#made me wanna jump in and swim with the fish
littlefireant · 1 year
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At a local trout hatchery, we met an old witch who had us gather stream water for her equinox ritual.
There were weird fruiting body-looking things that I’d never seen before hanging from the rocks. I wonder what they are.
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alexa-fika · 4 months
ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT! Last request before I sleep
Here me out shanks with a 13 year old daughter (who has his iconic red hair) reader who absolutely despised him because he's the reason why her town got attack (Shanks keeps flirting with her mother unknowingly he accidentally made her into an outcast)
Reader who's snarky, a bit rude but polite and well mannered (unlike shanks)
Reader who's always reading and very elegant royalty like but not spoiled and very serious all the time (unlike shanks)
Reader who's secretly insecure and scared that she's always gonna be in her father shadow
Reader who is always in the whitebeard pirates (THOUGHT THIS WASN'T A WHITEBEARD REQUEST BUT I MADE IT ANYWAYS?)
Reader who always dye their hair into black
Reader who bonds with ace because of their daddy issues 🥰
That's it. That's the tweet
Roots ( Ace x f!teen!reader)
A/N here we go, I dont feel with this one, I feel like I missed the whole vibe you were trying to get when you submitted the regret, I spend a week just staring at the screen trying to think of how to approach it and I can’t say I choose the right one
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Dokucha frowns as the book on her hands is ripped away from her hands, only to let a small smile as she recognizes the candy cane-patterned bracelet
"Ace, you're back," she stated, looking up at the grinning man squatting on the railing
"I'm back," he responds, jumping down from the railing and bringing the girl into a side hug
"What have you been up to today?"
"I am actually taking a small breather before I continue training; I believe it's Haruta's turn for a session," she stated gingerly, clenching her hands in a lower position
"Turn?"He furrowed his brows at her words and the implications behind them
"Dokucha, how many sessions have you done?"
She bites at her lip, shifting her gaze away from his
"This would be the seventh," she muttered
"I told you to stop pushing it, you're only thirteen dokucha, it's okay to train, but this is too much," he scolded
"Is this about Shanks?" he muttered, kneeling down to her level
"I don't want to fall behind."
" I know you don't, but are you just going to waste your life trying to catch him?
Isn't that what you don't want to do? To live your whole life trying to surpass your old man?"
"I can see it in their eyes, Ace, every time we go on a mission; all they can see is him, they don't think of me as Dokucha, they just see his daughter," she murmured, teary eyes flickering back to the man
"Then let them. They have no place in your life, so why would you care what a bunch of strangers think?" he asked
He frowns at the small unconvinced hum that leaves the teen at his words only to bounce back as an idea comes to mind
“ Hey, I found a cool place on my way back; it’s only a few minutes on the Striker; wanna check it out?”
“But Haruta is expecting me…”
“Don’t worry about that; you said you still have some time, right?”
“I suppose so, b-
“Great, you head to the Striker; I will catch back up in a second; need to get something before we head out,” he said, running off
“W- Ace! I din- and he’s gone” she mutters at the retreating form of the commander, taking a glance down at the striker that had been tied to the Moby Dick
“I guess no harm in a small ride.”
“How did you find this place?” she muttered
The two found themselves sitting on the Striker, their leaves soaking in crystal clear water as they watched all the fish swim around them, curious about the two visitors
“I visited this island before on one of my missions.”
"Listen, Dokucha, I have told you about my father, yeah?”
“Yes, you did.”
“The reason why I'm so pushy on stopping what you’re doing is because I made the same mistake, and it cost me over 15 years of my life” he started, noticing how his words had finally gotten the girl’s attention
“ I spent all that time trying to follow my father’s legacy, to surpass him. To become the pirate king, to Defeat whitebeard. All the while, it just ate me inside; I was blindsided and led by my anger toward him for all those years. I missed many opportunities to enjoy, to have a carefree childhood just to accomplish that goal”
“How did you…why…”
“Why I stopped?”
“I found pops.”
“ I thought your goal was to take him down to prove yourself?” She asked now facing his way as her legs Straddled the Striker giving him her full attention, loookimg up at him in confusion
“It was; I spent the next few days going after him even after he took me into the moby; every day, I would try.”
“I refuse to believe that” she scoffed with an amused laugh
“I'm serious!
Tried over a hundred times, and every time, I would end up with either a bloody nose or thrown into the sea.”
She covers her mouth as she lets out a muffled laugh at the thought of a grumpy, drenched Ace
“A-Anyway, after that, Marco and later Pops talked with me; it made me realize how useless it was to try to take Pops down and follow after someone else’s dream.”
“Din’t you feel disappointed?”
“Quite the opposite, I felt free for the first time, felt free to make choices based on what I wanted and not to surpass my father; it’s led me to where I am now, and it was the best realization I made in my life.”
“Keep it in mind, okay? Let’s head back for now,” he said, pushing himself up, extending a hand to the girl as he prepped the Striker
“How do you think I should start?”
“Start what?” He questions, manauvering the Striker through the waves, slowing down as he puts his attention on her
“Letting go”
“Maybe you should start with this,” he said, flicking their head
“Jerk, what was the reason for that?”
“Stop trying to change yourself; your roots are coming out; why don’t you let them grow?”
“Ah!” She exclaims covering her head at his comment, missing the way he sighed and shook his head only to come back to her senses as a weight was placed on her head
“You should be proud of yourself, the way you look, the way you are; at the end of the day, it’s yours, not his; now might be the best time
She looks up at the ravenette questioningly, his iconic hat now missing from his head and gingerly placed on hers
“What do you mean?”
He simply gestures to the new vessel now anchored next to the Moby Dick
“What is he doing here.”
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mj0702 · 3 months
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“I want Keira” you whined for the umpteenth time in 10 minutes
“You told me you wanna play Uno 12 minutes ago” Tooney said confused and annoyed
“But you’re no challenge… you always lose… even Rach is a bigger challenge and she doesn’t even know the rules” you shot back
“It’s not me fault that you always shuffle the cards wrong!!” Ella exclaimed
“YOU shuffle the cards Muppet” you launched yourself at your friend
“Yeah well you have some kind of weird exorcist power so I automatically give you the good cards” Tooney huffed at the impact of your small frame
“I want Keira” you whined again trying to get your point across
“I GOT it the first 500 times… let me call her” Ella rolled her eyes fishing her phone off the bedside table
“She’s not answering… you know her room number?” Tooney asked a minute later
“308” you immediately answered already jumping up grabbing your crutches
“Wait…” Ella jumped up as well not even bothering putting on shoes as you were already out the door “… Lucy will kill me if there’s a hair out of place on you”
Both of you got down the corridor when Tooney heard it – an unmistakable moaned “Fuck”
“Uh… y/n… I think… I… let’s go play some darts eh… come on… this way” Ella said white as a wall pulling you a little trying to get you into the other direction
“I don’t wanna play darts… wanna sleep with Keira” you whined again totally oblivious to what’s happening
“Lucy does that already” Tooney mumbled under her breath before she spoke to you “… then… pool? I know you love swimming… Keira always says you’re a little Dolphin… come on… it’ll do your knee some good”
And she heard it again… a moan…
“Or hey… let’s go… Subways… my treat… whatever you wanna eat… I’ll pay” Tooney tried to get you as far away from the adult stuff that’s obviously happening in room 308
“What’s going on here? Why are you two standing in the corridor at 10PM discussing Subways” Tooney and you visibly flinched at Ellen Whites voice behind you
“Hi Aunt E…” you said carefully but your voice showing guilt
“Don’t “Hi Aunt E” me… answers… now” Ellen said crossing her arm
“I’m tired and want to sleep at Keiras but Tooney won’t let me” you pouted throwing your friend right under the bus
“For heavens sakes… I know you’re new but when the little Bronze wants her second mother you deliver her and go your merry way” Ellen rolled her eyes motioning for you to hobble on
“It’s… not that.. “ Tooney tries to explain without explaining
“Then why are we having this discussion at…” Ellen quickly checked her watch “… 10.09 at night in the middle of a corridor?”
“Keira is…” Ella tried to find the right word “… occupied”
“Occupied?” the Lioness captain looked at her confused
“Occupied” Tooney said looking Ellen straight in the eye trying to communicate non-verbal
“Oh… OH” Ellen finally caught on a dirty smirk appearing on her face “… go on… deliver your disabled package to its rightful owner”
“Please don’t make me… I’ll carry your bags for the rest of camp AND clean up after training” Ella whined pitifully
“Oh no… I wanna witness that… on second thought… BB wait!!!” Ellen called after you
“Oh thank God” Tooney sighed out relieved when she saw Ellen pulling out her phone
“Oy Jill… wanna come on 3rd floor and witness something hilarious?” Ellen spoke into the phone “… yep… we’re gonna wait”
“You… you… no… please” Ella whined
“Oh can’t let Jill miss that” Ellen smirked and right on clue Jill Scott came sprinting out of the Stairway
“I’m here… I’m here… what am I about to witness???” the older woman asked panting
“Dear Tooney here has to deliver your smooch to her second mother… who’s with her first mother.. they’re having adult time” Ellen broke it down to her teammate which made Jill burst out laughing
“Go on Rookie… own your place on the team… interrupt Lucys fun time” Jill pushed Ella forward who had a painful look on her face
“What took you so long?” you grumbled at Tooney when she finally made it over to you
“Just some… organizing stuff with the captain” Tooney mumbled back and as she was about to knock she heard a squeal which made her turn to Ellen and Jill with a horrified look “I’m not doing it”
“You don’t have to… Lucy is doing it already” Jill howled in laughter
“Okay Toons… you can do it… you won’t be the laughing stock of the team” Ella mumbled to herself before she quickly knocked three times
There was some swearing and shuffling behind the door before Lucy ripped the door open
“WHAT?!” the defender asked obviously pissed off
“She… ehrm… she… your sister…” Ella stammered her eyes trained on the floor her head hung low like a kicked puppy
“What?” Lucy asked her voice still harsh
“She ehrm… she wanted to… yeah… oh my god” Tooney started again lifting her head again spotting the bulge in the grey sweatpants which caused Ellen and Jill breaking down laughing
“Tooney” your sister snapped her fingers in front of her young teammates face “What. Is. It???”
“ShewantstosleepatKeirasandyoursanditriedtogethertosomewhereelsebutshedidn'twantto” Ella quickly rambled looking at the wall besides Lucys head while she could hear a defeated groan from inside
“Come here Bitsy” Keira called out
“Keira” you happily exclaimed crutching past your sister
“You understood what she said??” Lucy looked at her girlfriend confused
“I did…” Tooney heard Keira say and then some more shuffling “… Bitsy your knee”
“Thanks for delivering her…” your sister grumbled pinching the bridge of her nose when she saw how you flopped down next to a (very) naked Keira who was covered by a thin blanket
“No problem” Tooney says quickly turning around speed walking down the corridor past Ellen and Jill who where laying on the ground crying in laughter
“OH TOONEY!! ICE CREAM NORMALLY DOES THE TRICK!!” Lucy yelled after the young player
“Ice cream???!!” you perked up next to Keira and Lucy groaned defeated
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eepwriting · 1 month
Hi can i request a date with Vess at the aquarium pls
He would be all excited to see all the animals & drop every single piece of knowledge he has bout them & the reader would be so mesmerized listen to him talk bout something he loves✨
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That’s You ✶ Vessel x GN! Reader
Warnings: none
I’m actually crying this is so cute. We all know boy is smart so I’d absolutely not be surprised to find out he has in depth knowledge on aquatic animals 🐠
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“That’s you.” You stifle a laugh as you point to the eel in front of you. Its head curiously peeking out of its rock enclosure, its wide eyes staring up at you.
Vessel slowly turns his head towards you with a distasteful look on his face. He looks to the eel before he rolls his eyes at you. “I’m okay with that.” He shrugs. “Eels are cool. Did you know they generate their own waves to swim around?” He tilts his head.
“No? Why would I know that? Why do you know that?” You let out a small laugh and look back at the tank. Vessel just shrugs and reaches for your hand, tugging you further down the walkway. “I just do my research. Like these guys, what do you think they are?” He gestures to what looks like a small pile of pink worms. “Worms? Pink worms?” You shrug your shoulders and take a step closer, leaning forward to get a better look.
“Well, yes, but they’re bone eating worms. They eat the bones of dead whales.” He slides his hand up your back. “They’re naturally drawn to the carcass and then they’ll gather in groups and devour the whole thing.” His fingertips abruptly tickle the back of your neck, causing you to jump back into his chest. You side eye him over your shoulder, a smile threatening to crack on your face when you see him trying to hold in a laugh.
“That’s morbid.” But you were not the least bit surprised that he took such interest in the creature. “Morbid, but interesting.” He taps the tip of your nose before turning on his heels. “Let’s go! I wanna see the reptiles!”
You couldn’t help but watch Vessel in awe as he enthusiastically spewed facts and knowledge about various reptiles and amphibians. He spoke with his hands, really taking his time to properly educate you. Looking at you every so often to check that you were paying attention, which it was hard not to. When he spoke so passionately about something he knew a lot about, it was easy to focus on what he was saying. He was a great teacher and it really made you want to learn more. You didn’t think that you’d be in the aquarium for so long but time truly felt like nothing when you had Vessel around. You didn’t mind stopping at almost every enclosure to listen to him.
Now, the two of you stood in front of the floor to ceiling tank, watching the fish, sharks, sea turtles and countless other animals. It was almost mesmerizing, the water sparkling, reflecting off the shiny scales. The relaxing music playing throughout the aquarium putting you at ease, lost in the beauty of the animals. Vessel even stood quiet. You expected him to point out an animal and give you a fun fact, but he just stood, eyes wide as he looked into the tank.
You bump his shoulder lightly, taking a step closer. It takes him a second to look over to you, a content smile on his face. He moves to wrap an arm around your shoulders, giving your arm a small squeeze, smiling down at you again before looking back to the tank.
A picturesque ending to your perfect aquarium outing.
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Yall should have seen me looking through the Monterey Bay Aquarium website lolll
This was very fun (and educational) to write and I hope yall like it!!
K. Bye bye.
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http-finnick · 2 years
𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 - 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐫
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finnick odair x fem!reader
summary: |soulmate au|as you sit in the sand with your soulmate, finnick during the midst of the 75th hunger games, he starts to toy with you telepathically. (blue quotations mean their talking telepathically)
request: Hello! I saw the soulmate au you did and I love it! You mentioned liking to write it so I’m here to request another soulmate au that I haven’t seen very many people do! Can you do an imagine where Finnick and reader have already met each other and already know that they’re soulmates, and they can telepathically communicate with one another? Maybe they’re in the Games together and Finnick is just telepathically flirting with her for some reason, and Katniss and Peeta are confused to why you’re smiling for no reason?
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"I know we could die any second, but you look gorgeous"
you sucked the side of your cheek as finnicks voice swims into your mind, you don't even dare to look at him as you and the rest of the small group sit together on the beach
"aw, come on love, don't ignore me"
you had a deal with him not to do this often in the games. it muffles your hearing and the things he says distract you all together
"thank goodness for those game makers, or whoever made that suit, it hugs your body so-"
"finnick. what do you want?"
"there you are"
"I'd assume we'd take first watch tonight after you and finnick did it last night...thank you for that by the way" katniss sighs as she finishes the short conversation she had on the side with peeta.
you try and snap out of his thoughts as he stares daggers at you with a stupid grin on his face you try and block his words out
"fuck I cant wait to marry you...and have children...boy or girl?"
"uh.." you cough as you scratch your face, trying to focus on katniss as her brows start to furrow and peeta side eyes you
"boy or girl?"
"I'd really.."
"answer them."
"I'd really appreciate that guys...thanks" you clear your throat as you want to bury yourself in the sand from embarrassment. he's toying with you, unfair.
"alright...Finnick, whats your thoughts on the ocean back there, is the fish safe to eat, or do you not wanna risk it?" Peeta chimes up, perfect.
"remember when we were younger and I told you I wanted two boys" you grin as you stare at him innocently, he clears his throat and sits up slightly to try and focus.
"I think now I want two girls...or maybe one girl, one boy...what would there names be, love?"
"I'd..um...I'd have to check" he stumbles, flip-flopping on his words as his cheeks glow red
"Ok, do you think they're safe though?" katniss says, annoyed.
"or remember that time at home when we had to go to a dinner party and you walked out in a suit"
"right, sorry"
"I tried not to jump on you allll night."
he audibly let out an airy laugh, obviously remembering the memory
"you failed miserably, love" your shocked to see him chime in, he eyes you with an almost bit-back smile
"there you are"
"Finnick can you answer us please?" she almost yells
"you looked so handsome"
"I- uhm...I can't"
"answer them."
"I don't...I can't say...I'll take a look and tell you then" he breaths out, happy the torture is over
"okay. what the fuck is going on" katniss sits up as she looks at you both
"you guys keep eyeing each other and can't seem to answer the simplest questions. and I don't think that poison mist affects your speech pattern" she bites and you just laugh bitterly
"I'm gonna take a look at the fish now" Finnick stands, embarrassed.
"yeah you do that" katniss scoffs
"love you" you tell him as he turns to walk backward, looking at you as he mouths the words "love you too"
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an: omggg this was so much fun to write! thank you so much for enjoying the last soulmate au, its really fun to dip into different and au's and such so this is really cool! ilysm <333
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katsus-world · 1 month
I love the idea of fantasy!bakugou who takes his s/o out in a forest. 🥹
Heavy boots crush fallen leaves, twigs snap and break as he takes the lead. Making sure nothing happens or comes in touch with you. Fingers interlocking with yours so that you’re close to him.
“Katsuki we’re dirty! We can’t go back and your parents see us, me, like this!” You grumble, worried about making a wrong impression so early into the arranged marriage.
“You worry too much! They don’t care if we come back lookin’ like this! As long as we’re not bloody and bruised, you’ll be alright.” Katsuki huffs as he continues to walk. He feels your eyes bore holes into his skull, but ignores it. He likes to see you frustrated.
“I’m being serious kat! You’re used to being dirty I’m not!” You yanked your hand away as you crossed your arms. His gaze turned to look at you with sharp eyes, annoyed at the fact that your touch wasn’t on him anyone.
“Shitty women, then whaddaya’ wanna do?? You wanna go take a fuckin’ bath in a lake or something?” He growled as he walked closer to you, his large figure looming over you. You smiled as he scowled, eyebrow jumping at the question.
“Y’know that doesn’t sound bad.. can we?” You replied coolly as you looked around, obvious that the river wasn’t going to just pop out of nowhere.
“No, stop being dramatic.” He said flat as he pulled your hand back into his.
“Hey I’m being serious! Let’s go swimming!”
“You’re being ridiculous! We don’t have time for that shit!”
“We’re not doing anything today except this!” He cursed something under his breath, head throwing back as he looked at the sky.
“Fine! Fuck fine! If you find a lake, we’ll swim. Now go find one sweetheart.” He said with an irritated grin, knowing that there was no lake close by.
“Fine! Watch me.” You said as you held your head up high.
30 minutes passed and you finally heard water rushing and crashing into some rocks, your eyes widened at the beautiful sight of green patchy grass and various flowers with different color rocks. Some having little black and pink crystals lodged deep inside the hard stones.
“Katsuki I’m stripping!” You said with a laugh as your shirt fell to the ground.
“Might as well, I’ll kill anyone who comes near though.” Katsuki took off his large leather boots with a thud, his lingering eyes looking at you with heavy lids.
Your body was created by the gods, he thought as he took you in. Each curve and dip, every little mark and scar. Handcrafted by the gods themselves.
“So’ fuckin pretty.” He rasped as he watched you slip in the water, your laugh flowing like a melody as the water crashed into the rocks, small fishes danced around you as you continued to swim further down the stream.
“Ay! Don’t go too far! The current is gonna get you!” Katsuki’s heart skipped several beats as he saw how the water watched you up cleanly. Skin smooth and glowing in the hot sun.
“Katsuki hurry up!” You called out as your head went below the surface, then coming back up a second later, your mouth parted slightly as in gasping air.
“I’m right here. Quit going ahead of me.” His hand met your hips as he pulled you against him. His heart rate speeding up at the feeling of your bare skin against his.
“Sorry, I can’t help it! I need to see everything.” You smiled up as him with a gentle grin. Katsuki lowered himself as his lips met your forehead.
“Let’s go then.”
:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:33:3:33 :3:3:3:3:3:3:3:33:3:33 :3:3:3
LMAO IM STILL ALIVE!! I’ve finally made more time to write!!! Anyways not proof read, sorry for any misspelling!!
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misscongeniality18 · 1 year
Hi! I LOVE YOUR WRITINGS SO MUCH SO I'M HERE AGAIN! This time I would like to ask you to write something about Kaz Brekker and reader where she is like a longtime friend and a member of the Crows. The two have always had feelings for each other but never spoke about it so, when they argue because something dangerous happens, the truth comes out and a smut at the end?! I love this prompt so much. I don't know why but I'm so obsessed with best friends to lovers!
OMG girl yes, I love this trope too! This is my first fic with any smut, but I'll try my best! I also didn't mean to make this so long, but it just sort of happened?
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Movement - Kaz Brekker (18+, Minors DNI)
Synopsis ! You and Kaz have been friends forever, but lately, you couldn't help but want something more. When the two of you are put in danger's path, both of your truths are out in the open. Pairing ! Kaz Brekker x fem!reader Genres ! Friends-to-lovers, angst, fluff, smut Warnings ! Violence, blood, danger, language, reader is the only one who can touch Kaz, maybe slightly ooc Kaz?, kissing, nudity, sexual content (fingering, p in v sex, unprotected sex [wrap it up people]) Word Count - 3047
" When you move
I'm put to mind of all that I wanna be
When you move
I could never define all that you are to me "
- Movement, Hozier
Masterlist Request Guide
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You and Inej ran across the rooftops, jumping from gable to gable. Tonight's heist had a plentiful bounty that sat nestled in Inej's pockets. The two of you had been charged with stealing some pieces of the Ravkan crown jewels that had been taken from the palace and illegally sold.
What did Kaz want with stolen jewels? He may be your best friend, but not even you could read his mind. He had tells, of course, as did almost everybody, but Kaz’s past made him especially skillful at hiding them. You knew this all too well.
After all, you had been the one to pull him out of the harbor.
You had been infected with firepox like Kaz and his brother, but Jordie was the only one who perished out of the three of you. You didn’t know them personally at the time, only in passing. When you and Kaz were both dumped into the harbor with the others who had died, thought to be dead yourselves, you had woken up to same horrors of rotting corpses around you and the feeling of cold, mushy flesh.
While you had been around death and illness before—witnessing your parents die of the disease—Kaz hadn’t seen anything like this until then. He’d had to use his brother’s body as a life raft to swim to shore. You’d grown up swimming in a nearby fishing village, so you swam to shore easily. When you saw Kaz struggling, you’d reached out to him, and he’d hung onto you for dear life.
That night had been traumatizing for him, and for years afterwards, he was unable to touch anyone. It took several more years to get him to touch you, and you’d been patient and worked with Kaz to get used to the feeling of skin on skin again. But it could only be you. Anyone else, and he’d be right back in the water.
You were always there to pull Kaz out of the murky depths, witnessing him at his lowest. You were also there to see him in his triumph of leading his Crows and defeating Pekka Rollins. Finally, he could rest, and Kaz wanted to do it with you.
While planning heists, of course.
Kaz didn’t want you going along, and he’d always try to persuade you to stay behind or at least stay by his side. He always had a soft side for you, so he’d usually meet you halfway. You were in the same boat; your connection to Kaz originated from your soul, and you’d do anything to appease him. But tonight, Kaz wasn’t there, so you took the opportunity to join Inej on the rooftops.
You just didn’t expect anyone to shoot you.
Kaz stormed into your room at the Slat, the door slamming into the wall behind him as he took in your white undershirt lifted just enough to reveal the bloodied gash on the side of your ribs. “What the hell happened?”
You rolled your eyes as Jesper held you down while Nina worked to heal the wound in your side. “It’s a scratch, Kaz. I’m totally fine. The bullet didn’t hit anything serious.”
“Bullet?!” Kaz exclaimed in shock. “I was told you fell off the roof.”
Wylan, from his spot in the corner of the room, hummed in opposition. “That was after she was shot.”
You suddenly let out a groan, squirming in Jesper’s arms. Kaz rushed over as fast as he could, ignoring the searing pain in his leg. “Move, Jes.”
Kaz took Jesper’s spot in keeping you still while Nina finished healing you. “It’s going to leave a scar, but you should be fine by the morning. Good thing the bullet never actually went through you.”
“That will be enough, Nina,” Kaz said lowly, and everyone knew to clear the room as fast as they could.
As soon as the others were gone, you sighed, pulling your undershirt down to cover your bandage. “Say what you’re going to say and get it over with.”
“How the fuck could you be so stupid? Joining Inej on the roof, of all places? Why not be with Nina or Jesper on the ground? We all know how clumsy you are, so it was just a matter of time before you fell off, and oh, look. You did!”
You snorted. “Like Wylan said, that was after I was shot.”
Kaz glared at you as he paced the room, leaning heavily on his cane. “That doesn’t make it any better.”
“Nothing ever does. You never let me do anything.” A child-like pout formed on your lips, and Kaz wanted to tuck your bottom lip back in place.
He refrained, however. “I have my reasons.”
“Saints, Kaz,” you huffed, sitting up and carefully standing, trying to keep your bandages in place. “If you’re not going to let me go on jobs, why am I even here?”
Kaz met your eyes, the most intense and unique shade of blue you’d ever seen. “When we were young, we promised to stick together. Don’t you remember?”
You swallowed, memories flashing behind your eyes; pinkies interlocking, teary eyes, and yes, the promise that the two of you had made.
“Of course I remember, you idiot,” you replied, holding out your pinkie finger.
Kaz glanced down at it out of the corner of his eye, dead set on refusing, but he could never say no to you. He sighed, linking your bare finger with his gloved one. “I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you,” he whispered, deep and low in his throat.
You shook your head, lips turning upwards. “You will never lose me, Kaz. I’m yours forever.”
Something crossed his eyes for a brief moment, something you’d never seen before.
“What is it?” You asked.
“Do you mean that? That you’re mine?”
You furrowed your brow, searching his face, but he turned away. “Kaz? What is it? Why are you asking me this?”
He sighed your name, closing his eyes. “I—I think I…The way that I feel about you…I think it’s…I think…”
Kaz trailed off, his chest rising with every breath, unable to finish his sentence, and he turned away. But his shield dropped, and you were able to see every emotion he was feeling.
Now you recognized what you were seeing. You’d just never seen it in Kaz before. It all made sense. The way he never wanted you in harm’s way, how he would always turn to you for advice, secrets that only you knew, the smiles that appeared only when you were around. Kaz cared for you. He…
He loved you.
Your heart soared because you loved him too. You have for a while now, but you’d never been able to act on it. Yes, Kaz was able to touch you, but in this capacity, you weren’t sure.
Taking the small step to close the distance between you was terrifying, but you were meant for terrifying things.
“Yes, Kaz,” you whispered. “I’m yours.”
You looked down at his lips, the palest of pinks. Your breaths intermingled, you were so close. “Are you… Can I…?”
You hated that you couldn’t get the questions out. It was Kaz, but you still felt like you should know him well enough not to ask. But since it was Kaz, you had to. You didn’t want to do anything he wasn’t ready for.
“I’ve never… I don’t know how,” he admitted, turning away from you, cheeks turning the color of his lips.
“It’s okay,” you said, slowly lifting a hand. At your inquiring gaze, Kaz nodded. Your hand was warm against his cool skin. “I’ll follow your move.”
Kaz inched closer, noses brushing. “Is this okay?”
You nodded, eyelids fluttering. “Yes. Are you okay?”
He let out a breath, sending gooseflesh over your skin. “Yes,” he answered, and then his lips touched yours.
It was like no kiss you’ve ever had before. The others you’d kissed had been rushed, a frenzy of lips and tongues and teeth. But Kaz’s kiss, it was slow and deliberate, like he wanted to stop time itself and stay in this moment with you.
All in all, you were seeing a different side of Kaz. He usually had a hard exterior, the ruthless Bastard of the Barrel persona he had created. When he was alone with you, he was more relaxed and open, but still haunted by the ghosts of his past. You’d never gotten to know the boy he was before, only the one you had helped out of the harbor.
Was this who you were seeing? Not Kaz Brekker, but Kaz Rietveld? A boy who was curious and sweet-natured, tender and benevolent?
Then his tongue stroked your bottom lip, and you jumped in surprise.
“Was that wrong?” Kaz asked, panic lighting up his eyes.
“No,” you said, shocked. “It was right.”
Kaz grinned at you, a true smile this time, not the little thing he did as the notorious gang leader, and his gloved hands gingerly touching your waist, careful of your injury. “Can we do it again?”
You returned the smile. “Yes.”
He kissed you again, much more confident and sure than before. When his hands moved across your waist, brushing your bandaged side, you gasped.
“Sorry,” he mumbled against your lips between kisses.
You hummed, chills running down your spine when his hands gripped your hips. “It’s okay.”
“I’d like to try something else, if that’s okay?”
You pulled back a hair’s breadth to look into his eyes, his pupils blown wide, and you knew how much your kisses were affecting him. “Are you sure? This isn’t moving too fast for you?”
“I’ve wasted enough time, and I don’t want to wait any longer. I just…” He lowered his head, stray bits of his hair brushing against your bare shoulder. “I’ve never done this before.”
You brushed away the hair that had fallen forward, lifting his head to you. Your fingers tangled themselves in his dark locks, silky and fine to the touch. “We’ll take it one step at a time.”
Kaz leaned forward and kissed your forehead, a simple, gratuitous kiss, and then he brushed his lips across your temple, your cheekbones, your jaw, and then the crook of your neck. He was experimenting, finding each touch a new and thrilling way to explore you. “Is this okay?” He mumbled against your shoulder.
You had your head tilted back, eyes closed. Every single one of Kaz’s kisses tingled against your skin, and your breath came out in pants. “Yes,” you gasped. “Don’t stop.”
Kaz continued to press kisses to your shoulders, across your collarbone, against your throat. “Tell me what to do,” he whispered.
“Do whatever you want,” you breathed.
“And if I want to take your shirt off?”
You opened your eyes, lids heavy with want. Kaz’s eyes were blazing with a fire you’d only ever seen when he’d defeated Pekka Rollins, but that had been a sinister and triumphant flame, and this was burning only for you out of desire.
“Then take it off.”
Kaz fingered the hem of your shirt, lifting it ever so slowly. He avoided the bandage on your side, and when the garment was over your head, he tossed it to the floor.
“Saints,” Kaz cursed, gazing at your bare skin and breasts. “You’re so beautiful,”
You pulled him towards you, kissing him feverishly. “Touch me, please.”
Kaz ran a hand over belly, up your ribcage, and lightly trailed his fingers over the swell of your breast, causing you to gasp in his mouth. “Is that good?” He asked, his voice low and coarse.
“What about this?” He inquired as his thumb brushed against your nipple.
“Yes,” you whined, enjoying his experimentation. He wasn’t trying to be seductive, you knew, but Saints, he was doing a very good job. Your lower belly fluttered, and desire pooled between your legs.
“And if I were to…”
A gasp left your lips as his mouth closed around a nipple, tongue swirling around the sensitive bud. One of his hands squeezed the breast not occupied by his mouth, and the other settled low on your hip, fingers digging into the soft flesh of your ass.
Your own hands gripped the collar of Kaz’s shirt, and you pulled him towards your bed. He moved to support you as the two of you lowered to the mattress.
Kaz gazed down at you, bare and flushed for him, glowing in the candlelight. You really were the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. If it was between you or mountains of gold, he’d choose you in a heartbeat. Hell, he’d even give the gold to Pekka if it meant keeping you forever.
You trailed your fingers over the expanse of his clothed chest, feeling the hard muscles underneath. Then you undid one button, and then another, and another. You blinked up at him, searching him for hesitation. “Is this okay?”
Kaz nodded, starting to undo some buttons himself, and your fingers met in the middle to slide the fabric over his shoulders together. You wrapped your arms around him, holding him close to you, feeling his bare chest against yours as your lips met again. Legs opening to accommodate his body, you held him to you, and you never wanted to let go.
Hands were everywhere, to your surprise. Never before has Kaz touched you like this, so unreserved and wanting. Before, he would give you a hand to help you up, or a simple pat on the shoulder for a job well done. But this, you didn’t want him to stop.
His hands brushed against the fastenings of your pants, and the hesitation set it. Kaz’s throat bobbed, and before he could say anything, you reached down and undid the buttons yourself, shimmying the material over your hips and kicking it to the floor.
Kaz raked his gaze over you, a faint blush creeping over his skin. He licked his lips, his fingers sliding down your hip, over your thigh. His eyes met yours, and you felt yourself melting under the intensity of his desire. “Can I?” He asked, and you opened your legs in answer.
One finger ran over your seam, and your breath hitched. Then Kaz spread you, the pad of his finger brushing against the tiny bundle of nerves that made you moan. Kaz looked up at you, mischief gleaming in his eyes, and he touched you there again.
Your head thrown back, you gripped your sheets tightly, the anticipation making you squirm. Kaz followed the trail of your wetness to your entrance, and he drew tiny circles around you, and your hips bucked in search for more. This made Kaz curious, so he slowly pushed his finger into you, and you sighed.
You were so warm and wet, Kaz found. And the more he moved his finger, withdrawing it from you before sliding back in, the wetter you became. The sounds you made stirred something within him, setting his heart to pounding.
Then you moaned his name when he hit a certain spot inside of you.
He lifted his head to you, and you were watching him, your pupils so dilated, they covered the beautiful color of your irises. Your chest was rising and falling as you stared at him, and then you sat up, causing his finger to leave your warmth.
You reached for him, pulling his face to yours in a kiss. “I need you,” you whispered against his lips, and your hands were creating a trail down his chest and to his belt. “Is this okay?”
“Yes,” Kaz said, and his hands joined yours in unbuckling his belt. Together, you removed his pants, and Kaz kicked off his shoes.
You slid a hand between you, touching the hard length of him with your fingertips. A groan left him, and his head dropped to rest against your shoulder. You pressed a kiss to his hair as you wrapped your hand around him, slowly moving up and down. He grew harder with every stroke, and he began to press kisses to your neck and shoulder.
An idea sparked in your mind, and you hooked one leg around his hips, flipping so you were on top. Kaz’s eyes went wide, and he met yours as excitement and expectation set in. You continued to stroke him, and as you moved to hover over him, you asked, “Is this okay?”
“Yes,” he replied, and he crashed his mouth to yours as you slowly lowered onto him.
Saints, this was better than your hand. You were extraordinary. Mouths moving against one another, bodies joined in a way that was so intimate, nothing would ever take its place. This was heaven, and Kaz would never be the same after this.
You moved, sliding your hips away from his before returning back to him. Every stroke of you around him made Kaz’s insides tighten until it felt like he was going to burst. He ran his hands over every inch of you he could reach, over your arms and shoulders, your waist, and following the movement of your hips.
The moans continued to leave your mouth even as you kissed him, and when you muttered that you were close, he felt you tighten around him, and that was his undoing.
Everything within Kaz shattered, as if something snapped within him. He held you against him, not wanting to let you go. When your breath returned, you slid off of him, the evidence of his release sticking to the insides of your thighs.
“Will you hand me my shirt?” You asked, collapsing beside him.
Kaz leaned over the side of the bed, grabbing the thin undershirt you had been wearing. You cleaned him off first, then yourself before throwing the shirt back to the floor. Wrapping an arm around your shoulders, Kaz held you close, and you tucked your head underneath his chin. Your legs were intertwined, and so were your fingers, the sweat making your bodies stick together.
This moment was perfection, Kaz thought, and he nuzzled your hair.
“I love you,” he whispered.
Your lips turned upwards in a smile as you pressed them lightly to his chest, eyes growing heavy with exhaustion.
“I love you, too.
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adoreeenina · 1 year
I wanna be yours - Prologue.
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Relationships: Recom! Miles Quaritch x Sully! Reader x Recom! Lyle Wainfleet
WC: 1.5k
Series Summary: ~~~ 𝗜𝗻 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝗰𝗵 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕓𝕚𝕟𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕤 𝕗𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕤 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕖𝕝𝕕𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕕𝕒𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕠𝕗 𝕁𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝕊𝕦𝕝𝕝𝕪.
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Peace. That’s what I felt. At this moment. Flying through the sky on my ikran, Rawm. During the eclipse are my favorite time to go, it’s peaceful, beautiful, I could never get tired of the sight. Being away from all the responsibilities, my father, my mother, Tarsem. I sometimes think about my most precious childhood memories.
Childhood memories are sometimes covered and obscured beneath the things that come later, like childhood toys forgotten at the bottom of crammed adult closet, but they are never lost for good.
I remember as a child, my father would tell us stories of the Great War, the Great Toruk, how he and my mother have met. My father says it was “love at first sight” but my mother says different. I always admired their love story, I always thought it was romantic. The outsider and the chiefs daughter falling in a forbidden romance.
We used to play tag, fighting over toys, especially Lo’ak and Kiri, exploring the forest, fighting on who gets to hug dad or mom first when they come back from hunting. That life was full of laughter and so carefree. I was such a daddy’s girl, I looked up to my father like he was my hero, he taught me how shoot my first bow and arrow, how to hunt. I still remember how my first hunt went.
“That’s the one. Over there by the big rocks. There he is” father whispers lowly as he stands behind me. Helping me adjust my arm that held the bow and arrow.
I take a deep breathe in and breathe out steadily as I watch the fish swim before releasing the arrow. Remarkably hitting the fish with one shot.
“You got it! Yeah!” My father celebrated proudly as he claps his hands with giant smile on his face.
I love making my father proud, it made me feel complete.
I’m the oldest of 5 children. I’m first… then Neteyam… Kiri… Lo’ak… and lastly my baby sister Tuk, but she’s no baby no more, and there’s Spider. From what I’ve been told he’s an orphan, his parents were killed by the war. He was too young for cryo, so he was just stuck here. He’s been raised by the human’s at the lab.
I was a bit skeptical when I first met Spider, he was so tiny compared to us, weak. I started warming up to Spider when he would come around often. Lo’ak and Spider are attached to the hip. Being the oldest, I started seeing Spider as a little brother, my family.
As I was getting older, it was no secret that my mother despised Spider. She wasn’t being subtle about it. I heard my father calling Spider a stray cat once. I didn’t know what it meant until I asked Norm.
“It’s when a cat is abandoned and basically finds shelter elsewhere that isn’t it’s home. Most people don’t like stray cats”
It took me a while to understand it and when I did, I felt disgusted with both of my parents behavior towards Spider.
When I got older I asked my grandmother why does my mother hate Spider. That’s how I found out who is Spider’s father.
“You’re going to hate me too?”
“Why not?”
“Cause you’re my brother”
Spider thought I would hate him cause of who his father was, but I don’t see Spider as his father. Spider isn’t his father. Spider is a child Eywa.
Since then, I’ve been spending more time with Spider, my mother hated it, my father was worried. I’m protective of Spider, I promised myself I would lay my life for him, and I have the scars to prove it.
“Ow, stop pressing too hard” I yelp as my grandmother worked on my wounds on my shoulder and my upper chest with mixed herbs.
“Skxáwng” my grandmother cursed at me.
I was attacked by a Palulukan. I tagged along with Lo’ak and Spider on one of their adventures, to keep them out of trouble. We didn’t realize we came upon their territory. It wasn’t until one jumped at Spider, Lo’ak tried to defend him by shooting an arrow, but the Palulukan armor is too thick to make any real damage. I managed to push them out of the way, by doing that, it managed to claw at my shoulder and upper chest. Both of the boys were worried, I told them to run while I distracted it. Thankfully they did, and I managed to get away but not without a few wounds.
When I got home, both of my parents were worried, mostly my mother, my father was pissed. My mother blamed Spider and my father blames Lo’ak.
Once my grandmother was finished, she left and my mother came in, and that’s when the argument started. She accused Spider. I defended him.
“You could have been killed” my mother snaps.
“I had to protect my brothers”
“Spider is not your brother” my mother seethe. My head snap to glare at her.
“Kiri isn’t my sister by blood. But you took her in as your own. Why is Spider any different.” My mother hissed under her breath at the accusation.
“He is not one of us, he does not belong here. This is not his home.” My jaw clench, ears tipping back, outraged.
“Yes it is. He was born here. This is much as his home as it is ours. He is a child of Eywa.”
“No! I’m tired of seeing how poorly you’ve treated Spider. How cold you are towards him. You always treated him with such distaste and unworthy just because of who his father is.”
“He is a demon”
“So is dad!” My mother froze.
“Or did you forget? We! Your children, has demon blood. Kiri’s mother is a demon.” My mother turned away not being able to look at me.
“Look at me!” I snarl. This is the first that I ever talked to my mother this way. I should feel guilty but I don’t, I’m finally letting out all of my lent up rage into her. I turned to leave, stopping short to glance at her over my shoulder.
“You disappoint me, mother” with that, I left.
My parents raised me to have strong beliefs, and stand up to what I believe in. I’m guessing they’re regretting it now.
Since that arguement with my mother, I started pulling away from them. My father tried talking to me but it felt forced. My relationship between my parents had gotten worse.
Since passing my Iknimaya and Uniltaron, my grandmother been teaching me the way of Eywa, to be the next Tsahik. I honestly thought it should’ve been Kiri, I knew she had a gift that I could never compare to, and there’s Tarsem, my father has chosen him to be my mate, to be the next Olo’eyktan. I hated being promised to someone I did not love. I found it unfair how I’m promised to someone when my mother and father mated for love.
I would avoid my training to spend my time with Spider, to get away from all the responsibilities that were forced upon me.
I trust Spider, he’s my brother, we confide our secrets, our feelings with each other. I told him how I felt insecure about my eyes, hands and figure.
Since growing up, I knew I was different but the way I look compared to the other female Na’vi. They are small, extenuating their lithe form, the agile body of Huntresses. I’m more on the curvier side, atleast that’s what the scientist from the lab tells me. I have wider hips and bigger breast than the woman from the clan. I felt insecure, a freak when I’m with the clan, but with Spider, I felt normal.
I was at my happiest when I am with Spider, including my other siblings, but they don’t understand me, not like how Spider understands me. But the thing about happiness? It can vanish in a heartbeat.
Everything was perfect, until they came, the sky people. They burned down our village. Many of our people died that day. my mother was hysterical, seeing everything in flames. I felt my heartbreak seeing nothing but fire, what broke my heart was seeing many of our people in tears, I could hear many of the animals cry in pain and fear.
When I made eye contact with my father, that’s when I knew. We were at war once again.
My father got harder on us, me, Neteyam, and Lo’ak. Specifically me, he yells at me about the oldest, I need to protect my younger siblings. He treated us like soldiers, he forgets that we’re his children.
I sometimes just want to go back to my childhood days and love a stress free life… some days I wish I could go back to my childhood. Not to change anything but to live it all over again.
The only thing that’s been keeping me sane is Spider. Despite what anyone says Spider is my brother, I love him like a brother and if shits gets down, I’ll go to war like he’s my brother.
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fallout-fucker · 1 year
Fallout 4 really coulda made the 'Living by the sea' vibes so terrifying. Of course, people know of mirleurks and stuff. But what about the things they don't know about. The fear of the unknown.
We know that sea life was also affected by radiation. We've seen the size of a mirelurk queen. We know that sharks exist from the corpses.
So. How do we know megalodons aren't back in the Falloutverse. Or krakens don't exist. Sea life enlarged and at an unimaginable scale, unknown to the survivors of humanity as they lurk beneath the waters.
What if Sole had been told not to cross the ocean to Far Habour. What if there's a reason that, after 200 years, no one has brought back voyager boats and sailing the oceans to reconnect the world. What if they know better. Or maybe they realise they don't know anything at all.
What if Sole set up a nice base at Spectacle Island, and is confused when Hancock refuses to see it. Sole jokes that he's paranoid, but he reminds them he grew up on the waterfront. He helped his dad fish when he was younger. Boats don't scare him. The water doesn't scare him.
"It's what's in it," He explained coldly. He sat down in the sand, shotgun in his arms. Sole asked him to elaborate, he said he couldn't. "You wanna go after the Institute, fine. I'll help. That's an unknown I can handle. But, I ain't getting in that boat, and neither should you."
"I'll...Ask someone else."
"Can it be Danse?"
Sole thought he was being dramatic but quickly realised that none of the companions were keen to travel across the water.
There was that time Sole once jumped off the Prydwen and into the deep sea, so far from shore, only to hear a guttural noise around them. They couldn't see anything. The water dark blue, and filthy, almost black from when the world was scorched. But whatever it was, it was large enough that its voice vibrated through their entire being. They convinved themself it was a whale. They know whales don't sound like that.
On the days Sole is at the castle, they like to look out at the ocean. Or did, until today when they saw a large boat in the distance become capsized. They almost sent their own boats out to help, but Preston placed a firm hand on their shoulder. His eyes told Sole everything he wouldn't. Preston's not the type to let people die. So, Sole turned the radio up so none of the other soldiers could hear the distant screams for help and distress calls. And to drown out their own guilt, watching as the last fisherman attempted to swim desperately to shore, only to be dragged down below the waves. Sole didn’t look away until the boat finally sank. When they did, their eyes landed on the East Wall, which was under reconstruction from when the mirelurk queen had emerged. Sole wonders if that was even the largest sea creature out there.
When Sole's getting ready for bed, Preston knocks at their door gently. "Even I can admit when something is a lost cause," There was a guilt dripped into his tone. A silent apology to the fallen men. "I'll tell our guys to stay out of the water for a few days. We can rely on the nets for fish."
"We should set up a limit for how far out our boats can go."
"We will. Tomorrow. For now, get some rest." He's halfway to closing the door when Sole speaks again.
"I jumped off of the Prydwen once..."
"Excuse me?"
"I was fine. I wanted to go into the water. I did."
"Excuse me?"
"I couldn't see anything. But I heard something. I felt the sound go through me. I think it was a whale."
"Think or hope?" Sole doesn't say anything. Preston gets his answer regardless. "Was it close to you or do you think it was fine?"
"Think or hope," Sole mirrors. "I don't know. It was large."
"That seems to be a theme with the ocean."
"...Is that why no one has tried to cross the ocean again in 200 years? I thought...I thought there'd be pirates again out there. Or something. That massive wooden ships had made a comeback somewhere."
"I can't say. For all we know, maybe people have tried." Sole doesn't want to think about the connotations of that.
"No one wanted to go to Spectacle Island."
"I'm sure it looks nice but...To be honest, neither would I. I'm Sorry."
"It's fine. I get it now...I don't think I do anymore, for a while...John wouldn't get in the boat."
"Hancock...Is a smart man. Sometimes."
"Sometimes? You're saying that to the person that jumped off of the Prydwen."
"True, you do make Hancock look like Einstein."
"Thank God people still know Einstein," Sole mumbles. "John's smarter than he let's on."
"He once showed up to my door, drunk, asking if I thought Nick had a penis. Then, if he did, if it could be classed as a vibrator. I refused to answer or ask the context for why he wanted to know."
"...On that note, goodnight Preston."
"Goodnight, Sole."
Sole stares at the ceiling as they try to sleep that night. The sound of the waves crashing against the walls keeps them awake.
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ky44 · 7 months
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The sully’s arrive and they agree to learn the metkayina ways but they struggle with a problem, Ao’nung the longer they stay the more trouble he causes but what happen when his rut causes an even more intense issue.
Credit to tik tok for the insults
Warning: teenage pregnancy, smut
Side note: this story switches between my pov as narrator and yours
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It took everything in your power not to cry when leaving the forest, it was a tough trip with the rain, strong winds, and other things challenging you it was like eywa didn’t wan’t you to leave.
As soon as your family stepped on the sand you were surrounded, you took notice of the looks of curiosity, confusion, and fear it made you feel like a fish out of water.
Soon the crowd parted, you watched as two boys walked through, one was tall he had a bun, while the shorter one had free curls.
Your older brother Neteyam gave the “I see you” sign only for them not to return it and just stare at him, honestly it angered you they didn’t know you well enough to have a problem, hell you just got here so why treat us like that.
Other than your brother trying to be respectful and these dickheads not showing the same you hear “is that supposed to be a tail how are they supposed to swim” followed by laughter lo’ak was about to say something but Neteyam stopped him, he was about to turn around and tell you not to say anything until a girl walked up hitting the boys “do not Ao’nung, Rotxo”! Making the boys scoff and avoid eye contact.
Without a second thought you mumbled “I don’t wanna hear anything from fish lips he looks like he eats rocks” Neteyam quickly turned around scolding you while lo’ak laughter and the girl giggled.
The boy who you now knew was Ao’nung looked at you with a glare as Rotxo was trying to hold back his laughter he was gonna say something back until he heard lo’ak tell his sister “hey” before hearing her giggle causing both him and Rotxo to turn with glares.
Soon the ocean of na’vi parted and a male walked through, your father did the “I see you” notion then gave you all a look to tell you to do the same, immediately you and your siblings did what you were told to, “I see you Tonowari oleyktan of the metkayina.”
Soon there was a hiss and then a very obviously pregnant woman walked through the crowd, your father once again did the “I see you” notion followed by the words “I see you Ronal tsahik of the metkayina” the woman only glanced at him not returning the gesture, honestly you could see where Ao’nung got his disrespect from.
After a little your dad convinced them to let you stay it was announced that his daughter tsireya and son Ao’nung would be showing you guys around and teaching you the way of water, Ao’nung tried to refuse but was cutoff by his father.
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After they led us to our marui, we were informed we’ll begin our lessons in the afternoon, once we got packed dad gave us a speech about how we have to pull our weight, then we went on our way to the shore for our lessons,
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When we met at the shore they jumped in the water as me and my siblings looked at each other for a minute until they signaled for us to dive in as well, lo’ak and Neteyam jumped in first, the first thing that came to my mind was “why the hell did Neteyam run like that”
Soon me,kiri, and tuk followed, immediately I was swept away by the beauty of the sea the fierceness, creatures, and the beauty of the waves. I had already realized my siblings were gone but I knew they were fine they were with tsireya.
As I was swimming I noticed kiri, gently tapping her shoulder, she turned she turned to me and smiled she was looking at an creature so beautiful it was ethereal, I returned her smile before we both loved on continuing to explore.
We noticed there was I clicking sound I turned my head first, there were two beautiful creatures, I was drawn more to the one on the right and by the way it started swimming to I guessed it was the same, instead of immediately bonding I swam with it for a while wanting to build a non physical bond.
Not long after I bonded with it we were slowly swimming around, kiri and hers as well.
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Soon we all went back to the shore, as we made it back to the beach the group got in a circle.
“ you have bonded with ilu now we will work on your breathing” tsireya said, that’s mostly how that day went learning to ride ilu, learning sign language, and watching lo’ak get flustered as tsireya helped him.
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It had been a few days since we’d been here me and kiri were just minding our business, kiri was listening to eywa’s heartbeat, it amazed me how strong her connection with the great mother was, I only had a strong connection with the animals and nature not her spirit, while she did that I was watching a sea creature burrow itself in the sand.
Suddenly a shadow loomed over us followed by muffled words and laughs, I already knew who it was but I ignored them but kiri didn’t I watched as she got out the water signaling she was ready to leave, I quickly got up not wanting to be stuck here with HIM alone.
As we were trying to walk away Ao’nung grabbed my hand yanking me to him while one of his roach looking friends yanked my tail, I was quick to get my tail free and hiss at the boy before pushing Ao’nung.
Then I noticed one of them messing with kiri while the other laughed and quickly pulled her back and hissed, Ao’nung was quick to hiss back before his friend even got the chance, you were about to hiss again until you heard your brother.
“Back off fish lips!!” Lo’ak shouted, “Oh another four fingered freak haha” he laughed as him and his friends pulled and pushed lo’ak around calling him “baby tail” kiri immediately yelled ”leave us alone!”
I turned to see Neteyam stomping over and gave a sign of relief, he pushed Ao’nung setting lo’ak free from their pestering, his friend was gonna say something only for Ao’nung to put his hand up signaling him to be quiet, which the friend did as Neteyam told them to back off.
“Also I need you to respect my sisters” Ao’nung gave a ominous smirk before we all began to walk off, until lo’ak heard Ao’nung saying stuff.
He quickly turned around Neteyam trying to stop him only for his reply to be “I got this bro” and walk up to them.
“Look I know this hand is funny I’m a freak it’s alien” he started Ao’nung and his friends laughing, “But it can do something really cool first you ball you fist up just like this then” I knew what he was gonna do so I wasn’t surprised seeing lo’ak giave Ao’nung the three piece combo with extra sauce.
As expected a fight broke out and Neteyam not wanting to leave lo’ak to get jumped he ran and jumped in too, kiri tried to tell them to stop while I was laughing at them kiri soon joining in aswell realizing how stupid they looked.
Soon the fight was broken up by one of the adults seeing the fight, I sighed “We’re definitely gonna get our asses beat.”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
when we got back to the marui all hell broke loose, lo’ak and Neteyam were getting chewed into big time, dad was mad they got into a fight with Ao’nung because he was the chiefs son.
Although dad did soften up a bit when lo’ak told him it was because he was calling me and kiri freaks and stuff, he still forced lo’ak to go and apologize.
Right when Neteyam was about to go and leave he asked him “what do the other guys look like” Neteyam smiled and said “ worse” “good” “a lot worse” dad smiled and said “get outta here.”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
while dad was talking to kiri I was swimming around looking at the ocean with my ilu, I had a bad feeling I hadn’t seen lo’ak since he went to apologize.
I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t worried and this terrrible gut feeling I had wasn’t helping me at all.
Soon I got out the water and noticed a crowd immediately running up and being confused why people were parting for me to get through, I saw lo’ak who was covered in cuts and bruises.
I gasped and ran up to him immediately looking for any bad injuries, he gently moved my hands telling me he was fine as he glared at Ao’nung from behind me.
Soon the rest of our family came up dad practically pushed me out of the way to check up on lo’ak if it wasn’t for mom I would’ve fell.
Me and lo’ak have always had a closer connection to our mom seeing as dad was always hard on lo’ak because he saw himself in loak, and him being my twin I hated how he was always in trouble other than that dad never really yelled at me unless I stood up to defending loak.
After mom checked on him and saw he was fine she said “I pray to eywa that I do not pluck the eyes out of my youngest son!” She hissed doing a plucking motion lo’ak moveing his head glare not leaving Ao’nung.
“No, my son lead him out of the reef the blame is his” tonowari said making Ao’nung get on his knee, Ao’nung had an ashamed look on his face, honestly I feel kinda bad for him, Jake immediately started pulling lo’ak out for he crowd on for lo’ak to get out of his grasp.
“No, it’s my fault Ao’nung told me not to go outside the reef but I went anyway” lo’ak pleaded I knew he was lying, I could tell from Ao’nung’s confused face.
Dad immediately started pulling lo’ak again it was obvious he was mad, he got in to lo’ak aswell as Neteyam, before saying something that even mom looked at him shocked for.
“You have brought shame onto this family!” Mom looked shocked as lo’ak asked can he go now, “you cause anymore trouble I’ll jerk a knot into your tail you read me”he said letting go of him and walking off. I followed after lo’ak and pat his shoulder and hugged hime before walking off.
As lo’ak was walking Ao’nung joined him “why’d you lie for me” he asked confused “Because I know what it’s like to be one big disappointment” he said as he kept walking Ao’nung stopped for a moment before catching up with him.( zesty ass walk)
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
the more time we spent in awa’atlu the more me and Ao’nung grew to hate eachother, as a matter of a fact it got so bad that our parents even began to notice the hatred.
Them noticing led us to them trying to get us to get along, which is how me and Ao’nung ended up in this situation of our parents talking us glaring at eachother.
“Since you two are the only ones not getting along we figured this would help you” Ronal stated, this made both of us quickly turn our heads me with a scowl at the woman while Ao’nung shocked.
“The moonshine festival is tomorrow so you two will be the one picking the fruit” tonowari stated, while Ao’nung looked petrified I was confused “the what?” I asked “it’s a tradition to help the children be friends two that don’t get along are assigned tasks together.” Tonowari stated.
I stared at them before mumbling “ aw hell naw.” But of course my mother being her she heard me and hit my shoulder giving me a bffr look, I pouted.
“Ugh let’s get this over with!” Ao’nung grumbled angrily picking up the basket and getting up I followed as we glared at eachother.
As we were walking out he whispered “imu’ta(bitch)” “dickhead” I whispered back, what we couldn’t see as we were beefing while walking out was our parents sighing before our parent left to prepare aswell.
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We had made it to the outskirts of the beach where the mini forest was “where are these fruit?” I asked turning to him, he rolled his eyes “in the middle of the forest” so we started walking, I’m from the forest but even I had to admit this was quite a walk.
When we finally got there he showed me the fruit and the color they had to be to pick them one we had picked a basket full, I started to feel hot aswell a a burn in the pit of my stomach.
“This can’t be happening right now!” I mumbled, of course my heat wanted to start the minute I’m alone with Ao’nung.
I was so caught I up I didn’t notice Ao’nung turn to me, and when I finally did notice him,
I knew he smelled my heat…..
We stared at eachother lust clouding in both our eyes before he dropped the basket picked me up and next thing I knew we were in a secluded area in the forest.
I moaned as I felt the bulge in his loincloth grinding against me, a hiss escaped my mouth as I felt his teeth plunge into me.
He stopped for a minute looking into my eyes, I knew why he was looking at me, we might hate each other and he might be a dumbass but even he would ask for permission as soon as nodded my top and loincloth were practically ripped off of me.
My nipples hardened at the air hitting them as my pussy gushed at the feeling of air, it gushed even more when he took of his loincloth.
As his cock slapped against his stomach my mouth watered, he was above average, veiny, and the tip was a pretty pinkish-purple.
Not to mention his knot at the base was twitching. He was staring at me, trying to get a full sight of my body.
I brought my hand down his eyes following, as I gently spread my folds, “Please….Ao’nung I need you.” I noticed more lust crowd his eyes before he practically pounced on me.
Catching my lips in a rough kiss, before his hand took the place of mine keeping my folds spread as placed his tip at my entrance.
Before I finally felt him push it in a moan immediately escaping my mouth as curses left his, he continued pushing until he was fully in all except his knot.
He started slowly he was obviously holding back but sped up when he heard me whine to go faster.
My legs moved to his sides as he held himself up, both of his arms either side by my head. My arms securely around his shoulders.
His thrust were rabid like he was an animal that’s been denied to long. His thrusting was only getting faster as he pressed his lips against mine his tongues immediately going into my mouth and overpowering mine.
The kiss was messy and heated as I moaned into his mouth. Next thing I knew he had me in a mating press, the bulge in my belly very noticeable.
Our moans, grunts, and the sound of skin slapping only grew louder the closer we got I could feel the knot forming in my stomach.
Before I could even tell Ao’nung I was close he said “I know me too just hold on a little more baby.” His thrusts quickening even more before the knot in my stomach snapping as I let out a cry of his name.
When the knot in my stomach snapped he didn’t stop nor slow down making me whine, I noticed his thrusts becoming sloppy.
Before he finally buried himself fully into me knot and all. My eyes rolled back as I felt his hot cum shoot inside.
We sat there for a minute him still inside me as we stared at eachother. Next thing I knew our lips were locked in a gentle loving kiss.
When we both pulled away I yelped as I felt teeth plunging into my neck. Followed by him sucking on my skin.
Which most definitely left a mark before he got from between my legs and pulled out. I was gonna sit up only for him to hold me down as he watched his cum ooze out of me.
I winced as I felt two of his fingers push some back in. “Let’s help eachother when we’re in heat.” was all he said as he continued to watch his seed leave my body…..”alright.” I said.
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We had fixed ourselves up and we were bringing the fruit back to his marui when we stepped inside tonowari and dad were discussing something before turning their attention to us.
Since Ao’nung was just standing there I grabbed the basket set on the table. Turned around and walked out, I noticed Ao’nung scowl at me on my way which I returned.
Tonowari and Jake watching the interaction just sighed as Ao’nung went to his room. “Those kids ain’t ever gonna get along.” Jake sighed shaking his head, tonowari just nodded his head in agreement.
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We kept our word helping eachother whether it was heat or sexual frustration, but us being stupid horny teenagers everytime we did it he knotted me. Most would probably wonder why would you let him and in all honestly it’s because I was falling for him.
Which is how we ended up in this situation of our mothers yelling at us as our fathers glared at Ao’nung, for two different reason.
Your probably wondering how’d they find out about your little randevue’s well it all started when me and my siblings where hanging out.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Walking by the trees talking and laughing well until I turned and threw up in some bushes. “Ew, are you ok?” Lo’ak said obvious worry in his voice as he begun rubbing my back while kiri held my hair.
“We should take you to the tsahik!” Neteyam said and before I could even refuse he and my siblings had already rushed me there. Sending tuk to get our parents.
Our parents got there while she was in the middle of examining me. “Is she ok!?” My mother said urgently. As Ronal finally figured out what was wrong with you her eyes widened as she gasped. Which wasn’t helping mother’s anxiety.
“She is with child!” Ronal stated. Loak’s jaw dropped to the bottom of the ocean while everyone else looked stunned including you.
“Who was it!” Jake was the first to address the issue of course coming of a little more hostile than he meant, but come on he just found out a boy had been sleeping with one of his sweet angels.
“I-“ I started trying to get words out and it wasn’t helping the states on me aswell as the fact my siblings had also begun questioning me asking me over and over again who it was until everyone got silent, at the sound of Ao’nung.
“It was me….” He said of course that got the attention of them but all hell broke loose after he said that avoiding his parents gazes aswell as my dad’s who looked like he wanted to feed him to an akula. Not to mention Neteyam he was terrifying.
Ronal and tonowari immediately began questioning Ao’nung. “Is this true!?” Neytiri asked shock and a bit of anger mixing in her features. “Yes.” I made sure not to look into her eyes as soon we were both getting and earful.
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And that is how we ended up in this situation our parents scolding us and wondering what their gonna do.
Your heads were both down but they immediately came up at the words that left Ronal’s mouth “you two will have to be mated before eywa!” Your parents reluctantly but immediately agreed not wanting either of you to miss out on the life of your child.
Everyone had finally agreed and was leaving until you and Ao’nung looked at eachother before saying.
“We do not wish to be mated….”
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fefe658 · 5 months
Refurbishment [ 3 ]
Part 3 of my birthday gift for @chaosduckies, all characters belong to her.
Previous - Next
CW: none
Ryker swam around the reef, looking for shells that would make a good gift for Lucky. Despite not being able to sustain anything more than sparse patches of kelp and the occasional mollusk, this once alive coral reef still held many colorful shells that once belonged to clams and oysters. Lucky had always enjoyed collecting various trinkets he found on the sea floor, so Ryker thought these would make a great addition to his brother's collection.
As he was getting ready to leave however, Ryker swore he heard a faint voice. Was it my immagination? I thought this place was completely deserted...
Curious at the unexpected noise, Ryker sniffed the water around him. The faintest smell reached him, though he could barely discern what it could be. A fish perhaps? Why would anything be living here? There's no food, unless it could somehow eat seagrass?
Hesitantly, he decided to call out to whatever had made that noise. "Hello? Is anybody here..?"
Ryker waited for a response, but only got silence in return. Why aren't they coming out? Was it really my immagination? But I swear I can smell... something.
A bit saddened, Ryker decided to just leave the creature to itself, opting to return home and maybe ask for help to his family. With a sigh, he started swimming away.
Once he arrived at home, a series of caves that he and his siblings decided to inhabit, He went straight to Lucky's room, where him and Dylan were talking with eachother.
"So then this sturgeon appeared out of nowhere, it was almost twice my size! It started chasing me, but I managed to outrun it by swimming trough some rocks. And then-"
"Sounds like quite a story"
"Ryker! You're back! Did you bring the-"
"Yes, I found some shells in the dead reef."
"You're the best!"
Ryker showed Lucky and Dylan the various shells he had found and lucky immediately swam up to inspect them. Despite being barely the size of Ryker's fingernail, the shells were almost as big as Lucky's head. Ryker's mind returned to that strange voice he heard that morning.
"When I was out looking for these, I heard something... weird."
Both Dylan and Lucky turned to face him.
"It sounded like a voice, I think. I called out to them but they didn't answer. It could've been my immagination, but I swear I smelled something alive"
"In the dead reef? Are you sure? I haven't seen a living fish there in forever, let alone a mer"
Lucky chuckled and looked at his brother with a smirk, "Ryker, are your shark senses going haywire?"
"You know it doesn't work like that-"
Dylan smiled, barely able to contain his laughter, "Listen man, if you're sure you heard something there, you should go back there tomorrow and see if it's still there"
Lucky's eyes lit up, "Can I come with you? I wanna make sure you're not completely crazy"
Ryker rolled his eyes, "Fine you can come with me tomorrow"
Lucky jumped up and swam towards Ryker's face, hugging his nose.
"You two should get ready, dinner will be in an hour."
This chapter was supposed to be chapters 1-2 from Ryker's perspective, but it became so long I had to split it into 2.
Yes, the characters' tails (and fish species) are based on the color of their clothes in the original story. Yes, I had to read all 10 chapters again to see if Lucky's shirt color is ever mentioned. Yes, he is based after a clownfish because that's how I feel after reading trough the entire restoration series for the 3rd time and finding nothing-
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pantpisser9000 · 9 months
Combined together, Chapter 8: Pictures taken
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It had been a calm day on the Octopod. They had already finished up the med-checks for the people in the area, so the rest of the day was just filled with… chilling, if anything. Kwazii and the Captain played ping-pong again, (and shockingly, Kwazii was actually able to beat him this time! Peso would’ve congratulated him, but he was still scared of him. Sure, when he was hurt it was a no-brainer, though at the moment? If he wasn’t in Peso’s care, he was still terrifying. (Peso was warming up to him, a bit, though,)) and Tweak was apparently working on a new device of sorts. Dashi was helping her. 
Shellington, the vegimals, and the Professor were cooking, (apparently the vegimals had dragged him out of his lab) and Peso had nothing to do. He had already finished his reports, so… Nothing. He was bored. He knew a person like Kwazii or maybe Shellington (though he for a different reason–research, of course) would take a GUP out and drive around. Peso was still terrified of even the thought of driving a GUP. 
He’d never even driven a car, so meomi forbid a submarine. Just the thought made a few feathers prick out of his ears and arms. Eventually, he walked out to the hq. The Captain had mentioned hot cocoa at one point, but they still didn’t have it. Apparently they’d be making a stop later for the vegimals to plant some cocoa plants and buy some powder from locals before they grew. 
Either way, he sat out there, looking at the calm water, some fish hybrids swimming by. They were elegant–practically mermaids–and it was enjoyable for a good while, before boredom poked its head in his business again. And, as if magic, Kwazii aprared. “Oy, Peso,” he said, and Peso whipped his head back. “Y-yes, Kwazii?” he asked, nervously. “I wanna go out on a ride, matey,” he said, pulling up a chair to sit laxly next to Peso.
Sweat beads cascaded down Peso’s forehead. “...I see.” he said, unsure of what that had to do with him. “You know you can’t-” Peso started, and Kwazii rolled his eyes, leaning back, “I know, I know, which is why,” he put his hands on the table, “I want ye to drive for me.” Kwazii said, flashing a toothy grin. 
“W-what?! But I’m a medic-” Peso started, but Kwazii shushed him, pointer finger to Peso’s lips. “Yeah, obviously, but.. Think about it. What if the person who be driving gets hurt? How’d you deal if ya couldn’t drive?” Kwazii questioned, shockingly in a way that made sense. He usually spoke with such pirate junk that it was hard to get what he was saying. “I.. suppose you have a point,” Peso admitted. The pirate cat grinned, dragging Peso down to the launch bay. “Tweak!” Kwazii called. She popped out from behind a wall. “Yeah?” she asked. “Me an’ Peso here are gonna go on a little driving lesson!” Kwazii said, and Peso shakily nodded. “What GUP?” she asked. “Uhh-” Kwazii thought, “The GUP B- wait, no, uh-” he thought for another moment. “W-which GUP would I likely be driving the most?” Peso asked. Tweak stepped out, “The GUP E. Wanna take that?” she asked, and Kwazii looked to Peso, then back to Tweak. “Aye, matey.” She popped a thumbs-up, and pressed a button. Peso heard some whirring, and he saw a giant door inside of the bay open, and the GUP E being whished out. 
It bobbed up at the surface, windshield retracting. Tweak motioned. “Thanks, matey!” Kwazii said, doing a flip as he jumped inside. Peso just made a little hop. Tweak looked at them expectantly. “Oh right– Tweak, open the Octohatch, matey!” Kwazii said, giving a thumbs up, and Tweak nodded, pulling the red lever. Kwazii closed the windowshield, and he looked at Peso. “O-oh, right,” Peso pulled on the steering wheel in the way that made it dip down, albeit very slowly. “Back up, and turn around,” Kwazii said, and Peso, (again very slowly) did so. Kwazii groaned. 
“Speed it up, matey!” he said, and he put his arms over Peso’s, guiding an embarrassed Peso’s arms around. The area around was pretty clear, fortunately. Well, except for a trench. It wasn’t a big one though–certainly not the Mariana. And, it was somewhat far away. Didn’t really stop Peso’s worries about it, though. Kwazii instructed next; “Come on, push more forward!” and Peso squeezed his eyes shut, and the GUP was going faster. 
Not as fast as it could, of course, and certainly not even close to as fast as the GUP B could go. “Faster!” Peso shook his head–he was sure he’d just about die if he went any faster. Though before he could properly protest, Kwazii pushed more on the wheel, and they were speeding ahead–directly towards a rock! “Pull to the left, matey!” Kwazii called, and Peso didn’t let himself freeze up, and he did it, jerking the steering wheel to the side, just narrowly avoiding the rock as they cruised past. Kwazii threw his arms up in the air, “Yeow! That was great, Peso!” he cheered. Peso just shook silently. The GUP had stilled, (Peso had let the wheel fall from his hands after that) and Kwazii put his hands on his hips. “I’d say that went well.” “I’m not so sure about that.” “Well, we didn’t crash.” “Please tell me that you’re not saying that not crashing is considered an accomplishment to you.” Kwazii shrugged. 
Peso sighed. As he looked out the window, the water looked a little darker than before, and the GUP was shaking a tad. “I didn’t know it got dark so quickly in this area,” Peso remarked, and Kwazii looked confused. “Whuh?” and he glanced out the window, lifting his eyepatch, (and Peso learned that there actually wasn’t an injury under there. Odd.) and he muttered, “Shiver me whiskers.” “What is it?” Peso asked. 
“We be in the midst of a storm.” Kwazii said, and he looked at Peso with a sort of worry. Peso guessed that since he had been (presumably, given the way he acted–it’d be insane if he wasn’t) a pirate for a long time, and probably knew the currents well enough or something. Not that Peso couldn’t tell–the GUP E was wobbling so much now both of them were having difficulty keeping their balance, and Peso saw fish hybrids being swept away in the strong currents at lightning speed. 
“W-what do we do?” because even though as much as he was (still–even if he was warming up to him) scared of Kwazii, he had a feeling he’d have a better idea of knowing what to do. “Aha–uhhhhh… oh!” he dashed over to the screen as Peso sat down at the back of the GUP, unsure of what to do, “Kwazii t’ Captain Barnacl- oh, it be no use.” Kwazii muttered, and just as he said that, the GUP lost any sort of stability it once had, and was now being carried away in a current, Kwazii grabbing onto the panel for dear life while Peso pressed himself against the back wall of the GUP E (technically the back wall of half of it, not the back-back wall as that’s where water could filter into, but you get the point).
The water around them churned, and it was a little tiny bit horrifying to Peso, and if it was to Kwazii, he wasn’t showing it. Peso sealed up his helmet, and Kwazii glanced back at him, mimicking it and the bubble-like helmet covered his head within an instant. Kwazii grabbed onto the wheel, and he tried to turn (presumably back to the Octopod) but he winced when his shoulder ached and he as flung back against the wall–there was nothing they could do, as they saw the GUP plummet to the ground, just near the trench. 
Fortunately, they weren’t dangling over the edge, just nestled in the sand near it, but it was still horrifying to the penguin hybrid. “Kwa-” he started, though the cat was gone. “KWAZII?!” he yelled and then he heard a scraping noise coming from behind, and he peered through the tiny window on the door of the GUP E, and “flappity flippers” he exclaimed, Kwazii was trudging along in the sand. Peso could practically hear the plink, plink, plink of the sand hitting his helmet, and he panicked–what was he doing? 
Peso gulped, and the GUP E slid back, closer to the edge. Was Kwazii just abandoning him for dead? And just when Peso thought he was nice! But, no, that.. It really didn’t seem like him, honestly. Though, maybe Peso’s original idea was right–he was just a thieving pirate who was out to get him or abandon everyone or steal or something. Or maybe he was just irrational because he was scared. Who knows. 
He heard the GUP E’s metal scraping against the seafloor, and he panicked, he tried the radio again–static. The GUP was settled (kinda) in the sand, or at the very least it wasn’t as wobbly as before, so he could stand up, but he tripped and his hand pressed against the big orange button–the Octo-alert. Of course, it couldn’t connect to the Octopod, so it just rang in his ears while the sound played in the GUP E. And, he felt the GUP slowly move in the other direction, and he, confused given how the currents were definitely going in the other direction before, (and he didn’t think currents like that changed on the fly–especially not in the midst of the storm like at the moment) and he looked through the window, and…
It was Kwazii! He had tied kelp or seaweed or something around the GUP, and was trying to pull it. Peso felt bad for doubting him. He was clearly struggling, though. Peso gulped. He wasn’t strong, but maybe he could help, somehow. His helmet was still up. He attached his medical bag to the hem of his pants, and he jumped into the harsh water. His boots planted into the sand, and the currents were pushing him hard, and he was so scared that he was going to be swept away right into the trench. 
He practically crawled over, and he stood up, wobbling, and he grabbed onto the kelp, and Kwazii flashed him a sharp grin, and Peso returned with a utterly terrified but confident one. They pulled, and pulled, and Peso knew they weren’t too far away from the Octopod, but it felt like it was taking hours. The sand pelting against their bodies, the current trying to sweep them off their feet–it was a lot to deal with. 
They trudged through the ruckus, and they made it far, (or at least Peso hoped they made it far) but Peso’s arms were getting tired, and he was certain that Kwazii was the same. Suddenly, he heard a snippet of Kwazii’s voice through the murky water, “m–atey-” he heard, “th–re be —- trac—g on th’ GUP-” was all that Peso could make out. He presumed Kwazii was saying that there was tracking on the GUP E, though he wondered why that was relevant at all. “W—-an le—ave it h—-ere” 
Leave the GUP? Peso thought.  If he agreed, he was sure the rest of the crew would be able to find it, right? Given the priorly mentioned GUP tracking and all. Just as he was saying “yes”, something came into view–a hull of a ship emerging from the stirred up sand and swirling waves, and Peso practically jumped for joy. “Captain Barnacles!” he cheered, and Kwazii whipped his head around, and he pumped his fist in the air. The GUP C lowered, its back facing towards Peso and Kwazii. Kwazii swam over, grabbing the tow line and swimming back to the GUP E and Peso, and they attached it to its rudders. They both hopped back inside the GUP E after giving a thumbs-up to the Captain, and it scraped against the ground, but eventually, it lifted, and while it was bumpy–both Kwazii and Peso were sitting in the seats—it was kinda bearable. Until, suddenly, the anchor loosened, tilting the GUP and the cat & penguin hybrids to the side, and Kwazii fell on top of Peso, “sorry matey” and suddenly, the GUP lurched back as the anchor couldn’t hold onto the GUP E anymore. 
They were flung back, GUP E cruising through the currents without control, and Peso couldn’t help himself but grab onto Kwazii’s hand (and he didn’t realize his claws were out and digging into his flesh because he was just so scared and any form of comfort was comfort, right?) and Kwazii squeezed back, arching his back and shielding Peso’s body with his own, as they suddenly hit something. Peso opened his previously squeezed-shut eyes and as he looked around, he realized, the current couldn’t get to them anymore, but..
“W-we’re stuck in the trench!” Peso exclaimed, and Kwazii got up from his place on top of Peso. “Peso, me hearty… we be one wrong move away from plummetin’ down there like a sunken ship!” and the GUP teetered. “Over t’ that side, matey!” Kwazii yelled, and they leaned against the front part of the GUP E. Their placement was precarious. The back half of the GUP E was leaning off the edge, while the front half was “secure” on the rocky ridge. Peso gulped. Neither knew how much longer the storm would last. “Matey,” Kwazii said, “I think we got to try to get the GUP E more secure on the ledge,” he said, and Peso gulped again. “But how?” Kwazii stepped on the gas (it was battery run but it’s just an expression, right) and the rutter moved a lot, and it scooched them a little over…though the kelp they’d used to drag it along had clogged it up a bit.
Smart in that moment, now an idiot move. If one of them as much as took another step to the side, they could fall down into the treacherous trench. Both of them were still. Neither wanting to risk it. Despite Kwazii’s usually very… danger-oriented nature, he clearly didn’t want to die. And he couldn’t fulfill his nature at the risk of that. “W-what do we do?” Peso whimpered. “..I dunno, matey. I’m sure- the Octonauts will save us,” Kwazii replied. “They gotta.” 
As they were there, both nervous out of their damn minds, the churning water just above the trench, there was nothing they could do. “We gatta come up with a escape plan, matey,” Kwazii said, breaking the silence. “Huh?” Peso blinked away his tears. “Um, w-why?” he asked. Maybe it was a stupid question, though. “So incase if the GUP E ‘ere falls, we don’t die, matey.” Kwazii said, a hint of rudeness in his voice. “Oh. Right..” Peso muttered. “.... wait. Can’t we just… open the back part of the GUP E and swim out? Or.. uh, better yet–open the window shield?” Peso suggested. Kwazii looked at him. “Good idea, matey!” Kwazii said. “Okay, on me count,” Kwazii put up his helmet, and Peso mimicked him, “we swim out, in three,” Peso gulped, “two,” Kwazii’s hand hovered over the button, “one!” he shouted, slamming the button and water flooded inside of the green submarine, and it pushed it back and teetered off the side of the ledge, and Kwazii and Peso swam out, and Kwazii grabbed the front part of the GUP (given how the windshield was still down) and he pulled it, (Peso grabbing onto him to help) and he got it to a steadier place on the side. “Shiver me whiskers, that was..” Kwazii turned to Peso, “very exciting!” he said, shaking him by the shoulders till Peso got dizzy. “W-well, now what?” Peso asked. Kwazii blinked. “...I didn’t think that far ahead.” 
Peso put a flipper to his chin. “W-we could just try to swim back to the Octopod..” he offered. “A bold idea that be, though..” Kwazii looked up. “Even a trained pirate such as meself wouldn’t dare brave that storm.” and Peso looked up too. Even from below, it looked terrifying. “....so we’re sitting ducks..” he muttered. Kwazii sat down against the wall of the trench. “Practically.” 
Peso sat down next to him. “Wait, Kwazii, our air!” he said, and Kwazii’s uncovered eye widened. “A-and we flooded the GUP E, so we can’t rely on that-” he muttered, and Kwazii got up and paced around. “Shiver me whiskers, Peso, I be- I don’t-” and now both of them were panicked, Peso curled up with his knees to his chest and Kwazii pacing back and forth. Their air tanks wouldn’t last forever. Unfortunately, only the Captain had the Octocompass to check the tanks–they couldn’t. “W-well, they were full when we left, right?” Peso asked, and Kwazii nodded. “But we be out here a while, matey–they-” 
Both were panicking to every degree. “Sure– surely the Captain will come rescue us, right?” Peso said. “He will, but–what if he be too late?” Kwazii replied. Peso was silent after that one. What if he was too late? What if him and Kwazii just… died? Hopefully not. And suddenly, like a angel, they saw something blue braving the waves, and it swooped down, and, “Captain Barnacles!” Peso exclaimed for the second time that day. They saw him press a button. “Swim under, there’s a opening,” the Captain said, and the two rapidly swam over to the GUP C, and popped up into it, the door closing behind them. Kwazii and Peso both took in a breath of air. The Captain was smiling. “I’m glad you’re alright. But what were you doing outside of the GUP E?” he asked. Peso and Kwazii looked at each other. “It be teetering off th’ edge, Captain! Certainly a death sentence if I didn’t come up with th’ idea t’ escape through the windshield and then pull the GUP up on the trench side more!” he said. Peso was unimpressed–that was his idea, or at least the first part was. “I helped with that idea,” he said, and the Captain patted them both on the back. “Both of you did good on working together and not, ah, getting hur-” he looked at Peso's hand. “Peso, your hand is bleeding,” the Captain said. Peso looked down at it. Oh. When he had been gripping onto Kwazii’s hand for dear life, Kwazii’s claws had come out and sliced into his palms a little. “Oh.. I think I scratched my hand on a rock a little.” Peso lied, and he felt bad about that, but the Captain didn’t need to know about that. “...I see.” the Captain said. “Better be more careful next time matey!” Kwazii replied. 
That’s a little funny for you to say, Kwazii, Peso thought. “We’ll have to wait out the storm,” the Captain said. “It’s too risky to drive while the waters are like that.” he continued and Peso and Kwazii nodded. Kwazii sat down. “I be set for a catnap,” Kwazii said, and he curled up down on the floor, and fell asleep immediately. The Captain and Peso looked at each other and laughed–it was somewhat impressive he could just do that on the whim. 
Peso looked at his arms and felt his ears–the feathers were gone. He supposed he was okay, now. He sat down next to Kwazii’s sleeping figure and decided to take a little rest, too. It’d been a long day. As he drifted off to sleep, he felt a blanket being draped over Kwazii and himself. 
Lunch was often a casual, relaxing time on the Octopod–when it wasn’t interrupted by the blaring of the Octo-alert, or a mission was happening, of course–and today was no different. The Captain with Kwazii and Peso on both his left and right, and Shellington sat next to Kwazii, with Dashi across from him. Sat next to her was Tweak, and then Inkling was next to her. Kelp cakes, pudding, and seaweed chips (Tweak and Kwazii had managed to convince the Captain to let them get some–even if he wasn’t a fan of the amount of salt they contained) that Tweak and Kwazii were practically just passing the bag back and forth, pouring some onto their plates.
And of course, the kelp cakes varied too–the regular ones, some carrot based ones (Tweak had helped the vegimals come up with that one) and some miso soup ones. The vegimals liked coming up with different types and variations. Some were smashing success, (like the chocolate one (besides with Dashi, obviously. She is part dog)) and others…not so much (The sand one, while… creative, wasn’t exactly tasty). 
The topic today had been focused on family and childhood mainly, as Dashi had mentioned how they should have digital photo albums for everybody. And eventually, that had transformed into this conversation. As Dashi wiped off her chin with a napkin, “I did ballet as a kid,” she said, putting the napkin down. “I really wanted to teach my little sister it, but it wasn’t her style.” she continued, shrugging. Peso chimed in, (albeit kinda nervously) “My older sister did ballet for a while, though she switched over to ice skating..” Dashi put a hand to her chin. “Oh, I enjoyed ice skating the few times I did it–Australia’s not quite.. Ah, suited for it, though.” Kwazii nodded. “I sailed past one time! It be real hot, even in the seas.” he added, and Dashi nodded. “It’s very hot.” 
“Though, surfing’s good there.” she mentioned, and Peso piped up once more, “Oh! I’ve done body surfing with my family before,” he recalled fondly. “It w-was really fun.” “It is, isn’t it? I’ve always loved it.”
“I never surfed, though I be a good swashbuckler,” Kwazii said, plopping a seaweed chip in his mouth. “What does swashbuckling even… entail?” Tweak asked. Kwazii just threw another chip in his mouth. “‘S a lot… like uh-” he trailed off. The table laughed. “Well, you know, I was a polar scout when I was younger,” the Captain mentioned. 
“What that be?” Kwazii asked, and the Captain fondly recollected, “Ah, it was just a little.. Organization, I suppose, that had us to activities that could come in handy during an emergency, or help others.” he said, and Kwazii nodded. “T-that’s cool, Captain!” Peso chimed in, “Thank you, Peso,” he said. “Professor Natquik was our little troop leader, a very nice man. I wonder how he’s doing… he took care of me and Bianca when we were younger.” the Captain said.
“Like a babysitter, for instance?” Inkling questioned. “Something like that. He was more like a… a father, if anything.” Barnacles said. “I see..” Kwazii piped up. “Yeah, Captain Wolfb-” he stopped himself, and Dashi was curious on why, clearing his throat, “I be also taken in by another guy, after me parents left me on me own.” Kwazii said. “...what’d you mean ‘leave you on yer own’, Kwazii?” Tweak questioned. Kwazii shrugged, leaning back in his seat and letting another seaweed chip fall into his open mouth. “Me parents, I’d presume they wanted to let me…. Be independent or somethin’, cus they left me in a box in an alley when I be a wee kitten.”  Kwazii said, totally laxly. Everyone looked utterly shocked, befuddled even. “What?” Kwazii asked, popping another chip into his mouth. “They left y’ in a box?” Tweak asked. 
“...yeah? Did- does that not be normal?” he asked, and was met with an astounding “NO” and he was surprised. “...how old did you say you were again, Kwazii?” Dashi asked. “Around… uh- well, to be honest, I not be entirely sure of me age, but around.. Six or seven, probably.” Now it was Peso’s turn to speak up. “SIX YEARS OLD?!” Peso yelled, and everyone looked at him. Obviously. Especially given how quiet he tended to be. “T-that’s just, um, horrifying, that’s all.” and nobody could really disagree with that. 
“Huh. Didn’t know that.” he muttered. The table was a bit quieter for a moment, before Shellington spoke up. “I have an older sister,” he said. Everyone was, expectantly, a little confused. He was just trying to lighten the mood, that was all. “People confuse us for being twins, though.” he continues, looking at his plate and popping a kelp cake in his mouth. “I have a twin sister,” the Captain said. “I mentioned her before–Bianca.” he continued. “Ah, my sister’s name is Pearl. I hope we can visit her soon, actually.” Shellington said. “I’m sure we can, Shellington.” the Captain says. “Where does she live?” “In a kelp forest near Scotland.” he says, taking a bite of a seaweed chip. 
“Sorry, did you say in a kelp forest, Shellington?” the Captain asks. “Yes! She’s part sea otter, like myself, of course.” Shellington says. Dashi pipes up, “She’s quite nice.” and they all look at her. “Yar’ve met Shellington’s sister, matey?” Kwazii asks, and Dashi nods. “Me and Shellington ran into each other a while back, after I had just got hired to be an Octonaut. I was finishing my two-weeks for my flight attendant job. He needed some pictures of him and his sister for a project, so I offered to take some.” Dashi told them. 
“Actually, now that I think of it–I think we should get everyone’s pictures uploaded to the Octopod’s database.” she offers. Peso tilts his head to the side. “W-why?” he questions. “Just incase if they get lost or something, there’s a copy out there.” she says, and Peso nods. “Good idea, Dashi.”
“I can start with my own, since I already have those. And then Shellington’s. Anyone wanna volunteer to go next?” she asks. Tweak raises her hand. “I’d like t’, Dashi.” she says, and Dashi gives a thumbs-up. “Okay, me, Shellington, Tweak…” “I’ll do it after Tweak, Dashi.” the Captain says, and Dashi nods. “I’ll go, matey!” Kwazii pipes up. Dashi curtly nods once more. “I-I’ll go after Kwazii.” Peso suggests, and Dashi nods again. “I will go last, then.” Inkling says, and Dashi flashes a thumbs-up. 
Her pictures were fairly easy to upload, given she took most of them on her own camera, and she had her phone on the ship with her. Sure, nobody really used their phones while aboard, (even if the wifi was shockingly good) but it was handy for getting some pictures from her family. She wasn’t always able to take the picture, after all. She decides that everyone should have all their pictures uploaded besides any repeated pictures. Or, in Dashi’s case, if they had way too many. So, she ended up putting a nice list of photos for herself. 
One of just herself, full body (she decided that everyone should have one of those) 
One of her and her younger sister, Koshi
One of her and her whole immediate family
One of her and her full extended family 
Some old ballet pictures/hobby related ones
One of her in her flight attendant garb
And some vacation pictures that involved herself. 
She figured it was a good list. It wasn’t all of her pictures, (she actually enjoyed selfies, shockingly) but it was a lot. And certainly all of the ones that she’d want backed up, at least. Next up was Shellington. 
She went ahead and uploaded all of the pictures she’d taken, and Shellington sent her the other ones. He didn’t seem to have any with his full family, but Dashi decided not to pry. It’d be rude, certainly. She called him up though anyway. “Dashi, did I accidentally not send you all the pictures?” he asked as he shot out from the Octochute, and Dashi shook her head. “No, you sent them all. I just need to take a few.” she said, and Shellington cocked his head to the side. “A full body shot of you, and of you and the vegimals. I’ve taken a few of those already, but I want one with all of them in view as well.” she said, and Shellington nodded. “I can go fetch them right now, if you’d like,” he said, and Dashi nodded. “That’d be wonderful.” 
Shellington ran off again, into the garden pod. It was where the vegimals spent most of their time, given that’s where they farmed and cooked, so it made sense he’d check there first. Though, sometimes, they wandered off to random places, (especially Codish–the pink one–and Grouber, –the big purple one– or on occasion, Barrot.) and got lost. Of course, they almost never left the Octopod unless if it was all of them going (or just Tunip given as he was pretty much the leader, the representative of them, so that instead of all of them going when the Octo-alert was sounded, it was just him so they didn’t have to stop their duties) so that led to lost vegimals not being a regularly occurring thing. 
That’s what Dashi thought until Shellington, frantic, jumped out of the chute with all of the vegimals trailing behind him. Except one. The tiniest of the bunch–tomminow. Small and red, they often stayed with the others. Almost never ventured off on their own, and if they did, it was usually with Grouber or one of the other vegimals. They just tried to help their brothers whenever they could, and that was what they did. 
Except now, they couldn’t help because they were “Tomminow’s missing, Dashi,” Shellington said, and Dashi was a little surprised. What had happened to them? The one vegimal who was never on their own. “Are they in the garden or kitchen?” Dashi asked, just making sure she was covering all bases. Shellington looked to the vegimals, and Tunip trilled a response. “Tunip says they looked in every nook and cranny in both of those places. They’re not there.” 
Dashi put her hand on Shellington’s shoulder. “Let’s check the lab,” Dashi suggests, and Shellington looks at her, confused. “Why would they be there?” he asked. Dashi shrugged. “Tomminow’s sweet. And all of them know you have a tendency to forget to eat, so maybe they brought some food down or something.” Dashi explains, and Shellington nods. “Makes sense.” he says, and they both go into the laboratory–nothing. “Maybe they’re spending time with the Professor?” Dashi suggests, pointing to the library. Professor Inkling says he hasn’t seen them. Dashi can feel the nervousness radiating off of Dr. Shellington. “Infirmary, maybe?” she says, and Peso says he didn’t see them at all. “Let’s go to the game pod, maybe they got challenged to play pingpong,” Dashi says, and when she, him, and his 4 current vegetable-fish-human children arrive, Kwazii and the Captain are playing. “Tomminow’s missing?” the Captain asks, and Dashi nods. “Have you seen them?” she asks, and Kwazii shakes his head. “Nah, matey. Maybe they be helping Tweak, though?” he suggests, and Dashi and Shellington decide to listen to his suggestion and head to the launch bay. “Missin’?” Tweak asks, tightening a bolt on the GUP A, leaning over on it from the jutted out bit in the bay. “Tomminow, the tiny red one,” Shellington elaborates, gripping onto his satchel’s strap tight.  “No, sorry. I haven’t seen ‘em.” Tweak says sympathetically. 
Shellington looks at Dashi. “Where are they, then?” he asks no one. And nobody besides Tomminow themself knows the answer. 
Suddenly, the alarm blares–but not the Octo-alert. Tweak races over to the screen, and she presses a button, and she gasps. “Somethin’s stuck in one of th’ pipes!” she cries, and Shellington and Dashi look at each other, sharing one thought–Tomminow. 
“Which one, Tweak?” Dashi asks, somehow still sounding calm even in this situation. She pressed a few buttons and pulled it up on screen, the orangish dot lodged in the pipes that was likely Tomminow blinking, and she pointed. “It’s one of the ones for the kitchen’s sink. No idea how they got in there, assumin’ it is Tominnow…” she said, biting into her ‘thinking carrot’ as she called it.  
She looked at Shellington and Dashi. “But no matter how or why, we needa get em out. I’m soundin’ the Octo-alert!” she said, slapping the button with her palm, and the ‘woop, woop’ sound echoed throughout the ship. “What’s the matter, Tweak?” the Captain asked through the screen–he appeared to still be in the gamepod with Kwazii from what Dashi could see. 
“Somethin’--we think it may be Tominnow–is stuck in one of th’ pipes!” Tweak frantically said, and the Captain’s eyes widened. “Tominnow be stuck in the pipes?! I know they be a little matey, but–the pipes?” Kwazii commented from behind. Tweak nodded. “It’s in the kitchen.” she said, and the Captain commanded, “Octonauts, to the garden pod!” 
Soon enough, all of them were there. Shellington looked to be on the verge of tears, most of the vegimals were crying, and everyone else just looked generally concerned. Tweak pulled up a map of the pipes on her Octo-tablet, and her face displayed a grimace. “It doesn’t look great. It’s a little bit of a tight squeeze for someone like the Captain,” and Dashi seemed to be the only one who noticed the Captain get significantly more nervous,”but fer me or Kwazii or Dashi it’d be okay. We’d have to cut a hole about..” she stepped over to a tile, thumping her boot down. “Here. It’d allow for the easiest entrance. And, we’d uh, have to cut open the pipe. So, whoever’s going down will have to twist the valve to stop the flow completely, because otherwise we’d have a real disaster.” 
She sighed. “I could do-” she started, but Kwazii piped up. “I’ll do it, matey!” he valiantly said. It wasn’t a surprise that he wanted to do the risky thing. Tweak nodded. “That’s a good idea. It’s probably smart to have me supervising from above, looking at th’ pipes and the sort anyways.” she said. And so, it was decided. “Captain, you know how t’ belay, right?” Tweak asked. He nodded. “Of course. It was part of my polar scout training.” he said, and Tweak gave a thumbs up. 
As Tweak cut open the hole in the Octopod’s kitchen’s floor, Kwazii wormed his way into the harness, and was embarrassed when it was all twisted up and he had to do it again (this time with some help from the Captain). Though after that little fiasco, they were good to go. Well, after Tweak gave him a backpack that held a sawzall, a device that could cut through the metal pipes.  “Okay, Kwaz, yer gonna want t’ step on the big pipe right there,” Tweak said, pointing. Kwazii turned on his headlight. “I see it, matey.” he said, confident. He was slowly lowered down by the Captain, landing square on the pipe with the thump of his Octo-boots. He could hear the chorus of sighs of reliefs. 
“Okay, there should be a pipe to yer left.” Kwazii hesitated, doing the L finger trick with his hands (Even if he couldn’t read or write very well, he had managed to still get that trick down). “It’s thinner then the one yer standing on now, so be careful.” Tweak said from above. “I always be careful!” Kwazii said, jumping down and he wobbled a little bit, but eventually regained his balance on the pipe easily. “The one Tomminow is stuck in is the one just to the right of that,” Tweak says, “Walk forward to get to the valve for it.” she says, and Kwazii obeys, carefully balancing on the pipe. “Wait, stop!” Tweak calls, and he stops immediately. “Get on all fours–otherwise, you’ll bonk yer head into a pipe.” she says, and Kwazii does so. “Now continue.” 
Kwazii crawls along, his headlamp just barely illuminating the space. “Okay, the valve should just be on the pipe.” Tweak tells him, and Kwazii looks at it. “I see it, matey!” he says. “Twist it to the left,” Tweak says, and Kwazii does so, twisting with all his might, and eventually, he’s able to. “Now go back, and I’ll tell ya when to stop.” she says, and Kwazii crawls back, gripping onto the pipe. He’s glad it’s made of metal that his cat claws can’t slice through, because they’re currently out. They tend to when he’s stressed or needs to grip something like he is right now. 
And eventually, Tweak tells him to stop, and he comes to a halt. “Now, on the pipe, I want you to take out the Sawzall.” she says, and he takes the backpack off, pulling the sawzall out. “Don’t worry, Tomminow’s a lot more to the side, so you won’t be cutting the pipe on them.” Tweak clarifies, though Kwazii has a feeling it’s to calm Peso, Shellington, and the rest of the vegimals, not him.
He revs it up, and he places it on the pipe. “It’ll probably take a minute, so be patient,” Tweak says, and Kwazii has the urge to make a snarky comment back, but he doesn’t want to get distracted, so he doesn’t say anything. 
It takes a couple of minutes, but he perseveres through and the pipe is left open. “Lil matey?” he calls, and he hears a trill. And… flopping? “Can y’ get over ‘ere, matey?” he asks, and he puts his hands under the opening after putting the sawzall back in his backpack. He only hears some trills, and some more flopping, and soon, he sees the little red–oh, wait–
“...does they usually look so–fishy?” Kwazii asks as the little fish flops into his hands, and he comforts them as best as he can. “You be okay, little matey!” he says, and suddenly, the little guy transforms back into a more humanoid form, legs instead of tail, and a regular person head (just with a sprout) instead of a fish head with a sprout. He thinks it’s a sprout, at least. Tomminow, donned in their little overalls, clutches onto Kwazii’s shirt like it’s the only thing anchoring them to life. “I’ve got ‘em!” Kwazii calls, “Lift us up!” and slowly, they’re highered, just having to dodge a pipe or two. 
Once they’re back at the usual floor, Tominnow is crying, a wet spot on the ginger cat’s shirt. “Oh- you be alright?” he asks, and Tomminow just grips harder. Kwazii’s bad at comforting, though, so as he stands there awkwardly as the little guy cries into his shirt, he offers, “Um, don’t ya wanna see Shellington?” he asks, and Tominnow looks up, and he trills happily as Kwazii extends out his arms and Tominnow leaps into Shellingtons. 
“...I think I have t’ change shirts..” Kwazii says, grabbing the hem of his shirt and stretching it out to look at it. He undos his harness, and he walks out, going to his room to presumably change his shirt. 
As he enters, he takes a glance at his catnip plant, and at his closet. He’s tempted, to say the least. Part of him feels he shouldn’t, dinner’s probably soon, but at the same time…he hadn’t even taken a little of either things, so he decides he owes himself a little treat. Opening his way too many doors to get into his closet, he grabs a bottle. He pours out a little in an Octo-mug. It’s not much, really. He pours a little more out–it’s only like, half full. 
He walks out, closing his barrage of doors, and he grabs a little bit off his catnip plant. He figures he should eat it, because that’ll mellow him out. And so, he drops it into his mouth, and consumes, and he finds his brain getting a little fuzzy. His arms are covered in more fur, now. He supposes it’s a side effect of the catnip–making him more cat-like. He takes a swig out of the mug, and it burns his throat in a good way. 
He’s sitting on the floor next to his bed, and he pulls out an action comic. Sure, he can barely read, but he can usually grasp what’s going on just from the pictures. He takes another swig, and he’s not entirely sure how long it’s been since the one before. 
And of course, eventually, he’s drunk all that’s left in the mug. He’s not super high or drunk or anything of the sorts at the moment, but he’s mellowed out and he’s satisfied as he sprawls out on the ground because he thinks he sees a new color, and wow is it pretty. He curls up on the floor, and he doesn’t fall asleep but it is very nice. Even if it’s hardwood. He traces his fingers–paws?--along it, giggling for no apparent reason. 
He just kinda hopes nobody walks into his room, because he’d prefer not getting his things banned. They probably won’t, right? He’s probably a legal adult for that kind of thing. He’s not really sure partially because he doesn’t know the legal age for that and partially because he doesn’t know his own age. Really, a tough situation. He’s sure he’s like… an adult, though. He’s been around for at least 18 years though, he reckons. 
Plus, Peso’s like… 27 or something like that and Kwazii’s probably older than that, he figures. Given how Peso acts. He thinks of this as he’s sprawled across the floor and he can feel his eyes getting droopy, and he dozes off pretty quickly. 
He’s awoken by his alarm that next morning, and he groans. “Mmmmmrroww..” he mewls, rolling over on the floor, “Yeow!” he shouts, as his shoulder hits the hardwood floor particularly hard. It’s healed since the whole tiger shark ordeal, but it hurts more than it would usually whenever he bumps it into anything. Thinking about it now, he realizes it’s been a little while since that whole thing. He supposes time has just been passing by–and he hasn’t thought about his old crew much. 
Sure, they were terrible, but, he still finds himself missing them a little. They were his family, practically. Especially… especially him. Wolfbeard. He shuddered just even thinking of the guy. He was.. Honestly probably the only thing he was scared of, besides spiders, (no matter how much he denied that fact) but fortunately, like spiders, he couldn’t jumpscare him under the water. He sailed on a pirate ship, not a submarine like the Octopod! 
Even if he despised the guy now, he was being honest earlier when he said he was like a dad to him. Given his parents left him at a young age, and Calico Jack went missing a long, long time ago, he didn’t have anyone else. Groaning and getting up, he crawled into his bed. He shouldn’t go back to sleep, though he wanted to. He stretched and got out. Walking out, him and the Captain had decided to leave their rooms at the same time. “Good morning, Kwazii,” the Captain said. “Mornin’, Captain,” he replied. Oh. That was the first time he’d called him Captain. He figured the term and ol’ him had been separated enough in his mind to be comfortable calling someone else that. “Off to breakfast, ey?” Kwazii says, jumping, and the Captain curtly nods. “Yes. I believe Dashi is going to be uploading more pictures, today.” he tells Kwazii, and the cat nods. “Oh, alright. Who’s she on?” “Shellington, I believe. She wasn’t able to finish yesterday with Tomminow’s situation. And, she might skip Tweak for now since she needs to repair the pipe and the floor.” Captain Barnacles said, and Kwazii gave a thumbs up. “Oh, who be after Tweak?” Kwazii asked. 
“Myself. Then you, I believe.” he said, and Kwazii nodded, jumping down the chute. The Captain trailed after him as they launched into the headquarters of the Octopod, and Dashi was already there. So was Tweak. “Hiya Cap,” she said, waving to the Captain. “Hello Tweak. How’s the progress on the pipe going?” he asked, and Tweak put her hand on her hip and took out a carrot. “I know how t’ do it, but y’ need to belay me.” she said. “And the vegimals are too nervous to go into the kitchen while the hole’s open, so we may have to… delay breakfast.” she rubbed the back of her neck. 
Kwazii sulked, his ears pressing against the sides of his head. “Aw, that be unfortunate.” he said, and Tweak agreed, taking another bite of her carrot. “Agreed. I’m hungry.” she said. The Captain cleared his throat. “Speaking of,” he looked at Tweak, “We should go do that right now,” and Tweak flashes a thumbs up. “Yup! Let’s go,” Tweak exclaims, and she and the Captain head into the Garden Pod’s chute. 
Dashi turns around in her chair. “They’re technically next, after Shellington, but he’s busy coaxing the vegimals. I think we should get your pictures uploaded right now,” she says, and Kwazii blinks, a little surprised. “Arr, okay Matey!” he says, and he runs to the chute. “Try to get any and all pictures you have!” she says, and Kwazii gives a thumbs up as he jumps into the chute. 
He backflips out into the small area between his and the Captain’s rooms, and he walks into his room. He knows he has one sacred picture of him and Calico Jack in his closet, the only one that Kwazii had with him and his Grandfather. He had other pictures of just himself or just Calico but that was the only one with them together. Kwazii knew Calico was great, obviously. Just about one of the most famous pirates there ever was! And as much as he wanted to brag about that fact, especially since he was his inspiration for being who he was, it also felt.. Wrong. He didn’t know his crew well enough to tell them. One day, though. But, he did have a few of just himself–not many, as most of the pictures he had taken during most of his life were with his old crew. And he only had one that he had brought–he hadn’t wanted to escape on that little lifeboat with too many remembrances of the past. He… if something happened to the Octopod, he wouldn’t mind that one being destroyed forever. So, instead, he picked up his small amount of pictures of just himself… and he brought them down to Dashi. 
“No offense, Kwazii, but is this really all you have?” she asks him as he hands her the minimal amount of pictures. “Yes.” he lies, and despite being a pirate, he’s a bad liar. Though, even if Dashi can certainly tell, (she seems pretty perceptive, plus she made a face at the lie) she doesn’t pry, thankfully. Kwazii isn’t sure if he’d be able to lie straight to her face again, especially if she interrogates him. “Hm. Alright. Well, this shouldn’t take long at all, then,” she says. “What exactly are all of the pictures of, by the way?” she asks, tapping at the screen. 
Kwazii picks one up. “This is me as a wee kitten,” he says, handing it back to Dashi. “Aw,” she coos, and Kwazii flushes in embarrassment. Maybe he should’ve left that one out, too. “This one be of me chugging me first rum,” he says. Dashi makes a face. “...I know you don’t know your age, but you look.. Pretty young, there,” she says. Kwazii puts his hands on his hips. “Ah, well a pirate has his first rum at 10, usually.” Dashi looks concerned. Kwazii clears his throat, accidentally a little like the Captain. It’s a habit he has. Mimicking little things like that. He knows he still subconsciously does things that he used to do. It’s not on purpose, really. It’s just a force of habit, truly. Dashi doesn’t say anything more. “And the last?” she asks, still scanning in the second. “That be me after they got lopped off!” he says, handing the picture to Dashi, and she blinks. “Huh. Didn’t know you were trans, Kwazii.” she says, beginning to scan in the picture. 
He cocks his head to the side. “Trans?” he asks, genuinely. She swivels her seat back to look at him, and then back at the picture. “Do you–” she pinches her nose bridge. “Were you born with feminine features, Kwazii?” she asks, and Kwazii shrugs. “Me parents thought I be a girl for way too long, I guess. An’ I got those lumps growing,” he motions to his chest, “There. For some weird reason.” he says. Dashi chuckles.
“What?” he asks. “Don’t worry about it, Kwazii.” she says, a hint of a giggle still in her voice. He decides to ignore that interaction. “Well, I have some other pictures of you that I took, so I’ll upload those,” Dashi said. “Would you mind getting Peso for me?” she asks. “He’s next. Well, probably, at least. Given Tweak and the Captain are probably still fixing up the kitchen from the whole pipe situation, and I think the vegimals won’t leave the lab until the kitchen’s fixed.” she says, shrugging. Kwazii gives a thumbs-up. “Will do, matey.” he says, bounding off to go inform Peso. 
When he gets there, Peso seems to be cleaning up. “Hey, matey!” Kwazii yells out, and Peso’s head bobs up, looking at Kwazii with widened eyes. “H-hello, Kwazii. Why are you here?” he asks, walking towards him. “Yer next for th’ whole picture thing. Y’  might wanna grab some from yer room,” Kwazii says. Peso blinks. “Oh, okay! I’ll go do that now then,” and Kwazii flashes a thumbs-up. Now what?
He’d figure it out, probably. 
Dashi isn’t left waiting long, though she’s able to upload all the pictures she already has of Peso on her camera before he gets there. Peso arrives just 20 minutes after Kwazii went to go fetch him, a box presumably filled to the brim with pictures in his grasp. When he places it next to her, Dashi finds she was right. She should’ve expected it, but this was a lot of damn pictures. She held back the urge to sigh. Peso pulled one out, and unleashed it from its frame. 
“This is of my whole family, not including all of my cousins and aunts and uncles for the most part.” he says. Dashi nods, careful to not accidentally rip it as she scans it in. It seems to have been kept in pristine condition, (unlike Kwazii’s pictures) so that made the process a tad easier. She handed it back to him, and he slid it back into its frame. He put it off to the side. 
He hands her another after taking it out of its own frame. “Me and my younger brother, Pinto, when he was just a chick” he explains as he hands it to Dashi. She coos–it’s an adorable picture. Who she presumes is Pinto is swaddled in a red scarf, and who she assumes is Peso looks nervous and elated at the same time. She scans this one in with ease too. She hands it back, and the process starts again. 
This one’s of Peso and all of his siblings–his older (twin) siblings Perita and Pogo off to the left, Peso next to them, and who she presumes is Pinto’s head barely in frame to Peso’s right. The next is of a lot of penguin hybrids that Dashi can’t distinguish on top of a hill, and who Peso clarifies is himself face-planted in some snow. The one after that is Peso with his medical diploma. Peso in a hospital, which he says is his first real job (Technically more of an internship, but same difference, right?). There’s a lot more pictures after that, but Dashi kinda zones out at that point. 
Eventually, though, Peso’s photos are all uploaded. Dashi thinks one day they should all show their pictures in the game room–or just watch a movie or something. It’s been a while since she’s had a movie night, actually. And she didn’t think anybody would mind snacking on some buttery popcorn. Been a while since she’s had that, too. 
When she laxes back in her chair, she remembers the only ones left are the Captain, Tweak, and Professor Inkling. Technically Shellington and the Vegimals too, but it’s not that many more pictures. She could hold off on that for a little longer. And, as if Meomi themself had granted it, the green haired girl and white haired man popped out of the octo-chute just moments later. “Heya Dashi” Tweak greeted, and Dashi took in the state of them. Covered in sweat, the both of them. As Tweak grabbed a carrot, she dropped it almost immediately, wincing. “Got my hands burned.” Tweak elaborates, kicking up the carrot and it lands on the table. “I’m gonna go t’ Peso, even if it’s probably fin-” The Captain looks at her sternly. “... I’m goin’ to Peso, ain’t I?” she says, and he nods. “That’s true. Now,” he says. Tweak rolls her eyes playfully, jumping down the Octo-chute. 
He turns to Dashi, walking up behind her. “How is the photo-uploading coming along, Dashi?” he asked. “Excellent, Captain. I just need… yours, Tweak’s, and the Professor’s.” the Captain nods. “I’m off to the showers, but I can go get Professor Inkling.” he says, and Dashi grins. “That’d be wonderful Captain.” she says, waving as he launches himself down the Octo hatch. She sighs. 
A frigid shower was probably the most refreshing thing to Captain Barnacles. Given the whole part-polar-bear thing, it was enjoyable. He always tried to keep his showers short, though. Less time in the shower, less likely the Octo-alert would sound while he was in the shower. Either way, it finished quickly, he got changed, and he decided to head down to the hq. Dashi seemed to have already finished up with the Professor’s photos when he walked in, and he walked up behind her. “Dashi, how is the photo-uploading going?” he asked, and she swiveled back to look at him. “Really well, actually,” she says, tapping on the screen. “I’ve got Kwazii’s,” she swiped past a few of his, “Peso’s, My own, most of Shellington’s, the Professor’s… only two I need are yours, Tweak’s, and a little for Shellington.” she says, and the Captain nods. “That’s fantastic, Dashi.” he says, hands behind his back. 
“Mhm. And, I actually have a bit of an idea,” she says, now swiveling the chair completely towards Barnacles. “There’s going to be Octonauts after us, right?” she asks, and the Captain tenses. He hadn’t really thought about it. “Well, yes, there will be.” he cocks his head to the side. “Why?” he asks, curious on what this had to do with anything. “I figured that, and so I had the idea–what if we made a series of videos that are sort of, uh, instructions, I guess. For specific scenarios and situations, I suppose.” 
He puts a finger to his chin. “That’s an excellent idea Dashi!” he says, and Dashi flashes a thumbs-up. “If you could compose a list of sorts of all the things somebody might need to know so that we can develop the videos, that would be great, Captain.” she explains, and Barnacles nods. “I’ll do it once we’re done with my photos,” he says, and Dashi nods. “I’ll go grab them now,” Barnacles finishes, and Dashi nods, facing back towards her screen. He jumps down the Octo-chute, and walks to his room. He gathers up all of his pictures in his arms, and is easily able to carry him all. He works out every day for a reason, after all. 
Dashi was glad they’d gotten through uploading all the photos, but this new project was going to take longer. And be a lot more effort, to say the least. Making a LOT of instruction videos was going to take awhile, and it already had. Her and the Captain had gotten together and come up with a bunch of ideas, then later Dashi stayed up kinda late, (blasting music through her earbuds, probably visible eyebags, some of the vegimals bringing her a plate of fish biscuits or kelp cakes on the occasion to keep her fed, sitting criss-crossed on a chair with a fluffy pillow under her, makeup freshly wiped off her face) editing and coming up with ideas for the videos from the ideas. 
She had a lot, to say the least. She was kinda excited to see Captain in that ‘exercise’ outfit that he mentioned–sounded silly, in all honesty. She knew they weren’t doing this in any particular order, and she’d probably end up switching up the numbers a little in the end so that it’s not a bunch of the same thing in a row. Currently, though, she needed to get the actual set up done. A greenscreen was necessary, of course. A lot of these ideas involved it. 
Plus, there was an idea with a blob–one of the few videos that wasn’t just the Captain speaking–that they needed pudding for, plus two others. Dashi figured it’d be Peso and Kwazii, given how those two were 1: often the least busy (especially Kwazii who was really only actually doing things during missions) 2: both most likely more than willing (Peso because he likes helping people + would feel bad if he didn’t help and Kwazii because of boredom). She had a video camera… not the best one, but it would work. 
And today was the start of filming. The first few videos were kinda ‘cringey’--given how the Captain was dressed up in bright, 80s inspired workout clothes, and Dashi was trying to keep herself from giggling basically the entire time. The Captain seemed to be rocking it though, not at all embarrassed, (Dashi wondered if he was a theatre kid) and showing off his ‘polar bear strength’ in a few of the videos. Fortunately, the filming for most of those ones only took… about an hour or two? And there would be a lot more filming. The next batch was just a lot of ‘what if’ situations, some of which the Captain explained just with his words, and a few that they decided on physical visuals. The non-physical-visuals was a little… repetitive, to say the least. The Captain, in front of the greenscreen, yapping on about one thing or another. And that same thing, just… a million times. It was getting at least a little boring. Then, the ones with physical visuals, just… without those, yet. The intros, basically. And, eventually, after a lot of filming (and I truly mean a LOT of damn filming) the Captain orders for a break. 
“Dashi, I believe a break is in order.” he said, and Dashi looked up from the camera that was currently situated on the tripod. “Oh- of course, Captain,” she said, standing up from her squatting position and dusting off her (still clean) skirt. He grabbed his Octo-compass from his belt, looking at the time. “Yes, it’s just about lunchtime, anyway.” he started putting away his Octo-compass back onto his belt. Dashi nodded, clicking the off button on the camera. “Sounds excellent, Captain,” she said as they walked over to the chute, which the Captain jumped in. She followed in after him, whooping a little as she was launched down. 
When she entered the kitchen/dining area of the garden pod, almost everyone was seated, except for Shellington. Dashi was… mildly curious why he wasn’t present. She grasped a plate from the end of the table, getting some fish biscuits and some kelp cakes. There were some clam sandwiches, too. As she sat down, she asked, “Where’s Shellington?”. Kwazii was the one who answered her. “He be researchin’... somethin’. He be real vague,” Kwazii shrugged, “But he hasn’t been comin’ up for meals for a day or two,” he said. Dashi knew her concern was apparent with her expression. “Th’ vegimals have been taking him stuff,” Tweak added. “Oh, that’s good.” Dashi remarked. 
Peso and Kwazii ended up chatting about something or another and everyone else jutted in with their own remarks, though Dashi wasn’t really paying attention. She was concerned for Shellington–sure, he seemed like the type to get obsessed and obsessively research something–, but not even coming out of his lab to eat for a long period of time? It was… mildly concerning at best. She noticed the vegimals were walking off with a plate, and she stopped them. “Tunip, do you mind if I take Shellington his food today?” Tunip tilted his head in confusion for a moment, then nodded, placing the plate back. Dashi finished up, put her plate in the sink, and grabbed Shellington’s. 
Detective work was usually Koshi’s gig, though Dashi figured she’d have to temporarily do it today. 
Jumping down the Octo-chute, food in hand and hair bouncing, she landed in the main hall. She raised an eyebrow—the door to Shellington’s lab wasn’t usually closed. 
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Springfield, M4 and AR-15 showing their new bikinis off to their S/O
(GFL) M4A1, ST AR-15, M4 SOPMOD II, and M16A1 showing off their swimsuit to their S/O
So, much as I'd love to endlessly thirst and show you M4 and STAR's outfits, one problem with that.
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They don't have swimsuit skins, which is a CRIME. Springfield's is right in this link, so as compensation I'm throwing in the rest of the AR Team.
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M4's hair blows back from the winds gently brushing against her face.
She stood near the water wearing a modest dark green bikini, both her top and bottom adorned with flowing skirts that didn't reveal too much of her skin.
M4 couldn't help but feel a bit nervous, a combination of the fact that T-Dolls cannot be immersed in saltwater for long, and she felt so...naked.
Hearing footsteps behind her, she turned her head and saw S/O approaching in a thankfully modest swimsuit as well.
(M4A1) "...You look nice."
(S/O) "Thanks. The green really suits you."
(M4A1) "Think so? Well, I think it could look a little better with a bit of help."
Her voice softened as she gave them the compliment, shyly reaching her hand for theirs.
Her usual shyness and self doubt seemed to disappear the moment she got close to them.
As their fingers intertwine with each other's, M4 respectfully examines their swimsuit as she notices they're doing the same.
She doesn't stay in the water with them for too long, instead they just stroll the beach talking about whatever came to mind, hand in hand.
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STAR stares down at her swimsuit with a frown. It was a cute pink swimsuit that showed off a moderate amount of skin.
But that was the problem. Looking at the other members of the AR Team, their tops all had curves.
Hers clearly did not.
Author's Note: No boing boing.
STAR failed to notice S/O approach her, tilting their head in confusion.
(S/O) "STAR, is everything alright?"
(ST AR-15) "Huh?! Y-Yes, I'm fine."
Sighing she looks at S/O before she suddenly jumps, seeing their own. The close vicinity with both of them wearing so little made her blush and turn her gaze away.
(ST AR-15) "Just don't look too close, okay?"
(S/O) "Embarrassed I'll stare at my lovely girlfriend?"
STAR lightly punches their arm, failing to keep her smile growing at the edge of her lips.
(ST AR-15) "I'm not that easy to please, you know."
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SOPMOD wears a very revealing red one-shoulder top, showing off her curves and flaunting it.
She eagerly waited for S/O to show up, and when they finally began approaching she almost sprinted to them.
(SOPMOD) "Hey, hey! Check me out, aren't I sizzling?!"
(S/O) "W-Wow, that's really nice...!"
(SOPMOD) "Come on, say that when you're actually looking at me and not staring at the ground!"
She begins to pout, satisfied when S/O looks at her closely. SOPMOD hugs them tightly as she drags them to the water.
(SOPMOD) "Now get your hot bod to the water too, I wanna catch a fish!"
She doesn't make it obvious, but SOPMOD felt really happy that S/O was so shy looking at her.
It meant two things, that the swimsuit did her job, and that her S/O really loved her if they got so flustered they had to turn away.
It was cute.
SOPMOD mercifully didn't bring much attention to it, instead determined to bring back a souvenir to her room.
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M16 was lazily sprawled out on the sunlounger underneath an umbrella, her Jack Daniel's resting comfortably on her stomach.
Her black longline bikini had her stomach wide open, and she was quite proud of it. She had zero shame in how little her top and bottom covered. Since it was really only S/O, the Commander, and very few human personnel nearby, she didn't have to worry about telling anyone off.
Her eyepatch remained underneath a pair of sunglasses. As a T-Doll, both eyewear was unnecessary, but the eyepatch was a memento she refused to be rid of, and the sunglasses were there to make her look cool.
Seeing S/O approach, she raised her shades up to her forehead and smirked.
(M16A1) "'Sup?"
(S/O) "I see you're enjoying yourself. Not gonna swim?"
(M16A1) "Nah. Just gonna sit here and enjoy the view."
She winked at them.
S/O had no reaction.
...Oh right, eyepatch.
(M16A1) "Well, this chair's got room for one more, you know."
(S/O) "Wha-You're already on it."
(M16A1) "Guess I can just lay on top of you.~"
She laughs so hard upon seeing S/O's flustered reaction, to the point she snorted and quickly shut herself up.
(M16A1) "...You didn't hear that."
(S/O) "Hah, you sure?"
(M16A1) "Get your ass on here before I change my mind."
She jokingly says as she scoots over, both of them lying on the chair together and watching the others enjoy their time on the beach."
M16 got to admire her S/O's swimsuit very up close and personal, making a mental note of how they looked outside of their normal uniform.
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spicycinnabun · 6 months
pt. 1 2 3 🧜🏻‍♂️
Mickey snorted, smoke coming out his nostrils. What the fuck could he show him? How to drown in the lake? The merman continued to watch him expectantly, though, with those curious bright green eyes, and Mickey felt weird—almost like he didn’t want to disappoint him or something.
He exhaled. “Alright, but it ain’t gonna be anythin’ as impressive as that jump. Don’t go throwing no rotten seaweed at me.”
Pinching his cigarette between his lips to hold it there, Mickey dug into his other pocket, taking out a piece of bone white paper. Luckily, the breeze had calmed almost to a standstill, so he could use his lap as a table without worrying about it blowing away. With a delicacy he lacked in all other aspects of his being, Mickey started folding the paper.
While Ian didn’t know what to expect, he was just excited to see a human trick. It was wild what Mickey did, making something white appear from his pocket. Part of Ian thought that was it, but no, there was more.
It took a minute, but eventually, Mickey produced a lotus. Feeling more than a bit foolish, he leaned down and lowered the origami flower into the water, where it slowly floated over to the merman.
Ian watched with wide, excited eyes. “Wow! What is it?” Ian picked it up to look, but it had become even more fragile since it had gotten wet. “Oh no.”
He frowned softly, not wanting it to disappear, but his wet hands made it worse. The paper disintegrated and washed away in the water quicker than it had appeared. Ian looked up at Mickey dejectedly. He had wanted to keep it.
There was just something so innocent about Ian. It made Mickey wonder if it was an act at all. Or, like, maybe Ian was special, and his fishsitter was out there somewhere looking for him. Fuck, that would make Mickey such a fucking pervert for checking him out.
“It’s just some stupid origami,” Mickey said, ashing his cigarette out on the boat. “I can make another.”
“It’s not stupid. I liked it.” Ian was delighted. He started smiling again, his tail swinging beneath the water.
Mickey fought a smile of his own. Ian’s fish tail was almost like a dog’s tail wagging.
He didn’t have proper origami paper—just pages from his drawing pad he’d stuffed in his shorts should inspiration strike. Mickey took another out and carefully folded it into an angelfish. This time, he held it out to the merman to take.
Ian’s eyes widened again when he noticed what the shape was. “You made me a fish?” Ian took it and put it in the water, laughing as the same thing happened. “Guess that white stuff can’t get too wet, huh?”
“No… it’s paper,” Mickey explained with his typical limited patience, trying to shake off the unsettling feeling that he really wasn’t talking to somebody human. Because even people on the short bus knew what paper was, and Ian seemed (again) genuinely confused.
“Oh. Paper.” Ian was getting bored of the paper anyway. “ You sure you don’t wanna get into the water and cool down? You’re kinda looking like a lobster.” Mickey was quickly going from white to red.
“I’m sure. Don’t feel like sinkin’ to my death today.” Mickey glanced down at his torso. Fuck, he really was starting to burn. He got up, heading to the cabin and climbing down the stairs.
“Are you squidding me? I wouldn’t let that happen,” Ian said, but Mickey had already disappeared.
Mickey was reluctant to take his eyes off spicy salmon roll over there, but he needed to cover himself. There was a T-shirt in his backpack, so he put that on, cringing a little at how sweaty he was and how the fabric brushed against his burnt skin. Then he climbed back out, weirdly relieved that Ian was still there. “We should probably head back to the harbor soon.”
The sun would go down in a couple of hours, and Mickey didn’t want to lose visibility even more. He didn’t know if Ian even knew the direction to take him to shore.
Mickey’s body was more covered up. Ian sighed and felt himself starting to pout. Mickey wasn’t going to swim with him then. “I can’t... go that close to the harbor.”
He couldn’t be above the surface for that much longer, either. Interacting with a human was one thing, especially since Mickey didn’t even believe he was a merman, but he couldn’t risk being seen by anyone else.
Mickey’s mouth twisted a little. So what, he was supposed to just leave the guy out here, in the middle of the fuckin’ lake? Hopefully, Ian could swim back to wherever he came from, or Mickey would call the coastguard when he got to shore.
“You have to raise that sail, and then I can push you towards the harbor... but only if you promise to come back and visit me.” Ian was so lonely sometimes. He just wanted someone to swim with.
Mickey eyed Ian and that ridiculous pout. Fuckin’ hell… As if Mickey was the only decent company he could get. That wasn’t right. “And just how’m I gonna find you again, huh?”
That could’ve been his subtle way of asking the merman for his number. The guy was shark raving mad, sure, but Mickey had never been entirely sane himself, either.
Fuck it. He was intrigued, a little scared, and a little turned on. He was basically living in this boat, too. He didn’t have much else going on.
All Ian could think about was how happy he was that the human fish was asking him how he could find him again. Mickey wanted to see him again? His tail started to quiver and then thrash. “All you have to do is say my name when you’re out here all alone again, and I’ll come find you. Promise.” He knew that Mickey finding him again could be tricky, but he had no doubt that Mickey could and would find him tomorrow. “You’ll swim tomorrow when you’re not so red?”
Mickey felt a slight pang of disappointment when Ian fed him that fairy-tale line. That sounded an awful lot like some bullshit rejection, but contrary to his words, Ian looked like Mickey had just told him he’d won the lottery. Talk about wearing your emotions on your tail.
Also, the guy would not give up trying to get him to swim.
“Yeah, maybe. We’ll see,” Mickey replied. He scratched his neck, cringing a little when his skin prickled hotly. That was definitely going to be peeling later. He gestured to the boat. “A’right, Flipper, can ya give me a push?”
co-writing with my ian, @batty4steddie 🩵
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thefatedthoughtofyou · 7 months
A Day At The Lake
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Gator Tillman x Kirby Rivers (OC)
♤ Summary: Gator met Kirby through his old weed guy when he left town and left Kirby as someone Gator could go to for pot. He started hanging out there more, after the inital shock that is Kirby. Gator can't seem to stay away from them, and doesn't really want too. Kirby suggests a day at the lake so Gator can relax for a bit.
♤ Warnings: canon x oc pairing, nonbinary/trans oc, oc uses he/they pronouns, slight angst, brief mentions of drug use.
♤ a/n: i wrote this for @jozstankovich because they've been single handedly encouraging my writing of OC stories and because they've fallen in love with my little goblin boy and i couldn't be more flattered! Hope you guys enjoy it too! Reblogs and comments are cherished and loved! 💖🍒💖
"Hey do they ever- ooow." Kirby rubs the back of his head, glaring at the open hood they'd smacked it on before moving their eyes to Gator.
"They ever let you have days off? You don't work like... seven days a week or some shit do you?" He asks, watching Gator's feet swing genlty under the tailgate he's sitting on. He scoffs, rolls his eyes, adjusts the backwards cap he's wearing.
"Course I get days off. Why?" His eyes narrow in suspicion. Kirby shrugs, whipes some grease on his overalls.
"Just wonderin. When's your next one? And doooo you have plans?" Kirby draws, points at Gator and waits, stares. Gator snorts, shakes his head, rubs at the back of his neck.
"Tuesday. I'm off Tuesday. Why you wonderin?" He asks, his lip tugged between his teeth.
"I just had an idea. Thought maybe you'd wanna come to the lake with me? Just have a chill day. Away from all'a," he gestures to Gator, their hand motioning to all of him,
"This. Just get away." Kirby shrugs, ducks back under the hood and starts tinkering again, tightening all the bolts he'd loosened.
"You wanna go to the lake? You fish or somethin?" Gator asks, Kirby hears him jump down from his little perch on the tailgate. Kirby snorts.
"Absolutely not. Too slimey. I just swim man. Swimmings nice. Keeps you cool. Sometimes there's turtles. You don't swim?" Kirby asks, talking and talking, rapid fire, like always.
"Sometimes. I guess." Gator's voice sound farther away now, Kirby lowers their head, looking under his arm to see Gator looking through the crowded fridge in the garage.
"Beer's on the left behind the ketchup." Kirby comments, looks back to his work, slips his wrench onto the last bolt and gives it a few tugs til it's nice and snug. He ducks lower than he needs too when he stands, making sure not to smack their head again. He shuts the hood and turns to find Gator holding out a cherry coke.
"Thanks." They nod, pop it open and take a swig as Gator does the same to his beer.
"What time?" Gator asks, not looking at Kirby, his eyes fixed on something over their shoulder. Kirby turns to look, doesn't see anything, shakes his head and turns back.
"I dunno. Let's saaaaayyyy...eight? Eight thirty?" Kirby shrugs, takes anothrr drink.
"That early? It's my day off man." Gator scoffs. Kirby rolls his eyes, wipes their free hand on their overalls again, trying and failing, to get the grease from between his fingers.
"Oh boo hoo. You don't have to come. I just thought I'd offer." He walks to the garage, tucks his tools into their places.
"I will be bringing some choice product with me. If that... influences your decision at all." Kirby looks over their shoulder, eyebrows high on his head as he watches Gator kick at the ground.
"I didn't say I wouldn't come. S'just early." He mutters, his boot twisting in the small divot his kicking had made.
"Oh. Well cool. Let's call it nine then. Let sleeping beauty get his rest huh?" Kirby teases, walks past Gator and kicks at his foot.
"Stop that. I'm trying to run a respectable business here." Kirby admonishes, Gator kicks back, Kirby dodges him, quick on their feet. Gator laughs when he nearly spills his cherry coke, his feet immediately tangling together after the smooth dodge.
"Alright. Nine it is." Gator bites his lip.
"You don't swim while you're high do you?" He asks, rubbing at the back of his neck again, eyes landing on Kirby briefly and then darting away again.
"Awww. You worried about me Deputy?" Kirby tilts their head, bats his eyelashes, his hand on his chest over his heart. Gator flushes a nice shade of pink and snorts, sniffs, wipes at his nose with an eyeroll.
"No. Just seein if I need to be prepared to carry your body out of a lake when you drown is all." Gator says, easy, still doesn't look at Kirby. He hasn't lately. Been looking at him. Won't meet their eye after he'd showed back up.
Ignoring Kirby for weeks. Until Kirby figured it out. Made a peace offering. And it worked. He understood now. He got it. Why Gator had run away. Kirby's beautiful , straight, deputy friend, was having some not so straight feelings about him. Or thoughts. Maybe thoughts and feelings. Kirby didn't mind either way. But he wouldn't push.
He'd just hidden a small stash of his best stuff in Gator's truck. Shot him a text. And hoped for the best. The best was Gator showing up a week later. Needing more weed, and not meeting Kirby's eyes. But he was here. And still joking around like they used too. So Kirby shoved down his own feelings, gave Gator cheap prices on good weed, and invited him to the fucking lake.
Kirby shakes his head, pulling themself from their thoughts.
"Won't be my body in the lake man. I'm a great swimmer." He says, immediately almost tripping over a stray peice of junk on the ground.
"Shit. That came outta nowhere." He huffs, finishes his cherry coke and tosses his can up into the air, aiming for the old, rusty, fifty gallon drum he uses as a trashcan. The can hits the rim and flips off to the side. Kirby huffs. Gator laughs.
"Right." He says, voice flat as he picks the can up, steps back a few feet and tosses it toward the can, it goes directly in, not even close to hitting the sides.
"Show off." Kirby mutters, glaring at him. Gator laughs again, loud and bright. And Kirby missed that. Shakes his head and pushes the thought away.
"So nine. Tuesday." Gator says, pointing at Kirby.
"Nine. Tuesday." Kirby echoes, pointing back. Smiling a goofy smile when Gator actually meets their eyes. Gator smiles back before waving and heading down the drive to his truck. Kirby waves after him, feeling giddy and light. And half not believing that Gator said yes.
They do a little happy spin, nearly tripping again as they do, hands slamming down on the tailgate Gator had been sat on. Kirby shakes his head at himself, rubs his hand over his hair, and rushes inside to take a shower.
They fall into bed that night nearly vibrating, knowing they wouldn't sleep well. Too excited for a silly little trip to the lake.
The trip goes surprisingly well. Gator shows up at eight thirty despite his previous protests. Kirby drives them down. They grab breakfast on the way and by the time they reach the lake the sun is high and warm.
Both of them run for the lake immediately, tossing their clothes this way that, ending up in just their swim trucks, Gator laughing as Kirby shrieks and jumps of the small dock into the water.
Kirby's not sure how long they swim for. Just knows the sun moves across the sky as they talk and splash and shove each other underwater. They eat lunch. Sit in the back of Kirby's old van, their nest of pillows and blankets warm in the summer heat, but it's shady, and far enough from the water that the bugs leave them alone.
They're sitting on the dock when Gator asks,
"You really don't fish?"
Kirby makes a gagging sound, pretends to puke over the side of the dock.
"No way. Not for me." They shake their head. Gator nods. Seems to think about something.
"You don't hunt either I take it." He asks, one eye srunched against the sun as he looks at Kirby, his softened hair falling into his face. Kirby's scrunched face is all the answer he needs, he laughs, holds his hands up in surrender.
"Alright. Alright. Just askin." He sounds judgmental, but he's smiling soflty, looking into his lap.
"Do you like hunting?" Kirby asks, head tilting.
"I'm good at it." Gator says immediately. Kirby smiles, bumps their shoulder into Gator's, his skin, warm from the sun, still makes Kirby shiver.
"Yeah but do you like it?" Kirby repeats, kicking his feet in the water, he watches Gator's reflection shimmer and then looks at him. He's frowning, like he's thinking, Kirby waits.
"I- I dunno. I just..." he trails off. Huffs. Tries again.
"It makes me feel... accomplished. Cuz I'm good at it. It's something I do well." He says slowly, like he's feeling it out.
"But it's not just that. Hunting deer's the best. Because we use it. As much of it as we can. The meat. The hide. The bones. Ya know? I have this summer sausage recipe that just, fuck, it melts in your mouth." Gator looks at him, face all smooshed up and scrunched, party from the sun, partly like he thinks Kirby's gonna judge him.
"You make the summer sausage yourself?" Is all Kirby says, genuinely curious. And they know it's the right thing to say when Gator perks up, nods excitedly.
"Yeah. And we pair it with this cheese Karen makes and it's like, god, I can't even describe it. You gotta try it though." Gator bumps Kirby's shoulder with his.
"I don't have to like... be there for the hunting? Or the cleaning? Or any other terrifyingly gross animal killing ritual that you get up to before the food is made?" Kirby asks, their face all scrunched up now too, seconds away from adding a gag but Gator laughs again, really laughs, his head thrown back, the sweet sound rolling out over the water like the ripples their feet are making.
"It's not a ritual. We're not sacrificing animals." Gator scoffs once he's stopped laughing 
"Aren't you though?" Kirby asks, voice low and disbelieving. Gator rolls his eyes.
"Seriously though. I'd love to try it." Kirby says, bumping their shoulders again as he sways side to side.
"Okay. I'll bring you some next time I come over." Gator says, his voice small, he sounds almost shy.
"Looking forward to some of your famous sacrificial sausage." Kirby nods, Gator growls at him playfully and shoves him into the water. Kirby comes up screeching, Gator throws himself in after them, both of them sinking under together, the water cool on their sun kissed skin.
Gator walks him to his door. He didn't have too, Kirby had parked next to his truck so he could just, head home. But he walks them up the drive, lingers on the doorstep. Kirby's chest is tight as he watches Gator sway from foot to foot, eyes on the ground, hands in his pockets.
"Thanks for comin with me today. I hope- ya know, I hope it was a nice day off for you." Kirby says, shoulders jumping and then settling as they linger by their door.
"It was nice." Gator says, voice quite. Eyes on the ground.
"Good. That's... good." Kirby lickes his lips, he doesn't wanna go inside yet, doesn't want the day to end. Even though the sun has been gone for hours now, the day has ended, but this hasn't, whatever it is. He looks up to the night sky, craning his neck to look for his favorite stars.
"Kirby?" It's barley a whisper.
"Yeah?" Kirby's head snaps back down, eyes on Gator immediately, and finds him looking back. And then he's leaning forward. A soft press of lips to his cheek. Gator's skin is warm against theirs, his lips a little wet, like he'd licked them nervously before making his decision.
He's gone as fast as it happened. Taking a few steps away.
"It was really nice." His voice is strained, Kirby wants to reach out to him. Can see the tears threatening to fall from his eyes. But he doesn't, knows it will just scare him away.
"The nicest day I've had in awhile. And I-" his voice catches in his throat. Kirby frowns, watch him swallow with difficulty.
"I want- with you. But I-" Gator frowns now, his hands shaking at his sides, he clocks Kirby eyeing them and shoves them into his pockets roughly. 
"I don't think- I mean-" he groans, low, frustrated, tilts his head back, turns away from Kirby and wipes at his face.
"It's okay." Kirby says, wraps their arms around their middle. Gator turns back to them.
"What?" He asks, lip wobbling, he digs his teeth in.
"It's okay. To want that. Ya know. But I understand. I mean I know- I know who your dad is and I get it. I understand." He nods, licks his lips, clears his throat.
"You can't. And that's okay. Ya know? I'll be here. For whatever. Anything you need." He takes a deep breath, looks to the sky again for a moment, lets Gator have a second to himself before looking back to him.
"Weed. A friend. Just a place to fuck around and not be under anyones thumb for awhile. A shoulder to cry manly tears on. I'll be here. For you. Just, whenever." Kirby shrugs, their throat feeling tight, even through the small tease, or maybe because of it.
Gator stares at them, for a long time. And then he's stomping forward, determined. He grabs the front of Kirby's shirt and tugs, pulls them to his chest, their lips pressed together firmly, for just a moment, before he pulls back, forhead resting against Kirby's, his eyes still closed from the kiss.
"I had the best fucking day with you." He whispers, tugs on Kirby's shirt again, desperate, and then he's gone.
"Me too." Kirby breathes, a whisper in the dark. Kirby blinks the tears away, his fingers pressing to his trembling lips as he listens to Gator's footsteps disappear into the dark.
They stand there for a long time, long after Gator's truck has driven away. Kirby stands on his doorstep, fingers pressed to his lips, and looks up at the stars, their eyes finding their favorites with ease. Two stars, directly above them, nestled next to each other, the mirror image of the freckles gracing Gator's cheek. They light the sky above his house as he finally goes inside. His chest trying to fight off the spark of hope threatening to ignite, theatening to set that feral thing in his chest on fire.
Kirby falls into bed, looks out the window and closes his eyes, presses his lips gently to the inside of his arm, and let's it burn.
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rafesleman · 1 year
I’ll Stay
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jj maybank x fem!reader
warnings: smut
summary: you and jj stay on the boat.
a/n: if you’re uncomfortable with any of the warnings, please don’t read. the warnings are listed and you’re responsible for what you read. let me know if you have any ideas. i hope you enjoy!
you swallowed down another mouthful of cold beer, letting the liquid roll down your throat. you leaned back in your seat on the boat, not noticing the way jj was looking at you. it was as if he was trying to figure you out. you breathed in the fresh, salty air as the boat glided through the marsh, talking with your friends and having another one of your pogue style days. you shifted your gaze to the blonde sitting next to you, watching him pull out a pre-rolled blunt and lighting it. he exhaled the strong substance before meeting your eyes and smirking. “wanna hit y/n/n?” he held out the blunt as you nodded almost instantly, making him laugh. you connected it to your lips and breathed in, before tossing your head back against your shoulders and exhaling. one thing about jj, was that he always had good weed. he licked his lips at the sight before him. he knew you were off limits, especially being john b’s little sister. he’d freak if there was ever anything going on between you two. kie caught your gaze, plucking the joint from jj’s fingers and taking a hit. “good shit.” she breathed before passing it back. he passed it to you, giving you the final puff before it burnt out. you slumped back in the seat and closed your eyes, the feeling from the weed washing over you. suddenly you felt jj’s hand lingering on your thigh, feeling his cold rings on your bare skin. before you could realize, you were crashing forward out of your seat as the boat came to a sudden stop. jj lands half on top of you but catches himself so he doesn’t hurt you. “jesus pope!” kie said, fixing herself back into her seat. “sandbar. the channel changed.” he breathed in response. “no shit.” jj said, helping you up. “we’re gonna have to go back to the chateau.” john b says in slight annoyance. you tossed your head back and groaned. “we’re not too far away. once we get to land we’ll walk. shouldn’t be too long.” you watched your brother jump off into the water with a splash, rocking the boat in the process. kie and pope followed and you stood up to join them but paused, turning back to see jj sitting down. you raised your eyebrows at him. “comin j?” you asked as he shook his head. “nah. i’ll stay here.” you sighed, watching his face with a smug grin. he knew you’d stay with him, but you were oblivious. you guys comin or what?” pope yelled as you snapped your head back. john b turned to look at you, face furrowed in slight confusion. “uh- no i’ll stay here.” you replied with a smile. “suit yourself.” pope shrugged and continued swimming. you made eye contact with john b and you couldn’t place his look. you flashed him a smile which he didn’t return. you turned to face jj with a roll of your eyes. “great. of course you wanted to stay.” you huff in annoyance, sitting down next to him, still with that cocky smile on his face. a few minutes go by without a word, just the sound of waves rocking against the boat and the occasional fish jumping in the water. he clears his throat and you pick your head up. “wanna play never have i ever?” he smirks, watching you bite the inside of your cheek in frustration. “i guess.” you respond, refusing eye contact. “okay. i’ll go first.” he says, turning to face you fully. “never have I ever had sex on a boat.” he grins, looking into your eyes. you rolled your head to face him. “i have.” you responded, watching his expression shift. “really?” he chuckled curiously. you nodded your head, smirking cockily. “hm.” is all he says and you bite back a giggle. “have you?” you ask as his face lifts up. “yeah, i have.” he answers before looking out at the marsh. “never have i ever had a crush on my best friend.” you proceed, watching his eyes slowly turn to you. holding eye contact for longer than you thought, you raised an eyebrow. “i have.” he said, not breaking eye contact. “me too.” you responded with a smile. he chuckled, looking away while shaking his head. “who?” he looks back at you with raised eyebrows, struggling for words. “i think you already know.” he answers, eyes falling to your body and then away. “oh yeah?”
you tease, moving closer to him. “come on y/n you know it’s you. always has been.” he laughs, meeting your gaze. “me too j.” you smile before kissing him gently. you pull yourself onto his lap in a straddling position. you gasp as he attaches his lips to your jaw and down your neck, hands falling to palm your bare ass. you grind against his clothed erection making him groan. his eyes fall to your tits sitting perfectly in your bikini top. he looks up at you, silently asking if it’s okay. you nod as his hand reaches to your bikini top, untying it and letting it drop to the floor. his hands almost instantly find them, rolling your nipples between his fingers. your hands fell to the wasteband of his swim trunks, watching him lift his hips up and slide them down his legs. you bit your lip as his cock sprung free, hitting his lower abdomen. he chuckled, noticing your staring. dropping to your knees in front of him, you licked up his dick and wrapped your hand around what you couldn’t fit. he let his head fall back and released a sigh as you wrapped your lips around the tip and worked your way down. he watched you make your way down until his full size was hitting the back of your throat. you pulled off of him with watery eyes, coughing in the process. “it’s okay.” he laughed before you were taking him in again. he groaned as you pleasured him, spit falling out of your mouth. “fuck- yes.” he rasped, forming your hair into a makeshift ponytail. you bobbed your head around him, feeling his body tense beneath you. planting your hands on his thighs, you let him take control. he groaned loudly as you hollowed your cheeks, letting him release into your mouth. his eyes widened at you, releasing his grasp in your hair as you stood up in front of him. his hands reached behind you to palm your ass before you pulled your bikini bottoms down and he pulled you onto him, attaching your lips and groaning into your mouth. you grind against his abdomen and your head fell back in pleasure, leaving dark purple marks on your neck and tits. his dick teased your entrance and you whined. “you sure this is okay?” he breathed and you nodded. he held eye contact with you as he slowly pushed into you, both revealing moans in the process. it took you a minute to adjust to his size and when you finally did, you started your movements. he kissed your neck before planting his face in the crook of your neck. you wrapped your arms around his neck and leaned closer into him. “you feel so good.” you whisper into his ear and he whines. you place kisses to his temple and he leans back, smiling up at you. “you’re so beautiful.” he rasps as you press your forehead against his. you clench around him and he groans. you feel his tensing beneath you, the knot in your stomach growing with every roll of your hips. “i- i’m gonna-” you stutter, feeling your orgasm approaching fast. “i know. me too.” he breathed. after a few more thrusts you were seeing stars and with the look on your face, jj followed almost right after you, filling you up with his warm cum. after you caught your breaths, you bursted out in laughing. jj looked up at you with raised eyebrows, unable to hold in his laughter. “what?” he asked as you continued laughing. “what the fuck?” you giggled, wrapping your arms around each other.
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