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đŹđȘZapatos de diseñador de Georgia. đ”Precio-đ·đș 9000 ✠đȘđș 110⏠đșđž 115$ â âœRango de tallas - 35 a 41â âœTacĂłn - 7 cmâ âœPlazo de confecciĂłn: - 5 dĂas hĂĄbilesâ âœCosemos segĂșn tus medidasâ âœMateriales naturalesâ âœPuedes cambiar el color y el materialâ âœEntrega en Rusia / paĂses de la CEI - SDEK om, en todo el mundo - por Georgian Postâ âœPrecio especial por suscribirte a nuestra cuentaâ âœPara pedidos y compras al por mayor, escrĂbenos al directoâ ________________ ÂĄUna vez que pidas zapatos de @shoehousegeo, te enamorarĂĄs de ellos para siempre! â„ïž â đ« ÂĄDurante muchos años, hemos estado fabricando modelos a mano para usted exclusivamente con materiales naturales! â đ« Al pedirnos zapatos, puede elegir cualquier modelo, material y color. Con nuestra ayuda, te convertirĂĄs en el dueño de un zapato verdaderamente Ășnico đ» â đ« Estaremos encantados de ayudarte a elegir la talla y resolver todas tus dudas đč â ÂĄEstaremos encantados de verte entre nuestros clientes! đș â đČ EscrĂbanos en directo, o llame a WhatsApp / Viber: +995599278525 đ ________________ #granada #sevilla #valencia #barselona #madrid #zaragoza #badajoz #salamanca #bilbao #bilbo #madridđȘđž #madeingeorgia (at España // Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmW4i2VtU-1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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One of the classics already in Mama Terra: Huevos Divorciados đČđœ (Divorced Eggs). Now you can order two versions of this delicious dish: 1. Classic: 2 fried eggs + 2 handmade corn tortillas + green sauce + pico de gallo + fried beans + red mexican rice + cheese. 2. Lighter: if you are taking it easy with carbs and aim at including more veggies in your diet you can substitute the rice + beans sides for fried mushrooms + lettuce cucumber salad Everything freshly prepared and made with love đ. Perfect for breakfast, lunch, dinner or to cure a hangover. đâ€ïžWe are open to dine-in from Monday to Friday from 12pm-10pm. đïžAddress: Ingorokva 20 (Entrance in Chitadze Street) behind the Parlament, 8 minutes walk from Liberty Square Metro Station âĄïžđYou can find our Menu in our Facebook page and our bio in Instagram â
đœïžFor reservations call or send us a messge via WhatsApp or Telegram đ995 599 27 63 91 Also available for takeaways and delivery in Wolt. Remember you get a 10% discount in takeways when you bring your containers. â€ïžâ»ïžđ #mamaterraveggie #vegetarian #vegan #mexicanfood #mexicanfoodporn #divorcedeggs #huevosdivorciados #meatlessmonday #smallbusiness #happytuesday #hangovercure #madewithlove #tbilisi #madeingeorgiađŹđȘ #womenownedbusiness #salsa #eggs #healthy #lovemyveggies (at Mama Terra - Veggie corner) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfEJwLEofXT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Snowy Town #feltandtapestryart www.feltandtapestry.com #snowy #town #unique #picture #handmade #artgallery #madeingeorgiađŹđȘ #feltedwool #walldecor #wool #perfection #snowytown #onlinesale (at Brooklyn, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWMW_trv0i6/?utm_medium=tumblr
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I thank you, Dr. George, for your friendly hospitality. I am proud to have in Georgia the doctors as all your family. I am really more than proud to have products such as an Aptos, made from Georgian, and now already made in Georgia đŹđȘ I am so happy, and it is a pleasure to be one small member of Aptos doctors. #aptos #aptosthreads #aptosglobal #madeingeorgia (at Aptos) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaPyP25sUJt/?utm_medium=tumblr
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#madeingeorgia #madeingeorgiađŹđȘ #madewithlove #madeinmoscowđ·đș #madeinmoscow #madeinrussia #madeinrussiađ·đș #madeinfranceđ«đ· #madeinfrance #mafeingermany #madeinirelandđ @newspaperguy @argo_restaurant_ @bilousolga @bon_eclaire_lubny @mami.ko_style @usanaruscom @keciatrinny06 (at Miami, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMXNKjZhqnH/?igshid=4dcbk9k3hx8a
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GE đŹđȘ EN đŹđ§ ááá€á ááźááááá áá áᥠááááááááŁáá ááá©ááááá áááááááááŁáá á©ááááá ááá„áĄáąáááááááá áááŁáá áĄááááááᥠáąáá áąáááááĄááá áá áááŁá áááááᥠáĄááŁáášá áá áᥠááĄááá áá áᥠáá á-áá áá á§áááááá ááááŁááá áŁáá ááá©áááááᥠááá áĄáá ááá„áĄáááášá. đČđœđ á©áááᥠááá€á ááźáááááášá á©ááá áŁááá áááááąááïżœïżœ áĄáááᥠáá áȘáŁáááááĄ, ááááááá áááá áá ááááᥠáĄááŁáá, áĄááá áá á„ááá«á. áááááąáá ááááŁá ááá áĄááášáđ§ ááááááá áĄááŠá áá áááá áááá á„áá ááŁáá á§áááá áá§á ááá. ááááááŁá á ááá áĄáááĄááááĄđ± á©ááá ááá§ááááá ááŁáąá ááȘááŁá áĄáá€áŁáá áĄ. áá ááá á«ááááá áááá ááááá áá ááááááá áĄáá áááááá áá á„áᥠ. Enfrijoladas are comforting enchiladas made with handmade nixtamlized corn tortillas in a creamy spicy beans sauce and are still one of the most popular versions of enchiladas in Mexico. đČđœđ The Vegan đ± version of our 'Enfrijoladas' is filled with mushrooms and zucchini, garnished with pico de gallo sauce, onions and coriander, and topped with nutritional yeast for a cheesy flavour. For a Vegetarian version đ§ they are garnished with fresh Georgian Imeruli chesse. Both are delicious, filling and nutritions. Best of comforting food for a rainy Monday or any other day đâ€ïž đ We also have a available Nutritional Yeast 100% and Enriched with B12 fro. @Bleatfree. Max 200gr per person. đ”đïžAvailable to dine in, takeaway and delivery in Wolt đ #mamaterraveggie #vegantbilisi #vegan #vegetarian #mexicanfoodporn #enfrijoladas #beans #plantbased #madewithlove #mexicanfood #madeingeorgiađŹđȘ #healthy #nutritious #lovemyveggies #comfortfood #mondaymood #meatlessmonday (at Mama Terra - Veggie corner) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdnPjZOIAaS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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There is always a good time to enjoy a refreshing 'Michelada' đČđœ!! A great cheerful and refreshing drink no matter the day, the company or your mood!! đđ»đ Our version of Michelada consist of a mixture of your favorite beer that you can choose from our stock, lime juice, sauces, spices, tomato juice, and chili peppers and served in a chilled, salt-rimmed glass. Funfact: The word chela is a popular term for a beer in Mexico. The phrase 'mi chela helada' means "my ice cold beer" âïžđ»đ â
And because we always think about all our customers tastes, you can also order your Michelada made with Kombucha instead of beer for a non-alcoholic taste. Equally delicious and refreshing. Everyone loves it đ Arriba arriba! and wiish you a wonderful day! đâ€ïž #mamaterraveggie #vegantbilisi #vegan #vegetarian #plantbased #beer #kombucha #friends #mexicandrinks #michelada #tbilisi #madewithlove #madeingeorgiađŹđȘ #happy (at Mama Terra - Veggie corner) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaRokIcuXss/?utm_medium=tumblr
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GE đŹđȘ ENđŹđ§ Huevos Divorciados đČđœ (ááá§á ááá áááá áȘáźá): 2 ášáááŹááá á áááá áȘáźá + 2 áĄááááááᥠáąáá áąááá + ááŹáááá áĄááŁáĄá + áááá áá áááá + ášáááŹááá á ááááá + á§áááá đâ€ïž Huevos Divorciados đČđœ (Divorced Eggs): our new favorite in the house consisting of 2 fried eggs + 2 handmade corn tortillas + green sauce + pico de gallo + fried beans + red mexican rice + cheese.đâ€ïž Everything freshly prepared and made woth love đ. Perfect for breakfast, lunch, dinner or to cure a hangover. đâ€ïžWe are open to dine-in from Monday to Friday from 12pm-10pm. đïžAddress: Ingorokva 20 (Entrance in Chitadze Street) behind the Parlament, 8 minutes walk from Liberty Square Metro Station âĄïžđYou can find our Menu in our Facebook page and our bio in Instagram â
đœïžFor reservations call or send us a messge via WhatsApp or Telegram đ995 599 27 63 91 Also available for takeaways and delivery in Wolt. Remember you get a 10% discount in takeways when you bring your containers. â€ïžâ»ïžđ #mamaterraveggie #vegetarian #vegan #mexicanfood #mexicanfoodporn #divorcedeggs #huevosdivorciados #meatlessmonday #smallbusiness #happymonday #hangovercure #madewithlove #tbilisi #madeingeorgiađŹđȘ #womenownedbusiness #salsa #eggs #healthy (at Mama Terra - Veggie corner) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZrHaNJo_9T/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Welcome the week in a meatless Monday mood with an appetising order of vegan tacos đđźđČđœ. Served in our homemade nixtamalised corn tortillas and two different options for fillings 1ïžâŁ.- 'Barbacoa' Tacos: Made with soy meat, eggplants and spices and accompanied by a spicy green sauce. 2ïžâŁ. Soyrizo and Potatoes Tacos: Made with spicy soy meat, potatoes and accompanied by a pico de gallo sauce. All freshly prepared and of course with lots of love â€ïž Do not want to leave home? You can order in Wolt for delivery or you can enjoy them in our cosy and warm space in Ingorokva 20 (Entrance Chitadze) in Mtatsminda, Tbilisi đŹđȘ Takeaways available and following our sustainable policy you will get a 10% discount when you bring your containers for takeaway đ #mamaterraveggie #vegantbilisi #vegan #vegetarian #plantbased #takeaway #delivery #mexicanfood #tacos #vegantacos #meatlessmonday #tbilisi #madeingeorgiađŹđȘ #madewithlove #lovemyveggies #soymeat #healthy #womenownedbusiness (at Mama Terra - Veggie corner) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXa8YOAoEMK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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GEđŹđȘ ENđŹđ§ áááĄááá á©áá đźđł: áá á áá áá ášááĄáááášáááá áĄááĄáááá áĄáźááŁáááĄá áá áĄáŁááᥠááĄááááááá đ„áááááááááŁááá ááááŁá á ášááá á©áááĄ, á á«ááĄ(ááááááŁá á áá áááááąáá ááááŁáá) áá áá ááááąáŁáá áĄááááááááááᥠ(áŻáááŻáá á, ááŁá ááŁáá, ááá áá©ááá, ááá áááááá, á§ááááĄá€áá á ášáá„áá á) á€áááąááĄáąáááŁá á ááááááááȘááá. áááĄááá á©áááá áá á áá áá áĄáá§ááá ááá áĄááĄáááááđ đâ€ïž ááááŹáááá áá ášáááááááá ááá ááĄááááᥠá©áááááá 11:00ááá 21:00ááá. đïž áááĄáááá áá: ááááá áá§ááᥠ20 (ášááááĄááĄááááá á©ááąáá«áᥠááźá áááá). 8 áŹáŁááᥠáĄááááá ááá áááááĄáŁá€ááááᥠáááąá áááá. âĄïžđ áááááááááá áá ááááᣠá©áááᥠá€áááĄááŁá„áĄá áá áááĄáąááá áááᥠáááá ááááá. â
đœïžááááááᥠáááĄááŻááášááá áááááŹáá áá áá áááááá áááá Whatsappáá đ995 599 27 63 91 ášáááá«áááá ááĄáá áááááá ááá áŹááŠáááᥠáá áááąáááᥠáĄáá áááĄáá woltáá. áááááááááĄáŹáááá, áᣠáĄáááŁááá ááááąááááá ᥠááááąááá ááááŠááá 10%ááïżœïżœ á€ááĄááááááááĄ. â€ïžâ»ïžâșïž đđđđđđđđđđđđđđ Masala Chai đźđł: One of the favorites to fire the spirits and the body đ„. Made with a fantastic combination of India black Tea with milk (vegan or vegetarian) and aromatic spices including ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, cardamom and a bit of brown sugar. Very tasty and healthy, we love itđ đâ€ïžWe are open to dine-in from Monday to Friday from 11am-9pm. đïžAddress: Ingorokva 20 (Entrance in Chitadze Street), 8 minutes walk from Liberty Square Metro Station âĄïžđYou can find our Menu in our Facebook page and our bio in Instagram â
đœïžFor reservations call or send us a messge via WhatsApp or Telegram đ995 599 27 63 91 Also available for takeaways and delivery in Wolt. Remember you get a 10% discount in takeways when you bring your containers. â€ïžâ»ïžđ #mamaterraveggie #vegantbilisi #vegan #vegetarian #plantbased #masalachai #indianflavours #indiandrinks #indiantea #winteriscoming #hotdrink #happy #healthy #smallbusiness #greenbusiness #madeingeorgiađŹđȘ #tbilisi (at Mama Terra - Veggie corner) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXIq9-Yo45z/?utm_medium=tumblr
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áČááá áąáá áᥠááááááá đ±â€ïž áČ«ááááá áááá áááá áá áŻáááĄááŠá áĄáááááá á áááá áȘ áĄááŁááááĄáááᥠááĄááá áááźášáááĄááááĄ. áČáááááŁá á, áááŁáąáááᥠááá áášá, áááááááááŁáá ááŁáźáŁáááĄá áá áĄáááᥠáááĄááᥠá€á„ááááá áá ááá ááŁáá áĄáááááŁá á áźáááá. áČáá§áááá áĄááźáášá áááááááááŁáá áŻááá áá ááá€áá. áČ©ááá ááááááąááᥠáá á©ááá áááá§ááá ᥠááĄ. đâ€ïž đâ€ïž ááááŹáááá áá ášáááááááá ááá ááĄááááᥠá©áááááá 11:00ááá 21:00ááá. đïž áááĄáááá áá: ááááá áá§ááᥠ20 (ášááááĄááĄááááá á©ááąáá«áᥠááźá áááá). 8 áŹáŁááᥠáĄááááá ááá áááááĄáŁá€ááááᥠáááąá áááá. âĄïžđ áááááááááá áá ááááᣠá©áááᥠá€áááĄááŁá„áĄá áá áááĄáąááá áááᥠáááá ááááá. â
đœïžááááááᥠáááĄááŻááášááá áááááŹáá áá áá áááááá áááá Whatsappáá đ995 599 27 63 91 ášáááá«áááá ááĄáá áááááá ááá áŹááŠáááᥠáá áááąáááᥠáĄáá áááĄáá woltáá. áááááááááĄáŹáááá, áᣠáĄáááŁááá ááááąááááá ᥠááááąááá ááááŠááá 10%ááá á€ááĄááááááááĄ. â€ïžâ»ïžâșïž MT pancake đ±â€ïž A very healthy and delicious way to start the day or to finish it. Vegan and Gluten Free made with chickpea and flaxseed flours, decorated with fruits of the season and nuts and accompanied with homemade jam or alternatively honey. We and our customers love it.đâ€ïž #mamaterraveggie #vegantbilisi #vegan #vegetarian #plantbased #takeaway #delivery #breakfast #pancake #healthy #healthyfood #happy #mondaymood #womenownedbusiness #wolt #winteriscoming #breakfasttime #fruit #smallbusiness #madeingeorgiađŹđȘ #goodvibes (at Mama Terra - Veggie corner) https://www.instagram.com/p/CW2xfqIIaAi/?utm_medium=tumblr
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GE đŹđȘENđŹđ§ áááááᥠáȘáźáá á áá áá-áĄáŁá€á. ááááá ááá§ááááááá áĄáá„áá áááááᥠááá§ááá áááŹááá á ááááááȘ áá áᥠ'áĄáááá áźáá' ááááąáᥠáááŹááá áá ááááá§áááááŁááá áááááááá ááá áĄááȘáźáá á áá áĄáŁáááááá. á©ááá ááááááŹá§áááąáá á áá ááááááȘá ááá á«ááĄáááᥠááá„áĄáááŁá á áááá á ááááááȘ áááááá ááᥠááá á«áĄ áĄááȘáźáá áá áá áááá áĄáá§ááá áŁáááâ€ïž. áá áá-áĄáŁá€á áá áᥠááááááá áááááááááŁáá áĄáááĄá ááá©áđ¶ïž,áá ááááá,á©ááá, ááááááŁá á á á«á áá ááá ááááá ááá§áááá ááĄááá á©áááá áááááááááŁáá áąáá áąáááᥠá©áá€áĄááá áá áĄáá€áŁáá á áááąá áá ááááąááĄááááĄ.ášááááá áá áᥠáááĄáááȘáá á,ááááááááá áá ááááááźááá áŁáááá áááŁáźáááááá áááááááĄá áá áźááĄáááááĄáđ„đ Spicy Bean Cream Beans are widely consumed in Georgia as part of a 'fasting' diet đ± using their local spices and seasoning. We decided to give it a Mexican touch by preparing in a spicy and rich style and of course with lots of love â€ïž. Vegan and Gluten Free. This cream is made with our homemade salsa macha đ¶ïž, oregano, chillies, vegan milk and garnished with our homemade tortilla chips, nutritional yeast for a cheesy flavor. The result is spectacular and will warm and cheer you up no matter the temperature or mood grrrrrđ„đ đâ€ïžWe are open to dine-in from Monday to Friday from 11am-9pm. đïžAddress: Ingorokva 20 (Entrance in Chitadze Street) behind the Parlament, 8 minutes walk from Liberty Square Metro Station âĄïžđYou can find our Menu in our Facebook page and our bio in Instagram â
đœïžFor reservations call or send us a messge via WhatsApp or Telegram đ995 599 27 63 91 Also available for takeaways and delivery in Wolt. Remember you get a 10% discount in takeways when you bring your containers. â€ïžâ»ïžđ #mamaterraveggie #vegantbilisi #vegan #vegetarian #plantbased #takeaway #delivery #mexicanfood #vegetarianfood #madeingeorgiađŹđȘ #madewithlove #beans #soupforthesoul #glutenfree #beancream #greenbusiness #healthy (at Mama Terra - Veggie corner) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWaRsv3IKQo/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Kombucha Mocktails! â€ïžđ Having an alcohol free day? Wanting some flavour while enjoying the benefits that bring this effervescent drink? Try one of our mocktails made with our traditional own brewed Kombucha đ đ'Sunrise' Kombucha made with orange, grapefruit and lemon juices & ice đ§Ą'Nogroni' Kombucha made with grapefruit syrup, a touch of cardamom and ice. Remember that Kombucha is also rich in probiotics, vitamins and other nutrients that helps to boost your energy and has several benefits to the inmune and digestive system. Photo @gracebaldauf #healthy #love #vegetarian #vegantbilisi #vegan #kombucha #mocktails #kombuchalover #madewithlove #madeingeorgiađŹđȘ #greenbusiness #womenownedbusiness #alcoholfree (at Mama Terra - Veggie corner) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWVntL6oaGJ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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We have our mural finalised by the very creative @katrych.art. We love it! đ About meaning of this artwork: the man climbing to the moon - humankind who is exploring space and looking for a new planets to live on. The roe deer is representing fauna and flora, whole ecosystem that now is in dangerous situation. So, the question is if we should work on a plan B or try to recover planet where we live? đđ€ #mamaterraveggie #vegantbilisi #vegan #vegetarian #plantbased #artintbilisi #mural #savetheplanet #naturelife #artistmind #creativity #greenbusiness #healthy #happy #womeninbusiness #madeingeorgiađŹđȘ (at Mama Terra - Veggie corner) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVS2cU7IUWu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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GE đŹđȘENđŹđ§ áááŹá§ááá áááá áᥠáĄáŁá€áá, á€á áášá áá á€áá ááá ááááŹá§áááá á©áááᥠáá á-áá á ááááĄáááŁá áĄááááááá áá ááá: ááá ááááᥠááá„áĄáááŁá á áĄáááááđ±đ á ááááááȘ ášáááááá ášáááŹááá á ááá áááááĄ, áźááźáááĄ, áĄáááááááĄá áá áĄááááŠáᥠá€ïżœïżœá áȘáááĄááá. ááá ááá€áá ááááŁááá áááąá áá, ááááááá, áááąááĄáąááá áááá áᥠáááĄááá, áááááááá áĄáá€áŁáá áá áá ááááá/ ááášááᥠáĄááá áá. áááĄáŁá áááá áĄáŁááá ááááááá áá ášáááááĄ. á§ááááá€áá á á€á áášáá áá áĄáá§ááá áŁááááá áááááááááŁáá.â€ïžđ Starting the week in a clean, fresh and colorful mode with one of our clasic salads: Mexican Hibiscus.đ± Consisting of Fried hibiscus & onions & corns over a bed of lettuce and topped with cucumbers + radishes + toasted pumpkin seeds + nutritional yeast + oil/apple cider. Like most of our dishes, freshly prepared and made with love â€ïž Wish you a Wonderful Monday đ đ đâ€ïžWe are open to dine-in from Monday to Friday from 12pm-10pm or later đïžAddress: Ingorokva 20 (Entrance in Chitadze Street) behind the Parlament, 8 minutes walk from Liberty Square Metro Station âĄïžđYou can find our Menu in our Facebook page and our bio in Instagram â
đœïžFor reservations call or send us a messge via WhatsApp 995 599 27 63 91 Also available for takeaways and delivery in Wolt. Remember you get a 10% discount in takeways when you bring your containers. â€ïžâ»ïžđ #mondaymood #vegan #vegetarian #plantbased #madewithlove #smallbusiness #madeingeorgia #mamaterraveggie #salad #fresh #hibiscus #vegantbilisi #goodvibes #healthy #happy #nutritionalyeast #nutritious #womenownedbusiness #tbilisi #georgiađŹđȘ (at Mama Terra - Veggie corner) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfBpMFvjGg2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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GEđŹđȘ ENđŹđ§ á°áŁááŁáĄá. áá á-áá áá á§áááá áá ááᥠáĄááŁáááááĄá ááá á«á áááá áąáá áášá. á©ááá á°áŁááŁáĄáĄ ááááááááá ááźááá áááá ááááááąáááá: áąáá°ááááá áá áĄááááááááááá, áááĄáąáááŁáááá áá áááá ááááááááá áá ááá. áĄááááŁááá áááá ááááááąá áá á ááá„áááŁááá áááá á áĄáá§ááá áŁáááđ đááȘáááá, á áá á©áááááá ášáááá«áááá ááá á©ááá áá„áááá á°áŁááŁáĄáᥠáá ááááąá: đ¶ïžááŻááá đ¶ïžá©ááááąáá đ¶ïžá°áááááá á Hummuliscious đ±. One of the all time favorites in Mama Terra. We prepare our hummus fresh loaded with Tahini and spices and accompanied by veggies and freshly made mini-mchadis. And the secret recipe of course is tons of love đ đ Do you know you can add a touch of spice to your Hummus by requesting our different combination of flavours: đ¶ïž Adjika đ¶ïž Chipotle đ¶ïž Habanero đâ€ïžWe are open to dine-in from Monday to Friday from 12pm-10pm or later đïžAddress: Ingorokva 20 (Entrance in Chitadze Street) behind the Parlament, 8 minutes walk from Liberty Square Metro Station âĄïžđYou can find our Menu in our Facebook page and our bio in Instagram â
đœïžFor reservations call or send us a messge via WhatsApp 995 599 27 63 91 Also available for takeaways and delivery in Wolt. Remember you get a 10% discount in takeways when you bring your containers. â€ïžâ»ïžđ #mamaterraveggie #vegantbilisi #vegan #vegetarian #plantbased #takeaway #delivery #madeingeorgia #madewithlove #healthy #fresh #happy #hummus #hummulicious #lovemyveggies #tbilisi #spicy #springvibes #vegetarianfood (at Mama Terra - Veggie corner) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdp11x3oaDO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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