cjand10 • @roosterbradshaws • @seb-soph • @eddysocs  • @darylandbethfanforever9 
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goodolreliablejake · 2 years
Listen, y'all, I know that this is a really random gripe to pull out years after the fact, but I need to get this off my chest...
When Avengers: Infinity War came out, a popular hot take was that Thanos was the film's protagonist. I understand the appeal, but that is absolutely not the case. Why?
Well, for one, we do not see the events unfold through Thanos's eyes. Rather, time is spent developing others characters (Thor, Tony, Cap, etc.), and then Thanos enters into their world. If Thanos were the main character, we would start with him, and then he would approach the Avengers.
For another thing, Thanos does not undergo a series of trials. Thanos starts out from a position of power, grows more powerful as the film goes on, and does not significantly change throughout the film. I think an argument could be made that we get a bit of a character study of Thanos. We learn about his worldview, his past, and why he does what he does. But we are certainly not watching him struggle. It's hardly a Hero's Journey.
So, if the story isn't "Thanos's quest for the Infinity Stones," then how is the narrative structured?
Well, instead of one larger story focused around a single character, the story is told in a modular fashion. We have 3-4 smaller stories being woven together. We've got Cap and Wakanda, The Guardians and Gamora, Thor's avenging pirate angel arc, Tony and Stephen and Peter, etc. Each of these stories has its own protagonist, overlaps with the others, and features Thanos as the antagonist. This structure more closely resembles, like... Game of Thrones, some Shonen arcs, or even a soap opera, where we cut from one group of characters to the next periodically.
This message brought to you by Maggie Mae Fish's videos on The Hero's Journey; remember, there are actually other ways to structure a narrative! ; )
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avelera · 7 years
Some next day thoughts about Thor 3: Ragnarok:
(cut for spoilers)
- At first I was a little jarred by the ending’s abruptness. But then I thought about it a bit more. Yes, as a movie ending, I still think it’s a bit too abrupt, I would have liked 5-10 more minutes to cover some of the dangling plotlines I’ll discuss further down. But then I realized that with all the Marvel movies out there, they’re likely going to be binge watched. So this format makes sense when you realize that this movie is only going to end there for about 1 year in its lifecycle. For the rest of its existence, viewers are just going to immediately go to or cue up either Black Panther or Infinity War, so it’s actually more like a very long TV or Netflix episode than a standalone movie in the traditional sense.
Nevertheless, some things I would like to have seen more resolution are:
- Bruce - They made a pretty big deal of the fact that if he ever switched back to the Hulk again, Bruce Banner may never come back. Now, most likely it’s not a dark enough movie series for that to be true. But still, the fact it was never brought up again after he transformed nags at me, I would have liked to see some concern from Thor & his crew over whether Banner is ok. Though I suppose some of that could be explained by Valkyrie knowing Hulk better, Thor “preferring” Hulk, and the fact that Hulk has now had enough time out in the world to actually be quite stable. It almost implies that Hulk was an infant, or an overly-caged animal so his unmanageability was purely because he wasn’t getting enough time to grow up or exercise. That being said, you’d think Loki would be a little more freaked out. And dammit, I’m worried for Bruce.
- Loki - Has shown a pathological inability to play well with others, pretty much since he learned he was adopted and from the stories of Thor 3 even before that. He is the ultimate little shit. The fact that he was shown peacefully going along with the good guys for even 5 minutes without stabbing Thor again or just causing mischief or fucking off from there gave me a weird feeling of cognitive dissonance. Like, this status quo has already lasted 5 minutes without someone actively trying to kill them, no way Loki is this patient. Then again, this was somewhat resolved by the post-credit scene of the other big ship appearing, since Loki will sometimes go along with things if a team up is required for survival, at least until he figures out how to join the other side.
Some other thoughts:
- Apparently Asgard has fewer people in it than your average shopping mall? Also none of them have the same superpowers as their royal or valkyrie elites? Apparently it is an anime land where if you don’t have a cool character design you don’t have powers, sorry guys, you’re all cannon fodder with as little ability to defend yourself as the average human and maybe less considering you have advanced magic and science sometimes but most of the time you don’t even have guns.
- Hela looks hella like Loki. I’m beginning to wonder if Thor is the adopted one here. Also wondering if, in a more serious moment, what impact Hela having once been Odin’s favorite child would have on Loki given their similarities? Some reflection by him on that point would be interesting.
- Also, wtf, are they gods, are they random aliens with delusions of grandeur, how do they embody concepts...? Thor’s lighting powers were SICK AS HELL AND I LOVED EVERY SECOND OF THAT FIGHT AND HOLY SHIT HE LOOKS AMAZING WITH THE ONE EYE GODDAMN but I’m just really confused from a lore/cosmology angle of what the fuck Asgardians are in the larger cosmos and as relates to Earth.
Some other good/GREAT things about the movie:
- Seeing that level of diversity was such a fucking relief like I didn’t need to brace myself or roll my eyes whenever anyone who wasn’t the Designated POC was shown as always white and usually male, it was actually wonderfully diverse and awesome wow thank you Taika. 
- (A little mad though that we didn’t get to see the Valkyrie bisexual scene, Disney is still really bad with dealing with LGBTQA+ stuff and this is another reason I fear the consolidation of all IP under The Mouse)
- Anyway, just in general, the directing, holy shit Taika Waititi is a master. 
- Like, the movie was 95% laughs and it’s really hard to transition an audience that was just laughing its asses off to a serious moment but every single serious moment hit like a punch in the gut. Like immediately. Holy shit. Odin’s death, Valkyrie’s flashback, the tiny micro-expressions of Loki and Thor dancing around what they really mean to each other these days, Banner’s identity crisis... my only complaint about any of those is that they didn’t last a little longer, but they were so efficiently done that I can’t really be mad about that. Their brevity matched the pacing of the film, and it’s only my fangirl heart that would have loved some long lingering over all the horrible Feels everyone is going through. Ah well, that’s what fanfic is for.
- That being said, it did feel like there was a couple moments and themes that could have used a little more attention, though the complaint here is minor. There is some serious fridge horror in Banner losing 2 years of his life. What about the people he killed under Hulk’s influence? What about the feeling he’s going to lose himself forever if he ever changes again, and him doing it anyway to help his friends? That was one theme that felt a little under served to me given the seriousness of the implications. 
- Hela was amazing omg. Like, it is hard to introduce a new villain that’s just magically better than everyone at everything and is also a stone cold badass woman. Somehow, somehow they managed it most likely through the immortal talent of Cate Blanchett. She was genuinely terrifying and genuinely felt like a member of their family, unlike some missing family member villains who just feel tacked on. 
- Though I will say I was a little surprised by the reluctant villainy of Karl Urban’s character. I expected him to be a more willing ally of Hela, his story was interesting in how he was basically just an opportunistic but otherwise loyal Asgardian trying to survive and I could have used a few more minutes of focus on him just to sort of pull his story together as more than just someone for Hela to talk to while shit is going down.
- Btw, SPEAKING OF HELA I’ve been saying for AGES that we should be reexamining what Thor being “worthy” is all about because it’s not necessarily the modern concept of good vs. evil. Given that Odin slaughtered his way across 9 realms then turned on the child who helped gain it for him, being “worthy” could literally just mean “able to kill the largest number of people efficiently” according to Odin.
- Uh, do any of our heroes have their powers anymore if they drew them from Asgard which is now a pile of rubble?
- But OMG WE’RE GETTING ASGARD ON EARTH YEEEESSSSSSS. Ok so one of my number one writerly influences, J. Michael Straczynski who also wrote Babylon 5 and Sense8, wrote a Thor comic about Asgard being reestablished on Earth and IT IS HILARIOUS AND WONDERFUL GUYS I am SO EXCITED to see Asgard planted in the middle of the goddamn MIDWEST this is going to be GREAT. Also Dr. Strange must be losing his shit right now HE ASKED THEM TO PLEASE LEAVE NOT BRING THEIR WHOLE PLANET HERE
- Oh, and on a total badwrong side note, I still ship the fuck out of Thor and Loki and I am sorry. I hate incest in general, blech, as a plot device but Loki definitely does not see Thor as a brother also they’re kinda not even human so for some reason that sneaks by my radar. But I’d dearly love to see some Thorki where they’re as snarky and antagonistic and sort of tragically doomed to always be messing with one another as was in Thor 3, and not like... wide-eyed tragic uke Loki or some such (not that that isn’t valid for writers to explore, I just DESPERATELY want some obnoxious-conniving-little-shit Loki and exasperated but actually able to keep the upper hand and occasionally tragically upset and annoyed that Loki just can’t stop being such a conniving little shit for five minutes and sit at the dinner table like a normal person goddamnit why can’t i quit you Thor... just saying). 
Honestly, that movie was just so much fucking fun, I need to see it again.
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random-bi-writer · 2 years
My Reaction to All In
The season 3 of True Colors.
Spoilers for those who haven’t watched the episode.
For a moment I thought I was watching Reunion.
But Anne’s not straight.
So it is a flashback, thank frog.
No, I don’t want a harem.
I wonder how that conversation went.
Sasha will stop falling from high places?!
Jesus, no, why.
Lmao, Grime.
Nooo, my baby. You need to be free and happy.
Aldich you bitch.
Jesus, it’s like a game.
Damn, that’s painful.
Can I just...hug her tight?
Every robot abuse reminds me of Cloak-bot.
Gay Gay Homosexual Gay
The Plantars need all the hugs.
Don’t like those eyes.
Wasn’t there a Sasharcy comic like this?
When you try to manipluate a manipluator.
Yes, please. Mr. Boonchuy deserves it.
You better kick his ass Anne
[aeognva[vniapvnav THE PRINCIPAL IS A MOOD
Damn, the animation is smooth.
Please tell that’s an illusion.
What is this, Thor?
I love this.
Aww, I started crying when Marcy showed up.
Did...Did Anne just kill Andrias?
Maggie has deep respect now.
Yes, finally. They reunited.
I love the found family trope.
Oh yeah, I completely forgot about that.
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oneboxofmatches · 3 years
All You Need to Know About Matchups!
Hi y'all!
This account is solely for matchups for several different fandoms. That means requests for imagines, oneshots, headcanons, etc. will NOT be taken.
Here are some basic things to know about requesting a matchup!
Unless otherwise specified for a certain fandom, a request yields one romantic pairing AND one friendship pairing as well as information on why I think you work well with the individuals I choose. Of course, if you only wish to receive either just the romantic matchup or just the friendship matchup, just let me know!
You can request matchups for several different fandoms at once! For each fandom you request, I will match you up with one romantic partner and one friend unless you request differently.
You can ask to exclude any character(s)!
Where can I request a matchup?
Requests can be made in the MATCHUP REQUESTS/ASK ME ANYTHING tab.
What do I need to include in my request?
Your gender and/or pronouns
Your sexual orientation and/or preferences
Description of personality
Optional (but definitely helps me out!)
Description of appearance
Personality alignment (Myers-Briggs, Enneagram, Hogwarts House, etc.)
What you would look for in a partner and/or friend
Any other information you think would be helpful – the more you provide, the more I can work with!
Now with that out of the way, onto the fandoms!
Listed directly below is a shortlist of all the fandoms I take requests for as well as some extra information as needed.
If a title is in italics, it means that while I feel comfortable providing matchups for this show, I have not watched every season. If a character drastically changes after a certain point, I may not be aware. The last season I watched of these shows will be included in parentheses.
All movies/shows based on novels will most likely focus on the on-screen adaptations of characters.
The 100 (6)
Good Omens
The Good Place (3)
Lucifer (4)
On My Block
Parks and Recreation (4)
Prodigal Son (1)
Space Force
Supernatural (14)
The Walking Dead (8)
The Greatest Showman
Harry Potter -- Unless specified in request, will entail 2 sets of matchups as a student (Golden Trio and Marauders eras respectively)
The Hunger Games
Marvel Cinematic Universe -- Unless age is specified, underage characters will NOT be available for romantic matchups
Carrie (2012 Off-Broadway)
Les Misérables
The Phantom of the Opera
Detroit: Become Human
Red Dead Redemption 2
What’s below the cut?
A masterlist of characters in each fandom that will be considered for each request (unless marked with an asterisk (*), all characters are assumed to be available for both romantic AND friendly matchups while names marked with an asterisk are only available for friendly matchups). Listed alphabetically by first name.
Don’t be afraid to tell me about a typo!
Any questions? Just want to talk? You can also use the  MATCHUP REQUESTS/ASK ME ANYTHING tab to get ahold of me!
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Bellamy Blake
Clarke Griffin
Finn Collins
Harper McIntyre
Jasper Jordan
Johnathan “John” Murphy
Jordan Green
Marcus Kane
Monty Green
Octavia Blake
Raven Reyes
Wells Jaha
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Anathema Device
Newton Pulsifer
Mme. Tracy*
Witchfinder Sgt. Shadwell*
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Chidi Anagonye
Eleanor Shellstrop
Jason Mendoza
Tahani Al-Jamil
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Det. Chloe Decker
Det. Daniel “Dan” Espinoza
Ella Lopez
Dr. Linda Martin*
Lucifer Morningstar
Mazikeen “Maze”
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Cesar Diaz
Jamal Turner
Jasmine Flores
Monsé Finnie
Oscar “Spooky” Diaz
Ruben “Ruby” Martinez Jr.
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Andrew “Andy” Dwyer
Ann Perkins
April Ludgate
Benjamin “Ben” Wyatt
Christopher “Chris” Traeger
Donna Meagle*
Gerald “Jerry” Gergich*
Jean-Ralphio Saperstein*
Leslie Knope
Ronald “Ron” Swanson*
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Ainsley Whitly
Det. Dani Powell
Edrisa Tanaka
Lt. Gil Arroyo
Det. James “JT” Tarmel
Jessica Whitly
Malcolm Bright
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DI Greg Lestrade
Mrs. Hudson*
James “Jim” Moriarty
Dr. John Watson
Mary Morstan*
Molly Hooper
Mycroft Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
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Dr. Adrian Mallory*
Capt. Angela Ali
Brig. Gen. Bradley Gregory*
Dr. Chan Kaifang
Duncan Tabner
Erin Naird
F. Tony Scarapiducci
Kelly King
Maggie Naird*
Gen. Mark Naird*
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Abbie “Bela” Talbot*
Adam Milligan
Alex Jones
Benjamin “Benny” Lafitte
Charlene “Charlie” Bradbury
Claire Novak
Dean Winchester
Sheriff Donna Hanscum
Eileen Leahy
Ellen Harvelle*
Garth Fitzgerald IV
Jack Kline
Jessica “Jess” Moore*
Joanna “Jo” Harvelle
Sheriff Jody Mills*
John Winchester
Kaia Nieves
Kevin Tran
Meg Masters
Michael “Mick” Davies
Patience Turner
Robert “Bobby” Singer*
Rowena MacLeod
Rufus Turner*
Samuel “Sam” Winchester
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Abraham Ford
Beth Greene
Carl Grimes*
Carol Peletier*
Dale Horvath*
Daryl Dixon
Eugene Porter*
King Ezekiel*
Father Gabriel Stokes
Glenn Rhee
Hershel Greene*
Maggie Greene
Morgan Jones*
Negan Smith
Paul “Jesus” Rovia
Rick Grimes
Rosita Espinosa
Sasha Williams
Tara Chambler
Tyreese Williams
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Cher Horowitz
Dionne Davenport
Josh Lucas
Tai Frasier
Travis Birkenstock
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Anne Wheeler
Charity Barnum
Jenny Lind
Lettie Lutz*
Phillip Carlyle
Phineas “P.T.” Barnum
W.D. Wheeler
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Alastor “Mad-Eye” Moody*
Albus Dumbledore*
Arthur Weasley*
Cedric Diggory
Cho Chang
Draco Malfoy
Fleur Delacour
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ginevra “Ginny” Weasley
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
James Potter
Lily Evans
Luna Lovegood
Minerva McGonagall*
Molly Weasley*
Neville Longbottom
Nymphadora Tonks*
Oliver Wood
Remus Lupin
Ronald “Ron” Weasley
Rubeus Hagrid*
Severus Snape
Sirius Black
Viktor Krum
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Effie Trinket*
Finnick Odair
Gale Hawthorne
Haymitch Abernathy*
Johanna Mason
Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mellark
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Anthony “Tony” Stark -- Iron Man
Dr. Bruce Banner -- Hulk
Carol Danvers -- Captain Marvel
Dr. Christine Palmer*
Clint Barton -- Hawkeye
Drax the Destroyer*
Edward “Ned” Leeds
Harold “Happy” Hogan*
Dr. Henry “Hank” Pym*\
Hope van Dyne -- Wasp
Sgt. James “Bucky” Barnes -- Winter Soldier
Col. James “Rhodey” Rhodes -- War Machine
Loki Laufeyson
Dr. Margaret “Peggy” Carter*
Cdr. Maria Hill*
May Parker*
Lord M’Baku
Michelle “MJ” Jones
Natasha Romanoff -- Black Widow
Col. Nicholas “Nick” Fury*
Peter Parker -- Spider-Man
Peter Quill -- Star-Lord
Agt. Phillip “Phil” Coulson*
Pietro Maximoff -- Quicksilver
Samuel “Sam” Wilson -- Falcon
Scott Lang -- Ant-Man
Dr. Stephen Strange
Steven “Steve” Rogers -- Captain America
King T’Challa -- Black Panther
Thor Odinson
Virginia “Pepper” Potts
Wanda Maximoff -- Scarlet Witch
Yelena Belova
Yondu Udonta*
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Grand Duchess Anastasia Romanov
Dimitri Sudayev
Gleb Vaganov
Countess Lily Malevsky-Malevitch*
Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna*
Vladimir “Vlad” Popov*
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Adam Maitland
Barbara Maitland
Delia Schlimmer
Lydia Deetz*
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Carrie White
Christine “Chris” Hargensen
Susan “Sue” Snell
Thomas “Tommy” Ross
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Tumblr media
Aaron Burr
Alexander Hamilton
Angelica Schuyler
Elizabeth “Eliza” Schuyler
George Washington
Hercules Mulligan
James Madison
John Laurens
Margarita “Peggy” Schuyler
Maria Reynolds
Marquis de Lafayette
Philip Hamilton
Thomas Jefferson
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Éponine Thénardier
Insp. Javert
Jean Valjean
Marius Pontmercy
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Carlotta Giudicelli*
Christine Daaé
Erik “The Phantom”
Mme. Giry*
Meg Giry
Raoul de Chagny
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Anna of Cleves
Anne Boleyn
Catherine of Aragon
Catherine Parr
Jane Seymour
Katherine Howard
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Carl Manfred*
Det. Chris Miller*
Elijah Kamski
Lt. Hank Anderson*
Capt. Jeffrey Fowler*
Leo Manfred
Rose Chapman*
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Abigail Roberts
Arthur Morgan
Beau Gray*
Charles Smith
Daniël “Dutch” Van der Linde
Eagle Flies
Hosea Matthews*
Javier Escuella
Johnathan “John” Marston Sr.
Josiah Trelawny
Karen Jones
Kieran Duffy
Leonard “Lenny” Summers
Marion “Bill” Williamson
Mary-Beth Gaskill
Micah Bell
Molly O’Shea
Penelope Braithwaite*
Rev. Orville Swanson*
Sadie Adler
Sean MacGuire
Simon Pearson*
Tilly Jackson
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worstloki · 4 years
Part 3
Fury: I cannot believe the Avengers No. 1 unattainable criminal right now is a seventeen-year-old twink Clint: I can’t believe you’re calling Loki a twink Tony: I can’t believe he's been the legal godparent of kids his own age for months and I didn't realise Steve: You didn’t get him removed? I thought you made Rhodey their legal godparents instead?? Tony: nah I removed Thor Natasha: ?? why would anyone do that ?? Fury, having a breakdown: we nearly lost New York and the entire world to a 16-year-old twink with daddy issues Clint: yoU just did it aGAIN- Tony, the only actual Avenger who knows Loki isn’t actually evil™: heY! Daddy issues are a serious thing! Don’t make fun of the guy for having a crisis and finding out his life was a lie and he’d faced over a millennium of abusive environment for nothing!  Avengers: are you… defending Loki… the megalomaniac WAR CRIMINAL who turned every SHIELD facility into ice cream earlier today…? Tony, hands up in surrender: I’m saying maybe we shouldn’t be so quick to judge the guy. I wouldn't be able to guess what but maybe he had an ulterior reason for the New York fiasco? His normal stuff is usually harmless.  Avengers: ... Tony: What? It could’ve been much worse. Strange, rolling his eyes: Yes, at least it wasn’t Stark Raving Hazelnuts Loki, who has been standing at the back listening to the entire conversation: That flavour is way too chalky to suit SHIELD anyways [everyone turns to Loki with their weapons ready, except Tony of course] Loki, raising his hands in surrender: what? A Hunka-Hulka Burning Fudge is way better, and its green, and for some reason they didn’t have a Loki flavour so that was the next best option-
Loki: hey Morgan what would you say if i offered you an officially evil part-time job with decent pay and extremely good evil workplace benefits? Morgan: do you offer evil dental? Loki: of course?? we also have A-Grade coffee 24/7 because top class extremely good evil deserves only the best Morgan: Excellent! I look forward to working with your evil team and being a part of your nefarious schemes and plots in future Loki: Thank you. Tomorrow we replace all Tony's vehicles with incredibly realistic wax models. Morgan: ...including the jets? Loki, scoffing: what kind of amateur villains would we be if we left his jets, boats, bikes and single vintage helicopter untouched Tony: its 4am can you maybe not have this conversation right next to me in my own workshop?!
Tony: I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU WOULD REPLACE THEM WITH WAX MODELS Morgan: What kind of low-grade predictable villainous evil doers would we be if we did what we said we would Tony: oh $#!^ now you're speaking like him too Loki, cutting his shoulder to reveal cake: Just so you know, it wasn’t JUST the vehicles ;)
Peter: *following loki around with a notepad* Loki: Terribly sorry if you mind but he's MY intern now. Tony: You don’t think there’s anything wrong with what you’re doing, do you? Loki: I don’t think anything I’ve ever done is wrong Peter:  *avidly taking notes and nodding along*
T’challa: I cant believe you filed an application for ‘time off’ Shuri: I NEED at least 3 hours a week reserved specifically for training if I want to keep my part-time job T’challa: you don’t NEED a job! You make up 90% of Wakanda’s research and development departments! Your technology work IS a job! Shuri: yeah well my ACTUAL job is fun and has proper work benefits and I simply must empty the time blocks I specified for it! You wouldn’t stop me from meeting with Peter and Morgan would you? They ARE, legally and spiritually speaking, my siblings, brother :) T’challa: what job could you have that would need you reminding me that a mischief deity adopted you before telling me what the job actually is Shuri: The official position is called Secretary of Evil but that’s only for the probationary 2 week period and I’m allowed to request a name change if I think of anything better T’challa: T’challa: you are working as a SECRETARY?! Shuri: The job pays well, Brother, T'challa:  T'challa: mother will be so disappointed
Scott: I can’t believe you did that Maggie: I didn’t know he was a supervillain! OBVIOUSLY! Scott: how would you noT KNOW! He wears nothing buT LEATHER and BELTS and GREEN BOOTS AND- Maggie: I needed someone to watch her and she showed up in pink sweatpants and a black tank top and was charging a decent rate Scott: Scott: are you sure their name was loki
Clint: you told me it was a ‘family gathering’! Tony: yeah, it is, and the avengers are family Clint, pointing at Loki: so what’s the twink doing here and why are MY kids along with every other person here who is under drinking age clinging to him like a frickin’ koala bear Tony: morgan wanted to get her ‘the floor is lava’ badge and loki was the only one immune to the lava so they jumped him - and he enjoyed walking around covered in them way more than he should have -  and also loki is legally peter and morgan and harley and shuri’s godparent so he’s allowed to be here on more of a basis than anyone else here at this point Clint: There was LAVA near MY KIDS?! Tony: no of course not – it was FAKE lava that just looked and functioned like real lava Clint: im taking them all home Tony: good luck convincing them not to want another playdate Clint: this isn’t a joke Tony Tony: I’m serious. Good luck. The kids love him, and you’ll need all the luck you can get if you want them to ever root for the side of good instead of wherever-loki-is-at instead. 
Pepper: *watching the news* Pepper: oh hey the Avengers are on Peter, running into the room: woW NICE Pepper: wtf why is Hulk wearing giant boxing gloves Peter: Language! Pepper: is Steve's shield padded?! Peter: i don’t remember that being normal Pepper: did most of the Avengers just ditch Steve? Why’re they leaving Peter: I guess the danger must be over? Pepper: WHAT is going ON out there today Peter: I think Loki had planned an attack today so maybe he did it as a joke Pepper: oh they're facing Loki yeah okay that explains it Peter: Loki always does the funniest things of course he baby-proofed all the Avenger's gear! Classic Loki! :D
Captain America, tears streaming down his face: pl,,ease, loki,, stop,t his, I cant hit ,,a child Loki: Look at you, the American icon, unable to save all these innocent people from having their skin turn into primary colours, all because you are TOO AFRAID to fight me! Captain America: I’m a national icon, not a good soldier but a good man, I will do whatever it takes to keep innocents safe, but I can NOT beat up someone who isn’t even legal enough to vote Loki: I was around causing chaos before this ‘voting’ was even invented! And I’ll NEVER legally vote even if I could!! mwahahAHAHA- Falcon, to Bucky in the background: How did we not realise he was a teen, all his comebacks are ‘no u’ and ‘uno reverse card’ and ‘look over there!’ Bucky, to Falcon: I don’t know but I really really want to know where he gets his outfits from Falcon: if it means I’ll be seeing you geared up in leather again then I want to know where he gets his outfits from too ;‘) Thor: I think my brother makes his own outfits Loki, still tormenting Captain America: *SISTER Thor: ah, my bad Captain America, crying x2: wait does this mean I’ve been lobbing my shield at not just a child, but I’ve been misgendering them while doing it?! Loki: only occasionally and I don’t blame you that was on me for monologuing too long, really— Captain America, taking off the helmet: nope I’m done Loki: what are you doing Steve, handing Sam the shield: It’s yours. Enjoy. Sam: woah woah woah what’re you doing you cant retire just like that  Steve, unzipping his suit to reveal American flag boxers: watch me Bucky to Sam: hello new best friend Sam, realising that Cap and Bucky are a duo: oh no no no STEVE is your best friend Bucky: he hasn’t been my ‘best friend’ since I saw him with the American flag splayed over his butt Loki, holding his hand out for Sam to shake: Hello there new Captain America its nice to meet you formally, my name is Loki and yes I’m a child but I’m actually 1075 but that is irrelevant if I’m causing trouble and looking for a fight, I’m also genderfluid so yes sometimes my pronouns will be different but I’ll be sure to inform you if it happens Sam: what are you doing Loki: I’m… formally introducing myself Sam: Sam: why?? Loki, blinking to hide that he’s getting teary eyed: well, the last national icon I didn’t do this with ditched me because I didn’t Bucky, a trained assassin, who isn’t a fool: *hugs loki* that wasn’t your fault steve just likes to carry the stupid with him Loki: thanks Bucky: is this a bad time to ask where you get your clothes from…? Loki: I make them Bucky: oh. Well $#!^. Loki, sniffing: if you join the dark side I’ll make you some too Bucky, immediately: done. Sam: JAmES Bucky deadpan: Yes, Samuel, what is it that troubles you, my new arch nemesis? 
Sam: HE TOOK BUCKY Natasha: What do you mean ‘he took bucky’ he’s standing right next to you Sam: He’s “infiltrating the enemy” Natasha: *lifts an eyebrow and looks to Bucky* Bucky: It’s true. My loyalties lie elsewhere now. Natasha: ??? Bucky: note to self – unexpected outcomes confuse the black widow. Natasha: how did this happen?? Sam: he SOLD himself out to the ENEMY Natasha: well when you say it like THAT ;) — Bucky: I think friendship is a decent price to pay for decent clothing Natasha: ??? Sam: oh also I’m Captain America now because Steve broke down and quit Natasha: ?!?!?!
Peter, entering the room and high-fiving Loki: I heard you got Mr. Bucky to switch teams! Loki: well, my fashion skills ARE legendary Tony, under his breath: he’s not even trying and he’s gotten every kid and the freaking winter soldier on his side and I am so so grateful he isn’t actually TRYING to make everyone go bad
Bucky: we’ve been over this Steve, Loki is young but he’s also over a thousand years old Steve: I was beating up a KID, Bucky, a kid who was SMALLER and WEAKER than everyone else where he lived but wouldn’t EVER turn down a FIGHT for what he BELIEVES IN and he was probably BULLIED and I wanted the guy DEAD, Bucky– Bucky: don’t forget the genderfluidity thing Steve: he said it wasn’t my fault but I should’ve asked Thor after he referred to Loki as ‘she’ instead of thinking he’d made a mistake and I just can’t – he isn’t even old enough to DRIVE or VOTE or DRINK or BUY A KNIFE or -- Bucky, holding Steve and patting his back: hey now, there, there, it’ll be okay, Bucky: *gives Loki a thumbs up as he sits on the couch with popcorn and watches Steve be miserable*
Loki: We need to get through this locked door. Tony, quick, give me your card! Tony, handing the card over: Take it! Loki, pocketing it: Thanks! Morgan, fire at the door Morgan: *pulls out an iron man gauntlet painted green and gold* Tony: hOW COULD you deface YOUR BIRTHDAY PRESENT with GREEN Morgan: MINE is still being used as a paperweight. This is one of YOUR gauntlets.   Tony, under his breath: maybe it’s not too late to burn the physical evidence and hack Loki’s name off the digital copies of the adoption forms Loki, whispering back: oh its definitely too late. I’m already on your christmas card and everything.
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antiquatedplumbobs · 3 years
Currently Tagging
Thanks for tagging me @leshaybean!
Five songs you’ve been listening to on repeat recently?
1. Lion by Hearts & Colors
2. right where you left me by Taylor Swift (so much so I made a little edit to it)
3. Chemtrails Over The Country Club by Lana Del Rey
4. Everyday’s The Weekend by Alex Lahey
5. Evelyn by Gregory Alan Isakov (amazing song, everyone should go listen to it)
Last movie you watched?
Thor: Ragnorak
Currently watching?
Modern Family
Currently reading?
The Prisoner in the Castle, which is part of the Maggie Hope series. I totally recommend this series, the first one is Mr. Churchill’s Secretary. They’re really great books set during World War II about female espionage, and they do a really great job of being really fun but also feeling well-researched. I really enjoy the world-building going on, and also that it’s exploring different aspects of this period in each book.
I’m going to tag @waxesnostalgic, @ivyandink, and @simming-in-the-rain if you guys want to! No worries if you’ve already been tagged or don’t want to! 
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Country Entertainment
TITLE: Country Entertainment
  AUTHOR: brightsun-and-darkmidnight
  ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki wooing you at an amusement part in the game area
  RATING:  Teen …? I think..?
  NOTES/WARNINGS: Maybe bad flirting? I am trying to make it fluffy
  My Ao3: brightsun_and_darkmidnight
  *FINALLY..Read the warnings. Once you agree you can handle it…
   ~ ~ ENJOY  ~ ~
Loki felt the gentle hand of his mother on his shoulder.
  Frigga smiled once Loki took his eyes off of the huge pig.
  “Let’s go see the events in the arena.”
  Loki nodded as the auctioneer started taking bids. Odin threw his hand up for the bid. 
  A few steps away and Thor caught up with Loki and Frigga.
  Thor gently hugged Frigga, “my friends are here. We were going to enjoy rides and play the games.”
  Frigga gave Thor a knowing look before speaking, “have fun and make sure you eat something.” Frigga pointed a finger at Thor, “make sure your FRIENDS eat too.”
  Thor smiled sheepishly. “Yes mother. Enjoy the show, it is barrel racing now right?”
  “It is. Now behave." 
  Frigga took Loki’s elbow and guided him to the entrance after Thor assured her the things she demanded would be honored. Frigga and Loki watched the riders but Frigga quickly had a favorite.
  Frigga tapped Loki’s arm as she exclaimed. "Look at her! Wow!”
  Loki smiled at his mother’s enthusiasm
  “She has excellent position on her horse, you can tell how much she trained! She has to be first place!”
  Loki looked at the score and the girl was .63 seconds away from the winner.
  “That’s a load of shit. She was the best!" 
  Loki’s eyes widened, "mother." 
  "Sorry dear. Well. I better get back to your father. You go have fun.”
  Loki nodded and went in search for Hela or Thor.
  Seeing Hela at a ring toss game he went over.
  Hela was talking to the worker and the woman smiled, making Hela turn. Hela went back to talking to the worker. Loki didn’t feel too wanted but sometimes Hela is better company than Thor at fairs. Thor and his friends always tried to hook up with whoever they could. Their flirting was absolutely terrible.
  Hela shook the woman’s hand, “bet you another 50 dollars.”
  “You’re on!”
  Hela turned to Loki, “dad get anything good to eat?”
  Loki shrugged, “mother and I watched barrel racing.”
  Loki watched the women exchange looks.
  Hela gave the woman money and a bucket of rings were placed in front of Loki. He rose an eyebrow and was about to ask a question.
  “You are gonna need to practice. Get all of those knives for me.”
  Loki quickly caught onto the game. The rings were meant to go around the knives in the center of the stand, but to make things a little more difficult the podiums spun so the knives were constantly moving. With a few practice throws Loki got the hang of it.
  The woman working the stand put the 5th knife on a pile. “He is really good.”
  Hela’s smile was heard in her voice as Loki got another knife. “You are gonna owe me that 50 dollars!”
  The woman huffed when Loki pointed to another knife with a ring around it. 
  “The freaking bucket cost 20 dollars, and he is gonna take all the knives!”
  Hela smirked. “Maybe you should have bet lower.”
  “I didn’t know your brother is really good at throwing stuff!”
  Movement caught Loki’s attention when someone moved fast to jump over the stand.
  It was a girl with tangled hair pushed back away from her face. She had a tight dark green tank top with a flannel around her waist. With tight jeans and dirty boots. The odd thing about her is she was wearing a bow around her neck.
  The girl wrapped her arms around the worker. “Hey big sis!”
  The worker wrapped an arm around the girl then stated, “Maggi. Fix your hair." 
  Maggie gave her sister a cocky smile. "I did. You know its because of the spoiled princess" 
  Hela laughed, "Comeon Sam, your sister is a sass master.”
  Maggie’s sister, Sam groaned. “Fuck off." 
  Maggie smiled, "life would be so dull without me.”
  Loki smiled and went back to playing the game… that he might have briefly forgotten.
  Sam asked nudging her, “What place babyswiss?”
  She gestured towards the bow around her neck, “Second. .63 seconds.”
  Loki got another knife added to the pile.
  Loki glanced at the girl and the clothes were the same as Frigga’s favorite rider.
  Hella held out a hand to the woman who slaps $50 in her hand.
  The sister explained to Maggie’s questionable face. “Hella said you would be under a minute.”
  Maggie drawled, “How nice to believe in me…”
  The sister defended herself as she set a new knife in Loki’s pile, “Listen we knew you would lose because that spoiled bitch would get rid of the horse.”
  Maggie shrugged her shoulders, “Now if someone beat her time before I had to go…”
  Sam talked again. “You’d be able to buy a new vehicle with your winnings.”
  Another knife added to Loki’s collection.
  Sam grumbled, “And buy my new supply of knives.”
  Hela laughed.
  Maggie exclaimed, “my jeep runs great. Just got a few things that need upgraded. I dont need something fast.”
  A squeaky voice made Loki want to cringe.
  “My truck would beat your shit jeep anyday. I would beat you at anything anyway.”
  A few laughs were heard but Loki kept his eyes on the game.
  Maggie leaned on the counter with a smile, “How about we ride something between our legs Princess?”
  The supposed princess laughed. “Right and what do you have in mind?”
  Maggie winked, “Your boyfriend seems ready." 
  Hela turned, both her and Sam laughed.
  Maggie laughed as well, "just kidding but I’m not kidding when I say you guys need to work on blood circulation above the shoulders. You might not use your brain often but it’s kinda important..”
  Loki sees the Maggie smirk and the princess one looks confused until she looks at her boyfriend’s crotch.
  A few laughed at the huff from the girl.
  Maggie continued with a dramatic eye roll, “I mean something with intelligence. A HORSE.”
  The cringeworthy voice held a cocky tone. “I won first place, what makes you think you can win?”
  Maggie shrugged standing up tall. “You said any condition anyway you could beat me. I want to get another shot at proving you wrong.”
  The girl laughed briefly. “Whatever. Cover that huge forehead of yours… is an hour too short of time to be presentable?”
  Maggie was running her fingers through her tangled hair. “Can I borrow a brush? No? Okay, I figured you always have your entire beauty necessities with you.” Maggie was working on forcing a knot to come undone. “Don’t wait up for me, I’m sure you are going to need the whole time actually learning how to gear your horse.”
  The other girl walked away with an eye roll and dramatic stomp.
  Hella laughed. “Well. I’m looking forward to this.”
  Sam cheered, “record it!”
  Maggie leaned her hip against the counter, “yeah let me know her reaction when I don’t show up.” She winced as she undid the knot in her hair by pulling it.
  Loki got another new knife set down in his pile.
  Hela patted Loki’s shoulder. “Just a couple more Loki. Good job.”
  Maggie exclaimed, “Is he getting all the knives?!”
  Hela smiled, “yep. I got 50 dollars saying, my brother, Loki, is going to get me one of every knife. With only one bucket of rings.”
  Maggie’s smile faltered a bit when Loki looked right at her.
  He shrugged. “My sister likes knives.”
  Sam huffed in annoyance, “and he is really good at this game.”
  Loki seen familiar blonde hair and went back to tossing the rings.
  Fandral leaned onto the counter making Maggie eye him oddly.
  Fandral winked. “You are a beautiful woman and I would love to see where those tan lines end..”
  Maggie’s face fell to a stoic expression. “Maybe they don’t.”
  Hela rolled her eyes and Sam glared at Fandral.
  Fandral continued not getting that he was unwanted. “I would love to take you on the Farris wheel. See the fair’s lights and how the moonlight makes your eyes shine.”
  Maggie rolled her eyes. “I don’t like heights.”
  “I could hold you and keep you safe in my arms.”
  “Strong arms are not going to help anyone from a fall like that.”
  “Ah yes. A graceful angel Falling hard for a man like me. It must have hurt.”
  “Actually to get here, I clawed my way up.”
  Fandral laughed, “all the better.”
  “Maybe you could kiss my hand better after sporting a black eye for the next victim of poor flirtation.” Maggie gave Fandral a sweet smile.
  “Surely a woman like you can be wooed.”
  “Get a ring around the blade of my favorite knife. You get as many chances as one bucket can hold.”
  Fandral sees Loki’s pile of knives, “well then do me a favor my REALLY good friend and help me.”
  Maggie crossed her arms and leaned back against the stand “If he does it, he gets the date. You are on your own.”
  Loki looked in his bucket and had 14 rings left and had 5 more knives to get. 
  Hela patted Loki’s shoulder. “Get her FAVORITE knife. You need a date.”
  Loki rolled his eyes. “I didn’t know there was more to this game than winning knives.” Loki threw a ring and got it around a butterfly knife.
  Hela took it from the pile and started doing tricks with it.
  Marigold got a knife out of her back pocket and was talking with Hela about tricks.
  Loki had 2 more knives to get but only 5 rings.
  Fandral was only able to get 3 knives in his haste and earned the laughs of Thor.
  Sif offers Fandral a fry and says, “Pitty offering”
  Fandral takes it and bites it with a high head as they all walk away.
  Maggie groaned. “Yep totally not my type." 
  Maggie held her knife still and Loki wondered if that was part of the trick. Loki had one more ring and he already knew he was not going to get the two knives left. He took a chance and threw the ring at the knife in Maggie’s hand.
  She looks down at her hand and back up at him.
  The sister laughed. "Well then… she’s speechless for once.”
  Maggie was quickly back to her social ways. “Shut up Sam.”
  Hella smirks and pats Loki on the back-“Looks like you have to go on a date with my little brother.”
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theliterateape · 3 years
I Like to Watch | Shang-Chi and The Legend of the Ten Rings
By Don Hall
Hearts and Minds
The United States posited a slew of reasons for invading and occupying Afghanistan. Some were justified, others were falsified. The reason given most often was the amorphous win their hearts and minds nonsense as if any country could be won over by occupation at home and ridicule from across the ocean.
Hearts and minds are not won over with force or material goods. Hearts and minds are won over with ideas and those ideas cannot be sledgehammered in but more subtly presented. Those ideas have to be normalized.
Back in 2008—clearly a big year for LGBT rights—the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation did a survey of more than 2,000 U.S. adults 18 and older and found that two in 10 of them had changed their views of gays and lesbians in the previous five years to a more favorable one.
Their reasons? 34 percent said their views were influenced by seeing gay or lesbian characters on TV, and 29 percent said it was by a gay or lesbian character on film. Hollywood has been streaming LGBT characters into American homes for decades. The arc of inclusion may be long, and it bends towards pop culture.
Characters in comic books have advanced the conversation. Although independent comics lead the way with characters like Maggie and Hopey in Love and Rockets, for years the Comics Code Authority—and cultural attitudes—limited the role of LGBT characters in mainstream superhero titles. Over the last couple of decades, however, LGBT characters like the reimagined Batwoman and Green Lantern Alan Scott have made their way into comics, and both Marvel and DC have featured superhero storylines that featured same-sex marriage. 
No question that this is a wonderful thing for those LGBT consumers—seeing someone like you on a big or small screen is important and valid. That, however, is not the most important part of greater and more diverse representation in pop culture. What increased exposure of those most marginalized does, more than anything else, is win the hearts and minds of the majority of Americans.
This is the same for black Americans. In recent years, we see more and more black men and women on our screens, in our Netflix queues, on television and Hulu. For millions of Americans (and not merely white Americans) this slow reminder of the humanity of black Americans de-stigmatizes and expands the reductive monolithing of 14% of our population away from stereotypes and into the homes of people far less likely to encounter blacks in their communities.
Contrary to the concept that America is fundamentally racist, I'd argue we are fundamentally segregated. The flyover states with the majority of Americans unexperienced in the multicultural experiment (Iowa, Kansas, Arizona, Maine, Nebraska, Utah, both Dakotas, Vermont—all of which have less than five percent of the entire state population who are black) are populated with people who watch movies and television. 
These folks who have little contact with black Americans on a daily basis have representation in their theaters and homes every weekend and every night. They spend their money (but more crucially, their time) watching The Protege, Candyman, Summer of Soul, Escape Room: Tournament of Champions and All American, Insecure, The Chi, and The Equalizer. This is significant and, while foments often glacial changes in attitudes and mores, grows a deeper understanding and empathy with every viewing.
Which brings us to the MCU. Arguably a juggernaut built upon the successes of white male protagonists as the MCU has gained in worldwide popularity and influence so has Kevin Feige's commitment to expanding those cultural boundaries with increased inclusion. Black Panther is far from the best Marvel movie or even comic book movie in existence but it was a cultural moment that a major studio had never before created.
Sure, whole communities of black people buying out theaters so that black children could celebrate seeing heroes who looked like them was significant but more significant was that millions of white fanboys watched an all-black cast in a movie that included Afro-futurism and incredibly badass black women at its core play out in their backyards.
The Master of Kung Fu
Shang-Chi was created by writer Steve Englehart and artist Jim Starlin, debuting in Special Marvel Edition #15 in 1972. Created as a response to huge television success of Kung Fu, the character was originally known as the son of Fu Manchu and, when the rights to that character were denied, became the son of Xu Wenwu, the Mandarin. At one point, he was a part of Heroes for Hire which featured both Iron Fist and Luke Cage.
It is notable that the genius of Marvel is in connecting the past with the coming Phase 4 whether by intention or retroactively. The Ten Rings army was responsible for kidnapping Tony Stark way back in 2008. Jumping ahead to Iron Man 3 we meet Trevor Slattery, the fake Mandarin and then a Marvel One Shot that shows Slattery kidnapped from prison to meet Xu Wenwu. All in set-up for the latest MCU addition.
More like Thor than the typical origin film, Shang-Chi dumps right in the middle of things. The movie begins with the backstory of Xu Wenwu (Tony Leung)—narrated entirely in Mandarin Chinese by Jiang Li (Fala Chen)—and his possession of the ten rings. In the comic books the rings were on his fingers with each designated with a power. Now, they're more like martial arts practice rings, five on each arm and capable of pretty much anything the special effects team could come up.
Then we meet Shang-Chi (Simu Liu) and his friend, Katy (Awkwafina). The two are a winning combination and, wonderfully, are not romantically involved. Parking cars by day, singing karaoke by night until, on a San Francisco bus, the Ten Rings gang (lead by a giant white dude with a laser sword for a right hand) attack him for a pendant left by his deceased mother.
Shang-Chi doesn't need those magical rings to completely kick ass—he is the Master of Kung Fu without them. The sequence is fun, fast, clean, and ends with Katy contributing to the graces of saving an entire bus load of citizens while Shang beats the shit out of the thugs.
And off we go. A Macau fighting club run by his sister that is like an underground MMA for magical beings. An escape on the side of a building fighting ninjas. Some flashbacks informing the secret city behind the trees where his mom came from and how Shang became the warrior he is at the hands of his father. A water map on the floor. Sir Ben Kingsley and a faceless furry with wings. More backstory. Two dragons. A showdown. An arrow. Two end credit scenes.
It's a fucking Marvel movie, after all.
The lengths the director (Destin Daniel Cretton) goes to find authenticity in everything from language, customs, and dress to be a fully realized Asian American film as well as a superhero ride is laudable. His treatment of Xu Wenwu is one more in a chain of villains who seem less villainess and more driven by sorrow or justifiable rage.
Early MCU baddies were nuts. The Red Skull (power hungry madman), Obadiah Stane (power hungry madman), Malekith (power hungry Dark Elf madman), Ronan (power hungry...you get the picture). More recently, the MCU is moving away from the Good vs. Evil narratives and presenting a more complicated version of opposing forces in the universe.
Thanos, while a genocidal monster, was still persuasive in some way. Not the insane, cackling lunatic one would naturally associate with villainy but a being with a sense of purpose who does not see himself to be the bad guy. Kilmonger from Black Panther is the same—his rage is justified and only his means are nefarious. Xu Wenwu is less an evil warlord and more a grieving widower weary of conquest and unable to connect with his children.
Making even the master criminal relatable while simultaneously rooting for the hero is no small feat. It demonstrates a complexity of thought and perspective one would not expect from superhero movies and represents opportunities for the discussion of who our bad guys are in the non-cinematic world.
Combining that sophistication with an increasing diversity in who are the heroes—black, Asian, Latina—makes everyone relatable.
That's the crux of the foothold pop culture has on change. Make everyone relatable and even the kid in Kansas who has only known the two Korean kids in his class can find purchase of the magnificent multicultural country we continue to forge.
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mysticalhearth · 4 years
Cabaret - Bad Hersfeld - 1995 (Pro-Shot's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) |  TRADER'S NOTES: Act 1 only
CAST: Peter Heinrich (Emcee), Pia Douwes (Sally Bowles), Witta Pohl (Fräulein Schneider), Utz Richter (Herr Schultz), Frank Jordan (Clifford Bradshaw), Patrik Fichte (Ernst Ludwig), Annika Bruhns (Fräulein Kost), Barbara Köhler, Claudia Waucshke, Julia Hillens, Manuela von Englen, Nane Broning, Susanne Riegger, Suzanne Back
Cabaret - Donmar Warehouse - 1993 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Alan Cumming (Emcee), Jane Horrocks (Sally Bowles), Sara Kestelman (Fräulein Schneider), George Raistrick (Herr Schultz), Adam Godley (Clifford Bradshaw), Michael Gardiner (Ernst Ludwig), Charlotte Medcalf (Fräulein Kost), Loveday Smith (Lulu/Two Ladies Dancer), Kevin Walton (Herman/Customs Officer/Max), Anthony Hunt (Bobby/Two Ladies Dancer), Charlotte Storey (Texas), Christopher Staines (Victor), Matt Kane (Rudy)
NOTES: Pro-Shot
Cabaret - Fifth US National Tour (Roundabout 50th Anniversary Tour) - February 17, 2016 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Randy Harrison (Emcee), Andrea Goss (Sally Bowles), Sharan Cochran (Fräulein Schneider), Mark Nelson (Herr Schultz), Lee Aaron Rosen (Clifford Bradshaw), Ned Noyes (Ernst Ludwig), Alison Ewing (Fräulein Kost)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of the new tour, with no obstructions. Randy does a terrific job in the role. Great cast and very strong performances! A+
Cabaret - The Netherlands - 1989
CAST: Willem Nijholt (Emcee), Alexandra van Marken (Sally Bowles)
NOTES: Generation loss
Cabaret - Third Broadway Revival - May 3, 2014 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Alan Cumming (Emcee), Michelle Williams (Sally Bowles), Linda Emond (Fräulein Schneider), Danny Burstein (Herr Schultz), Bill Heck (Clifford Bradshaw), Aaron Krohn (Ernst Ludwig), Gayle Rankin (Fräulein Kost)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture with no obstructions and features the entire Revival Cast. Alan gives a terrific return performance as the Emcee. Gayle and Linda still give such beautiful performances that are wonderful to watch! A
Cabaret - Third Broadway Revival - August 19, 2014 (SJ Bernly's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Alan Cumming (Emcee), Michelle Williams (Sally Bowles), Linda Emond (Fräulein Schneider), Danny Burstein (Herr Schultz), Benjamin Eakeley (u/s Ernst Ludwig), Kaleigh Cronin (u/s Fräulein Kost), Stacey Sipowicz (u/s Lulu/Two Ladies Dancer), Andrea Goss (Frenchie/Gorilla), Leeds Hill (Bobby/Two Ladies Dancer), Kristin Olness (Helga), Jessica Pariseau (Texas), Dylan Paul (Victor), Kelly Paredes (u/s Rosie), Evan D Siegel (Hans/Rudy)
Cabaret - Third Broadway Revival - November 20, 2014 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
CAST: Alan Cumming (Emcee), Emma Stone (Sally Bowles), Kristie Dale Sanders (s/b Fräulein Schneider), Philip Hoffman (s/b Herr Schultz), Bill Heck (Clifford Bradshaw), Aaron Krohn (Ernst Ludwig), Gayle Rankin (Fräulein Kost), Katrina Yaukey (u/s Lulu/Two Ladies Dancer), Benjamin Eakeley (Herman/Customs Officer/Max), Andrea Goss (Frenchie/Gorilla), Leeds Hill (Bobby/Two Ladies Dancer), Kristin Olness (Helga), Jessica Pariseau (Texas), Dylan Paul (Victor), Stacey Sipowicz (Rosie), Evan D Siegel (Hans/Rudy)
NOTES: Excellent HD capture with Emma joining the cast as Sally. She does a dazzling job in the role and very precise in detail. Lovely performances from Kristie and Philip. A
Caesar and Cleopatra - Stratford Festival - 2009 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Christopher Plummer (Julius Caesar), Nikki M James (Cleopatra)
Camelot - Second Broadway Revival - 1982 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Richard Harris (King Arthur), Meg Bussert (Queen Guenevere), Richard Muenz (Sir Lancelot), James Valentine (Merlyn), Barrie Ingham (Pellinore), Richard Backus (Mordred), William Parry (Sir Dinadan), Thor Fields (Tom of Warwick), Jeanne Caryl (Nimue), William James (Sir Lionel), Andy McAvin (Sir Sagramore)
Candide - New York Philharmonic - May, 2004 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Paul Groves (Candide), Sir Thomas Allan (Dr. Pangloss), Jeff Blumenkrantz (Maximilian), Kristin Chenoweth (Cunegonde), Janine LaManna (Paquette), Patti LuPone (The Old Lady)
Candide - Paris - December 31, 2006 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: William Burden (Candide), Lambert Wilson (Dr. Pangloss), David Adam Moore (Maximilian), Anna Christy (Cunegonde), Jeni Bern (Paquette), Kim Criswell (The Old Lady)
NOTES: Recorded by the BBC.
Candide - Scottish Opera Production - May, 1988 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Mark Beudert (Candide), Nikolas Grace (Dr. Pangloss), Mark Tinkler (Maximilian), Gaynor Miles (Paquette), Ann Howard (The Old Lady), Nikolas Grace (Cacambo)
The Capeman - Broadway - 1998
CAST: Ruben Blades (Adult Salvador), Renoly Santiago (Tony), Ednita Nazario (Esmerelda), Michelle Rios (Aurea), Elan Ruz Rivera (Cookie), Sara Ramirez (Wahzinak)
NOTES: "THE CAPEMAN" OBC 1998 (mp4) Very poor picture quality, but clear audio. Marc Anthony (Young Salvador), Ruben Blades (Adult Salvador), Renoly Santiago (Tony), Ednita Nazario (Esmerelda), Michelle Rios (Aurea), Elan Ruz Rivera (Cookie), Lugo (Baba Charlie Cruz), Sara Ramirez (Wahzinak).
Caroline, or Change - Broadway - July 24, 2004
CAST: Tonya Pinkins (Caroline Thibodeaux), Veanne Cox (Rose Stopnick Gellman), Anika Noni Rose (Emmie Thibodeaux), Chandra Wilson (Dotty Moffett), Chuck Cooper (The Dryer), Larry Keith (Mr. Stopnick), Alice Playten (Grandma Gellman)
NOTES: Fixed the brightness balance. Sound improved. Includes TV appearances.
Caroline, or Change - Toronto - February 1, 2020 (The Musical Speakeasy's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Jully Black (Caroline Thibodeaux), Evan LeFeuvre (Noah Gellman), Deborah Hay (Rose Stopnick Gellman), Damien Atkins (Stuart Gellman), Vanessa Sears (Emmie Thibodeaux), Alana Hibbert (Dotty Moffett), Keisha T Fraser (The Washing Machine), Stewart Adam McKensy (The Dryer), Samantha Walkes (The Radio), Measha Brueggergosman (The Moon), Sam Rosenthal (Mr. Stopnick), Oliver Dennis (Grandpa Gellman), Linda Kash (Grandma Gellman), Moses Aidoo (Jackie Thibodeaux), Micah Mensah-Jatoe (Joe Thibodeaux)
NOTES: Features a speech from the artistic director of the Musical Stage Company regarding the commencement of Black History Month. This is my first ever complete video capture, save for a short blackout for about the last sixty seconds of the closing number. A worthwhile watch that begins Musical Stage Company's residency of the Winter Garden Theatre!
Caroline, or Change - West End Revival - December, 2018 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master)
CAST: Sharon D Clarke (Caroline Thibodeaux), Jack Meredith (Noah Gellman), Lauren Ward (Rose Stopnick Gellman), Alastair Brookshaw (Stuart Gellman), Abiona Omonua (Emmie Thibodeaux), Naana Agyel-Ampadu (Dotty Moffett), Me'sha Bryan (The Washing Machine), Angela Caesar (The Moon)
Carousel - New York Philharmonic Concert - March 2, 2013 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Nathan Gunn (Billy Bigelow), Kelli O’Hara (Julie Jordan), Stephanie Blythe (Nettie Fowler), Jessie Mueller (Carrie Pipperidge), Jason Danieley (Enoch Snow), Kate Burton (Mrs. Mullin), John Cullum (The Starkeeper), Shuler Hensley (Jigger Craigin), Tiler Peck (Louise), Robert Fairchild (Fairground Boy)
NOTES: HD Pro-shot from PBS, recorded 3/2/13 at Avery Fisher Hall at Lincoln Center and marks the orchestra's 75th appearance on the series. Aired on April 26, 2013.
Carousel - Third Broadway Revival - March 2, 2018 (Preview) (NYCG8R's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Joshua Henry (Billy Bigelow), Jessie Mueller (Julie Jordan), Renée Fleming (Nettie Fowler), Lindsay Mendez (Carrie Pipperidge), Alexander Gemignani (Enoch Snow), Margaret Colin (Mrs. Mullin), John Douglas Thompson (The Starkeeper), Amar Ramasar (Jigger Craigin), Brittany Pollack (Louise), Garett Hawe (Enoch Snow, Jr.), Andrei Chagas (Fairground Boy)
Carrie: The Musical - Broadway - May 15, 1988 (Closing Night) (Highlights)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Linzi Hateley (Carrie White), Betty Buckley (Margaret White), Charlotte d'Amboise (Chris Hargensen), Darlene Love (Lynn Gardner)
NOTES: Act 1 only.
Carrie: The Musical - Chicago/Stage Door Fine Arts - August 9, 2015 (Closing Night) (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Anna Blanchard (Carrie White)
Carrie: The Musical - Hamburg - August, 2019 (Rumpel's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Lorena Dehmelt (Carrie White), Kaatje Dierks (alt Margaret White), Larissy Pyne (Sue Snell), Tim Taucher (Tommy Ross), Rita Sebeh (alt Chris Hargensen), Nils Marckwardt (Billy Nolan), Isabelle Schubert (Lynn Gardner), Nicolas Schulze (Mr. Stephens), Kerstin Leowin (Norma), Selina Bögelein (Frieda), Dominic Angler (George), Piero Ochsenbein (Freddy), Sara Kettmann (Helen), Dominik Thätner (Stokes)
Carrie: The Musical - Hamburg - July, 2019 (Rumpel's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Lorena Dehmelt (Carrie White), Maya Hakvoort (Margaret White), Larissy Pyne (Sue Snell), Tim Taucher (Tommy Ross), Alexandra Nikolina (Chris Hargensen), Nils Marckwardt (Billy Nolan), Isabelle Schubert (Lynn Gardner), Nicolas Schulze (Mr. Stephens), Kerstin Leowin (Norma), Selina Bögelein (Frieda), Dominic Angler (George), Piero Ochsenbein (Freddy), Sara Kettmann (Helen), Dominik Thätner (Stokes)
Carrie: The Musical - Hartford - March, 2015
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Caroline Cannon (Carrie White), Diana Zee Chandler (Margaret White), Maggie Powderly (Sue Snell)
Carrie: The Musical - Off-Broadway - February 4, 2012 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master)
CAST: Molly Ranson (Carrie White), Marin Mazzie (Margaret White), Christy Altomare (Sue Snell), Derek Klena (Tommy Ross), Jeanna de Waal (Chris Hargensen), Ben Thompson (Billy Nolan), Carmen Cusack (Lynn Gardner), Wayne Alan Wilcox (Mr. Stephens), Blair Goldberg (Norma), Jen Sese (Frieda), Corey Boardman (George), F Michael Haynie (Freddy), Elly Noble (Helen), Andy Mientus (Stokes)
NOTES: Great capture of this beautifully retooled revival. The performances were astonishing and the whole cast was senstational. Marin and Molly are pure perfection! The campiness has been removed from the show and there is such a sad and powerful story that remains. A-
Carrie: The Musical - Off-Broadway - March 18, 2012 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Molly Ranson (Carrie White), Anne Tolpegin (u/s Margaret White), Christy Altomare (Sue Snell), Derek Klena (Tommy Ross), Jeanna de Waal (Chris Hargensen), Ben Thompson (Billy Nolan), Carmen Cusack (Lynn Gardner), Wayne Alan Wilcox (Mr. Stephens), Blair Goldberg (Norma), Jen Sese (Frieda), Corey Boardman (George), F Michael Haynie (Freddy), Elly Noble (Helen), Andy Mientus (Stokes)
NOTES: Terrific capture, one of my favorite shows. Marin was more of a Barbara Cook portrayal, Anne was more of a Betty Buckley. Rare performance as Anne only went on a handful of times. A-
Carrie: The Musical - Off-Broadway - April 5, 2012 (Highlights)
CAST: Molly Ranson (Carrie White), Marin Mazzie (Margaret White), Christy Altomare (Sue Snell), Derek Klena (Tommy Ross), Jeanna de Waal (Chris Hargensen), Ben Thompson (Billy Nolan), Carmen Cusack (Lynn Gardner), Wayne Alan Wilcox (Mr. Stephens), Blair Goldberg (Norma), Jen Sese (Frieda), Corey Boardman (George), F Michael Haynie (Freddy), Elly Noble (Helen), Andy Mientus (Stokes)
NOTES: Highlights only, including ‘And Eve Was Weak’, ‘Carrie’, ‘I Remember How Those Boys Could Dance’, ‘Stay Here Instead’-’When There's No One’, ‘Destruction’. Recorded vertically on a phone
Carrie: The Musical - Seattle - October 10, 2013 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Keaton Whittaker (Carrie White), Alice Ripley (Margaret White), Larissa Schmitz (Sue Snell), Kody Bringman (Tommy Ross), Tessa Archer (Chris Hargensen), Andrew Brewer (Billy Nolan), Kendra Kassebaum (Lynn Gardner), Brian Lange (Mr. Stephens), Erin Herrick (Norma), Melissa Maricich (Frieda), Frederick Habreen (George), Riley Neldham (Freddy), Alexandria Henderson (Helen), Eli Wills (Stokes)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of one of the Final Dress Rehearsals. Top notch production and thrilling performances from Alice, Keaton, and the whole cast! This is quite a unique capture since it was the first time the blood was dropped. Too many amazing things to point out here, don't miss this one!!! A+ Well filmed with a nice mix of close-ups and full stage shots and no obstructions. Based on the revised Off-Broadway version, and presented at the Balagan Theatre. Because this was recorded at the final run-through prior to opening night, there are a few “holds” as they worked out any kinks: * After “Evening Prayers” there is a hold to change all microphone batteries, resulting in most of the song being run a second time (the sound check was removed and put as a bonus at the end of act two). * During the scene where Carrie is getting ready for the prom a microphone made a "farting" noise and Alice grabbed her butt and said "sorry" which made the cast and tech crew laugh. 
Carrie: The Musical - Seattle - October 13, 2013 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Keaton Whittaker (Carrie White), Alice Ripley (Margaret White), Larissa Schmitz (Sue Snell), Kody Bringman (Tommy Ross), Tessa Archer (Chris Hargensen), Andrew Brewer (Billy Nolan), Kendra Kassebaum (Lynn Gardner), Brian Lange (Mr. Stephens), Erin Herrick (Norma), Melissa Maricich (Frieda), Frederick Habreen (George), Riley Neldham (Freddy), Alexandria Henderson (Helen), Eli Wills (Stokes)
NOTES: One of the first regional productions of the revised Carrie. Good to have Ripley in something.
Carrie: The Musical - Stagedoor Manor - July 31, 1999
CAST: Julie Kleiner (Carrie White), Vivienne Cleary (Margaret White), Nina Sturtz (Miss Gardner), Kaily Smith (Chris), Erin Evers (Sue), Blair Late (Tommy)
NOTES: Another abridged version. Video suffers from gen loss but has cleaned up decently. Piano is the only instrument in the orchestra, and it drowns out some of the singers. This has been incorrectly labelled as an authorized production,which is incorrect - this was an unauthorized production (e.g., no rights were secured before the production), though Gore (and Cohen) were in the audience of this performance and chose not to sue Jeff Murphy and Stagedoor over copyright infringement, partly because Gore said he had always wanted to see the show done with actual teenagers (reported by Jeff Murphy, the director).
Carrie: The Musical - Stratford-Upon-Avon - February 16, 1988 (Preview) (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Linzi Hateley (Carrie White), Barbara Cook (Margaret White), Sally Ann Triplett (Sue Snell), Paul Gyngell (Tommy Ross), Charlotte d'Amboise (Chris Hargensen), Gene Anthony Ray (Billy Nolan), Darlene Love (Lynn Gardner)
NOTES: Filmed professionally for the RSC archives on the third night of the performance (February 16, 1988). Shot from first row mezzanine center with no obstructions with audio taken directly from the soundboard. Mostly a full stage shots without zooms. This is usually incorrectly labelled as "Opening Night (February 13, 1988)", which is incorrect, as on opening night, Barbara Cook was almost decapitated right after the set changes from "Don't Waste The Moon", which not seen in this video (also verified by the person who copied this from the archives).
Catch Me If You Can - Broadway - April 27, 2011
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Aaron Tveit (Frank Abagnale, Jr.), Norbert Leo Butz (Agent Carl Hanratty), Tom Wopat (Frank Abagnale, Sr.), Rachel de Benedet (Paula Abagnale), Kerry Butler (Brenda Strong), Linda Hart (Carol Strong), Timothy McCuen Piggee (Agent Cod)
NOTES: A nice capture of the short lived show. Disc also includes around 100 minutes of interviews, B-Roll, behind the scenes, etc. Great video with nice picture and clear sound. A
Catch Me If You Can - Seattle, WA (Pre-Broadway) - August 4, 2009 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Aaron Tveit (Frank Abagnale, Jr.), Norbert Leo Butz (Agent Carl Hanratty), Tom Wopat (Frank Abagnale, Sr.), Rachel de Benedet (Paula Abagnale), Kerry Butler (Brenda Strong), Linda Hart (Carol Strong)
NOTES: This is a great capture of the show. The show is filled with wonderful talent. Aaron and Norbert have a great chemistry together and Aaron has a huge voice. Kerry and Felicia both have great songs and great vocals. The show itself is very sleek and mod. A
Catch Me If You Can - Seattle, WA (Pre-Broadway) - August 15, 2009
CAST: Aaron Tveit (Frank Abagnale, Jr.), Norbert Leo Butz (Agent Carl Hanratty), Tom Wopat (Frank Abagnale, Sr.), Rachel de Benedet (Paula Abagnale), Kerry Butler (Brenda Strong), Linda Hart (Carol Strong)
NOTES: Some very quick blackouts, none last more than 30 seconds or so.Very little obstruction, just heads on the bottom and the right, mostly in wideshots, and they're hardly noticeable.
Cats - Broadway Revival - July 22, 2016 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Leona Lewis (Grizabella), Ahmad Simmons (Alonzo), Daniel Gaymon (Admetus/Macavity), Christine Cornish Smith (Bombalurina), Christopher Gurr (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger), Emily Pynenburg (Cassandra), Guiseppe Bausilio (Carbucketty), Corey John Snide (Coricopat), Kim Faure (Demeter), Lili Froehlich (Electra), Sara Jean Ford (Jellylorum), Eloise Kropp (Jennyanydots), Ricky Ubeda (Mr. Mistoffelees), Jess LeProtto (Mungojerrie), Andy Huntington Jones (Munkustrap), Quentin Earl Darrington (Old Deuteronomy), Shonica Gooden (Rumpleteazer), Tyler Hanes (Rum Tum Tugger), Jeremy Davis (Skimbleshanks), Emily Tate (Tantomile), Georgina Pazcoguin (Victoria), Sharrod Williams (Pouncival), Arianna Rosario (Sillabub)
NOTES: Excellent HD capture of the new Broadway Revival. Everything is nicely captured with dance numbers full stage shot. High energy performances with some choreography and song tweaks from the original! A
Cats - International Tour - April 22, 2019 (Closing Night) (Highlights) (mymummysaysimamiracle's master)
CAST: Elizabeth Futter (u/s Grizabella), Lloyd Davies (Alonzo), Thomas Inge (Admetus/Macavity), Dean Ambrose (Bill Bailey/Tumblebrutus), Sally Frith (Bombalurina), Matt Harrop (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger), Katie Deacon (Cassandra), Louis van Leer (Carbucketty), Fletcher Dobinson (Coricopat), Ella Nonini (Demeter), Amy Whittle (u/s Jellylorum), Grace Swaby (Jemima), Ceili O´Connor (Jennyanydots), Alex Harrison (Mr. Mistoffelees), Billy Mahoney (Mungojerrie), Jak Skelly (Munkustrap), John Ellis (Old Deuteronomy), Kirsty Ingram (Rumpleteazer), Dan Partridge (Rum Tum Tugger), Matthew Rowland (Skimbleshanks), Eilish Harmon-Beglan (Tantomile), Hannah Kenna Thomas (Victoria)
NOTES: Highlights only(Opening, Mungo and Rumple, Old Deuteronomy, Jellicle Ball, Skimbleshanks and Moments of Hapiness)!
Cats - Italy Tour - 2010
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Luca Giacomelli (Admetus/Macavity), Azzurra Adinolfi (Bombalurina), Gianluca Ciatti (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger), Silvana Isolani (Cassandra), Denise Brambillasca (Demeter), Federica Baldi (Jemima), Stefania Fratepietro (Jennyanydots), Salvatore Marchione (Mungojerrie), Roberta Miolla (Rumpleteazer), Roberto Colombo (Skimbleshanks), Tiziano Edini (Pouncival), Alessandro Lanzillotti
NOTES: Non-replica production. House Cam with no zooms.
Cats - Japan - 2006
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Koji Tomita (Cassandra), Masashi Kikuchi (Carbucketty), Yuka Takizawa (Demeter), Chie Inoue (Jellylorum), Kazue Haruhara (Jemima), Yoko Ishi (Jennyanydots), Hitoshi Tsuzi (Mungojerrie), Shoichi Fukui (Munkustrap), Kensan Ishi (Old Deuteronomy), Shinobu Aikawa (Rumpleteazer), Emi Takakula (Tantomile), Kyoko Sato (Victoria), Eliko Mulata (Sillabub)
NOTES: Filmed from the very front row
Cats - Netherlands - June 29, 2007
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Pia Douwes (Grizabella), Merlijn Wolsink (Alonzo), Pierre Alexandre (Admetus/Macavity), Daymon Montaigne Jones (Bill Bailey/Tumblebrutus), Anouk van Nes (Bombalurina), Paul Donkers (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger), Caroline Beuth (Cassandra), Michael Macalintal (Coricopat), Suzanne Heijne (Demeter), Veerle Casteleyn (Electra), Annemieke Van Der Veer (Jellylorum), Cindy Belliot (Jemima), Marleen van der Loo (Jennyanydots), Mark John Richardson (Mr. Mistoffelees), Mark van Beelen (Mungojerrie), Roberto de Groot (Munkustrap), Marco Bakker (Old Deuteronomy), Marjolein Teepen (Rumpleteazer), Stanley Burleson (Rum Tum Tugger), Marcel Visscher (Skimbleshanks), Hannah van Meurs (Tantomile), Anique Bosch (Victoria), João Paulo De Almeida (Pouncival)
Cats - Netherlands - July 28, 2007
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Anita Meyer (Grizabella), Merlijn Wolsink (Alonzo), Pierre Alexandre (Admetus/Macavity), Daymon Montaigne Jones (Bill Bailey/Tumblebrutus), Anouk van Nes (Bombalurina), Paul Donkers (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger), Caroline Beuth (Cassandra), Michael Macalintal (Coricopat), Suzanne Heijne (Demeter), Veerle Casteleyn (Electra), Annemieke Van Der Veer (Jellylorum), Veerle Casteleyn (Jemima), Maaike Schuurmans (Jennyanydots), Mark John Richardson (Mr. Mistoffelees), Mark van Beelen (Mungojerrie), Roberto de Groot (Munkustrap), Paul Walthuis (Old Deuteronomy), Marjolein Teepen (Rumpleteazer), Gino Emnes (Rum Tum Tugger), Marcel Visscher (Skimbleshanks), Hannah van Meurs (Tantomile), Anique Bosch (Victoria), João Paulo De Almeida (Pouncival)
NOTES: Starts at the The invitation to the Jellicle ball and missing a couple of minutes at the start of act 2 two. Act one is filmed in night shot, and act two comes with a verry clear picture. Veerle Castelyn is followed a lot.
 Cats - Netherlands - September 16, 2007
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Penny Voss (Grizabella), Merlijn Wolsink (Alonzo), Pierre Alexandre (Admetus/Macavity), Daymon Montaigne Jones (Bill Bailey/Tumblebrutus), Anouk van Nes (Bombalurina), Paul Donkers (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger), Caroline Beuth (Cassandra), Michael Macalintal (Coricopat), Suzanne Heijne (Demeter), Veerle Casteleyn (Electra), Annemieke Van Der Veer (Jellylorum), Veerle Casteleyn (Jemima), Maaike Schuurmans (Jennyanydots), Mark J Richardson (Mr. Mistoffelees), Mark van Beelen (Mungojerrie), Roberto de Groot (Munkustrap), Paul Walthuis (Old Deuteronomy), Marjolein Teepen (Rumpleteazer), Gino Emnes (Rum Tum Tugger), Marcel Visscher (Skimbleshanks), Hannah van Meurs (Tantomile), Anique Bosch (Victoria), João Paulo De Almeida (Pouncival)
Cats - Tecklenburg, Germany - August 29, 2015 (Pro-Shot's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Maya Hakvoort (Grizabella), Andrew Hill (Alonzo), Zoltan Fekete (Admetus/Macavity), David Pellerin (Bill Bailey/Tumblebrutus), Sabine Hettlich (Bombalurina), Yngve Gasoy-Romdal (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger), Lucy Castelloe (Cassandra), Tobias Joch (Coricopat), Caroline Frank (Demeter), Leah Delos Santos (Jellylorum), Celine Vogt (Jemima), Benjamin Eberling (Jennyanydots), David Pereira (Mr. Mistoffelees), Nils Haberstroh (Mungojerrie), Armin Kahl (Munkustrap), Reinhard Brussmann (Old Deuteronomy), Anna Carina Buchegger (Rumpleteazer), Shane Dickson (Rum Tum Tugger), Stephan Luethy (Skimbleshanks), Eleonora Talamini (Tantomile), Taryn Nelson (Victoria), Hakan T Aslan (Pouncival), Marthe Römer (Etcetera)
Cats - The Netherlands - 1987
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Ruth Jacott (Grizabella), Kyle Boynton (Munkustrap), Fred Butter (Rum Tum Tugger)
Cats - The Netherlands - August 18, 1992
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Ellen Evers (Grizabella), Joyce Stevens (Bombalurina), Wilma Hoornstra (Demeter), Michiel Verkoren (Mungojerrie), Brian Galliford (Old Deuteronomy), Meike Staring (Rumpleteazer), Fred Butter (Rum Tum Tugger)
Cats - The Netherlands - August 18, 1992
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Ellen Evers (Grizabella), Joyce Stevens (Bombalurina), Wilma Hoornstra (Demeter), Michiel Verkoren (Mungojerrie), Brian Galliford (Old Deuteronomy), Meike Staring (Rumpleteazer), Fred Butter (Rum Tum Tugger)
Cats - Vienna - 1988 (Pro-Shot's master)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Broadway - April 20, 2017 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Christian Borle (Willy Wonka), Ryan Foust (Charlie Bucket), John Rubinstein (Grandpa Joe), F Michael Haynie (Augustus Gloop), Kathy Fitzgerald (Mrs Gloop), Emma Pfaeffle (Veruca Salt), Ben Crawford (Mr Salt), Trista Dollison (Violet Beauregarde), Alan H Green (Mr Beauregarde), Michael Wartella (Mike Teavee), Jackie Hoffman (Mrs Teavee), Emily Padgett (Mrs Bucket)
NOTES: Great HD capture of the new musical based on the Roald Dahl classic novel. A fresh dark take on the material, which was fun and very enjoyable! A great comedic cast and innovative production. A
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Broadway - May 1, 2017 (NYCG8R's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Christian Borle (Willy Wonka), Jake Ryan Flynn (Charlie Bucket), John Rubinstein (Grandpa Joe), F Michael Haynie (Augustus Gloop), Kathy Fitzgerald (Mrs Gloop), Emma Pfaeffle (Veruca Salt), Ben Crawford (Mr Salt), Trista Dollison (Violet Beauregarde), Michael Wartella (Mike Teavee), Jackie Hoffman (Mrs Teavee), Emily Padgett (Mrs Bucket)
NOTES: Fantastic HD video with excellent picture and clear great sound; Video has great close-ups and good stage shots for dancing numbers.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - West End - January 22, 2015 (Lanelle's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD)
CAST: Alex Jennings (Willy Wonka), Zachary Loonie (Charlie Bucket), Billy Boyle (u/s Grandpa Joe), Vincent Finch (Augustus Gloop), Amy Carter (Veruca Salt), Rhianna Dorris (Violet Beauregarde), Daniel Rhodes (Mike Teavee)
NOTES: Fun show with very imaginative staging, though I do wish they used more songs from (either) movie. The first 5 minutes of Act One has some wandering and blackouts, but after that it is a steady and unobstructed shot. Includes curtain call.
Chasing Rainbows - Paper Mill Playhouse - October, 2019 (StarCuffedJeans's master)
CAST: Karen Mason (Ma Lawlor), Stephen DeRosa (LB Mayer), Colin Hanlon (Roger Edens), Karen Mason (Kay Koverman), Ruby Rakos (Judy Garland), Lesli Margherita (Ethel Gumm), Max von Essen (Frank Gumm), Michael Wartella (Mickey Rooney)
NOTES: Great HD capture of this Judy Garland bio musical focusing on her early years, leading up to The Wizard of Oz, with a couple of fun tap numbers! Act One starts when Judy sings a version of Somewhere Over the Rainbow (same tune but with different lyrics). Act Two starts part way through the number right before they enter the MGM studio. Please do not post screenshots of this video on Twitter ever. Gifs on Tumblr are okay after the NFT date, but don't go linking things to actors and shows.
The Cher Show - Broadway - April, 2019 (StarCuffedJeans's master)
CAST: Stephanie J Block (Cher (Star)), Teal Wicks (Cher (Lady)), Micaela Diamond (Cher (Babe)), Jarrod Spector (Sonny Bono), Michael Berresse (Bob Mackie), Michael Campayno (Rob Camilletti), Matthew Hydzik (Gregg Allman), Emily Skinner (Georgia Holt)
NOTES: Beautiful HD close-ups but some long drop-outs and quite a few obstructed scenes. The rake in the mezzanine at the Neil Simon kinda stinks and I'm pretty sure the ushers were playing flashlight tag with each other the entire show. but I began to care a lot less as the night went on Video is very Cher-centric...choreography in "Dark Lady" is captured beautifully, but for the rest of the show I was mostly focused on getting those Stephanie, Teal, and Micaela zooms. We start at the scene before "Half Breed" and when Stephanie tells everyone to stand up for the finale it's all over for my filming ability.
The Cher Show - Broadway - January, 2019 (NYCG8R's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Stephanie J Block (Cher (Star)), Teal Wicks (Cher (Lady)), Micaela Diamond (Cher (Babe)), Jarrod Spector (Sonny Bono), Michael Berresse (Bob Mackie), Michael Campayno (Rob Camilletti), Matthew Hydzik (Gregg Allman), Emily Skinner (Georgia Holt)
Chess - Netherlands - November, 2006 (Pro-Shot's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Jeroen Phaff (Anatoly Sergievsky), Joke de Kruijf (Florence Vassy), Jasper Kerkhof (Freddie Trumper), Mieke Dijkstra (Svetlana Sergievskaya), Ben Cramer (Molokov)
Chicago - Broadway Revival - 1996 (Highlights) (Pro-Shot's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Ann Reinking (Roxie Hart), Bebe Neuwirth (Velma Kelly), James Naughton (Billy Flynn), Joel Grey (Amos Hart), Marcia Lewis (Matron "Mama" Morton), D Sabella (Mary Sunshine)
NOTES: Almost the full show (2 hours and 7 minutes). Usually referred to as Press Reels, this is actually the unedited footage shot for press or archival purposes. Decent amount on generation loss with some distortion at the top of the screen, and a time code at the bottom. Sometimes incorrectly labeled as 1995 .
Chicago - The Netherlands - 1999 (Pro-Shot's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Simone Kleinsma (Roxie Hart), Pia Douwes (Velma Kelly), Stanley Burleson (Billy Flynn), Marjolijn Touw (Matron "Mama" Morton)
Chicago - The Netherlands - Fall, 1999 (Pro-Shot's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Ellen Evers (u/s Roxie Hart), Pia Douwes (Velma Kelly), Stanley Burleson (Billy Flynn), Serge Henry Valke (Amos Hart), Marjolijn Touw (Matron "Mama" Morton)
NOTES: Good capture; multicam proshot. One camera is centre stage, the other is on the left balcony.
Chicago - West End Revival - 2004
CAST: Frances Ruffelle (Roxie Hart), Pia Douwes (Velma Kelly), Alex Bourne (Billy Flynn), Zee Asha (Matron "Mama" Morton)
NOTES: The same video as the March 27, 2004 video
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang - Broadway - April 16, 2005
FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) |  TRADER'S NOTES: PLEASE DO NOT REQUEST! Working on uploading
CAST: Raúl Esparza (Caractacus Potts), Erin Dilly (Truly Scrumptious), Kevin Calhoun (Childcatcher), Marc Kudisch (Baron Bomburst), Jan Maxwell (Baroness Bomburst), Phillip Bosco (Grandpa Potts)
NOTES: A little shaky at times, and some ducks, but otherwise excellent. Includes news footage.
A Chorus Line - Broadway Revival - September 30, 2006 (Preview)
CAST: Michael Berresse (Zach), Tyler Hanes (Larry), Brad Anderson (Don), Mara Davi (Maggie), Jeffrey Schecter (Mike), Yuka Takara (Connie), Michael Paternostro (Greg), Charlotte d'Amboise (Cassie), Deirdre Goodwin (Sheila), Ken Alan (Bobby), Alisan Porter (Bebe), Heather Parcells (Judy), James T Lane (Richie), Tony Yazbeck (Al), Chryssie Whitehead (Kristine), Jessica Lee Goldyn (Val), Paul McGill (Mark), Jason Tam (Paul), Natalie Cortez (Diana), Michelle Aravena (Tricia), E Clayton Cornelious (Butch), David Baum (Roy), Mike Cannon (Tom), Nadine Isenegger (Lois), Grant Turner (Frank), Lorin Latarro (Vicki)
NOTES: Commonly mislabelled as Opening Night (October 5, 2006), however menu says it is September 30, 2006. Video includes the playbill and some bonus news features of the Pre-Opening, Opening Night and the Review.
A Chorus Line - Hollywood Bowl - July 29, 2016 (SJ Bernly's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Mario Lopez (Zach), Spencer Liff (Larry), Michael Starr (Don), Mara Davi (Maggie), Robert Fairchild (Mike), J Elaine Marcos (Connie), Denis Lambert (Greg), Sarah Bowden (Cassie), Leigh Zimmerman (Sheila), Kelsey Walston (Bebe), Tiana Okoye (Judy), Cornelius Jones Jr (Richie), Justin Michael Wilcox (Al), Courtney Lopez (Kristine), Sabrina Bryan (Val), Ross Lynch (Mark), Jason Tam (Paul), Krysta Rodriguez (Diana)
NOTES: This all star cast gives energetic and nuanced performances, cast as a whole is a stand out with absolutely incredible dance numbers, nicely filmed, no obstructions, no washout, just a couple of quick dropouts, filmed from stage directly, screens are never shown, filmed in 16:9 with a mix of wides, mediums and close-ups, show is 125 minutes on one disc includes curtain call and playbill scans.
A Chorus Line - North Shore Music Theatre - November, 2010 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Derek Hanson (Zach), Kurt Domoney (Larry), Joe Grandy (Don), Cary Michelle Miller (Maggie), Jonathan Day (Mike), Hannah Chin (Connie), Aaron Umsted (Greg), Rebecca Riker (Cassie), Katie Cameron (Sheila), Sean Quinn (Bobby), Katerina Papacostas (Bebe), Bethany Moore (Judy), Delius Doherty (Richie), Venny Carranza (Al), Nancy Renée Braun (Kristine), Leslie Donna Flesner (Val), Christopher Shin (Mark), Miguel Angel Falcon (Paul), Julie Kotarides (Diana), Maggie Marino (Tricia), Brian Bailey (Roy), Michael McCrary (Tom), Sarah Shepler (Lois), Taylor Shubert (Frank), Wendy O'Byrne (Vicki)
NOTES: Performed in the round, two cameras and sound patched in from the soundboard.
A Chorus Line - Off-Broadway - July 12, 1975 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Robert LuPone (Zach), Thommie Walsh (Bobby Strong), Clive Clerk (Larry), Ron Khulman (Don), Kay Cole (Maggie), Wayne Cilento (Mike), Baayork Lee (Connie), Michael Stuart (Greg), Donna McKechnie (Cassie), Kelly Bishop (Sheila), Nancy Lane (Bebe), Patricia Garland (Judy), Ronald Dennis (Richie), Don Percassi (Al), Renne Baughman (Kristine), Pam Blair (Val), Cameron Mason (Mark), Sammy Williams (Paul), Priscilla Lopez (Diana)
NOTES: The original Broadway cast filmed prior to moving to Broadway. Professionally filmed using multiple cameras for the Lincoln Center Theatre on Film and Tape (TOFT) archives. Newly surfaced video which is a HUGE improvement over the previous version which has been in circulation for a while. This is also complete and includes the opening announcement alerting the audience that the show is being filmed. Amazing quality, but still has a little generational loss. In black and white. The DVD has been enhanced with chapter stops for all of the musical numbers. This, along with the tapes of Crazy for You and Passion, is amongst the only three TOFT tapes that have been leaked.
A Chorus Line - The Netherlands - 2002 (Pro-Shot's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Wilbert Gieske (Zach), Fons van Kraaij (Larry), Roy Kullick (Don), Marieke van Hulst (Maggie), Birger van Severen (Mike), Hannah van Meurs (Connie), Thomasj Vets (Greg), Ellis van Laarhoven (Cassie), Anouk van Nes (Sheila), Hans van der Heijden (Bobby), Manon Novak (Bebe), Carolien Canters (Judy), Perry Dossett (Richie), Job Vlaar (Al), Eva Roest (Kristine), Jacqueline Aronson (Val), Paul Boereboom (Mark), Hein Gerrits (Paul), Cystine Carreon (Diana), Cyrille Carreon (Tricia), Peter van Dosselaer (Butch), Axel de Graaf (Roy), Regi Severins (Lois), Peter Stoelhorst (Frank), Roeselien Wekker (Vicki)
A Christmas Carol Goes Wrong - BBC Special - December 30, 2017 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Henry Shields (Chris), Henry Lewis (Robert), Charlie Russell (Sandra), Dave Hearn (Max), Chris Leask (Trevor), Nancy Zamit (Annie), Greg Tannahill (Jonathan), Jonathan Sayer (Dennis), Ellie Morris (Lucy), Diana Rigg (Aunt Diana), Derek Jacobi (Scrooge/Himself)
NOTES: Mischief Theatre 2017 BBC Special proshot.
A Christmas Story - Broadway - November 7, 2012 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
CAST: Johnny Rabe (Ralphie), Dan Lauria (Jean Shepherd), John Bolton (The Old Man), Erin Dilly (Mother), Zac Ballard (Randy), Caroline O’Connor (Miss Shields)
NOTES: Excellent HD capture of the Broadway transfer. This is such a fun show and a top notch cast that delivers the perfect blend of performances. Nice changes from the previous PreBroadway tour from last year and a perfect show to get into the holiday season!
Cinderella (Pantomime) - Mercury Theatre Colchester - 2020 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Mari McGinlay (Cinderella), Mari McGinlay (Prince Charming), Deborah Tracey (The Fairy Godmother), Nicholas McLean (Buttons), Nerine Skinner (Dandini)
NOTES: aired to raise money for covid-19
Cinderella (Rodgers & Hammerstein) - Broadway - March 2, 2013 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master)
CAST: Laura Osnes (Ella), Santino Fontana (Topher), Victoria Clark (Marie), Harriet Harris (Madame), Ann Harada (Charlotte), Greg Hildreth (Jean-Michel), Marla Mindelle (Gabrielle), Phumzile Sojola (Lord Pinkleton), Peter Bartlett (Sebastian)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of this classic show, with this being the first time having appeared on Broadway! Really a top notch cast and a beautiful production, nicely staged! A
Cinderella (Rodgers & Hammerstein) - Broadway - April 17, 2014 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Carly Rae Jepsen (Ella), Joe Carroll (Topher), Victoria Clark (Marie), Fran Drescher (Madame), Ann Harada (Charlotte), Todd Buonopane (Jean-Michel), Stephanie Gibson (Gabrielle), Peter Bartlett (Sebastian)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture with no obstructions. Carly and Fran were wonderful in the roles and really gave them their own touch! Great to see the show still in wonderful shape. A+
Cinderella (Rodgers & Hammerstein) - Second National Tour - May, 2018 (House-Cam's master)
CAST: Tatyana Lubov (Ella), Louis Griffin (Topher), Leslie Jackson (Marie), Sarah Smith (Madame), Joanna Johnson (Charlotte), Corbin Williams (Jean-Michel), Nicole Zelka (Gabrielle), Antonio Beverly (Lord Pinkleton), Christopher Swan (Sebastian)
NOTES: Video is filmed in a house cam format. There is a lot of spotlight washout so you can't really make out faces, but the sound is wonderful. Soundboard. Location unknown
Ciske de Rat De Musical - The Netherlands - 2007 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Danny de Munk (Cis de Man), Hugo Haenen (Meester Bruijs), Hajo Bruins (Vader Frans Vrijmoeth), Mariska van Kolck (Tante Jans), Marjolijn Touw (Moeder Marie Vrijmoeth), Marleen van der Loo (Suus Bruijs), Ad Knippels (Kinderinspecteur Muysken), Sjoerd Pleijsier (Bovenmeester Maatsuyker), Ids van der Krieke (Oom Henri), Jacobien Elffers (Bet(je)), Ger Otte (Pater de Goey), Jorge Verkoost (Jan Verkerk)
City of Angels - West End Revival - March 9, 2020 (Preview) (BwaytoWestEnd's master)
CAST: Theo James (Stone), Hadley Fraser (Stine), Jonathan Slinger (Buddy / Irwin S. Irving), Rosalie Craig (Gabby / Bobbi), Rebecca Trehearn (Donna / Oolie), Rob Houchen (Jimmy Powers), Vanessa Williams (Carla / Alaura), Marc Elliott (Pancho / Munoz), Nicola Roberts (Avril / Mallory)
NOTES: Stage Shot filmed from Stalls. Awful audio.
Clueless: The Unauthorized Musical Parody - Rockwell Table & Stage - September 10, 2015
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Laura L Thomas (Emma), Tom Detrinis (Weston), Spencer Strong Smith (Josh), Emma Hunton (Tai), Corbin Reid (Dionne), Christopher Chatman (Murray)
NOTES: A production of Rockwell Table & Stage; well filmed from the audience with clear picture and excellent sound; musical selections included "I'll be There for You" (aka the Friends theme), "Wonderwall," "Barbie Girl," "Like a Virgin," "Rolling in the Deep," "Dancing On My Own," "Big Yellow Taxi," a brief excerpt of "Popular" from Wicked, "Always Be My Baby," "Love Shack," and a clever version of "Proud Mary" that incorporated the famous "rollin' with the homies" bit from the movie.
The Color Purple - Broadway - March 28, 2006 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
CAST: LaChanze (Celie), Elisabeth Withers-Mendes (Shug Avery), Felicia P Fields (Sofia), Kingsley Leggs (Mister), Brandon Victor Dixon (Harpo)
NOTES: Beautiful capture of this show, crystal clear picture and sound, great closeups. A
The Color Purple - Broadway Revival - November 11, 2015 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Cynthia Erivo (Celie), Jennifer Hudson (Shug Avery), Danielle Brooks (Sofia), Isaiah Johnson (Mister), Kyle Scatliffe (Harpo), Joaquina Kalukango (Nettie)
NOTES: Excellent HD capture of the new revival which been stripped down and streamlined to focus on Celie's journey. Some beautiful moments in the show with the direction and simplicity spotlighting the story. A few blackouts in the first 5 minutes as clueless ushers fumbled around. A
The Color Purple - Broadway Revival - May 11, 2016 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) |  TRADER'S NOTES: Highlights
CAST: Cynthia Erivo (Celie), Heather Headley (Shug Avery), Danielle Brooks (Sofia), Isaiah Johnson (Mister), Kyle Scatliffe (Harpo), Joaquina Kalukango (Nettie)
NOTES: Beautiful capture of the ever stunning Heather Headley joining the cast. There really is no need to say anymore! A
The Color Purple - First National Tour - April 22, 2007 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Jeannette Bayardelle (Celie), Michelle Williams (Shug Avery), Felicia P Fields (Sofia), Rufus Bonds Jr (Mister), Stu James (Harpo), LaToya London (Nettie), Stephanie St James (Squeak)
NOTES: I have to say I enjoyed this cast more than the OBC. Jannette is amazing here and will give you chills and Michelle is stunning. Beautiful capture. A+
The Color Purple - First National Tour - September 6, 2009 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Fantasia Barrino (Celie), Reva Rice (u/s Shug Avery), Felicia P Fields (Sofia), Rufus Bonds Jr (Mister), Stu James (Harpo), LaToya London (Nettie), Tiffany Daniels (Squeak)
NOTES: This is the performance following the day Fantasia missed two performances from "Food Poisioning", which made the Chicagoland News. Despite that, she still gives a great performance as Celie and has such a powerful voice. Reva knocks it out of the park as Shug! A
Come From Away - Australia - 2019 (Highlights) (Press Reel's master)
FORMAT:  M4A (untracked)
CAST: Zoe Gertz (Beverley/Annette & others), Douglas Hansell (Kevin T./Garth & others), Richard Piper (Claude & others), Simon Maiden (Oz & others), Sarah Morrison (Janice & others), Nicholas Brown (Kevin J./Ali & others), Nathan Carter (Nick/Doug & others), Angela Kennedy (Diane & others), Sharriese Hamilton (Hannah & others), Emma Powell (Beulah & others), Kellie Rode (Bonnie & others), Kolby Kindle (Bob & others)
NOTES: Proshot B-Roll of Welcome to the Rock, Me and the Sky & Somewhere in the Middle of Nowhere
Come From Away - Australia - September 12, 2019 (WizardWisdom's master)
CAST: Zoe Gertz (Beverley/Annette & others), Douglas Hansell (Kevin T./Garth & others), Richard Piper (Claude & others), Simon Maiden (Oz & others), Sarah Morrison (Janice & others), Nicholas Brown (Kevin J./Ali & others), Nathan Carter (Nick/Doug & others), Katrina Retallick (Diane & others), Sharriese Hamilton (Hannah & others), Emma Powell (Beulah & others), Kellie Rode (Bonnie & others), Kolby Kindle (Bob & others)
NOTES: HD capture of the Australian company of this fantastic musical. Includes a video of a post-show Q&A with the cast in honour of the 18th anniversary of September 12. Shot from the back row of the dress circle, so a head blocks the centre at times but it’s shot around where possible. Most noticeable in the group numbers where a lot of the action is downstage. The first 4 minutes or so is mostly wandering shots as I was setting up my camera and evading ushers. A lot of great close-ups - Zoe’s “Me and the Sky” is a highlight.
Come From Away - Broadway - March 10, 2017 (Preview) (NYCG8R's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Jenn Colella (Beverley/Annette & others), Chad Kimball (Kevin T./Garth & others), Joel Hatch (Claude & others), Geno Carr (Oz & others), Kendra Kassebaum (Janice & others), Caesar Samayoa (Kevin J./Ali & others), Lee MacDougall (Nick/Doug & others), Sharon Wheatley (Diane & others), Q Smith (Hannah & others), Astrid Van Wieren (Beulah & others), Petrina Bromley (Bonnie & others), Rodney Hicks (Bob & others)
NOTES: A beautiful capture of the new Broadway musical. The score is fantastic and the production is wonderful.
Come From Away - Broadway - February, 2020 (StarCuffedJeans's master)
CAST: Becky Gulsvig (Beverley/Annette & others), Tony LePage (s/b Kevin T./Garth & others), Joel Hatch (Claude & others), Paul Whitty (Oz & others), Pearl Sun (t/r Janice & others), Caesar Samayoa (Kevin J./Ali & others), Jim Walton (Nick/Doug & others), Sharon Wheatley (Diane & others), Kenita R Miller (Hannah & others), Astrid Van Wieren (Beulah & others), Petrina Bromley (Bonnie & others), De'Lon Grant (Bob & others)
Come From Away - First National Tour - February, 2020 (Hollis Mizner's master)
CAST: Marika Aubrey (Beverley/Annette & others), Andrew Samonsky (Kevin T./Garth & others), Kevin Carolan (Claude & others), Harter Clingman (Oz & others), Julia Knitel (Janice & others), Nick Duckart (Kevin J./Ali & others), Chamblee Ferguson (Nick/Doug & others), Christine Toy Johnson (Diane & others), Danielle K Thomas (Hannah & others), Julie Johnson (Beulah & others), Sharone Sayegh (Bonnie & others), James Earl Jones II (Bob & others)
Come From Away - Toronto - January 7, 2020 (The Musical Speakeasy's master)
CAST: Eliza-Jane Scott (Beverley/Annette & others), Jeff Madden (Kevin T./Garth & others), George Masswohl (Claude & others), Cory O’Brien (Oz & others), Cailin Stadnyk (u/s Janice & others), Ali Momen (Kevin J./Ali & others), Clint Butler (u/s Nick/Doug & others), Barbara Fulton (Diane & others), Kate Etienne (u/s Hannah & others), Lori Nancy Kalamanski (u/s Beulah & others), Kristen Peace (Bonnie & others), Kevin Vidal (Bob & others)
NOTES: As far as I know, the first ever video of the Toronto production! I had the entire show in VOB format ready to post but, unfortunately, I lost the USB it was on in the middle of an airport. Luckily I was able to salvage all but thirty minutes of the original footage, so all that's lost is part of the scene after "I Am Here" and a portion of "Somewhere In The Middle Of Nowhere". If you find a USB the size of a thumbnail around Pearson, it's a $5 reward! A flu passed around the cast that they were all just recovering from, and at one point you can see Bev take a tissue out of her pilot's jacket and blow her nose. It explains the large number of understudies on, particularly of interest is that of the role of Hannah being played by a Caucasian actress, which causes her absence for the bus scene and leads to a severely different dynamic I'd not seen the character played as before.
Come From Away - Washington D.C. - September 24, 2016 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Jenn Colella (Beverley/Annette & others), Chad Kimball (Kevin T./Garth & others), Joel Hatch (Claude & others), Geno Carr (Oz & others), Kendra Kassebaum (Janice & others), Caesar Samayoa (Kevin J./Ali & others), Lee MacDougall (Nick/Doug & others), Sharon Wheatley (Diane & others), Q Smith (Hannah & others), Astrid Van Wieren (Beulah & others), Alyssa Wilmoth Keegan (Bonnie & others), Rodney Hicks (Bob & others)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of the PreBroadway try out in DC. Terrific ensemble piece telling the stories of stranded passengers during the 9/11 attacks. A
Come From Away - West End - November 5, 2019 (wheredidtherockgo's master)
CAST: Rachel Tucker (Beverley/Annette & others), David Thaxton (Kevin T./Garth & others), Clive Carter (Claude & others), Harry Morrison (Oz & others), Emma Salvo (Janice & others), Jonathan Andrew Hume (Kevin J./Ali & others), Robert Hands (Nick/Doug & others), Helen Hobson (Diane & others), Cat Simmons (Hannah & others), Jenna Boyd (Beulah & others), Jennifer Tierney (s/b Bonnie & others), Nathanael Campbell (Bob & others)
NOTES: The bottom left of the video is slightly obstructed by a lighting rail. The master accidentally stop recording during '38 Planes' but realized right away so it’s only missing a second or two. Some nice close-ups. Clive misses the cue for the first “Welcome to the Rock!”
Come From Away - West End - April, 2019 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master)
CAST: Rachel Tucker (Beverley/Annette & others), David Shannon (Kevin T./Garth & others), Clive Carter (Claude & others), Harry Morrison (Oz & others), Emma Salvo (Janice & others), Jonathan Andrew Hume (Kevin J./Ali & others), Robert Hands (Nick/Doug & others), Helen Hobson (Diane & others), Cat Simmons (Hannah & others), Jenna Boyd (Beulah & others), Mary Doherty (Bonnie & others), Nathaniel Campbell (Bob & others)
NOTES: This video is never to be publicly shared on YouTube, tumblr, Facebook, Stagedork etc. 
Come From Away - West End - February, 2020 (queenofthedead's master)
CAST: Alice Fearn (Beverley/Annette & others), Mark Dugdale (Kevin T./Garth & others), James Doherty (Claude & others), Harry Morrison (Oz & others), Emma Salvo (Janice & others), Jonathan Andrew Hume (Kevin J./Ali & others), Alasdair Harvey (Nick/Doug & others), Kate Graham (Diane & others), Cat Simmons (Hannah & others), Jenna Boyd (Beulah & others), Mary Doherty (Bonnie & others), Tarinn Callender (Bob & others)
NOTES: Slightly obstructed by one head but worked around the best I could.
Come From Away - West End - November, 2019 (queenofthedead's master)
CAST: Rachel Tucker (Beverley/Annette & others), David Thaxton (Kevin T./Garth & others), Clive Carter (Claude & others), Harry Morrison (Oz & others), Emma Salvo (Janice & others), Jonathan Andrew Hume (Kevin J./Ali & others), Bob Harms (s/b Nick/Doug & others), Helen Hobson (Diane & others), Chiara Baronti (s/b Hannah & others), Jenna Boyd (Beulah & others), Jennifer Tierney (s/b Bonnie & others), Nathanael Campbell (Bob & others)
NOTES: Incomplete: starts 12 mins in. Shot around heads. The combination of the revolve and the lighting of this show might make it a jolty watch but the action is caught as best as possible. If I had to decide who to film, I chose Rachel Tucker.
The Comedy About A Bank Robbery - West End - August 20, 2019 (wheredidtherockgo's master)
CAST: Sean Carey (Sam Monaghan), David Coomber (Neil Cooper), Charlotte Duffy (u/s Caprice Freeboys), George Hannigan (Everyone Else), Liam Jeavons (Mitch Ruscitti), Damian Lynch (Mr. Freeboys), Killian Macardle (Officer Shuck), Jon Trenchard (Warren Slax), Ashley Tucker (Ruth Monaghan)
NOTES: My first video ever. I couldn’t see what I was filming so the camera has a tendency to film upward toward the ceiling. You can hear me laugh pretty loudly since I was holding the camera close to my face.
The Comedy About A Bank Robbery - West End - December, 2019 (queenofthedead's master)
CAST: Tom Hopcroft (u/s Sam Monaghan), Ross Virgo (u/s Neil Cooper), Charlotte Duffy (u/s Caprice Freeboys), George Hannigan (Everyone Else), Eddy Westbury (u/s Mitch Ruscitti), Damian Lynch (Mr. Freeboys), Killian Macardle (Officer Shuck), Jean-Luke Worrell (e/c Warren Slax), Ashley Tucker (Ruth Monaghan)
NOTES: Masters Notes: Shot around 2 heads. A few dropouts that add up to about 5 minutes overall. Not the most focused capture and a lot of fidgeting from the master, but action is captured mostly well enough.
Company - Kennedy Center - June, 2002
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: John Barrowman (Bobby/Bobbie), Lynn Redgrave (Joanne), David Pittu (Harry), Christy Baron (Susan), Emily Skinner (Jenny), Marc Vietor (David), Kim Director (April/Andy), Elizabeth Zins (Kathy/Theo), Marcy Harriell (Marta/PJ), Alice Ripley (Amy/Jamie), Matt Bogart (Paul), Jerry Lanning (Larry)
NOTES: This video gets listed under various dates including June 5th, June 6th, June 15th, July 7th, and different copies exist in varying quality and size.
Company - Second West End Revival - January, 2019 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master)
CAST: Rosalie Craig (Bobby/Bobbie), Patti LuPone (Joanne), Mel Giedroyc (Sarah), Gavin Spokes (Harry), Daisy Maywood (Susan), Ashley Campbell (Peter), Jennifer Saayeng (Jenny), Richard Henders (David), Richard Fleeshman (April/Andy), Matthew Seadon-Young (Kathy/Theo), George Blagden (Marta/PJ), Jonathan Bailey (Amy/Jamie), Alex Gaumond (Paul), Ben Lewis (Larry)
Company - Third Broadway Revival - March 10, 2020 (Preview)
FORMAT:  MP4 (HD)|Gifted: Upon Request
CAST: Katrina Lenk (Bobby/Bobbie), Patti LuPone (Joanne), Jennifer Simard (Sarah), Christopher Sieber (Harry), Rashidra Scott (Susan), Greg Hildreth (Peter), Nikki Renée Daniels (Jenny), Christopher Fitzgerald (David), Claybourne Elder (April/Andy), Kyle Dean Massey (Kathy/Theo), Bobby Conte Thornton (Marta/PJ), Matt Doyle (Amy/Jamie), John Arthur Greene (u/s Paul), Terence Archie (Larry)
NOTES: Wideshot MP4 Gifted Upon Request
Company - West End - Novemeber 28, 2018 (Diodenes of Catania’s master)
Format: MP3 (tracked)
Cast: Rosalie Craig (Bobbie), Patti LuPone (Joanne), Mel Giedroyc (Sarah), Gavin Spokes (Harry), Daisy Maywood (Susan/Priest), Ashley Campbell (Peter), Richard Henders (David), Jonathan Bailey (Jamie), Alex Gaumond (Paul), Ben Lewis (Larry), Richard Fleeshman (Andy), George Blagden (PJ), Matthew Seadon-Young (Theo)
Copacabana - Netherlands - 2002 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Danny de Munk (Tony Starr/Stephen), Cystine Carreon (Lola Lamar/Stephanie), John Leddy (Sam Silver), Jacqueline Aronson (Gladys), Sophia Wezer (Conchita), Edwin Jonker (Rico)
Coriolanus - Donmar Warehouse - January 30, 2014 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Alfred Enoch (Titus Lartius), Brigitte Hjort Sørensen (Virgilia), Deborah Findlay (Volumnia), Elliot Levey (Brutus), Hadley Fraser (Aufidius), Jacqueline Boatswain (Valeria), Mark Gatiss (Menenius), Peter de Jersey (Cominius), Tom Hiddleston (Coriolanus)
NOTES: Often circulated with hard subtitles. The June 4 2020 YT livestream version does not have them. 
Coriolanus - Stratford Festival - 2018 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Alexis Gordon (Virgilia), Andre Sills (Coriolanus), Brigit Wilson (Valeria), Graham Abbey (Aufidius), Lucy Peacock (Volumnia), Michael Blake (Cominius), Stephen Ouimette (Brutus), Tom McCamus (Menenius)
NOTES: Great quality video and audio. This is a professionally filmed version of Coriolanus, presented by the Stratford Festival (Stratford, Ontario, Canada) in 2018 and streamed online on April 30, 2020. Original file format: one MP4 file
Cruel Intentions - Los Angeles - July 31, 2015
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Katie Stevens (Kathryn Merteuil), Constantine Rousouli (Sebastian Valmont), Molly McCook (Annette Hargrove), Shelley Regner (Cecile Caldwell), Tyler Sheef (Blaine Tuttle), Spencer Strong Smith (Greg Mcconnell), Alexander Pimentel (Ronald Clifford), Pamela Holt (Mrs. Bunny Caldwell)
NOTES: Notes: Well filmed from the audience with clear picture and excellent sound; featuring songs by The Goo Goo Dolls, Britney Spears, Backstreet Boys, NSYNC, Meredith Brooks, Natalie Imbruglia, Spice Girls, Counting Crows, The Verve and Christina Aguilera
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time - Broadway - November 22, 2014 (Lanelle's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Alex Sharp (Christopher Boone), Francesca Faridany (Siobhan), Ian Barford (Ed), Enid Graham (Judy), Helen Carey (Mrs. Alexander)
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time - Broadway - December 30, 2014 (Matinee) (SJ Bernly's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Taylor Trensch (alt Christopher Boone), Francesca Faridany (Siobhan), Tim Wright (u/s Ed), Enid Graham (Judy), Helen Carey (Mrs. Alexander), Mercedes Herrero (Mrs. Shears and others), Ben Horner (Mr. Thompson and others), Richard Hollis (Roger Shears and others), David Manis (Rev. Peters and others)
NOTES: "Nicely filmed. There's a couple of quick dropouts and not many washouts, but no obstructions or blocking. A-"
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time - National Theatre - September 6, 2012 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Luke Treadaway (Christopher Boone), Niamh Cusack (Siobhan), Paul Ritter (Ed), Nicola Walker (Judy), Una Stubbs (Mrs. Alexander)
Curtains - West End - October 8-12, 2019 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Jason Manford (Lieutenant Frank Cioffi), Carley Stenson (Georgia Hendricks), Ore Oduba (Aaron Fox), Rebecca Lock (Carmen Bernstein), Samuel Holmes (Christopher Belling), Leah Barbara West (Niki Harris), Alan Burkitt (Bobby Pepper), Martin Callaghan (Oscar Shapiro), Emma Caffrey (Bambi Bernét), Nia Jermin (Jessica Cranshaw), Adam Rhys-Charles (Daryl Grady), Mark Sangster (Sidney Bernstein), Minal Patel (Johnny Harmon)
NOTES: Pro-shot streamed by The Turbine Theatre on 4/14/20 as a fundraiser for coronavirus relief efforts.
Cyrano de Bergerac - Netherlands - 1992, 1993 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Bill van Dijk (Cyrano), Ryan van den Akker (Cyrano's love interest Roxane), Peter de Smet (Ragueneau), Danny de Munk (De Guiche)
12 notes · View notes
callunavulgari · 3 years
Scrapbook 2021 | Part II
For anyone that’s new to this, this is how I keep track of all of the things I enjoy and/or create throughout the year. I have literally been doing this since I had a livejournal. I think the first one was 2011? Maybe? In which case, woohoo, ten years of scrapbooking!
It’s a nice little snippet of my life and helps to organize my brain.
A reminder:
Normal font - Indifferent/Neutral Italicized font - Enjoyed bold font - Loved with an asterisk* - All time favorite (bracketed titles) - Re-watches/Re-reads strikethough - Disliked
Goals are: read 80 books (as of today, i am at 31 books, which sounds not great but goodreads assures me that it’s only 1 book behind schedule), finish five video games (at two at the moment... mostly because I keep dragging my feet on actually finishing P5R), write more than 20 fics (at... 6) or something larger than 20k (negative), and write either an original short story or start a novel (i have started plotting for the novel? does that count?)
Past Years
Mortal Kombat
(SW: The Phantom Menace)
(SW: Attack of the Clones)
(SW: Revenge of the Sith)
(SW: Rogue One)
(SW: A New Hope)
SW: Clone Wars
Wonder Woman 1984
Dark Phoenix
(Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring)
(Princess Mononoke)
Sailor Moon: Eternal
In The Heights
Wish Dragon
(Thor: Ragnarok)
(Doctor Strange)
(Guardians of the Galaxy)
Black Widow
Space Jam 2 Electric Boogaloo
The Green Knight
Godzilla vs Kong
(Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
These Violent Delights | Chloe Gong [Fin]
The Midnight Library | Matt Haig [Fin]
The Galaxy, and the Ground Within | Becky Chambers [Fin]
Unconquerable Sun | Kate Elliott
People We Meet On Vacation | Emily Henry [Fin]
The Soulmate Equation | Christina Lauren [Fin]
Unconquerable Sun | Kate Elliott [Fin]
September Love | Lang Leav [Fin]
One Last Stop | Casey McQuiston [Fin]
The Chosen and the Beautiful | Nghi Vo [Fin]
Lumberjanes, volume 2 | Noelle Stevenson [Fin]
For the Wolf | Hannah Whitten [Fin]
The Sandman | Neil Gaiman [Fin]
Mister Impossible | Maggie Stiefvater
Mister Impossible | Maggie Stiefvater [Fin]
TAZ: The Crystal Kingdom | The Mcelroys [Fin]
She Who Became the Sun | Shelley Parker-Chan
A Psalm for the Wild-Built | Becky Chambers
The Universe of Us | Lang Leav
She Who Became the Sun | Shelley Parker-Chan [Fin]
A Psalm for the Wild-Built | Becky Chambers
The Universe of Us | Lang Leav [Fin]
Lumberjanes, volume 3 | Noelle Stevenson [Fin]
Lumberjanes, volume 4 | Noelle Stevenson [Fin]
The Penumbra Podcast, s3-END
The Magnus Archive - Fear Winners 1 & 2
Gods of Appalachia, Eps 1-6
(Wolf 359)
Janus Descending
(Wolf 359)
(Zero Hours, ep 7)
Watcher Entertainment, Are You Scared?
Castlevania, s3, s4 [Fin]
Word of Honor [Fin]
Buzzfeed: Kelsey in Control?
Demon Slayer, s1
Demon Slayer, s1 [Fin]
Kim’s Convenience, s4
Leverage, s5 [Fin]
Watcher: Too Many Spirits, s3
Loki, s1
Lucifer, s2, s3, s4
Trese, s1
(Buzzfeed Unsolved: True Crime, s3, s6?)
(Buzzfeed Unsolved: Supernatural, s1)
Sweet Tooth, s1
Love, Death & Robots
Loki, s1 [Fin]
Watcher: Too Many Spirits, s3 [Fin]
Watcher: Dish Granted, s3
Shark Week
Lucifer, s5
Masters of the Universe: Revelation
The Owl House, s2
Watcher: Dish Granted, s3
Watcher Weekly+
Buzzfeed: Ruining History
Star Trek Discovery, s1, s2, s3
What If..., s1
Monster Hunter Rise, 12 hours
Mass Effect 1: Legendary Edition, 25 hours
Pokemon Go
Mass Effect 1: Legendary Edition, ? hours
Pokemon Go
Animal Crossing: New Horizons, ??? Hours
Persona 5 Royal, ??? hours
Persona 5 Royal, 167 hours
Pokemon Go
Persona 5 Royal, 167 hours
Pokemon Go
Ori and the Blind Forest [Fin]
The word is help. by spqr | Star Wars | Din/Luke | 9k | In a flash, Fett has his blaster out and pointed at Luke’s head. “You’re right,” he says. “Turnabout’s fair play. So maybe I oughta shoot you.”
Don’t be afraid. by spqr | Star Wars | Obi-Wan/Anakin | 12k | “Padawan Kenobi,” Yoda says, after a moment. “Complete your training, Master Skywalker will.”
who carried the hill by spqr | Star Wars | Din/Luke | 22k | Din’s about to head up the ramp onto the newly-repaired Razor Crest when a string pulls taut around his heart and yanks him into the sky.
Tapestry by spqr | Star Wars | Obi-Wan/Anakin | 8k | In March, Obi-Wan drags Anakin to another faculty party, where Anakin gets all sorts of wrong ideas about Quinlan Vos and decides to fellate Obi-Wan in a coat closet about it.
wonderterror by peradi | Star Wars | Leia/Han/Luke | 6k | Anakin Skywalker is the son of the Force.He’s half human and half something monumental.What does that make his children?
Xen Gardens by denimwrapped | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan & Shane | 1k | Shane Madej saves the day.A strange man comes to congratulate him.
A Series of Better Decisions by SassySnowperson | Star Wars | Padme/Obi-Wan/Anakin | 9k | "Kill him. Kill him now!" Chancellor Palpatine hissed, as Anakin held the two blades against Dooku's neck. "No," Anakin said. "It's not the Jedi way."
Futurus (-a -um) by cadesama | Star Wars | Padme/Anakin/Obi-Wan | 60k | Cracked hyperdrive? No problem. Just hold it together with the Force. Time travel? Well. That could be a bigger problem.
Comfort in Wartime by Rosbridge | Star Wars | Padme/Obi-Wan/Anakin | 4k | Obi-Wan is exhausted, drunk, and just about out of fucks to give.
spark me up, i'm a firework (i'll burst into light) by coffeeinallcaps | FATWS | Bucky/Sam | 7k | "You know how the super-soldier serum makes everything, well, super? I guess you could say that's what happened to my sex drive."
Thaw by spqr | Star Wars | Din/Luke | 6k | That’s what hope does to you, Luke remembers now. It lingers at the back of your mind, whispering maybe, maybe, so that knowing a plan is stupid isn’t enough to keep you from trying it.
Christ in Repose by spqr | Din/Luke | 8k | More on this story as it develops. Subscribe to HNN’s JEDI WATCH newsletter for instant updates on Jedi sightings throughout the galaxy.
Insufferable by perkynurples | Word of Honor | Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishu | 3k | Wen Kexing asks a question. Zhou Zishu only hesitates to answer for a little while.
parasitic, parasocial by brawlite | The Untamed | Song Lan/Xiao Xingchen/Xue Yang | 45k | Xue Yang stumbles upon the channel of Fuxue, a popular videogame streamer, and immediately becomes completely and utterly obsessed with him. Unfortunately, Fuxue has a boyfriend -- but that's fine: Xue Yang loves a challenge.
Aaron Burr has Hamilton's RSI and he isn't pleased about it. by DragonBandit | Hamilton | Hamilton/Aaron Burr | 3k | Aaron knows 2 things about his soulmate: The first is that they're angry about everything. The second is that they need to fucking sleep.
dinluke lawyer au by spqr | Star Wars | Din/Luke | 31k | At 1:18 a.m., just when Luke is starting to think he might’ve gotten away with something, Biggs Darklighter shows up on the other side of his desk and says, “I can’t believe you called in sick to get shotgun married to a Mando.”
like, comment, subscribe by DeHeerKonijn, Roselightfairy | Lord of the Rings | Gimli/Legolas | 90k+ | Legolas meets Gimli for lunch - unfortunately, he meets someone else, too.
a jackal; a thief by brawlite | Word of Honor | Wen Kexing/Ye Baiyi | 11k | This is not the first time Wen Kexing’s body has been poisoned like this.
you're the trouble that i always find by sundiscus | Word of Honor | Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishu | 27k | “Do you know him?” Jin Wang asks.The ringing in Zhou Zishu's ears gets louder. “No, Wangye,” he says.At Zhou Zishu’s voice, the prisoner freezes.
vampire!wwx threadfic by sundiscus | The Untamed | Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji | ??? words | in which vampires exist in a modern cultivation au, lwj is investigating a string of strange deaths, and wwx is a vampire he can’t seem to kill.
Velle by DeHeerKonijn, Roselightfairy | LotR | Gimli/Legolas | 29k | Velle (Latin): to want.
May All My Wounds Be Mortal by hansbekhart | Word of Honor | Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishu | 10k | Peeled out of his many robes, Wen Kexing’s body reveals itself to be mostly leg. He strips eagerly, grinning up at Zhou Zishu as if this is another joke between them. See? Wen Kexing’s body seems to say, I have no secrets from you.
drop by brawlite | The Untamed | Song Lan/Xue Yang | 4k |  Xue Yang has had this dream before.
Splenda by Tierfal | FMA | Ed/Roy | 19k | WIP | A sugar daddy AU that barely even qualifies as a sugar daddy AU, because these two can't do anything right.
From the Ashes by blacktofade | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Shane/Ryan | 3k | “This doesn’t need to leave this room,” Ryan had said that first time. “Casual is my middle name.”
Whale Songs by denimwrapped | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 2k | It could be humming, he thinks. Some distant angelic humming. What it’s humming about, he’d have to find out the hard way. All he can hear in his mind’s ear is come closer. There’s so much more in the depths than you’ve ever known.
A Good Bargain by Neery | Word of Honor | Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishu | 11k | The Window of Heaven captures the Ghost Valley's master. Zhou Zishu is put in charge of interrogating him.
So Why Not Crack Your Skull When the Mind Swells by greenteafiend | The Untamed | Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian | 13k | Or, Wei Wuxian is cursed to feel terrible pain when he and Lan Wangji aren’t touching.
the agony and the irony by arostine | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 44k | WIP |  Ryan has a lot on his plate right now. He’s one of three members of his species employed at BuzzFeed, and the only male omega, and his boss keeps asking him to do videos about being an iterant ‘to educate the humans,’ when what he really wants to do is videos about ghosts.
the rest of your life by bestliars | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane/Sara | 30k | MYSTERY DISAPPEARANCE IN THE MIDWEST! The year is 2034. Successful video producer Ryan Bergara uproots his whole life to take care of his friend’s children.
sit in my circle and hold my hand by soda_coded | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 14k | Ryan and Shane work for the metaphysical department of the LAPD, fool around and get cursed.
Idle Hands (Do the Devil's Work) by ma_malice | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 4k | In which the only upside to being a demon stuck in a seasonal Chicago snowstorm is the ability to abandon your body and possess your boyfriend in LA.
Shell Game by Giddygeek | The Magicians | Quentin/Eliot | 20k | Or, Quentin can’t believe he never thought to ask if there was a magical time in Fillory when people swapped bodies with the last person they slept with.
Contention by hollybennett123 | Word of Honor | Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishu/Ye Baiyi | 3k |  The Zhou Zishu of ten minutes ago, who first agreed to the whole thing — the evening’s conversation and general bickering over drinks taking an unexpectedly filthy turn — had been thinking only about the imminent pounding on offer and not, well, everything else that might come with it.
Necrocafé by etothey | Locked Tomb Trilogy | Gideon/Harrow | 2k | Harrowhark Nonagesimus isn't sure which confounds her more: the new boxes of bones she is to animate, or the hot redheaded courier who brings the boxes.
simple man by spqr | Loki | Loki/Mobius, Loki/Loki | 6k | “Tell you what,” says Mobius, shortly after the Timekeepers have sentenced Loki to death, “why don’t I take care of this?”
(Un)disclosed desires by Springandastorm | Loki | Loki/Mobius | "That's not how I see you at all, Loki." Mobius said, unexpectedly earnest. "We all play roles sometimes." 
sources of light by brawlite | Word of Honor | Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishu | 3k | Zhou Zishu makes a difficult choice in order to save Wen Kexing's life. The morning after is not an easy one.
warm company, cold nights by janonny | Word of Honor | Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishu | 23k | He gave Zhou Zishu a lingering look from beneath his lashes. “Your virtuous wife will accompany you of course.”
the potential of broken things by icarusinflight | Harry Potter | Drarry | 11k | "Can you feel that? Some things want to be what they once were. The original spell is still there, and it wants to work again. All it takes is a little push and then"—Draco clicks his fingers of his free hand—"snap, everything will go back into place."
little beast by brawlite | The Untamed | Song Lan/Xue Yang | 7k | Payback's a bitch.
you, undeniable you by returnsandreturns | Brooklyn Nine-Nine | Jake/Amy | 1k | “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Jake asks, for the fourth time. “Because we can just ditch that thing, toss it out a window, do it missionary like the founding fathers intended.”
Car Talk by drunkbedelia | Loki | Mobius/Loki | 1k | ‘When I pruned myself, I thought I might be able to find Loki,' Sylvie said.
one too many by sarcasticfishes | Watcher | Ryan/Shane | 1k | “Stay here,” Ryan says, just casual enough, “I’ll drive you home tomorrow.”
Tencent and Chill by quoth_the_ravenclaw | The Untamed | Nie Huaisang/Nie Mingjue | 2k | “Da-ge,” Huaisang whines, all for show, as much a performance as the actors on screen. He wiggles his toes. “My feet are so sore, you worked me too hard.”
The House at the End of the World by Hopetohell | Loki | Loki/Mobius/Sylvie | 1k | What will they do, now that they can do anything?
moderate the middle by ElisAttack | Loki | Loki/Mobius/Sylvie | 9k | People only smiled with their eyes when it was real. Unless they were a Loki. No matter the differences between the variants, their tricky grins were a constant as much as they were indiscernible.
Lost and Sound by snack_size | Loki | Loki/Thor/Sylvie | 5k | “Sylvie, did you help my brother defeat the Time Police?”
push the button (and let me know) by dinosuns | Loki | Loki/Mobius | 5k | “How about this?” hands folded on the table, he watches Loki intently. “If you tell me why, I’ll answer.” 
We're (not) all villains here by sir_not_appearing_in_this_archive | Loki | Loki/Mobius/Sylvie | 19k | WIP | Alone and friendless (once again), Loki has to find a way to set things right, or at least right enough he can comfortably sneak off into the sunset, which starts with one thing: saving Mobius's lost memories.
what remains by dinosuns | Loki | Loki/Mobius | “You’re no analyst.” Mobius sounds stunned. They are not aligned, they are not in tandem. But there are wistful glimmers of what is now agonisingly out of reach.
worth a shot by thereyoflight | Loki | Loki/Sylvie | 2k | When Loki and Sylvie are moments away from being cornered on the train in Lamentis, they resort to desperate measures.
Bug Problems by xorabbit | Marvel | Grandmaster/Loki | 7k |  Loki ends up on Sakaar, of course, with just that many more schemes to scheme. However, the Grandmaster is not altogether too terrible--a bit of fine luck, for once--and perhaps it's all right to have a better-natured fling while one works out what's next.
our way, no takebacks by dinosuns | Loki | Loki/Mobius | 20k | "Nice speech," Sylvie drawls, but the sarcasm doesn't land.
Vennen min by spqr | Loki | Loki/Mobius | 12k | The day they let Mobius out of the infirmary, Loki gets assigned to a new handler. This, Mobius is pretty sure, is where the trouble starts.
new terms by dinosuns | Loki | President Loki/Mobius | 21k | For the first time in his life, Loki triumphs. How fitting then, for the end to swiftly barge in unannounced.
Icarus by Waako | Loki | Loki/Mobius | 5k | When Mobius got pruned, he expected two different outcomes. Either eternal peace or eternal emptiness. He certainly didn’t expect a grey sky, ruins of old buildings looming over him, and a Loki variant watching him like he was a piece of fresh meat.
Stress Relief by spqr | Loki | Loki/Mobius | 3.5k |  “Let me read you something,” Loki says. He rifles through the pages, clears his throat, and Mobius puts a hand over his eyes because he knows what’s coming before Loki even reads the first word—“Pēdīcābō ego vōs et irrumābō—“
just like the weather by sarcasticfishes | BFU | Shane/Ryan/Sara | 6k | “Y’know,” Ryan shrugs. “Friends have kids together sometimes. Like if a same-sex couple has a friend surrogate for them. Or sometimes people just co-parent.”
Woodash and iron and leather by iffervescent | The Witcher | 9k | Jaskier is the only person Geralt's ever been around who doesn't smell of fear
Food of Love by tanktrilby | The Witcher | Geralt/Jaskier | 22k | I brought a dead princess back to life through the power of song is the kind of thing that would have got an eyebrow raise even from the stone-faced Geralt of Rivia, so it's a good thing he and Geralt will probably never see each other again.
If The Morning Light Sets In by nagia | Castlevania | Sypha/Trevor/Alucard | 45k | Save the Belmonts, save the world.
halfway by ivelostmyspectacles | Castlevania | Sypha/Alucard/Trevor | 12k | Vampire attacks are happening again. Unprovoked, strange, humans and vampires dying alike. A disease. Alucard assures them that he isn't susceptible.
lonely lonely heart by spqr | Loki | Loki/Mobius | 7k |  Mobius looks down at the paperwork, gets a sort of flustered farmboy look on his face, looks back up at Loki and says, “You offered to give a cop fellatio in the middle of Central Park.”
Bedrest by Lise | The Untamed | Xiao Xingchen& Xue Yang | 3k | Xiao Xingchen's newest patient is causing him problems. He just won't stay put.
too little, too late. by raisesomehale | Miraculous Ladybug | Adrien/Marinette | 6k | WIP |  “Ladybug.” Chat’s voice cuts in like molten steel.
Jesper Fahey | 99 Problems
Jesper Fahey | OLD TOWN ROAD
Kaz & Inej | I Can't Pretend
human | kaz brekker
bucky barnes || humble
The Mandalorian || Warriors
The Mandalorian | I'll See You Again
Hope is the light.
►Zhou Zishu & Wen Kexing | Beautiful mess
Kaz & Inej | I Can't Pretend
versailles at night | alina & the darkling
look what you made me do | the darkling
Bucky Barnes | Rasputin
Obi-Wan || dirty work
Blood in the water [the Witcher]
MARVEL || Astronaut in the Ocean
Enola Holmes || Unstoppable
Shadow & Bone || Fire Meets Fate
Mo Dao Zu Shi Season 3 AMV/Trailer - Teeth
Kylo Ren | STAR WARS
MARVEL || Rasputin
MARVEL || Astronaut in the Ocean
i dont enjoy hurting people | Loki [1x01]
loki laufeyson • unsteady [⚠ 1x01]
MARVEL || Levitating
Shadow & Bone | Paint It Black
Glitter & Gold | Jesper Fahey
Shadow and Bone | Levitating
wen kexing ✘ zhou zishu | put your lips on mine
Erik Lensherr - Magneto
The Crows || Circus
The Crows | Thrift Shop (Shadow & Bone)
Zemo & Bucky — RASPUTIN [tfatws]
Cruella | Feeling good
Percy Jackson || Watch Me
THE KILLING KIND || The Magnus Archives Animatic
LOKI || Glorious Purpose
The Darkling | Black Heretic
Sam x Bucky || Handclap [HUMOR]
Loki || Lovely
Doctor Strange || Dystopia
Loki & Sylvie || I’m not your friend
Loki || Hate Me
MARVEL || River
Loki & Bucky || Paint It Black
Wanda Maximoff || The Scarlet Witch (WandaVision)
Play With Fire || MARVEL || Loki Doctor Strange Scarlet Witch
MARVEL || Warriors
Loki || God of Mischief || You Do You
(Marvel) Loki | You Will Never Be A God
Marvel's Horror Cinematic Universe
community gardens || the magnus archives PMV
Thor || Rise
Loki & Sylvie - Demons in my head [ep.3]
Loki | Lost
A Quiet Place
Loki & Sylvie || Strange Birds
Loki & Sylvie "I won't let you down" | (+1x05)
♚ Loki & Sylvie | If You Love Me (1x04)
Loki & Sylvie | If our love is wrong [Loki +1x04]
Loki and Mobius | Hold On [Loki +1x05]
loki laufeyson • in the end [+ 1x04]
Loki and Sylvie || Feeling Good
Marvel || Black Widow - Counting Stars || Natasha Romanoff 
Cruella || Little Wicked
MARVEL || This is My Time || Shang-Chi Trailer Music
Sylvie | Unstoppable (Loki +1x03)
Loki and Sylvie (Lady Loki) || Play With Fire
Wanda and Vision || Dancing With Your Ghost
Wanda Maximoff and Loki || You Should See Me In A Crown
Loki and his Variants ⚔ King of Space [ep.5]
Loki & Sylvie ❤ This world is slowing down [ep.5]
Sylvie || Confident (+1x04)
•Loki x Sylvie ⱠΞⴼ King and Queens•
Loki - In The End | Marvel
Loki & Sylvie ❤ Out of Control [ep.4]
Loki & Mobius | Dynasty [LOKI/+1x04]
Loki & Sylvie ❤ Love War [ep.6]
(Marvel) Loki | Glorious Purpose
(MARVEL) Loki | Chaos
Loki | In The End [+1X06]
Loki x Sylvie | Another Love
Loki & Sylvie | Arcade [ Loki +1x06]
MARVEL || The Assembled Universe (c/w ASTrix UI)
Natasha & Yelena || Do It Like A Dude
Black Widow || Smells Like Teen Spirit
MARVEL || Uptown Funk
MARVEL || 1 in a Million
MARVEL/DC || Dies Irae
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness TRAILER #1
MARVEL || Loki 
The Wild One - Suzi Quatro
What’s So Funny ‘Bout - Sharon Van Etten
Levitating - Dua Lipa
The Underground - Meg Myers
You Won’t Find Me - Narrow Skies
Elixir of Life - Leah
Salt and the Sea - The Lumineers
ERROR - Niki, Kradness
Runaway - AURORA
Butterfly Water - Pastelle
Close to the Sun - Porcelain Pill
Selkie-boy - The Lost Words
Good Riddance - Annapantsu
Die Anywhere Else - Julia Henderson
Heat Waves - Glass Animals
Down - St Vincent
Word of Honor OST
Welcome to the Pleasuredome - Frankie Goes to Hollywood
Shy Away - Twenty One Pilots
Follow You - Imagine Dragons
I’m Not That Girl - Kerry Ellis
Meant to be Yours - Ryan McCartan
Ex Wives - Six
Euphoria - BTS
Walls - Cher
96,000 - In the Heights
Sun Goes Down - Lil Nas X
Enough For You - Olivia Rodrigo
Brutal - Olivia Rodrigo
Ziti E Buoni - Maneskin
Shum - Go_A
Loco Loco - Hurricane
Space Ghost Coast to Coast - Glass Animals
The Horror and the Wild (whole album - The Amazing Devil
Chant - Hadestown
Titans - Major Lazer, Sia
Bones - Galantis
Golden Dandelions - Barns Courtney
Le Nozze di Figaro - Hybrid
Save Your Tears - The Weeknd
Psycho - Post Malone
Gold Lion - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Close to Me - Ellie Goulding
And So It Went - The Pretty Reckless
help herself - bbno$
Fire For You - Cannons
Twist the Knife - Chromatics
He Said She Said - Chvrches
Face Down - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Campus - Vampire Weekend
Your Power - Billie Eilish
Reach - Eternal Eclipse
1 Last Cigarette - The Band Camino
Insertion - Hans Zimmer
from the edge - fictionjunction
The Devil Is a Gentleman - Merci Raines
Meet Me In The Woods - Amarante
Fire - Saint Mesa
Smells Like Teen Spirit - Saint Mesa
Appetite - Casey Edwards
All Things Devour - aeseaes
Throne - Saint Mesa
Witchcraft - Vian Izak
The Shrine / An Argument - Fleet Foxes
It’s Tricky - Run
Darjeeling - Barrie
Hollywood Forever Cemetery Sings - Father John Misty
Picture Me Better - Weyes Blood
Loch Lomond - Mackenzi Tolk
Punta - Matzzy
Touch It Clean - DJ Raulito
Oh No - Kreepa
Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land - Marina
Sofia - Askjell
The Boy - Shannon & the Clams
First Steps - Lena Raine
The Power of Balance Rearranged - Rush Garcia
And So My Heart Became a Void - Ursine Vulpine
Paper Mache - Iris Lune
Catch Me If You Can - Desert Belle
Darkroom Double - Moon & Pollution
Serotonin - girl in red
In the Air Tonight - Natalie Taylor
When Your Heart Is a Stranger - Friends In Paris
Moon Effect - Sailor Moon Eternal OST
In A Black Out - Hamilton Leithauser
Forever - CHVRCHES
Way Less Sad - AJR
Helter Skelter - Detention
The Devil You Know - X Ambassadors
TVA - Natalie Holt
Honeybee-The Head and the Heart
Home All Summer - Anthony Ramos
In the Shadows - Amy Stroup
My Way - Lucifer Cast
In the Air Tonight - Jon Howard
The Beast - Old Caltone
The Beast - Delta Rae
Freak Like Me - Adina Howard
Only the Good Die Young - Billy Joel
Winds of Change - Scorpions
good 4 u - Olivia Rodrigo
If I Could See The World - Patsy Cline
Ends of the Earth - Lord Huron 
The Killing Kind - Marianas Trench
Bones - Wens
Kiss Me More - Doja Cat
How Not to Drown - CHVRCHES
Dark Moon - Bonnie Guitar
Free Smiles - Tia Ray
Sundown Blues - Joanna Levine
Citta Vuoto - Mina
If You Love Me - Brenda Lee
Very Full - Tom Hiddleston
Loki Green Theme - Natalie Holt
Wrecked - Imagine Dragons
The Wolves - Cyrus Reynolds
Cure For Me - Aurora
Theory of Light - Eternal Eclipse
Fate of the Clockmaker - Eternal Eclipse
Potential Breakup Son - Aly and AJ
transparent soul - travis barker
My Love Will Never DSie - AG, Claire Wyndham
Happy Together - King Princess
Atomise - Temple
Darkside - Oshins
Someone to Watch Over Me - Lucifer Cast
This is Ours - Peter Sivo
Love and War - Fleurie
Take Me To Church - MILCK
Devil I Know - Allie X
East of Eden - Zella Day
Shadow Preachers - Zella Day
Losing My Religion - BELLSAINT
Hard to Kill - Beth Crowley
Dark Side - Blind Channel
Tanz Mit Mir - Faun
My Jolly Sailor Bold - Ashley Serena
Stuttering - Fefe Dobson
Monsters and Fairies - Savannah
Chosen - SVRCINA
Freya - Verdandi
Sick on Seventh Strett - Sarah and the Safe Word
Tarah - Sae Sae Norris
Suspicion - Sherwood Roberts
Fjorgyn - Osi and the Jupiter
Fight to Make It Up - Takenobu
The Edge of Dawn - Rozen
Innocence - Cannon Diviision
A Stray Child - .Hack//Sign
The Kiss - Luigi Rubino
Any Kind of Dead Person - Ghost Quartet
The Great Unknown - Dominique Gilbert
Smells Like Teen Spirit - Saint Mesa
over the rainbow - misterwives
Fireflies - Cullen Vance
My mother Told Me - Nati Dreddd
Athetosis - Crywolf
Major Tom - Shiny Toy Guns
Novacaine - 10 Years
Right Here Right Now - Jesus Jones
NDA - Billie Eilish
Trouble’s Coming - Royal Blood
Completing the Circle - Gareth Coker
There’ll Always Be Another Monster - Brian D’Oliveira
take my hand and i'll drown you with me | Star Wars | Rey & Ben Solo | 2,157 words |  “You brought this upon yourself,” the creature told her, its voice serene.
keeping me restless and whole | Loki | Loki/Mobius | 1,584 words | Mobius was very young when he encountered his first Loki.
feed me lies until i'm dead | Loki | Thor/Loki | 3,476 words | “Don’t you think we should talk about it?” Thor asks.
the ghost of us can linger here | Loki | Loki/Mobius/Sylvie | 4,432 words | “So, how do you crazy kids want to do this?” Mobius asks them in a stage whisper, mouth twitching. At her back, Loki laughs, burying the sound against the curve of her neck.
there's a whisper in my bones | Loki | Loki/Mobius/Sylvie | 2,794 words |  “All right,” she says. “Fine. Let’s make things more interesting. Take off your clothes.”
east of eden | Loki | Loki/Mobius/Sylvie | 2,202 words |  “How long have you been fucking him?”  Mobius asks, stroking his fingers against the place where leather meets skin.
Triptych in C Minor | Loki | Loki/Mobius/Sylvie | 1,647 words | Pt 1 | There is a house at the end of time, past the last storm, pushed up against the very edge of the unknown. It is a castle, a manor, a fortress - all depending on who inhabits it. But one thing that it never is, is a home.
2k of Reylo mermay fic
1k+ of Xue Yang being a slut for Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen
300 words of vampire Song Lan
7k of Green Knight AU
10k of Green Knight AU
1.5k of hair dye shenanigans
yearning: a playlist for the heart
the chosen and the beautiful: a mix for jordan baker
kings & queens of the ruckus: a mix for loki and sylvie
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raviposting · 4 years
♥️ Family headcanon for a Marvel character of your choice
asdfjkl I couldn’t choose so I’m just going to go with: all of the MCU family members, if I missed anyone no I didn’t <3 
Every year without fail, May & Peter go to Uncle Ben’s grave. They pack his favorite lunch and sit there and swap stories about him. After Far From Home, May goes to the grave alone, but MJ walks up and sits down next to her, and she talks to May about different stories that Peter has told her about Uncle Ben. 
Scott has weekly dinners with Cassie, Maggie, and Jim ever since he’s been able to be home. They start hinting that he can bring his partner to dinner but Maggie and Jim have COMPLETELY different ideas of who he’s dating so when they drop hints Scott is just “????” every time 
Jim: “You can really....woo...a partner by bringing them to dinner.” Maggie: “They may fly up with joy over it - oh that wasn’t a good pun.” Scott: :D “Huh?” Cassie: “They want you to bring your boyfriend and girlfriend to dinner, Dad.” Scott: “Oh!” Jim & Maggie: “I’m sorry his what.” 
They have dinner though, and they have a fantastic time (even when Paxton makes the joke that Scott loves him so much that he just had to find another Jimmy). 
Carol comes back every Christmas to spend time with Monica & Maria, even when she’s ages away on another planet. She hasn’t missed a single Christmas, and Monica and Maria video call her on the daily. 
Monica’s also kept Carol’s jacket. It’s her prized possession and Carol keeps telling her she’ll get her a new one but Monica insists that no no, this is the one she wants and that’s that. <3 
Maria and Carol couldn’t get married at the time, but Maria proposed to Carol on one Christmas anyway. They wear their rings on a necklace, and Monica got a slightly different ring as well, because Maria said that with this marriage it included Monica because she was their daughter. They all wear it and tend to hold onto it when they’re in need of comfort. 
The Iron Fam!!!! Tony leaves recordings for every member of the fam - Morgan, Peter, Hartley, Happy, Rhodey, Pepper, Bruce, everyone who he considered family. He even left one for Nebula, which she saw him make when they were stranded together, but still appreciated. They all watch his goodbyes before the funeral, because it’s easier, and Rhodey wraps his arms around whoever needs comfort at the time. <3 
Peter/Hartley/Morgan are out and about one day because they wanted to take her to the carnival. She runs up to get cotton candy and the vendor tells her that she needs her parents there, so Morgan goes “My brothers are here, is that okay?” Peter and Hartley have been bickering the entire time but the second they hear that they’re just. Emotional af. Peter buys her cotton candy and Hartley gets her a funnel cake with extra toppings. 
I’m going to throw this one back to a pre-Black Panther movie headcanon, but Shuri would always be pulling pranks on T’Challa. He’d always yell for Ramonda and Ramonda would try to scold her, but Shuri would just be busting up laughing and Ramonda wouldn’t be able to hide her smile if Shuri showed her a video clip of the prank (to T’Challa’s absolute indignance). 
T’Chaka once told Shuri he needed to talk to her about the pranks and T’Challa left all smug thinking that yes, finally, Shuri was going to get in trouble lmao, but T’Chaka was like “Listen, daughter, you need to mount multiple clips next time, once he falls in this clip we completely lose him in the video!” (Years later, T’Challa admits that fine, they were totally all hilarious.)
Nebula and Gamora are VERY snarky about intergalaxy parties that the Guardians go to. They’re usually in the corner sharing food and being snarky and sarcastic about literally everyone else in the party. 
One time they and the other Guardians got into a dance battle with some aliens from across the way. Nebula breakdanced and Gamora did the robot, Drax did some interpretive dance, Groot wiggled around a bit, Rocket did.....something, Mantis is a shockingly good dancer, Thor definitely rocked out for a bit. Peter was dancing but complained the entire time because the one time he didn’t have a camera-device around they were all dancing. They won the dance battle and Nebula said, “I will never do that again.” 
Thor and Loki are Tragique(TM). Whenever Loki is skipping around time and space he’ll see Thor almost all the time, and if we’re in 2012+ Avengers age Thor is usually torn between going “Brother!!!! :)” and then going “BROTHER >:(” It confuses Loki when he ends up in a different version of 2023 and his brother swoops him up in a big hug and starts sobbing. He even tries to stab Thor and Thor just. Is talking about how happy he is to see him and he keeps touching Loki’s hair to make sure he’s real and Loki has the very bad feeling that something good probably hasn’t happened for Thor to act like this. 
Read this as poly or not but either way, Clint/Laura/Natasha are fantastic. They all have such an organized way of raising the kids and Laura DEFINITELY made a chore wheel. It’s so incredibly detailed that she can time when Clint & Natasha come back from missions almost to the exact day, so they’ll come back and she’ll be like “Perfect! It’s your time to take out the garbage. :) “ 
Headcanon meme || Send me a symbol + character(s)
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amelialincoln · 4 years
This is my first Amelink Fic! I’m just getting back into writing so this took Iike ten times as long to write as normal but i hope you enjoy. Plz leave me prompts because coming up with ideas is so hard haha. I was also too lazy to edit so I’m praying that there’s not too many mistakes <3
“Hey, baby.” Amelia awoke to a soft voice coming from her midsection. “It’s your daddy here. You doing okay in there?”
“Link, what are you doing,” She groaned, opening her eyes to peer down at the grinning face resting on her belly.
“Morning, sorry for waking you up,” he answered, sheepishly.
“It’s fine.” Amelia smiled. “What time is it?”
“Quarter past six. My shift starts at seven thirty.”
“I’m on call but I might get a ride with you to pick up some stuff from my office.” She undid her hair and let her chocolate curls fall to her shoulders. “Breakfast?”
“Sounds good,” he replied, brushing a piece of hair behind her ear. “Maggie already left but I think Meredith is still getting the kids ready.” She nodded in response, her eyes falling to where Link was rubbing protective circles around her midsection.
“Don’t get too attached,” she joked. “Anything can happen in the first trimester.” Link sensed a look of worry as she removed his hand from her stomach and stood up from the bed.
“It’s fine, Link. Can we not talk about it right now?” She pulled on a oversized t shirt and a pair of leggings. Link stood, wrapping her in a hug.
“Of course. I just know the last couple of weeks have been a lot for you and after our talk last night...I just want to make sure you’re okay.”
“I’m fine,” she assured him as look of dizziness passed across her face.
“Feeling okay?” His eyes full of concern.
“Link, I’m fine!” She snapped, as they made their way down the stairs. Link shrugged, trying not to notice the slight wobble in her step and wanting desperately to place a hand on her back for support. As they made their way to the kitchen Amelia caught smell of presumably the bacon that Meredith was cooking for the kids.
“Auntie Melia!” Ellis shrieked as Amelia entered the room.
“Hi, Ellie.” Amelia smiled, lifting the toddler into her arms. Ellie wrapped her pudgy hands around Amelia’s neck and wailed when Amelia tried to set her down. “Come on sweetheart, you gotta eat your eggs,” she laughed as she finally set her down in her highchair.
“Thor!” Ellis had refused to call Link anything else since Halloween and although Link had tried to teach her otherwise, Amelia knew he secretly adored it.
“That’s not Thor,” Zola exclaimed between bites of bacon and eggs, “that’s Link.” Amelia chuckled at her exasperated tone.
“You feeling okay, Amelia?” Meredith asked, noting on her pale appearance. “The kids had a bug last week and I think you babysat the night that Bailey had it.” Amelia nodded. Despite Link wanting to share the news of the baby with everyone, Amelia had decided she wanted to get through her first trimester before telling anyone. This meant a lot of time spent at Link’s apartment and a lot of suspicion from her sisters.
“All good,” she responded, avoiding Link’s side eye. She went to open the fridge, gagging as the unbearable smell of bacon hit her full force. The next thing she knew she was in the bathroom. She felt Link pull back her hair as she emptied her stomach into the toilet.
“Oh honey...” Link sighed, as he rubbed her back in small circles. This had become a regular start to their day for the last week and he’d become tired of watching her petite body heaving over the ceramic bowl. He could hear Zola asking softly to her mother if auntie Amelia was alright.
“This is why we should’ve stayed at your place last night,” she told him weakly as she leaned her head back against the wall of the bathroom.
“You said you wanted to come here last night because it was closer and you were tired.”
“Well, you’re supposed to take me to your place anyways, that’s our rule.”
“I’m sorry,” he answered apologetically. “It didn’t seem like a bad idea in the moment.”
“I’m not hungry. Can we just go to the hospital?” She asked, too tired to answer Meredith’s questions. Link nodded, watching as Amelia bypassed the kitchen and started pulling on her boots.
“What’s up with her?” Meredith asked as Link went to grab his keys from the kitchen counter. “If she’s sick she shouldn’t be seeing patients.”
“She’s okay,” Link responded, not knowing what to say. He couldn’t read Meredith’s expression. “See you at the hospital.”
“Bye, Thor.” Was the last thing they heard as they left the house.
“You can’t keep doing this,” Amelia mumbled, without looking up from her computer. “Bringing me food and reminding me to drink water and constantly checking in on me. People are going to notice.”
Link placed the banana and yogurt he’d been carrying on her office desk. “Amelia, you’re already eight weeks. People are going to notice eventually.”
“Quit looking so happy about that,” she answered, not having to glance up to know that he had a smile stretched upon his face.
“I can’t help it, Mia. It would be nice if you could share a little of my excitement.”
Her glare softened. “I’m trying, Link.”
Link bit his lip. “I know you are. It would just be nice to get a scan or something. If Carina knew you were eight weeks along and hadn’t had a scan—”
“I’ve been busy.” Amelia finally met his eyes and was surprised by the desperation in his expression. “I’ll go to her today.”
“Thank you. Page me?”
“Of course.”
Carina was definitely surprised as the neurosurgeon finally made her way down the the OB/GYN floor. “Amelia what can I do to—”
“I’m pregnant. Eight weeks. I need a scan or whatever.” She clasped her hands together to keep them from shaking.
“Okay,” Carina answered nonchalantly. “I actually just had a cancellation so I can do it now if you want.”
“Oh...sure, I’ll page Link.”
“Great, you can just take a seat here and roll up your scrub top,” Carina ordered as she moved the machine next to the reclined patient bed. “You said eight weeks?”
“I think so,” Amelia replied numbly, lifting her navy scrub top over her flat stomach. “It just doesn’t really feel real yet.”
“Probably because you haven’t had a scan,” Carina answered, spreading the gel on Amelia’s stomach as the machine whirled to life. “But definitely real. You can see the outline of the little bambino.” she smiled warmly. “First pregnancy?”
“No,” Amelia replied. Her eyes flicking to the door for what seemed like the thousandth time. Where was Link? “I had an anencephalic baby a couple of years back... I—I know its rare but is it possible that it could happen again?”
“The chances of that are very little,” Carina responded, eyeing the worried neurosurgeon sympathetically. “It is too early to tell but we can confirm in a scan soon. Do not stress, Amelia.” Amelia seemed to be doing the exact opposite as she gritted her teeth, trying to avoid looking at the scan.
“Hey,” Link breathlessly barged into the room. “Sorry, I was with a patient and...” he trailed off as his eyes found the screen. “Is that our baby?”
“That’s our baby,” Amelia answered, immediately relaxed at the sight of him. He kissed her forehead, keeping his eyes fixed on the picture.
“Can we get a picture?” He asked, his voice filled with awe.
“Of course,” Carina responded. “Though there isn’t much to see now. How about we set an appointment for two weeks from now. We can get a better picture then. I know it’s soon but I’m sure that being able to find out more as soon as we can will put you both at ease.” She apologized as her pager lit up and she quietly exited the room.
“That’s our baby,” Link breathed. Amelia turned to see his eyes filled with tears. “You’re going to be such a good Mom, Amelia. I know you’re worried but everything is going to be okay.” His lips brushed hers cautiously.
“It’s weird,” she noted, “having someone here with me.”
“Good weird?”
“Yes, good weird,” her eyes finding the scan and for the first time not feeling her heart skip with fear.
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batfamscreaming · 5 years
so i have made a list of all the MCU movies (not you, spiderverse, you’re your own delightful creation) and gone through imdb’s cast list to look through How Many Women Were There. Imdb goes by payroll usually, so once I got to women who were not named or whose roll boiled down to “I have an unmentioned name or am mostly a cameo from the manga” I stopped reading down
I said “there’s like two women per movie” but it turns out i mostly just REMEMBER there being two women before movie, because it feels like we only really see two women plus some recurring background characters, and barring things like Endgame/Infinity war the female characters are cycled out immediately when more than two might concievably be in the same room together. The most common number of what I’d consider “main character” (in at least 1/3rd of the story, with +5 lines) girls is about two per movie, though some are higher and some are 1 gorl.
Characters I didn’t remember or was worried others may not have a (parenthesis) beside their names.
Movies I have not seen are in italic.
Female characters I’d say were in at least 1/3rd of the movie doing more than being a literal background lamp are in bold. I know this is subjective.
the term ‘under-5′ refers to a character who has five lines of dialogue or less. So they are not an extra, but they are not a main character. I haven’t seen most of these movies since the years they came out so this is what i recall of things and not necessesarily exactly accurate to the line count. Half these movies I don’t even remember Maria Hill being in except to stand there and say “yes sir” once or twice, but it is entirely possible I missed something, considering I forgot her existance for a good half of these.
List is below the cut for length.
This list does not take into consideration race, though I will note the majority of these characters are definitely white, and those who are not white either tend to have their skin color altered (ex Nebula) or not be repeat castings (ex Topaz)
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
Peggy Carter
Private Lorraine (the one who tries to seduce Steve after the rescue)
The showgirls and two dates at the fair
Captain Marvel (2019)
Carol Danvers
Wendy Lawson
Maria Rambeau
Iron Man (2008)
Pepper Potts
Christine Everhart (the journalist slept with in the beginning)
Iron Man 2 (2010)
Pepper Potts
Christine Everhart (appears briefly trying to make Tony Jealous. I am guessing this is an under-5 role.)
The Incredible Hulk (2008)
Betty Ross
Kathleen Spar (an aide)
Martina (harassed bottling plant employee)
Thor (2011)
Jane Foster
Sif (leader of the warriors 3)
Frigga (under-5)
Isabela Alvarez (lady who runs the diner)
The Avengers (2012)
Maria Ross
Pepper Potts (receives a phone call)
Iron Man 3 (2013)
Pepper Potts
Maya Hensen
Mrs Davis (a bar contact)
Thor: The Dark World (2013)
Jane Foster
Eir (examines Jane)
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
Maria Hill
Sharon Carter/‘Agent 13’ (watches cap do laundry)
Peggy Carter 
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
Nova Prime (angry mayor)
Meredith Quill (dies immediately)
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)
Mantis fuck yea
Ayesha (gets robbed from in the beginning and puts out a hit)
Meredith Quill (flashbacks ) 
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2014)
Maria Hill (debriefs about Wanda and quicksilver, hovers in background some)
Peggy Carter (is not even listed in the synopsis page)
Linda Barton (exists?? And made people v angry)
Dr. Cho (makes the ultron body)
Ant-Man (2015)
Hope van Dyne
Cassie Lang
Maggie Lang
Peggy Carter is here???
Janet van Dyne is listed on imdb one rung above “Spanish woman” and two beneath ‘buyer’. 
*Captain America: Civil War (2016)
Maria Tomei (briefly seen as Peter gets recruited)
Sharon Carter (kisses cap at Peggy’s funeral)
Miriam Sharpe (lost son in sokovia)
Dead parents also briefly appear
Originally i put pepper on this but APPARENTLY NEVER MIND
*I have seen Civil War, but none of the women appear in enough capacity to say they are ‘there the whole film’
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
May Parker
Pepper Potts
Liz Toomes (Adrian’s daughter and on decathalon team. Consistently in movie but usually minor. More lines than MJ )
Doctor Strange (2016)
Christine Palmer (nurse, early love interest)
Ancient One
Everything after here are the zealots who happen to be girls
Black Panther (2018)
    is an outlier and should not need to be counted.
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
Hella Hela
Topaz (grandmasters v eager bodyguard. Under-5 probably)
Ant-Man and The Wasp (2018)
Hope van Dyne
Maggie Lang
Ghost / Ava
Janet van Dyne
Catherine Star (dies immediately, not sure if lines at all)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Gamora (permadead)
And Shuri is listed beneath Thaddeus Ross, who i forgot was in the movie bc we haven’t seen him SINCE HULK 2008. (He was also in Civil War but like… why)
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Natasha (permadead)
Carol Danvers
Valkyrie (now a mayor. Maybe under-5)
Okoye (talks about earthquakes at start)
Mantis (not sure if spoke?)
Shuri (under-5)
Ancient One 
Peggy Carter (no lines)
Like six people return from snap who happen to be girls I’m not writing all this out
Accidentally put drax on this list at first. Sorry, drax. u_u
Spiderman: Far From Home (2 July 2019)
May Parker
Betty Brant (a student)
Maria Hill (??? Wiki claims she is mentioned but not actually in the film)
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james-flint · 4 years
i was tagged by @underbetelgeuse​ thank you!
Quarantine Tag Game
are you staying home from school/work? i’m home from work that i can’t do from outside the office so i’m basically on a month long depressing vacation if you’re staying home, who is there with you? my parents are you a homebody? absolutely, but maybe i miss seeing other humans... friends..... maybe an event that you were looking forward to that got cancelled? i was supposed to go to moscow to harold’s concert with my friends in june but it was pushed back till next march, and i’m pretty sure my mcr concert in july will get postponed/cancelled what movies have you watched recently? i’ve been watching a lot of tv recently so i rewatched thor 3, cap2, nolan’s batman trilogy, whatever they throw at me in the evenings; i finally watched and then we danced yesterday!!!!! that movie made me a little crazy, please watch it; and also children of men because i’m feeling a bit apocalyptical what shows are you watching? i finished legion and the preacher, finally watched killing eve and now i’m ready for season 3 to Kill Me, watched schitts creek foor the first time 💙 and maybe already started rewatching..... i also want to watch penny dreadful and the office before i have to go back to work what music are you listening to? my usual playlist but i’m also trying to get into some new stuff while i have the time, i listened to maggie rogers’ album the other day... it was an Experience what are you reading? i always read one book at a time and rn i’m listening to the killer across the table by john douglas and mark olshaker only because jonathan groff narrates it. the things i’d do to listen to his voice... i also have a huge pile of books sitting on my table right in front of me that i really want to get to, one of them is people in the trees by hanya yanagihara which shows us that i never fucking learn what are you doing for self-care? nothing babey we spiralling!
tagging: @poe-dameron @frodo-sam @silvercoldwater if you want to 💞
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