#maduro dictador
araguaneys · 2 months
Update on Venezuela:
They're still taking people and torturing and killing and giving them up to 30 years of prison (yea) for protesting or posting or even having anti dictatorship messages from other people on their phones, or not even for anything they're just taking people to scare them into submission and silence. Hundreds of people are still missing from their families. And some supporters of the regime are selling out their own family members either for money or because they actually believe their bullshit ideology
Millions of Venezuelans outside the country and supporters also protested against the dictatorship we had some wonderful images from them around the world. This right here is Madrid one of the big diasporas of Venezuelans that have left
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Maduro announced he's looking for ways to control or get rid of Instagram and TikTok and demanded people to progressively get rid of Whatsapp bc as they say they are the grounds for terrorism and violent threats to the government.
He also said he wants to build 2 new maximum security prisons to "re-educate" people the other day idk if you missed that.
And on top of that there was a huge storm AND small earthquake in the city of Caracas. I cannot imagine how chaotic and how scared people must be, please keep talking about it and supporting us people are going through horrible times and can't even post or speak up freely we need you. 🇻🇪
(feel free to add venezuelans, tambien les mando mucho apoyo y cariño)
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bubblyshortie · 2 months
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ylsterman · 2 months
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Maduro does not care about the lives of his own people, there were many young people killed in the marches and he did not care. Much less does he give a shit about Palestine. Don't believe him, a dictator doesn't need that.
Por ellos y los demás...
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vgukly · 2 months
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el pueblo venezolano exige democracia ahora 🇻🇪
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marianafallsss · 2 months
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trollexswife · 2 months
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Information. | Context. | Summary.
Brief interruption of general content, I have to speak on this! I am from Venezuela, raised there as a child and forced to migrate to the U.S due to the torture Nicolás Maduro has done to my country.
Now because of the recent election, people in my country are protesting and pleading for help. Nicolás Maduro did not win, he committed FRAUD. He is a genocidal rich corrupt monster who does NOT care for his people nor the people of Palestine! Do not fall for his lies!! Anti-capitalist does NOT suddenly = GOOD!
These two are canonically Venezuelan, they are just like me and so many others, and I yearn to see my country and my family again. They have been starved and killed, I miss my home, please help and get educated!! Please read the links tagged. I am not well versed enough to be able to spread information, but please take a look through the #Venezuela tag. We need your help!!! Fuerza Venezuela! Venezuela Libre!!!
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anonnnimaaa · 2 months
Hi, I haven't been active here for days, I'm honestly not in the mood. Most of you here are English speakers so I doubt very much that you know about the current situation in Venezuela. I am not Venezuelan, but I have friends and people that I consider my family there, so I will explain quickly: they live in a dictatorship, this past 28J they had elections, the opposition won by beating, but the dictator Nicolás Maduro clings to power, he committed tax fraud As a result, thousands of Venezuelans took to the streets to demand their freedom. The army is killing and imprisoning INNOCENT people just for opposing the regime. Another day I will make a more detailed publication on the subject with the help of my Venezuelan friends, in the meantime. I leave a quick way to donate money to the people who need it so much.
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venelibre · 2 months
Dentro de 1 hora llega MCM a la concentración.
Estoy tan orgulloso de todas las personas que decidieron salir a pesar de todo lo que ha pasado estos días. Eso se llama valentía, coraje del más puro.
Viva Venezuela en esta mierda, caballero.
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pricesugarwife · 2 months
Tras unas elecciones fraudulentas, mi pueblo está saliendo a las calles a defender los votos y la voluntad que fue manifestada en las urnas. Sabemos que ganamos, pero el régimen no quiere aceptarlo.
Hay fuego, cenizas, muerte y destrucción a manos de las Fuerzas Armadas. Pero el pueblo sigue rebelándose para alcanzar la libertad.
Espero que podamos ser libres.
Si desaparezco de aquí, saben que me fui.
Vamos hasta el final. 🇻🇪
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jcalvin26 · 2 months
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araguaneys · 21 days
i want everyone that still doesnt see venezuela is a dictatorship to comment on the timing of a NATIONWIDE BLACKOUT going on in venezuela after people have been protesting and getting arrested for a month, this isnt new the venezuelan dicatorship has been using these terrorism of state tactics for at least 12 years. Theyre letting a country die in the darkness whithout the possibility of telling the world what's going on while hugo chavez's mausoleum is completely lit for no reason. THIS IS VENEZUELA ASK ANY VENEZUELAN most of them have horror stories from the blackouts they've experienced.
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slapiz · 2 months
Hasta el final
“La libertad ha de ser una práctica constante para que no degenere en una fórmula banal. El mismo campo que cría la era, cría las ortigas. Todo poder amplia y prolongadamente ejercido, degenera en casta. Con la casta, vienen los intereses, las altas posiciones, los miedos de perderlas, las intrigas para sostenerlas. Las castas se entrebuscan, y se hombrean unas a otras.” José Martí 1884 Una…
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ylsterman · 2 months
About Venezuela's situation
Hello, I write this in order to inform the majority of what is happening in my country, Venezuela, in case you do not know. I'm sorry if there's something wrong, I originally wrote this in Spanish and translated it into English. (Spanish vers at the end)
On July 28 of this year 2024, “democratic” elections were held where the great candidates were Nicolás Maduro (from the PSUV, part of the Chavista regime that the Nation has been governing for 25 years) and Edmundo González, from the opposition...
Edmundo is a kind of substitute for María Corina Machado, leader of the opposition who always accused Chávez (former president, friend of the dictator Fidel Castro) of being an authoritarian thief and dictator. The Chavista regime disableed María Corina so that she would not present herself as a candidate for the presidential elections, because they were always afraid of him.
In the morning of July 29, Elvis Amoroso, part of the CNE (National Electoral Council), declared that Nicolás Maduro was the “elected” president of the Republic with 51% in favor; Edmundo had 44%, according to them. This without having totaled the votes and without showing reliable data and sources.
To everyone's surprise, María Corina had an ace up her sleeve: at the polling stations, the voting minutes were digitized and supported. These days all the voting minutes have been shown and the reality is another: Edmundo Gonzáles has almost 70% (as far as I saw, until now) in favor, while Nicolás Maduro barely reaches 30%.
These minutes are official and, more importantly, true. María Corina, that is, the opposition, Comando Venezuela, has in her possession almost 90% of the minutes.
The result is clear: Edmundo González is the president-elect of Venezuela this 2024.
The largest fraud in the history of Latin America was committed, probably in the world.
But what happens?
The regime does not want to recognize the results. They refuse to show the minutes because they know they lost. They are accusing María Corina and Edmundo of traitors and much more. It is very important to clarify that neither María Corina nor Edmundo called for protests or violent marches.
On the afternoon of July 29, protests began throughout the country, they knocked down statues of Chavez, even. The people are fed up with tyranny and want to be heard. These protests began in the town itself, no opposition leader called to protest in this way. Everyone is fed up with this regimen. Even criminals in the areas of the plains and neighborhoods have joined the people to protest against the results issued by the CNE.
The government has begun to retaliate: imprison the table witnesses and the people who are participating in the protests. So far there are 11 confirmed dead and many more missing and arrested. The government does not hesitate to torture those who are detained. Maduro has declared himself "pro-Palestine" to hide against an accusation, a movement so low and crawling that it is disgusting, since he is not interested in his own people.
In addition, they close access to social networks. We have to use VPN for some. They are also urging that the people accuse those who are in the protests with an app called VenApp (I already made a post about it)
Currently, many rumors are circulating that the CNE is falsifying minutes to give Nicolás Maduro as the winner, along with Chinese personnel (yes, I know, it sounds crazy, but it is what is apparently happening). In addition, there are reports of planes entering and leaving the country with the direction of Cuba, an ally of the Maduro regime. There are already photos of Cuban soldiers in favor of the regime circulating in the networks.
The Carter Center (the only observer authorized by the regime) ignored the results issued by the CNE and directly called them anti-democratic because they do not meet any international standard. The regime has no solid arguments.
They blamed North Macedonia for an alleged hacking of the CNE during the votes and the Macedonian government itself ignores and rejects such an accusation (I'm sure they didn't even know we had elections). This government is a narco-dictatorship, too, since they have strong connections with drug traffickers.
Again, the government has no arguments. They calls both María Corina and Edmundo “cowards”, but they hide behind a screen. They did not even celebrate the supposed victory as they have done before, they have not taken to the streets, because they know that they would kill them, something that they have done María Corina and Edmundo María Corina has the royal minutes and enabled a page so that Venezuelans can download and verify them: they are all Agree that they are true.
And Edmundo wins by an overwhelming majority. They have the support of almost 90% of the country. The regime is kicking.
Please don't let the Venezuelan voices go out or not be heard.
We don't want more dictatorship.
We want Nicolás to leave.
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Hola, escribo esto con el fin de informar a la mayoría sobre lo que está pasando en mi país, Venezuela, en caso de que no sepan. Disculpo si hay algo que está mal escrito, originalmente escribí esto en español y lo traduje al inglés.
El día 28 de julio de este año 2024 se llevaron a cabo elecciones “democráticas” donde los grandes candidatos eran Nicolás Maduro (del PSUV, parte del régimen chavista que lleva gobernando por 25 años la nación) y Edmundo González, de la oposición. Edmundo es una especie de suplente de María Corina Machado, líder de la oposición que SIEMPRE acusó a Chávez (antiguo presidente, amigo del dictador Fidel Castro) de ser un ladrón y dictador autoritario. El régimen chavista inhabilitó a María Corina para que no se presentara como candidata para las presidenciales, porque siempre le tuvieron miedo.
En la madrugada del 29 de julio, Elvis Amoroso, parte del CNE (Consejo Nacional Electoral), declaró que Nicolás Maduro era el presidente “electo” de la república con 51% de a favor; Edmundo tenía un 44%, según ellos. Esto sin que se hayan totalizado los votos y sin mostrar datos y fuentes fiables.
Para sorpresa de todos, María Corina tenía un as bajo la manga: en los centros de votación, las actas de votación fueron digitalizadas y respaldadas. En estos días se han estado mostrando todas las actas de votación y la realidad es otra: Edmundo Gonzáles tiene casi un 70 % (hasta donde vi, hasta ahora) a favor, mientras que Nicolás Maduro a duras penas llega al 30 %. Estas actas son OFICIALES y, más importante aún, VERÍDICAS. María Corina, es decir, la oposición, Comando Venezuela, tiene en su poder casi el 90% de las actas.
El resultado es claro: Edmundo González ES el presidente electo de Venezuela este 2024. Se cometió el fraude más grande en la historia de Latinoamérica, probablemente del mundo incluso.
¿Pero qué pasa?
El régimen no quiere reconocer los resultados. Se niegan a mostar las actas porque saben que perdieron. Están acusando a María Corina y a Edmundo de traidores y muchas cosas más. Es MUY IMPORTANTE ACLARAR que ni María Corina NI Edmundo llamaron a protestas o marchas violentas.
En la tarde del 29 de julio, comenzaron protestas en todo el país, tumbaron estatuas de Chávez, incluso. El pueblo está harto de la tiranía y quiere ser escuchado. Estas protestas comenzaron en el pueblo mismo, ningún líder opositor llamó a protestar de esta forma. Todos están hartos de este régimen. Incluso criminales en las zonas de los llanos y barrios se han unido al pueblo a protestar en contra de los resultados emitidos por el CNE. El gobierno ha comenzado a tomar represalias: encarcela a los testigos de mesa y a las personas que están participando en las protestas. Hasta ahora hay 11 muertos confirmados y muchos más desaparecidos y detenidos. El gobierno no duda en torturar a quienes están detenidos. Maduro se ha declarado “pro-palestina” para escudarse contra alguna acusación, un movimiento tan bajo y rastrero que es repugnante, ya que a él no le interesa su propio pueblo.
Además, cierran el acceso a redes sociales. Tenemos que usar VPN para algunas. También están instando a que el pueblo acuse a los que están en las protestas con una app llamada VenApp (ya hice un post al respecto)
Actualmente, circulan MUCHOS rumores de que el CNE está falsificando actas para dar como ganador a Nicolás Maduro, junto con personal chino (sí, lo sé, suena a locura, pero es lo que aparentemente está pasando). Además, hay informes de aviones que entran y salen del país con dirección a Cuba, aliado del régimen de Maduro. Ya hay fotos de militares cubanos a favor del régimen circulando en las redes.
El Centro Carter (único observador autorizado por el régimen) desconoció los resultados emitidos por el CNE y directamente los tildó de antidemocráticos porque no cumplen con ningún estándar internacional.
El régimen NO tiene argumentos sólidos. Culparon a MACEDONIA DEL NORTE, de un supuesto hackeo al CNE durante las votaciones y el mismísimo gobierno de Macedonia desconoce y rechaza tal acusación (estoy seguro de que ni sabían que teníamos elecciones). Este gobierno es una narcodictadura, también, ya que poseen fuertes conexiones con narcotraficantes. De nuevo, el gobierno NO TIENE ARGUMENTOS. Llama “cobardes” tanto a María Corina como a Edmundo, pero ELLOS se esconden detrás de una pantalla. Ni siquiera celebraron la supuesta victoria como han hecho antes, no han salido a las calles, porque saben que los matarían, cosa que sí han hecho María Corina y Edmundo
María Corina tiene las actas reales y habilitó una página para que los venezolanos podamos descargarlas y verificarlas: todos están de acuerdo en que son verídicas. Y Edmundo gana por una aplastante mayoría. Tienen el apoyo de casi el 90% del país. El régimen está dando patadas de ahogado.
Por favor, no dejen que las voces venezolanas se apaguen o no sean oídas.
No queremos más dictadura.
No queremos bonos, no queremos CLAP.
Queremos que se vaya Nicolás.
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blogadrianaleite-blog · 2 months
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adribosch-fan · 9 months
Nicaragua, Cuba y Venezuela convertidas en grandes cárceles de presos políticos en América Latina
Casi 3,000 presos políticos existen en las cárceles de los regímenes de Nicaragua, Cuba y Venezuela. En Nicaragua hay dos obispos detenidos por Ortega y Murillo *En Nicaragua, el régimen de Daniel Ortega secuestró días antes de Navidad a un obispo y detuvo a una decena de líderes evangélicos.  **En Cuba familiares de detenidos temen denunciar mientras incrementa la persecución contra las voces…
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estebanpochintesta · 2 months
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Me cago en Maduro y en Diosdado Cabello
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