#madeleine is great as well ofc
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Whenever I see interviews with Joey and he says hat his band isn't that great or that he doesn't play instruments well I personnally want to shake him off and tell him he deserves the love and attention because he's an amazing and talented person and he needs to accept that
#tad#the amazing devil#joey batey#madeleine is great as well ofc#most of the time it doesnt sound like hes just being humble#but more like he actually believes it#and that doesn't sit right with me#you sir need a nap
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Claudia's Celebration of Life: Spark in the Dark - Hobbies

As the title suggests, this event is to celebrate the wonderful Claudia; her personality, her aspirations, her journey. The heart for the past two seasons of AMC Interview with The Vampire. This is to take the narrative back to her, proving she's not just a shingle roof for us. 1. Aug 11th & 12th: Hobbies
For the Hobbies prompt, my brain immediately went to book!Claudia, where we know she initially loved playing with porcelain dolls. The only time we see AMC!Claudia with a doll, however, it's a voodoo doll.
This short but sweet scene is a stark demonstration of power; of how vampires are removed from (and even above) the practices & beliefs of mortals. Claudia takes the magical weapon and treats it as nothing more than a child's toy to be cooed over, dismissing any threat the terrified NOLA locals have of the "Weird Brothers and their child bride" who haven't aged in 30+ years.
When Loustat Turned her, we get to see the bedroom they give her; a confectionery dream. But I laughed out loud when I noticed this:

That tiny AF rocking horse is LITERALLY for toddlers--a FIVE year old, like she was in the books. Claudia's waaaay too big to get anything out of that rocking horse--a Hobby Horse would've been a far better purchase! (Which just goes to show Loustat was so hyperfocused on having a child that they infantalized her from the offset.)
Otherwise, AMC!Claudia never expressed the slightest interest in toys--which might make sense at face value, but I doubt this had anything to do with her being aged up. (I played with dolls at 14--I still play with digital dolls in video games like The Sims.) Instead, I reckon it has more to do with AMC!Claudia growing up in what was clearly an abusive & neglectful home, where luxuries like toys were unavailable.
I got James & the Giant Peach / Harry Potter / Mathilda vibes. I bet toys weren't on the list of things her mean aunt & reluctant caretaker would've bothered wasting what little money they obviously had on Claudia's hobbies. Whatever Claudia would've done to amuse herself would've had to require her imagination; repurposed from things already around her, or found in nature. And we see that when Louis takes her fishing--Claudia takes obvious delight in catching fireflies.
Claudia also obviously loved to dance (like Louis) and sing (like Lestat); which we see in NOLA and ofc in Paris, when she falls immediately in love with the Theatre; and even seemed to have some fun with the Baby LouLou performance (until the novelty wore off).

She also clearly shared Loustat's love of cinema--again factoring into the Theatre's appeal.

IDK if Claudia enjoyed the lessons Les taught her, or if she just used them as a means to an end--especially since we don't see her playing piano or chess (or even driving) after NOLA. (It couldn't've been that with Les gone, Claudia had no one to play with, since pianos & chess can obvs be played solo). Were those pastimes soured/ruined cuz of their association with Les? Was she never really interested in them to start? Regardless, she was great at it, especially chess.
In this same convo, we see Claudia painting/drawing on a tiny easel. And we know she drew a lot in the books/film, too (inc. the nude bodies of her female victims, and everywhere she & Lou traveled).
So she's clearly artistic in other ways outside of performance. Too bad we didn't see Lou take her to the Louvre--she seemed to enjoy listening to him talk/brag about hanging out with Paris' artist circles.
Ofc, there's also her diaries. Claudia was obviously literate when Loustat met her (well b4 she ran away & hid on college campuses); and she leapt on the chance to keep a diary like a fish to water. Diaries were her constant companions, up until she met Madeleine, and finally had a kindred spirit to talk to; closer than Lou.

We don't know what Claudeleine would've talked about, but we see her interest in literature, especially fiction, and her indifference to philosophy, giving us an idea of the topics she'd've been interested in.
And ofc, Claudia was an exemplary predator, who felt "vampire pride," and loved to kill and drink blood.
#Claudia's Spark in the Dark#justice for claudia#claudia#interview with the vampire#iwtv tvc metas#girl power#black girl magic
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Tagged By: @fisherkn1ght
Thank you so much!!!!! 😊❤️
I have no one to tag so if you see this and you'd like to do it, pretend I tagged you 💀
Prepare for the overuse of parenthesis. This is gonna be long so 👇
Arisen: Crom

(I had to take all the screenshots in this post literally today cuz Xbox deleted all my old screenshots and I never saved them to my phone 💔)
Nickname(s): Probably Crumb. 😭
Age: I think 22-25 maybe. She's childhood friends with Quina and Valmiro, and personally I can't see them being any older than 25-ish.
Race: Human.
Gender: I wanna say she identifies as a woman but tbh gender doesn't really matter much to her. Like she doesn't think about it. She'd have no problems if someone referred to her as anything other than a woman or used pronouns other than she/her.
Orientation: Asexual/Aromantic (like me😋). I can't imagine her (or really any of my OCs lol) in a romantic relationship or having sex or anything.
Moral Alignment: I think Neutral Good.
Class: She started as a Fighter and later became a Warrior. She just wants to swing a big sword around.
Background: Literally just the intro in DD1 💀 She's childhood friends with Quina and Valmiro, though her and Quina are practically sisters as Crom was raised by Adaro most of her life after her parents died in a brine-related accident. She doesn't remember them much. She took becoming the Arisen pretty well actually, if you ignore the fact that some of her neighbors died 💀 She was stoked to see a real life dragon until it sunk in (idk how she can see when her eyes are closed 24/7 but y'know... it's a fantasy game, pretend 😭).
Interests/Hobbies: Fishing (ofc, she's Cassardi), she's always liked sword fighting (I can imagine her and Valmiro as kids enthusiastically whacking eachother with wooden swords until they both were all bruised up and Quina had to heal them while lovingly chewing them out), and crafting things. Like whittling or making necklaces and crowns out of flowers that Quina found (to her annoyance, she collected those for a tonic).
Language(s): Common. Is that what it's called in Gransys? Grasian? Granslish?
Height: Probably around 5'10. The tallest in the village. 😭
Colors: Blue, Red, and Brown. Those would be her fave if you pretend that she can see...
Fruits: Idk.. I don't think she can choose either. She probably has a new favorite every other day.
Alchoholic Beverages: I don't think she drinks very often. She's definitely gotten wasted on Cloudwine with Mercedes once or twice though. (Also just a little headcanon, I like to think that Madeleine and Mountebank are friends, considering their shops are so close by, and now I'm imagining the three of them having a night on the town while Affie follows closely behind them to make sure they don't get into too much trouble. Fournival's probably there too but he'll deny it.)
Smokes: Again, not very often, but she has smoked greenwarish with Quina and Valmiro a couple times (you can't convince me they haven't smoke before, have you seen Quina's room? I get that she's a healer but...)
Drugs: I mean, if greenwarish counts.. But no, she doesn't do drugs. She needs to have a clear head for all that sword swinging. 🤣
Driver's (Oxcart) License: Definitely not. She falls asleep on the oxcarts way too fast.
Ever Been Arrested: Besides the Aelinore quest, no. She can be kinda reckless but she's not a troublemaker.
Pawn: Affie

wow, great screenshots 💔
Nicknames: Affie is her nickname 😭 Her name is actually Afaenia but no one calls her that. (Affie and Crom's names are literally in-game monikers. For some reason I'm incapable of not using monikers as my characters actual names in DD.)
Age: About the same as Crom, 22-25. Physically. I guess if she was made by Crom she'd probably only be a couple months old. 👶
Race: Pawn. Lol. Crom has loved fantasy stories since she was a kid and has always wanted to see a real life elf, so she created Affie in the image of one (but now I'm wondering, do fantasy stories exist in fantasy worlds? What could possibly be fantasy to them? Modern day Earth? 😭)
Gender: Pawn. I'm kidding. I think like Crom she probably doesn't care much about gender. She's very fem presenting but if you referred to her in any other way she wouldn't really care.
Orientation: Asexual/Aromantic. I just can't see her in a romantic or sexual way lol. It makes me a bit uncomfortable personally.
Moral Alignment: Lawful Neutral? It was hard to pick. She really only answers to Crom. She doesn't think much for herself so you can be sure that she's not going be getting into any trouble (of her own free will lmao.) She is full of complaints though. 😭 I also kinda see her as a big sister figure to Crom despite being younger than her. Always looking out for her and having no problem chewing her out.
Class: She started as a Mage but later became a Sorcerer. Though I can see her switching back and forth depending on Crom's behavior. Like if Crom's been recently injured I can see Affie switching to Mage again to make sure she's ok in fights until she's got her full strength again.
Background: She doesn't really have one... She was made by Crom. If she had a life before Crom, she doesn't remember it.
Interests/Hobbies: I'm not quite sure honestly, but she's probably a throwblast dealer on the side. Something about explosives...
Language(s): Granslish (Common). If she were in DD2 I don't think she'd be able to speak elven. She's a fake. 😔
Height: I think about 5'7-ish. She's a bit shorter than Crom but not too short.
Colors: Purple and Orange.
Fruits: Grapes. I can't really see her enjoying a whole lot of fruits. Maybe? She likes bitter flavors.
Alchoholic Beverages: She has no time for drinks when she has a hard-headed Arisen to take care of.
Smokes: She may not drink, but she's definitely dabbled in little greenwarish before...
Drugs: Nope.
Driver's (Oxcart) License: Can she be trusted to drive a cart? Not sure, but I think she'd have a license regardless.
Ever Been Arrested: Can pawns be arrested? They're not allowed within castle walls... But no, she's a good pawn.
Some more pics lol
Sorry, they're honestly not that interesting 💀
#dragon's dogma#ddda#crom#affie#I had to do this whole thing over again cuz I delted it on accident#I had been working on it for idk#an hour??#😭😭😭💔#why can I not spell delete
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the horror and the wild (and achilles)
basically i’m trying to explain why the songs that are in my iliad playlist are there at all and ofc i’m starting with none other than achilles. I’m gonna do this line-by-line so you can listen as you read but i won’t be doing repeated lines. enjoy <3
also, yes, i am aware that the song is written about an abusive relationship between father and child, and i love listening it to it in that sense (yes i’m traumatized) but in this context it’s obvs different. my ability to make everything about achilles is a gift that keeps on giving. if you don’t want this song to have different meaning than what it’s actually about, just stop reading.
You were raised by wolves and voices, every night I hear them howling deep beneath your bed —
The ‘you’ in this line is Achilles, who knew from a very young age that he was destined for greatness. He based his entire personality around the fact, hence the having been ‘raised’ by voices. The ‘wolves’ also remind me of the fact that he a) spent many years in a cave with Charon and b) had many father figures. I mean it. Count them.
They said it all comes down to (you) —
This ties in with the previous line. Achilles really was told that the fate of the war and hence the entirety of Greece depends on him, when he was literally a child. That’s way too much responsibility for a five-year-old if you were looking for parenting tips.
You’re the daughter of silent watching stones, you watch the stars hurl all their fundaments in wonderment at you and yours, forever asking more —
I mostly connect the female part of the song to Thetis. Firstly, I feel like this segment already makes her feel like an ethereal, divine being (although Madeleine’s voice does that well enough ngl), at the same time it also describes her character very well. The fact that the stars ‘hurl all their fundaments’ reminds me of Book (idk what book it is), where Zeus fulfills Thetis’ wish on Achilles’ behalf, no questions asked. I also feel like some people forget that Zeus literally wanted to marry her, she was that gorgeous, so ya.
You are the space that’s in between every page, every chord and every screen. You are the driftwood and the rift, the words I promise I don’t mean —
I don’t know what this means. Love it tho.
We’re drunk, but drinking; sunk, but sinking —
I love this line so much, you have no idea. It brings up the idea that while they all know that they are fated to die and it is guaranteed, there’s still living it in real time. They’re eating, laughing, speaking, with the knowledge that tomorrow they won’t be able to. They’re dead men walking. Also, on a less existential note, it reminds me of the fact that they’ve doomed themselves by starting the war and yet they continue it. They’ve dug themselves a hole and instead of hopping out, they dig deeper.
They thought us blind, we were just blinking —
Patroclus and Achilles now: Their decision to put the war on hold, a momentary action, is the blinking, in relation to “blindness” which would’ve been leaving. The ‘they’ who thought them blind could really be Agamemnon, who underestimates and insults Achilles with the little party he sends to him. Or it could be Hector and the Trojans who believed they were safe … and then Achilles came back.
All the stones and kings of old will hear us screaming at the cold —
The stones are a perfectrepresentation of the Trojan wall and the kings, well, that’s the current Trojan royal family but also all that have passed. They will hear Achilles screaming at the cold, which could be the sea or Patroclus’ corpse if you want to take it literally. When he hears the news of Patroclus’ death, his screams do in fact reach Troy.
Remember me, I ask. Remember me, I sing —
Yeah. Remembrance for Achilles is obviously a big thing, so I’m not going to go super deep here, however the switch from ‘ask’ to ‘sing’ is really nice, considering we’re taking about an epic that was sung in remembrance of Achilles. The first word of the Iliad is literally ‘sing’.
Give me back my heart you wingless (thing) —
This could very much be about the fight for Patroclus’ corpse, but Achilles didn’t even know that was happening at the time, so instead I just make it about Achilles wanting Patroclus to be alive again. He does in fact refer to him as “his soul’s far dearer part”.
Think of all the horrors that I promised you I’d bring —
To me, this sounds like Achilles referring to threats he made to Hector about killing him and bringing destruction to his people. While the threats were empty at the time, now, after Patroclus has died, he takes them very seriously.
I promise you, they’ll sing of every time you passed your fingers through my hair and called me child —
In the song, this is the same person as in the lines before and after, considering it’s a song about a father and his son, but to me, this line is about the fact that Achilles wants the affection Patroclus showed him to be remembered. He doesn’t want the love they had to go forgotten. This is 100% caused by the fact that in my writing, Patroclus and Achilles’ hair is a huge thing you might want to look out for if you read it lols. OH also, the fact that he cuts it after Patroclus dies is like a “if you can’t touch it, no one can” moment.
Witness me, old man, I am the wild —
Back to the Trojans. ‘Old man’ here obviously means father but we’ll just ignore that and apply it to Priam, specifically to the scene where he comes to Achilles’ tent and asks for Hector’s corpse back.
You are the son of every dressing up box —
Honestly, I have no idea what this means. It definitely does remind me of Achilles hiding in a costume among the princesses in Skyros, but that doesn’t hold all too much significance. Dressing up is also usually a kids’ game which reminds you that he’s really just a kid pretending to be someone he’s not.
And I am time itself, I slow to let you play. I steal the hours and turn the nights into (day) —
Instead of giving the female voice just to Thetis, I could classify it as divine interference as a whole. This line specifically is giving me Athena vibes, though she is not time itself. The way she refers to what would be battling in this context as ‘playing’ shows how superior she is and how much she looks down upon even her favoured soldiers. It also reiterates for the millionth time that these soldiers are really just children. The fact that Athena has to ‘let’ him or allow him to play illustrates that Achilles is dependent on divine interference to win his battles, but specifically the duel with Hector.
Day by day, oh lord, three things I pray, that I might understand as best I can how bold I was, could be, will be - still am, by god, still am —
Here we get to the self-reflection where Achilles realizes that he was never as great as he thought he’d be, and that he had failed his people by not using that greatness to its full potential. The ‘will be’ and ‘still am’ parts are just him hyping himself up to take revenge on Hector, reminding himself that he does have the strength to do it.
Fret not, dear heart, let not them hear the mutterings of all your fears, the fluttering of all your wings —
I don’t know how deep I can go into this beyond what it literally means. He simply can’t let on that he’s scared. I guess the wings do represent his inner demons, but it’s also kind of funny when you think of him being Podarkes aka. having “winged feet”.
Welcome to the storm, I am thunder —
In the storm that is the war, Achilles is the thunder, the loud thing everyone fears. It’s quite interesting to consider that in reality, thunder is safe. The danger is the lighting. In my mind, Achilles considers Patroclus to be the lightning, which makes sense when you remember that after his death Achilles admits that he is not the best of all Greeks, but Patroclus. This leaves Achilles to be the thunder, the echo of what truly mattered.
Welcome to my table, bring your hunger —
This is similar to the line before. It’s his table, his war. Hector is the one that has to come prepared, ready to fight, but also ready to be served, ready to die.
#i cannot believe i said ‘illustrates’. i feel like i’m writing an essay for school.#greek mythology#greek myth#achilles#the amazing devil#the horror and the wild#tad#iliad#the iliad#trojan war#patroclus#hector of troy#thetis#athena#king priam#priam#ancient greece#mythology#greek gods#mythos#greek mythos#song analysis#literary analysis#analysis#myth#homer#epic cycle#greek heroes#ik there are so many other things i could tag this as but idk what
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regarding women characters, i kinda feel like they're doing their best given they're working with a book. (given Anne Rice wrote this book and the character Claudia after the death of her young daughter, ofc the writers were never going to change the plot to have Claudia [and Madeleine] live.) In S1 I loved Bricktop, Lily, Grace, and Florence. (I felt Lily's death was unnecessary--I feel you on that one--but it was of a piece with the villainy with which they portrayed S1 Lestat.) The TdV had good rep, but every coven member had to die (lol, except apparently deus ex machina The Vampire Sam. honestly? yeah, let a woman live: would've been nice if it had been the vampire samantha. oh well).
so I do feel like they're aiming for female rep--those fleshed-out (and some created) characters were thanks to the writers, not the source material. (They even changed the character from Antoine to Antoinette, though of course--still a grim ending, lol.) But IWTV as an arc did require a lot of deaths. I felt a bit bad that the optics were TERRIBLE at a glance, but their hands in that regard are tied by very purposeful source material.
I feel like the writers are chomping at the bit for TVL/S3, where we'll get (among others) Gabrielle and Akasha, the heavy-hitters. There are certainly more (and ones who live long lives), but those two are certain.
re: point 2. lol! this and other obviously reactive things like that (I think calling armand "gremlin" was one of them? iirc??)--yeah, I had some side-eye. it broke the fourth wall a little. but! me, I think they relish being reactive to fans, though? and when I thought about it, I had mad respect they course-corrected re: the gloves. (but then it turned out they shouldn't have done that for photos, can't win for losing.) i think i'm still trying to adjust to the idea of a showrunner/writer's room that actually gaf about the fans and their thoughts. amazing. gives me vertigo after a life of being treated like shit, lol.
Rolin Jones said in an interview the seeming mistake about Louis-Lestat's telepathy there was intentional, so they could call back to it in the finale when Daniel is chipping away at Louis's story; RJ said he knew it made them look like "lousy writers" (or words like that, but I think that's it) and get flak for it, but they had to tough it out until it could pay off.
(it's great, all of us talking about this stuff; people are going to add on things I didn't know--I love it and hoard it lol)
I love IWTV and I prefer S2 to S1, but I gotta ask how people feel about the following things bc they're playing on my mind atm and I'm curious
How do we feel about the fact that literally every somewhat plot relevant female character we've followed or met this season all died fairly brutal deaths? Emilia, Daciana, the theatre covern members, and of course Claudia and Madeleine
How do we feel about the way they walked back some of the stuff from S1 that probably caught fans attention during airing? Namely, Daniel suddenly now knowing that wearing gloves when handling historical papers isn't good practice, or them retroactively fixing the plot hole heretofore unmentioned of Lestat speaking to Louis telepathically after Louis' turning?
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Behind Closed Doors
Keanu Reeves x OFC (Emma Mathers)
Masterlist Behind Closed Doors Masterlist
Warnings- tension, again.
When In Paris
The suite at the five star Parisian hotel was far more glamorous than anything Emma had ever experienced, and that was coming after an extensive flight spent on a private jet. The wonder in her eyes was unmatched, and by just looking at her face, Keanu could tell that their trip was her first time traveling in luxury. Something about the twinkle in her eyes made him want to see it more, he wanted to spoil Emma, just so he could hear that, melodic, breathless laugh that she'd emitted when they boarded the private jet, see the way her red painted lips parted in awe when they landed in magnificent Paris and be privy to the way her pretty eyes widened when they entered the suite.
Upon Miranda finding out that a new collaboration with a New York based cosmetic company would have her missing the premiere in Paris, Keanu had found himself breathing a sigh of relief. Partially because he didn't want to spend the trip, and by extension his birthday, tolerating Miranda's constant nitpicking of Emma's methods and the little insults she usually threw the girl's way. But there was another part of him, softer and more cautious about letting its intentions known, that insisted that he was actually relieved because no Miranda meant more time alone with Emma. Keanu knew that he shouldn't have been thinking like that, he was engaged and highly doubted that Matt and Poppy's nanny even returned his not-so-platonic feelings. She was young and would probably be repulsed by the idea of being tied down by a man his age, far less one with young children.
As Keanu settled into his room, the master bedroom right next to the slightly smaller room where the twins would be staying and directly across from Emma's room, he tried to push away the intrusive thoughts, only to be interrupted by none other than the subject of his wandering eyes. "Got a minute?" She smiled shyly, loosely gripping the knob of his ajar door.
"I could spare a few," he grinned brightly despite himself. For her, he'd carve time out of the busiest of schedules.
"Great," Emma blushed, noting the way his gaze roved her form, clad in a snug, white sweater and a simple pair of blue jeans, "The kids, they want to go out. I'd take them on my own, but I've never been here, and I wouldn't want to get lost." Glancing at the floor, she tucked an escaped strand behind her ear, and Keanu didn’t think he could put into words how much he wanted to be the one doing that; his thumb caressing her high cheek bone, her skin soft and warm to touch. “If you don’t have time, then-”
“No,” Keanu dropped the shirt he was holding back into the suitcase, walking around the foot of the king sized bed, collecting his leather jacket and scarf on his way towards Emma. He stopped closer to her than he should have, and with that proximity, she had to tilt her head to meet his gaze, “I have time, we could go for a walk and if I remember correctly there should be a great café about a block away. You’ll like it.”
Stunned, Emma blinked quickly, not expecting Keanu to be so readily on board the idea of going out mere hours after they’d gotten to the hotel. She had started to forget how much fun and how carefree he could be when Miranda wasn’t around and even if she knew that her opinion didn’t really matter in the scheme of things, Emma thought she preferred Keanu when he was alone.
Surprisingly, he led her towards the drawing room with his hand on the center of her back, almost weightless even as comforting warmth emanated from his palm. It was almost as if he wanted to touch her, though he knew he shouldn't.
Calling out to the kids, who came running excitedly, both still dressed to go out, Keanu swiped Emma’s camel coat from off the back of the grey, floral patterned cabriole sofa, helping her into it. His fingers brushed her shoulders through her sweater, electrifying her nerves, and when he absently passed his hands over her arms after it was on, Emma sucked in a breath, restraining herself from leaning into him, “Thank you,” she blushed, hoping he wouldn’t see it.
“Of course,” he hated having to take his hands off her and before he could stop himself, Keanu found himself wondering what it would be like if he were with Emma instead of Miranda, surely, he hadn’t known her for as long, but being with her came naturally, and as he watched her kneeling to get Poppy into her pink, fuzzy, petite coat, closing up the large plastic buttons at the front, Keanu couldn’t deny how purely familial it felt; just her, him and the children. No one moaning about how the children should stay back for the evening, telling Matt that he couldn’t wear blue on blue or making snide remarks in his ear about how the nanny was overstepping when she pecked the kids on their foreheads. Keanu liked it when Emma overstepped, when she cared for his children as if they were her own, when she lightened the mood with a joke told under her breath and when she’d, even if accidentally, showed her concern for his own wellbeing, as if he were more to her than just an employer. “Everyone ready?”
“Ready guys?” Emma turned the question to the twins as she slipped her cell into her nude colored shoulder purse, proceeding to stylishly wrap a floral scarf around her neck, adding a pop of color to her cool toned outfit. When they both nodded vigorously, bouncing in agreement, she offered her hand, giggling when Matt went for it, leaving Poppy with him, “Alright, then let's go, lead the way,” Emma beamed, turning to Keanu.
The café that Keanu had told Emma about was right where he remembered, and they were led to a table quickly by the young hostess; perk of being a celebrity. They were tucked cozily in the corner of the patio dining area, where their scenic surroundings were still visible; orange and yellow leaves peppering the sidewalk after having fallen from trees planted along the edges, while picturesque buildings on the other side of the worn brick street added to the view. A small platter of strawberries and cream macarons as well as orange and chocolate madeleines, along with two hot chocolates were enough to get Matt and Poppy settled for a while, talking and giggling amongst themselves. Emma was sitting across from him, occasionally slipping small forkfuls of French silk pie into her mouth as she drank in the beauty of city, “Do you like it?” Keanu interrupted her thoughts, just as she was setting her latte down, her cherry red lipstick lightly staining the delicate china.
“The coffee, the chocolate or Paris?” She held his gaze, tongue darting out ever so slightly to moisten her lips, just before she brought the silverware to her mouth again, a playful glimmer dancing in her eyes. She was so, so beautiful, and Keanu had caught himself staring a few too many times.
Smile still evident, he shifted around a sliver of his moose cake, the plate streaked with pink, white and brown, trying not to fumble on his words. Emma didn’t really make him nervous per say, it was quite the opposite actually, Keanu usually felt a comfort and ease around her that was absent in the company of most others, like she was simply encouraging him to be the best version of himself. Still, that didn’t mean he didn’t long to be close to perfection in her eyes; say all the right things at the right times, impress her because even if she didn’t make him feel like he had to, Emma made him feel like she deserved it. “All of it, Paris, the chocolate, the coffee,” he quoted in reverse.
“Its…..perfect,” inhaling, a lone shiver ran through her, and she sipped her latte again, “I’ve actually never been out of the states, so this kind of feels…….magical.” There was a childlike sparkle in her expression, something Keanu hadn’t witnessed in anyone other than children in years, at his age, there weren’t many luxuries that he hadn’t yet experienced, and despite their two years together, Keanu had yet to see anything close to that on Miranda’s face. There was a time, within the first few months of them dating where he’d strove to impress her, going any lengths just so she’d be happy with him, but by the eighth or ninth month, it became a daunting, tiring task, and Miranda didn’t seem to care what he did, as long as it was up to her expensive tastes. Emma though, there was an air about her that made Keanu feel special, like he could give her the smallest thing and she’d just be in awe.
“You’ve never travelled?” Keanu frowned, his kids had been travelling with him since they were a year old, and at that point, he didn’t think they knew a life that didn’t involve leaving their home country at least twice a year.
She nodded, tearing her gaze from across the street and casting it back towards Keanu, “Nope, not out of the states,” embarrassed, Emma drew in a soft breath from the chilly autumn air, “First we couldn’t really afford it, but even when I got older, after my mom got us in a good place, she had to save so I could go the college. I don’t mind though,” straightening her back, Emma regained her quiet confidence, “I’ve got a lot of time for that.”
“You do,” Keanu agreed, bringing his espresso to his lips, blowing on the scaling beverage before taking a long sip, “I mean, one day you’re gonna be a famous designer and you’ll get to go wherever you want.”
Laughing quietly, Emma bent her head shyly, wispy dark strands falling over her face, having escaped from her high ponytail, “I don’t know about that,” she dismissed, “I mean, its gonna take a while before I even cement myself in the L.A. fashion scene, famous…..that’s something else. It’s a nice thought though.”
“Its a great reality too,” tentatively, he reached for her hand laid on the top of the wicker table, squeezing affectionately, before catching himself and reluctantly retracting, “I’ve seen some of what you can do, those dresses your made yourself, that purple tutu you made Pop for her recital last month, you can do this Em. I know it probably doesn't mean a lot coming from me, but I believe in you.”
“I,” she stumbled on her words, astonished by his faith in her, “It actually does mean a lot to me Keanu,” Emma dragged her lower lip through her teeth, and Keanu shifted in his chair, inhaling sharply, “Thank you.”
“Anytime,” he croaked, trying to slow his breaths. It was amazing how he could go from being wonderstruck by Emma to being turned on in just seconds. She was truly an enigma, one of a kind. “You know,” he huffed, hoping to change the topic and get them talking again to steer his thoughts away from anything too perverse, “This is my favorite, here, try it.” He offered her some of his cake on his fork, encouraging Emma to lean in. So much for going for something more innocent.
Hesitating, Emma eventually leaned over the table, letting Keanu feed her a bit of the cake, moaning in pleasure at its taste. She could easily see why it was his favorite, the raspberry, vanilla and dark chocolate all melded together in her mouth to create a symphony of flavor, each one complimenting the other perfectly as the moose melted on her tongue. “That’s amazing!” And at that, Poppy and Matt started cheering about how they wanted to try it too, their faces lighting up at how delightfully sweet the creamy desert was.
Dragging his lip through his teeth, Keanu chuckled as he looked on at Emma, “You have a little….” he gestured to the corner of his mouth, only laughing louder when Emma missed several times over. “Here,” he grabbed up his napkin, reaching over the table, “Let me,” dapping the corner of her lips, Keanu eyed the way her cheeks reddened and took a chance at carelessly brushing her skin with his thumb, his ragged breath matching hers. “Em…..” Knowing that the right thing would have meant pulling away wasn’t hard knowledge to come by, but knowing how to just be Emma’s friend and boss certainly was.
Her head tilted ever so slightly to the side and Emma’s blinking slowed, roughness of his touch so inviting that she wanted it to last forever. There was something at the tip of her lips, and Keanu yearned to know what it was, perhaps permission for his feelings, indication that she returned them, but alas, their moment was cut in half when Matt spotted a walking balloon vendor across the street, him and his sister protesting loudly, clamoring about how they wanted balloons. Immediately, Keanu pulled away, collecting his bearings and discarding the napkin, as Emma averted her stare, hoping to find anything more interesting. They’d come so close to crossing a line, and Keanu knew that had they kept going, he’d have hell to pay when he returned to L.A.
One Week Later The premiere had fallen exactly on Keanu’s birthday, which was both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, him being gone for the day meant that Emma would have enough time to put her plan in action, but on the other, it also meant that by the time Keanu had gotten home, they kids were beat and borderline cranky. Thankfully though, Keanu had returned by half nine and neither Matt nor Poppy had fallen asleep in the cute little semi formal outfits Emma had dressed them in. As he’d walked in, flicking on the lights to illuminate the main room, looking tired and a little more down than she’d been expecting, Emma and the kids yelled excitedly, “Surprise!”
Shocked, Keanu jumped, holding his hand to his chest, speechless for a moment. Though, that, fortunately, didn’t last very long, “What is all this?” Second by second, a wide grin split his lips and his eyes scanned the room, landing on their set up on the coffee table; a layered cake, the one he’d mentioned as his favorite at the café, glasses along with a bottle of cider and a few presents, wrapped in cheerful paper with ribbons and bows adorning the top.
“It’s for you daddy!” Poppy was the first to run up to Keanu, grabbing his leg in a hug, followed only second later by Matt, who did the same. And just as he bent over, taking them into his ready arms, Emma stood from the sofa, not wanting to intrude on their moment, “Happy Birthday!” Kissing his cheek, Poppy, was sure to hug him as tightly as her little arms would allow.
“Happy Birthday daddy,” Matt followed suit, clinging to his father, playing with Keanu’s simple, black skinny tie as he hoisted them both on either side of his lips, “Do you like it? It was all Emma’s idea!”
“Well, I can’t take all the credit,” she admonished lightly when Keanu glanced to her, “I had a couple of excellent co planners,” tentatively, Emma finally approached them, her heels clicking quietly on the cream marble floors, “We just wanted to do something special for you.”
The warmth in his heart was reflected in his expression, and if his arms weren’t so full, he’d definitely lean in to pull Emma in a consuming hug, “Thank you,” it had been a while since anyone put that much effort into his birthday, the older he got, the less he’d want his family to do, and it went without saying that Miranda was never big on getting him anything more than a cushy present. In fact, usually, Keanu would be inclined to spend his birthday with just his children, watching movies with them on the sofa after a take out dinner. The quiet affairs never bothered him, he'd had enough parties and glitzy birthdays in his twenties and thirties, and was wholly ready to continue on with smaller, more intimate ones.
When he set the kids down, Keanu placed a hand on her elbow, still an arm's length away, leaning in to peck her cheek, "This is amazing, I can't tell you how much it means." When Keanu pulled away, despite his efforts not to stare, he found himself doing it anyway, absorbing the way her burnt orange sweater dress hugged every curve perfectly, boasting her legs when the hem cut off mid thigh. Her hair fell in voluminous waves down to the center of Emma’s back, framing her delicate features, and her simple, clean cut make-up accentuated her full lips and dark eyes. “And you,” Keanu stuttered, affectionately squeezed her elbow, “Look beautiful.”
Caught off guard, Emma blinked quickly, her deep burgundy lips moving to form words but never quite making it through any. “Oh!” A wider smile threatened to break through just as the apples of her cheeks unintentionally went red, “Thank you,” she took a step back and Keanu took that as a sign to reluctantly retract his touch. “Uh,” stuttering again, she looked around wildly, not really sure who’d done the initial overstepping but knowing that someone had to put an end to it, “Why don’t we sit? Yeah, you still have to blow out your candles and open your presents.”
“We can’t wait for you to see what we got you daddy!” Poppy jumped excitedly, a few raven strands escaping the braid Emma had put her hair in, falling over her face as she clapped small her hands. Without settling down in the slightest, she grabbed Keanu’s hand, the size of hers almost muted by his larger, rougher one as Poppy pulled her father towards the sofa, urging him to sit before hopping into his lap. Looking on, Emma offered her hand to Matt, leading him to the chair as well, trying not to think of how much she wanted something like that one day. The real deal, not just a pseudo family, where it felt like she was getting paid to play house, but a husband with children of her own who adored her as much as Matt and Poppy did Keanu.
Leaving a healthy, safe distance between them, Emma claimed a spot on the long sofa, chuckling when Matt mirrored his sister and situated himself in her lap, squirming in anticipation. “So,” securing the boy, she wrapped a slender arm around him, gently flattening her palm to his chest so he wouldn’t fall with all the movement he was doing, “What’ll it be birthday boy? Cake or presents first?”
“What do you two think?” Keanu bent forward to look at both his children, laughing softly when they both bounced in their places, cheering that he go with cake first. “Cake it is,” he determined, and soon after, Emma was reaching for the lighter on the table, keeping Matt away from the flame as she lit the tall candles strategically sunken into the cake, among the cluster of raspberries decorating the top. When all five were lit, Emma and the kids sang happy birthday, clapping when he blew out the candles. Afterwards, she cut them each a slice, and between bites, they moved on with presents.
Up first was the one that Emma had helped organize for Matt and Poppy to give him; they had done most of the the work while she’d simply provided guidance and occasionally, assistance. They’d chosen to make their father a picture frame, using popsicle sticks and colorful craft items, and it had turned out wonderfully, the neatly arranged painted, sticks decorated with buttons, cut out shapes made of plastic, and ribbon had a picture of Keanu and the twins on the inside. “I love it!” He hugged them tight, kissing their heads, still staring at his present. Even off to the side, Emma could see the softness in his eyes, the warmth clinging to his features, there wasn’t the slightest bit of untruth when Keanu said he’d loved the gift, and she admired him for it. A celebrity, who could probably buy anything he wanted at any given moment, appreciating a sweet, handmade gift as if the world had been served on a silver platter. “This is the best present ever!” Keanu hugged them again, keeping Matt and Poppy close.
It was only when he’d released them, did Emma present him with her gift, wrapped up in a blue and white polka dot box, held closed by white silk ribbon, “This one is from me,” her shy smile faltered when their hands touched, and she he'd her breath, hoping he’d like it.
Giving the edge of the ribbon a tug, Keanu undid the bow, opening the box. His jaw hung slack in breathless awe, and trying to be as gentle as possible, he reached into the box’s depths, producing an exact replica of the bike he rode to work almost every morning. It had been spray painted in the exact same colors, carried a downsized version of the very same details and even had a tiny license plate with his initials engraved onto it, “Em…” he gasped, running his fingers over the perfectly mimicked details, “This is….wow,” he huffed a chuckled.
Dragging her lip through her teeth, Emma searched his features, “Do you like it?” She probed nervously.
“Like it?” He glanced up at her, his emotions spilling out in just the way he looked at her, “I love it,” he chuckled louder, “Emma,” Keanu set his gift down on the coffee table, reaching for her bare knee with the hand that wasn’t holding Poppy close, “It’s so thoughtful of you.” The smile brightened his rugged, somewhat tired features as he added, "I love it."
"Great," Emma tried not to look him straight in the eye, knowing if she did, she might be wholly responsible for what happened next. His touch, warm on her thigh, squeezing affectionately, sent shivers up her spine and Emma was caught between wondering how things might have escalated if they were alone and thinking that it was time to pull away. "I'm glad you like it," even if she knew she'd already let his touch linger for far too long, Emma placed her hand over his, and faintly, she heard Keanu's breath hitch as his eyes widened slightly.
They both knew that at that point, their position wasn't unintentional, yet, before either of them could act, they were interrupted by Poppy stretching sleepily, admitting that she was tired. In an instant, whenever they were sharing had been broken, the moment was gone. Leaving them blinking quickly, seemingly emerging from a trance, and prompting them to get the kids ready for bed.
That night, Keanu helped Emma out with bedtime rituals, sticking around during bath time all the way through until they informed him that they wanted Emma to read to them before lights out. It was nearly eleven when she finally emerged from the hallway, shoes clicking softly until she finally decided that they were too much noise, nudging them off with her toes and resuming her small stature. “Hey,” she smiled tightly, calling Keanu’s attention as he stood at the floor to ceiling window, nursing something far stiffer than cider, the glittering lights of illuminated the Eiffel Tower casting a yellow glow on his face, the only thing brightening the room after he’d dimmed the lights.
“Hi,” he grinned widely, the way he always did when Emma walked into the room, “Whiskey?” He offered, moving to the mini bar, ready to get her a drink.
“Sure,” in minutes, Keanu was approaching her, offering Emma the glass he’d gotten, their fingers once again brushing during the hand off. That time, they both just huffed shyly, pretending to ignore it as they approached the window, staring in silence for a while, until Keanu scoffed a chuckle. “What?” Turning to him, Emma observed his profile, wondering if people were even supposed to be made that perfect.
“Its just,” shrugging, Keanu punctuated his words with a brief sip of his drink, not even hissing at its strength, “It’s almost over. Another year gone.” He seemed pensive, his thoughts colliding and confusing him; she’d never seen him in that light and all Emma wanted to do was help.
The alcohol burnt her throat as it slid down, and unlike Keanu, it showed on Emma’s face, though, it created a familiar warmth in her belly, one that she liked; even if she was quickly going to learn that it wasn’t just breaking the autumn chill, but also ebbing away her inhibitions. “You sound disappointed,” and when Keanu didn’t offer a response, she gently pressed, “Are you?”
Shaking his head, Keanu downed the rest of his whiskey, wincing slightly and discarding his glass on the top of a nearby accent chest, slipping his hands into his pockets as he turned to face her. His tie was loosened at the neck and before the twins’ bath, Keanu had discarded his blazer on the chair nearby. He was striking, even when he was close to disheveled. “I don’t know,” the disconcertment echoed in his tone, “Do you ever think that you’re doing the right thing, but then…...there’s one little change, and suddenly it feels like you’re making a huge mistake?”
Pulling her lower lip between her teeth, Emma tried to decipher the true meaning behind his words, opting for an analogy when she couldn’t, “When I first started college, I knew exactly what I wanted; I wanted to be a designer,” she smiled wistfully, “And my nana always taught me to go after what I wanted, even if it was silly to everyone else. So I started fashion school, but then the fees started to take a toll on my mom’s finances, and even if I got two part time jobs, it still didn’t save me from starting to sink.” Emma sighed deeply, looking out towards the city again, “The circumstances changed, or maybe I just noticed them for the first time, and suddenly, going to fashion school seemed selfish, like I’d made a terrible decision, a huge mistake. But when I told my nana what I was thinking, she asked me where I saw myself in ten years and……..that’s how I knew I had to stay.”
Knitting his brows, Keanu seemed more perplexed than when they’d started their conversation, “I don’t understand,” his voice was gruff and low and he hung on, waiting for her explanation,
Sighing, Emma’s contemplative soiree softened, “I guess it meant, if you’re sure about something, if you know it’s right in your heart, then even if things get in the way, you’ll find your way back to it. We’re constantly searching for happiness, and what’s right is always so……subjective. But if you know it's right in here,” stepping closer, Emma gently tapped Keanu’s chest, “Then even if it wavers here,” her cool fingers rose to his temple, “You’ll always go back to it.” Like Keanu, Emma finished off her drink, leaning past him to leave her glass next to his, her other hand still on his face, then cupping his cheek.
“What if……” He mulled on his words, letting them rattle around in his mind fitfully before spilling, “What if what makes me happy, and what’s right in here,” he reached out, pressing two fingers to the center of Y/n’s chest, just above her breasts though still where he could feel her heartbeat, “Are two different things?”
A lump had settled in her throat and a minute part of Y/n knew where things were going, while everywhere else screamed that they shouldn’t have gotten there in the first place. Keanu was her boss, her engaged boss. Yet still, she couldn’t find it in herself to tear her hand away from his face, or push him off her. “They’re always the same thing,” sparing the city of love one last glance, Emma shifted her sights to Keanu, stoking the apple of his cheek, marveling at the way he tilted into the softness of her hand and barely noticing the way his hand had slid up to cup her neck. “Maybe you’re confused right now, but they're always the same.”
“I’m so confused right now,” Keanu confessed, closing the final inches of space. They were lost in each other’s stares and at that point, there was probably nothing in the world that could push them apart. With his hand on her neck, she could feel his callouses and his warmth, radiating, doing more than the finest spirits ever could. The cloud of air between them was tainted with the aroma of expensive booze, still clinging to their hot breaths, mingling with the smell of smoked cigarettes and the alluring fragrance of Emma’s perfume. With every exhale, their chests touched, ever so slightly.
“What do you want?” Emma nudged, licking her lips when Keanu’s face drew closer, tilting her head so she’d grant him access, anticipating what would happen next.
“I want…….” He furrowed his brows again, “I want to be happy.”
“Then be happy,” and that was all it took; the final thread snapped and her words were the permission he’d been seeking. And though, all along, Emma sensed it would happen, when Keanu’s lips were finally laid on hers, she was completely and utterly surprised. They started slow, locking and moving in tandem at a most leisurely pace, though as the pair felt each other out, Keanu’s free hand found the dip of Emma’s waist while she clutched a fistful of his shirt, the silky fabric wrinkling in her grasp, the air took on a new heat and their kiss grew steamy. Six months worth of almosts and boiling tension just swirled around them, pressing them together, and when his tongue broke past her lips, sliding over hers, Emma moaned into Keanu’s mouth.
No one had ever tasted like that, like their lips were meant to spar with hers, no hands ever fit so well on her body. Wrapping his tie around her fist, Emma yanked him closer and they stumbled back. By then their longer, passionate kisses were punctuated by shorter, sweeter pecks, and all she wanted was for him to hoist her up into his strong arms and press her against the cold glass.
Then it hit her; the criminality of what they were doing. Miranda already hated her, and she was going to marry Keanu. That make out session alone was putting her job on the line, the job that she so desperately needed. Logic kicked in and without warning, Emma was letting go of Keanu’s tie and pushing him away. He looked just as frayed as she was, and even a little hurt, “We shouldn’t…...this is wrong. We can’t do this,” Her whispered words were more to convince herself, and before Keanu could respond, Emma was apologizing, turning away from him and scuttling out of the room.
“Em,” he tried to call after her, but it was too late, Emma was already gone, and Keanu had a feeling that things had just gotten way more complicated than he could have ever imagine.
Tagging- @harrisongslimited @magnificentclodpiebanana @keandrews @greenmanalishi @rdjloverxxx @danceoftwowolves @planetkt @wheretheriversrunintothesea
#keanu reeves#keanu reeves x reader#keanu reeves x ofc#keanu reeves fanfic#fanfic#fanfiction#nanny au#behind closed doors
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CSI: Rogers and Barnes Ch11- When You Gotta Blow...
Part 1
Co written with @icanfeelastormbrewing

Episode Summary: It’s the day after their date and Steve is brought crashing down to Earth when Fury gives him some information about the case that shocks him to the core. Meanwhile, poor Bucky is left attempting to stop Katie from murdering Wanda, which is a lot harder than it looks.
Oh, and Captain Raymond Holt’s in this one too…
Episode Warnings: Bad Language words.
Episode Pairings: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Song for Episode: Just The Way You Are by Billy Joel
A/N: This is another LONG chapter guys, but there’s a LOT going down, and we couldn’t miss out on the opportunity to see a Raymond Holt Vs Madeleine Wuntch showdown. I can’t claim credit for any of the wonderful insults that they trade, I just took them from the best eps of 99 and mashed them together for utter comedy purposes.
We’ve split into 2 parts for you to read either all at once or separately, however you wish.
As always we live for re-blogs and comments
Series Master List // Main Masterlist
I said I love you, and that’s forever, and this I promise from the heart. I could not love you, any better, I love you just the way you are.

"You look tired. Have you seen those bags under your eyes?" Steve asked Bucky from his spot in the passenger seat. Seeing as both his and Katie’s cars were at the station as they had taken the subway to go on their first date the previous evening, Bucky was driving them in for a change.
"Yes, I have. Thanks for reminding me, punk." Bucky groaned, shooting a glare at Steve as Katie snorted from the back seat. Steve had at first suggested riding in the back with Katie, and whilst he had only been joking at first, he had then realised it would be a great way to spend every second he could before arriving at work clinging to his girl. Bucky, however, had fully refused stating he wasn't a fucking cab driver.
"You should stay in tonight. You've been out for what? Four? Five nights in a row?” Steve chastised.
"Just two" Bucky protested "I remind you I stayed in on Sunday listening to Carrie Bradshaw here." he added, jerking his head toward Katie in the backseat.
"Eat your plums and shut up, Buck. Your system needs vitamin C" Katie deadpanned, lifting her head from her phone. She leaned forward to squeeze Steve's left shoulder "Don't worry, Stevie. You're my Mr. Big." she said in an over the top soppy voice, smiling flirtatiously at him before turning to Bucky and giving him a playful stare "Pun intended." she added.
"Happy to comply, sweetheart." Steve said as he squeezed her hand which was still on his shoulder.
"You two are gross." Bucky scoffed, shaking his head.
"What can I say, he looks yummy in that uniform." Katie said, licking her lips.
Steve couldn't help but smile remembering the look in Katie's eyes as he had stepped out of the closet of his bedroom dressed in his Captain uniform as he was due to report to Fury that morning. He only wore it on special occasions and when being summoned to HQ or Police Plaza, and he didn't quite feel comfortable in it as it tended to attract a lot of attention but this morning he had developed a sudden fondness for it. Of course, his sudden found affection for said uniform had absolutely nothing to do with the fact Katie had been clearly very appreciative of it as she had run her hands over his tight shirt... or the sparkle in her eyes along with the sight of her teeth grazing her lower lip while making sure his tie was well tied and straightened….or the fact that they had had to break a very heated kiss before things got a little more serious which would have resulted in them both being late for work…
Nope, nothing to do with any of that, at all.
With a grin Steve turned to look at his girl, and flashed her a wink "Thanks, doll." he said, pecking her lips.
"Anytime." Katie said grinning at him with loving eyes.
"Hello, I'm here. And I feel ignored." Bucky scoffed.
"Aww. Don't be like that, jerk." Steve said ruffling his best friend's hair.
Bucky groaned again as he slapped Steve's hand off his head. "Back off, punk."
"You're particularly grumpy this morning, Barnes." Katie noted and she smiled locking eyes with Steve before turning to Bucky and adding "Maybe you need to get an autopsy done."
There was silence for a couple of seconds before Steve and Katie burst into laughter seeing the expression of utter exasperation on Bucky's face at the mention of Sam.
"You two are hilarious." he scoffed.
"Yeah. Do Sam’s gloves tickle? That why you're so prickly?" Steve quipped.
At that Bucky couldn't help but laugh with them. He supposed he had it coming. He had been bad enough with them, even before they got together, constantly teasing the pair of them. And, to tell the truth, he was secretly enjoying it. He liked the good natured sniping and banter. The three of them had struck up a good friendship.
"All right, doll face. This is your stop." Bucky announced as he pulled over at the curb a couple of blocks from the station.
"See you in a minute, boys." she said grabbing her purse and leaning forward to kiss Steve softly before opening the door and stepping outside.
"See you, doll." Steve whispered.
Both of them watched her walk away mingling with the people that crowded Brooklyn's sidewalks that morning. Bucky glanced at Steve and saw his head tilt to one side.
"Are you checking your girl's ass, Punk?" Bucky asked Steve as he moved the car again.
"Are you?" Steve asked back frowning at him.
Bucky just laughed and shook his head. "Jerk."
With that Bucky swung the car into the entrance of the parking lot and into a spare space a few down from Katie’s BMW. Together they headed up to the elevator and Steve selected their floor.
“Ready for another day of pretending you don’t wanna jump Stark’s bones every 5 minutes?” Bucky looked at Steve who gave a roll of his eyes, but didn’t respond.
The doors pinged open and Clint's wolf whistle could be heard all through the main office as Steve and Bucky made their entrance.
"Whoa Rogers. You look great in that uniform. Has Stark seen you yet?" Natasha asked Steve.
Bucky scoffed at Natasha's teasing. She wouldn't let the opportunity pass to pry some information out of anyone or anything, and she was determined to discover if Steve and Katie were a thing or not. If she didn't know already, which Bucky suspected, despite all his efforts to not to give in to her constant questionings and traps.
"Why would Stark have seen me?" Steve replied not taking the bait, but blushing visibly.
"You tell me, Rogers." she replied, slurring her words
Damned, Romanoff. Bucky cursed in his mind as Wanda's expression changed from utter adoration to boiling anger at Natasha's mention of Katie. But as quick as it had soured, it reverted back and she began strutting towards Steve.
"Wait. Your tie isn't straight." she said. Steve frowned and looked down at his tie to check it was impeccably arranged, just as Katie had left it an hour prior.
Don't bother, punk. It's perfectly straight, just Wanda being a hoe. Bucky thought to himself.
"My ears burning? What exactly should I have seen?” Katie asked as she entered the main office, startling everyone. Especially Steve who looked like a deer caught in headlights.
"You look like you're being strangled, Rogers" Natasha deadpanned.
Uh oh Bucky thought when he heard Katie. But he was surprised, as he observed her take her jacket off and switch her computer on. She was playing it pretty cool and doing particularly well in hiding her rage against Wanda when he was sure she was plotting a hundred different ways to kill her and dispose of her body. And yet she was still able to fake surprise when her eyes set on Steve, admiring him in his uniform.
"Looking good, Captain. Meeting someone important, are we?" Katie said smiling at him.
Bucky had to look away, the woman deserved a damned Oscar. She knew exactly where he was going.
"Thanks." Steve smiled swiftly, "And yes, I'm meeting Fury today so..." he cleared his throat before continuing "... no briefing this morning. Just keep on working on what you were doing and we'll catch up later in the day or tomorrow depending on how my meeting goes."
They all nodded in agreement and started organizing their own work as Steve went into his office to check his mail before leaving for HQ. As he emerged from his office 20 minutes or so later, he was met with Wanda who immediately proceeded to brush his shoulder pads to make sure his jacket was neat and tidy.
"It's ok Wanda, thanks." he said stopping her as cordially as possible so as not to spike her. Out of the corner of his eye he caught Katie’s expression, and his heart sank. She was upset, he could tell, even though she was doing her best to hide it as her eyes hastily diverted away from him and she went back to examining something on her computer.
"Do you remember where your car is, Rogers?" Natasha asked as Steve moved away from Wanda and passed by the detective’s desk.
"What?" Steve stopped and asked, not understanding.
"I mean, it was already in the parking lot when I arrived this morning. Curiously it wasn't the only one." she explained with a side smile, her eyes flicking to Katie.
"The early bird catches the worm, Cap." Clint added.
Steve looked at his watch while he shook his head and sighed, ignoring them, although if the burning in his cheeks was anything to go by he was redder than a glass of fucking tomato juice.
"I'm leaving or I'll be late. Barnes, you're in charge!" he shouted for everyone to hear before he crossed the doors of the main office, heading into the elevator without a backwards glance.
Bucky watched him go before he turned back to his emails as Clint and Natasha struck up some conversation about something on TV. Katie, at her desk opposite him, was stoic and still focussed on her screen although he could see her eyes weren’t moving. She wasn’t reading anything, simply pretending. Bucky could see. But before he could say anything she stood up and started to grab some files, sorting them into a pile. Then, her phone went and she reached for it absentmindedly, glancing down at it and Bucky saw the smile spread across her face.
And he wasn’t the only one…
"Storm?" Nat asked Katie who continued to grin her phone's screen while typing a text back.
"No" she replied, not lifting her eyes from the phone.
"Jensen?" Wanda insisted but Katie just blanked her as she put the phone in the back pocket of her jeans.
"Ok. Who moved Dot out of her spot?" Bucky asked in an attempt to divert attention towards him.
Not that he really needed to, Katie was behaving impeccably, too much so if you asked him, and simply picked up the pile she had organised on her desk and announced she would be in the incident room if anyone needed her.
"Good try, Barnes" Clint said looking at Dot who obviously was in the same spot she had always been.
Steve maintained his indifferent Captain appearance until the doors to the elevator shut, at which point he let out a loud groan. That was all he needed, Katie to walk in at the exact moment Wanda was straightening his tie, especially after what they had talked about on their date. He wasn't stupid, he knew Wanda was overstepping the mark. There was nothing wrong with his tie and he didn't appreciate Wanda invading his space that way. But the worst thing had been the look on Katie's face. He would have been happier to see anger or jealousy but the look of pure upset, almost resignation she had been sporting had almost crippled him, and he knew it was because she was powerless to stop it for fear of blowing their cover. Deciding to give her a little bit of comfort, reassurance maybe, he pulled out his phone and sent her a simple message: "Love you, Doll.", before he stuck his phone back in the inside pocket of his jacket, his foot tapping on the floor as he continued his previous train of thought. Steve knew Wanda had gone too far now. He was going to have to tell her to back off one way or another, and made a mental note to ask Bucky later about the best way to do so.
The elevator hit the ground floor he stepped out and headed towards the parking lot, nodding to the other officers that were arriving as he went, and as his phone vibrated against his chest he smiled to himself, the smile growing even bigger as he read Katie’s response: "Love you too, and you do look incredibly handsome in that uniform…”
By the time he had arrived at HQ his mind had switched to why Fury wanted to see him in person. He'd called his boss the day before to inform him that he needed to discuss a few things on the Cereal Serial Killer case with him, but hadn't gone into details...and then a message had arrived early that morning to tell him to report at 10-hundred sharp. He flashed his ID badge to security, went through the usual process of stripping down to pass through the metal detectors and scanners, before he headed up to the 20th floor where the Commissioners' Offices were. He walked down the corridor and headed straight to the two offices at the end, greeting the secretary at the desk outside, who told him to take a seat as Fury was in with Deputy Commissioner Wuntch but wouldn't be long. Steve nodded, and turned to do just that, smiling as a familiar face greeted him.
"Captain Rogers..." Raymond Holt nodded, standing up as he stuck out his hand towards him "It's been a while." "It sure has Ray." Steve smiled, "How you been?"
"How have I been...hmm, let's see. I'm here to see Wuntch who is circling me like a shark frenzied by chum. The task force is turning into a career-threatening quagmire. An Internal Affairs investigation has been casting doubt upon my integrity. I, a Captain, am no longer able to command my vessel, my precinct, from my customary helm, my office. I've worked the better part of my years on earth overcoming every prejudice and fighting for the position I hold, and now I feel it being ripped from my grasp, and with it the very essence of what defines me as a man. But other than that, I've been fine..."
Steve eyed the captain, not quite sure if he was joking or being facetious. But then again, there were only 2 people he knew that could read Holt fully, Peralta and Katie. And the line about Wuntch was probably true. It was a well-known fact across the entire NYPD that Raymond Holt and Madeleine Wuntch had beef. Big beef, and now she had made Deputy Commissioner, Steve had no doubts in his mind she would be making Holt's life hell at every given opportunity. He knew only too well from personal experience that the woman could be a nasty piece of work when she didn't get her own way. She'd made life very difficult for Steve himself at one point after he had turned down her advances at one Christmas Party. She'd set out to block his promotion to Lieutenant, that is until Howard had stepped in and pushed it through. Another reason he would be eternally grateful to his late mentor.
"Sounds exhausting... “ Steve replied with what he thought was an appropriate comment. "Yes, it is." Holt nodded "You know she was apparently supposed to take a position up in the Boston PD...but it's so close to Salem, and we know what they do to Witches up there so she turned it down..."
Steve let out a snort and he could have sworn he saw the corner of Holt's mouth twitch slightly but as he looked again his fellow Captain's face was as grave as ever.
"So what are you doing here?" Holt asked and Steve took a breath.
"Fury called me in. Think he wants a detailed briefing on the Cereal Serial Killer case." "Ahh, yes..." Holt dropped his voice "How is it going on that?" "Well..." Steve looked around "Can't say too much but we're working on something, well, Stark is should I say..." At the mention of Katie's name there was a definite flicker of a smile on Holt's face as her one time boss asked after her "How is she doing?" "Oh, good...” Steve smiled, unable to stop himself "She's great. You know, professionally...well deserved promotion and all..." "She's one of the best." Holt nodded, "I told you that when she moved. She left a big hole in the team..." At that point the door to Fury's office opened and Madeleine Wuntch walked out, immaculately presented as always.
"Speaking of holes..." Holt turned his attention to the woman "It’s a shame we would never find one deep enough to hold you Madeleine..."
"Hello, Raymond. How do you like my new office?" She asked, gesturing to the door at the opposite side of the room to Fury's "Twentieth floor"
"Yes, I never thought I'd see you this high without a broom under you..."
Steve cast his eyes down, a smile on his face as he desperately tried not to laugh. Unlike Steve, who merely kept his head down and ignored Wuntch as much as he could, Holt enjoyed baiting her, because he didn't give a shit. He was too well respected and thought of for her to even try and get rid of him, not whilst Fury was in charge anyway. And it was funny as fuck. His attempt to remain inconspicuous, however, failed as Wuntch’s gaze turned to Steve and he met her eyes for a second before she blatantly looked him up and down. Steve shifted slightly, his hands falling to the buckle of his belt, his stance changing from open to challenging, but before he had chance to say anything Holt was there again.
"My God..." he said, shaking his head "He's half your age you shrivelled up old prune...have some dignity before the Flying Monkeys turn up to drag you away."
"Sticks and stones Raymond..." Wuntch sang.
"Describing your breakfast?" Holt looked at her, his face completely deadpan.
"How's the Internal Affairs investigation going?" Wuntch shot bac
"You tell me. You spend so much time with your ear to the ground...it's a pity a truck hasn't run over your head." Holt said simply
"You can fight with me all you want..." "I'm not fighting you. I learned a long time ago not to dance with the Devil for fear of getting burned. Also, in your case, you have no rhythm and your hands are like little rat claws" Holt held his hands up and contracted them slightly, curling his fingers into his palms slightly to illustrate his point.
"Keep going and soon I'll have you demoted." "Or perhaps you could transfer me to the swamps of New Jersey so I can patrol the sinkhole where you were spawned..."
"I actually called you here to give you some important news." Wuntch said, gesturing to her office "Shall we?" "Of course." Hold said, and with a nod to Steve he began to follow her to her office "Wait, are you going to inform me you're a Cheuksin?" "A what?" Wuntch frowned and stopped, turning to face him.
"A Cheuksin." Holt repeated "A Korean toilet ghost, lives in an outhouse, wraps her hair around your throat and chokes you to death whilst you move your bowels." "Don’t you find this exhausting?" Wuntch sighed, walking into her office
"Thinking of fresh insults?" Holt asked following her "Not at all you coffin cave mould beetle...now tell me, what revenge do you intend on taking on Dorothy for killing your sister?" Wuntch closed the door behind them, leaving Steve unable to hear the rest of the argument which he had no doubt was continuing inside the office, and he snorted, shaking his head. Looking up he saw Fury stood in his door, a smirk on his place.
"If I didn't know Holt was gay I'd swear he was in love with her. It's like watching two school children with a crush, both being mean to one another to hide their true feelings." Fury said, as Steve stepped towards him, shaking his hand. “Nice uniform, not seen you in it for a while.” “Funnily enough the team said the same thing.” Steve said, with a good humoured sigh as he dropped into the seat Fury was directing him to take.
“Soo you must be wondering why I called you here…” Fury looked at him as he closed the door behind him, and Steve nodded.
“Well, I wanted to dig into what you said on your call yesterday.” Fury looked at him, sitting down in his chair at the opposite side of the desk “You’re having trouble locating Rumlow?”
“Sir.” Steve nodded “As I told you at the last update, we know the alleged rape case has links to both Sitwell and Schmidt, and we can link Ross to both of them too. Our next step was to go and speak to Rumlow, see if we could get anything out of him but…well, he seems to have disappeared.” Fury took a deep breath and looked at him “From Prison? That’s…inconvenient.” Steve snorted “Stark seems to think there’s some kind of conspiracy, higher up…”
“Prisoners sometimes get moved Captain…” Fury looked at him and Steve nodded.
“I appreciate that Sir, but it doesn’t explain why there’s no record of him ever being in Cedar Junction in the first place…”
“Shoddy organisation, paperwork losses…could be a number of things…” Fury said, before he dropped his voice “And if you believe that you’ll believe anything.”
Steve frowned “What exactly are you implying Nick?”
“When you called me yesterday, I did a bit of digging of my own. I was curious. And you’re right. No records of him serving time…anywhere. Ever. No records of him ever being convicted of a crime. Ever. No record of any allegations either. Ever.”
“But…how…” Steve frowned
“You mentioned Stark said something about a conspiracy…” Fury looked at him, “Let me guess who she fingered for it… Ross.”
“Yeah…” Steve looked at him, his brow furrowing even more.
“And she thinks that because of the suspected blackmail you told me about.” Fury continued, “And as crazy as that is, Rogers, it’s crazy enough to make sense, because whoever is protecting Brock has to have the power, the sway, to be able to do something like this…”
“Nick, if you’re saying what I think you’re saying…” “The way that little shit weaselled out of that rape allegation never sat well with me…nor did what happened to Stark.” Nick frowned, “I always suspected some kind of foul play. What’s more is I don’t think Ross was acting alone, I think someone in the force is involved too.”
“What makes you think that?” “Whoever coached Sitwell on that alibi did a damned good job, told him exactly what to say…and it wasn’t Rumlow because he was in a cell being questioned.” Fury looked at Steve.
“So you’re telling me the NYPD is compromised?” Steve frowned “And no one noticed?” “Why do you think we’re meeting in here?” Fury looked at him, gesturing around his office. “I noticed. And what’s more…for some reason, I believe it somehow involves Stark…” “Katie?” Steve frowned
“Howard.” Fury said.
At that Steve’s mouth fell open. He stumbled for words a little before he shook his head furiously “No, I mean…Howard’s been dead for years!”
“Yes. An unfortunate accident…whereby he choked on something…sound familiar?” Fury looked at him and Steve felt his blood run cold, was he seriously implying
“You think…you think Howard and Maria were murdered?” Steve whispered, his eyes wide.
Fury nodded.
“By our current killer?” “That, I don’t know for sure…but I’m not a huge fan of coincidences.” Fury said, looking at Steve for a moment.
“No, I can’t…” Steve shook his head, furiously, his mind whirling “That…I mean…”
He trailed off, searching for something to say, but he was utterly dumfounded. Instead he turned his eyes back onto his boss, and Fury met his stare before he looked down and reached into his desk drawer. He pulled out a silver pen drive and placed it on the desk, sliding it over to Steve.
“What’s this?” Steve asked.
“It arrived yesterday.
“What’s on it?”
“No idea.” Fury said. “It arrived simply with a note which instructed me to plug it in and key in a 4 digit number. When I did so I got a timed message. It stated that the drive contained key information that with regards to Howard, the Cereal Serial Killer, and that it was to be passed to Katie Stark only…and that she would know the passcode. When that message disappeared it simply began to run a jumble of numbers, the same numbers over and over again in different sequences. My guess is it will be a date or a combination that means something to Stark…”
“Why didn’t you just get tech to crack it?” Steve asked.
“Because whatever is on there concerns Katie.” Fury said, “And most likely her brother too, for that matter. They deserve to see it first.” “This is…this is big, Nick.” Steve sighed, and Fury nodded. At that point there was a knock on the door and his secretary poked her head in, telling Fury that his next appointment was here.
“Thanks Eva, we’re done now anyway.” Fury said, standing up. Steve looked at him, before he reached out for the pen drive.
“Trust no one Rogers…” Fury said simply as Steve picked it up of the desk, turning it over in his hands. **** Katie came back from the incident room her mind whirling over something, Bucky could tell by the way she seemed to be biting the inside of her cheek. Clint raised his head from his computer and sighed with frustration as he checked his phone once more.
"Anything on tracking down Rumlow, yet?" she asked him.
"No, he said. It's a dead end on this side. You got something?"
"Not yet..." Katie mused, “But maybe…”
"What's on your mind, Stark?" Clint asked.
"Maybe that’s why Fury’s called Steve in…” she trailed off “I know Steve called Fury yesterday before we went…before we all went home.” she corrected herself and gestured to Bucky to include him in the ‘we’. He smiled and nodded. “Maybe he has some information…” "I'm surprised you don't know where Rumlow is, Stark." Wanda quipped, earning a murderous glare from Katie. “Wasn’t he another one of you various flings?”
Clint and Natasha exchanged a glance before looking at Wanda.
"Wanda" Clint warned.
"Shut up." Natasha added.
Bucky scoffed. All right, now he was pissed. But he decided on not biting at Wanda's taunting and kept watch on Katie instead
"Ignorance is reckless. Shut up your fucking mouth, you don’t know what you're talking about." Katie hissed between gritted teeth.
"What?" Wanda asked surprised and with fake concern.
"We know exactly where he should be. In prison. For robbery. Mind you, he should actually be serving time for..." Clint started to explain was cut off by Natasha.
"And sexual assault." Bucky added angrily.
Clint and Natasha looked at Bucky who nodded slightly confirming what they were suspecting. Steve had told him about Rumlow and Katie.
"Who? I mean, who did he rape and...?" Wanda asked hesitantly.
"Does it matter? Why are you so fucking interested?" Katie asked back visibly angry at this point.
Bucky decided then to handle the question himself, Katie was angry enough as it was and the situation could go south any moment.
"He raped a woman called Sara Klein." he offered
"Who?" Wanda asked again.
"A translator at the German Embassy, she worked for Schmidt" Bucky explained, keeping an eye on Katie who was starting to get fed up with so much curiosity on Wanda's part, he could tell. "And assaulted..."
"Me." Katie said not letting Bucky finish.
There was silence for a minute, everyone could hear the ticking of the clock on the left wall of the main office, until Katie sighed.
"So, we can drop it now?" she asked looking at Wanda, her voice faltering a little.
"Ok. I'm going to grab a coffee from the kitchen." Clint announced. "Want some?" he asked looking at Natasha, who refused it with a shake of her head, her eyes never leaving Wanda.
There was silence for a while, Katie dropping into her chair as she bit her lip, looking down at her keyboard. No one said anything for a while, and eventually Natasha’s eyes flicked back to the pile of paper on her desk, and they all continued with their work. But Bucky had a feeling Wanda wasn't going to let it go, encouraged as she was by her advances, or so she thought on Steve and Katie receiving what she supposed to be love text messages from Storm or Jensen she surely wasn’t going to miss a chance to dig deeper into this, anything to make Katie feel uncomfortable…
And he was right as a few minutes later when Clint returned with his drink, Wanda sighed and leaned back in her chair.
“Sorry, but…didn’t you report it?” she asked, frowning.
"Of course I did." Katie raised her voice, her head not looking up from her computer. "They dropped it.” “Dropped it?” Wanda asked. “Why?”
Katie took a deep breath, but it was Natasha who answered for her. “They said there wasn't enough evidence. It was her word versus his. Same as the rape case, well, until his supposed alibi anyways." Nat explained to Wanda, shrugging at the last part.
"If Cap had gotten his way there wouldn’t have been anything left of him to go to trial anyway.” Clint mused, leaning back in his chair. “When he found out he was apoplectic, kicked the shit out of Rumlow. Both Peralta and I tried to stop him but it took Sergeant Jeffords to pull him off …”
Bucky snorted, remembering how big Jeffords was from the time he met him a few weeks back. It didn’t surprise him in the slightest, he’d seen Steve in a few fights and even before he had bulked out at University he never backed down. Throw Katie into the equation and, well…
"We should have let him break his neck, not just his nose." Clint finished, stirring his coffee.
There was a brief moment of silence everyone pondering Clint's words. Bucky saw Wanda furrow her brow at the mention of Steve beating Rumlow on account of Katie and didn't like the look in her eyes. His attention then turned to Katie and he saw she was shaking. Feeling a spike of protectiveness towards her, he decided he wasn't going to let Wanda exert more pressure on her. Over his dead body. The little bitch was starting to piss him off big time as well, and he was willing to bet Clint and Natasha felt the same way.
"Hey, why don't you take 5?" he said, standing up whilst he searched for some coins in his jeans pocket. "Here. Take this and grab us both some coffee from the machine in the lobby." he added handing her the money which she took nodding and giving Bucky a quick sad smile.
But as she passed Wanda, the assistant snapped again.
"Well, there must not be much evidence if they said it was simply your word against his…"
Katie stopped dead in her tracks and Bucky groaned.
"What are you implying?" Katie hissed turning to look at Wanda, her eyes blazing with rage.
"Oh Oh" Nat warned standing up.
"Serge, do something." Clint demanded at Bucky as he too rose from his seat.
But it was too late.
"I mean... Are you sure you didn't lead him on? Because that's what you do." Wanda delivered the final strike.
"Excuse me?" Katie snarled back. “That’s what I do?”
"Yeah to make Steve jealous. Or try anyway."
"Listen you little bitch..." Katie began to say approaching Wanda but Bucky quickly moved towards her and grabbed hold of her by her arm.
"Hey. Don't" he warned Katie.
"What?" Wanda scoffed, looking up at her "It's true. You parade all your fucking latest conquests around in some pathetic attempt to rile him in the hope that he comes crawling back to you."
At that Katie let out a bark of a laugh and Bucky saw her eyes flash as she shook her head. "I don’t need him to come crawling back, honey.”
Bucky smiled proudly at Katie's comeback and softened the hold on her arm, expecting her to stop there, leaving Wanda as confused as ever over her love life, but then Katie leaned down, placing her palms flat on Wanda’s desk and gave her a smug smile.
“Because he’s already there…”
Bucky inwardly let out a groan. Ok, she said it…way to go, you just outed yourself...
“What?” Wanda’s mouth dropped open and Katie smirked at her, raising an eyebrow.
“You’re late to the party, sweetheart…mind you, you always were a bit slow on the uptake.” Katie snorted and at that point Wanda made a noise in her throat and pushed her chair back, standing up.
Natasha made an attempt to go grab Wanda only to be stopped by Clint's hand on her shoulder.
"Don't. Let her. She deserves what’s coming…" Bucky heard Clint mutter as Wanda stepped towards Katie.
“You’re lying…” Wanda’s face slid into a smirk. “Lying so that I’ll back off because you know he’s interested in me. God, how pathetic!”
"Last weekend, you thought I was with Storm? Well breaking news. I was with Steve." Katie said coldly looking straight into Wanda's eyes letting her words sink in and erase the smirk on the other woman’s face before continuing, a grin of her own crossing her face "Actually, I was more underneath him than with him, then on top of him, then back underneath. And I would continue but I don't think you want to hear the extended version. Because, believe me, it is extended. As. Fuck." she added making a little pause between the last three words.
Wanda looked like she had been slapped and Bucky thought that was it. He could see Wanda’s body language was shifting and he didn’t trust her not to snap and lunge at Katie, so he made a smooth movement of his body to try and place himself in between them, but Katie wasn't done.
"So next time I catch you touching my boyfriend's fucking tie or any other part of him for that matter, I will rip your hand off." she continued her rant against Wanda. “Because he isn’t interested in you. He is mine…”
"When hasn't he been?" Clint mumbled, and Bucky let out a soft groan.
"In fact, if you so much as look at him in a way I don't like, I'll scratch your eyes out too.” Katie said, smiling sweetly at Wanda.
Great… Katie, not only have you just outed your relationship to the poisonous little witch, you threatened her. Twice…
At that, Bucky decided to put an end to it there and then so he moved directly in between the pair of them, turning to look at Katie.
"Ok, that's enough doll face. You made your point clear." Bucky said gently, pushing her out of Wanda's reach.
Katie held her hands up, palms open, and glared at Wanda who took a deep breath, before she turned and stormed out of the office leaving everyone else stood frozen in place. Nobody moved for a good 20 seconds until Natasha turned to look at Clint.
"Nope. I'm not going after her, you go if you wish.” He shook his head “It's not like we didn’t warn her a thousand times" he shrugged. As the two of them began to bitch, Bucky turned back to Katie and saw the realization wash over her face.
“I just…oh shit! Steve’s gonna…” she began to panic, her voice quiet. “"Oh fuck... Bucky…what did I just do?"
“Hey…” Bucky looked at her as she started to hyperventilate slightly "It's all right, doll. Just...breathe…”
"I need....I need to go." she looked at him, her eyes wide, wet with tears “I can’t be here…”
“Want me to come with you?" he asked concerned.
"No. I'm ok... or I will be. I need... I need to think, I guess.” she barely managed to say as she grabbed her purse and jacket from where they had left them, hanging on the back of her chair.
"Ok, but call me if you need anything. You hear me?" he asked and she nodded before leaving the office in a hurry.
"Shit" Bucky cursed as headed for his desk.
“Serge, she ok?” Clint asked, rising from his chair.
“No, not really…” Bucky said, snatching his phone from it, scanning through to Steve's number.
“Well, should one of us go and…”
“No.” Bucky said, shaking his head as he raised the phone to his ear “She won’t be hanging around…just leave her…”
A couple of minutes later Bucky was still, frustratedly, trying to get hold of Steve on the phone but to no avail. He must have still been with Fury. He decided he would try again after a few minutes or leave a message on his voicemail if he still didn't answer. Just as he lifted his head from the phone he saw Natasha taking $20 off Clint.
"Did you bet on them being together?" Bucky asked the pair of detectives.
"Nope." Clint answered and he wasn't lying but Bucky didn't seem to believe him as he tilted his head at him.
"We bet on who would blow cover first." Natasha quipped "I went Stark, coz ... well, coz of her…” she nodded to Wanda’s desk “and he went Cap, because he can't lie for shit."
Natasha then paused watching Bucky.
"Take it you knew." she asked.
Bucky just sighed and nodded, relieved to not having to put up with Clintasha’s scrutiny anymore. Something good had come out of all this mess.
"For fuck sake." Bucky heard Clint groan as he fished another $10 note out of his pocket and handed it to Natasha who was now sporting a smug smile.
"Told ya. Pleasure doing business with you, Francis."
Part 2
#csi rogers and barnes#csi au#steve rogers#steve rogers x original female character#bucky barnes#natasha romanoff#clint barton#wanda maximoff#nick fury#raymond holt#brooklyn 99#marvel fanfiction#mcu fanfiction
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Battle Cries Chapter 8 - Henry Cavill/OFC

TITLE: Battle Cries
AUTHOR: Cinderella1181
WHICH Henry/CHARACTER: AU Henry Cavill /Juniper Denholm
GENRE: Romance/Comedy
FIC SUMMARY: Henry Cavill is the fourth son of the Lord and Lady of St. Helier. He is also now 37 still living at home and has no plans to move out. His father, recently retired, is forcing Henry to live on his own. Set up nicely, by his parents Henry has to find his place in the world and find real love for the first time with a girl he didn’t necessarily think he would even like.
PREVIOUS: Chapter 7
RATING: M (sex, language)
WARNINGS: Um, nothing yet.
AUTHORS NOTES: Sorry for the great long absence! It will be a lot like this until next summer. Work has started again and a lot of times this very tired teacher just wants to come home and sit on the couch.
Thank you to @ladyaudiophile for checking this!
Taglist: @omgkatinka @peakygroupie @demivampirew @thethirstyarchive @littlefreya @mary-ann84 @losille2000 @honeybournehippy @carriebee1 @oddsandendsfanfic @xxxkatxo @pinkiepicklehead
Henry ran his head over the head of the dog that sat at his feet. It was a Sunday, and like most Sundays he sat at Joey and Madeleine's table. The roast would be out of the oven in just a bit, which simply gave him more time to tell them that their idea was not going to work.
“I’m not going with you,” he said. “Juniper and I are never going to be a thing, we don’t even really like each other and I am sure as hell not going to meet her parents.”
Joey sat down next to him and looked at him. “Henry…”
He shook his head. “I’m not going. End of argument,” he said.
Joey looked exasperated at Madeleine. “She’s your best friend. Please encourage my best friend to come with us, so he is not sadly alone!” He got up and headed from the kitchen. Henry almost felt bad that Joey was so upset. He and Madeleine heard from the other room “HE’S BEING A WANKER!”
Madeleine reached over for Henry’s arm. “Look, I know you think this between the two of you won’t work, but, I have been her best friend for a very long time. I know she’s hard on the outside, but inside she’s a good person who just needs someone who is going to challenge her in a good way.”
“Well then good luck to her, I can’t be dating someone who doesn’t like the fact that I am of the aristocracy .I can’t help how I was born.” He said quietly. “And I’m not like that, you know that.”
She sighed. “I know you’re not, I know you are a good kind heart, but, Juniper, just...I think it’s because Juniper is just, I don’t know. Sometimes she is so much like her dad, stodgy and very very British and a lot more of the time, she is like her mum, and a free spirit and a warrior.” She put her hand on his arm. “She will reconcile herself to the fact that you are a great guy and that you deserve a chance.” She stood up, wrapping her arm around his neck hugging him. “She is just a tough nut to crack, but once you have, you’ll see Joey and I are right about you two being together.” She stood back up. “You're coming with us. End of discussion.”
Before Henry could say anything, she had left the room. He sighed. Joey could have said the exact same thing to him, until he was blue in the face, but, it was somehow different from Madeliene. There was no questioning her. Henry resolved himself to his fate of having to go and see her again.
It wasn’t that he didn’t want to see her. He did, desperately in fact, but he couldn’t resolve himself to the words that Juniper said. He couldn’t help but feeling picked on. He knew how he was raised, he knew how his father and mother raised them. Yes, they were gentry, but, they were expected to go to school, and to go to university. He was the only one who didn’t really have a career path laid out for him. Even Charlie, who was younger, had decided to do something.
He sighed and reached down to pet Kal. Henry heard the words she had said, over again in his head. He was part of an institution that she didn’t agree with. She wasn’t wrong, he was a part of something that was old and outdated, but it was a part of who she was, a part of what he was brought up to believe in.
He looked up from the dog, as Joey walked back into the room. “I am glad you’ve decided to come.”
“Only because I have too.” He sighed.
“I promise you, you are going to love it. Have you ever had an American Thanksgiving?” He asked.
“I have not, but I have heard good things.” He replied.
“Oh. it’s incredible.” Joey said. He paused a moment and put his hand on Henry’s arm. “I know that you think Juniper is whatever she is. And I guess I will stop trying to get you two together. I just thought it’d be great for you to be with her. She is pretty amazing. She just needs time. I’d like you to at least be friends with her.”
Henry nodded. “I am okay with being friends if she wants it. Honestly I am. I know that if I am going to be around for the considerable future, I need to make friends with her if she will let me.” He sighed. “And that is a big if.”
Joey nodded. “I appreciate it.” He smiled a little at him. “I fully expect you to be my friend for the rest of our lives, and because of that you are going to have to interact with her, since Madeleine is not going to give up her best mate. The four of use can just be mates together.”
Henry reached out and put his hard on Joey’s shoulder. “I will try.” He smiled. He stood up. “I am going to be heading out. What time do I need to be here?” He asked.
“11 am, we have to drive up to Oxford.” The reply came. Joey smiled a little. “Feel like letting us take your big ole fancy rover?”
Henry looked at him and shook his head. “That’s why you want me to go, so I can drive, and you don’t have to take the train.” He raised his eyebrow. “If I do agree to it, I am bringing Kal with me.”
Joey laughed a bit, and nodded. “Fortunately, Juniper’s mum and dad are animal fans unlike Juniper.” He grinned. “I think it will be good for you to bring him.”
Henry smiled, stood and walked to the counter. He picked up his keys, and Kal’s leash. “Tomorrow at 11 then.” He headed towards the door. “Bye friends.” He called back into the flat and let himself out. He looked down at Kal and shook his head. “I can’t believe we agreed to this.”
Kal looked back up to him, and cocked his eyebrow. He let out a low “Boof” and trotted ahead of his dad, ready to head home.
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If u could cast the Riverdale actors in GG who would you have playing each character
i want to spice things up because this cast is so diverse and beautiful, it would be a tragedy to use the whites only, so:
ashleigh murray as blair waldorf (ashleigh is beautiful, has that aristocrat touch, she could play the iconic queen b for sure).
jordan calloway as chuck bass (one hot man playing yet another chuck, but ofc we’d have a better chuck here. i am thinking about the actual GG canon so him and ash would be the superior chair for sure).
brown-haired kj apa as nate archibald (because he’s my favorite character and kj is my favorite young actor in riverdale, he looks very good and nate-ish to me).
camila mendes as serena vdw (listen, i’m a varchie and a serenate shipper and this is purely for my viewing pleasure so-- she also has good chemistry with ash and that’s about it)
not-so-buffy drew tanner as eric vdw (they’d look great as siblings, period)
blond cole sprouse as dan humphrey (i’m not sure how well cole and ash could work together but maybe they could... i just cannot imagine anyone else playing dan tbh lol and you know he has enough chemistry with cami too to make this work)
natural blonde lili reinhart as jenny humphrey (well sorry sprousehart for playing brother and sister in this, but you’re both blonde and fit this role well and i’d like to see it)
hailey law as vanessa abrams (she just seems fitting for the role)
charles melton as carter baizen (pleaaaase, the hottest kid around, my main triangle carter/serena/nate would make me happy, and that’s what we’re trying to achieve, my happiness)
madeleine petsch as georgina sparks (because yes).
hope you like my casting! lol
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♥ & ☮️ for your DA ladies
♥ - family headcanon
For Rhiannon I want to mention a family headcanon NOT tied to Highever but to the family she has after the Fifth Blight. Her daughter Teleri Esclarmonda was very much a lucky and unexpected blessing. Rhia had worked with Avernus to undo the Joining prior to the Calling after having reclaimed her identity as Lady Cousland. The infertility was one of the first things that came undone. She conceived and miscarried several times, Teleri however she carried to term and gave birth to at Skyhold. This is her all grown up, a candidate to Ferelden’s crown: (Anora & Eluned prepped her and her Cousland & Mac Tir heritage only adds further to her claim. The Theirins are no longer what people think of when they think of Ferelden’s sovereign)

Her mother’s hair, her father’s endless love of animals as well as his patience for them and the sweetest smile in all of Skyhold.
Desideria actually makes an effort to Friend Carver because after losing both her father and Bethany she clings to her family as tightly as she can. Even moreso after Leandra’s death. Legacy really helped them to grow closer and she is insanely proud of him being a Grey Warden under the Heroine of Ferelden’s command. Other than that, she has often used her Amell connections to her advantage. (Desideria is extremely ambitious and has no shame in that regard) She even pulled a Thorn Birds with Sebastian (Except that she married him) Her first child with Sebastian is Madeleine “Maddie” Vael, Princess of Starkhaven.
Drusilla Trevelyan was taken in by her sister Aurelia Ridolfi nee Trevelyan after having been declared anathema and a heretic by the Chantry (With a very public humiliating defrocking by her mentor) and it was this that led to a great quarrel in the family because their father, Bann Antonio Trevelyan, had disinherited Drusilla and didn’t want to lose Aurelia as well. The eldest of the three sisters, Calliope Trevelyan, often played peacemaker but it wasn’t until the Inquisition made it to Skyhold that the Trevelyans OFFICIALLY supported it and Drusilla as her Lady’s Herald. It’s a messy situation that I’d like to explore further during the DA4 timeline. (Whenever that game comes!)
☮️cooking/food headcanon
Rhia is a miserable cook. If Alistair provides charred rabbit, her pottage isn’t much better because she cooks it for too long (Her mind always wanders). Morrigan nearly set her on fire once for ruining a batch of olives they’d found in an abandoned garden. (She used them to spice up her pheasant stew) She tries to get better at it but after several failed attempts the party relieve her of cooking duty and have her on guarding duty instead. (Her being an insomniac played right into that)
Desideria on the other hand loves being cooked for and to cook for people. First thing she did after buying the mansion was hiring a cook. From Orlais. That caused quite the ruckus. But ofc everyone and their Mom wants to borrow the cook for their festivities after being invited to one of the Champion’s banquets. She usually agrees with it and the fee goes 100% to Jurian, the cook. Orana joins the household as Jurian’s apprentice and his kindness in addition to Desideria’s affection really helps her blossom past Hadriana’s abuse and cruelties. Orana eventually becomes an independent master cook, some of her pupils cook at Halamshiral for Empress Celene. (And work with Briala)
Drusilla is mainly indifferent when it comes to cooking except for Grandmother Floria Trevelyan’s Satinalia treats made of cinnamon and nutmeg. Floria supports Drusilla through ALL her hardships, in utter defiance to the Chantry as well as her own son. But the matriarch’s word goes further than that. Floria visited Skyhold once, in her eighty-second year, and baked treats for her favourite granddaughter one last time. She gently passed a week later and had her pyre in Skyhold’s rose garden, as she had requested in her recently altered will. Drusilla inherited the recipe and keeps it as a treasure.

#Calling Cards#Rhiannon Cousland#Desideria Hawke#Drusilla Trevelyan#OC Meta#Askbox Memes#crystal-grace#Teleri Esclarmonda Cousland Mac Tir
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Field notes from the trip, as written on the return flight:
A night at 4-star Citadines aparthotel at Les Halles cost very nearly the same as the one in cheapo Adagio Access near Bastille. The apartment at Citadines was easily twice as big, bigger than most Airbnbs I’ve rented, and well equipped (bath – a smallish one, but still; a balcony overlooking Fontaine des Innocents + another window with a view of the roofs of the Forum, dishwasher, kettle, toaster, microwave/grill and induction stovetop, would have been easy to cook full meals there), and if I had the budget for it/got someone else to pay for it, I’d stay there again. That being said, the floor was deathly cold; getting the shivers just thinking about it. And it didn’t have a dining table as such, but a generous desk and another fold-out chair in the hallway wardrobe (one of the two). No washer, but I’m thinking they probably have an in-house laundrette? The big room was a bit too dark at night, just wall sconces and a small table lamp on the desk, definitely not ideal for reading an actual book in bed. The bathroom vanity looked cheap to begin with and pretty tired, too, not luxurious.
The other 2 hotels were fine too, the room in Adagio Access had had a kitchen upgrade; the B&B Hotel thing had a tiny room, sparsely, if not stingily equipped (no soap by the sink; just a wall-mounted shower gel in the shower? No hand towels, just a bath towel per person?), but it was fresh-looking, clean and functional, and I slept like a log.
I had some terrible food (starving late one night and out of options, we ate at a Buffalo Grill, even the fries were bad) and some good too; found a restaurant called Le Lieu Dit that I would be happy to visit again. Ate on the go a lot, and I’m fed up with sandwichs and pastries for a while, I think. Mostly, I’m glad that my knees held up, and I didn’t get a cold. Can’t say the same for the boyf, and I might yet get what he’s got, but oh well.
Travelling part was uneventful, managed to not get caught up in strikes and thanks to the hotel staff, got a taxi to the train station during a high-demand morning station rush on Sunday. However, Google Maps is not great for directions in Paris. It routinely underestimated travel times, suggested getting off the bus in the wrong place, and we would have missed our TGV if it wasn’t for helpful bystanders.
Visited the Paris embassy on business (have been to London, Berlin, Brussels and Paris now, and also have had dinner in a New York sushi restaurant with the consul stationed there; this was never a goal in itself, it has just happened).
Didn’t shop much, a bit of skincare repurchases (Furterer shampoo, Biotherm SOS spray, Cattier hand cream, etc.), and a Uniqlo ULD collarless jacket, because it looked right on my most basic of asses. Ofc it is soft pink, too, because that too tends to look right on me. The plan is to wear it to the office under looser and thinner wool coats, and it’ll help putting up with the office temperature that’s been lowered as a cost-saving measure. Got an impressive amount of tea, too, Chinese and Taiwanese imports from Tang Frères and Twinings teabags in varieties probably intended for the French market, as I haven’t seen them anywhere else. Tuiles d’amandes seem to be having a moment, stocked up on those and some Bonne Maman madeleines and whatnot too.
As for souvenirs, got some cute af Ghibli chopsticks. Haven’t bought sushi in a while for reasons of being broke though. Have to pay the bills and see where I’m at. Anyway, the plan for tomorrow is to stay at home, maybe a quick run for groceries, and pet the cat. He has coped ok without us, but appears to be waiting for someone (he’s very alert to door-opening sounds, but we share a hallway door with the neighbours, so there’s a lot of disappointment).
0 notes
Otome Friday
LoveStruck under the read bar
The Royal Romance
-My Ideal opening: the light come back on and Riley is standing there with Anton’s men on the ground. She looks at Gladys “No, Gladys, I’m sorry.” and then shoots her. or something like that
-Here we go
-I’m in a public space so I can reign in my behavior
-Oh god the chapter title is Taken
-Someone call Liam Neeson!!!
-Oh fuck no! They snatched Olivia too!!!
-yeah, Anton’s gonna die
-Stiletto blade to the eye
-Why is he still wearing glasses?
-Yas Olivia.
-....Riley’s tied up, but I’m going for the petty option. Which is the third
-Anton actually likes us? Nah, I’m good
-Claudius. Anton...why are you using their actual names?
-Ofc Claudius is someone important
-I wish I could jump into this game.
-I’m gonna fight everyone
-I really wanna see Olivia go off on Anton.
-Like, take him down
-It is in the midst of chaos that we find peace
-Yes! we got to headbutt him!
-Bless the woman who believes in a backup back up knife
-Oh man I’m buzzing
-shield bow sword helmet
-It’s the sword!!!
-Oh look, Gladys
-I wanna know why!
-Tell me why Gladys.
-I want weapons...so yeah I caved
-Oh course this is about the last Duchess
-I’m dramatic so...rams head mace it is
-Don’t make me regret this Gladys!
-Oh god oh god oh god oh god
-This is so fucking tense
-I can’t
-Yeah....Claudius is getting my mac in his head
-yas Liam!
-I knew he wasn’t stupid
-Ugh the team work from Olivia and Riley is golden
-Ah this is why you don’t hire cowards
-This is so fucking stressful!!!
-Yes yes it’s over now get Olivia some medical attention!!
-Mara get away from Olivia!
-She’s thrice the bodyguard you’ll ever be
-Bertrand! Don’t be like that!
-Everyone has people to hug, we have a corgi
-Riley wins
-Olivia why are you at the reception?!
-You got stabbed!!
-OMG Neville and Madeleine!?!!!
-Peace out!
-Gotta go make some royal babies
-Of course PB has to stick one last 30 diamonds option in there
-Hmmm, choices, choices...
-Sex on a couch
-I’m kinda disappointed.
-Leo and his MC broke shit in their hotel room
-But Liam got us roses!
-My heart! The letter!!! AHHHHHHHHH
-I swear to god!
-I better get my happily ever after!!
-WTF is left? Huh? What’s left?
Veil of Secrets
-We are up shit creek without a paddle
-Oh thank god we didn’t hang up
-Thank you for not being stupid Grant
-Heh. Raven can pick locks
-Going to The Endurance
-Oh Flynn, you can tell me how badass I look now
-Do Grant and Flynn not get guns?
-Okay then
-My dumbass jumped behind the car.
-I’ve seen enough action movies to know better
-Grant got Drake’s flesh wound
-I love you Noami
-Love you too Flynn
-Duffy, you’re being a child now “Lemme alone”
-Sound like one of my cousins
-Wow. Duffy is really distracted. We got past him AND down into the hold
-In fact I might !
-ofc he comes back
-YAS. Duffy’s gonna have a fucking concussion
-Jeff you can’t do anything right
-Pierce, shut the fuck up!
-Raven was talking him down and now you’ve gone and riled him up
-Easy Jeff. It just means you don’t look like your mom
-Awww Jeff don’t fall for it
-Jeff didn’t know his birth name
-Pierce you dumbass!
-Why would you give Naomi’s position away?!
-Jeff doesn’t have a hand anymore
-Oh man...I’m glad this choice isn’t timed.
-hmmm, to burn or save them?
-I want Duffy to live with his choices
-But At the same time...
-Pierce could/would leave his money to Kate
-And I also want the pleasure of mocking his life choices....
-Fuck it
-Saving Duffy
-”End of the line Pierce!”
-YAS Naomi! “You have the right to remain silent”
-It fucking better be over!
-Wait! What did I miss?!
-I only have 5/6 clues!
-What’d I miss?!
Saerys Route
-Anyone else feel like this came back really fast?
-Cause I do
-I’m happy for it but still
-Oh god. The Summary is angst
-We should have kill Yovith last season
-If the soul bond is gone
-Doesn’t that mean that Sigyn doesn’t have a soul anymore?
-Apparently the final form, has a final form
-This angst.
-The soul plain is gonna be on fire
-....It’s dark
-Now we’re trying to make plans
-Why are we going to the elven domain now?
-Not just in this route but in general
-We’ve been there in Reiner and Isuel’s route
-Iseul’s route made sense and so did Reiner
-But this doesn’t really.
-Lol, Sigyn called Reiner ‘dad’
-I spent hearts on it. Exploring the bond better work!
-Okay. We got something.
-Magic worked a little and the bond is still there thank god
-We have more hope now
-Iseul and Ryland flirting.
-I ship it
-Now we’re going to the Elven domain
-Isuel’s being cryptic
-But we know...Well, I know
-Weepy Prince Consort
-I love him
-Sigyn and Saerys planning on living in the Elven domain so Iseul won’t visit
-Saerys is so precious!!
-I love their relationship so much!
-So they’re gonna take us to an elven garden and NOT show it to us?
-Fucking rude
-Now we wait...fuck.
Duke Route
-This is gonna be painful
-...oh no. *whispers* he’s hot
-But he’s an rude entitled man...so...no
-Kirk Steele...wtf.
-Again with the attempts to buy Chatshpere
-Awww we get alone time with Duke
-*Spongebob voice* Imagination~~
-Kelsey is smol
-This date is cute
-Here we go...
-...While I don’t completely trust Zeke...
-...I wouldn’t mind a route.....
-Duke’s parents aren’t getting better but they can make new memories
-Robin is, once again, a gift
-I’m ready to fight Kirk Steele/
-Yeah. I’m ready to throw down
-You don’t threaten Robin. Especially when it’s unclear if they have powers in this story.
-This CG is so domestic and pure I love it
-And Kelsey waits days to tell the rest of the gang. Why Kelsey
-OMg this is when shit hits the fan
-Duke is being extra aggressive
-....let Duke ‘thank’ you.
-Getting head in front of the window
-Having sex in front of the window
-And now I’m hot and bothered in the fucking library
-Oh Duke. Don’t go.
Atlas Route
-Time to kick Atlas’s ass!
-At least they gave us the option to not be useless
-Jaxon is such a good friend. Not to mention shipper
-Awwww what a bonding moment!!!
-Oh Comet!!!!
-We found him!!
-Time to knock some sense into him
-Of course Zella stayed with Atlas. She needs to strangle him!
-Atlas took down 7 guards in his rage
-Jaxon ruining moments again
-Ofc the escape can’t be easy
-Ugh. This no neck bastard.
-Go Jaxon!
-Aww Comet missed Atlas!
-I feel like SP MC would be the wife that gets drunk and tries to burn her marriage certificate saying “Good luck trying to return me without the receipt!”
-Jesus, the moment Atlas gets naked Zella loses the ability to think properly
-Honestly? Same
-Top Zella
-Death is a mercy for Petros. He gets none
#Lovestruck Voltage#Starship Promise#Villainous Nights#Love and Legends#Duke Route#Atlas Route#Saerys Route#playchoices#The Royal Romance#Veil of Secrets
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I was tagged by @mrhugolloris Thanks Madeleine!
Age: 29 Birthplace: Madrid (Spain) Current time: 22:44 Drink you had last: Water Easiest person to talk to: My best friend Favorite song: Just one? Whyyyy. Highway to hell by AC/DC Grossest memory: When my school paid a visit to the local sewage treatment plant. That smell... those things floating on the water... Horror, yes or no: From time to time, yes In love: no Jealous of people: Always, but I think I can handle it well Killed someone: According to my mutuals tags, several times. Love at first sight or should i walk past again: walk past Middle name: I don’t have a middle name. Number of siblings: 1 One wish: to not die alone would be a good thing, but I will settle for Atleti doing well for the next years. Person i called last: One of my friends because I couldn’t find her. Question i’m always asked: Why do you have that foreign name? What’s that from? Reason to smile: People’s love for Atleti Time i woke up: 9h45, I’m a lucky bitch who doesn’t have to wake up early for work. Underwear color: orange Vacation: Places with beautiful landscapes and great food. Spain’s north for example Worst habit: throwing clothes everywhere instead of hanging them on the closet. X-rays: teeth, knee and ankle. Your favourite food: Do we consider chocolate a food? If not, paella. Zodiac: leo
I’ll tag: @filipeluis @foodball @antvibe @judgynando @diego-simeone (only if you want ofc)
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Paper Moon Part 13
MB - @thecountessakasha here once more. Part 13 is finally finished. There’s a bunch of smut in it to make up for the last chapter.
I’m going to tag a couple people who I’ve told about this and my really special love who keeps betaing this for me @evansscruff - thank you, darling.
A/N: Bucky and Steve end up at a venue that has a 40s night and meet an OFC, Melissa Rose, a singer in a local club. They both are smitten by her, and start to vie for her affections. They end up finding out more about themselves in the process.
This honestly started out as maybe a one shot but as I got going, I decided it’ll be chapters. How many? No frigging idea. This is my absolute first time writing a fic of any sort and yes I did base the OFC on myself. I hope y'all enjoy.
Word count: 3200+ because I am a wordy bitch.
Warnings: Minimal angst. Mega smut. And as always, a lil fluff.
Bucky and I finished cleaning up the kitchen while Melissa was still in the bedroom. We could hear her tearing apart her closet and muttering to herself obviously trying to find the perfect thing to wear to the tower.
“Maybe we should go help her, man. She’s gonna drive herself crazy.” He’s running a hand through his hair and looking at me with his brows knit in worry.
I glance down the hallway as I hear the thud of shoes obviously hitting the wall. “I mean, maybe? I don’t know. I don’t know how to do this. To navigate this.”
Laughing softly, Bucky waves a hand at me. “It’s fine, Steve. I got it.” He gestures to the living room, “Maybe you can clean the rest of this place up while I help her, alright?”
“Alright. That’s sounds like a plan.” I get to work on the living room, straightening up. I didn’t intend to do a deep clean, but as I got into it, I figured I may as well. She deserves the world, but for now a nice clean apartment will do.
While cleaning, I’m also exploring. Learning more and more about her. She clearly values comfort over appearance. An overstuffed couch, two big recliners, an old oak coffee table covered in little nooks and crannies to organize things. Warm and worn hardwood floors, small lamps placed here and there give an inviting atmosphere.
Floor to ceiling windows make up the wall her couch faces. They give a perfect view of the busy city street below. The other three walls are lined with bookshelves that are stuffed to the gills with everything from classics to non-fiction tomes on the Holy Land to current newspapers and magazines.
I run my fingers over the spines of the various books as I dust, feeling as if I can get a sense of her by touching things she obviously holds dear. These books are well loved, well used.
There are pictures in frames everywhere. Family, friends, fans I assume. Her stunning wide smile is ever present in all the ones she’s in. Even those that are clearly her as a child. I love how she’s memorialized these experiences.
Making my way around my eyes land on one that gives me pause. It looks older, like a picture from my time. A beautiful young woman with dark waves, near crystalline eyes, and a small smile that looks as if she’s holding a secret.
She looks so much like Melissa.
I make a mental note to ask her about it.
New Orleans street scenes, shots of the Gulf of Mexico, fleur-de-lis, magnolias, oak trees, pelicans, and stylized skulls in the manner of Dia de Los Muertos make up most of the art pieces that join the photographs littered about her apartment. Nearly every square inch of wall and available table space is covered by something.
I spy a couple of hand woven reed baskets overflowing with spare blankets, a large standing empty ashtray by one recliner, and a huge brass hookah with what looks to be about 4 pipes is in one corner. I’ve never seen her smoke, never tasted it on her. Maybe she has it for guests.
On a little table perched beside one of the recliners is a large, messy stack of sheet music with lyrics handwritten on the pages. I gather the papers, intending to merely put them in a more orderly pile but curiosity gets the better of me and start to thumb through them.
Looking them over, I see she has written little notes for herself near the titles. “Tennessee Whiskey in the style of Chris Stapleton. At Last in the style of Etta James. Between the Bars in the style of Madeleine Peyroux. Hallelujah in the style of k. d. lang. Brave by Jhene Aiko. WWOZ by BTE.” I’m reading them aloud, wondering what they would sound like in her voice.
I come to the next one and my eyes widen, “Fucked My Way Up To the Top by Lana del Rey.” With grin and a shake of my head, I straighten the papers and set them back on the little end table.
“Find something interesting, Steve?”
I nearly jump out of my skin at the proximity of her voice. “Holy shit, Melissa. You can’t sneak up on an old man like that.”
Her head falls backwards as she gives one of her full, loud laughs, “And here I thought you were a super soldier.” She reaches out running a fingernail down my forearm.
Turning to face her, my eyes take her in. “Melissa…you look great.” I can see nearly all of her tattoos, the ones decorating her legs, her arms, her shoulders, a tiny peek of the one down her spine. My knees weaken a bit when I realize I can also see the outline of those delicious little barbells through the material of the dress.
She looks down at her dangerously low cut sundress then back up to me, her cheeks and chest flushing pink at the compliment. She hooks a thumb over her shoulder, “Bucky’s suggestion.”
I see him grinning behind her nodding his head. “As soon as I saw it, stuffed all the way in the back of the closet I might add, I knew that’s what I’d want to see her in. Seems you like it, too.”
“I do!” I grab her in my arms, spinning her around, her feet swinging off the floor. She starts laughing loudly, “Bucky help me!”
“Hey, you’re on your own, Angel. Ya gotta take the consequences for being so beautiful.”
She groans loudly at the cheesy statement. “God, y'all are dorky.” I start to laugh as I plant her back on the floor, taking note of the black strappy sandals adorning her perfectly pedicured feet.
I lean down kissing her gently, taking her a little by surprise. “I was just looking around. I love seeing all the pictures you have.” Gesturing to the one I was most curious about I continue “Who is this beautiful dame? You look an awful lot like her.”
Melissa reaches out for the picture, holding it gingerly in her hands. “My maternal grandmother. She’s the one who gifted me with her knowledge of wartime era fashion. Her and my grandfather taught me all the songs. They also taught me all the dances. Everyone in the family always said I was her spitting image.”
Bucky gives a soft hum of approval, “Then we owe her a great debt.”
She brushes her fingers tenderly over the image. “They all said it was like she’d been made again in me. I was just like her in temperament and personality. Looks, too. Except for one thing.” Her eyes meet mine. “She had ice blue eyes and I ended up with the Irish green from my father’s side.” She shrugs a little.
“And a stunning green they are. My favorite color.” I slide my hands down her arms then take her hands in mine. “Are you ready, doll? I know this is still very overwhelming for you. But we’ll be there. Right beside you. Each step of the way.”
“They’re gonna love you.” Bucky’s low voice comes out muffled as he’s taken up the position standing behind her, his lips attached to one of her exposed shoulders.
She wraps an arm around my waist resting her head on my chest, then pulls Bucky closer behind her. “If you two think you’re ready, then I’m ready. I won’t say I’m not scared. I am. But some things in life take risk. And I believe you two to be worth that risk.” Her eyes find mine as she speaks the last sentence, and I can see the worry. I can also see how sincere and how heartfelt her words are.
“Merci, Maîtresse.”
“Thank you, Angel.”
While I make Steve clean her apartment, I quietly slide into her bedroom. What I see makes me stop in my tracks. She has torn apart her closet, her dressers. Shoes and clothes are strewn everywhere.
She’s sitting on the floor, back against the bed looking on the verge of tears. “Angel? Melissa? Are you alright?”
Shaking her head she gestures toward the room, “I have nothing to wear. I can't… I can’t go to the tower. I can’t meet the team. They’re your family, Bucky. I need to make a good impression.” Her voice is small, soft, tinged with fear.
I sit on the floor beside her and gather her in my arms, “Hey, hey. It’s ok.” My fingers slide up the sides of neck and I cup her cheeks turning her face to mine. “Listen to me. You’re beautiful. No matter what you wear, you are beautiful. I want you to be comfortable. That’s my main concern.”
“It’s going to be enough of a shock to them about you and Steve. When they meet me and realize the part I play in this, they’re going to hate me.” She’s trembling as she says these words. “And so are your adoring fans. I just …I don’t fit the bill. Not to mention when we go public with our relationship. People won’t be able to handle it.”
I tighten my grip on her. “Melissa, we are all adults here. This is our choice. So what if people don’t like it? They don’t live our lives.” My thumbs brush her cheeks. “And Steve and I want you. More than that, we need you. Neither he nor I have felt as good in our lives as we have since you came along. It fits. You fit. You belong with us.”
She seems as if she has some reply, some counter, but she closes her mouth and just looks at me. Really looks at me. After a moment, she places her hand on my chest and shakes her head. “Oh, Bucky.”
Seeing her like this, I’m overcome. She is perfection and she just doesn’t believe it. I give a shake of my head and suddenly I’m pressing my lips to hers. Her eyes widen a second then she’s kissing me back, sighing softly into my mouth. Her small hands grab for me, tugging at my shirt.
My fingers slip into her robe, pushing it off her shoulders to let it pool around her hips. I’m groaning against her skin as I move from her lips to her jaw making my way to her chin. “How can you not see that? How can I make you understand?”
She’s melting under my touch, her fingers slipping into my hair pulling me close. My lips move against the hollow of her neck, “Everything about you makes me crave more and more.” My tongue darts out licking along her collarbone, teeth nipping at the muscle connecting her neck and shoulder.
I have never heard such delicious sounds from anyone in my life.
“Bucky…” she’s whining. “I have to get dressed, baby boy.” I slip my hand lower, the backs of my knuckles just barely brushing against the wetness between her legs.
I growl against her neck, “But you’re soaking for me, Angel. How can I resist?” My fingers part her folds and I find her little swollen bundle of nerves, pressing against it lightly.
A gasp falls from her lips and I bring my left hand up to cover her mouth. “Shhhhh, lover.” She gives a little whimper as I pull her onto my lap, and I quickly shimmy my sweats down. My hardness slides against the damp heat between her legs making me groan.
Our lips crash together, the kiss all tongues and teeth. She wraps her body around mine as I slide into her, sheathing myself fully. “Oh fuck…” she whispers, her forehead pressing against my chest. Her fingers glide into my hair and she yanks my head back forcefully, her eyes meeting mine.
The gaze is heated, longing and we stare at each other for a moment before her hips start to move a bit, letting me know it’s ok to begin. I grip her ass, fingers digging into her flesh as I start the push pull of her on my cock.
“Quickly, baby boy. Harder…” She has one hand still tightly wrapped in my hair, tugging. Her other raking nails down my back filling me with a shiver of sweet pleasure at the pain. Her hips rock in time with my thrusts.
I take one hand and slip it between us, finger tripping over her clit in small circles as I keep thrusting up into her. “That’s it Bucky baby… yes just like that..fuck I’m close…”
She bites into my shoulder to muffle her screams as her orgasm washes over her. “Fuck Angel you’re so Goddamn tight…!” and I’m spilling into her, her climax setting off mine. We shudder together then still, breathing heavily wrapped up in each other’s arms.
“I hope I didn’t break your skin.” She laughs darkly, licking the spot where she bit me.
I snort, “Somehow I don’t think you’ll lose sleep over it if you did.” I pull back and place a kiss on the tip of her scrunched up nose. “Now, where were we? Oh yes. Let’s find you something to wear.”
Yep. The death of me.
I’m dressed in a rather revealing sundress that Bucky picked out. The bodice of which is a deep blue that fades into a lovely aqua by the time it reaches the hem resting just above my knees. I’m not sure I’m entirely comfortable with it. I do love these strappy gladiator style sandals that wrap up and around my calves, though.
Both he and Steve have assured me I’ve never looked more beautiful and that it’s the perfect thing to wear for the “mission” we’re undertaking. If they are happy, then I am happy.
They’re currently my giant bookends as we walk the few blocks toward the tower, arms linked, chatting between ourselves. Occasionally they’ll lean over me and peck little kisses on each other’s lips and it makes my heart swell.
I look up at each of them just before we reach the tower. A little gasp comes from me as I get choked up, teeth pressing harshly into my bottom lip. “Y'all. Can we just …can we hold up for a second?”
They stop immediately looking down at me as I stare at the massive building across the street from us. My eyes move from the bottom all the way to the top spire and the gigantic A adorning it.
I’m taking slow, deep breaths. Steve moves in front of me, fingers sliding around the back of my neck, thumb brushing my cheek. “It’s ok, Melissa. I promise. We promise.” I feel Bucky’s arm around my waist, squeezing my side reassuringly.
“I trust you. Both of you.” I reach for Steve, kissing him hard. Pulling away from him I turn and do the same with Bucky. I close my eyes, once again taking several deep breaths. My hands clench and unclench. After a long moment I link my arms into each of theirs and give a sharp, quick nod of my head. “Alright. Let’s do this.”
Stepping off the curb and crossing the street we make our way into the lobby. A couple of quick turns, a couple of quick hellos to random employees and we reach a deserted corridor. A female voice comes from somewhere, greeting the boys.
“Captain Rogers. Sergeant Barnes. Glad to see you’re back.”
Steve pipes up, “F.R.I.D.A.Y., we’ve brought a guest. She’ll be visiting often. Her name is Melissa Rose. Can you please set up a profile for her?”
A profile? What the fuck…?
As Steve speaks to this… F.R.I.D.A.Y., Bucky realizes I’ve frozen in place. His fingers link through mine and he runs a hand down my arm, “It’s ok. It’s just a matter of precaution. We want you to be safe here. And that requires some security measures.” He brings my hand to his lips, placing a feather light kiss on my palm.
“Of course, Captain Rogers.” Steve guides me to a wall with scanners and such on it. “State your name, please, ma'am.”
“Melissa Anne Rose.”
“Now, please step forward and place your hand against the plate. Lean in and keep your eyes open so that I may scan those as well.”
At least her voice is comforting. I do as she asks, giving her a scan of my right palm as well as my eyes. Suddenly, red beams are scanning my whole body. After a few seconds, she speaks again.
“Thank you, Ms. Rose. I have everything I need.”
“O..okay.” I turn to the boys, “Well, now y'all know everything, huh?” my lips quirking into a small smirk as they laugh.
“Come on, Angel. Let’s head up.” Bucky takes my hand, pulling me to the elevator as Steve follows.
“Lounge floor, F.R.I.D.A.Y., if you please.”
“Of course, Captain Rogers.”
The elevator doors close and suddenly they’re both pressing against me. Steve has his face buried in the crook of my neck as he’s pushing me back against Bucky’s chest. “You look so beautiful, it’s been hard keeping my hands to myself.” He paws at me, making my knees weak. Bucky is holding me up, keeping me steady on my feet as Steve takes advantage of the small space.
I feel his thumbs scratch against the material covering my nipples and it’s then he realizes I’m not wearing a bra. He tugs lightly on the barbells, grinning against my neck. “Melissa… you’re so naughty.”
“This dress doesn’t have a need for a bra, mon petit Capitaine.” I feel Bucky’s hands on my hips, gripping them tightly as Steve growls against my neck. His hand travels down reaching the hem of the dress. He tugs then lifts it slightly, rubbing his fingers against my clothed core. I immediately start to soak through the flimsy cotton, my knees buckling, “Shit, Steve.”
I hear Bucky chuckle darkly behind me. “What’s wrong, Angel?”
“You know Goddamn well what’s wrong, Sergeant.” Steve takes advantage of Bucky distracting me to slip two fingers inside the waistband and into my dripping cunt. “Steve! Fucking hell…”
“Oh god, Maîtresse. You’re soaking.” He quickly kneels down, his strong arms parting my legs as Bucky continues to hold me up. I feel Steve’s tongue press against the fabric covering me, then he roughly pulls it aside to assault my folds with his mouth.
I cry out loudly which brings Bucky’s hand to cover my mouth. “Quiet, Angel. No need to arouse suspicion.” He drops his mouth to my neck, nibbling and licking as Steve devours my pussy. His grunts and groans sending vibrations all through my body.
I cum hard and quick, all over Steve’s talented mouth, my screams muffled by Bucky’s hand. I release Steve’s hair, which I had bunched tightly in my right hand, and he stands after fixing my underwear and my dress. Licking his lips, he grins, leaning in to kiss me. God I love tasting myself on their tongues.
He then grabs Bucky over me, kissing him hard so that they share my flavor. I feel Steve’s hand on my breast, tugging gently at the barbell there through the fabric of my dress. I giggle softly, trying to fix his hair.
Separating as the doors open to the lounge floor, we exit the elevator with huge smiles plastered on our faces. As we step into the large room, the boys grab my hands in theirs as they bracket me. Steve gives a wave to the room.
“Hey guys.”
@alievans007 @buckysbackpackbuckle @justareader @anice-1 @ya-girl-evanstrash @hardcollectiontrashworld @mewsiex Thanks everyone!
#mb posts#my fic#paper moon#bucky x ofc x steve#bucky x ofc#steve x ofc#bucky barnes smut#steve rogers smut#thecountessakasha
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Battle Cries Chapter 7 Henry Cavill/OFC

TITLE: Battle Cries
CHAPTER NUMBER: Chapter 7 /?
AUTHOR: Cinderella1181
WHICH Henry/CHARACTER: AU Henry Cavill /Juniper Denholm
GENRE: Romance/Comedy
FIC SUMMARY: Henry Cavill is the fourth son of the Lord and Lady of St. Helier. He is also now 37 still living at home and has no plans to move out. His father, recently retired, is forcing Henry to live on his own. Set up nicely, by his parents Henry has to find his place in the world and find real love for the first time with a girl he didn’t necessarily think he would even like.
PREVIOUS: Chapter 6
RATING: M (sex, language)
AUTHORS NOTES: Juniper has a bit of a meltdown and we meet Rivers. Thank you to @ladyaudiophile for the Beta!
Taglist: @sobeautifullyobsessed @omgkatinka @carriebee1 @thethirstyarchive @i-am-an-invisible-ghost @viking-raider @littlefreya @demivampirew @losille2000 @iloveyouyen
Juniper sat in the kitchenette and looked off into space. She could hear her name being said, but she was thinking about one thing and one thing only. Bloody Henry Cavill.
“Juniper?” Madeleine said, waving her hand in front of her eyes.
She looked at her best friend. “ Hmm you said something?”
“I said a bloody lot of things. Where are you today?” she asked.
Juniper sighed, looking at the window again. “Henry.” She said quietly.
Madeleine raised an eyebrow. “Oh really?”
Juniper shook her head. “I shouldn’t let him get under my skin, but he does it with those damn blue eyes and those dimples.” she looked across to her best friend. “I don’t know why I keep torturing myself around him.”
“Maybe, and hear me out on this, he is perfect for you. He’s the exact opposite of Rivers, he’s funny, he’s sexy as hell, he’s sweet and kind.” Madeleine smiled at her. “He is a good guy, and you should really give him a chance. Start over with him.”
Juniper laid her head down on the table and sighed. She closed her eyes, and shook her head. “I don’t know. I stopped into the comic shop today before coming here and he just, oh he just made me so mad. But, he smiled at me and my heart fluttered. I just don't know what to do. And then, I passed Anya leaving as I was coming in, so I don’t know what he said to her, and he could be playing me for a fool and I just don't know.” She shifted her head so she could see her best friend. “I bet he is way better than Rivers in bed.”
Madeleine laughed and nodded in agreement. “I am sure he is a great deal better at many things compared to Rivers. You have a crush on him.”
Juniper made a disgusted noise in the back of her throat. “I am an educated, socially aware woman. I do not have crushes. I form relationships with men who are my intellectual equals, and who have the same views as me.”
Madeleine laughed out loud again. “My darling if that statement was true, do you really think I would date a boy in a band whose idea of a fun date is going down to the pub and then get some chips on the way home?” She put her hand on Juniper’s arm. “No, your heart wants what it wants, and sometimes they own a comic book store, and sometimes they work there for free.”
Juniper looked up at Madeleine and raised an eyebrow. “He works there for free?”
Madeleine nodded. “Aye, he does it just to get out of the house really. His mum and dad I guess still send him an allowance.”
Juniper sat up. “Are his parents rich?”
“His parents are the Lord and Lady of St. Helier. They are basically the governors of Jersey.” Madeliene said. “You didn’t know?”
“No, not in all of the times I talked...oh my god, now some things that Marianne said on Friday night makes a whole lot more sense.” She shook her head. “He really is not my type. He is the definition of the patriarchy.”
“He’s the fourth son. You liked his mum.” Madeliene said.
“Yes,” Juniper replied quietly.
“And you just got done saying that he wasn’t so bad.” Madeleine looked at her and smiled. “He’s not perfect, no man is, but he is a good man, and he’d be good for you. You need a man like him.”
Juniper stood up and sighed. “I don’t know what I need right now.” She sighed. “I am going to go home. I have dinner with mum and dad tonight. They are planning Thanksgiving.” She got her scarf and purse. “You and Joey are coming right?”
Madeleine stood up and hugged her. “Yes, we will be there.” She held her friend tight for a few moments before letting her go. “You’ll figure it out you know. I have faith that you will eventually see that he is a good guy and he is who you need to be with.”
“You have more hope about this than I do,” she said quietly.
Juniper grabbed her coat on the way out of the flat and began to walk home. Part of her wasn’t really sure why she was upset, but the part of her that defined who she was, was livid. He was the exact opposite of everything that she stood for. He was a part of the aristocracy. Even if he was the fourth son, it was still something that he was born into and a part of. Something that she couldn’t abide.
Maybe, however, Madeleine was right, and she did have a crush on him. He was incredibly handsome, he was funny. He seemed sweet. He did help out, because heaven knows before he came along, Joey and Madeleine almost never saw each other. But it was something deep in her core that she just couldn’t get past. Her principles and beliefs were something that she held so close to her. She stopped across the street from the shop. She could just see him working quietly there. She did think it was nice that he was working for free. But he was a grown man with an allowance. He was all wrong for her. This had just cemented it. She was sure that she didn’t want him. She sighed, continuing her walk home.
It didn’t take her long to wind through the streets to get to her house. She walked to her door and stopped, getting out her keys. “Juniper?” A voice said behind her.
She turned, and nearly dropped her keys. She worked her mouth a second and then finally got out. “Rivers. What are you doing here?”
He headed up the path to her house and stopped at the bottom of the steps. “I just, I was just around the corner at the bakery. “ He held up a box to show her. “And I just thought I would come by and say hi. I was missing you this week.”
He nodded. “Yeah, your mom called me and invited me to Thanksgiving. So, I wanted to stop by and see if that was okay. You know how much I love your mom’s cooking.”
She looked at him and nodded. “Yeah I guess that is fine. We are adults. We can be friends.” She smiled. “I want you to come. I am happy my mum asked you. Honestly.”
He smiled at her and his big blue eyes danced. He bounded up the steps and held out his fist to her. Juniper used her fist to touch his. “Think your mom will make that avocado toast dip?
“I am sure she is.” She smiled. “I guess I will see you then.”
“Yeah then.” He said and headed back down the stairs. “I’ll bring my guitar.”
“Joey will be thrilled.” She smiled.
Rivers pushed his fingers into his blond hair and looked at her. “Oh. Joey and Madeliene are going to be there?”
She nodded. “Yeah, my mum invited them as well. Maybe I can get Joey to bring his lute.”
“I mean, that’ll be nice.” He sighed. “Hey look I gotta go. I will see you later.” He took a few more steps and stopped. “Juniper, you looked really lovely today.” He smiled at her and left off down the street.
Juniper stood there another moment. “Fuck!” she said and finally let herself into her house.
#henry cavill#henry cavill fanfic#henry cavill fic#henry cavill x ofc#joey batey#madeline hyland#TAD Fic if you squint#Fic: Battle Cries#cinderella1181
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