#maddie muses
home-of-renn · 1 month
AU where Danny never tells Sam and Tucker about the portal accident but they eventually put together the pieces after Danny starts acting hella weird. Especially around his parents.
They eventually figure it out but can't seem to decide whether their friend is actually dead or if there's something else going on. They inadvertently become ghost experts while playing detective, while also simultaneously trying their best to help Danny from the shadows without him finding out that they found out.
Bonus points if they have to fend off Jazz with a stick cause she knows something's up and she knows that Sam and Tucker know but Sam and Tucker keep covering their tracks and doing their best to throw her off the scent.
Bonus, bonus points if Jazz knows that there's something very messed up going on and desperately wants to know what happened to her brother but Sam and Tucker think she's on her parent's side and are convinced that she'll just report back to them if she ever finds out.
Bonus, bonus, bonus points! if Jazz just has this deep, gut-wrenching feeling that she can't tell her parents about her suspicions and that there's something increasingly disturbing about both her parents and Danny's behaviour as well as how the three of them interact after the portal got turned on. She does her best to keep her parent's attention off of Danny, which kinda helps but also inadvertently gets in the way of Sam and Tucker's helping.
Bonus, bonus, bonus, bonus points!!!!! if Maddie and Jack have acquired some very mild ecto contamination from being in such close proximity with the portal on a daily basis and their continued exposure is making them slowly exhibit Obsession-like behaviours about their work and research, which consequentially results in their attitudes/behaviours becoming increasingly more disturbing and concerning from an outside perspective.
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radiance1 · 10 months
Vlad: Would you like to form an alliance... with me?
Ghost writer: Absolutely. Absolutely, I do.
Now, Vlad should know better than to ally himself with someone who broke the Christmas truce, buuuut. The call for DnD is so tempting that he just had to do it.
He then dragged Daniel and his friends into it as well. Daniel dragged his sister along and then the Fenton parents found out and, well.
It suddenly became a thing.
Oh well, both Vlad and Ghost Writer sculpt up some lore from each of their character sheets, weave a world from words and then drag a random number of people to act as their 'players.'
It was supposed to be people from Amity Park, but there was a miscalculation on that part, and honestly you can't even blame them because they've been weaving nonstop and Vlad ignored quite a bit of sleep to try and make this perfect as he could.
So instead of civilians they dragged in a few members of the Justice League and, well.
As long as they play by the rules nothing would hopefully go wrong...?
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beastologist · 5 months
One other reason why I'm more inclined toward Buck & Tommy? They understand each other's line of work, but they are NOT working in the same firehouse. They WON'T be constantly attached to the hips all day at work and outside of work. Just like Hen, Bobby and Chimney do have their significant others outside the 118 firehouse, I would prefer for Buck to have a significant other outside the 118 firehouse, too. Remember how Hen basically said Buck doesn't have anyone outside the 118? That's a potential difference and improvement Tommy could make for Buck.
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lwh-writing · 10 months
DC x DP Prompt: Maddie Kane
Disclaimer: I don't know a whole lot about the Kane family. This is mostly my own interpretation based on the wikis I hastily read.
Roderick and Betsy Kane had six children: Martha, Nathan, Philip, Jacob, Roderick Jr., and Madeline.
Now, Madeline was a surprise baby. Martha was already twenty-three and married to Thomas by the time her only sister was born, but that didn't stop her from showering the girl with love and affection. Thomas loved his little sister-in-law just as much, and the two practically raised her as their own. Under the undivided care and affection of Martha and Thomas, little Madeline grows up to be a willful, independent, free-thinking, intelligent girl who is very, very happy with her life at Wayne Manor.
Madeline and Martha's relationships with their brothers are... complicated, to say the least. Martha as a rule did not fully support the Kane Family's arms dealings, and so tried to distance herself (and subsequently Madeline) from them. The Kane boys didn't challenge this overmuch: they were, after all, hard military men and didn't have much interest in raising their sister who would surely just become another socialite married to one billionaire or another. (It's ironic, then, that Maddie would grow up to be the best weapons innovator the Kanes would ever produce, but such things happen.)
Madeline had just turned thirteen when Martha and Thomas had Bruce. Her little nephew was a long-awaited joy for the family, and she would sooner think of Bruce than the Kane boys when Maddie heard the word "brother".
This idea is only solidified when the Kanes, forced to acknowledge their sister after multiple high-society scandals, try to strong-arm her into attending a finishing school in England. (Maddie to this day does not regret hospitalizing Lionel Luthor. If he didn't want a broken fibula, then he shouldn't have gotten drunk at a Wayne Gala and tried to strike his son. The following press release was unfortunate, but the thank you card from Alexander was touching.) The Kanes are not successful in removing Madeline from Gotham, and after much back-and-forth, they give one final ultimatum: either go to England and return an "upstanding member of society," or Madeline would be officially cut off.
Madeline chooses the second option without much further thought, sure to tell her brothers to stuff it in as many ways as she can before she trashes the Kane Mansion for good measure.
Madeline, now almost exclusively going by "Maddie", thrives. She gets accepted into the University of Wisconsin, and so off she goes, with hugs and well-wishes from Martha, Thomas, and Bruce, who are staying in New Jersey.
Maddie is twenty-one when she gets the worst news of her life: Martha and Thomas are dead. She puts her studies on hold for a bit and flies back for the funeral, her research partner/best friend in the world/boyfriend Jack Fenton-Nightingale coming with her.
Not even a week after her sibling-parents are put in the ground, her brother Philip tries to swoop in and seize Wayne Industries for himself. Thankfully, though, Martha and Thomas's wills were very clear: Maddie is to manage the Waynes' estates until Bruce comes of age. So Maddie once more tells her brothers to fuck off, this time for good. Jack, muscled, glowering, and seven feet tall and still growing, makes good to stand silently in the background so the Kanes don't try to pull anything further.
As soon as she is able, Maddie sits Bruce down and they make arrangements. Maddie can't abandon her schooling forever, and Bruce's life has been upended enough; she doesn't want to make it worse by ripping him away from the only home he's ever known. So Maddie signs over custody to Alfred, and promises are made to visit every chance she gets.
Life moves on. Jack and Maddie get married and start Fenton Works. Bruce starts traveling abroad to "further his education of the world." Maddie and Jack have two kids. Jasmine Martha Fenton-Nightingale-Kane inherited the Kane signature fire-red hair, and Daniel James Fenton-Nightingale-Kane looks so much like Martha that it hurts. Bruce adopts a gaggle of children of his own. Bruce and Maddie like to send each other pictures to brag about their respective kids, and the Fenton-Nightingale-Kanes make sure to visit Gotham for at least one week every summer.
Maddie and Jack don't ask too many questions when Bruce hesitantly takes them aside and requests that they make a couple of custom-made, non-ghostly weapons for him. Of course they'd be happy to make him a few odds and ends every once in a while. Goodness knows how dangerous Gotham can be.
The Fenton-Nightingale-Kanes miss their summer trip for the first time ever when Danny comes to them and explains the whole "half-a-ghost-thing" and, well... Jack and Maddie spend the entire summer reeducating themselves about ghosts, working through years of biases, and ensuring that their son knows that they still love him of course we still love you, Danny, there isn't a thing in this world that could stop us from loving you. Dick Grayson is very understanding and assures them that Bruce wouldn't mind. (Dick is very happy to avoid telling Aunt Maddie and Uncle Jack about Bruce's death. Dick is even more happy when Tim finds proof that their dad was just lost in the timestream and not actually dead. That entire summer was very stressful for both sides of the family)
It isn't until Danny is seventeen and hesitantly makes contact with the Justice League that the Waynes learn about ghosts and the Fenton-Nightingale-Kanes learn about the vigilantism.
Maddie is so cross when she and the rest of the ghostly delegation walks into the Watchtower only to come face-to-face with her nephew/brother, and don't you try and deny that's you, Brucie, I have eyes. Who are you trying to fool, young man?
The rest of the Justice League has to awkwardly sit there as the Ghost King and his family have a full-on family reunion, with King Phantom taking the time to finally introduce his partners to his cousins, Princess Jasmine and Nightwing teaming up to try and talk Red Robin into dialing back on the caffeine intake, King Father Jack exchanging fudge recipes with Agent A, and Queen Mother Madeline chewing out Batman for being a reckless idiot and not telling her what he was using his gadgets for. ("If I knew that grappling hook would be actively used every night, I would have installed more safety features! We could've made it more durable! We would've had to put it through more rigorous testing before we deemed it field-ready!" "Why does that bother you now? Isn't your lab safety horrible?" "A private, indoor lab that less than ten people have access to is not the same as the streets of Gotham in every type of weather! Goddammit, Bruce, I swear--")
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pillowbeast · 1 year
That post I made yesterday about making your sona for you was like, spurred on by the very very present desire I have for my fursona atm which is "I think I just want them soft". Like I look at old doodles of my sona that I never really stuck with and I'm like, god you're delightful actually.
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Like look at these, they look like they'd lean down and give you one of the softest hugs (even with the goth witchy vibes in the second. Ideally I want to make Maddie a little bit softer than the first pic but that's like, something I plan on experimenting with in any case. I want the neckfluff back too, like I can do the long neck stuff as well surely but idk, the neckfluff looks really nice to run your hands through and pat so I think that's ideal.
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hisuianhellion · 6 months
Hey! Maddie and I have taken to chatting about this while off-site, and we kinda wanna try something.
Reblog this post if you want something from a Hisuian Zoroark in person!
Maddie, thanks to her... unique circumstances and the extremely potent power of the Arcphone, can actually manifest using Rotomblr as a catalyst for a sort of summoning. She can offer words of encouragement, use some minor illusions for a prank or a bit of reassurance, or just give you a pat on the head or a good, firm hug.
Please do have Magic Anons on. I do need some form of access!
((ooc rules: she cannot attack with her moveset, she cannot bring you anything physical, and any smack or slap will dispell her soundly but uncomfortably. She cannot hurt you, and she cannot hurt one of your enemies. The only time she will do something plot-related is if it is discussed first. She only wants to be silly and sweet, and that's what I want to do too!))
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madame-mozart · 1 year
My Child Lebensborn got updated!!
I noticed my MCL posts (specifically here, here, and here, as well as on my OC x Canon sideblog) are gaining traction once again, so I felt like I’d make yet another MCL post just letting y’all in the fandom know (if you haven’t already) that the game came out with a remastered update sometime in late June/early July! I didn’t end up playing it until now, so I thought I’d share what’s been added with you!
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The UI got updated! Also, it might be just me, but it looks like you earn more money at work?? I counted +70 coins earned after each shift, though I’m not sure if that was the same before the remaster?
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When you go to the study (the place where you’re able to read mail, look at your photo album, journal, and (spoiler) the papers you get from Klaus/Karin’s aunt, the photo album has been updated with a feature that lets you “star” your favorite pictures! These pictures will then be hung up on the wall! When you first start the game, you can only hang one picture up, but I think by the end of it, you’re able to hang four pictures.
The newspapers you read after you collect them in the mail will be stored in that little box on the table, and eventually they will look “crumpled”. You can then click/tap on them to use as crafting materials! You’re able to make little paper boats, swords, and other things for your child.
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There are new little “dream” images that float up when you read your child bedtime stories! I think there was only the castle before the remaster, but now there’s a troll with a little bird and a few other cute things!
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This isn’t as “OMG WOW AMAZING” as the other things that got added in the remaster, but you can see the backpack you bought for the child at the beginning of the game (if you did buy one, that is. You’re a cruel parent if you didn’t lmao) just next to their wardrobe. There might be a few other small aesthetic changes like this that I didn’t catch, but I don’t know.
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There are new cute hairstyles you can collect for your child (I think brushing his/her hair in the bathroom doesn’t cost time units anymore??)! These particular ones above are my favorites on Karin. :) I believe you can get them by crafting.
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Speaking of crafting, you can also make little figures using pinecones you find in the woods (these will be placed on the shelf next to the lamp in the study)!
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This is probably my favorite thing that got added with the remaster. YOU CAN FIND CUTE ANIMALS IN THE FOREST!! I’m not sure if there are more beyond the squirrel, ducks, and the fox, but you’re able to save these moments in your photo album. :) I also found out that you can collect flowers from the forest and display them in your album too!
There are maybe a few other things that I missed, but the point is, there are now lots of new activities to do and things to collect with your child. It’s all so adorable!! Nothing has changed story-wise, though, so yeah. Hope you all enjoy the new update like I did!
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pricelessmadeline · 10 months
crackship idea:
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saucy-mesothelioma · 2 months
Shout out to siblings in horror movies that aren't actively witnessing the horrors but are supportive of the sibling that is no matter how weird it seems
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jessescatorccio · 1 month
new halsey BANGS
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nctafraid · 26 days
@inkdreamt liked this for a Taylor Swift starter - Blank Space
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"I can read you like a magazine." Hunter spoke calmly as he looked up at her. Of course he had heard her name, you couldn't get very far in New York without hearing about Liv Rooney being on Broadway. "Look I get it rumors fly, and I know you already heard about me." The second she had walked into the police station and Hunter was assigned to help her, he already knew that someone was whispering in her ear about him, how he was cold and hard. But he got results, and that's why he liked being a detective.
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Who I wanted to be on Meez:
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Glitched hair/clothes, emo/scene/neon/kawaii as hell, cool dance moves and effects/overlays, stuff that probably would have made me more popular and DEFINITELY wouldn't have worn in real life.
Who I really was on Meez:
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Non-glitched, mostly wearing free or super cheap stuff because I barely had any coinz, weird outfit combos, no animations/effects (well, I remember I did have the falling hearts one and used basic/cheap dances), and still managing to look emo and wannabe as hell.
creds to this old meez blog i found with all these screenshots
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lingeringscars · 4 months
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confectionscary · 2 years
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I think they like her
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multi-royalty · 10 months
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Aspen is a the 100 original character created by me, more info being added below to be added to my carrd later!
Aspen is a member of Lexa's Trikru, she works closely with the commander herself and has done so since Lexa had ascended, the two had been close when growing up among the clan, however there had been many attempts to keep the separated due to Lexa's heritage (the night blood). Both of Aspen's parents are dead, killed by the mountain men at mount weather during failed reaper transformations when she was fourteen years old. She was always a smart and outgoing child, and had been no stranger to the mountain men attacks. They had risen drastically during her generation and many of her clan had been lost to the reapers. Aspen had always excelled in hunting and combat despite her parents not always supporting the 'blood must have blood' ideology, Aspen knew that in order to be truly seen by the clan that she'd need to support in ways that stood out and were recognisable.
Trikru vs Skaikru - the alliance:
Despite Lexa's willingness to put her trust into Clarke and Skaikru itself, Aspen stayed quiet on opposing opinion. She took a lot longer to convince that Skaikru came in peace, merely wanting to survive on the lands that were brand new to them. Aspen silently thrived on order and communication so when a new clan had quite literally fallen from the sky, this was something that had her wires crossing. Eventually however, Aspen does come around and supports the idea of an alliance with skaikru, she admired their technology and aspired to learn more for hersef.
Full Name: Aspen Winter Age: 22 Date of birth: 26th November 2129 Gender and Pronouns: Female / she / her Face Claim: jennifer lawrence Appearance: Long brown wavy hair and blue eyes Height: 5'9 Species: Human (grounder) Occupation: defender of the commander Sexuality: demisexual
are yet to come but will be written out on my carrd. For now she is to remain within the 100 universe and I shall see on branching out in the future!
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hisuianhellion · 8 months
...So hey can Zoroark purr
Yes. I do it often enough to help Todd feel safer. Rose's changed appearance came with vocal chords that a Zoroark like myself can make use of effectively.
She taught me how to do it, too!
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