#the six wives of henry viii
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georgeivsexpiredbrandy · 3 months ago
Something that I think people forget when bashing SIX The Musical is that it doesn't frame itself as the most reliable source and a beacon of historic value. It's just a fun show with modern themes that is meant to tell you the most basic part of these historic figures' lives. In the end, SIX The Musical's purpose is to get you interested in ACTUALLY learning the history behind its fun songs and interesting takes on historic figures. Sure, songs like Don't Lose Ur Head carry very little historic value, but the small amount they do carry and the way they present it are more than enough to get viewers interested in learning more. Not to mention the fact that it sets up a new generation with a more sympathetic view of the women it portrays, helping to prevent even more glorification and praise of Henry VIII's terrible actions.
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janesemel · 3 months ago
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Something something mother daughter tea
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catherinesboleyn · 2 months ago
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Annette Crosbie as Catherine of Aragon
The Six Wives of Henry VIII (1970)
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flastar13 · 4 months ago
I think there is always a problem with Anne Baleyn's locker room in almost any production. It is always the worst dressed among the six queens. Just look at The Six Wives of Henry VIII of 1970
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The other wives wear appropriate dresses to the time that is set the series, Catalina de Aragon wears a Spanish fashion dress from the beginning of the 16th century, and Jane Seymour wears a modest green dress as a company lady according to 1636. What do you wear Anne? A series of high fantasy or Elizabethan dresses.
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I give a pass to this dress, not only because it is pretty but because Anne is wearing it in a dysphrase dance.
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But what about the rest of dresses? Anne became popular in the English court for her great ingenuity and glamorous French style. Henry the height of gifts during and his commitment, and the Baleyn were not poor. Why is your clothes so pesticary? Let's compare with Jane Seymour, who has a similar story. To start the Seymour were much less prosperous than the Baleyn, Jane's father, John Seymour was appointed gentleman on the battlefield by Enrique VII for his services against the rebels of Cornwall in Blackheath on June 17, 1497. Then he was appointed Caballero Banneret in 1513 after the battle of the Spurs. But outside those honors, the family had not risen much. Thomas Baleyn instead had served Enrique VII and had been in the entourage of Margarita Tudor when she went to Scotland. He was appointed Biscount for his own merit in 1525, even before Ana had met Enrique VIII. He was also heir to Ormond County thanks to his mother. Elizabeth Baleyn of single Howard, was the sister of the Duke of Norfolk. With only that information, it shows that the Baleyn were also much richer than the Seymour, apart from having a major noble status, which should be reflected in the clothes they wear.
If we see in the same adaptation, in your home Wolf Hall Jane uses a historically precise country attire, which shows the simplicity and modesty of Jane but also that the Seymour are not so rich to allow them to use the whole day silk but they are still noble to be made of good quality and dyed wool.
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His second outfit, when he attends the Court, is more fashionable and is elegant, but it is still simple and modest, reflecting Jane's personal tastes and that his family being low nobility, but the sumptuous laws, he is not going to Cover of jewelry.
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Once he became a queen, Jane's dress improves, she is still pale but is very adorned with jewelry, wears an elaborate two waters unlike the French headdress of her predecessor.
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The costume designers managed to tell the story of the most boring of Henry VIII's wives, through her clothes. Showing her evolution from the spinster daughter of an unimportant knight, to a lady-in-waiting courted by the king to the queen of England; wonderfully, with beautiful designs that look like they're from the Tudor era. Why can't they do the same with Anne?
The worst thing is that this is repeated constantly, in one of the most recent series based on the reign of Henry VIII, with a wardrobe that is almost exact to the historical period in which the events take place, "Wolf Hall". Okay, the series is from Cromwell's perspective, so they're not going to show us Anne's life before she got mixed up with the secretary's. Anne is already the future wife of the king when she appears. But when she is queen, her clothes only change color; there are no more jewels, no better fabrics, no embroidery and her hood is horrible. Just compare her pink dress that according to her designers is that of "The daughter of a simple gentleman" vs her clothes as queen when she can use better dyes.
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They are practically the same, I know that Anne is at that time Henry's girlfriend, but why is her clothing so simple even when she is the queen of England? There are no other jewels on her neckline, she wears no necklaces other than a pearl choker. Why are her dresses not made of silk, brocade and damask, with embroidery? This problem does not exist with Jane Seymour
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Her dresses as a lady-in-waiting, reflect her reserved, simple and modest nature. Her clothes and hood are decorated with simple lace and embroidery, not with jewels unlike other noble ladies. The colors are monotonous but with some color inside, almost saying that the lady may look bland on the outside but on the inside she is a force to be reckoned with. She seems to be the spinster daughter of an unimportant family at the moment.
When Henry visits Wolf Hall, Jane wears a dress that is too simple for a visit from a king, but it gives a good idea of ​​what a lesser noblewoman would wear in her home.
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As queen, Jane's clothes become more luxurious; more sumptuous fabrics, lavish jewelry and elaborate English headdresses. Rich but conservative, suitable for Queen Jane's character as peacemaker in the English court.
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Is it very difficult to do the same with Anne Boleyn? Even in other productions, such as The Other Boleyn Girl, which try to narrate the rise in status and evolution of Anne Boleyn, they repeat the same mistake: the Queen of England continues to dress like a knight's daughter! It's even worse than in Wolf Hall, where at least Anne uses dyes reserved for royalty in The Other Boleyn, she uses the same color palette throughout the film.
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There is no big change in her way of dressing, wait there is. Anne stopped wearing horrible dresses that don't look like they were from the Tudor period in England, like that blue dress with a circle print that looks more Italian and the "Cranach" suit. Seriously, the designers forgot that if the Boleyn girls had foreign influence in their clothing, it was French because they both served as ladies-in-waiting in France, not Italy or Germany. Honestly, the only dress in my grade is Anne's green dress.
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This is the look of the woman who became a star at the English court. The fabric is green silk or satin, her French hood looks like a French hood and not a Russian tiara. She wears the iconic gold B necklace. It is elegant, sumptuous and French, the look of a Viscount's daughter. The problem is that by attracting Henry's attention, Anne's clothes do not continue to improve, she does not try to look like the real Queen of England, she continues to dress like a simple noblewoman. Only when she is tried and executed, the designers give her clothes that royalty would wear.
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The only adaptation based on the life of Anne Boleyn that manages to narrate the evolution of the character through her clothes is Anne of The Thousand Days. Sure, there are some questionable fabric choices, Russian tiaras, lace-up closures in the back, and the belief that Anne only had the pearl necklace with the gold B. But the designs are so pretty that you don't care.
We are introduced to Anne at court dancing with Henry Percy, she wears a beautiful light green damask dress, a gold choker and a French hood. Her look is simple but elegant and fashionable, fitting for the daughter of a notable noble family.
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It's no wonder Henry is drawn to her.
At home at Hever Castle, Anne wears a yellow dress, the design is simpler than the one worn at the court ball; the sleeves are wrist-length and there are no jewels at the neckline. But it's made of satin with embroidery, still an expensive but more casual dress. Befitting someone of Anne's social standing, she is not a princess by birth like Catherine of Aragon, but her family is of higher status than Jane Seymour's, the Boleyn girl's clothes are always going to be better at court and in her home than the pale Seymour girl's clothes.
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Back at court, now in the king's favour, Anne wears a more elaborate dress and headdress, accessorising with a gold brooch and a jewelled girdle. All gifts from Henry VIII.
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She later wears this to dinner with the king, a dress of beautiful blue velvet with gold embroidery. Her hair is loose and decorated with jewels.
As queen she wears a dress of silver and gold brocade. And at a dance a white dress with silver embroidery and pearls and diamonds sewn into the bodice.
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She maintains her queenly appearance even when judged, but the colors are somber.
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At her execution, her clothing is devoid of ornamentation, simple and dark, very different from the historical Anne who died looking like a queen. But it is understood that she has been stripped of all her power and influence.
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This is how Anne's journey should be told, as she rises, her clothes get better. If I were in charge of Anne's wardrobe, I would have her wear designs similar to those in Wolf Hall and the green dress from The Other Boleyn Girl. At home and as casual wear, her clothes would be similar to the yellow dress from Anne of The Thousand Days. Once she starts being courted by Henry, she would continue to enrich her clothes until she reached her highest point as queen. Basically like Jane Seymour but prettier and French style.
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tinfoil-jones · 4 months ago
Gravity Falls: For Your Own Good, Ch. 9
Summary: A few years after moving to Gravity Falls and having his lab built, Stanford Pines happens upon his estranged twin brother, Stanley. He mentally prepared himself to be suffocated by his brothers neediness all over again - what he wasn't prepared for was Stanley walking right past him like he didn't even notice him.
Rating: M for language, violence, and adult implications
Preface: Dialogue only, but some actions will be annotated for clarity. Cross-Posted on AO3 Here
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“Why don’t criminals trust stairs?”
“Stanley, I am trying to work.”
“Because they’re always up to something.”
*Ford covering his mouth with his hand because he’s trying really hard not to laugh*
“Why don’t criminals like elevators? Because they hate getting taken down.”
*Ford faceplanting on his desk and slamming his fist on it because he’s trying not to laugh*
“What do you call a criminal snob going downstairs? A condescending con descending.”
“E-enough! I’m going to put you on mute if you don’t stop.”
“Ah, come on man. It’s not like I got much else to do here. I can’t even write in that notebook you guys gave me anymore cause I got nothing to write with.”
“Maybe you would still have writing utensils if we didn't run out because you chewed up all of the other ones we gave you.”
“I can’t help it, PhD. I’m on day seven of nicotine withdrawal and it’s still kicking my ass. I get that this whole lab is a ‘no smoking’ zone, but I saw stretch using dip, and you didn’t say anything; just looked at him in a passive aggressive, judgemental way.”
“Tobacco is a nasty habit, and you are better off losing that vice while you’re still in a controlled environment. Our father never kicked it on his own, so this is really for your own-.”
“Yeah, yeah Doc. For my own good. I’ve heard it a million times. Do you like, keep score of how many times you say that, is someone keeping track of it? Or is that your only excuse for the insane crap you’re always pulling.”
“If it will placate you and keep you quiet, I’ll wheel over a television.”
“You have one of those down here?”
“I primarily use it as a device that decrypts thoughts, but its original function is still intact. Let me bring it over.”
“How uncharacteristically considerate of you.”
“You’re watching The Black and White Period Piece Old Lady Boring Movie Channel.”
“Wait a second, where's the remote?”
“There isn’t one.”
“Stay tuned for the six episode marathon of The Six Wives of Henry VIII, starring Keith Michell as Henry VIII, Annette Crosbie as Catherine of Aragon, Dorothy Tutin as Anne Boleyn-”
“Change the channel. PhD, I swear to God.”
“Anne Stallybrass as Jane Seymour, Elvi Hale as Anne of Cleves, Angela Pleasance as Catherine Howard, and Rosalie Crutchley as Catherine Parr.”
“No- NO!”
*Ford presses the mute button on the cell*
160 minutes later…
“Stanford, I brought those scrap m- what in Sam Hell?”
“I appreciate it, Fiddleford.”
“Is there a particular reason Stan is staring unblinking at that TV screen?”
“I put on a soap opera because I thought he would hate it. But he… really got into it.”
“Is that the same reason why his desk chair is smashed in the corner?”
“Yes, there was a plot twist he did not find agreeable. I tried to change the channel after one episode, but he gave me such a look that I truly believe if I did, he would find a way to break the forcefield just to strangle me.”
“That’s… Not what I expected from someone like him.”
“I’ve never seen him get this way. Not even during a baseball game or boxing match where he made the wrong bet.”
“It can’t rightly be that interesting.” 
*Fiddleford pulls up a chair near the cell to watch the TV*
“You both do that. I still have important research to document.”
240 minutes later…
*all three of them are staring at the TV and don’t start blinking until the credits roll*
“I’ll tell you what, fellers, I can’t believe Gardiner got away with everything.”
“I know, right? Whatever Jesus approves of, I’m sure it’s not that.”
"We're Jewish, Stanley."
"Really? Well that explains why I distinctly remember the Aryan Brotherhood nearly beating me to death in prison."
"They what?!"
"Calm down PhD, I said nearly."
"Stanley, it has almost been ten days, it’s time to remove your stitches."
"Give me some nail clippers, I'll do it myself."
"Properly. Come on, don't be such a wuss about it."
“Can’t F do it instead?”
“No, he is in town on a supply run. Also, the only difference between you and I and under that shirt is the amount of rolls.”
“Ouch, low blow PhD. It’s not like you’re a runway model either. Fine, but any more cracks on my weight, and I’m going to remind you I’m a threat inside and outside of bars.”
"What are these, circles-? Wait, burns? ...Who did this to you?"
"... Don't worry about it."
"I am going to worry about it! Stanley, who did this?"
"It doesn't matter..."
"It does! Please, I'm your brother just-"
"Don't make me think about it, I don’t remember a lot but- I don't like remembering that."
"Oh Stanley." *hugs him even though it isn't returned* "I'm so sorry. Whatever happened, you didn't deserve that."
"You'd be surprised."
To be continued...
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katharinepar · 1 year ago
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the six wives of henry viii as taylor swift album covers
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cesareeborgia · 2 years ago
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catherine of aragon + various media portrayals (requested by anonymous)
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bforbetterthanyou · 3 months ago
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And just one mistake
Is all it will take
We’ll go down in history
Remember me for centuries
Centuries - Fall Out Boy
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cosmonautroger · 2 months ago
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Rick Wakeman, The Six Wives Of Henry VIII, 1973
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quigroigne · 5 months ago
So I decided to finally actually read The Six Wives of Henry VIII by Alison Weir (instead of, y’know, just reading snippets from all the tudor history blogs I follow) and I have to say, she’s starting to lose me a bit already at the introduction
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I get that this book is 30 years old, but like. Come on. This is a deeply weird and gross comment to make about a seventeen year old girl
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annabolinas · 10 months ago
Anne Boleyn Week 2024
Day 5: Most Underrated Fictional Portrayal: Dorothy Tutin in The Six Wives of Henry VIII (1970)
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"You mock me! To other women, to men in my court. You keep people about you who hate me. The things you dare say! 'This child was sired by another man.' You're not fit to be father to my son!" - Anne to Henry
"And I am innocent. That is sure. And I am a victim. That, too, is sure. This whole mockery is unworthy of you, Uncle. It is unworthy of you as representative of my gentle husband. This trial is no trial, but a signature on a document. The poorest subject is given justice that I am denied. I am the Queen and entitled to better than you have given me. Accusations, papers, lies, are easy means of denying the truth to a court of men. But the truth shall be known in that court which shall judge us all in time. I am sorry for you, Cromwell, for in condemning me, you condemn yourself elsewhere. Give your verdict, gentlemen, but remember, I am your Queen." - Anne at her trial
Anne: "The king wants a divorce?"
Cranmer: "Aye, he does."
Anne: "I cannot."
Cranmer: "Yet you were found guilty of those charges."
Anne: "Which he knows to be untrue."
Cranmer: "Your peers judged you."
Anne: "My equals did not." - Anne to Cranmer in the Tower
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pruneunfair · 6 months ago
Manhwa characters X Henry VIII and the six wives crossover.
of course this isn't going to line up with the real history, they'll simply be put into the roles they suit best and alternations will be made based on source material and their personalities
Henry VIII-Ceasre de como
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He was never meant to inherit the throne until his brother unexpectedly passed away. The infamous bastard son who was the true cause of prince Alfonsos death believed to be a tragic result of illness. He framed the crime of poisoning the king on his mistress Ariande de mare and marries his late brothers widow as his first wife Isabella de Mare who has only been able to have one child: a girl, Princess Giovanna. Over the course of his life, King Ceasre marries a total of 6 different women and has only had 3 legitimate heirs throughout his life. During his reign, he ignited the fear and hatred of his people through execution after execution, some of the most infamous being 2 of his 6 wives. It was said that on his death bed, all the women he betrayed had haunted him, with the ringleader being his first love, Ariande de Mare
Catherine of Aragon-Isabella de Mare
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Ceasres first wife, Ariandes sister and widow to prince Alfonso. After marrying for a second time small problems erupt from the queen being known as "tainted" for being another kings wife. To mediate the anger, Isabella starts to take religion even more seriously then she did in the past making herself out as a saint who redeemed herself of her sins, the public is unaware she cares very little for the death of her sister. The queen is aware of her husband's concubines and doesn't mind as she knows he would grow bored of her... until Ceasre finds a woman he can't yet have.. so she schemes to stay on the throne. She didn't help orchestrate her sisters death just so Ceasre can go as far as to violate parliament to marry another woman.
She is not remembered so fondly though after her death.
Anne Boleyn- Aria Roscent:
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a common woman adopted into the house of Roscent, despite that fact she has become the talk of the town for her beauty and sharp tongue. Aria was planning on marrying her true love Oscar Frederick until she met the king who wanted her as his mistress more than anything, she tried to turn him down the best she could without facing execution, ultimately coming up with a excuse that she'd only be with Ceasre if she became the queen. To which Ceasre happily does much to the anger of queen Isabella who never would've have guessed it would be a random noblewoman instead of Ceasres favorites. Isabella fights back with the pope on her side using the argument the remarriage is reserved only those who have been widowed, this proves to be Isabellas undoing however when Ceasre shoots back with the revelation that the queen had killed her little sister years back and she would do the same to Princess Giovanna if she stayed. The divorce also leads to Ceasre founding his own church and new rules of religion so no pesky pope will stop him in the future, he marries Aria for only 3 years, during those 3 years Aria gave birth to a girl and named her Arabella to spite the former queen but her happiness is shortlived once Ceasre gets tired of her and executes her on crimes of witchcraft and attempted poisoning of his sister in law, Mielle.
Jane Seymour-Jennette Margarita
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The 3rd wife Ceasre married quickly after the execution of Queen Aria. Despite her gentle care and kind attitude, the populace despised Jennette for replacing Aria as queen. Jennette is more obedient than the last two queens, going by a motto of "bound to obey and serve." So it's not surprise that Ceasre chose her to be the lucky wife to bear San Carlos desired prince. The relationship with her step-sisters isn't great either. Giovanna wants nothing to do with anymore step-moms after what happened to her mother and Arabella is still too young to even comprehend what happend to her own mother, leaving Jennette alone with the hope of her unborn child being a boy that could save her from execution. Much to Ceasres joy, Jennette does give birth to a prince Leo, but unfortunately the 3rd queen passes away just 11 days later from child bed fever.
Anne of Cleves-Adelaide Kotrov
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A foreign princess from a neighboring kingdom. With a male heir finally secured, Ceasre is encouraged to marry for a political alliance, most princesses reject the offer after knowing what happened to Queen Aria but with the forceful hand of her mother, Adelaide of Kotrov is sent to become Ceasres 4th wife. The introduction doesn't go as well as planned, with Adelaide being visibly uncomfortable and annoyed with her husband's attitude. Since Ceasre can't execute a foreign noble, he never consummated the marriage and divorced Adelaide in only 6 months. Instead of becoming enemies though, Adelaide and Ceasre managed to get along just enough during those 6 months to be considered friends and Adelaide stayed in San Carlo with the reputation of the kings beloved sister. She lives her days with her lover Lionel as her true love and becomes the richest woman in all of San Carlo after Ceasre dies.
Catherine Howard- Rashta Ishka.
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Ceasres 5th and youngest wife. A former slave who was saved by another Emperor and worked as a secretary for the Empress Navier. Rashta was never given a proper education so when the work turned out to be more than she could chew, Ceasre took the opportunity to take her with him to enjoy the luxuries of regal life and gave Rashta a title of Viscountess so the nobles of San Carlo wouldn't learn of her true origins. By the time they got married Ceasre was already considerably aged, his daughters have grown and Prince Leo had been getting smarter by the day. Giovanna treated her step-mom with indifference but Arabella and Leo took to their new mother well, giving Rashta a chance to heal from past traumas but her attitude can make it difficult at times as she holds grudges and doesnt easily let things go. Problems would inevitably arise , with unchecked trauma of her past, Ceasre only wanting a spare from her, pushing everyone else that could help her away, yet with her desire to feel seen at the same time. The queen gets coerced and manipulated by another man: Duke Ergi and he takes the chance to screw her over once he got what he wanted from her. Rashta was only queen for a little over a year when she was discovered to have been assaulted by one of her masters leading to a pregnancy no one knew of, and a previous fling she had with Emperor Sovieshu, combined with the rumors that she had cheated on the king, Rashta is beheaded for her crimes. Before her execution she ran after Ceasre, pleading her innocence while being pulled away.
Catherine Parr-Claudine Von Brandt
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Ceasres 6th and final wife. Claudine had initially been with a few other lovers but all have either died or left her before the marriages could even happen. When she is told that she has to marry the king, Claudine naturally freaks out knowing the fates of the previous 5 wives who got divorced at best and lost their heads at worst. She learns to live her life with her aging tyrannical husband and becomes a wonderful stepmother to the kids, even Giovanna was willing to give her a chance and accept Claudine as her stepmother and queen of San Carlo after Claudine convinced Ceasre to reinsert his daughtes back into succession. There were a few close calls but Claudine survived her marriage and outlived Ceasre, but only for a year longer...
Mary I-Princess Giovanna
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(There's no cannon design for Giovanna yet so I used Athy as a substitute)
The first princess born of King Ceasre and Queen Isabella. Out of all her parents failed pregnancies, Giovanna survived as a healthy child despite being a girl. Her parents treated her well enough until her father had the hots for Aria and divorced her mother. Even after learning the truth, Giovanna still considered Isabella the rightful queen even if she was left with a permanent uneasiness of her mom. For most of her time as princess afterwords, Giovanna is demoted to a lady to make room for Arias baby but despite that, Giovanna is a good big sister and doesn't blame Arabella for her mother's fate especially after the second princess is demoted to lady after Aria is executed. After her father dies, Giovanna went through hell to ensure she'd remain a queen and bring back the influence of the pope even if it means the death of the cousin used as a political pawn and the execution of just under 300 people. She dies without an heir only 5 years later.
Elizabeth I- princess Arabella
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Second princess and daughter of King Ceasre and Queen Aria. Poor Arabella was already made a bastard after her mother's execution and lived her life neglected by her father and raised by her older sister. She was named after the 1st queens youngest sister and it's often noted that the princess looks an awful lot like the girl she was named after, almost like she was the reincarnated soul of Arabella de Mare. Her family life is full of nothing but troubles, even after her tyrannical father dies, she's still left in the whims of her sister as their relationship deteriorates when they got older. For years princess Arabella dodged death at every corner until Queen Giovanna passed away, giving rise for the queen no one suspected, Arabella I. She becomes the virgin queen of San Carlo, ending her father's bloodline and granting the right of heir to a cousin when she passes away as the final monarch of the house of de Como.
Edward VI- Leo IV
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(Again, Leo doesn't have a design since he's an OC so young Ceasre will be a substitute)
The long sought after male heir Ceasre had been waiting for and the son of Queen Jennette, he takes after his father in terms of appearance too! As such Leo was raised differently then his sisters and was pushed to the bone since he was the only shot they had for a future king of the de Como bloodline. When Leo became king at the young age of 9, he was easily influenced by the adults and advisors in his life to control the country how they wanted to. He's just a kid and already the people think he'll just turn out to be like his father. Despite how much he loves his sisters, they disagree on religion and in an attempt to keep Giovanna from bringing back influence of the pope, he selects a cousin as his heir just before he dies young, he can finally meet the mother he's never known...
Other characters below:
Prince Arthur- Alfonso de Carlo
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Jane Boleyn- Mielle Roscent
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George Boleyn- Cain Roscent
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Mary Boleyn- Larissa De Balloa
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Thomas Culpeper- Duke Ergi
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psychicpiratementality · 11 months ago
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poems I wrote for henry viii's six wives, along with original graphics
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catherinesboleyn · 2 months ago
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Angela Pleasence as Katherine Howard
The Six Wives of Henry VIII (1970)
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leoleolovesdc · 1 year ago
Okay, hear me out:
A teen girl who has had multiple experiences with sa and abuse coming from older men who she trusted. She lashes out and acts impulsively as this is the only way she knows how to cope with her feelings and because of it is deemed stubborn, a brat and immature by people. She spends her whole life trying to cope with everything that went wrong, blaming herself and feeling worthless as no one seems to respect her enough to try and hear her side of the story. Her life is tragically cut short as she is murdered at a young age and even after death everyone who met or learned about her life insists that she is the villain of this situation and had it coming since the beginning despite only being a child.
This “character description” leads me to a very simple conclusion:
Stephanie Brown🤝Katherine Howard
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isabelleneville · 1 year ago
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Day Six — Favourite Romantic Dynamic: Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII, King of England What could attract Henry to Anne? Was it her beauty? From the contemporary accounts we know, that Anne Boleyn was not considered as beautiful for her time, but still she had ‘something’ that drew attention. Was it beauty from the inside? Maybe her sharp intelligence and political acumen? Surely Anne was not afraid to speak out her opinions about many things, and this makes her different than other women who simply listened to what men had to say. Anne Boleyn was a woman before her time – she dared to reach for something that other women would only dream about. Henry VIII knew that Anne was an extraordinary woman and that she was a perfect match for him because they were similar in many ways. — Sylwia Sobczak Zupanec
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