#magda holm
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marypickfords · 1 year ago
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The Girl in Tails (Karin Swanström, 1926)
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redcarpet-streetstyle · 11 months ago
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vintage-sweden · 2 years ago
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Swedish actress Magda Holm in Flickan i frack (1926).
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sundove88 · 1 year ago
Despicable Me (Sundove88’s Version Casting)
You can find the original Here.
A man who delights in all things wicked, supervillain Guzma hatches a plan to steal the moon. Surrounded by an army of little green bug types and his impenetrable arsenal of weapons and war machines, Guzma makes ready to vanquish all who stand in his way. But nothing in his calculations and groundwork has prepared him for his greatest challenge: three adorable orphan girls who want to make him their dad.
Now that Guzma has forsaken a life of crime to raise Nezuko, Eri, and Lillie, he's trying to figure out how to provide for his new family. As he struggles with his responsibilities as a father, the Anti-Villain League, an organization dedicated to fighting evil, comes calling. The AVL sends Guzma on a mission to capture the perpetrator of a spectacular heist, for who would be better than the world's greatest ex-villain to capture the individual who seeks to usurp his power.
The mischievous bug types hope that Guzma will return to a life of crime after the new boss of the Anti-Villain League fires him. Instead, Guzma decides to remain retired and travel to Freedonia to meet his long-lost twin brother for the first time. The reunited siblings soon find themselves in an uneasy alliance to take down the elusive Binary Bard, a former Astro Knights inventor who seeks revenge against the world.
Evolving from single-celled multicolored organisms at the dawn of time, bug types live to serve, but find themselves working for a continual series of unsuccessful masters, from T. Rex to Napoleon. Without a master to grovel for, the Bug Types fall into a deep depression. But one bug type, Golisopod, has a plan; accompanied by his pals Accelgor and Escavalier, Golisopod sets forth to find a new evil boss for his brethren to follow. Their search leads them to Maleficent, the world's first-ever super-villainess.
In the 1970s, young Guzma tries to join a group of supervillains called the Vicious 6 after they oust their leader -- the legendary fighter Jiraiya. When the interview turns disastrous, Guzma and his Bug Types go on the run with the Vicious 6 hot on their tails. Luckily, he finds an unlikely source for guidance -- Jiraiya himself -- and soon discovers that even bad guys need a little help from their friends.
Guzma as Felonius Gru (Pokemon)
Beedrill as Bob (Pokemon)
Centiskorch as Carl (Pokemon)
Golisopod as Kevin (Pokemon)
Escavalier as Stuart (Kirby)
Accelgor as Jerry (Kirby)
Dustox as Mel (Kirby)
Butterfree as Dave (Kirby)
Ledian as Tim (Kirby)
Yanmega as Otto (Pokemon)
Ribombee as Themselves/Gru’s Emotional Support (Pokemon)
Eri as Agnes (My Hero Academia)
Nezuko as Margo (Demon Slayer)
Lillie as Edith (Pokemon)
Awoofy as Kyle (Kirby)
Agatha as Marlena Gru (Pokemon)
Professor Turo as Dr. Nefario (Pokemon)
Ghetsis as Robert Gru (Pokemon)
Kai Chisaki as Vector (My Hero Academia)
Scar as Mr. Perkins (The Lion King)
Zira as Herself/Mrs. Perkins (The Lion King)
Dolores Umbridge as Miss Hattie (Harry Potter)
Raiden Shogun as Lucy Wilde (Genshin Impact)
Asgore as Silas Ramsbottom
Ruto as Jillian (The Legend of Zelda)
Magda as Shannon (The Legend of Zelda)
Vaati as Antonio Perez (The Legend of Zelda)
Ganondorf as Eduardo Perez/El Macho (The Legend of Zelda)
Lady Maud as Herself/El Macho’s Wife (The Legend of Zelda)
Maleficent as Scarlet Overkill (Sleeping Beauty)
Hades as Herb Overkill (Hercules)
Mal as herself/Scarlet's Daughter
Felix as Walter Nelson (Encanto)
Pepa as Madge Nelson (Encanto)
Dolores as Tina Nelson (Encanto)
Camilo as Walter Nelson Jr. (Encanto)
Antonio as Binky Nelson (Encanto)
Various Villains as the Villain Con
N Harmonia as Dru Gru (Pokemon)
Youngster Joey as Himself/Dru's Adoptive Son (Pokemon)
Binary Bard as Balthazar Bratt (Poptropica)
Holmes as Clive (Poptropica)
Monster Kid as Niko (Undertale)
Gogoat as Lucky (Pokemon)
Jiraiya as Wild Knuckles (Naruto)
Magica De Spell as Belle Bottom (Ducktales)
Haxorous as Dragon!Belle Bottom (Pokemon)
The Ghoulfather as Jean Clawed (Yo-Kai Watch)
Annihilape as Monkey!Jean Clawed (Pokemon)
Gaston as Stronghold (Beauty and The Beast)
Tauros as Ox!Stronghold (Pokemon)
Queen Grimhilde as Nunchuck (Snow White and The 7 Dwarves)
Arbok as Snake!Nunchuck (Pokemon)
Jafar as Svengeance (Aladdin)
Incineroar as Tiger!Svengance (Pokemon)
Korina as Master Chow (Pokemon)
Duke Caboom as The Biker (Toy Story)
Here’s your hint to the next Crossover Casting (It’s Don Bluth):
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machaonreads · 4 months ago
Whumptober 01 : Race Against The Clock
Course contre la montre, Sherlock Holmes 2009
Le docteur John Watson avait commencé sa journée hilare.
Son humeur ne constituait certes pas un hapax : depuis qu'il partageait l'appartement du 221 bis Baker Street avec Mr Sherlock Holmes, détective notoire, il passait plus de temps à rire qu'il ne s'en serait jamais cru capable à son retour d'une campagne d'Afghanistan qui l'avait laissé invalide et fourbu. Il s'était esclaffé des reparties insolentes par lesquelles son colocataire éconduisait ses clients trop prétentieux, il s'était gaussé avec Holmes de la stupidité des agents du Yard et il s'était bidonné à s'en tenir les côtes les nombreuses fois où son ami avait payé d'une gifle vigoureuse son incorrigible impolitesse.
Mais cette matinée n'apportait pas une réjouissance ordinaire, au contraire : servi sur un plateau d'argent en même temps que le petit-déjeuner confectionné par Mrs Hudson se savourait un mets de choix, aussi rare que les perles en vinaigrette de Cléopâtre, sans qu'aucun signe avant-coureur ne fût venu l'annoncer, ce qui n'en rendait la dégustation que plus délicieuse.
Sherlock Holmes, mesdames et messieurs, Sherlock Holmes avait été battu. À plates coutures. Par une femme, qu'il avait largement sous-estimée.
Irene Adler, puisque tel était son nom, non seulement avait conservé les lettres du roi de B***, de nature, osons le dire, assez compromettantes pour avoir incité Sa Très Fière Majesté à recourir aux services d'un détective aussi connu pour son efficacité que pour son mépris des convenances, mais encore elle s'était payé le luxe de narguer Holmes en lui abandonnant sa photographie dans la cachette où il croyait retrouver les imprudents courriers. Non seulement le détective s'était laissé distraire par ses charmes comme un écolier par sa première infirmière en chasuble ajustée, mais encore il avait entraîné dans son erreur l'inspecteur Lestrade et ses troupes de Scotland Yard, devant lesquelles il avait dû exprimer un mea culpa très public – rareté des raretés ! 
Aussi, depuis que John avait observé, penché à la fenêtre de son cabinet, où il attendait sa première consultation de la journée, la maréchaussée furieuse qui raccompagnait le détective à son domicile comme on dépose dans la rue, en le tenant par la peau du cou, un chat de gouttière trempé qui s'est infiltré dans le garde-manger pour en dévorer le bacon (Holmes avait certes la mine aussi piteuse et le poil aussi dépenaillé), le brave docteur se sentait d'excellente humeur.
Cette joyeuse disposition s'était encore accrue quand Lestrade (lequel, moins dépourvu du sens de l'observation qu'Holmes ne le suggérait, avait aperçu John à sa fenêtre) lui avait fait le compte rendu de la déroute, tandis que le détective filait à l'étage lécher ses plaies. Il boitait de la jambe droite, en raison d'une morsure de chien qui, à rebours du proverbe, ajoutait la blessure à la vexation.
John avait eu le plus grand mal à reprendre un visage sérieux pour accueillir Mrs O'Hara, qui se présenta avec un air traumatisé et dix minutes d'avance sur Mrs Stravinski, le premier rendez-vous prévu de la matinée.
« Ah, docteur, pardonnez mon état ! J'ai été attaquée par la bête la plus horrible ! Un molosse écumant, au poil roux comme le diable ! Des mâchoires grosses, grosses comme, comme... comme toute ma tête ! Et tellement de bave ! »
John passa son bras sous le coude de sa patiente pour la guider vers un siège. Éprouvée mais dotée d'un souffle de coureuse, Mrs O'Hara retrouva son aplomb dès qu'elle eut posé ses fesses sur un coussin. Elle résuma alors son malheur au médecin avec davantage de cohérence.
Elle avait été mordue par un genre de gros mâtin à poil roux tandis qu'elle sortait sur son perron pour récupérer le lait et les journaux (au pluriel car sa fille, Magda, avait des lettres et aspirait à devenir gouvernante). Elle n'était parvenue à desserrer l'emprise des mâchoires du molosse qu'en lui éclatant une bouteille de lait sur la tête. Elle s'était alors réfugiée en catastrophe dans sa maison en claquant le battant de bois sur la patte avant du chien, et n'en était pas ressortie tant qu'elle n'avait pas été assurée, l’œil collé au judas, que la bête s’était choisie une nouvelle victime :
« Je l'ai vue qui s'élançait après Mr Holmes, le pauvre homme ! Il l'a bien assommée avec le bâton de l'un des policiers qui sortaient du fiacre avec lui, mais je crois que lui aussi a perdu un bon morceau de jambe dans l'histoire ! Alors quand j'ai vu qu'il n'y avait plus de risque, je suis tout de suite venue vous voir, docteur, parce que ce chien avait une grosse quantité de bave qui lui sortait de la bouche ! »
Il était donc à peine neuf heures passées lorsque l'euphorie de John Watson prit fin. Sa préoccupation ne lui laissa pas le loisir de consulter la pendule ; seule Mrs Hudson aurait pu marquer l'heure exacte de ce changement, mais l'excellente femme n'ayant plus éprouvé d'hilarité depuis l'attentat de Roderick McLean en 1882, elle manquait de référentiel.
La rage, voyez-vous, impose la plus terrifiante des courses contre la montre.
Pour peu que vous vous trouviez à trop grande distance de la ligne d'arrivée – si vous gardez des moutons à John O'Groats, par exemple, et que vous êtes mordu par un setter, ou bien si vous venez de vous retirer comme postulante au couvent de la Sainte-Trinité de Limerick et qu'un renard tapi dans le garde-manger vous arrache un quignon de pain et l'index gauche au passage – vous n'avez plus qu'à recommander votre âme à Dieu, car l'affaire est perdue d'avance.
Habitez dans une grande ville mais sans sou en poche, comme les allumetières de l’East End ou les chaudronniers de Glasgow, et vos chances ne seront guère meilleures. 
Car les hôpitaux qui conservent les vaccins sont rares : même à Londres, John n'en connaît que trois. Barts est du nombre, heureusement, ainsi que Saint-Thomas, où il a cultivé quelques accointances.
Les deux se trouvaient à une trentaine de minutes de fiacre de l’appartement, mais le trajet vers Saint-Bartholomew était plus fréquenté par les chauffeurs, et c’était donc dans cette direction que John s’élançait déjà mentalement, tandis qu��il nettoyait avec force alcool la plaie de sa patiente. Le temps de poser un bandage, de rassurer Mrs O’Hara autant qu’il le pouvait, de fourrer le nécessaire dans sa serviette, et il grimpait les escaliers aussi vite que sa jambe, rendue grincheuse par les pluies de ces derniers jours, le lui permettait.
« Holmes ! s’écria-t-il une fois arrivé en haut, avant même d’avoir ouvert la porte. Holmes, il nous faut partir de toute urgence ! Avez-vous au moins bandé votre jambe ? Venez que je… »
Mais Holmes n’était pas dans le salon. Holmes n’était pas dans sa chambre, il n’était pas non plus dans celle de John, ni même à la salle de bains.
« Il est ressorti, Docteur Watson, expliqua Mrs Hudson, en scrutant le visage décomposé de son meilleur locataire sans parvenir à comprendre les raisons de sa détresse. Il a dit à l’inspecteur que la partie n’était pas terminée, et il a détalé comme à son habitude – enfin, sauf qu’il a failli déraper dans une flaque, avec sa jambe blessée… »
La tête de John lui tournait sans qu’il pût trouver les mots.
« Oh, attendez ! poursuivit la logeuse. Il m’a laissé ça pour vous. »
Et, de l’air vaguement exaspéré qui lui était si coutumier, elle glissa dans la main de John une lanière de raphia.
La suite de la matinée ne fut pour John qu’un long roulement de tonnerre entrecoupé d’éclairs terrifiants. De ses lèvres s’écoulait un flot continu de jurons paniqués, psalmodie reprise en canon par Mrs O’Hara, qui faisait écho à la frénésie de ses pensées.
Si le gardien de Barts est en pause, on entrera directement par la porte de service…
S’il est là, je lui demanderai de prévenir Stamford, pour qu’il reste auprès de Mrs O’Hara pendant que je porterai le vaccin à Sherlock…
Plusieurs cas ont montré que le vaccin était encore efficace après plusieurs heures…
Mais il y a aussi eu des fois où il n’a pas fonctionné…
Mais le préparateur de Barts est excellent, tu le connais, c’est Daniel Eichman, on ne fait pas plus consciencieux…
Mais statistiquement il faut bien qu’il se trompe un jour, et s’il ne s’est jamais trompé jusqu’à présent…
Exactement comme Sherlock...
« Plus vite, cocher ! C’est une question de vie ou de mort ! »
Ou de mort… Ne pense pas à ça. Pense au raphia… Qu’est-ce qu’il peut bien évoquer ? Une fleuriste ? Un marché ? Réfléchis réfléchis réfléchis…
Et s’ils n’ont plus de vaccin à la pharmacie de l’hôpital, on fait quoi ? Combien de temps est-ce qu’il faudra pour aller jusqu’à Saint-Thomas depuis King Edward Street ?
Mais non, ils en ont toujours en stock.
Mais s’il n’y en a plus qu’un, et qu’il faut choisir entre Sherlock et Mrs O’Hara ?
Je ne pourrai pas en priver Mrs O’Hara…
Mais je ne peux pas laisser mourir Sherlock…
Pourtant c’est ce qui va se passer si je ne comprends pas ce p**** d’indice…
Pourquoi du raphia ? Du raphia du raphia du raphia…
« Vous allez voir que ça va très bien se passer, Mrs O’Hara. Saint-Bartholomew est un hôpital très moderne aujourd’hui, malgré ses bâtiments historiques, et très bien aménagé. Grâce au vaccin, ce sera comme si vous n’aviez jamais été mordue ! Vous pourrez retrouver votre fille dès ce soir. »
John n’aurait pas su dire comment il était rentré à Baker Street (le cocher de l’aller l’avait pris en pitié, et avait patiemment attendu devant l’hôpital le retour de ce médecin boiteux à la moustache propre qu’il avait vu déployer tant d’énergie pour sauver la vie d’une matrone irlandaise désargentée), ni à qui il avait confié Mrs O’Hara (Stamford ne travaillait pas ce jour-là, mais son collègue Listz, grand amateur de feuilletons policiers, avait offert son assistance avec d’autant plus de zèle qu’il croyait faciliter ainsi une enquête du brillant Sherlock Holmes), mais il savait que la demie de dix heures venait de sonner à l’église Saint-Marylebone.
À chaque battement de son cœur correspondait, quelque part dans Londres, un battement du cœur de Holmes qui rependait un peu plus dans les artères de celui-ci la terrible maladie…
À chaque inspiration…
N’était-ce pas le nom si prétentieux du parfum à la mode en ce moment ? Celui dont Holmes, qui revenait d’une soirée passée à espionner un diplomate corrompu dans le jardin d’hiver du Midland Grand, avait dit en s’écroulant dans un fauteuil devant la cheminée, face à John :
« Si j’avais dû respirer une seule minute de plus ce bouquet infect de chèvrefeuille à la marmelade d’orange, je vous assure, Watson, que j’aurais eu des vapeurs. »
Et John avait évidemment répliqué :
« Si vous aviez eu besoin de sels, Holmes, il aurait plutôt fallu blâmer votre pipe, dont la puanteur est incomparablement plus ignoble. Vous oubliez que nous sommes déjà allé ensemble au Midland Grand, et je sais que l’odeur des fleurs séchées y est plus forte que celle... »
Des fleurs séchées. Des bouquets de lavande, précisément, que John aimait bien parce qu’elle lui rappelait les linges rangés par sa gouvernante française, qui venait de Provence et qui glissait partout des sachets remplis de ces tiges violacées, au grand désespoir de la mère de John, qui n’en raffolait guère… Toutes réminiscences que John avait savourées lorsqu’une enquête précédente les avait conduits pour la première fois dans cet hôtel, et que Holmes avait devinées avec sa facilité si déroutante.
Holmes savait que John avait remarqué les bouquets de lavande, qu’il en avait été frappé, presqu’ému.
Il savait que John se souviendrait de leur disposition sur les tables basses.
Du raphia vert pâle qui liait les gerbes.
Pareil en tous points au morceau qu’il tenait à la main.
De l’appartement jusqu’à l’hôtel, il y avait presque deux milles. John les avala en cinq minutes, juché sur le dos d’un cheval qu’il avait détaché de son fourgon de livraison.
Ignorant la douleur de son genou, auquel tant d’exercice ne plaisait pas, il sauta à terre dès qu’il fut parvenu à destination, abandonnant sa monture à la générosité publique, traversa au pas de course le hall de réception sans même s’excuser auprès de la jeune femme qu’il bouscula par mégarde, et se dirigea à toute allure vers le jardin d’hiver.
Il y était presque quand une voix travaillée retentit dans son dos :
« Docteur Watson, il me semble que vous oubliez quelque chose ? »
Le cœur dans les talons, John pivota alors pour découvrir Irene Adler, qui se tenait juste derrière lui, un sourire triomphal aux lèvres et une fiole pleine de vaccin à la main. Un coup d’œil suffit à confirmer que la serviette que John serrait dans sa main droite avait été ouverte par un habile tour de main dans la bousculade de l’entrée.
À l’horloge de la gare sonnaient onze heures.
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inspofromancientworld · 5 months ago
Holocene Geological Epoch
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By Daniel E. Platt, Marc Haber, Magda Bou Dagher-Kharrat, Bouchra Douaihy, Georges Khazen, Maziar Ashrafian Bonab, Angélique Salloum, Francis Mouzaya, Donata Luiselli, Chris Tyler-Smith, Colin Renfrew, Elizabeth Matisoo-Smith & Pierre A. Zalloua - Mapping Post-Glacial expansions: The Peopling of Southwest Asia(edited to only show the Greenland ice core temperatures)Greenland Ice Sheet Project Two (GISP2)Material provided under a Creative Commons 4.0 license:This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.", CC BY-SA 4.0, Link
The Holocene began approximately 11,700 years ago after the last glacial period. With the Pleistocene, it forms the Quaternary period, which started 2,580,000 years ago and contains all the time when recognizable human species existed on the Earth. The Quaternary is part of the Cenozoic Era along with the Neogene and the Paleogene, which started 66,000,000 years ago and is characterized by mammals becoming the dominant life forms on Earth.
The Holocene corresponds to the rapid spread of humans, all of written human history, technological revolutions, the development of major civilizations. The rise and fall of empires, of cities, of nations are all contained in the Holocene. All the battles and wars and treaties, everything we can know about from the words of people who were there is contained in the Holocene.
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By Joe Roe - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link
Ice cores and the analysis of marine chemical fluxes show that the climate has been fairly stable over the world, but there have been local (some on the scale of the Sahara) changes, but these changes have seemingly been off-set by changes in the climate of another area (such as increasing or decreasing glaciation of the North Atlantic). Another important contributor to the relative stability of the climate, until about 200 years ago, was humans using land for agriculture helped prevent the cycle of significant cooling and glaciation from occurring during this time. The stable climate also likely contributed to humans settling into agrarian and settled civilizations.
At the beginning of the Holocene, the Sahara was a savanna with many large lakes across it during a time period known as the African Humid Period, which saw tropical rain patterns shifted north. This lush landscape probably contributed to an increase in pastoralism in Africa. About 5,500 years ago, the rains started moving south, causing the Sahara to become the desert it is today. This also caused people to move southward or toward the Nile River to find water.
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By Juan C. Larrasoaña, Andrew P. Roberts, Eelco J. Rohling - Dynamics of Green Sahara Periods and Their Role in Hominin Evolution, CC BY 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=85313285
The largest climate fluctuation before the present, though, was the 8.2-kiloyear event, which happened 8,200 years ago, or 6200 BCE, and was thought to have occurred because the Laurentied Ice Sheet on North America collapsed, dumping a bunch of cold water into the North Atlantic Ocean. This slowed the northern movement of heat on the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). Cold water also holds onto carbon dioxide better than warmer water, which may have led to a decrease in CO2 of 25 parts per million over the course of about 300 years. This also caused a rise in sea level in addition to the post-glacial seasonal changes that were more extreme the further from the Hudson Bay area the location was, perhaps leading to Flood Myths.
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By Hans J.J.G. Holm - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=115324786
Another named climate fluctuation is the 4.2-kiloyear event, or the 4.2-kiloyear BP aridification event, which was a drought that affected many areas across the world for about a hundred years from 2200 BCE. While we know both from written historical records as well as glacier cores what happened, the exact cause hasn't been pinpointed as it has for the 8.2-kiloyear event. We do know that the AMOC weakened, which shifted precipitation. There's evidence that the El Niño–Southern Oscillation played a role in the changes. There are some suggestions that volcanic eruptions on Iceland may have had a part, but because Iceland's volcanoes have a low sulfur content, it's hard to know for sure.
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By Jianjun Wang, Liguang Sun, Liqi Chen, Libin Xu, Yuhong Wang & Xinming Wang - The abrupt climate change near 4,400 yr BP on the cultural transition in Yuchisi, China and its global linkageMaterial provided under a Creative Commons 4.0 license:This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.", CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=79003517
Some other climate events that stand out prior to the Industrial Revolution are still relatively mild compared to previous time periods in Earth's history. From the 10th-14th centuries CE, there was a slightly warmer period of time, similar to the climate just before the Industrial Revolution, which was approximately 1°C warmer than a period called the Little Ice Age that happened following it in the 14th-mid 19th centuries CE.
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molinxsdeviento · 1 year ago
Magda didn't read much anymore, not outside of her kind.le app in er phone, but her aunt loved books so she had decided to venture in the bookshop near the precinct on her day off. She wasn't going to think just how pathetic it felt that her entire life was around the precinct because she had asked to be transferred there precisely to be closer to her elder relatives, her aunt being one of them. They had raised her and took care of her when she was little so it was her turn now.
While browsing through the different topics, she headed towards romance novels, which was her guilty pleasure and she picked one, just for kicks to read from a book--it would be weird not to be able to zoom into the pages though. After having that, she moved onto suspense and mystery novels, her aunt's favorite and browsed through classics, finding a very nice edition Sherlock Holmes--she thought of asking if they carried bilingual versions so it'd be easier for her aunt to read them but she needed to reach for it first and even though she was tall for a female, well, the goddamn thing was way high on the shelves.
Just when she was about to put her foot on the bottom case, a gentleman walked by and reached for it for her and she gave him a small smile. "Thank you, I was getting a little crafty to reach it," she admitted with a smile. "Not really my cup of tea but I'll take your word for it."
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"You're the new detective, aren't you? I'm in the lab. I thought you looked familiar."
open starter (f if romantic)
Sam didn't get very many days off in his line of work, especially as of late due to the high influx of cases he had been working on. He was new the the precinct, and had been eager at the start to show what an asset he would be to the team, and somehow had been a little too eager. He was managing the cases but just barely. He felt as though he had to prove himself in his new work, prove that he was up to it.
This had always been his mentality, but when he did get his rest days, the few hours that sandwiched the busy detective work, he would enjoy them. It was a Wednesday, and Sam made his way to an old bookshop in the city. Spending awhile browsing the titles, and reading the blurbs helped him forget about things for awhile. He stood at the shelves, and was reading the back of a classic he had always meant to read, when out of the corner of his eye he saw a figure reaching to get a book that was just slightly beyond their ability. "Here, let me" he smiled and grabbed it for them. He handed the book over, and looked to see who he had helped. "It's a good one..." he said, agreeing with their choice even though they had not asked his input.
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girl-next-door-writes · 3 years ago
Greater Forces Than Loneliness
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Characters: Mycroft Holmes x reader
Summary: In the light of the next day, Mycroft’s fears return, but will he be brave and make the right choices, or will he hide behind his mask of logic and linger in his lonely existence?
Word Count: 2918 words
A/N: Okay, so I know it’s been a bit of a wait, BUT here is the FINAL part of the series. I hope it lives up to expectations!
Greater Forces Masterlist.
His sleep was troubled by unnerving dreams. The face of the governor as he raised the gun morphed into yours, and the gunshot rang out before he could do anything. Waking with a start, Mycroft felt a sense of disorientation and it took him a moment to realise where he was. Memories of the previous night washed over him as he caught the scent of your shampoo on the pillow beside him. You had been right here with him. You had seen him at his worst, had taken care of him like he was a fragile and precious thing, but it appeared that you had left.
That made sense. Once you had seen him in such a state, obviously your feelings for him would have changed. He had been incapable of even changing into his own night clothes for gods’ sake. It had been a mistake to let you stay, to allow himself to believe that you could somehow belong to one another.
Silently getting up from his bed, he turned down the covers and made his way to the bathroom to shower. As the warm water washed over him, he planned his outfit for the day. He needed something that would make him feel confident, it was going to be a difficult day. The blue one, navy. Mentally he picked out his tie and waistcoat, feeling happy about his choice as he exited the bathroom, ready to put on his armor.
He would meet his brother and his parents at his office, which seemed the most secure place, would be best for the inevitable scene mummy would create. Buttoning up his jacket as he descended the stairs, he caught the whiff of freshly made toast and coffee. Frowning slightly, he approached the kitchen, it was too early for Magda to be here, and she rarely prepared him breakfast. Perhaps one of the police officers had entered his home in search of sustenance after a long night of standing guard unnecessarily. Ah, that would be another thing to add to the list of tasks today, a conversation with Lestrade.
“Good morning, darling. I didn’t butter the toast in case you preferred jam.” You were stood in his kitchen, in a set of his pajamas, smiling at him as if this were a totally normal course of events. For a moment, his brain froze, as if taking a picture for future daydreams, ones where he could wake up to this each morning.
“I do not have time for this.” He heard himself say, his voice clipped and carrying a hint of irritation. Your smile had at once faltered, and his heart ached, longing to take back his comment and instead thank you for your thoughtfulness.
“I am sure Anthea could- “
“I have work to attend to. Yesterday was entirely wasted and there are matters which require my urgent attention. I cannot stand here playing house in whatever delusion you have concocted since your arrival.” He snarled while his inner monologue screamed at him to shut up! It seemed like all his frustrations, all his fears about what he would face today were focused on you. How could you possibly love him? He was thoughtless and cruel and an idiot, hardly the man someone like you deserved.
“Right. Well, if you can hold on just a second, I can pour your coffee into a travel mug and- “
“I do not need, nor want, your coffee. Your presence here is no longer required, and I never intended to give you the impression that it ever has been. Your feelings for me are unwarranted and unwanted. All hearts are broken. All lives end. Caring is not an advantage. Sentiment is a weakness, and the sooner you understand that the better.” His voice was void of all emotion, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t a swirling vortex within him. Although he didn’t directly look at you, he was aware of your reaction to his words, the stuttered breathing as you fought back tears.
As he turned and swept away, Mycroft reminded himself that it had to be this way, that the only reason you had been in danger yesterday was because of him. You deserved more, and he was incapable of giving you anything. This was for the best. The pain would fade, and the emotional scars heal. You would find someone much more suitable, someone who merited your love.
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Needless to say, you didn’t stay long after your brief interaction with Mycroft. The burn of humiliation and shame created a warmth in you which made you forgo taking a jacket when you made your way to meet John.
Not wishing to cross paths with the elder Holmes brother, you had messaged John upon your arrival, asking him to meet you in the café below. Taking a seat towards the back, you indulged in a rather large slice of cake and tried not to get too caught up in your own thoughts. He had said he was aware of your feelings for him, did that mean he had always known and chose to ignore it, or was this a recent revelation?
“Hi.” John said brightly as he sat opposite you, despite looking like hell.
“So, Greg says you lot had a bit of a shit day yesterday. Want to talk about it? Or is that a subject we’re going to avoid?” You said with a soft smile of understanding. Whatever had happened, you did not want to push any of them into reliving it until they were ready.
“Yeah, between Sherlock almost shooting Mycroft, then himself, and then me being chained to the bottom of a well, it wasn’t the greatest day. How about you? How was your day?” He chuckled at the look of shock on your face.
“Well, certainly not as eventful as yours. I mooched around the flat and then Greg called me in to go check on Mycroft.” You gave him a wry smile before turning your attention back to your cake.
“You know about the phone call then?” John asked softly, not seeing how the topic wouldn’t have been raised.
“Ah, so you and Mycroft were there for that.” Your shoulders slumped, that made sense. How could he continue to ignore your feelings when his brother and John were aware of them too?
“He was in bits when he thought you were in danger. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him that way.”
“What do you mean?” Your eyes met your friends, and you tilted your head a little, curious.
John spent the next few hours filling you in on every detail of the previous day. It seemed surreal, and your heart ached for Mycroft as each piece of the puzzle fell into place. The burden he had been carrying for so long, the loneliness, the reasons for isolating himself.
“Where is Sherlock now?” You asked, even though both of you knew your real question was ‘where is Mycroft’.
“Diogenes facing the parents.” John smirked, knowing that would be a very interesting conversation.
“Right. Well, I’m..”
“Go. He’s going to need you.”
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Sitting behind his desk, Mycroft realised he had always considered this office to be a safe space. Sitting in this chair, no matter who came through the door, he was the one with the power. Now, as his mother stood over the solid wooden barrier between them, he was not so certain that was the case. He knew he was a disappointment, that he had hurt everyone in this room, but he had only been trying to keep them safe.
“Alive?! For all these years?” the shock in his mother’s voice was like nails being dragged down a chalk board. “How is that even possible?!”
Mycroft suddenly felt like a small child caught with his hand in the biscuit tin and then lying about it. His father had sunk into a chair at the news of his sister, his face in his hands as he attempted to process everything. Mycroft glanced over at his brother, who was leaning against the wall by the office door, with his arms folded across his chest, head down and avoiding all eye-contact.
“What Uncle Rudy began...” he hesitated slightly, lowering his gaze as he anticipated the flash of anger and disappointment his next words were about to elicit. “...I thought it best to continue.”
“I’m not asking how you did it, idiot boy, I’m asking how could you?” His mother spat, and her words cut through him like a thousand razor blades. How could he? How could she not know his reasoning behind his actions?
“I was trying to be kind.” Raising his eyes to hers apprehensively, he remembered all of the times she had told him it was his duty to take care of his younger siblings, all the times he had ensured Sherlock’s safety, all the times he had tried to understand his sister.
“Kind?!” she gasped, as if that one word was a bullet in her chest. “Kind? You told us that our daughter was dead.”
The image of Eurus flashed into his mind, blood splattered, and blank faced. “Better that than tell you what she had become. I’m sorry.” Apologies did not come easily to Mycroft, and he was not entirely certain what he was apologizing for. Was it for his part in the deception? Was it for being unable to save his little sister?
His father got to his feet and loomed over the table; hands pressed firmly against the wood as he stared his eldest son down. “Whatever she became, whatever she is now, Mycroft ... she remains our daughter.”
“And my sister.” Mycroft reminded them; it wasn’t that they had the monopoly on hurt in this matter.
“Then you should have done better.” His mother’s words hung in the air, and he felt as if he had been punched in the stomach. He should have done better? How? Everything he did, he did for this family. Every rung he had climbed was to put him in a position to ensure their safety, even from his own sister.
“He did his best.” Sherlock said quietly, understanding the guilt which laid on his brother’s shoulders.
“Then he’s very limited.” She stated with such distain that Mycroft looked towards his brother, unable to meet his parents’ eyes, knowing the look of complete disappointment and potential hatred there.
“Where is she?” His father’s voice brought him out of his thoughts, and he reminded himself that this was his office, that he was a powerful man and if he could view this as a business meeting then he could get through it without breaking. He refused to let them see him as weak in addition to being an ‘idiot boy’.
“Back in Sherringford; secure, this time.” He looked up at his father, his face stony. “People have died. Without doubt she will kill again if she has the opportunity. There’s no possibility she’ll ever be able to leave.”
Mr. Holmes leaned closer to his son, matching his glare. “When can we see her?” He asked firmly.
“There’s no point.” Mycroft practically sighed. Why could they not see that what was left of their daughter had disappeared a long time ago?
“How dare you say that?” His mother’s voice was shaky, and he knew if he looked at her, he would see tears in her eyes.
“She won’t talk. She won’t communicate with anyone in any way. She has passed beyond our view. There are no words that can reach her now.” Mycroft said firmly, closing his eyes and willing himself to stay strong. They did not need to see Eurus like she was now, better they remember her as the little girl she had been.
“Sherlock. Well? You were always the grown-up. What do we do now?” His mother turned to her youngest son, searching for some answers.
“Perhaps, you should start by acting like parents?” Your voice cut through the silence and Mycroft’s eyes sprang open, darting to the doorway where you stood just behind his brother.
“I beg your pardon?” His mother bristled at the intrusion.
“No need to beg, I understand that you have had quite the shock and so I will give my pardon freely.” You smiled sweetly, but there was a coolness in your eyes. “None of your children are ‘limited’. One uses their talents to torture and kill people, one to solve crimes and the third to take care of their family. Whatever happened when they were children has left all of them traumatized, so I guess I am just wondering why you would choose to feed into that? Whatever Mycroft has, or has not done, he did based on the information he had at the time, and I can guarantee that decision was not easy or taken lightly. It may not have been what you would have chosen, but the outcome would have been the same.”
“I don’t know who you think you are…”
“I am the person who is going to deliver a few home truths, because it is apparently clear nobody else has. Your sons were nearly killed yesterday, by your daughter. She tried to force Sherlock to shoot Mycroft, did you know that? Mycroft was going to sacrifice himself rather than let his little brother lose his best friend. The only reason that didn’t happen was because Sherlock then turned the gun on himself. Can you imagine, for just one moment, going through that? Witnessing Eurus shoot people and drop people into the sea while tied to a chair? The mental and physical torture your sons went through yesterday, and here you are, berating Mycroft for trying to keep his brother safe? Is that not what you have instilled in him? That he is responsible for Sherlock?” You looked between Mycroft’s parents with a raised brow.
“I- we…” Mrs. Holmes stuttered, completely taken aback by this person she had never met defending her son so vehemently.
“I understand you have had a shock, that the news that your daughter is alive is huge, and that you need to regroup and figure out what to do next, but please do not take your anger out on your son. He does not deserve that.”
“She is right.” Sherlock chimed in, standing up straight and placing his hands behind his back. “We do need to regroup and work out our next steps. May I suggest we all take some time and meet again for dinner?”  
Once the Holmes family had exited the office, you turned your attention towards Mycroft, a little apprehensive. You had meant every word, but realised that, perhaps, confronting his parents was not the way to endear yourself to him.
“I’m sorry if my little outburst has caused more problems than it solved.” You smile sheepishly as he moves from behind his desk. “But at least they can focus their anger at me instead of you.”
“I don’t want them to focus their anger on you, my dear. I would rather like my parents to adore you, it would make family gatherings far less awkward.” He leaned against his desk with a sigh, his fingers gripping the edges as he tried to keep control of his emotions.
“So,” you began, moving to lean on the desk beside Mycroft, your head inclined ever so slightly as you looked up at him, “were you ever going to tell me that you almost died? Or were you protecting me from that?”
A look of guilt washed over his face as he avoided eye-contact, and you couldn’t help but smile softly.
“I meant it, you know. You are a remarkable man. True, you can be a stubborn arse, but you’re far from limited.”
His hand rested on top of yours on the desk, and you leaned to rest your head against his shoulder. “I am sorry about this morning.” He sighed, closing his eyes and savoring the contact of your skin against his.
“Just don’t go making a habit of it. You get a pass on this morning because of the near death thing, and the having to explain things to your parents, but next time I make us breakfast you will sit with me to eat it.”
“Next time?” he raised a questioning eyebrow, his heart racing at the implication that there would be a next time.
“Oh yes. You don’t get rid of me that easily, Mycroft Holmes. I love you, which means, even though you don’t feel the same way about me, you’re kind of stuck with me.”
“What do you mean I don’t feel the same way?” True, he had told you that your feelings were unwanted, but you had seen through that, right?  “If I didn’t love you then I certainly would not have asked you to stay with me last night, or shared my bed with you, or let you speak to my mother like that.” He chuckled, knowing that some fences most certainly would need to be mended, but it felt good knowing he had you in his corner no matter what.
“So, what now?” You asked softly, turning your head to look up at him.
“Now, I tell Anthea to reschedule my day because I am going to spend it with my significant other.” He murmured turning to look at you as he caressed your cheek, getting a little lost in your eyes.
“I like the sound of that plan.” You hummed as his lips met yours in a soft, tender kiss.
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majestativa · 3 years ago
A progressively-edited post about my muses, because why not?
Aimee Nezhukumatathil, Al-Khansae, Andrée Chedid, Anna Akhmatova, Anne Carson, Antonia Pozzi
Blaga Dimitrova, Brenda Venus
Carmen M. Pursifull, Claribel Alegría, Clarice Lispector, Constance Merritt
Dacia Maraini, Daniela Crăsnaru, Diane di Parma, Dora Maar
Edith Södergran, Eira Stenberg, Excilia Saldaña
Florbela Espanca, Frida Kahlo, Forough Farrokhzad
Georgina Herrera, Gertrud Kolmar, Gioconda Belli, Guadalupe Amor, Gwendolyn MacEwen
Halina Poświatowska, Hélène Cixous, Hilda Hilst
Ingeborg Bachmann
Jorie Graham, Joyce Mansour, Juana de Ibarbourou, June Jordan
Kerstin Söderholm
Lia Sturua, Liliana Ursu, Lillian Olson, Linda Pastan, Lou Andreas-Salomé, Lourdes Vázquez
Marina Tsvetaeva, May Ziadeh, Maya Angelou, Mina Loy
Nabaneeta Dev Sen, Nazik Al-Malaika, Nina Berberova, Nina Cassian
Olga Orozco, Olga Sedakova
Remedios Varo, Renate Druks, Rita Dove, Rosario Castellanos
Sandra Cisneros, Shadab Zeest Hashmi, Sheri-D Wilson, Sheryl St. Germain, Siham Bouhlal, Simin Behbahani, Simone Weil, Stella Díaz Varín, Stephanie M. Wytovich, Sylvia Plath
Unica Zürn
Valentina Saraçini, Valzhyna Mort, Virginia Woolf, Vivian Hansen
Warsan Shire
Zakiyya Malallah
Movies’ Actors/Directors/Performers:
Agnès Varda, Anjelica Huston, Anna Magnani, Audrey Hepburn
Bettie Paige
Dalia Mostafa, Dita Von Teese
Elizabeth Taylor
Faten Hamama
Gemma Chan, Ghada Adel
Haifa Wehbe, Hanan Tork, Hande Erçel, Hema Malini
Jaime Pressly, Joanne Woodward
Kareena Kapoor, Katie Holmes, Keira Knightley, Kim Basinger
Lekaa Elkhamissi, Lucy Lawless, Lucy Liu
Madhuri Dixit, Magda al Sabbahi, Mariam Fakhr-Eddine, Marilyn Manroe, Marlene Dietrich, Megan Fox, Melike İpek Yalova, Menna Shalabi, Meryl Streep, Mia Goth, Michelle Pfeiffer
Nelly Karim, Nicole Kidman
Ola Ghanem
Penelope Cruz
Rachel Weisz, Rita Hayworth, Rooney Mara
Shadia, Sherihan
Thalia, Theda Bara, Tuba Büyüküstün
Vanessa Hudgens
Aaliyah, Asmahan
Chelsea Wolf, Colleen Duffy (Devil Doll)
Elsieanne Caplette (Elsiane)
FKA Twigs, Floor Jansen
Lana Del Rey (Post-Sylvia-Plath Era)
Maria Callas
Sevdaliza, Shana Halligan (Bitter:Sweet), Sharon den Adel (Within Temptation), Simone Simons (Epica)
Tarja Turunen, Taylor Swift (Since Reputation Era)
Warda Al-Jazairia
Antigone, Artemis
Desdemona, Durga
Electra, Ereshkigal, Eve
Kahina, Kali
Magdalene, Medea, Medusa, Messalina, Morticia Addams
Shahmaran, Scheherazade
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marypickfords · 1 year ago
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The Girl in Tails (Karin Swanström, 1926)
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wisteria-lodge · 3 years ago
SHC Character Sorting (M-Z)
 MAFIA III @rottingmanifesto
More on John Donovan & Lincoln Clay
Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings @reds-burrow
Venom (2018) @wisteria-lodge
THE MENTALIST @missbrunettebarbie with @laufire
 More on the Mentalist @sevilemar
MERLIN @sarahmillie
MIRACULOUS  LADYBUG @the-phoenix-heart
MONSTERS INC. @dragonsaredorks
MR. AND MRS. SMITH @starry-sky-stuff
THE OLD GUARD @wisteria-lodge
ONCE UPON A TIME @starry-sky-stuff
Double Snake Ed, Double Lion Stede  @sevilemar& @piggledy-higgledy
Snake Bird Ed, Lion Snake Stede @ella-ventic
Double Bird Ed, Lion Badger Stede @wisteria-lodge
The Crew @wisteria-lodge
PERSONA 4 @thecottageinthedark
PITCH PERFECT @starry-sky-stuff & @missbrunettebarbie
PUSS IN BOOTS @dragonsaredorks
RED NOTICE @starry-sky-stuff
A REDTAIL’S DREAM @thecottageinthedark
RIVERS OF LONDON @wisteria-lodge
SANDERS SIDES @magpie-of-a-birb
SCOOBY DOO @air-in-words
SET IT UP @starry-sky-stuff
SHE WHO BECAME THE SUN @readingbooksinisrael
THE SLAYERS @thelongestway
Xellos Metallium 
Zelgadis Greywords
Lina Inverse
Amelia Wil Tesla Seyrun
Gourry Gabriev
The Starks @balerion-sorts
Tyrion Lannister
The Lannisters @balerion-sorts & @ten-of-imps
Jon Snow @ten-of-imps
THE SOUND OF MUSIC @starry-sky-stuff
SPIRITED AWAY @the-phoenix-heart
SPY X FAMILY @reds-burrow
STAR TREK (TOS / AOS) @wisteria-lodge
STAR TREK (TNG) @shadow-academic
STAR TREK (DS9) @wisteria-lodge
Elim Garak
Julian Bashir
STAR TREK (LOWER DECKS) @reds-burrow
Emperor Palpatine @wisteria-lodge
Anakin Skywalker & Obi-wan Kenobi @wisteria-lodge
Luke Skywaker @sortinghatchats
Luke, Han & Leia @reds-burrow
Luke, Han, Leia, Anakin, Obi-wan, Padme  @darthsmh
Obi-wan Kenobi @starry-sky-stuff
Yoda @shadow-academic
STAR WARS (LEGENDS) @thedesertspring
STAR WARS (CLONE WARS) @reds-burrow
More on Rex’s sorting
STAR WARS (REBELS) @reds-burrow
More on Greef Karga’s sorting
STAR WARS (THE BAD BATCH) @reds-burrow
START UP @ba-wan
STEVEN UNIVERSE @applesaps et al.
STRANGER THINGS @magratmakethetea
SUITS @writingonesdreams
Castiel @wisteria-lodge
John, Dean & Sam Winchester @wisteria-lodge
Lucifer & Michael @wisteria-lodge
Jimmy & Claire Novak @wisteria-lodge
Ruby & Bela Talbot @laufire
Balthazar @wisteria-lodge
Meg Masters @laufire
TANZ DER VAMPIRE @herlaqueen & @niche-pastiche
Magda, Chagall, Rebecca & Sarah @herlaqueen
Herbert & Count von Krolock @herlaqueen
TWILIGHT  @misku-nimfa & @livrelady
THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY @wisteria-lodge
UNDERTALE @shutthedord
UPROOTED @writingonesdreams
THE VICAR MAN @wisteria-lodge
V FOR VENDETTA @the-phoenix-heart & @wisteria-lodge
WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS @sevilemar & @wisteria-lodge
WHEN HEROES FLY @writingonesdreams
OC SORTING - Essence of the Equinox @nectargrapes
OC SORTING - Tears of Iron @writingonesdreams
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starkiddreamcasting · 2 years ago
Starkid Tanz Der Vampire
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You’re invited to the vampire’s ball, in the Starkid dreamcast for Tanz Der Vampires. This one was tricky because A). There are so many versions of this show and the way it’s staged and B). most of them are not english which makes it harder to match the vocal parts (and I did not wanna use the Broadway production as a crutch). Even now I’m a little worried I screwed something up here, but I hope you all enjoy!
1. Joe Walker as Graf Von Korlock 2. Kim Whalen as Sarah 3. Brian Rosenthal as Alfred 4. AJ Holmes as Professor Abronsius 5. Nick Strauss as Chagal 6. Meredith Stepien as Magda 7. Jaime Lyn Beatty as Rebecca 8. Nick Lang as Koukol 9. Jae Hughes as Herbert 10. Julia Albain as Villager/Vampire 11. Nico Ager as Villager/Vampire 12. Jeff Blim as Villager/Vampire 13. Tyler Brunsman as Villager/Vampire 14. Jamie Burns as Villager/Vampire 15. Bryce Charles as Villager/Vampire 16. Brant Cox as Villager/Vampire 17. Corey Dorris as Villager/Vampire 18. Denise Donovan as Villager/Vampire 19. Mariah Rose Faith as Villager/Vampire 20. Nick Gage as Villager/Vampire 21. Angela Giarratana as Villager/Vampire 22. Ali Gordon as Villager/Vampire 23. Brian Holden as Villager/Vampire 24. Janaya Mahealani Jones as Villager/Vampire 25. Lauren Lopez as Villager/Vampire 26. Jon Matteson as Villager/Vampire 27. Curt Mega as Villager/Vampire 28. Alle Faye Monka as Villager/Vampire 29. Joey Richter as Villager/Vampire 30. Rachael Soglin as Villager/Vampire 31. James Tolbert as Villager/Vampire 32. Tiffany Williams as Villager/Vampire
Standbys: Dylan Saunders (Graf Von Korlock, Professor Abronsius)
Swings:  Clark Baxtresser, Eric Khan Gale, Arielle Goldman, Alex Paul
Understudies: Jeff Blim (Chagal, Koukol), Tyler Brunsman (Alfred, Herbert), Jamie Burns (Madga, Rebecca), Nick Gage (Chagal, Koukol), Janaya Mahealani Jones (Madga), Curt Mega (Alfred, Herbert), Alex Paul (Sarah), Joey Richter (Graf Von Korlock, Professor Abronsius), Rachael Soglin (Rebecca), Tiffany Williams (Sarah)
Make sure to leave any show suggestions or any questions on my casting choices so I can explain them.
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vintage-sweden · 2 years ago
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Actress Magda Holm, 1898-1982, Sweden.
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cotecoyotegrrrl · 3 years ago
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The Girl in Tails a 1926 film directed by Karin Swanström, Sweden
Swanström was a Swedish actress, director and later film studio executive who eventually discovered Ingrid Bergman. In this charming film about a small rebellion, she takes the comic and ultimately poignant role of a widow who tyrannises the small-minded, conservative village of Wadköping.
Magda Holm plays the clever and spirited Katja, who, indignant at getting second-class treatment as a girl, attends a graduation ball in her brother’s dress suit. Revelling in her new sexy persona, Katja speaks her mind and samples masculine freedoms – cigars, schnapps, a dance with a girl. Ostracised by her shocked neighbours and family, she takes refuge in an idyllic commune for intellectual women.
With its easygoing humour and lovely bucolic setting, the film ends up on the side of resolution and social harmony, but it is the heroine’s one, elated night of rule-breaking that makes it memorable.
— Imogen Sara Smith
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ninewheels · 4 years ago
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MR. ROBOT Actors By Screen Time (because defining distinct “characters” is a little more confusing in this show)
Rami Malek as Elliot Alderson - 744:30 minutes Carly Chaikin as Darlene Alderson - 268:15 minutes Christian Slater as Mr. Robot / Edward Alderson - 213:45 minutes Portia Doubleday as Angela Moss - 200:30 minutes Grace Gummer as Agent Dominique DiPierro - 152:45 minutes Martin Wallström as Tyrell Wellick - 130:15 minutes Michael Cristofer as Philip Price - 76:30 minutes BD Wong as Whiterose/Minister Zhang Zhi - 60:45 minutes Elliot Villar as Fernando Vera - 55:45 minutes
Gloria Reuben as Dr. Krista Gordon - 54:30 minutes Stephanie Corneliussen as Joanna Wellick - 44:45 minutes Azhar Khan as Sunil “Mobley” Markesh - 44:30 minutes Bobby Cannavale as Irving - 37:30 minutes Sunita Mani as Shama “Trenton” Biswas - 32:30 minutes Michael Drayer as Francis “Cisco” Shaw - 30 minutes Michel Gill as Gideon Goddard - 26:15 minutes Omar Metwally as Agent Ernesto Santiago - 24:30 minutes Joey Bad@$$ as Leon - 23:15 minutes Vaishnavi Sharma as Magda Alderson - 23 minutes Craig Robinson as Ray Heyworth - 22 minutes Ron Cephas Jones as Leslie Romero - 18:30 minutes Ben Rappaport as Ollie Parker - 18:30 minutes Dominik Garcia as Olivia Cortez - 18:30 minutes Frankie Shaw as Shayla Nico - 17:45 minutes Ashlie Atkinson as Janice - 17:30 minutes Brian Stokes Mitchell as Scott Knowles - 17:15 minutes Grant Chang as Grant - 14 minutes Bruce Altman as Terry Colby - 12:30 minutes Jeremy Holm as Mr. Sutherland - 10:30 minutes Sakina Jaffrey as Antara Nayar - 10:15 minutes Young M.A as Peanuts - 10:15 minutes Elisha Henig as Mohammed Biswas - 10:15 minutes Sandrine Holt as Susan Jacobs - 10 minutes Evan Whitten as young Elliot Alderson - 9:30 minutes Michele Hicks as Sharon Knowles - 9 minutes Jake Busey as Freddy Lomax - 9 minutes Ross Kurt Le as young Zhang Zhi - 8:45 minutes Eugene Shaw as Chen - 8:30 minutes Chris Conroy as Derek - 8:15 minutes Aidan Liebman as young Elliot Alderson - 8 minutes Rick Gonzalez as Isaac Vera - 7:30 minutes Jon Glaser as Tobias - 7 minutes Jahneer E. Williams as Javi - 6:30 minutes Jing Xu as Wang Shu - 5:30 minutes Armand Schultz as Michael Hansen - 5:30 minutes Julia Crockett as Emily Moss - 4:30 minutes Aaron Takahashi as Lloyd Chung - 4:30 minutes Rizwan Manji as Norm - 4:15 minutes Don Sparks as Don Moss - 3:30 minutes Erik Jensen as Frank Cody - 3:15 minutes Eva Jette Putrello as young Angela - 2:30 minutes
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howldean · 4 years ago
erik lenhsherr (movies or comics your choice)
jim moriarty (Sherlock bbc)
sebastian moran (fanmade fassy one)
irene adler (acd canon one pls)
sherlock holmes (rdj movies)
my brain is slow and gay and refusing to do in depth analysis right now
ERIK (alt timeline movies)
How I feel about this character
love him. he's a lil monster and I love him.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
charles and that's kind of it. magda only because he deserves babies
My non-romantic OTP for this character
honestly I loved the brotp with Raven that he had going, wasn't a fan of the romantic things but watching her come into self confidence with his help was adorable
My unpopular opinion about this character
he's never done anything wrong ever /lh I think it's important for him to crash down Charles' glass ceiling. I think that Charles is far too neutral (even if neutrality is an important bridge between radical direct action and the oppression sometimes) especially as a mutant, not just an ally.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
can I just say uncensored gay sex ummmm I think I would have liked - per the last question - more cherik scenes where he "wins" the argument in a sense yknow
I'll do these one at a time
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