#mag 014 piecemeal
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themagnustournament · 2 years ago
Round Two Part Two - Match 15
Julia and Trevor are double duty statement giving today in Nightfall. But will they beat out the Sweariest Statement Ever, Piecemeal, which ended Round One with 225 votes?
MAG 109 - Nightfall | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Statement of Julia Montauk, regarding her initial encounters with the hunter Trevor Herbert.
MAG 014 - Piecemeal | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Statement of Lee Rentoul, on the murder of his associate Paul Noriega.
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fractal-voidling · 8 months ago
MAG014 - #0112905 │ Piecemeal
absolutely horrifying, that slow creeping sort of death just chipping away at you piece by piece
hope we'll get to learn more about the witch later
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strixcattus · 6 months ago
The Archives' Most Expendable Soldiers
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MAG 101 "Another Twist" // MAG 014 "Piecemeal"
Background only under the cut
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themundanearchives · 3 years ago
Statement of Lee Rentoul
Regarding his conversation with a little old lady who likes jigsaw puzzles.
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therabine · 3 years ago
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swashfucklers · 4 years ago
some more thoughts about tma/dr because i can’t stop thinking about it
non-spoiler hcs
-kirigiri’s grandfather is the head of the “kirigiri institute” (thats just what im calling it)
-the kirigiri institute is similar to the magnus institute but is less wide spread and instead of people coming in to give statements, the travel out to gather them.
-kirigiri’s father was supposed to be the next archivist (after who? idk) but left before it went to far. now has an association with the end
-since kirigiri’s an archivist, that means she would’ve been marker by all the fears, so im going to try list them! (these are vague so bear with me) -the eye, obviously, with her whole family -the end is also quite obvious, with her encounter, and her father -the slaughter, because of makoto -the lonely, because of togami -the corruption, because of fukawa -the desolation, the cause of her burned hands -the web, i changed my mind about celeste, she’s now related to the web -the stranger, probably something to do with mukuro -the dark, im thinking a lietner -the vast or buried, she would’ve had to recuse hina from one of those fears in someway -the spiral would basically just be jons encounter but replace michael with komaeda -the rest, probably just various encounters with other avatars -(even though it doesn’t count much, the extinction would have to do with alter ego)
-kirigiri and naegi are basically just jonmartin because they are both very wholesome
-the togami family would have their own, smaller version, of jurgen lietner’s library 
-the whole killing game (which a version of it might happen) is a mix of the desolation, slaughter, and hunt, due to junko being an avatar of the deslation, and mukuro’s exposure but not being directly related to the hunt and slaughter
-since the voice actor for the og archivist can sing, kirigiri can too
-sakura is for hina, what geogie is to melanie
-instead of the eye being associated with the colour green, its now a warm yellowish orange! (or purple i cant choose)
some other avatars/relation to an entity
-mondo, the hunt/slaughter -ishimaru, the web -i think it’d be cool for the kuzuryuu’s to be either the flesh (like the vibes of mag 014 piecemeal) or the dark -mikan, the spiral -hiyoko, the desolation -gundham, the slaughter -nekomaru, the flesh -sonia, the web -kaito, the vast -shuichi, the lonely i think? or the eye -kirumi, the flesh/web -angie would probably have/be apart of something like the peoples church of the devine host, considering her behavior in chap 3 -kokichi, the stranger
spoilers down below !! from season 1 finale onward
-toko would fill a similar role as jane, but instead, encountered an old empty writing journal that was actually a lietner, and started becoming corrupted like jane. when the institute started getting infesting, toko had a sneaking suspicion about what was happening but was too scared to talk about it
-the imposter is basically the not-them, and would infiltrate during the attack. not sure who they’d imitate, komaru maybe?
-hina would eventually end up blinding herself to finally leave the institute, and going to live with sakura
-hiro would probably end up dying will trying to a buried ritual
-i also think hiro could’ve been the archivist instead of kirigiri? like, not only would he know everything that had happened and is happened, he’s have a 30% chance of knowing whats in the future
-komaeda would be the avatar of the spiral, then mikan would give a statement about an encounter, and then komaeda would be mikan
-the togami family organized the launch of the Daedalus and some kind of an avatar of the vast but idk yet. on board was kaito who would be experiencing the vast
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callmearcturus · 5 years ago
Favorite TMA Eps
Because I just wrapped up Season Three and I honestly need a little time to process everything that happened, here’s a list of my favorite episodes from each season. This is not based on the metaplot, but purely the contained story told. So no finales and no picking episodes because I Love Team Archive So Much.
Season One
MAG 002 - Do Not Open (you're a real one Joshua Gillespie, the smarted fucking person in the entire show)
MAG 010 - Vampire Killer (literally the most interesting vampires, great narrator)
MAG 014 - Piecemeal (hell's fucking bells what incredible karmic retribution)
MAG 019/020 - Confession/Desecrated Host (just incredible, a fantastic story, horrific and terrible)
Best Ep: MAG 002
Season Two
MAG 052 - Exceptional Risk (tremendous writing of a fucking horrible narrator who is totally blind to the fact that he himself is a monster, as well as a good overall story)
MAG 054 - Still Life (honestly another great narrator in over his head, super fucking spooky taxidermy shit, but man this narrator is a cutie)
MAG 066 - Held in Customs (Salesa and some really riveting scary claustrophobia shit)
MAG 073 - Police Lights (Basira is an amazing storyteller and hell yeah, quit your job! fuck the cops!)
MAG 077 - The Kind Mother (honestly completely sells the horror of the NotThem, very sympathetic narrator)
Best Ep: MAG 077
Season Three
MAG 081 - A Guest For Mr. Spider (legit made me scared of a children's book, which is genuinely impressive)
MAG 098 - Lights Out (Martin's a very good reader and also wow what happened to this guy was Intense)
MAG 100 - I Guess You Had To Be There ("if I were trapped in a horrible eldritch maze, I would simply leave. rip other victims of the Spiral but I have dinner plans." also martin fucking giving the one woman his pocket change because her shitty ghost story, jfc. this ep is a disaster.)
MAG 110 - Creature Feature (honestly, HONESTLY, the best statement of season three. great story, trans narrator, fucking salt thrown at Tarantino, good spook factor, and read by Martin. nothing bad here)
MAG 112 - Thrill of the Chase (a fucking Murder Club turns into a Murder Club, holy shit. good stuff.)
Best Ep: MAG 110
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thevoidcannotbefilled · 5 years ago
See, I came to the conclusion that Thrown Away was Flesh related the other day. Not because of the pieces thing, no. 
It’s because the Flesh likes wrapping their threats like Christmas presents. 
“[The trashbag] was full, and this time the top of it had been tied off with a dark green ribbon, arranged in a bow like an old-fashioned Christmas present...Engraved on the side [of the heart] was the name ‘Alan Parfitt’, the letters carved in with machine-like precision.” -MAG 005, Thrown Away
“It was wrapped in brown paper and string, like an old-fashioned Christmas present, and had my name printed on it in clear letters: LEE RENTOUL, FOR IMMEDIATE CONSIDERATION.” -MAG 014, Piecemeal
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facelessoldgargoyle · 5 years ago
MAG 014: Piecemeal
Ah!! Terrifying!!
I enjoyed the change in the tone of the narrator. It’s nice to have a scumbag instead of a naïf.
The idea of knowing what’s happening to you and being unable to stop it is very bad. The idea of being killed by slow mutilation is awful. Instant healing is good- I enjoy that it’s not horrifying because of gore, but because of the loss of self.
The pinacle of terror was, “Well, I don’t know what happened, but I chewed my hand off.” Love the statement from Angela that “some hungers are too big to be satisfied.” Horrifying.
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themagnustournament · 2 years ago
Round One Part Two - Match 17
Today we have the first appearance of both the House on Hill Top Road and Agnes Montague up against the Sweariest Statement Giver Ever. #ReleaseTheSwearCut
MAG 008 - Burned Out | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Statement of Ivo Lensik regarding his experiences during the construction of a house on Hill Top Road.
MAG 014 - Piecemeal | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Statement of Lee Rentoul, on the murder of his associate Paul Noriega.
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themagnustournament · 2 years ago
The Magnus Tournament: Round One Part Two Masterpost
So as to not create horrifically long masterposts, there will be a Round One Masterpost (pinned) which links to the subgroup Masterposts.
Round One Part Two is open for voting March 25-31
Find the full Round One Masterpost here!
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[Image ID: Matches 10-18 of Round 1 and the following matches (89-96) of Round 2. The content of the bracket is described below. End ID]
The Matches:
MAG 054 Still Life vs. MAG 174 The Great Beast
MAG 034 Anatomy Class vs. MAG 031 First Hunt
MAG 171 The Gardener vs. MAG 033 Boatswain's Call
MAG 044 Tightrope vs. MAG 173 Night Night
MAG 127 Remains to be Seen vs. MAG 178 The Processing Line
MAG 142 Scrutiny vs. MAG 176 Blood Ties
MAG 003 Across the Street vs. MAG 18 The Man Upstairs
MAG 008 Burned Out vs. MAG 014 Piecemeal
MAG 123 Web Development vs. MAG 71 Underground
Polls will be linked once they are posted and when I have time to edit this post (within 24 hours maximum, I have a day job). Each poll will have links to the episodes, wiki pages, and transcripts.
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thevoidcannotbefilled · 5 years ago
005 and 014 felt like Flesh to you? Could you explain that a bit more? (I'm divided between Flesh and Spiral for 'Piecemeal', but I'd never had any idea what 'Thrown Away' might be.)
Okay firstly, it was confirmed in today’s QnA that Thrown Away was a very early idea of Hans and the Flesh. So keep part of that in mind once I go full explanation. Secondly, even when I say this, it’s not FULL Flesh because there’s other factors working there as well. 
That Being Said.
Piecemeal has ALWAYS been very fleshy with me. The second closest one to me could be slaughter, but 1) slaughter is always associated with music or war in some way or another. 2) Not violent enough. The pieces just came off, and not in a bloody fashion. Also the line “Some hungers are too strong to be denied’” is very very fleshy to me. 
What connects Piecemeal to Thrown Away has been pieces of another. 
Thrown Away had four trash bags. 1) Doll heads, 2) the one long string of the lord’s prayer with pieces of is burnt, 3) the bag full of teeth, and 4) the final iron heart. 
Now, keep in mind, this is a VERY early version of the Flesh before Jonny learned more into the meat angle of things. So, instead of meat, the flesh was more about pieces of the self. 
So in this case, the doll heads were pieces of the head aka one piece of the doll and the teeth were the same exact tooth, rotting a bit because while they were the same tooth, I don’t think they were from the same person. The heart is just as much of threat as a sign that a piece of the guy was thrown away into the trash as well. 
Now, the second trash bag is the most interesting to me and the one that makes the statement feels the most fleshy. 
“Of this Eustace Wick’s smile, if it were even possible, got wider and he said that we had all the food we needed. He stared into the fire and began to mutter something. It sounded like a prayer. I think he was in his own demented way saying grace.I remember the words exactly. He locked eyes with Benjamin and said, ‘Come, meat. Be my guest. And let thy gifts to me be blessed.’” - MAG 058, Trail Rations
“The prayer apparently spoken by Mr. Wick is a perversion of the old Lutheran grace: ‘Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest, and let thy gifts to us be blessed’.” -MAG 058, Trail Rations
Compared to
“Inside was paper, as I expected. It seemed to be a single strip of thick white writing paper, maybe an inch wide. The paper was long, so longthat it seemed like the whole bag was filled solely with this one piece of it, wrapped and curled and crumpled to fit inside. There was writing on it in another language, I think Latin. Matt, who was raised Catholic and never shut up about it, said he recognised it and claimed that it was the Lord’s Prayer, the Our Father, written over and over again.” -MAG 05, Thrown Away
And lets not forget the cannibal priest which the entire thing could be Flesh messing with religion mixed with the Spiral and Web. 
The Flesh has always been associated with the act of eating, but also prayers. Like prayers before meals and such. At the very least, the distortion of religion for use of meals is very much a Flesh thing. 
ALL THIS BEING SAID, all these things are small and can be considered for other powers. For the longest time, I thought Thrown Away was the Stranger with a side of Beholding. The guy’s need to find the truth of what happened with the bags still feels like a Beholding tendency, and the pieces within the bags seems to be affected by other powers. Like the doll heads idk what happened to them, but the long strip of paper seems to have been attacked by the Desolation while the teeth could have either a) been there long enough to rot or b) been partially attacked by the Corruption as well. Who’s to say? 
Either way, Thrown Away is a weird statement because a lot of the ideas in it weren’t exactly fully realized or at the very least, were shown in other ways, so it ends up being a bit of a black sheep within the universe. I still like it, and I adore the mundane trash men no matter what, but I will always laugh at the fact that this statement made me realize that the flesh has a thing about wrapping things like gifts or presents.
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