future-crab · 5 months
MAG66 dot jpeg
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[ID: an edited tweet. It shows an image titled "would you date him" accompanied by text and images. The images show a pair of round glasses, an outfit (embroidered button-up, brown pants, and converse), a plant in a glass container, a pile of vinyl records, a cup of coffee, and a black cat. It is clear from the fonts that half of the text comes from the original image and half have been added. The original text reads, "wants to travel the world," "has lots of house plants," "knows a lot of random facts," "can't cook," "loves coffee," "gentle with animals," and the added text reads, "customs official," "touched your weird wooden crate," "hates his job," "breathed in the air from your weird wooden crate," "experimented with psychedelics when he was younger," "doesn't listen (when you tell him not to sleep)." Above it is a quote retweet from mikaele_salesa reading, "I would torture this dude in a shipping container for up to a year. Salesa's profile picture is a blue and white vase. End ID.]
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mag200 · 2 years
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MAG66: Held In Customs
charcoal & ink // kofi
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stormofstarlight · 7 months
Wait, did Salesa and Peter Lukas seriously bet on whether Vincent would survive in the crate???
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guhit · 9 months
I see your "What if Dr. Elliot wasn't an asshole and was actually chill with the creepy crawly skinwalker students" and raise you "What if Vincent Yang wasn't a pussy and was chill with Michaele Salesa after he saved him from the gluttonous desert box".
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MAG66 is beautiful in its simplicity. What if there was a guy who got stuck in a box.
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magnusmemes · 4 years
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MAG66: “[name] was attempting to purchase Lightners.”
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mag066 · 4 years
absolutely no one in the fandom remembers mag66 statement of being put in a spooky box
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acadieum · 4 years
the line in mag66 where it says “maybe they would join me if the box was still hungry” reminds me of that clown box from mbmbam and im sghjkfd
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theclockworkjudas · 5 years
Listening to MAG66 Held In Customs again and I realized some things.
Saleza didnt trap the dude in the box, dude trapped his own fool self in the box
Saleza even warned him to not go to sleep.
Peter Lukas literally bet Salaza 20p on the outcome of that whole incident
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creepyeyesandfrogs · 4 years
what a beautiful day to remember that on MAG66 Held in Costumes our man mikaele salesa was canonically wearing a tank top
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anothertwistarchive · 5 years
i’m bored so here are the magnus locations i have been to/ been within a few minutes of in the case of like specific streets etc
- birmingham new street/ station where Masato Murray died (MAG70)
- smeatons pier/ beach where Enrique MacMillian found the Leitner (MAG88)
- bootle/ town where Leanne Denikin lived (MAG24)
- lost johns cave/ cave where Laura Popham and Alena Sanderson were trapped (MAG15)
- aberdeen/ city where Ross Davenport lived (MAG90)
- charlestown MA/ town where Nathaniel Thorp gambled with Death (MAG29)
- portsmouth/ city where Vincent Yang was held captive by Mikaele Salesa (MAG66)
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meadowmines · 5 years
In which I go on several face journeys in the middle of a laundromat. This one’s a long, wild ride, lads. Buckle up.
MAG64: Weird Shit of the Week, in The Buried flavor? ...wait, no, there were dice. That would be The End, except it’s dealing with something that can’t seem to die. Whatever. Jon being all “lul that’s what u get for giving me a statement about mummies” was delightful.
MAG65: oof. The Obligatory Creepypasta Episode but this is the one that had me making this face at the laundromat:
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One thing, though--as I’ve mentioned, by now I can usually pin down what Entity is responsible for any given instance of Weird Shit of the Week pretty well, but this one stumped me and I Did Not Like That No Sir Not One Bit. My first thought was The Corruption. Yeah, sure, glitchy text and computer viruses are a whole different kind of “corruption” than we usually see associated with that gross fucker but it still kinda fits, especially considering the thing where it spread to other devices? But also a little bit of The Spiral, with the Ushanka chatbots’ tendencies to start off normal and then descend into batshit and the subject being the only one able to see any of this particular one? And a little bit of The Flesh, maybe, given the goings-on in the video and maybe depending on how gross a version of the Ushanka creepypasta you read?
So I just went to the wiki to do my customary post-listen read and also see if I could get some clarification on that and, well...
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Short answer: no. 
Slightly longer answer: no and also The What Now?
So here I am making that Bloo face all over again because there is so very much about this case that I do not like at all and the apparent introduction of a whole new Entity that hasn’t come up before is giving me a serious case of what one of the ladies in the choir with me would refer to as “the wim-wams.”
And the cherry on this sundae is the thing where Jon went fishing for statements from techies for the express purpose of getting someone in to unlock Gertrude’s laptop, Jon, you sly dog, that was brilliant.
And then... Tim. oooooooof. I mean. On the one hand, yes, Jon, you have been kind of an asshole lately, granted not entirely without good reason, but you have still been kind of an asshole lately. And I do not blame Tim the least little bit for being Done With Your Shit.
On the other... literal chills when Jon invited Tim to quit and he couldn’t. God, this whole episode was a powerhouse.
MAG66: Oh goody, Mikaele Salesa is on his bullshit again. Well, I mean, he did warn the guy but still. ...waitaminnit. Lukas again. This has something to do with the Tundra from back in--whatever episode that was with the creepy ship full of empty shipping containers. What the fuck, man.
...son of a bitch, Gertrude was buying Leitners. And burning a lot of things in a lot of places, possibly other Archives? And deliberately obfuscating her filing system. What the fuck. What the fuck.
MAG67: Oh good, Agnes Montague again. I guess I should update my Name That Entity guide to add her name to The Desolation. Anyway. Sorry you got horny for the girl that burns shit, buddy. But. The tree falling. Yep, THAT tree falling.  Hooo shit.
The statement was interesting especially with that connection but it’s the supplemental that set off the alarm bells, that one line from Elias: “You know how hard it would be to replace you.” 
And Jon’s “uh thanks I guess but I rly don’t?” reaction. 
No, Elias, Jon doesn’t know how hard it would be to replace him and neither do we, would you care to enlighten us??? hmm????¿
So. Elias has just rocketed straight to the top of my “shady motherfuckers to keep an eye on” list. Yes, he just knocked Not-Sasha out of the top spot. Not-Sasha is just an archival assistant, just doing whatever a Not-Person does for lulz, at least that’s the impression I get (also breaking a lot of the Institute’s computers HELLO JON DO THE FUCKING MATH ALREADY). Elias, though. Position of authority. Been there a loooooong time. Clearly knows a lot more about a lot of things than he’s letting on. SEEMS TO KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT JON THAT JON DOESN’T KNOW ABOUT HIMSELF. 
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MAG68: Creepy books? Ah shit, did this guy find a Leitner--OH GODDAMMIT NOT JOHN AMHERST’S NASTY ASS AGAIN
...wait, what leaked cases from 1999? That sounds interesting.
JON FFS. The computers breaking. The “””lost””” tape from Ms. Ten Thousand Worms In A Trenchcoat’s siege on the Institute. The missing recordings. (Not-)Sasha not wanting to be recorded. Melanie referring to “the new girl.” That table in Artifact Storage and the statements YOU YOUR OWN SELF recorded that had to do with it. Stock Photo Tom. And now for whatever reason you have actually gotten an itty bitty peek behind Not-Sasha’s mask, YOU HAVE ALL THE PIECES RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF YOU, PUT THE DAMN PUZZLE TOGETHER!
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mag066 · 4 years
i think ive said this before but mag66 happening in pompey is the funniest thing ever. the crates i walk past every day got the magnus treatment and what was the story?? a dude got himself trapped in a box. ppl do that for laughs all the time here
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