#made this for twitter so I tought I post it here too
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caimdrakengard · 1 year ago
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my contribution to this meme going around
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excitedoflife · 2 months ago
Hello 👋🏻, I am Lun☆ or you can call me Lun as a nickname (I know this nickname doesn't exists but I created it because I think it sounded cool).
I am a pansexual girl.
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(Art made by me, of course)
Pronuns: She/her.
I have two other accounts:
On X/ Twitter: excitedoflife
On Pinterest: excitedoflife
I like F.P.E, Dandy's world, Dead Plate, Married in red, FNAF, Andy's apple farm, DDLC, Sonic exe games or videos, Scott Pilgram, etc. (More being indie games)
My favourite colours are: ALL SHADES OF PURPLE!!!
I am an artist, and I also do gacha edits. I like to animate, but mostly, I am too lazy to do them (so I don't promise much animations)
Animations I did 👇🏻
My persona is Lun☆!
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My favourite artists are: Eminem and Smiley.
My favourite song is "Rises the Moon" by Liana Flores.
My birthday is on: 8 August.
You can ask my OCs/ characters questions! You can also ask me (but please no personal questions for me)
I have lore for them that I will share in some of my posts.
My friends are:
@eliezer-elieofficial (irl friends)
My other account that I only post about fandoms is:
You can ask me what you want me to draw and even ask questions that can lead to a reblogs conversation.
I have many OCs. The important ones are): Lun☆ (my persona), Kyle (her older brother), St★r (her younger sister), Angel (her technically "mom", Lun☆ sees her as a mother figure and Angel acts like Lun☆ is her child. Plus, she is dating Wilson, so they are technically a "family"), Wilson (her technically "dad" same as Angel). Candy (Lun☆ and Angel's best friend), Violet (the same as Candy and has a crush on Candy), Livia (the villan, Xavier's twin sister), and Xavier (Lun☆'s simp, Livia's twin sister. They look nothing alike).
Side characthers: William (Wilson's twin brother, even tought they are completely opposites), Mark (the cool kid in school), Kate (the fashonista of the class) and Jason (the non caring kid).
Ships are allowed, but there are clearly some exceptions.
Never ship: Lun☆×Kyle, Kyle×St★r, Lun☆×Kyle, Livia×Xavier. Anyone who has St★r or/and Kyle as she is a 10 year old kid, and he is a 20 year old college student. Wilson× anyone else rather than Angel, Angel× anyone else rather than Wilson. Xavier× anyone else as he is too much of a simp for Lun☆ so he won't choose anyone else.
Self shipping whit my characthers is allowed except for the ones up there. Okay whit Kyle you can if your occ is 18-23 years old.
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Fanarts are allowed (if someone would really do that), and I would try to always reblog them here. (You can also send it in my inbox).
That is all, I am glad you read it all. Hope it helps. Have a good morning/evening/afternoon/night.
Also, thanks to my followers for all they're support:
@mushroom-girl89 @lanasyroy
@eliezer-elieofficial @notwantedonthemoon @kiya-buggie @mtndewlover @pr3tty-0n-the-inside @lavina-arts @technogenesisentertainment @eillanu
@elizachangreaves @atnumenokiura-chuo @montaguelolz
@spookykittyzzz @pokefan250 @wonderstrawberries @crious-bachelor @ross-theartist @puffycould2 @webpreneurships @larrymoldova @a-girl-who-is-silly @excitedoflifesfan @victorialovesskittles @thehomehorse @herfandetective @aroaceindistress @slowlyhappygender @symphonlctears @xgjliggjigfd @krispycowboytimemachine @torsrighteye @usefulcont @hi-imlilac @randomartistontheinternet @ellttbbo @okamithenbwerewolf @science-funtime @asperlisonloveart @mariahjolynnmartin @jcpennyart077 @kitkatkitmeow @skyhightz @your-fav-stalker-200k @promprom2007 @jjbaperson @theageredeery @butterfly-sundae3 @philanthropistdave86
(If you didn't wanna be tagged, comment on this post, and I will remove you.)
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Sorry for the new followers, as I can't tag you guys anymore. 😔
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hoobins · 2 years ago
Ok so I finally have some time to actually make the post I’ve been trying to make I had to make the impulse choice of coming back in the middle of the exams because I have no self control what so ever 
Strap in, it’s going to be a long-sh ride post
So yeah I am back here :D not even because of the twitter mess (but can’t lie that I am there as well), hi hi and hello kiddos So, where have I been?
As some of you may know I had a major burnout, meltdown and depressive episode, I literally shutted down for years because I couldn’t do anything, my drawings were terrible, my mind was worse, I was falling into downwards spirals, thankfully I didn’t do anything bad, but I was scared and worst of all I tought that the best way to deal with it was to isolate myself. 
And it helped, sorta, but not really, I wasn’t even talking to irl friends, barrely spoke to familiar faces, friendly people becuase I had this (and still am sorting this idea out) that I had to deal with all my problems alone, that I couldn’t rely on even talking to people about the stuff I was dealing with, because, well, bad habit I had most of my life. I was always pretty dumb when it came to that... Am trying to do better
In that time I didn’t drew, didn’t create anything at all, was scared to even take a pen and try and make a silly little doodle, too afraid I was going to go back and ... be happy? The brain is wierd when it comes to this.
This changed around a year ago, when I maneged to get out of the house, am now living in a new place away from my family, that, while aren’t bad people, they are pretty toxic to me, we are just too different in principle, I still talk to them and go visit on vacations, but even they know that my mental health is better when I am away, and that’s coming from parents that would NEVER admit that out loud (mother in special) I am still mostly closed off to them, but the space helped me, and I slowly was trying to take a step at the time, still afraid to hold a pencil and do what really makes me the happiest, still, I was at least trying to see stuff, trying to watch things I like, trying to dare a little more, but I was too closed off to those around me, never knowing what to do, say, interact, awkward but hey, I was never around people like me in real life, literally didn’t knew anyone.
Slowly but surely I was going to thing, having my fun again, working on AUs of fandoms, making ocs for said fandom, still too scared to drawing, but that was the first drop, still too scared to come back, too scared of making it official.
It was a small ride on that, maybe half a year, when things really happened was because of one small morbid thing that made me realise that I wanted to draw, and I took the step to that, scared but at that point, I had nothing to loose anymore, I was taking more risks with it, at the time I was talkig to a friend that also gave me the advice to be a little more reckless.
And so I did, and was a rush for me, to come back to everything, to remember the joy, I was overhelmed and then I kept going and well
I am here now, making stuff, and will post stuff right after too, because I missed this, I missed here and I missed being a part of me, even if it hurts again, is what I know I love to do, and to know that people still remember me and open their arms to welcome me back I just ... It’s unbelievable to me on a certain way, I can’t even begin to describe the joy that is to see you all and to be here again.
I hope things go well, I hope things go better, and I hope that I don’t leave this time, even if I am sad, angry, overwhelmed, underwhelmed, and every other emotion that comes with it.
Thank you all for everything and I can only hope I will do the same to you guys
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randomrabbidramblings · 2 years ago
Hey there! Before Sparks of Hope came out, I already knew I was gonna love it obviously (because I love the first game) so I kinda "went dark" and tried to avoid any content about it for several months before the game's release so I wouldn't get spoiled on stuff. But I think there were some dev interviews and the like being released around the hype cycle, which of course I didn't read at the time for those reasons. Now that I've beaten the game and all, I always like to learn more about the thoughts that went into my favorite games, so I was wondering if you knew of any interesting articles, interviews, videos, etc. Like for instance I believe it was you who shared that article about positive fan reception to the Phantom (whom they cleverly made sing because they were under orders that the Rabbids couldn't TALK) giving them the confidence to have all the Rabbids speak now. So you seemed like a good person to ask.
No pressure though! Otherwise I was just gonna start combing backwards through the Mario + Rabbids and Ubisoft Milan twitters looking for stuff.
Sure! Here some things I found interesting!
This is from last year, so I believe about when the game was just announced.
This one too:
Davide Soliani explains how Sparks of Hope was developed (interesting because it takes off more from the DK DLC intstead of the first game):
New-ish interview regarding the soundtrack:
I shared this video last week, but I propose it again in case you've missed it. It involves the game, food and puppets. It makes sense in context I swear.
Lil trivia: the Mario + Rabbids series was first tought without Nintendo's knowing:
And dulcis in fundo the Instagram page of one of the concept artists who made the Wardens' backstory portraits and is currently posting avery single one of them:
Bonus: intervew with Augustine Chemelle the voice of Phantom (I tought I just imagined this video, but here I found it again!):
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multifandom-panda · 5 years ago
I have been away from Tumblr for years, but here I am now. The reason for my return is simple: Chibnall pissed me off and Facebook is not the right place for a a rant like the one you are going to read. Posting it on twitter would make more sense, you say? Probably. But I have no time to count words. I will start with why I had high expectantions on Chibanl and then I will explain how he shuttered every single one of them. 
1. When I heard Chibnall was coming after Moffat I was happy. I have always had that twisted relationship with Doctor Who where I loved the adventures, the adrenaline, the jokes, the discoveries, the aliens, but I also loved the feels and angst that came with the Companions and the Master. I had seen Broadchurch, so I “knew” Chibnall, I was sure enough he would not mess around. I was so wrong
2. Female!Doctor. Not a fan. Nu-uh. I have never felt the need for a female Doctor. There were plenty of great female characters in Doctor Who, both in the Classic era and the New era. Every single one of them had their own personality, their own skills and flaws. It was great, because they were actually people. Doctor Who was the first show that I watched where I didn’t get annoyed by female characters. They were strong in their own ways, and that didn’t mean being a super killing machine without special fighting skills. They were real and they were fundamental. Without them the Doctor lost his moral compass and we saw that more than once. So no, I didn’t need a female Doctor, I was alreay represented by amazing women in the show who were not less important than him. Moreover, I have no problem feeling represented by a man, I mean... men are still people, they have feelings and I am capable of understanding that. It’s called empathy. I am not so stupid that I cannot relate to a character only because they don’t have my genitalia. 
3. Lack of imagination. Another problem I have with a female Doctor is the same I have when authors remake characters, when they change gender or ethnicity to a character to give people representation. It’s insulting. You are basically saying that you are not capable of creating a new character for that minority (being women, an ethnic group or disabled people) without using a pre-existing character. It means that in your head, to detach yourself from the negative stereotypes, you need a white male model because you are not able to imagine a minority character without those flaws on your own.
4. Companions: Graham was fun compared to Ryan and Yaz, but if we compare the Companions to the older ones, the new ones lose. And lose real bad. They left me nothing. They characterization is non-existent, they follow the Doctor and that’s it. Ryan should have disability but it appears only when the screenwriter remembers. Meh. I don’t have much to say about them, they really didn’t left any impression on me. I was not fond of Martha and I can list reasons why, I couldn’t stand Clara and I can go on 30 minutes saying why. These new ones are just... meh.
5. The Doctor. I didn’t see him... her... them. Let’s start with a note: I saw Jodie in Broadchurch and I didn’t like her there, so when I found out she was going to be the new Doctor, I was not amazed. If it had to be a woman, I would have preferred someone else, but anyway. This Doctor didn’t have any special features, it just looked like an hyped 10 or 11, but without their depth. Kind is an adjective, not a character trait. I feel that her character was not studied enough, she didn’t have enough depth. It got better with the beginning of this new season but honestly? You can’t be able to write a character properly only when they face their nemesis. 
6. The episodes. Oh. My. God. The first season of this new Doctor was a series of episodes that looked like they jumped out of the 60s. Teaching people through an entertainment show doesn’t mean you have to take the show, make an episode on whatever the problem you want to discuss is and make some sort of documentary about it. It means you try to explain to people through fun, adventures, analogies... those who watch DW now are not 6 years old. They know that if you show them a genocide on another planet with segregation, spaceships etc, you are telling them not to be racist assholes. They do not need Rosa Parks to give them a lecture. Episode in which appears a villain with an unkown objective and we don’t see ever again, but ok. 
7. The cherry on top. The timeless children. What. The. Actual. Fuck. So Chibnall just decided to take 60 years of TV show and toss it into the garbage can, right? That was the purpose, right? Because otherwise I don’t see it. So the Doctor is a creature from another planet, not Gallifrey, who can regenerate. The Gallifreyan see them, think “oh nice” and go all Frankenstein on them. Noice. I have just a teeny tiny itsy bitsy problem with that. And for one I mean so many that they are more than the leaves on the trees in the Amazon forest. You are nullifying “End of time”, “This is Gallifrey”, the 50th anniversary... moreover Clara saw their past, she would have seen that something was off. They can’t remember? Fine. But it’s still there, it’s not like they transplanted their brain. 
8. The name of the Doctor. The big secret. The name that must never be spoken. The name that was keeping the universe together... and they revealed it like that. Brendan? Really? The name of the Doctor was a legend, you were not supposed to name them for real! Brendan? SERIOUSLY?
9. Doctor and Master. They were friends since they were kids. They grew up together. They studied together. They went on adventures together. They lost friends together. They grew apart and they kept fighting each other... but they were best enemies. Ok, a couple of times one really killed/let the other die, but go back to the beginning and count those times. They were two faces of the same coin, getting on each other nerves and saving each other over and over again. For the Doctor, the Master was the only other Time Lord in the universe for so long he was willing to pardon a genocide to save him (more than once). Their relationship was based on the fact that in a way they were complementary: the Master has no restraints, while the Doctor tries to be good when they both have done so many terrible things (including genocide, eh Doctor? You are not so innocent, honey). Their relationship was beautiful and painful. And it went down the drain. You are telling me that the Doctor is a superior being, they are not equals anymore, they are not two faces of the same coin, they are not even the same species so what are we talking about? And the coldness of the Doctor while she lets him die? Who the hell are you?
TL;DR Chibnall took a character I loved from a show I loved and torn it apart. The season and the characters were not written as I expected, I mean that they were 2D version of themselves, no depth there. Nothing interesting. I think he tried too much all at once: female Doctor, 3 companions, one shot episodes. Man, pick one thing you want to change and stick with it. You already have to run a show you have never run before, so you have to understand how to make it work. 4 characters are difficult to handle all at once and at the same time give them all the right space, depth and characterization in seasons that have less than 15 episodes each.
I am so pissed. I didn’t appreciate Jodie, but in a little corner of my mind I had always tought I would come back to Doctor Who once she was gone, but that’s not possible anymore. Funny thing is, this show made me meet the majority of my friends, the people with whom I started hanging our 6 years ago. We would have never met without DW probably. I kind of feel robbed now.
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icharchivist · 6 years ago
Hey, how do I get into hypmic? Is it an anime? A song based thing? Like I see some music videos but also there's apparently a plot so that can't be it right? It seems interesting but I'm lost
aaHH HEY!! welcome welcome! 
Oh my god i’ll try my best to make it not sound as complicated as it is. 
Hypmic is a mixed media series that is mainly told via songs and drama tracks, so it’s a little tought to get into, but we also get side content with a manga. The only struggle is to find all you need online but i have a drive file with all the songs/elements in chronological order, so i can send that in private if you want to (the fandom tends to try not to share stuff publically because the right holders are very serious over not letting things spill too much)
the plot is a little cheesy and it’s mostly just for characters’s moments and excuse for songs but tbh I have so much joy out of it i don’t even want to belittle it for that, it’s the best kind of cheesy i love it so much.
the place to start is here, this video:
The translation of this song in particular can be found here. As you can see in the video there is also the profile (name/age ect.) of each characters.
You’ll find all the translations available on this website. They only translated the first battle season (the second one just started recently) and so far we only have summaries of the new seasons thanks to this twitter account.
The general structure of the series, as it is narratively intended to be consumed, is that each Album has about 3 songs and 2 drama tracks. So you just need to get into the albums in a chronological order to get about everything. The rest is honestly just bonus, even if we��re starting to get more unique content in the manga adaptation lately. 
(there are previews of each albums on youtube, and the full songs of all the ensemble songs and of the latest album’s songs, you can find them in this playlist to give you an idea at least of if you’re interested in the sound.)
The Project: Was started by Ichiro’s VA specifically to bring spotlight to the Rap scene in Japan. Each songs are made in collaboration of multiple rappers who get promoted with it. Meanwhile it is also a passion project for the 12 main seiyuus involved who all get to develop their characters with it. Each divisions generally works with different styles of music and ambiance. Each Divisions also get different plots and different development through them, evolving with very different themes.
The Story (at least what you need to know before getting into it): 
After World War 3, the new Government in place in Japan banned all weapons, only allowing them to be remplaced by Hypnosis Microphones, Microphones that can cause multiple physical and mental injuries depending on your flow, your way to use words, the truth of your words, ect... Some more extreme uses in skilled hands can do as much as create violent hallucinations or even healing.
Originally the Government barricaded itself in Chuukukou, the center of the city, and left the rest of Tokyo to fend for themselves in territories battles. As time went by and the territories battles were organized in a way for only 4 major divisions to be in the control of the city, Chuukukou however siezed the opportunity to organize Gladiator Battles with said 4 representants and fight for more territories between themselves while entertaining everyone, as the battles are treated also like they were idols. It’s of course more a way for the Government to keep a control over what’s going on outside and keep a close eye on the powers outsides its walls. 
Those Four Divisons are divided as presented in the above video: 
Ikebukuro Division is taken care of by the Buster Bros!!, Ichiro Yamada, Jiro Yamada and Saburo Yamada - three brothers working odd jobs together. Yokohama Division is taken care of by Mad Trigger Crew, Samatoki Aohitsugi, Juuto Iruma, and Riou Busujima Mason - a Yakuza, a Corrupted Cop, and an Ancient Marine  Shibuya Division is taken care of by Fling Posse, Ramuda Amemura, Gentaro Yumeno, and Dice Arisugawa - A Fashion Designer, A Writter, and A Gambler.  Shinjuku Division is taken care of by Matenrou, Jakurai Jinguji, Hifumi Izanami, and Doppo Kannonzaka - A Doctor, An Host, and a White Collar Worker. 
I am keeping it as vague as possible so if you get into it you get to discover why those bands even formed and what sort of dynamic they ended up creating with each others. If the fact those combinaisons of characters intruigue you then i’m encouraging you to get into it even more because it is fantastic ahah.
And to make their battles worse: the Four Leaders, Ichiro, Samatoki, Ramuda and Jakurai actually used to be part of a band together, The Dirty Dawg and were very close. Until something happened leading to their breakup and some level of resentment- different for everyone of course. And obviously this gets addressed as the battles go on. 
I’ve personally got into the saga by just knowing vaguely about the characters and listening to the music available on youtube and ended up... well. Loving the songs so much I needed to know the story behind them. So i personally i do recommand listening to the songs on youtube, and if you like the vibe, just dive into it ;O
Before moving on, reminder, all of the translations available for all i’m talking about are on that website. 
The Structure of the Main Series, is therefore by Albums: 
The four first albums (Buster Bros!! Generation / Mad Trigger Crew Bay-Side / Matenrou  Clinical Sound / Fling Posse - F.P.S.M) are the Introductions albums: Each about one of the division, has one song by character to present them, and 2 drama tracks setting up their dynamics (the first drama tracks of each album is available on youtube if it serves as a starting point - the second drama tracks explore the relationships more in depth and are not available online.)
Then you need to listen to the Battle Anthem / translation
Then comes the Battle Season: 
-War War War, BB VS MTC. It has one group song per band, and a rap battle song where they face off, alongside with two drama tracks that basically moves the main story up while establishing the dynamics between the divisions. (as a word of advice storywise, listen to the group songs before the drama tracks and to the battle song after the drama tracks) -Battle Battle Battle, FP V M. Same formula as Warx3. -Death Respect, The finale of the winners (that I won’t reveal yet). The album itself only has the battle songs and remix of the groups songs. -The Champion, with a song announciating the Champion, AND a Song about the Past of the Four Leaders when they used to be together. Along with two drama tracks, one basically concluding the Battle Seasons and the characters’s arcs, and a Prequel Drama Track about the leaders’s past.
There are yet no translations for the Prequel Drama Track. 
Then we have the preparation for the second Season as it starts with Hoodstar.
The last released Album’s name is Enter the Hypnosis Microphone.   The album countains:  -All the 3 ensemble songs -All the 4 group songs  -4 New Group Songs that are all available fully on Youtube. 3 out of the 4 had been translated. (Ohayo Ikebukuro, Stella, Papillion. Dead Pools wasn’t translated yet) -5 Drama Tracks: One per division and one finale one that conclude this arc in particular. Only summaries are available. 
That’s the core of the story, that’s where you should focus on. Like I said I can share the full discogaphy in private. We’re being secretive but we just keep it private, so if you are interested my file should be clear about the Order and all.(I also have the translations saved in those files for better accessibilities - if i share this file you will just need to follow the numbers and you should be fine, just ask me about it and i’ll send it gladly, i just don’t post it in public)
ON A SIDENOTE: we get mostly Official art releases via magazines and such so it can be hard to find again. as much as i hate zerochan in term of how it deals with fanarts, its official art sections is pretty solid so you can find a few of the official arts HERE if curious.
Another note: the winners during Battle Seasons are determined by the audience, the fans, us. As a result the plot is always everchanging by our own involvement with it. We get to decide the winners just like Chuukukou is supposed to do and that’s a fun gimmick. for now we’re not in a battle season but soon :3c
If THEN you decide to go into deep, There a few manga, and you can find the translated versions of it there. (only three of them had been translated). 
the manga are hard to find and incomplete so i wouldn’t encourage you to seek them yet unless you get into deep. The two first manga that were translated are adaptations of the first drama tracks. it seems the volume version that recently came out also adapted the second drama tracks but we hadn’t got to see them yet.  The Third manga (ongoing) is set before the Prequel about the Leaders, before the met each other and it sets up more the politics of the world (warning the politic worldbuilding is slightly cringeworthy). I wouldn’t recommand it before you’ve reached the Champion album. It is also not over yet.  Now two new manga are ongoing and i only have chapter 2 of each in Japanese so @.@ but they seem to cover unique new side stories for the characters with some lore dump. We get translation threads over the twitter i linked once in a while.
Other bonus: They started releasing Duets for some characters, which are super hard to find (i have them though so it’s fine, we just have no translation of them except the translation threads). The Duets so far are mostly joke songs + a drama track to give it context. We got a Samatoki&Ichiro, Jiro&Saburo and Hifumi&Doppo duets so far. More seem planned. They came out with the volume versions of the manga. 
Others bonus: They have made 2 full lives yet where the Seiyuu came out as In Character as possible to play and sing their songs. It’s mostly bonus content to see how they set up some of the songs ahah. (I have them but it would take me time to share them)
Upcoming: there will be a ryhtmic/visual novel mobile game, but we have no idea how much it will be involving plot or just gaming device ahah. But it’s coming. 
I think this is as much as a vague taste i can give about the series. If you’re really curious i can send the file right away, and you can take it at your own rythm.
and since i’m publishing it that’s an invitation for anyone who would want it. 
I hope it makes it clearer and i sure hope you are still curious about it :3c 
Take care! :3
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sarenhale · 4 years ago
Hey thanks guys for giving me your point of view in a civil manner, I always knew Tumblr is ironically kinda better for having a discussion that Twitter will ever be (also bc of word count)
I’m gonna write some of my thoughts regarding your replies here bc It’s more organized to write all of my toughts here instead of replying to everyone individually under the post
@fatherentropy​ I personally liked Lyse’s character development (as I said before in another post), because it felt natural and I feel like it had sense with her character motivation and story. Yes, her personality had a big jump from ARR/HV but I feel like that’s a good thing, considering she had really no personality before and was the less developed Scion in the group? But that can very well be personal preference, I personally liked how Lyse’s personality developed in SB more than anything else she had before.
I do agree that her being made a leader is definitely more on the ‘living symbol of the rebellion’ side instead of a tactical decision based on her merits and abilities, and I do believe the game recognizes that too when other characters comment on that. Yes she certainly doesn’t have the tactical abilities of a leader, but I feel like since the rebellion and fighting for Ala Mhigo was her entire life and dedication, it fits her: I feel like the rebellion already had some good ‘tactical’ people in it, but they needed a symbol to inspire youths and Ala Mhigans to come together, and Lyse was a perfect person to inspire that. (I have to admit I didn’t notice the Raubahnm thing?)
@shavothehusky​ I do agree on the fact that it was a bit disappointing and sad that she left the Scions abruptly after the victory on Ala Mhigo- but honestly, what could she have done othert than that? Her character was fully developend and ‘finished’ at that point, and I feel like it would be even more ankward to have her leaving after being nominated the leader of the rebellion. ‘Thanks for everything, guys, bye!’ AHAHAH SO I feel like that was the right decision on her character. I do appreciate characters that have a start, growth and finish. Her made sense to me, for who she was and what her morals and ideals were, and I feel like her dedicating her life to keeping the peace for the resistance instead of getting back with the Scions made sense- after all, she joined the Scions to have a possibility to free her country, that was always the most important thing for her.
As for the ‘hating women character’ aspect... I have to agree, I have observed that as well, unfortunately it’s a thing that happens often, especially when women character have decisive personalities, but also when they’re kinder and more calm- it’s almost like, as long as you’re a woman character, sometimes people are gonna dislike you anyway. It’s a shame, because SB had a lot of very good woman characters, and it’s something I really liked, especially after HV that was kinda missing on that part (I loved Ysayle and Lucia, but... one dies, you know) It’s  not ALWAYS the case of course, I’m not saying this happens all the time, but it’s a thing i’ve observed in multiple media and ‘fandoms’ (pardon the word) and It would be a lie to say it’s not a reality.
@evilhatsune​ this is where I probably disagree the most. I get your points, but I don’t particularly agree on some things. Heavensward definitely had a more cohesive story, I agree, but I don’t think Stormblood’s was that scattered and confusing? I think that having 4 new whole countries definitely made the story harder to be cohesive, after all, they had to fit new countries, new zones, tons of new characters, new fights and stories, personal stories, new tribes... and a lot of stuff. Heavensward was definitely less packed with content and felt more cohesive because there was less back and forth between different countries and zones and tribes and everything, I feel like. It felt for me more like a ‘book story’ than a videogame expac story. 
I do agree that the ‘bad people can be innocent too’ morale felt a bit flat since they didn’t show a lot of Zenos and Yotsuyu’s stories in DEPTH for you to REALLY GET IT, but I liked the idea nontheles. Of course I feel like it deeply varies depending of personal preference, but I personally enjoy when there’s more nuance and depth to a villain than just ‘he’s bad because his family is’.
They could have definitely gone deeper with the villains to really drive the point home, I do agree, though. (And I personally didn’t care much for Fordola, I ironically felt more for Zenos and Yotsuyu than for her, which is -supposed- I guess to be the more ‘relatable’ villain)
I personally understood and liked Lyse’s quote of ‘Even Zenos was innocent at some point’, but that’s also because -as I deeply explained in a long ass dedicated post- I really felt a connection with Zenos’ motivations and personal anguish, which I totally get it’s a very personal thing and can’t exactly be a universal driving point. But I think the final part of SB is what really made me appreciate him and understand more of his struggles, because they resonated with mine.
As for the last points- I don’t think Ala Mhigo’s freedom was overlooked, it definitely came to the end of SB, but I personally liked that, I feel like it was an epic and well deserved end for the expansion. I think it would have been more anticlimactic if they switched Ala Mhigo’s freedom with Doma’s in order. I think making a parallel with Doma and Ala Mhigo made sense, esp if they wanted to introduce the ‘imperial conquered eastern province’ which I feel like it was a good point to make and explore.
For the colorism thing- this is a tricky part. I completely agree that Lyse doesn’t make a lot of sense being as pale as she is, considering her father is shown to be very very dark, and when I saw that Ala Mhigan generally had darker complexions, I felt a bit disappointed that their heroine had to be that pale- would have been definitely cooler and more significant to have her be darker skinned to better represent the majority of the country. (Even though I know and understand some Ala Mhigans have paler complexion, they’re not all the same)
BUT, at the same time, I can’t blame HER as a character for this- a lot of characters in FFXIV suffer unfortunately the same treatment- Y’shtola, Thancred and Urianger are all... supposed to not be white? But then sometimes they are in game or even in official art and promo art? And it’s a bit confusing and disappointing, yes. I talked about this with a friend too, it’s a bit sad for me because I liked so much the idea of having ‘central’ characters like Y’shtola, Thancred and Urianger having darker skin (and also, aesthetic fact, they LOOK AMAZING like that) but then the game doesn’t deliver very often and makes them randomly paler, and generally confuses the hell out of me with this inconsistency. This, alongside the fact that it feels a bit weird and stupid (also on an aesthetic /design side of things) to have basically ALL the major characters being blonde or white haired. Hello, I’d... like more diversity, at least try to? 
But yeah, basically my point is- as long as I completely agree on this tricky point on Lyse (and so many other characters), I can’t blame the CHARACTER for it, you know? I will never like a character less because of the design’s team choice, period. I do agree that Lyse could have definitely been not white/darker as much as other characters, but I won’t just dislike her because of something that is really not her fault. On the contrary, it probably will only make me think more about her (and the others) as interesting characters that could have been more, and encourage me to draw them in a non- whitewashy kind of way.
AND YEAH! That’s basically all my thoughts and replies, thank you guys for discussing this with me in a smart and argumented way. I generally liked Lyse a lot and SB overall (villains included), but I definitely agree on some points you made and agree some things could’ve definitely been made better.
I agree on the colorist topic too of some of the main characters, as I explained, but I don’t feel comfortable going further than this- I’m white, so I don’t know and think it’s my place to go deeper than this and explain the whole phenomenon on a deeper scale. 
I like this blog and tumblr because it’s a good place to discuss preferences and opinions over the game, so let’s keep doing this!
I found a post on Twitter where people were just... completely SHITTING on Lyse? Aside from the total hate of Stormblood, which I dont kinda get (it had it weak and slow points at the beginning, but I really don't consider it a 'shitty expansion' as some people call it), the total hate for Lyse kinda astounds me, is there w particular reason people hate her so much in SB? (Because yeah, they don't even say why they hate her lol, they apparently just do)
i think it's understandable to not like her in ARR / HV because she's rather shallow as a character, we don't know her motives and real story, but in SB I feel like she has a very organic and understandable growth... god, for all the things that happen to her, she's so considerate and kind too? Could never be me in that situation
But yeah, felt kinda weird about those total hate posts on SB and Lyse, I would like to know where the burning hate comes from
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reblog-your-erwin · 8 years ago
I see some blogs like reblog your + snk character name and the first I found was yours, so who started first with this idea? Is it you? Tons of love for you and wins
REBLOG-YOUR-ERWIN ORIGINS (that’s the tittle)
Once upon a time there was a little girl scrolling down some tweets from twitter, when suddenly she saw something that caught her attention.
It was a very cool account named something like rtyour+(name of a character of Haikyuu). After that she started following lots of accounts like that one but with different charactes of the anime Haikyuu. 
When she, finally, had followed a lot of those, she tought, “Why stop here? Why not follow the same kind of accounts but with snk?”. And so as the slut she was (is) she searched for them. 
But… she didn’t find any…
“Why? There’s none… I wanted to follow lots of vets accounts… but there’s none”, she lamented :’(  
“I could create an account and do the same as those cool accounts!!”, she thought excited :D 
“Wait. But I don’t really like twitter… I don’t use it as much as I use Tumblr and it doesn’t have a queue, drafts or asks”, she thought. “Maybe that type of account is not for me. I wouldn’t be able to post a lot, it wouldn’t have lots of followers and thus I would lose the interest :( ”. 
“YOU COULD USE TUMBLR, STUPID!”, she shouted to herself. 
“Wait, first let me check that those type of accounts don’t exist on tumblr. I mean, if a blog about snk like that existed I would be the first following it… but better to check first”.
And guess what, the girl didn’t found a single one. So she decided to make one. She decided that instead of “retweet/rt” it would have a “reblog” on the url.
“Wait… but if I do it about the vets… it will be bad… there is going to be a lot of Levi (because there’s a lot more official content about Levi and not so much about Mike or Moblit) and the other vets will be ignored. And depending of what I post maybe some shipers will tag and comment the pics thinking that I ship it while I don’t.. and then it will come the hate…”
“I was going to do it of the vets in general but… but… I could use this oportunity to show how much I love Erwin!!! And if I make the account full of Erwin content instead of the format those accounts use to caption the pics I could write ”-win" after the caption, like when everyone in tumblr says “kidwin”, “beardwin”, etc"
And she did it! She did a sideblog dedicated to Erwin Smith, she decided to name it reblog-your-erwin and post some pics. 
“Is someone going to reblog it…? (Sometimes tumblr is bad and decides to ignore news accounts)”, she thought a few seconds after posting the first pic, “maybe the Erwin fans are dead after snk 84”.
“Oh!!”, she realised, “I could reblog them on my main blog, which is about snk too and I have some followers that sometimes reblog my stuff! Maybe if I don’t say that I’m the one that created the account it won’t be so lame…”
And so she did, and she didn’t expect it to be that well recieved. There wasn’t a lot of people liking, rebloging and following the account but it felt a lot in her eyes. She felt grateful that the love she showed for Erwin was being noticed by others. 
*A few days later*
A message arrived.  
“Wow, people is talking to me!“, she thought. 
It was a follower asking if she/he could create a similar blog to the one the girl had made but with another character of the same anime. She said yes (of course), the idea wasn’t really hers, after all it was the same idea as the accounts she saw on twitter. And even the idea of putting ”-win” after the caption wasn’t really hers (she saw it on “abswin”, “beardwin”, etc). So of course she said yes. And so the story ends. 
That girl was me (if you hadn’t figured it out). And to sum up and answering your question:
I wouldn’t say I started with the idea (I took it from the accounts on twitter), but yes, I was the first person that made one here on tumblr about snk and about Erwin. I know there’s one on tumblr that is Eren centric (it was the account asking for permission, and it says on the description that the original idea is from this blog). And I know there’s an account on twitter about Erwin (that it’s not mine). I think it was created after I made this blog (because I would have find it and followed it when I first searched it)
So yep! Thanks for the ask!! Sorry it’s so long, I got carried away. And sorry for my english
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