#made these back in like idk december or was it january already???
jademint2581 · 6 months
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desktop backgrounds that I put the Satoublings on
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sonknuxadow · 2 years
also speaking of sonic underground its just now registering in my mind that sonic underground came out AFTER sonic adventure but still uses the classic designs for sonic and knuckles. has anyone else ever noticed this.
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lukolabrainrot · 1 month
That Damn Polaroid™ (and Some Thoughts on the Events in April/InStyle Stunt)
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This polaroid... Nicola, Nicola, Nicola 😂
This polaroid still gets me today. Like, yes, this was for PR to some extent, BUT this was also SUCH a public statement. We know N has her phone ALL THE TIME. And (from what we know) the picture was on her phone for WEEKS (MONTHS technically). L appeared fine too with it being there (at least from what we know in the interviews where they talked about it). And that wasn't just like a cutesy little picture of two friends/coworkers. It was a 🔥/powerful pic. And as I mentioned here, N uses pictures as a way of communicating with others. And her excuse that she just "didn't have any pockets at the time", so she put the photo there (and proceeded to keep it there for MONTHS) 🙄 Sure Jan... So, with all of this context, I'm first going to talk about some of my thoughts on what was going on between L/A between the end of February to beginning of April, what was going on between L/N in April up until the Italy stops (including thoughts on the InStyle Stunt), and then at the end I will talk about my thoughts on WHY N had that photo on her phone for such a long time and the deeper meaning it might have had then just promoting the show.
Heads up, this is going to be a longg post...
I think this post from @newghlan pretty much sums up what I think was going on between L/A during end of February to early April. There was MAJOR flirty energy between L/N during the VDay event and BAFTAs. I talked a little bit here about how there was a very brief clip from the BAFTAs where they look like they got caught when they were embracing each other. I highly recommend checking out the video if you haven't already, because the noverbal cues speak VOLUMES. And it's just interesting that they would look like they got caught at this public event? It read to me that for SOME reason, they did not want that small clip to be captured and put out to the public 🤔
My theories are that by the BAFTAs, A was NOT happy about L/N's chemistry and connection. Maybeee L promised to redirect his attention to A, which is why L wasn't seen at/didn't go to the Big Mood premiere, and why L took A to LA with him and agreed to the InStyle Stunt to appease her. I've never doubted that L has probably had feelings for A (although I still think it was/is fairly casual), but like tbh, I'm CERTAIN his feelings for N are SO MUCH DEEPER. So when those feelings came flooding back when they did reshoots in December 2023, and then had to proceed right into working on promotion in January (which I think just made all the feelings stronger), I feel like he probably had some guilt because he was TRYING to explore his relationship with A. BUT L was reconnecting with N, and I think emotionally, that's where his heart is at. And A noticed this, so she was upset (which honestly, is understandable imo- some of A's actions though because of these feelings she was having I definitely don't agree with). I think L was unsure though about going there again with N, and so he wanted to prove to A (and SPECIFICALLY to himself) that A was the one he wanted to be with. So he focuses his energies on A, agrees to the InStyle Stunt so she gets SOME kind of public acknowledgement (which was a BIG goal of hers in the relationship), and tries to distance some from N. That didn't reallyyyy work though, and then we got what we did for the rest of the tour between L/N.
Before I get to my thoughts on April between L/N, I want to list some specific timeline things around the InStyle Stunt:
L does the InStyle interview (in LA I believe?) near the end of March (so that's when L/A were in LA)
A posts the LA photos on her IG on April 7th and April 14th (and L likes these posts)- I believe she has since deleted another set of these LA photos, so idk what date she posted those photos (sometime in early April though I believe)
The InStyle article comes out on April 29th (with the accompanying Polaroid pics that prove A was in LA with him- this also confirmed that L had coordinated these photos with A to acknowledge (without publicly acknowledging) that he and A were an item)
L posts the non-polaroid photos from the InStyle article on his IG on April 29th (and N likes the post and comments (on April 29) "Yess dude!!")
April/Early May Between L/N
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L/N attend the Bridgerton Season 3 London Photocall on April 12 (which is where the photo above was taken AND where the infamous polaroid was taken). Earlier that day (I believe), L/N also did a series of interviews for the show, and those interviews had some SERIOUS flirty/sexual energy to them (including one of L's (not so subtle) butt pinches with N). I would highly recommend rewatching those interviews if you haven't. If anyone has the links to these particular interviews (N is wearing the same necklace, and L the same tank top and jacket that they are wearing in the picture above), please link them in the comments below.
L/N are at events in Bowral, Australia from April 21-23
L/N in Milan May 9 (with the interviews where they are disconnected and likely beefing)
L/N in Verona May 10 (and they are all cutesy with each other and seem back on the same page)
So here are my thoughts (and why the InStyle Stunt/article might have come into play as to why they had been beefing in Milan):
As I mentioned, I think L was TRYING to distance himself some from N in March and refocus his attention on A. However, I think that pull with N was still really strong, and BTS they were still having to see each other and communicate in order to prepare for their upcoming promotional events. My guess is that all this sexual/flirty tension was building up between them BTS in March, which is why they were soooo unhinged in those interviews before the London Photocall on April 12. I also think early April is when L was starting to realize that his feelings for N were coming back full force, and was maybeeee getting a little green light from N that the feelings were reciprocated (but they weren't actually addressing it because I think they were scared/nervous). However, I think they continue flirting with each other in April (maybe secretly through messaging, and also when they were in person).
Note: We also have to remember that L gave those polaroids to InStyle (most likely) at the end of March when he did the interview. Therefore, the InStyle Stunt was set in motion by that point. I've been wondering though recently, if he had known what was going to happen between him and N in April and early May, if he might not have gone along/set up the InStyle stunt 🤔 Just some thoughts I've been having...
Then we get to the Bowral events near the end of April (BEFORE the InStyle article comes out though, confirming L had coordinated this with A), and it seems pretty obvious to me that L is trying to test the water with N and see how she's feeling about them (they are both being a little publicly flirty, but L much more so imo (N still seems to have a lot of her walls up in public)). It makes sense L might be hesitant to open himself back up to N when, as I talked about here, I think he got his heart broken a little by N. However, I think N was starting to open herself up to the possibility of really trying with L (because I think she has ALSO loved him for a while, but just was never in the place to really commit to the relationship for various reasons). I think she was finally feeling though that she was ready to give this relationship a serious shot, but knew L was kind of in a relationship. I think N was under the impression though that it wasn't super serious, so I think she was hopeful she and L might be able to figure it out.
A lot of people have been commenting that the InStyle Stunt/article wouldn't have upset N because she would have already known about it because of the pictures A posted in early April. I disagree. Now, we obviously don't know 100% if N knew that L was going to add those polaroids to the article. Tbh, we also don't 100% know if she even knew about the pictures that A posted of the LA trip (because I don't get the sense N exerts a whole lot of energy and time following what A does). Yes, N commented and liked L's post on April 29 related to the InStyle article. However, that does not confirm that she had already read the article. And she wasn't going to unlike and remove her comment, because fans would have noticed and flipped out. I am more inclined to believe that she really wasn't aware that this was all going to go down, mainly because I think L didn't want N to know/was trying to be sneaky about it. I think once N figured it all out after the article came out, the thing she was most upset by was how this article proved L had coordinated with A to indirectly publicly announce that they were an item (while L was continually putting out to the press at that point that he was single). Therefore, I think N was pi**ed because she didn't want this to impact their tour/her (their) public image. And secondly, I think she was upset because of the feelings she was having for him, and how flirty he had been with her the last few months. I think it all caught N off gaurd, and her walls went WAY back up. And we have to remember that this all happened just a few days before the Milan event, so I think that energy between them just spilled over and resulted in their very disconnected nonverbal cues in Milan.
I talked a little bit more about my thoughts on Italy here, but I think after L/N got back on the same page emotionally, it was pretty much game over emotionally with A for L. His heart wasn't really in it anymore (and tbh, I don't think it ever really was). Also, I've said this multiple times, but Italy is when N starts posting the "boyfriend pics" of L (which L obviously agreed to). Personally, I think N (and indirectly L) were sending a message to a certain someone 🤔 But just a theory... I have also already talked about it here and here on my theories on why L was never going to be able to publicly untangle himself from A for a while, regardless of what was going on BTS with L/N.
What Could be the Deeper Meaning Behind the Polaroid?
So, my point with everything is this. I think early April was a MAJOR turning point for N in terms of her feelings/emotions for L. Here are my thoughts (outside of PR) on why N put THAT Polaroid on her phone from the London Photcall event on April 12 (and for MONTHS):
First, we need to acknowledge that L obviously approved of this photo being on her phone (or at least was complicit to it), which I think speaks VOLUMES about where L was at emotionally with N at the time (and where L WASN'T at emotionally with A). This confirms to me that things just weren't that serious with A, even if he was TRYING to refocus his attention on A. L's heart was still with N.
N wanted people to know that they were a unit through this experience, and that N truly loves him and their friendship/connection. She wanted to share to the world how special he AND their experience on Bridgerton is to her.
I think she put that SPECIFIC picture on her phone because her feelings were STARTING to change for L around this event/that general time period. I think N was starting to see L in a bit of a new light (in a positive way), and was seeing some real potential between them.
Lastly, I think one of the reasons she kept the photo on her phone for so long (outside of the PR), is because her walls were starting to come down, things were getting more serious between her and L, and she was happy (and she wanted the public to know 😉). And L/N could kind of hide behind this unspoken public narrative that it was just for "PR" (which I NEVER bought).
Now yes, she has since changed the polaroid. However, we have NO idea what the photo is of now (or if she is consistently changing it out/or completely changed her phone case). She knows our obsession with the Polaroid though, so I think she likes to tease us about it. She knows what she is doing 😉 That OG polaroid though during the PR tour had a MUCH deeper meaning than just promoting the show, and was a significant public statement about her relationship with L. Just my theory though...
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the-s1lly-corner · 4 months
I think it would be super cool if you did Human!Jax x Human!Reader. Like the cast escaped the Digital Circus and Jax and Reader got together afterwards. Maybe dates in the city? Idk this just seems like it would be real cute lol. Also I love ur version of Jax because you don’t sugarcoat him lol.
Jax x reader in the human world
Meed to write more human world hcs, I know I made some back in.. either January or december.. grrrgrrrgrrr
And UEUEUE thank you!! Sometimes I get self conscious about how well I keep characters in character so it's nice to hear I'm not making him tooooooo soft!! Jax is like a sour patch kid! Hes sour then sweet, then he goes sour again/j
Notes: reader is gn, not specified when the post takes place, can be seen as pre or post circus, or just an au where no one goes to the circus
CWs: edit
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if you two are already living together sometimes he goes into your room/space and moves things around... sometimes hides things if its not tooooo important
speaking of hiding, he sometimes hides things in your room to try to freak you out- think those realistic plastic bugs or those fake spilled cup things people use for pranks
living with him actually makes you an easier target
hes not all that terrible, sometimes he will do more than his share of the chores if you get onto him. he can be a douchbag, but
yeah no theres no buts hes just... a menace
not much of a fan of dates the require a lot of planning or dressing up... so going out anywhere fancy or upscale is an instant no go.. on top of that its just not something he would personally have fun with
can see dates consisting of the two of you going out for snack runs or checking out new places- food places, arcades, and so on!
you guys sometimes run out and get a drink or a snack and while its a bit too short to be a date its still nice, i think!
if you convince him to go on the trip... of course depending on how far it is... you might convince him to go to those museums that are dedicated to snacks! think like the dr pepper museum.. he would go insane at the "make your own x" sections of those places
can see him making a serious thing but i can see him being very likely to make something absolutely atrocious
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hyunin · 9 months
every month of 2023!
got tagged by @strayklds to do the classic yearly wrap up of my most popular and/or favorite things i made this year and it's always fun so i will do both 💓 plus some commentary because i can't shut up. i'm going to do it on this acc instead of yangjeongin so i can tag my non-skz cc friends properly, but i'll include stuff from across all blogs 🥳
i'm not sure who got tagged to do this already and who didn't so i will just tag some pals/favorite ccs and anyone that sees this should feel free to do it and say i tagged them if u would like!
@foxinys @seo-changbinnies @miyawaki @wahgifs @twoce @dinoboos @agibbangs @xiaojuun @exocean @hyunsung @huiracha @seungs
putting everything under the cut let's go
JANUARY popular: slutty hyunchan. i get it. also didn't realize this got That many notes asdlfkasjdlgk favorite: 2022 mbc gayo hyunjin. i just thought my coloring was neat for this. first set of the year also!
FEBRUARY popular: wolfgang ending fairies. these are ugly idk what y'all were on about but okay it do just be like that sometimes favorite: yellow wood era hyunjin bday countdown set. this was in the top 3 of my fav sets from this countdown in general
MARCH popular: hyunjin's 2023 bday set. thank god. looking back at this is making me emotional actually just kidding it was this one. boooooo fine he's cute i get it. favorite: i had a ton of countdown sets this month and i liked a lot of them but in retrospect i think my fav is the christmas evel era one. shoutout to oddinary and in life too.
APRIL popular: this random hyunin set for some reason. ok favorite: dfesta the movie 12 set i guess. these were good hyunjins and april was a flop month for me lowkey
MAY popular: hyunjin just standing there at the one versace event. i still hate y'all for this favorite: i think the hyunjin maniac tour mini vlog actually. kinda surprising myself with this one but i just think it's very cute. makes me happie. maybe this one tho. idk. i like the coloring on these too. whatever! this month was kinda mid no standouts to me
JUNE popular: hyunjin doing That move in s-class. so true favorite: the introducing skz gifset of the era. not my best of these but still my fav this month
JULY popular: TAEMIN AND HYUNJIN DESERVEEEE favorite: maybe taemin and hyunjin as well bc it changed my life but hyunjin's cardboard cutout of chan is also a fav because it makes me laugh every time
AUGUST popular: hyunjin at kcon la. i get this too favorite: hyunin squish compilation. very important 2 me. but a rare main blog contribution, i love this eunbi set i made.
SEPTEMBER popular: we had multiple sets do numbers this month actually but precious nacific hyunjin wins somehow. i made this set so randomly but it be like that sometimes (2) favorite: 230908 hyunjin not even because i like the set that much but just because it's a hyunjin of all time and he deserves recognition
OCTOBER popular: angel rockstar trailer hyunjin. yeah favorite: i don't know guys. everything i made this month was so mid. nothing notable at all. so i'll agree w the people on rockstar trailer hyunjin
NOVEMBER popular: dramatic hyunjin. i don't like my coloring for this but he was so funny so i can accept it favorite: i think 231118 music core hyunjin?? i like the nine set i made for this day a lot as well bc i'm just obsessed w this look but i think i like the stage gifs better
DECEMBER (so far) popular: dancing sweaty hyunjin. y'all are so weird but i'm the one who giffed it so, favorite: hmmm i think the hyunin set just because they r so important to me and i had fun giffing it
thank u to everyone that read all of this and that liked and supported my content this year 🫶 looking forward to what 2024 brings <3
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queervegancryptid · 5 months
I don't even know why I'm bothering to try to get better anymore.
I mean, really, it's hard enough to be in active anorexia relapse, when recovery is already hard to convince yourself to want. But when insurance makes it impossible to get care, it's like... before I started looking for help, I was starving. Now I feel like all I've done is add an extra layer of frustration, and if anything, the restricting has gotten worse, not better.
You start to feel like you might as well just keep starving and stop fighting it, because if your only alternative is to be starving AND throwing yourself against a brick wall trying to get treatment... I mean, am I wrong?
I don't want to die, but really, it starts to feel like I don't matter at all. If I don't matter at all, why should I bother trying to recover? Again? And it is the umpteenth fucking time. And it gets even more exhausting and scary every time it happens. For the first time, if things continue this way, I might be at risk for refeeding syndrome, and my stomach is healing from an ulcer, and I have an electrolyte imbalance, so purging could literally be deadly for me right now. (They wouldn't cover the prescription for the electrolyte imbalance, either, btw. Despite it being FUCKING DOCUMENTED BY REPEATED LABS.)
But UHC says I need to prove that treatment is "medically necessary." Fuck that. I can count on one hand the number of actual meals I've eaten in the last month, I agonize over every fucking bite, and my BMI is literally the lowest it's ever been. But maybe treatment isn't "medically necessary."
Fuck that. Anyway, I'm not giving up, just venting. But I'll say this: I am done with UHC. Fucking over it. They've been borderline useless to me aside from paying for prescriptions, but they also haven't been reliable there, either. And now that I actually need help urgently for a problem that COULD ACTUALLY KILL ME, their being damn near useless just became a liability.
Really, it's my fault for not severing ties with them a long time ago. Especially after they SWITCHED MY PLAN WITHOUT ANY NOTICE at the start of the year. They said they sent a letter, which I never received, and the member services page where I log in had a link about plan changes, but it had nothing about that. I feel like that's called fraud, but idk.
If I can come back from this, I'm going to find a way to help other people going through this bullshit with the US healthcare system. This is not okay.
Oh, and I spent the last several months watching my cat slowly die. My partner and I basically were doing kitty hospice at home since late December or early January. Snippet, our kitty, died of bladder cancer just over two weeks ago. It was fucking brutal. I didn't know anything could hurt that much.
The stress from that made me not feel like eating, which made me start to lose weight, and the whole situation was so thoroughly miserable, I couldn't stop myself from grabbing hold of that feeling, because it was the only thing that seemed to be going right. Right now, it's the only thing that makes me feel good about myself.
I don't even actually want to give it up for myself. I just hate to put my partner through it. I knew I was in trouble when I started thinking about weighing myself regularly again. "Just to see," my brain says.
Fuck all of this. Where did my life go?
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jjsungie · 9 months
Every Month in 2023
I was tagged by @chanstopher (thx darling for tagging me) to link my favorite and most popular posts (I made it gif sets) of each month.
As I am super late to this idk who to tag. If you have done it already or don't want to do it, just ignore this. I tag: @nctsworld @hyunjinz @seungs idk who is still activ and makes gifs/content and wants to do this... I am so out of it xD If you see this and want to do it, you tagged!
Favorite: I like the coloring of this one
Most Popular: I'm actually still shocked this got so many notes
Favorite: I can't choose between this and this
Most Popular: well he was super cute here
March march was a really bad month for gifs tbh xD I wasn`t making many sets
Favorite: jwisie for this month :D
Most Popular: well *pat pat*
Most Popular: can't understand this one...but well
Favorite: i mean who would not melt?
Most Popular: Tbh i relate to this one still
Favorite: I love him endlessly
Most Popular: it's also my favorite so i had to choose a different one for fav
Favorite: what should I say...I am biased
Most Popular: this explains itself
Favorite: just look at him
Most Popular: idk why but this one
September the month I was on a time out and barely made sets
Favorite: my bday set that I actually really love
Most Popular: bday boy &lt;3
Favorite: idk this one i guess
Most Popular: the instant regret
Favorite: cheekies for the win
Most Popular: I would have been surprised if it wasn't this one
Favorite: idk for this one...maybe this one cause i love how he eats the cake in the last one
Most Popular: this ones doing best at the moment
The later the year got, the less gifsets I made. I felt myself losing motivation to make gifs tbh. At the moment I am still struggling to find my way back to enjoy gif making as I did before. Maybe it's cause I am super tired of real life, maybe I am just having too many other interests. If you still reading this and you enjoy my gifs, maybe tell me why I should keep going and perhaps it helps me find my motivation again.
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gladiolidiaries · 2 years
i won't get into details because i hate writing on my phone but for me it's:
> meetup and face reveal, things are a bit awkward but they're just so happy they don't even care, they're just gonna have to learn to be best friends irl now
> twitchcon, still a bit weird and hesitant but it's so new and they're finally together they can't keep away from each other they have to stay close
> antarctica, nothing much changed since twitchcon but they're learning to be in the same space and are getting better at being together, less hesitant and still shy but it's easier now
> hospital stream, it's even better now, they're less hesitant and probably had a talk, dream can't really keep his hands to himself but doesn't know what's publicly allowed yet. their either kissed or had a really good talk about everything
> christmas streams, they can be themselves in public now, and while it looks like they're pandering nobody's surprised around them so they 100% act like that irl too. they're very close and may be dating already but probably didn't put a label on it yet
> nye, they kiss, probably. hannah thought she leaked something, george was SO HAPPY you could feel it through the only pic we got, and they were apparently always next to each other. maybe not their first kiss, something must have happened during the time without sapnap
> now, they're boyfriends. the moment they decided to put a label on it dream couldn't help himself anymore and had to tell everyone, they've been best friends for so long and have such a close bond that they're already secure in their relationship, they already waited enough they don't need to wait more than that, they know they both want it to be forever
won't read all that again ignore typos lmao
I love this. Okay you made me want to write mine. (delulu warning)
Meet up : they're over the moon to finally be together. They have a lot of fun, they think they can be just best friends and everything would be perfect.
TwitchCon : a tension creeps in. You can feel it especially in George's behaviour in his stream. It's like he can't really look at Dream in the eyes.
Texas : George's feelings become more obvious but they still both feel very hesitant around each other. They spend time together with others a lot but not yet alone together.
LA : George joins Sapnap in LA for his NRG event. He could have easily stayed home but that would mean home alone with Dream.
Oklahoma : Dreamnap leave George alone. George seems a bit bored/down (karl's stream) which makes us wonder why he didn't go. Dream talks about it as if he was invited. Is something preventing him? His own feelings? Idk
Antarctica : they share a tent and the tension is through the roof. They haven't had the talk but both are probably now well aware of how the other feel. "He means WE".
Back home in Florida : George gets sick. Dream gets drunk. Dream likes fanart of him and George kissing and tweets about kissing men. George starts feeling better and calls Quackity and Wilbur. Wilbur teases him about moving to Florida for his "friend".
The Shift : if I had to guess, I think something happened that week, before George's first stream back when he was sick. I don't think they had a talk, I think they probably just did something (kissed? idk). Can't really fully imagine how it would have happened.
Back from the hospital : I have never in my life seen George more happy than this stream. He is glowing with happiness. Something between him and Dream feels different. "I wasn't, actually"
Christmas streams : At this point it feels like something is truly happening and Sapnap seems aware to some extent. Not even gonna list everything that happened.
Christmas with Dream's family : We learn through Tina that George had a really good Christmas with them, he gets shy talking about. She doesn't pry.
NYE : They spend it together after Dream was gone for a few days. They can be seen next to each other on Hannah's story.
Sapnap's absence : Sapnap is gone for way longer than expected. Dream and George aren't very active on social media, alone together.
Dream's youtube video : Dream uploads a video and George likes a tweet about missing youtuber Dream. A lot of knf can be found in the video, Dream didn't mind enough to cut any of it.
The last 10 days : Bedwars with Hannah and Dream joins, tries to talk about their Christmas together and the gift his parents gave him. Bro chill my boyfriend uses this app. It takes two. Bar together. Snap kiss. LA again. Dates.
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erzsebetrosztoczy · 2 years
Hey there :) are you currently accepting writing requests and if you are, can we request any Valhalla character 💙
Hello there! Yes I am open for requests - tho my writing speed won't be super fast in the upcoming two month (in december but mostly in january).
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Pairing: Ivarr × f!reader
Words: ~ 1400
Genre: angst, fluff
Wanrings: an itty-bitty tiny smut, mention of violence, angst mostly? Idk what i did here honestly
Summary: You and Ivarr are preparing for an upcoming battle.
Notes: it's a bit short, I only had time to write this between my exams sorry⚰️✌️
Your heart sank deeper, pulling it tighter and tighter with the cold strings of the uncertain future, as the more horrific images floated before your eyes every time you dared to close them.
The camp around you was preparing unusually quietly, nowhere to be found the previous night's amusement, drinking and singing, which made the forest roar with life.
The army of thousands of troops that the Ragnarssons had was preparing for the upcoming battle in deathly silence. Grim men were putting their helmets on, sharpening their blades - sparks flaring up now and then, lighting up their dread faces. Staring in front of themselves - they did their work rotely — that either saved them on the battlefield, or betrayed them, finally being able to rest in the halls of Valhalla at the end of their long journey.
You weren’t much different from the men around you. You had the same flesh, the same warm blood flowed in your veins as your fellow warriors. Your bone breaks the same way and your blood spills when the blade strikes. The light in your eyes can die out just as for the other person beside you.
Maybe this will be the last morning you see. The last breath of fresh air you have taken into your lungs, the last birdsong that has accompanied you in preparation until now.
Placing your sword on your knees, you stopped for a moment to gaze at the silver gleam of iron once more, the runes carved along its sheet.
“Courage. Luck. Protection.” Ivarr’s familiar voice came from behind.Taking a deep breath, you staightened in your seat, looking over your shoulder into his eyes.
His gaze was distant, dark orbs flashing from behind his black face paint. Ivarr was already flaunting his full armor, axes neatly tucked into the belt on his hips.
“Do you really believe your runes will help?” He raised an eyebrow, one hand gesturing to the steel in your lap, holding a clay bowl in his right palm.
You answered with a half smile, turning back in front of you, continuing your work. Without further critical notes Ivarr the Boneless circled you, sitting down into the green before you, firmly grabbing your knee.
“Come closer Little Lamb.” With a sigh he waved to you, like an old man, preparing to recite long sagas to the children by the gentle warmth of the fireplace on a cold winter night.
Gently caressing your thighs, Ivarr withdrew his warm touch too soon only to your knees, tracing small circles into your skin with his thumb over the harsh fabric of your breeches.
Your hand stopped in the monotonous movements, you looked up at him curiously.
Inteas of the usual edge, determination and darkness, Ivarr’s deep brown eyes softly fixated on your form. The corner of his eyes relaxed, a warming tenderness emanating from his gaze as he looked up at you.
It was rare when you got to see Ivarr’s softer side; when he showed you his vulnerable side in public. These looks were meant just for you, only for the two of you — when the whole world ceased to exist, and only he mattered to you, and only you to Ivarr.
The dreaded Ivarr the Boneless, leader of grand armies, the demise of kings, the boldest berzerker who ever lived — yet his touch was tender, his gaze full of devotion. love and care as he embraced you, pulled you into his lap and sought your favors.
Your heart stirred, as you looked down at the man in front of you.
Maybe it will be the last time you can see the love in his eyes, the softness of his face — that he can be just as caring as anyone else contrary to the tales.
Your mouth trembled, lips bent into a sour smile, fearful tears will fall at any moment. With a sniff you leant down to him; Ivarr’s strong scent of iron, furr and smoke hitting your nose.
Not long ago you felt his scent just as strongly- it went into your head as you could taste it on your lips, smoother it into your own skin.
It was a dangerous occupation of yours, berzerkers and Jomsvikings life. Placing your very own soul on an unknown stake, against a foreign opponent, in the unpredictable maelstrom of fates.
You had to live in the present for your future has not yet been set in stone, the weavers of fate have not woven the next part of your song.
“There is no tomorrow. Only today what matters. What you do, what you say, what you think.” Ivarr whispered in your ear last night as he guided you onto his bed, spreading your thighs apart with his knees.
“If we want to enter the Gates of the Forever Halls without regret, we must act upon what our heart dictates.” He murmured sweetly, bowing down; soft lips smoothing over your warm skin, teeth nipping into the flesh.
It was rare when he dared to show such vulnerability to you, acting upon his better self; heart wanting nothing more but gentleness and love. It was rare when Ivarr the Boneless wanted to savor his moments with you rather than devouring you whole like a starved beast - now wanting to memorize every curve, every inch of your body, how it moved beneath him, how it felt against his feverish skin, how it tasted in his mouth.
He wanted his last image to be your moans, whispering his name, your mindless pants; cunt wrapped around his aching cock so perfectly, so deliciously for him, only to him.
“Only today is ipmortant.''You repeated. recalling his words to you with a nod. “Just focus on what’s in front of you.” It sounded like you were bagging, as if you tried to warn him.
Your finger slid up on his neck, grazing over his nervously twitching tendons. Running your fingers over his profile under his chin, palms finally came to rest on his stubbled cheeks, cradling his face.
Eyes darting between his chestnut orbs, the well-known mischief glinting in his ireses; liveliness and clarity reflected back at you.
He smiled slyly, sending you a wink; his own hand grabbing your wrist holding his face.
“I always focus on that.” He replied- tone deep and mysterious as he dropped your hands from his face. “And now you are who’s in front of me.” Ivarr stated, bringing up the bowl into your vision, that he held until now.
A dark juice swirled in the small bowl, gray as mud, but the smell reminded you of strong spices and herbs. Ivarr gestured with his chin for you to lift your face, pulling you closer and pressing his waist between your spreaded knees.
Ivarr pressed his index and middle finger into the paint, and holding up your chin with his thumb he placed his painted, cold fingers under your eyes, slowly drawing them down until your jawline, attentive eyes never leaving your own the whole time. You barely took any breath while he repeated the motion on the other side, then making a half circle on your chin. The tip of his nails pressed gently into your nose as he moved his fingers over your lips, as if to silence you for a moment. He connected the lines with the semicircle, turning his attention to your forehead now, beginning to draw more symbols on you.
Not a single word was spoken between you two; yet thousands of feelings raced through your eyes, as you watched silently Ivarr. You wanted to capture his features in your memory as throughly as it was possible — one last time to etch every single wrinkle, scard, and line that dotted his handsome face.
When he was done, Ivarr wiped the remaining paint onto his breeches, leaning back to you, sneaking his palm over your nape.
For a moment your gaze fluttered;the movements sending a chill down your spine, and at the same time filling you with immense calmness. Ivarr was there, by your side, breathing and fighting until he had breathed the last shed of his soul. And that was all that mattered to you. Knowing that your love will be there, by your side. That you will both be there for each other, doing everything in your power to fight and survive.
“Do not leave me.” You wrapped your fingers around Ivarrs wrist, gently tracing his battle scars as you searched for his gaze.
Love, devotion, longing and the thrill of the battle burned in Ivarr.
“Never, my Little Lamb.” He gave a crooked smile. “Not even the Gods can keep me away from you.” He promised.
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seungs · 2 years
every month of 2022 🥳 / i was tagged by @euijin technically u didnt tag this blog but creative freedom (i actually giffed here) and @hyunsung 🤍 thank u friends
tagging: @foxinys @seungminhos @jizung @huiracha omg am sure you guys prob got tagged already but here’s me saying it’s not too late even if we’re in 2023 already 😁 no pressure tho as always 🙏
january / popular pretends to be shocked vs favorite (1),(2) my parallel sets always end up being my favorite sets that i make 🤕 i will never forget what i went through for that one levanter felix set and my messy drafts collecting all the parallels for b me oh the view (illness)
februrary / popular actually i agree with the people i really love how this set came out.. oddinary trailer feels like it came out a year ago tho i s2g vs favorite
march / popular pretends to be shocked pt2 vs favorite omg i actually had a bunch of sets that i loved cause cb month and a lot of unveils aka mvs aka my favorite thing to gif .. i think my favorite one tho was lonely st for mvs but also this random hyunjin back door set i made i cant believe idk how to color this nicely anymore
april / popular rioting against my most popular one cause it wasn’t that much of a difference and i think maniac jisung deserved 😁 vs favorite have i said my parallel sets will always be my favorites yet? heh
may / popular another random hyunjin back door set i was actually surprised it did so well? vs favorite baby leeknowwwwwww.. one of my favorite mc sets in general too 😿
june / popular ignoring the actual most popular set again in favor of felix facing the consequences of his actions 😄 vs favorite this set was suuuuuper fun to make for me and i really love how it came out in the end #trendsetting also . seungsung tiktok hug . because i can and think they’re cute
july / popular this man haunts me but i accept cause i actually quite like this set plus.. get cool rights 😔 vs favorite omg this jisung. styling plus awkward silence.
august / popular jet lag couldnt touch him vs favorite just dudes at the beach. i love this set.
september / popular the people love taste sets as they do vs favorite visuals were fun..but also. oddinary/maxident cause these r always fun for me to make
october / popular omg my bestie! deserved actually vs favorite was debating btwn this and seungin tmi tbh. but tmi was represented in the popular one and i love this seungmin and how the middle gif loops..
november / popular literalyyyyyyyyy i would say same for favorite buuut vs favorite this was one of my fav things to happen on tour
december / popular minho2 and when he meets taemin and completes the series vs favorite omg i picked a dif one and then procrastinated finishing this but now i have to pick this set. thanks mclk for showing up 24 times this year see u next sat [undetermined] [unconfirmed] [baseball match] [tour]
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meongppangz · 2 years
every month of 2022 tag game thingy thing / tagged by @euijin (doing this here<3), @hyunsung and @seungs thanku friends... 😿💛🌻
firstly don't expect much there are months where i only giffed once . and most likely there are no fav sets then so i will just add in random sets that i liked instead <3 i am a cheater i am felix <3
january: most popular - hyunjin being tired of felix this is the first time i giffed since like thunderous... where i showed up like twice and never again<3 / favourite - i do love hyunjin being tired of felix but now let's have changbin being tired of skz but also grape lino...
february: most popular - oddinary trailer this is like the only thing i giffed and it isn't a fav so let's go to the next month... / favourite - daengnyangz i love them and i love this part but also i love how lonely st came out
march: most popular - seungchan cobra hug i do like this one it was cute and chan was so happy... as for seungmin... he wanted to be out of there... / favourite - seungchan is cute but have u considered skz flying kisses or skz silly relay
april: most popular - jeongin mpl endings this was so cute... i should continue this... i agree w everyone here but also / favourite - mora's fave skz songs i love mora's sets a lot personally.. had to include..
may: most popular - fav ji maniac stages happy that y'all liked it... i did nawt... / favourite - i have several again... arirangz thunderous poses, vlog and 2min, vague hand gestures, self explanatory
june: most popular - hyunjin turning jeong into himself u see i thought this was cute but i also dislike how i made it so. glad y'all are happy... / favourite - u see i would say seungin but i also don't like how i made that so. jeongsung 🥲 also i like how this hyunjin turned out...
july: most popular - pretending i didn't delete this set and i actually made it in july it is seungbraces indeed sorry to u all... i was kidding... happy 20th anniversary to seungbraces btw, this is also my fav as well<3 / favourite
august: most popular - looks around... to no one's surprise except mine it's changbin bday i didn't realise how much y'all liked it... thanku i also love it too... / favourite
september: most popular - virgo line... who is the successor... none other than jisung congratulations jisung u won... nothing at all<3 / favourite - i have to include the rest of virgo line i can't separate them... felix / seungmin fun fact all of these were made last minute bc i can't plan for shit
october: most popular - chan bday u guys really liked this one... this one was made last minute so like, no. / favourite - sweats.. idk how to choose but like c143 relay i love giffing skz relays they're always so silly..., tmi time vague hand gestures, sboard i like how it turned out idk..., lino birth 😢
november: most popular - red jeongin another month where i only giffed one thing, i feel y'all but also i hate this set. / favourite - pretty maniac jeongin he's so pretty here... i mis s u long black haired jeongin come back to me don't make silly mistakes abt ur hair anymore 😿
december: most popular - y2k felix i understand y'all... but also / favourite - y2k maniac lino i just like how this came out...
if u went thru all of these thank u but also gws... i'm indecisive and speak a lot thank u for coming to my ted talk see u next year
i shall tag: @jizung , @connecteds , @seungminhos , @huiracha and @strayz ofc u don't have to do it if u don't want to... and if u've done it already pls show me 👺
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huntingknife7 · 1 year
so fucking stressed out about getting my driver's license lmaoo, i absolutely Do Not want to drive i fucking hated it but like i already started and i know it would make a lot of things easier. i had the test in january?? or december, i don't even remember. anyway i failed miserably and it made me wanna kms bc like. why am i so bad at everything! i need to get more lessons but 1. it's fucking expensive and 2. just thinking about driving makes me anxious and panicky it's awesome:3 i wish a family member could teach me but they would need some sorta license for that and that's expensive too and idk if anyone would even wanna do it lol. i did not like my teacher like he didn't do anything wrong he just didn't say a whole lot and was pretty serious and that made the lessons pretty uncomfortable. also feel like he neglected to teach me a bunch of stuff like if i remember correctly we practiced parking like Once. idk it's just constantly in the back of my mind and everyone's like yeah just get it over with! you already got this far! but it makes me like physically sick lmaoo it's so cool
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kathrynalicemc · 2 years
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I posted 931 times in 2022
That's 324 more posts than 2021!
247 posts created (27%)
684 posts reblogged (73%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 720 of my posts in 2022
Only 23% of my posts had no tags
#hphm - 265 posts
#hogwarts mystery - 218 posts
#hphl - 131 posts
#hpma - 128 posts
#magic awakened - 99 posts
#lineage challenge - 93 posts
#hogwarts legacy - 86 posts
#dafne arcano - 67 posts
#kaari arcano - 66 posts
#the phoenix resistance - 54 posts
Longest Tag: 95 characters
#would be funny if the ironhearts at some point intersected with one of the gifted 3 families 👀
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Part 2: Coloring
My beloved 💕💕 I might also do a part 3 with a background and lighting? Also I forgot to color some lines so I might fix that.
29 notes - Posted March 11, 2022
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Oops,,, New Fantastic Beasts OC?? What if there was a ship that was magically enchanted to sail the skies and there was an adventuring crew?
I don’t have a name for him but I love him. Hufflepuff maybe? Probably an astronomer and/or cartographer and/or explorer 😌 he could use a crew👀
37 notes - Posted January 22, 2022
Inspired by @immagrosscandy here are some of my Firsts compared to my Most Recents. I just did the OCs who I’ve drawn recently. I haven’t drawn most of them in a long time ooof.
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Kathryn: October 2018 - July 2021
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Devon: December 2019 - January 2022
See the full post
42 notes - Posted February 23, 2022
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Day 1 - Sea Shells
Summer Break Challenge by @usernoneexistent! Idk if I’ll do every day but I’ll try if I get an idea. For this one, Nessi saw a shell she wanted and just dove right in.
48 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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The Lineage Challenge - August 3rd to 8th
I was gonna create some content for my Arcano family but I remembered lots of other people have their own large family trees so I decided to make this a challenge! From August 3rd to 8th I’ll be doing these challenges, feel free to join me! I’ll be tagging it with #lineage challenge.
Day 1 (August 3rd): Family Crest
Draw or edit your family's crest. You can even explain the meaning behind what symbols or colors you used.
Day 2 (August 4th): Family Tree
Use websites like Familyecho or draw/edit your own to show off your entire family tree!
Day 3 (August 5th): Playlist
Create a small playlist with songs that help define the family or specific members within it. Feel free to describe why you picked each song.
Day 4 (August 6th): Character Spotlight
Create any content you wish to show off a member of the family who is overlooked, needs more development, or is the newest addition!
Day 5 (August 7th): One Shot
Write a small one shot story about any member(s) of your family or any lore the family has. If you’ve already written one in the past, feel free to reblog it.
Day 6 (August 8th): Ask Game
Answer a list of questions about your family and lore. Other people are welcome to send you some Asks to answer even more questions.
Canon or Fiction? If your family is a Canon one you made your own: What drew you to that specific family? Did you make any changes to Canon, and if so, why? If your family is completely original: Where did the Family name come from? What was your inspiration and who was the first OC you created for it?
Family Ties: What other families are related/connected to this one? Are they Canon families or creator made families? (Tag them!)
Foundations: What year and which OC was the founder of the family line? If the family goes back hundreds of years and you don’t know the first member, tell us about the oldest OC in the family you have created.
Fun Facts: Do you have any misc lore you have that you haven’t had a chance to post about? Talk about anything you like!
Free Space: Feel free to ask any creator a question not listed here and maybe you will get one in return!
50 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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elizacinnamon · 3 months
We almost have to go back and add end of s5/ the beginning of S6 proper to sort out some semblance of a timeline for S6:
5x19 was late may into June time reference for the impending summer plus having had american Mother’s Day / Betty’s graduation.
Then if we kinda disregard 6x01-6x05 even though time progressed we still technically end up with the 5x19 timeline even though its “fall” for some of the episodes.
6x06-6x11? Is supposedly summer time in theory but it was filmed in the fall / beginning of winter in real life in Vancouver. Its why in I believe in a lot of the exterior shots they are wearing thick jackets/ can see their breath at times.
6x12 - a calendar on Betty’s desk references the month of january (also indicating that barchie have been a couple for roughly 5/6 months at this point ? Idk but it makes the whole “what are we ?” Conversation starter seem cheap / the writers couldn’t find a true organic way for her to bring up the subject of possibly being pregnant. As well as the timing of their ILY coming seemingly late by conventional standards.
6x13 til end of season seems like late winter/ to approximately mid spring almost bordering on summer time?
Also we have to remember that I believe its from 6x18 i think it is, until the end of the season its literally only a handful of days that pass in world. Like there is a few references of from end of 6x18 to end of 6x19 it’s been like 2 days… then 6x20 is like possibly 1/2 days, 6x21 is like 1 day and then 6x22 is not really a full 24 hours.
So I guess if there was a pregnancy arc so to speak… she was 2 weeks late mid Jan. As I went back and checked the episode and it seemingly is like Jan 15th when she’s looking at her calendar and that night she tells him she’s 2 weeks late. Plus we know from further context that she’s not on the pill but they were using some form of protection besides that “one time”which us as the viewer has no context to truly. Which could have if we had seen any part of that interaction it could have deepened their relationship further as they both recall that moment meanwhile the audience is left like “EXCUSE ME WHEN WAS THAT?”. Anyway, meaning possibly around late november/early december.. is when it could have happened. Meaning that depending on when it would have happened… the baby would be like September / october? WHICH strangely enough in a way links to their 6x01 Vale plot of them conceiving in the “ fall time” as that is kinda when those episodes were plotted as in a strange way.
Just some random thoughts about the most unconventional plot timings hahaha
This ask made me realize just how chaotic Riverdale time is. But thank you for your effort and time to write all this out!!!
I agree that 5x19 is clearly in June but 6x06 already seems fall-ish? In my mind, 6x06-07 take place in summer and there’s a jump when Betty leaves that lands us closest to Fall.
I also think there’s a jump from 6x10-12, which lands us in winter.
All that to say, if Betty did in fact get pregnant and was around ~6 weeks~ mid January, she would’ve gotten pregnant late November/early December.
I agree it’s crazy Betty asks Archie if they are dating because they would’ve been together six months at this point! But I think she was super insecure and they had so much going that I kind of get it. Also, if you’ve ever dated a friend, I understand the transition can be weird. I also agree that “one time” haunts me and wish we could’ve seen it! I assume they were using condoms and simply ended up in a location where they didn’t have one. Betty was a bit silly to not be on birth control but that’s another conversation.
Allllll that to say, her baby (in this alternative timeline haha) would’ve been a late August/September baby. It’s interesting you mention Rivervale, because that’s an interesting possibly to tie everything together.
Thanks again for your thoughtful work. I will do my best to write the fic and bring it all together. I do feel that I have some flexibility with the timeline bc it’s Riverdale and all time is relevant :)
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ofhundredsighs · 6 months
life update
Last I did this was around 2021 (yes I went through my posts; there was also an attempt at another but it never made out of my drafts), well, here’s where my head is at now.
With intense praying and manifestation, I got back to flying around 2022. I thought I would be laid off for a loooong, looooong, time but I got back after 9 mos. Still, those days felt like forever when paired with anxieties and uncertainty.
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Caryl and Oli’s Wedding, February 2023
I honestly thought that would be the worst highlight of my life. But life, well, it doesn’t stop testing you out.
I’ve been scammed, betrayed, abandoned, and so much more. The longer I stayed in the company, the more I realized how I don’t see myself staying here anymore longer than 10 years, I think.
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Barrio Francisco, Siargao, November 2023
I hated that my life revolved around work. How I feel like I was indebted to it. I am thankful for the opportunities and benefits obviously. But is that where it ends?
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Dubai, December 2023
I broke down for 2 days straight recently. It took one bad week with consecutive bad luck and bad news. I have no idea if it’s because of the eclipse or if it’s what God has planned for me.
Idk if I should be thankful or despise life because all I’ve been saying for those two days was “God please take me already” but I also grew to realize this this bad week might be the answer to what I have been praying for.
I am so confused. It’s the first time I felt so genuinely happy in such a long time and when I tried to make time for it, God or whoever or whatever takes it away from me.
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36,000 ft up, New Year's attempt at grapes, January 2024
But as the days pass by, my delulu/overthinking/gut has been giving me mixed signs and realization. I have no idea which mindset to actually settle in. It's crazy mad up in here.
I've prayed enough to let it go, that hopefully God hears the wishes of my heart. No matter how hard I try to pray for answers, I don't think you'll get it directly, right away.
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Blue Boat House, Perth, March 2024
So, here I am stuck in this endless loop of sadness, slowly withering away and not really in the mood to live.
I don't think I'll ever be happy.
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flowerchildwren · 9 months
2023 Art Recap
Every year I like to look over an art piece from each month and go over what I like and don't like about it as well as how my art has changed over the year. Also I consistently posted my art on tumblr for a whole year which has never happened before I think
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It's weird seeing SVO stuff after making the decision to reboot it like a month later. I don't know what is going on here perspective and anatomy wise this piece is just bad.
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The only piece of Tome art I drew this year, SVR has kept me busy. After doing so much character design this year I look back on some of these designs and think about ways I could make them better but that will have to wait. I don't have to much to say considering this is just a sketch page.
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I still really like this, It's not my favorite but I like the motion. I think the design and anatomy could be better but I'm just glad I made something considering my biggest issue this year was just not making things.
Nothing! Actually it's all just beta designs for SVR most of which are outdated at this point and contain spoilers so I don't want to post them, sorry.
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Mermay art, Idk what to say, its fine. The shadows on the skin look more like light which doesn't look awful but It's a pretty obvious mistake
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I'm a big fan of bright cool colors if you couldn't tell. I wonder if next year I'll play with Aria's design more, I feel like I nailed her design pretty early. I hope to have the comic up next year though so I might not.
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I had not original art here's a study that I did. It doesn't look much like the original and kinda sucks but the point of a study is to get better so it's fine I guess.
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Where's that Gordan Ramsey "wheres the light source" image I think it really applies to this image. Idk why I decided to draw an image with so many light sources when I already struggle with that.
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I joked about how the shading on this sucks but honestly I kinda like how it turned out. I have no idea how I ended up doing this and have been trying to figure out how to redo and have failed every time.
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Backwards hands. Well not really but they're in a really uncomfortable position. I had a lot of fun with this piece but I think that's just because It's Saph and I love her.
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PFP redraw, I don't actually draw wren that much which is why their design hasn't changed in years. This piece also has the shadows being way to bright because I really wanted to use purple. My brand I guess.
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This piece destroyed me, I started it during finals as a way to de-stress but it escalated. I do love it though (probably because I spent 12 hours on it) I said last year that 2023 was going to be the year I worked on backgrounds and I just decided to cram all of that into this one piece.
Goals for next year are to start publishing SVR (I'd like to finish act I but knowing me that isn't going to happen)
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