spiritsoulandbody · 4 months
#DailyDevotion You Can't Add To Jesus' One Perfect Sacrifice
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#DailyDevotion You Can't Add To Jesus' One Perfect Sacrifice Heb. 10 11Every other priest stands and serves day after day, and over and over again brings the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. 12But He made one sacrifice for sins, good forever, sat down at the right hand of God, 13and since then is waiting for His enemies to be made a footstool for His feet. 14By one sacrifice He forever made perfect those who are made holy. 15The Holy Spirit assures us of this. First He says: 16“This is the covenant I will make with them after those days,” says the Lord: “I will put My laws on their hearts and write them on their minds.” 17Then He adds: “I will not remember their sins and their wrongs anymore.” 18Now, where sins are forgiven, there is no more sacrificing for sin. The priests of the earthly Temple brought the same sacrifices over and over again, daily, monthly and yearly according to the Law. But those sacrifices could not take away sins. It was only the promise attached and the faith that believed the promises that could do that. These sacrifices were a shadow which pointed to the one perfect sacrifice that was to be offered. Jesus is that one perfect sacrifice. He made one sacrifice for sins. This sacrifice was good forever. There can be and will not be any further sacrifice that can merit or earn, can atone for or propitiate, for the forgiveness of sins. Since Jesus' perfect sacrifice there is nothing you can add to it. It is complete. Having made this sacrifice for sin, Jesus sat down on the right hand of majesty on high. There He is waiting for His enemies to be made a footstool for His feet. Since His perfect and holy sacrifice, He sits as our High Priest interceding for us with the blood He shed for us once and for all. Now this perfect sacrifice has forever made us perfect who are made holy through holy baptism. The baptism into which He has put His name. The baptism in which He has connect His Word and blood to the water, which cleanses our consciences and makes them clean. There is nothing we can add to what Jesus has done to make us perfect and holy. It is His actions, His sacrifice which has done it. So St. Paul says in Eph. 5, "25You husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it 26to make it holy by washing it clean with water by the Word, 27to have the church stand before Him as something wonderful, without a spot or a wrinkle or anything like that; yes, it should be holy and without a fault." In Col. 1 he writes, " 22but now by dying in His human body He has made you friends in order to have you stand before Him without sin or fault or blame..." Jude writes, "24To Him who is able to keep you from falling and have you stand without a fault and with great joy before His glory..." This is so because Jesus has instituted the New Testament with His blood as Jeremiah quotes above in his prophecy from ch. 31 of his book. He has put His Torah in our hearts and minds by the Holy Spirit in baptism. We are reminded of this in Absolution and the LORD's Supper. These three deliver to us, give to us the forgiveness of sins earned by Jesus' one time sacrifice. We can be certain as we participate in these means of grace and believe what Jesus says about them, God forgives us our sins and remembers them no more. Since our sins are forgiven by His one perfect sacrifice and we are made complete and perfect by it, there is no more sacrifice for sin. There is nothing you can add to it. You can only receive it through His given means, believe and trust in it. Merciful God and Father, You have provided the one perfect sacrifice for our sins by sending Your Son, Jesus Christ, to be our sacrificial Lamb. Grant us faith in His sacrifice for our sins so we don't blaspheme it by adding our own sacrifices. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Read the full article
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torqueblock12 · 14 days
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Apollo Trampler ST 110/80-17 54P TL M/C Front Tyre: Quality and Performance MadePerfect 
When it comes to choosing the perfect front tire for your motorcycle, you may need to select the Apollo Trampler ST 110/80-17 54P TL M/C Front Tyre. It is a proven tyre with an excellent life on both commuting and adventure rides. With better output for long periods, this Apollo front tyre gives you the best performance along with unmatched traction and control that gives you a great ride. Apollo Trampler ST has a tread pattern that is versatile. This offers excellent traction on various surfaces. From travelling through wet or dry conditions through rough streets or cross-country trails, the Apollo always ensures you have confident grip and therefore more safety and riding confidence. As an Apollo front tyre, the engineer has engineered it in such a way that precision steering alongside stability will offer smooth rides.
Durability and Long Life Made from top-grade material, the Apollo Trampler ST 110/80-17 54P TL M/C Front Tyre is designed to be tough and durable, strong and steady, regardless of how often it gets used. The tubeless design ensures there is less chance of getting a sharp puncture and reduces wear and tear; therefore, it is cost-efficient for any bike rider.
Comfort and Handling The Apollo Trampler ST boasts of having one distinct feature and that is: though it rides on such tough roads, the tyre takes the shocks and vibrations pretty efficiently thanks to its optimized construction, yet there is a smooth ride over others. Thus, the tyre makes it the best Apollo front tyre for long-distance touring or daily commuting.
In short, if you expect a high-performance durable tire that can balance strength, control, and the comfortability, then the Apollo Trampler ST 110/80-17 54P TL M/C Front Tyre definitely fits the bill.
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potterpositivity · 3 years
big shoutout to @weasking / @madeperfect!! meg's portrayal always blows me away. she's a blessing to this community.
@weasking / @madeperfect .
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krvla · 3 years
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‘ MR. MALFOY. Have you ever considered , that you are not as SLY as you believe yourself to be . . . ?? ’
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titiansleuth · 4 years
[ ❀ ; @madeperfect​​
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        attention is admittedly not focused on where she's going, preoccupied with locating strange noises her housemates keep WHISPERING about. when cerulean optics fall onto unnoticed figure, feet HALT suddenly in their place. heart  jumps  into throat and suffocates briefly, a gasp escaping pink lips and hand fluttering to throat.  ❛  JEEPERS  —  you startled me!  ❜
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n3cklaced · 3 years
           [ @madeperfect ]   /  sc.
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          “  i  have  nothing  to  say  to  you.  ”
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hufflepffs · 3 years
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           “     I didn’t think I’d see you here.     ”     Smile ever present,   her jester was only light as she places the potted plant onto the wooden table where it belonged.      She figured the greenhouses were more her domain,   not his.       “    Are you looking for something ?     ”    ...   @madeperfect​ 
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hufflepffs-a · 4 years
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           “  Maybe it’s all just for a moment.  ”    she begins,  moving to look up towards the Slytherin with a rather puzzled look on her face.     “   --- what are we looking for so aimlessly ?  ”   //  @madeperfect​  ||  sc.
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wicxedxcharming · 4 years
@madeperfect​ semi-plotted starter (Draco and Albus)
Rose said not to bring too much attention to themselves, she was trying to figure out how to make a True Time Turner. Albus didn’t really see the point, they had already been here for a day! That was more than five hours, they had changed the timeline...and they still hadn’t disappeared. That had to be a good sign. They could do this...they could fix things, maybe speed up the war and make sure that people survived. He and Scorpius couldn’t save one person but now? He had Rose, second smartest witch he knew (next to his Aunt Hermione). 
It wasn’t that bad. The Slytherin robes fit him exactly the same, Professor Dumbledore had been kind enough to sort them the day they arrived instead of with the first years. It was weird, seeing both of his namesakes. He was Albus Severus Potter but had to go by Al Evans for obvious reasons...maybe he couldn’t have taken his grandmother’s last name but it was the first thing that came to mind.
A lot of people said that Albus wasn’t in Ravenclaw for a reason...which was probably true because as he stood there in the Slytherin Common Room, robes on and feeling normal, he forgot that he was in 1996 and not 2022. So when he saw a familiar head of blonde hair, he didn’t really think before rushing over and grabbing the boy’s wrist. 
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“Scorpius, wait. Where are you going?” The words were out of his mouth before he even realized he said them.
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deviildarlng · 3 years
&& // 🐾💋🚬 ❝ of course, your mother is one of my favorite people to dress; she’s absolutely stunning and effortlessly glamorous. oh? well i do sincerely apologize draco darling. most wizards are too COWARDLY to wear anything that isn’t a basic shirt and trousers or a dreadfully boring one-color robe. ❞
cruella drawls in her low venom-sweet accent as she produces a CIGARETTE from her black bag. that signature smirk of hers on blood red lips. ❝ but considering who your family is, i should have known better. ❞ she says apologetically.
@madeperfect cont.
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blaesus · 4 years
a   one-lined   starter    ft.    @madeperfect​
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      ❝       now,    you    gonna    tell    me    what    you     said    to     pansy    to     get     her    to    storm    out    of    here,    cursing     you    under     her    breath?    i’m     very    intrigued    since     i    never     thought    this    day    would    ever    arrive.     ❞       he’s    grinning,    amusement    twinkling     in    his    eyes.
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acatalcpsy-a · 4 years
@madeperfect liked for a starter!!
Quiet is the echo within stone walls. Severus propped up in his chair, book in hand as time ticked on by slowly, and with precision. Never a grain of sand misplaced. Every drop with intent and purpose. Extra emphasis on the tick and tock that resonated within hollow walls. This chamber meant to keep in as much as to keep out.
Detention is best served in pairs and Severus can only roll coffee colored eyes with mild annoyance that he is the partner of the evening. No cutting corners when Mcgonagall bared witness herself to the incident. Too old to be getting into trouble like this. 
Both he and Draco in question. A prince with a crown turned green, none the wiser to his slowly decaying stance among the wizardry population. Severus here to bear witness to it all. His own made of thorns. Funny, in a non comical way, where similarities line up. A brat before him and yet, Draco has his most utter sympathies. 
Lucius be damned. 
He is observant. Like second nature to watch and listen. No stranger to the Malfoy household and name. What it’s like to be under Lucius’ watchful eye, a warning on his lips when Narcissa took interest. Little he could do but to play into old traditions he does not favor. His own status hung heavy over his head. One wrong move and it’s over.
Book shut, he sighed and sat back. Fingers took to pinching the bridge of his nose as he shunned the past. Separate what once was with what’s now as he addressed the Slytherin. 
“Malfoy,” he began, breath heavy on thin lips, “It would be wise to shut your mouth every now and then.”
Advice. Take it.
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elvened · 4 years
@madeperfect​ | DRACO MALFOY
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IT IS WITH WELL MAINTAINED GRACE, and an EVER REGAL facade that he greets the approaching wizard. Announcement of the boy’s arrival had been made apparent to the WOODLAND KING by his own watchful guard, of which LITTLE went undetected by. Though Thranduil had MORE OR LESS anticipated such a visitation. The return of the DARK LORD had not went UNLEARNED by the elven realm. For Thranduil recalls a similar darkness cast in the wake of his rise, and his return to mortal form hardly felt different.
It did, admittedly, leave the elven king UNNERVED. And while his express remains untelling, there is a tenseness that overwhelms his innards.
❛ MANY OF YOUR KIND have tread through this realm. But I am unfamiliar with you. You will STATE YOUR NAME before you step further. ❜ Though of course, Thranduil is certain he bares the MARK OF DARKNESS, he merely refers to his status as wizard. And he has a INKLING as to the boys INTENT.
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habbott · 4 years
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glimmered   eyes   are   focused   now,   lips   purse   in   thought   as   brows   soften.             she’s   accustomed   to   the   platinum's   ROTTEN   attitude,   however   seeing   dark   shadows   grow   beneath   his   eyes   and   a   certain   shift   of   his   stance   causes   her   to   mellow   and   take   note   that   is   human   like   she   is.             even   if   his   actions   seemed   to   be   against   everything   she   stood   for.             a   hum   leaves   crimson   lips,   a   quaint   nod   given   before   she   speaks.             ❝             I   understand   that.             but   by   the   looks   of   it,   you   seem   to   not   be   taking   care   of   yourself.             ❞      she   pauses,   almost   coaxing   herself   to   prepare   for   his   aggression,   but   continues.      ❝             IT’S   okay   to   ask   others   to   help   you,   draco.          [ … ]          before   it’s   too   late.             ❞
@madeperfect​     sent       i     am     looking     out     for     myself.
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dorothyytm · 4 years
🌈🌻┋*:・゚✧   ❝ hello, draco right? you looked a bit blue over here by yourself && i well, just wanted to make sure you’re alright? do you need anything? i have some leftover lemon-blueberry scones if you’d like one. ❞ this is simply the kind of person she is, trying to provide comfort to someone she barely knows. she knows who he is, his reputation for being a bit of a bully but she’s certain that UNDERNEATH that he’s surely a kind person.
[ SURPRISE STARTER.    /    @madeperfect ]
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laurelserpent · 4 years
IT WAS DRAWING NEARER TO the Christmas Break .  Whilst most students were likely counting down the days in eager anticipation , Daphne was desperately grasping on to every hour - hoping to draw the days out for as long as possible . With each passing day , her anxiety increased tenfold . A deep sense of dread lay heavy on her chest , it was almost suffocating . Christmas in the Greengrass household , was far from the joyous and warm occasion depicted in most mainstream media . A ‘ Grey Christmas ’ seemed a more apt description of how the Greengrass’ spent the day as a ‘ family ’. If it weren’t for protecting Astoria from the wrath of their father , she might have decided to skip the affair all together , remain on the grounds in contended solitude , reading to her heart's content . But such things were not possible , and so , Daphne did her best to push thoughts of home and the dread that accompanied them , out of her mind . 
If she were to be miserable come Christmas Day , then she was going to ensure the little time she had left at school was filled with merriment ; celebrating with the surrogate family , whom she cherished so dearly . She hadn’t realised just how beautiful Christmas could be until she had arrived at Hogwarts . It was a kind of magic beyond what could be done with a wand , indescribable really . It was these thoughts that swirled around her head as she stared in awe at the now decorated common room . It had always been one of her favourite places in the school ; but now , it was truly breathtaking. The teal water of the lake refracted off the soft glow of the string lights and caused emerald crystals to adorn every inch of the room . Magical .
Once she had stopped being quite so awe-stricken , she turned her attention to the far back corner of the room ; a prefered spot of many of her friends . A humoured smile graced her lips as she watched the scene play out before her . There sat one of her oldest and dearest friends , currently caught in a vicious battle with printed paper and sellotape - he was losing , miserably . She approached him , trying to suppress her laughter as another rogue strip of sellotape stuck to his robes ; joining it’s many comrades . 
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❝ Well , while I’m very glad to see that you’re sticking to our ‘ No Magic Christmas ’ it does appear you could use some help . ❞ She tucked herself beside him , beginning to pick the tape off of him , trying desperately not to giggle . 
→  @madeperfect​  pressed     the     heart    ♥️ 
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