#maegor's wives....
writingsofwesteros · 1 year
Hello. I just saw your article about Maegor's wives. Honestly, I am not seen as someone who is eager to get married and have children. But I want to be Maegor's favorite and precious wife and give him lots of healthy, chubby Targaryen looking babies. (That's why I feel hypocritical.🤗) I wish you would consider writing for Maegor. I think you are doing a great job.
!!!!!! ALL OF THIS!...not our fault hes hot..oopsie
I'll be the first in line for that thank you, so precious !!
I really want to; ugh, it sucks..i'll think of something i can do .
Keep finding these amazing pics tho
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atopvisenyashill · 8 months
Thoughts on the Alysanne is Maegor's daughter AU? I feel like it has some interesting potential, and it vastly recontextualizes different parts of Jaehaehae (I do not like him sjsjsjs) and Alysanne's relationship (such as Jaehaehae's treatment of their daughters) but I wanna hear what you think about it!
I’ve touched on this a bit before but since you actually want to hear my thoughts, allow me to present to you my Jaehaerys Is The Goddamn Worst, And Alysanne Annoys Me Too: An Essay lmao but my answer is basically “yeah all of what you just said.”
I think it makes Alysanne much more palatable (to me) as a character because as she stands, she just fixates on forcing her daughters through these fucked up marriages at too young an age bc it traumatized her to be married and pregnant at 15 too but she’d never admit that being a willing participant in her own kidnapping by her brother-husband was the single worst thing that ever happened to her, and because Alysanne doesn’t want to admit it (and Jaehaerys would never see it as wrong or a mistake) F&B really shies away from delving into the fact that Alysanne is as deranged of a mother as Cersei is. So as she stands, she’s very flat to me because she’s presented very flatly and inconsistently. She’s so in love with Jaehaerys, she’s maritally raped by Jaehaerys, she’s a loving and doting mother, she forces her daughters into marriages when they’re the same too young age she was, she accuses her teenage girls of being scheming whores then gets angry when her husband accuses their teenage girls of being scheming whores, and worst of all we are just told “Maegelle tells them to make up so they do” so we don’t know why Alysanne gets over all of this. What is the point of riding a dragon when you never use that dragon to protect your daughters from unwanted teen marriages? We’re just not given a good enough justification for why her behavior is so weird and frustrating towards her daughters.
Make her Maegor’s daughter though…most of her behavior as an adult makes more sense. Like a worse version of Rhaenyra’s childhood almost - a father desperate for a son, but lowkey obsessed with his daughter, who makes all his hang ups about his parents the problems of every woman around him, except Maegor is out here blood sacrificing and torturing and starting wars and forcing babies on wives he discards quickly and brutally. Then here comes Jaehaerys on a white horse green dragon to save her from the horror her life has become, and he loves her so much he runs away with her even though Alyssa says they shouldn’t marry because people won’t like it. And they have beautiful children, and a beautiful marriage, and build a beautiful kingdom.
Then her pregnancies start getting dangerous. Gaemon, then Valerion, die. Alysanne thinks of the shriveled up mutants she called brothers, if Maegor’s taint has passed to her. Her perfect husband ignores her no, and forces Gael on her. Alysanne remembers that he said nothing to Rogar when Alyssa died, merely wept. Then her daughters start to die. Daella, Alyssa, Viserra, all within a few years. Then Jaehaerys makes Saera watch as he murders her boyfriend, calls her a whore, and says Alysanne cannot follow Saera to Lys. Alysanne thinks of Maegor torturing the Harroways over Alys’ presumed infidelity. Jaehaerys says he’s sorry, and her daughter badgers her into forgiving him, and she remembers how she helped Jaehaerys badger Alyssa into forgiving Rogar. Not two years later, Jaehaerys passes over Rhaenys. Alysanne thinks of how she was never enough for her father, how she felt so superior to Rhaena banished to Dragonstone and resented by Aerea, yet there she is dragging Gael away from court because she can’t stand to be with Jaehaerys. How her father was surrounded by dead women and dead babies and how Jaehaerys is surrounded by his own dead daughters, but surely she did the right thing, surely Maegor was worse, surely the realm is better off? Is he right to pass over Rhaenys? Is she enabling a man just as monstrous as her father? She will never decide, because Maegelle will guilt her about keeping Gael isolated at Dragonstone, and Alysanne will do as she’s told, just like Rhaena, and Alyssa, and Jeyne, Elinor, Ceryse, Alys, and Tyanna, just like every one of her daughters.
I do get why Alysanne is Alyssa & Aenys’ and not Maegor’s. The weird Targ babies, the line not descending from Visenya, Jaehaerys and Alysanne being held up as the perfect Targaryen couple specifically because they are brother and sister and dragon riders. I do even think canon Alysanne is likely traumatized by her time as a hostage on Dragonstone, and the ensuing war, and the trauma bond that caused with Jaehaerys, and it makes her idolize Jaehaerys, and then he isolates her at Dragonstone so he can swiftly and safely marry, groom, and knock her up. It’s not like,,,, a fun time, and it’s enough to make anyone crazy and weird about their daughters, but I think having her father be Maegor makes Alysanne herself much deeper because it gives her, as the most beloved Targaryen queen, a blood tie to the most hated Targaryen king, and a marriage to the most beloved Targaryen king. It fits better with a lot of the themes of the main series (again, imo) - forcing the spotlight on the outsiders to see how the affect the story from behind the scenes. The fall of Aegon’s sons, and The Long Reign, not told from the PoV or to serve the PoV of any of the kings or princes, but of the queen that tied them all together.
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itsfoxglove05 · 3 months
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Maegor the Cruel and his 6 wives Elinor Costayne, Jeyne Westerling, Raena Targaryen, Tyanna of the Tower, Ceryse Hightower, Alice Harroway
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15-lizards · 1 year
Hello! I am a big fan of your hcs of fashion in Planetos. I was wondering if you had anyone for Maegor's reign and his six wives. We are all crazy for our girl Rhaena the lesbian, but i Wonder, how do you imagine Alys Harroway and Tyanna of Pentos's fashion? Alys gives me the vibes that she was quite never prepared to be Queen, so when she became one, her fashion was between showy but... cheap in some way? disastrous if that makes sense?
Now this is some good shit
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Ceryse Hightower, Maegor’s first wife, was said to be “shrewish” which I take as her being a relatively modest young girl and becoming a pious older queen, shying away from anything attention catching after years of suffering under Maegor’s wrath. Her fashion was always loose and covering, leaving nothing but her hands and face exposed. A generally unassuming and forgettable queen. She was the scorned Catherine of Aragon to…
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…Alys’ Catherine Howard. An innocent younger woman who could give the king sons, and is thus thrust into the role of queen, which she is wholly unprepared for. She is a young girl who was probably so excited to be the envy of all of Westeros, and wanted to buy the most expensive and ostentatious clothing she could. After their exile in Pentos, she is even more inspired by all the decoration on the locals clothing, and continues to dress in a showy, overcompensating way, up until her death
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I am taking a marker to the Orientalist view of Tyanna and scribbling it all out. She wasn’t walking around like an evil seductress in one sheer layer of gauze she was decked out in fine fabrics, layers and layers of satin and silk and soft linen in order to create detailed skirts and soft shawls. Her rise to power is very evident through her clothing, because no former bastard courtesan would be dressing like one once they rose through the ranks.
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witchthewriter · 11 months
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𝐓𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝟹𝑟𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑀𝑎𝑒𝑔𝑜𝑟'𝑠 𝑤𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑠
Slytherin (the most Slytherin Slytherin to ever exist)
Chaotic Evil
Scorpio Sun, Scorpio Moon, Capricorn Rising
Trigger Warning: mentions of torture, death, death of babies and miscarriages.
Tyanna was the daughter of a magister of Pentos. She began as a tavern dancer and rose to become a courtesan, although some claimed she was also a poisoner and a sorceress.
When Prince Maegor Targaryen returned from his exile to claim the Iron Throne, the Faith Militant was in near full control. They challenged his rule with a trial of seven, in which Maegor won but was left grievously wounded.
Maegor's second wife, Alys Harroway, returned twenty-eight days later. In her company was Tyanna, rumoured to be both Maegor's and Alys' paramour. After meeting Tyanna, Visenya gave her full care of Maegor; which troubled his supporters.
Awakening from his coma, Maegor burned the Warrior's Sons at the Sept of Remembrance atop the Hill of Rhaenys and waged war on the Faith Militant.
It was after his victory at the Great Fork of the Blackwater that Maegor returned to King's Landing and announced his intention to take Tyanna as wife. When Grand Maester Myros objected, claiming that the only true wife of Maegor's was Ceryse Hightower, Maegor killed him.
Maegor married Tyanna atop the Hill of Rhaenys, and it is said that Alys joined them on their first night of marriage.
Tyanna was mistress of whisperers on her husband's small council and was titled, 'The King's Raven.' It was said that discussing secrets in the Red Keep was foolish, as even rats and other creatures were her spies.
In 44 AC, two years after Maegor returned from exile, Dowager Queen Visenya died. In the confusion after her death, Aenys I's widow, Queen Alyssa Velaryon, fled from Dragonstone with her children and the Targaryen sword, Dark Sister.
Alyssa and Aenys's second son, Prince Viserys had been under Maegor's thumb at the Red Keep. He served as his squire, however, he was punished for his family's escape. Tyanna questioned him. For nine days straight. He died on the last day and his body was left in the town's square.
That same year, Queen Alys gave birth but it was "to a monstrosity." Queen Tyanna convinced Maegor that it was because Alys had been having secret affairs. Maegor did not believe it and called Tyanna a barren, jealous witch.
So, Tyanna gave Maegor a list of twenty men she claimed slept with Alys. This led to the extinction of House Harroway, as well as the torture and execution of dozens of alleged lovers. Tyanna tortured Alys herself. It went on for nearly a fortnight until the queen died.
Tyanna could not give Maegor an heir.
So the King wed three 'Black Brides'; Elinor Costayne, Jeyne Westerling and his niece, Rhaena, three years later.
Tyanna had to force Rhaena to be obedient by threatening her daughters, Aerea and Rhaella. Some stories claim that Tyanna gave Jeyne a fertility potion the night of the wedding but the new bride tossed it into Tyanna's face.
A year later, Queen Jeyne birthed a stillborn 'monstrosity,' and rumours spread that Maegor was cursed.
In his anger, Maegor bid two of his Kingsguard; Ser Owen Bush and Ser Maladon Moore, to bring Tyanna to the dungeons. As the torturers prepared their tools, she confessed.
Tyanna had been responsible for both Alys and Jeyne's 'abominations', claiming she had poisoned the babies in their mother's wombs. She then promised that the same fate would befall the pregnant Elinor.
Tyanna was killed by Maegor himself. He cut out her heart with Blackfure and threw it to his dogs. Two moons later, Elinor did in fact birth a stillborn 'monstrosity.'
That same year, Maegor died on the Iron Throne. His headsman, gaolers and confessors were all condemned by King Jaehaerys I Targaryen for having aided Tyanna in the death of his elder brother, Prince Viserys.
According to some rumours, Tyanna was not loved by her mother-in-law, Queen Visenya Targaryen, or by anyone else for that matter. She is remembered as a black-hearted woman who was hated and feared.
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houseofpendragons · 6 months
The Six Wives of Maegor the Cruel
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Ceryse Hightower, 25AC-45AC (Abandoned)
My name's Catherine Of Aragon
Was married 24 years, I'm a paragon
Of royalty, my loyalty is to the Vatican
So if you try to dump me
You won't try that again
Alys Harroway, 39AC-44AC (Killed by Maegor/on his order)
For my promiscuity outside of wed
Lock up your husbands, lock up your sons
K Howard is here, and the fun's begun
Tyanna of the Tower, 42AC-48AC (Killed by Maegor/on his orders)
I'm that Boleyn girl
And I'm up next
See, I broke England from the Church
Yeah, I'm that sexy
Why did I lose my head?
Well, my sleeves may be green
But my lipstick's red!
Elinor Costayne, 47AC-48AC (Survived)
Five down, I'm the final wife
I saw him to the end of his life
I'm the survivor, Catherine Parr
I bet you wanna know how I got this far
I said, I bet you wanna know how I got this far
Jeyne Westerling, 47AC-47/48AC? (Died in childbirth)
Jane Seymour, the only one he truly loved
When my son was newly born, I died
But I'm not what I seem
Or am I?
Stick around, and you'll suddenly see more
Rhaena Targaryen, 47AC-48AC (Escaped; so basically divorced his ass)
Ich bin Anna of Cleves
When he saw my portrait he was like
But I didn't look as good as I did in my pic
Funny how we all discuss that, but never Henry's little…
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halfyearsqueen · 20 days
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rozsesandart · 2 years
Queen Ceryse Hightower ~
first wife to Maegor “The Cruel” Targaryen
Art by @rozsesandart
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maegorsbignaturals · 1 year
Fire and Blood timeline where everything is the same but Maegor's six wifes are all living in the red keep more or less at the same time and are locked in Maegor's holdfast a la Maidensvault.
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teen-spirited-away · 1 month
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Alys Harroway as Anne Boleyn
Ceryse Hightower as Catherine of Aragon
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synchodai · 1 month
Based from your previous reblogs about Male!Rhaenyra. I think I'd a dance of the dragon between Aegon the Elder vs Aegon the younger just because Male!Rhaenyra see himself as the conqueror reborn with two wives (Alicient and Daenys(fem!Daemon).
Which one do you think would win if they are both recognised as both legal wives.
I guess the Velaryon boys are now Waters, so they're out of the succession. If they, however unlikely, acquired some dragons, both factions would probably approach them for alliance, or they could have left everyone hanging and go on their merry way to Essos.
I took a while answering this because I had no idea which reblogs you were referring to, anon. If you meant the ask I received about transmasc!Rhaenyra, that's an entirely separate issue from polygamous!Rhaenyra. A male, polygamous ruler will be highly unpopular with the Westerosi masses who are strictly monogamous all the way from the North to Dorne. There is a culture of paramours and infidelity, but marriage (of land-owning nobility) is always between a man and a woman and done with the express purpose of siring legitimate heirs. The practice of polygamy complicates and messes all that up.
The Conqueror was allowed that because he and his sister-wives were already polygamous prior the Targaryen assimilation into Westeros/Andal culture.
Short answer: Male!Rhaenyra would never have two "legal" wives, at least not without raising an uproar that would likely lead to major civil dissent. See the rule of Maegor the Cruel to see how people reacted to his polygamy and how he got away with it through violence and tyranny.
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writingsofwesteros · 1 year
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highgardenart · 2 years
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The Six Wives of Maegor Targaryen
Ceryse Hightower, Alys Harroway, Tyanna of the Tower, Elinor Costayne, Jeyne Westerling, and Rhaena Targaryen
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itsfoxglove05 · 1 year
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Did this a month or two ago, but yeah here we have the wives of maegor💖💖
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daenystheedreamer · 1 year
remember when grrm made joff a little psychopath freak from birth with the killing cats. maegor is like if his entire like was killing cats but hes a grown man and hes bara. and then grrm invents a morally perfect super nice great guy to contrast with him but the great guy sucks ass and isnt even moral. so youre kinda like hey can we bring back that psychopath cos at least he sorta believes in women’s rights 
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witchthewriter · 10 months
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𝐄𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫 𝐂𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲𝐧𝐞 𝟺𝑡𝘩 𝑜𝑓 𝑀𝑎𝑒𝑔𝑜𝑟'𝑠 𝑤𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑠
Lawful Good
Cancer Sun, Virgo Moon, Leo Rising
"But his third wife couldn't give him a child either. Desperate to cement his stolen throne with an heir, Maegor took three wives at once, known as the Black Brides because each were women he'd widowed in his wars. All three women grew full with child in time, but each gave birth to the same twisted monstrosities as his second wife. One need not be a maester, much less a Grand Maester, to deduce the common thread here."―Varys
A noblewoman from House Costayne, Elinor was one of the three 'Black Brides,' along with Lady Jeyne Westerling and Princess Rhaena Targaryen.
Elinor had three children with her first husband, Ser Theo Bolling. He was arrested by Maegor's Kingsguard and executed as he was accused of conspiring with Queen Alyssa to put Jaehaerys on the throne.
After seven days of mourning, Elinor was summoned to wed Maegor. The king forced Elinor's sons' at the wedding so she would play her part in the ceremony. According to one tale, Elinor scratched Maegor's back to bloody ribbons as they coupled.
Elinor's sons were sent away after she wed Maegor. Her eldest was fostered at the Eyrie, her second son to Highgarden, and her youngest was given to a wet nurse.
When Tyanna admitted to poisoning Alys Harroway during her pregnancy, Tyanna promised the same would happen to Elinor.
Tyanna had been telling the truth. Elinor had given birth to an eyeless stillborn with small wings.
Elinor was one of only two wives who survived the king. The other was Rhaena Targaryen.
After the death of Maegor, Lord Daemon Velaryon proposed that King Jaehaerys marry Queen Elinor to reconcile with Maegor's supporters, but nothing came of that proposal.
After Jaehaery's ascent, Elinor left King's Landing dressed in the robes of a penitent. She visited her two elder sons at the Eyrie and Highgarden before retiring to her father's seat at the Three Towers with her youngest son.
Later, King Jaehaerys commanded Elinor to go forth and spread his Doctrine of Exceptionalism to the peoples of the Seven Kingdoms, as well as the goodness of Jaehaerys and Alysanne, becoming one of the Seven Speakers.
Her queenly clothes became shabbier and more threadbare each day, and she eventually gave up all claims to nobility, becoming Mother Elinor at the great motherhouse in Lannisport
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